Subido por Alan Migliore

c-programming Modern Approach K.N. KING

^ . andC99
Covers both
K . N .K IN G
P R O G R A M M IN G ^
s E c o N D E o m o N
K .N .K IN G
A jp p V O C b C h
a n d I lo o k f o r w a r d t o u s in g i t in
f u t u r e c o u r s e s ."
— K a re n R e id , S e n io r L e c tu re r,
!H /n n n ff'
U n iv e r s ity o f T o ro n to
^■ ' ir < ifb o th * t
" T h e s e c o n d e d it io n o f K in g 's
C P r o g r a m m in g im p r o v e s o n a n
a lr e a d y im p r e s s iv e b a s e , a n d is t h e
b o o k T re c o m m e n d t o a n y o n e w h o
— P e te r S e e b a ch , m o d e r a to r,
c o m p .la n g .c m o d e r a te d
y e a r e n g in e e r in g s t u d e n t s . It is
c o n c is e , c le a r, a c c e s s ib le t o t h e
b e g in n e r , a n d y e t a ls o c o v e r s a ll
— P ro fe s s o r M a rk u s B u s s m a n n ,
D e p a r t m e n t o f M e c h a n ic a l a n d
o f T o ro n to onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
New coverage ofabslratT daia types
1Jpdalcd to reflect todays CPUs and operating systems
Nearly 5()0 exorcises aiul programming projecls—60% more
than in the first edition
Source code and solutions lo selected exercises and
programming projecls for students, available al the author’s
Password-protected instructor sil.e (also al kH )
cuiiiaining solutions to lhc remaining exe.ruises and prujeris,
plus PowerPoint presentations formost chapters
K . N . K IN G (P h .D ., U n i v e r s i t y o f
C a lif o r n ia , B e r k e le y ) is a n
s c ie n c e a t G e o r g ia S ta te
U n iv e r s it y . H e is a ls o t h e a u t h o r
o f M o d u la - 2 : A C o m p le t e G u id e
a n d J a v a P r o g r a m m in g : F r o m
t h e B e g in n in g .
In c o m p u tin g , tu r n in g th e o b v io u s in to th e u s e fu l
is a liv in g d e fin itio n o f th e w o r d “fr u s tr a tio n .” onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXW
In the years since the first edition of cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
C Program m ing: A M odern A pproach was
published, a host of new C-based languages have sprung up— Java and C# forem ost
among them— and related languages such as C++ and Perl have achieved greater
prominence. Still, C remains as popular as ever, plugging away in the background,
quietly powering much o fth e world's software. It remains the lin g u a fra n c a o f the
computer universe, as it was in 1996.
But even C must change with the times. The need for a new edition of C P ro­
gram m ing: A M odern A pproach became apparent when the C99 standard was pub­
lished. Moreover, the first edition, with its references to DOS and 16-bit processors,
was becom ing dated. The second edition is fully up-to-date and has been improved
in many other ways as well.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
W h a t ’s N e w in th e S e c o n d E d itio n
Here’s a list of new features and improvements in the second edition:
■ C om plete coverage o fb o th th e C89 sta n d a rd a n d th e C99 standard. The big­
g est difference between the first and second editions is coveUrrage of the C99 stanO
dard. My goal was to cover every significant difference between C89 and C99,
including all the language features and library functions added in C99. Each
C99 change is clearly marked, either with “C99” in the heading o fa se ctio n or—
in the case o fsh o rter discussions— with a special icon in the left margin. I did
this partly to draw attention to the changes and partly so that readers who aren’t
interested in C99 or don’t have access to a C99 com piler will know what to skip.
Many of the C99 additions are of interest only to a specialized audience, but
some of the new features will be of use to nearly all C programmers.
■ In c lu d e s a q u ic k referen ce to a ll C89 a n d C99 library fu n c tio n s . onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPON
D in the first edition described all C89 standard library functions. In this edi­
tion, the appendix covers all C89 and C99 library functions.
■ E x p a n d e d coverage o f GCC. In the years since the first edition, use of GCC
(originally the GNU C Compiler, now the GNU Compiler Collection) has
spread. GCC has some significant advantages, including high quality, low (i.e.,
no) cost, and portability across a variety of hardware and software platform s.
In recognition o fits growing importance, I ’ve included more information about
GCC in this edition, including& discussions o fh o w to use it as well as common
GCC error messages and warnings,GFEDCBA
■ N ew coverage o f abstract data types. In the first edition, a significant portion
of Chapter 19 was devoted to C++. This material seems less relevant today,
since students may already have learned C++, Java, or C# before reading this
book. In this edition, coverage of C++ has been replaced by a discussion of
how to set up abstract data types in C.
■ E x p a n d e d coverage o fin te r n a tio n a l fe a tu re s. Chapter 25, which is devoted
to C ’s international features, is now much loncg5er and more detailed. Inform ation about the Unicode/UCS character set and its encodings is a highlight of
the expanded coverage.
■ U pdated to reflect to d a y ’s CPU s a n d op era tin g system s. When I wrote the
first edition, 16-bit architectures and the DOS operating system were still rele­
vant to many readers, but such is not the case today, f v e updated the discus­
sion to focus more on 32-bit and 64-bit architectures. The rise of Linux and
other versions of UND< has dictated a stronger focus on that family ofo p erating systems, although aspects ofW indow s and the Mac OS operating system
that affect C program m ers are mentioned as well.
■ M o re exercises a n d p ro g ra m m in g projects. The first edition o fth is book con­
tained 311 exercises. This edition has nearly 500 (498, to be exact), divided
into two groups: exercises and programming projects.
■ S o lu tio n s to selected exercises a n d p ro g ra m m in g pro jects. The most frequent
request 1 received from readers of the first edition was to provide answers to
the exercises. In response to this request, Tve put the answers to roughly onethird of the exercises and programming projects on the web at kn kin g .co m /
books/c2. This feature is particularly useful for readers who arenT enrolled in
a college course and need a way to check their work. Exercises and projects
for which answers are provided are marked with a © icon (the “W ” stands for
“answer available on the Web”).
■ P assw ord-protected in stru c to r website. For this edition, Tve built a new in­
structor resource site (accessible through fo ooks/c2) containing
solutions to the remaining exercises and projects, plus PowerPoint presenta­
tions for most chapters. Faculty may contact me at cbook@ for a
password. Please use your campus email address and include a Jink to your
departm ent’s website so that I can verify your identity.
xxiii onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWV
I ’ve also taken the opportunity to improve wording and explanations through­
out the book. The changes are extensive and painstaking: every sentence has been
checked and— if necessary— rewritten.
A lthou ^s>h much haG
s changed in this edition, I’ve tried to retain othe original
chapter and section num bering as much as possible. Only one chapter (the last one)
is entirely new, but many chapters have additional sections. In a few cases, existing
sections have been renum bered. One appendix (C syntax) has been dropped, but a
new appendix that com pares C99 with C89 has been added.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
G o a ls
The goals of this edition remain the same as those o f the first edition:cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
■ B e clear, readable, a n d p o ssib ly even e n te rta in in g . M any C books are too
concise for the average reader. Others arc badly written or just plain dull. Tve
tried to give clear, thorough explanations, leavened with enough hum or to hold
the reader's interest.
■ B e a ccessible to a b ro a d ra n g e o f readers. 1 assum e that the reader has at least
a little previous program m ing experience, but 1 d on’t assum e know ledge o f a
particular language. I've tried to keep jargon to a minim um and to define the
terms that I use. Tve also attem pted lo separate advanced material from more
elem entary topics, so that the beginner w on’t gel discouraged.
■ B e a u th o rita tiv e without, b e in g p ed a n tic. To avoid arbitrarily deciding what to
include and whal not to include. I ’ve tried to cover all the features of the C lan­
guage and library. At the sam e time, Tve tried to avoid burdening the reader
with unnecessary detail.
■ B e o r g a n iz e d fo r easy le a rn in g . My experience in teaching C underscores the
im portance of presenting the features of C gradually. I use a spiral approach, in
which difficult topics are introduced briefly, then revisited one or m ore limes
later in the book with details added each time. Pacing is deliberate, with each
chapter building gradually on what has com e before. For most students, this is
probably the best approach: il avoids the extrem es o fb o red o m on the one hand,
or “ inform ation overload” on the other.
■ M o tiva te la n g u a g e fe a tu r e s . Instead o fju s t describing each feature o f the lan­
guage and giving a few sim ple exam ples o fh o w the feature is used, I ’ve tried to
motivate each feature and discuss how it's used in practical situations.
■ E m p h a size style. Il’s im portant for every C program m er to develop a consis­
tent style. Rather than dictating what this style should be, though, I usually
describe a few possibilities and let the reader choose the one that's most
appealing. Knowing alternative styles is a big help when reading other people’s
programs (which program m ers often spend a great deal o f time doing).
■ A v o id d e p en d e n ce on a p a r tic u la r m a c h in e , com piler, o r o p era tin g system .
Since C is available on such a wide variety o f platform s, I’ve tried to avoid
x x iv
P re fa c e
dependence on any particular machine, compiler, or operating system. All pro­
gram s are designed to be portable to a wide variety of platforms.cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
■ Use illu stra tio n s to clarify key concepts, I ’ve tried to put in as many figures as
I could, since I think these are crucial for understanding many aspects of C. hi
particular, I’ve tried to “anim ate” algorithms whenever possible by showing
snapshots of data at different points in the computation.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
W h a t ’s S o M o d e r n a b o u t A RQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
M odern A p p ro a ch ?
One of my most important goals has been to take a “modern approach” to C. Here
are some of the ways I ’ve tried to achieve this goal:
■ P u t C in perspective. Instead oftreating C as the only programming language
worth knowing, I treat it as one of many useful languages. I discuss what kind
of applications C is best suited for; I also show how to capitalize on C ’s
strengoths while mionimizing its weaknesses,
■ E m p h a size sta n d a rd versions o f C. I pay minimal attention to versions of the
language prior to the C89 standard. There arejust a few scattered references to
K&R C (the 1978 version o fth e language described in the first edition ofB rian
Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie’s book, The C Program m ing Language}. Appen­
dix C lists the major differences between C89 and K&R C.
■ D e b u n k m yth s. Today’s compilers are often at odds with commonly held
assumptions about C. I don’t hesitate to debunk some of the myths about C or
challenge beliefs that have long been part of the C folklore (for example, the
beliefthat pointer arithmetic is always faster than array subscripting). I’ve re­
examined the old conventions o fC , keeping the ones that are still helpful.
■ E m p h a size so ftw a re engin eerin g. I treat C as a mature software engineering
tool, emphasizing how to use it to cope with issues that arise during programming-in-the-large. I stress making programs readable, maintainable, reliable,
and portable, and I put special emphasis on information hiding.
■ P o stpone C ’s lo w -level fe a tu re s. These features, although handy for the kind
ofsystem s programming originally done in C, are not as relevant now that C is
used for a great variety of applications. Instead of introducing them in the early
chapters, as many C books do, 1 postpone them until Chapter 20.
■ D e-em p h a size “m a n u a l o p tim iza tio n .” Many books teach the reader to write
tricky code in order to gain small savings in program efficiency. With today’s
abundance of optimizing C compilers, these techniques are often no longer
necessary; in fact, they can result in programs that are less efficient.
Q & A S e c tio n s
Each chapter ends with a “Q&A section”— a series ofquestions and answers related
to material covered in the chapter. Topics addressed in these sections include:
P re fa c e
Tve tried to answ er questions that coine up fre­
■ F re q u e n tly a s k e d q uestions. onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
quently in my own courses, in other books, and on newsgroups related to C.
■ A d d itio n a l d iscu ssio n a n d cla rifica tio n o f tricky issues. Although readers
with experience in a variety of languages may be satisfied with a brief expla­
nation and a couple of examples, readers with less experience need more.
■ S id e issu es th a t d o n ’t b e lo n g in th e m a in flo w . Som e questions raise techni­
cal issues that w on’t be of interest to all readers.
■ M a te ria l too a d v a n ce d o r too esoteric to in te re st th e average reader. Q ues­
tions of this nature are marked with an asterisk (*). Curious readers with a fair
bit o f program m ing experience may wish lo delve into these questions im m e­
diately; others should definitely skip them on a first reading. W arning: These
questions often refer to topics covered in later chapters.
■ C o m m o n d iffe re n c e s a m o n g C com pilers. I discuss som e frequently used (but
nonstandard) features provided by particular compilers.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Some questions in Q&A sections relate directly to specific places in the chap­
ter; these places are marked by a special icon lo signal the reader that additional
inform ation is available.
In addition to Q&A sections, I’ve included a num ber o f useful features, many of
which are marked with sim ple but distinctive icons (shown at left).
W a r n in g s alert readers to common pitfalls. C is famous for its traps; docu­
menting them all is a hopeless— if not im possible— task. I’ve tried to pick out
the pitfalls that are most com mon and/or m ost im portant.
C r o s s -r e fe r e n c e s provide a hypertext-like ability to locate inform ation. A1■
>P retace
c r o s s - r e f e r e n c e s BA
though many o f these are pointers lo topics covered later in the book, some
point to previous topics that lhe reader may wish to review.
id io m
I d io m s — code patterns frequently seen in C program s— are marked for quick
■ P o r ta b il it y tip s give hints for writing programs that are independent of a par­
p o r ta b ility tip
ticular machine, compiler, or operating system .
S id e b a r s cover topics that aren’t strictly part of C but that every know ledge­
able C program m er should be aware of. (See “Source Code” on the next page
for an exam ple of a sidebar.)
A p p e n d ic e s provide valuable reference information.
P rogram s
Choosing illustrative programs isn't an easyjob. Tfprogram s are too brief and arti­
ficial, readers w on’t gel any sense ofh o w the features are used in the real world. On
the other hand, if a program is too realistic, its point can easily be lost in a forest of
P r e f a c e onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
details. I’ve chosen a m iddle course, using sm all, sim ple exam ples to m ake con­
cepts clear when they’re first introduced, then gradually building up to com plete
program s. 1 haven’t included program s o f great length; it’s been my experience that
instructors d o n 't have the tim e to cover them and students d o n ’t have the patience to
read them. 1 d o n ’t ignore the issues that arise in the creation o f large program s,
though— C hapter 15 (W riting Large Program s) and C hapter 19 (Program D esign)
cover them in detail.
I’ve resisted the urge to rewrite program s to take advantage of the features of
C99, since not every reader m ay have access to a C99 com piler or wish to use C99.
I have, however, used C 9 9 ’s < s t d b o o l .h > header in a few program s, because it
conveniently defines m acros nam ed b o o l , t r u e , and f a l s e . If your com piler
doesn’t support the < s t d b o o l . h > header, y o u ’ll need to provide your own defi­
nitions for these nam es.
The program s in this edition have undergone one very m inor change. T he
m a i n function now has the form i n t m a i n ( v o i d ) { ... } in most cases. This
change reflects recom m ended practice and is com patible with C99, w hich requires
an explicit return type for each function.
S o u rc e C o d e
S o u rc e c o d e fo r all p ro g ra m s is a v a ila b le a t k n k in g .c o m /b o o k s /c 2 . U p d a te s , c o rr e c ­
tio n s , a n d n e w s a b o u t th e b o o k c a n a ls o b e fo u n d a t th is site. dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
A u d ie n c e
This book is designed as a prim ary text for a C course at the undergraduate level.
Previous program m ing experience in a high-level language or assem bler is helpful
but not necessary for a com puter-literate reader (an “adept beginner,” as one o f my
form er editors put it).
Since the book is self-contained and usable for reference as well as learning, it
m akes an excellent com panion text for a course in data structures, com piler design,
operating system s, com puter graphics, em bedded system s, or other courses that use
C for project work. T hanks to its Q&A sections and em phasis on practical prob­
lems, the book will also appeal to readers who are enrolled in a training class or who
are learning C by self-study.
O r g a n iz a tio n
T he book is divided into four parts:RQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
C hapters 1-10 cover enough o f C to allow the reader to
w rite single-file program s using arrays and functions.
B a s ic F e a tu r e s o f C .
■ A
C hapters 11-20 build on the m aterial in the earlier
chapters. T he topics becom e a little harder in these chapters, w hich provide ind v a n c e d F e a tu r e s o f C .
x x v ii onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWV
depth coverage of pointers, strings, the preprocessor, structures, unions, enu­
merations, and low-level features o fC . In addition, two chapters (15 and 19)
offer guidance on program design.RQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Chapters 21-27 focus on the C library, a large col­
lection of functions that come with every compiler. These chapters are most
likely to be used as reference material, although portions are suitable for lec­
T h e S ta n d a r d C L ib r a ry .
Appendix A gives a complete list of C operators. Appendix B de­
scribes the major differences between C99 and C89, and Appendix C covers
the differences between C89 and K&R C. Appendix D is an alphabetical listing
of all functions in the C89 and C99 standard libraries, with a thorough descrip­
tion of each. Appendix E lists the ASCII character set. An annotated bibliogra­
phy points the reader toward other sources of information.
R e fe re n c e .
A full-blown course on C should cover Chapters 1-20 in sequence, with topics from
Chapters 21-27 added as needed. (Chapter 22, which includes coverage of file
inpuL/output, is the most important chapter ofthis group.) A shortercourse can omit
the following topics without losing continuity: Section 8.3 (variable-length arrays),
Section 9.6 (recursion), Section 12.4 (pointers and multidimensional arrays). Sec­
tion 12.5 (pointers and variable-length arrays), Section 14.5 (miscellaneous direc­
tives), Section 17.7 (pointers to functions), Section 17.8 (restricted pointers),
Section 17.9 (flexible array members). Section 18.6 (inline functions), Chapter 19
(program design), Section 20.2 (bit-fields in structures), and Section 20.3 (other
low-level techniques).dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
E x e r c is e s a n d P r o g r a m m in g P r o j e c t s
Having a variety of good problems is obviously essential for a textbook. This edi­
tion of the book contains both exercises (shorterprobIems that don’t require writing
a full program) and programming projects (problems that require writing or modi­
fying an entire program).
A few exercises have nonobvious answers (some individuals uncharitably call
these “trick questions”— the nerve!). Since C programs often contain abundant
examples ofsuch code, I feel it’s necessary to provide some practice. However, Tll
play fair by marking these exercises with an asterisk (*). Be careful with a starred
exercise: either pay close attention and think hard or skip it entirely.
E r r o r s , L a c k o f (? )
Tve taken great pains to ensure the accuracy of this book. Inevitably, however,
any book of this size contains a few errors. If you spot one, please contact me at
c b o o k @ k n k i n g .c o m . Td also appreciate hearing about which features you found
especially helpful, which ones you could do without, and what yotfd like to see
P re fa c e
A c k n o w le d g m e n ts onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
First, I’d like to thank my editors at Norton, Fred McFarland and Aaron Javsicas.
Fred got the second edition underway and Aaron stepped in with brisk efficiency to
bring it to completion. I’d also like to thank associate managing editor Kim Yi, copy
editor Mary Kelly, production manager Roy Tedoff, and editorial assistant Carly
I owe a huge debt to the following colleagues, who reviewed some or all of the
manuscript for the second edition:
Markus Bussinann, University ofToron(o
Jim Clarke, University ofToronto
Karen Reid, University ofToronto
Peter Seebach, moderator of conip.lang.c.m
Jim and Peter deserve special mention for their detailed reviews, which saved m e
from a number of embarrassing slips. The reviewers for the first edition, in alpha­
betical order, were: Susan Anderson-Freed, Manuel E. Bermudez, Lisa J. Brown,
Steven C. Cater, Patrick Harrison, Brian Harvey, Henry H. Leitner, Darrell Long,
Arthur B. Maccabe, Carolyn Rosner, and Patrick Terry.
I received many useful comments from readers of the first edition; I thank
everyone who took the tim e to write. Students and colleagues at Georgia State Uni­
versity also provided valuable feedback. Ed Bullwinkel and his wife Nancy were
kind enough to read much o fth e manuscript. ITn particularly grateful to my depart­
ment chair, Yi Pan, who was very supportive of the project.
My wife, Susan Cole, was a pillar of strength as always. Our cats, Dennis,
Pounce, and Tex, were also instrumental in the completion of the book. Pounce and
Tex were happy to contribute the occasional catfight to help keep me awake while
I was working late at night.
Finally, I’d like to acknowledge the late Alan J. Perlis, whose epigrams appear
at the beginning of each chapter. I had the privilege of studying briefly under Alan
at Yale in the mid-70s. I think he’d be amused at finding his epigrams in a C book.
T h e S t a n d a r d C L ib r a r y
B a s ic F e a t u r e s o f C
In tr o d u c in g C
T h e S ta n d a rd L ib ra ry
C F u n d a m e n ta ls
ln p u t/O u tp u t
F o rm a tte d ln p u t/O u tp u t
L ib ra ry S u p p o r t fo r N u m b e rs
E x p re s s io n s
S e le c tio n S ta te m e n ts
a n d C h a r a c te r D a ta
E rro r H a n d lin g
In te rn a tio n a l F e a tu re s
B a s ic T y p e s
M is c e lla n e o u s L ib ra ry
A rra y s
F u n c tio n s
P ro g ra m O rg a n iz a tio n
F u n c tio n s
A d d itio n a l C 9 9 S u p p o rt fo r
M a th e m a tic s
A d v a n c e d F e a tu re s o f C
R e fe r e n c e
P o in te rs
C O p e ra to rs
P o in t e r s a n d A r r a y s
C 9 9 v e rs u s C 8 9
S trin g s
C 8 9 v e rs u s K & R C
T h e P re p ro c e s s o r
S ta n d a rd L ib ra ry F u n c tio n s
W ritin g L a rg e P ro g ra m s
A S C II C h a r a c te r S e t
S tru c tu re s , U n io n s , a n d
B ib lio g ra p h y
In d e x
E n u m e ra tio n s
A d v a n c e d U s e s o f P o in t e r s
D e c la ra tio n s
P ro g ra m D e s ig n
L o w -L e v e l P ro g ra m m in g
P re fa c e
H is to r y o fC
O rig in s
S ta n d a rd iz a tio n
C -B a s e d L a n g u a g e s
S tre n g th s a n d W e a k n e s s e s o f C
S tre n g th s
W eaknesses
E ffe c tiv e U s e o f C
1 .2
W r it in g a S im p le P r o g r a m
P ro g ra m : P rin tin g a P u n
C o m p ilin g a n d L in k in g
In te g ra te d D e v e lo p m e n t E n v iro n m e n ts
T h e G e n e r a lF o r m o fa S im p le P r o g r a m
D ire c tiv e s
F u n c tio n s
S ta te m e n ts
P r in tin g S tr in g s
2 .3
C o m m e n ts
2 .4
V a r ia b le s a n d A s s ig n m e n t
D e c la ra tio n s
A s s ig n m e n t
2 .2
v ii
C o n te n ts
2 .5
P rin tin g th e V a lu e o f a V a ria b le
P ro g ra m : C o m p u tin g th e D im e n s io n a l W e ig h t o f a B o x
In itia liz a tio n
P rin tin g E x p re s s io n s
R e a d in g In p u t
P ro g ra m : C o m p u tin g th e D im e n s io n a l W e ig h t o f a B o x
2 .6
2 .7
2 .8
3 .2
D e f in in g N a m e s f o r C o n s t a n t s
P ro g ra m : C o n v e rtin g fro m F a h re n h e it to C e ls iu s
Id e n t if ie r s
K e y w o rd s
L a y o u t o f a C P ro g r a m
T h e p r i n t f F u n c t io n
C o n v e rs io n S p e c ific a tio n s
P ro g ra m : U s in g p r i n t f to F o rm a t N u m b e rs
E scape S eq ue nc es
T h e s c a n f F u n c t io n
H o w s c a n f W o rk s
O rd in a ry C h a ra c te rs in F o rm a t S trin g s
C o n fu s in g p r i n t f w ith s c a n f
P ro g ra m : A d d in g F ra c tio n s
A r it h m e t ic O p e r a t o r s
O p e ra to r P re c e d e n c e a n d A s s o c ia tiv ity
P ro g ra m : C o m p u tin g a U P C C h e c k D ig it
A s s ig n m e n t O p e r a t o r s
S im p le A s s ig n m e n t
L v a lu e s
C o m p o u n d A s s ig n m e n t
4 .3
In c r e m e n t a n d D e c r e m e n t O p e r a t o r s
4 .4
E x p r e s s io n E v a lu a t io n
O rd e r o f S u b e x p re s s io n E v a lu a tio n
E x p r e s s io n S t a t e m e n t s
4 .2
4 .5
(R e v is ite d )
5 .2
L o g ic a l E x p r e s s io n s
R e la tio n a l O p e ra to rs
E q u a lity O p e ra to rs
L o g ic a l O p e ra to rs
T h e i f S ta te m e n t
C o m p o u n d S ta te m e n ts
C o n te n ts hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLK
5 .3
C a s c a d e d i f S ta te m e n ts
P ro g ra m : C a lc u la tin g a B ro k e r’s C o m m is s io n
T h e “ D a n g lin g e l s e ” P ro b le m
C o n d itio n a l E x p re s s io n s
B o o le a n V a lu e s in C 8 9
B o o le a n V a lu e s in C 9 9
T h e s w i t c h S ta te m e n t
T h e R o le o f th e b r e a k S ta te m e n t
P ro g ra m : P rin tin g a D a te in L e g a l F o rm
6 .2
6 .3
6 .4
6 .5
T h e e l s e C la u s e
T h e w h ile S ta te m e n t
7 .2
7 .3
In finite L o o p s
P ro g ra m : P rin tin g a T a b le o f S q u a re s
P ro g ra m : S u m m in g a S e rie s o f N u m b e rs
T h e d o S ta te m e n t
P ro g ra m : C a lc u la tin g th e N u m b e r o f D ig its in an In te g e r
T h e fo rS ta te m e n t
f o r S ta te m e n t Id io m s
O m ittin g E x p re s s io n s in a f o r S ta te m e n t
f o r S t a t e m e n t s in C 9 9
T h e C o m m a O p e r a to r
P ro g ra m : P rin tin g a T a b le o f S q u a re s (R e v is ite d )
E x itin g fr o m a L o o p
T h e b r e a k S ta te m e n t
T h e c o n t i n u e S ta te m e n t
T h e g o t o S ta te m e n t
P ro g ra m : B a la n c in g a C h e c k b o o k
T h e N u llS ta te m e n t
ln t e g e r T y p e s
In te g e r T yp es in C 9 9
ln te g e rC o n s ta n ts
In te g e r C o n s ta n ts in C 9 9
ln te g e rO v e rflo w
R e a d in g a n d W ritin g In te g e rs
P ro g ra m : S u m m in g a S e rie s o f N u m b e rs (R e vis ite d )
F lo a t i n g T y p e s
F lo a tin g C o n s ta n ts
R e a d in g a n d W ritin g F lo a tin g -P o in t N u m b e rs
C h a ra c te rT y p e s
O p e ra tio n s on C h a ra c te rs
S ig n e d a n d U n s ig n e d C h a r a c te r s
C o n te n ts
7 .4
7 .5
7 .6
C h a ra c te r-H a n d lin g F u n c tio n s
R e a d in g a n d W ritin g C h a ra c te rs u sing s c a n f a n d p r i n t f
R e a d in g a n d W ritin g C h a ra c te rs u sing g e t c h a r a n d
p u ,tc h a r
P ro g ra m : D e te rm in in g th e L e n g th o f a M e s s a g e
T y p e C o n v e r s io n
T h e U su a l A rith m e tic C o n v e rs io n s
C o n v e r s io n D u rin g A s s ig n m e n t
lm p lic itC o n v e r s io n s in C 9 9
C a s tin g
T y p e D e f i n it io n s
A d v a n ta g e s o f Type D e fin itio n s
T ype D e fin itio n s a n d P o rta b ility
T h e s i z e o f O p e ra to r
O n e - D im e n s io n a l A r r a y s
A rr a y S u b s c rip tin g
P ro g ra m : R e v e rs in g a S e rie s o f N u m b e rs
A rra y in itia liz a tio n
D e s ig n a te d In itia lize rs
P ro g ra m : C h e c k in g a N u m b e r fo r R e p e a te d D ig its
U s in g th e s i z e o f O p e ra to r w ith A rra y s
P ro g ra m : C o m p u tin g In te re s t
M u lt i d im e n s io n a lA r r a y s
In itia liz in g a M u ltid im e n s io n a l A rra y
C o n s ta n t A rra y s
P ro g ra m : D e a lin g a H a n d o f C a rd s
V a r ia b le - L e n g t h A r r a y s ( C 9 9 )
8 .2
8 .3
A rith m e tic T y p e s
Escape S e q ue n ce s
D e fin in g a n d C a llin g F u n c tio n s
P ro g ra m : C o m p u tin g A v e ra g e s
P ro g ra m : P rin tin g a C o u n td o w n
P ro g ra m : P rin tin g a P un (R e vis ite d )
F u n c tio n D e fin itio n s
F u n c tio n C a lls
P ro g ra m : T e s tin g W h e th e r a N u m b e r Is P rim e
9 .2
F u n c t io n D e c la r a tio n s
9 .3
A rg u m e n ts
A rg u m e n tC o n v e rs io n s
A rra y A rg u m e n ts
V a ria b le -L e n g th A rra y P a ra m e te rs
U s in g s t a t i c in A rra y P a ra m e te r D e c la ra tio n s
C o m p o u n d L ite ra ls
9 .4
T h e r e t u r n S ta te m e n t
9 .5
P r o g r a m T e r m in a t io n
T h e e x i t F u n c tio n
R e c u r s io n
T h e Q u ic k s o rt A lg o rith m
P ro g ra m : Q u ic k s o rt
9 .6
1 0 .1
L o c a lV a r ia b le s
S ta tic L o ca l V a ria b le s
P a ra m e te rs
E x t e r n a l V a r ia b le s
E x a m p le : U s in g E x te rn a l V a ria b le s to Im p le m e n t a S ta c k
P ro s a n d C o n s o f E x te rn a lV a ria b le s
P ro g ra m : G u e s s in g a N u m b e r
1 0 .3
B lo c k s
1 0 .4
1 0 .5
O r g a n iz in g a C P r o g r a m
P ro g ra m : C la s s ify in g a P o k e r H a n d
1 0 .2
P o i n t e r V a r ia b le s
D e c la rin g P o in te r V a ria b le s
T h e A d d r e s s a n d In d ir e c t io n O p e r a t o r s
T h e A d d re s s O p e ra to r
T h e In d ire ctio n O p e ra to r
1 1 .3
P o in t e r A s s ig n m e n t
1 1 .4
P o in te r s a s A r g u m e n ts
1 1 .2
P ro g ra m : F in d in g th e L a rg e s t a n d S m a lle s t E le m e n ts in a n
1 1 .5
A rra y
U s in g c o n s t to P ro te c t A rg u m e n ts
P o in te r s a s R e tu r n V a lu e s
P o in t e r A r i t h m e t i c
A d d in g an In te g e r to a P o in te r
S u b tra c tin g an In te g e r fro m a P o in te r
S u b tra c tin g O n e P o in te r fro m A n o th e r
C o m p a rin g P o in te rs
P o in te rs to C o m p o u n d L ite ra ls
U s in g P o in te r s fo r A r r a y P r o c e s s in g
C o m b in in g th e * a n d ++ O p e ra to rs
1 2 .2
12. 3
12. 4
12. 5
P ro g ra m : R e v e rs in g a S e rie s o f N u m b e rs (R e v is ite d )
A rra y A rg u m e n ts (R e v is ite d )
U s in g a P o in te r a s a n A rra y N a m e
P o in te r s a n d M u ltid im e n s io n a lA r r a y s
P ro c e s s in g th e E le m e n ts o f a M u ltid im e n s io n a l A rra y
P ro c e s s in g th e R o w s o f a M u ltid im e n s io n a l A rra y
P ro c e s s in g th e C o lu m n s o f a M u ltid im e n s io n a l A rra y
U s in g th e N a m e o f a M u ltid im e n s io n a l A rra y as a P o in te r
P o in te r s a n d V a r ia b le -L e n g th A r r a y s (C 9 9 )
S t r in g L i t e r a ls
E s c a p e S e q u e n c e s in S trin g L ite ra ls
C o n tin u in g a S trin g L ite ra l
H o w S trin g L ite ra ls A re S to re d
O p e ra tio n s o n S trin g L ite ra ls
S trin g L ite ra ls v e rs u s C h a ra c te r C o n s ta n ts
S tr in g V a r ia b le s
In itia liz in g a S trin g V a ria b le
C h a ra c te r A rra y s v e rs u s C h a ra c te r P o in te rs
R e a d in g a n d W r itin g S tr in g s
W ritin g S trin g s U s in g p r i n t f a n d p u t s
R e a d in g S trin g s U s in g s c a n f a n d g e t s
R e a d in g S trin g s C h a ra c te r b y C h a ra c te r
1 3 .4
A c c e s s in g th e C h a r a c te r s in a S tr in g
1 3 .5
U s in g th e C S tr in g L ib r a r y
T h e s t r c p y (S trin g C o p y ) F u n c tio n
T h e s t r l e n (S trin g L e n g th ) F u n c tio n
T h e s t r c a t (S trin g C o n c a te n a tio n ) F u n c tio n
T h e s t r c m p (S trin g C o m p a ris o n ) F u n c tio n
P ro g ra m : P rin tin g a O n e -M o n th R e m in d e r L ist
S tr in g id io m s
S e a rc h in g fo r th e E n d o f a S trin g
C o p y in g a S trin g
A r r a y s o fS tr in g s
C o m m a n d - L in e A rg u m e n ts
P ro g ra m : C h e c k in g P la n e t N a m e s
1 3 .1
1 3 .2
1 3 .3
1 3 .6
1 3 .7
U s in g a n A r r a y N a m e a s a P o in te r
1 4 .1
H o w th e P re p ro c e s s o rW o rk s
1 4 .2
P r e p r o c e s s in g D ir e c tiv e s
1 4 .3
M a c r o D e f i n i t io n s
S im p le M a c r o s
P a ra m e te riz e d M a c ro s
x iii
C o n te n ts hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHG
T h e # O p e ra to r
T h e # # O p e ra to r
G e n e ra l P ro p e r tie s o f M a c ro s
P a re n th e s e s in M a c ro D e fin itio n s
C re a tin g L o n g e r M a c ro s
P re d e fin e d M a c ro s
A d d itio n a l P re d e fin e d M a c ro s in C 9 9
E m p ty M a c ro A rg u m e n ts
M a c ro s w ith a V a ria b le N u m b e r o f A rg u m e n ts
fu n c
Id e n tifie r
1 4 . 4 C o n d it io n a l C o m p ila t io n
T h e # i f a n d # e n d i f D ire c tiv e s
T h e d e fin e d O p e r a to r
T h e # i f d e f a n d # i f n d e f D ire c tiv e s
T h e # e l i f a n d # e l s e D ire c tiv e s
U s e s o f C o n d itio n a l C o m p ila tio n
1 4 . 5 M is c e ll a n e o u s D ir e c t iv e s
T h e # e r r o r D ire c tiv e
T h e # l i n e D ire c tiv e
T h e # p r a g m a D ire c tiv e
T h e _ P r a g m a O p e ra to r
1 5 .1
S o u r c e F ile s
1 5 .2
H e a d e r F ile s
T h e # i n c l u d e D ire c tiv e
S h a rin g M a c ro D e fin itio n s a n d T yp e D e fin itio n s
S h a rin g F u n c tio n P ro to ty p e s
S h a rin g V a ria b le D e c la ra tio n s
N e s te d In c lu d e s
P ro te c tin g H e a d e r F ile s
# e r r o r D ire c tiv e s in H e a d e r F ile s
D iv id in g a P r o g r a m in to F ile s
P ro g ra m : T e x t F o rm a ttin g
B u ild in g a M u ltip le -F ile P r o g r a m
M a k e file s
E rro rs D u rin g L in k in g
R e b u ild in g a P ro g ra m
D e fin in g M a c ro s O u ts id e a P ro g ra m
1 5 .3
1 5 .4
S T R U C T U R E S , U N IO N S , A N D E N U M E R A T I O N S
1 6 .1
S t r u c t u r e V a r ia b le s
D e c la rin g S tr u c tu re V a ria b le s
In itia liz in g S tr u c tu re V a ria b le s
D e s ig n a te d In itia liz e rs
O p e ra tio n s on S tru c tu re s
1 6 .2
1 6 .3
1 6 .4
1 6 .5
S tru c tu re T y p e s
D e c la rin g a S tru c tu re T a g
D e fin in g a S tru c tu re T y p e
S tr u c tu re s a s A rg u m e n ts a n d R e tu rn V a lu e s
C o m p o u n d L ite ra ls
N e s te d A rra y s a n d S tru c tu re s
N e s te d S tru c tu re s
A rra y s o f S tru c tu r e s
In itia liz in g a n A rra y o f S tr u c tu re s
P ro g ra m : M a in ta in in g a P a rts D a ta b a s e
U n io n s
U s in g U n io n s to S a v e S p a c e
U s in g U n io n s to B u ild M ix e d D a ta S tru c tu re s
A d d in g a “T ag F ie ld " to a U n io n
E n u m e ra tio n s
E n u m e ra tio n T a g s a n d T y p e N a m e s
E n u m e r a tio n s a s In te g e rs
U s in g E n u m e ra tio n s to D e c la re ‘T a g F ie ld s "
1 7 .1
1 7 .2
1 7 .3
1 7 .4
1 7 .5
1 7 .6
D y n a m ic S to r a g e A llo c a tio n
M e m o ry A llo c a tio n F u n c tio n s
N u ll P o in te rs
D y n a m ic a lly A (lo c a te d S tr in g s
U s in g m a l l o c to A llo c a te M e m o r y fo r a S trin g
U s in g D y n a m ic S to ra g e A llo c a tio n in S trin g F u n c tio n s
A rra y s o f D y n a m ic a lly A llo c a te d S trin g s
P ro g ra m : P rin tin g a O n e - M o n th R e m in d e r L ist (R e v is ite d )
D y n a m ic a lly A llo c a te d A r r a y s
U s in g m a l l o c to A llo c a te S to ra g e fo r a n A rra y
T h e c a l l o c F u n c tio n
T h e r e a l l o c F u n c tio n
D e a ll o c a t in g S t o r a g e
T h e f r e e F u n c tio n
T h e “ D a n g lin g P o in te r” P ro b le m
L in k e d L is ts
D e c la rin g a N o d e T yp e
C re a tin g a N o d e
T h e - > O p e ra to r
In s e rtin g a N o d e a t th e B e g in n in g o f a L in ke d L is t
S e a rc h in g a L in k e d L is t
D e le tin g a N o d e fro m a L in k e d L is t
O rd e re d L is ts
P ro g ra m : M a in ta in in g a P a rts D a ta b a s e (R e v is ite d )
P o in te r s to P o in te r s
17. 7
4 3 9 hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSR
F u n c tio n P o in te rs a s A rg u m e n ts
T h e q s o r t F u n c tio n
O th e r U s e s o f F u n c tio n P o in te rs
P ro g ra m : T a b u la tin g th e T r ig o n o m e tr ic F u n c tio n s
17. 8
R e s t r ic t e d P o i n t e r s ( C 9 9 )
17. 9
F le x ib le A r r a y M e m b e r s ( C 9 9 )
1 8 .1
D e c l a r a t io n S y n t a x
1 8 .2
S to r a g e C la s s e s
P ro p e rtie s o f V a ria b le s
T h e a u t o S to ra g e C la s s
T h e s t a t i c S to ra g e C la s s
T h e e x t e r n S to ra g e C la s s
T h e r e g i s t e r S to ra g e C la s s
T h e S to ra g e C la s s o f a F u n c tio n
S u m m a ry
1 8 .3
T y p e Q u a lifie r s
1 8 .4
D e c la r a t o r s
D e c ip h e rin g C o m p le x D e c la ra tio n s
U s in g T yp e D e fin itio n s to S im p lify D e c la ra tio n s
In it ia liz e r s
U n in itia liz e d V a ria b le s
ln lin e F u n c tio n s (C 9 9 )
In lin e D e fin itio n s
R e s tric tio n s o n In lin e F u n c tio n s
U s in g In lin e F u n c tio n s w ith G C C
1 8 .5
1 8 .6
P o in te r s to F u n c tio n s
M o d u le s
C o h e s io n a n d C o u p lin g
T y p e s o f M o d u le s
In f o r m a t i o n H id in g
A S ta c k M o d u le
A b s tra c tD a ta T y p e s
E n c a p s u la tio n
In c o m p le te T y p e s
A S ta c k A b s tra c tD a ta T y p e
D e fin in g th e In te rfa c e fo r th e S ta c k A D T
Im p le m e n tin g th e S ta c k A D T U s in g a F ix e d -L e n g th A rra y
C h a n g in g th e Ite m T y p e in th e S ta c k A D T
Im p le m e n tin g th e S ta c k A D T U s in g a D y n a m ic A rra y
Im p le m e n tin g th e S ta c k A D T U s in g a L in k e d L is t
1 9 .1
1 9 .2
1 9 .3
1 9 .4
1 9 .5
N a m in g C o n v e n tio n s
E rro r H a n d lin g
G e n e ric A D T s
A D T s in N e w e r L a n g u a g e s
L O W - L E V E L P R O G R A M M IN G
2 0 .1
B itw is e O p e r a to r s
B itw is e S h iftO p e r a to r s
B itw ise C o m p le m e n t, A n d , E x c lu s ive Or, a n d In c lu s ive O r
U sing th e B itw is e O p e ra to rs to A c c e s s B its
U s in g th e B itw is e O p e ra to rs to A c c e s s B it-F ie ld s
P ro g ra m : X O R E n c ry p tio n
B it-F ie ld s in S tr u c tu r e s
H o w B it- F ie ld s A r e S to r e d
O t h e r L o w - L e v e lT e c h n iq u e s
D e fin in g M a c h in e -D e p e n d e n t T yp e s
U s in g U n io n s to P ro v id e M u ltip le V ie w s o f D a ta
U s in g P o in te rs as A d d re s s e s
P ro g ra m : V ie w in g M e m o ry L o c a tio n s
T h e v o l a t i l e T ype Q u a lifie r
2 0 .2
2 0 .3
D e s ig n ls s u e s fo r A b s tr a c tD a ta T y p e s
U s in g th e L ib r a r y
R e s tric tio n s o n N a m e s U se d in th e L ib ra ry
F u n c tio n s H id d e n by M a c ro s
2 1 .2
C 8 9 L ib r a r y O v e r v ie w
2 1 .3
C 9 9 L ib r a r y C h a n g e s
2 1 .4
T h e < s td d e f.h > H e a d e r :C o m m o n D e fin itio n s
2 1 .5
T h e < s t d b o o l . h > H e a d e r (C 9 9 ): B o o le a n T y p e a n d
V a lu e s
2 2 .1
S tre a m s
F ile P o inte rs
S ta n d a rd S tre a m s a n d R e d ire c tio n
Text F ile s v e rs u s B in a ry F ile s
F ile O p e r a t io n s
O p e n in g a F ile
M odes
C lo s in g a File
A tta c h in g a F ile to an O p e n S tre a m
O b ta in in g F ile N a m e s fro m th e C o m m a n d L in e
P ro g ra m : C h e c k in g W h e th e r a F ile C a n B e O p e n e d
2 2 .2
x v ii
C o n te n ts hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHG
File B u ffe rin g
M is c e lla n e o u s F ile O p e ra tio n s
F o r m a t te d I/O
T h e ...p r in tfF u n c tio n s
. . . p r i n t f C o n v e rs io n S p e c ific a tio n s
C 9 9 C h a n g e s to . . . p r i n t f C o n ve rs io n S p e c ific a tio n s
E x a m p le s o f . . . p r i n t f C o n v e rsio n S p e c ific a tio n s
T h e ...s c a n f F u n c tio n s
...s c a n f F o rm a t S trin g s
...s c a n f C o n v e rs io n S p e c ific a tio n s
C 9 9 C h a n g e s to .. . s c a n f C o n v e rsio n S p e c ific a tio n s
s c a n f E x a m p le s
D e te c tin g E n d -o f-F ile a n d E rro r C o n d itio n s
C h a r a c t e r I/O
O u tp u t F u n c tio n s
In p u t F u n c tio n s
P ro g ra m : C o p y in g a File
L in e I/O
O u tp u t F u n c tio n s
In p u t F u n c tio n s
56 9
2 2 .6
B lo c k I/O
2 2 .7
F ile P o s itio n in g
P ro g ra m : M o d ify in g a File o f P a rt R e c o rd s
S t r in g I/O
O u tp u t F u n c tio n s
In p u t F u n c tio n s
2 2 .3
2 2 .4
2 2 .5
2 2 .8
T e m p o ra ry F ile s
2 3 .1
T h e < f l o a t . h > H e a d e r : C h a r a c t e r is t ic s o f F lo a t in g
2 3 .2
T h e < l i m i t s . h > H e a d e r : S iz e s o f In t e g e r T y p e s
2 3 .3
T h e < m a t h . h > H e a d e r (C 8 9 ): M a t h e m a tic s
E rro rs
T rig o n o m e tric F u n c tio n s
H y p e rb o lic F u n c tio n s
E x p o n e n tia l a n d L o g a rith m ic F u n c tio n s
P o w e r F u n c tio n s
N e a re s t Integer, A b s o lu te V alue, a n d R e m a in d e r F u n c tio n s
T h e < m a t h . h > H e a d e r (C 9 9 ): M a t h e m a tic s
IE E E F lo a tin g -P o in t S ta n d a rd
T yp e s
M a c ro s
2 3 .4
x v iii
C o n te n ts
E rro rs
F u n c tio n s
C la s s ific a tio n M a c ro s
T r ig o n o m e tric F u n c tio n s
H y p e rb o lic F u n c tio n s
E x p o n e n tia l a n d L o g a rith m ic F u n c tio n s
P o w e r a n d A b s o lu te V a lu e F u n c tio n s
E rro r a n d G a m m a F u n c tio n s
N e a re s t In te g e r F u n c tio n s
R e m a in d e r F u n c tio n s
M a n ip u la tio n F u n c tio n s
M a x im u m , M in im u m , a n d P o s itiv e D iffe re n c e F u n c tio n s
F lo a tin g M u ltip ly - A d d
C o m p a ris o n M a c ro s
2 3 . 5 T h e < c t y p e . h > H e a d e r: C h a ra c te r H a n d lin g
C h a ra c te r-C la s s ific a tio n F u n c tio n s
P ro g ra m : T e s tin g th e C h a ra c te r-C la s s ific a tio n F u n c tio n s
C h a ra c te r C a s e - M a p p in g F u n c tio n s
P ro g ra m : T e s tin g th e C a s e -M a p p in g F u n c tio n s
23. 6 T h e < s tr in g .h > H e a d e r :S tr in g H a n d lin g
C o p y in g F u n c tio n s
C o n c a te n a tio n F u n c tio n s
C o m p a ris o n F u n c tio n s
S e a rc h F u n c tio n s
M is c e lla n e o u s F u n c tio n s
T h e < a s s e r t.h > H e a d e r :D ia g n o s tic s
2 4 .2
T h e < e rm o .h > H e a d e r:E rro rs
T h e p e r r o r a n d s t r e r r o r F u n c tio n s
T h e < s i g n a i . h > H e a d e r: S ig n a l H a n d lin g
S ig n a l M a c ro s
T h e s i g n a l F u n c tio n
P re d e fin e d S ig n a l H a n d le rs
T h e r a i s e F u n c tio n
P ro g ra m : T e s tin g S ig n a ls
T h e < s e t jm p . h > H e a d e r : N o n lo c a lJ u r n p s
P r o g r a m :T e s tin g s e t j m p / l o n g j m p
2 4 .4
2 5 .2
T h e < io c a ie .h > H e a d e r :L o c a liz a tio n
C a te g o rie s
T h e s e t l o c a l e F u n c tio n
T h e l o c a l e c o n v F u n c tio n
M u ltib y te C h a ra c te rs a n d W id e C h a ra c te rs
x ix
C o n te n ts hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHG
M u ltib y te C h a ra c te rs
W id e C h a ra c te rs
U n ico d e a n d th e U n iv e rsa l C h a ra c te r S e t
E n c o d in g s o f U n ic o d e
M u ltib y te A A /id e -C h a ra c ter C o n v e rsio n F u n c tio n s
M u ltib y te A M d e -S trin g C o n v e rsio n F u n c tio n s
D ig r a p h s a n d T r ig r a p h s
T rig ra p h s
D ig ra p h s
T h e < is o 6 4 6 . h > H e a d e r: A lte rn a tiv e S p e llin g s
2 5 .4
U n iv e r s a l C h a r a c t e r N a m e s ( C 9 9 )
2 5 .5
T h e < w c h a r . h > H e a d e r (C 9 9 ): E x t e n d e d M u ltib y t e a n d
2 5 .3
2 5 .6
W id e - C h a r a c t e r U tilit ie s
S tre a m O rie n ta tio n
F o rm a tte d W id e -C h a ra c te r ln p u t/O u tp u t F u n c tio n s
W id e -C h a ra c te r ln p u t/O u tp u t F u n c tio n s
G e n e ra l W id e -S trin g U tilitie s
W id e -C h a ra c te r T im e -C o n v e rs io n F u n c tio n s
E x te n d e d M u ltib y te A M d e -C h a ra c te r C o n v e rs io n U tilitie s
T h e < w c t y p e . h > H e a d e r (C 9 9 ): W id e - C h a r a c t e r
C la s s if ic a tio n a n d M a p p in g U t ilitie s
W id e -C h a ra c te r C la s s ific a tio n F u n c tio n s
E x te n s ib le W id e -C h a ra c te r C la s s ific a tio n F u n c tio n s
W id e -C h a ra c te r C a s e -M a p p in g F u n c tio n s
E x te n s ib le W id e -C h a ra c te r C a s e -M a p p in g F u n c tio n s
2 6 .1
2 6 .2
2 6 .3
T h e < s t d a r g . h > H e a d e r : V a r ia b le A r g u m e n ts
C a llin g a F u n c tio n w ith a V a ria b le A rg u m e n t L ist
T h e v . . . p r i n t f F u n c tio n s
T h e v ...s c a n f F u n c tio n s
T h e < s t d l i b . h > H e a d e r : G e n e r a l U t ilit ie s
N u m e ric C o n v e rs io n F u n c tio n s
P ro g ra m : T e s tin g th e N u m e ric C o n v e rs io n F u n c tio n s
P s e u d o -R a n d o m S e q u e n c e G e n e ra tio n F u n c tio n s
P ro g ra m : T e s tin g th e P s e u d o -R a n d o m S e q u e n c e G e n e ra tio n
F u n c tio n s
C o m m u n ic a tio n w ith th e E n v iro n m e n t
S e a rc h in g a n d S o rtin g U tilitie s
P ro g ra m : D e te rm in in g A ir M ile a g e
In te g e r A rith m e tic F u n c tio n s
T h e < t i m e . h > H e a d e r : D a te a n d T im e
T im e M a n ip u la tio n F u n c tio n s
T im e C o n v e rs io n F u n c tio n s
P ro g ra m : D is p la y in g th e D a te a n d T im e
C o n te n ts
A D D IT IO N A L C 9 9 S U P P O R T F O R M A T H E M A T IC S
2 7 .2
2 7 .3
2 7 .4
2 7 .5
2 7 .6
T h e < s t d i n t . h > H e a d e r (C 9 9 ): In te g e r T y p e s
< s td in t.h > T y p e s
L im its o f S p e c ifie d -W id th In te g e r T y p e s
L im its o f O th e r In te g e r T y p e s
M a c ro s fo r In te g e r C o n s ta n ts
T h e < i n t t y p e s . h > H e a d e r (C 9 9 ): F o rm a t C o n v e rs io n o f
In te g e r T y p e s
M a c r o s f o r F o r m a t S p e c if ie r s
F u n c tio n s fo r G re a te s t-W id th In te g e r T y p e s
C o m p le x N u m b e r s ( C 9 9 )
D e fin itio n o f C o m p le x N u m b e rs
C o m p le x A r ith m e tic
C o m p le x T y p e s in C 9 9
O p e ra tio n s o n C o m p le x N u m b e rs
C o n v e rs io n R u le s fo r C o m p le x T y p e s
T h e < c o m p le x . h > H e a d e r (C 9 9 ): C o m p le x A r it h m e t ic
< c o m p le x . h > M a c r o s
T h e c x _ L iM iT E D _ R A N G E P r a g m a
< c o m p le x . h > F u n c t io n s
T r ig o n o m e tr ic F u n c tio n s
H y p e rb o lic F u n c tio n s
E x p o n e n tia l a n d L o g a rith m ic F u n c tio n s
P o w e r a n d A b s o lu te -V a lu e F u n c tio n s
M a n ip u la tio n F u n c tio n s
P ro g ra m : F in d in g th e R o o ts o f a Q u a d ra tic E q u a tio n
T h e < t g m a t h . h > H e a d e r ( C 9 9 ) : T y p e - G e n e r ic M a t h
T y p e - G e n e r ic M a c ro s
In v o k in g a T y p e -G e n e ric M a c ro
T h e < f e n v . h > H e a d e r (C 9 9 ): F lo a tin g - P o in t E n v ir o n m e n t
F lo a tin g -P o in t S ta tu s F la g s a n d C o n tro l M o d e s
< f e n v . h > M a c ro s
T h e FENV_ACCESS P ra g m a
F lo a tin g -P o in t E x c e p tio n F u n c tio n s
R o u n d in g F u n c tio n s
E n v iro n m e n t F u n c tio n s
A p p e n d ix A
C O p e ra to rs
A p p e n d ix B
C 99 v e rs u s C 89
A p p e n d ix C
C 89 v e rs u s K & R C
A p p e n d ix D
S t a n d a r d L ib r a r y F u n c t io n s
A p p e n d ix E
A S C II C h a r a c t e r S e t
B ib lio g r a p h y
In d e x
In t r o d u c in g C
‘7 w a n t a p r o g r a m m in g la n g u a g e in w h ic h
W h e n s o m e o n e s a y s onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
I n e e d o n ly s a y w h a t I w is h d o n e , ” g iv e h im a lo llip o p . *
W hat is C? The simple answer— a widely used programming language developed
in the early l970s at Bell Laboratories— conveys little of C\s special flavor. Before
we become immersed in the details of the language, Iet?s take a look at where C
came from, what it was designed for, and how it has changed over the years (Sec­
tion 1.1). W e’lI also discuss C ?s strengths and weaknesses and see how to get the
most out of the language (Section 1.2).
H is to r y o fC
Let's take a quick look al C ’s history, from its origins, to its com ing of age as a
standardized language, to its influence on recent languages.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
O r ig in s
C is a by-product of the UND< operating system, which was developed at Bell Lab­
oratories by Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie, and others. Thom pson single-hand­
edly wrote the original version ofU N IX , which ran on the DEC PDP-7 computer,
an early minicom puter with only 8K words o fm a in memory (this was 1969, after
Like other operating systems of the time, UNIX was written in assem bly lan­
guage. Programs written in assembly language arc usually painful to debug and
hard to enhance; UNE< was no exception. Thompson decided that a higher-level
*The epigrams ai the beginning o f each chapter arc froni “Epigrams on Program m ing” by Alan .1. Perlis cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONM
(A C M S fG P L A N N o tic e s(S c p le m b c r, 1982): 7-13).
C h a p te r 1 In tr o d u c in g C
language was needed for the further developm ent o f U NIX, so he designed a small
language named B. Thom pson based B on BCPL, a system s program m ing lan­
guage developed in (he m id-1960s. BCPL, in turn, traces its ancestry to Algol 60,
one o fth e earliest (and most influential) program m ing languages.
Ritchie so o n jo in ed the UNIX project and began program m ing in B. In 1970.
Bell Labs acquired a P D P -1 1 for the UNIX project. Once B was up and running on
the PDP-11, Thom pson rewrote a portion o f UNIX in B. By 1971, it becam e
apparent that B was not w ell-suited to the P D P -1 1, so R itchie began to develop an
extended version o fB . He called his language NB (“New B") at first, and then, as
it bes^^j'an to d^*iverse m ore from B, he c4^h anged the nam e to C. TheU.' lan^*guage was stable enough by 1973 that UNIX could be rewritten in C. T he switch to C provided
an im portant benefit: portability. By writing C com pilers for other com puters at
Bell Labs, the team could get UNIX running on those m achines as well.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHG
S ta n d a r d iz a tio n
C continued to evolve during the 1970s, especially betw een 1977 and 1979. It was
during this period that the first book on C appeared. cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
T h e C P rogram m ing L a n ­
guage. written by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie and published in 1978.
quickly becam e the bible o f C program m ers. In the absence o fa n official standard
for C. this book— known as K&R or the “W hite B ook v to aficionados— served as a
de facto standard.
During the l970s, there were relatively few C program m ers, and m ost o fth e m
were UND< users. By the 1980s, however, C had expanded beyond the narrow con­
fines o f the UNIX world. C com pilers becam e available on a variety o f m achines
running under different operating system s. In particular, C began to establish itself
on the fast-grow ing IBM PC platform .
With C ’s increasing popularity cam e problem s. Program m ers who wrote new
C com pilers relied on K&R as a reference. Unfortunately, K & R was fuzzy about
som e language features, so com pilers often treated these features differently. Also.
K&R failed to make a clear distinction between which features belonged to C and
which w ere part of UNDC. To make m atters worse, C continued to change after
K&R was published, with new features being added and a few older features
removed. The need for a thorough, precise, and up-to-date description o f the lan­
guage soon becam e apparent. W ithout such a standard, num erous dialects would
have arisen, threatening the portability o fC program s, one o f the language’s m ajor
The developm ent o f a U.S. standard for C began in 1983 under the auspices o f
the A m erican National Standards Institute (A NSI). A fter m any revisions, the stan­
dard was com pleted in 1988 and form ally approved in D ecem ber 1989 as ANSI
standard X 3.159-1989. In 1990, it was approved by the International O rganization
for Standardization (ISO) as international standard lSO /IEC 9899:1990. This ver­
sion o f the language is usually referred to as C89 or C90, to distinguish it from the
H i s t o r y o f C hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFE
3 onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVU
original version of C, often called K&R C. Appendix C summarizes the major dif­
ferences between C89 and K&R C.
The language underwent a few changes in 1995 (described in a document
known as Amendm ent I). More significant changes occurred with the publication
of a new standard, ISO/IEC 9899:1999, in 1999. The language described in this
standard is commonly known as C99. The terms “ANSI C,” “ANSI/ISO C,” and
“ISO C”— once used to describe C89— are now ambigV
*^uous,} thanks to the existence
of two standards.
Because C99 isn't yet universal, and because o fth e need to maintain millions
(ifnot billions) oflines ofcode written in older versions of C. I’ll use a special icon
(shown in the left margin) to mark discussions of features that were added in C99.
A com piler that doesn’t recognize these features isn’t “C99-compliant.” Ifh isto ry
is any guide, it will be some years before all C compilers are C99-compliant, if they
ever are. Appendix B lists the major differences between C99 and C89.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
C -B a s e d L a n g u a g e s
C has had a huge influence on modern-day programming languages, many o f
which borrow heavily from it. Of the many C-based languages, several are espe­
cially prominent:
C++ includes all the features o fC , but adds classes and other features to sup­
port object-oriented programming.cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
■ Ja v a is based on C++ and therefore inherits many C features.
C# is a more recent language derived from C+4- and Java.
■ P erl was originally a fairly simple scripting language; over time it has grown
and adopted many o fth e features o fC .
Considering the popularity of these newer languages, it’s logical to ask
whether it’s worth the trouble to learn C. 1 think it is, for several reasons. First,
learning C can give you greater insight into the features ofC+4-, Java, C#, Perl, and
the other C-based lan9g uagc?es. Programmers
who leam
G* ^ one of these languages firstPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
often fail to master basic features that were inherited from C. Second, there are a
lot of older C programs around; you may find yourself needing to read and main­
tain this code. Third, C is still widely used for developing new software, especially
in situations where memory or processing power is limited or where the simplicity
of C is desired.
If you haven’t already used one of the newer C-based languages, you’ll find
that this book is excellent preparation for learning these languages. 11 em phasizes
data abstraction, information hiding, and other principles that play a large role in
object-oriented programming. C++ includes all the features o fC , so you’ll be able
to use everything you learn from this book if you later tackle C++. Many of the
features o fC can be found in the other C-based languages as well.
C h a p te r 1 In tr o d u c in g
1 .2
S t r e n g t h s a n d W e a k n e s s e s o f C onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Like any other programming language, C has strengths and weaknesses. Both stem
from the language’s original use (writing operating systems and other systems
software) and its underlying philosophy:RQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
To serve as a suitable language for systems pro­
gramming, C provides access to machine-level concepts (bytes and addresses,
for example) that other programming languages try to hide. C also provides
operations that correspond closely to a computer’s built-in instructions, so (hat
programs can be fast. Since application programs rely on it for input/output.
storage management, and numerous other services, an operating system can’t
afford to be slow.
C is a lo w - le v e l la n g u a g e .
C provides a more limited set of features than many
languages. (The reference manual in the second edition of K&R covers the
entire language in 49 pages.) To keep the number of features small. C relies
heavily on a “library” ofstandard functions. (A “function” is similar to what
other programming languages might call a “procedure.” “subroutine,” or
“m ethod”)
C is a s m a ll la n g u a g e .
C assumes that you know what you’re doing, so it
allows you a wider degree of latitude than many languages. Moreover, C
doesn’t mandate the detailed error-checkin^a> found in other lanV
C is a p e r m is s i v e la n g u a g e .
S tr e n g th s
C ’s strengths help explain why the language has become so popular:
Efficiency has been one of C ’s advantages from the beginning.
Because C was intended for applications where assembly language had tradi­
tionally been used, it was crucial that C programs could run quickly and in
limited amounts of memory.
E ffic ie n c y .
Although program portability wasn’t a primary goal of C, it has
turned out to be one of the language’s strengths. When a program must run on
computers ranging from PCs to supercomputers, it is often written in C. One
reason for the portability o fC programs is that— thanks to C ’s early associa­
tion with UNIX and the later ANSI/ISO standaids— the language hasn’t splin­
tered into incompatible dialects. Another is that C compilers are small and
easily written, which has helped make them widely available. Finally, C itself
has features that support portability (although there’s nothing to prevent pro­
grammers from writing nonportable programs).
P o r ta b ility .
C ’s large collection o fd ata types and operators help make it a power­
ful language. In C, it’s often possible to accomplish quite a bit with just a few
lines of code.
P ow er.
1 .2
S t r e n g t h s a n d W e a k n e s s e s o f C hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGF
Although C was originally designed for system s programming, it
■ F lexib ility. onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
has no inherent restrictions that limit it to this arena. C is now used for appli­
cations of all kinds, from embedded systems to commercial data processing.
Moreover, C imposes very few restrictions on the use of its features; opera­
tions that would be illegal in other languages are often permitted in C. For
example, C allows a character to be added to an integer value (or, for that mat­
ter, a floating-point number). This flexibility can make programming easier,
although it may allow some bugs to slip through.
■ S ta n d a rd library. One o f C ’s great strengths is its standard library, which con­
tains hundreds of functions for input/output. string handling, storage alloca­
tion, and other useful operations.
■ In teg ra tio n with U N IX . C is particularly powerful in combination with UNIX
(including the popular variant known as Linux). In fact, some UNLX tools
assum e that the user knows C.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
W eak n esses
C ’s weaknesses arise from the same source as many of its strengths: C ’s closeness
to the machine. Here are a few of C ’s most notorious problems:
C pro g ra m s can be error-prone. C ’s flexibility makes it an error-prone lan­
guage. Programming mistakes that would be caught in many other languages
can’t be detected by a C compiler. In this respect. C is a lot like assembly lan­
guage, where most errors aren't detected until the program is run. To make
matters worse, C contains a number of pitfalls for the unwary. In later chap­
ters, w e’ll see how an extra semicolon can create an infinite loop or a missing
& symbol can cause a program crash.
■ C p ro g ra m s can be d ifficu lt to understand. Although C is a small language
by most measures, it has a number of features that aren't found in all program ­
ming languages (and that consequently are often misunderstood). These fea­
tures can be com bined in a great variety of ways, many o f which— although
obvious to the original author of a program— can be hard for others to under­
stand. Another problem is the terse nature of C programs. C was designed at a
time when interactive communication with computers was tedious at best. As
a result, C was purposefully kept terse to minimize the time required to enter
and edit programs. C ’s flexibility can also be a negative factor; program m ers
who are too clever for their own good can make programs almost impossible
to understand.
■ C p ro g ra m s can be d ifficu lt to m odify. Large programs written in C can be
hard to change if they haven’t been designed with maintenance in mind. M od­
ern programming languages usually provide features such as classes and pack­
ages that support the division o f a large program into more manageable pieces.
C, unfortunately, lacks such features.
C h a p te r 1 In tro d u c in g C RQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
O b fu s c a te d C
E v e n C ’s m o s t a rd e n t a d m ir e rs a d m it th a t C c o d e c a n b e h a rd to re a d . T h e a n n u a l
In te rn a tio n a l O b fu s c a te d C C o d e C o n te s t a c tu a lly e n c o u ra g e s c o n te s ta n ts to w rite
th e m o s t c o n fu s in g C p ro g ra m s p o s s ib le . T h e w in n e rs a re tru ly b a fflin g , a s 1 9 9 0 ’s
“ B e s t S m a ll P ro g ra m ” s h o w s : kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
m a i n ()
for(scanf ("%d",&s) ;*a-s,-v=a [j*=v] -a [i] ,k = i < s ,j+= (v=j <s&&
(!k & & !!prin t f ( 2 + " \ n \ n % c " -(!1<<!j )," # Q " [lA v ? ( l A j )& 1 :2])&&
+ + 1 1 |a [i]<s&&v&&v-i+j & & v + i - j ))& & ! (l%=s),v| | (i==j ?a[i+=k]=0:
++a [i])>=s*k&&++a [--i])
T h is p ro g ra m , w ritte n by D o ro n O s o v la n s k i a n d B a ru c h N is s e n b a u m , p r in ts all s o lu ­
tio n s to th e E ig h t Q u e e n s p ro b le m
(th e p ro b le m o f p la c in g e ig h t q u e e n s o n a
c h e s s b o a rd in s u c h a w a y th a t n o q u e e n a tta c k s a n y o th e r q u e e n ). In fact, it w o rk s
fo r a n y n u m b e r o f q u e e n s b e tw e e n fo u r a n d 9 9 . F o r m o re w in n in g p ro g ra m s , v is it cbaZYXWVU, th e c o n te s t’s w e b s ite . dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
E ffe c tiv e U se o f C onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Using C effectively requires taking advantage of C ’s strengths while avoiding its
weaknesses. Here are a few suggestions:
■ L e a rn how to a vo id C p itfa lls. Hints for avoiding pitfalls are scattered through­
out this book—just look for the ZL symbol. For a more extensive list of pitfalls,
see Andrew Koenig's C Traps and P itfalls (Reading, Mass.: Addison-W esley,
1989). M odern com pilers will detect common pitfalls and issue warnings, but
no com piler spots them all.
■ Use so ftw a re tools to m a k e p ro g ra m s m o re reliable. C programmers are pro­
lific tool builders (and users). One o fth e most famous C tools is named l i n t ,
l i n t , which is traditionally provided with UNIX, can subject a program to a
more extensive error analysis than most C compilers. If l i n t (or a sim ilar
program) is available, it’s a good idea to use it. Another useful tool is a debug­
ger. Because of the nature of C, many bugs can’t be detected by a C compiler;
these show up instead in the form of run-time errors or incorrect output. C on­
sequently. using a good debugger is practically mandatory for C programmers.
■ T a ke a d va n ta g e o f e x istin g code libraries. One of the benefits of using C is
that so many other people also use it; it’s a good bet that they’ve written code
you can employ in your own programs. C code is often bundled into libraries
(collections offunctions); obtaining a suitable library is a good way to reduce
errors— and save considerable programming effort. Libraries for common
tasks, including user-interface development, graphics, communications, data­
base management, and networking, are readily available. Some libraries are in
the public domain, some are open source, and some are sold commercially.RQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
A coding convention is a style
rule that a programmer has decided to adopt even though it's not enforced by
the language. Well-chosen conventions help make programs more uniform,
easier to read, and easier to modify. Conventions are important when using
any programming language, but especially so with C. As noted above, C 's
highly flexible nature makes it possible for programmers to write code that is
all but unreadable. The programming examples in this book follow one set of
conventions, but there are other, equally valid, conventions in use. ^V e’ll dis­
cuss some of the alternatives from time to time.) Which set you use is less
important than adopting s o m e conventions and sticking to them.
■ A d o p t a s e n s ib le s e t o f c o d in g c o n v e n tio n s .
C encourages programming tricks.
There are usually several ways to accomplish a given task in C: programmers
are often tempted to choose the method that’s most concise. Don’t get carried
away; the shortest solution is often the hardest to comprehend. In this book,
1’11 illustrate a style that’s reasonably concise but still understandable.
■ A v o id “tr ic k s ” a n d o v e r ly c o m p le x c o d e .
Most C compilers provide language features and library'
functions that aren’t part of the C89 or C99 standards. For portability, it’s best
to avoid using nonstandard features and libraries unless they’re absolutely
■ S tic k to th e s ta n d a r d .
W h a t is th is Q & A s e c tio n a n y w a y ?
Glad you asked. The Q&A section, which appears at the end of each chapter,
serves several purposes.
The primary purpose of Q&A is to tackle questions that are frequently asked
by students learning C. Readers can participate in a dialogue (more or less) with
the author, much the same as if they were attending one of my C classes.
Another purpose of Q&A is to provide additional information about topics
covered in the chapter. Readers o f this book will likely have widely varying back­
grounds. Some will be experienced in other programming languages, whereas oth­
ers will be learning to program for the first time. Readers with experience in a
variety of languages may be satisfied with a brief explanation and a couple of
examples, but readers with less experience may need more. The bottom line: Lfyou
fmd the coverage of a topic to bc sketchy, check Q&A for more details.
On occasion, Q&A will discuss common differences among C compilers. For
example, we'lI cover some frequently used (but nonstandard) features that are pro­
vided by particular compilers.
C h a p te r 1
W h a t d o e s l i n t d o ? [p . 6 ]
l i n t checks a C program for a host of potential errors, including— but not limited
to— suspicious combinations of types, unused variables, unreachable code, and
nonportable code. It produces a list ofdiagnostic messages, which the programmer
must then sift througoh . The advantagc e ofusingG l i n t is that it can detect errors thatPONMLKJIHGF
are missed by the compiler. On the other hand, you've got to remem ber to use
l i n t ; it’s all too easy to forget about it. Worse still, l i n t can produce messages
by the hundreds, of which only a fraction refer to actual errors.
W h e r e d id l i n t g e t its n a m e ?
Unlike the names of many other UNDC tools, l i n t isn’t an acronym; it got its
name from the way it picks up pieces of “flu ff’ from a program.
H ow do I get a copy o f l i n t ?
l i n t is a standard UNIX utility; ifyou rely on another operating system, then you
probably don’t have l i n t . Fortunately, versions of l i n t are available from third
parties. An enhanced version of l i n t known as s p l i n t (Secure Programming
Lint) is included in many Linux distributions and can be downloaded for free from cbaZYXWVUTSR
Is th e r e s o m e w a y to fo r c e a c o m p ile r to d o a m o r e th o r o u g h j o b o f e r r o r ­
c h e c k in g , w ith o u t h a v in g to u s e l i n t ?
*Q :
Yes. Most compilers will do a more thorough check of a program if asked to. In
addition to checking for errors (undisputed violations of the rules of C), most com ­
pilers also produce warning messages, indicating potential trouble spots. Some
compilers have more than one “warning level”; selecting a higher level causes the
compiler to check for more problems than choosing a lower level. If your compiler
supports warning levels, it’s a good idea to select the highest level, causing the
compiler to perform the most thorough job of checking that it’s capable of. Errorchecking options for the GCC compiler, which is distributed with Linux, are dis­
cussed in the Q&A section at the end of Chapter 2.
I ’m in te r e s te d in m a k in g m y p r o g r a m a s r e lia b le a s p o s s ib le . A r e th e r e a n y
o th e r to o ls a v a ila b le b e s id e s l i n t a n d d e b u g g e r s ?
Yes. Other common tools include “bounds-checkers” and “leak-finders.” C doesn’t
require that array subscripts be checked; a bounds-checker adds this capability. A
leak-finder helps locate “memory leaks”: blocks of memory that are dynamically
allocated but never deallocated.
*Starred questions cover material too advanced or too esoteric to interest the average reader, and often
refer to topics covered in later chapters. Curious readers with a fair bit of programming experience may
wish to delve into these questions immediately; others should definitely skip them on a first reading.
C F u n d a m e n t a ls
O n e m a n 's c o n s t a n t is a n o t h e r m a n ’s v a r ia b le . onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWV
This chapter introduces several basic concepts, including preprocessing directives,
functions, variables, and statem ents, that w e'll need in order to w rite even the sim ­
plest program s. Later chapters will cover these topics in much greater detail.
To start off, Section 2.1 presents a small C program and describes how to com ­
pile and link it. Section 2.2 then discusses how to generalize the program , and Sec­
tion 2.3 shows how to add explanatory rem arks, known as com m ents. Section 2.4
introduces variables, which store data that may change during the execution o f a
program , and Section 2.5 shows how to use the s c a n f function to read data into
variables. C onstants— data that w on’t change during program execution— can be
given names, as Section 2.6 shows. Finally, Section 2.7 explains C ’s rules for cre­
ating names (identifiers) and Section 2.8 gives the rules for laying out a program .
W r it in g a S im p le P r o g r a m
In contrast to program s written in som e languages. C program s require little “boil­
erplate”— a com plete program can be as short as a few lines.hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
P r in tin g a P u n
The first program in Kernighan and R itchie’s classic cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
The C P rogram m ing L a n ­
g u a g e is extrem ely short; it does nothing but write the m essage h e l l o , w o r l d .
Unlike other C authors, I w on’t use this program as my first exam ple. 1 will, how ­
ever, uphold another C tradition: the bad pun. H ere’s the pun:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
To C, or not to C: that is the question.
C h a p te r 2
The following program, which w e'll name p u n . c , displays this message each
time it is run.kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
p u n .c
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
printf("To C, or not to C: that is the question.\n");
return 0;
Section 2.2 explains the form of this program in some detail. For now. I'll just
make a few brief observations. The line
#include <stdio.h>
is necessary to “include” information about C\s standard 1/0 (inpuU'output) library.
The program 's executable code goes inside m a in , which represents the “main"
program. The only line inside m a in is a com mand to display the desired message,
p r i n t f is a function frpm the standard I/O library that can produce nicely for­
matted output. The \ n code tclls p r i n t f to advance to the next line after printing
the message. The line
return 0;
indicates that the program “returns” the value 0 to the operating system when it ter­
C o m p ili n g a n d L in k in g
Despite its brevity, getting p u n . c to run is more involved than you might expect.
First, we need to create a file named p u n . c containing the program (any text edi­
tor will do). The name of the file doesn’t matter, but the . c extension is often
required by compilers.
Next, w e've got to convert the program to a form that the machine can exe­
cute. For a C program, that usually involves three steps:
■ P reprocessing, The program is first given to a preprocessor, which obeys
commands that begin with # (known as directives). A preprocessor is a bit like
an editor; it can add things to the program and make modifications.
■ C om piling. The modified program now goes to a com piler, which translates it
into machine instructions (object code). The program isn’t quite ready to run
yet, however.
■ L in k in g . In the final step, a lin k e r combines the object code produced by the
com piler with any additional code needed to yield a com plete executable pro­
gram. This additional code includes library functions (like p r i n t f ) that are
used in the program.
2 .1
11 onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWV
W ritin g a S im p le P ro g ra m hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHG
Fortunately, this process is often autom ated, so you w on't find it too onerous. In
fact, the preprocessor is usually integrated with the compiler, so you probably
w on’t even notice it at work.
The com m ands necessary to com pile and link vary, depending on the com piler
and operating system. Under UNIX, the C com piler is usually named c c . To com ­
pile and link the p u n . c program , enter the follow ing com m and in a term inal or
com m and-line window:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
% cc p u n .c
(The % character is the UNIX prom pt, not som ething that you need to enter.) Link­
ing is autom atic when using c c : no separate link com m and is necessary.
After com piling and linking the program, c c leaves the executable program in
a file named a . o u t by default, c c has many options; one o f them (the - o option)
allows us to choose the name of the file containing the executable program . For
exam ple, ifw e want the executable version o f p u n . c to be named p u n , we would
enter the following command:
T h e G C C C o m p ile r
O n e o f th e m o s t p o p u la r C c o m p ile r s is th e G C C c o m p ile r, w h ic h is s u p p lie d w ith
L in u x b u t is a v a ila b le fo r m a n y o th e r p la tfo rm s a s w e ll. U s in g th is c o m p ile r is s im ila r
to u s in g th e tra d itio n a l U N IX c c c o m p ile r. F o r e x a m p le , to c o m p ile th e p u n . c p ro ­
g ra m , w e w o u ld u s e th e fo llo w in g c o m m a n d :
% gcc -o pun pun.c
T h e Q & A s e c tio n a t th e e n d o f th e c h a p te r p ro v id e s m o re in fo rm a tio n a b o u t G C C .
I n te g r a te d D e v e lo p m e n t E n v ir o n m e n ts
So far, w e’ve assumed the use of a “com m and-line” com piler that's invoked by
entering a com m and in a special window provided by the operating system . The
alternative is to use an cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
in te g ra te d d e v e lo p m e n t e n v ir o n m e n t (ID E ), a software
package that allows us to edit, compile, link, execute, and even debug a program
without leaving the environm ent. The com ponents o fa n ID E are designed to work
together. For example, when the com piler detects an error in a program , it can
arrange for the editor to highlight the line that contains the error. T here's a great
deal of variation am ong IDEs, so 1 w on’t discuss them further in this book. H ow ­
ever, I would recom m end checking to see which IDEs are available for your plat­
C h a p te r 2
2 .2
T h e G e n e r a l F o r m o f a S im p le P r o g r a m onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGF
L et’s take a closer look at p u n . c and see how we can generalize it a bit. Simple C
programs have the form PONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
int main(void)
In this template, and in sim ilar templates elsewhere in this book, items printed in
C o u r i e r would appear in a C program exactly as shown: items in cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDC
italics repre­
sent text to be supplied by the programmer.
Notice how the braces show where m a in begins and ends. C uses { and } in
much the same way that some other languages use words like b e g i n and e n d .
This illustrates a general point about C: it relies heavily on abbreviations and spe­
cial symbols, one reason that C programs are concise (or— less charitably— crypQ&A
Even the sim plest C programs rely on three key language features: directives
(editing commands that modify the program prior to com pilation), functions
(named blocks ofexecutable code, ofw hich m a in is an example), and statements
(com mands to be performed when the program is run). We’ll take a closer look at
D ir e c tiv e s
Before a C program is compiled, it is first edited by a preprocessor. Commands
intended for the preprocessor are called directives. Chapters 14 and 15 discuss
directives in detail. For now ? w e’re interested only in the # i n c l u d e directive.
The p u n . c program begins with the line
#include <stdio.h>
h e a d e r s > 7 5 ,2
This directive states that the information in < s t d i o . h > is to be “included” into
the program before it is compiled, < s t d i o . h > contains information about C 's
standard 1/0 library. C has a number of h eaders like < s t d i o .h > ; each contains
information about some part of the standard library. The reason w e’re including
< s t d i o . h > is that C, unlike some programming languages, has no built-in
“read” and “write” commands. The ability to perform input and output is provided
instead by functions in the standard library.
Directives always begin with a # character. which distinguishes them from
other items in a C program. By default, directives are one line long: there’s no
semicolon or other special marker at the end of a directive.
2 .2
T h e G e n e ra l F o rm o f a S im p le P ro g ra m hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHG
in other programmmg lan­
guages— they’re the building blocks from which programs are constructed. In fact,
a C program is little more than a collection of functions. Functions fall into two
categories: those written by the programmer and those provided as part of the C
implementation. I'll refer to the latter as l i b r a r y f u n c t i o n s , since they belong to a
“library” of functions that are supplied with the compiler.
The term “function” comes from mathematics, where a function is a rule for
computing a value when given one or more arguments:
are like “procedures’’ or “subroutines”
F u n c t i o n s onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Av) = x + 1
g(y> z) = .y2 - ^
C uses the term “function” more loosely. In C. a function is simply a series of
statements that have been grouped together and given a name. Some functions
compute a value; some don’t. A function that computes a value uses the r e t u r n
statement to specify what value it “returns.” For example, a function that adds l to
its argument might execute the statementkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
return x + 1;
while a function that computes the difference of the squares of its arguments might
execute the statement
return y * y - z * z;
Although a C program may consist of many functions, only the m a in func­
tion is mandatory, m a in is special: it gets called automatically when the program
is executed. Until Chapter 9, where we’lI learn how to write other functions, m a in
will be the only function in our programs.
The name m a in is critical; it can’t be b e g i n or s t a r t or even MAIN.
T fm a in is a function, does it return a value? Yes: it returns a status code that
is given to the operating system when the program terminates. Let's take another
look at the p u n . c program:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
printf("To C, or not to C: that is the question.\n");
return 0;
The word i n t just before m a in indicates that the m a in function returns an inte­
ger value. The word v o i d in parentheses indicates that m a in has no arguments.
C h a p te r 2
return 0;
r e tu r n
has two effects: it causes the m a in function to term inate (thus ending the program)
and it indicates that the m a i n function returns a value o f0 . W e’ll have more to say
v a lu e o f m a i n BA
about m a i n ’s return value in a later chapter. For now, w e’ll always have m a in
return the value 0, which indicates normal program termination.
Ifth e re ’s no r e t u r n statement at the end of the m a in function, the program
will still terminate. However, many compilers will produce a warning message
(because the function was supposed to return an integer but failed to).
S ta te m e n ts
sta te m e n t is a com m and to be executed when the program runs. W e’ll explore
statements later in the book, primarily in Chapters 5 and 6. The p u n . c program
uses only two kinds of statements. One is the r e t u r n statement; the other is the
fu n c tio n call. Asking a function to perform its assigned task is known as ca llin g
the function. The p u n . c program, for example, calls the p r i n t f function to dis­
play a string on the screen:
printf("To C, or not to C: that is the question.\n”);
c o m p o u n d s ta te m e n t >
C requires that each statem ent end with a semicolon. (As with any good rule,
there's one exception: the com pound statement, which w e’ll encounter later.) The
semicolon shows the com piler where the statement ends; since statements can con­
tinue over several lines, it's not always obvious where they end. Directives, on the
other hand, are normally one line long, and they d o n 't end with a semicolon.
P r in t in g S tr in g s
p r i n t f is a powerful function that w e'll examine in Chapter 3. So far. w e’ve only
used p r i n t f to display a strin g literal — a series ofcharacters enclosed in double
quotation marks. When p r i n t f displays a string literal, it doesn’t show the quo­
tation marks.
p r i n t f doesn’t autom atically advance to the next output line when it fin­
ishes printing. To instruct p r i n t f to advance one line, we must include \ n (the
n ew -lin e character) in the string to be printed. W riting a new-line character term i­
nates the current output line; subsequent output goes onto the next line. To illus­
trate this point, consider the effect of replacing the statement
printf("To C z or not to C: that is the question.\n");
by two calls o f p r i n t f :
printf("To C, or not to C: ”);
printf("that is the question.\n");
2 .3
C o m m e n ts onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLK
The first call of p r i n t f writes To C z o r n o t t o C : . The second call writes
t h a t i s t h e q u e s t i o n , and advances to the next line. The net effect is the
same as the original p r i n t f — the u sercan ’t tell the difference.
The new-line character can appear inore than once in a string literal. To dis­
play the message kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Brevity is the soul of wit.
we could write
printf("Brevity is the soul of wit.\n
2 .3
C o m m e n ts
Our p u n . c program still lacks something important: documentation. Every pro­
gram should contain identifying information: the program name, the date written,
the authOr, the purpose of the program, and so forth. Tn C, this information is
c o m m e n t s . The symbol / * marks the beginning of a comment and the
symbol * / marks the end:
/* This is a comment */
Comments may appear almost anywhere in a program, either on separate lines
or on the same lines as other program text. Here's what p u n . c might look like
with comments added al the be ginning:
/* Name: pun.c
/* Purpose: Prints a bad pun. */
/* Author: K. N. King
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
C, or not to C: that is the question.\n");
return 0;
Comments may extend over more than one line: once it has seen the / * sym­
bol, the compiler reads (and ignores) whatever follows until it encounters the * /
symbol. Ifw e like, we can combine a series o fshort comments into one long com­
/* Name: pun.c
Purpose: Prints a bad pun.
Author: K. N. King */
A comment like this can be hard to read, though, because it’s not easy to see where
C F u n d a m e n ta ls onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
C h a p te r 2
the comment ends. Putting * / on a line by itselfhelps:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
/* Name: p u n .c
Purpose: Prints a bad pun.
Author: K. N. King
Even better, we can form a “box*’ around the comment to make it stand out:
* * ★
* * ★
* ★
* ★ ★
★ ★
* *
* *
* k
* *
* *
* *
★ ★
* *
* N a m e : p u n .c
* Purpose: Prints a bad pun.
* Author: K. N. King
★ ★
★ ★
★ ★
* *
★ ★
★ ★
* *
★ ★
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
★ ★
★ ★ ★
k k
k k
k k
k k
Programmers often simplify boxed comments by omitting three o fth e sides:
* Name: p u n .c
* Purpose: Prints a bad pun.
* Author: K. N. King
A short comment can go on the same line with other program code:
int main(void)
/* Beginning of main program */
A comment like this is sometimes called a “winged comment.”
Forgetting to terminate a comment may cause the compiler to ignore part of your
program. Consider the following example:
printf("My ");
printf("cat ”);
printf("has ”);
/* forgot to close this comment...
/* so it ends here */
Because w e’ve neglected to terminate the first comment, the compiler ignores the
middle two statements, and the example prints My f l e a s .
C99 provides a second kind ofcom m eni, which begins with | | (two adjacent
// This is a comment
This style ofcom m eni ends automatically at the end o fa line. To create a comment
that’s more than one line long, we can either use the older comment style ( / * ...
* / ) or else put | | at.the beginning of each comment line:
// Name: pun.c
// Purpose: Prints a bad pun.
// Author: K. N. King
2 .4
V a ria b le s a n d A s s ig n m e n t onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLK
The newer comment style has a couple of important advantages. First, because a
comment automatically ends al the end of a Hne, there’s no chance that an unterm i­
nated comment will accidentally consume^part of a program. Second, multiline
comments stand out better, thanks to the | | that’s required at the beginning of
2 .4
V a r ia b le s a n d A s s ig n m e n t
Few programs are as simple as the one in Section 2.1. Most programs need lo per­
form a series ofcalculations before producing output, and thus need a way to store
data temporarily during program execution. In C, as in most programming lan­
guages, these storage locations are called cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
T ypes
ra n g e o f i n t
v a l u e s > 7 . BA
Every variable must have a type, which specifies whal kind of data it will hold. C
has a wide variety of types. For now, w e’ll Hmit ourselves to just two: i n t and
f l o a t . Choosing the proper type is critical, since the type affects how the variable
is stored and what operations can be performed on the variable. The type of a
numeric variable determines the largest and sm allest numbers that the variable can
store; it also determines whether or not digits are allowed after the decimal point.
A variable of type i n t (short for integer) can store a whole number such as 0,
I, 392, o r-2 5 5 3 . The range ofpossible values is limited, though. The largest i n t
value is typically 2.147,483,647 but can be as small as 32,767.
A variable of type f l o a t (short fo v flo a tin g -p o in f) can store much larger
numbers than an i n t variable. Furthermore, a f l o a t variable can store numbers
with digits after the decimal point, like 379.125. f l o a t variables have drawbacks,
however. Arithmetic on f l o a t numbers may be slower than arithmetic on i n t
numbers. Most significantly, the value of a f l o a t variable is o ftenjusi an approx­
imation of the number that was stored in it. If we store 0.1 in a f l o a t variable, we
may later find that the variable has a value such as 0.09999999999999987, thanks
to rounding© error.
D e c la r a tio n s
Variables must be declared— described for the benefit of the com piler— before
they can be used. To declare a variable, we first specify the type of the variable,
then its nam e. (Variable names are chosen by the programmer, subject to the rules
described in Section 2.7.) For example, we might declare variables h e i g h t and
p r o f i t as follows:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
int height;
float profit;
C h a p te r 2
C F u n d a m e n ta ls onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
The first declaration states that h e i g h t is a variable of type i n t , meaning that
h e i g h t can store an integer value. The second declaration says that p r o f i t is a
variable oftype f l o a t .
Ifsevcral variables have the same type, their declarations can be combined:kjihgfedcbaZYX
int height, length, width, volume;
float profit, loss;
Notice that each complete declaration ends with a semicolon.
Our first template for m a in didn’t include declarations. When m a in contains
declarations, these must precede statements:
statem ents
As we’ll see in Chapter 9, this is true of functions in general, as well as blocks
(statements that contain embedded declarations). As a matter of style, it’s a good
idea to leave a blank line between the declarations and the statements.
In C99, declarations don’t have to come before statements. For example,
m a in might contain a declaration, then a statement, and then another declaration.
For compatibility with older compilers, the programs in this book don’t take
advantage of this rule. However, it’s common in C++ and Java programs not to
declare variables until they’re first needed, so this practice can be expected to
become popular in C99 programs as well.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
A s s ig n m e n t
A variable can be given a value by means of aRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
s s i g n m e n t . For example, the state­
height = 8;
length = 12;
width = 10;
assign values to h e i g h t , l e n g t h , and w i d t h . The numbers 8, 12, and 10 are
said to be c o n s t a n t s .
Before a variable can be assigned a value— or used in any other way, for that
matter— it must first be declared. Thus, we could write
int height;
height = 8;
but not
height = 8;
int height;
/*** WRONG ***/
2 .4
V a r ia b le s a n d A s s ig n m e n t onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONML
A constant assigned to a f l o a t variable usually contains a decimal point. For
example, i f p r o f i t is a f l o a t variable, we might write kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
It's best to append the letter f (for “float”) to a constant that contains a decimal
point if the number is assigned to a f l o a t variable:
profit = 2150.48f;
Failing to include the f may cause a waming from the compiler.
An i n t variable is normally assigned a value of type i n t , and a f l o a t vari­
able is normally assigned a value o fty p e f l o a t . Mixing types (such as assigning
an i n t value to a f l o a t variable or assigning a f l o a t value lo an i n t variable)
is possible but not always safe, as w e’ll see in Section 4.2.
Once a variable has been assigned a value, it can be used to help compute the
value of another variable:
height = 8;
length-= 12;
width = 10;
volume = height * length * width;
/* volume is now 960 */
In C. * represents the multiplication operator, so this statement multiplies the val­
ues stored in h e i g h t , l e n g t h , and w i d t h , then assigns the result to the vari­
able v o lu m e . In general, the right side of an assignment can be a formula (or cbaZYXWVUTSRQPON
expression, in C terminology) involving constants, variables, and operators.
P r i n t i n g th e V a lu e o f a V a r ia b le
We can use p r i n t f to display the current value of a variable. For example, to
write the message
Height: h
where h is the current value o fth e h e i g h t variable, we’d use the following call of
p rin tf:
printf("Height: %d\n", height);
%d is a placeholder indicating where the value o f h e i g h t is to be filled in during
printing. Note the placement of \ n j u s t after %d, so that p r i n t f will advance to
the next line after printing the value o f h e i g h t .
%d works only for i n t variables; to print a f l o a t variable, w e’d use %f
instead. By default, %f displays a number with six digits after the decimal point.
To force %f to display p digits after the decimal point, we can put ,p between %
and f . For example, lo print the line
Profit: $2150.48
C F u n d a m e n ta ls onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
C h a p te r 2
w e ?d call p x ^ i n t f as follows:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
$%.2f\n” , profit);
There's no limit to the number of variables that can be printed by a single call
of p r i n t f . To display the values o fb o th the h e i g h t and l e n g t h variables, we
could use the following call of p r i n t f :
%d\n", height, length);
C o m p u tin g th e D im e n s io n a i W e ig h t o f a B o x
Shipping companies don’t especially like boxes that are large but very light, since
they take up valuable space in a truck or airplane. In fact, com panies often charge
extra for such a box,7 basing<^ the fee on its volumo e instead o f its weight, hi the
United Stales, lhe usual method is to divide the volume by 166 (the. allowable num ­
ber of cubic inches per pound), lfth is number— the box’s “dim ensional" or “volu­
metric” weight— exceeds its actual weight, the shipping fee is based on the
dimensional weight. (The 166 divisor is for international shipments; the dim en­
sional weight o f a dom estic shipment is typically calculated using 194 instead.)
Let’s say that you’ve been hired by a shipping company to write a program
that com putes the dimensional weight of a box. Since youTe new to C, you decide
to start off by writing a program that calculates the dimensional weight of a partic­
ular box that’s 12" x 10" x 8". Division is represented by / in C, so the obvious
way to compute the dimensional weight would be
weight = volume / 166;
where w e i g h t and v o lu m e are integer variables representing the box’s weight
and volume. Unfortunately, this form ula isn’t quite what we need. In C. when one
integer is divided by another, the answer is “truncated” : all digits after the decimal
point are lost. The volume of a 12" x 10" x 8" box will be 960 cubic inches. Divid­
ing by 166 gives the answer 5 instead of5.783, so we have in effect rounded cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONM
dow n
to the next lowest pound; the shipping company expects us to round np. One solu­
tion is to add 165 to the volume before dividing by 166:
weight = (volume 4- 165) / 166;
A volume of 166 would give a weight of 331/166, or 1, while a volume of 167
would yield 332/166, or 2. Calculating the weight in this fashion gives us the fol­
lowing program.
d w e ig h tc
Computes the dimensional weight of a 1 2 ” x 10” x 8 ” box */
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
2 .4
V a ria b le s a n d A s s ig n m e n t hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGF
21 kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTS
int height, length, width, volume, weight;
height = 8;
length = 12;
width = 10;
volume = height * length * width;
weight = (volume + 165) / 166;
printf("Dimensions: %dx%dx%d\n 1', length, width, height);
printf("Volume (cubic inches): %d\n", volume);
printf("Dimensional weight (pounds): %d\n", weight);
The output of the prograin is
Dimensions: 12x10x8
Volume (cubic inches): 960
Dimensional weight (pounds): 6dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
v a ria b ie i n i t i a i i z a t i o n > 7 s . 5
Some variables are automatically set lo zero when a program begins to execute, but
most are not. A variable that doesn’t have a default value and hasn’t yet been
assigned a value by the program is said to be cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Attempting to access the value of an uninitialized variable (for example, by dis­
playing the variable using p r i n t f or using it in an expression) may yield an
unpredictable result such as 2568, -30891, or some equally strange number. With
some compilers, worse behavior— even a program crash— may occur.
We can always give a variable an initial value by using assignment, of course.
But there’s an easier way: put the initial value of the variable in its declaration. For
example, we can declare the h e i g h t variable and initialize it in one step:
int height = 8 ;
In C jargon, the value 8 is said to be an initializer.
Any number of variables can be initialized in the same declaration:
int height = 8, length = 12, width = 10;
Notice that each variable requires its own initializer. In the following example, the
initializer 10 is good only for the variable w i d t h , not for h e i g h t or l e n g t h
(which remain uninitialized):
int height, length, width = 10;
C h a p te r 2
P r in ti n g E x p r e s s io n s onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
p r i n t f isn’t limited to displaying numbers stored in variables; it can display the
value of any
numeric expression. Taking advantage of this property can simplify a
program and reduce the number of variables. For instance, the statements kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQ
volume = height * length * width;
printf("%d\n", volume);
could be replaced by
printf("%d\n", height * length * width);
p r i n t f ’s ability to print expressions illustrates one of C ’s general principles:
W herever a value is needed, any expression o fth e sam e type will do. aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDC
2 .5
R e a d in g In p u t
Because the d w e i g h t . c program calculates the dimensional weight o fju st one
box, it isn’t especially useful. To improve the program, w e’ll need to allow the user
to enter the dimensions.
To obtain input, w e’ll use the s c a n f function, the C library’s counterpart to
p r i n t f . The f in s c a n f , like the f in p r i n t f , stands for “form atted” ; both
s c a n f and p r i n t f require the use of & form at strin g to specify the appearance
of the input or output data, s c a n f needs to know what form the input data will
take,just as p r i n t f needs to know how to display output data.
To read an i n t value, we’d use s c a n f as follows:
scanf("%d", &i);
/* reads an integer; stores into i */
The "%d" string tells s c a n f to read input that represents an integer; i is an i n t
variable into which we want s c a n f to store the input. The & symbol is hard to
explain at this point; for now, I’ll just note that it is usually (but not always)
required when using s c a n f .
Reading a f l o a t value requires a slightly different call of s c a n f :
scanf("%f", &x);
/* reads a float value; stores into x */
%f works only with variables of type f l o a t , so I ’m assuming that x is a f l o a t
variable. The " %f" string tells s c a n f to look for an input value in f l o a t format
(the number may contain a decimal point, but doesn’t have to).
C o m p u tin g th e D im e n s io n a l W e ig h t o f a B o x (R e v is ite d )
Here’s an improved version of the dimensional weight program in which the user
enters the dimensions. Note that each call of s c a n f is immediately preceded by a
D e fin in g N a m e s f o r C o n s ta n ts
2 3 onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXW
call o f p r i n t f . That way, the user will know when to enter input and what input
d w e ig h t2 .c
/* Computes the dimensional weight of a
box from input provided by the user */
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
int height, length, width, volume, weight;
printf("Enter height of box: ");
scanf(”%d”, &height);
printf("Enter length of box: ");
scanf(”%d", &length);
printf("Enter width of box: ");
scanf("%d”, &width);
volume = height * length * width;
weight = (volume + 165) / 166;
printf("Volume (cubic inches): %d\n", volume);
printf("Dimensional weight (pounds): %d\n", weight);
return 0;
The output of the program has the following appearance (input entered by the user
is underlined):
Enter height of box: j3
Enter length of box: 12
Enter width of box: 10
Volume (cubic inches): 960
Dimensional weight (pounds): 6
A message that asks the user to enter input (a p r o m p t ) normally shouldn’t end with
a new-line character, because we wanl lhe user to enter inpul on the sam e line as
the prompt itself. When the user presses the Enter key, the cursor autom atically
moves to the next line— the program doesn't need to display a new-line character
lo terminate the current line.
The d w e i g h t 2 . c program suffers from one problem: it doesn’t work cor­
rectly ifth e userenters nonnum eric input. Section 3.2 discusses this issue in more
2 .6
D e fin in g N a m e s f o r C o n s t a n t s
When a program contains constants, it’s often a good idea to give them names. The
d w e i g h t . c and d w e i g h t 2 . c programs rely on the constant 166, whose m ean­
ing may not be at all clear to someone reading the program later. Using a feature
C h a p te r2
C F u n d a m e n t a ls onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
m a c r o d e f i n i t i o n , we can name this constant: kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
#define INCHES_PER_POUND 166
# d e f i n e is a preprocessing directive,just as # i n c l u d e is, so there’s no sem ico­
lon at the end of the line.
When a program is com piled, the preprocessor replaces each macro by the
value that it represents. For example, the statement
weight = (volume + INCHES_PER_POUND - 1) / INCHES_PER_POUND;
will becom e
weight = (volume + 166 - 1) / 166;
giving the same effect as if w e’d written the latter statem ent in the first place.
The value of a macro can be an expression:
p a r e n t h e s e s in m a c r o s > M . 3
(1.0f / 3.14159f)
If it contains operators; the expression should be enclosed in parentheses.
Notice that w e’ve used only upper-case letters in macro names. This is a con­
vention that most C program m ers follow, not a requirem ent o fth e language. (StiU,
C programmers have been doing this for decades; you w ouldn’t want to be the first
to deviate.)
C o n v e r tin g fr o m F a h r e n h e it to C e ls iu s
The following program prom pts the user to enter a Fahrenheit temperature; it then
prints the equivalent Celsius temperature. The output o fth e program will have the
following appearance (as usual, input entered by the user is underlined):
Enter Fahrenheit temperature: 212
Celsius equivalent: 100.0
The program will allow tem peratures that aren’t integers; that’s why the Celsius
tem perature is displayed as 1 0 0 . 0 instead of 1 0 0 . L et’s look first at the entire
program, then see how it’s put together.BA
/* Converts a Fahrenheit temperature to Celsius */
#include <stdio.h>
#define FREEZING_PT 32.0f
#define SCALE_FACTOR (5.0f / 9.0f)
int main(void)
float fahrenheit, celsius;
printf(”Enter Fahrenheit temperature:
2 ,7
Id e n tifie rs hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGF
2 5 kjihgfedcbaZYXWVU
scanf("%f", &fahrenheit);
celsius = (fahrenheit - FREEZING_PT) * SCALE_FACTOR;
printf("Celsius equivalent: %.lf\n", celsius);
The >statement
celsius = (fahrenheit - FREEZING_PT) * SCALE_FACTOR;
converts the Fahrenheit temperature to Celsius. Since FREEZING_PT stands for
3 2 . 0 f and SCALE_FACTOR stands for ( 5 . 0 f / 9 . 0 f ) , the compiler sees this
statement as
celsius = (fahrenheit - 32.0f) * (5.0f / 9.0f);
Defining SCALE_FACTOR to be ( 5 . 0 f / 9 . 0 f ) instead of (5 / 9) is impor­
tant, because C truncates the result when two integers are divided. The value of
(5 / 9 j would be 0, which definitely isnT what we want.
The call o f p r i n t f writes the Celsius temperature:
printf("Celsius equivalent: %.lf\n", celsius);
Notice the use of %. I f to display c e l s i u s with just one digit after the decimal
2 .7
u n iv e r s a l c h a r a c t e r n a m e s >25.4
Id e n t if ie r s
As w e’re writing a program, w e’ll have to choose names for variables, functions,
macros, and other entities. These names are called cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
identifiers. In C, an identifier
may contain letters, digits, and underscores, but must begin with a letter or underscore. (In C99, identifiers may contain certain “universal character names” as
Here are some examples of legal identifiers:
The following are not legal identifiers:
The symbol 1 0 t i m e s begins with a digit, not a letter or underscore, g e t - n e x t c h a r contains minus sigOns,7 not underscores.
C is case-sensitive: it distinguishes between upper-case and lower-case letters
in identifiers. For example, the following identifiers are all different:
C F u n d a m e n ta ls onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
C h a p te r 2
These eight identifiers could all be used simultaneously, each for a com pletely dif­
ferent purpose. (Talk about obfuscation!) Sensible programmers try to make identi­
fiers look different unless they’re somehow related.
Since case matters in C, many programmers foLlow the convention of using
only lower-case letters in identifiers (other than macros), with underscores inserted
when necessary for legibility:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Other programmers avoid underscores, instead using an upper-case letter to begin
each word within an identifier: ^
(The first letter is sometimes capitalized as well.) Although the former style is
common in traditional C, the latter style is becoming more popular thanks to its
widespread use in Java and C# (and. to a lesser extent. C++). Other reasonable
conventions exist; just be sure to capitalize an identifier the same way each time it
appears in a program.
C places no limit on the maximum length of an identifier, so don’t be afraid to
use long, descriptive names. A name such as c u r r e n t _ p a g e is a lot easier to
understand than a name like c p .
K eyw o rd s
T able 2.1
keyw ords in Table 2.1 have special significance to C compilers and therefore
can’t be used as identifiers. Note that five keywords were added in C99.
------ ;— f—
C99 only
Because o f C ’s case-sensitivity, keywords must appear in programs exactly as
shown in Table 2.1, with all letters in lower case. Names o ffunctions in the stan­
dard library (such as p r i n t f ) contain only lower-case letters also. Avoid the
plight of the unfortunate programmer who enters an entire program in upper case,
only to find that the com piler can’t recognize keywords and calls of library func­
2 .8
2 7 kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTS
L a y o u t o f a C P r o g ra m hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFED
Watch out for other restrictions on identifiers. Some compilers treat certain identi­
fiers (asm , for example) as additional keywords. Identifiers that belong to the stan­
dard library are restricted as well. Accidentally using one of these names can cause
an error during compilation or linking. Identifiers that begin with an underscore
> 2 1 .1
re s tric tio n s o n id e n tifie r s
2 .8
L a y o u t o f a C P ro g ra m
ken s: groups of characters that can’t
We can think of a C program as a series of to
be split up without changing their meaning. Identifiers and keywords are tokens.
So are operators like + and - , punctuation marks such as the com m a and sem ico­
lon, and string literals. For example, the statement
printf(''Height: %d\n", height);
consists of seven tokens:
"Height: %d\n"
Tokens © and ® are identifiers, token ® is a string^»* literal, and tokens ®. @. ©, and
® are punctuation.
The amount of space between tokens in a program isn't critical in most cases.
At one extreme, tokens can be crammed together with no space between them at
all, except where this would cause two tokens to merge into a third token. For
example, we could delete most of the space in the c e l s i u s . c program of Sec­
tion 2.6, provided that we leave space between tokens such as i n t and m a in and
between f l o a t and f a h r e n h e i t :
/* Converts a Fahrenheit temperature to Celsius */
#include <stdio.h>
#define FREEZING_PT 32.0f
#define SCALE_FACTOR (5.0f/9.0f)
int main(void){float fahrenheit,celsius;printf(
"Enter Fahrenheit temperature: ");scanf("%f", &fahrenheit);
printf("Celsius equivalent: %.lf\n", celsius);return 0;)
ln fact, ifth e page were wider, we could put the entire m a in function on a single
Line. We can’t put the whole program on one line, though, because each prepro­
cessing directive requires a separate line.
Com pressing programs in this fashion isn’t a good idea. In fact, adding spaces
and blank lines to a program can make it easier to read and understand. Fortunately,
C h a p te r 2
C allows us to insert any am ount o fsp ace— blanks, tabs, and new-line characters—
between tokens. This rule has several im portant consequences for program layout:cbaZYXWVU
■ Statem ents can be d ivid ed over any number of lines. The following statement,
for example, is so long that it would be hard to squeeze it onto a single line:kjihgfedcbaZ
printf("Dimensional weight (pounds): %d\n",
■ Space betw een tokens makes it easier for the eye to separate them. For this
reason, 1 usually put a space before and after each operator:
volume = height * length * width;
1 also put a space after each comma. Some programmers go even further, put­
ting spaces around parentheses and other punctuation.
■ Indentation can m ake nesting easier to spot. For example, we should indent
declarations and statem ents to make it clear that they’re nested inside m a in .
■ B lank lines can divide a program into logical units, making it easier for the
reader to discern the program ’s structure. A program with no blank lines is as
hard to read as a book with no chapters.
The c e l s i u s . c program of Section 2.6 illustrates several of these guide­
lines. L et’s take a closer look at the m a in function in that program:
int main(void)
float fahrenheit, celsius;
printf("Enter Fahrenheit temperature:
scanf("%f", &fahrenheit);
celsius = (fahrenheit - FREEZING_PT)
printf("Celsius equivalent: %.lf\n'\ celsius);
return 0;
First, observe how the space around =, - , and * makes these operators stand out.
Second, notice how the indentation of declarations and statements makes it obvi­
ous that they all belong to m a in . Finally, note how blank lines divide m a i n into
five parts: (1) declaring the f a h r e n h e i t and c e l s i u s variables; (2) obtaining
the Fahrenheit temperature; (3) calculating the value of c e l s i u s ; (4) printing the
Celsius temperature; and (5) returning to the operating system.
W hile w e’re on the subject of program layout, notice how I’ve placed the {
token underneath m a in () and put the matching } on a separate line, aligned with
{. Putting } on a separate line lets us insert or delete statem ents at the end of the
function; aligning it with { makes it easy to spot the end o f m a in .
A final note: Although extra spaces can be added betw een tokens, it’s not pos-
wiihin a token without changing the meaning of the program or
causing an error. Writing kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
fl oat fahrenheit, celsius;
/*** WRONG ***/
oat fahrenheit, celsius;
/*** WRONG ***/
produces an error when the program is compiled. Putting a space inside a string lit­
eral is allowed, although it changes the meaning of the string. However, putting a
new-line character in a string (in other words, splitting the string over two lines) is
printf("To C, or not to C:
that is the question.\n");
c o n iin u in g a s tr in g > 7 3 j
/*** WRONG ***/
Continuing a string from one line to the next requires a special technique that w e'llhgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQ
learn in a later chapter.aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
W h a t d o e s G C C s ta n d fo r ? [p . 1 1 ]
GCC originally stood for “GNU G compiler.” It now stands for “GNU G om piler
Collection,” because the current version o fG C C compiles programs written in a
variety oflanguages. including Ada. C. C++. Fortran. Java, and Objective-C.
O K , s o w h a t d o e s G N U s ta n d fo r ?
GNU stands for “G N U ’s Not UNIX!'" (and is pronounced guh-NEW> by the way).
GNU is a project of the Free Software Foundation, an organization set up by Rich­
ard M. Stallman as a protest against the restrictions of licensed UNIX software.
According to its web site, the Free Software Foundation believes that users should
be free to “run. copy, distribute, study, change and im prove” software. The GNU
Project has rewritten much traditional UNIX software from scratch and made it
publicly available at no charge.
GCC and other GNU software are crucial to Linux. Linux itself is only the
“kernel” of an operating system (the part that handles program scheduling and
basic I/O services): the GNU software is necessary to have a fully functional oper­
ating system.
For more information on the GNU Project, visit w w w .gm
W h a t ’s th e b ig d e a l a b o u t G C C , a n y w a y ?
GCC is significant for many reasons, not least the fact that it’s free and capable of
compiling a number of languages. It runs under many operating systems and gen­
erates code for many different CPUs, including all the widely used ones. GCC is
C h a p te r 2
C F u n d a m e n ta ls onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
the primary compiler for many UNIX-based operating systems, including Linux,
BSD, and Mac OS X, and it’s used extensively for commercial software develop­
ment. For more information about GCC, visit cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
H o w g o o d is G C C a t fin d in g e r r o r s in p r o g r a m s ?
GCC has various command-line options that control how thoroughly il checks pro­
grams. When these options are used, GCC is quite good at finding potential trouble
spots in a program. Here are some of the more popular options:
-W a ll
-p e d a n tic
-a n si
-s td = c 8 9
-s td = c 9 9
Causes the compiler to produce warning messages when it
detects possible errors. (-W can be followed by codes for
specific warnings; - W a l l means u all -W options.” ) Should
be used in conjunction with - 0 for maximum effect.
Issues additional warning messages beyond diose produced
by - W a ll.
Issues all warnings required by the C standard. Causes pro­
grams that use nonstandard features to be rejected.
Turns off features of GCC that aren’t standard C and enables
a few standard features that are normally disabled.
Specifies which version of C the compiler should use to
check the program.
These options are often used in combination:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
% gcc -0 -Wall -W -pedantic -ansi -std=c99 -o pun pun.c
W h y is C s o te r s e ? I t s e e m s a s th o u g h p r o g r a m s w o u ld b e m o r e r e a d a b le i f C
u s e d b e g i n a n d e n d in s te a d o f { a n d } , i n t e g e r in s te a d o f i n t , a n d so
fo r th , [p . 12]
Legend has it that the brevity o fC programs is due to the environment that existed
in Bell Labs at the tim e the language was developed. The first C com piler ran on a
DEC P D P -11 (an early minicomputer); programmers used a teletype— essentially
a typewriter connected to a computer— to enter programs and print listings.
Because teletypes were very slow (they could print only 10 characters per second),
minimizing the number ofcharacters in a program was clearly advantageous.
In s o m e C b o o k s , th e m a i n fu n c tio n e n d s w ith e x i t ( 0 ) in s te a d o f r e t u r n
0 . A r e th e s e th e s a m e ? [p . 1 4 ]
When they appear inside m a in , these statements are indeed equivalent: both ter­
minate the program, returning the value 0 to the operating system. Which one lo
use is mostly a matter of taste.
W h a t h a p p e n s i f a p r o g r a m r e a c h e s th e e n d o f th e m a i n fu n c tio n w it h o u t e x e ­
c u tin g a r e t u r n s ta te m e n t? [p . 14 ]
The r e t u r n statement isn’t mandatory; if it’s missing, the program will still ter-
minate. ln C89, the value returned to the operating system is undefined. In C99, if
m a in is declared to return an i n t (as in our examples), the program returns 0 to
the operating system; otherwise, the program returns an unspecified value.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFED
D o e s th e c o m p ile r r e m o v e a c o m m e n t e n tir e ly o r r e p la c e it w ith b la n k s p a c e ?
Some old C compilers deleted all the characters in each comment, making it possi­
a/**/b = 0;
and have the compiler interpret it as
ab = 0 ;
According to thc C standard, however, the compiler must replace each comment by
a single space character, so this trick doesn’t work. Instead, we’d end up with the
following (illegal) statement:
a b = 0;
H o w c a n I tell if m y p r o g r a m h a s a n u n te r m in a te d c o m m e n t?
If you’re lucky, the program w on't compile because the comment has rendered the
program illegal. Ifth e program does compile, there are several techniques that you
can use. Stepping through the program line by line with a debugger will reveal if
any lines are being skipped. Some IDEs display comments in a distinctive color to
distinguish them from surrounding code. Ify o u 're using such an environment, you
can easily spot unterminated comments, since program text will have a different
color if it's accidentally included in a comment. A program such as l i n t can also
iin t> /.2
Is it leg a l to n e s t o n e c o m m e n t in s id e a n o th e r ?
Old-style comments ( / * ... * / ) can’t be nested. For instance, the following code
is illegal:
/*** WRONG ***/
The * / symbol on the second line matches the / * symbol on the first line, so the
compiler will flag the * / symbol on the third line as an error.
C ’s prohibition against nested comments can sometimes be a problem. Sup­
pose we’ve written a long program containing many short comments. To disable a
portion of the program temporarily (during testing, say), our first impulse is to
“comment out” the offending lines with / * and * / . Unfortunately, this method
won’t work if the lines contain old-style comments. C99 comments (those begin­
ning with / / ) can be nested inside old-style comments, however— another advan­
ge to usinos this kind ofcom m ent.
C h a p te r 2
C F u n d a m e n ta ls onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Ln any event, there’s a better way to disable portions of a program , as w e’ll see aZYXWV
d is a b lin g c o d e >
M .4
W h e r e d o e s th e f l o a t ty p e g e t its n a m e ? [p . 17]
f l o a t is short for “floating-point,” a technique for storing numbers in which the
decimal point “floats.” A f l o a t value is usually stored in two parts: the fraction
(or mantissa) and the exponent. The number 12.0 might be stored as 1.5 x 2 3 , for
example, where 1.5 is the fraction and 3 is the exponent. Some program m ing lan­
guages call this type r e a l instead of f l o a t .
W h y d o fl o a ti n g -p o in t c o n s t a n ts n e e d to e n d w ith th e le tt e r f ? [p . 19]
For the fuU explanation, see Chapter 7. H ere’s the short answer: a constant that
contains a decimal point but doesn’t end with f has type d o u b l e (short for “dou­
ble precision”), d o u b l e values are stored more accurately than f l o a t values.
Moreover, d o u b l e values can bc larger than f l o a t values, which is why we
need to add the letter f when assigning to a f l o a t variable. W ithout the f , a
warning may be generated about the possibility of a number being stored into a
f l o a t variable that exceeds the capacity o fth e variable.
*Q :
e x te m a iiin k a g e > /s .2
Is it r e a lly tr u e th a t t h e r e ’s n o lim it o n th e le n g th o f an id e n t if ie r ? [p . 2 6 ]
Yes and no. The C89 standard says that identifiers may be arbitrarily long. How­
ever, com pilers are only required to rem em ber the first31 characters (63 characters
in C99). Thus, if two names begin with the same 31 characters, a com piler might
be unable to disting^^uish between them.
To make matters even more complicated, there are special rules for identifiers
with external linkage; most function names fall into this category. Since these
names must be made available to the linker, and since some older linkers can han­
dle only short names, only the first six characters are significant in C89. Moreover,
the case of letters may not matter. As a result. ABCDEFG and a b c d e f h might be
treated as the same name. (In C99, the first 31 characters are significant, and the
case of letters is taken into account.)
Most compilers and linkers are more generous than the standard, so these rules
aren’t a problem in practice. Don’t worry about making identifiers too long—
worry about making them too short.
H o w m a n y s p a c e s s h o u ld I u se fo r in d e n ta tio n ? [p . 28 ]
T hat’s a tough question. Leave too little space, and the eye has trouble detecting
indentation. Leave too much, and lines run off the screen (or page). Many C pro­
grammers indent nested statements eight spaces (one tab stop), which is probably
too much. Studies have shown that the optimum amount of indentation is three
spaces, but many programmers feel uncomfortable with numbers that aren’t a
power of two. Although 1 normally prefer to indent three or four spaces. I ’ll use
two spaces in this book so that my programs will fit within the margins.
E x e rc is e s hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHG
E x e r c is e s
S e c t i o n 2 .1
Create and run Kemighan and Ritchie’s famous “hello, world" program:
# in c lu d e
< s td io .h >
i n t m a in (v o id )
p rin tf(" h e llo ,
w o rld \n " );
Do you gct a warning message from the compiler? Ifso , what’s needed to make it go away?
S e c tio n 2 .2
C onsiderihefollow ingprogram :
# in c lu d e
< s td io .h >
i n t m a in (v o id )
p r i n t f ( * 'P a r k i n s o n * s L a w :\n W o rk e x p a n d s s o a s
p r i n t f ( " f i l l th e tim e \n " ) ;
p r i n t f ( " a v a i l a b l e f o r i t s c o m p le tio n .\n " ) ;
r e t u r n 0;
(a) Identify the directives and statements in this program.
(b) What output does the program produce?
S e c tio n 2 .4
S e c tio n 2 .7
Condense the d w e i g h t . c program by (!) replacing the assignments to h e i g h t ,
l e n g t h , and w i d t h with initializers and (2) removing the w e i g h t variable, instead cal­
culating (v o lu m e 4 -1 6 5 ) / 1 6 6 within the l a s t p r i n t f .
Write a program that declares several i n t and f l o a t variables— without initializing
them— and then prints their values. Is there any pattern to the values? (Usually there isn’t.)
Which of the following are not legal
1 0 0 _ b o ttle s
_ 1 0 0 _ b o ttle s
o n e __ h u n d r e d __ b o t t l e s
b o ttle s _ b y _ th e _ h u n d re d _
Why is it not a good idea for an identifier to contain more than one adjacent underscore (as
in c u r r e n t
b a l a n c e , for example)?
Which of the following are keywords in C?
fo r
m a in
p rin tf
w h ile
© A nsw er available on the Web at cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
C h a p te r 2
C F u n d a m e n ta ls
S e c tio n 2.8 onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
How many tokens are there in the following statem ent? kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Insert spaces between the tokens in Exercise 8 to make the statement easier to read.
In the d w e i g h t . c program (Section 2.4). which spaces are essential? aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
P r o g r a m m in g P r o je c t s
Write a program that uses p r i n t f to display the following picture on the screen:
* *
W rite a program that computes the volume o f a sphere with a 10-meter radius, using the for­
mula v = 4/3jr/^. Write the fraction 4/3 as 4 . 0 f / 3 . 0 f . (Try writing it as 4 / 3 . W hat hap­
H int: C doesn't have an exponentiation operaton so you'll need to multiply r by itself
twice to compute A
Modify the program of Programming Project 2 so that it prompts the user to enter the radius
o f the sphere.
Write a program that asks the user to enter a dollars-and-cents amount, then displays the
amount with 5% tax added:
Enter an amount: 100.00
With tax added: $105.00
W rite a program that asks the user to enter a value for .v and then displays the value o f the
following polynomial:
3.v5 + 2x 4 - 5.v3 - x 2 + 7 r - 6
H int: C doesn’t have an exponentiation operator, so you’ll need to multiply .v by itself
repeatedly in order lo compute the powers o f i . (For exam ple, x * x * x is x cubed.)
M odify the program of Program ming Project 5 so that the polynomial is evaluated using the
following formula:
((((3A + 2).v-5)A *-I).r + 7 ).v -6
Note that the modified program perform s fewer multiplications. This technique for evaluat­
ing polynomials is known as H o r n e r ’s R u le .
W rite a program that asks the user to enter a U.S. dollar amount and then shows how to pay
that amount using the smallest num ber ofS 20, $10, $5, and $1 bills:
Enter a dollar amount: 93
P r o g ra m m in g P ro je c ts hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFE
Divide the amount by 20 to determine the number of$ 2 0 bills needed, and then reduce
the amount by the total value of the $20 bills. Repeat for the other bill sizes. Be sure to use
integer values throughout, not floating-point numbers.
W rite a program that calculates the remaining balance on a loan after the first, second, and
third monthly payments:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Enter amount of loan: 20000.00
Enter interest rate: 6.0
Enter monthly payment: 386.66
Balance remaining after first payment: $19713.34
Balance remaining after second payment: $19425.25
Balance remaining after third payment: $19135.71
Display each balance with two digits after the decimal point. Hint: Each month, the balance
is decreased by the amount of the payment, but increased by lhc balance times the monthly
interest rate. To find the monthly interest rate, convert the interest rate entered by the user to
a percentage and divide it by 12.
F o r m a t te d ln p u t /O u t p u t
In s e e k in g th e u n a tta in a b le , s im p lic it y o n ly g e t s in th e w a y onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVU
s c a n f and p r i n t f , which support form atted reading and writing, are two of the
most frequently used functions in C. As this chapter shows, both are powerful but
tricky to use properly. Section 3.1 describes p r i n t f , and Section 3.2 covers
s c a n f . Neither section gives com plete details, which will have to wait until Chap­
ter 22.
T h e p r in tfF u n c tio n
The p r i n t f function is designed to display the contents o f a siring, known as the cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONML
fo r m a t strin g, with values possibly inserted at specified points in the string. When
it’s called, p r i n t f must be supplied with the format string, followed by any val­
ues that are to be inserted into the string during printing:hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
p r in tf( s m n g ,
e x p r^
e x p r - i,
The values displayed can be constants, variables, or more com plicated expressions.
There's no limit on the number o f values that can be printed by a single call of
p rin tf.
The format string may contain both ordinary characters and co n version sp e ci­
fic a tio n s , which begin with the % character. A conversion specification is a place­
holder representing a value to be filled in during printing. The inform ation that
follows the % character specifies how thc value is converted from its intemal form
(binary) to printed form (characters)— that’s where the term ' ‘conversion specifica­
tion” comes from. For exam ple. the conversion specification %d specifies that
p r i n t f is to convert an i n t value from binary to a string of decimal digits, while
%f does the same for a f l o a t value.
C h a p te r 3
F o rm a tte d ln p u t/O u tp u t
Ordinary characters in a format string are printed exactly as they appear in the
string; conversion specifications are replaced by the values to be printed. Consider
the following example:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
int i , j ;
float x, y;
printf("i = %d, j = %d, x = %f, y = %f\n", i, j z x, y);
This call of p r i n t f produces the following output:
i = 10, j = 20, x = 43.289200, y = 5527.000000
The ordinary characters in the format string are simply copied to the output line.
The four conversion specifications are replaced by the values of the variables i , j ,
x . and y, in that order.
C com pilers aren’t required to check that the num ber o f conversion specifications
in a form at string matches the num ber of output items. The following call of
p r i n t f has more conversion specifications than values to be printed:
printf("%d %d\n", i);
/*** WRONG ***/
p r i n t f will print the value of i correctly, then print a second (m eaningless) inte­
ger value. A call with too few conversion specifications has sim ilar problem s:
printf("%d\n", i, j);
/*** WRONG ***/
ln this case, p r i n t f prints the value of i but doesn’t show the value of j .
Furtherm ore, compilers aren’t required to check that a conversion specifica­
tion is appropriate for the type of item being printed. If the program m er uses an
incorrect specification, the program will simply produce m eaningless output. Con­
sider the following call o f p r i n t f , in which the i n t variable i and the f l o a t
variable x are in the wrong^* order:
printf("%f %d\n", i, x);
/*** WRONG ***/
Since p r i n t f must obey the form at string, it will dutifully display a f l o a t
value, followed by an i n t value. Unfortunately, both will be meaningless.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPO
C o n v e r s io n S p e c ific a tio n s
Conversion specifications give the program m er a great deal of control over the
appearance ofoutput. On the other hand, they can be com plicated and hard to read.
In fact, describing conversion specifications in com plete detail is too arduous a
3 9 onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVU
The p r i n t f Function hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFE
task to tackle this early in the book. Instead, w e’llju st take a brief look at some of
their more important capabilities.
In Chapter 2, we saw that a conversion specification can include formatting
information. In particular, we used %. I f to display a f l o a t value with one digit
after the decimal point. More generally, a conversion specification can have the
form % m .p X or % -/n.pX , where m and p are integer constants and X is a letter.
Both m and p are optional; if p is omitted, the period that separates m and p is also
dropped. In the conversion specification % 10. 2 f . m is 10, p is 2, and X is f . In
the specification % 10f. ni is 10 and p (along with the period) is missing, but in the
specification %. 2 f , p is 2 and in is missing.
The m in iin u m fie ld width, ni. specifies the minimum number ofcharacters to
print. If the value to be printed requires fewer than m characters, the value is rightjustified within the field. (In other words, extra spaces precede the value.) For
example, the specification %4d would display the number 123 as « 1 2 3 . (In this
chapter, I’ll use • to represent the space character.) If the value to be printed
requires more than in characters, the field width automatically expands to the nec­
essary size. Thus, the specification %4d would display the number 12345 as
1 2 3 4 5 — no digits are lost. Putting a minus sign in front of m causes leftjustification; the specification % -4d would display 123 as 1 2 3 * .
The meaning of the p recisio n , p, isnT as easily described, since it depends on
the choice ofX , the conversion specifier, X indicates which conversion should be
applied to the value before it’s printed. The most common conversion specifiers for
d — Displays an integer in decimal (base 10) form, p indicates the minimum
number of digits to display (extra zeros are added to the beginning of the num­
ber if necessary); if/? is omitted, it is assumed to have the value 1. (In other
words, %d is the same as %. Id .)
e — Displays a floating-point number in exponential format (scientific nota­
tion). p indicates how many digits should appear after the decimal point (the
default is 6). I f ^ is 0, the decimal point is not displayed.
■ f — Displays a floating-point number in “fixed decim al” format, without an
exponent, p has the same meaning as for the e specifier.
g — Displays a floating-point number in either exponential format or fixed
decimal format, depending on the num ber’s size, p indicates the maximum
number of significant digits (not digits after the decimal point) to be dis­
played. Unlike the f conversion, the g conversion w on’t show trailing zeros.
Furthermore, if the value to be printed has no digits after the decimal point, g
doesn’t display the decimal point.
The g specifier is especially useful for displaying numbers whose size can’t be
predicted when the program is written or that tend to vary widely in size. When
used to print a moderately large or moderately small number, the g specifier uses
fixed decimal format. But when used to print a very large or very small number,
the g specifier switches to exponential format so that the number will require fewer
C h a p te r 3
F o rm a tt e d ln p u t/O u tp u t aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
s p e c i f i e r s fo r I n t e g e r s > 7 . BA
s p e c ifie r s fo r flo a ts >
s p e c ifie r s fo r c h a r a c t e r s > 7 . 3
s p e c i f i e r s fo r s t r in g s >
There are many other specifiers besides %d. %e. %f. and %g. Tll gradually
introduce many of them in subsequent chapters. For lhe full list, and for a complete
explanation of the other capabilities of conversion specifications, consult Section
U s in g p r i n t f to F o r m a t N u m b e r s
The following program illustrates the use o f p r i n t f to print integers and float­
ing-point numbers in various formats.kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
/* Prints int and float values in various formats */
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
int i ;
float X;
i = 40;
x = 839.21f;
printf(" %d|%5d %-5d|%5.3d|\n", i, i, i, i);
printf(” %10.3f %10.3e|%-10g|\n", x, x, x);
return 0;
The | characters in the p r i n t f format strings are there merely to help show
how much space each number occupies when printed; unlike % or \ , the | charac­
ter has no special significance to p r i n t f . The output of this program is:
| 040|
839.210| 8.392e+02|839.21
Let’s take a closer look at the conversion specifications used in this program:
■ %d —
Displays i in decimal form, using a minimum amount of space.
■ % 5d — Displays i in decimal form, using a minimum of five characters.
Since i requires only two characters, three spaces were added.
■ % - 5d — Displays i in decimal form, using a minimum of five characters;
since the value of i doesn’t require five characters, the spaces are added after­
ward (that is, i is left-justified in a field of length five).
% 5. 3 d — Displays i in decimal form, using a minimum of five characters
overall and a minimum of three digits. Since i is only two digits long, an extra
zero was added to guarantee three digits. The resulting number is only three
characters long, so two spaces were added, for a total of five characters ( i is
% 1 0 .3 f — Displays x in fixed decimal form, using 10 characters overall,
T he p r i n t f Function onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJI
with three digits after the decim al point. Sincc x requires only seven charac­
ters (three before the decimal point, three after the decimal point, and one for
the decimal point itself), three spaces precede x.
■ % 1 0. 3 e — Displays x in exponential form, using 10 characters overaU, with
three digits after the decim al point, x requires nine characters altogether
(including the exponent), so one space precedes x.
% -1 0 g — Displays x in either fixed decimal form or exponential form, using
10 characters overall, fn this case, p r i n t f chose to display x in fixed deci­
mal form. The presence of the minus sign forces left justification, so x is fol­
lowed by four spaces.
E scap e S eq uen ces
The \ n code that we often use in format strings is called an escape se q u e n c e .
Escape sequences enable strings lo contain characters that would otherw ise cause
problem s for the compiler, including nonprinting (control) characters and charac­
ters that have a special meaning to the com piler (such as "). W e’ll provide a com ­
plete list ofescape sequences later; for now, here’s a sample:
escape sequences> 7 .3 dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Alert (bell)
New line
H orizontaltab
When they appear in p r i n t f format strings, these escape sequences represent
actions to perform upon printing. Printing \ a causes an audible beep on most
machines. Printing \ b moves the cursor back one position. Printing \ n advances
the cursor to the be ^g**inning^>* of thiwe' next line. Printing \ t moves the cursor to the
next tab stop.
A string may contain any num ber ofescape sequences. Consider the following
p r i n t f exam ple, in which the form at string contains six escape sequences:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLK
printf ("Item\tUnit\tPurchase\n\tPrice\tDate\n") ;
Executing this statement prints a tw o-line heading:
Another common escape sequence is \ ” . which represents the ” character.
Since the ” character marks the beginning and end of a string, it can’t appear
within a string without the use of this escape sequence. H ere’s an example:
printf(”\ "Hello!\"");
This statement produces the following output:
F o rm a tte d ln p u t/O u tp u t onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
C h a p te r 3
Incidentally, you can’t just put a single \ character in a string; the com piler
will assume that it’s the beginning of an escape sequence. To print a single \ char­
acter, put two \ characters in the string:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
3 .2
/* prints one \ character */aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
T h e s c a n f F u n c t io n
Just as p r i n t f prints output in a specified format, s c a n f reads input according
lo a particular format. A s c a n f format string, like a p r i n t f format string, may
contain both ordinary characters and conversion specifications. The conversions
allowed with s c a n f are essentially the same as those used with p r i n t f .
In many cases, a s c a n f format string will contain only conversion specifica­
tions, as in the following example:
int i , j ;
float x, y;
&i, &j, &x, &y);
Suppose that the user enters the following input line:
1 -20 .3 -4.0e3
s c a n f will read the line, converting its characters to the numbers they represent,
and then assign 1, -2 0 , 0.3, and ^4000.0 to i , j , x , and y, respectively. “Tightly
packed” format strings like "%<d%d%f%f" are common in s c a n f calls, p r i n t f
form at strings are less likely to have adjacent conversion specifications.
s c a n f , like p r i n t f , contains several traps for the unwary. When using
s c a n f , the programmer must check that the number ofconversion specifications
matches the number of input variables and that each conversion is appropriate for
the corresponding variable— as with p r i n t f , the compiler isn’t required to check
for a possible mismatch. Another trap involves the & symbol, which normally pre­
cedes each variable in a s c a n f call. The & is usually (but not always) required,
and it’s the program m er’s responsibility to remember to use it.
Forgetting to put the & symbol in front of a variable in a call of s c a n f will have
unpredictable— and possibly disastrous— results. A program crash is a common
outcome. At the very least, the value that is read from the input w on’t be stored in
the variable; instead, the variable will retain its old value (which may be meaning­
less if the variable wasn’t given an initial value). Omitting the & is an extremely
common error— be careful! Some compilers can spot this error and produce a
“fo rm a t argum ent is not a pointer." (The term p o in ter is
warning message such as cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
defined in Chapter 11; the & symbol is used to create a pointer to a variable.) lfyou
get a warning, check for a missing &.
3 .2
d e t e c i i n g e r r o r s in s c a n f > 2 2 . 3
T h e s c a n f F u n c tio n onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLK
Calling s c a n f is a powerful but unforgiving way to read data. Many profes­
sional C programmers avoid s c a n f , instead reading all data in characterform and
converting it to numeric form later. W e’ll use s c a n f quite a bit, especially in the
early chapters of this book, because it provides a simple way to read numbers. Be
aware, however, that many of our programs won’t behave properly if the user
enters unexpected input. As w e’ll see later, it’s possible to have a program testhgfedcbaZYXWVUTSR
whether s c a n f successfully read the requested data (and attempt to recover if it
didn’t). Such tests are impractical for the programs in this book— they would add
too many statements and obscure the point of the examples.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
H ow s c a n f W orks
s c a n f can actually do much more than I've indicated so far. It is essentially a
“pattern-m atching’’ function that tries to match up groups of input characters with
conversion specifications.
Like the p r i n t f function, s c a n f is controlled by the format string. When it
is called, s c a n f begins processing the information in the string, starting at the
left. For each conversion specification in the format string, s c a n f tries to locate
an item o fth e appropriate type in the input data, skipping blank space if necessary,
s c a n f then reads the item, stopping when it encounters a character that can’t pos­
sibly belong to the item. If the item was read successfully, s c a n f continues pro­
cessing the rest of the format string. If any item is not read successfully, s c a n f
returns immediately without looking at the rest of the format string (or the remain­
ing input data).
As it searches for the beginning of a number, s c a n f ignores RQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
w h ite - s p a c e
c h a r a c t e r s (the space, horizontal and vertical tab, form-feed, and new-line charac­
ters). As a result, numbers can be put on a single line or spread out over several
lines. Consider the following call of s c a n f :
scanf("% d% d% f% f", & i, & j, &x, &y);
Suppose that the user enters three lines of input:
- 20
- 4. 0e3
s c a n f sees one continuous stream ofcharacters:
• • i a- 20<* * . 3 a * <<- 4 . 0e3O
(I’m using • to represent the space character and ° to represent the new-line char­
acter.) Since it skips over white-space characters as it looks for the beginning of
each number, s c a n f will be able to read the numbers successfully. In the follow­
ing diagram, an s under a character indicates that it was skipped, and an r indi­
cates it was read as part of an input item:
• • 1 O- 20* * * . 3D* e>- 4. 0e3O
ssr sr r r sssr r s sssr r r r r r
C h a p te r 3
r m a t t e d ln p u t / O u t p u t
s c a n f “peeks” at the final new-line character without actually reading it. This
new-line will be the first character read by the next call of s c a n f .
W hat rules does s c a n f follow to recognize an integer or a floating-point
num ber? W hen asked to read an integer, s c a n f first searches for a digit, a plus
s^ign; it then reads d^zigits until it reaches a nond^^igit. W hen asked to
*n , or a minus C
read a floating-point number, s c a n f looks for
a plus or minus sign (optional), followed by
a series of digits (possibly containing a decimal point), followed by
an exponent (optional). An exponent consists o f the letter e (or E). an optional
sigfc^n, and one or m^o^ re digits,
The %e,7 %f,7 and %^qJ conversions are in&terchangeable when used with s c a n f : all
three follow the same rules for recognizing a floating-point number.
When s c a n f encounters a character that can ’t be part o f the current item, the
character is “put back” to be read again during the scanning o f th e next input item
or during the next call o f s c a n f . Consider the following (adm ittedly pathological)
arrang&em ent of our four numbers:
l - 20. 3- 4. 0e3O
Let’s use the same call of s c a n f as before:
scanf("% d% d% f% f",
& i,
& j,
&x, & y);
H ere’s how s c a n f would process the new input:
Conversion specification: %d. The first nonblank input character is 1; since
integers can begin with 1, s c a n f then reads the next character, - . Recogniz­
ing that - can’t appear inside an integer, s c a n f stores 1 into i and puts the character back.
■ Conve rsion specification: %d. s c a n f then reads thecharacters - , 2. 0, and .
(period). Since an integer can’t contain a decimal point, s c a n f stores -2 0
into j and puts the . character back.
Conversion specification: %f. s c a n f reads the characters ., 3, and - . Since a
floating-point num ber can’t contain a minus sign after a digit, s c a n f stores
0.3 into x and puts the - character back.
Conversion specification: %f. Lastly, s c a n f reads the characters - . 4, ., 0,
e, 3, and o (new-line). Since a floating-point num ber can ’t contain a new-line
character, s c a n f stores ^ L 0 x 10* into y and puts the new-line character
In this example, s c a n f was able to match every conversion specification in the
form at string with an input item. Since the new-line character w asn't read, it will
be left for the next call of s c a n f .
3 .2
T h e s c a n f F u n c tio n hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFED
O r d in a r y C h a r a c te r s in F o r m a t S t r in g s onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
The concept of pattern-matching can be taken one step further by writing format
strings that contain ordinary characters in addition to conversion specifications.
The action that s c a n f takes when it processes an ordinary character in a format
string depends on whether or not it’s a white-space character.cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
■ W hite-space characters. When it encounters one or more consecutive white­
space characters in a format string, s c a n f repeatedly reads white-space char­
acters from the input until it reaches a non-white-space character (which is
“put back”). The number of white-space characters in the format string is
irrelevant; one white-space character in the format string will match any num­
ber of white-space characters in the input. (Incidentally, putting a white-space
character in a format string doesn’t force the input to contain white-space
characters. A white-space character in a format string matches any number of
white-space characters in the input, including none.)
■ O ther characters. When it encounters a non-white-space character in a format
string, s c a n f compares it with the next input character. If the two characters
match, s c a n f discards the input character and continues processing the for­
mat string. If the characters don’t match, s c a n f puts the offending character
back into the input, then aborts without further processing the format string or
reading characters from the input.
For example, suppose that the format string is ” % d/% d". If the input is kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJ
s c a n f skips the first space while looking for an integer, matches %d with 5,
matches / with / , skips a space while looking for another integer, and matches %d
with 96. On the other hand, if the input is
s c a n f skips one space, matches %d with 5, then attempts to match the / in the
format string with a space in the input. There’s no match, so s c a n f puts the space
back; the < /* 9 6 characters remain to be read by the next call of s c a n f . To allow
spaces after the first number, we should use the format string " %d / %d” instead.
C o n f u s i n g p r i n t f w ith s c a n f
Although calls of s c a n f and p r i n t f may appear similar, there are significant
differences between the two functions; ignoring these differences can be hazardous
to the health of your program.
One common mistake is to put & in front ofvariables in a call o f p r i n t f :
printf("%d %d\n'\ &i, &j);
/*** WRONG ***/
C h a p te r 3
F o rm a tte d ln p u t/O u tp u t onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Fortunately, this mistake is fairly easy to spot: p r i n t f will display a couple of
odd-looking numbers instead of the values of i and j .
Since s c a n f normally skips white-space characters when looking for data
items,' there's often no need for a formalK~Jsiring to include characters other lhan
conversion specifications. Incorrectly assuming lhal s c a n f format strings should
resemble p r i n t f format strings— another common error— may cause s c a n f to
behave in unexpected ways. Let's see what happens when the following call of
s c a n f is executed:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
scanf("%d, %d", &i, &j);
s c a n f will first look for an integer in the input, which it stores in the variable i .
s c a n f will then try to match a comma with the next input character. Ifth e next
input character is a space, not a comma, s c a n f will terminate without reading a
value for j .
Although p r i n t f format strings often end with \ n , putting a new-line character
al the end of a s c a n f format string is usually a bad idea. To s c a n f , a new-line
character in a format siring is equivalent to a space; both cause s c a n f to advance
to the next non-white-space character. For example, if the form at string is
" % d \n " , s c a n f will skip white space, read an integer, then skip to the next non­
white-space character. A format string like this can cause an interactive program to
“hangc ” until the user enters a nonblank character,
A d d in g F r a c ti o n s
To illustrate s c a n f ’s ability to match patterns, consider the problem of reading a
fraction entered by the user. Fractions are customarily written in the form cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONML
m tm eraiorldenom inator. Instead of having the user enter the num erator and denominator
o f a fraction as separate integers, s c a n f makes it possible to read Lhe entire frac­
tion. The following program, which adds two fractions, illustrates this technique.BA
/* Adds two fractions */
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
int numl, denoml, num2, denom2, result_num, result_denom;
printf("Enter first fraction: ");
scanf(**%d/%d", &numl, &denoml);
printf("Enter second fraction: ");
scanf("%d/%d", &num2, &denom2);
result num = numl * denom2 + num2 * denoml;
4 7 kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQ
result_denom = denoml * denom2;
printf(”The sum is %d/%d\n", result_num, result_denom);
A session with this program might have the following appearance:
Enter first fraction: 5/6
Enter second fraction: 3/4
The sum is 38/24
Note that the resulting fraction isn’t reduced to lowest terms.aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Q & A
*Q :
I ’v e s e c n th e % i c o n v e r sio n u s e d to r e a d a n d w r ite in te g e r s . W h a t ’s th e d if f e r ­
e n c e b e tw e e n % i a n d %d? [p. 3 9 ]
o c ta in u m b e r s > 7 j
h e x a d e c im a in u m b e r s > 7 . ;
ln a p r i n t f format string, there’s no difference between the two. In a s c a n f for­
mat string, however, %d can only match an integer written in decimal (base 10) hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPO
form. while %i can match an integer expressed in octal (base 8). decimal, or hexadecimal (base 16). Ifa n input number has a 0 prefix (as in 0 5 6 ), %i treats it as an
octal number; if it has a 0x or 0X prefix (as in 0 x 5 6 ), %i treats it as a hex number.
Using %i instead of %d to read a number can have surprising results if the user
should accidentally put 0 at thc beginning of thc number. Because of this trap, I
recommend sticking with %d.
I f p r i n t f tr e a ts % a s th e b e g in n in g o f a c o n v e r s io n s p e c ifi c a tio n , h o w c a n I
p r in t th e % c h a r a c te r ?
I f p r i n t f encounters two consecutive % characters in a format siring, it prints a
single % character. For example, the statement
printf("Net profit: %d%%\n", profit);
might print
Net profit: 10%
T h e \ t e s c a p e is s u p p o s e d to c a u s e p r i n t f to a d v a n c e to th e n e x t ta b s to p .
H o w d o I k n o w h o w fa r a p a r t ta b s to p s a r e ? [p . 4 1 ]
You don't. The effect of printing \ t isn’t defined in C; il depends on what your
operating system does when asked to prim a tab character. Tab stops are typically
eight characters apart, but C makes no guarantee.
W h a t d o e s s c a n f d o if i t ’s a s k e d to r e a d a n u m b e r b u t th e u s e r e n te r s n o n n u ­
m e r ic in p u t?
C h a p te r 3
F o r m a tte d ln p u t/O u tp u t onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Let’s look at the following example:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
printf("Enter a number:
scanf("%d”, &i);
Suppose that the user enters a valid number, followed by nonnumeric characters:
Enter a number: 23foo
In this case, s c a n f reads the 2 and the 3. storing*fc^ 23 in i . The remainingG7 characters ( f o o ) are left to be read by the next call of s c a n f (or some other input func­
tion). On the other hand, suppose that the input is invalid from the beginning:
Enter a number: foo
d e t e c t in g e r r o r s in s c a n f BA
> 2 2 .3
.In this case, the value of i is undefined and f o o is left for the next s c a n f .aZYXWVUTSRQPONM
What can we do about this sad state of affairs? Later, we’ll see how to test
whether a call of s c a n f has succeeded. If the call fails, we can have the program
either terminate or try to recover, perhaps by discarding the offending input and
asking the user to try again. (Ways to discard bad input are discussed in the Q&A
section at the end of Chapter 22.) dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
I d o n ’t u n d e r sta n d h o w s c a n f c a n “ p u t b a c k ” c h a r a c te r s a n d r e a d th e m
a g a in later, [p. 4 4 ]
As it turns out, programs don’t read user input as it is typed. Instead, input is stored
in a hidden buffer, to which s c a n f has access. It’s easy for s c a n f to put charac­
ters back into the buffer for subsequent reading. Chapter22 discusses input buffer­
ing^>' in more detail.
W b a t d o e s s c a n f d o if th e u s e r p u ts p u n c tu a tio n m a r k s (c o m m a s , fo r e x a m ­
p le ) b e tw e e n n u m b e r s ?
Let’s look at a simple example. Suppose that we try to read a pair of integers using
sc a n f:
printf("Enter two numbers:
scanf("%d%d 11, &i, &j);
Lf the user enters
s c a n f will read the 4 and store it in i . As it searches for the betg*inning<^ of the second number, s c a n f encounters the comma. Since numbers can't begin with a
comma, s c a n f returns immediately. The comma and the second number are left
for the next call of s c a n f .
O fcourse, we can easily solve the problem by adding a comma to the format
string if we're sure that the numbers will cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
alw ays be separated by a comma:
printf("Enter two numbers, separated by a comma:
scanf("%d,%d", &i, &j);
E x e r c is e s onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJI
49 hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQ
E x e rc is e s
What output do the following calls o f p r i n t f produce? kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
S e c tio n 3.1
(a)printf("%6d,%4d", 86, 1040);
(b) printf("%12.5e", 30.253);
(c) printf("%.4f", 83.162);
(d) printf("%-6.2g", .0000009979);
Write calls of p r i n t f that display a f l o a t variable x in the following forinats.
(a) Exponential notation; left-justified in a Held o fsize 8: one digit after the decimal point.
(b) Exponential notation; right-justified in a field of size 10; six digits after Lhe decimal
(c) Fixed decimal notation; left-justified in a field of.size 8; three digits after the decimal
(d) Fixed decimal notation; right-justified in a field of size 6; no digits after the decimal
S e c tio n 3 .2
For each of the following pairs of s c a n f format strings, indicate whether or not the two
strings arc equivalent. If lhey ?re not. show how they can be distinguished.
(a) "%d"
versus ” %d"
(b) "% d-% d-% d" versus "%d -% d -% d"
(c) ” %f"
versus "%f "
versus ” % f,
(d) " % f,% f"
Suppose that we call s c a n f as follows:
sc a n f("% d % f% d ",
& i,
& j);
If the user enters
1 0 .3
5 6
what will be the values of i . x. and j after the call? (Assume that i and j are i n t variables
and x is a f l o a t variable.)
© *5.
Suppose that we call s c a n f as follows:
sc a n f("% f% d % f",
& i,
& y );
If the user enters
1 2 .3
4 5 .6
what will be the values of x, i . and y after the call? (Assume that x and y are f l o a t vari­
ables and i is an i n t variable.)
Show how to modify the a d d f r a c . c program ofSection 3.2 so that the user is allowed to
enter fractions that contain spaces before and after each / character.
*Starred exercises are tricky— the correct answer is usually not the obvious one. Read the question
thoroughly, review the relevant section ifneccssary, and be careful!
F o rm a tte d ln p u t/O u tp u t aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
C h a p te r 3
P r o g r a m m in g P r o je c t s onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Write a program that accepts a date from the user in the form cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
m m /d d /y y y y and then dis­
plays it in the form yyyymmdd: kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Enter a date (mm/dd/yyyy): 2/17/2011
You entered the date 20110217
Write a program that formats product information entered by the user. A session with the
program should look like this:
Enter item number: 583
Enter unit price: 13.5
Enter purchase date (mm/dd/yyyy): 10/24/2010
$ 13.50
The item number and date should be leftjustified; the unit price should be rightjustified.
Allow dollar amounts up to S9999.99. Hint: Use tabs to line up the columns.
Books are identified by an International Standard Book Number (lSBN). ISBNs assigned
after January I, 2007 contain 13 digits, arranged in five groups, such as 978-0-393-97950-3.
(Older ISBNs use 10 digits.) The first group (the GS1 prefix) is currently either 978 or 979.
The group identifier specifies the language or country of origin (for example. 0 and 1 are
used in English-speaking countries). The publisher code identifies the publisher (393 is the
code for W. W. Norton). The item num ber is assigned by the publisher to identify a specific
book (97950 is the code for this book). An ISBN ends with a check digit that\s used to verify
the accuracy of the preceding digits. Write a program that breaks down an ISBN entered by
the user:
Enter ISBN: 978-0-393-97950-3
GS1 prefix: 978
Group identifier: 0
Publisher code: 393
Item number: 97950
Check digit: 3
Note: The number ofdigits in each group may vary, you can’t assume that groups have the
lengths shown in this example. Test your program with actual lSBN values (usually found
on the back cover of a book and on the copyright page).
Write a program that prompts the user to enter a telephone number in the form (xxx) xxxxxxx and then displays the number in the form
Enter phone number [(xxx) xxx-xxxx]: (404) 817-6900
You entered 404.817.6900
Write a program that asks the user to enter the numbers from I to 16 (in any order) and then
displays the numbers in a 4 by 4 arrangement, followed by the sums of the rows, columns,
and dia w
Enter the numbers from 1 to 16 in any order:
16 3 2 13 5 10 11 8 9 6 7 12 4 15 14 1
P ro g ra m m in g P ro je c ts onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIH
2 13
5 10 11
7 12
4 15 14
Row s u m s : 34 34 34 34
C o lu m n s u m s : 34 34 34 34
D i a g o n a l s u m s : 34 34
If the row, column, and diagonal sums are all the sam e (as they are in this exam ple), the
numbers are said to form a RQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
m a g i c s q u a r e . The magic square shuwn here appears in a 1514
engraving by artist and m athem atician Albrecht Diirer. (Note that the middle num bers in the
last row give the date of the engraving.)
Modify the a d d f r a c . c program o f Section 3.2 so that the uscr enters both fractions at the
same time, separated by a plus sign:
E n t e r tw o f r a c t i o n s
T h e sum i s 3 8 / 2 4
s e p a ra te d
by a p lu s
s ig n :
5 /6 4 -3 /4
E x p r e s s io n s
O n e d o e s n o t le a rn c o m p u tin g b y u s in g a h a n d
c a lc u la to r, b u t o n e c a n fo rg e t a rith m e tic . onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWV
One o f C ’s distinguishing characteristics is its emphasis on expressions— formulas
that show how to compute a value—rather than statements. The simplest expres­
sions are variables and constants. A variable represents a value to be computed as
the program runs: a constant represents a value that doesn't change. More compli­
cated expressions apply operators to operands (which are themselves expressions).
In the expression a + (b * c ) . the + operator is applied to the operands a and
(b * c ) , both of which are expressions in their own right.
Operators are the basic tools for building expressions, and C has an unusually
rich collection of them. To start off. C provides the rudimentary operators that are
found in most programming languages:
■ Arithmetic o perators, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and divi­
■ Rel ational operators to perform comparisons such as “i is g r e a t e r
■ Logica l operators to build conditions such as u i is greater than 0
than 10
th a n
i is less
But C doesn’t stop here; it goes on to provide dozens of other operators. There are
so many operators, in fact, that w e’ll need to introduce them gradually over the
first twenty chapters of this book. Mastering so many operators can be a chore, but
it’s essential to becoming proficient at C.
Tn this chapter, we’ll cover some o f C ’s most fundamental operators: the arith­
metic operators (Section 4.1). the assignment operators (Section 4.2). and the
increment and decrement operators (Section 4.3). Section 4.1 also explains opera­
tor precedence and associativity, which are important for expressions that contain
more than one operator. Section 4.4 describes how C expressions are evaluated.
Finally, Section 4.5 introduces the expression statement, an unusual feature that
allows any expression to serve as a statement.hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
C h a p te r 4
A r it h m e t ic O p e r a t o r s onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
a rith m etic operators — operators that perforin addition, subtraction, m ultipli­
cation, and division— are the workhorses ofm any programming languages, includ­
ing C. Table 4.1 shows C ’s arithmetic operators.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
T a b I e 4 .1
U nary
B in a ry
Arithmetic Operators
A dditive
unary plus
unary minus
M ultip licative
* multiplication
/ division
% remainder
The additive and multiplicative operators are said to be b in a ry because they
require two operands. The u n a ry operators require one operand:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFED
i = +1;
3 = -i;
/* + used as a unary operator */
/* - used as a unary operator */
The unary + operator does nothing; in fact, it didn’t even exist in K&R C. It’s used
primarily to em phasize that a numeric constant is positive.
The binary operators probably look familiar. The only one that might not is %,
the rem ainder operator. The value of i % j is the remainder when i is divided by
j . For example, the value of 10 % 3 is 1, and the value of 12 % 4 is 0.
The binary operators in Table 4.1— with the exception of %— allow either inte­
ger or floating-point operands, with mixing allowed. When i n t and f l o a t oper­
ands are mixed, the result has type f l o a t . Thus, 9 4- 2 . 5 f has the value 11.5.
and 6 . 7 f / 2 has the value 3.35.
The / and % operators require special care:
■ The / operator can produce surprising results. When both of its operands are
integers, the / operator “truncates” the result by dropping the fractional pan.
Thus, the value of 1 / 2 is 0, not 0.5.
The % operator requires integer operands; if either operand is not an integer,
the program w on’t compile.
u n d e fin e d b e h a v io r > 4 . 4
■ Using zer o as the right operand o feith er / or % causes undefined behavior.
Describing the result when / and % are used with negative operands is tricky.
The C89 standard states that ifeith e r operand is negative, the result o f a divi­
sion can be rounded either up or down. (For example, the value of - 9 / 7
could be either -1 or -2 ). If i or j is negative, the sign of i % j in C89
depends on the implem entation. (For example, the value of - 9 % 7 could be
either -2 or 5). In C99. on the other hand, the result of a division is always
truncated toward zero (so - 9 / 7 has the value - 1 ) and the value of i % j has
the same sign as i (hencc thc value of - 9 % 7 is -2).
4 .1
A rith m e tic O p e ra to rs hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGF
I m p le m e n ta tio n -D e fin e d B e h a v io r
T h e te rm
implementation-defined w ill a ris e o fte n e n o u g h th a t it’s w o rth ta k in g a
m o m e n t to d is c u s s it. T h e C s ta n d a rd d e lib e ra te ly le a v e s p a rts o f th e la n g u a g e
u n s p e c ifie d , w ith th e u n d e rs ta n d in g th a t a n “ im p le m e n ta tio n ”— th e s o ftw a re n e e d e d
to c o m p ile , lin k , a n d e x e c u te p ro g ra m s o n a p a rtic u la r p la tfo rm — w ill fill in th e
d e ta ils . A s a re s u lt, th e b e h a v io r o f th e p ro g ra m m a y v a ry s o m e w h a t fro m o n e
im p le m e n ta tio n to a n o th e r. T h e b e h a v io r o f th e / a n d % o p e ra to rs fo r n e g a tiv e o p e r ­
a n d s in C 8 9 is a n e x a m p le o f im p le m e n ta tio n -d e fin e d b e h a v io r.
L e a v in g p a rts o f th e la n g u a g e u n s p e c ifie d m a y s e e m o d d o r e v e n d a n g e ro u s ,
b u t it re fle c ts C ’s p h ilo s o p h y . O n e o f th e la n g u a g e ’s g o a ls is e ffic ie n c y , w h ic h o fte n
m e a n s m a tc h in g th e w a y th a t h a rd w a re b e h a v e s . S o m e C P U s y ie ld - 1 w h e n - 9 is
d iv id e d b y 7, w h ile o th e rs p ro d u c e - 2 ; th e C 8 9 s ta n d a rd s im p ly re fle c ts th is fa c t o f
It’s b e s t to a v o id w ritin g p r o g ra m s th a t d e p e n d o n im p le m e n ta tio n -d e fin e d
b e h a v io r. If th a t’s n o t p o s s ib le , a t le a s t c h e c k th e m a n u a l c a r e fu lly — th e C s ta n d a rd
re q u ire s th a t im p le m e n ta tio n -d e fin e d b e h a v io r b e d o c u m e n te d . dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
O p e r a t o r P r e c e d e n c e a n d A s s o c ia tiv i ty
W h e n an e x p re s s io n c o n ta in s m o re th a n o n e o p e ra to r, its in te r p r e ta tio n m a y n o t be
im m e d ia te ly c le a r. F o r e x a m p le , d o es i + j
* k m e a n “ a d d i a n d j , th e n m u lt ip ly
th e re s u lt b y k , ” o r d o e s it m e a n “ m u lt ip ly j a n d k , th e n a d d i ” ? O n e s o lu tio n to
th is p ro b le m is to a d d p a re n th e s e s , w r it in g e ith e r ( i + j ) * k o r i + ( j
* k ) . As
a g e n e ra l ru le , C a llo w s th e use o f p a re n th e s e s f o r g r o u p in g in a ll e x p re s s io n s .
W h a t i f w e d o n ’ t use p a re n th e s e s , th o u g h ? W il l th e c o m p ile r in te r p r e t i + j
+ j ) * k or i
k as ( i
+ (j
* k ) ? L ik e m a n y o th e r la n g u a g e s , C uses
precedence ru le s to re s o lv e th is p o te n tia l a m b ig u ity . T h e a r ith m e tic o p e r a to rs h a v e
th e f o llo w in g r e la tiv e p re c e d e n c e :
H ig h e s t:
L o w e s t:
( u n a ry ) onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
( b in a r y )
O p e ra to rs lis te d o n th e sam e lin e (s u c h as + and - ) h a v e e q u a l p re c e d e n c e .
W h e n tw o o r m o re o p e ra to rs a p p e a r in th e sa m e e x p re s s io n , w e c a n d e te rm in e
h o w th e c o m p ile r w i l l in te r p r e t th e e x p re s s io n b y re p e a te d ly p u ttin g p a re n th e s e s
a r o u n d s u b e x p re s s io n s , s ta rtin g w i t l i h ig h -p re c e d e n c e o p e ra to rs a n d w o r k in g d o w n
to lo w -p re c e d e n c e o p e ra to rs . T h e f o llo w in g e x a m p le s illu s tr a te th e re s u lt:
- i
- j
i + (j * k)
is e q u iv a le n t t o
(-i) * (-j)
is e q u iv a le n t t o kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
(+i) + (j / k)
is e q u iv a le n t to
O p e ra to r p re c e d e n c e ru le s a lo n e a re n ’ te n o u g h w h e n an e x p re s s io n c o n ta in s tw o
o r m o re o p e ra to rs at th e sam e le v e l o fp re c e d e n c e . In th is s itu a tio n ,
C h a p te r 4
E x p re s s io n s onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
o f the operators com es into play. An operator is said to be le
ft a sso cia tive if it groups
from left to right. The binary arithm etic operators (*, / , %, +, and - ) a r e all left asso­
ciative, so
- j
* j
- k
/ k
is equivalent to
ise q u iv a le n tto
- j ) - k
* j) / k
An operator is rig h t asso cia tive if it groups from right to left. The unary arithm etic
operators (+ and - ) are both right associative, so
- + i
ta b iG o f o p e r a t o r s BA
> A p p en d ixA
isc q u iv a le n lto
-(+ i)
Precedence and associativity rules are im portant in many languages, but espe­
cially so in C. However, C has so many operators (alm ost fifty!) that few program ­
mers bother to m em orize the precedence and associativity rules. Instead, they aZYXWV
consult a table of operators when in doubt o rju s t use plenty o f parentheses.
C o m p u tin g a U P C C h e c k D ig it
For a num ber o f years, m anufacturers o f goods sold in U.S. and Canadian stores
have put a bar code on each product. This code, known as a Universal Product
Code (UPC), identifies both the m anufacturer and the product. Each bar code rep­
resents a tw elve-digit number, which is usually printed underneath the bars. For
example, the following bar code com es from a package o f Stouffer's French Bread
Pepperoni Pizza:
13800 15173
appear undem eath the bar code. The first digit identifies the type o f item (0 or 7
g hed, 3 for drugOs and health-related
for most items, 2 for items that must be wei w
m erchandise, and 5 for coupons). The first group o f five digits identifies the m anu­
facturer (13800 is the code for Nestle USA's Frozen Food Division). The second
group o f five digits identifies the product (including package size). The final digit
is a “check d ig it? whose only purpose is to help identify an error in the preceding
digits. Ifth e UPC is scanned incorrectly, the first 11 digits probably w on’t be con­
sistent with the last digit, and the store’s scanner will reject the entire code.
H ere's one method of com puting the check digit:
Add the first,• third, fifth, seventh, ninth, and eleventh dig^?its.
Add the second, fourth, sixth, eighth, and tenth digits.
4 .1
5 7 onmlkjihgfedcbaZYX
A rith m e tic O p e ra to rs hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIH
M ultiply the fust sum by 3 and add it to the second sum.
Subtract 1 from the total.
Com pute the rem ainder when the adjusted total is divided by 10.
Subtract the rem ainder from 9.
Using the Stouffer’s example, we get 0 + 3 + 0 + I + 1 + 3 = 8 for the first sum and
1 + 8 + 0 + 5 + 7 = 21 for the second sum. M ultiplying the first sum by 3 and add­
ing the second yields 45. Subtracting 1 gives 44. The rem ainder upon dividing by
10 is 4. W hen the rem ainder is subtracted from 9, the result is 5. Here are a couple
of other UPCs, in case you want lo try your hand at com puting the check digit
not allowed):
(raiding the kitchen cabinet for the answer is cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
JifC re a n iy P e a n u tB u tte r(1 8 o z .):
O c e aiiS p ra y Jellied C ra n b erry S a iice (8 o z .):
0 51500 24128
0 31200 01005
The answers appear at the bottom o f the page.
L et’s write a program that calculates the check digit for an arbitrary UPC.
W e’ll ask the user to enter the first 11 digits o fth e UPC, then w e’ll display the cor­
responding check digit. To avoid confusion, w e’ll ask the user to enter the num ber
in three parts: the single digit at the left, the first group of five digits, and the sec­
ond group o ffiv e digits. H ere’s what a session with the program will look like:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQ
the first (single) digit: 0
first group of five digits: 13800
second group of five digits: 15173
digit: 5
Instead of reading each digit group as a/h>e-digil num ber, w e’ll read it as five
o/?<?-digit numbers. Reading the numbers as single digits is more convenient; also,
we w on’t have to worry that one o f the five-digit numbers is too large to store in an
i n t variable. (Some older com pilers limit the maxim um value o f an i n t variable
to 32,767.) To read single digits, w e’ll use s c a n f with the % ld conversion speci­
fication, which matches a one-digit integer.
/* Computes a Universal Product Code check digit */
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
int d, il, i2, i3, i4, i5, jl, j2, j3, j4, j5,
first_sum, second_sum, total;
printf("Enter the first (single) digit: ");
scanf("%ld", &d);
printf("Enter first group of five digits: ");
scanf("%ld%ld%ld%ld%ld", &il, &i2, &i3, &i4, &i5);
printf("Enter second group of five digits: ");
scanf("%ld%ld%ld%ld%ld", &jl, &j2, &j3, &j4, &j5);dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
T h e m is s in g c h e c k d ig its a rc 8 (J if) a n d 6 (O c c n n S p r a y ).
C h a p te r 4
E x p re s s io n s kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
first_sum = d + i2 + i4 + jl + j3 + j5;
second_sum = il + i3 + i5 + j2 + j4;
total = 3 * first_sum + second_sum;
printf("Check digit: %d\n",
9 - ((total - 1) % 10));
return 0;
Note that the expression 9 - ( ( t o t a l - 1) % 1 0 ) could have been written
as 9 - ( t o t a l - 1) % 10, but the extra set of parentheses makes it easier to
4 .2
A s s ig n m e n t O p e r a t o r s
Once the value of an expression has been computed, w e’ll often need to store it in
{sim ple assignm ent} operator is used for that pur­
a variable for later use. C\s = cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
pose. For updating a value aJready stored in a variable, C provides an assortment of
compound assignment operators.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
S im p le A ss ig n m e n t
The effect of the assignment v = e is to evaluate the expression e and copy its value
into v. As the following examples show, e can be a constant, a variable, or a more
complicated expression:
i = 5;
j = i;
k = 10 * i + j ;
/* i is now 5 */
/* j is now 5 */
/* k i s now 5 5 */
If v and e don’t have the same type, then the value of e is converted to the type of v
as the assignment takes place:
int i ;
float f;
i = 72.99f;
f = 136;
c o n v e r s i o n d u r in g a s s i g n m e n t > 7.4
/* i is now 72 */
/* f is now 136.0 */
Wc’ll return to the topic ofty p e conversion later.
In many programming languages, assignment is a statement', in C, however,
assignment is an operator, just like +. In other words, the act of assignment pro­
duces a result, just as adding two numbers produces a result. The value of an
assignment v = e is the value of v after the assignment. Thus, the value of i =
7 2 . 9 9 f i s 72 (not72.99).
4 .2
A s s ig n m e n t O p e ra to rs onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJ
Sid e Ef f e c t s
We don’t normally expect operators to modify their operands, since operators in
mathematics don't. Writing i + j doesn’t modify either i or j ; it simply computes
the result of adding i and j .
Most C operators don’t modify their operands, but some do. We say that these
operators have side effects, since they do more than just compute a value. The
simple assignment operator is the first operator we’ve seen that has side effects; it
modifies its left operand. Evaluating the expression i = o produces the result 0
and—as a side effect—assigns 0 to i.
Since assignment is an operator, several assignments can be chained together: kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUT
i = j = k = 0;
The = operator is right associative, so this assignment is equivalent to
i =
(j =
(k = 0) ) ;
The effect is to assign 0 first to k, then to j , and finally to i .
Watch out for unexpected results in chained assignments as a result of type conver­
int i ;
float f;
f = i = 33.3f;
i is assigned the value 33. then f is assigned 33.0 (not 33.3. as you might think).
In general, an assignment ol’ the form v = e is allowed wherever a value oft ype
v would be permitted. In the follow ing example, the expression j = i copies i to
j ; the new value of j is then added to 1, producing the new value of k:
i = 1;
k = 1 + (j = i) ;
printf("%d %d %d\n",
i, j, k);
/* prints
"1 1 2" */
Using the assignment operator in this fashion usually isnT a good idea. For one
thing, “ embedded assignments” can make programs hard to read. They can also be
a source ofsubt le bugs, as we’ ll see in Section 4.4.aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
L v a lu e s
Most C operators allow their operands to be variables, constants, or expressions
containing other operators. The assignment operator, however, requires an lvalue
C h a p te r 4
E x p r e s s io n s onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
as its left operand. An lvalue (pronounced “L-value") represents an object stored in
com puter memory, not a constant or the result of a com putation. Variables are lval­
ues; expressions such as 10 or 2 * i are not. At this point, variables are the only
lvalues that we know about; other kinds o f lvalues will appear in later chapters.
Since the assignm ent operator requires an lvalue as its left operand, it’s illegal
to put any other kind ofexpression on the left side o f an assignm ent expression:
/* * *
/* * *
/* * *
12 = i ;
i + j = 0;
-i = j;
WRONG * * * /
WRONG * * * /
WRONG * * * /
The com piler will detect errors o f this nature, and you’ll get an error m essage such
“invalid lvalue in assignm ent." dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
C o m p o u n d A s s ig n m e n t
Assignm ents that use the old value of a variable to com pute its new value are com ­
mon in C programs. The following statem ent, for exam ple, adds 2 to the value
stored in i :
+ 2;
= i
C ’s c o m p o u n d a s s ig n m e n t operators allow us to shorten this statem ent and others
like it. Using the += operator. we sim ply write:
sam e a s
= i
+ 2;
The += operator adds the value o f the right operand to the variable on the left.
There are nine other com pound assignm ent operaiors, including the following:
o th e r a s s ig n m e n io p e r a to r s > 2 0 j
(W e’Il cover the rem aining com pound assignm ent operators in a later chapter.) All
com pound assignm ent operators work in much the sam e way:
+= e
*= e
/ =e
%= e
adds v to e, storing the result in v
subtracts e from v, storing the result in v
m ultiplies v by e. storing the result in v
divides v by e. storing the result in v
com putes the rem aindcr when v is divided by e, storing the result in v
Note that I ’ve been careful not to say that v += e is “equivalent” to v = v + e. One
problem is operator precedence: i *= j + k isn’t the sam e as i = i * j + k. There
are also rare cases in which v += e differs from v = v + e because v itseIfh as a side
effect. Sim ilar rem arks apply to the other com pound assignm ent operators.kjihgfedcbaZYXWVU
W hen using the com pound assignm ent operators, be careful not to sw itch the two
characters that make up the operator. Sw itching the characters may yield an
expression that is acceptable to the com piler but that d oesn’t have the intended
meaning. For exam ple, ify o u meant to write i += j but typed i =+ j instead, the
4 .3
In c r e m e n t a n d D e c re m e n t O p e ra to rs hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFE
61 onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVU
program will still compile. Unfortunately, the latter expression is equivalent to
i = (+ j ) , which merely copies the value of j into i .
The com pound assignm ent operators have the sam e properties as the = opera­
tor. In particular, they're right associative, so the statem ent
+= j
+= k ;
In c r e m e n t a n d D e c r e m e n t O p e r a t o r s
Two of the most com m on operations on a variable are “increm enting" (adding l)
and “decrem enting" (subtracting l). We can, o fco u rse, accom plish these tasks by
= i + 1;
i = j - i;
The com pound assignm ent operators allow us to condense these statem ents a bit:
+= 1 ;
-= 1 ;
But C allows increm ents and decrem ents to be shortened even further, using the ++ cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONM
{in crem en t) and - - {d ecrem en t) operators.
At First glance, the increm ent and decrem ent operators are sim plicity itself: ++
adds 1 to its operand, whereas - - subtracts 1. Unfortunately, this sim plicity is m is­
leading— the increm ent and decrem ent operators can be tricky to use. O ne com pli­
cation is that ++ and - - can be used as p r e fix operators ( + + i and - - i , for
example) o r p o s tfix operators ( i+ + and i - - ) . The correctness of a program may
hinge on picking the proper version.
Another com plication is that, like the assignm ent operators. ++ and - - have
side effects: they modify the values o f their operands. Evaluating the expression
+ + i (a “pre-increm ent”) yields i + 1 and— as a side effect— increm ents i :
i = 1;
p rin tf(" i
p rin tf(" i
% d \n " ,
% d \n " ,
+ + i);
/* p r i n t s " i i s 2" * /
/* p r i n t s " i i s 2" * /
Evaluating the expression i + + (a “post-increm ent” ) produces the result i , but
causes i to be increm ented afterwards:
JL. *“
p rin tf(" i
p rin tf(" i
^ >
% d \n " ,
% d \n " ,
i+ + );
/* p r i n t s ” i i s 1" * /
/* p r i n t s ”i i s 2 ” * /
C h a p te r 4
The first p r i n t f shows the original value o f i . before it is increm ented. T he sec­
ond p r i n t f shows the new value. As these exam ples illustrate, + + i means
“ increm ent i im m ediately;’ while i + + means “use the old value o f i for now, but
increm ent i later.” How much later? The C standard doesn’t specify a precise time,
but it’s safe to assum e that i will be increm ented before the next statem ent is exe­
The - - operator has sim ilar properties:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
i = 1;
printf("i is
printf("i is
%d\n", --i);
%d\n", i);
/* prints ”i is 0” */
/* prints "i is 0” */
i = 1;
printf("i is
printf("i is
%d\n", i--);
%d\n", i);
/* prints ”i is 1” */
/* prints "i is 0" */
W hen ++ or - - is used more than once in the same expression, the result can
often be hard to understand. C onsider the following statements:
i = 1;
j = 2;
k = 4-4-i 4- j4-4-;
W hat are the values of i . j , and k after these statem ents are executed? Since i is
before its value is used, but j is incremented a fte r it is used, the last
statem ent is equivalent to
i = i + 1;
k = i 4- j ;
j = j + 1;
so the final values of i , j , and k are 2, 3, and 4, respectively. In contrast, executing
the statem ents
will give i , j , and k the values 2, 3, and 3, respectively.
For the record, the postfix versions o f 4-4- and - - have higher precedence than
unary plus and minus and are left associative. The prefix versions have the same
precedence as unary plus and minus and are right associative.aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
4 .4
E x p r e s s i o n E v a lu a t io n
Table 4.2 sum m arizes the operators w e’ve seen so for. (A ppendix A has a similar
table that shows a ll operators.) The first colum n shows the precedence of each
E x p re s s io n E v a lu a tio n RQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
4 .4
T a b le 4 .2 onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
P receden ce
N am e
A Partial List of
increment (postfix)
decrem ent (postfix)
increment (prefix)
decrem ent (prefix)
unary plus
unary minus
S y m b o l(s )
A s s o c ia tiv ity
— —
4— F
— —
4* =
/ =
^ =
operator relative to the other operators in the table (the highest precedence is 1; the
lowest is 5). The last column shows the associativity of each operator.
Table 4.2 (or its larger cousin in Appendix A) has a variety of uses. Let’s look
at one ofthese. Suppose that we run across a complicated expression such as kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPO
a = b += c++ - d + --e / -f
as we’re reading someone’s program. This expression would be easier to under­
stand if there were parentheses to show how the expression is constructed from
subexpressions. With the help of Table 4.2, adding parentheses to an expression is
easy: after examining the expression to find the operator with highest precedence,
we put parentheses around the operator and its operands, indicating that it should
be treated as a single operand from that point onwards. We then repeat the process
until the expression is fully parenthesized.
In our example, the operator with highest precedence is ++, used here as a
postfix operator, so we put parentheses around ++ and its operand:
a = b += (c++) - d + --e / -f
We now spot a prefix - - operator and a unary minus operator (both prece­
dence 2) in the expression:
a = b += (c++) - d + (--e) / (-f)
Note that the other minus sign has an operand to its immediate left, so it must be a
subtraction operator, not a unary minus operator.
Next, we notice the / operator (precedence 3):
a = b += (c++) - d + ((--e) / (-f))
The expression contains two operators with precedence 4, subtraction and
addition. Whenever two operators with the same precedence are adjacent to an
operand, we’ve got to be careful about associativity, In our example, - and + are
both adjacent to d, so associativity rules apply. The - and + operators group from
left to right, so parentheses go around the subtraction first, then the addition:
a = b += (((c++) - d) + ((--e) / (-f)))
C h a p te r 4
E x p re s s io n s
The only remaining operators are = and +=. Both operators are adjacent to b.
so we must take associativity into account. Assignment operators group from right
to left, so parentheses go around the += expression first, then the = expression:
(a =
(b +=
(((c + + )
- d)
((--e )
The expression is now fully parenthesized.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
O r d e r o f S u b e x p r e s s io n E v a lu a t io n
lo g i c a l a n d a n d o r o p e r a t o r s BA
> 5 .1
c o n d it io n a l o p e r a t o r
> 5 .2
c o m m a o p e r a to r > 6 .3
The rules ofoperator precedence and associativity allow us to break any C expres­
sion into subexpressions— to determine uniquely where the parentheses would go
if the expression were fully parenthesized. Paradoxically, these rules don’t always
allow us to determine the value of the expression, which may depend on the order
in which its subexpressions are evaluated.aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
C doesn’t define the order in which subexpressions are evaluated (with the
exception ofsubexpressions involving the logical cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
and* logical or, conditional, and
comma operators). Thus, in the expression (a + b ) * (c - d) we don't know
whether (a + b) will bc evaluated before (c - d ) .
Most expressions have the same value regardless of lhe order in which their
subexpressions are evaluated. However, this may not be true when a subexpression
modifies one of its operands. Consider the following example:
a = 5;
c = (b = a + 2)
(a = 1 ) ;
The effect of executing the second statement is undefined: the C standard doesn't
say what will happen. With most compilers, the value of c will be either 6 or 2. If
the subexpression (b = a + 2) is evaluated first, b is assigned the value 7 and c is
assigG?ned 6. But if (' a = 1)f is evaluated first, ^b is assigned
3 and c is assigned
Avoid writing expressions that access the value of a variable and also modify the
variable elsewhere in the expression. The expression (b = a + 2) - (a = 1)
accesses the value of a (in order to compute a + 2) and also modifies the value of
a (by assigning il 1). Some compilers may produce a warning message such as
“operation on *a' m ay he undefinecF when they encounter such an expression.
To prevent problems, it’s a good idea to avoid using the assignment operators
in subexpressions; instead, use a series of separate assignments. For example, the
statements above could be rewritten as
a + 2;
b - a;
The value of c will always be 6 after these statements are executed.
4 .5
6 5 onmlkjihgfedcbaZYX
E x p r e s s io n S ta te m e n ts hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIH
Besides the assignm ent operators, the only operators that m odify their oper­
ands are increm ent and decrem ent. W hen using these operators, be careful that
y o u r expressions d o n ’t depend on a particular order o fev a k ia tio n . In the follow ing
exam ple, j m ay be assigned one o f two values:
r e g is t e r s > BA
= 2;
It’s natural to assum e that j is assigned the value 4. However, the effect o f execut­
ing the statem ent is undefined, and j could ju st as well be assigned 6 instead.
H ere's the scenario: ( ! ) T he second operand (the original value o f i ) is fetched,
then i is increm ented. (2) T he first operand (the new value o f i ) is fetched. (3) The
new and old values o f i are m ultiplied, yielding 6. “F etching” a variable m eans to
retrieve the value o f the variable from mem ory. A later change to the variable
w o n ’t affect the fetched value, which is typically stored in a special location
r e g i s t e r ) inside the CPU. cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
U ndefined B ehavior
According to the C standard, statem en ts such a s c = (b = a + 2) - (a = 1) ,- and
j = i * i+ + ; c a u se u n d e f i n e d b e h a v i o r , which is different from im plem entationdefined behavior (see Section 4.1). W hen a program v entures into the realm of
undefined behavior, all b ets are off. T he program may behave differently w hen com ­
piled with different compilers. But that’s not the only thing that can happen. The pro­
gram may not compile in the first place, if it com piles it m ay not run, and if it d o e s
run, it may crash, behave erratically, or produce m ean in g less results. In other
words, undefined behavior should be avoided like the plague.
4 .5
E x p r e s s io n S t a t e m e n t s
C has the unusual rule that a n y expression can be used as a statem ent. T hat is, any
expression— regardJess o f its type or what it com putes— can be turned into a state­
m ent by appending a sem icolon. For exam ple, we could turn the expression + + i
++ i ;
W hen this statem ent is executed, i is first increm ented, then the new value o f i is
fetched (as though it were to be used in an enclosing expression). However, since
+ + i isn ’t part of a larger expression, its value is discarded and the next statem ent
executed. (The change to i is perm anent, o fc o u rse .)
Since its value is discarded, th ere’s little point in using an expression as a
statem ent unless the expression has a side effect. L e t’s look at three exam ples. In
C h a p te r 4
E x p re s s io n s onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
the fust example, 1 is stored into i , then the new value of i is fetched but not used:kjihgf
i = 1;
In the second example, the value of i is fetched but not used; however, i is decre­
mented afterwards:
In the third example, the value of the expression i * j - 1 is computed and then
i * j - 1;
Since i and j aren’t changed, this statement has no effect and therefore serves no
A slip of the fmger can easily create a “do-nothing” expression statement. For
example, instead of entering
i = 3;
we might accidentally type
i + 3;
(This kind of error is more common than you might expect, since the = and + char­
acters usually occupy the same key.) Some compilers can detect meaningless
expression statements; you’ll get a warning such as cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
“sta tem ent with no effect.” aZYXWVUTSR
I n o tic e th a t C h a s n o e x p o n e n tia t io n o p e r a to r . H o w c a n I r a is e a n u m b e r to a
p ow er?
p o w fu n c tio n
Raising an integer to a small positive integer power is best done by repeated multi­
plication ( i * i * i is i cubed). To raise a number lo a noninteger power, call the
pOW funCtiOll.
I w a n t to a p p ly th e % o p e r a t o r to a flo a t in g - p o in t o p e r a n d , b u t m y p r o g r a n i
w o n ’t c o m p ile . W h a t c a n I d o ? [p . 5 4 ]
f m o d fu n c tio n
The % operator requires integer operands. Try the fm o d function instead.
W h y a r e th e r u le s fo r u s in g th e / a n d % o p e r a to r s w ith n e g a tiv e o p e r a n d s so
c o m p lic a t e d ? [p . 5 4 ]
The rules aren’t as complicated as they may first appear. In both C89 and C99. the
goal is to ensure that the value of (a / b ) * b + a % b will always be equal to a
6 7 onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWV
(and indeed, both standards guarantee that this is the case, provided that the value
ot' a / b is “representable” ). The problem is that there are two ways for a / b and
a % b to satisfy this equality if either a or b is negative, as seen in C89, where
either - 9 / 7 is - I and - 9 % 7 is -2 , or - 9 / 7 is - 2 and - 9 % 7 is 5. In the first
case, ( - 9 / 7) * 7 + - 9 % 7 has the value -1 x 7 + - 2 = —9, and in the second
case, ( - 9 / 7) * 7 + - 9 % 7 has the value -2 x 7 + 5 = -9 . By the time C99 rolled
around, most CPUs were designed to truncate the result ofdivision toward zero, so
this was written into the standard as the only allowable outcome.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
I f C h a s lv a lu e s , d o e s it a lso h a v e r v a lu e s ? [p . 5 9 ]
Yes, indeed. An Zvalue is an expression that can appear on the left
side of an assign­
ment; an rvalue is an expression that can appear on the right side. Thus, an rvalue
could be a variable, constant, or more complex expression. In this book, as in the C
standard, w e’ll use the term “expression” instead o f “rvalue.”
*Q :
Y ou s a id th a t v + = e i s n ’t e q u iv a le n t to v = v + e i f v h a s a s id e e f fe c t. C a n y o u
e x p la in ? [p . 6 0 ]
Evaluating v + = e causes v to be evaluated only once; evaluating r' = v + e causes v
to be evaluated twice. Any side effect caused by evaluating v will occur twice in
the latter case. In the following example, i is incremented once:
a [ i + + ] += 2 ;
If we use = instead of +=, here’s what the statement will look like:
a [i+ + ]
= a [i+ + ]
+ 2;
The value of i is modified as well as used elsewhere in the statement, so the effect
of executing the statement is undefined. It’s likely that i will be incremented
twice, but we can’t say with certainty what will happen.
W h y d o e s C p r o v id e th e + + a n d - - o p e r a to r s ? A r e th e y fa s te r th a n o t h e r
w a y s o f in c r e m e n t i n g a n d d e c r e m e n tin g , o r th e y a r e j u s t m o r e c o n v e n ie n t ? [p .
C inherited ++ and - - from Ken Thom pson’s earlier B language. Thompson
apparently created these operators because Ids B compiler could generate a more
compact translation for + + i than for i = i + 1. These operators have become a
deeply ingrained part o fC (in fact, many o f C ’s most famous idioms rely on them).
With modern compilers, using ++ and - - w on’t make a compiled program any
smaller or faster; the continued popularity of these operators stems mostly from
their brevity and convenience.
D o + + a n d - - w o r k w ith f l o a t v a r ia b le s ?
Yes; the increment and decrement operations can be applied to floating-point num­
bers as well as integers. In practice, however, it’s fairly rare to increment or decre­
ment a f l o a t variable.
C h a p te r 4
*Q :
W h e n 1 u s e th e p o s tfix v e r sio n o f + + o r - - , j u s t w h e n is th e in c r e m e n t o r d e c ­
r e m e n t p e r fo r m e d ? [p . 6 2 ] onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
That’s an excellent question. Unfortunately, it’s also a difficult one to answer. The
C standard introduces the concept of “sequence point” and says that “updating the
stored value ofthe operand shall occur between the previous and the next sequence
point.” There are various kinds of sequence points in C: the end of an expression
statement is one example. By the end of an expression statement, all increments
and decrements within the statement must have been performed; the next statement
can’t be°^in to execute until this condition has been met.
Certain operators that we’ll encounter in later chapters (logical cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCB
and. logical or.
conditional, and comma) also impose sequence points. So do function calls: the
arguments in a function call must be fully evaluated before the call can be per­
formed. Ifa n argument happens to be an expression containing a ++ or - - opera­
tor, the increment or decrement must occur before the call can take place.
W h a t d o y o u m e a n w h e n y o u s a y th a t th e v a lu e o f a n e x p r e s s io n s ta te m e n t is
d is c a r d e d ? [p . 6 5 ]
By definition, an expression represents a value. If i has the value 5, for example,
then evaluating i + 1 produces the value 6. Let’s turn i + 1 into a statement by
putting a semicolon after it:
i + 1;
When this statement is executed, the value of i + 1 is computed. Since we have
failed to save this value— or at least use it in some way— it is lost.
B u t w h a t a b o u t s ta te m e n ts lik e i = 1 ; ? I d o n ’t s e e w h a t is b e in g d is c a r d e d .
Don’t forget that = is an operator in C and produces a value just like any other
operator. The assignment
i = 1;
assigns 1 to i . The value o fth e entire expression is 1, which is discarded. Discard­
ing the expression’s value is no great loss, since the reason for writing the state­
ment in the first place was to modify i .aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
E x e r c is e s
S e c ti o n 4.1
Show the output produced by each of the following program fragments. Assume that i . j ,
and k are i n t variables.
(a) i = 5; j = 3;
printf("%d %<3.”z
(b) i = 2; j = 3;
printf("%d", (i
(c) i = 7; j = 8; k
printf("%d", (i
i / j, i % j);
+ 10) % j);
= 9;
+ 10) % k / j);
E x e rc is e s onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONML
69 kjihgfedcbaZYXWVU
(d) i = 1; j = 2; k = 3;
printf("%d", (i + 5)
© *2.
(j + 2)
/ k);
If i and j are positive integers, does ( - i ) / j always have the same value as - ( i / j ) ? Jus­
tify your answer.
What is the value of each of the following expressions in C89? (Give all possible values if
an expression may have more than one value.)
8 / 5
-8 / 5
8 / -5
-8 / -5
Repeat Exercise 3 for C99.
What is the value of each of the following expressions in C89? (Give all possible values if
an expression may have more than one value.)
8 % 5
-8 % 5
8 % -5
-8 % -5
Repeat Exercise 5 for C99.
The algorithm for computing the UPC check digit ends with the following steps:
Subtract I from the total.
Compute the remainder when the adjusted total is divided by 10.
Subtract the remainder from 9.
It's tempting to try to simplify the algorithm by using these steps instead:
Compute the remainder when the total is divided by 10.
Subtract the remainder from 10.
Why doesn't this technique work?
S e c tio n 4 . 2
Would t h e u p c . c prograin still work if the expression 9 - ( ( t o t a l - 1) % 1 0 ) were
replaced by (10 - ( t o t a l % 10) ) % 10? aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Show the output produced by each o fth e following program fragments. Assume that i . j .
and k arc i n t variables.
(a) i = 7; j = 8;
i *= j + 1 ;
p r i n t f ( " % d %d", i, j);
(b) i = j = k = 1;
i += j 4-= k;
p r i n t f ( " % d %d %d", i, j , k) ;
(c) i = 1; j = 2; k = 3;
i -= j -= k;
p r i n t f ( " % d %d %d", i, j , k) ;
(d) i = 2; j = 1; k
i *= j *= k;
p r i n t f ( " % d %d %d", i, j, k) ;
C h a p te r 4
E x p re s s io n s onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Show (he output produced by each of (he following prognun fragments. Assume (hat i and
j are i n t variables.kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
(a) i = 6;
j = i += i;
printf("%d. %d", i, j);
(b) i = 5;
j = (i -= 2) + 1;
printf("%d %d", i, j);
(d) i = 2; j = 8;
j = (i = 6) + (j = 3) ;
S e c t io n 4 .3
Show the output produced by each of the following program fragments. Assume that i , j ,
and k are i n t variables.
(a) i = 1;
printf("%d ”, i++ - 1);
printf("%d", i ) ;
(b) i = 10; j = 5;
printf("%d ", i++ - ++j);
printf("%d %d", i, j);
(c) i = 7; j = 8;
printf("%d ", i++ - --j);
printf("%d %d", i, j);
(d) i = 3; j = 4; k = 5;
printf("%d ", i++ - j++ + --k);
printf("%d %d %d", i, j, k);
Show the output produced by each of the following program fragments. Assume that i and
ja re i n t variables.
(a) i = 5;
j = ++i * 3 - 2;
printf("%d %d", i, j);
(b) i = 5;
j = 3 - 2 * i++;
printf("%d %d", i, j);
(d) i = 7 ;
j = 3 + --i ♦ 2;
printf("%d %d", i, j);
S e c t io n 4 .4
Only one of the expressions + + i and i+ + is exactly the same as ( i += 1 ) : which is it?
Justify your answer.
Supply parentheses (o show how a C compiler would interpret each of the following expres­
P ro g ra m m in g P ro je c ts hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGF
71 onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVU
S e c tio n 4 . 5
* d + e
/ d
c - + d
Give the values of i and j after each of the following expression statements has been exe­
cuted. (Assume that i has the value l initially and j has thc value 2.)
(a) i
+= j ;
(b) i - - ;
(c) i * j / i ;
(d) i % + + j ;
P r o g r a m m in g P r o je c t s
Write a program that asks the user to enter a two-digit number, then prints the number with
its digits reversed. A session with thc program should have thc following appearance:
E n te r a t w o - d i g i t n u m b er:
T h e r e v e r s a l i s : 82
Hint: I f n is an integer, then n % 10
Read the number using %d, then break it into two digits. cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
is the last digit in n and n / 10 is n with thc last digit removed.
Extend the program in Programming Project 1 to handle /Zzree-digit numbers.
Rewrite the program in Programming Project 2 so that it prints thc reversal of a three-digit
number without using ariUimetic to split the number into digits. Hint: See the u p c . c pro­
gram of Section 4.1.
Write a program that reads an integer entered by the user and displays it in octal (base 8):
E n t e r a n u m b er b e tw e e n 0 a n d 3 2 7 6 7 :
'I n o c t a l , y o u r n u m b e r i s : 0 3 6 4 1
Thc output should be displayed using five digits, even if fewer digits are sufficient. Hint: To
convert the number to octal, first divide it by 8; the remainder is the last digit of the octal
number (1, in this case). Then divide the original number by 8 and repeat the process to
arrive at the nexl-to-last digit, ( p r i n t f is capable of displaying numbers in base 8, as w e’ll
see in Chapter 7, so there’s actually an easier way to write this program.)
Rewrite the u p c . c program of Section 4.1 so that the user enters 11 digits at one time,
instead of entering one digit, then five digits, and then another five digits.
E n te r th e f i r s t
C heck d i g i t : 5
11 d i g i t s
o f a UPC:
European countries use a 13-digit code, known as a European Article Number (EAN)
instead of the 12-digil Universal Product Code (UPC) found in North America. Each EAN
ends with a check digil, just as a UPC does. The technique for calculating the check digit is
also similar:
Add the second, fourth, sixth,’ eigohth,’ tenth,w and twelfth digcits.
Add the first, third, fifth, seventh, ninth, and eleventh digits.
Multiply the first sum by 3 and add it to the second sum.
C h a p te r 4
E x p re s s io n s onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Subtract 1 from the total.
C om pute the rem ainder when the adjusted total is divided by 10.
Subtract the rem ainder from 9.
F o rex am p le, consider GiiIliioglu Turkish Delight Pistachio & C oconut, which has an EAN
o f 8691484260008. The first sum is 6 4- 1 4- 8 + 2 + 0 4- 0 = 17. and the second sum is 8 4- 9 44 4- 4 4- 6 4- 0 = 3 1. M ultiplying the first sum by 3 and adding the second yields 82. Subtract­
ing 1 gives 81. The rem ainder upon dividing by 10 is I. W hen the rem ainder is subtracted
from 9, the result is 8, which m atches the last digit o f th e original code. Y o u rjo b is to m od­
ify the u p c . c program o f Section 4.1 so that it calculates the check digit for an EAN. The
user will enter the first 12 diog its o f the EAN as a singo le num ber:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Enter the first 12 digits of an EAN: 869148426000
Check digit: 8
S e le c t io n S ta te m e n t s
P ro g ra m m e rs a re n o t to b e m e a s u re d b y th e ir in g e n u ity a n d
th e ir lo g ic b u t b y th e c o m p le te n e s s o f th e ir c a s e a n a ly s is .
Although C has many operators, it has relatively few statements. We’ve encounteredjust two so far: the r e t u r n statement and the expression statement. Most of
r e t u r n s t a t e m e n t BA
> 2 .2
e x p r e s s io n s t a t e m e n t > 4 .5onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
C 's remaining statements fall into three categories, depending on how they affect
the order in which statements are executed:cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
■ Selection statem ents. The i f and s w i t c h statements allow a program to
select a particular execution path from a set of alternatives.
■ Iteration statem ents. The w h i l e . d o, and f o r statements support iteration
■ J u m p statem ents. The b r e a k . c o n t i n u e , and g o t o statements cause an
unconditional jum p to some other place in the program. (The r e t u r n state­
ment belongs in this category, as well.)
The only other statements in C are the compound statement, which groups several
statements into a single statement, and the null statement, which performs no
This chapter discusses the selection statements and the compound statement.
(Chapter 6 covers the iteration statements, thejum p statements, and the null state­
ment.) Before we can write i f statements, we’ll need logical expressions: condi­
tions that i f statements can test. Section 5.1 explains how logical expressions are
built from the relational operators (<. <=, >. and >=). the equality operators (==
and ’ =), and the logical operators (&&, | | , and !). Section 5.2 covers the i f state­
ment and compound statement, as well as introducing the conditional operator
(? :). which can test a condition within an expression. Section 5.3 describes the
s w i t c h statement.hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
S e le c tio n
C h a p te r 5
L o g ic a l E x p r e s s io n s onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Several of C ’s statements, including the i f statement, must test the value of an
expression to see ifit is “true" or ‘'false." Forexam ple, an i f statement might need
to test the expression i < j ; a true value would indicate that i is less than j . In
many programming languages, an expression such as i < j would have a special
“Boolean” or “logical” type. Such a type would have only two values, fa
ls e and
true. In C, however, a comparison such as i < j yields an integer: either 0 (false)
or 1 (true). With this in mind, let’s look at the operators that are used to build logi­
R e la tio n a l O p e r a to r s
C ’s rela tio n a l operators (Table 5.1) correspond to the <, >, <, and > operators of
mathematics, except that they produce 0 (false) or I (true) when used in expres­
sions. For example, the value o f 10 < 11 is I ; the value o f 11 < 10 is 0.
T a b le 5.1
Sym bol
M e a n in g
less than
awrealer than
less than or equal to
greater than or equal to
The relational operators can be used lo compare integers and floating-point
numbers, with operands of mixed types allowed. Thus, 1 < 2 . 5 has the value 1,
while 5 . 6 < 4 has the value 0.
The precedence of the relational operators is lower than that of the arithmetic
operators; forexam ple, i + j < k - 1 means ( i + j ) < (k - 1 ) . The relational
operators are left associative.
The expression
i < j < k
is legal in C. but doesn’t have the meaning that you might expect. Since the < oper­
ator is left associative, this expression is equivalent to
(i < j ) < k
In other words, the expression first tests whether i is less than j ; the 1 or 0 pro­
duced by this comparison is then compared to k. The expression does not test
whether j lies between i and k. (W e’ll see later in this section that the correct
expression would be i < j && j < k.)
5 .1
L o g ic a l E x p r e s s io n s hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFE
E q u a lity O p e r a to r s onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Although the relational operators are denoted by the same sym bols as in many
other programming languages, the cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
equality operators have a unique appearance
(Table 5.2). The “equal to” operator is two adjacent = characters, not one, since a
single = character represents the assignm ent operator. The “not equal to” operator
is also two characters: ! and =.
T a b le 5 .2
Equality Operators
Sym bol
M e a n in g
equal to
not equal to
Like the relational operators, the equality operators are left associative and
produce either 0 (false) or l (true) as their result. However, the equality operators
have low er precedence than the relational operators. For example, the expression kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQ
i < j == j < k
is equivalent to
(i < j) ==
(j < k)
which is true if i < j and j < k are both true or both false.
Clever programmers som etim es exploit the fact that the relational and equality
operators return integer values. For exam ple, the value of the expression ( i >= j )
+ ( i == j ) is either 0, 1. or 2, depending on whether i is less than, greater than,
or equal to j , respectively. Tricky coding like this generally isn’t a good idea, how­
ever; it makes programs hard to understand.
L o g ic a l O p e r a to r s
M ore complicated logical expressions can be built from sim pler ones by using the
lo gical operators: and, or, and n o t (Table 5.3). The ! operator is unary, while &&
and | | are binary.
T a b le 5 .3
Logical Operators
Sym bol
M e a n in g
logical negation
logical a n d
logical or
The logical operators produce either 0 or 1 as their result. Often, the operands
will have values of 0 or 1, but this isn’t a requirement; the logical operators treat
any nonzero operand as a true value and any zero operand as a false value.
The logical operators behave as follows:
■ ! expr has the value 1 if ex p r has the value 0.
■ e x p rl && expr2 has the value 1 if the values of e x p rl and expr2 are both non­
C h a p te r 5
S e le c tio n S ta te m e n ts cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
e x p rl | | expr2 onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
has the value 1 ifeith er e x p r l or expr2 (or both) has a nonzero
In all other cases, these operators produce the value 0.
Both && and | | perform “short-circuit” evaluation of their operands. That is,
these operators first evaluate the left operand, then the right operand. I'fthe value of
the expression can be deduced from the value of the left operand alone, then the
right operand isn 't evaluated. Consider the following expression:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHG
(i != 0) && (j / i > 0)
To find the value o f this expression, we must first evaluate ( i ! = 0 ) . If i isn’t
equal to 0, then w e’ll need to evaluate ( j / i > 0) to determ ine w hether the entire
expression is true or false. However, if i is equal to 0, then the entire expression
must be false, so there’s no need to evaluate ( j / i > 0 ) . The advantage of shortcircuit evaluation is apparent— without it. evaluating the expression would have
caused a division by zero.
Be wary o fsid e effects in logical expressions. Thanks to the short-circuit nature of
the && and | | operators, side effects in operands may not always occur. Consider
the following expression:
i > 0 && ++j > 0
Although j is apparently increm ented as a side effect ofevaluating the expression,
that isn’t always the case. If i > 0 is false, then + + j > 0 is not evaluated, so j isn’t
increm ented. The problem can be fixed by changing the condition to + + j > 0 &&
i > 0 or, even better, by incrementing j separately.
The ! operator has the same precedence as the unary plus and m inus opera­
tors. The precedence of && and | | is lower than that of the relational and equality
operators; for example, i < j && k == m means ( i < j ) && (k == m ). The !
operator is right associative; && and | | are left associative.aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
5 .2
T h e i f S ta te m e n t
The i f statem ent allows a program to choose between two alternatives by testing
the value of an expression. In its sim plest form, the i f statem ent has the form
i f s ta te m e n t
( expression
) statem ent
Notice that the parentheses around the expression are mandatory; they’re part of
the i f statement, not part of the expression. Also note that the word t h e n doesn’t
come after the parentheses, as it would in som e program m ing languages.
The i f S ta te m e n t
77 onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWV
When an i f statem ent is executed, the expression in the parentheses is evalu­
ated; if the value of the expression is nonzero— which C interprets as true— the
statement after the parentheses is executed. H ere’s an example:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
(line_num == MAX_LINES)
line_num = 0;
The statem ent l i n e _ n u m = 0 ; is executed if the condition l i n e _ n u m ==
MAX_LINES is true (has a nonzero value).
D on’t confuse == (equality) with = (assignm ent). The statement
(i == 0) ...
tests whether i is equal to 0. However, the statem ent
assigns 0 to i . then tests whether the result is nonzero. In this case, the test always
Confusing == with = is perhaps the most com m on C program m ing error,
probably because = means “is equal to” in m athem atics (and in certain program ­
ming languages). Some compilers issue a warning ifth ey notice = where == would
norm ally appear.
Often the expression in an i f statem ent will test w hether a variable falls
within a range of values. To test whether 0 < i < n , for exam ple, w e’d write
id io m
(0 <= i && i < n) ...
To test the opposite condition ( i is outside the range), w e’d write
id io m
(i < o | | i >= n) ...
Note the use of the | | operator instead of the && operator.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
C o m p o u n d S ta te m e n ts
In our i f statement template, notice that sta tem en t is singular, not plural:
( expression ) statement
W hat ifw e want an i f statement to control fnw or more statem ents? T hat’s where
the c o m p o u n d sta te m e n t comes in. A com pound statem ent has the form
com p ou nd s ta te m e n t
{ statem ents
By putting braces around a group ofstatem ents, we can force the com piler to treat
it as a single statement.
C h a p te r 5
S e le c tio n S ta te m e n ts hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Here's an example o fa compound statement:
{ line_num = 0; page_num++; }
For clarity, FI1 usually put a compound statement on several lines, with one state­
ment per line:
line_num = 0;
page_num+ + ;
Notice that each inner statement still ends with a semicolon, but the compound
statement itselfdoes not.
Here’s what a compound statement would look like when used inside an i f
if (line_num == MAX_LINES)
line_num = 0;
Compound statements are also common in loops and other places where the syntax
o fC requires a single statement; but wc want more than one.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
C la u s e
An i f statement may have an e l s e clause:
i f s ta te m e n t w ith
( expression ) statem ent e l s e
e l s e c la u s e onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
statem ent
The statement that follows the word e l s e is executed ifth e expression in paren­
theses has the value 0.
Here’s an example o fan i f statement with an e l s e clause:
if (i > j)
max = i ;
max = j ;
Notice that both “in n er 1 statements end with a semicolon.
When an i f statement contains an e l s e clause, a layout issue arises: where
should the e l s e be placed? Many C programmers align it with the i f at the
beginning of the statement; as in the previous example. The inner statements are
usually indented, but if theyTe short they can be put on the same line as the i f and
e ls e :
if (i > j) max = i;
else max = j ;
5 .2
T h e i f S t a t e m e n t onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIH
There are no restrictions on what kind of statements can appear inside an i f
statement. In fact, it's not unusual for i f statements to be nested inside other i f
statements. Consider the following i f statement, which fmds the largest of the
numbers stored in i , j , and k and stores that value in max:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
if (i >
if (i
if (j
> k)
= i;
= k;
> k)
= j;
= k;
i f statements can be nested to any depth. Notice how aligning each e l s e with the
matching i f makes the nesting easier to see. If you still find the nesting confusing,
don’t hesitate to add braces:
if (i > j) {
if (i > k)
max = i ;
max = k;
} else {
if (j > k)
max = j ;
max = k;
Adding braces to statements— even when they’re not necessary— is like using
parentheses in expressions: both techniques help make a program more readable
while at the same time avoiding the possibility that the compiler won’t understand
the program the way we thought it did.
Some programmers use as many braces as possible inside i f statements (and
iteration statements as well). A programmer who adopts this convention would
include a pair of braces for every i f clause and every e l s e clause:
if (i > j) {
if (i > k) {
max = i ;
} else {
max = k ;
} else {
if (j > k) {
max = j ;
} else {
max = k;
C h a p te r 5
S e le c tio n S ta te m e n ts
Using braces even when they’re not required has two advantages. First, the pro­
gram becom es easier to modify, because more statements can easily be added to
any i f or e l s e clause. Second, it helps avoid errors that can result from forget­
ting to use braces when adding statements to an i f or e l s e clause.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGF
C a s c a d e d i f S ta te m e n ts
W e’ll often need to test a series of conditions, stopping as soon as one of them is
true. A *'cascaded” i f statement is often the best way to write such a series of
tests. For example, the following cascaded i f statement tests whether n is less
than 0, equal to 0, or greater than 0:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
if (n < 0)
printf("n is less than 0\n");
if (n == 0)
printf("n is equal to 0\n");
printf("n is greater than 0\n");
Although the second i f statement is nested inside the first, C program m ers don’t
usually indent it. Instead, they align each e l s e with the original i f :
if (n < 0)
printf("n is less than 0\n");
else if (n == 0)
printf("n is equal to 0\n");
printf("n is greater than 0\n");
This arrangement gives the cascaded i f a distinctive appearance:
( expression )
else if ( expression )
else if ( expression )
The last two lines ( e l s e statement) aren't always present, of course. This way of
indenting the cascaded i f statement avoids the problem ofexcessive indentation
when the num ber of tests is larO
ge. Moreover,1 it assures the reader that the statement
is nothingo more than a series of tests,
Keep in mind that a cascaded i f statement isn’t some new kind ofstatem eni:
it’sju s t an ordinary i f statem ent that happens to have another i f statement as its
e l s e clause (and that i f statement has another i f statement as its e l s e clause,
ad infinitum).
The i f StatementhgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIH
C a lc u la t in g a B r o k e r ’s C o m m is s io n onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
When slocks ai'e sokl or purchased through a broker, the broker’s com m ission is
often computed using a sliding scale that depends upon the value o f the stocks
traded. L et’s say that a broker charges the am ounts shown in the following table:cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONM
Transaction size
Under $2,500
Over $500,000
Com m ission rate
$30 + 1.7%
$56 + 0.66%
$76 + 0.34%
$ 100 + 0.22%
$ 155 + 0.11 %
$255 + 0.09%
The minim um charge is $39. Our next program asks the user to enter the am ount of
the trade, then displays the amount of the com mission:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Enter value of trade: 30000
Commission: $166.00
The heart of the program is a cascaded i f statem ent that determ ines which range
the trade falls into.
/* Calculates a broker’s commission */
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
float commission, value;
printf("Enter value of trade: ”);
scanf("%f", &value);
if (value < 2500.00f)
commission = 30.00f + .017f * value;
else if (value < 6250.00f)
commission = 56.00f + .0066f * value;
else if (value < 20000.00f)
commission = 76.00f + .0034f * value;
else if (value < 50000.00f)
commission = 100.00f + .0022f * value;
else if (value < 500000.00f)
commission = 155.00f + .0011f * value;
commission = 255.00f + .0009f * value;
if (commission < 39.00f)
commission = 39.00f;
printf("Commission: $%.2f\n”, commission);
return 0;
C h a p te r 5
S e le c tio n S ta te m e n ts onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
The cascaded i f statement could have been written this way instead (the
changes are indicated in dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
if (value < 2500.00f)
commission = 30.00f + .017f * value;
else if (value >- 2500.00f && value < 6250.00f)
commission = 56.00f + .0066f * value;
else if (value >= 6250.00f && value < 20000.00f)
commission = 76.00f + .0034f * value;
Although the program will still work, the added conditions aren’t necessary. For
example, the first i f clause tests w h e th e r v a l u e is less than 2500 and, ifso . com ­
putes the com m ission. When we reach the second i f test ( v a l u e >= 2 5 0 0 . 0 0 f
&& v a l u e < 6 2 5 0 . 0 0 f ) , we know that v a l u e can’t be less than 2500 and
therefore must be greater than or equal to 2500. The condition v a l u e >=
2 50 0 . 0 0 f will always be true, so there's no point in checking it.
T h e “ D a n g lin g e l s e ” P r o b le m
When i f statem ents are nested,*w e’ve ^2/0t 10 wCa^atchK
rf*out for the notorious “dangling
e l s e ” problem. Consider the following example:
if (y != 0)
if (x != 0)
result = x / y;
printf("Error: y is equal to 0\n");
To which i f statement does the e l s e clause belon O
g ? The indentation su w
that it belongs to the outer i f statement. However, C follows the rule that an e l s e
clause belongs to the nearest i f statem ent that hasn’t already been paired with an
e l s e . In this example, the e l s e clause actually belongs to the inner i f state­
ment, so a correctly indented version would look like this:
if (y 1= 0)
if (x != 0)
result = x / y;
printf("Error: y is equal to 0\n");
To make the e l s e clause part of the outer i f statem ent, we can enclose the inner
i f statem ent in braces:
if (y != 0) {
if (x 1= 0)
result = x / y;
} else
printf("Error: y is equal to 0\n");
This exam ple illustrates the value o fb races; if w e’d used them in the original i f
statement, we w ouldn’t have gotten into this situation in the first place.
5 .2
T h e i f S ta te m e n t hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFE
C o n d itio n a l E x p r e s s io n s onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
C ’s i f statement allows a program to perform one of two actions depending on the
value of a condition. C also provides an cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
operator that allows an expression to pro­
duce one of two values depending on the value of a condition.
The c o n d itio n a l operator consists o f two symbols (? and :), which must be
used together in the following way.aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
e x p ri
c o n d it io n a l
? expr2
: expr3
e x p r e s s io n
exprJ, expr2, and expr3 can be expressions of any type. The resulting expression is
said to be a co n d itio n a l exp ressio n . The conditional operator is unique am ong C
operators in that it requires three operands instead o fo n e or two. For this reason, it
is often referred to as a ternary operator.
The conditional expression e x p r l ? expr2 : expr3 should be read “if e x p rl
then expr2 else e x p r3 " The expression is evaluated in stages: e x p rl is evaluated
first; if its value isn’t zero, then expr2 is evaluated, and its value is the value of the
entire conditional expression. Lf the value of e x p rl is zero, then the value of expr3
is the value of the conditional.
The following example illustrates the conditional operator:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
int i , j , k ;
2,i > j ? i : j;
(i >= 0 ? i : 0) + j;
/* k is now 2 */
/* k is now 3 */
The conditional expression i > j ? i : j in the first assignment to k returns the
value of either i or j , depending on which one is larger. Since i has the value I
and j has the value 2, the i > j com parison fails, and the value o f the conditional
is 2, which is assigned to k. In the second assignment to k, the i >= 0 com parison
succeeds; the conditional expression ( i >= 0 ? i : 0) has the value I, which is
then added to j lo produce 3. The parentheses are necessary, by the way; the prece­
dence of the conditional operator is less than that of the other operators w e’ve dis­
cussed so far, with the exception o fth e assignment operators.
Conditional expressions tend to make programs shorter but harder to under­
stand, so it’s probably best to avoid them. There are, however, a few places in
which they’re tempting; one is the r e t u r n statement. Instead of writing
if (i > j)
return i ;
return j ;
many programmers would write
return i > j ? i : j ;
C h a p te r 5
e le c t io n S t a t e m e n t s
Calls o f p r i n t f can som etim es benefit from condition expressions. Instead ofkjihgfedcbaZ
if (i > j)
printf("%d\n", i);
printf("%d\n"/ j);
we could simply write
printf("%d\n", i > j ? i : j);aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
m a c r o d e fin itio n s > /< 3
Conditional expressions are also common in certain kinds o fm acro definitions.dcbaZYXWVUT
B o o le a n V a lu e s in C 8 9
For many years, the C language lacked a proper Boolean type, and there is none
defined in the C89 standard. This omission is a minor annoyance, since many pro­
grams need variables that can store either/tf/se or tru e . One way to work around
this limitation o fC 8 9 is to declare an i n t variable and then assign it either 0 or 1:
int flag;
flag = 0;
• ••
flag = 1;
Although this schem e works, it doesn’t contribute much to program readability.
It’s not obvious that f l a g is to be assigned only Boolean values and that 0 and 1
represent false and true.
To make programs m ore understandable, C89 programmers often define mac­
ros with names such as TRUE and FALSE:
# define TRUE 1
# define FALSE 0
Assignments to f l a g now have a more natural appearance:
flag = FALSE;
flag = TRUE;
To test whether f l a g is true, we can write
if (flag == TRUE) ...
o rju st
if (flag) ...
The latter form is better, not only because it’s more concise, but also because it will
still work correctly if f l a g has a value other than 0 or 1.
To test whether f l a g is false, we can write
if (flag == FALSE) ...
85 onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXW
The i f State me nthgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIH
if (1 flag) ...
Carrying this idea one step further, we might even define a macro that can be
used as a type:
#define BOOL int
BOOL can take the place of i n t when declaring Boolean variables:
BOOL flag;
t y p e d e fin it io n s > 7 . 5
e n u m e r a t io n s > 7 6 . 5
It's now clear that f l a g isn’t an ordinary integer variable, but instead represents a
Boolean condition. (The compiler still treats f l a g as an i n t variable, of course.)
In later chapters, w e’ll discover better ways to set up a Boolean type in C89 by
using type definitions and enumerations.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
B o o l e a n V a lu e s in RQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
C 99
The longstanding lack of a Boolean type has been remedied in C99, which pro­
vides the _ B o o l type. In this version o fC , a Boolean variable can be declared by
_Bool flag;
u n s ig n e d in te g e r ty p e s > 7 j
_ B o o l is an integer type (more precisely, an cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
unsig ned integer type), so a
_ B o o l variable is really just an integer variable in disguise. Unlike an ordinary
integer variable, however, a _ B o o l variable can only be assigned 0 or 1. In gen­
eral. attempting to store a nonzero value into a _ B o o l variable will cause the vari­
able to be assigned 1:
flag = 5;
/* flag is assigned 1 */
l f s legal (although not advisable) to perform arithmetic on _ B o o l variables; it’s
also legal to print a _ B o o l variable (either 0 or 1 will be displayed). And. of
course, a _ B o o l variable can be tested in an i f statement:
if (flag)
< s td b o o i.h > h e a d e r > 2 t5
/* tests whether flag is 1 */
In addition to defining the _ B o o l type, C99 also provides a new header,
< s t d b o o l . h > . that makes it easier to work with Boolean values. This header
provides a macro, b o o l , that stands for _ B o o l. If < s t d b o o l .h > is included,
we can write
bool flag;
same as _Bool flag; */
The < s t d b o o l . h > header also supplies macros named t r u e and f a l s e ,
which stand for 1 and 0, respectively, making it possible to write
C h a p te r 5
S e le c tio n S ta te m e n ts kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
flag = false;
flag = true;onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Because the < s t d b o o l . h> header is so handy, I’ll use it in subsequent programs
whenever Boolean variables are needed.aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
5 .3
T h e s w i t c h S ta te m e n t
ln everyday programming, w e’ll often need to com pare an expression against a
series of values to see which one it currently matches. We saw in Section 5.2 that a
cascaded i f statement can be used for this purpose. For exam ple, the following
cascaded i f statement prints the English word that corresponds to a numerical
if (grade == 4)
printf (’’Excellent") ;
else if (grade == 3)
else if (grade == 2)
else if (grade == 1)
else if (grade == 0)
printf("Illegal grade");
As an alternative to this kind of cascaded i f statem ent, C provides the s w i t c h
statement. The following s w i t c h is equivalent to our cascaded i f :
switch (grade) {
case 4: printf("Excellent");
case 3: printf("Good");
case 2: printf("Average");
case 1: printf("Poor");
case 0: printf("Failing");
default: printf("Illegal grade");
b re a k s ta te m e n t> & 4
When this statem ent is executed, the value o fth e variable g r a d e is tested against
4, 3, 2, 1, and 0. If it matches 4, for example, the m essage E x c e l l e n t is printed,
then the b r e a k statement transfers control to the statem ent following the
s w i t c h . If the value of g r a d e doesn’t match any of the choices listed, the
d e f a u l t case applies, and the message I l l e g a l g r a d e is printed.
5 .3
T h e s w i t c h S ta te m e n t onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJ
A s w i t c h statement is often easier to read than a cascaded i t statement.
Moreover, s w i t c h statements are often faster than i f statements, especially
when there are more than a handful ofcases.
In its most common form, the s w i t c h statement has the form
s w i t c h ( expression ) {
s w i t c h s ta te m e n t
c a s e constant-expression
d e f a u l t : statem ents
statem ents
: statem ents
The s w i t c h statement is fairly complex; let’s look at its com ponents one by one:
c h a ra c te rs > 7 . 3
■ C o n tro llin g expressio n. The word s w i t c h must be followed by an integer
expression in parentheses. Characters are treated as integers in C and thus can
be tested in s w i t c h statements. Floating-point numbers and strings don’t
qualify, however.
■ Case labels. Each case begins with a label of the form kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
constant-expression :
A c o n sta n t expression is much like an ordinary expression except that it can’t
contain variables or function calls. Thus, 5 is a constant expression, and 5 +
10 is a constant expression, but n + 10 isn't a constant expression (unless n is
a macro that represents a constant). The constant expression in a case label
must evaluate to an integer (characters are also acceptable).
■ S ta tem en ts. After each case label comes any num ber of statements. No braces
are required around the statements. (Enjoy it— this is one of the few places in
C where braces aren’t required.) The last statement in each group is normally
b re a k .
Duplicate case labels aren’t allowed. The order o fth e cases doesn’t matter; in par­
ticular, the d e f a u l t case doesn’t need lo com e last.
Only one constant expression may follow the word c a s e ; however, several
case labels may precede the same group of statements:
(grade) {
1: printf("Passing");
case 0: printf("Failing");
default; printf("Illegal grade");
S e le c tio n S ta te m e n ts
C h a p te r 5
To save space, programmers som etim es pul several case labels on the same line:kjihgfedc
switch (grade) {
case 4: case 3: case 2: case 1:
default: printf("Illegal grade");
Unfortunately, there’s no way to write a case label that specifies a range o f values,
as there is in some programming languages.
A s w i t c h statement isn’t required to have a d e f a u l t case, l f d e f a u l t is
missing and the value of the controlling expression doesn’t match any o f the case
labels, control simply passes to the next statement after the s w i t c h .dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIH
T h e R o le o f th e b r e a k S ta te m e n t
Now, let’s take a closer look at the m ysterious b r e a k statem ent. As w e’ve seen,
executing a b r e a k statement causes the program to “break” out of the s w i t c h
statement; execution continues at the next statem ent after the s w i t c h .
The reason that we need b r e a k has to do with the fact that the s w i t c h state­
ment is really a form of “computed jum p.” When the controlling expression is
evaluated, control jum ps to the case label matching the value of the s w i t c h
expression. A case label is nothing morc than a marker indicating a position within
the s w i t c h . When the last statement in the case has been executed, control “ falls
through” to the first statement in the following case: the case label for the next case GFEDCB
is ignored. Without b r e a k (o rso m e oth erju n ip statem ent), control will flow from
one case into the next. Consider the following s w i t c h statement:
switch (grade) {
case 4: printf("Excellent");
case 3: printf("Good");
case 2: printf("Average");
case 1: printf("Poor");
case 0: printf("Failing");
default: printf("Illegal grade");
If the value of g r a d e is 3, the message printed is
GoodAveragePoorFailingIllegal grade
Forgetting to use b r e a k is a com m on error. Although om itting b r e a k is some­
times done intentionally to allow several cases to share code, it’s usually just an
5 .3
The s w i t c h S ta te m e n t hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIH
8 9 onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXW
Since deliberately falling through from one casc into the next is rare, it?s a
good idea to point out any deliberate omission o f b r e a k :kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
switch (grade) {
case 4: case 3: case 2: case 1:
case 0: total_grades++;
Without the comment, someone might later fix the “error” by adding an unwanted
b r e a k statement.
Although the last case in a s w i t c h statement never needs a b r e a k state­
ment, it’s common practice to put one there anyway to guard against a “missing
b r e a k ” problem ifcases should later be added.
P r i n tin g a D a t e in L e g a l F o r m
Contracts and other legal documents are often dated in the following way:cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCB
D ated th is
day o
,2 0 .
Let’s write a program that displays dates in this form. We'll have the user enter the
date in month/day/year form, then we'll display the date in “legal" form:
Enter date (mm/dd/yy): 7/19/14
Dated this 19th day of July, 2014.
We can get p r i n t f to do most of the formatting. However, w e’re left with two
problems: how to add “th” (or “st” or “nd” or “rd") to the day. and how to print the
month as a word instead o f a number. Fortunately, the s w i t c h statement is ideal
for both situations; w e’ll have one s w i t c h print the day suffix and another print
the month name.BA
/* Prints a date in legal form */
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
int month, day, year;
printf("Enter date (mm/dd/yy): ”);
scanf("%d /%d /%d", &month, &day, &year);
printf("Dated this %d”, day);
switch (day) {
case 1: case 21: case 31:
printf("st”); break;
case 2: case 22:
printf("nd"); break;
S e le c tio n
C h a p te r 5
S ta te m e n ts kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
case 3: case 23:
p r i n t f ("rd”) ; break;
default: printf("th"); break;
printf(" day of ") ;
(month) {
1 : printf (’’January”) ;
2 : printf (’’February”) ;
3 : p r i n t f ("March");
a • p r i n t f ("April");
5: p r i n t f ("May”);
6: p r i n t f ("June”) ;
7 : p r i n t f ("July”);
8 : printf (’’August ”) ;
9: p r i n t f ("September”);
10 : printf (’’October”) ;
11: p r i n t f ("November");
12 : printf <"December");
printf(”, 20%.2d.\n",
return 0;
Note the use of %. 2 d to display the last two digits of the year. If we had used
%d instead, single-digit years would be displayed incorrectly (2005 would be
M y c o m p ile r d o e s n ’t g iv e a w a r n in g w h e n I u s e = in s te a d o f = = . I s th e r e so m e
w a y to fo r c e th e c o m p ile r to n o tic e th e p r o b le m ? [p . 7 7 ]
Here’s a trick that some programmers use: instead of writing
(i == 0) ...
they habitually write
(0 == i) ...
Now suppose that the == operator is accidentally written as =:
(0 = i) ...
The compiler will produce an error message, since it’s not possible to assign a
value to 0 . 1 d o n \ use this trick, because I think it makes programs look unnatural.
Also, it can be used only when one of the operands in the test condition isn’t an
Fortunately, many compilers are capable of checking for suspect uses of the =
operator in i f conditions. The GCC compiler, for example, will perform this
Q & A onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONM
check if the - W p a r e n t h e s e s option is used or if - W a ll (all warnings) is
selected. GCC allows the programmer to suppress the warning in a particular case
by enclosing the i f condition in a second set of parentheses:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
C b o o k s s e e m to u se s e v e r a l d iffe r e n t s ty le s o f in d e n ta tio n a n d b r a c e p la c e ­
m e n t fo r c o m p o u n d s ta te m e n ts . W h ic h s ty le is b e st?
The New H acker’s D ictionary (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1996),
there are four common styles of indentation and brace placement:
The K&R style, used in Kemighan and Ritchie’s The C Program m ing L a n ­
guage, is the one I’ve chosen for the programs in this book. In the K&R style,
the left brace appears at the end of a line:
if (line_num == MAX_LINES)
line_num = 0;
The K&R style keeps programs compact by not putting the left brace on a line
by itself. A disadvantage: the left brace can be hard to find. (I don’t consider
this a problem, since the indentation of the inner statements makes it clear
where the left brace should be.) The K&R style is the one most often used in
Java, by the way.
The Allm an style, named after Eric Allman (the author of s e n d m a i l and
other UNIX utilities), puts the left brace on a separate line:
if (line_num == MAX_LINES)
line_num = 0;
This style makes it easy to check that braces come in matching pairs.
The W hitesmiths style, popularized by the Whitesmiths C compiler, dictates
that braces be indented:
if (line_num == MAX_LINES)
1ine_num = 0;
The G NU style, used in software developed by the GNU Project, indents the
braces, then further indents the inner statements:
if (line_num == MAX_LINES)
line_num = 0;
S e le c tio n S ta te m e n ts onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
C h a p te r 5
W hich style you use is mainly a m atter of taste: there’s no proof that one style
is clearly better than the others. In any event, choosing the right style is less im por­
tant than applying it consistently.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
I f i is an i n t v a r ia b le a n d f is a f l o a t v a r ia b le , w h a t is th e ty p e o f th e c o n ­
d itio n a l e x p r e ss io n ( i > 0 ? i
: f )?
When i n t and f l o a t values are mixed in a conditional expression, as they are
here, the expression has type f l o a t . If i > 0 is true, the value o fth e expression
will be the value of i after conversion to f l o a t type.
W h y d o e s n ’t C 9 9 h a v e a b e tte r n a m e fo r its B o o le a n ty p e ? [p . 8 5 ]
_ B o o l isn’t a very elegant name, is it? M ore com m on names, such as b o o l or
b o o l e a n , w eren’t chosen because existing C program s m ight already define
these names, causing older code not to compile.
B o o l b r e a k o ld e r p r o g r a m s a s w e ll?
O K , so w h y w o u ld n ’t th e n a m e
The C89 standard specifies that names beginning with an underscore followed by
an uppercase letter are reserved for future use and should not be used by program ­
*Q :
T h e te m p la te g iv e n fo r th e s w i t c h s ta te m e n t d e s c r ib e d it a s th e “ m o s t c o m ­
m o n fo r m .” A r e th e r e o th e r fo r m s ? [p. 8 7 ]
The s w i t c h statem ent is a bit more general than described in this chapter,
although the description given here is general enough for virtually all programs.
For exam ple, a s w i t c h statem ent can contain labels that aren ’t preceded by the
word c a s e , which leads to an am using (?) trap. Suppose that we accidentally mis­
spell the word d e f a u l t :kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
switch (...) {
defualt: ...
The com piler may not detect the error, since it assum es that d e f u a l t is an ordi­
nary label.
I ’v e se e n s e v e r a l m e th o d s o f in d e n tin g th e s w i t c h s ta te m e n t. W h ic h w a y is
b e st?
There are at least two com m on methods. One is to put the statem ents in each case cbaZYXWV
a f te r the case label:
switch (coin) {
case 1: printf("Cent");
case 5: printf("Nickel");
case 10: printf("Dime");
E x e rc is e s hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIH
9 3 onmlkjihgfedcbaZYX
c ase 25: p r in tf ( " Q u a r te r " ) ;
b re a k ;
If each case consists of a single action (a call of p r i n t f , in this exam ple), the
b r e a k statem ent could even go on the same line as the action:
s w itc h (c o in ) {
c a se 1:
p r in tf ( " C e n t" ) ; b re a k ;
c a s e 5:
p r in tf ( " N ic k e l" ) ; b re a k ;
c a s e 10: p r in tf ( " D im e " ) ; b re a k ;
c a se 25: p r in tf ( " Q u a r te r " ) ; b re a k ;
The other method is to put the statements cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
u n d er the case label, indenting the
statements to make the case label stand out:
s w itc h (c o in ) {
c a s e 1:
p r i n t f ( ”C e n t” ) ;
b re a k ;
c a s e 5:
p r i n t f ( " N ic k e l” );
b re a k ;
c a s e 10:
p r i n t f ( " D im e " ) ;
b re a k ;
c a se 25:
p r i n t f ( " Q u a rte r" );
b re a k ;
In one variation of this schem e, each case label is ali ^gwned under the word s w i t c h ,
The first method is fine when the statem ents in each case are short and there
are relatively few of them. The second method is better for large s w i t c h state­
ments in which the statem ents in each case are complex and/or numerous.aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFED
E x e r c is e s
S e c t io n 5 .1
The following program fragments illustrate the relational and equality operators. Show the
output produced by each, assuming that i . j . and k are i n t variables.
(a) i = 2 ; j = 3 ;
k = i * j == 6 ;
p r i n t f ( "% d ", k ) ;
(b) i = 5 ; j = 1 0 ; k = 1 ;
p rin tf(" % d " , k > i < j ) ;
(C) i = 3 ; j = 2 ; k = 1 ;
p r i n t f ( " % d " , i < j == j < k ) ;
(d) i = 3 ; j - 4 ; k = 5 ;
p r i n t f ( " % d " , i % j 4- i < k ) ;
C h a p te r5
S e le c tio n S ta te m e n ts aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
The following program fragments illustrate the logical operators. Show the output produced
by each, assuming that i , j ? and k are i n t variables.
(a) i = 1 0 ; j = 5 ;
p rin tf(" % d " , !i < j ) ;
(b) i = 2 ; j = 1 ;
p rin tf(" % d " , l ! i + ! j ) ;
(c) i = 5 ; j = 0 ; k = - 5 ;
p r i n t f ( " % d " , i && j | | k ) ;
(d) i = 1 ; j = 2 ; k = 3 ;
p rin tf(" % d " , i < j || k );
The following program fragments illustrate the short-circuit behavior of logical expressions.
Show the output produced by each, assuming that i , j . and k are i n t variables.
(a) i = 3 ; j
p rin tf(" %
p rin tf(" %
(b) i = 7 ; j
p rin tf(" %
p rin tf(" %
(C) i = 7 ; j
p rin tf(" %
p rin tf(" %
(d) i = 1 ; j
p rin tf(" %
p rin tf(" %
© *4.
S e c t io n 5 .2
k = 5;
i < j | | ++j < k) ;
% d", i , j , k ) ;
k = 9;
i - 7 && j+ + < k ) ;
% d", i , j , k ) ;
k = 9;
(i = j) | | (j = k ) ) ;
% d", i , j , k ) ;
k = 1;
+ + i | | + + j && +4-k) ;
% d", i , j , k ) ;
Write a single expression whose value is e ith e r-1 , 0, or + 1, depending on whether i is less
than, equal to, or greater than j , respectively.
Ts the following i f statement legal?
(n >= 1 < = 10)
p r i n t f ( " n i s b e tw e e n 1 a n d 1 0 \ n " ) ;
Tf so. what does it do when n is equal to 0?
© *6.
is Lhe following i f statement legal?
(n == 1 - 1 0 )
p rin tf(" n is
b e tw e e n 1 a n d 1 0 \ n " ) ;
lfs o , what does il do when n is equal to 5?
W hat does the following statement print if i has the value 17? Whal does it print if i has lhe
value -1 7 ?
p rin tf(" % d \n " ,
>= 0 ? i
: -i);
The following i f statement is unnecessarily complicated. Simplify it as much as possible.cbaZYXW
(Hini: The entire statement can be replaced by a single assignment.)
( a g e >= 1 3 )
i f ( a g e <= 19 )
te e n a g e r = tr u e ;
e ls e
te e n a g e r = f a ls e ;
e l s e i f ( a g e < 13)
te e n a g e r = f a ls e ;
P ro g r a m m in g P r o je c ts hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFE
95 onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVU
Are the following i f statements equivalent? If not, why not? kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
if (score >= 90)
printf(”A") ;
else if (score >= 80)
printf("B") ;
else if (score >= 70)
printf("C") ;
else if (score >= 60)
printf("D") ;
S e c tio n 5 .3
© *10.
What output does the following program fragment produce? (Assume that i is an integer
i = 1;
if (score < 60)
else if (score < 70
else if (score < 80
else if (score < 90
% 3) {
The following table shows telephone area codes in the state of Georgia along with the larg­
Area code
M ajor city
Write a s w i t c h statement whose controlling expression is the variable a r e a _ c o d e . Ifth e
value of a r e a _ c o d e is in the table, the s w i t c h statement will print the corresponding
city name. Otherwise, the s w i t c h statement will display the message " A r e a c o d e n o t
r e c o g n i z e d ” . Use the techniques discussed in Section 5.3 to make the s w i t c h state­
ment as simple as possible.
P r o g ra m m in g P r o je c ts
Write a program that calculates how many digits a number contains:
Enter a number: 374
The number 374 has 3 digits
You may assume that the number has no more than four digits. Hint: Use i f statements to
test the number. For example, if the number is between 0 and 9, it has one digit. If the num­
ber is between 10 and 99, it has two digits.
S e le c tio n
C h a p te r5
W rite a program that asks lhc user for a 24-hour lime, then displays the time in 12-hour
Enter a 24-hour time: 21:11
Equivalent 12-hour time: 9:11 PM
Be careful not to display 12:00 as 0:00.
M odify the b r o k e r . c program o f Section 5.2 by making both of the following changes:
(a) Ask (he user lo enter the number o fsh ares and the price per share, instead of the value
o f the trade.
(b) Add statem ents that compute the commission charged by a rival broker (533 plus 3tf per
share for fewer than 2000 shares: $33 plus 2$j per share for 2000 shares or more). Dis­
play the rival's commission as well as the commission charged by the original broker.hgfedcbaZY
Here’s a simplified version of the Beaufort scale, which is used to estim ate wind force:
Above 63
D escription
Li^a'hl air
W rite a program that asks the user to enter a wind speed (in knots), then displays the corre­
sponding description.
In one state, single residents are subject to the following income tax:
Incom e
Not over $750
Over $7,000
A m o u n t ofta.x
I % of income
5142.50 plus
$230.00 plus
of amount
of amount
o f am ount
of am ount
o f amount
W rite a program that asks the user to enter the amount of taxable income, then displays the
tax due.
Modify the u p c . c program of Section 4 . 1 so that il checks whether a UPC is valid. After
the user enters a UPC, the program will display cither VALID or NOT VALID.
W rite a program that finds the largest and smallest o ffo u r integers entered by the user:
Enter four integers: 21 43 10 35
Largest: 43
Smallest: 10
Use as few i f statem ents as possible. H int: Four i f statem ents are sufficient.
The following table shows the daily flights from one city to another:
D epartu re tim e
8:00 a.m.
9:43 a.m.
ll:1 9 a .m .
12:47 p.m.
A rrival time
10:16 a.m.
11:52 a.m.
1:31 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
P ro g ra m m in g P ro je c ts onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIH
4:08 p.m.
5:55 p.m.
9:20 p.m.
11:58 p.m.
W rite a program that asks user to enter a tim e (expressed in hours and minutes, using the 24hour clock). The program then displays the departure and arrival times for the Hight whose
departure lime is closest to that entered by the user:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Enter a 24-hour time: 13:15
Closest departure time is 12:47 p.m., arriving at 3:00 p.m.cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGF
H int: Convert the input into a lime expressed in minuies since midnighl. and com pare it to
the departure tim es, also expressed in minutes since midnighl. For example. 13:15 is 13 X
6 0 + 15 = 795 minutes since midnight, which is closer to 12:47 p.m. (767 m inutes since
midnight) than to any o f the other departure limes.
W rite a program that prompts the user lo enter iwo dates and then indicates which dale
comes earlier on the calendar:
Enter first date (mm/dd/yy): 3/6/08
Enter second date (mm/dd/yy): 5/17/07
5/17/07 is earlier than 3/6/08
Using the s w i t c h statement, write a program that converts a numerical grade into a letter
Enter numerical grade: 84
Letter grade: B
Use the following grading scale: A = 90-100, B = 80-89, C = 7 0 -7 9 . D = 60-69, F = 0 -59.
g^-er than 100 or less than«*.’0. H int: Break the grade
Print an error messag*^e if the W
g*rade is lar<
into iwo digits, then use a s w i t c h statem ent to test the ten’s digit.
Write a program that asks the user for a two-digit number, ihen prints the English word for
ihe number:
Enter a two-digit number: 45
You entered the number forty-five.
H int: Break the num ber into two digits. Use one s w i t c h statem ent to print the word for the
first digit (“tw enty:’ “thirty,” and so forth). Use a second s w i t c h statem ent to print the
word for the sccond digit. D on’t forget that lhc num bers betw een 11 and 19 require special
6 Loops
A p ro g ra m w ith o u t a lo o p a n d a s tru c tu re d
v a ria b le is n 't w o rth w ritin g . onmlkjihgfedcbaZYX
Chapter 5 covered C ’s selection statements, i f and s w i t c h . This chapter intro­
duces C 's iteration statements, which allow us to set up loops.
loop is a statement w hosejob is to repeatedly execute some other statement
(the loop body). In C, every loop has a co n tro llin g expressio n. Each time the loop
body is executed (an iteration of the loop), the controlling expression is evaluated;
if the expression is true— has a value that’s not zero— the loop continues to exe­
C provides three iteration statements: w h i l e , d o , and f o r , which are cov­
ered in Sections 6.1, 6.2, and 6.3, respectively. The w h i l e statement is used for
loops whose controlling expression is tested before the loop body is executed. The
d o statement is used ifth e expression is tested after the loop body is executed. The
f o r statement is convenient for loops that increment or decrement a counting vari­
able. Section 6.3 also introduces the comma operator, which is used primarily in
f o r statements.
The last two sections of this chapter are devoted to C features that are used in
conjunction with loops. Section 6.4 describes the b r e a k , c o n t i n u e , and g o t o
statements, b r e a k jum ps out of a loop and transfers control to the next statement
after the loop, c o n t i n u e skips the rest of a loop iteration, and g o t o jum ps to
any statement within a function. Section 6.5 covers the nulJ statement, which can
be used to create loops with empty bodies.aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
T h e w h ile S ta te m e n t
O f all the ways to set up loops in C. the w h i l e statement is Che simplest and most
fundamental. The w h i l e statement has the form
C h a p te r 6
w h ile
w h i l e s ta te m e n t
( expression
) sta tem en t
The expression inside the parentheses is the controlling expression; the statement
after the parentheses is the loop body. Here’s an example:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
while (i < n)
i = i * 2;
/* controlling expression */
/* loop body */
Note that the parentheses are mandatory and that nothing goes between the right
parenthesis and the loop body. (Some languages require the word do.)
When a w h i l e statement is executed, the controlling expression is evaluated
first. If its value is nonzero (true), the loop body is executed and the expression is
tested again. The process continues in this fashion— first testing the controlling
expression, then executing the loop body— until the controlling expression eventu­
ally has the value zero.
The following example uses a w h i l e statement to compute the smallest
power of 2 that is greater than or equal to a number n:
i = 1;
while (i < n)
i = i * 2;
Suppose that n has the value 10. The following trace shows what happens when
the w h i l e statement is executed:
i =
ls i
i =
Is i
i =
Is i
i =
Is i
i =
Is i
c o m p o u n d s ta te m e n ts > 5 .2
< n?
i * 2
< n?
i * 2
< n?
i * 2
< n?
i * 2
< n?
i is now 1.
Yes; continue.
i is now 2.
Yes; continue.
i is now 4.
Yes; continue.
i is now 8.
Yes; continue.
i is now 16.
No; exit from loop.
Notice how the loop keeps going as long as the controlling expression ( i < n) is
true. When the expression is false, the loop terminates, and i is greater than or
equal to n, as desired.
Although the loop body must be a single statement, that’s merely a technical­
ity. If we want more than one statement, we can just use braces to create a single
COmpOUnd Statement:
while (i > 0) {
printf(”T minus %d and counting\n", i);
T h e w h i l e S t a t e m e n t kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHG
Some programmers always use braces, even when they’re not strictly necessary:
while (i < n) {
i = i * 2;
/* braces allowed, but not required */
As a second example, let’s trace the execution of the foUowing statements,
which display a series o f “countdown” messages:dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
i = 10;
while (i > 0) {
printf("T minus %d and counting\n", i);
i-- ;
Before the w h i l e statement is executed, the variable i is assigned the value 10.
Since 10 is greater than 0, the loop body is executed, causing the message T
m i n u s 10 a n d c o u n t i n g to be printed and i to be decrem ented. The condition
i > 0 is then tested again. Since 9 is greater than 0, the loop body is executed once
more. This process continues until the message T m in u s 1 a n d c o u n t i n g is
printed and i becomes 0. The test i > 0 then fails, causing the loop to terminate.
The countdown example leads us to make several observations about the
w h i l e statement:
■ The c ontrolling expression is false when a w h i l e loop terminates. Thus,
when a loop controlled by the expression i > 0 terminates, i must be less than
or equal to 0. (Otherwise, w e’d still be executing the loop!)
■ The body of a w h i l e loop may not be executed at all. Since the controlling
before lhe loop body is executed, it’s possible that the
body isn’t executed even once. If i has a negative or zero value when the
countdown loop is first entered, the loop will do nothing.
■ A w h i l e sta tement can often be written in a variety of ways. For example, we
could make the countdown loop more concise by decrem enting i inside the
call o f p r i n t f :
while (i > 0)
printf("T minus %d and counting\n", i--);aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
h if in it e L o o p s
A w h i l e statement w on’t terminate if the controlling expression always has a
nonzero value. In fact, C programmers sometimes deliberately create an in fin ite
loop by using a nonzero constant as the controlling expression:
id io m
while (1) ...
A w h i l e statement of this form will execute forever unless its body contains a
statem ent that transfers control out of the loop ( b r e a k , g o t o , r e t u r n ) or calls a
function that causes the program to terminate.
C h a p te r 6
P r i n ti n g a T a b le o f S q u a r e s onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Let’s write a program that prints a table of squares. The program will first prompt
the user to enter a number nRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
. It will then print n lines ofoutput, with each line con­
taining a number between l and n together with its square:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
This program prints a table of squares.
Enter number of entries in table: 5
Let’s have the program store the desired number of squares in a variable
named n. We’ll need a loop that repeatedly prints a number i and its square, start­
ing with i equal to 1. The loop will repeat as long as i is less than or equal to n.
We’ll have to make sure to add 1 to i each time through the loop.
We’ll write the loop as a w h i l e statement. (Frankly, we haven’t got much
choice, since the w h i l e statement is the only kind of loop we’ve covered so far.)
Here’s the finished program:
s q u a r e ,c
/* Prints a table of squares using a while statement */
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
int i, n;
printf("This program prints a table of squares.\n");
printf("Enter number of entries in table: ”);
scanf("%d", &n);
i = 1;
while (i <= n) {
i z i * i);
return 0;
Note how s q u a r e . c displays numbers in neatly aligned columns. The trick
is to use a conversion specification like %10d instead of just %d, taking advantage
of the fact that p r i n t f right-justifies numbers when a field width is specified.
S u m m in g a S e r ie s o f N u m b e r s
As a second example of the w h i l e statement, let’s write a program that sums a
series of integers entered by the user. Here’s what the user will see:
6 .2
T h e d o S t a t e m e n t onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLK
103 kjihgfedcbaZYXWVU
This program sums a series of integers.
Enter integers (0 to terminate): 8 23 71 5 0
The sum is: 107
Clearly w e’ll need a loop that uses s c a n f to read a number and then adds the
number to a runningc> total,
Letting n represent the num berjust read and sum the total o fa ll numbers pre­
viously read, we end up with the following program:BA
sum .c
/* Sums a series of numbers */
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
int n, sum = 0;
printf("This program sums a series of integers.\n");
printf("Enter integers (0 to terminate): ");
scanf("%d", &n);
while (n != 0) {
sum += n;
scanf(”%d", &n);
printf("The sum is: %d\n", sum);
return 0;
Notice that the condition n ! = 0 is testedjust after a number is read, allowing the
loop to terminate as soon as possible. Also note that there are two identical calls of
s c a n f , which is often hard to avoid when using w h i l e loops.aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
6 .2
T h e d o S ta te m e n t
The d o statement is closely related to the w h i l e statement; in fact, the d o state­
ment is essentiallyjust a w h i l e statement whose controlling expression is tested cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONM
after each execution of the loop body. The d o statement has the form
d o s ta te m e n t
d o statem ent
w h ile
( expression
As with the w h i l e statement, the body of a d o statement must be one statement
(possibly compound, of course) and the controlling expression must be enclosed
within parentheses.
When a d o statement is executed, the loop body is executed first, then the con­
trolling expression is evaluated. If the value of the expression is nonzero, the loop
1 04
C h a p te r 6
body is executed again and then the expression is evaluated once more. Execution
o f the d o statem ent term inates when the controlling expression has the value 0 cbaZYX
a fte r the loop body has been executed.
L et’s rewrite the countdown exam ple o f Section 6.1, using a d o statement this
i = 10;
do {
printf("T minus %d and counting\n", i);
} while (i > 0) ;
W hen the d o statem ent is executed, the loop body is first executed, causing the
message T m i n u s 10 a n d c o u n t i n g to be printed and i to be decremented.
The condition i > 0 is now tested. Since 9 is greater than 0, the loop body is exe­
cuted a second time. This process continues until the m essage T m i n u s 1 and
c o u n t i n g is printed and i becom es 0. The test i > 0 now fails, causing the loop
to term inate. As this exam ple shows, the d o statem ent is often indistinguishable
from the w h i l e statem ent. The difference between the two is that the body of a
d o statem ent is always executed at least once; the body of a w h i l e statement is
skipped entirely if the controlling expression is 0 initially.
Incidentally, it’s a good idea to use braces in all d o statem ents, whether or not
they’re needed, because a d o statem ent without braces can easily be mistaken fora
w h i l e statement:
printf("T minus %d and counting\n", i--);
while (i > 0) ;
A careless reader m ight think that the word w h i l e was the beginning of a w h ile
C a l c u la tin g th e N u m b e r o f D ig its in a n I n te g e r
Although the w h i l e statem ent appears in C program s much more often than lhe
d o statem ent, the latter is handy for loops that m ust execute at least once. To illus­
trate this point, let’s write a program that calculates the num ber o f digits in an inte­
ger entered by the user:
Enter a nonnegative integer: 60
The number has 2 digit(s).
O ur strategy will be to divide the user’s input by 10 repeatedly until it
becom es 0; the num ber of divisions perform ed is the num ber of digits. Clearly
w e’ll need some kind o flo o p , since we d o n ’t know how many divisions it will take
to reach 0. But should we use a w h i l e statem ent or a d o statem ent? The d o state­
ment turns out to be more attractive, because every integer— even 0— has at least
one digit. H ere’s the program:
6 .3
105 BA
T h e f o r S t a t e m e n t hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGF
/* Calculates the number of digits in an integer */
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
int digits = 0, n;
printf("Enter a nonnegative integer:
scanf("%d", &n);
do {
n /= 10;
} while (n > 0);
printf("The number has %d digit(s).\n", digits);
To see why the d o statement is the right choice, let’s see what would happen if
we were to replace the d o loop by a similar w h i l e loop:
while (n > 0) {
n /= 10;
I f n is 0 initially, this loop won’t execute at all, and the program would print
6 .3
T h e f o r S ta te m e n t
We now come to the last o f C ’s loops: the f o r statement. D on’t be discouraged by
the f o r statement’s apparent complexity; it’s actually the best way to write many
loops. The f o r statement is ideal for loops that have a "counting” variable, but it’s
versatile enough to be used for other kinds of loops as well.
The f o r statement has the form
f o r s ta te m e n t
( exprJ
; expr2
; expr3 ) statem ent
where ex p rl, expr2, and expr3 are expressions. Here’s an example:
for (i = 10; i > 0; i--)
printf("T minus %d and counting\n", i);
When this f o r statement is executed, the variable i is initialized to 10, then i is
tested to see if it’s greater than 0. Since il is, the message T m in u s 10 a n d
^ r
C h a p te r 6
c o u n t i n g is printed, then i is decremented. The condition i > 0 is then tested
again. The loop body will be executed 10 times in all, with i varying from 10
down to 1.
The f o r statement is closely related to the w h i l e statement. In fact, except
in a few rare cases, a f o r loop can always be replaced by an equivalent w h i l e
while ( expr2 ) {
As this pattem shows, exprl is an initialization step that’s performed only once,
before the loop begins to execute, expr2 controls loop termination (the loop contin­
ues executing as long as the value of expr2 is nonzero), and expr3 is an operation
to be performed at the end ofeach loop iteration. Applying this pattern to our pre­
vious f o r loop example, we arrive at the following:
i = 10;
while (i > 0) {
printf("T minus %d and counting\n",
Studying the equivalent w h i l e statement can help us understand the fine
points o f a f o r statement. For example, suppose that we replace i - - by - - i in
our f o r loop example:
for (i = 10; i > 0; --i)
printf("T minus %d and counting\n", i);
How does this change affect the loop? Looking at the equivalent w h i l e loop, we
see that it has no effect:
i = 10;
while (i > 0) {
printf("T minus %d and counting\n",
} " ” 1 '*
Since the first and third expressions in a f o r statement are executed as statements,
their values are irrelevant— they’re useful only for their side effects. Consequently,
these two expressions are usually assignments or increment/decrement expres­
f o r S ta te m e n t I d io m s
The f o r statement is usually the best choice for loops that “count up” (increment
a variable) or “count down” (decrement a variable). A f o r statement that counts
up or down a total of n times will usually have one of the following forms:
6 .3
C o u n t i n g u p f r o n i dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
0 to n - 1 :
id io m
for (i = 0; i < n,- i++) ...
■ C
id iom
o u n t i n g d o w n f r o m n - 1 to 0;
for (i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) ...
■ C
id iom
o u n t i n g u p f r o m 1 to n :
for (i = 1; i <= n,- i++) ...
■ C
id iom
T h e f o r S t a t e m e n t onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHG
o u n t i n g d o w n f r o m n to 1;
for (i = n; i > 0; i--) ...
Imitating these patterns will help you avoid some of the following errors,
which beginning C programmers often make:
■ U sing < instead of > (or vice versa) in the controlling expression. Notice that
“counting up” loops use the < or <= operator, while “counting down” loops
rely on > or >=.
■ U sing == in the controlling expression instead of <, <=, >, or >=. A contfolling expression needs to be true al the beginning o flh e loop, then later become
false so that the loop can terminate. A test such as i == n doesn’t make much
sense, because it w on’t be true initially.
■ “O ff-by-one” errors such as writing the controlling expression as i <= n
instead of i < n.
O m ittin g E x p r e s s io n s in a f o r S ta t e m e n t
The f o r statement is even more flexible than w e’ve seen so far. Som e f o r loops
may not need all three of the expressions that normally control the loop, so C
allows us to omit any or all of the expressions.
If expression is omitted, no initialization is performed before the loop
is executed:
i = 10;
for (; i > 0; --i)
printf("T minus %d and counting\n", i);
In this example, i has been initialized by a separate assignment, so w e’ve omitted
the first expression in the f o r statement. (Notice that the semicolon between the
first and second expressions remains. The two semicolons must always be present,
even when w e’ve omitted some of the expressions.)
If we omit the t h ir d expression in a f o r statement, the loop body is responsi­
ble for ensuring that the value of the second expression eventually becomes false.
Our f o r statement example could be written like this:
for (i = 10; i > 0;)
printf("T minus %d and counting\n", i--);
C h a p te r 6
To com pensate for omitting the third expression, w e’ve arranged for i to be decre­
mented inside the loop body.
fir s t and third expressions are both omitted, the resulting loop is
nothing more than a w h i l e statement in disguise. F orexam ple, the loop kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPO
for (; i > 0;)
printf("T minus %d and counting\n", i--);
is the same as
while (i > 0)
printf("T minus %d and counting\n", i--);
The w h i l e version is clearer and therefore preferable.
If the se co n d expression is missing, il defaults to a true value, so the f o r
statem ent doesn’t term inate (unless stopped in some other fashion). For exam ple,
some program m ers use the following f o r statem ent to establish an infinite loop:
id io m
for (;;) ...
f o r S t a te m e n ts in C 9 9
Tn C99, the first expression in a f o r statement can be replaced by a declaration.
This feature allows the programmer to declare a variable for use by the loop:
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
The variable i need not have been declared prior to this statem ent, (ln fact, if a
declaration of i already exists, this statem ent creates a new version of i that will
be used solely within the loop.)
A variable declared by a f o r statem ent can ’t be accessed outside the body of
the loop (we say that it’s not visible outside the loop):
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
printf("%d", i);
/* legal; i is visible inside loop */
• ••
printf("%d", i);
/*** WRONG ***/
Having a f o r statement declare its own control variable is usually a good
idea: it’s convenient and it can make program s easier to understand. However, if
the program needs to access the variable after loop term ination, it’s necessary to
use the older form o f the f o r statement.
Incidentally, a f o r statement may declare more than one variable, provided
that all variables have the same type:
for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < n; i++)
6 .3
T h e f o r S t a t e m e n t hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFE
T h e C o m m a O p e r a to r onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
On occasion, we might like to write a f o r statement with two (or more) initializa­
tion expressions or one that increments several variables each time through the
loop. We can do this by using a co m m a exp ressio n as the first or third expression
in the f o r statement.
A com m a expression has the form aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
e x p rl
c o m m a e x p r e s s io n
, expr2
where e x p rl and expr2 are any two expressions. A com m a expression is evaluated
in two steps: First, e x p rl is evaluated and its value discarded. Second, expr2 is
evaluated; its value is the value of the entire expression. Evaluating e x p r l should
always have a side effect; if it doesn’t, then e x p rl serves no purpose.
For example, suppose that i and j have the values l and 5, respectively. When
thc com m a expression 4-4-i, i + j is evaluated, i is first incremented, then i 4- j
is evaluated, so lhe value of the expression is 7. (And, of course, i now has the
value 2.) The precedence of the comma operator is less than that o fa ll other opera­
tors, by the way, so there\s no need to put parentheses around 4-4-i and i 4- j .
Occasionally, w e’ll need to chain together a series o fco m m a expressions,just
as we sometimes chain assignments together. The com m a operator is left associa­
tive, so the com piler interprets
= 1,
= 2,
k = i
4- j
( (i
m a c r o d e fin i1 io n s > 7 < 3
= 1)
= 2) ) ,
(k =
4- j ) )
Since the left operand in a comma expression is evaluated before the right operand,
thc assignments i = 1, j = 2, and k - i 4- j will be perform ed from left to right.
The comma operator is provided for situations where C requires a single
expression, but w e’d like to have two or more expressions. In other words, the
comma operator allows us to “glue” two expressions together to form a single
expression. (Note the similarity to the compound statement, which allows us to
treat a group of statements as a single statement.)
The need to glue expressions together doesn’t arise that often. Certain macro
definitions can benefit from the com m a operator, as w e’H see in a later chapter.
The f o r statement is the only otherplace where the com m a operator is Hkely to be
found. For example, suppose that we want to initialize two variables when entering
a f o r statement. Instead ofwi*iting
sum = 0 ;
fo i' ( i = 1;
su m 4-= i ;
we can write
<= N ;
C h a p te r 6
for (sum = 0, i = 1; i <= N; i + +)
The expression sum = 0 1 i = 1 first assigns 0 to sum , then assigns 1 to i . With
additional commas, the f o r statement could initialize more than two variables.
P r in tin g a T a b le o f S q u a r e s (R e v is ite d )
The s q u a r e . c program (Section 6.1) can be improved by converting its w h i l e
loop to a f o r loop:BA
/* Prints a table of squares using a for statement */
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
int i , n ;
printf("This program prints a table of squares.\n");
printf("Enter number of entries in table: ”);
scanf(”%d", &n);
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
printf("%10d%10d\n", i, i * i);
return 0;
We can use this program to illustrate an important point about the f o r state­
ment: C places no restrictions on the three expressions that control its behavior.
Although these expressions usually initialize, test, and update the same variable,
there\s no requirement that they be related in any way. Consider the following ver­
sion of the same program:
/* Prints a table of squares using an odd method */
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
int i, n, odd, square;
printf("This program prints a table of squares.\n");
printf("Enter number of entries in table: ”);
scanf(”%d", &n);
i = 1;
odd = 3;
for (square = 1; i <= n; odd += 2) {
printf( ,'%10d%10d\n”, i, square);
6 .4
E x itin g fro m a L o o p kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJ
square += odd;
iin k e d iis ts > /7 .5
6 .4
The f o r statement in this program initializes one variable ( s q u a r e ) , tests
another ( i) , and increments a third (odd), i is the number to be squared, s q u a r e
is the square of i , and o d d is the odd number that must be added to the current
square to get the next square (allowing the program to compute consecutive
squares without performing any multiplications).
The tremendous flexibility of the f o r statement can sometimes be useful;hgfedcbaZYXWVU
we’ll find it to be a great help when working with linked lists. The f o r statement
can easily be misused, though, so don’t go overboard. The f o r loop in
s q u a r e 3 . c would be a lot clearer if we rearranged its pieces so that the loop is
clearly controlled by i .aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
E x itin g fr o m a L o o p
We’ve seen how to write loops that have an exit point before the loop body (using
w h i l e and f o r statements) or after it (using d o statements). Occasionally, how­
ever, we’ll need a loop with an exit point in the middle. We may even want a loop
to have more than one exit point. The b r e a k statement makes it possible to write
either kind of loop.
After we’ve examined the b r e a k statement, we'll look at a couple of related
statements: c o n t i n u e and g o t o . The c o n t i n u e statement makes it possible to
skip part of a loop iteration w ithoutjum ping out of the loop. The g o t o statement
allows a program tojum p from one statement to another. Thanks to the availability
ofstatem ents such as b r e a k and c o n t i n u e , the g o t o statement is rarely used.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQ
T h e b r e a k S ta te m e n t
We’ve already discussed how a b r e a k statement can transfer control out of a
s w i t c h statement. The b r e a k statement can also be used to jum p out of a
w h i l e , d o , or f o r loop.
Suppose that we’re writing a program that checks whether a number n is
prime. Our plan is to write a f o r statement that divides n by the numbers between
2 and n - 1. We should break out of the loop as soon as any divisor is found;
there’s no need to try the remaining possibilities. After the loop has terminated, we
can use an i f statement to determine whether termination was premature (hence n
isn’t prime) or normal (n is prime):
for (d = 2; d < n; d++)
if (n % d == 0)
C h a p te r 6
if (d < n)
printf("%d is divisible by %d\n", n, d);
printf("%d is prime\n", n);
The b r e a k statement is particularly useful for writing loops in which the exit
point is in the middle of the body rather than at the beginning or end. Loops that
read user input, terminating when a particular value is entered, often fall into this
for (;;) {
printf("Enter a number (enter 0 to stop): ");
scanf (”%d", &n) ;
if (n == 0)
printf("%d cubed is %d\n”, n, n * n * n);
innerm ost enclosingG* w h i l e ,
A b r e a k statement transfers control out of the cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
d o , f o r , or s w i t c h statement. Thus, when these statements are nested, the
b r e a k statement can escape only one level of nesting. Consider the case of a
s w i t c h statement nested inside a w h i l e statement:
while (...) {
switch (...) {
The b r e a k statement transfers control out of the s w i t c h statement, but not out
of the w h i l e loop. I'll return to this point later.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
T h e c o n t i n u e S ta te m e n t
The c o n t i n u e statement doesn’t really belong here, because it doesn’t exit from
a loop. It's similar to b r e a k . though, so its inclusion in this section isn’t com­
pletely arbitrary, b r e a k transfers control just past the end of a loop, while
c o n t i n u e transfers control to a point just before the end of the loop body. With
b r e a k , control leaves the loop: with c o n t i n u e , control remains inside the loop.
There's another difference between b r e a k and c o n t i n u e : b r e a k can be used
in s w i t c h statements and loops ( w h i l e , d o , and f o r ) , whereas c o n t i n u e is
limited to loops.
The following example, which reads a series of numbers and computes their
sum, illustrates a simple use o f c o n t i n u e . The loop terminates when 10 nonzero
numbers have been read. Whenever the number 0 is read, the c o n t i n u e state­
ment is executed, skipping the rest of the loop body (the statements sum 4-= i ;
and n + + ;) but remaining inside the loop.
6 .4
E x it in g fro m a L o o p kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJI
n = 0;
sum = 0;
while (n < 10) {
s c a n f ("%d", & i ) ;
if (i == 0)
sum += i ;
n++ ;
/* continue jumps to here */onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
If c o n t i n u e were not available, we could have written the exam ple as follows:
n = 0;
sum = 0;
while (n < 10) {
scanf (•'% d ” , & i ) ;
if (i != 0) {
sum += i;
T h e g o t o S ta te m e n t
v a r ia b le - le n g t h a r r a y s > 3 . 3
b r e a k and c o n t i n u e a re ju m p statements that transfer control from one point
in the program to another. Both are restricted: the target of a b r e a k is a po in tju stcbaZYXWVUTSRQPON
beyond the end of the enclosing loop, while the target of a c o n t i n u e is a point
just before the end of the loop. The g o t o statement, on the other hand, is capable
ofjum ping to any statement in a function, provided that the statement has a label,
(C99 places an additional restriction on the g o t o statement: il can’t be used to
bypass the declaration o f a variable-length array.)
A label is just an identifier placed at the beginning of a statement:
id entifier
la b e le d s t a t e m e n t
: statem ent
A statement may have more than one label. The g o t o statement itselfhas the form
g o t o s t a t e m e n t ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
g o to
identifier ;
Executing the statement g o t o L ; transfers control to the statement that follows
the label L, which must be in the same function as the g o t o statement itself.
If C didn’t have a b r e a k statement, here’.s how we might use a g o t o state­
ment to exit prematurely from a loop:
for (d = 2; d < n; d++)
if (n % d == 0)
goto d o n e ;
C h a p te r 6
if (d < n)
printf("%d is divisible by %d\n", n, d);
printf("%d is prime\n", n);
The g o t o statement, a staple of older programming languages, is rarely
needed in everyday C programming. The b r e a k , c o n t i n u e , and r e t u r n state- hgfedcbaZYX
e x it f u n c t io n > 9 . 5
ments— which are essentially restricted g o t o statements— and the e x i t function
are sufficient to handle most situations that might require a g o t o in other lan­
Nonetheless, the g o t o statement can be helpful once in a while. Consider the
problem of exiting a loop from within a s w i t c h statement. As we saw earlier, the
b r e a k statement doesn’t quite have the desired effect: it exits from the s w i t c h ,
but not from the loop. A g o t o statement solves the problem:
while (...) {
switch (...) {
goto loop_done;
/* break w o n ’t work here ★ /
loop_done: ...
The g o t o statement is also useful for exiting from nested loops.
B a la n cin g a C h eck b o o k
Many simple interactive programs are menu-based: they present the user with a list
ofcom m ands to choose from. Once the userhas selected a command, the program
performs the desired action, then prompts the user for another command. This pro­
cess continues until the user selects an “exit” or “quit” command.
The heart of such a program will obviously be a loop. Inside the loop will be
statements that prompt the user for a command, read the command, then decide
what action to take:
prompt user to enter command*,
read command;
execute command;
Executing the command will require a s w i t c h statement (or cascaded i f state­
for (;;) {
prompt user to enter command;
read command;
switch (command) {
case command\-. performoperation^; break;
6 .4
E x itin g fro m a L o o p kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGF
com.mandz' performoperatioih; break;
case commandn '
. performoperationn ; break;
defaul t : print e.rrormessage; break;
To illustrate this arrangement, let’s develop a program that maintains a check­
book balance. The program will offer the user a menu of choices: clear the account
balance, credit money to the account, debit money from the account, display the
current balance, and exit the program. The choices are represented by the integers
0, 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively. Here’s whal a session with the program will look
*** ACME checkbook-balancing program ***
Commands: 0=clear, l=credit, 2=debit, 3=balance, 4=exit
Enter command: 1
Enter amount of credit: 1042.56
Enter command: 2
Enter amount of debit: 133.79
Enter command: 1
Enter amount of credit: 1754.32
Enter command: 2
Enter amount of debit: 1400
Enter command: 2
Enter amount of debit: 68
Enter command: 2
Enter amount of debit: 50
Enter command: 3_
Current balance: $1145.09
Enter command: 4
When the user enters the command 4 (exit), the program needs to exit from the
and the surrounding loop. The b r e a k statement w on’t help,
and we’d prefer not to use a g o t o statement. Instead, w e’ll have the program exe­
cute a r e t u r n statement, which will cause the m a in function to return to the
operating system.BA
/* Balances a checkbook */
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
int cmd;
float balance = 0.0f, credit, debit;
printf(”*** ACME checkbook-balancing program ***\n");
printf("Commands: 0=clear, l=credit, 2=debit, ");
printf(”3=balance, 4=exit\n\n");
C h a p te r 6
for (;;) {
printf("Enter command; ");
s c a n f ("%d", & c m d ) ;
switch (cmd) {
case 0:
balance - 0.0f;
case 1:
printf("Enter amount of credit: ”);
scanf("%f", &credit);
balance += credit;
case 2:
printf("Enter amount of debit: ");
s c a n f ("%f”, &debit);
balance -= debit;
case 3:
printf("Current balance: $%.2f\n’, / balance);
case 4:
return 0;
printf("Commands: O=clear, l=credit, 2=debit,
printf("3=balance, 4=exit\n\n");
Note that the r e t u r n statement is not followed by a b r e a k statement. A b r e a k
immediately following a r e t u r n can never be executed, and many compilers will
issue a warningo messagC?e,aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
6 .5
T h e N u ll S t a t e m e n t
A statement can be n u l l — devoid of symbols except for the semicolon at the end.
Here’s an example:
i = 0;
This line contains three statements: an assi<
g_'nment to i . a null statement, and an
assignment to j .
The null statement is primarily good for one thing: writing loops whose bodies
are empty. As an example, recall the prime-finding loop ofSection 6.4:
for (d = 2; d < n; d+ + )
if (n % d == 0)
6 .5
T h e N u l l S t a t e m e n t onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLK
If we move the n % d == 0 condition into the loop’s controlling expression, the
body o fth e loop becomes empty:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
for (d = 2; d < n && n % d != 0; d++)
/* empty loop body */ ;
Each time through the loop, the condition d < n is tested first; if it’s false, the loop
terminates. Otherwise, the condition n % d ’ = 0 is tested, and if that’s false, the
loop terminates. (In the lattercase. n % d == 0 must be true: in other words, w e’ve
found a divisor o fn .)
Note how w e’ve put the null statement on a line by itself, instead ofw ritin g
for (d = 2; d < n && n % d != 0; d++);
C programmers customarily put the null statement on a line by itself. Otherwise,
someone reading the program might get confused about whether the statement
after the f o r was actually its body:
for (d = 2; d < n && n % d ’= 0; d++);
if (d < n)
printf("%d is divisible by %d\n", n, d);
re a d in g c h a r a c te r s > z .3
Converting an ordinary loop into one with an empty body doesn’t buy much:
the new loop is often more concise but usually no more efficient. In a few cases,
though, a loop with an empty body is clearly superior to the alternatives. For exam- aZYXWVUTSRQPONM
ple. w e’Il find these loops to be handy for reading character data.
Accidentally putting a semicolon after the parentheses in an i f , w h i l e , or f o r
statement creates a null statement, thus ending the i f , w h i l e . or f o r prem a­
In an i f statement, putting a semicolon after the parentheses creates an i f
statement that apparently performs the same action regardless of the value of
its controlling expression:
if (d == 0);
printf("Error: Division by zero\n");
/*** WRONG ***/
The call o f p r i n t f isn’t inside the i f statement, so it’s performed regardless
of whether d is equal to 0.
In a w h i l e statement, putting a semicolon after the parentheses may create
an infinite loop:
i = 10;
/*** WRONG ***/
while (i > 0) ;
printf("T minus %d and counting\n", i);
C h a p te r 6
A nother possibility is that the loop term inates, but the statem ent that should be
the loop body is executed only once, after the loop has terminated:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLK
i = 11;
/*** WRONG ***/
while (--i > 0);
printf("T minus %d and counting\n", i);
This exam ple prints the m essage
T minus 0 and counting
■ I n a f o r statement, putting a semicolon after the parentheses causes the state­
ment that should be the loop body to be executed only once:
for (i = 10; i > 0; i--);
/*** WRONG ***/
printf("T minus %d and counting\n", i);
This exam ple also prints the message
T h e fo ll o w in g lo o p a p p e a r s in S e c ti o n 6 .1 :
while (i > 0)
printf("T minus %d and counting\n", i--);
W h y n o t s h o r te n th e lo o p e v e n m o r e b y r e m o v in g th e “ > 0 ” te s t ?
while (i)
printf("T minus %d and counting\n", i--);
T h is v e r s io n w ill s t o p w h e n i r e a c h e s 0 , s o it s h o u ld b e j u s t a s g o o d a s th e
o r ig in a l , [p . 1 0 1 ]
The new version is certainly more concise, and many C program m ers would write
the loop in just this way. It does have drawbacks, though.
First, the new loop is not as easy to read as the original. It’s clear that the loop
will term inate when i reaches 0, but it’s not obvious w hether w e’re counting up or
down. In the original loop, that inform ation can be deduced from the controlling
expression, i > 0.
Second, the new loop behaves differently than the original if i should happen
to have a negative value when the loop begins to execute. The original loop term i­
nates immediately, but the new loop doesn’t.
S e c ti o n 6 .3 s a y s th a t, e x c e p t in r a r e c a s e s , f o r lo o p s c a n b e c o n v e r te d to
w h i l e lo o p s u s in g a s t a n d a r d p a t te r n . C a n y o u g iv e a n e x a m p le o f s u c h a
c a s e ? [p . 1 0 6 ]
When the body of a f o r loop contains a c o n t i n u e statement, the w h i l e pat­
tern shown in Section 6.3 is no longer valid. Consider the following exam ple from
Section 6.4:
n = 0;
sum = 0;
while (n < 10) {
scanf("%d", &i);
if (i == 0)
sum += i ;
At first glance, it looks as though we could convert the w h i l e loop into a f o r
sum = 0;
for (n = 0; n < 10; n++)
scanf("%d", &i);
if (i == 0)
sum += i;
Unfortunately, this loop isn’t equivalent to the original. W hen i is equal to 0. the
original loop doesn’t increm ent n . but the new loop does.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
W h ic h fo r m o f in fi n it e lo o p is p r e f e r a b le , w h i l e
(1 ) or f o r
( ; ; ) ? [p . 1 0 8 ]
C programmers have traditionally preferred f o r ( ; ; ) for reasons of efficiency;
older com pilers would often force programs to test the 1 condition each time
through the w h i l e loop. With m odern com pilers, however, there should be no dif­
ference in performance.
I ’v e h e a r d th a t p r o g r a m m e r s s h o u ld n e v e r u s e th e c o n t i n u e s t a t e m e n t . Is
th is tr u e ?
It’s true that c o n t i n u e statem ents are rare. Still, c o n t i n u e is handy once in a
while. Suppose w e’re writing a loop that reads some input data, checks that it’s
valid, and, if so, processes the input in som e way. If there are a num ber of validity
tests, or if they’re complex, c o n t i n u e can be helpful. The loop would look
som ething like this:
read data;
if (datafailsfirst test)
if (datafails second test)
C h a p te r 6
W h a t’s so b a d a b o u t th e g o t o s ta te m e n t? [p. 114] onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
The g o t o statement isn't inherently evil; it’sju st that we usually have better alter­
natives. Programs that use more than a few g o t o statements can quickly degener­
ate into “spaghetti code,” with control blithely jumping from here to there.
Spaghetti code is hard to understand and hard to modify.
g o t o statements make programs hard to read because they can jum p either
forward or backward. (In contrast, b r e a k and c o n t i n u e onlyjum p forward.) A
program that contains g o t o statements often requires the reader tojum p back and
forth in an attempt to follow the flow of control.
g o t o statements can make programs hard to modify, since they make it possi­
ble for a section ofcode to serve more than one purpose. For example, a statement
that is preceded by a label might be reachable either by “falling through” from the
previous statement or by executing one of several g o t o statements.
D o e s th e n u ll s ta te m e n t h a v e a n y u se s b e sid e s in d ic a tin g th a t th e b o d y o f a
lo o p is e m p ty ? [p . 116^|
Very few. Since the null statement can appear wherever a statement is allowed,
there are many potential uses for the null statement. In practice, however, there’s
only one other use of the null statement, and it’s rare.
Suppose that we need to put a label at the end of a compound statement. A
label can’t stand alone: it must always be followed by a statement. Putting a null
statement after the label solves the problem:
goto end_of_stmt;
end_of_stmt: ;
A r e th e r e a n y o th e r w a y s to m a k e an e m p ty lo o p b o d y s ta n d o u t b e s id e s p u t­
tin g th e n u ll s ta te m e n t on a lin e by itse lf? [p . 117]
Some programmers use a dummy c o n t i n u e statement:
for (d = 2; d < n && n % d >= 0; d++)
Others use an empty compound statement:
for (d = 2; d < n && n % d 1= 0; d++)
E x e rc is e s hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHG
E x e r c is e s
What output does the following program fragment produce? kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
S e c t io n 6 .1
while (i <= 128) {
printf("%d ", i);
i *= 2;
What output does thefo!lowing program fragment produce?
S e c tio n 6 .2
i = 9384;
do {
printf("%d ”, i);
i /= 10;
} while (i > 0);
S e c t i o n 6 .3 onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
W hat output docs
the following f o r statement produce?
for (i = 5, j = i - 1; i > 0, j > 0; --i, j = i - 1)
printf("%d ", i);
Which one of the following statements is not equivalent to lhc other two (assuming that the
loop bodies arc the same)?
(a) for (i = 0; i < 10; i+ + ) ...
(b) for (i = 0; i < 10; + + i) ...
(c) for (i = 0; i+ + < 10; ) ...
Which one of the following statements is not equivalent to the other two (assuming that the
loop bodies are the same)?
(a) while (i < 10) {...}
(b) for (; i < 10;) {...}
(c) do {...} while (i < 10) ;
Translate the program fragment of Exercise I into a single f o r statement.
Translate the program fragment ofExercise 2 into a single f o r statement.
What output does the following f o r statement produce?
for (i = 10; i >= 1; i /= 2)
printf("%d ", i++);
Translate the f o r statement of Exercise 8 into an equivalent w h i l e statement. You will
need one statement in addition to the w h i l e loop itself.
© 10.
Show how
to replace a c o n t i n u e statement by an equivalent g o t o statement.
What output does the following program fragment produce?
C h a p te r 6
sum = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
if (i % 2)
sum += i ;
printf("%d\n", sum);onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
The following “prim e-testing” loop appeared in Section 6.4 as an example:
for (d = 2; d < n; d++)
if (n % d == 0)
This loop isn^t very efficient. I f s not necessary to divide n by all numbers between 2 and
n - 1 to determ ine whether it’s prime. In fact, we need only check divisors up to the square
H int: D on’t try to com pute the
root of n. Modify the loop to take advantage of this fact. cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
square root of n; instead, com pare d * d with n.
:|: 13.
S e c t io n 6 .5 kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Rewrite the
following loop so that its body is empty:
for (n = 0; m > 0; n++)
m /= 2 ;
© *14.
Find the error in the following program fragment and fix it.
if (n % 2 == 0) ;
printf("n is even\n");
P r o g r a m m in g P r o je c t s
Write a program that finds the largest in a series o f numbers entered by the user. The pro­
gram must prompt the user to enter numbers one by one. When the user enters 0 or a nega­
tive number, the program must display the largest nonnegative num ber entered:
The largest number entered was 100.62
Notice that the numbers aren’t necessarily integers.
W rite a program that asks the user to enter two integers, then calculates and displays their
greatest common divisor (GCD):
Enter two integers: 12 28
Greatest common divisor: 4
H int: The classic algorithm for computing the GCD, known as Euclid’s algorithm, goes as
follows: Let m and n be variables containing the two numbers. If n is 0, then stop: m con­
tains the GCD. Otherwise, com pute the rem ainder when m is divided by n. Copy n into m
and copy the rem ainder into n. Then repeat the process, starting with testing w hether n is 0.
P ro g ra m m in g P ro je c ts kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLK
Write a program that asks the user to enter a fraction, then reduces the fraction to lowest
Enter a fraction: 6/12
H int: To reduce a fraction to lowest terms, first compute the GCD of the numerator and
denominator. Then divide both the numerator and denominator by the GCD.
Add a loop to the b r o k e r . c program of Section 5.2 so that the user can enter more than
one trade and the program will calculate the commission on each. The program should ter­
minate when the user enters 0 as the trade value:
Enter value of trade: 30000
Commission: $166.00
Enter value of trade: 20000
Commission: $144.00
Enter value of trade: 0
Programming Project 1 in Chapter 4 asked you to write a program that displays a two-digit
number with its digits reversed. Generalize the program so that the number can have one.
two, lhrce, or more digits. H int: Use a d o loop that repeatedly divides the num ber by 10.
stopping when it reaches 0.
Write a program that prompts the user to enter a number /?. then prints all even squares
between 1 and n. For example, if the user enters 100, the program should print the follow­
Rearrange the s q u a r e 3 . c program so that the f o r loop initializes i , tests i , and incre­
ments i . D on't rewrite the program; in particular, don*t use any multiplications.
Write a program that prints a one-month calendar. The user specifies the number of days in
the month and the day of the week on which the month begins:
Enter number of days in month: 3JL
Enter starting day of the week (l=Sun, 7=Sat): 2
1 2 3 4 5
7 8 9 10 11 12
14 15 16 17 18 19
21 22 23 24 25 26
28 29 30 31
Hint: This program isn’t as hard as it looks. The most important part is a f o r statement that
uses a variable i to count from 1 to n, whcrc n is the number o fd a y s in the month, printing
each value of i . Inside the loop, an i f statement tests whether i is the last day in a week; if
so. it prints a new-line character.
Programming Project 8 in Chapter 2 asked you to write a program that calculates the
remaining balance on a loan afier the first, second, and third monthly payments. Modify the
program so that it also asks the user to enter the number of payments and then displays the
balance remaining after each ofthese payments.
C h a p te r 6
Programming Project 9 in Chapter 5 asked you to write a program that determ ines which of
two dates comes earlier on the calendar. Generalize the program so that the user may enter
any number of dates. The user will enter 0/0/0 to indicate that no more dates will be entered:kjihgfedcb
Enter a date(mm/dd/yy): 3/6/08
Enter a date(mm/dd/yy): 5/17/07
Enter a date(mm/dd/yy): 6/3/07
Enter a date(mm/dd/yy): 0/0/0
5/17/07 is the earliest date
e can be expressed as an infinite series:
The value of the mathematical constant cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
e = 1 4- 1/11+ 1/2! 4- 1/3! 4-...
Write a program that approximates e by computing the value of
1 4- 1/114- 1/2! 4- 1/3! 4- ... + l/n!
where n is an integer entered by the user.
Modify Programming Project 11 so that the program continues adding terms until the cur­
rent term becomes less than E. where e is a small (Hoating-point) number entered by the
B a s ic T y p e s
M a k e n o m is ta k e a b o u t it: C o m p u te r s p r o c e s s n u m b e r s —
W e m e a s u r e o u r u n d e r s ta n d in g ( a n d c o n tro l)
n o t s y m b o ls . hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
b y th e e x te n t to w h ic h w e c a n a r ith m e tiz e a n a c tiv ity . onmlkjihgfedcbaZY
So far. we’ve used only two o fC 's cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
basic (built-in) types: i n t and f l o a t . (We've
also seen _ B o o l. which is a basic type in C99.) This chapter describes the rest of
lhe basic types and discusses important issues about types in general. Section 7.1
reveals the full range of integer types, which include long integers, short integers,
and unsigned integers. Section 7.2 introduces the d o u b l e and l o n g d o u b l e
types, which provide a larger range of values and greater precision than f l o a t .
Section 7.3 covers the c h a r type, which we’ll need in order to work with charac­
ter data. Section 7.4 tackles the thorny topic ofconverting a value o fo n e type to an
equivalent value of another. Section 7.5 shows how to use t y p e d e f to define new
type names. Finally, Section 7.6 describes the s i z e o f operator, which measures
the amount ofstorage required for a type.
In t e g e r T y p e s
C supports two fundamentally different kinds of numeric types: integer types and
floating types. Values of an integer type are whole numbers, while values of a
floating type can have a fractional part as well. The integer types, in turn, are
divided into two categories: signed and unsigned.RQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
S ig n e d a n d U n s ig n e d I n te g e r s
T h e le ftm o s t b it o f a
signed in te g e r (k n o w n a s th e sign bit) is 0 if th e n u m b e r is
p o s itiv e o r z e ro , 1 if it’s n e g a tiv e . T h u s , th e la rg e s t 1 6 - b it in te g e r h a s th e b in a r y r e p ­
re s e n ta tio n
1 26
C h a p te r 7
B a s ic T y p e s
w h ic h h a s th e v a lu e 3 2 ,7 6 7 (2 1 5 - 1). T h e la rg e s t 3 2 -b it in te g e r is
w h ic h h a s th e v a lu e 2 ,1 4 7 ,4 8 3 ,6 4 7 (2 31 - 1). A n in te g e r w ith n o s ig n b it (th e le ft­
m o s t b it is c o n s id e re d p a rt o f th e n u m b e r's m a g n itu d e ) is s a id to b e
unsigned. T h e
la rg e s t 1 6 -b it u n s ig n e d in te g e r is 6 5 ,5 3 5 (2 1 6 - 1), a n d th e la rg e s t 3 2 -b it u n s ig n e d
in te g e r is 4 ,2 9 4 ,9 6 7 ,2 9 5 (2 3 2 - 1).
B y d e fa u lt, in te g e r v a ria b le s a re s ig n e d in C — th e le ftm o s t b it is re s e rv e d fo r th e
s ig n . To te ll th e c o m p ile r th a t a v a ria b le h a s no s ig n bit, w e d e c la re it to b e
u n s ig n e d . U n s ig n e d n u m b e rs a re p rim a rily u s e fu l fo r s y s te m s p ro g ra m m in g a n d
lo w -le v e l, m a c h in e -d e p e n d e n t a p p lic a tio n s . W e ’ll d is c u s s ty p ic a l a p p lic a tio n s fo r
u n s ig n e d n u m b e rs in C h a p te r 2 0 ; u n til th e n , w e ’ll g e n e ra lly a v o id th e m . onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPO
C ’s integer types come in different sizes. The i n t type is usually 32 bits, but
may be 16 bits on older CPUs. Since some program s require numbers that are too
n g integers. At times, we may need to
large to store in i n t form, C also provides lo
conserve memory by instructing the compiler to store a number in less space than
normal; such a number is called a sh o rt integer.
To construct an integer type that exactly meets our needs, we can specify that
a variable is l o n g or s h o r t , s i g n e d or u n s i g n e d . We can even com bine
specifiers (e.g., l o n g u n s i g n e d i n t ) . However, only the following six com bi­
nations actually produce different types:
sh o rt in t
u n s ig n e d s h o r t i n t
in t
u n s ig n e d i n t
lo n g i n t
u n s ig n e d lo n g i n t
Other combinations are synonyms for one ofth ese six types. (For example, l o n g
s i g n e d i n t is the same as l o n g i n t , since integers arc always signed unless
otherwise specified.) Incidentally, the order of the specifiers doesn’t matter;
u n s i g n e d s h o r t i n t is the same as s h o r t u n s i g n e d i n t .
C allows us to abbreviate the names of integer types by dropping the word
i n t . For example, u n s i g n e d s h o r t i n t may be abbreviated to u n s i g n e d
s h o r t , and l o n g i n t may be abbreviated to just l o n g . Omitting i n t is a
widespread practice among C programmers, and some newer C-based languages
(including Java) actually require the programmer to write s h o r t or l o n g rather
than s h o r t i n t or l o n g i n t . For these reasons, I’ll often omit the word i n t
when it’s not strictly necessary.
7 .1
I n t e g e r T y p e s onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQ
The range of values represented by each o f the six integer types varies from
one machine to another. However, there are a couple o f rules that all compilers
must obey. First, the C standard requires that s h o r t i n t , i n t , and l o n g i n t
each cover a certain minim um range o f values (see Section 23.2 for details). Sec­
ond, the standard requires that i n t not be shorter than s h o r t i n t , and l o n g
i n t not be shorter than i n t . However, it’s possible that s h o r t i n t represents
the same range of values as i n t : also, i n t may have the same range as l o n g
in t.
Table 7.1 shows the usual range of values for the integer types on a 16-bit
machine; note that s h o r t i n t and i n t have identical ran g es.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
T a b le 7 .1
Integer Types on a
l6-bit Machine
__________ T ype__________
S m a lle s t V a lu e
short int
unsigned short int
unsigned int
long int
unsigned long int _____________ 0
L a r g e s t V a l u e kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIH
Table 7.2 shows the usual ranges on a 32-bit machine; here i n t and l o n g i n t
have identical rang©es.RQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
T a b le 7 .2
Integer Types on a
32-bit Machine
__________ Type__________
S m a l l e s t V a lu e
short int
unsigned short int
unsigned int
long int
unsigned long int _____________ 0
L a r g e s t V a lu e
In recent years, 64-bit CPUs have becom e more common. Table 7.3 shows typical
ranges for the integer types on a 64-bit machine (especially under UNDQ.
T a b le 7 .3
Integer Types on a
64-bit Machine
< l i m i t s . h > h e a d e r> 2 3 .2
_________ T ype__________
S m a lle s t V a lu e
short int
unsigned short int
unsigned int
long int
unsigned long int ________________________0
L a r g e s t V a lu e
18.446.744,073.709.551.615 hgfedcbaZYXW
Once more, let me em phasize that the ranges shown in Tables 7.1, 7.2, and 7.3
aren’t mandated by the C standard and may vary from one com piler to another.
One way to determ ine the ranges of the integer types for a particular im plementa­
tion is to check the < l i m i t s .h > header, which is part o f the standard library.
This header defines macros that represent the sm allest and largest values of each
integer type.
C h a p te r 7
I n te g e r T y p e s in C 9 9
s i g n e d c h a r ty p e
u n s i g n e d c h a r ty p e
_ B o o l ty p e
C99 provides two additional standard integer types, l o n g l o n g i n t and
u n s i g n e d l o n g l o n g i n t . These types were added because of the growing
need for very large integers and the ability of newer processors to support 64-bit
arithmetic. Both l o n g l o n g types are required to be at least 64 bits wide, so the
range of l o n g l o n g i n t values is typically - 2 f u (-9.223,372,036,854.775,808)
to 2 63 - l (9.223,372.036.854,775.807). and range of u n s i g n e d l o n g l o n g
i n t values is usually 0 to 2 64 - 1 (18.446.744,073,709.551,615).
The s h o r t i n t , i n t . l o n g i n t . and l o n g l o n g i n t types (along with
> 7 .3
the s i g n e d c h a r type) are called cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
sta n d a rd sig n e d in teg er types in C99. The
u n s i g n e d s h o r t i n t . u n s i g n e d i n t , u n s i g n e d l o n g i n t , and
> 7 .3
u n s i g n e d l o n g l o n g i n t types (along with the u n s i g n e d c h a r type and
the _ B o o l type) are called sta n d a rd u n sig n e d in te g er types.
In addition to the standard integer types, the C99 standard allows im plem enta­
tion-defined e x te n d e d in te g e r types, both signed and unsigned. For example, a
com piler might provide signed and unsigned 128-bit integer types.
I n te g e r C o n s ta n ts
Let's turn our attention to c o n sta n ts— numbers that appear in the text of a pro­
gram, not numbers that are read, written, or computed. C allows integer constants
to be written in decimal (base 10), octal (base 8), or hexadecimal (base 16).
Octal and H exadecim al Num bers
A n o c ta l n u m b e r is w ritte n u s in g o n ly th e d ig its 0 th ro u g h 7. E a ch p o s itio n in a n
o c ta l n u m b e r re p re s e n ts a p o w e r o f 8 Qust a s e a c h p o s itio n in a d e c im a l n u m b e r
re p re s e n ts a p o w e r o f 10). T h u s , th e o c ta l n u m b e r 2 3 7 re p r e s e n ts th e d e c im a l n u m ­
b e r 2 x 8 2 + 3 x 8 1 + 7 x 8 ° = 1 2 8 + 2 4 + 7 = 159.
A h e x a d e c im a l (o r h e x) n u m b e r is w ritte n u s in g th e d ig its 0 th ro u g h 9 p lu s th e
le tte rs A th ro u g h F, w h ic h s ta n d fo r 10 th ro u g h 15, re s p e c tiv e ly . E a ch p o s itio n in a
h e x n u m b e r re p re s e n ts a p o w e r o f 16; th e h e x n u m b e r 1 A F h a s th e d e c im a l v a lu e
1 x 1 6 2 + 1 0 x 1 6 1 + 1 5 x 1 6 ° = 2 5 6 + 1 6 0 4 -1 5 = 4 3 1 .
■ D e c im a l constants contain di<ojits bectrween 0 and 9. but must not besin with a
■ O ctal constants contain only digits between 0 and 7. and m u st begin with a
I n t e g e r T y p e s kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONML
constants contain digits between 0 and 9 and letters between a
■ H exa d e cim a l onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
and f , and always begin with Ox:
The letters in a hexadecimal constant may be either upper or lower case:
Keep in mind that octal and hexadecimal are nothing more than an alternative
way of writing numbers; they have no effect on how the num bers are actually
stored. (Integers are always stored in binary, regardless of what notation w e’ve
used to express them.) We can switch from one notation to another at any time, and
even mix them: 10 + 0 1 5 + 0 x 2 0 has the value 55 (decimal). Octal and hex are
most convenient for writing low-level programs; we w on’t use these notations
much until Chapter 20.
The type of a decim al integer constant is normally i n t . However, if the value
of the constant is too large to store as an i n t , the constant has type l o n g i n t
instead. In the unlikely case that the constant is too large to store as a l o n g i n t ,
the com piler will try u n s i g n e d l o n g i n t as a last resort. The rules for deter­
mining the type o fa n octal or hexadecim al constant are slightly different: the com­
piler will go through the types i n t , u n s i g n e d i n t , l o n g i n t , and u n s i g n e d
l o n g i n t until it finds one capable of representing the constant.
To force the com piler to treat a constant as a long integer, just follow it with
the letter L (or 1):
To indicate that a constant is unsigned. put the letter U (or u ) after it:
L and U may be used in com bination to show that a constant is both long a nd
unsigned: 0 x f f f f f f f f U L . (The order of the L and U doesn’t matter, nor does
I n te g e r C o n sta n ts in C 9 9
In C99, integer constants that end with either LL or 11 (the case of the two letters
must match) have type l o n g l o n g i n t . Adding the letter U (or u) before or after
the LL or 11 denotes a constant o fty p e u n s i g n e d l o n g l o n g i n t .
C99's general rules for determining the type of an integer constant are a bit
different from those in C89. The type of a decimal constant with no suffix (U, u, L,
1. LL, or 11) is the “smallest” of the types i n t , l o n g i n t , or l o n g l o n g i n t
that can represent the value of that constant. For an octal or hexadecim al constant,
however, the list of possible types is i n t , u n s i g n e d i n t , l o n g i n t ,
u n s i g n e d l o n g i n t , l o n g l o n g i n t , and u n s i g n e d l o n g l o n g i n t , in
that order. Any suffix at the end of a constant changes the list o f possible types. For
C h a p te r 7
B a s ic T y p e s
exam ple, a constant that ends with U (or u ) m ust have one o f the types u n s i g n e d
i n t , u n s i g n e d l o n g i n t , or u n s i g n e d l o n g l o n g i n t . A decim al con­
stant that ends with L (or 1) must have one of the types l o n g i n t or l o n g l o n g
i n t . T here’s also a provision for a constant to have an extended integer type if it's
too large to represent using one of the standard integer types.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
I n te g e r O v e r flo w
W hen arithm etic operations are perform ed on integers, it’s possible that the result
will be too large to represent. For exam ple, when an arithm etic operation is per­
form ed on two i n t values, the result must be able to be represented as an i n t . If
the result can ’t be represented as an i n t (because it requires too many bits), we
say that overflow has occurred.
The behavior when integer overflow occurs depends on w hether the operands
were signed or unsigned. W hen overflow occurs during an operation on sig n e d
integers, the program ’s behavior is undefined. Recall from Section 4.4 that the con­
sequences of undefined behavior may vary. M ost likely the result of the operation
will sim ply be wrong, but the program could crash or exhibit other undesirable
W hen overflow occurs during an operation on u n sig n ed integers, though, the
result is defined: we get the correct answ er modulo 2", w here n is the num ber of
bits used to store the result. For exam ple, if we add 1 to the unsigned 16-bit num ­
ber 65,535, the result is guaranteed to be 0.
R e a d in g a n d W r itin g I n te g e r s
Suppose that a program isn’t working because one of its i n t variables is over­
flowing. O ur first thought is to change the type of the variable from i n t to l o n q
i n t . But w e’re not done yet; we need to see how the change will affect the rest of
the program . In particular, we must check w hether the variable is used in a call of
p r i n t f or s c a n f . U" so, the form at string in the call will need to be changed,
since the %d conversion works only for the i n t type.
R eading and writing unsigned, short, and long integers requires several new
■ W he n reading or writing an u n sig n ed integer, use the letter u , o , or x instead
of d in the conversion specification. If the u specifier is present, the num ber is
read (or written) in decimal notation; o indicates octal notation, and x indi­
cates hexadecim al notation.kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
unsigned int u;
s c a n f ("%u", & u ) ;
printf("%u", u);
scanf("%o", &u);
p r i n t f ("%o", u ) ;
base 10 *
base 10 *
8 *
base 8 *
1 In te g e r T y p e s
scanf("%x", &u);
printf("%x", u);
131 kjihgfedcbaZYXW
/* reads u in base 16 */
/* writes u in base 16 */
■ W hen reading or writing a short integer, pul the letter h in front of d, o, u, or
short s ;
scanf("%hd", &s);
printf("%hd", s);
■ Wh en reading or writing a long integer, put the letter 1 (“e l l/ not “one”) in
front of d, o, u, or x:
long 1;
scanf("%ld", &1);
printf("%ld", 1);
When reading or writing a long long integer (C99 only), put the letters 11 in
front of d, o, u, or x:
long long 11;
scanf("%lld", £11);
printf("%lld", 11);hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
S u m m in g a S e r ie s o f N u m b e r s (R e v is ite d )
In Section 6.1, we wrote a program that sums a series of integers entered by the
user. One problem with this program is that the sum (or one of the input numbers)
might exceed the largest value allowed for an i n t variable. Here’s what might
happen ifthe program is run on a machine whose integers are 16 bits long:
This program sums a series of integers.
Enter integers (0 to terminate): 10000 20000 30000 0
The sum is: -5536
The sum was 60,000, which wouldn’t fit in an i n t variable, so overflow occurred.
When overflow occurs with sigoned numbers, the outcome is undefined. In this
case, we got an apparently meaningless number. To improve the program, let’s
switch to l o n g variables.
su m 2 .c
Sums a series of numbers (using long variables) */
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
long n, sum = 0;
printf("This program sums a series of integers.\n");
C h a p te r 7
B a s ic T y p e s kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
printf("Enter integers (0 to terminate): ");
scanf("%ld", &n);
while (n != 0) {
sum += n;
scanf(”%ld", &n);
printf("The sum is: %ld\n", sum);
return 0;
The change was fairly simple: we declared n and sum to be l o n g variables
instead of i n t variables, then we changed the conversion specifications in s c a n f
and p r i n t f to % ld instead of %d.aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
7 .2
F lo a t in g T y p e s
The integer types aren’t suitable for all applications. Sometimes w e’ll need vari­
ables that can store numbers with digits after the decimal point; or numbers that are
exceedingly large or small. Numbers like these are stored in floating-point form at
(so called because the decimal point “floats”). C provides three flo a tin g types, cor­
responding to different floating-point formats:
flo a t
d o u b le
lo n g d o u b le
Single-precision floating-point
Double-precision floating-point
Extended-precision floating-point
f l o a t is suitable when the am ount ofprecision isn’t critical (calculating tem pera­
tures to one decimal point, for example), d o u b l e provides greater precision—
enough for most programs, l o n g d o u b l e , which supplies the ultim ate in preci­
sion, is rarely used.
The C standard doesn’t state how much precision the f l o a t , d o u b l e . and
l o n g d o u b l e types provide, since different computers may store floating-point
numbers in diflbrent ways. M ost modern com puters follow the specifications in
lEEE Standard 754 (also known as IEC 60559). so w e’ll use it as an example.RQPONMLKJIHGF
T h e J .E E E F l o a t i n g - P o i n t S t a n d a r d hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCB
lE E E S ta n d a rd 7 5 4 , d e v e lo p e d by th e In s titu te o f E le c tric a l a n d E le c tro n ic s E n g i­
n e e rs , p ro v id e s tw o p rim a ry fo rm a ts fo r flo a tin g -p o in t n u m b e rs : s in g le p r e c is io n (3 2
b its) a n d d o u b le p re c is io n (6 4 b its ). N u m b e rs a re s to re d in a fo rm o f s c ie n tific n o ta ­
tio n , w ith e a c h n u m b e r h a v in g th re e p a rts : a s /g n , a n
exponent, a n d a fraction.
T h e n u m b e r o f b its re s e rv e d fo r th e e x p o n e n t d e te rm in e s h o w la rg e (o r s m a ll) n u m ­
b e rs c a n be, w h ile th e n u m b e r o f b its in th e fra c tio n d e te rm in e s th e p re c is io n . In
s in g le -p re c is io n fo rm a t, th e e x p o n e n t is 8 b its lo n g , w h ile th e fra c tio n o c c u p ie s 2 3
7 .2
F lo a tin g T y p e s kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQ
bits. A s a re su lt, a s in g le -p re c is io n n u m b e r h a s a m a x im u m v a lu e o f a p p ro x im a te ly
3 .4 0 x 10 3 8 , w ith a p re c is io n o f a b o u t 6 d e c im a l d ig its .
T h e IE E E s ta n d a rd a ls o d e s c rib e s tw o o th e r fo rm a ts , s in g le e x te n d e d p re c isio n
a n d d o u b le e x te n d e d p re c is io n . T h e s ta n d a rd d o e s n ’t s p e c ify th e n u m b e r o f b its in
th e s e fo rm a ts , a lth o u g h it re q u ire s th a t th e s in g le e x te n d e d ty p e o c c u p y a t le a st 4 3
b its a n d th e d o u b le e x te n d e d typ e a t le a s t 7 9 bits. F o r m o re in fo rm a tio n a b o u t the
IE E E s ta n d a rd a n d flo a tin g -p o in t a rith m e tic in g e n e ra l, s e e ''W h a t e v e ry c o m p u te r
s c ie n tis t s h o u ld k n o w a b o u t flo a tin g -p o in t a rith m e tic ” by D a v id G o ld b e rg cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONM
Computing Surveys, vo l. 2 3 , no. 1 (M a rch 1 9 9 1 ): 5 ^ 4 8 ). aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Table 7.4 shows the characteristics of the floating types when implemented
according to the IEEE standard. (The table shows the smallest positive norm alized
values. Subnormal numbers can be smaller.) The l o n g d o u b l e type isn’t shown
s u b n o r m a l n u m b e r s BA
in the table, since its length varies from one machine to another, with 80 bits and
128 bits being the most common sizes.RQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
T a b le 7 .4 onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
S m a l l e s t P o s it iv e V a lu e
T ype
Floating Type
(IEEE Standard)
< f l o a t . h > header
> 2 3 .1
c o m p le x i y p e s
> 2 7 .3
i . l 7 5 4 9 x l 0 ^ 38
2.22507 x l O-308
L a r g e s t V a lu e
3 .4 0 2 8 2 x lO38
1.79769 x 1030S
P r e c is io n
15 digo its
On computers that don't follow the LEEE standard, Table 7.4 w on’t be valid.
In fact, on some machines, f l o a t may have the same set of values as d o u b l e , or
d o u b l e may have the same values as l o n g d o u b l e . Macros that define the
characteristics oftlie floating types can be found in the < f l o a t . h> header.
In C99. the floating types are divided into two categories. The f l o a t , d o u ­
b l e , and l o n g d o u b l e types fall into one category, called the real flo a tin g
types. Floating types also include the com plex types ( f l o a t _ C o m p le x , d o u ­
b l e C o m p le x , and l o n g d o u b l e _ C o m p le x ). which are new in C99.
F lo a ti n g C o n s ta n t s
Floating constants can be written in a variety ofw ays. The following constants, for
example, are all valid ways of writing the number 57.0:
A floating constant must contain a decimal point and/or an exponent; the exponent
indicates the power of 10 by which the number is to be scaled. If an exponent is
present, it must be preceded by the letter E (or e). An optional + or - sign may
appear after the E (or e).
By default, floating constants are stored as double-precision numbers. In other
words, when a C compiler finds the constant 57.0 in a program, it arranges for the
number to be stored in memory in the same format as a d o u b l e variable. This
rule generally causes no problems, since d o u b l e values are converted automati­
cally to f l o a t when necessary.
C h a p te r 7
On occasion, it may be necessary to force the compiler to store a floating con­
stant in f l o a t or l o n g d o u b l e formal. To indicate that only single precision is
desired, pul the letter F (or f ) at the end of the constant (for example, 57 . OF). To
indicate that a constant should be stored in l o n g d o u b l e format, put the letter L
(or 1) at the end ( 5 7 . 0L).
C99 has a provision for writing floating constants in hexadecimal. Such a con­
stant begins with Ox or OX (like a hexadecimal integer constant). This feature is
R e a d in g a n d W r itin g F lo a tin g -P o in t N u m b e r s
As we’ve discussed, the conversion specifications %e, %f, and %g are used for
reading and writing single-precision floating-point numbers. Values of types d o u ­
b l e and l o n g d o u b l e require slightly different conversions:
reading a value of type d o u b l e , put the letter 1 in front of e, f , or g:kjihgfedc
double d;
scanf(”%lf”, &d);
Note: Use 1 only in a s c a n f format string, not a p r i n t f string. In a
p r i n t f format string, the e, f , and g conversions can be used to write either
f l o a t or d o u b l e values. (C99 legalizes the use of % le, % lf, and % lg in
calls o f p r i n t f , although the 1 has no effect.)
■ W hen reading or writing a value of type l o n g d o u b l e , put the letter L in
front of e, f , or g:
long double ld;
scanf("%Lf", &ld);
printf("%Lf", ld);
7 .3
C h a ra c te r T y p e s
The only remaining basic type is c h a r , the character type. The values of type
c h a r can vary from one computer lo another, because different machines may
have different underlying character sets.
C h a r a c te r S e ts
A S C I I c h a r a c t e r s e t BA
T o d a y 's m o s t
p o p u la r c h a ra c te r s e t is ASCII (A m e ric a n S ta n d a rd C o d e fo r In fo rm a ­
tio n In te rc h a n g e ), a 7 -b it c o d e c a p a b le o f re p re s e n tin g 128 c h a ra c te rs . In A S C II,
th e d ig its 0 to 9 a re re p re s e n te d by the c o d e s 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 -0 1 1 1 0 0 1 , a n d th e u p p e r­
c a s e le tte rs A to Z a re re p re s e n te d by 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 - 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 . A S C II is o fte n e x te n d e d
7 .3
C h a r a c t e r T y p e s hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLK
to a 2 5 6 -c h a ra c te r c o d e kn o w n as L a tin - 1 th a t p ro v id e s th e c h a ra c te rs n e c e s s a ry
for W e s te rn E u ro p e a n a n d m a n y A fric a n la n g u a g e s . onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
A variable oftype c h a r can be assigned any single character:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCB
char ch;
= ’a ’;
= ’A ’;
= ’0 ’;
= ' ';
a */
A */
Notice that character constants are enclosed in single quotes, not double quotes.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQP
O p e r a tio n s o n C h a r a c te r s
C treats characters as
Working with characters in C is simple, because o fo n e fact: cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
sm all integers. After all, characters are encoded in binary, and it doesn’t take much
imagination to view these binary codes as integers. In ASCII, for example, charac­
ter codes range from 0000000 to 111 1111, which we can think of as the integers
from 0 to 127. The character ’ a ' has the value 97, 'A ' has the value 65, ' 0 1 has
the value 48, and ’ ’ has the value 32. The connection between characters and
*integers in C is so strong that character constants actually have i n t type rather
than c h a r type (an interesting fact, but not one that will often matter to us).
When a character appears in a computation, C simply uses its integer value.
Consider the following examples, which assume the ASCH character set:
char ch;
int i ;
i = ’a ’;
ch = 65;
ch = ch + 1;
ch+ + ;
i is now 97
ch is now ’A ’ */
ch is now ’B ’
ch is now 'C' */
Characters can be com pared,just as numbers can. The following i f statement
checks whether c h contains a lower-case letter; if so, it converts c h to upper case.
if ('a' <= ch && ch <= 'z')
ch = ch - 'a ' + ’A ’;
Comparisons such as ' a ' <= c h are done using the integer values of the charac­
ters involved. These values depend on the character set in use, so programs that use
<, <=, >, and >= to compare characters may not be portable.
The fact that characters have the same properties as numbers has some advan­
tages. For example, we can easily write a f o r statement whose control variable
steps through all the upper-case letters:
for (ch = ’A'; ch <= 'Z'; ch+ + ) ...
C h a p te r 7
On the other hand, treating characters as numbers can lead to various program m ing
errors that w on't be caught by the compiler, and lets us write m eaningless expres­
sions such as ’ a 1 * ’ b 1 / ’ c 1 . It can also ham per portability, since our pro­
gram s may be based on assum ptions about the underlying character set. (Our f o r
loop, for example, assum es that the letters from A to Z have consecutive codes.) dcbaZYXWVU
S ig n e d a n d U n s ig n e d C h a r a c te r s
Since C allows characters to be used as integers, it shouldn't be surprising that the
c h a r type— like the integer types— exists in both signed and unsigned versions.
Signed characters norm ally have values between -1 2 8 and 127, while unsigned
characters have values between 0 and 255.
The C standard d o esn 't specify whether ordinary c h a r is a signed or an
unsigned type; some com pilers treat it as a signed type, while others treat it as an
unsigned type. (Some even allow the program m er to select, via a com piler option,
whether c h a r should be signed or unsigned.)
Most of the time, we don’t really care whether c h a r is signed or unsigned.
Once in a while, though, we do, especially if w e're using a character variable to
store a small integer. For this reason. C allows the use of the words s i g n e d and
u n s i g n e d to modify c h a r :kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
signed char sch;
unsigned char uch;
p o r t a b ility tip
D on 't assum e that c h a r is eith er sig n ed o r un signed by default, l f i l m a t­
ters, use s i g n e d c h a r o r u n s i g n e d c h a r instead o f c h a r .
In light of the close relationship between characters and integers, C89 uses the
e n u m e r a t e d t y p e s > BA
term in teg ra l types to refer to both the integer types and the character types. Enu­
merated types are also integral types.
C99 doesn't use the term ‘Integral types.” Instead, it expands the m eaning of
“integer types” to include the character types and the enum erated types. C 99 ?s
_ B o o l type is considered to be an unsigned integer type.
A r ith m e tic T y p e s
The integer types and floating types are collectively known as a rith m e tic types.
Here's a summary o fth e arithm etic types in C89, divided into categories and sub­
■ Integ ral types
• char
• Signed integer types ( s i g n e d c h a r , s h o r t i n t , i n t , l o n g i n t )
• Unsigned integer types ( u n s i g n e d c h a r , u n s i g n e d s h o r t
u n s ig n e d i n t , u n s ig n e d lo n g i n t )
in t.
7 .3
C h a r a c t e r T y p e s kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJI
• Enumerated types
■ Floati ng types ( f l o a t , d o u b l e , l o n g d o u b l e )
C99 has a more complicated hierarchy for its arithmetic types:
Integer types
• char
• Signed integer types, both standard ( s i g n e d c h a r , s h o r t i n t , i n t ,
l o n g i n t , l o n g l o n g i n t ) and extended
• Unsigned integer types, both standard ( u n s i g n e d c h a r , u n s i g n e d
s h o r t i n t , u n s ig n e d i n t , u n s ig n e d lo n g i n t . u n s ig n e d
l o n g l o n g i n t , _ B o o l) and extended
• Enumerated types
■ Floating t ypes
• Real floating types ( f l o a t , d o u b l e , l o n g d o u b l e )
• Com plex types ( f l o a t _ C o m p le x , d o u b l e _ C o m p le x , l o n g d o u ­
E sca pe S eq u ences
A character constant is usually one character enclosed in single quotes, as w e’ve
seen in previous examples. However, certain special characters— including the
new-line character— can’t be written in this way. because they’re invisible (non­
printing) or because they can't be entered from the keyboard. So that programs can
deal with every character in the underlying character set, C provides a special nota­
escape seq u en ce.
There are two kinds of escape sequences: ch a ra cter escapes and n u m e ric
escapes. We saw a partial list of character escapes in Section 3 .l: Table 7.5 gives
the complete set.
T a b le 7 .5
N am e
E sca p e S e qu en ce
Alcrt (bell)
Form feed
New line
>e return
Horizontal tab
Vertical tab
Question inark
Single quote
Double quote
\ 11
The \ a , \ b , \ f , \ r , \ t , and \ v escapes represent common ASC11 controlaZYXWVUTSRQPON
characters. The \ n escape represents the ASCII line-feed character. The \ \ escape
allows a character constant or string to contain the \ character. The \ ’ escape
C h a p te r 7
allows a character constant to contain the ' character, while the \ " escape allows a
string to contain the ” character. The \ ? escape is rarely used.
Character escapes are handy, but they have a problem: the list of character
escapes doesn't include all (he nonprinting ASCII characters, just the most com ­
mon. Character escapes are also useless for representing characters beyond the
any character,
basic l28 ASCH characters. Numeric escapes, which can represent cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDC
are the solution to this problem.
To write a numeric escape for a particular character, first look up the charac­
ter’s octal or hexadecimal value in a table like the one in Appendix E. For example,
the ASCII escape character (decimal value: 27) has the value 33 in octal and IB in
hex. Either of these codes can be used to write an escape sequence:
■ An octa l escape seq u en ce consists of the \ character followed by an octal
number with at most three digits. (This number must be representable as an
unsigned character, so its maximum value is normally 377 octal.) For exam ­
ple, the escape character could be written \ 3 3 or \ 0 3 3 . Octal numbers in
escape sequences— unlike octal constants— don’t have to begin with 0.
A h exa d ecim a l escape seq u en ce consists of \ x followed by a hexadecimal
number. Although C places no limit on the number of digits in the hexadeci­
mal number, it must be representable as an unsigned character (hence it can’t
exceed FF if characters are eight bits long). Using this notation, the escape
character would be written \ x l b or \ x l B . The x must be in lower case, but
the hex digits (such as b) can be upper or lower case.
When used as a character constant, an escape sequence must be enclosed in
single quotes. For example, a constant representing the escape character would be
written ’ \ 3 3 ' (or ' \ x l b * ) . Escape sequences tend to get a bit cryptic, so it’s
often a good idea to give them names using # d e f i n e :kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
#define ESC '\33'
trigraph sequences >25.3
universal character names >25.4
/* ASCII escape character */
Escape sequences can be embedded in strings as well, as we saw in Section 3.1.
Escape sequences aren't the only special notations for representing charac­
ters. Trigraph sequences provide a way to represent the characters #. [. \ , ] , ^, {,
|, }, and ~, which may not be available on keyboards in some countries. C99
adds universal character names, which resemble escape sequences. Unlike escape
sequences, however, universal character names are allowed in identifiers.
C h a r a c te r -H a n d lin g F u n c t io n s
Earlier in this section, we saw how to write an i f statement that converts a lower­
case letter to upper-case:
if ('a' <= ch && ch <= *z')
ch = ch - 'a ’ + 1A ’;
This isn’t the best method, though. A faster— and more portable— way to convert
case is to call C ’s t o u p p e r library function:
7 .3
ch = toupper(ch);
C h a r a c t e r T y p e s kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIH
/* converts ch to upper case */onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDC
When it’s called, t o u p p e r checks whether its argument (c h in this case) is a
lower-case letter. If so, it returns the corresponding upper-case letter. Otherwise,
t o u p p e r returns the value of the argument. In our example, we’ve used the
assignment operator to store the return value of t o u p p e r back into the c h vari­
able, although we could just as easily have done something else with it— stored it
in another variable, say, or tested it in an i f statement:
if (toupper(ch) == 'A') ...
Programs that call t o u p p e r need to have the following # i n c l u d e directive
at the top:
#include <ctype.h>
t o u p p e r isn’t the only useful character-handling function in the C library. Sec­
tion 23.5 describes them all and gives examples of their use.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
R e a d in g a n d W r itin g C h a r a c te r s u s in g s c a n f a n d p r i n t f
The %c conversion specification allows s c a n f and p r i n t f to read and write sin­
gle characters:
char ch;
scanf("%c", &ch);
printf("%c", ch);
/* reads a single character */
/* writes a single character */
s c a n f doesn’t skip white-space characters before reading a character. If the
next unread character is a space, then the variable c h in the previous example will
contain a space after s c a n f returns. To force s c a n f to skip white space before
reading a character, put a space in its format slringjust before %c:
scanf(” %c”, &ch);
/* skips white space, then reads ch */
Recall from Section 3.2 that a blank in a s c a n f format string means “skip zero or
more white-space characters.”
Since s c a n f doesn’t normally skip white space, it’s easy to detect the end of
an input line: check to see if the characterjust read is the new-line character. For
example, the following loop will read and ignore all remaining characters in the
current input line:
do {
scanf(”%c”, &ch);
} while (ch != ’\n');
When s c a n f is called the next time, it will read the first character on the next
input line.
C h a p te r 7
R e a d in g a n d W r it in g C h a r a c te r s u s in g g e t c h a r a n d p u t c h a r onmlkjihgf
C provides other ways to read and write single characters. In particular, we can use
the g e t c h a r and p u t c h a r functions instead of calling s c a n f and p r i n t f .
p u t c h a r writes a single character:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Each time g e t c h a r is called, it reads one character, which it returns. In order to
save this character, we m ust use assiucnm ent to store it in a variable:
ch = getchar();
macros > 14.3
/* reads a character and stores it in ch */
g e t c h a r actually returns an i n t value rather than a c h a r value (the reason will
be discussed in later chapters). As a result, it’s not unusual for a variable to have
type i n t rather than c h a r if il will be used to store a character read by g e t c h a r .
Like s c a n f , g e t c h a r doesn’t skip white-space characters as it reads.
Using g e t c h a r and p u t c h a r (rather than s c a n f and p r i n t f ) saves lime
when the program is executed, g e t c h a r and p u t c h a r are fast for two reasons.
First, they’re much simpler than s c a n f and p r i n t f , which are designed to read
and write many kinds of data in a variety of formats. Second, g e t c h a r and
p u t c h a r are usually im plemented as macros for additional speed.
g e t c h a r has another advantage over s c a n f : because it returns the charac­
ter that it reads, g e t c h a r lends itself lo various C idioms, including loops that
search for a character or skip over all occurrences of a character. Consider the
s c a n f loop that we used to skip the rest o fa n input line:
do {
scanf("%c", &ch);
} while (ch != ’\n’);
Rewriting this loop using g e t c h a r gives us the following:
do {
ch = getchar();
} while (ch != '\n');
Moving the call o f g e t c h a r into the controlling expression allows us to condense
the loop:
while ((ch = getchar())
’= '\n')
This loop reads a character, stores it into the variable c h . then tests if c h is not
equal to the new-line character. If(he test succeeds, the loop body (which is em pty)
is executed, then the loop test is performed once more, causing a new character to
be read. Actually, we don’t even need the c h variable; we can just com pare the
return value of g e t c h a r with the new-line character:
7 .3
id io m
while (getchar()
!= '\n')
C h a r a c te r T y p e s hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONM
/* skips rest of line */
The resulting loop is a well-known C idiom that’s cryptic but worth learning.
g e t c h a r is useful in loops that skip characters as well as loops that search
for characters. Consider the following statement, which uses g e t c h a r to skip an
indefinite number o fblank characters:
id io m
while ((ch = getchar()) == ' ')
/* skips blanks */
When the loop terminates, c h will contain the first nonblank character that
g e t c h a r encountered.
Be careful if you mix g e t c h a r and s c a n f in the same program, s c a n f has a
tendency to leave behind characters that it has “peeked” at but not read, including
the new-line character. Consider what happens ifw e try to read a number first, then
a character:
printf("Enter an integer: ");
scanf("%d", &i);
printf("Enter a command: ");
command = getchar();
The call of s c a n f will leave behind any characters that w eren’t consumed during
the reading of i , including (but not limited to) the new-line character, g e t c h a r
will fetch the first leftover character, which wasn’t what we had in mind.
D e te r m in in g th e L e n g th o f a M e ss a g e
To illustrate how characters are read, let’s write a program that calculates the
length of a message. After the user enters the message, the program displays the
Enter a message: Brevity is the soul of wit.
Your message was 27 character(s) long.
The length includes spaces and punctuation, but not the new-line character at the
end of the messag^ve,
We’ll need a loop whose body reads a character and increments a counter. The
loop will terminate as soon as a new-line character turns up. We could use either
s c a n f or g e t c h a r to read characters; most C programmers would choose
g e t c h a r . Using a straightforward w h i l e loop, we might end up with the follow­
ing program.
C h a p te r 7 B a s ic T ypes BA
/* Determines the length of a message */
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
char ch;
int len = 0;
printf("Enter a message:
ch = getc ha r ();
while (ch != •\ n ') {
printf("Your message was %d character(s)
return 0;
Recalling our discussion of idioms involving w h i l e loops and g e t c h a r , \ve
realize that the program can be shortened:
/* Determines the length of a message */
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
int len = 0;
printf("Enter a message: ");
while (getchar() != *\n‘)
printf(”Your message was %d character(s)
7 .4
T y p e C o n v e r s io n
Com puters tend to be more restrictive than C when it com es to arithm etic. For a
com puter to perform an arithmetic operation, the operands must usually be of the
same size (the same number of bits) and be stored in the sam e way. A com puter
may be able to add two 16-bit integers directly, but not a 16-bit integer and a 32-bit
integer or a 32-bit integer and a 32-bit floating-point number.
C, on the other hand, allows the basic types to be mixed in expressions. We
can com bine integers, floating-point numbers, and even characters in a single
expression. The C com piler may then have to generate instructions that convert
7 .4
T y p e C o n v e r s io n hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONML
143 onmlkjihgfedc
some operands to different types so that the hardware will be able to evaluate the
expression. If we add a 16-bit s h o r t and a 32-bit i n t , for example, the compiler
will arrange for the s h o r t value to be converted to 32 bits. If we add an i n t and
a f l o a t , the com piler will arrange for the i n t to be converted to f l o a t format.
This conversion is a little more com plicated, since i n t and f l o a t values are
stored in different ways.
Because the com piler handles these conversions automatically, without the
program m er’s involvement, they’re known as RQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
i m p l i c i t c o n v e r s i o n s . C also allows
the program m er to perform e x p l i c i t c o n v e r s i o n s , using the cast operator. I’ll dis­
cuss implicit conversions first, postponing explicit conversions until later in the
section. Unfortunately, the rules for perform ing im plicit conversions are somewhat
complex, primarily because C has so many different arithmetic types.
Im plicit conversions are perform ed in the following situations:
When the operands in an arithm etic or logical expression don’t have the same
type. (C performs what are known as the u s u a l a r i t h m e t i c c o n v e r s i o n s . )
■ W hen the type of the expression on the right side of an assignment doesn't
match the type of the variable on the left side.
■ W hen the type of an argument in a function call doesn’t match the type of the
corresponding parameter.
■ Whe n the type of the expression in a r e t u r n statem ent doesn’t match the
function’s return type.
W e’ll discuss the first two cases now and save the others for C hapter 9.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGF
T h e U su a l A r ith m e tic C o n v e r s io n s
The usual arithmetic conversions are applied to the operands o f most binary opera­
tors, including the arithmetic, relational, and equality operators. For example, let’s
say that f has type f l o a t and i has type i n t . The usual arithmetic conversions
will be applied to the operands in the expression f + i , because their types aren’t
the same. Clearly it’s safer to convert i to type f l o a t (m atching f ’s type) rather
than convert f to type i n t (m atching i ’s type). An integer can always be con­
verted to f l o a t ; the worst that can happen is a minor loss o f precision. Convert­
ing a floating-point number to i n t , on the other hand, would cost us the fractional
part of the number. W orse still, w e’d get a com pletely meaningless result if the
original number were larger than the largest possible integer or sm aller than the
smallest integer.
The strategy behind the usual arithmetic conversions is to convert operands to
the “narrowest” type that will safely accom m odate both values. (Roughly speak­
ing, one type is narrower than another if it requires fewer bytes to store.) The types
of the operands can often be made to match by converting the operand of the nar­
rower type to the type of the other operand (this act is known as p r o m o t i o n ) .
Among the most common promotions are the i n t e g r a l p r o m o t i o n s , which convert
a character or short integer to type i n t (or to u n s i g n e d i n t in some cases).
C h a p te r 7
B a s ic T y p e s
We can divide the rules for performing the usual arithm etic conversions into
T h e ty p e o f e i th e r o p e r a n d is a f l o a t i n g ty p e .
Use the following diagram to
promote the operand whose type is narrower:
lo n g d o u b le
d o u b le
flo a t
That is, if one operand has type l o n g d o u b l e , then convert the other oper­
and to type l o n g d o u b l e . Otherwise, ifo n e operand has type d o u b l e , con­
vert the other operand to type d o u b l e . Otherwise, if one operand has type
f l o a t , convert the other operand to type f l o a t . Note that these rules cover
mixtures of integer and floating types: ifo n e operand has type l o n g i n t , for
example, and the other has type d o u b l e , the l o n g i n t operand is converted
to d o u b l e .
First perform integral promotion on
both operands (guaranteeing that neither operand will be a character or short
integer). Then use the following diagram to promote the operand whose type
is narrower:
N e i t h e r o p e r a n d t y p e is a f l o a t i n g t y p e .
u n s ig n e d
lo n g
in t
lo n g i n t
u n s ig n e d i n t
T here’s one special case, but it occurs only when l o n g i n t and u n s i g n e d i n t
have the same length (32 bits, say). Under these circum stances, ifo n e operand has
type l o n g i n t and the other has type u n s i g n e d i n t , both are converted lo
u n s i g n e d l o n g i n t .kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
When a signed operand is combined with an unsigned operand, the signed operand
is converted to an unsigtw*ned value. vT^1he conversion^* involves adding or subtracting a
multiple o f n + 1, where n is the largest representable value of the unsigned type.
This rule can cause obscure programming errors.
Suppose that the i n t variable i has the value -1 0 and the u n s i g n e d i n t
variable u has the value 10. If we compare i and u using the < operator, we might
expect to get the result 1 (true). Before the comparison, however, i is converted to
u n s i g n e d i n t . Since a negative number can’t be represented as an unsigned
integer, the converted value w on’t be -1 0 . Instead, the value 4,294,967,296 is
added (assuming that 4,294,967.295 is the largest u n s i g n e d i n t value), giving
T y p e C o n v e r s io n onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLK
a converted value of 4,294,967,286. The comparison i < u will therefore produce
0. Some compilers produce a warning message such as “com parison betw een
sig n ed and unsig ned” when a program attempts to compare a signed num ber with
an unsigned number.
Because of traps like this one, it's best to use unsigned integers as little as pos­
sible and, especially, never mix them with signed integers.
The following example shows the usual arithmetic conversions in action:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPON
char c ;
short int s ;
int i ;
unsigned int u;
long int 1;
unsigned long int ul;
float f;
double d;
long double ld;
i = i+ c;
i = i+ s;
u = u+ i;
1 = 1+ u;
ul = ul + 1;
f = f + ul;
d = d 4- f;
ld = ld 4- d;
/* c
/* s
/* i
/* u
/* 1
/* f
/* d
is converted to int
is converted to int
is converted to unsigned int
is converted to long int
is converted to unsignedlong int */
is converted to float
is converted to double
is converted to long double
C o n v e r sio n D u r in g A s s ig n m e n t
The usual arithmetic conversions don’t apply to assignment. Instead, C follows the
simple rule that the expression on the right side of the assignm ent is converted to
the type of the variable on the left side. If the variable’s type is at least as “wide” as
the expression’s, this will work without a snag. For example:
char c;
int i;
float f;
double d;
i = c;
f = i;
d = f;
/* c is converted to int
/* i is converted to float */
/* f is converted to double */
Other cases are problematic. Assigning a floating-point num ber to an integer
variable drops the fractional part o fth e number:
int i ;
i = 842.97;
i = -842.97;
/* i is now 842 */
/* i is now -842 */
C h a p te r 7
Moreover, assigning a value to a variable of a narrower type will give a meaning­
less result (or worse) if the value is outside the range of the variable’s type:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSR
C = 10000;
i = 1.0e20;
f = 1.0el00;
/*** WRONG
/*** WRONG
/*** WRONG
A “narrowing” assignment may elicit a warning from the compiler or from tools
such as l i n t .
It’s a good idea to append the f suffix to a floating-point constant if it will be
assigned to a f l o a t variable, as w e’ve been doing since Chapter 2:
f = 3.14159f;
Without the suffix, the constant 3 .1 4 1 5 9 would have type d o u b l e , possibly
causing a warning message.
I m p li c it C o n v e r s io n s in C 9 9
The rules for implicit conversions in C99 are somewhat different from the rules in
C89, primarily because C99 has additional types (_ B o o l, l o n g l o n g types,
extended integer types, and complex types).
For the purpose of defining conversion rules, C99 gives each integer type an
“integer conversion rank.” Here are the ranks from highest to lowest:
lo n g lo n g i n t , u n s ig n e d lo n g lo n g i n t
lo n g i n t , u n s ig n e d lo n g i n t
i n t , u n s ig n e d i n t
s h o r t i n t , u n s ig n e d s h o r t i n t
c h a r, s ig n e d c h a r, u n s ig n e d c h a r
_B ool
For simplicity, I'm ignoring extended integer types and enumerated types.
In place of C89’s integral promotions. C99 has “integer promotions,” which
involve converting any type whose rank is less than i n t and u n s i g n e d i n t to
i n t (provided that all values of the type can be represented using i n t ) or else to
u n s ig n e d in t .
As in C89, the C99 rules for performing the usual arithmetic conversions can
be divided into two cases:cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
■ The type o f either operand is a flo a tin g type. As long as neither operand has a
complex type, the rules are the same as before. (The conversion rules for com ­
plex types will be discussed in Section 27.3.)
■ N eith er operand type is a flo a tin g type. First perform integer promotion on
both operands. If the types of the two operands are now the same, the process
ends. Otherwise, use the following rules, stopping at the first one that applies:
• If both operands have signed types or both have unsigned types, convert the
7 .4
1 4 7 onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXW
operand whose type has lesser integer conversion rank to the type of the
operand with greater rank.
• If the unsigned operand has rank greater or equal to the rank o f the type of
the signed operand, convert the signed operand to the type of the unsigned
♦ If the type of the signed operand can represent a ll of the values of the type
of the unsigned operand, convert the unsigned operand to the type of the
signed operand.
• Otherwise, convert both operands to the unsigned type corresponding to the
type of the signed operand.
Incidentally, all arithmetic types can be converted to _ B o o l type. The result
o fth e conversion is 0 ifth e orig<C3inal value is 0;7 otherwise,* the result is 1.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFED
C a s tin g
Although C ’s implicit conversions are convenient, we sometimes need a greater
degree of control over type conversion. For this reason, C provides cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
casts. A cast
expression has the form
( type-nam e ) expression
c a s t e x p r e s s io n
type-nam e specifies the type to which the expression should be converted.
The following example shows how to use a cast expression to compute the
fractional part o fa f l o a t value:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
float f, frac_part;
frac_part = f - (int) f;
The cast expression ( i n t ) f represents the result of converting the value of f to
type i n t . C ’s usual arithmetic conversions then require that ( i n t ) f be con­
verted back to type f l o a t before the subtraction can be performed. The differ­
ence between f and ( i n t ) f is the fractional part of f , which was dropped
duringo the cast,
Cast expressions enable us to document type conversions that would take
place anyway:
i = (int) f;
/* f is converted to int */
They also enable us to overrule the com piler and force it to do conversions that we
want. Consider the following example:
float quotient;
int dividend, divisor;
quotient = dividend / divisor;
C h a p te r 7
B a s ic T y p e s
As il’s now written, the result of the division— an intcue>er— will be converted lo
f l o a t form before being stored in q u o t i e n t . We probably want d i v i d e n d
and d i v i s o r converted to f l o a t cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
before the division, though, so that we get a
more exact answer. A cast expression will do the trick:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
quotient = (float) dividend / divisor;
d i v i s o r doesn’t need a cast, since casting d i v i d e n d to f l o a t forces the
compiler to convert d i v i s o r to f l o a t also.
Incidentally, C regards ( type-nam e ) as a unary operator. Unary operators
have higher precedence than binary operators, so the compiler interprets
(float) dividend / divisor
((float) dividend) / divisor
If you find this confusing, note that there are other ways to accomplish the same
quotient = dividend / (float) divisor;
quotient = (float) dividend / (float) divisor;
Casts are sometimes necessary to avoid overflow. Consider the following
long i;
int j = 1000;
i = J * j;
/* overflow may occur */
At first glance, this statement looks fine. The value o f j * j is 1.000,000, and i is
a l o n g , so it can easily store values of this size, right? The problem is that when
two i n t values are multiplied, the result will have i n t type. But j * j is too
large to represent as an i n t on some machines, causing an overflow. Fortunately,
using a cast avoids the problem:
i = (long) j * j;
Since the cast operator takes precedence over *. the first j is converted to l o n g
type, forcing the second j to be converted as well. Note that the statement
i = (long)
(j * j);
/*** WRONG ***/
wouldn’t work, since the overflow would already have occurred by the time of the
7 .5
7 .5
T y p e D e fin itio n s kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJ
T y p e D e f i n it io n s onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
In Section 5.2, we used the # d e f i n e directive to create a macro that could be
used as a Boolean type:
#define BOOL int
T here’s a better way to set up a Boolean type, though, using a feature known as a RQPONMLKJIHG
ty p e d e fin itio n :
typedef int Bool;
Notice that the name of the type being defined comes cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
last. Note also that T’ve capi­
talized the word B o o l. Capitalizing the first letter of a type name isn’t required;
it’sju st a convention that some C programm ers employ.
Using t y p e d e f to define B o o l causes the com piler to add B o o l to the list
of type names that it recognizes. B o o l can now be used in the same way as the
built-in type names— in variable declarations, cast expressions, and elsewhere. For
exam ple, we might use B o o l to declare variables:
Bool flag;
/* same as int flag; */
The com piler treats B o o l as a synonym for i n t ; thus, f l a g is really nothing
more than an ordinary i n t variable.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
A d v a n ta g e s o f T y p e D e f in it io n s
Type definitions can make a program more understandable (assum ing that the pro­
gram m er has been careful to choose meaningful type names). For example, sup­
pose that the variables c a s h _ i n and c a s h _ o u t will be used to store dollar
amounts. Declaring D o l l a r s as
typedef float Dollars;
and then writing<x
Dollars cash_in, cash_out;
is more informative thanjust writing
float cash_in, cash_out;
Type definitions can also make a program easier to modify. U’ we later decide
that D o l l a r s should really be defined as d o u b l e , all we need do is change the
type definition:
typedef double Dollars;
C h a p te r 7
B a s ic T yp e s onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
The declarations of D o l l a r s variables need not be changed. Without the type
definition, we would need to locate all f l o a t variables that store dollar amounts
(not necessarily an easy task) and change their declarations.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
T y p e D e fin itio n s a n d P o r ta b ility
Type definitions are an important tool for writing portable programs. One of the
problems with moving a program from one com puter to another is that types may
have different ranges on different machines. If i is an i n t variable, an assignment
i = 100000;
is fine on a machine with 32-bit integers, but will fail on a machine with J6-bit
p o r t a b ili t y t ip
F orgreaterportabiU ty, consider using
integer types.
typedef to define
new n a n ie sfo r
Suppose that w e’re writing a program that needs variables capable of storing
product quantities in the range 0-50,000. We could use l o n g variables for this
purpose (since they’re guaranteed to be able to hold numbers up to at least
2,147,483,647), but we’d rather use i n t variables, since arithmetic on i n t values
may be faster than operations on l o n g values; also, i n t variables may take up
less space.
Instead ofusing the i n t type to declare quantity variables, we can define our
own “quantity” type:
typedef int Quantity;
and use this type to declare variables:
Quantity q;
When we transport the program to a machine with shorter integers, w e’ll change
the definition o f Q u a n t i t y :
typedef long Quantity;
This technique doesn’t solve all our problems, unfortunately, since changing the
definition o f Q u a n t i t y may affect the way Q u a n t i t y variables are used. At the
very least, calls o f p r i n t f and s c a n f that use Q u a n t i t y variables will need to
be changed, with %d conversion specifications replaced by % ld.
The C library itself uses t y p e d e f to create names for types that can vary
from one C implementation to another; these types often have names that end with
_ t , such as p t r d i f f _ t , s i z e _ t , and w c h a r _ t . The exact definitions o fth ese
types will vary, but here are some typical examples:
7 .6
T h e s i z e o f O p e r a t o r kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQP
typedef long int ptrdiff__t;
typedef unsigned long int size_t;
typedef int wchar_t;onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
< s t d i n t .h >
In C99, the < s t d i n t . h > header uses t y p e d e f to define names for integer
types with a particular num ber o fb its. For example, i n t 3 2 _ t is a signed integer
> 2 7 .1
type with exactly 32 bits. Using these types is an effective way to make programs
7 .6
T h e s i z e o f O p e ra to r
The s i z e o f operator allows a program to determ ine how much memory is
required to store values of a particular type. The value o f the expression
s i z e o f e x p re s s io n
s iz e o f
type-nam e )
is an unsigned integer representing the num ber of bytes required to store a value
belonging lo type-nam e, s i z e o f ( c h a r ) is always 1, but the sizes o f th e other
types may vary. On a 32-bit machine, s i z e o f ( i n t ) is normally 4. Note thal
s i z e o f is a rather unusual operator, since the com piler itselfcan usually deter­
mine the value o f a s i z e o f expression.
The s i z e o f operator can also be applied to constants, variables, and expres­
sions in general. If i and j are i n t variables, then s i z e o f ( i ) is 4 on a 32-bit
machine, as is s i z e o f ( i + j ). When applied to an expression— as opposed to a
type— s i z e o f doesn’t require parentheses; we could write s i z e o f i instead of
s i z e o f ( i ) . However, parentheses may bc needed anyway because of operator
precedence. The com piler would interpret s i z e o f i + j as ( s i z e o f i ) + j ,
because s i z e o f — a unary operator— takes precedence over the binary + opera­
tor. To avoid problems, I always use parentheses in s i z e o f expressions.
Printing a s i z e o f value requires care, because the type of a s i z e o f expres­
sion is an im plem entation-defined type named s i z e _ t . In C89, if s best to con­
vert the value of the expression to a known type before printing it. s i z e _ t is
guaranteed to be an unsigned integer type, so it’s safest to cast a s i z e o f expres­
sion to u n s i g n e d l o n g (the largest of C 89’s unsigned types) and then print it
usingo the % lu conversion:
printf("Size of int: %lu\n",
(unsigned long) sizeof(int));
In C99, the s i z e _ t type can be larger than u n s i g n e d l o n g . However, the
p r i n t f function in C99 is capable ofdisplaying s i z e _ t values directly, without
needing a cast. The trick is to use the letter z in the conversion specification, fol­
lowed by one o fth e usual integer codes (typically u):
printf(*'Size of int: %zu\n", sizeof(int));
/* C99 only */
C h a p te r 7
S e c tio n 7.1 s a y s th a t %o a n d %x a r e u se d to w r ite u n s ig n e d in te g e r s in o c ta l
a n d h e x n o ta tio n . H o w d o I w r ite o r d in a r y (s ig n e d ) in te g e r s in o c ta l o r h e x ?
[p . 1 3 0 ] onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
You can use %o and %x to print a signed integer as long as its value isn’t negative.
These conversions cause p r i n t f to treat a signed integer as though it were
unsigned; in other words, p r i n t f will assume that the sign bit is part of the num­
ber’s magnitude. As long as the sign bit is 0, there’s no problem. If the sign bit is 1,
p r i n t f will print an unexpectedly large number.
B u t w h a t if th e n u m b e r z\ n e g a tiv e ? H o w c a n 1 w r ite it in o c ta l o r h e x ?
There’s no direct way to print a negative number in octal or hex. Fortunately, the
need to do so is pretty rare. You can, ofcourse. test whether the number is negative
and print a minus sign yourself:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
if (i < 0)
printf("-%x”, -i);
printf (”%x*', i) ;
W h y a r e flo a tin g c o n s ta n ts s to r e d in d o u b l e fo r m r a th e r th a n f l o a t fo r m ?
[p . 1 3 3 ]
For historical reasons. C gives preference to the d o u b l e type: f l o a t is treated
as a second-class citizen. Consider, for instance, the discussion of f l o a t in KerThe C Programming Language: “The main reason for using
f l o a t is to save storage in large arrays, or. less often, to save time on machines
where double-precision arithmetic is particularly expensive.” C originally man­
dated that all floating-point arithmetic be done in double precision. (C89 and C99
have no such requirement.)
*Q :
W h a t d o h e x a d e c im a l flo a tin g c o n s ta n ts lo o k lik e , a n d w h a t a r e th e y g o o d
fo r? [p . 1 34]
A hexadecimal floating constant begins with 0 x or 0X and must contain an expo­
nent, which is preceded by the letter P (or p). The exponent may have a sign, and
the constant may end with f , F, 1, or L. The exponent is expressed in decimal, but
represents a power o f2 , not a power of 10. For example. 0 x 1 . Bp3 represents the
number 1.6875 x 2 3 = 13.5. The he,x digit B corresponds to the bit pattern 1011.
The B occurs to the right of the period, so each I bit represents a negative power of
2. Summing these powers o f 2 (2~1 + 2~3 4- 2^4 ) yields .6875.
Hexadecimal floating constants are primarily useful for specifying constants
that require great precision (including mathematical constants such as e and K).
Hex numbers have a precise binary representation, whereas a constant written in
decimal may be subject to a tiny rounding error when converted to binary. Hexa-
decimal numbers are also useful for defining constants with extreme values, such
as the values of the macros in the < f l o a t . h> header. These constants are easy to
write in hex but difficult to write in decimal.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
*Q :
v a r ia b ie - ie n g th a r g u m e n tiis ts
^ 26 1
W h y d o w e u se % lf to r e a d a d o u b l e v a lu e b u t %f to p r in t it? [p . 1 34]
This is a tough question to answer. First, notice that s c a n f and p r i n t f are
unusual functions in that they aren’t restricted to a fixed number ofargum ents. We hgfedcbaZYXWVUT
say that s c a n f and p r i n t f have variable-length argument lists. When functions RQPONMLKJIHGFE
with variable-length argument lists are called, the compiler arranges for f l o a t
arguments to be converted automatically to type d o u b l e . As a result, p r i n t f
can’t distinguish between f l o a t and d o u b l e arguments. This explains why %f
works for both f l o a t and d o u b l e arguments in calls o f p r i n t f .
to a variable, %f tells s c a n f to
s c a n f . on the other hand, is passed a pointer
store a f l o a t value at the address passed to it. while % lf tells s c a n f to store a
d o u b l e value at that address. The distinction between f l o a t and d o u b l e is
crucial here. If given the wrong conversion specification, s c a n f will likely store
the wrong number ofbytes (not to mention the fact that the bit pattern for a f l o a t
isn’t the same as that for a d o u b l e ) .
W h a t’s th e p r o p e r w a y to p r o n o u n c e c h a r ? [p , 1 3 4 ]
There’s no universally accepted pronunciation. Some people pronounce c h a r in
the same way as the first syllable of “character.” Others say “char.” as in
char b ro ile d ;
W h e n d o e s it m a tte r w h e th e r a c h a r a c te r v a r ia b le is s ig n e d o r u n s ig n e d ? [p.
Ifw e store only 7-bit characters in the variable, it doesn’t matter, since the sign bit
will be zero, lfw e plan to store 8-bit characters, however, w e’ll probably want the
variable to have u n s i g n e d c h a r type. Consider the following example:
ch = ’ \ x d b ' ;
I f c h has been declared to have type c h a r , the compiler may choose to treat it as a
signed character (many compilers do). As long as c h is used only as a character,
there won’t be any problem. But if c h is ever used in a context that requires the
compiler to convert its value to an integer, w e’re likely to have trouble: the result­
ingO inO
teger will be nOegativ7e, since c h ’s vs-ign bit is 1.
Here’s another situation: In some kinds of programs, it’s customary to use
c h a r variables to store one-byte integers. 11' w e’re writing such a program, w e’ll
have to decide whether each variable should be s i g n e d c h a r or u n s i g n e d
c h a r .ju s t as we must decide whether ordinary integer variables should have type
i n t o ru n s ig n e d in t.
I d o n ’t u n d e r s ta n d h o w th e n e w -lin e c h a r a c te r c a n b e th e A S C II lin e -fe e d
c h a r a c te r . W h e n a u s e r e n te r s in p u t a n d p r e s se s th e E n te r k e y , d o e s n ’t th e
p r o g r a m rea d th is a s a c a r r ia g e -r e tu r n c h a r a c te r o r a c a r r ia g e r e tu r n p lu s a
lin e fe e d ? [p . 137]
C h a p te r 7
B a s ic T y p e s
*Q :
t r ig r a p h s e q u e n c e s > 2 5 . 3
Nope. As part of C ’s UNIX heritage, it always regards the end of a line as being
marked by a single line-feed character. (In UNIX text files, a single line-feed char­
acter— but no carriage return— appears at the end ofcach line.) The C library takes
care of translating the user’s keypress into a line-feed character. When a program
reads from afile, the I/O library translates the file’s end-of-line marker (whatever it
may be) into a single line-feed character. The same transformations occur— in
reverse— when output is written to the screen or to a file. (See Section 22.l for
Although these translations may seem confusing, they serve an important pur­
pose: insulating programs from details that may vary from one operating system to
W h a t ’s th e p u r p o s e o f th e \ ? e s c a p e s e q u e n c e ? [p . 138]
The \ ? escape is related to lrigraph sequences, which begin with ? ? . Ifyou should hgfedcbaZY
put ? ? in a string, there’s a possibility that the compiler will mistake it for the
beginning o fa trigraph. Replacing the second ? by \ ? fixes the problem.
I f g e t c h a r is fa ste r , w h y w o u ld w e e v e r w a n t to u se s c a n f to r e a d in d iv id ­
u a l c h a r a c te r s ? [p. 1 4 0 ]
Although it’s not as fast as g e t c h a r , the s c a n f function is more flexible. As we
saw previously, the "%c" format string causes s c a n f to read the next input char­
acter; “ %c" causes it to read the next non-white-space character. Also, s c a n f is
good at reading characters that are mixed in with other kinds of data. L efs say that
our input data consists of an integer, then a single nonnumeric character, then
another integer. By using the format string " %d%c%d", we can get s c a n f to read
all three items.
*Q :
U n d e r w h a t c ir c u m s ta n c e s d o th e in te g r a l p r o m o tio n s c o n v e r t a c h a r a c te r o r
s h o r t in te g e r to u n s i g n e d i n t ? [p. 1 4 3 ]
The integral promotions yield an u n s i g n e d i n t if the i n t type isn’t large
enough to include aIJ possible values of the original type. Since characters are usu­
ally eight bits long, they are almost always converted to i n t , which is guaranteed
to be at least 16 bits long. Signed short integers can always be converted to i n t as
well. Unsigned short integers are problematic. If short integers have the same
length as ordinary integers (as they do on a I6-bit machine), then unsigned short
integers will have to be converted to u n s i g n e d i n t . since the largest unsigned
short integer (65,535 on a 16-bit machine) is larger than the largest i n t (32,767).
E x a c tly w h a t h a p p e n s if I a ss ig n a v a lu e to a v a r ia b le t h a t ’s n o t la r g e e n o u g h
to h o ld it? [p . 146]
Roughly speaking, if the value is of an integral type and the variable is of an
unsigned type, the extra bits are thrown away; if the variable has a signed type, the
result is implementation-defined. Assigning a floating-point number to a vari­
able— integer or floating— thafs too small to hold it produces undefined behavior:
anything can happen, including program termination.
E x e r c is e s onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONML
\V h y d o e s C b o th e r to p r o v id e ty p e d e f in it io n s ? k n ’t d e f in in g a BOOL m a c r o
j u s t a s g o o d a s d e fin in g a B o o l ty p e u s in g t y p e d e f ? [p . 1 4 9 ]
There are two important differences between type definitions and macro defini­
tions. First, type definitions are more powerful than macro definitions. In particu­
lar. array and pointer types can’t be defined as macros. Suppose that we try to use a
macro to define a “pointer to integer” type:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
#define PTR_TO_INT int *
The declaration
PTR_TO_INT p, q, r;
will become
int * p, q, r;
after preprocessing. Unfortunately, only p is a pointer; q and r are ordinary integer
variables. Type definitions don’t have this problem.
Second, t y p e d e f names are subject to the same scope rules as variables: a
t y p e d e f name defined inside a function body w ouldn’t be recognized outside the
function. Macro names, on the other hand, are replaced by the preprocessor wher­
ever they appear.
*Q :
Y o u s a id th a t c o m p ile r s “ c a n u s u a lly d e te r m in e th e v a lu e o f a s i z e o f e x p r e s ­
s io n .” C a n ’t a c o m p ile r RQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
a l w a y s d e t e r m in e th e v a lu e o f a s i z e o f e x p r e s s io n ?
[p . 1 5 1 ]
v a r ia b ie - ie n g ih a r r a y s > 8 .3
In C89, yes. In C99. however, there’s one exception. The com piler can’t determ ine hgfedcbaZYXWVUTS
the size of a variable-length array, because the number of elements in the array
may change during the execution of the program.
E x e rc is e s
S e c ti o n 7.1
Give the decimal value of each of the following integer constants.
(a) 077
(b) 0 x 7 7
(c) 0XABC
S e c ti o n 7 .2
Which of the following are not legal constants in C? Classify.each legal constant as either
integer or floating-point.
3 2 .1 E + 5
3 .9 7 8 e - 2
C h a p te r 7
B a s ic T ype s onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
W hich of lhc following are not legal types in C?
S e c tio n 7 .3
If c is a variable of type c h a r , which one o f the following statem ents is illegal?
in t
’A ’
0 b l0 0 0 0 0 1
Days in a month
D a y s in a y e a r
M inutes in a day
Seconds in a day
For each o f the following character escapes, give the equivalent octal escape. (A ssum e that
the character set is ASCII.) You may wish to consult Appendix E, which lists the num erical
codes for ASCII characters.
S e c tio n 7 .4
ty p e
For each o fth e following items of data, specify which one of the types c h a r , s h o r t , i n t ,
or l o n g is the sm allest one guaranteed to be large enough lo store the item.
i += c ; / * i h a s
c = 2 * c - 1;
p u t c h a r (c ) ;
p r i n t f (c ) ;
W hich one of the following is not a legal way to write the number 65? (Assum e that thc
character set is ASCII.)
s h o r t u n s ig n e d i n t
sh o rt flo a t
lo n g d o u b le
Repeat Exercise 7, but give the equivalent hexadecim al escape.
Suppose that i and j arc variables o f type i n t . W hat is the type o f thc expression i / j +
’a ’?
Suppose that i is a variable o f type i n t . j is a variable o fty p e l o n g , and k is a variable of
type u n s i g n e d i n t . W hat is the type o fth e expression i + ( i n t ) j * k ?
Suppose that i is a variable of type i n t . f is a variable o f type f l o a t . and d is a variable
of type d o u b l e . W hat is the type o f the expression i * f / d?
Suppose that i is a variable of type i n t , f is a variable o fty p e f l o a t , and d is a variable
o fty p e d o u b l e . Explain what conversions take place during the execution o f the following
P ro g ra m m in g P r o je c ts kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQP
Assume that a program contains the following declarations:
c h a r c = ' \ 1 ';
s h o r t s = 2;
i n t i = -3 ;
lo n g m = 5;
f l o a t f = 6 .5 f ;
d o u b le d = 7 .5 ;
Give the value and the type of each expression listed below.
(a) c * i
(b) s + m
(c) f / c
(d) d / s
(e) f - d
(f) ( i n t ) f
Does the following statement always compute lhc fractional part of f correctly (assuming
that f and f r a c _ p a r t are f l o a t variables)?
fra c _ p a rt = f
(in t)
Ifnot, what’s the problem?
S e c tio n 7.5 onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Use t y p e d e f to create types named I n t 8 , I n t l 6 . and I n t 3 2 . Define the types so that
they represent 8-bit. l6-bit. and 32-bit integers on your machine.aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
P r o g r a m m in g P r o je c t s
The s q u a r e 2 . c program of Section 6.3 will fail (usually by printing strange answers) if
i * i exceeds the maximum i n t value. Run the program and determine the smallest value
of n that causes failure. Try changing the type of i to s h o r t and running the program
again. (Don’t forget to update the conversion specifications in the call o f p r i n t f ! ) Then
try l o n g . From these experiments, what can you conclude about the number ofbits used to
store integer types on your machine?
Modify the s q u a r e 2 . c program of Section 6.3 so that il pauses after every 24 squares and
displays the following message:
P re s s E n te r to
c o n tin u e ...
After displaying the message, (he program should use g e t c h a r to read a character,
g e t c h a r won’t allow the program to continue until the user presses the Enter key.
Modify the sum 2 . c program of Section 7 .1 to sum a series of d o u b l e values.
Write a program that translates an alphabetic phone number into numeric form:
E n t e r p h o n e n u m b e r : CALLATT
(In case you don’t have a telephone nearby, here are the letters on the keys: 2=ABC, 3=DEF,
4=GHI, 5=JKL. 6=M N 0, 7=PRS, 8=TUV. 9=WXY.) Ifth e original phone numbercontains
nonalphabetic characters (digits or punctuation, for example), leave them unchanged:
E n t e r p h o n e num be r : l-8 0 0 -C Q L -L E C T
1 -8 0 0 -2 6 5 -5 3 2 8
You may assume that any letters entered by thc user are upper case.
C h a p te r 7
s ic T y p e s
In lhe SC R A B B LE Crossw ord Game, players form words using small tiles, each containing
a letter and a face value. The face value varies from one letter to another, based on the let­
ter’s rarity. (Here are the face values: l : A EILN O RSTU . 2: DG. 3: BCMP, 4: FHVWY. 5: K.
8: JX, l0: QZ.) W rite a program that com putes the value o f a word by sum m ing the values
o f its letters:
E n t e r a w o rd : p i t f a l l
S c r a b b l e v a l u e : 12
Your program should allow any mixture o f lower-case and upper-case letters in the word.cbaZYXW
H int: Use the t o u p p e r library function.
W rite a program that prints the values o f s i z e o f ( i n t ) . s i z e o f ( s h o r t ) .
s i z e o f ( l o n g ) , s i z e o f ( f l o a t ) , s i z e o f ( d o u b l e ) and s i z e o f ( l o n g d o u ­
b le ) .
M odify Program m ing Project 6 from C hapter 3 so that the user may add, subtract, multiply,
or divide two fractions (by entering either +, - . *. or / between the fractions).
M odify Program m ing Project 8 from C hapter 5 so that the user enters a tim e using the 12hour clock. The input will have the form h o u rx :m iiiu ie x followed by eith erA , P, AM, or PM
(either lower-case or upper-case). W hite space is allowed (but not required) between the
num erical tim e and the AM^PM indicator. Exam ples o f valid input:
1 :1 5 P
l:1 5 P M
l:1 5 p
1 : 15pm
1 :1 5 P
1 : 1 5 PM
1 :1 5 p
1 : 1 5 pm
You may assum e that the input has one o f these form s; there is no need lo test for errors.
W rite a program that asks the user for a l2-hour time, then displays the time in 24-hour
E n t e r a 1 2 - h o u r t i m e : 9 : 1 1 PM
E q u iv a le n t 2 4 - h o u r tim e : 2 1 :1 1
See Program m ing Project 8 for a description o fth e input format.
W rite a program that counts the num ber o f vowels (a, e, i, o. and u) in a sentence:
E n t e r a s e n t e n c e : A nd t h a t ’ s t h e
Y our s e n te n c e c o n t a i n s 6 v o w e ls .
w ay i t
is .
W rite a program that takes a first name and last nam e entered by the user and displays the
last name, a com m a, and the first initial, followed by a period:
E n te r a f i r s t
F o s d ic k , L.
la s t
nam e:
L lo y d
F o s d ic k
The user’s input may contain extra spaces before the first name, betw een the first and last
names, and after the last name.
W rite a program that evaluates an expression:
E n te r an e x p re s s io n :
V a lu e o f e x p r e s s i o n :
1 + 2 .5 * 3
1 0 .5
P ro g ra m m in g P ro je c ts onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQ
The operands in the expression are floating-point numbers; the operators are +, -, *, and / .
The expression is evaluated from left to right (no operator takes precedence over any other
Write a program that calculates the average word length for a sentence:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Enter a sentence: It was deja vu all over again.
Average word length: 3.4
For simplicity, your program should consider a punctuation mark to be part of the word lo
which it is attached. Display the average word length to one decimal place.
Write a program that uses Newton’s method to com pute the square root of a positive float­
ing-point number:
Enter a positive number: 3
Square root: 1.73205
Let .v be the number entered by the user. N ewton’s method requires an initial guess cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJ
y for the
square root of.Y (w e’ll use y = 1). Successive guesses are found by computing the average of
y and x!y. The following table shows how the square root of 3 would be found:
i.7 l4 2 9
y and x/y
Note that the values of y get progressively closer to the true square root of .v. For greater
accuracy, your program should use variables o fty p e d o u b l e rather than f l o a t . Have the
program terminate when the absolute value o fth e difference between the old value o fy and
the new value o fy is less than the product of .00001 and y. H int: Call the f a b s function to
find the absolute value of a d o u b l e . (You’ll need to include the < m a t h . h> header at the
beginning of your program in order to use f a b s . )
Write a program that computes the factorial of a positive integer:
Enter a positive integer: 6
Factorial of 6: 720
(a) Use a s h o r t variable to store the value of the factorial. W hat is the largest value o fn
for which the program correctly prints the factorial of /??
(b) Repeat part (a), using an i n t variable instead.
(c) Repeal part (a), using a l o n g variable instead.
(d) Repeat part (a), using a l o n g l o n g variable instead (if your com piler supports the
l o n g l o n g type).
(e) Repeat part (a), using a f l o a t variable instead.
(1) Repeat part (a), using a d o u b l e variable instead.
(g) Repeat part (a), using a l o n g d o u b l e variable instead.
In cases (e)-(g), the program will display a close approxim ation o fth e factorial, not neces­
sarily the exact value.
A rra y s
l f a p ro g ra m m a n ip u la te s a la rg e a m o u n t o f data,
it d o e s s o in a s m a ll n u m b e r o f ways. onmlkjihgfedc
So far. lhe only variables w e’ve seen are cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
scalar: capable of holding a single data
item. C also supports aggregate variables, which can store collections of values.
There are two kinds ofaggregates in C: arrays and structures. This chapter shows
how to declare and use arrays, both one-dim ensional (Section 8.1) and multidi­
mensional (Section 8.2). Section 8.3 covers C 99’s variable-length arrays. The
focus of the chapter is on one-dim ensional arrays, which play a much bigger role
in C than do multidim ensional arrays. Later chapters (Chapter 12 in particular)
provide additional inform ation about arrays; Chapter 16 covers structures.
O n e - D im e n s io n a l A r r a y s
An array is a data structure containing a number of data values, all of which have
the same type. These values, known as elem en ts, can be individually selected by
their position within the array.
The sim plest kind of array has just one dim ension. The elem ents of a one­
dimensional array are conceptually arranged one after another in a single row (or
column, if you prefer). H ere's how we might visualize a one-dim ensional array
named a:
To declare an array, we must specify the type of the array’s elements and the
num ber of elements. For example, lo declare that the array a has 10 elements of
type i n t , we would write
in t
a [1 0 ] ;
1 62
C h a p te r 8
A r ra y s
The elements of an array may be of any type; the length of the array can be speci­
fied by any (integer) constant expression. Since array lengths may need to be
c o n s ta n t e x p re s s io n s > 5 . 3 aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
adjusted when the program is later changed, using a macro to define the length of
an array is an excellent practice:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
#define N 10
A r r a y S u b sc r ip tin g
To access a particular element of an array, we write the array name followed by an
subscripting or in d e xin g the
integer value in square brackets (this is referred to as cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
array). Array elements are always numbered starting from 0, so the elements o fa n
array of length n are indexed from 0 lo n - 1. For example, if a is an array with 10
elements, they’re designated by a [ 0 ] , a [ 1 ] , .... a [ 9 ] , as the following figure
a [0 ]
iv a i u e s > 4 . 2
a [l]
a [2 ]
a [3 ]
a [4 ]
a [5 ]
a [6 ]
a (7 ]
a (8 ]
a [9 1
Expressions o fth e form a [ i ] are lvalues, so they can be used in the same way as
ordinary variables:
a[0] = 1;
printf("%d\n", a[5]);
++a [i] ;
In general, ifan array contains elements of type T. then each element of the array is
treated as if it were a variable of type T. In this example, the elements a [ 0 ] .
a [ 5 ] , and a [ i ] behave like i n t variables.
Arrays and f o r loops go hand-in-hand. Many programs contain f o r loops
whose job is to perform some operation on every element in an array. Here are a
few examples oftypical operations on an array a of length N:
id io m
id io m
id io m
for (i = 0; i < N; i+ + )
a[i] = 0;
/* clears a */
for (i = 0; i < N; i+ + )
scanf("%d", &a[i]);
/* reads data into a */
for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
sum += a[i];
/* sums the elements of a */
Notice that we must use the & symbol when calling s c a n f to read an array elem ent,just as we would with an ordinary variable.
8 .1
O n e - D im e n s io n a l A r r a y s onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQP
163 kjihgfedcb
C doesn’t require that subscript bounds be checked; if a subscript goes out of
range, the program’s behavior is undefined. One cause of a subscript going out of
bounds: forgetting that an array with n elements is indexed from 0 to n — 1, not 1 to
n. (As one of my professors liked to say, “In this business, you’re always off by
one.” He was right, of course.) The following example illustrates a bizarre effect
that can be caused by this common blunder:
int a [10], i ;
for (i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
a[i] = 0;
With some compilers, this innocent-looking f o r statement causes an infinite loop!
When i reaches 10, the program stores 0 into a [ 1 0 ] . But a [1 0 ] doesn’t exist,
so 0 goes into memory immediately after a [ 9 ] . If the variable i happens to fol­
low a [9] in memory— as might be the case— then i will be reset to 0, causing the
loop to start over.
An array subscript may be any integer expression:
a[i+j*10] = 0;
The expression can even have side effects:
i = 0;
while (i < N)
a[i++] = 0;
L et’s trace this code. After i is set to 0, the w h i l e statement checks whether i is
less than N. If it is, 0 is assigned to a [ 0 ] , i is incremented, and the loop repeats.
Note that a [+ + i] wouldn’t be right, because 0 would be assigned to a [1] during
the first loop iteration.
Be careful when an array subscript has a side effect. For example, the following
loop— which is supposed to copy the elements of the array b into the array a —
may not work properly:
i = 0;
while (i < N)
a [i] = b[i++J ;
The expression a [ i ] = b [i+ + ] accesses the value of i and also modifies i else­
where in the expression, which— as we saw in Section 4.4— causes undefined
behavior. Of course, we can easily avoid the problem by removing the increment
from the subscript:
for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
a [i] = b [i] ;
C h a p te r 8
A rra ys
R e v e r s in g a S e r ie s o f N u m b e r s
Our first array program prompts the user to enter a series of numbers, then writes
the numbers in reverse order:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Enter 10 numbers: 34 82 49 102 7 94 23 11 50 31
In reverse order: 31 50 11 23 94 7 102 49 82 34
Our strategy will be to store the numbers in an array as they’re read, then go
through the array backwards, printing the elements one by one. In other words, we
w on’t actually reverse the elements in the array, but w e’ll make the user think we
r e v e r s e .c
/* Reverses a series of numbers */
#include <stdio.h>
#define N 10
int main(void)
int a [N], i ;
printf("Enter %d numbers:
for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
scanf(”%d”, &a [i]);
”, N);
printf('*In reverse order:”);
for (i = N - 1; i >= 0; i--)
printf(" %d", a[i]);
return 0;
This program shows just how useful macros can be in conjunction with arrays.
The macro N is used four times in the program: in the declaration of a , in the
p r i n t f that displays a prompt, and in both f o r loops. Should we later decide to
change the size of the array, we need only edit the definition of N and recompile
the program. Nothing else will need to be altered; even the prompt will still be cor­
A r r a y I n itia liz a tio n
An array, like any other variable, can be given an initial value at the time it's
declared. The rules are somewhat tricky, though, so w e'll cover some of them now
and save others until later.
The most common form of array initializer is a list o f constant expressions
enclosed in braces and separated by commas:
int a[10]
= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10};
8 .1
O n e - D im e n s io n a l A rra y s onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONML
shorter than the array, the remaining elements of the array are
given the value 0:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
int a[10] = {1, PONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
2, 3, 4, 5, 6};
/* initial value of a is {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0} */
Using this feature, we can easily initialize an array to all zeros:
int a [10] = {0};
/* initial value of a is {0, Q, 0, Q, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} */
It’s illegal for an initializer to be completely empty, so w e’ve put a single 0 inside
the braces. It’s also illegal for an initializer to be longer than the array it initial­
lfan initializer is present, the length o fth e array may be omitted:
int a[] = {lz 2, 3, 4, S, 6, t, 8, 9, 10};
The compiler uses the length of the initializer to determine how long the array is.
The array still has a fixed number of elements (10, in this example), just as if we
had specified the length explicitly.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
D e s ig n a te d I n itia liz e r s
lfs often the case that relatively few elements of an array need to be initialized
explicitly; the other elements can be given default values. Consider the following
int a[15] = {0, 0, 29, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 48};
We want element 2 of the arrav^ to be 29,'element 9 to be 7. and element 14 to be
48, but the other values arejust zero. For a large array, writing an initializer in this
fashion is tedious and error-prone (what ifthere were 200 zeros between two of the
nonzero values?).
C99’s designated initializers can be used to solve this problem. H ere’s how
we could redo the previous example using a designated initializer:
int a[15] = {[2] = 29,
[9] = 7,
[14] = 48};
Each number in brackets is said to be a designator.
Besides being shorter and easier to read (at least for some arrays), designated
initializers have another advanta s^e: the order in which the elements are listed no
longer matters. Thus, our previous example could also be written in the following
int a[15] = {[14] = 48,
[9] = 7,
[2] = 29};
Designators must be integer constant expressions. Ifthe array being initialized
has leng<^th /?, eac<Jh designator must be between 0 and n - I. Ho'wever, if ^the length
of the array is omitted, a designator can be any nonnegative integer. In the latter
case, the compiler will deduce the length of the array from the largest designator.
C h a p te r 8
In the following example, the fact that 23 appears as a designator will force the
array to have length 24:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
int b[] = {[5] = 10,
[23] = 13,
[11] = 36,
[15] = 29};
An initializer may use botb the older (element-by-element) technique and the
newer (designated) technique:
int c[10] = {5, 1, 9,
[4] = 3, 7, 2,
[8] = 6};
This initializer specifies that the array’s first three elements will be 5, 1, and 9. Ele­
ment 4 will have the value 3. The two elements after element 4 will be 7 and 2.
Finally, element 8 will have the value 6. All elements for which no value is speci­
fied will default to zero.
C h e c k in g a N u m b e r fo r R e p e a te d D ig it s
Our next program checks whether any of the digits in a number appear more than
once. After the user enters a number, the program prints either R e p e a t e d d i g i t
or No r e p e a t e d d i g i t :
Enter a number: 28212
Repeated digit
The number 28212 has a repeated digit (2); a number like 9357 doesn’t.
The program uses an array of Boolean values to keep track of which digits
appear in a number. The array, named d i g i t _ s e e n , is indexed from 0 to 9 to
correspond to the 10 possible digits. Initially, every elem ent of the array is false.
(The initializer for d i g i t _ s e e n is {f a l s e }, which only initializes the first ele­
ment of the array. However, the com piler will automatically make the remaining
elements zero, which is equivalent to false.)
When given a number n , the program examines n ’s digits one at a time, stor­
ing each into the d i g i t variable and then using it as an index into d i g i t _ s e e n .
l f d i g i t _ s e e n [ d i g i t ] is true, then d i g i t appears at least twice in n. On the
other hand, if d i g i t _ s e e n [ d i g i t ] is false, then d i g i t has not been seen
before, so the program sets d i g i t _ s e e n [ d i g i t ] to t r u e and keeps going.BA
rep d ig it.c
/* Checks numbers for repeated digits */
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
/* C99 only */
int main(void)
bool digit_seen[10]
int digit;
long n;
= {false};
printf(*'Enter a number:
scanf("%ld", &n);
8 .1
167 hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSR
O n e -D im e n s io n a l A rra y s onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLK
while (n > 0) {
digit = n % 10;
if (digit_seen[digit])
digit_seen[digit] = true;
n /= 10;
if (n > 0)
printf("Repeated digit\n");
printf("No repeated digit\n");
return 0;
< s td b o o l. h>
This program uses the names b o o l , t r u e , and f a l s e , which are defined in
h e a d e r > 2 1 . 5 kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
C99’s < s t d b o o l . h> header. If your compiler doesn’t support this header, you'll
need to define these names yourself. One way to do so is to pul the following lines
above the m a in function:
#define true 1
#define false 0
typedef int bool;
Notice that n has type l o n g , allowing the user to enter numbers up to
2,147.483.647 (or more, on some machines).dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
U s in g th e s i z e o f O p e r a to r w ith A r r a y s
The s i z e o f operator can determine the size ofan array (in bytes). I f a is an array
of 10 integers, then s i z e o f ( a ) is typically 40 (assuming that each integer
requires four bytes).
We can also use s i z e o f to measure the size of an array element, such as
a [ 0 ] . Dividing the array size by the element size gives the length o fth e array:
sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0])
Some programmers use this expression when the length of the array is needed. To
clear the array a. forexample. we could write
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(a)
a[i] = 0;
/ sizeof(a[0]); i+4-)
With this technique, the loop doesn’t have to be modified ifthe array length should
change at a later date. Using a macro to represent the array length has the sameadvantage, ofcourse, but the s i z e o f technique is slightly better, since there’s no
macro name to remember (and possibly gel wrong).
One minor annoyance is that some compilers produce a warning message for
theexpression i < s i z e o f (a ) / s i z e o f (a [0] ). The variable i probably has
C h a p te r 8
lype i n t (a signed type), whereas s i z e o f produces a value of type s i z e _ t (an
unsigned type). We know from Section 7.4 that comparing a signed integer with an
unsigOned Ointeger is a Cd angeroi us practice, altohough in this case it’s safe because
both i and s i z e o f (a ) / s i z e o f (a [0] ) have nonnegative values. To avoid a
waming, we can add a cast that converts s i z e o f (a ) / s i z e o f ( a [0] ) to a
sigc^ned intoeger:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
for (i = 0; i < (int)
a[i] = 0;
(sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0])); i++)
Writing ( i n t ) ( s i z e o f ( a ) / s i z e o f ( a [ 0 ] ) ) isa b itu n w ie ld y ;d e fin ing a macro that represents it is often helpful:
#define SIZE ((int)
(sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0])))
for (i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
a[i] = 0;
p a ra m e te riz e d m a c ro s > 1 4 .3
If w e f re back to using a macro, though, w hat’s the advantage of s i z e o f ? We’ll
answer that question in a later chapter (the trick is to add a parameter to the
C o m p u ti n g I n te r e s t
Our next program prints a table showing the value of S l00 invested at different
rates of interest over a period of years. The user will enter an interest rate and the
number of years the money will be invested. The table will show the value of the
money at one-year intervals— at that interest rate and the next four higher rates—
assuming that interest is compounded once a year. Here’s what a session with the
program will look like:
Enter interest rate: 6
Enter number of years: 5
Clearly, we can use a f o r statement to print the first row. The second row is a
little trickier, since its values depend on the numbers in the first row. Our solution
is to store the first row in an array as it’s computed, then use the values in Lhe array
to compute the second row. Of course, this process can be repeated for the third
and later rows. We’ll end up with two f o r statements, one nested inside the other.
The outer loop will count from 1 to the number ofyears requested by the user. The
inner loop will increment the interest rate from its lowest value to its highest value.
8 .2
M u ltid im e n s io n a l A rra y s kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONML
/* Prints a table of compound interest */
#include <stdio.h>
#define NUM_RATES ((int) (sizeof(value) / sizeof(value[0])))
#define INITIAL_BALANCE 100.00
int main(void)
int i, low_rate, num_years, year;
double value[5];
printf("Enter interest rate: ");
scanf("%d", &low_rate);
printf("Enter number of years: ");
scanf("%d", &num_years);
for (i = 0; i < NUM_RATES; i++) {
printf("%6d%%", low_rate + i);
for (year = 1; year <= num_years; year++) {
", year);
for (i = 0; i < NUM_RATES; i++) {
value[i] += (low_rate + i) / 100.0 * value[i];
printf("%7.2f", value[i]);
Note the use o f NUM_RATES to control two o f the f o r loops. If we later
change the size o fth e v a l u e array, the loops will adjust automatically.aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCB
8 .2
M u ltid im e n s io n a l A r ra y s
An array may have any num ber of dim ensions. For example, the follow ing declara­
m atrix, in mathematical term inology):
tion creates a tw o-dim ensional array (a cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
int m [5] [9] ;
The array m has 5 rows and 9 columns. Both rows and colum ns are indexed from 0,
as the following figure shows:
C h a p te r 8
To access the element ofm in row i , column j . we must write m [ i ] [ j ] . The
expression m [ i ] designates row i of m. and m [ i ] [ j ] then selects elem ent j in
this row.
Resist the temptation to write m [ i t j ] instead of m [ i ] [ j ]. C treats the comma
as an operator in this context, so m [ i , j ] is the same as m [ j ].
c o m m a o p e ra to r > 6 . 3
Although we visualize two-dimensional arrays as tables, that's not the way
they’re actually stored in computer memory. C stores arrays in row
-m ajo rorder, with
row 0 first, then row l , and so forth. For example, here’s how the m array is stored:
ro w 0
< *'
• •
ro w 4
ro w 1
^Q '
• •
------ ^"
<?> • • •
.U *
We’ll usually ignore this detail, but sometimes it will affect our code.
Just as f o r loops go hand-in-hand with one-dimensional arrays, nested f o r
loops are ideal for processing multidimensional arrays. Consider, for example, the
problem of initializing an array for use as an identity matrix. (In mathematics, an
identity m atrix has l ’s on the main diagonal, where the row and column index are
the same, and O's everywhere else.) We'll need to visit each element in the array in
some systematic fashion. A pair of nested f o r loops— one that steps through every
row index and one that steps through each column index— is perfect for thejob:
#define N 10
double ident[N][N];
int row, col;
for (row = 0; row < N; row++)
for (col = 0; col < N; CO1+--+)
if (row == col)
ident[row][col] = 1.0;
ident[row][col] = 0.0;
a rra y s o f p o in te rs > 13.7
Multidimensional arrays play a lesser role in C than in many other program­
ming languages, primarily because C provides a more flexible way to store multi­
dimensional data: arrays o f pointers.
M u ltid im e n s io n a l A r r a y s onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONM
8 .2
I n itia liz in g a M u l tid i m e n s i o n a l A r r a y
We can create an initializer for a two-dimensional array by nesting one-dimen- KJIHGFEDCBA
sional initializers:
in t
m [5 ] [9 ]
= {> ,
> ,
o; 9
0 9
0 9
1 i} ;
Each inner initializer provides values for one row of the matrix. Initializers for
higher-dimensional arrays are constructed in a similar fashion.
C provides a variety of ways to abbreviate initializers for multidimensional
■ Ifan initializer isn’t large enough to fi.ll a mu ltidimensional array, the remain­
ing elements are given the value 0. For example, the following initializer fills
only the first three rows ofm: the last two rows will contain zeros:
in t
m [5 ] [9 ]
= { [1 ,
[0 ,
[0 ,
■ If an inner list isn’t lon ^s enougOh to fill a row,1 the remainin^s elements in the
row are initialized to 0:
in t
m [5 ] [9 ]
= { .1 ,
;o ,
> ,
1 , 1 , 1 }<
0 , 1] ■ ,
0, 1 9
1' 9
1, 1, i}} ;
■ We can even omit the inner braces:
in t
m [5 ] [9 ]
= {1 ,
Once the compiler has seen enough values to fill one row. it begins filling the
Oinitting the inner braces in a multidimensional array initializer can be risky, since
an extra element (or even worse, a missing element) will affect the rest of the ini­
tializer. Leaving out the braces causes some compilers to produce a warning mes­
sage such as “m issing braces around initializer.”
C99's designated initializers work with multidimensional arrays. For example,
we could create a 2 x 2 identity matrix as follows:
C h a p te r 8
double ident[2][2] = {[0][0] = 1.0,
[1][1] = 1.0};onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLK
As usual, all elements for which no value is specified will default to zero.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONM
C o n s ta n t A r r a y s
Any array, whether one-dimensional or multidimensional, can be made “constant”
by starting its declaration with the word c o n s t :
const char hex_chars[] =
{ '0 ', '1 ’, '2 ', '3 ', '4 ', '5 ', ’6 ’, '7 ', ’8 ’, '9 ',
’A ', ’B ’, 'C ’, ’D ’, 'E ’, ’F '} ;aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
c o n s t t y p e q u a lif ie r > BA
An array that’s been declared c o n s t should not be modified by the program; the
compiler will detect direct attempts to modify an element.
Declaring an array to be c o n s t has a couple of primary advantages. It docu­
ments that the program w on’t change the array, which can be valuable information
for someone reading the code later. It also helps the com piler catch errors, by
informing it that we don't intend to modify the array.
c o n s t isn’t limited to arrays; it works with any variable, as w e’ll see later.
However, c o n s t is particularly useful in array declarations, because arrays may
contain reference information that won’t change during program execution.
D e a lin g a H a n d o f C a r d s
Our next program illustrates both two-dimensional arrays and constant arrays. The
program deals a random hand from a standard deck of playing cards, (ln case you
haven't had time to play games recently, each card in a standard deck has a cbaZYXWVUTSRQPO
clubs, diamonds, hearts, or spades— and a rank— two, three, four, five, six, seven,
eight, nine, len,jack, queen, king, or ace.) We'll have the user specify how many
cards should be in the hand:
Enter number of cards in hand: 5
Your hand: 7c 2s 5d as 2h
t i m e f u n c t io n
> 2 6 .3
s r a n d lu n c l io n
> 2 6 .2
r a n d f u n c t io n
> 2 6 .2
lt’s not immediately obvious how w e’d write such a program. How do we pick
cards randomly from the deck? And how do we avoid picking the same card twice?
Let’s tackle these problems separately.
To pick cards randomly, we'll use several C library functions. The t i m e func­
tion (from < t i m e . h > ) returns the current time, encoded in a single number. The
s r a n d function (from < s t d l i b . h > ) initializes C ’s random number generator.
Passing the return value of t i m e to s r a n d prevents the program from deaUng the
same cards every time we run it. The r a n d function (also from < s t d l i b . h > )
produces an apparently random number each time it’s called. By using the % oper­
ator. we can scale the return value from r a n d so that it falls between 0 and 3 (for
suits) or between 0 and 12 (for ranks).
To avoid picking the same card twice, w e’ll need to keep track ofw hich cards
have already been chosen. For that purpose, w e’ll use an array named i n _ h a n d
8 ,2
M u l t i d i m e n s i o n a l A r r a y s onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLK
that has four rows (one for each suit) and 13 columns (one for each rank). In other
words, each element in the array corresponds to one of the 52 cards in the deck. All
elem ents of the array will be false lo start with. Each time we pick a card at ran­
dom, w e’ll check whether the elem ent of i n _ h a n d corresponding to that card is
true or false. If it’s true, w e’ll have to pick another card. If it’s false, w e’ll store
t r u e in that card's array elem ent to remind us later that this card has already been
Once w e’ve verified that a card is “new”— not already selected— w e'll need to
translate its numerical rank and suit into characters and then display the card. To
translate the rank and suit to character form, w e'll set up two arrays of charac­
ters— one for the rank and one for the suit— and then use the numbers to subscript
the arrays. These arrays w on't change during program execution, so we may as
well declare them to be c o n s t .
d e a l. c
Deals a random hand of cards */
< s t d b o o l .h
< s t d i o .h>
< s t d l i b .h>
< t i m e .h>
/* C99 only */
#define NUM_SUITS 4
#define NUM_RANKS 13
int main(void)
bool in_hand[NUM_SUITS] [NUM_RANKS] = {false};
int num_cards, rank, suit;
const char r a n k _ c o d e [] = { ’2 ’, ’3 ’, ’4 ’, ’5 ’, ’6 ’, ’7 ’, ’8 ’,
'9 ', 1 1 ', 'j ' , 'q ', 'k ' , 'a '} ;
const char suit_code[] = {'c','d','h','s'};
sr*and( (unsigned)
time (NULL) ) ;
printf("Enter number of cards in hand:
scanf (“%d ”, &num__cards) ;
p r i n t f ("Your h a n d : ”);
while (num_cards > 0) {
suit = rand() % NUM_SUITS;
/* picks a random suit */
rank = rand() % NUM_RANKS;
/* picks a random rank */
if (!in_hand[suit][rank]) {
i n _ h a n d [ s u i t ] [rank] = true;
p r i n t f ( ” % c % c ” , rank_code[rank], suit_code[suit]);
p r i n t f (”\ n ”);
return 0;
C h a p te r 8
A rrays
Notice the initializer for the in _ _ h a n d array:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
bool in_hand[NUM_SUITS][NUM_RANKS]
= {false};
Even though in _ _ h a n d is a two-dimensional array, we can use a single pair of
braces (at the risk ofpossibly incurring a warning from the compiler). Also, we’ve
supplied only one value in the initializer, knowing that the compiler will fill in 0
(false) for the other elements.aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
8 .3
V a ria b le -L e n g th A r ra y s (C 9 9 )
Section 8.l stated that the length o fa n array variable must be specified by a con­
stant expression. In C99. however, it’s sometimes possible to use an expression
that’s noi constant. The following modification o fth e r e v e r s e . c program (Sec­
tion 8 .l) illustrates this ability:
re v e rse 2 .c
/* Reverses a series of numbers using a variable-length
array - C99 only */
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
int i z n;
printf("How many numbers do you want to reverse? ");
scanf("%d", &n);
int a[n];
/* C99 only - length of array depends on n */
printf("Enter %d numbers:
for (i = 0; i < n; i+4-)
scanf("%d", &a[i]);
”, n);
printf("In reverse order:");
for (i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--)
printf(" %d", a[i]);
return 0;
The array a in this program is an example of a variable-length array (or VLA for
short). The length of a VLA is computed when the program is executed, not when
the program is compiled. The chief advantage of a VLA is that the programmer
doesn’t have to pick an arbitrary length when declaring an array; instead, the pro­
gram itself can calculate exactly how many elements are needed. If the program­
mer makes the choice, it’s likely that the array will be too long (wasting memory)
or too short (causing the program to fail). In the r e v e r s e 2 . c program, the num-
1 7 5 onmlkjihgfedcba
ber entered by the user determines the length o f a ; the program m er doesn’t have to
choose a fixed length, unlike in the original version of the program .
The length o f a VLA doesn’t have to be specified by a single variable. Arbi­
trary expressions, possibly containing operators, are also legal. Forexam ple:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQ
int a [3*i+5];
int b [j+k] ;
Like other arrays. VLAs can be multidimensional:
int c [m] [n] ;
static storage duration > 18.2
The primary restriction on VLAs is that they can't have static storage duration.
(We haven’t yet seen any arrays with this property.) A nother restriction is that a
VLA may not have an initializer.
Variable-length arrays are most often seen in functions other than m a in . One
big*^ advanct?a ge o f a VLA that beloV>
ngs to a function f is that it can have a different
length each time f is called. W e’ll explore this feature in Section 9.3.aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
W h y d o a r r a y s u b s c r i p t s s ta r t a t 0 in s te a d o f 1 ? [p . 1 6 2 ]
Having subscripts begin at 0 simplifies the com piler a bit. Also, il can make array
subscripting marginally faster.
W h a t i f I w a n t a n a r r a y w ith s u b s c r ip t s th a t g o fr o m 1 t o 10 in s te a d o f 0 to 9?
H ere’s a common trick: declare the array to have 11 elem ents instead of 10. The
subscripts will go from 0 to 10. but you can just ignore elem ent 0.
I s it p o s s ib le to u se a c h a r a c te r a s a n a r r a y s u b s c r i p t ?
Yes. because C treats characters as integers. You’ll probably need to “scale" the
character before you use il as a subscript, though. Let's say that we want the
l e t t e r _ c o u n t array to keep track of a count for each letter in the alphabet. The
array will need 26 elements, so w e’d declare it in the following way:
int let t e r _ c o u n t [26];
However, we can’t use letters to subscript l e t t e r _ c o u n t directly, because their
integer values do n 't fall between 0 and 25. To scale a lower-case letter to the
proper range, we can simply subtract ’ a '; to scale an upper-case letter, w e’ll sub­
tract ' A '. For example, if c h contains a lower-case letter, w c'd write
= 0;
to clear the count that corresponds to c h . A minor caveat: this technique isn’t com­
pletely portable, because it assumes that letters have consecutive codes. However,
il works with most character sets, including ASCII.
C h a p te r 8
It s e e m s iik e a d e s ig n a te d in it ia liz e r c o u ld e n d u p in it ia liz in g a n a r r a y e le m e n t
m o r e th a n o n c e . C o n s id e r th e fo llo w in g a r r a y d e c la r a t io n : kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
int a[] = {4, 9, 1, 8,
[0] = 5, 7};
Is th is d e c la r a t io n le g a l, a n d i f s o , w h a t is th e le n g th o f t h e a r r a y ? [p . 1 6 6 ]
Yes, the declaration is legal. H ere’s how it works: as it processes an initializer list,
the com piler keeps track ofw hich array element is to be initialized next. Normally,
the next element is the one followin ^g* the element that was last initialized. However, when a designator appears in the list, it forces the next element be the one
even ifth a t elem ent has already been initialized.
represented by the designator, cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
H ere's a step-by-step look at how the compiler will process the initializer for
the array a:
4 initializes element 0;the next element to be initialized is element 1.
9 initializes element 1;the next element to be initialized is element 2.
1 initializes element 2;the next element to be initialized is element 3.
8 initializes element 3;the next element to be initialized is element 4.
[0] designator causes the next element to become 0, so the 5 initializes
element 0 (replacing the 4 previously stored there). The next clement to
be initialized is element 1.
The 7 initializes elem ent 1 (replacing the 9 previously stored there). The next
element to be initialized is element 2 (which is irrelevant since w e're at
the end of the list).
The net effect is the same as if we had written
int a[] = {5, 7, 1, 8},-
Thus, the length of this array is four.
T h e c o m p i le r g iv e s m e a n e r r o r m e s s a g e i f I tr y to c o p y o n e a r r a y in to a n o th e r
b y u s in g th e a s s ig n m e n t o p e r a to r . W h a t ’s w r o n g ?
Although it looks quite plausible, the assignment
a = b;
/* a and b are arrays */
is indeed illegal. The reason for its illegality isn't obvious; it has to do with the
peculiar relationship between arrays and pointers in C, a topic w e’ll explore in
Chapter 12.
The simplest way to copy one array into another is to use a loop that copies the
elements, one by one:
for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
m e m c p y fu n c tio n > 2 s .6
Another possibility is to use the m em cpy (“memory copy”) function from the
< s t r i n g . h > header, m em cpy is a low-level function that simply copies bytes
from one place to another. To copy the array b into the array a. use m em cpy as
E x e r c is e s onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQP
m e m c p y (a ,
s iz e o f(a ));
Many programmers prefer m em cpy, especially for large arrays, because it’s poten­
tially faster than an ordinary loop.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
*Q :
S e c t io n 6 .4 m e n tio n e d th a t C 9 9 d o e s n ’t a llo w a g o t o s t a t e m e n t to b y p a s s th e
d e c la r a tio n o f a v a r ia b le -le n g t h a r r a y . W h a t ’s th e r e a s o n fo r th is r e str ic tio n ?
The memory used to store a variable-length array is usually allocated when the
declaration of the array is reached during program execution. Bypassing the decla­
ration using a g o t o statement could result in a program accessing the elements of
an array that was never allocated.
E x e r c is e s
S e c tio n 8.1
W e d is c u s s e d u s in g th e e x p r e s s io n s iz e o f ( a ) / s i z e o f ( a [ 0 ] ) to calcu lateth en u m t is the type
ber of elements in an array. The expression s i z e o f (a ) / s i z e o f ( r ) , where cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFE
of a ’s elements, would also work, but it’s considered an inferior technique. Why?
The Q&A section shows how to use a letter as an array subscript. Describe how to use a
digit (in character form) as a subscript.
Write a declaration of an array named w e e k e n d containing seven b o o l values. Include an
initializer that makes the first and last values t r u e ; all other values should be f a l s e .
(C99) Repeat Exercise 3, but this time use a designated initializer. Make the initializer as
short as possible.
The Fibonacci numbers are 0. I. I. 2. 3. 5. 8, l3, ..., where each number is the sum of the
two preceding numbers. Write a program fragment that declares an array named
f i b _ n u m b e r s of length 40 and fills the array with the first 40 Fibonacci numbers. Hint:
Fill in the first two numbers individually, then use a loop to compute the remaining num­
Calculators, watches, and other electronic devices often rely on seven-segment displays for
numerical output. To form a digit, such devices “turn on” some o fth e seven segments while
leaving others “o f f ’:
Suppose that we want to set up an array that remembers which segments should be “on” for
each dig*^it. Let’s numbert* the segments as follows:
Here’s what the array might look like, with each row representing one digit:
co n st in t
s e g m e n t s [ 1 0 ] [7]
= {{1,
I’ve given you the first row of the initializer; fill in the rest.
1 78
C h a p te r 8
Using the shortcuts described in Section 8.2. shrink the initializer for the s e g m e n t s array
(Excrcise 6) as much as you can.
W rite a declaration for a two-dimensional array named t e m p e r a t u r e _ r e a d i n g s that
stores one month of hourly temperature readings. (For simplicity, assume that a month has
30 days.) The rows o fth e array should represent days of the month; the columns should rep­
resent hours of the day.
Using the array of Exercise 8. write a program fragment that computes the average tempera­
ture for a month (averaged over all days of the month and all hours of the day).
Write a declaration for an 8 x 8 c h a r array named c h e s s _ b o a r d . Include an initializer
that puts the following data into the array (one character per array clement):kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIH
Write a program fragment that declares an 8 x 8 c h a r array named c h e c k e r _ b o a r d and
then uses a loop to store the following data into the array (one character per array element):
Hint: The element in row /\ column J. should be the letter B if i 4- j is an even number.aZYXWVUTSRQPONM
P r o g r a m m in g P r o je c t s
Modify the r e p d i g i t . c program ofS ection 8.1 so that it shows which digits (if any)
were repeated:
Enter a number: 939577
Repeated digit(s): 7 9
Modify the r e p d i g i t . c program of Section 8.1 so that it prints a table showing how
many limes each digil appears in the number:
Enter a number: 41271092
0 1 2 3
Occurrences: 1 2 2 0
4 56
Modify the r e p d i g i t . c program of Section8.1 so that the user can enter more than one
number to be tested for repeated digits. The program should terminate when the user enters
a number that’s less than or equal to ().
P ro g ra m m in g P ro je c ts onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPO
Modify the r e v e r s e . c program of Section 8.l lo use the expression ( i n t )
( s i z e o f (a ) / s i z e o f (a [0] ) ) (o ra macro with this value) for the array length.
m onthly
Modify the i n t e r e s t . c program of Section 8.l so that it compounds interest cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHG
instead of annually. The form of the output shouldn’t change: the balance should still be
shown at annual intervals.
The prototypical Intemet newbie is a fellow named BIFF, who has a unique way of writing
messages. H ere's a typical B 1FF communique:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
C 15 RlLLY C 0 0 L l 1!!!i!!!!
W rite a “B lF F fille r that reads a message entered by the user and translates it into BlFFspeak:
Enter message:
In BlFF-speak:
Hey dude,
C is rilly cool
C 15 RlLLY C 0 0 L ! !!!!!!!!!
Your program should convert the message to upper-case letters, substitute digits for certain
letters ( A ^ 4 . B ^ 8 . E -> 3 ,1 -> 1 ,0 ^ 0 . S~>5). and (hen append 10or so exclamation marks.
H int: Store the original message in an array ofcharacters, then go back through the array,
translating and printing characters one by one.
W rite a program that reads a 5 x 5 array o f integers and then prints the row sums and the
column sums:
8 3 9 0 10
3 5 17 1 1
2 8 6 23 1
15 7 3 2 9
6 14 2 6 0
Row totalS: 30 27 40 36 28
Column totals: 34 37 37 32 21
Modify Programming Project 7 so that it prompts for five quiz grades for each of five stu­
dents. then computes the total score and average score for each student, and the average
score, high score, and low score for each quiz..
W rite a program that generates a “random walk" across a 10 x 10 array. The array will con­
tain characters (all ’ . ’ initially). The program must randomly “walk” from element to ele­
ment; always going up, down. left, or right by one element. The elements visited by thc
program will be labeled with the letters A through Z, in the order visited. H ere's an example
o flh e desired output:
F E ..............
G ................
............... Z .
. . R S T U V Y .
M P Q . . . W X .
N O ..............
H int: Use the s r a n d and r a n d functions (see d e a l . c ) to generate random numbers.
After generating a number, look at its remainder when divided by 4. There are four possible
values for the remainder— 0. 1 .2 , and 3— indicating the direction of the next move. Before
perform ing a move, check that (a) il w on’t go outside the array, and (b) it doesn’t take us to
C h a p te r 8
an elem ent that already has a letter assigned. If either condition is violated, try m oving in
another direction. If all four directions are blocked, the program must term inate. H ere’s an
exam ple o f prem ature term ination:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
. .
I ..
JK .
M L .
N 0 .
Y is blocked on all four sides, so there’s no place lo put Z.
M odify Program m ing Project 8 from C hapter 5 so that the departure tim es are stored in an
array and the arrival tim es are stored in a second array. (The tim es are integers, representing
the num ber of minutes since m idnight.) The program will use a loop to search the array o f
departure times for the one closest to the time entered by the uscr.
M odify Program m ing Project 4 from C hapter 7 so that the program labels its output:
Enter phone number : l-800-CQL-LECT
In numeric form: 1-800-265-5328
The program will need to store lhc phone num ber (cither in its original form or in its
num eric form) in an array of characters until it can be printed. You may assum e that the
phone num ber is no morc than 15 characters long.
M odify Program m ing Project 5 from Chapter 7 so that the SC R A B B LE values of lhe letters
are stored in an array. T he array will have 26 elem ents, corresponding to the 26 letters o fth e
alphabet. For exam ple, elem ent 0 of the array will store 1 (because the SC R A B B LE value o f
the letter A is 1), elem ent 1 of the array will store 3 (because the SC R A B B LE value o f the
letter B is 3), and so forth. As each character o f the input word is read, the program will use
lhc array to determ ine the SC R A B B LE value o f that character. Use an array initializer to set
up the array.
M odify Program m ing Projcci 11 from C hapter 7 so that the program labels its output:
Enter a first and last name: Lloyd Fosdick
You entered the name: Fosdick, L.
Thc program will need lo siore the last nam e (bul not the first name) in an array o fch araclers
unlil il can be printed. You may assum e ihat lhe last name is no more than 20 characiers long.
W riie a program lhal reverses lhc words in a sentence:
Enter a sentence: you can cage a swallow can't you?
Reversal of sentence: you can't swallow a cage can you?cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJI
H int: Usc a loop lo read lhe characters one by one and siore them in a one-dim ensional
c h a r array. Have the loop slop al a period, queslion mark, orexclam ation point (the “term i­
nating character*), which is saved in a separate c h a r variable. Then use a second loop lo
scarch backward lhrough the array for the beginning o f lhe last word. Prinl the last word,
lhen search backward for the nexi-(o-last word. Repeal until lhe beginning o f the array is
reached. Finally, print lhe term inating character.
O nc o f the oldesi known encryption techniques is lhe C aesar cipher, attributed to Julius C ae­
sar. Il involves replacing each letter in a m essage with another letter lhai is a fixed num ber of
181 onmlkjihgfedcbaZ
P ro g ra m m in g P ro je c ts hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLK
positions later in the alphabet. (If the replacement would go past lhc letter Z. the cipher
‘‘wraps around” to lhe beginning o fth e alphabet. For example, ifeac h letter is replaced by
Y would be replaced by A, and Z would be replaced by
the letter two positions after it. then cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
B.) Write a program that encrypts a message using a Caesar cipher. The user will enter the
message to be encrypted and the shift amount (the num ber of positions by which letters
should be shifted):kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Enter message to be encrypted: Go ahead, make my day.
Enter shift amount (1-25): 2
Encrypted message: Jr dkhdg, pdnh pb gdb.
Notice that the program can decrypt a message if the user enters 26 minus the original key:
Enter message to be encrypted: Jr dkhdg, pdnh pb gdb.
Enter shift amount (1-25): 23
Encrypted message: Go ahead, make my day.
You may assume that the message does not exceed 80 characters. Characters other than let­
ters should be left unchanged. Lower-case letters remain lowcr-casc when encrypted, and
upper-case letters remain upper-case. Hint: To handle the wrap-around problem, use the
expression ( ( c h - ’A ’ ) + n ) % 2 6 + ‘A ’ to calculate the encrypted version ofan upper­
case letter, where c h stores the letter and n stores the shift amount. (You’ll need a similar
expression for lower-case letters.)
Write a program that tests whether two words are anagrams (permutations of the same let­
Enter first word: smartest
Enter second word: mattress
The words are anagrams .
Enter first word: dumbest
Enter second word: stumble
The words are not anag rams.
Write a loop that reads the first word, character by character, using an array o f2 6 integers lo
keep track of how many times each letter has been seen. (For example, afier (he word sm art­
est has been read, the array should contain the values 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 0
0 0 0 0 0. reflecting the fact that sm artest contains one a, one e. one ni, one i\ two .fs and
two r’s.) Use another loop to read the second word, except this time decrementing the corre­
sponding array element as each letter is read. Both loops should ignore any characters that
aren’t letters, and both should treat upper-case letters in the same way as lower-case letters.
After the second word has been read, use a third loop to check whether all the elements in
the array are zero. If so. the words are anagrams. Hint: You may wish to use functions from
<ctype .h>, such as isalpha and tolower.
Write a program that prints an n x n magic square (a square arrangement of the numbers
1. 2........ / r in which the sums of the rows, columns, and diagonals are all the same). The
user will specify the value ofn :
This program creates a magic square of a specified size.
The size must be an odd number between 1 and 99.
Enter size of magic s q u a r e : 5_
C h a p te r 8
Store the magic square in a two-dimensional array. Start by placing the num ber 1 in the m id­
dle of row 0. Place each o f the remaining numbers 2, 3, .... cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
i r by moving up one row and
over one column. Any attempt to go outside the bounds o f the array should “wrap around”
to the opposite side o fth e array. For exam ple, instead o f storing the next num ber in row - 1 ,
we would store i( in row n - 1 (the last row). Instead o fsto rin g the next num ber in colum n n,
we would store it in column 0. If a particular array elem ent is already occupied, put the
num ber directly below the previously stored number. If your com piler supports variable­
length arrays, declare the array to have n rows and n columns. If not, declare the array to
have 99 rows and 99 columns.
F u n c t io n s
l f y o u h a v e a p r o c e d u r e w ith te n
p a ra m e te r s , y o u p r o b a b ly m is s e d s o m e . onmlkjihgfedcba
We saw in Chapter 2 that a Function is simply a series o f statem ents that have been
grouped together and given a name. Although the term “ function” comes from
mathematics. C functions don’t always resem ble math functions. In C, a function
doesn't necessarily have arguments, nor does it necessarily com pute a value, (fri
som e program m ing languages, a “function” returns a value, whereas a "procedure"’
doesn’t. C lacks this distinction.)
Functions are the building blocks o fC program s. Each function is essentially a
small program , with its own declarations and statem ents. Using functions, we can
divide a program into small pieces that are easier for us— and others— to under­
stand and modify. Functions can take som e o f the tedium out of program m ing by
allowing us to avoid duplicating code that’s used more than once. Moreover, func­
tions are reusable: wc can take a function that was originally part of one program
and use it in others.
Our program s so far have consisted o fju s t the m a i n function. In this chapter,
w e'll see how to write functions other than m a in , and w e’ll learn more about
m a i n itself. Section 9.1 shows how to define and call functions. Section 9.2 then
discusses function declarations and how they differ from function definitions.
Next, Section 9.3 exam ines how argum ents are passed to functions. The remainder
of the chapter covers the r e t u r n statem ent (Section 9.4), the related issue of pro­
gram term ination (Section 9.5), and recursion (Section 9.6).
D e fin in g a n d C a llin g F u n c t io n s
Before we go over the formal rules for defining a function, let’s look at three sim ­
ple programs that define functions.hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
C h a p te r 9
F u n c tio n s
C o m p u t in g A v e r a g e s
Suppose we often need to compute the average of two d o u b l e values. The C
library doesn't have an “average" function, but we can easily define our own.
H ere’s what il would look like:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
double average(double a, double b)
return (a + b) / 2;
The word d o u b l e at the beginning is a v e r a g e ’s re tu rn type: the type o f data
that the function returns each time it’s called. The identifiers a and b (the func­
tion’s p a ra m eters) represent the two numbers that will be supplied when a v e r ­
a g e is called. Each parameter must have a type ^usi like every variable has a
type); in this example, both a and b have type d o u b l e . (It may look odd. but the
word d o u b l e must appear twice, once for a and once for b.) A function param e­
ter is essentially a variable whose initial value will be supplied later, when the
function is called.
Every function has an executable part, called the body, which is enclosed in
braces. The body of a v e r a g e consists o f a single r e t u r n statement. Executing
this statement causes the function to “return" to the place from which it was called:
the value of (a + b ) / 2 will be the value returned by the function.
To call a function, we write the function name, followed by a list of a rg u ­
m en ts. For example, a v e r a g e ( x , y ) is a call of the a v e r a g e function. Argu­
ments are used to supply information to a function; in this case, a v e r a g e needs
to know which two numbers to average. The effect of the call a v e r a g e ( x , y ) is
to copy the values of x and y into the parameters a and b . and then execute the
body of a v e r a g e . An argument doesn’t have to be a variable; any expression of a
com patible type will do, allowing us to write a v e r a g e ( 5 . 1 , 8 . 9 ) or a v e r ­
age (x /2 , y /3 ) .
W e'll put the call of a v e r a g e in the place where we need to use the return
value. For example, we could write
printf("Average: %g\n", average(x, y));
to compute the average o f x and y and then print it. This statement has the follow­
ing effect:
The a v e r a g e function is called with x and y as arguments.
x and y are copied into a and b.
a v e r a g e executes its r e t u r n statement, returning the average of a and b.
p r i n t f prints the value that a v e r a g e returns. (The return value of
a v e r a g e becomes one o f p r i n t f ’s argum ents.)
Note that the return value of a v e r a g e isn’t saved anywhere; the program prints il
and then discards it. If we had needed the return value later in the program, we
could have captured il in a variable:
9 .1
D e f in in g a n d C a l l i n g F u n c t i o n s onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQ
185 kjihgfedcb
avg = average(x, y);
This statement calls a v e r a g e , then saves its return value in the variable a v g .
Now, let’s use the a v e r a g e function in a complete program. The following
program reads three numbers and computes their averages, one pair at a time:
Enter three numbers: 3.5 9.6 10.2
Average of 3.5 and 9.6: 6.55
Average of 9.6 and 10.2: 9.9
Average of 3.5 and 10.2: 6.85
Among other things, this program shows that a function can be called as often as
we need.BA
a v e ra g e .c
Computes pairwise averages of three numbers */
#include <stdio.h>
double average(double a, double b)
return (a + b) / 2;
int main(void)
double x, y, z;
printf("Enter three numbers: ”);
scanf("%lf%lf%lf", &x, &y, &z);
printf("Average of %g and %g: %g\n", x, y, average(x, y));
printf("Average of %g and %g: %g\n", y, z, average(y, z));
printf("Average of %g and %g: %g\n", x, z, average(x, z));
return 0;
Notice that I’ve put the definition of a v e r a g e before m a in . We’ll see in Section
9.2 that putting a v e r a g e after m a in causes problems.hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
P r in tin g a C o u n td o w n
Not every function returns a value. For example, a function whose job is to pro­
duce output may not need to return anything. To indicate that a function has no
return value, we specify that its return type is v o i d , ( v o i d is a type with no val­
ues.) Consider the following function, which prints the message T m in u s n a n d
c o u n t i n g , where n is supplied when the function is called:
void print_count(int n)
printf("T minus %d and counting\n", n);
C h a p te r 9
n c t io n s
p r i n t _ c o u n t has one parameter, n, of type i n t . It returns nothing, so I’ve
specified v o i d as the return type and omitted the r e t u r n statement. Since
p r i n t _ c o u n t doesn’t return a value, we can’t call it in the same way we call
a v e r a g e . Instead, a call of p r i n t _ c o u n t must appear in a statem ent by itself:kjihgfedcb
H ere’s a program that calls p r i n t _ c o u n t 10 times inside a loop:BA
Prints a countdown */
#include <stdio.h>
void print_count(int n)
printf("T minus %d and counting\n", n);
int main(void)
int i;
for (i = 10; i > 0; --i)
return 0;
Initially, i has the value 10. When p r i n t _ c o u n t is called for the first time,
i is copied into n. so that n takes on the value 10 as well. As a result, the first call
of p r i n t _ c o u n t will print
T minus 10 and counting
p r i n t _ c o u n t then returns to the point at which it was called, which happens to
be the body of a f o r statement. The f o r statement resumes where it left off, dec­
rementing i to 9 and testing whether it’s greater than 0. It is, so p r i n t _ c o u n t is
called again, this time printing
T minus 9 and counting
Each time p r i n t _ c o u n t is called, i is different, so p r i n t _ c o u n t will print
10 different messagc^es,
P r in tin g a P u n (R e v is ite d )
Some functions have no parameters at all. Consider p r i n t _ p u n . which prints a
bad pun each time it’s called:
void print_pun(void)
printf("To C, or not to C: that is the question.\n");
D e fin in g a n d C alling F u n c tio n s onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLK
The word v o i d in parentheses indicates that p r i n t _ p u n has no arguments.
(This time, we’re using v o i d as a placeholder that means “nothing goes here.”)
To call a function with no arguments, we write the function’s name, followed
by parentheses:
p rin t_ p u n ();
The parentheses m ust be present, even though there are no arguments.
Here’s a tiny program that tests the p r i n t _ p u n function:
p u n 2 .c
/* P r i n t s a b a d p u n * /
# i n c l u d e < s t d i o .h >
v o id p rin t_ p u n (v o id )
p r i n t f ( " T o C, o r n o t t o C: t h a t i s
th e q u e s t i o n . \ n " ) ;
i n t m a in ( v o id )
p rin t_ p u n ();
r e t u r n 0;
The execution o fth is program begins with the first statement in m a in , which
happens to be a call o f p r i n t _ p u n . When p r i n t _ p u n begins to execute, it in
turn calls p r i n t f to display a string. When p r i n t f returns, p r i n t _ p u n re­
F u n c t io n D e fin it io n s
Now that w e’ve seen several examples, let’s look at the general form of ^ fu n c tio n
return-type fu n ctio n -n a m e
f u n c t io n d e f i n it io n
( pa ra m eters )
statem ents
The return type o fa function is the type ofv alu e that the function returns. The
following rules govem the return type:
Functions may not return arrays, but there are no other restrictions on the
return type.
Specifying that the return type is v o i d indicates that the function doesn't
return a value.
C h a p te r 9
F u n c tio n s
■ If the r eturn type is omitted in C89, the function is presumed to return a value
of type i n t . In C99, it’s illegal to omit the return type of a function.
As a matter ofstyle, some programmers put the return type cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
above the function
average(double a, double b)
return (a + b) / 2;
Putting the return type on a separate line is especially useful if the return type is
lengthy, like u n s i g n e d l o n g i n t .
After the function name comes a list of parameters. Each parameter is pre­
ceded by a specification of its type; parameters are separated by commas. If the
function has no parameters, the word v o i d should appear between the parenthe­
ses. Note: A separate type must be specified for each parameter, even when several
parameters have the same type:
double average(double a, b)
/*** WRONG ***/
return (a + b) / 2;
The body of a function may include both declarations and statements. For
example, the a v e r a g e function could be written
double average(double a, double b)
<@ 1
double sum;
/* declaration */
sum = a + b;
return sum / 2;
/* statement */
/* statement */
Variables declared in the body of a function belong exclusively to that function;
they can't be examined or modified by other functions. In C89, variable declarations must come first, before all statements in the body of a function. In C99, vari­
able declarations and statements can be mixed, as long as each variable is declared
prior to the first statement that uses the variable. (Some pre-C99 compilers also
allow mixingC5 ofdeclarations and statements.)^
The body of a function whose return type is v o i d (which Tll call a *‘v o i d
function”) can be empty:
void print_pun(void)
Leaving the body empty may make sense during program development: we can
leave room for the function without taking the time to complete it, then come back
later and write the body.
D e fin in g a n d C a llin g F u n c tio n s kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPON
F u n c t io n C a lls onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
A function call consists of a function name followed by a list of arguments,
enclosed in parentheses:
average(x, y)
If the parentheses are missing, the function won’t get called:
/*** WRONG ***/
The result is a legal (albeit meaningless) expression statement that looks correct,
“statem ent with no
but has no effect. Some compilers issue a warning such as cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
A call of a v o i d function is always followed by a semicolon to turn it into a
A call of a n o n -v o id function, on the other hand, produces a value that can be
stored in a variable, tested, printed, or used in some other way:
avg = average(x, y);
if (average(x, y) > 0)
printf(“Average is positive\n");
printf("The average is %g\n", average(x, y));
The value returned by a n o n -v o id function can always be discarded if it’s not
average(x, y);
/* discards return value */
This call of a v e r a g e is an example of an expression statement: a statement that
evaluates an expression but then discards the result.
Ignoring the return value of a v e r a g e is an odd thing to do. but for some
functions it makes sense. Thc p r i n t f function, for example, returns the number
of characters that it prints. After the following call, n u m _ c h a r s will have the
value 9:
num_chars = printf("Hi, Mom!\n 11);
Since weTe probably not interested in the number of characters printed, weTI nor­
mally discard p r i n t f ’s return value:
printf("Hi, Mom!\n");
/* discards return value */
To make it clear that we’re deliberately discarding the return value of a functio n ,C a llo w su sto p u t ( v o id ) beforethccall:
C h a p te r 9
(void) printf("Hi, Mom!\n");hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
c a s t in g > 7 . 4
What we’re doing is casting (converting) the return value of p r i n t f to type
v o i d . Gn C, “casting t o v o i d ” is a polite way ofsaying “throwing away?) Using
( v o i d ) makes it clear to others that you deliberately discarded rhe rerurn value,
n o tju st forgot that there was one. Unfortunately, there are a great many functions
in the C library whose values are routinely ignored; using ( v o i d ) when calling
them all can get tiresome, so I haven’t done so in this book.
T e stin g W h e th e r a N u m b e r I s P r im e
To sce how functions can make programs easier to understand, let's write a pro­
gram that tests whether a number is prime. The program will prompt the user to
enter a number, then respond with a message indicating whether or not the number
is prime:
Enter a number: 34
Not prime
Instead of putting the prime-testing details in m a in , we'll define a separate func­
tion that returns t r u e if its parameter is a prime number and f a l s e if it isn’t.
When given a number n, the i s _ p r i m e function will divide n by each of the
numbers between 2 and the square root of n; if the remainder is ever 0, we know
that n isn’t prime.
/ ★ Tests whether a number is prime */
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
/* C99 only */
bool is_prime(int n)
int divisor;
if (n <= 1)
return false;
for (divisor = 2; divisor * divisor <= n; divisor++)
if (n % divisor == 0)
return false;
return true;
int main(void)
int n ;
printf("Enter a number: ");
scanf("%d", &n);
if (is_prime(n))
printf("Not prime\n");
9 .2
F u n c tio n D e c la r a tio n s hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGF
191 kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUT
Notice that m a in contains a variable named n even though i s _ j p r i m e 's
param eter is also named n. In general, a function may declare a variable with the
same name as a variable in another function. The two variables represent different
locations in memory, so assigning a new value to one variable doesn’t change the
other. (This property extends to param eters as well.) Section lO.I discusses this
point in more detail.
As i s _ p r i m e dem onstrates, a function may have more than one r e t u r n
statement. However, we can execute just one of these statem ents during a given
call of the function, because reaching a r e t u r n statement causes the function to
return to where it was called. We’ll learn more about the r e t u r n statem ent in
9 .2
F u n c t io n D e c la r a t io n s
In the programs in Section 9 .l, the definition o fe a c h function was always placed cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONM
above the point at which it was called. In fact, C doesn’t require that the definition
of a function precede its calls. Suppose that we rearrange the a v e r a g e . c pro­
gram by putting the definition o f a v e r a g e a fter the definition o f m a in :
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
double x, y, z;
printf("Enter three numbers:
scanf("%lf%lf%lf", &x, &y, &z);
printf("Average of %g and %g: %g\n", x, y, average(x, y));
printf("Average of %g and %g: %g\n", y, z, average(y, z));
printf("Average of %g and %g: %g\n", x, z, average(x, z));
return 0;
double average(double a, double b)
return (a + b) / 2;
When the com piler encounters the first call o f a v e r a g e in m a in , it has no
information about a v e r a g e : it doesn’t know how many paraineters a v e r a g e
has, what the types of these param eters are, or what kind o f value a v e r a g e
returns. Instead ofproducing an error message, though, the com piler assum es that
a v e r a g e returns an i n t value (recall from Section 9.l that the return type of a
C h a p te r 9
F u n c tio n s
function is i n t by default). We say that the compiler has created an cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGF
im p lic itd e c laration of the function. The compiler is unable to check that we’re passing
a v e r a g e the right number of arguments and that the arguments have the proper
default argument promotions > 9.3onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
type. Instead, it performs the default argument promotions and hopes for the best.
When it encounters the definition of a v e r a g e later in the program, the compiler
notices that the function’s return type is actually d o u b l e , not i n t , and so we
^g^*et an error messag^^e.
One way to avoid the problem of caII-before-definition is to arrange the pro­
gram so that the definition o feach function precedes all its calls. Unfortunately,
such an arrangement doesn’t always exist; and even when it does, it may make the
program harder to understand by putting its function definitions in an unnatural
Fortunately. C offers a better solution: declare each function before calling it.
A fu n c tio n declaration provides the compiler with a brief glimpse at a function
whose full definition will appear later. A function declaration resembles the first
line o fa function definition with a semicolon added at the end:
return-type function-nam e
fu n c tio n d e c la ra tio n
( param eters )
Needless to say. the declaration o fa function must be consistent with the function's
Here's how our program would look with a declaration o f a v e r a g e added:kjihgfedc
#include <stdio.h>
double average(double a, double b);
int main(void)
double x, y, z;
printf("Enter three numbers: ");
scanf("%lf%lf%lf", &x, &y, &z);
printf("Average of
%gand %g: %g\n",
printf("Average of
%gand %g: %g\n”,
printf("Average of
%gand %g: %g\n",
x, y, average(x, y ) );
y, z, average(y, z));
x, z, average(x, z));
return 0;
double average(double a, double b)
return (a + b) / 2;
Function declarations of the kind we've been discussing are known as/wziction prototypes to distinguish them from an older style of function declaration in
which the parentheses are left empty. A prototype provides a complete description
9 .3
A r g u m e n ts hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLK
193 onmlkjihgfedcba
of how to call a function: how many argum ents to supply, what their types should
be, and what type of result will be returned.
Incidentally, a function prototype doesn’t have to specify the cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
nam es of the
function’s param eters, as long as their types are present:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
double average(double, double);aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
^ B
Tt’s usually best not to omit param eter names, since they help docum ent the pur­
pose o f each param eter and remind the program m er o f the order in which argu­
ments must appear when the function is caJled. However, there are legitimate
reasons for om itting param eter names, and some program m ers prefer to do so.
C99 has adopted the rule that either a declaration or a definition of a function
must be present prior to any call of the function. Calling a function for which the
com piler has not yet seen a declaration or definition is an error.
9 .3
A r g u m e n ts
L et’s review the difference between a param eter and an argum ent. Param eters
appear in function definitio ns; they’re dummy names that represent values to be
supplied when the function is called. A rg u m en ts are expressions that appear in
function calls. When the distinction between argum ent and p a ra m e te r isn’t impor­
tant; I’ll som etim es use argum ent to mean either.
In C, arguments are p a sse d by value: when a function is called, each argument
is evaluated and its value assigned to the corresponding parameter. Since the
param eter contains a copy of the argum ent's value_. any changes made to the
param eter during the execution of the function d o n 't affect the argum ent. In effect,
each param eter behaves like a variable that’s been initialized to the value of the
matching argument.
The fact that arguments are passed by value has both advantages and disad­
vantages. Since a param eter can be modified without affecting the corresponding
argument, we can use parameters as variables within the function, thereby reduc­
ing the num ber of genuine variables needed. C onsider the following function,
which raises a number x to a p o w ern :
int power(int x, int n)
int i, result = 1;
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
result = result * x;
return result;
Since n is a copy of the original exponent, we can modify it inside the function,
thus removing^" the need for i :
C h a p te r 9
int power(int x, int n)
int result = 1;
while (n-- > 0)
result = result * x;
return result;
Unfortunately, C ’s requirement that arguments be passed by value makes it
difficult to write certain kinds of functions. For example, suppose that we need a
function that will decompose a d o u b l e value into an integer part and a fractional
part. Since a function can’t RQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
r e tu r n two numbers, we might try passing a pair of
variables to the function and having it modify them:
void decompose(double x, long int_part, double frac_part)
int_part = (long) x;
/* drops the fractional part of x */
frac_part = x - int_part;
Suppose that we call the function in the following way:
i, d);
At the beginning of the call, 3.14159 is copied into x, i\s value is copied into
i n t _ j p a r t . and d ’s value is copied into f r a c _ p a r t . The statements inside
d e c o m p o s e then assign 3 to i n t _ p a r t and .14159 to f r a c _ p a r t , and the
function returns. Unfortunately, i and d w eren't affected by the assignments to
i n t _ p a r t and f r a c _ p a r t , so they have the same values after the call as they
did before the call. With a little extra effort, d e c o m p o s e can be made to work, as
w e’ll see in Section 11.4. However, w e’ll need to cover more o f C ’s features first.dcbaZYXW
A r g u m e n t C o n v e r s io n s
C allows function calls in which the types o fth e arguments don’t match the types
o fth e parameters. The rules governing how the arguments are converted depend on
whether or not the com piler has seen a prototype for the function (or the function's
full definition) prior to the call:
The value of
each argument is implicitly converted to the type of the corresponding param­
eter as ifby assignment. For example, ifan i n t argument is passed to a func­
tion that was expecting a d o u b l e , the argument is converted to d o u b l e
■ T h e c o m p il e r h a s e n c o u n te r e d a p r o to t y p e p r i o r to
th e c a ll.
The compiler
performs the d e f a u l t a r g u m e n t p r o m o t i o n s : (1) f l o a t arguments are con­
verted to d o u b l e . (2) The integral promotions are performed, causing c h a r
■ T h e c o m p i le r h a s n o t e n c o u n te r e d a p r o to t y p e p r i o r to th e c a ll.
9 .3
A r g u m e n ts hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHG
1 9 5 onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXW
and s h o r t arguments to be converted to i n t . (In C99, the integer promo- dcbaZYXWVUTSRQ
tions are performed.) kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Relying on the default argument promotions is dangerous. Consider the following
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
double x = 3.0;
printf("Square: %d\n", square(x));
return 0;
int square(int n)
return n * n;
At the time s q u a r e is called, the compiler hasn’t seen a prototype yet, so it
doesn’t know that s q u a r e expects an argument of type i n t . Instead, the com­
piler performs the default argument promotions on x, with no effect. Since it’s
expecting an argument of type i n t but has been given a d o u b l e value instead,
the effect of calling s q u a r e is undefined. The problem can be fixed by casting
s q u a r e ’s argument to the proper type:
printf("Square: %d\n", square((int) x));
Of course, a much better solution is to provide a prototype for s q u a r e before
<@ > calling it. In C99, calling s q u a r e without first providing a declaration or defini­
tion of the function is an error.
Arrays are often used as arguments. When a function parameter is a one-dim en­
sional array, the length o fth e array can be (and is normally) left unspecified:
int f(int a[])
/* no length specified */
The argument can be any one-dimensional array whose elements are o fth e proper
type. There’sju st one problem: how will f know how long the array is? Unfortu­
nately, C doesn’t provide any easy way for a function to determine the length o fan
array passed to il. Instead, we’ll have to supply the length— if the function needs
it— as an additional arogument,
C h a p te r 9
Although we can use the s i z e o f operator to help determine the length of an
variable, it doesn’t give the correct answer for an array param eter:
int f (int a [] )
int len = sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0]);
/*** WRONG: not the number of elements in a ***/
Section 12.3 explains why.
The following function illustrates the use ofone-dim ensional array arguments.
When given an array a of i n t values, s u m _ a r r a y returns the sum of the ele­
ments in a. Since s u m _ a r r a y needs to know the length of a, we must supply it
as a second argument.
int sum_array(int a[], int n)
int i , sum = 0;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
sum += a [i];
return sum;
The prototype for s u m _ a r r a y has the following appearance:
int sum_array(int a[], int n);
As usual, we can omit the parameter names if we wish:
int sum_array(int
[], int);
When s u m _ a r r a y is called, the first argument will be the name of an array,
and the second will be its length. For example:
#define LEN 100
int main(void)
int b[LEN], total;
total - sum_array(b, LEN);
Notice that we don’t put brackets after an array name when passing it to a function:
total = sum_array(b[], LEN);
/*** WRONG ***/
9 .3
A rg u m e n ts kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFE
An important point, about array arguments: A function has no way to check
that w e’ve passed it the correct array length. We can exploit this fact by telling the
function that the array is smaller than il really is. Suppose that w e’ve only stored
50 numbers in the b array, even though it can hold l00. We can sum ju st the first
50 elem ents by writing
total = sum_array(b, 50);
/* sums first 50 elements */
s u m _ a r r a y will ignore the other 50 elements. (Indeed, it won"t know that they
even exist!)
Be careful not to tell a function that an array argument is cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
larger than it really is:
total = sum_array(b, 150);
/*** WRONG ***/
In this example, s u m _ a r r a y will go past the end of the array, causing undefined
Another important thing to know is that a function is allowed to change the
elements of an array parameter, and the change is reflected in the corresponding
argument. For example, the following function modifies an array by storing zero
into each of its elements:
void store_zeros(int a[], int n)
int i ;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
a[i] = 0;
The call
store_zeros(b, 100);
will store zero into the first 100 elem ents of the array b. This ability to modify the
elements of an array argument may seem to contradict the fact that C passes argu­
ments by value. In fact, there’s no contradiction, but I w on’t be able to explain why
If a parameter is a multidimensional array, only the length o f th e first dim en­
sion may be omitted when the parameter is declared. For example, if we revise the
s u m _ a r r a y function so that a is a two-dimensional array, we must specify the
number ofcolum ns in a, although we don’t have to indicate the num ber of rows:
#define LEN 10
int sum_two_dimensional_array(int a[][LEN], int n)
int i , j , sum = 0;
C h a p te r 9
n c tio n s
f o r ( i = 0 ; i < n ; i+ + )
f o r ( j = 0 ; j < LEN; j+ + )
sum += a [ i ] [j ] ;
re tu rn
a r r a y s o fp o in te r s > /3 .7
sum ;
Not being able to pass multidimensional arrays with an arbitrary number o fc o lumns can be a nuisance. Fortunately, we can often work around this difficulty by aZYXWVU
using arrays ofpointers. C99's variable-length array parameters provide an even
better solution to the problem.
V a r ia b le -L e n g th
v a r ia b ie -ie n g th a r r a y s > 8 .3
A rray P aram eters
C99 adds several new twists to array arguments. The first has to do with variablelength arrays (VLAs), a feature of C99 that allows the length of an array to be
specified using a non-constant expression. Variable-length arrays can also be
parameters, as it turns out.
Consider the s u m _ a r r a y function discussed earlier in this section. H ere’s
the definition of s u m _ a r r a y , with the body omitted:
in t
s u m _ a rra y (in t a [ ] ,
• ••
As it stands now, there’s no direct link between n and the length of the array a.
Although the function body treats n as a ’s length, the actual length of the array
could in fact be larger than n (or smaller, in which case the function w on’t work
Using a variable-length array parameter, we can explicitly state that a ’s length
is n:
in t
s u m _ a rra y (in t n
in t a [n ])
The value of the first parameter (n) specifies the length of the second parameter
(a). Note that the order of the parameters has been switched: order is important
when variable-length array parameters are used.
The following version of s u m _ a r r a y is illegal:
i n t s u m _ a rra y (in t a [ n ] ,
i n t n)
/ * * * WRONG * * * /
The com pilerw illissueanerror message at i n t a [n] .b ec au seith asn ’ty et seen n.
9 .3
A rg u m e n ts onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIH
There arc several ways to write the prototype for our new version of
s u m _ a r r a y . One possibility is to make it look exactly like the function defini­
int sum_array(int n, int a(n]);
/* Version 1 */
Another possibility is to replace the array length by an asterisk (*):
int sum_array(int n, int a[*]);
/* Version 2a */
The reason for using the * notation is that param eter nam es are optional in func­
tion declarations. Ifth e name o fth e first param eter is om itted, it w ouldn’t be possi­
ble to specify that the length of the array is n . but the * provides a clue that the
length of the array is related to parameters that com e earlier in the list:
int sum_array(int,
/* Version 2b */
It’s also legal to leave the brackets empty, as we normally do when declaring an
array parameter:
int sum_array(int n, int a[] ) ;
int sum array(int, int []);
/* Version 3a */
/* Version 3b */
Leaving the brackets em pty isnT a good choice, because il doesn’t expose the rela­
tionship between n and a.
In general, the length of a variable-length array param eter can be any expres­
sion. For example, suppose that we were to write a function that concatenates two
arrays a and b by copying the elem ents of a , followed by the elem ents o f b , into a
third array named c:
int concatenate(int m, int n, int a[m],
int b[n],
int c[m+n])
The length of c is the sum of the lengths of a and b. The expression used to spec­
ify the length of c involves two other param eters, but in general it could refer to
variables outside the function or even call other functions.
Variable-length array param eters with a single dim ension— as in all our exam ­
ples so far— have limited usefulness. They make a function declaration or defini­
tion more descriptive by stating the desired length o fa n array argument. However,
no additional error-checking is performed: it’s still possible for an array argum ent
lo be loo long or too short.
It lums out that variable-length array param eters are most useful for m ultidi­
mensional arrays. Earlier in this section, we tried to write a function that sums the
elem ents in a tw o-dim ensional array. O ur original function was lim ited to arrays
with a fixed num ber o f columns. If we use a variable-length array parameter, we
can generalize the function to any number ofcolum ns:
C h a p te r 9
int sum_two_dimensional_array(int n, int m, int a[n] [m])
int i ।
sum = 0;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
for (j = 0; j < m; j++)
sum += a [i] [j] ;
return sum;onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Prototypes for this function include the following:
n, int
n, int
n, int
n, int
int a[n][m]);
int a[*][*]);
int a[] [m]);
int a[] [*]);dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPO
U s in g s t a t i c in A r r a y P a r a m e te r D e c la r a tio n s
C99 allows the use of the keyword s t a t i c in the declaration o f array parameters.
(The keyword itself existed before C99. Section 18.2 discusses its traditional uses.)
In the following example, putting s t a t i c in front o fth e number 3 indicates
that the length of a is guaranteed to be al least 3:
int sum_array(int a[static 3], int n)
Using s t a t i c in this way has no effect on the behavior of the program. The pres­
ence of s t a t i c is merely a “hint” that may allow a C com piler to generate faster
instructions for accessing the array, (lf the com piler knows that an array will
always have a certain minimum length, it can arrange to “prefetch” these elem ents
from memory when the function is called, before the elem ents are actually needed
by statements within the function.)
One last note about s t a t i c : If an array param eter has more than one dim en­
sion, s t a t i c can be used only in the first dimension (forexam ple, when specify­
ing the number of rows in a two-dimensional array).
C o m p o u n d L ite r a ls
Let’s return to the original s u m _ a r r a y function, one last time. When
s u m _ a r r a y is called, the first argument is usually the name of an array (the one
whose elements are to be summed). For example, we might call s u m _ a r r a y in
the following way:
int b [] = {3, 0, 3, 4, 1};
total = sum_array(b, 5);
201 onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWV
T h e r e tu r n S ta te m e n t hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGF
The only problem with this arrangement is that b must be declared as a variable
and then initialized prior to the call, I f b isn't needed for any other purpose, it can
be mildly annoying to create it solely for the purpose of calling s u m _ a r r a y .
In C99, we can avoid this annoyance by using a c o m p o u n d literal: an
unnamed array that’s created “on the fly” by simply specifying which elements it
contains. The following call of su m _ a x ^ ra y has a compound literal (shown in dcbaZYXWVUTSRQP
b o ld ) as its first argument:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
total = sum_array((int []){3, 0, 3, 4 ,
d e s ig n a t e d in itia liz e r s BA
In this example, the compound literal creates an array containing the five integers
3, 0, 3, 4, and I. We didn’t specify the length o fth e array, so it’s determined by the
number of elements in the literal. We also have the option of specifying a length
explicitly: ( i n t [4] ) { 1 , 9 , 2 , 1} isequivalentto ( i n t [] ) { 1 , 9 , 2 , 1}.
In general, a compound literal consists of a type name within parentheses, fol­
lowed by a set of values enclosed by braces. A compound literal resembles a cast
applied to an initializer. In fact, compound literals and initializers obey the same
rules. A compound literal may contain designators, just like a designated initial­
izer, and it may fail to provide full initialization (in which case any uninitialized
elements default to zero). For example, the literal ( i n t [1 0 ] ) { 8 , 6} has 10
elements: the first two have the values 8 and 6, and the remainin^s, elements have
the value 0.
Compound literals created inside a function may contain arbitrary expres­
sions, notjust constants. For example, we could write
total = sum__array((int
iv a iu e s > 4 .2
9 .4
[]){2 * i, i + j, j * k}, 3);
where i , j , and k are variables. This aspect ofcom pound literals greatly enhances
their usefulness.
A compound literal is an lvalue, so the values of its elements can be changed,
lfdesired, a compound literal can be made “read-only” by adding the word c o n s t
to its ty p e ,a s in ( c o n s t i n t [ ] ) { 5 , 4}.
T h e r e t u r n S ta te m e n t
A n o n -v o id function must use the r e t u r n statement to specify what value it will
return. The r e t u r n statement has the form
re tu rn
r e t u r n s t a te m e n t
The expression is often just a constant or variable:
return 0;
return status;
C h a p te r 9
c o n d itio n a io p e r a to r > 5 .2
More complex expressions are possible. For example, it's not unusual to see the
conditional operator used in a return expression:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
return n >= 0 ? n : 0;
When this statement is executed, the expression n >= 0 ? n : 0 is evaluated first.
Thc statement returns the value o f n ifit's not negative; otherwise, it returns 0.
If the type of the expression in a r e t u r n statement doesn’t match the func­
tion's return type, the expression will be implicitly convened to the return type. For
example, if a function is declared to return an i n t , but the r e t u r n statement
contains a d o u b l e expression, the value o fth e expression is converted to i n t .
r e t u r n statements may appear in functions whose return type is v o i d , pro­
vided that no expression is given:
/* return in a void function */
Putting an expression in such a r e t u r n statement will get you a compile-time
error. In thc following example, the r e t u r n statement causes the function to
return immediately when given a negative argument:
void print_int(int i)
if (i < 0)
printf("%d", i);
If i is less than 0, p r i n t _ i n t will return without calling p r i n t f .
A r e t u r n statement may appear at the end of a v o i d function:
void print__pun(void)
C, or not to C: that is the question.\n");
/* OK, but not needed */
Using r e t u r n is unnecessary, though, since the function will return automatically
after its last statement has been executed.
If a n o n -v o id function reaches the end of its body— that is, it fails to execute
a r e t u r n statement— the behavior of the program is undefined if it attempts to
use the value returned by the function. Some compilers will issue a warning such
as “control reaches end o f non-void fun ctio n ” if they detect the possibility of a
n o n -v o id function “falling off” the end of its body.
9 .5
P r o g r a m T e r m i n a t io n
Since m a in is a function, it must have a return type. Normally, the return type of
m a in is i n t . which is why the programs we’ve seen so far have defined m a in in
the following way:
9 .5
2 0 3 kjihgfedcb
P r o g r a m T e rm in a tio n hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPON
int main(void)
Older C programs often omit m a i n ’s return type, taking advantage of the fact that
it traditionally defaults to i n t :
Omitting the return type of a function isn’t legal in C99, so it’s best to avoid this
a rg c a n d a rg v > f& 7
practice. Omitting the word v o i d in m a i n ’s parameter list remains legal, but— as
a matter of style— it’s best to be explicit about the fact that m a in has no parame­
ters. (W e’ll see later that m a in sometimes cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
does have two parameters, usually
named a r g c and a r g v .)
The value returned by m a in is a status code that— in some operating sys­
tems— can be tested when the program terminates, m a in should return 0 if the
program terminates normally; to indicate abnormal termination, m a in should
return a value other than 0. (Actually, there’s no rule to prevent us from using the
return value for other purposes.) It’s good practice to make sure that every C pro­
gram returns a status code, even if there are no plans to use it, since someone run­
ning the program later may decide to test it.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
T h e e x i t F u n c tio n
< s td iib .h > h e a d e r > 2 a 2
Executing a r e t u r n statement in m a in is one way to terminate a program.
Another is calling^v* the e x i t function,f which belong^^s to < s t d l i b . h>. The ar^g**ument passed to e x i t has the same meaning as m a i n ’s return value: both indicate
the program ’s status at termination. To indicate normal termination, w e’d pass 0:
/* normal termination */
Since 0 is a bit cryptic, C allows us to pass EXIT_SUCCESS instead (the effect is
the same):
/* normal termination */
Passing EX IT_FAILURE indicates abnormal termination:
exit (EXIT__FAILURE) ;
/* abnormal termination */
EXIT_SUCCESS and EX IT_FAILURE are macros defined in < s t d l i b . h > .
The values of EXIT_SUCCESS and EX IT_FA ILU R E are implementationdefined; typical values are 0 and 1, respectively.
As methods of terminating a program, r e t u r n and e x i t are closely related.
In fact, the statement
C h a p te r 9
F u n c tio n s onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
in m a in is equivalent to
(expression) ;
The difference between r e t u r n and e x i t is that e x i t causes program term ina­
tion regardless of which function calls it. The r e t u r n statement causes program
termination only when it appears in the m a in function. Some programmers use
e x i t exclusively to make it easier to locate all exit points in a program.aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHG
9 .6
R e c u r s io n
A function is recursive if it calls itself. For example, the following function com ­
putes n\ recursively, using the formula //! = ii x (ii - 1)!:
i n t f a c t ( i n t n)
(n <= 1)
r e t u r n 1;
e ls e
re tu rn n * fa c t(n
- 1 );
Some programming languages rely heavily on recursion, while others don’t even
allow it. C falls somewhere in the middle: it allows recursion, but most C program ­
mers don't use it that often.
To see how recursion works, let's trace the execution o fth e statement
i = f a c t (3) ;
Here’s what happens:
f a c t (3) finds that 3 is not less than or equal to 1. so it calls
f a c t (2 ), which finds that 2 is not less than or equal to 1, so il calls
f a c t (1 ), which finds that 1 is less than orequal to 1, so it returns 1. causing
f a c t (2) to return 2 x 1 = 2. causing
f a c t (3) to return 3 x 2 = 6.
Notice how the unfinished calls of f a c t “pile up” until f a c t is finally passed 1.
At that point, the old calls of f a c t begin to “unwind” one by one, until the origi­
nal call— f a c t (3 ) — finalJy returns with the answer, 6.
H ere’s another example of recursion: a function that computes AJ l , using the
formula xJt = .v x .v"- 1 .
i n t p o v /e r(in t x,
i n t n)
(n == 0)
r e t u r n 1;
e ls e
r e t u r n x * p o w e r(x , n - 1 ) ;
9 .6
The call p o w e r (5
2 0 5 onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXW
R e c u r s io n hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIH
3) would be executed as follows:
p o w e r ( 5 , 3) finds that 3 is not equal to 0, so it calls
p o w e r ( 5 , 2 ) , which finds that 2 is not equal to 0, so i( calls
p o w e r ( 5 , 1 ) , which finds that 1 is not equal to 0. so il calls
p o w e r (5 z 0 ) , which finds that 0 cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
is equal io 0, so it retum s 1. causing
p o w e r ( 5 , 1) to retum 5 x 1 = 5, causing
p o w e r (5 z 2 ) to return 5 x 5 = 25. causing
p o w e r (5 z 3) to return 5 x 25 = 125.
Incidentally, we can condense the p o w e r function a bit by putting a conditional
expression in the r e t u r n statement:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
int power(int x z int n)
return n == 0 ? 1 : x * power(x, n - 1);
Both f a c t and p o w e r arecareful to test a “term ination condition" as soon as
they’re called. When f a c t is called, it im m ediately checks w hether its param eter
is less than or equal lo 1. W hen p o w e r is called, it first checks w hether its second
param eter is equal to 0. All recursive functions need som e kind of term ination con­
dition in order to prevent infinite recursion.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
T h e Q u ic k s o r t A lg o r ith m
At this point, you may w onder why w e’re bothering with recursion: after all, nei­
ther f a c t nor p o w e r really needs it. Well, yo u ’ve got a point. Neither function
makes much of a case for recursion, because each calls itself just once. Recursion
is much more helpful for sophisticated algorithm s that require a function to call
itself two or more times.
In practice, recursion often arises naturally as a result of an algorithm design
technique known as d ivid e-a n d -co n q u e r. in which a large problem is divided into
sm aller pieces that are then tackled by the same algorithm . A classic exam ple of
the divide-and-conquer strategy can be found in the popular sorting algorithm
known as Q u ickso rt. The Quicksort algorithm goes as follows (for simplicity,
w e’ll assum e that the array being sorted is indexed from 1 to /?):
1. Choose an array element e (the “partitioning elem ent’’), then rearrange the
array so that elem ents I. .... i - I are less than or equal to e, elem ent i con­
tains e, and elem ents i + 1, ..., n are greater than or equal to e.
2. Sort elem ents 1, .... i - 1 by using Q uicksort recursively.
3. Sort elem ents i + 1, ..., n by using Quicksort recursively.
After step 1, the elem ent e is in its proper location. Since the elem ents to the left of
e are all less than or equal to it, they’ll be in their proper places once they’ve been
sorted in step 2; sim ilar reasoning applies to the elem ents to the right o fe .
Step 1 of the Quicksort algorithm is obviously critical. T here are various
m ethods to partition an array, some much better than others. W e’ll use a technique
C h a p te r 9
F u n c tio n s onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
that’s easy to understand but not particularly efficient. 1'11 first describe the parti­
tioning aIgoriUim informally; later, we’ll translate it into C code.
The algorithm relies on two “markers” named l o w and h ig h , which keep track
of positions within the array. Initially, l o w points to the first element of the array
and h ig h points to the last element. We start by copying the first element (the parti­
tioning element) into a temporary location elsewhere, leaving a “hole” in the array.
Next, we move h ig h across the array from right to left until it points to an element
that’s smaller than the partitioning element. We then copy the element into the hole
that l o w points to, which creates a new hole (pointed to by h ig h ) . We now move
l o w from left to right, looking for an element that’s larger than the partitioning ele­
ment. When we find one, we copy it into the hole that h i g h points to. The process
repeats, with l o w and h i g h taking turns, until they meet somewhere in the middle
of the array. At that time, both will point to a hole; all we need do is copy the parti­
tioning element into the hole. The following diagrams illustrate how Quicksort
would sort an array of integers:
Let’s start with an array containing seven
low points to the first element;
high points to the last one.
lo w
The first element, 12. is the partitioning
element. Copying it somewhere else leaves
a hole at the beginning of the array.KJIHGFEDCBA
We now compare the element pointed to by
high with 12. Since 10 is smaller than 12.
it's on the wrong side of the array, so we
move it to the hole and shift low to the
low points to the number 3. which is less
than 12 and therefore doesn’t need to be
moved. Wc shift low to the right instead.
Since 6 is also less than 12, we shift low
h ig h
10 J 12 dcbaZYX
lo w
h ig h
I 12
lo w
h ig h
lo w
h ig h
■ ^^^M
lo w
low now points to 18, which is larger than
12 and therefore out of position. After
moving 18 lo the hole, we shift high to the
h ig h
lo w
h ig h
18 J 12
R e c u r s io n hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGF
9 ,6
points to 15, which is greater than 12
and thus doesn’t need to be moved. We
shift high to the left and continue.
1 B
low high
high points to 7, which is out o f position.
After moving^* 7 to the hole, we shift lo w to
the right.
low, high
low and high are now equal, so we move
the partitioning elem ent to the hole.
At this point, we’ve accomplished our objective: all elements to the left of the par­
titioning element are less than or equal to 12. and all elements to the right are
greater than or equal to 12. Now that the array has been partitioned, we can use
Quicksort recursively to sort the first four elements of the array (10, 3. 6, and 7)
and the last two (15 and 18).
P R O G R A M BA Q u ic k s o r t
Let’s develop a recursive function named q u i c k s o r t that uses the Quicksort
algorithm to sort an array of integers. To test the function, we’Il have m a in read 10
numbers into an array, call q u i c k s o r t to sort the array, then print the elements
Enter 10 numbers to be sorted: 9 16 47 82 4 66 12 3 25 51
In sorted order: 3 4 9 12 16 25 47 51 66 82
Since the code for partitioning the array is a bit lengthy, I’ll put il in a separate
function named s p l i t .
/* Sorts an array of integers u s i ng Qu ic k s o r t a l g o r i t h m */
#include < s t d i o .h>
#define N 10
void qui cksort(int a [] , int low, int high) ;
int split (int a [] , int low, int h i g h ) ;
int main(void)
int a [N] ,
p r i n t f ( " E n t e r %d numbers to be sorted:
for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
s c a n f ("% d " , &a [i]);
", N);
C h a p te r 9
quicksort(a, 0, N - 1);
printf("In sorted order: ");
for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
printf("%-d ", a[i]);
return 0;
void quicksort(int a[], int low, int high)
int middle;
if (low >= high) return;
middle = split(a, low, high);
quicksort(a, low, middle - 1);
quicksort(a, middle + 1, high);
int split(int a[], int low, int high)
int part_element = a[low];
for (;;) {
while (low < high && part_element <= a[high])
if (low >= high) break;
a[low++] = a[high];
while (low < high && a[low] <= part_element)
if (low >= high) break;
a[high--] = a[low];
a[high] = part_element;
return high;onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Although this version of Quicksort works, it’s not the best. There are num er­
ous ways to improve the program ’s performance, including:RQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Our method isn‘1 the most efficient.
Instead of choosing the first element in the array as the partitioning element,
it’s better to take the median of the first element, the middle element, and the
last element. The partitioning process itselfcan also be sped up. In particular,
it’s possible to avoid the lo w < h i g h tests in the two w h i l e loops.
I m p r o v in g th e p a r titio n in g a lg o r ith m .
Instead of using Quicksort
recursively all the way down to arrays with one element, it’s better to use a
sim pler method for small arrays (those with fewer than, say, 25 elements).
■ U s in g a d if f e r e n t m e th o d to s o r t s m a l l a r r a y s .
Although Quicksort is a recursive algorithm
■ M a kin g Q uicksort nonreciirsive. onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
by nature— and is easiest to understand in recursive form— it’s actually more
efficient if the recursion is removed.
For details about improving Quicksort, consul( a book on algorithm design, such as
Roberi Sedgewick’s A lg orithm s in C, Parts /^ 4 : Fundam entals. D ata Structures.
Sorting, Searching, Third Edition (Boston. Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1998).aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDC
S o m e C b o o k s a p p e a r to u s e te r m s o th e r th a n p a ra m e te r a n d a rg u m e n t. Is
th e r e a n y s ta n d a r d te r m in o lo g y 1? [p . 1 8 4 ]
As with many other aspects o f C. there’s no general agreem ent on terminology,
although the C89 and C99 standards use param eter and argum ent. The following
table should help you translate:
This book:
O ther books:
formal argument, formal parameter
actual argument, actual parameter
Keep in mind that— when no confusion would result— I sometimes deliberately
blur the distinction between the two terms, using argum ent to mean either.
I ’v e s e e n p r o g r a m s in w h ic h p a r a m e te r ty p e s a r e s p e c ifie d in s e p a r a t e d e c la ­
r a t io n s a ft e r th e p a r a m e te r lis t, a s in th e fo llo w in g e x a m p le :
double average(a, b)
double a, b;
return (a + b) / 2;
Is th is p r a c t ic e le g a l? [p . 1 8 8 ]
This method ofdefining functions comes from K&R C, so you may encounter it in
older books and programs. C89 and C99 support this style so that older programs
will still compile. Fd avoid using it in new programs, however, for a couple o freasons.
First, functions that are defined in the older way aren’t subject to the same
degree of error-checking. When a function is defined in the older way— and no
prototype is present— the compiler won’t check that the function is called with the
right number of arguments, nor will it check that the arguments have the proper hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSR
types. Instead, it will perform the default argument promotions.
> 9 .3
d e fa u lt a r g u m e n t p r o m o tio n s ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Second, the C standard says that the older style is “obsolescent,” meaning that
its use is discouraged and that it may be dropped from C eventually.
C h a p te r 9
S o m e p r o g r a m m in g ia n g u a g e s a llo w p r o c e d u r e s a n d f u n c t io n s to b e n e s te d
w ith in e a c h o th e r . D o e s C a llo w fu n c tio n d e fi n i tio n s t o b e n e s te d ? onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLK
No. C does not permit the definition of one function to appear in the body of
another. Among other things, this restriction simplifies the compiler.
*Q :
W h y d o e s th e c o m p ile r a llo w th e u s e o f fu n c tio n n a m e s th a t a r e n ’t fo llo w e d b y
p a r e n th e s e s ? [p . 1 8 9 ]
p o in te r s io ( u n c tio n s > /z . 7
We’ll see in a later chapter that the com piler treats a function name not followed byhgfedcbaZYX
o in ter to the function. Pointers to functions have legitimate uses,
so the com piler can’t automatically assume that a function name without parenthe­
ses is an error. The statement
e x p r e s s io n s t a t e m e n t s > 4 . 5
is legal because the com piler treats p r i n t _ p u n as a pointer and therefore an
expression. making this a valid (although pointless) expression statement.
l n th e fu n c tio n c a ll f ( a ,
b ) , h o w d o e s th e c o m p ile r k n o w w h e th e r th e
c o m m a is p u n c tu a tio n o r w h e t h e r i t ’s a n o p e r a t o r ?
It turns out that the arguments in a function call can’t be arbitrary expressions.
Instead, they must be “assignment expressions,” which can ’t contain com m as used
as operators unless they’re enclosed in parentheses. In other words, in the call
f ( a , b ) the comma is punctuation; in the call f ( ( a , b ) ) it’s an operator.
D o th e n a m e s o f p a r a m e t e r s in a fu n c tio n p r o t o t y p e h a v e to m a tc h th e n a m e s
g iv e n la te r in th e f u n c t io n ’s d e fin itio n ? [p . 1 9 2 ]
No. Some programmers take advantage o f this fact by giving long names to param ­
eters in the prototype, then using shorter names in the actual definition. Or a
French-speaking program m er might use English names in prototypes, then switch
lo more familiar French names in function definitions.
I s till d o n ’t u n d e r s ta n d w h y w e b o th e r w ith fu n c tio n p r o to ty p e s . I f w e j u s t p u t
g h t?
d e fin i tio n s o f a ll th e fu n c tio n s b c f o r e m a i n ,7 w e ’r e c o v e r e d ,?r i o
Wrong. First, you’re assuming that only m a in calls the other functions, which is
unrealistic. In practice, some of the functions will call each other. If we put all
function definitions above m a in , w e’ll have to watch their order carefully. Calling
a function that hasn’t been defined yet can lead to big problems.
But that’s not all. Suppose that two functions call each other (which isn’t as
far-fetched as it may sound). No matter which function we define first, it will end
up calling a function (hat hasn’t been defined yet.
But there\s still more! Once programs reach a certain size, it w on’t be feasible
to put aII the functions in one file anymore. When we reach that point, w e’lI need
prototypes to tell the compiler about functions in other files.
I ’v e s e e n fu n c tio n d e c la r a tio n s th a t o m it a ll in f o n n a t io n a b o u t p a r a m e te r s :
211 kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSR
Is th is p r a c tic e leg a l? [p. 192] onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Yes. This declaration informs the compiler that a v e r a g e returns a d o u b l e value
but provides no information about the number and types of its parameters. (Leav­
ing the parentheses empty doesn’t necessarily mean that a v e r a g e has no param­
In K&R C, this form of function declaration is the only one allowed: the form
that we’ve been using— the function prototype, in which parameter information cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIH
included— was introduced in C89. The older kind of function declaration is now
obsolescent, although still allowed.
W h y w o u ld a p r o g r a m m e r d e lib e r a te ly o m it p a r a m e te r n a m e s in a fu n c tio n
p r o to ty p e ? I s n ’t it e a s ie r t o j u s t le a v e th e n a m e s? [p. 1 9 3 ]
Omitting parameter names in prototypes is typically done for defensive purposes,
lf a macro happens to have the same name as a parameter, the parameter name will
be replaced during preprocessing, thereby damaging the prototype in which it
appears. This isn't likely to be a problem in a small program written by one person
but can occur in large applications written by many people.
Is it leg a l to p u t a fu n c tio n d e c la r a tio n in s id e th e b o d y o f a n o th e r fu n c tio n ?
Yes. Here’s an example:
int main(void)
double average(double a ( double b);
This declaration of a v e r a g e is valid only for the body of m a in : if other func­
tions need to call a v e r a g e , they’ll each have to declare it.
The advantage of this practice is that it’s clearer to the reader which functions
call which other functions, (ln this example, we see that m a in will be calling
a v e r a g e .) On the other hand, it can be a nuisance if several functions need to call
the same function. Even worse, trying to add and remove declarations during pro­
gram maintenance can be a real pain. For these reasons, 1'11 always put function
declarations outside function bodies.
I f s e v e r a l fu n c tio n s h a v e th e sa m e r e tu r n ty p e , c a n th e ir d e c la r a tio n s b e c o m ­
b in e d ? F o r e x a m p le , s in c e b o th p r i n t _ p u n a n d p r i n t
c o u n t have v o i d
a s th e ir r e tu r n ty p e , is th e fo llo w in g d e c la r a tio n le g a l?
void print_pun(void), print_count(int n ) ;
Yes. In fact, C even allows us to combine function declarations with variable decla­
double x, y, average(double a, double b);
C h a p te r 9
F u n c tio n s onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Combining declarations in this way usually isn't a good idea, though; it can easily
W lia t h a p p e n s i f I s p e c ify a le n g th fo r a o n e - d im e n s io n a l a r r a y p a r a m e te r ?
Ip. 1 9 5 ]
The compiler ignores it. Consider the following example:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
double inner__product(double v[3],
double w[3]);
Other than documenting that i n n e r _ p r o d u c t ’s arguments are supposed to be
arrays of length 3. specifying a length doesn’t buy us much. The com piler w on’t
check that the arguments actually have length 3. so there’s no added security. In
fact; the practice is misleading in that it suggests that i n n e r _ p r o d u c t can only
be passed arrays oflength 3. when in fact we can pass arrays ofarbitrary length.
*Q :
W h y c a n th e fir st d im e n s io n in a n a r r a y p a r a m e te r b e le ft u n s p e c if ie d , b u t n o t
th e o t h e r d im e n s io n s ? [p . 1 9 7 ]
First; we need to discuss how arrays are passed in C. As Section 12.3 explains,
o in ter to the first ele­
when an array is passed to a function, the function is given a pcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
ment in the array.
Next, we need to know how the subscripting operator works. Suppose that a is
a one-dimensional array passed to a function. When we write
= 0;
the compiler generates instructions that compute the address of a [ i ] by multiply­
ing i by the size of an array element and adding the result to the address that a rep­
resents (the pointer passed to the function). This calculation doesn't depend on thc
length o f a , which explains why we can omit it when defining the function.
What about multidimensional arrays? Recall that C stores arrays in row-major
order, with the elements in row 0 stored first, then the elements in row 1, and so
forth. Suppose that a is a two-dimensional array param eter and we write
a [i] [j ] = 0 ;
The compiler generates instructions to do the following: (1) multiply i by the size
of a single row o f a ; (2) add this result to the address that a represents; (3) multiply
j by the size of an array element; and (4) add this result to the address computed in
step 2. To generate these instructions, the compiler must know the size of a row in
the array, which is determined by the number ofcoItim ns. The bottom line: the pro­
grammer must declare the number ofcolum ns in a.
W h y d o s o m e p r o g r a m m e r s p u t p a r e n th e s e s a r o u n d th e e x p r e s s io n in a
r e t u r n s ta te m e n t?
The examples in the first edition of Kernighan and Ritchie's The C Program m ing
Language always have parentheses in r e t u r n statements, even though they
aren’t required. Programmers (and authors of subsequent books) picked up the
habit from K&R. 1 don’t use these parentheses, since they’re unnecessary and
2 1 3 onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWV
contribute nothing to readability. (Kernighan and Ritchie apparently agree: the
r e t u r n statements in the second edition of RQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
T h e C P r o g r a m m i n g L a n g u a g e lack
W h a t h a p p e n s i f a n o n - v o i d fu n c ti o n a t t e m p ts to e x e c u t e a r e t u r n s t a t e ­
m e n t th a t h a s n o e x p r e s s io n ? [p . 2 0 2 ]
That depends on the version o fC . ln C89, executing a r e t u r n statem ent w ithout
an expression in a n o n - v o id function causes undefined behavior (but only if the
program attempts to use the value returned by the function). In C99. such a state­
ment is illegal and should be detected as an error by the compiler.
H o w c a n I te s t m a i n ’s r e tu r n v a l u e to s e e i f a p r o g r a m h a s te r m in a t e d n o r ­
m a lly ? Lp. 2 0 3 ]
That depends on your operating system . Many operating system s allow this value
to be tested within a “batch file" or “shell script" that contains com m ands to run
several programs. For example, the line kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
if errorlevel 1 PONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
in a Windows batch file will execute c o m m a n d if the last program term inated with
a status code greater than or equal to 1.
In UNIX, each shell has its own method for testing the status code. In the
Bourne shell, the variable $ ? contains the status of the last program run. The C
shell has a sim ilar variable, but its name is $ s t a t u s .
W h y d o e s m y c o m p ile r p r o d u c e a “ c o n t r o l r e a c h e s e n d o f n o n - v o i d f u n c t i o n ”
w a r n in g w h e n it c o m p ile s m a i n ?
The com piler has noticed that m a in , despite having i n t as its return type, doesn’t
have a r e t u r n statement. Putting the statement
return 0;
at the end o f m a i n will keep the com piler happy. Incidentally, this is good practice
even if your com piler doesn’t object to the lack of a r e t u r n statement.
When a program is com piled using a C99 compiler, this warning shouldn’t
occur. In C99, it's OK to “fall o f f ' the end of m a in without returnin ^g» a value: the
standard states that m a i n autom atically returns 0 in this situation.
W ith r e g a r d to th e p r e v io u s q u e s t io n : W h y n o t j u s t d e fi n e m a i n ’s r e tu r n ty p e
to b e v o i d ?
Although this practice is fairly com m on, it’s illegal according to the C89 standard.
Even if it w eren’t illegal, it w ouldn't be a good idea, since it presumes that no one
will ever lest the program ’s status upon term ination.
C99 opens the door to legalizing this practice, by allowing m a i n to be
declared “in some other im plem entation-defined m anner’' (with a return type other
than i n t or parameters other than those specified by the standard). However, any
such usage isn’t portable, so it's best to declare m a in 's return type to be i n t .
21 4
C h a p te r9
I s it le g a l fo r a fu n c t io n f l to c a ll a fu n c t io n f 2 , w h ic h th e n c a lls f l ?
Yes. This is just an indirect form of recursion in which one call of f l leads to
another. (But make sure that either f l or f 2 eventually terminates!)aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
E x e r c is e s
S e c t i o n 9.1
The following function, which computes the area o f a triangle, contains (wo errors. Locale
(Hint: There are no errors in the formula.)
the errors and show how to fix ihem. cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
d o u b le tria n g le _ _ _ a re a (d o u b le b a s e ,
d o u b le p r o d u c t;
p ro d u c t = b ase * h e ig h t;
r e tu r n p ro d u c t / 2;
h e ig h t)
Write a function c h e c k ( x , y , n ) that returns l if both x and y fall between 0 and n - 1,
inclusive. The function should retum 0 otherwise. Assume that x, y, and n are all of type
in t.
W rite a function g c d (m, n ) that calculates the greatest common divisor of the integers m
and n. (Programming Project 2 in Chapter 6 describes Euclid’s algorithm for computing the
W rite a function d a y _ o f _ _ y e a r ( m o n th , d a y , y e a r ) that returns the day of the year
(an integer between 1 and 366) specified by lhe three arguments.
Write a function n u m _ d i g i t s (n ) that returns the num ber o f digits in n (a positive inte­
ger). H int: To determ ine the number of digits in a number /z. divide it by 10 repeatedly.
When n reaches 0. the number ofdivisions indicates how many digits n originally had.
Write a function d i g i t ( n , k ) that returns the k z// digit (from the right) in n (a posi­
tive integer). For example, d i g i t ( 8 2 9 , 1) retums 9. d i g i t ( 8 2 9 , 2) returns 2. and
d i g i t ( 8 2 9 , 3) retums 8. If k is greater than the number o fd ig its in n. have the func­
tion return 0.
Suppose that the function f has the following definition:
f(in t
in t
i n t b)
{ ... }
Which of the following statements are legal? (Assume that i has type i n t and x has type
d o u b le .)
S e c t i o n 9 .2
= f ( 8 3 , 12) ;
= f ( 8 3 , 12) ;
= f ( 3 . 1 5 , 9 .2 8 ) ;
= f ( 3 .1 5 , 9 .2 8 ) ;
(8 3 , 12) ;
Which of the following would be valid prototypes for a function that returns nothing and has
one d o u b l e parameter?
(a) v o i d
f (d o u b le x) ;
E x e rc is e s kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJI
(b) v o i d f ( d o u b l e ) ;
(c) v o i d f (x ) ;
(d) f ( d o u b l e x ) ;aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
S e c t io n 9 .3
What will be the output of the following program?
# in c lu d e
v o id
< s td io .h >
s w a p (in t a ,
i n t m a in (v o id )
i n t i = 1, j
= 2;
sw a p (i , j );
p r i n t f ( " i = %d,
r e tu r n 0;
v o id
in t b );
s w a p (in t a ,
in t
= % d \n " ,
i n t te m p = a ;
a = b;
b = te m p ;
Write functions that retum the following values. (Assume that a and n are parameters,
where a is an array of i n t values and n is the length of the array.)
(a) The largest element in a.
(b) The average of all elements in a.
(c) The number of positive elements in a .
Write the following function:
flo a t
c o m p u te _ _ G P A (c h a r g r a d e s [ ] , i n t n ) ;
The g r a d e s array will contain letter grades (A, B, C. D, or F. either upper-case or lower­
case); n is the length of the array. The function should return the average of the grades
(assume that A = 4, B = 3, C = 2, D = 1, and F = 0).
Write thc following function:
d o u b le
in n e r_ p ro d u c t(d o u b le
a [],
d o u b le b [ ] ,
in t n );
T h e fu n c tio n s h o u ld rc tu rn a [0 ] * b [ 0 ] 4 ^ a [ l ] * b [ l ] + . . . + a [ n - l ] * b [ n - l ] .
Write the following function, which evaluates a chcss position:
in t
e v a l u a t e _ j p o s i t i o n ( c h a r b o a r d [ 8 ] [8] ) ;
b o a r d represents a configuration of pieces on a chessboard, where the letters K, Q, R, B, N,
P represent White pieces, and the letters k, q. r , b, n, and p represent Black pieces,
e v a l u a t e _ p o s i t i o n should sum the values of the White pieces (Q = 9. R = 5, B = 3,
N = 3. P = 1). It should also sum the values of the Black pieces (done in a sim ilar way). The
function will return the difference between the two numbers. This value will be positive if
W hite has an advantage in material and negative if Black has an advantage.
S e c t io n 9 .4
Thc following function is supposed to return t r u e if any element of the array a has the
value 0 and f a l s e ifall elements are nonzero. Sadly, it contains an error. Find lhc error and
show how to fix it:
C h a p te r9
F u n c tio n s onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
b o o l h a s _ _ z e ro (in t a [ ] ,
in t
i ;
f o r ( i = 0; i < n ;
i f ( a [ i ] == 0)
re tu rn tr u e ;
e ls e
r e t u r n f a ls e ,-
i n t n)
i+ + )
The following (rather confusing) function finds the median of three numbers. Rewrite the
function so that it hasjust one r e t u r n statement.
d o u b le m e d ia n (d o u b le
d o u b le y ,
(x <= y )
i f (y <= z) r e t u r n y ;
e l s e i f (x <= z ) r e t u r n
e ls e re tu rn x;
i f (z <= y ) r e t u r n y ;
i f (x <= z ) r e t u r n x ;
d o u b le
S e c t io n 9 .6
Condense the f a c t function in the samc way we condensed p o w e r.
Rewrite the f a c t function so that it’s no longer recursive.
Write a recursive version of the g c d function (see Exercise 3). Here’s the strategy to use for
computing g c d ( m , n ) : I f n is 0, return m. Otherwise, call g c d recursively, passing n as
the first argument and m % n as the second.
© *19.
Consider the following “m ystery’* function:
v o id p b ( i n t n)
(n 1= 0) {
p b (n / 2 ) ;
p u tc h a r(* 0 ' + n % 2 );
Trace the execution of the function by hand. Then write a program that calls the function,
passing it a number entered by the user. What does the function do?
P r o g r a m m in g P r o je c t s
Write a program that asks the user to enter a series of integers (which it stores in an array),
then sorts the integers by calling the function s e l e c t i o n _ s o r t . W hen given an array
with n elements, s e l e c t i o n - s o r t must do the followine*~:
1. Search the array to find the largestelem enl. then move it to the last position in the array.
2. Call itself recursively to sort the first
- 1 elements o fth e array.
P ro g ra m m in g P ro je c ts kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHG
M odify Programming Project 5 from C hapter 5 so that it uses a function to com pute the
amount of income tax. When passed an am ount of taxable income* the function will return
the tax due.
Modify Programming Project 9 from C hapter 8 so that it includes the following functions:
v o id g e n e r a te _ r a n d o m _ w a lk ( c h a r w a lk [1 0 ] [ 1 0 ] ) ;
v o id p r i n t _ a r r a y ( c h a r w a lk [1 0 ] [1 0 ]) ;
m a in first calls g e n e r a t e _ r a n d o m _ w a l k . which initializes the array to contain ’ . ’
characters and then replaces som e of these characters by the letters A through Z. as
described in the original project, m a in then calls p r i n t _ a r r a y to display the array on
the screen.
M odify Programming Project 16 from C hapter 8 so that it includes the following functions:
v o i d r e a d _ _ w o r d ( i n t c o u n t s [2 6 ] ) ;
b o o l e q u a l _ a r r a y ( i n t c o u n t s l [2 6 ] ,
in t
c o u n ts 2 [2 6 ]) ;
m a in will call r e a d _ w o r d twice, once for each o flh e two words entered by the user. As it
reads a word, r e a d _ w o r d will use the letters in the word to update the c o u n t s array, as
described in the original project, ( m a in will declare two arrays, one for each word. These
arrays are used to track how many times each letter occurs in the words.) m a i n will then
call e q u a l _ a r r a y , passing it the two arrays, e q u a l _ a r r a y will return t r u e if the ele­
ments in the two arrays are identical (indicating that the words arc anagrams) and f a l s e
M odify Programming Project 17 from C hapier 8 so that it includes the following functions:
v o id c re a te _ _ m a g ic _ s q u a re (in t n , c h a r m a g ic _ s q u a r e [ n ] [ n ] ) ;
v o id p r in t_ m a g ic _ s q u a r e ( in t n , c h a r m a g ic _ s q u a r e [ n ] [ n ] ) ;
n from the user, m a i n will call c r e a t e _ m a g i c _ s q u a r e .
After obtaining thc number cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
passing it an n x n array that is declared inside m a in , c r e a t e _ m a g i c _ s q u a r e will fill
the array with the numbers 1, 2. .... i r as described in the original project, m a i n will then
call p r i n t _ m a g i c _ s q u a r e . which will display the array in the format described in the
original project. Note: If your com piler doesn't support variable-length arrays, declare the
array in m a in to bc 99 x 99 instead of ti x n and use the following prototypes instead:
v o i d c r e a t e _ m a g i c _ s q u a r e ( i n t n , c h a r m a g i c _ s q u a r e [ 9 9] [ 9 9 ] ) ;
v o id p r in t_ m a g ic _ s q u a r e ( in t n z c h a r m a g ic _ s q u a re [9 9 ] [ 9 9 ] ) ;
W rite a function that computes the value olThc following polynomial:
3.v5 4- 2.f’ - 5.v3 - x 2 4- 7 x - 6
Write a program that asks the user to enter a value for.r. calls the function to com pute the
value of the polynomial, and then displays the value returned by the function.
Thc p o w e r function of Section 9.6 can be madc faster by having it calculate x" in a differ­
ent way. We first notice that if n is a power of 2, then xJI can be computed by squaring. For
examplc. r is the square o f . r , so r can be computed using only two multiplications instead
of three. As it happens, this technique can be used even when n is not a power of 2. If n is
even, we use thc formula x" = (.\J ,/2 )2 . If n is odd, then xJ! = .v x .r"~*. Write a recursive func­
tion that computes .v". (The recursion ends when n = 0. in which case the function returns 1.)
To test your function, write a program that asks the user to enter values for x and //, calls
p o w e r to compute x “, and then displays the value returned by the function.
W rite a program that simulates the game of craps, which is played with two dice. On thc
first rolL lhc player wins if the sum o fth e dice is 7 or 11. The player loses ifth e sum is 2. 3.
C h a p te r 9
F u n c tio n s onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
or l2. Any other roll is called the “point” and the game continues. On each subsequent roll,
the player wins ifh e or she rolls the point again. The pIaycr loses by rolling 7. Any other roll
is ignored and the game continues. At the end ofeach game, the program will ask the user
whether or not to play again. When the user enters a response other than y or Y. the program
will display the number o fw ins and losses and then terminate.
You r o l l e d : 8
Y our p o in t i s 8
Y ou r o l l e d : 3
You r o l l e d : 10
You r o l l e d : 8
You w in !
P la y a g a in ? y
Y ou r o l l e d : 6
Y our p o in t i s 6
You r o l l e d : 5
You r o l l e d : 12
You r o l l e d ; 3
You r o l l e d : 7
Y ou l o s e !
P la y a g a in ?
You r o l l e d : 11
Play again? n
W in s :
L osses:
Write your program as three functions: m a in , r o l l _ d i c e . and p la y _ g a m e . Here are
the prototypes for the latter two functions:
in t r o ll_ d ic e (v o id );
b o o l p la y _ g a m e ( v o i d ) ;
r o l l _ d i c e should generate two random numbers, each between 1 and 6, and return their
sum. p l a y _ g a m e should play one craps game (calling r o l l _ d i c e to determine the out­
come ofeach dice roll); it will return t r u e ifth e p la y e rw in sa n d f a l s e ifth e player loses,
p l a y _ g a m e is also responsible for displaying messages showing the results o fth e player’s
dice rolls, m a in will call p l a y _ g a m e repeatedly, keeping track of the number of wins and
H int: Use the r a n d function
losses and displaying the “you win” and “you lose” messages. cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
to generate random numbers. See the d e a l . c program in Section 8.2 for an example of
how to call r a n d and the related s r a n d function.
1 0
P r o g r a m O r g a n iz a t io n
A s W ill R o g e rs w o u ld h a v e s a id , “ T h e re
is n o s u c h th in g a s a fre e v a r ia b le " onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXW
Having covered functions in C hapter 9, w e’re ready to confront several issues that
arise when a program contains more than one function. The chapter begins with a
discussion o f th e differences between local variables (Section 10.1) and external
variables (Section 10.2). Section 10.3 then considers blocks (com pound statements
containing declarations). Section 10.4 tackles the scope rules that apply to local
names, external names, and names declared in blocks. Finally, Section 10.5 sug­
gests a way to organize function prototypes, function definitions, variable declara­
tions, and the other parts of a C program .
1 0 .1
L o c a lV a r ia b le s
A variable declared in the body of a function is said to be RQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
l o c a l to the function. In
the following function, sum is a local variable:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
int sum_digits(int n)
int sum = 0;
/* local variable */
while (n > 0) {
sum += n % 10;
n /= 10 ;
C h a p te r1 0
P r o g r a m O r g a n iz a tio n onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
By default, local variables have the following properties:RQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
■ A
The s t o r a g e d u r a t i o n (or e x t e n t } of a variable is
the portion of program execution during which storage for the variable exists.
Storage for a local variable is ''automatically" allocated when the enclosing
function is called and deallocated when the function returns, so the variable is
said to have a u t o m a t i c s t o r a g e d u r a t i o n . A local variable doesn’t retain its
value when its enclosing function returns. When the function is called again,
there's no guarantee that the variable will still have its old value.
u to m a tic s to r a g e d u r a tio n .
The s c o p e of a variable is the portion of the program text in
which the variable can be referenced. A local variable has b l o c k s c o p e : it is
visible from its point of declaration to the end of the enclosing function
body. Since the scope o f a local variable doesn't extend beyond the function
to which it belongs, other functions can use the same name for other pur­
■ B lo c k sco p e .
Section l8.2 covers these and other related concepts in more detail.
Since C99 doesn’t require variable declarations to come at the beginning of a
function, it’s possible for a local variable to have a very small scope. In the follow­
ing example, the scope of i doesn’t begin until the line on which it’s declared,
which could be near the end of the function body:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
void f (void)
int i ;—
— scope of i
S ta ti c L o c a l V a r ia b le s
Putting the word s t a t i c in the declaration of a local variable causes it to have
s t a t i c s t o r a g e d u r a t i o n instead of automatic storage duration. A variable with
static storage duration has a permanent storage location, so it retains its value
througGhout the execution of the program. Consider the following function:
void f (void)
static int i;
/* static local variable */
Since the local variable i has been declared s t a t i c . it occupies the same mem­
ory location throughout the execution of the program. When f returns, i w on't
lose its value.
A static local variable still has block scope, so it’s not visible to other func­
tions. In a nutshell, a static variable is a place to hide data from other functions but
retain it for future calls o fth e same function.
1 0 .2
E x te rn a l V a ria b le s hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGF
P a r a m e t e r s onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Parameters have the same properties— automatic storage duration and block
scope— as local variables. In fact, the only real difference between parameters and
local variables is that each parameter is initialized automatically when a function is
called (by being assigned the value o fth e corresponding argument).aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
1 0 .2
E x te r n a lV a r ia b le s
Passing arguments is one way to transmit information to a function. Functions can
also communicate throuu£Th cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
extern a l variables— variables that are declared outside
the body ofany function.
The properties ofexternal variables (o rg lo b a l variables, as they’re sometimes
called) are different from those of local variables:
■ Static storage duration. External variables have static storage duration, just
like local variables that have been declared s t a t i c . A value stored in an
external variable will stay there indefinitely.
■ File scope. An external variable \vasfile scope: il is visible from its point of
declaration to the end of the enclosing file. As a result, an external variable
can be accessed (and potentially modified) by all functions that follow its dec­
E x a m p le : U s in g E x te r n a l V a r ia b le s to I m p le m e n t a S ta c k
To illusiraie how external variables mi2«_»h1 be used, let's look at a data structure
known as a stack. (Slacks are an abstract concept, not a C feature; they can be
implemented in most programming languages.) A stack, like an array, can store
multiple data items of the same type. However, the operations on a stack are lim­
ited: we can either/;//.?// an item onto the stack (add it to one end— the “stack top”)
o vp o p it from the stack (remove il from the same end). Examining or modifying an
item that’s not at the top o fth e stack is forbidden.
One way to implement a stack in C is to store its items in an array, which w e’ll
call c o n t e n t s . A separate integer variable named t o p marks the position of the
stack top. When lhe stack is empty, t o p has the value 0. To push an item on the
stack, we simply store the item in c o n t e n t s al the position indicated by t o p .
then increment t o p . Popping an item requires decrementing t o p , then using i( as
an index into c o n t e n t s to fetch the item that\s being popped.
Based on this outline, here’s a program fragment (not a complete program)
that declares the c o n t e n t s and t o p variables for a stack and provides a set of
functions that represent operations on the stack. All five functions need access to
the t o p variable, and two functions need access to c o n t e n t s , so w e’ll make
c o n t e n t s and t o p external.
2 22
C h a p te r 10
P r o g r a m O r g a n iz a t io n kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
#include <stdbool.h>
/* C99 only */
#define STACK_SIZE 100
/* external variables */
int contents[STACK_SIZE];
int top = 0;
void make_empty(void)
top - 0;
bool is_empty(void)
return top == 0;
bool is_full(void)
return top == STACK_SIZE;
void push(int i)
if (is_full())
stack_overflow() ;
contents[top++] = i;
int pop(void)
if (is_emptyO)
return contents[--top];dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
P r o s a n d C o n s o f E x te r n a l V a r ia b le s
External variables are convenient when many Functions must share a variable or
when a few functions share a laro
ge number of variables. In most cases, however.
it’s better for functions to communicate through parameters rather than by sharing
variables. H ere’s why:
■ If we change an external variable during program maintenance (by altering its
type. say), w e’ll need to check every function in the same file to see how the
chang<_^e affects il.
1 0 .2
E x te r n a l V a ria b le s hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHG
2 2 3 onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXW
■ If an external variable is assigned an incorrect value, it may be difficult to
identify the guilty function. I t’s like trying to solve a murder committed at a
crowded party— there's no easy way to narrow the list of suspects.
■ Functions that rely on external variables are har d to reuse in other programs. A
function that depends on external variables isn’t self-contained; to reuse the
function, we'll have to drag along any external variables that it needs.
Many C programmers rely far too much on external variables. One common
abuse: using the same external variable for different purposes in different func­
tions. Suppose that several functions need a variable named i to control a f o r
statement. Instead ofdeclaring i in each function that uses it, some programmers
declare it at the top o fth e program, thereby making the variable visible to all func­
tions. This practice is poor not only for the reasons listed earlier, but also because
it’s misleading; someone reading the program later may think that the uses of the
variable are related, when in fact they’re not.
When you use external variables, make sure they have meaningful names.
(Local variables don’t always need meaningful names: it’s often hard to think o f a
better name than i for the control variable in a f o r loop.) If you find yourself
using names like i and te m p for external variables, that’s a clue that perhaps they
should really be local variables.
Making variables external when they should be local can lead to some rather frus­
trating bugs. Consider the following example, which is supposed to display a 10 x
10 arrangement of asterisks:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
int i;
void print_one_row(void)
for (i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
printf(”* ");
void print_all_rows(void)
for (i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
Instead of printing 10 rows, p r i n t _ a l l _ r o w s prints only one row. When
p r i n t _ o n e _ r o w returns after being called the first time, i will have the value
11. The f o r statement in p r i n t _ a l l _ r o w s then increments i and tests
whether it’s less than or equal to 10. It’s not, so the loop terminates and the func­
tion returns.
C h a p te r 10
r o g r a m O r g a n iz a t io n
G u e s s in g a N u m b e r
To gel more experience with external variables, w e'll write a sim ple gam e-playing
program. The program generates a random num ber between l and l00, which the
user attem pts lo guess in as few tries as possible. H ere’s what the user will see
when the program is run:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Guess the secret number between 1 and 100.
A new number has been chosen.
Enter guess: 55
Too low; try again.
Enter guess: 65
Too high; try again.
Enter guess: 60
Too high; try again.
Enter guess: 58
You won in 4 guesses!
Play again?
(Y/N) y
A new number has been chosen.
Enter guess: 78
Too high; try again.
Enter guess: 34
You won in 2 guesses!
Play again?
(Y/N) n
This program will need to carry out several different tasks: initializing the ran­
dom num ber generator, choosing a secret number, and interacting with the user
until the correct num ber is picked. If we write a separate function to handle each
task, we might end up with the following program.cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
g u e s s .c
Asks user to guess a hidden number */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#define MAX_NUMBER 100
/* external variable */
int secret_number;
/♦ prototypes */
void initialize_number_generator(void);
void choose_new__secret_number(void) ;
void read_guesses(void);
int main(void)
char command;
E x te rn a l V a ria b le s kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJ
1 0 .2
printf("Guess the secret number between 1 and %d.\n\n",
do {
printf("A new number has been chosen.\n");
printf("Play again? (Y/N) ");
s c a n f (" % c " , &command);
p r i n t f ("\n");
} while (command == *y* || command == 'Y*);
it ir
i* ir i t ir i t ir it
ir it
ir ir ir *
ir ir *
ir ir ir ir i r ir ir ir ir
ir ir ir *
ir ir ir
ir *
* initialize_number_generator: Initializes the random
number generator using
the time of day.
ir it *
k * ir k -fc ir ic
★ ir
ir ir *
i r ie
ir *
it *
ir ir
ir *
void initialize_number_generator(void)
s r a n d ((unsigned)
ir *
ir *
it *
i; *
* choose_new_secret_number: Randomly selects a number
between 1 and MAX_NUMBER and *
stores it in secret_number.
ir i :
ir ir i t ir ir i t i t ir ir ir i r ir i t ir i t
ir ir ir ir
ir i t ir it ir ir i-
ir ir ir
i t ir ir ir ir i- ir
ir i t ir ir ir i- ir ir i t
it ir i t |
void choose_new_secret_number(void)
secret_number = rand() % MAX_NUMBER 4- 1;
| ± ir * i* * it
ir ir ir it
it ir it
ir ir it i t i t it *
ir *
ir it ir ir it ir it it ir ir it it ir i t i: i t ir ir it it ir ir *
it ir ir ir ir it i t ir
read_guesses: Repeatedly reads user guesses and tell
the user whether each guess is too low,
too high, or correct. When the guess is
correct, prints the total number of
guesses and returns.
*** **** *** *** ** *** **** **** *** *** *** **
void read_guesses(void)
int guess, num_guesses = 0;
for (;;) {
num_gues s e s++ ;
printf("Enter guess: *');
scanf("%d", &guess);
if (guess == secret_number) {
printf("You won in %d guesses!\n\n",
} else if (guess < secret_number)
C h a p te r 10
P ro g r a m O rg a n iz a tio n kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
printf("Too low; try again.\n");
printf("Too high; try again.\n");
For random num ber generation, the g u e s s . c program relies on the t i m e ,
> 2 6 .2
s r a n d , and r a n d functions, which we first used in d e a l . c (Section 8.2). This
time, w e’re scaling^*- the return value of r a n d so that it falls between l and
t i m e fu n c tio n > 2 6 . 3
s r a n d fu n c tio n
r a n d fu n c tio n
M 7kX _NU M BER.
Although g u e s s . c works fine, it relies on an external variable. We made
s e c r e t _ n u m b e r external so that both c h o o s e _ n e w _ s e c r e t _ n u m b e r and
r e a d _ g u e s s e s could access it. If we alter c h o o s e _ n e w _ s e c r e t _ n u m b e r
and r e a d _ g u e s s e s just a little, we should be able to move s e c r e t _ n u m b e r
into the m a i n function. WeTl modify c h o o s e _ n e w _ s e c r e t _ n u m b e r so
that it returns the new number, and w e ? ll rewrite r e a d _ g u e s s e s so that
s e c r e t _ n u m b e r can be passed to it as an argument.
H ere’s our new program, with changes in dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
b o ld : BA
/* Asks user to guess a hidden number */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#define MAX_NUMBER 100
/* prototypes */
void initialize_number_generator(void);
int new_secret_number(void);
void read_guesses(int secret_number);
int main(void)
char command;
int secret_number;
printf("Guess the secret number between 1 and %d.\n\n",
do {
secret_number = new_secret_number();
printf("A new number has been chosen.\n");
printf("Play again? (Y/N) ”);
scanf(" %c", &command);
} while (command == 'y' || command == ’Y ’);
return 0;
1 0 .3
I ***** ** ** **** ** * *★ * * ** * **** ** * ** * ** ** * * * * ** * * * ** *** * ** * * * *
* initialize_number_generator: Initializes the r a n d o m
number g e n erator u s i n g
the time of day.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **** * * * * * * * * *
void i n i t i a l i z e _ n u m b e r _ g e n e r a t o r (void)
s r a n d ( (unsigned)
t i m e ( N U L L ) );
I ★ ^- ★ ★ ★ ★ * ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ * * ★ ★ * ★ ★ ★ * ★ * * * ★ * * * ★ * * * * * ★ * ★ ★ * * * ★ ★ * ★ ★ ★ * * * ★ ★ * ★ *
* new_secret_number: Returns a randomly chosen n u m b er
between 1 and MAX_NUMBER.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ★ * * * * * * * ** * * * * * ★ * * * * * * * * *
int n e w _ s e c r e t _ n u m b e r (void)
return rand()
& ^k ★
* * * ★
* * * ★
* ★
* ★
* * * ★
* ★
* * * ★
* * ★
* ★
* ★
* ★
* read_guesses: Repeatedly reads use r guesses and tells
the user whether each guess is too low,
too high, or correct. W h e n the guess is
correct, prints the total num b e r of
guesses and returns.
ir★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ * 4-★ ★ ★ ★ ★ * ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ + ★ ★ * +r★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ *
v o i d read_guesses(int secret_number)
int guess,
num_guesses = 0;
for (;;) {
printf("Enter guess: ");
scanf("%d", &guess);
if (guess == secret_number) {
printf("You won in %d guesses!\n\n", num_guesses);
return,} else if (guess < secret_number)
printf("Too low; try again.\n");
printf("Too high; try again.\n");aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
1 0 .3
In Section 5.2, we encountered compound statements o fth e form
{ statements }
C h a p te r 10
P ro g ra m O rg a n iz a tio n onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
It turns out that C allows compound statements to contain declarations as weU:
{ declarations statem ents }
I'll use the term block to describe such a compound statement. H ere’s an example
if (i > j) {
/* swap values of i and j */
int temp = i;
i = j;
j = temp;
By default, the storage duration o fa variable declared in a block is automatic: stor­
age for lhe variable is allocated when the block is entered and deallocated when the
block is exited. The variable has block scope; it can't be referenced outside the
block. A variable that belongv»s to a block cG
a?n be declared s t a t i c to give it static
storage duration.
The body of a function is a block. Blocks are also useful inside a function
body when we need variables for temporary use. In our last example, we needed a
variable temporarily so that we could swap the values of i and j . Putting tempo­
rary variables in blocks has two advantages: (I) ll avoids cluttering the declara­
tions at the beginning of the function body with variables that are used only briefly.
(2) Il reduces name conflicts. In our example, the name te m p can be used else­
where in the same function for different purposes— the te m p variable is strictly
local lo the block in which it's declared.
C99 allows variables to be declared anywhere within a block, just as it allows
variables to be declared anywhere within a function.aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
1 0 .4
S cope
In a C program, lhe same identifier may have several different meanings. C ’s scope
rules enable the programmer (and the compiler) to determine which meaning is
relevant at a given point in the program.
Here’s the most important scope rule: When a declaration inside a block
names an identifier that’s already visible (because it has file scope or because it’s
declared in an enclosing block), the new declaration temporarily “hides” the old
one, and the identifier takes on a new meaning. Al the end of lhe block, the identi­
fier regains its old meaning.
Consider the (somewhat extreme) example al the lop of the next page, in
which the identifier i has fourdifferenl meaning<^s:
■ In Declaration I, i is a variable with static sto rage duration and file scope.
1 0 .5
O r g a n iz in g a C P ro g r a m kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIH
/* Declaration 1 */
/* Declaration 2 */
void g(void)
/* Declaration 3 */
/* Declaration 4 */
void h(void)onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
■ In
Declaration 2, i is a parameter with block scope.
ln Declaration 3, i is an automatic variable with block scope.
In Declaration 4, i is also automatic and has block scope.
i is used five times. C\s scope rules allow us to determine the meaning of i in each
The i = 1 assignment refers to the parameter in Declaration 2, not the variable
in Declaration 1. since Declaration 2 hides Declaration 1.
The i > 0 test refers to the variable in Declaration 3, since Declaration 3 hides
Declaration 1 and Declaration 2 is out ofscope.
The i = 3 assigc?nment refers to the variable7 in Declaration 4, which hides Declaration 3.
g^nment refers to the variable in Declaration 3. It can’t refer to
The i = 4 assi<
Declaration 4, which is out of scope.
■ T he i = 5 assi^gnment refers to the variable in Declaration I .aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
1 0 .5
O r g a n iz in g a C P r o g r a m
Now that w e’ve seen the major elements that make up a C program, it’s time to
develop a strategy for their arrangement. For now, w e’ll assume that a program
C h a p te r 10
P r o g r a m O r g a n iz a tio n
always fits into a single file. Chapter 15 shows how to organize a program that’s
split over several files.
So far, w e’ve seen that a program may contain the following:
Preprocessing directives such as # i n c l u d e and # d e f i n e
Type definitions
Declarations ofexternal variables
Function prototypes
C 99
C imposes only a few rules on the order of these items: A preprocessing directive
doesn’t take effect until the line on which it appears. A type name can’t be used
until it’s been defined. A variable can’t be used until it’s declared. Although C isn’t
as picky about functions, I strongly recommend that every function be defined or
declared prior to its first call. (C99 makes this a requirement anyway.)
There are several ways to organize a program so that these rules are obeyed.
H ere’s one possible ordering:
# i n c l u d e directives
# d e f i n e directives
Type definitions
Declarations ofexternal variables
Prototypes for functions other than m a in
Definition of m a in
Definitions of other functions
It makes sense to put # i n c l u d e directives first, since they bring in information
that will likely be needed in several places within the program, # d e f i n e direc­
tives create macros, which are generally used throughout the program. Putting type
definitions above the declarations ofexternal variables is logical, since the declara­
tions of these variables may refer to the type nam esjust defined. Declaring exter­
nal variables next makes them available to all the functions that follow. Declaring
all functions except for m a in avoids the problems that arise when a function is
called before the compiler has seen its prototype. This practice also makes it possi­
ble to arrange the function definitions in any order whatsoever: alphabetically by
function name or with related functions grouped together, for example. Defining
m a in before the other functions makes it easier for a reader to locate the pro­
gram ’s starting point.
A final suggestion: Precede each function definition by a boxed comment that
gives the name of the function, explains its purpose, discusses the meaning ofeach
parameter, describes its return value (if any), and lists any side effects it has (such
as modifying external variables).hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
C la s s if y in g a P o k e r H a n d
To show how a C program might be organized, let’s attempt a program that’s a lit­
tle more complex than our previous examples. The program will read and classify
1 0 .5
O r g a n iz in g a C P ro g ra m hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIH
231 onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXW
a pokcr hand. Each card in the hand will have both a cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
suit (clubs, diamonds, hearts,
or spades) and a rank (two. three, four. Five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten,jack. queen,
king, or ace). We won't allow the use o fjo k ers. and we’ll assume that aces are
high. The program will read a hand of five cards, then classify the hand into one of
the following categories (listed in order from best to worst):
straight flush (both a straight and a flush)
four-of-a-kind (four cards o f the same rank)
full house (a three-of-a-kind and a pair)
flush (five cards of the same suit)
straight (five cards with consecutive ranks)
three-of-a-kind (three cards of the same rank)
two pairs
pair (two cards of the same rank)
high card (any other hand)
If a hand falls into two or more categories, the program will choose the best one.
For input purposes, we’ll abbreviate raiJcs and suits as follows (letters may be
either upper- or lower-case):
Ranks: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 t
Suits: c d h s
q k a
If the user enters an illegal card or tries to enter the same card twice, the program
will ignore the card, issue an error message, and then request another card. Enter­
ing the number 0 instead o fa card will cause the program to terminate.
A session with the program will have the following appearance:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Enter a card: 2s
Enter a card: 5s
Enter a card: 4s
Enter a card: 3s
Enter a card: 6s
Straight flush
Enter a card: 8c
Enter a card: as
Enter a card: 8c
Duplicate card; ignored.
Enter a card: 7c
Enter a card: ad
Enter a card: 3h
Enter a card: 6s
Enter a card: d2
Bad card; ignored.
Enter a card: 2d
Enter a card: 9c
Enter a card: 4h
Enter a card: ts
C h a p te r 10
P ro g ra m O rg a n iz a tio n kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
High card
Enter a card: 0onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
From this description o fth e program, we see that it has three tasks:
Read a hand of five cards.
A nalyze the hand for pairs, straights, and so forth.
Print the classification of the hand.
We'lI divide the program into three functions— r e a d _ c a r d s , a n a l y z e _ h a n d .
and p r i n t _ r e s u l t — that perform these three tasks, m a i n docs nothing but call
these functions inside an endless loop. The functions will need to share a fairly
large am ount of information, so weUl have them com m unicate through external
variables, r e a d _ c a r d s will store inform ation about the hand into several exter­
nal variables, a n a l y z e _ h a n d will then exam ine these variables, storing its find­
ings into other external variables for the benefit o f p r i n t _ r e s u l t .
Based on this preliminary design, we can begin to sketch an outline of the pro­
/* #include directives go here */
/* #define directives go here */
/* declarations of external variables go here */
/* prototypes */
void read_cards(void);
void analyze_hand(void);
void print_result(void);
! ** * ** * **★ *★ * *★ *** ★ **★ * * *★ ★ * ★ ★ *★ ★ ★ * *** * ★ ± *★ ★ * * ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ * ★ ★ * ★ * * ★
* main: Calls read_cards, analyze_hand, and print_result *
* repeatedly.
* ★ ★ * * * ★ ★ * -k * * * * ★ ★ ★ * * * ★ ★ * * * ★ * ★ * ★ * ★ ★ * * ★ ★ * * * ★ * * * * ★ ★ ★ ★ * ★ ★ * * * * ★ ★ I
int main(void)
for (;;) {
] ★ *★ ** * *★ * ★ ★ ★ * *★ ★ ★ ★ r* ★ ★ * ** ★ * *★ * ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ * ic*★ ★ *★ ★ ★ ★ * ★ ★ ** ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ *
* read_cards: Reads the cards into external variables; *
* checks for bad cards and duplicate cards. *
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ * *★ ** ★ ** *★ * ** i
fr★ *★ ★ ★ ★ *★ * ★ ** ** ** **★ ★ * * ★ ** * *★ ★ * **★ ★ ★ ★ **★
void read_cards(void)
* * * * * ★
I *• ★
* * * ★
* it ir ★
ir * ★
ir ir ir ★
ic ★
* ★
O rg a n iz in g a C P r o g ra m hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHG
* * ★
* ★
* ★
* ★
* ★
it it it it it itkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQ
* analyze_hand: Determines whether the hand contains a
straight, a flush, four-of-a-kind,
and/or three-of-a-kind; determines the
number of pairs,- stores the results into *
external variables.
it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it * it it it it it + ★
ir it it it it it ir it it it ir it it it it it it it it it it ic it
void analyze_hand(void)
/ ★
it it it it it it it it it it it it it ir ir ir ir it ir it ir it it ir it ir ir it it it it ir it ir * ★
it ★
* i ir ir ★
* * * * * it * * *
* print_result: Notifies the user of the result, using
the external variables set by
ir ic it it it ir ir ir it it it it it it it it it it it it ir it ir it it ir ir it ir ir it it it it ★
it ic it it it it ir ir it i it ir it it ic it it it it it it * j
void print_result(void)onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
The most pressing question that remains is how to represent the hand ofcards.
Let’s see what operations r e a d _ c a r d s and a n a l y z e _ _ h a n d will perform on
the hand. During the analysis of the hand, a n a l y z e _ h a n d will need to know
how many cards are in each rank and each suit. This suggests that we use two
arrays, n u m _ i n _ r a n k and n u m _ i n _ s u i t . The value of n u m _ i n _ r a n k [ r ]
will be the n u m b ero fcard s with rank r , and the v a lu e o f n u m _ in _ _ s u it [ s ] will
be the number of cards with suit s. (W e'll encode ranks as numbers between 0 and
l2. and suits as numbers between 0 and 3.) We’ll also need a third array,
c a r d _ e x i s t s , so that r e a d _ c a r d s can detect duplicate cards. Each time
r e a d _ c a r d s reads a card with rank r and suit s , it checks whether the value of
c a r d _ e x i s t s [ r ] [ s ] is t r u e . If so. the card was previously entered; if not,
r e a d _ c a r d s assigns t r u e to c a r d _ e x i s t s [ r ] [ s ] .
Both the r e a d _ c a r d s function and the a n a l y z e _ h a n d function will need
access to the n u m _ i n _ r a n k and n u m _ i n _ s u i t arrays, so I’ll make them exter­
nal variables. The c a r d _ e x i s t s array is used only by r e a d _ c a r d s . so it can
be local to that function. As a rule, variables should be m adeextem al only ifn ecessary.
Having decided on the major data structures, we can now finish the program:
p o k e r .c
/* Classifies a poker hand */
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define NUM_RANKS 13
#define NUM_SUITS 4
#define NUM_CARDS 5
/* C99 only */
C h a p te r 10
P ro g ra m O rg a n iz a tio n kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
/* external variables */
int num_in_rank[NUM_RANKS];
int num_in_suit[NUM_SUITS];
bool straight, flush, four, three;
int pairs;
/* can be 0, 1, or 2 */
/* prototypes */
void read_cards(void);
void analyze_hand(void);
void print_result(void);
| -k * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* main: Calls read_cards, analyze_hand, and print_result *
* k k k k k k k ★
k ★
* ★
k k k ★
k ★
* ★
* ★
k * ★
* k ★
* k * ★
int main(void)
for (;;) {
print result();
[ k k k k * k ★
* ★
k ★
+ ★
k k k k k k k k + + * ★
* ★
+ + ★
* ★
k ^ ★
k k ★
k k k ★
k k * k k k ★
* k
* read_cards: Reads the cards into the external
variables num_in_rank and num_in_suit;
checks for bad cards and duplicate cards. *
k ★ k k k k k k k k ★ ★ k W k k ^k ★ k ★ k ^k k k k * W ★ k * k k k ^k k ★ ★ ★ k k ^ k k ^c k k k k 'k k ★ ★ ★ k -k ic k ±
void read_cards(void)
bool card_exists[NUM_RANKS][NUM_SUITS];
char ch, rank_ch, suit_ch;
int rank, suit;
bool bad_card;
int cards_read = 0;
for (rank = 0; rank < NUM_RANKS; rank++) {
num_in_rank[rank] = 0;
for (suit = 0; suit < NUM_SUITS; suit++)
card_exists[rank][suit] = false;
for (suit = 0; suit < NUM_SUITS; suit++)
num_in_suit[suit] = 0;
while (cards_read < NUM_CARDS)
bad_card = false;
printf(”Enter a card: •');
rank_ch = getchar();
switch (rank_ch) {
1 0 .5
case '0'
case '2'
case ’3 ’
case ’4 ’
case ’5 ’
case 1 6 ’
case '7’
case '8'
case ’9'
case ’t ’
case ’j ’
case ‘q ’
case 'k'
case ’a ’
’J ’
’A ’
O r g a n iz in g a C P ro g ra m kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJ
rank = 0; break;
rank = 1; break;
rank = 2; b r e a k ;
rank = 3; b r e a k ;
rank = 4; break;
rank = 5; break;
rank = 6; break;
rank = 7; break;
rank = 8; break;
rank = 9; b r e a k ;
rank = 10; break;
rank = 11; break;
rank = 12; break;
bad card = true,-
suit_ch = getchar();
case 'c ' : case ’C' : suit = 0; break;
case 'd' : case 'D' : suit = 1; break;
case •h' : case ’H ’ : suit = 2; break;
case ’s ' : case ’S ’ : suit = 3; break;
bad card = true;
def a u l t :
while ((ch = getchar()) ’= '\n')
if (ch .'= ’ ’) bad_card = true;
printf(”Bad card; ignored.\n'*);
else if (card_exists [rank] [suit])
printf("Duplicate card; ignored.\n”) ;
else {
num__in_rank[rank]+ + ;
num_in_suit[suit] ++;
card_exists[rank] [suit] = true;
| k *************************★ ******★ *******★ **★ *************
* analyze_hand: Determines whether the hand contains a
straight, a flush, four-of-a-kind,
and/or three-of-a-kind; determines the
number of pairs; stores the results into *
the external variables straight, flush,
four, three, and pairs.
* * * * * * * * ★ * * * * ★ * * ★ * * * * *★ ■ * ★ * ★ ★ * * * * ★ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
void analyze_hand(void)
int num_consec = 0 ;
int rank, suit;
C h a p te r 10
P ro g ra m O rg a n iz a tio n kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
straight = false;
flush = false;
four = false;
three = false;
pairs = 0;
/* check for flush */
for (suit = 0; suit < NUM_SUITS; suit++)
if (num_in_suit[suit] == NUM_CARDS)
flush = true;
/* check for straight ★ /
rank = 0;
while (num_in_rank[rank] == 0) rank++;
for (; rank < NUM_RANKS && num_in_rank[rank]
if (num_consec == NUM_CARDS) {
straight = true;
> 0; rank++)
/* check for 4-of-a-kind, 3-of-a-kind, and pairs */
for (rank = 0; rank < NUM_RANKS; rank++) {
if (num_in_rank[rank] == 4) foui' = true;
if (num_in_rank[rank] == 3) three = true;
if (num_in_rank[rank] == 2) pairs++;cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
* * * * + + * + * + + * + + * + + + + + + ★ + + + -fc + -k + * * + ★
★ * ★ ★ +* ★ * * ★ ★ ++* * ★ ★ ★ +++★ +★ ★
* print_result: Prints the classification of the hand,
based on the values of the external
variables straight, flush, four, three,
and p a i r s .
+ + *
+ *
+ *
+ + + + ★
^r ★
+ +
*• ★
+ + ★
+ + ★
+ + ★
void print_result (void)
if (straight && flush)
else if (four)
else if (three &&
pairs == 1)
else if (flush)
else if (straight)
else if (three)
else if (pairs == 2)
else if (pairs == 1)
printf("Straight flush");
printf("Four of a kind");
printf("Full house");
p r i n t f ("Flush");
p r i n t f ("Straight");
printf("Three of a kind");
printf("Two pairs");
p r i n t f ("Pair");
printf("High card");
p r i n t f ("\n\n");onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Notice the use ofthe e x i t function in r e a d _ c a r d s (in case 1 0 1 ofthe first
s w i t c h statement), e x i t is convenient for this program because o fits ability to
terminate execution from anywhere in the program.
W h a t im p a c t d o lo c a l v a r ia b le s w ith s ta tic s t o r a g e d u r a tio n h a v e o n r e c u r s iv e
fu n c tio n s ? [p. 2 2 0 ] onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
When a function is called recursively, fresh copies are made of its automatic vari­
ables for each call. This doesn’t occur for static variables, though. Instead, all calls
sam e static variables.
of the function share the cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
In th e fo llo w in g e x a m p le , j is in itia liz e d to th e s a m e v a lu e a s i , b u t th e r e a r e
tw o v a r ia b le s n a m e d i : kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
int i = 1;
void f (void)
int j = i;
int i = 2;
Is th is c o d e le g a l? I f s o , w h a t is j ’s in itia l v a lu e , 1 o r 2 ?
The code is indeed legal. The scope of a local variable doesn't begin until its decla­
ration. Therefore, the declaration of j refers to the external variable named i . The
initial value of j will be 1.
E x e rc is e s
S e c tio n 1 0 .4
The following program outline shows only function definitions and variable declarations,
int a ;
void f(int b)
int c ;
void g (void)
int d ;
int e;
int main(void)
int f ;
C h a p te r 10
P ro g r a m O r g a n iz a tio n onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
For each o fth e following scopcs, lisi all variable and parameter names visible in that scope:
f function
g function
block in which e is declared
m a in function
The following program outline shows only function definitions and variable declarations,kjihgfedcba
int b, c;
void f (void)
int b, d;
void g(int a)
int c;
int a, d;
int main(void)
int c , d ;
For each of the following scopes, list all variable and parameter names visible in that scope.
If there’s more than one variable or parameter with the same name, indicate which one is
f function
g function
block in which a and d are declared
m a in function
Suppose that a program has only one function (m a in ). How many different variables named
i could this program contain? aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
P r o g r a m m in g P r o je c t s
Modify the stack example of Section lO.2 so that it stores characters instead of integers.
Next, add a m a in function that asks the user to enter a series of parentheses and/or braces,
then indicates whether or not theyTe properly nested:
Enter parentheses and/6r braces: (() {} { () })
Parentheses/braces are nested properlycbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
H int: As the program reads characters, have it push each left parenthesis or left brace. When
it reads a right parenthesis or brace, have il pop the stack and check that the item popped is a
matching parenthesis or brace. (If n o t the parentheses/braces aren’t nested properly.) When
the program reads the new-line character, have it check whether the stack is empty: ifso, the
parentheses/braces are matched. If the stack isn 't empty (or i f s t a c k _ u n d e r f l o w is ever
P ro g r a m m in g P ro je c ts kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJ
called), the pareniheses/braces aren't matched. If s t a c k _ o v e r f l o w is called, have the
program print the message S t a c k o v e r f l o w and terminate immediately.
Modify the p o k e r . c prograin of Section 10.5 by moving the n u m _ i n _ r a n k and
n u m _ i n _ s u i t arrays into m a in , which will pass them as arguments to r e a d _ c a r d s
and a n a l y z e _ h a n d .
Remove the n u m _ in _ r a n k ,
p o k e r . c program of Section
instead. Each row of the array
h a n d , then h a n d [0] [0] will
the suit of the first card.
Modify the p o k e r . c program of Section 10.5 by having it recognize an additional cate­
gory, “royal flush" (ace, king, queen,jack, ten of the same suiL). A royal flush ranks higher
than all other hands.
Modify the p o k e r . c program ofS ection 10.5 by allowing “ace-low" straights (acc, two,
three, four. five).
Some calculators (notably those from Hewlett-Packard) use a system of writing mathemati­
cal expressions known as Reverse Polish Notation (RPN). In this notation, operators are
after their operands instead tfb e tw e e n their operands. For example. 1 + 2 would bc
written 1 2 + in RPN, and 1 + 2 * 3 would be written 1 2 3 * +. RPN expressions can easily
be evaluated using a stack. The algorithm involves reading the operators and operands in an
expression from left to right, performing the following actions:
n u m _ i n _ s u i t , and c a r d _ e x i s t s arrays from the
10.5. Have the program store the cards in a 5 x 2 array
will represent a card. For example, if the array is named
store the rank of the first card and h a n d [0] [1] will store
When an operand is encountered, push il onto the slack.
When an operator is encountered, pop its operands from the staek. perform the opera­
tion on those operands, and then push the result onto the stack.
Write a program that evaluates RPN expressions. The operands will be single-digit integers.
The operators are +. - . *, /. and =. The = operator causes the top stack item to be displayed;
afterwards, the stack is cleared and the user is prompted to enter another expression. Thc
process continues until the user enters a character that is not an operator or operand:
E n te r
V a lu e
E n te r
V a lu e
E n te r
RPN e x p r e s s i o n :
e x p re s s io n : 7
RPN e x p r e s s i o n :
e x p r e s s i o n : -8
RPN e x p r e s s i o n :
1 2 3 * 4- =
5 8 ★
4 9 - /
If the stack overflows, the program will display the message E x p r e s s i o n i s t o o co m ­
p l e x and terminate. If the stack underflows (because of an expression such as 1 2 4* +). the
program will display the message N o t e n o u g h o p e r a n d s i n e x p r e s s i o n and term i­
nate. Hints: Incorporate the stack code from Section 10.2 into your program. Use
s c a n f (" % c " , &ch) lo read the operators and operands.
Write a program that prompts the user for a number and then displays the number, using
characters to simulate the effect of a seven-segment display:
E n t e r a n u m b e r:
4 9 1 -9 0 1 4
Characters other than digits should bc ignored. Write the program so that the maximum
number ofdigits is controlled by a macro named MAX_DIGITS. which has the value 10. If
C h a p te r 10
P ro g ra m O rg a n iz a tio n onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
sr'its are i^2n0red. H ints: Use
the num ber contains more than this num ber of dig0 its, the extra di\cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
two external arrays. One is the s e g m e n t s array (see Exercise 6 in C hapter 8), which stores
data representing the correspondence between digits and segments. The other array, d i g ­
i t s . will be an array of characters with 4 rows (since each segm ented digit is four charac­
ters high) and MAX_DIGITS * 4 colum ns (digits are three characters wide, but a space is
needed between digits for readability). W rite your program as four functions: m a in ,
c l e a r _ d i g i t s _ a r r a y . p r o c e s s _ d i g i t . and p r i n t _ d i g i t s _ a r r a y . Here arc
the prototypes for the latter three functions:
v o id c le a r _ d ig its _ a r r a y ( v o id ) ;
v o id p r o c e s s _ d i g i t ( i n t d i g i t , i n t p o s i t i o n ) ;
v o id p r in t _ d ig i ts _ a r r a y ( v o i d ) ;
c l e a r _ d i g i t s _ a r r a y will store blank characters into all elem ents of the d i g i t s
array. p r o c e s s _ d i g i t will store the seven-segment representation of d i g i t into a
specified position in the d i g i t s array (positions range from 0 to M AX_DIGITS - l).
p r i n t _ d i g i t s _ a r r a y will display the rows o fth e d i g i t s array, each on a single line,
producing output such as that shown in the example.
P o in te r s
T h e 1 1th c o m m a n d m e n t w a s " T h o u S h a lt C o m p u te ”
o r “T h o u S h a lt N o t C o m p u te ”— ! fo rg e t w h ic h . onmlkjihgfedcba
Pointers are one o f C ’s most im portant— and most often m isunderstood— features.
Because of their im portance, w e’ll devote three chapters to pointers. In this chap­
ter. w e’ll concentrate on the basics; Chapters 12 and 17 cover more advanced uses
of pointers.
W e’ll start with a discussion of mem ory addresses and their relationship to
pointer variables (Section 11.1). Section 11.2 then introduces the address and indi­
rection operators. Section 11.3 covers pointer assignm ent. Section 11.4 explains
how to pass pointers to functions, while Section 11.5 discusses returning pointers
from functions.
1 1 .1
P o in te r V a r ia b le s
The first step in understanding pointers is visualizing what they represent at the
machine level. In most modern com puters, main memory is divided into cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJ
with each byte capable o fsto rin g eight bits of information:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
I____I____ !____ I___
Each byte has a unique a d d ress to distinguish it from the other bytes in memory. If
there are n bytes in memory, we can think ofaddresses as numbers that range from
0 to n - 1 (see the figure at the top of the next page).
An executable program consists of both code (m achine instructions corre­
sponding to statements in the original C program) and data (variables in the origi­
nal program). Each variable in the program occupies one or more bytes of mem ory;hgfedcbaZYXW
C h a p te r 11
P o in te rs onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
the address of the first byte is said to be the address of the variable. In the follow ing
figure, the variable i occupies lhe bytes at addresses 2000 and 2001. so i ’s address
H ere's w here pointers com e in. Although addresses are represented by num ­
bers, their range of values may differ from that o f integers, so we can ’t necessarily
store them in ordinary integer variables. We can, however, store them in specialcbaZYXWV
p o in te r variables. W hen we store the address o f a variable i in the pointer variable
p. we say that p “points to” i . In other words, a pointer is nothing more than an
address, and a pointer variable isju st a variable that can store an address.
Instead of showing addresses as num bers in our exam ples, 1’11 use a sim pler
notation. To indicate that a pointer variable p stores the address o f a variable i , 1’11
show the contents of p as an arrow directed toward i :dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
D e c la r in g P o in te r V a r ia b le s
A pointer variable is declared in much the same way as an ordinary variable. The
only difference is that the nam e of a pointer variable must be preceded by an aster­
int *p;
1 1 .2
a b s tr a c to b |e c ts > /9 J
2 4 3 onmlkjihgfedcbaZYX
T h e A d d re s s a n d In d ire c tio n O p e r a to r s hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIH
objects of
This declaration states that p is a pointer variable capable ofpointing to cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
type i n t . frn using the term object instead of variable since— as we'll see in
Chapter 17— p might point to an area of memory that doesn't belong to a variable.
(Be aware that “object” wiU have a different meaning when we discuss program aZYXWVUTSRQPO
design in Chapter 19.)
Pointer variables can appear in declarations along with other variables:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONML
int i, j, a[10], b[20], *p, *q;
hi this example, i and j are ordinary integer variables, a and b are arrays of inte­
gers, and p and q are pointers to integer objects.
C requires that every pointer variable point only to objects of a particular type
(the referenced type)\
in t *p;
d o u b le *q;
ch ar * r;
p o in t e r s to p o in t e r s > BA
1 1 .2
/ ★ p o i n t s o n ly t o i n t e g e r s
/* p o i n t s o n ly t o d o u b le s
/* p o i n t s o n ly t o c h a r a c t e r s * /
There are no restrictions on what the referenced type may be. In fact, a pointer
variable can even point to another pointer.
T h e A d d r e s s a n d In d ir e c t io n O p e r a t o r s
C provides a pair of operators designed specifically for use with pointers. To find
the address of a variable, we use the & (address) operator. If x is a variable, then
&x is the address o f x in memory. To gain access to the object that a pointer points
to, we use the * (indirection) operator. If p is a pointer, then *p represents the
object to which p currently points.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
T he A d d r ess O p era to r
Declaring a pointer variable sets aside space for a pointer but doesn't make it point
to an object:
/* p o i n t s now here i n p a r t i c u l a r * /
i n t *p;
iv a iu e s > 4 .2
It’s crucial to initialize p before we use it. One way to initialize a pointer variable
is to assign it the address of some variable— or, more generally, lvalue— using the
& operator:
in t i ,
p = &i;
By assigning the address of i to the variable p . this statement makes p point to i :
C h a p te r 11
It’s also possible lo initialize a pointer variable at the time we declare it:kjihgfedcbaZYXWV
int i ;
int *p = &i ;
We can even com bine the declaration of i with the declaration of p , provided that
i is declared first:
int i, *p = &i,-
T h e I n d ir e c tio n O p e r a to r
Once a pointer variable points to an object, we can use the * (indirection) operator
to access w hat’s stored in the object. I f p points to i , for example, we can print the
value of i as follows:
value o f i , not the address o f i .
p r i n t f will display the cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
The m athem atically inclined reader may wish to think of * as the inverse o f &.
Applying & to a variable produces a pointer to the variable; applying * to the
pointer takes us back to the original variable:
j = *&i;
/* same as j = i; */
As long as p points to i , * p is an alias for i . Not only does * p have the same
value as i , but changing the value of * p also changes the value o f i . (* p is an
lvalue, so assignm ent to it is legal.) The following exam ple illustrates the equiva­
lence of * p and i ; diagrams show the values o f p and i at various points in the
com putation.
P = &i;
i = 1;
*P = 2;
/* prints 1 */
/* prints 1 */
/* prints 2 */
/* prints 2 */
1 1 .3
P o in te r A s s ig n m e n t hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIH
Never apply the indirection operator to an uninitialized pointer variable. If a
pointer variable p hasn’t been initialized, attempting to use the value o f p in any
way causes undefined behavior. In the following example, the call o f p r i n t f may
print garbage, cause the program to crash, or have some other effect:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCB
int *p;
/*** WRONG ***/
Assigning a value to *p is particularly dangerous. I f p happens lo contain a valid
memoiy address, the following assignment will attempt to modify the data stored
at that address:
int *p;
*P = 1;
/*** WRONG ***/
If the location modified by this assignment belongs to the program, it may behave
erratically: if it belongs to the operating system, the program will most likely
crash. Your compiler may issue a warning that p is uninitialized, so pay close
attention to any warning messages you get.aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
1 1 .3
P o in t e r A s s ig n m e n t
C allows the use of the assignment operator to copy pointers, provided that they
have the same type. Suppose that i . j . p. and q have been declared as follows:
int i, j, *p, *q;
The statement
p = &i;
is an example of pointer assignment; the address of i is copied into p. Here’s
another example of pointer assignment:
q = p;
This statement copies the contents o f p (the address of i ) into q, in effect making
q point to the same place as p:
Both p and q now point to i , so we can change i by assigning a new value to
either *p or *q:
C h a p t e r 11
P o in te rs
Any number of pointer variables may point to the same object.
Be careful not to confuse
The first statement is a pointer assignment; the second isn't, as the following
example shows:
The assignment * q = *p copies the value that p points to (the value of i ) into the
object that q points to (the variable j) .
1 1 .4
1 1 .4
P o in te rs a s A r g u m e n t s kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJI
P o in te r s a s A r g u m e n t s onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
So far, w e’ve managed to avoid a rather important question: W hat are pointers
good for? There’s no single answ er to that question, since pointers have several
distinct uses in C. In this section, w e’ll see how a pointer to a variable can be use­
ful as a function argument. We’lI discover other uses for pointers in Section 11.5
and in Chapters 12 and l7.
We saw in Section 9.3 that a variable supplied as an argument in a function
call is protected against change, because C passes arguments by value. This prop­
erty o f C can be a nuisance if we want the function to be able to modify the vari­
able. In Section 9.3, we tried— and failed— to write a d e c o m p o s e function that
could modify two of its arguments.
Pointers offer a solution to this problem: instead of passing a variable x as the
argument to a function, w e’ll supply &x, a pointer to x. We’ll declare the corre­
sponding param eter p to be a pointer. When the function is called, p will have the
value &x. hence * p (the object that p points to) will be an alias for x. Each appear­
ance of * p in the body of the function will be an indirect reference to x , allowing
the function both to read x and to modify it.
To see this technique in action, let’s modify the d e c o m p o s e function by
declaring the parameters i n t _ p a r t and f r a c _ p a r t to be pointers. The defini­
tion of d e c o m p o s e will now look like this:
void decompose(double x, long *int_part, double *fracjpart)
*int_part = (long) x,*frac_part = x - *int_part;
The prototype for d e c o m p o s e could be either
void decompose(double x, long *int_part, double *frac_part);
void decompose(double, long *, double *);
We’ll call d e c o m p o s e in the following way:
decompose(3.14159, &i, &d);
Because of the & operator in front of i and d. the arguments to d e c o m p o s e are cbaZYXWVUTSRQPO
p o in ters lo i and d, not the values of i and d. When d e c o m p o s e is called, the
value 3.14l59 is copied into x . a pointer to i is stored in i n t _ p a r t , and a
pointer to d is stored in f r a c _ p a r t :
C h a p te r 11
P o in te rs onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
The first assignment in the body of d e c o m p o s e converts the value o f x to type
l o n g and stores it in the object pointed to by i n t _ p a r t . Since i n t _ p a r t
points to i , the assignment puts the value 3 in i :kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
frac part
The second assignment fetches the value that i n t j p a r t points to (the value of
i ) ? which is 3. This value is converted to type d o u b l e and subtracted from x, giv­
ing .l4 l5 9 , which is then stored in the object that f r a c _ p a r t points to:
When d e c o m p o s e retums. i and d will have the values 3 and .l4 l5 9 J u s l as we
originally wanted.
Using pointers as arguments to functions is actually nothing new; w e’ve been
doing it in calls of s c a n f since Chapter 2. Consider the following example:
int i ;
scanf("%d", &i);
We must put the & operator in front of i so that s c a n f is given a pointer
to i ; that
pointer tells s c a n f where to put the value that it reads. Without the &? s c a n f
would be supplied with the value of i .
Although s c a n f ’s arguments must be pointers, it’s not always true that every
argument needs the & operator. In the following example, s c a n f is passed a
pointer variable:
1 1 .4
249 kjihgfedcbaZYXWVU
P o i n t e r s a s A r g u m e n t s onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLK
int i, *p;
p = &i;
scanf("%d”, p ) ;
Since p contains the address of i . s c a n f will read an integer and store it in i .
Using the & operator in the call would be wrong:
scanf("%d", &p);
/*** WRONG ***/
s c a n f would read an integer and store it in p instead of in i .
Failing to pass a pointer to a function when one is expected can have disastrous
results. Suppose that we call d e c o m p o s e without the & operator in front of i and
i, d);
d e c o m p o s e is expecting pointers as its second and third arguments, but it’s been
given the v a lu e s of i and d instead, d e c o m p o s e has no way to tell the difference,
so it will use the values of i and d as though they were pointers. When d e c o m ­
p o s e stores values in * i n t _ p a r t and * f r a c _ p a r t , it will attempt to change
unknown memory locations instead of modifying i and d.
Lf we've provided a prototype for d e c o m p o s e (as we should always do. of
course), the compiler will let us know that w e’re attempting to pass arguments of
the wrong type. In the case of s c a n f , however, failing to pass pointers often goes
undetected by the compiler, making s c a n f an especially error-prone function.hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPON
F in d in g th e L a r g e s t a n d S m a l le s t E le m e n ts in a n A r r a y
To illustrate how pointers are passed to functions, let’s look at a function named
m ax _ m in that fmds the largest and smallest elements in an array. When we call
m ax_m in, we’ll pass it pointers to two variables: m ax _ m in will then store its
answers in these variables, m ax _ m in has the following prototype:
void max_min(int a[] , int n, int *max, int *min) ;
A call o fm a x _ m in might have the following appearance:
max_min(b, N, &big, &small);
b is an array of integers; N is the number of elements in b. b i g and s m a l l are
ordinary integer variables. When m a x _ m in finds the largest element in b, it stores
the value in b i g by assigning it to *max. (Since m ax points lo b i g . an assign­
ment to *m ax will modify the value of b i g .) m a x _ m in stores the smallest ele­
ment o f b in s m a l l by assigning it to *m in.
To test m ax _ m in . we’ll write a program that reads 10 numbers into an array,
passes the array to m ax_m in, and prints the results:
C h a p te r 11
Enter 10 numbers: 34 82 49 102 7 94 23 11 50 31
Largest: 102
Here’s the complete program:BA
Finds the largest and smallest elements in an array */
#include <stdio.h>
#define N 10
void max_min(int a[], int n, int *max, int *min);
int main(void)
int b[N], i, big, small;
printf("Enter %d numbers: ", N);
for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
scanf("%d", &b[i]);
max_min(b, N, &big, &small);
printf("Largest: %d\n", big);
printf("Smallest: %d\n", small);
return 0;
void max_min(int a[], int n, int *max, int *min)
int i ;
*max = *min = a[0] ;
for (i = 1; i < n; i++) {
if (a[i] > *max)
*max = a [i];
else if (a[i] < *min)
U s i n g c o n s t to P r o t e c t A r g u m e n ts
When we call a function and pass il a pointer to a variable, we normally assume
that the function will modify the variable (otherwise, why would the function
require a pointer?). For example, ifw e see a statement like
f(&x) ;
1 1 .5
P o i n t e r s a s R e t u r n V a l u e s hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFED
in a program, w e’d probably expect f to change the value of x. It’s possible,
though, that f merely needs to examine the value of x, not change it. The reason
for the pointer might be efficiency: passing the value of a variable can waste time
and space if the variable requires a large amount ofstorage. (Section l2.3 covers
this point in more detail.)
We can use the word c o n s t to document that a function w on’t chang e an
object whose address is passed to the function, c o n s t goes in the parameter’s
declaration, just before the specification of its type:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
void f(const int *p)
*p = 0;
/*** WRONG ***/
This use of c o n s t indicates that p is a pointer to a “constant integer.” Attempting
to modify *p is an error that the compiler will detect.aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
1 1 .5
P o in t e r s a s R e tu r n V a lu e s
We can not only pass pointers to functions but also write functions that cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCB
pointers. Such functions are relatively common; w e’ll encounter several in Chapter
The following function, when given pointers to two integers, returns a pointer
to whichever inte^g*er is lar^g?er:
int *max(int *a, int *b)
if (*a > *b)
return a;
return b;
When we call max, we’ll pass pointers to two i n t variables and store the result in
a pointer variable:
int *p, i, j;
• ••
p = max(&i, &j ) ;
During the call o fm a x , * a is an alias for i , while *b is an alias for j . If i has a
larger value than j , m ax returns the address of i ; otherwise, it retums the address
of j . After the call, p points to either i or j .
Although the m ax function returns one o fth e pointers passed to it as an argu­
ment, that’s not the only possibility. A function could also return a pointer to an
external variable or to a local variable that’s been declared s t a t i c .
C h a p te r 11
P o in te rs onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Never return a pointer to an cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
autom atic local variable:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
int *f(void)
int i;
return &i;
The variable i doesn’t exist once f returns, so the pointer to it will be invalid.
Some compilers issue a warning such as “fu n ctio n returns address o flo c a l vari­
able” in this situation.
Pointers can point to array elements, not just ordinary variables. If a is an
array, then &a [ i ] is a pointer to element i of a. When a function has an array
argument, it’s sometimes useful for the function to return a pointer to one of the
elements in the array. For example, the following function returns a pointer to the
middle element of the array a, assuming that a has n elements:
int *find_middle(int a[], int n) {
return & a [n/2];
Chapter 12 explores the relationship between pointers and arrays in considerable
*Q :
Is a p o in te r a lw a y s th e s a m e a s a n a d d r e s s ? [p . 2 4 2 ]
Usually, but not always. Consider a com puter whose main memory is divided into
yvords rather than bytes. A word might contain 36 bits, 60 bits, or some other
number of bits. If we assume 36-bit words, memory will have the following
A d d re s s
C o n te n ts
2 5 3 onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVU
When memory is divided into words, each word has an address. An integer
usually occupies one word, so a pointer to an integer can just be an address. How­
ever, a word can store more than one character. For example, a 36-bit word might
store six 6-bit characters:GFEDCBA
or four 9-bit characters:
For this reason, a pointer to a character may need to be stored in a different form
than other pointers. A pointer to a character might consist o fa n address (the word
in which the character is stored) plus a small integer (the position of the character
within the word).
On some computers, pointers may be “offsets" rather than complete
addresses. For example, CPUs in the Intel x86 family (used in many personal com­
puters) can execute programs in several modes. The oldest of these, which dates
back to the 8086 processor of 1978, is called cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
real m ode. In this mode, addresses
are sometimes represented by a single 16-bit number (an offset) and sometimes by
two 16-bit numbers (a se g m e n t:o ffse t pair). An offset isn’t a true memory address;
the CPU must combine it with a segment value stored in a special register. To sup­
port real mode, older C compilers often provide two kinds of pointers: n e a rp o in ters (16-bit offsets) a n d fa r p o in te r s (32-bit segment:offset pairs). These compilers
usually reserve the words n e a r and f a r as nonstandard keywords that can be
used to declare pointer variables.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
*Q :
I f a p o in te r c a n p o in t to data in a p r o g r a m , is it p o s s ib le to h a v e a p o in t e r to
p r o g r a m code?
Yes. We’ll cover pointers to functions in Section 17.7.
It s e e m s to m e th a t t h e r e ’s a n in c o n s is te n c y b e tw e e n th e d e c la r a tio n kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFED
int *p = &i;
a n d th e s ta te m e n t
p = &i;
W h y is n ’t p p r e c e d e d b y a * s y m b o l in th e s ta te m e n t, a s it is in th e d e c la r a ­
tio n ? [p . 2 4 4 ]
The source of the confusion is the fact that the * symbol can have different mean­
ings in C, depending on the context in which it’s used. In the declaration
int *p - &i;
the * symbol i.s not the indirection operator. Instead, it helps specify the type of p,
informing the compiler that p is a p o in te r to an i n t . When it appears in a statement,
P o in te rs onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
C h a p te r 11
however, the * symbol performs indirection (when used as a unary operator). The
/* * *
* p = & i;
WRONG * * * /
would be wrong, because it assigns the address of i to the object that p points to.
Is th e r e s o m e w a y to p r in t th e a d d r e s s o f a v a r ia b le ? [p . 2 4 4 ]
Any pointer, including the address of a variable, can be displayed by calling the
p r i n t f function and using %p as the conversion specification. See Section 22.3
for details.
T h e fo llo w in g d e c la r a tio n is c o n fu s in g :
v o id
f (co n st
in t
* p );
D o e s th is sa y th a t f c a n ’t m o d ify p ? [p. 2 5 1 ]
points to\ it doesn’t prevent f
No. It says that f can’t change the integer that p cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
from changing 4pv itself.
v o id
in t
f(c o n st
in t
j ;
*p = 0 ;
P = & j;
/ * * * WRONG * * * /
/* l e g a l * /
Since arguments are passed by value, assigning p a new value— by making it point
somewhere else— won’t have any effect outside the function.
*Q :
W h e n d e c la r in g a p a r a m e te r o f a p o in te r ty p e , is it le g a l to p u t th e w o rd
c o n s t in fr o n t o f th e p a r a m e te r ’s n a m e , a s in th e fo llo w in g e x a m p le ?
v o id
f(in t
* co n st p );
Yes, although the effect isn’t the same as if c o n s t precedes p ’s type. We saw in
Section 11.4 that putting c o n s t before p ’s type protects the object that p points
to. Putting c o n s t a fte r p 's type protects p itself:
v o id
in t
f(in t
* c o n s t p)
j ;
*p = 0 ;
p = Scj;
/* l e g a l * /
/ * * * WRONG * * * /
This feature isn’t used very often. Since p is merely a copy of another pointer (the
aigument when the function is called), there’s rarely any reason to protect it.
An even greater rarity is the need to protect both p and the object it points to,
which can be done by putting c o n s t both before and after p ’s type:
E x e rc is e s kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJ
v o id f (c o n s t i n t
in t
* c o n s t p)
j ;
*p = 0 ;
p = & j;
/ * * * WRONG * * * /
E x e rc is e s
Section 11.2
If i is a variable and p points to i . which of the following expressions are aliases for i ?
(a) * p
(b) &p
(c) *&p
(d) &*p
(e) * i
(f) &i
© 2.
If i is an i n t variable and p
are leouaI?
(a) p = i ;
(b) * p = & i;
(c) &p = q ;
Section 11.4
and q are pointers to i n t . which o fth e following assignments
(d) p = &q;
(e) p = *&q;
(D p = q ;
sum =
fo r (i
avg =
(g) P = * q ;
(h) * p = q,(i) * p = *q,-
The following function supposedly computes the sum and average of the numbers in the
array a . which has length n. a v g and sum point to variables that the function should mod­
ify. Unfortunately, the function contains several errors; find and correct them.
v o i d a v g _ _ s u m ( d o u b le a [ ] ,
in t i ;
(g) *& i
(h) & *i
0 .0 ;
= 0; i < n;
+= a [ i ] ;
sum / n ;
in t n,
d o u b le
d o u b le
*sum )
i+ + )
Write the following function:
v o id
s w a p (in t
in t
* q );
When passed the addresses of two variables, s w a p should exchange the values of the vari­
s w a p (& i,
& j);
ex ch an g es v a lu e s
and j
Write the following^* function:
v o id
s p lit_ tim e (lo n g
to ta l_ s e c ,
in t
* h r,
in t
* m in ,
in t
* se c );
t o t a l _ s e c is a time represented as the number of seconds since midnight, h r . m in . and
s e c are pointers to variables in which the function will store the equivalent time in hours
(0-23), minutes (0-59). and seconds (0-59), respectively.
Write the following function:
v o id
fin d _ tw o _ la rg e s t(in t
in t
a [ ] , in t n, in t * la r g e s t,
* s e c o n d _ la rg e s t);
P o in te rs
C h a p te r 11
When passed an array a of length n. the function will search a for its largest and secondlargest elements, storing them in the variables pointed lo by l a r g e s t and
s e c o n d _ l a r g e s t , respectively.
Write the following function:
v o id s p l i t _ d a t e ( i n t d a y _ o f_ y e a r, i n t y e a r,
i n t * m o n th , i n t * d a y ) ;
d a y _ o f _ y e a r is an integer between l and 366, specifying a particular day within the year
designated by y e a r , m o n th and d a y point lo variables in which the function will store the
equivalent month ( l - l 2 ) and day within that month ( l- 3 l) .
S e c tio n 11.5 onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Write the following^ function:
in t
* fin d _ la rg e s t(in t a [ ] ,
in t n );
When passed an array a of length n. the function will return a pointer to the array’s largest
P r o g r a m m in g P r o je c t s
Modify Programming Project 7 from Chapter 2 so that il includes the following function:
v o id p a y _ a m o u n t(in t d o l l a r s , i n t * tw e n tie s ,
i n t * fiv e s , i n t * o n e s);
in t
* te n s ,
The function determines the smallest number of$20, SlO, $5, and Sl bills necessary to pay
the amount represented by the d o l l a r s parameter. The t w e n t i e s parameter points to a
variable in which the function will store the number of S20 bills required. The t e n s ,
f i v e s , and o n e s parameters are similar.
Modify Programming Project 8 from Chapler 5 so that it includes the following function:
v o id f i n d _ c l o s e s t _ f l i g h t ( i n t d e s ir e d _ tim e ,
i n t * d e p a rtu re _ tim e ,
in t * a rriv a l_ tim e );
This function will find the flight whose departure time is closest to d e s i r e d _ t i m e
(expressed in minutes since midnight). It will store the departure and arrival times of this
flight (also expressed in minutes since midnight) in the variables pointed to by
d e p a r t u r e _ t i m e and a r r i v a l _ t i i n e , respectively.
Modify Programming Project 3 from Chapler 6 so lhal il includes the following function:
v o id r e d u c e ( i n t n u m e ra to r, i n t d e n o m in a to r,
i n t * re d u c e d _ n u m e ra to r,
i n t * re d u c e d _ d e n o m in a to r);
n u m e r a t o r and d e n o m i n a t o r are lhe numerator and denominator of a fraction,
r e d u c e d _ n u m e r a t o r and r e d u c e d _ d e n o m i n a t o r are pointers to variables in
which the function will store the numerator and denom inalorofthe fraction once it has been
reduced io lowest terms.
Modify the p o k e r . c program of Seclion lO.5 by moving all external variables into main
and modifying functions so lhal ihey communicate by passing arguments. The
a n a l y z e _ h a n d function needs lo change the s t r a i g h t , f l u s h , f o u r , t h r e e , and
p a i r s variables, so it will have to bc passed pointers lo ihose variables.
1 2
P o in te r s a n d A r r a y s
O p tim iz a tio n h in d e r s e v o lu tio n . onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVU
Chapter 11 introduced pointers and showed how they’re used as function argu­
ments and as values returned by functions. This chapter covers anotherapplication
for pointers. W hen pointers point to array elem ents, C allows us to perform arith­
metic— addition and subtraction— on the pointers, which leads to an alternative
way of processing arrays in which pointers take the place o fa rra y subscripts.
The relationship between pointers and arrays in C is a close one, as we'U soon
see. W e’ll exploit this relationship in subsequent chapters, including C hapter 13
(Strings) and C hapter 17 (A dvanced Uses o fP o in iers). U nderstanding the connec­
tion between pointers and arrays is critical for m astering C: it will give you insight
into how C was designed and help you understand existing program s. Be aware,
however, that one o flh e prim ary reasons for using pointers to process arrays— effi­
ciency— is no longer as im portant as it once was. thanks to improved com pilers.
Section 12.1 discusses pointer arithm etic and shows how pointers can be com ­
pared using the relational and equality operators. Section 12.2 then dem onstrates
how we can use pointer arithm etic for processing array elem ents. Section 12.3
reveals a key fact about arrays— an array nam e can serve as a pointer to the array’s
first elem ent— and uses it to show how array argum ents really work. Section 12.4
shows how the topics o f the first three sections apply to m ultidim ensional arrays.
Section 12.5 wraps up the chapter by exploring the relationship betw een pointers
and variable-length arrays, a C99 feature.
P o in t e r A r it h m e t ic
We saw in Section 11.5 that pointers can point to array elem ents. For exam ple,
suppose that a and p have been declared as follows:hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
C h a p te r 1 2
P o in te r s a n d A r r a y s onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
in t
a [1 0 ] ,
We can make p point to a [0] by writing
p = &a [0] ;
Graphically, here's what w e’v eju st done:
We can now access a [0] through p; for example, we can store the value 5 in
a [ 0 ] by writing
*P = 5 ;
H ere’s our picture now:GFEDCBA
M aking a pointer p point to an elem ent o fa n array a isn’t particularly excit­
^ v { o v m x \ g p o i n t e r c i r i t h m e t i c ( o \ a d d r e s s a r i t h m e t i c ) on p , we
can access the other elem ents of a . C supports three (and only tlu*ee) forms of
pointer arithmetic:
Adding an integer to a pointer
Subtracting an integer from a pointer
Subtracting one pointer from another
L et’s take a close look at each of these operations. Our examples assum e that the
following declarations are in effect:
in t
a [1 0 ] ,
A d d in g a n I n te g e r to a P o in te r
Adding an integer j to a p o in te rp yields a pointer to the element j places after thc
one that p points to. M ore precisely, if p points to the array elem ent a [ i ] , then
p 4- j points to a [ i + j ] (provided, ofcourse, that a [ i + j ] exists).
The following exam ple illustrates pointer addition; diagram s show the values
o f p and q at various points in the computation.
P o in te r A r it h m e tic hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFED
S u b tr a c tin g a n I n te g e r fr o m a P o in te r onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
If p points to the array element a [ i ] . then p - j points to a [ i - j ]. For example:
S u b tr a c tin g O n e P o in te r f r o m A n o t h e r
When one pointer is subtracted from another, the result is the distance (measured
in array elements) between the pointers. Thus, if p points lo a [ i ] and q points to
a [ j ] , then p - q is equal to i - j . For example:
C h a p te r 12
P o in te r s a n d A r r a y s
p = &a [5] ;
q = & a [1] ; GFEDCBA
= p - q;
= Q " P;
4 */
Performing arithmetic on a pointer that doesn’t point to an array elem ent causes
undefined behavior. Furthermore, the effect of subtracting one pointer from
another is undefined unless both point to elements of the cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
C o m p a r in g P o in te r s
We can compare pointers using the relational operators (<, <=, >, >=) and the
equality operators (== and 1=). Using the relational operators to compare two
pointers is meaningful only when both point to elements of the same array. The
outcome of the comparison depends on the relative positions of the two elements
in the array. For example, after the assignments
p = & a [5] ;
q = & a [1] ;
the value o f p <= q is 0 and the value o f p >= q is 1.
< J^ )
c o m p o u n d iite ra is
P o in te r s to C o m p o u n d L ite r a ls
It’s legal for a pointer to point to an elem ent within an array created by a com-hgfedcbaZ
pound literal. A compound literal, you may recall, is a C99 feature that can be used
to create an array with no name.
Consider the following example:
in t
*p =
(in t
[]){ 3 ,
p points to the first element of a five-element array containing the integers 3, 0, 3,
4, and 1. Using a compound literal saves us the trouble of first declaring an array
variable and then making p point to the first element of that array:
i n t a [ ] = { 3 , 0 , 3 , 4 , 1} ;
1 2 .2
U s in g P o in te r s f o r A r r a y P r o c e s s in g
Pointer arithmetic allows us to visit the elements of an array by repeatedly incre­
menting a pointer variable. The following program fragment, which sums the ele­
ments of an array a , illustrates the technique. In this example, the pointer variable
U s in g P o in t e r s f o r A r r a y P r o c e s s in g hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHG
261 onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXW
p initially points to a [ 0 ] . Each time through the loop, p is increm ented; as a
result, it points to a [ 1 ] , then a [ 2 ] , and so forth. The loop term inates when p
steps past the last element of a .kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
#define N 10
int a [N], sum,
sum - 0;
for (p = &a[0] ; p < &a[N] ; p++)
sum += *p;
The following figures show the contents of a , sum , and p at the end of the first
three loop iterations (before p has been increm ented).
At the end of the first iteration:
At the end of the second iteration:
At the end o fth e third iteration:aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
The condition p < & a[N ] in the f o r statement deserves special mention.
Strange as it may seem, it’s legal to apply the address operator to a [N ], even
though this element doesn’t exist (a is indexed from 0 to N - 1). Using a [N] in
this fashion is perfectly safe, since the loop doesn’t attem pt to examine its value.
The body of the loop will be executed with p equal to & a [ 0 ] , & a [ l ] , ...,
&a [ N - 1 ] , but when p is equal to &a [N ], the loop term inates.
We could just as easily have written the loop without pointers, of course, using
subscripting instead. The argum ent most often cited in support o fp o in ter arithm etic
is that it can save execution time. However, that depends on the im plem entation—
som e C compilers actually produce belter code for loops that rely on subscripting.
C h a p te r 12
P o in te rs a n d A r ra y s dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
C o m b in in g th e * a n d + + O p e r a to r s onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
C programmers often combine the * (indirection) and ++ operators in statements
that process array elements. Consider the simple case o f storing a value into an
array element and then advancing to the next element. Using array subscripting,
we mioght write
a [ i + +J = j ;
If p is pointing to an array element, the corresponding statem ent would be
*p+ + = j ;
Because the postfix version of ++ takes precedence over *, the com piler sees this
* (p+ + )
= j ;
The value o f p + + is p. (Since w e’re using the postfix version of ++. p w on’t be
incremented until after the expression has been evaluated.) Thus, the value of
* (p + + ) will be * p — the object to which p is pointing.
O fcourse, *p++ isn’t the only legal combination of * and ++. We could write
(* p ) ++, for example, which returns the value of the object that p points to, and
then increments that object (p itself is unchanged). If you find this confusing, the
following table may help:cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
*p+ + or * (p+ + )
(* p ) + +
*+ + p or * (+ + p)
+ + * p or ++ ( * p )
M eaning
Value ofexprcssion is *p before increment; increment p later
V alueofexpression is * p before increment; increment *p lalcr
Increment p first; value ofexpression is * p after increment
Increment *p first: value of expression is *p after increment
All four combinations appear in programs, although some are far more common
than others. The one w e’ll see most frequently is *p+ + , which is handy in loops.
Instead of writing
f o r (p = & a [0 ] ; p < &a[N ] ; p+ + )
sum += * p ;
to sum the elements of the array a, we could write
p = &a [0] ;
w h i l e (p < & a [N ])
sum += * p + + ;
The * and - - operators mix in the same way as * and ++. For an application
that combines * and - - , let’s return to the stack example of Section 10.2. The orig­
inal version o fth e stack relied on an integer variable named t o p to keep track of
the “top-of-stack" position in the c o n t e n t s array. L e fs replace t o p by a pointer
variable that points initially to element 0 of the c o n t e n t s array:
in t
* to p _ p tr = & c o n te n ts [0 ];
1 2 .3
U s in g a n A r r a y N a m e a s a P o in te r hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFED
2 6 3 onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUT
Here are the new p u s h and p o p functions (updating the other stack functions is
left as an exercise):kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
void push(int i)
if (is_full())
*top_ptr++ = i;
int pop(void)
if (is_empty())
return *--top_ptr;
Note that I’ve written * - - t o p _ p t r , not * t o p _ j p t r - - , since 1 want p o p to dec­
rement t o p _ j p t r cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
before fetching the value to which it points.aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
1 2 .3
U s in g a n A r r a y N a m e a s a P o in te r
Pointer arithmetic is one way in which arrays and pointers are related, but it’s not
the only connection between the two. H ere’s another key relationship: The n am e o f
an array can be used as a p o in ter to the first elem ent in the array. This relationship
simplifies pointer arithmetic and makes both arrays and pointers more versatile.
For example, suppose that a is declared as follows:
int a [10];
Using a as a pointer to the first element in the array, we can modify a [ 0 ] :
*a = 7;
/* stores 7 in a[0] */
We can modify a [1] through the pointer a + 1:
*(a+1) = 12;
/* stores 12 in a[l] */
Tn general, a + i is the same as &a [ i ] (both represent a pointer to element i of a)
and * ( a + i ) is equivalent to a [ i ] (both represent elem ent i itself^ In other
words, array subscripting can be viewed as a form ofpointer arithmetic.
The fact that an array name can serve as a pointer makes it easier to write
loops that step through an array. Consider the following loop from Section 12.2:
for (p = &a[0]; p < &a[N]; p++)
sum += *p;
C h a p te r 12
P o in te r s a n d A r r a y s
To simplify the loop, we can replace &a [0] by a and &a [N] by a + N:aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLK
id io m
for (p = a; p < a 4- N; p++)
sum += *p;
Although an array name can be used as a pointer, it’s not possible to assign it a new
value. Attempting to make it point elsewhere is an error:
while (*a != 0)
/*** WRONG ***/
This is no great loss: we can always copy a into a pointer variable, then change the
pointer variable:
P = a;
while (*p != 0)
R e v e r s in g a S e r ie s o f N u m b e r s (R e v is ite d )
The r e v e r s e . c program ofS ection 8.1 reads 10 numbers, then writes the num­
bers in reverse order. As the program reads the numbers, it stores them in an array.
Once all the numbers are read, the program steps through the array backwards as it
prints the numbers.
The original program used subscripting to access elements of the array. Here’s
a new version in which Tve replaced subscripting with pointer arithmetic.RQPONMLKJIHGFED
r e v e r s e 3 .c
/* Reverses a series of numbers (pointer version) */
#include <stdio.h>
#define N 10
int main(void)
int a [N] , *p;
printf("Enter %d numbers: ”, N);
for (p = a; p < a + N; p++)
scanf("%d", p ) ;
printf("In reverse order:");
for (p = a + N - 1; p >= a; p--)
printf(" %d", *p);
return 0;
In the original program, an integer variable i kept track of the current position
within the array. The new version replaces i with p, a pointer variable. The num-
1 2 .3
U s in g a n A r r a y N a m e a s a P o in t e r onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJI
bers arc still stored in an array; w e’re sim ply using a different technique to keep
track o f where we are in the array.
Note that the second argum ent to s c a n f is p , not &p. Since p points to an
array elem ent, it’s a satisfactory argum ent for s c a n f ; &p. on the other hand,
would be a pointer to a pointer to an array elem ent.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
A r r a y A r g u m e n t s (R e v is ite d )
W hen passed to a function, an array name is always treated as a pointer. C onsider
the following function, which returns the largcst elem ent in an array ofintegers:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPO
int find_largest(int a[], int n)
int i, max;
max = a [0];
for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
if (a [i] > max)
max = a [i];
return max;
Suppose that we call f i n d _ l a r g e s t as follows:
largest = find_largest(b, N);
This call causes a pointer to the first elem ent o f b to be assigned to a ; the array
itself isn’t copied.
The fact that an array argument is treated as a pointer has som e im portant con­
■ When an ordinary variable is passed to a function , its value is copied; any
changes to the corresponding param eter d o n 't affect the variable. In contrast,
an array used as an argum ent isn't protected against change, since no copy is
made of the array itself. For exam ple, the following function (which we first
saw in Section 9.3) modifies an array by storing zero into each o fits elements:
void store_zeros(int a[], int n)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
a[i] = 0;
To indicate that an array param eter w on't be changed, we can include the word
c o n s t in itsdeclaration:
int find largest(const int a[], int n)
C h a p te r1 2
P o in t e r s a n d A r r a y s onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
If c o n s t is present, the compiler will check that no assignment to an element
of a appears in the body of f i n d _ l a r g e s t .
■ The lime required lo pass an array to a function doesn’t depend on the size of
the array. There’s no penalty for passing a large array, since no copy of the
array is made.
■ An array parameter can be declared as a pointer i f desired. For example,
f i n d _ l a r g e s t could be defined as follows:
i n t f i n d l a r g e s t ( i n t * a z i n t n) dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Declaring a to be a pointer is equivalent to declaring it to be an array; the
compiler treats the declarations as though they were identical.kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIH
param eter to be an array is the same as declaring it to be a
pointer, the same isn’t true for a variable. The declaration
int a [10] ;
causes the compiler to set aside space for 10 integers. In contrast, the declaration
int *a;
causes the compiler to allocate space for a pointer variable. In the latter case, a is
not an array; attempting to use it as an array can have disastrous results. For exam­
ple, the assignment
*a = 0;
/*** WRONG ***/
will store 0 where a is pointing. Since we don’t know where a is pointing, the
effect on the program is undefined.
■ A function with an array parameter can be passed an array “slice”— a sequence
of consecutive elements. Suppose that we want f i n d _ l a r g e s t to locate the
largest element in some portion o fan array b, say elements b [ 5 ] ..b [1 4 ].
When we call f i n d _ l a r g e s t , weTl pass it the address of b [5] and the
number 10, indicating that we want f i n d _ l a r g e s t to examine 10 array
elements, starting at b [5] :
largest = find_largest(&b[5], 10);
U s in g a P o in te r a s a n A r r a y N a m e
Tf wc can use an array name as a pointer, will C allow us to subscript a pointer as
though it were an array name? By now, you’d probably expect the answer to be
yes, and you’d be right. Here’s an example:
1 2.4
P o in t e r s a n d M u lt id im e n s io n a lA r r a y s kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHG
#define N 10
int a[N], i, sum = 0, *p = a;hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
sum += p[i];onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
The compiler treats p [ i ] as * ( p + i ) , which is a perfectly legal use of pointer
arithmetic. Although the ability to subscript a pointer may seem to be little more
than a curiosity, w e’ll see in Section 17.3 that it’s actually quite useful.aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
1 2 .4
P o in t e r s a n d M u lt id im e n s i o n a l A r r a y s
Just as pointers can point to elements of one-dimensional arrays, they can also
point to elements of multidimensional arrays. In this section, w e’ll explore com ­
mon techniques for using pointers to process the elements of multidimensional
arrays. For simplicity. I’ll stick to two-dimensional arrays, but everything w e’ll do
applies equally to higher-dimensional arrays.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
P r o c e s s in g th e E le m e n ts o f a M u ltid im e n s io n a l A r r a y
We saw in Section 8.2 that C stores two-dimensional arrays in row-major order; in
other words, the elements of row 0 come first, followed by the elements of row l,
and so forth. An array with r rows would have the following appearance:
ro w 0
ro w 1
ro w r - 1
We can take advantage of this layout when working with pointers. If we make a
pointer p point to the first element in a two-dimensional array (the elem ent in row
0, column 0), we can visit every elem ent in the array by incrementing p repeatedly.
As an example, let’s look at the problem of initializing all elements of a twodimensional array to zero. Suppose that the array has been declared as follows:
The obvious technique would be to use nested f o r loops:
int row, col;
for (row = 0; row < NUM_ROWS; row++)
for (col = 0; col < NUM_COLS; col++)
a[row] [col] = 0;
C h a p te r1 2
P o in t e r s a n d A r r a y s onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
But if we view a as a one-dimensional array of integers (which is how it’s stored),
we can replace the pair o f loops by a single loop:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
int *p,for (p = & a [ 0 ] [0]; p <= &a[NUM_ROWS-l][NUM_COLS-1]; p++)
The loop begins with p pointing to a [0] [ 0 ] . Successive increments o f p make
it point to a [ 0 ] [ 1 ] , a [ 0 ] [ 2 ] . a [ 0 ] [ 3 ] , and so on. When p reaches
a [0] [NUM_COLS-1] (the last element in row 0), incrementing it again makes
p point lo a [1] [ 0 ] , the first element in row 1. The process continues until p
goes past a [NUM_ROWS-1] [N U M _COLS-1]. the last element in the array.
Although treating a two-dimensional array as one-dim ensional may seem like
cheating, it works with most C compilers. W hether it’s a good idea to do so is
another matter. Techniques like this one definitely hurt program readability, but—
at least with some older com pilers— produce a com pensating increase in effi­
ciency. With many modern compilers, though, there’s often little or no speed
P r o c e s s in g th e R o w s o f a M u ltid im e n s io n a l A r r a y
W hat about processing the elem ents in just one cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
row o f a two-dimensional array?
Again, we have the option of using a pointer variable p. To visit the elements of
row i , w e’d initialize p to point lo element 0 in row i in the array a:
p = &a [i] [0] ;
Or we could simply write
p = a [il ;
since, for any two-dimensional array a, the expression a [ i ] is a pointer to the
first element in row i . To see why this works, recall the magic formula that relates
array subscripting to pointer arithmetic: for any array a , the expression a [ i ] is
equivalent to * (a + i ). Thus, &a [ i ] [ 0 ] is the sam e as & (* (a [ i ] + 0 ) ) ,
which is equivalent to t * a [ i ] , which is the same as a [ i ] , since the & and *
operators cancel. W e’ll use this simplification in the following loop, which clears
row i of the array a:
for (p = a [ i ] ; p < a[i]
*p = 0;
+ NUM_COLS; p++)
Since a [ i ] is a pointer to row i of the array a , we can pass a [ i ] to a
function that’s expecting a one-dimensional array as its argument. In other words,
a function that’s designed lo work with one-dim ensional arrays will also work
with a row belonging to a two-dimensional array. As a result, functions such as
1 2 .4
P o in te rs a n d M u ltid im e n s io n a l A r r a y s kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGF
f i n d _ l a r g e s t and s t o r e _ z e r o s are more versatile than you might expect.
Consider f i n d _ l a r g e s t , which we originally designed to find the largest ele­
ment of a one-dim ensional array. We can just as easily use f i n d _ l a r g e s t to
determ ine the largest elem ent in row i o fth e two-dimensional array a:
largest = find_largest(a[i], NUM_COLS);dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
P r o c e s s in g th e C o lu m n s o f a M u ltid im e n s io n a l A r r a y
colum n of a tw o-dimensional array isn’t as easy,
Processing the elements in a cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
because arrays are stored by row, not by column. H ere’s a loop that clears column
i of the array a:
int a[NUM_ROWS][NUM_COLS], (*p)[NUM_COLS], i;
for (p = &a[0] ; p < &a[NUM_ROWS] ; p++)
(*p) [i] = 0;
I’ve declared p to be a pointer to an array of length NUM_COLS whose elem ents
are integers. The parentheses around *p in (* p ) [NUM_COLS] are required;
without them, the com piler would treat p as an array of pointers instead of a
pointer to an array. The expression p + + advances p to the beginning of the next
row. In the expression (* p ) [ i ] , * p represents an entire row o f a , so (* p ) [ i ]
selects the elem ent in column i of that row. The parentheses in (* p ) [ i ] are
essential, because the com piler would interpret * p [ i ] as * (p [ i ] ).
U sin g th e N a m e o f a M u lt id im e n s io n a l A r r a y a s a P o in te r
Just as the name of a one-dim ensional array can be used as a pointer, so can the
name of any array, regardless o f how many dim ensions it has. Som e care is
required, though. Consider the following array:
a is not a pointer to a [0] [ 0 ] ; Instead, it’s a pointer to a [ 0 ] . This makes more
sense if we look at it from the standpoint o f C, which regards a not as a twodimensional array but as a one-dim ensional array whose elem ents are one­
dimensional arrays. When used as a pointer, a has type i n t (* ) [NUM_COLS]
(pointer to an integer array of length NUM_COLS).
Knowing that a points to a [0 ] is useful for sim plifying loops that process the
elements o f a two-dimensional array. For example, instead ofw ritin g
for (p = &a[0] ; p < &a[NUM_ROWS] ; p+ + )
(*p) [iJ = 0;
to clear column i of the array a , we can write
for (p = a; p < a + NUM_ROWS; p++)
(*p) [i] = 0;
C h a p te r 12
P o in te rs a n d A rra y s onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Another situation in which this knowledge comes in handy is when we wanl
to “trick” a function into thinking that a multidimensional array is really one­
dimensional. For example, consider how we might use f i n d _ l a r g e s t to find
the largest element in a. As the first argument to f i n d _ l a r g e s t , let’s try
passing a (the address of the array); as the second, w e’ll pass NUM_ROWS *
NUM_COLS (the total number of elements in a):kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
largest = find_largest(a,
/* WRONG */
Unfortunately, the compiler will object to this statement, because the type of a is
i n t (* ) [NUM_COLS] but f i n d _ l a r g e s t is expecting an argument of type
i n t *. The correct call is dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
largest = find_largest(a[O],
a [0] points to element 0 in row 0, and it has type i n t * (after conversion by the
compiler), so the latter call will work correctly.
1 2 .5
v a r ia b le -le n g th a r ra y s > 8 . 3
P o in t e r s a n d V a r ia b le -L e n g t h A r r a y s ( C 9 9 )
Pointers are allowed to point to elements of variable-length arrays (VLAs), a fea­
ture ofC 99. An ordinary pointer variable would be used to point to an elem ent ofa
one-dimensional VLA:
void f (int n)
int a [n], *p;
P = a;
When the VLA has more than one dimension, the type of the pointer de­
pends on the length of each dimension except for the first. L et’s look at the twodimensional case:
void f(int m z int n)
int a [m] [n] , (*p) [n] ;
P = a;
Since the type o f p depends on n, which isn’t constant, p is said to have a cbaZYXWVUTSRQPON
m o d ified type. Note that the validity of an assignment such as p = a can’t always
be determined by the compiler. For example, the following code will compile but is
correct only ifm and n are equal:
int a [m] [n] , (*p) [m] ;
P = a;
271 onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVU
If m * n. any subsequent use of p will cause undefined behavior.
Variably modified types are subject to certain restrictions, just as variablelength arrays are. The most important restriction is that the declaration of a vari­
ably modified type must be inside the body of a function or in a function proto­
Pointer arithmetic works with VLAs just as it does for ordinary arrays.
Returning to the example of Section l2.4 that clears a single column of a twodimensional array a, let's declare a as a VLA this time:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
int a [m] [n];
A pointer capable of pointing to a row of a would be declared as follows:
int (*p)[n];
The loop that clears column i is almost identical to the one we used in Section
for (p = a; p < a + m; p++)
I d o n ’t u n d e r s ta n d p o in te r a r it h m e t ic . I f a p o in te r is a n a d d r e s s, d o e s th a t
m e a n th a t a n e x p r e s s io n lik e p + j a d d s j to th e a d d r e s s s to r e d in p ? [p . 2 5 8 ]
No. Integers used in pointer arithmetic are scaled depending on the type of the
pointer. If p is of type i n t *, for example, then p + j typically adds 4 x j to p.
assuming that i n t values are stored using 4 bytes. But if p has type d o u b l e *,
then p + j will probably add 8 x j to p, since d o u b l e values are usually 8 bytes
W h e n w r itin g a lo o p to p r o c e s s a n a r r a y , is it b e tte r to u se a r r a y s u b s c r i p t in g
o r p o in te r a r ith m e tic ? [p . 2 6 1 ]
*Q :
There’s no easy answer to this question, since il depends on the machine youTe
using and the compiler itself. In the early days of C on the PD P-11, pointer arith­
metic yielded a faster program. On today’s machines, using today's compilers,
array subscripting is often just as good, and sometimes even better. The bottom
line: Learn both ways and then use whichever is more natural for the kind of pro­
gram you’re writing.
I r e a d s o m e w h e r e th a t i [ a ] is th e s a m e a s a [ i ] . Is th is tr u e ?
Yes, it is, oddly enough. The com piler treats i [a ] as * ( i + a ) , which is the same
as * ( a + i ) . (Pointer addition, like ordinary addition, is commutative.) But
* (a + i ) is equivalent to a [ i ] . Q.E.D. But please don’t use i [a ] in programs
unless you’re planning to enter the next Obfuscated C contest.
P o in te r s a n d A r r a y s dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
C h a p te r 12
W h y is * a th e s a m e a s a [] in a p a r a m e te r d e c la r a tio n ? [p , 2 6 6 ] onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONM
Both indicate that the argument is expected lo be a pointer. The same operations on
a are possible in both cases (pointer arithmetic and array subscripting, in particu­
lar). And, in both cases, a itself can be assigned a new value within the function.
variable only as a “constani
(Although C allows us to use the name of an array cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
pointer,’’ there’s no such restriction on the name of an array param eter.)
Is it b e tte r s ty le to d e c la r e a n a r r a y p a r a m e te r a s * a o r a [] ?
That’s a tough one. From one standpoint, a [] is the obvious choice, since * a is
ambiguous (does the function want an array of objects or a pointer to a single
object?). On the other hand, many programmers argue that declaring the parameter
as * a is more accurate, since it reminds us that only a pointer is passed, not a copy
of the array. Others switch between * a and a [ ] , depending on whether the func­
tion uses pointer arithmetic or subscripting to access the elements of the array.
(That’s the approach I’ll use.) In practice, * a is more common than a [ ] , so you’d
better get used to it. For what it’s worth, Dennis Ritchie now refers to the a []
notation as “a living fossil” that “serves as much to confuse the learner as to alert
the reader.”
W e ’v e s e e n th a t a r r a y s a n d p o in te r s a r e c lo s e ly r e la te d in C . W o u ld it b e a c c u ­
r a te to s a y th a t t h e y ’re in te r c h a n g e a b le ?
No. It’s true that array param eters are interchangeable with pointer parameters, but
array variables aren’t the same as pointer variables. Technically, the name of an
array isn’t a pointer; rather, the C compiler converts it to a pointer when necessary.
To see this difference more clearly, consider what happens when we apply the
s i z e o f operator to an array a. The value of s i z e o f (a ) is the total number of
bytes in the array— the size ofeach element multiplied by the number ofelements.
But i f p is a pointer variable, s i z e o f (p ) is the number ofbytes required to store
a pointer value.
Y ou sa id th a t tr e a tin g a tw o -d im e n s io n a l a r r a y a s o n e - d im e n s io n a l w ork s
w ith “ m o st” C c o m p ile r s . D o e s n ’t it w o r k w ith a ll c o m p ile r s ? [p . 2 6 8 ]
No. Some modern “bounds-checking” compilers track not only the type of a
pointer, but— when it points to an array— also the length of the array. For example,
suppose that p is assigned a pointer to a [0] [ 0 ] . Technically, p points to the first
element of a [ 0 ] , a one-dimensional array. If we increment p repeatedly in an
effort to visit all the elements of a, w e’ll go out ofbounds once p goes past the last
element of a [ 0 ] . A compiler that performs bounds-checking may insert code to
check that p is used only to access elements in the array pointed to by a [ 0 ] : an
attempt to increment p past the end of this array would be detected as an error.
I f a is a tw o -d im e n s io n a l a r r a y , w h y c a n w e p a s s a [ 0 ] — b u t n o t a it s e lf — to
f i n d _ l a r g e s t ? D o n ’t b o th a a n d a [ 0 ] p o in t to th e s a m e p la c e (th e b e g in ­
n in g o f th e a r r a y )? [p. 2 7 0 ]
They do, as a matter of fact— bolh point to element a [ 0 ] [ 0 ] . The problem is that
E x e rc is e s kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJI
a has the wrong type. When used as an argument, if s a pointer to an array, but
f i n d _ l a r g e s t is expecting a pointer to an integer. However, a [ 0 ] has type
i n t *. so iCs an acceptable argument for f i n d _ l a r g e s t . This concern about
types is actually good; if C w eren’t so picky, we could make all kinds of horrible
pointer mistakes without the com piler noticing.
E x e r c is e s
S e c t io n 1 2 .1
Suppose that the following declarations are in effect:
i n t a [ ] = {5, 1 5 , 3 4 , 5 4 , 1 4 ,
i n t *p = & a [ l ] , * q = & a [ 5 ] ;
© *2.
ls the
Is the
is the value of * ( p + 3 ) ?
is the value of * ( q - 3) ?
is the value of q - p ?
condition p < q irue or false?
condition *p < * q true or false?
Suppose that h i g h , low , and m i d d l e are all pointer variables of the same type, and that
lo w and h i g h point to elements of an array. Why is the following statement illegal, and
how could it be fixed?
m i d d l e = (lo w + h i g h )
S e c t io n 1 2 .2
Whal will bc the contents of the a array after the following statements are executed?
# d e f i n e N 10
i n t a [N ] = { 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 ,
i n t *p = & a [ 0 ] , * q = & a [ N - l ] ,
w h ile
te m p
* q --
7, 8,
te m p ;
< q) {
te m p ;
Rewrite the m a k e _ e m p ty , i s _ e m p t y . and i s _ f u l l functions of Section 10.2 to use the
pointer variable t o p _ p t r instead of the integer variable t o p .
that a is a onc-dimensional array and p is a pointer variable. Assuming that the
assignment p = a has just been performed, which of the foliowing expressions are illegal
because ofm ism atched types? O fth e remaining expressions, which are true (have a nonzero
p == a [ 0 ]
p == & a[0 ]
* p == a [ 0 ]
p [ 0 ] == a [ 0 ]
Rewrite the following function to use pointer arithmetic instead of array subscripting, (ln
other words, eliminate the variable i and all uses of the [] operator.) Make as few changes
as possible.
P o in te rs
C h a p t e r 12
in t
a n d A r r a y s onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
su m _ a rra y (c o n st in t a [ ] ,
in t
sum =
fo r (i
re tu rn
i n t n)
sum ;
= 0; i < n ;
+= a [ i ] ;
sum ;
i+ + )
Write the followinat^ function:
bool se a rc h (c o n st in t a [],
in t n,
in t k e y );
a is an array to be searched, n is the number of elements in lhc array, and k e y is the search
key. s e a r c h should return t r u e if k e y matches some element of a, and f a l s e if it
doesn’t. Use pointer arithmetic— not subscripting— to visit array elements.
Re\vritc the following function to use pointer arithmetic instead of array .subscripting. (In
other words, eliminate the variable i and all uses ofthe [] operator.) Make as few changes
as possible.
v o id s t o r e _ z e r o s ( i n t a [ ] ,
in t i ;
f o r ( i = 0;
a [ i ] = 0;
i < n;
i n t n)
i+ + )
Write the following function:
d o u b le in n e r _ p r o d u c t( c o n s t d o u b le * a,
in t n ) ;
c o n s t d o u b le
a and b both point to arrays of length n. The function should return a [ 0 ] * b [ 0 ] +
a [1] * b [1] + ... + a [ n - 1 ] * b [ n - 1 ] . Use pointer arithmetic— not subscripting—to
visit array elements.
Modify the f i n d _ m i d d l e function of Section 11.5 so that it uses pointer arithmetic to
calculate the return value.
Modify the f i n d _ l a r g e s t function so that it uses pointer arithmetic— not subscript­
ing— to visit array elements.
Write the following function:
v o id
fin d _ _ tw o _ la rg e s t(c o n s t i n t *a, i n t n, i n t
in t * s e c o n d _ la rg e s t);
* la rg e s t,
a points to an array of length n. The function searches the array for its largest and secondlargest elements, storing them in the variables pointed to by l a r g e s t and
s e c o n d —l a r g e s t , respectively. Use pointer arithmetic— not subscripting— to visit array
S e c t io n 1 2 .4
Section 8.2 had a program fragment in which two nested f o r loops initialized !he aiTay
i d e n t for use as an identity matrix. Rewrite this code, using a single pointer to step
Hint: Since we won’t be using ro w and c o l index
through the array one element at a lime. cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
variables, it wonT be easy to tell where to store 1. Instead, we can use the fact that the first
element of the array should be I. the next N elements should be 0, the next element should
P ro g ra m m in g P ro je c ts hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHG
2 7 5 onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXW
be 1. and so forth. Use a variable to keep track of how many consecutive 0s have been
stored; when the count reaches N, it’s time to store 1.
Assume that the following array contains a week’s worth o fh o u rly temperature readings,
with each row containing the readings for one day:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
int temperatures[7] [24] ;
Write a statement that uses the s e a r c h function (see Exercise 7) to search the entire
t e m p e r a t u r e s array for the value 32.
Write a loop that prints all temperature readings stored in row i of the t e m p e r a t u r e s
array (see Exercise 14). Usc a pointer to visit each element of the row.
Write a loop that prints the highest temperature in the t e m p e r a t u r e s array (see Exercise
14) for each day of the week. Thc loop body should call the f i n d _ l a r g e s t function,
passing il one row of the array at a lime.
Rewrite the following function to use pointer arithmetic instead of array subscripting. (In
other words, eliminate the variables i and j and all uses of the [] operator.) Use a single
loop instead of nested loops.
int sum_two_dimensional_array(const int a[] [LEN], int n)
int i , j , sum = 0;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
for (j = 0; j < LEN; j++)
sum += a [i] [j ] ;
return sum;
W rite the e v a l u a t e _ p o s i t i o n function described in Exercise 13 o f Chapter 9. Use
pointer arithmetic— not subscripting— to visit array elements. Use a single loop instead of
P r o g r a m m in g P r o je c t s
(a) Write a program that reads a message, then prints the reversal o fth e message:
Enter a message: Don’t get mad, get even.
Reversal is: .neve teg ,dam teg t ’noDcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
H int: Read lhc message one character at a time (using g e t c h a r ) and store the characters in
an array. Stop reading when the array is full or the character read is ' \ n ’ .
(b) Revise the program to use a pointer instead of an integer to keep track of the current
position in the array.
(a) Write a program that reads a message, then checks whether it’s a palindrome (the letters
in the message are the same from left to right as from right to left):
Enter a message: He lived as a devil, eh?
Enter a message: Madam, I am Adam.
Not a palindrome
C h a p te r 12
P o in te r s a n d A r r a y s onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Ignore all characters that aren’t letters. Use integer variables to keep track ofpositions in the
(b) Revise the program to use pointers instead of integers to keep track of positions in the
Simplify Programming Project l(b) by taking advantage of the fact that an array name can
be used as a pointer.
Simplify Programming Project 2(b) by taking advantage of the fact that an array name can
be used as a pointer.
Modify Programming Project 14 from Chapter 8 so that it uses a pointer instead of an inte­
ger to keep track of the current position in the array that contains the sentence.
Modify the q s o r t . c program of Section 9.6 so that low , h i g h , and m i d d l e are pointers
to array elements rather than integers. The s p l i t function will need to retum a pointer, not
an inte*s^-er.
Modify the m a x m in .c program of Section 11.4 so that the m a x _ m in function uses a
pointer instead o fan integer to keep track o fth e current position in the array.
1 3
S t r in g s
It’s difficult to extract sense from strings, but
they’re the only communication coin we can count on. onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWV
Although we’ve used c h a r variables and arrays of c h a r values in previous chap­
ters, we still lack any convenient way to process a series of characters (a string, in
C terminology). We’ll remedy that defect in this chapter, which covers both string
constants (or literals, as they’re called in the C standard) and string variables.
which can change during the execution o fa program.
Section l3 .l explains the rules that govern string literals, including the rules
for embedding escape sequences in string literals and for breaking long string liter­
als. Section l3.2 then shows how to declare string variables, which are simply
arrays of characters in which a special character— the null character— marks the
end of a string. Section 13.3 describes ways to read and write strings. Section l3.4
shows how to write functions that process strings, and Section l3.5 covers some of
the string-handling functions in the C library. Section l3.6 presents idioms that are
often used when working with strings. Finally. Section l3.7 describes how to set
up arrays whose elements are pointers to strings of different lengths. This section
also explains how C uses such an array to supply command-line information to
1 3 .1
S t r in g L it e r a ls
A strin g literal is a sequence of characters enclosed within double quotes:
"When you come t o a f o r k i n t h e r o a d ,
ta k e i t . "
We first encountered string literals in Chapter 2; they often appear as format
strings in calls o f p r i n t f and s c a n f .kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
C h a p te r 13
E s c a p e S e q u e n c e s in S t r i n g L it e r a ls aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
String literals may contain the same escape sequences as character constants.
We've used character escapes in p r i n t f and s c a n f formal strings for some
time. For example, w e’ve seen that each \ n character in the string kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJI
e s c a p e s e q u e n c e s > z s onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
"Candy\nIs dandy\nBut liquor\nIs quicker.\n
--Ogden Nash\n"
causes the cursor to advance to the next line:
Is dandy
But liquor
Is quicker.
--Ogden Nash
Although octal and hexadecimal escapes are also legal in string literals, they’re not
as common as character escapes.
Be careful when using octal and hexadecimal escape sequences in string literals.
An octal escape ends after three digits or with the first non-octal character. For
example, the string " \ 1 2 3 4 " contains two characters ( \ 1 2 3 and 4), and the
string " \ 1 8 9 " containslhreecharacters ( \ 1 , 8, and 9). A hexadecimal escape, on
the other hand, isn’t limited to three digits; it doesn’t end until the first non-hex
character. Consider whal happens if a string contains the escape \ x f c . which rep­
ii in the Latinl character set, a common extension of ASCII.
The string " Z \ x f c r i c h 1* (“Zurich”) has six characters (Z. \ x f c , r , i , c, and
h), but the string ” \ x f c b e r " (a failed attempt at “liber”) has only two ( \ x f c b e
and r). Most compilers will object to the latter string, since hex escapes are usually
limited to the range \ x O - \ x f f .
C o n tin u in g a S tr in g L ite r a l
If we find that a string literal is too long to fit conveniently on a single line, C
allows us to continue il on the next line, provided that we end the first line with a
backslash character ( \) . No other characters may foLlow \ on the same line, other
than the (invisible) new-line character at the end:
printf("When you come to a fork in the road, take it.
--Yogi Berra”);
ln general, the \ character can be used tojoi.n two or more lines of a program into
a single line (a process that the C standard refers to as “splicing”). We'll see more
examples ofsplicing in Section 14.3.
The \ technique has one drawback: the siring must continue at the beginning
o fth e next line, thereby wrecking the program’s indented structure. There's a bet­
ter way to deal with long siring literals, thanks to lhe following rule: when two or
more string literals are adjacent (separated only by white space), the compiler will
S trin g L ite r a ls kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHG
join them into a single string. This rule allows us to split a string literal over two or
more lines:
printf("When you come to a fork in the road, take it.
H o w S tr in g L it e r a ls A r e S to r e d
We’ve used string literals often in calls o t'p r i n t f and s c a n f . But when we call
p r i n t f and supply a string literal as an argument, what are we actually passing?
To answer this question, we need to know how string literals are stored.
In essence, C treats string literals as character arrays. When a C compiler
n in a program, it sets aside n + 1 bytes of
encounters a string literal of length RQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
memory for the string. This area of memory will contain the characters in the
string, plus one extra character— the n u l l c h a r a c t e r — to mark the end o fth e string.
The null character is a byte whose bits are all zero, so it’s represented by the \ 0
escape sequence.
Don’t confuse the null character ( 1 \ 0 1 ) with the zero character ( ’ 0 ’). The null
character has the code 0; the zero character has a different code (48 in ASCII).
For example, the string literal " a b c ” is stored as an array of four characters
(a, b, c, and \0 ):
String literals may be empty: the string " " is stored as a single null character:
Since a string literal is stored as an array, the compiler treats it as a pointer of
type c h a r *. Both p r i n t f and s c a n f . for example, expect a value of type
c h a r * as theirfirst argument. Consider the following example:
When p r i n t f is called, it’s passed the address of ’’a b c ” (a pointer to where the
letter a is stored in memory).
O p e r a tio n s o n S tr in g L ite r a ls
In general, we can use a string literal wherever C allows a c h a r * pointer. For
example, a string literal can appear on the right side of an assignment:
C h a p te r 13
char *p;
This assignment doesn't copy the characters in " a b c ” ; it merely makes p point to
the first character of the string .
C allows pointers to be subscripted, so we can subscript string literals:
chai^ ch;
ch = "abc"[1];
The new value of c h will be the letter b. The other possible subscripts are 0 (which
would select the letter a). 2 (the letter c). and 3 (the null character). This property
of string literals isn’t used that much, but occasionally it’s handy. Consider the fol­
lowing function, which converts a number between 0 and 15 into a character that
represents the equivalent hex digit:
char digit_to_hex_char(int digit)
return "0X23456789ABCDEF"[digit];
Attempting to modify a string literal causes undefined behavior:
char *p = "abc";
*p = 'd';
A program that tries to change a string literal may crash or behave erratically.
S tr in g L ite r a ls v e r s u s C h a r a c te r C o n s ta n ts
A string literal containing a single character isift the same as a character constant.
The string literal " a " is represented by a cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
p o in ter to a memory location that con­
tains the character a (followed by a null character). The character constant ’ a ’ is
represented by an integer (the numerical code for the character).
Don’t ever use a character when a string is required (or vice versa). The call
is legal, because p r i n t f expects a pointer as its first argument. The following
call isn’t legal, however:
/*** WRONG ***/
1 3 .2
1 3 .2
S tr in g V a ria b le s hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHG
S t r i n g V a r i a b l e s onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Som e programming languages provide a special s t r i n g type for declaring string
variables. C takes a different tack: any one-dim ensional array of characters can be
used to store a string, with the understanding that the string is term inated by a null
character. This approach is simple, but has significant difficulties. Tt’s sometim es
hard to tell whether an array of characters is being used as a string. If we write our
own string-handling functions, w e’ve got lo be careful that they deal properly with
the null character. Also, there’s no faster way to determ ine the length of a string
than a character-by-character search for the null character.
L et’s say that we need a variable capable of storing a string of up to 80 charac­
ters. Since the string will need a null character at the end, w e’ll declare the variable
to be an array o f8 1 characters:
id io m
#define STR_LEN 80
char str[STR_LEN+l];
We defined STR_LEN to be 80 rather than 81. thus em phasizing the fact that s t r
can store stringG*s of no more than 80 characters, and then ad_ded 1 to STR LEN in
the declaration of s t r . This a com m on practice am ong C programmers.
When declaring an array of characters that will be used to hold a string, always
make the array one character longer than the string, because of the C convention
that every string is terminated by a null character. Failing to leave room for the null
character may cause unpredictable results when the program is executed, since
functions in the C library assume that strings are null-term inated.
Declaring a character array to have length STR_LEN + 1 doesn’t mean that it
will always contain a string of STR_LEN characters. The length o f a string
depends on the position of the term inating null character, not on the length o f the
array in which the string is stored. An array of STR_LEN + 1 characters can hold
strings of various lengths, ranging from the em pty string to strings of length
I n itia liz in g a S tr in g V a r ia b le
A string variable can be initialized at the same time it’s declared:
char da t e l [8]
"June 14";
C h a p te r 13
The compiler will put ihe characters from " J u n e 1 4 " in the d a t e l array, then
add a null character so that d a t e l can be used as a string. Here’s what d a t e l
will look like:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Although " J u n e 1 4 " appears to be a siring literal, it’s not. Instead, C views it as
an abbreviation for an array initializer. In fact, we could have written
c h a rd a te l[8 ]
= { 'J \
'u ',
'n ',
'e ',
’1 ',
'4 ',
'\ 0 '} ;
I Lhink you’ll agree that the original version is easier to read.
W hat if the initializer is too short to fill the string variable? In that case, the
compiler adds extra null characters. Thus, after the declaration
c h a r d a te 2 [9 ]
= ’’J u n e
d a t e 2 will have the following appearance:
>8.1 This behavior
is consistent with C ’s treatment of array initializers in general. When
an array initializer is shorter than the array itself, the remaining elements are ini­
tialized to zero. By initializing the leftover elements o f a character array to \ 0 , the
compiler is following the same rule.
What if the initializer is longer than the string variable? T hat’s illegal for
strings, just as it’s illegal for other arrays. However, C does allow the initializer
(not counting the null character) to have exactly the same length as the variable:
c h a r d a te 3 [7 ]
= "June 14";
There’s no room for the null character, so the compiler makes no attempt to store
lfy o u ’re planning lo initialize a character array to contain a string, be sure that the
length of the array is longer than the length of the initializer. Otherwise, the com­
piler will quietly omit the null character, making thc array unusable as a string.
The declaration of a string variable may omit its length, in which case the
compiler computes it:
c h a r d a t e 4 []
"June 14";
1 3 .2
S tr in g V a ria b le s kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJ
The compiler sets aside eight characters for d a t e 4 , enough to store the characters
in ”J u n e 14 ” plus a null character. (The fact that the length of d a t e 4 isn’t spec­
ified doesn't mean that (he array’s length can be changed later. Once the program
is compiled, the length of d a t e 4 is fixed at eight.) Omitting the length of a string
variable is especially useful if the initializer is long, since com puting the length by
C h a r a c te r A r r a y s v e r s u s C h a r a c te r P o in te r s
L et’s compare the declaration
char date[] = "June 14";
array, with the similar-looking
which declares d a t e to be an cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
char *date = "June 14";
which declares d a t e to be a pointer. Thanks to the close relationship between
arrays and pointers, we can use either version of d a t e as a string. In particular,
any function expecting to be passed a character array or character pointer will
accept either version o f d a t e as an argument.
However, we must be carel’ul not to make the mistake o f thinking that the two
versions of d a t e are interchangeable. There are significant differences between
the two:
In the array version, the characters stored in d a t e can be modified, like the
elements of any array. In lhc pointer version, d a t e points to a string literal,
and we saw in Section 13.1 that string literals shouldn’t be modified.
In the array version, d a t e is an array name. In the pointer version, d a t e is a
variable that can be made to point to other strings during program execution.
If we need a string that can be modified, it’s our responsibility to set up an
array ofcharacters in which to store the string; declaring a pointer variable isn’t
enough. The declaration
char *p;
causes the compiler to set aside enough memory for a pointer variable; unfortu­
nately, it doesn’t allocate space for a string. (And how could it? We haven’t indi­
cated how long the string would be.) Before we can use p as a string, it must point
to an array ofcharacters. One possibility is to make p point to a string variable:
char str[STR_LEN+l], *p;
p = str;
d y n a m ic a iiy a iio c a ie d s ir in g s > 7 Z 2
p now points to the firsi character of s t r . so we can use p as a string. Another hgfedcbaZYXWVUTS
possibility is to make p point to a dynam ically allocated string.
C h a p te r 13
Using an uninitialized pointer variable as a string is a serious error. Consider the
following example, which attempts to build the siring " a b c " :
char * p ;
p [1]
P [2]
= 'a' ;
= 'b';
= 1C ';
= '\0';
Since p hasn’t been initialized, we don’t know where it’s pointing. Using the
pointer lo write the characters a , b, c. and \ 0 into memory causes undefined
1 3 .3
R e a d in g a n d W r itin g S tr in g s
Writing a string is easy using either the p r i n t f or p u t s functions. Reading a
string is a bit harder, primarily because of the possibility that the input string may
er than th^e* string variable into which it’s being stored. To read a string in a
be lon tg—
single step, we can use either s c a n f or g e t s . As an alternative, we can read
one character at a time.
W r itin g S tr in g s U s in g p r i n t f a n d p u t s
The %s conversion specification allows p r i n t f to write a string. Consider the
following example:
char str[]
= ”Are we having fun y e t ? ’1 ;
The output will be
Are we having fun yet?
p r i n t f writes the characters in a string one by one until it encounters a null char­
acter. (If the null character is missing, p r i n t f continues past the end o fth e string
until— eventually— il finds a null character somewhere in memory.)
To print just part of a string, we can use the conversion specification %.p s,
where is the number of characters to be displayed. The statement.
will print
Are we
1 3 .3
R e a d in g a n d W ritin g S trin g s hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONM
2 8 5 onmlkjihgfedcb
A string, like a number, can be printed within a field. The %ws conversion will
in. (A string with more than m characters will be
display a string in a field o fsize cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
printed in full, not truncated.) If the string has fewer than in characters, it will be
right-justified within the field. To force left justification instead, we can put a
minus sign in front of/n. The in and p values can be used in combination: a conver­
sion specification oftlie form %/// . p s causes the first p characters o fa string to be
displayed in a field of size m.
p i ^ i n t f isn’t the only function that can write strings. The C library also pro­
vides p u t s , which is used in the following way:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
p u t s has only one argument (the string to be printed). After writing the string,
p u t s always writes an additional new-line character, thus advancing to the begin­
ning of the next output line.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
R e a d in g S t r in g s U s in g s c a n f a n d g e t s
The %s conversion specification allows s c a n f to read a string into a character
scanf("%s", str);
w iiite -s p a c e c h a r a c te r s > 3 .2
There’s no need to put the & operator in front of s t r in the call of s c a n f : like any
array name, s t r is treated as a pointer when passed to a function.aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
When s c a n f is called, it skips white space, then reads characters and stores
them in s t r until it encounters a white-space character, s c a n f always stores a
null character at the end of the string.
A string read using s c a n f will never contain white space. Consequently,
s c a n f won’t usually read a full line of input; a new-line character will cause
s c a n f to stop reading, but so will a space or tab character. To read an entire line
ofinput at a time, we can use g e t s . Like s c a n f . the g e t s function reads input
characters into an array, then stores a null character. In other respects, however,
g e t s is somewhat different from s c a n f :
g e t s doesn’t skip white space before starting to read the string ( s c a n f
■ g e t s reads until it finds a new-line character ( s c a n f stops at any white­
space character). Incidentally, g e t s discards the new-line character instead of
storing it in the array; the null character takes its place.
To see the difference between s c a n f and g e t s , consider the following pro­
^g^ram fra^gw
char sentence[SENT_LEN+l];
printf("Enter a sentence;\n");
scanf("%s", sentence);
C h a p te r 13
t r in g s
Suppose that after the promptkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Enter a sentence:
the user enters the line
To C, or not to C: that is the question.
s c a n f will store the string^* "T o " in s e n t e n c e . The next call of s c a n f will
resume reading the line at the space after the word To.
Now suppose that wc replace s c a n f by g e t s :
When the user enters the same input as before, g e t s will store the string
•• To C, or not to C: that is the question."
in s e n t e n c e .
fg e ts fu n c iio n > 2 ? .5
As they read characters into an array, s c a n f and g e t s have no way to detect
when it’s full. Consequently, they may store characters past the end of the array,
causing undefined behavior, s c a n f can bc made safer by using the conversion
n is an integer indicating the maximum
specification %ns instead of %s, where cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
number of characters to be stored, g e t s , unfortunately, is inherently unsafe:hgfedcb
f g e t s is a much better alternative,dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
R e a d in g S tr in g s C h a r a c te r b y C h a r a c te r
Since both s c a n f and g e t s are risky and insufficiently flexible for many appli­
cations, C programmers often write their own input functions. By reading strings
one character at a time, these functions provide a greater degree of control than the
standard input functions.
If we decide to design our own input function, w e’ll need to consider the fol­
lowing issues:
■ Should th e function skip white space before beginning to store the siring?
What character causes the function to stop reading: a new-line character, any
white-space character, or some other character? Is this character stored in the
stringu- or discarded?
W hat should the function do if the input string is too long lo store: discard the
extra characters or leave them for the next input operation?
Suppose we need a function that doesn’t skip white-space characters, stops
reading at the first new-line character (which isn’t stored in the string), and dis­
cards extra characters. The function might have the following prototype:
int read_line(char str[], int n);
1 3 .4
g e t c h a r f u n c t io n BA
> 7 .3
A c c e s s in g th e C h a r a c t e r s in a S t r in g onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPON
s t r represents the array into which w e’ll store the input, and n is the maximum
number ofcharacters to be read. If the input line contains more than n characters,
r e a d _ l i n e will discard the additional characters. We’ll have r e a d _ l i n e
return the number ofcharacters it actually stores in s t r (a number anywhere from
0 to n). We may not always need r e a d _ l i n e \ s return value, but it doesn’t hurt to
r e a d _ l i n e consists primarily of a loop that calls g e t c h a r to read a char­
acter and then stores the character in s t r , provided that there’s room left. The loop
terminates when the new-line character is read. (Strictly speaking, we should also
have the loop terminate if g e t c h a r should fail to read a character, but w e’ll
ignore that complication for now.) Here's the complete definition of r e a d _ l i n e :kjihgfedcbaZYX
int read_line(char str[], int n)
int ch, i = 0;
while ((ch = getchar()) •= '\n*)
if (i < n)
str[i++] = ch;
/* terminates string */
str[i] = *\0';
return i;
/* number of characters stored */
Note that c h has i n t type rather than c h a r type, because g e t c h a r returns the
character that it reads as an i n t value.
Before returning, r e a d _ l i n e puts a null character at the end of the string.
Standard functions such as s c a n f and g e t s automatically put a null character at
the end of an input string: if w e’re writing our own input function, however, we
must take on that responsibility.
1 3 .4
A c c e s s in g t h e C h a r a c t e r s in a S tr in g
Since strings are stored as arrays, we can use subscripting to access the characters
in a string. To process every character in a string s , for example, we can set up a
loop that increments a counter i and selects characters via the expression s [ i ] .
Suppose Lhat we need a function that counts the number ofspaces in a string.
Using array subscripting, we might write the function in the following way:
int count_spaces(const char s[])
int count = 0, i ;
for (i = 0; s[i] != '\0'; i++)
if (s[i] == ' ')
return count;
C h a p te r 13
I ’ve included c o n s t in the declaration of s to indicate that c o u n t _ s p a c e s
doesn’t change the array that s represents. If s were not a string, the function
would need a second argument specifying the length of the array. Since s is a
string, however, c o u n t _ s p a c e s can determine where it ends by testing for the
null character.
Many C programmers w ouldn't write c o u n t _ s p a c e s as we have. Instead,
they’d use a pointer to keep track of the current position within the string. As we
saw in Section 12.2, this technique is always available for processing arrays, but it
proves to be especially convenient for working with strings.
L et’s rewrite the c o u n t _ s p a c e s function using pointer arithmetic instead
of array subscripting. We’ll eliminate the variable i and use s itselfto keep track
o fo u r position in the string. By incrementing s repeatedly, c o u n t _ s p a c e s can
step through each character in the string. Here's our new version of the function:kjihgfed
int count_spaces(const char *s)
int count = 0;
for (; *s •= ’\0 ’; s+ + )
if (*s == ’ ’)
return count;
Note that c o n s t doesn't prevent c o u n t _ s p a c e s from modifying s ; it's there to
prevent the function from modifying what s points to. And since s is a copy ofthe
pointer that’s passed to c o u n t _ s p a c e s , incrementing s doesn’t affect the origi­
nal pointer.
The c o u n t _ s p a c e s example raises some questions about how to write
■ Is
it b e t te r to u s e a r r a y o p e r a tio n s o r p o i n t e r o p e r a t io n s to a c c e s s th e c h a r ­
W e’re free to use whichever is more convenient; we can
even mix the two. In the second version of c o u n t _ s p a c e s . treating s as a
pointer simplifies the function slightly by removing the need for the variable
i . Traditionally, C programmers lean toward using pointer operations for pro­
cessing^^ string^^s.
a c t e r s in a s t r i n g ?
The two
versions o f c o u n t _ s p a c e s illustrate the options: the first version declares s
to be an array; the second declares s to be a pointer. Actually, there’s no dif­
ference between the two declarations— recall from Section 12.3 that the com­
piler treats an array parameter as though it had been declared as a pointer.
■ S h o u ld a s tr in g p a r a m
e te r b e d e c la r e d a s a n a r r a y o r a s a p o in te r ?
(s [] o r * s ) a f f e c t w h a t c a n b e s u p p l i e d a s
a n a r g u m e n t ? No. When c o u n t _ s p a c e s is called, the argument could be
an array name, a pointer variable, or a string literal— c o u n t _ s p a c e s can’t
tell the difference.
■ D o e s th e f o r m o f t h e p a r a m e te r
1 3 .5
1 3 .5
U s in g th e C S trin g L ib r a r y kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJ
U s in g t h e C S tr in g L ib r a r y onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Some programming languages provide operators that can copy strings, com pare
strings, concatenate strings, select substrings, and the like. C ’s operators, in con­
trast, are essentially useless for working with strings. Strings are treated as arrays
in C. so they're restricted in the same ways as arrays— in particular, they can’t be
copied or compared using operators.
Direct attempts to copy or compare strings will fail. For example, suppose that
s t r l and s t r 2 have been declared as follows:
char strl [10] , str2 [10] ;
Copying a string into a character array using the = operator is not possible:
strl = "abc";
str2 = strl;
/*** WRONG ***/
/*** WRONG ***/
We saw in Section 12.3 that using an array name as the left operand of = is illegal.cbaZYXWVUTSRQPON
Initializing acharacter array using = is legal, though:
char strl[10] = "abc";
ln the context o f a declaration, = is not the assignm ent operator.
Attem pting to com pare strings using a relational or equality operator is legal
but w on’t produce the desired result:
if (strl =- str2) ...
/*** WRONG ***/
This statement com pares s t r l and s t r 2 as p o inters\ it doesn’t com pare the con­
tents of the two arrays. Since s t r l and s t r 2 have different addresses, the
expression s t r l == s t r 2 must have the value 0.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
< s t r in g .h >
Fortunately, all is not lost: the C library provides a rich set of functions for
performing operations on strings. Prototypes for these functions reside in the
> 2 3 .6
< s t r i n g . h > header, so programs that need string operations should contain the
following line:
#include <string.h>
Most of the functions declared in < s t r i n g . h> require at least one string as
an argument. String parameters are declared to have type c h a r *. allowing the
argument to be a character array, a variable of type c h a r *, or a string literal— all
are suitable as strings. Watch out for string parameters that aren’t declared c o n s t ,
however. Such a parameter may be modified when the function is called, so the
corresponding argument shouldn’t be a string literal.
C h a p te r 13
There are many functions in < s t r i n g . h>; IT1 cover a few of the most basic.
In subsequent examples, assume that s t r l and s t r 2 are character arrays used as
T h e s t r c p y (S tr in g C o p y ) F u n c tio n
The s t r c p y function has the following prototype in < s t r i n g . h>:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPON
char *strcpy(char *sl, const char *s2);
s t r c p y copies the string s 2 into the string s l . (To be precise, we should say
“s t r c p y copies the string pointed to by s 2 into the array pointed to by s l . ”)
That is, s t r c p y copies characters from s 2 to s l up to (and including) the first
null character in s 2 . s t r c p y returns s l (a pointer to the destination string). The
string pointed to by s 2 isn’t modified, so if s declared c o n s t .
The existence of s t r c p y compensates for the fact that we can't use the
assignment operator to copy strings. For example, suppose that we want to store
the string " a b c d " in s t r 2 . We can’t use the assignment
str2 = ’'abcd”;
/*** WRONG ***/
because s t r 2 is an array name and can’t appear on the left side of an assignment.
Instead, we can call s t r c p y :
strcpy(str2, “abcd”);
/* str2 now contains "abcd” */
Similarly, we can’t assign s t r 2 to s t r l directly, but we can call s t r c p y :
strcpy(strl, str2);
/* strl now contains ”abcd” */
Most o fth e time, we'll discard the value that s t r c p y returns. On occasion,
though, it can be useful to call s t r c p y as part of a larger expression in order to
use its return value. For example, we could chain together a series of s L r c p y
strcpy(strl, strcpy(str2, "abcd”));
/* both strl and str2 now contain ”abcd" */
s tr n c p y iu n c tio n > 2 3 .6
In the call s t r c p y ( s t r l , s t r 2 ), s t r c p y has no way to check that the string
pointed to by s t r 2 will actually fit in the array pointed to by s t r l . Suppose that
s t r l points to an array of length //. If the string that s t r 2 points to has no more
n - 1 characters, then the copy will succeed. But if s t r 2 points to a longer
string, undefined behavior occurs. (Since s t r c p y always copies up to the first null
character, it will continue copying past the end of the array that s t r l points to.)
Calling the s t r n c p y function is a safer, albeit slower, way to copy a string,
s t r n c p y is similar to s t r c p y but has a third argument that limits the number of
characters that will be copicd. To copy s t r 2 into s t r l , we could use the follow­
ing call of s t r n c p y :
1 3 .5
U s in g th e C S tr in g L ib r a r y onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPON
291 kjihgfedcbaZY
strncpy(strl, str2, sizeof(strl));
As long as s t r l is large enough to hold the string stored in s t r 2 (including the
null character), the copy will be done correctly, s t r n c p y itself isn't without dan­
ger,1 thougCh. For one thingC,7 it will leave the stringv- in s t r l without a terminating^7
null character if the length of the string stored in s t r 2 is greater than or equal to
the size of the s t r l array. Here\s a safer way to use s t r n c p y :
strncpy(strl, str2, sizeof(strl)
strl[sizeof(strl)-l] = *\0*;
- 1);
The second statement guarantees that s t r l is always null-terminated, even if
s t r n c p y fails to copy a null character from s t r 2 .dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
T h e s t r l e n (S tr in g L e n g th ) F u n c tio n
The s t r l e n function has thc following prototype:
size_t strlen(const char *s);aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
s iz e _ tty p e > 7 .6
s iz e _ _ t, which is defined in the C library, is a t y p e d e f name that represents
one of C's unsigned integer types. Unless we’re dealing with extremely long
strings, this technicality need not concern us— we can simply treat the return value
of s t r l e n as an integer.
s t r l e n returns the length o f a string s: the number of characters in s up to.
but not including, the first null character. Here are a few examples:
int len;
len = strlen(”abc“);
len = strlen("”);
strcpy(strl, ”abc”);
len = strlen(strl);
/* len is now 3 *
/* len is now 0 *
/* len is now 3 *
The last example illustrates an important point. When given an array as its argu­
ment. s t r l e n doesn’t measure the length o fth e array itself; instead, it returns the
length of the string stored in the array.
T h e s t r c a t (S tr in g C o n c a te n a tio n ) F u n c t io n
The s t r c a t function has the following prototype:
char *strcat(char *sl, const char *s2);
s t r c a t appends the contents of the string s2 to the end of the string s l ; it
returns s l (a pointer to the resulting string).
Here are some examples of s t r c a t in action:
/* strl now contains "abcdef" */
C h a p te r 13
strcpy(strl, "abc");
strcpy(str2, “def”);
strcat(strl, str2);
/* strl now contains ’’abcdef" */onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWV
As with s t r c p y , the value returned by s t r c a t is normally discarded. The
following example shows how the return value might be used:
strcpy(strl, "abc");
strcpy(str2, "def");
strcat(strl, strcat(str2, "ghi"));
/* strl now contains "abcdefghi"; str2 contains "defghi" */
The effect of the call s t r c a t ( s t r l , s t r 2 ) is undefined if the array pointed to
by s t r l isn't long enough to accommodate the additional characters from s t r 2 .
Consider the following example:
char strl[6] = "abc";
strcat(strl, "def");
/*** WRONG ***/
s t r c a t will attempt to add the characters d. e, f , and \ 0 to the end of the string
already stored in s t r l . Unfortunately, s t r l is limited to six characters, causing
s t r c a t to write past the end of the array.aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
The s t r n c a t function is a safer but slower version of s t r c a t . Like
s t r n c p y , it has a third argument that limits the number ofcharacters it will copy.
Here’s what a call might look like:
s t r n c a t f u n c t io n BA
strncat(strl, str2, sizeof(strl) - strlen(strl) - 1);
s t r n c a t will terminate s t r l with a null character, which isn’t included in the
third argument (the number of characters to be copied). In the example, the third
argument calculates the amount ofspace remaining in s t r l (given by the expres­
sion s i z e o f ( s t r l ) - s t r l e n ( s t r l ) ) and then subtracts 1 to ensure that
there will be room for the null character.
T h e s t r c m p (S tr in g C o m p a r is o n ) F u n c tio n
The s t r c m p function has the following prototype:
int strcmp(const char *sl, const char *s2);
s t r c m p compares the strings s l and s 2 , returning a value less than, equal to, or
greater than 0, depending on whether s l is less than, equal to. or greater than s2 .
For example, to see if s t r l is less than s t r 2 , w e’d write
if (strcmp(strl, str2) < 0)
/* is strl < str2? */
1 3 .5
U s in g th e C S trin g L ib ra ry hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGF
2 9 3 onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVU
To test whether s t r l is less than or equal to s t r 2 . w e’d write kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
if (strcmp(strl, str2) <= 0)
/* is strl <= str2? */
By choosing the proper relational operator (<, <=, >, >=) or equality operator (==,
! =), we can test any possible relationship between s t r l and s t r 2 .
s t r c m p compares strings based on their lexicographic ordering, which re­
sembles the way words are arranged in a dictionary. More precisely, s t r c m p con­
siders s l to be less than s2 ifeither one o fth e following conditions is satisfied:
■ The first i characters of s l and s 2 match, but the (z+l)st character of s l is
less than the (/+l)st character of s 2 . For example, " a b c " is less than ”b c d ” ,
and ” a b d ” is less than ”a b e ” .
■ All characters of s l match s 2 . but s l is shorter
" a b c " is lessthan " a b c d " .aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
A S C II c h a r a c t e r s e t BA
than s 2 . For example,
As it compares characters from two strings, s t r c m p looks at the numerical
codes that represent the characters. Some knowledge of the underlying character
set is helpful in order to predict what s t r c m p will do. For example, here are a few
important properties o fth e ASCII character set:
■ The characters in each of the sequences A -Z , a-z, and 0-9 have consecutive
■ All upper-case letters are less than all lower-ca se letters. (In ASCII, codes
between 65 and 90 represent upper-case letters; codes between 97 and 122
represent lower-case letters.)
■ Digits are less than letters. (Codes between 48 a nd 57 represent digits.)
■ Spaces are less than all printing characters. (Th e space character has the value
32 in ASCII.)
P r in t in g a O n e -M o n th R e m in d e r L is t
To illustrate the use of the C string library. w e’Il now develop a program that prints
a one-month list of daily reminders. The user will enter a series of reminders, with
each prefixed by a day of the month. When the user enters 0 instead of a valid day,
the program will print a list of all reminders entered, sorted by day. Here’s what a
session with the program will look like:
24 Susan's birthday
5 6:00 - Dinner with Marge and Russ
26 Movie - "Chinatown 11
7 10:30 - Dental appointment
12 Movie - "Dazed and Confused"
5 Saturday class
12 Saturday class
C h a p te r 13
s p rin tffu n c tio n > 2 2 8
Saturday class
6:00 - Dinner with Marge and Russ
10:30 - Dental appointment
Saturday class
Movie - "Dazed and Confused"
Susan’s birthday
Movie - "Chinatown"
The overall strategy isn't very com plicated: w e’ll have the program read a
series of day-and-rem inder com binations, storing them in order (sorted by day),
and then display them. To read the days, w e’ll use s c a n f ; to read the reminders,
w e'll use the r e a d _ _ l i n e function o fS ectio n 13.3.
W e’ll store the strings in a two-dimensional array o fcharacters, with each row
of the array containing one string. A fter the program reads a day and its associated
reminder, it will search the array to determ ine where the day belongs, using
s t r c m p to do comparisons. It will then use s t r c p y to move all strings cbaZYXWVUTSRQPON
that point down one position. Finally, the program will copy the day into the array
and call s t r c a t to append the rem inder to the day. (The day and the reminder
have been kept separate up to this point.).
O f course, there are always a few m inor com plications. For exam ple, we want
the days to be right-justified in a tw o-character field, so that their ones digits will
line up. There are many ways to handle the problem. J’ve chosen to have the program use s c a n f to read the day into an integer variable, then call s p r i n t f to
convert the day back into string form, s p r i n t f is a library function that’s similar
to p r i n t f , except that it writes output into a string. The call
"%2d", day);
writes the value o f d a y into d a y _ _ s tr . Since s p r i n t f autom atically adds a null
character when it's through writing, d a y _ _ s t r will contain a properly null-termi­
nated string.
A nother com plication is making sure that the user doesn't enter more than two
digits. W e’ll use the following call o f s c a n f for this purpose:
scanf("%2d", &day);
The num ber 2 between % and d tells s c a n f to stop reading after two digits, even
if the input has more digits.
With those details out of the way, here’s the program:BA
rem ind.C
Prints a one-month reminder list */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MAX_REMIND 50
#define MSG_LEN 60
/* maximum number of reminders */
/* max length of reminder message */
1 3 .5
U s in g th e C S tr in g L ib r a r y hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGF
2 9 5 kjihgfedcbaZYXWVU
int read_line(char str[], int n);
int main(void)
char reminders[MAX_REMIND][MSG_LEN+3];
char day_str[3], msg_str[MSG_LEN+l];
int day, i, j, num_remind = 0;
for (;;) {
if (num_remind == MAX_REMIND) {
printf(”-- No space left --\n");
printf("Enter day and reminder: ");
scanf("%2d", &day);
if (day == 0)
sprintf(day_str, H %2d”, day);
read_line(msg_str, MSG_LEN);
for (i = 0; i < num_remind; i++)
if (strcmp(day_str, reminders[i]) < 0)
for (j = num_remind; j > i; j--)
strcpy(reminders[j] , reminders[j-l]);
strcpy(reminders[i], day_str);
strcat(reminders[i], msg_str);
printf(”\nDay Reminder\n");
for (i = 0; i < num_remind; i++)
printf(” %s\n”, reminders[i]);
return 0;
int read_line(char str[], int n)
int ch, i = 0;
while ((ch = getchar()) != '\n')
if (i < n)
str[i ++] = ch;
str [i] = ’\0' ;
Although r e m i n d . c is useful fordem onstrating the s t r c p y , s t r c a t , and
s t r c m p functions, il lacks something as a practical reminder program . There are
C h a p te r 13
obviously a number of im provements needed, ranging from m inor tweaks to major
enhancem ents (such as saving the reminders in a file when the program termi­
nates). W e’ll discuss several improvements in the program m ing projects at thcend
of this chapter and in later chapters.aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
1 3 .6
S t r in g id io m s
Functions that m anipulate strings are a particularly rich source of idioms. In this
section, w e’ll explore som e of the most famous idioms by using them to write the
s t r l e n and s t r c a t functions. You’ll never have to write these functions, of
course, since they’re part of the standard library, but you may have to write func­
tions that are similar.
The concise style I’Ll use in this section is popular with many C programmers.
You should m aster this style even ify o u don't plan to use il in your own programs,
since you're likely to encounter it in code written by others.
One last note before we get started. If you want to try out any of the versions
of s t r l e n and s t r c a t in this section, be sure to alter the name of the function
(changing s t r l e n to m y _ s t r l e n , for example). As Section 2 l .l explains,
w e’re not allowed to write a function that has the same name as a standard library
function,7 even when we d o n 't include the header to which the functioV?n belongs. In
fact, all names that begin with s t r and a lower-case letter are reserved (to allow
functions to be added to the < s t r i n g . h> header in future versions o fth e C stan­
S e a r c h in g fo r th e E n d o f a S tr in g
M any string operations require searching for the end of a string. The s t r l e n
function is a prime example. The following version o f s t r l e n searches its string
argum ent to find the end. using a variable to keep track o fth e string's length:kjihgfedcbaZYX
size t strlen(const char *s)
size t n;
for (n = 0; *s != ’\0 ’; s++)
n+ + ;
return n;
As the pointer s moves across the string from left to right, the variable n keeps
track o fhow many characters have been seen so far. When s finally points to a null
character, n contains the length of the string.GFEDCBA
L et’s see if we can condense the function. First, w e’ll move the initialization
o f n to its declaration:
1 3 .6
S tr in g Id io m s kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGF
size_t strlen(const char *s)
size_t n = 0;
for (; *s != ’\0'; s++)
n++ ;
Next, we notice that the condition * s ! = ’ \ 0 ’ is the same as * s ’ = 0, because
the integer value of the null character is 0. But testing * s ! = 0 is the same as test­
ing * s ; both are true i f * s isn’t equal to 0. These observations lead to our next ver-
size_t strlen(const char *s)
size_t n = 0;
for (; *s; s++)
return n,-
But, as we saw in Section l2.2. it's possible to increment s and test * s in the same
size_t strlen(const char *s)
size_t n = 0;
for (; *s++;)
n++ ;
return n;
Replacing the f o r statement with a w h i l e statement, we arrive at the following
version o f s t r l e n :
size_t strlen(const char *s)
size_t n = 0;
while (*s++)
n++ ;
return n;
Although w e’ve condensed s t r l e n quite a bit, it’s likely that we haven’t in­
creased its speed. Here’s a version that cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
does run faster, at least with some compilers:
size_t strlen(const char *s)
const char *p = s;
C h a p te r 13
w h ile (* s)
S + 4- ;
re tu rn s - p;
This version of s t r l e n computes the length o fth e siring by locating the position
of the null character, then subtracting from it the position of the first character in
the string. The improvement in speed comes from not having to increment n inside
the w h i l e loop. Note the appearance of the word c o n s t in the declaration o fp ,
by the way; witlioul it, the compiler would notice that assigning s to p places the
string that s points to at risk.
The statement
id io m
w h ile (* s)
S++ ;
and the related
id io m
w h ile
(* s + + )
are idioms meaning “search for the null character at the end of a string.'’ The first
version leaves s pointing to the null character. The second version is more concise,
but leaves s pointingjust past the null character.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
C o p y in g a S tr in g
Copying a string is another common operation. To introduce C ’s “string copy”
idiom, we’ll develop two versions of the s t r c a t function. Let’s start with a
straightforward but somewhat lengthy version:
ch ar * s trc a t(c h a r
* s l,
c o n s t c h a r *s2)
c h a r *p = s l ;
w h i l e ( *p != ’ \ 0 ' )
w h i l e ( * s 2 != ' \ 0 ’ ) {
*p = * s 2 ;
*p = ' \ 0 ' ;
re tu rn s l;
This version of s t r c a t uses a two-step algorithm: (1) Locate the null character at
the end of the string s l and make p point to it. (2) Copy characters one by one
from s 2 to w h erep is pointing.
The first w h i l e statement in the function implements step (1). p is set to
point to the first character in the s l string. Assuming that s l points to the string
" a b c " , we have the following picture:
1 3 .6
S tr in g Id io m s kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGF
p is then incremented as long as it doesn’t point to a null character. When the loop
terminates, p must be pointing to the null character:
The second w h i l e statement implements step (2). The loop body copies one
character from where s 2 points to where p points, then increments both p and s 2 .
If s 2 originally points to the string " d e f ” , here’s what the strings will look like
after the first loop iteration:
The loop terminates when s 2 points to the null character:
After putting a null character where p is pointing, s t r c a t returns.
By a process similar to the one we used for s t r l e n , we can condense the
definition of s t r c a t , arriving at the following version:
char *strcat(char *sl, const char *s2)
char *
while (*p)
while (*p++ = *s2++)
return sl;
C h a p te r 13
The heart o fo u r streamlined s t r c a t function is the “siring copy’’ idiom:aZYXWVUTSRQPONML
id io m
while (*p++ = *s2++)
lf we ignore the two ++ operators, the expression inside the parentheses simplifies
to an ordinary assignment:
*p = *s2
This expression copies a character from where s 2 points to where p points. After
the assignment, both p and s 2 are incremented, thanks to the ++ operators.
Repeatedly executing this expression has the effect of copying a series of charac­
ters from where s 2 points to where p points.
But what causes the loop to terminate? Since the primary operator inside the
parentheses is assignment, the w h i l e statement tests the value of the assign­
ment— the character that was copied. All characters except the null character lest
true, so the loop w on’t terminate until the null character has been copied. And
qfter the assignment, we don’t need a separate statement
since the loop terminates cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
to put a null character at the end of the new string.
1 3 .7
A r r a y s o fS tr in g s
Let's now turn to a question that w e’ll often encounter: w hat’s the best way to store
an array of strings? The obvious solution is to create a two-dimensional array of
characters, then store the strings in the array, one per row. Consider the following
char planets[][8] = {"Mercury”, ”Venus", "Earth”,
"Mars”, "Jupiter”, "Saturn",
"Uranus", "Neptune", "Pluto"};
(In 2006, the International Astronomical Union demoted PIuto from “planet” to
“dw arf planet,” but I’ve left it in the p l a n e t s array for old tim es’ sake.) Note that
w e’re allowed to omit the number of rows in the p l a n e t s array— since that's
obvious from the number of elements in the initializer— but C requires that we
specify the number of columns.
The figure at the top of the next page shows what the p l a n e t s array will
look like. Not all our strings were long enough to fill an entire row of the array, so
C padded them with null characters. There’s a bit of wasted space in this array,
since only three planets have names long enough to require eight characters
(including the terminating null character). The r e m i n d , c program (Section I3.5)
is a glaring example of this kind of waste. It stores reminders in rows of a twodimensional character array, with 60 characters set aside for each reminder. In our
example, the reminders ranged from 18 to 37 characters in length, so the am ount of
wasted space was considerable.
A r r a y s o f S t r in g s hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCB
1 3 .7
The inefficiency that’s apparent in these exam ples is common when working
with stringOs ,’ since most collection&
s of strings will have a mixtu&re of I^ona strings
g g e d a rra y : a two-dimensional array whose
and short strings. What we need is a ra
rows can have different lengths. C doesn’t provide a “ragged array ty p e;’ but it
does give us the tools to simulate one. The secret is to create an array whose ele­
ments are pointers to strings.
H ere’s the p l a n e t s array again, this time as an array of pointers to strings:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONM
char *planets[] = {“Mercury”, “Venus", “Earth",
“Mars”, “Jupiter", "Saturn",
“Uranus", “Neptune", “Pluto"};
Not much ofach an g e, eh? We simply removed one pair ofbrackets and put an aster­
isk in front o f p l a n e t s . The effect on how p l a n e t s is stored is dramatic, though:
p la n e v s
Each element of p l a n e t s is a pointer to a null-terminated string. There are no
longer any wasted characters in the strings, although w e’ve had to allocate space
for the pointers in the p l a n e t s array.
To access one of the planet names, all we need do is subscript the p l a n e t s
array. Because of the relationship between pointers and arrays, accessing a charac­
ter in a planet name is done in the same way as accessing an element of a two-
C h a p te r 13
dim ensional array. To search the p l a n e t s array for strings beginning with the
letter M } for exam ple, we could use the follow ing loop:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
for (i = 0; i < 9; i4-4-)
if (planets[i] [0] == 'M')
printf("%s begins with M\n", planets[i]);dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
C o m m a n d -L in e A r g u m e n ts
W hen we run a program , w e’ll often need to supply it with inform ation— a file
nam e, perhaps, or a sw itch that m odifies the p rogram 's behavior. C onsider the
UNIX l s com m and. Ifw e run l s by typing
at the com m and line, it will display the nam es o f the files in the current directory.
But ifw e instead type
ls -1
then l s will display a “long” (detailed) listing o f files, show ing the size o f each file,
the file’s owner, the date and tim e the file was last m odified, and so forth. To modify
the behavior o f l s further, we can specify that it show details for ju st one file:
ls -1 remind.c
l s will display detailed inform ation about the file nam ed r e m i n d , c .
C om m and-line inform ation is available to all program s, n o tju st operating sys­
tem com m ands. To obtain access to these RQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
c o m m a n d - l i n e a r g u m e n t s (called p r o ­
g r a m p a r a m e t e r s in the C standard), we must define m a i n as a function w ith two
param eters, which are custom arily nam ed a r g c and a r g v :
int main(int argc, char *argv[])aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
n u ii p o in te rs > / 7 . /
a r g c (“argum ent count” ) is the num ber o f com m and-line argum ents (including
the nam e o f the program itself), a r g v (“argum ent vector”) is an array o fp o in te rs
to the com m and-line argum ents, which are stored in string form, a r g v [0 ] points
to the nam e o f the program , w hile a r g v [1 ] through a r g v [ a r g c - 1 ] point to
the rem aining com m and-line argum ents.
a r g v has one additional elem ent, a r g v [ a r g c ] , w hich is alw ays a n u l l
p o i n t e r — a special pointer that points to nothing. W e’ll discuss null pointers in a
later chapter; for now, all we need to know is that the m acro NULL represents a null
If the user enters the com m and line
ls -1 remind.c
then a r g c will be 3. a r g v [ 0 ]
will point to a string containing the program
1 3 .7
3 0 3 onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTS
A rra y s o f S tr in g s hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDC
name, a r g v [1] will point to the string ” - 1 " , a r g v [2] will point to the string
" r e m i n d , c " , and a r g v [3] will be a null pointer:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
>program name
This figure doesn’t show the program name in detail, since it may include a path or
other information that depends on the operating system. Ifth e program name isn’t
available, a r g v [0] points to an empty string.
Since a r g v is an array of pointers, accessing command-line arguments is
easy. Typically, a program that expects command-line arguments will set up a loop
that examines each argument in turn. One way to write such a loop is to use an
integer variable as an index into the a r g v array. For example, the following loop
prints the command-line arguments, one per line:
int i ;
for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
p r i n t f ("%s\n" f a r g v [i]);
Another technique is to set up a pointer to a r g v [ 1 ] , then increment the pointer
repeatedly to step through the rest of the array. Since the last element of a r g v is al­
ways a null pointer, the loop can terminate when it finds a null pointer in the array:
char **p;
for (p = &argv[l]; *p != NULL; p+ + )
p r i n t f ("%s\n" t * p ) ;
Since p is a p o in ter to a p o in ter to a character, w e’ve got to use it carefully. Setting
p equal to & a r g v [ l ] makes sense; a r g v [ l ] is a pointer to a character, so
& a rg v [1] will be a pointer to a pointer. The test *p ! = NULL is OK, since *p
and NULL are both pointers. Incrementing p looks good: p points to an array ele­
ment. so incrementing it will advance it to the next element. Printing * p is fine,
since *p points to the first character in a string.
C h e c k in g P la n e t N a m e s
Our nexl program, p l a n e t . c, illustrates how to access command-line argu­
ments. The program is designed to check a series of strings to see which ones are
names of planets. When the program is run. the user will put tlie strings to be tested
on the command line:
planet Jupiter venus Earth fred
C h a p te r 13
S t r in g s
The program will indicate whether or not each string is a planet name; if it is, the
program will also display the planet’s number (with planet l being the one closest
Jupiter is planet 5
venus is not a planet
Earth is planet 3
fred is not a planet
Notice that the program doesn’t recognize a string as a planet name unless its first
letter is upper-case and its remaining letters are lower-case.BA
/* Checks planet names */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define NUM_PLANETS 9
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
char *planets[]
= {’’Mercury”, "Venus", "Earth",
"Mars", "Jupiter", "Saturn",
"Uranus", "Neptune", "Pluto"};
int i , j ;
fo r
( i = 1; i < a r g c ;
i+ + )
for (j = 0; j < NUM_PLANETS; j++)
if (strcmp(argv[i], planets[j]) == 0) {
printf("%s is planet %d\n", argv[i], j + 1);
if (j == NUM_PLANETS)
printf("%s is not a planet\n", argv[i]);
return 0;
The program visits each command-line argument in turn, com paring it with
the strings in the p l a n e t s array until it fmds a match or reaches the end of
the array. The most interesting part of the program is the call of s t r c m p , in
which the arguments are a r g v [ i ] (a pointer to a com m and-line argument) and
p l a n e t s [ j ] (a pointer to a planet name).aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
H o w lo n g c a n a s t r in g lite r a l b e?
According to the C89 standard, compilers must allow string literals to be at least
& A
3 0 5 onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUT
< ffi>
509 characters long. (Yes, you read that right— 509. D on’t ask.) C99 increases the
minimum to 4095 characters.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
W h y a r e n ’t s tr in g lite r a ls c a lle d “ s tr in g c o n s ta n ts ” ?
Because they’re not necessarily constant. Since string literals are accessed through
pointers, there’s nothing to prevent a program from attem pting to modify the char­
acters in a stringo literal,
H o w d o w e w r ite a s tr in g lite r a l th a t r e p r e se n ts “ lib e r ” if ” \ x f c b e r " d o e s n ’t
w o r k ? [p . 2 7 8 ]
The secret is to write two adjacent string literals and let the com piler join them into
one. In this exam ple, writing " \ x f c " " b e r " will give us a string literal that rep­
resents the word “liber.”
M o d ify in g a s tr in g lite r a l s e e m s h a r m le s s e n o u g h . W h y d o e s it c a u s e u n d e ­
fin e d b e h a v io r ? [p. 2 8 0 ]
Some compilers try to reduce m emory requirem ents by storing single copies of
identical string literals. Consider the following example:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
char *p = "abc", *q = "abc”;
A com piler might choose to store " a b c " just once, making both p and q point to
it. If w e were to change " a b c ” through the pointer p , the string that q points to
would also be affected. Needless to say. this could lead to some annoying bugs.
Another potential problem is that string literals might be stored in a “read-only”
area ofm em ory; a program that attem pts to modify such a literal will simply crash.
S h o u ld e v e r y a r r a y o f c h a r a c te r s in c lu d e ro o m fo r a n u ll c h a r a c te r ?
Not necessarily, since not every array of characters is used as a string, hicluding
room for the null character (and actually putting one into the array) is necessary
only if you’re planning to pass it to a function that requires a null-term inated
n o t need a null character if you’ll only be perform ing operations on
individual characters. For exam ple, a program might have an array of characters
that it will use to translate from one character set to another:
char translation_table[128];
The only operation that the program will perform on this array is subscripting.
(The value of t r a n s l a t i o n _ t a b l e [c h ] will be the translated version of the
character c h .) We would not consider t r a n s l a t i o n _ t a b l e to be a string: it
need not contain a null character, and no string operations will be perform ed on it.
I f p r i n t f a n d s c a n f e x p e c t th e ir fir st a r g u m e n t to h a v e ty p e c h a r * , d o e s
th a t m e a n th a t th e a r g u m e n t c a n b e a s tr in g RQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
v a r i a b l e in s te a d o f a s tr in g lite r a ll
C h a p te r 13
S tr in g s
Yes, as the following exam ple shows:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
char fmt[] = "%d\n";
int i ;
printf(fmt, i);
This ability opens the door to some intriguing possibilities— reading a format
string as input, for example.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
I f 1 w a n t p r i n t f to w r ite a s t r in g s t r , c a n ’t I j u s t s u p p ly s t r a s th e fo r m a t
s t r in g , a s in th e f o llo w in g e x a m p l e ?
*Q :
Yes. but it’s risky. If s t r contains the %character, you w on’t get the desired result,
s i n c e p r i n t f will assume it’s the beginning o faco n v ersio n specification.
H o w can r e a d
l i n e d e t e c t w h e th e r g e t c h a r h a s fa ile d to r e a d a c h a r a c ­
te r ? [p . 2 8 7 ]
E O F m a c ro > 2 2 .4
If it can’t read a character, either because of an error or because of end-of-file,hgfedc
g e t c h a r retums the value EOF, which has type i n t . H ere’s a revised version of
r e a d _ l i n e that tests w hether the return value o f g e t c h a r is EOF. Changes are
marked in b o ld :
int read_line(char str[], int n)
int ch, i = 0;
while ((ch = getchar())
if (i < n)
str[i++] = ch;
str [i] = '\0';
return i;
!= ’\n' && ch 1= EOF)
W h y d o e s s t r c m p r e tu r n a n u m b e r t h a t ’s le s s th a n , e q u a l to , o r g r e a te r th a n
z e r o ? A ls o , d o e s th e e x a c t r e tu r n v a lu e h a v e a n y s ig n if ic a n c e ? [p . 2 9 2 ]
s t r c m p ’s return value probably stems from the way the function is traditionally
written. Consider the version in Kernighan and R itchie’s cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
The C Program m ing Lam
int strcmp(char *s, char *t)
int i;
for (i = 0; s[i] == t[i] ; i+ + )
if (s [i] == ’\0’)
return 0;
return s[i] - t[i] ;
3 0 7 onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVU
The return value is the difference between the first "m ism atched” characters in the
s and t strings, which will be negative if s points to a “sm aller” string than t and
positive if s points lo a “larger” siring. There’s no guarantee that s t r c m p is actu­
ally written this way, though, so it’s best not to assume that the magnitude of its
return value has any particular meaning.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
M y c o m p i le r is s u e s a w a r n in g w h e n I tr y to c o m p ile th e w h i l e s t a t e m e n t in
th e s t r c a t fu n c tio n : kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
W h a t a m I d o in g w r o n g ?
Nothing. Many compilers— but not all. by any means— issue a warning ify o u use
= where == is normally expected. This warning is valid at least 95% of the time,
and it will save you a lot ofdebugging ify o u heed it. Unfortunately, the warning
isn’t relevant in this particular example; we actually do mean to use =. not ==. To
gel rid o fth e warning, rewrite the w h i l e loop as follows:
while ((*p++ = *s2++)
’= 0)
Since the w h i l e statement normally tests whether *p+ + = * s 2 + + is not 0. we
haven’t changed the meaning of the statement. The warning goes away, however,
because the statement now tests a condition,• not an assiognment. With the GCC
compiler, putting a pair of parentheses around the assignment is another way lo
avoid a warnin vs~*:
while ((*p++ = *s2++))RQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
A r e th e s t r l e n a n d s t r c a t fu n c tio n s a c t u a lly w r itte n a s s h o w n in S e c tio n
1 3 .6 ?
Possibly, although it’s common practice for com piler vendors to write these func­
tions— and many other string functions— in assembly language instead o fC . The
string functions need to be as fast as possible, since they’re used often and have to
deal with strings of arbitrary length. Writing these functions in assembly language
makes it possible to achieve great efficiency by taking advantage of any special
string-handling instructions that the CPU may provide.
W h y d o e s th e C s ta n d a r d u se th e te r m “ p r o g r a m p a r a m e t e r s ” in s te a d o f
“ c o m m a n d - lin e a r g u m e n ts ” ? [p . 3 0 2 ]
Programs aren't always run from a command line. In a typical graphical user inter­
face, for example, programs are launched with a mouse click. In such an environ­
ment, there’s no traditional command line, although there may be other ways of
passing information to a program; the term “program parameters” leaves the door
open for these alternatives.
C h a p te r 13
D o I h a v e to u se th e n a m e s a r g c a n d a r g v fo r m a i n ’s p a r a m e te r s ? [p . 3 0 2 ]
No. Using the names a r g c and a r g v is inerely a convention, not a language
I ’v e s e e n a r g v d e c la r e d a s * * a r g v in s te a d o f * a r g v [ ] . Is th is le g a l?
Certainly. When declaring a parameter, writing * a is always the same as writing
a [ ] , regardless of the type of a 's elements.
W e ’v e s e e n h o w to s e t u p a n a r r a y w h o s e e le m e n ts a r e p o in te r s to s t r in g lite r ­
a ls. A r e th e r e a n y o t h e r a p p lic a tio n s fo r a r r a y s o f p o in te r s ?
d y n a m ic s to ra g e a llo c a tio n > 17.1
Yes. Although w e’ve focused on arrays of pointers to character strings, that’s not
the only application of arrays of pointers. We could just as easily have an array
whose elements point to any type of data, whether in array form or not. Arrays of
pointers are particularly useful in conjunction with dynamic storage allocation.
E x e rc is e s
S e c t io n 1 3 .3
The following function calls supposedly write a single new-line character, but some are
incorrect. Identify which calls don’t work and explain why.
p rin tf(" % c " ,
p r i n t f ( "% c",
p r i n t f (" % s" ,
p r i n t f ( ” % s” t
p r i n t f ( ' \n ’ )
p r i n t f ( ”\n " )
p u tc h a r( ’\n ' ) ;
p u tc h a r(" \n " );
p u ts ( ' \ n ' ) ;
p u t s ( ”\ n ” );
p u t s ( ” ") ;
Suppose that p has been declared as follows:
c h a r *p = " a b c " ;
Which of the following function calls are legal? Show the output produced by each legal
call, and explain why the others are illegal.
p u tc h a r(p );
p u t c h a r (* p ) ;
p u t s (p) ;
p u t s (* p ) ;
Suppose that we call s c a n f as follows:
s c a n f(" % d % s % d " ,
& i,
& j);
If the user enters 1 2 a b c 3 4 5 6 d e f 7 8, what will bc the values of i , s, and j after the
call? (Assume that i and j are i n t variables and s is an array ofcharacters.)
i s s p a c e fu n c tio n > 2 3 . 5
Modify the r e a d _ _ l i n e function in each of the following ways:
(a) Have it skip white space before beginning to store input characters.
(b) Have it stop reading at the lirst white-space character. cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Hint: To determine whetheror
not a character is white space, call the i s s p a c e function.
E x e rc is e s hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIH
(c) Have it stop reading al the first new-line character, then store the new-line character in
the strin^s*.
(d) Have it leave behind characters that il doesn't have room to store.
S e c tio n 1 3 .4
to u p p e r
c a p i t a l i z e that capitalizes all letters in its argument. The
argument will be a null-terminated string containing arbitrary characters, not just letters.
Use array subscripting lo access the characters in the siring. Hint: Use the t o u p p e r func­
tion to convert each character to upper-case.
> 2 3 .5
(a) Write a function named
(b) Rewrite the c a p i t a l i z e function, this lime using pointer arithmetic lo access the
characters in the string.
S e c tio n 1 3 .5
Write a function named c e n s o r that modifies a string by replacing every occurrence of
f o o by x x x . Forexam ple, ihe string " f o o d f o o l " would become " x x x d x x x l ". Make
the function as shori as possible without sacrificing clarity.
Suppose that s t r is an array of characters. Which one of the following statements is not
equivalent lo the other three? kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
*8 .
*str = 0;
str [0] = 1 \0 ';
strcpy(str, "");
strcat (str, "") ;
Whal will be the value of the strin.^u* s t r after the followingu> staiements have been executed?
strcpy(str, "tire-bouchon”);
strcpy(&str[4], "d-or-wi");
strcat(str, "red?");
Whal will be the value of the string s l after the following statements have been executed?
strcpy(sl, "computer");
strcpy(s2, "science");
if (strcmp(sl, s2) < 0)
strcat (sl, s2);
strcat(s2, sl);
sl[strlen(sl)-6] = '\0';
The following function supposedly creates an identical copy o fa string. What\s wrong with
the function?
char *duplicate(const char *p)
char *q;
strcpy(q, p);
return q;
The Q&A section at the end of this chapier shows how the s t r c m p function might be wrilten using array subscripting. Modify the function to use pointer arithmetic instead.
Write the following function:
void get_extension(const char *file_name, char *extension);
C h a p te r1 3
f i l e _ n a m e points to a string containing a file name. The function should store the exten­
sion on the file name in the string pointed to by e x t e n s i o n . For example, ifth e file name
is "m em o. t x t ", the function will store ” t x t ” in the string pointed to by e x t e n s i o n . If
the file name doesn’t have an extension, the function should store an empty string (a single
null character) in the string pointed to by e x t e n s i o n . Keep the function as simple as pos­
sible by having it use the s t r l e n and s t r c p y functions.
Write the following function:
v o i d b u i l d _ i n d e x _ u r l ( c o n s t c h a r * d o m a in ,
c h a r * in d e x _ u rl);
d o m a in points to a string containing an Internet domain, such as "k n k i n g . c o m ". The
function should add " h t t p : / / w w w . " to the beginning of this string and " /
i n d e x . h t m l " to the end of the string, storing the result in the string pointed to by
i n d e x _ u r l . (In this example, the result will be "h t t p : / / w w w . k n k i n g . c o m /
i n d e x . h t m l " . ) You may assume that in d e x _ _ u r l points to a variable that is long
enought to hold the resulting string. Keep the function as simple as possible by having it use
the s t r c a t and s t r c p y functions.aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
* l4 .
S e c tio n 1 3 .6
What does the following program print?
# in c lu d e
< s td io .h >
i n t m a in (v o id )
ch ar s[]
= " H s jo d i" ,
f o r (p = S ;
--* p ;
p u ts (s );
r e t u r n 0;
© *15.
* p ; p+ + )
Let f be the following function:
in t
f ( c h a r *s,
c h a r * p l,
c h a r * t)
f o r ( p l = s ; * p l ; p l+ + ) {
f o r (p2 = t ; * p 2 ; p 2 + + )
i f ( * p l == * p 2 ) b r e a k ;
i f (* p 2 == ' \ 0 ' ) b r e a k ;
re tu rn p l
- s;
(a) What is the value of f (" a b c d " , " b a b c " ) ?
(b) What is the value of f ( " a b c d " , " b c d " ) ?
(c) In general, what value does f return when passed two strings s and t ?
Use the techniques of Section 13.6 to condense the c o u n t_ _ s p a c e s function of Section
13.4. In particular, replace the f o r statement by a w h i l e loop.
Write the following function:
b o o l te s t _ e x t e n s i o n ( c o n s t c h a r * file _ n a m e ,
c o n st c h a r * e x te n s io n );
P r o g ra m m in g P ro je c ts kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFED
f i l e _ n a m e points lo a string containing a file name. The function should retum t r u e if
c o u p p e r lunclion >23.5
the file’s extension matches the string pointed to by e x t e n s i o n , ignoring the case of let­
ters. For example, the call t e s t _ e x t e n s i o n ( " m e m o . t x t " , "T X T ") w ould return
H int: Use
t r u e . Incorporate the “search for the end o f a string” idiom into your function. cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
the t o u p p e r function to convert characters to upper-case before comparing them.
Write the followingc^ function:
v o id
re m o v e _ file n a m e (c h a r * u r l ) ;
u r l points to a string containing a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) that ends with a file
name (such as " h t t p : / / w w w . k n k i n g . c o m / i n d e x . h t m l "). The function should
modify the string by removing the file name and the preceding slash, (ln this example, the
result will be " h t t p : / / w w w .k n k i n g .c o m ".) Incoq>orate the “search for the end of a
string” idiom into your function. Hint: Have the function replace the last slash in the siring
P r o g r a m m in g P r o je c ts
Write a program that finds the “smallest” and “largest” in a series of words. After the user
enters the words, the program will determine which words would come first and last if the
words were listed in dictionary order. The program must stop accepting input when the user
enters a four-lcller word. Assume that no word is more than 20 letters long. An interactive
session with the program might look like this:
n te r
n te r
n te r
n te r
n te r
n te r
n te r
w o rd
w o rd
w o rd
w o rd
w o rd
w o rd
w o rd
z e b ra
ra b b it
c a tfis h
w a lru s
fis h
S m a lle s t w o rd : c a t
L a r g e s t w o rd : z e b r a
Hint: Use two strings named s m a l l e s t _ w o r d and l a r g e s t _ w o r d to keep track of the
“smallest” and “largest” words entered so far. Each time the user enters a new word, use
s t r c m p to compare it with s m a l l e s t _ w o r d ; ifth e new word is “smaller.” use s t r c p y
to save it in s m a l l e s t _ w o r d . Do a sim ilar comparison with l a r g e s t _ w o r d . Use
s t r l e n to deiermine when the user has entered a four-letter word.
Improve the r e m i n d . c program of Section I3.5 in the following ways:
(a) Have the program print an error message and ignore a reminder if the corresponding
day is negative or larger than 3 l. Hint: Use the c o n t i n u e statement.
(b) Allow the user to enter a day. a 24-hour time, and a reminder. The printed rem inder list
should be sorted first by day, then by lime. (The original program allows the user to
enter a time, but it’s treated as part o flh e reminder.)
(c) Have the program print a one-yer/r reminder list. Require the user to enter days in the
form niontli/dciy.
Modify the d e a l . c program of Section 8.2 so that it prints the full names of the cards it
C h a p te r 1 3
E n te r num ber o f c a rd s in h a n d : £
Y our h an d :
S even o f c lu b s
Two o f s p a d e s
F i v e o f d ia m o n d s
A ce o f s p a d e s
Hint: Replace r a n k _ c o d e and s u i t _ c o d e by arrays containing pointers to strings.
Write a program named r e v e r s e . c that echoes its command-line arguments in reverse
order. Running the program by typing
r e v e r s e v o id
and n u ll
should produce the following output:
n u ll
and v o id
Write a program named s u m .c that adds up its command-line arguments, which are
assumed to be integers. Running the program by typing
sum 8 24 62
should produce the following output:
T o ta l:
a to i iunction >26.2
g>ument from strin ke~- form to
Hint: Use the a t o i function to convert each command-line arU
inte^g^er form.
Improve the p l a n e t . c program ofS ection l3.7 by having it ignore case when comparing
command-line arguments with strings in the p l a n e t s array.
Modify Programming Project 11 from Chapter 5 so that it uses arrays containing pointers to
strings instead of s w i t c h statements. For example, instead of using a s w i t c h statement
to print the word for the first digit, use the digit as an index into an array that contains the
strings ’’t w e n t y ” , ’’t h i r t y ” , and so forth.
Modify Programming Project 5 from Chapter 7 so that it includes (he following function:
in t
c o m p u te _ s c r a b b le _ v a lu e ( c o n s t c h a r * w o rd );
The function returns the SCRABBLE value of the string pointed to by w o rd .
Modify Programming Project 10 from Chapter 7 so that it includes the following function:
in t
c o m p u te _ v o w e l_ c o u n t(c o n s t c h a r * s e n te n c e ) ;
The function reium s the num ber of vowels in the string pointed to by the s e n t e n c e
Modify Programming Project 11 from Chapter 7 so that it includes (he following function:
v o id
r e v e r s e _ n a m e ( c h a r * n a m e );
The function expccts nam e to point to a string containing a first name followed by a last
name. It modifies the string so that the last name comes first, followed by a comma, a space,
the first initial, and a period. The original string may contain extra spaces before the first
name, between the first and last names, and after the last name.
Modify Programming Project 13 from Chapter 7 so that it includes the following function:
d o u b le
c o m p u te _ a v e ra g e _ w o rd _ le n g th (c o n s t c h a r
* s e n te n c e );
The function returns the average length of the words in the string pointed to by s e n t e n c e .
P ro g ra m m in g P ro je c ts kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFE
Modify Program ming Project 14 from C hapter 8 so that it stores the words in a twodimensional c h a r array as it reads the sentence, with each row of the array storing a sin­
g^tf'le word. Assum e that the sentence contains no more than 30 words and no word is more
than 20 characters long. Be sure to store a null character at the end o fe a c h word so that il
can be treated as a string.
Modify Program m ing Project 15 from C hapter 8 so ihal it includes the following function:
v o id
e n c ry p t(c h a r
*m essage,
in t
s h ift);
The function expects m e s s a g e to point to a string containing the message to be encrypted;
s h i f t represents the amount by which each letter in the m essage is lo be shifted.
Modify Program m ing Project 16 from C hapter 8 so that il includes the following function:
bool a re _ a n a g ra m s(c o n st c h a r
* w o rd l,
* w o rd 2 );
The function returns t r u e if the strings pointed to by w o r d l and w o rd 2 are anagram s.
Modify Program ming Project 6 from C hapter 10 so that il includes the following function:
in t
e v a lu a te _ R P N _ e x p re s s io n (c o n s t c h a r
* e x p re s s io n );
The function returns the value o fth e RPN expression pointed to by e x p r e s s i o n .
Modify Program m ing Project I from Chapter 12 so that il includes the following function:
v o id
re v e rse (c h a r
* m essa g e);
The function reverses the siring pointed to by m e s s a g e . cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
H int: Use two pointers, one ini­
tially pointing to the first character of the string and the other initially pointing to the last
character. Have the function reverse these characters and then move the pointers toward
each olher, repeating the process until the pointers meet.
Modify Program m ing Project 2 from C hapter 12 so that it includes the following function:
is jp a lin d ro m e (c o n s t c h a r
* m e ssa g e );
The function returns t r u e if the string pointed to by m e s s a g e is a palindrom e.
Write a program that accepts a date from the user in lhe form m m / d d / y y y y and then dis­
plays it in the form m onth d d , yyyy, where m onth is the name o f the month:
E n te r a d a t e (m m /d d /y y y y ): 2 /1 7 /2 0 1 1
Y ou e n t e r e d t h e d a t e F e b r u a r y 1 7 , 2 0 1 1
Store the month names in an array that contains pointers to strings.
1 4
T h e P re p ro ce s s o r
T h e re w ill a lw a y s b e th in g s w e w is h to s a y in o u r p ro g r a m s
th a t in a ll k n o w n la n g u a g e s c a n o n ly b e s a id p o o rly . onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWV
In previous chapters. Tve used the # d e f i n e and # i n c l u d e directives without
going into detail about what they do. These directives— and others that we haven’t
yet covered— are handled by the preprocessor,
a piece of software that edits C program sjust prior to compilation. Its reliance on a preprocessor makes C (along with
C++) unique among major programming languages.
The preprocessor is a powerful tool, but it also can be a source of hard-to-find
bugs. Moreover, the preprocessor can easily be misused to create programs that are
almost impossible to understand. Although some C programmers depend heavily
on the preprocessor, 1 recommend that it— like so many other things in life— be
used in moderation.
This chapter begins by describing how the preprocessor works (Section 14.1)
and giving some general rules that affect all preprocessing directives (Section
14.2). Sections 14.3 and 14.4 cover two of the preprocessor’s major capabilities:
macro definition and conditional compilation. (I’ll defer detailed coverage of file
inclusion, the other major capability, until Chapter 15.) Section 14.5 discusses the
preprocessor’s le.sser-used directives: # e r r o r , # l i n e , and # p r a g m a .
1 4 .1
H o w th e P r e p r o c e s s o r W o rk s
The behavior of the preprocessor is controlled by p rep ro cessin g directives: com ­
mands that begin with a # character. W e’ve encountered two of these directives,
# d e f i n e and # i n c l u d e , in previous chapters.
The # d e f i n e directive defines a m a cro — a name that represents something
else, such as a constant or frequently used expression. The preprocessorresponds to
a # d e f i n e directive by storing the name o fth e macro together with its definition.hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQ
C h a p te r1 4
T h e P r e p r o c e s s o r onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
When the macro is used later in the prograin, (he preprocessor “expands" the
macro, replacing it by its defined value.
The # i n c l u d e directive tells the preprocessor to open a particular file and
“ include” its contents as part ol' the file being compiled. For example, the line kjihgfedcbaZ
#include <stdio.h>
into the
the preprocessor to open the file named s t d i o . h and bring its contents
program. (Among other things, s t d i o . h contains prototypes for C’s
input/output functions.)
following diagram shows the preprocessor’s role in the compilation pro­
C p ro g ra m
P re p ro c e s s o r
M o d ifie d C p ro g ra m
C o m p ile r
O b je c t c o d e
The input to the preprocessor is a C program, possibly containing directives. The
preprocessor executes these directives, removing (hem in the process. The output
of the preprocessor is another C program: an edited version o f the original pro­
gram, containing no directives. The preprocessor’s output goes directly into the
compiler, which checks the program for errors and translates it to object code
(machine instructions).
To see whal the preprocessor does, let’s apply it to the c e l s i u s . c program
of Section 2.6. H ere’s the original program:
/* Converts a Fahrenheit temperature to Celsius */
#include <stdio.h>
#define FREEZING_PT 32.0f
#define SCALE_FACTOR (5.0f / 9.0f)
int main(void)
float fahrenheit, celsius;
printf("Enter Fahrenheit temperature: ");
scanf("%f", &fahrenheit);
celsius = (fahrenheit - FREEZING_PT) * SCALE_FACTOR;
H o w th e P r e p ro c e s s o r W o rk s kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIH
printf("Celsius equivalent is: %.lf\n", celsius);
After preprocessing, the program will have the following appearance:PONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Blank line
Blank line
Lines brought infroni stdio.h
Blank line
Blank line
Blank line
Blank line
int main(void)
float fahrenheit, celsius;
printf("Enter Fahrenheit temperature:
scanf("%f", &fahrenheit);
celsius = (fahrenheit - 32.0f) * (5.0f / 9.0f);
printf("Celsius equivalent is: %.lf\n", celsius);
return 0;
The preprocessor responded to the # i n c l u d e directive by bringing in the con­
tents of s t d i o . h . The preprocessor also removed the # d e f i n e directives and
replaced FREEZING_PT and SCALE_FACTOR wherever they appeared later in
the file. Notice that the preprocessor doesn't remove lines containing directives;
instead, it simply makes them empty.
As this example shows, the preprocessor does a bit more than just execute
directives. In particular, it replaces each com m ent with a single space character.
Some preprocessors go further and remove unnecessary w hite-space characters,
including spaces and tabs at the beginning of indented lines.
In the early days of C. the preprocessor was a separate program that fed its
output into the compiler. Nowadays, the preprocessor is often part o f the compiler,
and some of its output may not necessarily be C code. (For example, including a
standard header such as < s t d i o . h > may have the cffect of making its functions
available to the program without necessarily copying the contents of the header
into the program 's source code.) Still, it’s useful to think of the preprocessor as
separate from the compiler. In fact, most C com pilers provide a way to view the
output of the preprocessor. Some compilers generate preprocessor output when a
certain option is specified (GCC will do so when the -E option is used). Others
come with a separate program that behaves like the integrated preprocessor. Check
your com piler's documentation for more information.
A word ofcaution: The preprocessor has only a limited knowledge of C. As
a result, it’s quite capable of creating illegal program s as it executes directives.
Often the original program looks fine, making errors harder to find. In com plicated
C h a p t e r 14
T he P re p ro c e s s o r
programs, examining the output of the preprocessor may prove useful for locating
1 4 .2
P r e p r o c e s s in g D ir e c tiv e s
Most preprocessing directives fall into one of three categories:RQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
The # d e f i n e directive defines a macro; the # u n d e f
directive removes a macro definition.
■ M a c r o d e f in itio n .
The # i n c l u d e directive causes the contents of a specified
file to be included in a program.
■ F ile in c lu s io n .
The # i f , # i f d e f , # i f n d e f , # e l i f , # e l s e .
and # e n d i f directives allow blocks of text to be either included in or
excluded from a program, depending on conditions that can be tested by the
C o n d itio n a l c o m p ila tio n .
The remaining directives— # e r r o r , # l i n e . and # p r a g m a — are more special­
ized and therefore used less often. We’ll devote the rest of this chapter to an in­
depth examination of preprocessing directives. The only directive we won’t dis­
cuss in detail is # i n c l u d e , since it’s covered in Section l5.2.
Before we go further, let’s look at a few rules that apply to all directives:
The # symbol need not be at the be­
ginning o fa lin e , as long as only white space precedes it. Afler the # comes the
name o fth e directive, followed by any other information the directive requires.
D ir e c tiv e s a lw a y s b e g in w ith t h e # s y m b o l .
■ Any
n u m b e r o f s p a c e s a n d h o r iz o n ta l ta b
c h a r a c t e r s m a y s e p a r a t e th e
t o k e n s in a d i r e c t i v e .
For example, the following directive is legal:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQP
D ir e c tiv e s a lw a y s e n d a t th e f i r s t n e w -lin e c h a ra c te r , u n le s s e x p lic itly co n ­
To continue a directive to the next line, we must end the current line
with a \ character. For example, the following directive defines a macro that
represents the capacity o fa hard disk, measured in bytes:
tin u e d .
Although we usually pul
g^7inningt**o fa file . other directives
# d e f i n e and # i n c l u d e directives at the beC
are more likely to show up later, even in the middle of function definitions.
■ D ir e c tiv e s
c a n a p p e a r a n y w h e r e in a p r o g r a m .
In fact, it’s good prac­
tice to put a comment at the end of a macro definition to explain the meaning
of the macro:
C o m m e n ts m a y a p p e a r o n th e s a m e lin e a s a d ir e c tiv e .
#define FREEZING_PT 32.0f
/* freezing point of water */
1 4 .3
1 4 .3
M a c r o D e fin itio n s kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJI
M a c r o D e f i n i t i o n s onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
The macros that w e’ve been using since Chapter 2 are known as sim ple macros,
because they have no parameters. The preprocessor also supports param eterized
macros. We’ll look first at simple macros, then at parameterized macros. After
covering them separately, w e’ll examine properties shared by both.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
S im p le M a c r o s
The definition of a sim ple m acro (or object-like m acro, as it's called in the C stan­
dard) has the form hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
#define identifier replacem ent-list
# d e f i n e d ir e c tiv e
(s im p le m a c ro )
replacement-list is any sequence o fp re p ro ce ssin g tokens, which are similar to the
tokens discussed in Section 2.8. Whenever we use the term “token” in this chapter,
it means “preprocessing token.”
A macro’s replacement list may include identifiers, keywords, numeric con­
stants, character constants, string literals, operators, and punctuation. When it
encounters a macro definition, the preprocessor makes a note that identifier repre­
sents replacement-list; wherever identifier appears later in the file, the preproces­
sor substitutes replacem ent-list.
Don’l put any extra symbols in a macro definition— they’ll become part of the
replacement list. Putting the = symbol in a macro definition is a common error:
#define N = 100
/*** WRONG ***/
int a[N] ,-
/* becomes int a[= 100] ; */
In this example, w e’ve (incorrectly) defined N to be a pair ol’ tokens (= and 100).
Ending a macro definition with a semicolon is another popular mistake:
#define N 100;
/*** WRONG ***/
int a[N];
/* becomes int a[100;]; */
Here N is defined to be the tokens 10 0 and ;.
The compiler will detect most errors caused by extra symbols in a macro defi­
nition. Unfortunately, the compiler will flag each use of the macro as incorrect,
rather than identifying the actual culprit— the macro’s definition— which will have
been removed by the preprocessor.
Simple macros are primarily used for defining what Kernighan and Ritchie
call “manifest constants.” Using^ macros,1 we can O
g iv7e names to numeric, character,
and stringo values:
C h a p te r 14
T h e P re p r o c e s s o r kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
"Error: not enough memory"onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Using # d e f i n e to create names for constants has several significant advantages:RQPO
The name of the macro— if well-chosen—
helps the reader understand the meaning of the constant. The alternative is a
program full o f “magic numbers” that can easily mystify the reader.
■ I t m a k e s p r o g r a m s e a s ie r to re a d .
We can change the value of a constant
throughout a program by modifying a single macro definition. “ Hard-coded’’
constants are more difficult to change, especially since they sometimes appear
in a slightly altered form. (For example, a program with an array of length 100
may have a loop that goes from 0 to 99. If we merely try to locate occurrences
of 1 0 0 in the program, w e’ll miss the 99.)
■ I t m a k e s p r o g r a m s e a s i e r to m o d if y .
If a numerical con­
stant like 3 .1 4 1 5 9 appears many times in a program, chances are it will
occasionally be written 3 .1 4 1 6 or 3 .1 4 1 9 5 by accident.
■ I t h e lp s a v o id in c o n s is te n c ie s a n d ty p o g r a p h ic a l
e rro rs.
Although simple macros are most often used to define names for constants,
they do have other applications:
Wc can— in effect— alter the syn­
tax o fC by defining macros that serve as alternate names for C symbols. For
example, programmers who prefer Pascal’s b e g i n and e n d to C ’s { and }
can define the following macros:
■ M a k in g m in o r c h a n g e s to th e s y n ta x o f C .
#define BEGIN ’
#define END
We could go so far as to invent our own language. For example, we might cre­
ate a LOOP “statement” that establishes an infinite loop:
#define LOOP for (;; )
Changing the syntax o fC usually isn’t a good idea, though, since it can make
programs harder for others to understand.
■ R e n a m in g ty p e s.
In Section 5.2. we created a Boolean type by renaming i n t :
ty p e d o fin itio n s > 7 .5
Although some programmers use macros for this purpose, type definitions are
a superior way to define type names.
Macros play an important role in con­
trolling conditional compilation, as w e’ll see in Section 14.4. Forexam ple, the
presence of the following line in a program might indicate that it’s to be com-
■ C o n tr o llin g c o n d itio n a l c o m p ila tio n .
M a c ro D e fin itio n s hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHG
321 onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWV
piled in “debugging m ode;’ with extra statements included to produce debug­
#define DEBUG
Incidentally, it’s legal for a m acro’s replacement list to be empty, as this exam ­
ple shows.
W hen macros are used as constants, C programmers customarily capitalize all
letters in their names. However, there’s no consensus as to how to capitalize mac­
ros used for other purposes. Since macros (especially parameterized macros) can
be a source ofbugs. some programmers like to draw attention to them by using all
upper-case letters in their names. Others prefer lower-case names, following the
style of Kernighan and Ritchie’s cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
The C P rogram m ing Language. dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
P a r a m e te r iz e d M a c r o s
The definition of a p a ra m eterized m acro (also known as a fu n c tio n -lik e m a cro )
has the form
# d e f i n e d i r e c t iv e
# d e fin e
id en tifier( x,
.v2 • ••• /
n ) replacem ent-list
( p a r a m e t e r i z e d m a c r o ) kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
where .Vj, _v2 , ..., x n arc identifiers (the m acro’s p a ra m eters). The parameters may
appear as many times as desired in the replacement list.
There must be no space between the macro name and the left parenthesis. If space
is left, the preprocessor will assum e that w e’re defining a simple macro; it will
treat U p x 2 f . . . t x n ) a s p a rto fth e re p la c e m e n tlis t.
When the preprocessor encounters the definition of a parameterized macro, it
stores the definition away for later use. W herever a macro in vocation o f the form
id e n fiJ ie r (\\, y 2 , . . . , y l t ) appears later in the program (w hereV |, y 2 . .... y ft are
sequences of tokens), the preprocessor replaces it with replacem ent-list, substitut­
ing V] for .Vp y 2 for.v 2 , and so forth.
For example, suppose that w e’ve defined the following macros:
#define MAX(x,y)
#define IS_EVEN(n)
(The number ofparentheses in these macros may seem excessive, but there’s a rea­
son. as w e’U see later in this section.) Now suppose that we invoke the two macros
in the following way:
i = M A X (j+k, m-n);
if (IS_EVEN(i)) i++;
C h a p te r 14
T h e P r e p r o c e s s o r onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Thc preprocessor will replace these lines by kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
i = ((j+k)>(m-n)?(j+k):(m-n));
if (((i)%2==0)) i++;
As this example shows, parameterized macros often serve as simple functions. MAX
behaves like a function that computes the larger o ftw o values. IS_EV EN behaves
like a function that returns l ifits argument is an even num ber and 0 otherwise.
Here’s a more complicated macro that behaves like a function:
#define TOUPPER(c)
< c ty p e . h>
This macro tests whether the character c is between ' a ' and ' z '. If so, it pro­
duces the upper-case version of c by subtracting ' a ' and adding ' A ' . If not, it
leaves c unchanged. (The < c t y p e . h> header provides a similar function named
h e a d e r > 2 3 . 5 GFEDCBA
t o u p p e r that’s more portable.)
A parameterized macro may have an empty param eter list. Here’s an example:
#define getchar()
The empty parameter list isn’t really needed, but it makes g e t c h a r resemble a
function. (Yes, this is the same g e t c h a r that belongs to < s t d i o . h>. W e’ll see
in Section 22.4 that g e t c h a r is usually implemented as a macro as well as a
Using a parameterized macro instead of a true function has a couple of advan­
In lin e fu n c tio n s > 1 8 .6
■ T he p ro g ra m m ay be slightly fa ste r. A function call usually requires some
overhead during program execution— context inform ation must be saved,
arguments copied, and so forth. A macro invocation, on the other hand,
requires no run-time overhead. (Note, however, that C 99's inline functions
provide a way to avoid this overhead without the use of macros.)
■ M acros are “g e n e ric .” Macro parameters, unlike function parameters, have
no particular type. As a result, a macro can accept arguments o fan y type, pro­
vided that the resulting program— after preprocessing— is valid. For example,
we could use the MAX macro to find the larger o f two values of type i n t .
l o n g , f l o a t , d o u b l e , and so forth.
But parameterized macros also have disadvantages:
■ T h e co m p iled code will o ften be larger. Each macro invocation causes the
insertion of the macro’s replacem ent list, thereby increasing the size of the
source program (and hence the compiled code). The more often the macro is
used, the more pronounced this effect is. The problem is com pounded when
macro invocations are nested. Consider what happens when we use MAX to
find the lar^gest of three numbers:
n = MAX (i, MAX(j , k) ) ;
Here’s the same statement after preprocessing:
n =
1 4 .3
M a c ro D e fin itio n s hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFED
the com piler
checks each argum ent to see if it has the appropriate type. If not, either the
argum ent is converted to the proper type or the com piler produces an error
message. M acro argum ents aren’t checked by the preprocessor, nor are they
■ A r g u m e n ts a r e n
’t t y p e - c h e c k e d . onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
When a function is called,
As w e’ll see in Section 17.7, C
allows pointers to functions, a concept that’s quite useful in certain program ­
ming situations. M acros are rem oved during preprocessing, so there’s no cor­
responding notion of “pointer to a m acro” ; as a result, macros can ’t be used in
these situations.
■ I t ’s n o t p o s s i b l e t o h a v e a p o i n t e r t o a m a c r o .
A function evaluates
its argum ents only once; a m acro may evaluate its argum ents tw o or more
times. Evaluating an argum ent m ore than once can cause unexpected behavior
if the argum ent has side effects. C onsider what happens if one o f MAX’s argu­
ments has a side effect:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
■ A m a c r o m a y e v a lu a te its a r g u m e n ts m o r e th a n o n c e .
n = MAX(i++, j );
H ere’s the sam e line after preprocessing:
lf i is larger than j , then i will be (incorrectly) incremented twice and n will
be assigned an unexpected value.
Errors caused by evaluating a m acro argum ent m ore than once can be difficult to
find, because a m acro invocation looks the sam e as a function call. To m ake m at­
ters worse, a m acro may work properly most o f the tim e, failing only for certain
argum ents that have side effects. For self-protection, it’s a good idea to avoid side
effects in ar4g_*>'um ents.
Param eterized m acros are good for m ore than ju st sim ulating functions. In
particular, they’re often used as patterns for segm ents o f code that we find our­
selves repeating. Suppose that we grow tired o fw ritin g
printf("%d\n", i);
every time we need to print an integer i . We m ight define the following macro,
which makes it easier to display integers:
#define PRINT__INT(n) printf("%d\n", n)
Once P R IN T _ IN T has been defined, the preprocessor will turn the line
printf("%d\n", i/j);
C h a p te r 14
T h e P r e p r o c e s s o r aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
T h e # O p e r a to r onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
M acro definitions may contain two special operators, # and # # . N either operator is
recognized by the com piler; instead, they’re executed during preprocessing.
The # operator converts a macro argument into a string literal; it can appear
only in the replacement list of a parameterized macro. (The operation performed
by # is known as “stringization." a term that I’m sure you w on’t find in the dictio­
There are a number o f uses for #; let’s consider ju st one. Suppose that we
decide to use the P R IN T _ IN T macro during debugging as a convenient way to
print the values of integer variables and expressions. The # operator makes it pos­
sible for P R IN T _IN T to label each value that it prints. H ere’s our new version of
#define PRINT_INT(n) printf(#n " = %d\n", n)
The # operator in front of n instructs the preprocessor to create a string literal from
P R IN T _ IN T 's argument. Thus, the invocation
will become
printf("i/j" " = %d\n", i/j);
We saw in Section 13.l that the com piler autom aticallyjoins adjacent string liter­
als, so this statement is equivalent to
printf("i/j = %d\n", i/j);
When the program is executed, p r i n t f will display both the expression i / j and
its value. If i is 11 and j is 2. for example, the output will be
i/j = 5
T h e # # O p e r a to r
The # # operator can “paste” two tokens (identifiers, for example) together to form
a single token. (Not surprisingly, the # # operation is known as “token-pasting.” ) If
one of the operands is a macro parameter, pasting occurs after the param eter has
been replaced by the corresponding argument. Consider the following macro:
#define MK_ID(n) i##n
When MK_ID is invoked (as MK_ID ( 1 ) . say), the preprocessor first replaces the
parameter n by the argum ent (1 in this case). Next, the preprocessor joins i and 1
to make a single token ( i l ) . The following declaration uses MK_ID lo create three
int MK_ID(1), MK_ID(2), MK_ID(3);
1 4 .3
3 2 5 onmlkjihgfedcbaZ
M a c r o D e fin it io n s hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLK
After preprocessing, this declaration becomes kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
int il, i2, i3;
The # # operator isn’t one of the most frequently used features o f the prepro­
cessor; in fact, it’s hard to think ofm anysituations that require it. To find a realistic
application of # # , let's reconsider the MAX macro described earlier in this section.
As we observed then, MAX doesn’t behave properly if its arguments have side
effects. The alternative to usingc> the MAX macro is to write a m ax function. Unfortunately, one m ax function usually isn’t enough; we may need a m ax function
whose arkg^»uments are i n 2t values, one cw
** hose arguments are f l o a t values, and so
on. All these versions of m ax would be identical except for the types of the argu­
ments and the return type, so it seems a shame (o define each one from scratch.
The solution is to write a macro that expands into the definition of a m ax func­
tion. The macro will have a single parameter, t y p e , which represents the type of
the arguments and the return value. T here’s ju s t one snag: if we use the macro to
create more than one m ax function, the program w on’t compile. (C doesn’t allow
two functions to have the same name if both are defined in the same file.) To solve
this problem, w e’ll use the # # operator to create a different nam e for each version
o fm a x . Here’s what the macro will look like:
#define GENERIC_MAX(type)
type type##_max(type x, type y) \
return x > y ? x : y;
Notice how t y p e is joined with _ m ax to form the name of the function.
Suppose that we happen to need a m ax function that works with f l o a t val­
ues. Here’s how w e’d use GENERIC_MAX lo define the function:
The preprocessor expands this line into the following code:
float float_max(float x, float y) { return x > y ? x : y; }dcbaZYXWVUTSRQP
G e n e r a l P r o p e r tie s o f M a c r o s
Now that w e’ve discussed both simple and parameterized macros, let’s look at
some rules that apply to both:RQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
A m a c r o ’s r e p l a c e m e n t l i s t m a y c o n t a i n i n v o c a t i o n s o f o t h e r m a c r o s .
example, we could define the macro TWO_PI in terms o fth e macro P I:
#define PI
#define TWO_PI (2*PI)
When it encounters TWO_PI later in the program, the preprocessor replaces it
by ( 2 * P I ) . The preprocessor then r e s c a n s the replacem ent list to see if it
C h a p te r 14
T h e P re p ro c e s s o r onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
contains invocations o f other macros ( P I , in this case). The preprocessor will
rescan the replacement list as many times as necessary to elim inate all macro dcbaZY
■ T h e p rep ro cesso r rep la ces o n ly en tire to ken s, n o t p o rtio n s o f to ken s. As a
result, the preprocessor ignores macro names that are embedded in identifiers,
character constants, and string literals. For example, suppose that a program
contains the following lines:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
#define SIZE 256
puts("Error: SIZE exceeded");
After preprocessing, these lines will have the following appearance:
if (BUFFER_SIZE > 256)
puts("Eri'or: SIZE exceeded");
The identifier BUFFER S IZ E and the string " E r r o r : S IZ E e x c e e d e d "
w eren’t affected by preprocessing, even though both contain the word S IZ E .
■ A m acro d e fin itio n n o rm a lly re m a in s in e ffe c t u n til th e e n d o f th e f i l e in
w hich it appears. Since macros are handled by the preprocessor, they don’t
obey normal scope rules. A macro defined inside the body of a function isn*t
local to that function; it remains deRned until the end of the file.
■ A m acro m a y n o t be d e fin e d tw ice u n less (he n ew d e fin itio n is id e n tic a l to
th e o ld one. Differences in spacing are allowed, but the tokens in the m acro’s
replacem ent list (and the parameters, ifan y ) must be the same.
■ M a cro s m a y be “u n d e fin e d ” by th e # u n d e f directive. The # u n d e f direc­
tive has the form
# u n d e f directive
# u n d e f id entifier
where identifier is a macro name. For example, the directive
#undef N
removes the current definition of the macro N. (lfN hasn’t been defined as a
macro, the # u n d e f directive has no effect.) One use o f # u n d e f is to remove
the existing definition o f a macro so that it can be given a new definition.GFEDCBA
P a r e n th e s e s in M a c r o D e fin itio n s
The replacem ent lists in our macro definitions have been full of parentheses. Ts it
really necessary to have so many? The answer is an em phatic yes; if we use fewer
1 4 .3
3 2 7 onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUT
M a c ro D e fin itio n s hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDC
parentheses, the macros will sometimes give unexpected— and undesirable—
There are two rules to follow when deciding where to put parentheses in a
macro definition. First, if the macro’s replacement list contains an operator, always
enclose the replacement list in parentheses:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
#define TWO_PI (2*3.14159)
Second, if the macro has parameters, put parentheses around each parameter every
time il appears in the replacement list:
#define SCALE(x)
Without the parentheses, we can’t guarantee that the compiler will treat replace­
ment lists and arguments as whole expressions. The compiler may apply the rules
ofoperator precedence and associativity in ways that we didn’t anticipate.
To illustrate the importance of putting parentheses around a macro’s replace­
ment list, consider the following macro definition, in which the parentheses are
#define TWO_PI 2*3.14159
/* needs parentheses around replacement list */
During preprocessing, the statement
conversion_factor = 360/TWO_PI;
conversion_factor = 360/2*3.14159;
The division will be performed before the multiplication, yielding a result different
from the one intended.
Putting parentheses around the replacement list isn’t enough if the macro has
parameters— each occurrence o f a parameter needs parentheses as well. For exam ­
ple, suppose that SCALE is defined as follows:
#define SCALE(x)
/* needs parentheses around x */
During preprocessing, the statement
j = SCALE(i+l);
j = (i+l*10);
Since multiplication lakes precedence over addition, this statement is equivalent to
j = i+10;
Of course, what we wanted was
j = (i+l)*10;
C h a p te r 14
T h e P re p r o c e s s o r
A shortage of parentheses in a macro definition can cause some of C ’s most frus­
trating errors. The program will usually com pile and the m acro will appear to
work, failing only at the least convenient times.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
C r e a tin g L o n g e r M a c r o s
The com m a operator can be useful for creating m ore sophisticated macros by
allowing us to make the replacement list a series ofexpressions. For example, the
following macro will read a string and then print it:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
#define ECHO(s)
(gets(s), puts(s))
Calls o f g e t s and p u t s are expressions, so it’s perfectly legal to com bine them
using the com m a operator. We can invoke ECHO as though it were a function:
/* becomes (gets(str), puts(str)); */
Instead o f using the comma operator in the definition of ECHO, we could have
enclosed the calls o f g e t s and p u t s in braces lo form a com pound statement:
#define ECHO(s)
{ gets(s); puts(s);
Unfortunately, this method doesn’t work as well. Suppose that we use ECHO in an
i f statement:
if (echo_flag)
Replacing ECHO gives the following result:
if (echo_flag)
{ gets(str); puts(str); };
The com piler treats the first two lines as a com plete i f statement:
if (echo_flag)
{ gets(str); puts(str); }
It treats the semicolon that follows as a null statem ent and produces an error mes­
sage for the e l s e clause, since it doesn’t belong to any i f . We could solve thc
problem by remem bering not to put a semicolon after each invocation of ECHO,
but then the program would look odd.
The com m a operator solves this problem for ECHO, but not for all macros.
Suppose that a macro needs to contain a series o f cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
sia tenients, not ju st a series of
expressions. The com m a operator is of no help: it can glue together expressions.
1 4 .3
3 2 9 onmlkjihgfedcbaZY
M a c ro D e fin itio n s hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJI
bul not statements. The solution is to wrap the statements in a d o loop w hose con­
dition is false (and which therefore will be executedjust once):kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
do { ... } while (0)
Notice that the d o statement isn’t com plete— il needs a semicolon at the end. To
see this trick (ahem, technique) in action, let’s incorporate it into our ECHO macro:
#define ECHO(s)
do {
} while (0)
When ECHO is used, it must be followed by a sem icolon, which com pletes the d o
/* becomes do { gets(str); puts(str);
P r e d e fin e d M a c r o s
C has several predefined macros. Each macro represents an integer constant or
string literal. As Table l4.l shows, these macros provide information about the
current compilation or about the com piler itself.
T a b le 1 4 .1
N am e
D e s c r ip tio n
Line iniinber o ffile being compiled
Name of file being compiled
Date of compilation (in the form “Mmm d d y y y y " )
Time ofcom pilation (in the form "h h :m m : s s " )
1 if the com piler conforms to the C standard (C89 or C99)
macros identify when a program was com ­
T h e __ DATE
piled. For example, suppose that a program begins with the following statements:
printf("Wacky Windows (c) 2010 Wacky Software, Inc.\n");
printf("Compiled on %s at %s\n", __D A T E , __TIME__);
Each time it begins to execute, the program will print two lines of the form
Wacky Windows (c) 2010 Wacky Software, Inc.
Compiled on Dec 23 2010 at 22:18:48
This information can be helpful fordistinguishing am ong different versions o fth e
same program.
We can use t h e
F IL E __ macros to help locate errors.
Consider the problem of detecting the location of a division by zero. W hen a C
program terminates prematurely because it divided by zero, there's usually no indi­
cation ofw hich division caused the problem. The following macro can help us pin­
point the source of the error:
C h a p te r 14
T h e P re p r o c e s s o r kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
#define CHECK_ZERO(divisor) \
if (divisor == 0) \
printf("*** Attempt to divide by zero on line %d "
"of file %s ***\n",
L I N E ,
F I L E )onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONM
The CHECK_ZERO macro would be invoked prior to a division:
k = i / j;
If j happens to be zero, a message of the following form will be printed:
*** Attempt to divide by zero on line 9 of file foo.c ***aZYXWVUTSRQP
a s s e r t m a c r o BA
> 2 4 .1
Error-detecting macros like this one are quite useful. In fact, the C library has a
general-purpose error-detecting macro named a s s e r t .
macro exists and has the value I if the compiler conforms to
the C standard (either C89 or C99). By having the preprocessor test this macro, a
program can adapt to a compiler that predates the C89 standard (see Section 14.4
A d d it io n a l P r e d e f in e d M a c r o s in C 9 9
C99 provides a few additional predefined macros (Table 14.2).
N am e
T a b I c 1 4 .2
A dditional Predefined
STDC_IEC_559__ f
STDC_ISO_10646__ ’
D escrip tio n
1 if this is a hosted im plem entation; 0 if it is
Version o f C standard supported
1 ifIE C 60559 floating-point arithm etic is
1 if IEC 60559 com plex arithm etic is supported
yyyyn m fL i f w c h a r _ t values match the lSO
10646 standard o f the specified year and month
f o o n d iiio n a llv d e fin e d
c o m p le x t y p e s
> 2 7 .3
To understand the meaning o f
STDC HOSTED__ , we need some new
vocabulary. An im plem entation of C consists of the compiler plus other software
necessary to execute C programs. C99 divides implementations into two catego­
ries: hosted and freestanding. A hosted im plem entation must accept any program
that conforms to the C99 standard, whereas a fre e sta n d in g im plem entation
doesn’t have to compile programs that use complex types or standard headers
beyond a few of the most basic, (ln particular, a freestanding implementation
doesn’t have to support the < s t d i o . h > header.) T h e
macro represents the constant 1 if the compiler is a hosted implementation; other­
wise, the macro has the value 0.
macro provides a way to check which version
of the C standard is recognized by the compiler. This macro first appeared in
Amendment 1 to the C89 standard, where its value was specified to be Ute long
1 4.3
M a c ro D e fin itio n s kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLK
integer constant 1 9 9 4 0 9 L (representing the year and month o fth e am endm ent). If
a com piler conform s to the C99 standard, the value is 1 9 9 9 0 1 L . For each subse­
quent version of the standard (and each am endment to the standard), this macro
will have a different value.
A C99 com piler may (or may not) define three additional macros. Each m acro
is defined only if the com piler meets a certain requirement:
> 7 .2
I E E E f lo a t in g - p o in t s t a n d a r d BA
S T D C _ IE C _ 5 5 9
is defined (and has the value 1) if the com piler per­
forms floating-point arithm etic according to the IEC 60559 standard (another
name for the IEEE 754 standard).
S T D C _ IE C _ 5 5 9 _ C O M P L E X is defined (and has the value I) if the
com piler performs com plex arithmetic according to the IEC 60559 standard.
S T D C _ I S O _ 1 0 6 4 6 is defined as an integer constant of the form
yyyyvnmL (for exam ple, 1 9 9 7 1 2 L ) if values o f type w c h a r _ t are repre­
> 2 5 .2
sented by the codes in the ISO/IEC 10646 standard (with revisions as of the
specified year and month).dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
w c h a r _ t ty p e
IS O /IE C 1 0 6 4 6 s ta n d a rd
E m p ty M a c r o A r g u m e n ts
C99 allows any or all of the argum ents in a macro call to be empty. Such a call will
contain the same number ofcom m as as a normal call, however. (That way, ifs easy
g um ents have' been omitted.)
to see which arO
ln most cases, the effect o f an em pty argument is clear. W herever the corre­
sponding parameter name appears in the replacem ent list, it’s replaced by noth­
ing— it simply disappears from the replacem ent list. H ere’s an example:
#define ADD(x,y)
After preprocessing, the statem ent
i = ADD(j,k) ;
becom es
i = (j+k) ;
whereas the statement
i = ADD(,k) ;
becom es
i = (+k);
When an empty argum ent is an operand of the # or # # operators, special rules
apply. If an empty argument is wtstringized” by the # operator. the result is "" (the
em pty string):
#define MK_STR(x) #x
char empty_string[] = MK_STR();
C h a p te r 14
T h e P re p r o c e s s o r onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
After preprocessing, the declaration will have the following appearance:
c h a r e m p t y _ s t r i n g []
Tf one of the argum ents of the # # operator is empty, it's replaced by an invisi­
ble “placem arker" token. Concatenating an ordinary token with a placem arker
token yields the original token (the placem arker disappears). If two placem arker
tokens are concatenated, the result is a single placemarker. Once macro expansion
has been completed, placem arker tokens disappear ftom the program . C onsider the
following example:
# d e fin e
J O I N ( x ,y ,z )
in tJ O I N ( a ,b ,c ) ,
J O I N ( a ,b ,) ,
J O I N ( a ,,c ) ,
J O I N ( ,,c ) ;
After preprocessing, the declaration will have the following appearance:
in t
The missing argum ents were replaced by placem arker tokens, which then disap­
peared when concatenated with any nonem pty argum ents. All three argum ents to
the JO IN macro could even be missing, which would yield an em pty result.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQP
M a c r o s w ith a V a r ia b le N u m b e r o f A r g u m e n t s
v a r i a b l e - l e n g t f i a r g u m e n i lis t s BA
> 2 6 .1
In C89, a macro must have a fixed number of arguments, if it has any at all. C99
loosens things up a bit, allowing macros that take an unlimited num ber of argu­
ments. This feature has long been available for functions, so it’s not surprising that
macros were finally put on an equal footing.
The prim ary reason for having a macro with a variable num ber ofargum ents is
that il can pass these argum ents to a function that accepts a variable num ber of
arguments, such as p r i n t f or s c a n f . Here’s an example:
((c o n d itio n )?
# d e f in e T E S T (c o n d itio n , . . . )
p r i n t f ( " P a s s e d t e s t : % s \n " , # c o n d i t i o n ) :
p r i n t f ( VA_ARGS_) )
ellipsis, goes at the end of a m acro's param eter list, pre­
is a special identi­
ceded by ordinary parameters, if there are a n y . VA_ARGS
fier that can appear only in the replacem ent list o f a macro with a variable number
of arguments; it represents all the arguments that correspond to the ellipsis. (There
must be at least one argum ent that corresponds to the ellipsis, although that argu­
ment may be empty.) The TEST macro requires at least two arguments. The first
argument matches the c o n d i t i o n parameter; the remaining arguments match
the ellipsis.
H ere’s an exam ple that shows how the TEST macro might be used:
T E S T ( v o l t a g e <= m a x _ v o l t a g e ,
’’V o l t a g e %d e x c e e d s % d \n " ,
v o lta g e ,
m a x _ v o lta g e );
The preprocessor will produce the following output (reform atted for readability):
1 4.4
C o n d it io n a l C o m p ila tio n hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFE
3 3 3 kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUT
((voltage <= max_voltage)?
printf("Passed test: %s\n", "voltage <= max_voltage"):
printf("Voltage %d exceeds %d\n", voltage, max_yoltage));onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQ
When the program is executed, the program will display the message
Passed test: voltage <= max_voltage
i f v o l t a g e is no more than m a x _ v o l t a g e . Otherwise, it will display the values
of v o l t a g e and m a x _ v o l t a g e :
fu n c
I d e n tifie r
has nothing
f u n c __ i d e n t i f i e r . f u n c
Another new feature o fC 9 9 is th e
to do with the preprocessor, so it actually doesn’t belong in this chapter. However,
like many preprocessor features, it’s useful for debugging, so I’ve chosen to dis­
cuss it here.
fu n c
identifier, which behaves like a
Every function has access to th e
string variable that stores the name of the currently executing function. The effect
is the same as if each function contains the following declaration at the beginning
o fits body:
static const char __f u n c [] PONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
w h e re fim a io n -iia m e is the name of the function. The existence of this identifier
makes it possible to write debugging macros such as the following:
#define FUNCTION_CALLED() printf("%s called\n", __func__);
#define FUNCTION_RETURNS() printf("%s returns\n", __f u n c );
Calls of these macros can then be placed inside functions to trace their calls:
void f (void)
/* displays "f called" */
/* displays "f returns" */
f u n c : it can be passed to a function to let it know the name
Another use o f
of the function that called it.aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
1 4 .4
C o n d it io n a l C o m p ila t io n
The C preprocessor recognizes a number of directives that support c o n d itio n a l
com pilation— the inclusion or exclusion of a section of program text depending on
the outcome of a test performed by the preprocessor.
C h a p te r 14
T h e P r e p ro c e s s o r dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
T h e # i f a n d # e n d i f D ir e c tiv e s onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Suppose we’re in the process of debugging a program. We’d like the program to
print the values of certain variables, so we put calls o f p r i n t f in critical parts of
the program. Once we've located the bugs, it's often a good idea to let the p r i n t f
calls rem ain.just in casc we need them later. Conditional compilation allows us to
leave the calls in place, but have the compiler ignore them.
Here’s how we’ll proceed. We’ll first define a macro and give it a nonzero
#define DEBUG 1
The name of the macro doesn’t matter. Next, we'll surround each group of
p r i n t f calls by an # i f - # e n d i f pair:
printf("Value of i: %d\n", i);
printf("Value of j: %d\n", j);
During preprocessing, the # i f directive will test the value of DEBUG. Since its
value isn’t zero, the preprocessor will leave the two calls o f p r i n t f in the pro­
gram (the # i f and # e n d i f lines will disappear, though). If we change the value
of DEBUG to zero and recompile the program, the preprocessor will remove all
four lines from the program. The compiler won’t see the calls o f p r i n t f . so they
won’t occupy any space in the object code and won’t cost any time when the pro­
gram is run. We can leave the # i f - # e n d i f blocks in the final program, allowing
diagnostic information to be produced later (by recompiling with DEBUG set to I)
if any problems turn up.
In general, the # i f directive has the form aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
# if
# i f d ir e c t iv e
The # e n d i f directive is even simpler:
# e n d if
# e n d i f d ir e c t iv e
When the preprocessor encounters the # i f directive, it evaluates the constant
expression. If the value of the expression is zero, the lines between # i f and
# e n d i f will be removed from the program during preprocessing. Otherwise, the
lines between # i f and # e n d i f will remain in the program to be processed by the
compiler— the # i f and # e n d i f will have had no cffect on the program.
It’s worth noting that the # i f directive treats undefined identifiers as macros
that have the value 0. Thus, if we ne^g^lecl to define DEBUG,7 the test
C o n d itio n a l C o m p ila tio n kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLK
will fail (but not generate an error message), while the test
#if !DEBUG
T h e d e f i n e d O p e r a to r
We encountered the # and # # operators in Section l4.3. T here's just one other
operator, d e f i n e d , that’s specific to the preprocessor. When applied to an identi­
fier, d e f i n e d produces the value l ifth e identifier is a currently defined macro; it
produces 0 otherwise. The d e f i n e d operator is normally used in conjunction
with the # i f directive; it allows us to write
# if de fined(DEBUG)
• • •
The lines between the # i f and # e n d i f directives will be included in the program
only if DEBUG is defined as a macro. The parentheses around DEBUG aren’t
required; we could simply write
#if defined DEBUG
Since d e f i n e d tests only whether DEBUG is defined or not, it’s not neces­
sary to give DEBUG a value:
#define DEBUG
T h e # i f d e f a n d # i f n d e f D ir e c tiv e s
The # i f d e f directive tesLs whether an identifier is currently defined as a macro:
# ifd e f
# i f d e f d i r e c t iv e
Using # i f d e f is sim ilar to using # i f :
• ’
• •
Lines to be included ifidentifierisdefined as a macro
Strictly speaking, there's no need for # i f d e f , since we can com bine the # i f
directive with the d e f i n e d operator to get the same effect. Ln other words, the
#ifdef identifier
is equivalent to
#if defined(identifier)
C h a p te r 14
T h e P re p r o c e s s o r onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
The # i f n d e f directive is sim ilar to # i f d e f , but tests w hether an identifier
# i f n d e f id entifier
# i f n d e f d ir e c t iv e
W riting
# ifn d e f
id entifier
is the same as writingo
# if
!d e fin e d (/? /e /ir/7 7 e r) dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
T he
#else D ir e c tiv e s
# i f , # i f d e f , and # i f n d e f blocks can be nested ju st like ordinary i f state­
ments. When nesting occurs, it’s a good idea to use an increasing am ount o f inden­
tation as the level o f nesting grows. Some program m ers put a com m ent on each
closing # e n d i f to indicate what condition the marching # i f tests:
# if
# e n d if
This technique makes it easier for thc reader to find the beginning o f the # i f block.
For additional convenience, the preprocessor supports the # e l i f and # e l s e
# e l i f d ir e c t iv e
# e 1 i f constant-expressio n
# e l s e d ire c tiv e
# e ls e
# e l i f and # e l s e can be used in conjunction with # i f , # i f d e f , or # i f n d e f
to test a series of conditions:
# i f e x p rl
Lines to be in cluded i f e x p r l is nonzero
# e l i f expr2
L in es to he included i f e x p rl is zero but expr2 is nonzero
# e ls e
Lines to he included otherw ise
# e n d if
Although the # i f directive is shown above, an # i f d e f or # i f n d e f directive
can be used instead. Any number of # e l i f directives— but at most one # e l s e —
may appear between # i f and # e n d i f .
C o n d itio n a l C o m p ila tio n hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGF
U s e s o f C o n d itio n a l C o m p ila tio n onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Conditional compilation is certainly handy for debugging, but its uses don’t stop
there. Here are a few other com m on applications:RQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
W r itin g p r o g r a m s th a t a r e p o r ta b le to s e v e r a l m a c h in e s o r o p e r a tin g s y s ­
The following example includes one of three groups of lines depending
on whether W IN32. MAC_OS, or LINUX is defined as a macro:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
te m s .
#if defined(WIN32)
#elif defined(MAC_OS)
#elif defined(LINUX)
A program might contain many o fth e se # i f blocks. Al the beginning of the
program, one (and only one) o f the macros will be defined, thereby selecting a
particular operating system. For example, defining the LINUX macro might
indicate that the program is to run under the Linux operating system.
compilers often recognize somewhat different versions of C. Some accept a
standard version of C. some d o n ’t. Som e provide machine-specific language
extensions; some don’t, or provide a different set of extensions. Conditional
compilation can allow a program to adjust to different compilers. Consider the
problem of writing a program that might have to be compiled using an older,
nonstandard compiler. The
STDC_ macro allows the preprocessor to
detect whether a com piler conform s to the standard (either C89 or C99): if it
doesn’t, we may need to change certain aspects of the program. In particular,
we may have to use old-style function declarations (discussed in the Q&A at
the end of Chapter 9) instead of function prototypes. At each point where
functions are declared, we can put the following lines:
W r itin g p r o g r a m s th a t c a n b e c o m p i l e d w ith d i f f e r e n t c o m p ile r s .
Function prototypes
Old-stylefunction declarations
Conditional com pilation allows
us to check whether a macro is currently defined and, if not, give it a default
definition. For example, the following lines will define the macro
B U FFER _SIZE ifit w asn’t previously defined:
P r o v id in g a d e f a u lt d e f in itio n f o r a m a c r o .
#define BUFFER_SIZE 256
C h a p te r 14
T h e P r e p r o c e s s o r cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
■ Tem porarily disabling code that contains com m ents. onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
We can’t use a / * ... * /
comment to “comment out’' code that already contains / * . . . * / comments.
Instead, we can use an # i f directive:
# if 0
Lines containing com m ents
Disabling code in this way is often called “conditioning o u t/
Section l5.2 discusses anothercom m on use ofconditional compilation: pro­
tecting header files against multiple inclusion.
1 4 .5
M is c e lla n e o u s D ir e c t iv e s
To end the chapter, w e’ll take a brief look at the # e r r o r , # l i n e , and # p r a g m a
directives. These directives are more specialized than the ones w e’ve already
examined, and they’re used much less frequently.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
T h e # e r r o r D ir e c t iv e
The # e r r o r directive has the form
# e r r o r m essage
# e r r o r d ir e c t iv e
where m essage is any sequence of tokens. If the preprocessor encounters an
# e r r o r directive, it prints an error message which must include m essage. The
exact form of the error message can vary from one com piler to another; it might be
somethingCP like
E rro r d ire c tiv e :
m essage
or perhapsjust
# e r r o r m essage
> 23 .2
I N T _ M A X m a c r o BA
Encountering an # e r r o r directive indicates a serious flaw in the program; some
compilers immediately terminate compilation without attempting to find other
# e r r o r directives are frequently used in conjunction with conditional com­
pilation to check for situations that shouldn’t arise during a normal compilation.
For example, suppose that we want to ensure that a program can’t be compiled on
a machine whose i n t type isn't capable of storing numbers up to l00,000. The
largest possible i n t value is represented by the INT_MAX macro, so all we need
do is invoke an # e r r o r directive if INT MAX isn't at least l00,000:
1 4 .5
M is c e lla n e o u s D ir e c tiv e s kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGF
#if INT_MAX < 100000
#error int type is too small
Attem pting to com pile the program on a m achine whose integers are stored in 16
bits will produce a message such as
Error directive: int type is too small
Thc # e r r o r directive is often found in the # e l s e part of an # i f - # e l i f # e l s e series:
#if defined(WIN32)
#elif defined(LINUX)
• ••
#error No operating system specified
T h e # l i n e D ir e c tiv e
The # l i n e directive is used to alter the way program lines are numbered. (Lines
are usually numbered 1, 2, 3, as yoird expect.) We can also use this directive to
make the com piler think that it’s reading the program from a file with a different
The # l i n e directive has tw o forms. In one form, we specify a line number:aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJI
# lin e
d i r e c t iv e
# lin e
( fo r m 1 )
< ffi>
# lin e
d i r e c t iv e
// must be a sequence of digits representing an integer between l and 32767
(2147483647 in C99). This directive causes subsequent lines in the program to be
n + 2, and so forth.
Tn the second form o fth e # l i n e directive, both a line num ber and a file name
are specified:
# lin e
// "file "
(fo rm 2)
The lines that follow this directive are assumed to com e from file . with line num ­
bers starting at //. The values of/? and/or they?/e string can be specified using m ac­
One effect: of the # l i n e directive is to chang4^e the value o f the *^-^-L IN E *^^—
macro (and possibly t h e
macro). M ore importantly, most com pilers
will use the information from the # l i n e directive when generating error messages.
T h e P r e p ro c e s s o r onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
C h a p te r 14
For example. suppose that the following directive appears at the beginning of the
file f o o . c:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
#line 10 "bar.c"
Let’s say that the compiler delects an error on line 5 of f o o . c. The error message
will refer to line 13 of file b a r . c, not line 5 of file f o o . c. (Why line 13? The
directive occupies line 1 of f o o . c, so the renumbering of f o o . c begins at line 2,
which is treated as line 10 of b a r . c.)
At first glance, the # l i n e directive is mystifying. Why would we want error
messages to refer to a different line and possibly a different file? Wouldn’t this
make programs harder to debug?
In fact, the # l i n e directive isn't used very often by programmers. Instead,
it’s used primarily by programs that generate C code as output. The most famous
example of such a program is y a c c (Yet Another Compiler-Compiler), a UNLX
utility that automatically generates part o fa compiler. (The GNU version o f y a c c
is named b i s o n . ) Before using y a c c . the programmer prepares a file that con­
tains information for y a c c as well as fragments of C code. From this file, y a c c
generates a C program, y . t a b . c. that incorporates the code supplied by the pro­
grammer. The programmer then compiles y . t a b . c in the usual way. By inserting
# l i n e directives in y . t a b . c, y a c c tricks the compiler into believing that the
code comes from the original file— the one written by the programmer. As a result,
any error messages produced during the compilation o f y . t a b . c will refer to
lines in the original file, not lines in y . t a b . c . This makes debugging easier,
because error messages refer to the file written by the programmer, not the (more
complicated) file generated by y a c c .
T h e # p r a g m a D ir e c tiv e
The # p r a g m a directive provides a way to request special behavior from the com­
piler. This directive is most useful for programs that arc unusually large or that
need to take advantage of the capabilities of a particular compiler.
The # p r a g m a directive has the form
# p r a g m a d ir e c tiv e
where tokens are arbitrary tokens, # p ra g m a directives can be very simple (a sin­
gle token) or they can be much more elaborate:
#pragma data(heap_size => 1000, stack_size => 2000)
Not surprisingly, the set ofcom m ands that can appear in # p r a g m a directives
is different for each compiler: you'll have to consult the documentation for your
compiler to see which commands it allows and what those commands do. Inciden­
tally, the preprocessor must ignore any # p r a g m a directive that contains an unrec­
ognized command: it’s not permitted to give an error message.
1 4 .5
341 onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXW
M is c e lla n e o u s D ir e c tiv e s hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIH
In C 89, there are no standard pragm as— th ey ’re all im plem entation-defined.
C 99 has three standard pragm as, all o f w hich use STDC as the first token follow ing
# p r a g m a . T hese pragm as are FP_CONTRACT (covered in Section 23.4),
CX_LIMITED__RANGE (S ection 27.4), and FENV_ACCESS (Section 27.6).dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJI
T h e _ P r a g m a O p e r a to r
C 99 introduces the _ P r a g m a operator, w hich is used in conjunction w ith the
# p r a g m a directive. A _ P r a g m a expression has the form
_ P r a g m a e x p re s s io n
_ P ra g m a
s tr in g - lite r a l
W hen it encounters such an expression, the preprocessor “d estrin g izes” the string
literal (yes, th at’s the term used in the C 99 standard!) by rem oving the double
quotes around the string and replacing the escape sequences \ " and \ \ by the
characters " and \ , respectively. T he result is a series o f tokens, w hich are then
treated as though they appear in a # p r a g m a directive. For exam ple, w riting kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONM
_Pragma("data(heap_size => 1000, stack_size => 2000)")
is the sam e as w ritin vs^
#pragma data(heap_size => 1000, stack_size => 2000)
T he _ P r a g m a operator lets us w ork around a lim itation o f the preprocessor:
the fact that a preprocessing directive c a n ’t generate another directive. _ P r a g m a .
however, is an operator, not a directive, and can therefore appear in a m acro defini­
tion. T his m akes it possible for a m acro expansion to leave behind a # p r a g m a
L et’s look at an exam ple from the G C C m anual. The follow ing m acro uses the
_ P r a g m a operator:
#define DO_PRAGMA(x) _Pragma(#x)
T he m acro w ould be invoked as follow s:
DO_PRAGMA(GCC dependency "parse.y")
A fter expansion, the result will bc
#pragma GCC dependency ’’parse.y"
w hich is one o f th e pragm as supported by G C C . (It issues a w arning if the date o f
the specified file— p a r s e . y in this exam ple— is m ore recent than the date o f the
current file— the one being com piled.) Note that the argum ent to the call o f
DO_PRAGMA is a series o f tokens. T he # operator in the definition o f DO_PRAGMA
causes the tokens to be stringized into "GCC d e p e n d e n c y \ " p a r s e . y \ " " :
this string is then passed to the _ P r a g m a operator, w hich destringizes it, produc­
ing a # p r a g m a directive containing the original tokens.
T h e P r e p ro c e s s o r aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
C h a p te r 14
I ’v e s e e n p r o g r a m s th a t c o n ta in a # o n a lin e b y its e lf. Is th is le g a l? onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQ
n u l l d i r e c t i v e ; it has no effect. Some programmers use null direc­
tives for spacing within conditional compilation blocks:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
#if INT_MAX < 100000
#error int type is too small
Blank lines would also work, ofcourse, but the # helps the reader see the extent of
the block.
I ’m n o t s u r e w h ic h c o n s t a n t s in a p r o g r a m n e e d to b e d e fi n e d a s m a c r o s . A r e
th e r e a n y g u id e l i n e s to fo llo w ? [p . 3 1 9 ]
One rule of thumb says that every numeric constant, other than 0 or 1, should be a
macro. Character and string constants are problematic, since replacing a character
or siring constant by a macro doesn’t always improve readability. 1 recommend
using a macro instead of a character constant or string literal provided that (1) the
constant is used more than once and (2) the possibility exists that the constant
might someday be modified. Because of rule (2), I don’t use macros such as
#define NUL '\0'
although some programmers do.
W h a t d o e s t h e # o p e r a t o r d o i f th e a r g u m e n t th a t i t ’s s u p p o s e d to “ s t r in g i z c ”
c o n t a in s a " o r \ c h a r a c t e r ? [p . 3 2 4 ]
lt converts " to \ " and \ to \ \ . Consider the following macro:
#define STRINGIZE(x) #x
T hepreprocessorw ill re p la c e S T R IN G IZ E (" fo o " ) by " \ " f o o \ " " .
*Q :
I c a n ’t g e t th e f o llo w in g m a c r o to w o r k p r o p e r ly :
#define CONCAT(x,y) x##y
CONCAT ( a , b ) g iv e s a b , a s e x p e c t e d , b u t CONCAT ( a , CONCAT ( b , c ) ) g iv e s
a n o d d r e s u lt. W h a t ’s g o in g o n ?
Thanks to rules that Kernighan and Ritchie call “bizarre," macros whose replace­
ment lists depend on ## usually can’t be called in a nested fashion. The problem is
that C O N C A T (a,C O N C A T (b,c) ) isn’t expanded in a “normal” fashion, with
CONCAT ( b , c ) yielding b c , then C O N C A T (a,bc) giving a b c . Macro parame­
ters that are preceded or followed by # # in a replacement list aren’t expanded at
& A
3 4 3 onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUT
the time of substitution. As a
aCONCAT ( b , c ) , which can 't
T here’s a way to solve the
second macro that sim ply calls
result, C O N C A T (a,C O N C A T (b ,c) ) expands to
be expanded further, since there’s no m acro named
problem, but it’s not pretty. The trick is to define a
#define C0NCAT2(x,y) CONCAT(x,y)
W riting C0NCAT2 ( a , C0NCAT2 ( b , c ) ) now yields the desired result. As the
preprocessor expands the outer call of C0NCAT2, it will expand C0NCAT2 ( b , c )
as well; the difference is that CONCAT2’s replacem ent list doesn’t contain # # . Tf
none of this makes any sense, don’t worry; it’s not a problem that arises often.
The # operator has a sim ilar difficulty, by the way. If # x appears in a replace­
ment list, where x is a macro parameter, the corresponding argum ent is not
expanded. Thus, ifN is a macro representing 10, and STR (x ) has the replacem ent
list # x , expanding ST R (N ) yields ”N ”, not “ 1 0 “ . The solution is sim ilar to the
one we used with CONCAT: defining a second macro w h o sejo b is to call STR.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIH
*Q :
S u p p o s e th a t th e p r e p r o c e ss o r e n c o u n te r s th e o r ig in a l m a c r o n a m e d u r in g
r e s c a n n in g , a s in th e fo llo w in g e x a m p le:
#define N (2*M)
#define M (N+1)
i = N;
/* infinite loop? */
T h e p r e p r o c e s s o r w ill r e p la c e N b y ( 2 * M ) , th e n r e p la c e M b y ( N + 1 ) . W ill th e
p r e p r o c e s so r r e p la c e N a g a in , th u s g o in g in to a n in fin ite lo o p ? [p . 3 2 6 ]
Some old preprocessors will indeed go into an infinite loop, but newer ones
shouldn’t. According to the C standard, ifth e original macro nam e reappears dur­
ing the expansion of a macro, the name is not replaced again. H ere’s how the
assignm ent to i will look after preprocessing:
i = (2*(N+1));
Som e enterprising programmers take advantage of this behavior by w riting
macros whose names match reserved words or functions in the standard library,
Consider the s q r t library function, s q r t com putes the square root of its argu­
ment, returning an im plem entation-defined value if the argum ent is negative. Per­
haps we would prefer that s q r t return 0 if its argum ent is negative. Since s q r t is
part of the standard library, we can't easily change it. We can, however, define a
s q r t m a c r o that evaluates to 0 when given a negative argument:
#undef sqrt
#define sqrt(x)
A later call of s q r t will be intercepted by the preprocessor, which expands il into
the conditional expression shown here. The call of s q r t inside the conditional
expression w on’t be replaced during rescanning, so il will rem ain for the com piler
C h a p te r 14
T h e P re p ro c e s s o r onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
to handle. (Note the use o f # u n d e f to undefine s q r t before defining the s q r t
macro. As w e’ll see in Section 2 .l.l, the standard library is allowed to have both a
macro and a function with the same name. Undefming s q r t before defining our
own s q r t macro is a defensive measure, in case the library has already defined
I g e t a n e r r o r w h e n I tr y to u s e p r e d e fin e d m a c r o s s u c h a s
_ _ F I L E . I s th e r e a s p e c ia l h e a d e r t h a t I n e e d to in c l u d e ?
No. These macros are recognized automatically by the preprocessor. M ake sure that
two underscores at the beginning and end o f each macro name, not one.
W h a t ’s th e p u r p o s e o f d is t in g u is h in g h e tw e e n a “ h o s te d im p l e m e n t a t io n ” a n d
a “ f r e e s t a n d in g im p le m e n t a t io n ” ? I f a f r e e s t a n d in g im p le m e n t a t io n d o e s n ’t
e v e n s u p p o r t th e < s t d i o . h > h e a d e r , w h a t u s e is it? [p . 3 3 0 ]
A hosted im plem entation is needed for most programs (including the ones in this
book), which rely on the underlying operating system for input/ou(put and other
essential services. A freestanding im plem entation of C would be used for pro­
grams that require no operating system (or only a minimal operating system). For
example, a freestanding implementation would be needed for writing the kernel of
an operating system (which requires no traditional inpu(/output and therefore
doesn’t need < s t d i o . h > anyway). Freestanding im plem entations are also useful
for writing softw are for embedded systems.
I t h o u g h t th e p r e p r o c e s s o r w a s j u s t a n e d ito r . H o w c a n it e v a lu a t e c o n s t a n t
e x p r e s s io n s ? (p . 3 3 4 ]
The preprocessor is more sophisticated than you might expect; it knows enough
about C to be able to evaluate constant expressions, although it doesn’t do so in
quite the same way as the compiler. (For one thing, the preprocessor heats any
undefined nam e as having the value 0. The other differences are too esoteric to go
into here.) In practice, the operands in a preprocessor constant expression are usu­
ally constants, macros that represent constants, and applications o f the d e f i n e d
W h y d o e s C p r o v id e th e # i f d e f a n d # i f n d e f d ir e c ti v e s , s in c e w e c a n g e t
th c s a m e e f f e c t u s in g th e # i f d ir e c ti v e a n d th e d e f i n e d o p e r a t o r ? [p . 3 3 5 ]
The # i f d e f and # i f n d e f directives have been a part of C since the l970s. The
d e f i n e d operator, on the other hand, was added to C in the l980s during stan­
dardization. So the real question is; Why was d e f i n e d added to the language?
The answ er is that d e f i n e d adds flexibility. Instead o fju st being able to test the
existence o f a single macro using # i f d e f or # i f n d e f , we can now test any
num ber of macros using # i f together with d e f i n e d . For example, the following
directive checks whether FOO and BAR are defined but BAZ is not defined;kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTS
#if defined(FOO) && defined(BAR) && !defined(BAZ)
E x e rc is e s hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIH
3 4 5 dcbaZYXWVUTSRQ
I w a n t e d to c o m p ile a p r o g r a m th a t I h a d n ’t fi n is h e d w r it i n g , s o I “ c o n d i ­
tio n e d o u t ” th e u n f in is h e d p a r t: kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
#if 0
W h e n I c o m p ile d th e p r o g r a m , I g o t a n e r r o r m e s s a g e r e f e r r in g to o n e o f th e
lin e s b e t w e e n # i f a n d # e n d i f .
D o e s n ’t th e p r e p r o c e s s o r j u s t ig n o r e t h e s e
lin e s ? [p . 3 3 8 ] onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
No. lhe lines aren't completely ignored. Comments arc processed before prepro­
cessing directives are executed, and the source code is divided into preprocessing
tokens. Thus, an unterminated comment between # i f and # e n d i f may cause an
error message. Also, an unpaired single quote or double quote character may cause
undefined behavior.
E x e r c is e s
W rite parameterized macros that compute the following values.
(a) The cube of x.
(b) The rem ainder when n is divided by 4.
(c) I if lhe product of x and y is less than l00, 0 otherwise.
Do your macros always work? If not, describe what argum ents would make them fail.
W rite a macro NELEMS (a ) that computes the num ber o felem e n ts in a one-dim ensional
array a . H h u : See lhe discussion o fih e s i z e o f operator in Section 8 .l.
Let DOUBLE bc the following macro;
#define DOUBLE(x) 2*x
(a) What is the value ofDOUBLE (1 + 2 ) ?
(b) What is the value of 4/DOUBLE (2 ) ?
(c) Fix the definition of DOUBLE.
For each o fth e following macros, give an exam ple that illustrates a problem with the macro
and show how to fix it.
(a) #define AVG(x,y)
(b) #define AREA(x,y)
© *5.
Let TOUPPER be the following macro:
#define TOUPPER(c)
(’a ’< = (c)&&(c)< = ’z ’? (c)- ‘a ’+ ’A ’:(c))
Lel s be a string and let i be an i n t variable. Show the output produced by each o f lhe fol­
lowing program fragments.
(a) strcpy(s, "abcd*1);
i = 0;
C h a p te r 14
T h e P re p r o c e s s o r onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
(b) s t r c p y ( s , ” 0 1 2 3 " ) ;
i = 0;
p u tc h a r(T O U P P E R (s [4 - +i ] ) ) ;
(a) W rite a macro D IS P ( f , x ) that expands into a call o f p r i n t f that displays the vakie
o f the function f when called with argum ent x . For exam ple.
D IS P ( s q r t , 3 .0 ) ;
should expand into
p rin tf(" s q rt(% g )
= % g \n " ,
s q r t( 3 .0 ) ) ;
3 .0 ,
(b) W rite a macro D IS P 2 ( f , x , y ) that’s sim ilar to D IS P but works for functions with
two argum ents.
t y *7.
Let GENERIC_MAX be the following macro:
# d e f i n e G E N E R IC _ M A X (ty p e)
ty p e ty p e # # _ m a x (ty p e x , ty p e
re tu rn
x > y ? x
: y;
(a) Show the preprocessor’s expansion of GENERIC_MAX ( l o n g ) .
(b) Explain why GENERIC_MAX doesn't work for basic types such as u n s i g n e d l o n g .
(c) Describe a technique that would allow us to use GENERIC_MAX with basic types such
as u n s i g n e d l o n g . cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
H in t: D on’t change the definition ofGENERIC_MAX.
Suppose we want a macro that expands into a string containing the current line num ber and
file name. In other words, w e ’d like to write
* s tr
= L IN E _ F IL E ;
and have it expand into
const char
* s tr
= " L in e
10 o f
f o o .c " ;
where f o o . c is the file containing the program and 10 is the line on which the invocation
o f L IN E _ F IL E appears. W arning: This exercise is for experts only. Be sure to read the
Q&A section carefully before attem pting!
W rite the following param eterized macros.
(a) C H E C K (x, y , n ) - Has the value 1 if both x and y fall betw een 0 and n - 1. inclusive.
(b) MEDIAN ( x , y , z ) - Finds the median of x . y. and z.
(c) POLYNOMIAL (x ) - Com putes the polynomial 3.r5 + 2.r4 - 5.r3 - x 2 + 7x - 6.
Functions can often— but no( alw ays— be written as param eterized macros. Discuss what
characteristics o f a function would m ake it unsuitable as a macro.
(C99) C program m ers often use the f p r i n t f function to write error messages:
s t d e r r stream >22.1
fp rin tf(s td e rr,
"R ange e r r o r :
= % d \n " ,
in d e x );
s t d e r r is C ’s “standard error” stream ; the rem aining argum ents are the sam e as those for
p r i n t f , starting with the form at string. W rite a macro named ERROR that generates the
call of f p r i n t f shown above when given a form al siring and the item s to be displayed:
E R R O R (" R a n g e e r r o r :
S e c tio n 1 4 .4
in d e x
in d e x
= % d \n " ,
Suppose that the macro M has been defined as follows:
# d e fin e
M 10
E x e rc is e s kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHG
Which of the followin^e* tests will fail?
(a) # i f M
(b) # i f d e f M
(c) # i f n d e f M
(d) # i f d e f i n e d ( M )
(c) # i f ! d e f i n e d ( M )
13. (a) Show what the following program will look like after preprocessing. You may ignore
any lines added to the program as a result of including the < s t d i o . h> header,
< s td io .h >
# in c lu d e
# d e f i n e N 100
v o id
f (v o id );
i n t m a in (v o id )
f() ;
# ifd e f N
#undef N
# e n d if
r e tu r n 0;
v o id
f (v o id )
# i f d e fin e d (N )
p r i n t f ( '* N i s
# e ls e
p r i n t f ( ”N i s
# e n d if
% d \n " ,
N );
u n d e fin e d \n " );
(b) What will be the output of this program?
© * 14.
Show what the following program will look like after preprocessing. Some lines of the pro­
gram may cause compilation errors: find all such errors.
# d e fin e
# d e fin e
# d e fin e
# d e fin e
# d e fin e
# d e fin e
# d e fin e
N = 10
IN C (x ) x+ 1
SUB ( x , y ) x - y
SQ R (x) ( ( x ) * ( x ) )
CUBE(x) ( S Q R ( x ) * ( x ) )
M l( x ,y ) x # # y
M 2 (x ,y ) # x # y
i n t m a in (v o id )
i n t a [N] , i
j , k,
# ifd e f N
i =
# e ls e
j =
# e n d if
= 10 * I N C ( j) ;
C h a p te r 14
T h e P re p r o c e s s o r onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
= S U B (j, k) ;
= S Q R ( S Q R ( j) ) ;
= CUBE( j ) ;
= M l( j , k) ;
u t s (M2 ( i , j ) ) ;
# u n d e f SQR
i = S Q R (j) ;
# d e f i n e SQR
i = S Q R (j) ;
re tu rn
Suppose that a program needs to display messages in either English. French, or Spanish.
Using conditional compilation, write a program fragment that displays one of the following
three messages, depending on whether or not the specified macro is defined:
I n s e r t D is k 1
I n s e r e z Le D i s q u e 1
I n s e r t e E l D is c o 1
S e c tio n 1 4 .5
* 16.
(ifE N G L ISH isdefined)
(ifFRENCHisdefm ed)
(C99) Assume that the following macro definitions are in effect:
# d e fin e
# d e fin e
ID E N T (x) P R A G M A (ident # x )
PRAGMA(x) _ P r a g m a ( # x )
Whal will the following line look like after macro expansion?
ID E N T (fo o )
1 5
W r itin g L a r g e P r o g r a m s
A r o u n d c o m p u te r s it is d iff ic u lt to fin d th e c o r r e c t u n it
o f tim e to m e a s u r e p ro g re s s . S o m e c a th e d r a ls to o k a
c e n t u r y to c o m p le te . C a n y o u im a g in e th e g r a n d e u r
a n d s c o p e o f a p r o g r a m th a t w o u ld ta k e a s lo n g ? onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXW
Although some C programs are small enough to be put in a single file, most aren’t.
Program s that consist of more than one file are the rule rather than the exception. In
this chapter, w e'll see that a typical program consists of several source files and
usually som e header files as well. Source files contain definitions of functions and
external variables: header files contain inform ation to beshared among source files.
Section l5 .l discusses source files, while Section l5.2 covers header files. Section
15.3 describes how to divide a program into source files and header files. Section
15.4 then shows how to “build” (compile and link) a program that consists of more
than one file, and how to “rebuild" a program after part of it has been changed.
1 5 .1
S o u r c e F ile s
Up to this point, w e’ve assumed that a C program consists o f a single file. In fact, a
program may be divided am ong any num ber cA
soiirce file s . By convention, source
files have the extension . c. Each source file contains part o fth e program , prim a­
rily definitions offu n ctio n s and variables. O ne source file must contain a function
named m a in , which serves as the starting point for the program.
For example, suppose that we want to write a sim ple calculator program that
evaluates integer expressions entered in Reverse Polish notation (RPN), in which
operators follow operands. If the user enters an expression such as GFEDCBA
s ta c k s > /0 .2
we want the program to print its value (l7 5 . in this case). Evaluating an RPN
expression is easy if we have the program read the operands and operators, one by
one, using a stack to keep track of interm ediate results. If the program reads a hgfedcbaZYXWVUTS
C h a p te r 15
W ritin g L a rg e P ro g r a m s onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
number, w e’ll have it push the number onto the stack. Ifit reads an operator, w e'll
have it pop two numbers from the stack, perform the operation, and then push the
result back onto the stack. When the program reaches the end of the user’s input,
the value of the expression will be on the stack. For example, the program will
evaluate the expression 3 0 5 - 7 * in the following way:
l . Push 30 onto the stack.
2. Push 5 onto the stack.
3. Pop the top two numbers from the stack, subtract 5 from 30, giving 25, and
then push the result back onto the stack.
4. Push 7 onto the stack.
5. Pop the top two numbers from the stack, multiply them, and then push the
result back onto the slack.
After these steps, the stack will contain the value of the expression (l7 5 ).
Turning this strategy into a program isn’t hard. The program ’s m a in function
will contain a loop that performs the following actions:
Read a “token" (a num ber or an operator).
Ifth e token is a number, push il onto the stack.
Lf the token is an operator, pop its operands from the slack, perform the opera­
tion, and then push the result back onto the slack.
When dividing a program like this one into files, it makes sense to put related func­
tions and variables into the same file. The function that reads tokens could go into
one source file ( t o k e n , c , say), together with any functions that have to do with
tokens. Stack-related functions such as p u s h , p o p , m a k e _ e m p ty , i s _ e m p t y ,
and i s _ f u l l could go into a different file, s t a c k , c. The variables that repre­
sent the stack would also go into s t a c k . c. The m a in function would go into yet
another file, c a l c . c.
Splitting a program into multiple source files has significant advantages:
■ Group ing related functions and variables into a single file helps clarify the
structure of the program.
■ E ach source file can be compiled separately— a great tim e-saver if the pro­
gram is large and must be changed frequently (which is common during pro­
gram development).
1 5 .2
Functions are more easily reused in other programs when grouped in separate
source files. In our example, splitting off s t a c k . c and t o k e n . c from the
m a in function makes it sim pler to reuse the slack functions and token func­
H e a d e r F ile s
When we divide a program into several source files, problems arise: How can a
function in one file call a function th afs defined in another file? How can a func-
1 5 .2
H e a d e r F ile s kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHG
lion access an external variable in another file? How can two files share the same
macro definition or type definition? The answer lies with the # i n c l u d e directive,
which makes it possible to share information— function prototypes, macro defini­
tions. type definitions, and more— among any number ofsource files.
The # i n c l u d e directive tells the preprocessor to open a specified file and
insert its contents into the current file. Thus, if we want several source files to have
access to the same information, we'll put that information in a file and then use
# i n c l u d e to bring^z> the file's contents into each of the source files. Files that are
included in this fashion are called cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
h e a d e r file s (or sometimes in clu d e file s f, I’ll
discuss them in more detail later in this section. B•v convention, header files have
lheextension .h .
Noie: The C standard uses the term “source file” to refer to all files written by
the programmer, including both . c and .h files. I'll use “source file” to refer to
D ir e c tiv e
T he # i n c l u d e directive has two primary forms. The first form is used for header
files that belong to C 's own library:aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
# in c lu d e
# i n c l u d e d ir e c t iv e
( fo r m 1)
The second form is used for all other header files, including any that we write:
# in c lu d e
# i n c l u d e d ir e c t iv e
"filenam e"
( fo r m 2 )
The difference between the two is a subtle one having to do with how the com ­
piler locates the header file. Here are the rules that most compilers follow:
■ # i n c l u d e <filename>: Search the directory (or directories) in which system
header files reside. (On UNIX systems, for example, system header files are
usually kept in thedireciory / u s r / i n c l u d e . )
■ # in c lu d e
"filenam e": Search the current directory, then search the direc­
tory (ordireciories) in which system header files reside.
The places to be searched for header files can usually be altered, often by a com­
mand-line option such as - lp a th .
D on't use brackets when including header files that you have written:
#include <myheader.h>
/*** WRONG ***/
The preprocessor will probably look for m y h e a d e r . h where the system header
files are kept (and. ofcourse. w on’t find it).
C h a p te r 15
W ritin g L a r g e P ro g ra m s
The file name in an # i n c l u d e directive may include inform ation that helps
locate the file, such as a directory path o rd riv e specifier:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
#include "c:\cprogs\utils.h"
/* Windows path */
#include "/cprogs/utils.h"
/* UNIX path */
Although lhc quotation marks in the # i n c l u d e directive make file names look
like siring literals, the p rep ro cesso rd o esn 't treat them that way. (T hal’s fortunate,
since \ c and \ u — which appear in the Windows exam ple— would be treated as
cscapc sequences in a string literal.)
u su a lly best not to include p a th o r drive in form ation in # i n c l u d e
directives. Such inform ation m akes it diJficult to com pile a p ro g ra m when
it's tra n sp o rted to a n o th e rm a c h in e or. worse, a n o th e ro p e ra tin g system .
p o r ta b ility tip
For exam ple, the following Windows # i n c l u d e directives specify drive and/or
path inform ation that may not always be valid:
#include "d-.utils.h”
#include "\cprogs\include\ucils.h"
#include "d :\cprogs\include\utils.h"
The following directives are better: they don’t mention specific drives, and paths
are relative rather than absolute:
#include "utils.h"
#include "..\include\utils.h"
The # i n c l u d e directive has a'lhird form that's used less often than lhc other
# i n c l u d e d ire c tiv e
(fo rm 3)
p re p ro c e s s in g :o k c n s ►
# i n c 1 u d e tokens
where tokens is any sequence ofpreprocessing tokens. The preprocessor will scan
the tokens and replace any macros that it finds. After macro replacem ent, the
resulting directive must match one of the other forms of # i n c l u d e . The advan­
tage of thc third kind of # i n c l u d e is that the file name can be defined by a macro
rather than being “hard-coded” into the directive itself, as the following example
#if defined(IA32)
#define CPU_FILE "ia32.h"
#elif defined(IA64)
#define CPU_FILE "iaG4.h"
#elif defined(AJ4D64)
#define CPU_FILE "amd64.h"
#include CPU FILE
1 5.2
H e a d e r F ile s hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFED
S h a r in g M a c r o D e fin itio n s a n d T y p e D e fin itio n s onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Most large programs contain macro definitions and type definitions that need to be
shared by several source files (or, in the most extreme case. by cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
all source files).
These definitions should i2ta.0 into header files,
For example, suppose that w e’re wriiing a program that uses macros named
BOOL. TRUE, and FALSE. (There’s no need for these in C99, ofcourse. because
the < s t d b o o l .h > header defines similar macros.) Instead of repeating the defi­
nitions ofthese macros in each source file that needs them, it makes more sense to
put the definitions in a header file with a name like b o o l e a n . h:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
#define BOOL int
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
Any source file that requires these macros will simply contain the line
#include "boolean.h"
In the following figure, two files include b o o l e a n . h:PONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Type definitions are also common in header files. For example, instead of
defining a BOOL macro, we might use t y p e d e f to create a B o o l type. If we do,
the b o o l e a n . h file will have the following appearance:
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
typedef int Bool;
Putting definitions of macros and types in header files has some clear advan­
tages. First, we save time by not having to copy the definitions into the source files
where they’re needed. Second, the program becomes easier to modify. Changing
the definition o fa macro or type requires only that we edit a single header file: we
don’t have to modify the many source files in which the macro or type is used.
Third, wc don't have to worry about inconsistencies caused by source files contain­
ing different definitions of the same macro or type.
C h a p te r 15
W r itin g L a r g e P r o g r a m s dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
S h a r in g F u n c tio n P r o to ty p e s
d c f a u i t a r g u m e n t p r o m o t io n s > 9 3
Suppose that a source file contains a call of a function f that’s defined in another
file, f o o . c . Calling f without declaring it first is risky. Without a prototype to
rely on, the com piler is forced to assume that f ’s return type is i n t and that the
number ofparam eters matches the num berofargum ents in the call of f . The argu­
ments themselves are converted autom atically to a kind of “standard form" by the hg
default argum ent prom otions. The com piler’s assumptions may well be wrong, but
it has no way to check them, since it compiles only one file at a time. If the
assum ptions are incorrect, the program probably won't work, and there w on't be
any clues as to why it doesn't. (For this reason, C99 prohibits calling a function for
which the com piler has not yet seen a declaration or definition.) kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHG
Whcn calling a function f that's defined in another file, always make sure that the
com piler has seen a prototype for f prior to the call.aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Our first impulse is to declare f in the file where it’s called. That solves the
problem but can create a maintenance nightmare. Suppose that the function is
called in fifty different source files. How can we ensure that f ’s prototypes are the
samc in all the files? How can we guarantee that they match the definition of f in
f o o . c? lf f should changU-e later, how can wc find all the files where it's used?
The solution is obvious: put f ’s prototype in a header file, then include the
header file in all the places where f is called. Since f is defined in f o o . c, let’s
name the header file f o o . h . In addition to including f o o . h in the source files
where f is called, w e’ll need to include it in f o o . c , enabling the com piler to
check that f ’s prototype in f o o . h matches its definition in f o o . c.
AIways include the header file declaring a function f in the source file that con­
tains f ’s definition. Failure to do so can cause hard-lo-find buus--s, since calls of f
elsewhere in the program may not match f ’s definition.
If f o o . c contains other functions, most o f them should bc declared in the
same header file as f . After all. the olhcr functions in f o o . c are presumably
related to f ; any file that contains a call o f f probably needs some of the other
functions in f o o . c . Functions that are intended for use only within f o o . c
shouldn't be declared in a header file, however; to do so would be misleading^?.
To illustrate the use of function prototypes in header files, let's return to the
RPN calculator of Section l 5 .1. The s t a c k . c file will contain definitions of thc
m a k e _ e m p ty , i s _ e m p t y , i s _ f u l l . p u s h , and p o p functions. The following
prototypes for these functions should go in the s t a c k . h header file:
v o id m a k e _ e n ip ty (v o id );
i n t i s e m p ty (v o id );
H e a d e rF ile s kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJI
int is_full(void);
void push(int i);
int pop(void);onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
(To avoid complicating tlie example, i s _ e m p t y and i s _ f u l l will rctum i n t
values instead of Boolean values.) WeTl include s t a c k . h in c a l c . c to allow
the compiler to check any calls of stack functions that appear in the latter file.
We’ll also include s t a c k . h in s t a c k . c so the com piler can verify that the pro­
totypes in s t a c k . h match the definitions in s t a c k . c . The following figure
shows s t a c k . h, s t a c k . c, and c a l c . c:
| void make_empty(void);
int is_empty(void);
| int is_full(void);
void push(int i);
int pop(void);
#include "stack.h"
#include "stack.h"
int rnain(void)
make_empty() ;
| int contents[100] ;
l int top = 0;
}'■ ■
{ - }
int is empty(void)
{ -} "
int is_full(void)
void push(int i)
int pop(void)
S h a r in g V a r ia b le D e c la r a tio n s hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
o x t e r n a iv a n a b ie s > ? o . 2
External variables can be shared among files in much the same way functions are.
To share a function, we put its definition in one source file, then put declarations in
other files that need to call the function. Sharins
c? an external variable is donc in
much the same way.
Up to this point, we haven’t needed to distinguish between a variable’s decla­
ration and its definition. To declare a variable i , we*ve written
int i;
/* declares i and defines it as well */
C h a p te r 15
W ritin g L a r g e P r o g r a m s
which not only declares i to be a variable of type i n t . but defines i as well, by hg
e x t e r n k e y w o rd > 18.2
must put the keyword e x t e r n at the beginning of its declaration:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJ
declares i without defining it */
likely in a different sourcc file), so there's no nccd to allocate space for it.
e x t e r n works with variables ofall types. When we use it in the declaration
of an array, we can omit the length of lhc array:aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Since the compiler doesn’t allocate space for a at this time, there's no need for it to
To share a variable i among several source files, we first put a definition of i
in one file:
If i needs to be initialized, the initializer would go here. When this file is com
piled, the compiler will allocate storage for i . The other files will contain declara
tions of i:
By declaring i in each file, it becomes possible to access and/or modify i within
those files. Because of the word e x t e r n , however, the compiler doesn’t allocate
additional storage for i each time one oflhe files is compiled.
When a variable is shared among files, we'll face a challenge similar to one
that we had with shared functions: ensuring that all declarations o fa variable agree
with the definition of the variable.
When declarations of the same variable appear in different files, the compiler can't
check that the declarations match the variable’s definition. For example, one file
mav* contain the definition
while anothcr file contains the declaration
extern long i;
An error o f this kind can cause the program to behave unpredictably.
To avoid inconsistency, declarations of shared variables are usually pul in
header files. A source file that needs access to a particular variable can then
include the appropriate header file. In addition, each header file that containsa
H e a d e rF ile s hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIH
3 5 7 onmlkjihgfedcbaZYX
variable declaration is included in the sourcc file that contains the variable's defini­
tion. enabling the com piler to check that the two match.
Although sharing variables am ong files is a long-standing practice in the C
world, it has significant disadvantages. In Section l9.2, w e'll see what the prob­
lems are and learn how to design program s that don’t need shared variables.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJI
N e ste d I n c lu d e s
A header file may itseIfcontain # i n c l u d e directives. Although this practice may
seem a bit odd, it can be quite useful in practice. C onsider the s t a c k . h filc.
which contains thefollow ing prototypes:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
int is_empty(void);
int is_full(void);
Since these functions return only 0 or 1. it's a good idea to declare their return type
to be B o o l instead of i n t , where B o o l is the type that we defined earlier in this
Bool is_empty(void);
Bool is_full(void);
O fcoiirse, w e'll need to include the b o o l e a n . h file in s t a c k . h so that the def­
inition of B o o l is available when s t a c k . h is com piled. (In C99, w e’d include
< s t d b o o l . h > instead o f b o o l e a n . h and declare the return types of the two
functions to be b o o l rather than B o o l.)
Traditionally. C program m ers shun nested includes. (Early versions of C
didn’t allow them at all.) However, the bias against nested includes has largely
faded away, in part because nested includes are com mon practice in C++.
P r o t e c tin g H e a d e r F ile s
lf a source file includes the same header file twice, com pilation errors may result.
This problem is common when header files include other header files. For exam ­
ple. suppose that f i l e l . ' n includes f i l e 3 . h , f i l e 2 . h includes f i l e 3 . h .
and p r o g . c includes both f i l e l . h and f i l e 2 . h (see the figure at the top of
lhc next page). When p r o g . c is com piled, f i l e 3 . h will be com piled twice.
Including the same header file twice doesn’t always cause a com pilation error.
If thc file contains only macro definitions, function prototypes, and/or variable
declarations, there w on’t bc any difficulty. If the file contains a type definition,
however, w e’ll get a compilation error.
Just lo bc safc. it’s probably a good idea to protect all header files against m ul­
tiple inclusion: that way. we can add type definitions to a file later without the risk
that we might forget to protect the file. In addition, we might save some time d ur­
ing program developm ent by avoiding unnecessary recom pilation o f thc sam e
header file.
C h a p te r 15
W ritin g L a rg e P ro g ra m s KJIHGFEDCBA
To protect a header file , w e’ll enclose the contents o ft h e file in an # i f n d e f # e n d i f pair. For exam p le, the b o o l e a n . h file could be protected in the follow ­
#ifndef BOOLEAN_H
#define BOOLEAN_H
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
typedef int Bool;
When this file is included the first time, the BOOLEAN_H macr o w on ’t be defined,
so the pr eprocessor will allow the lines between # i f n d e f and # e n d i f to slay.
But if the file should be included a second time, the pr epr ocessor will r emove the
lines between # i f n d e f and # e n d i f.
The name o f the macr o (BOOLEAN_H) doesn't r eally matter. However , mak­
ing it resemble the name o f the header file is a good way lo avoid con flicts with
other macros. Sin ce we can 't name the macr o BOOLEAN.H (identifier s can 't con­
tain per iods), a name such as BOOLEAN_H is a good alter native.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFED
# e r r o r D ir e c tiv e s in H e a d e r F ile s
se r r 0 r d ir e ciivcs >M.5
# e r r o r directives are often pul in header files to ch eck for conditions under
which the header file sh ould n 't bc included. For exam p le, sup pose that a header
1 5 .3
S T D C _ _ m a c ro >
D iv id in g a P ro g ra m in to F ile s hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGF
file uses a feature that didn’t exist prior lo lhc original C89 standard. To prevent the
header file from being used with older, nonstandard compilers, it could contain an
# i f n d e f directive that tests fo rth e existence o fth e
#ifndef __STDC__
#error This header requires a Standard C compiler
1 5 .3
D iv id in g a P r o g r a m in to F ile s
Let’s now use what we know about header files and source files to develop a sim ­
ple technique fordividing a program into files. We’ll concentrate on functions, but
the same principles apply to external variables as well. W e’ll assum e that the pro­
gram has already been designed; that is. w e’ve decided what functions the program
will need and how to arrange the functions into logically related groups. (W e'll dis­
cuss program design in Chapter 19.)
Here's how w c'll proceed. Each set of functions will go into a separate source
file (let's use the name f o o . c for one such file). In addition, w e’ll create a header
file with the same name as the source file, but with the extension . h ( f o o . h . in
our case). Into f o o . h . w e'll put prototypes for the functions defined in f o o . c .
(Functions that are designed for use only within f o o . c need not— and should
not— be declared in f o o . h . The r e a d _ c h a r function in our next program is an
example.) W e'll include f o o . h in each source file that needs lo call a function
defined in f o o . c. Moreover, w e’ll include f o o . h in f o o . c so that the com piler
can check that the function prototypes in f o o . h are consistent with the definitions
in f o o . c.
The m a in function will go in a file whose namc matches the name of the pro­
gram — if we want the program lo be known as b a r . lhen m a in should be in the
file b a r . c. It's possible that there are other functions in thc same file as m a in , so
long as they're not called from other files in the program.
T e x t F o r m a tt in g
To illustrate the technique that w c 'v e ju sl discussed, let's apply it to a small textformatting program named j u s t i f y . As sample input to j u s t i f y , w e’ll use a
file named q u o t e that contains the following (poorly formaited) quotation from
“The development o fth e C programming language” by Dennis M. Ritchie (in cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGF
H is­
tory oj'P rogram m ing Languages IL edited by T. J. Bcrgin, Jr.. and R. G. Gibson.
Jr.. Addison-Wesley. Reading, Mass., 1996. pages 671-687):
is quirky,
and an
Although accidents of
surely helped,
it evidently
C h a p te r 15
W ritin g L a rg e P ro g r a m s kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
to displace
to describe
yet sufficiently
and fluent
in a
To run the program from a UNIX or Windows prompt, w e’d enter the com ­
justify <quote
in p u tr e d ir e c tio n > 2 2 j
The < symbol informs the operating system that j u s t i f y will read from the file
q u o t e instead of accepting input from the keyboard. This feature, supported by aZYXW
UNIX, Windows, and other operating systems, is called RQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
i n p u t r e d i r e c t i o n . When
given the q u o t e file as input, the j u s t i f y program will produce the following
C is quirky,
and an enormous success. Although
accidents of history surely helped, it evidently satisfied a
need for a system implementation language efficient enough
to displace assembly language, yec sufficiently abstract and
fluent to describe algorithms and interactions in a wide
variety of environments. -- Dennis M. Ritchie
o u t p u t r e d ir e c t i o n
The output o f j u s t i f y will norm ally appear on the screen, but we can save it in a
,w file by using o u ( p u t r e d i r e c t i o n ' .
justify <quote >newquote
The output of j u s t i f y will go into the file n e w q u o te .
In general, j u s t i f y ' s output should be identical to its input, except that
extra spaces and blank lines are deleted, and lines are filled andjustified. 'T illing”
a line means adding^* words until one more word would cause the line to overflow.
“Justifying" a line means adding exira spaces between words so that each line has
exactly the same length (60 characters). Justification must be done so that the
space between words in a line is equal (or as nearly equal as possible). The last line
of the output w on't be justified.
W e'll assume that no word is longer than 20 characters. (A punctuation mark
is considered part of the word to which it is adjacent.) T hat’s a bit restrictive, of
course, but once the program is written and debugged wc can easily increase this
lim it to the point that it would virtually never be exceeded. Ifth c program encoun­
ters a longer word, it must ignore all characters after the first 20. replacing them
with a single asterisk. For example, the word
would be printed as
1 5 .3
D iv id in g a P ro g r a m in to F ile s kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJI
Now that we understand what the program should do. it’s time to think about a
design. We’ll start by observing that the program can’t write the words one by one
as they're read. Instead, it will have to store them in a ‘lin e buffer" until there are
enough to fill a line. After further reflection, we decide that the heart of the pro­
gram will be a loop that goes something like this:
read word ;
if (can'treadword) {
write contents ofHne buffer withoutjusiiftcation;
terminate program;
if (word doesn 'tfitin line buffer) {
write contents ofline buffer withJustification ;
clear line buffer;
add word to line buffer;
Since w e’ll need functions that deal with words and functions that deal with the
line buffer, let's split the program into three source files, putting all functions
related lo words in one file ( w o r d , c) and all functions related to the line buffer in
another file ( l i n e . c). A third file (j u s t i f y . c) will contain the m a in function.
In addition to these files, w e’ll need two header files, w o r d . h and l i n e . h . The
w o r d . h file will contain prototypes for lhe functions in w o r d . c : l i n e . h will
play a similar role for l i n e . c.
By examining the main loop, we see that the only word-related function
that we'll need is a r e a d _ w o r d function, (lf r e a d _ w o r d can’t read a word
because it's reached the end of the input file. wcTl have it signal the main loop
by pretending to read an “empty" word.) Consequently, the w o r d . h file is a
small one:
#ifndef WORD_H
#define WORD_H
X * X X * * * X X X X * X X X * X k x * -k * k X * k ^k X X -k k ~k "k k k k X k X X * X k k k X X k X X X * k k k k X
read_word: Reads the next word from the input and
stores it in word. Makes word empty if no
word could be read because of end-of-file.
Truncates the word if its length exceeds
X k X k ~k k k X X * X k X A X X X k k k k X k k X X X X 'k X k X X * X X X X * X k k k k k k X k ^k k k k k ~k k k X |
void read_word(char *word, int len);
Notice how the WORD_H macro protects w o r d . h from being included more than
once. Although w o r d . h doesn't really need it. it’s good practice to protect all
header files in this way.
C h a p te r 15
W ritin g L a rg e P ro g ra m s onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
The l i n e . h file w on't be as shorl as w o r d . h. Our outline of the main loop
reveals the need for functions that perform the following operations:
Write contents of linc buffer withoutjustification
Determine how many characters are left in line buffer
Write contents of line buffer with justification
Clear line buffer
Add word to line buffer
W e’ll call these functions f l u s h _ l i n e . s p a c e _ r e m a i n i n g , w r i t e _ l i n e .
c l e a r _ l i n e , and a d d _ w o r d . H ere's what the l i n e . h header file will look
#ifndef LIbTE_H
#define LINE_H
I x********x **x*x*****x* *******x***************** ****x*x*x*x
* clear_line: Clears the current line.
X X ^c X X X X -fc X X X X X * X X X X X X X X ★
X X * X X X X X + * X X * X X * X -k X X X -k * +■ X X X X X * X X X X * |
void clear_line(void);
| X X X * X X * * * * X * * * * * * * * * * * X * * * * * * X * * X * X * * * * * X * * * X X * * * * X X * * X X * X
* add_word: Adds word to the end of the current line.
If this is not the first word on the line,
* puts one space before word.
* * * X * * -k + 4r X * X * X * X X X X * * X * x * * X X X X X + X X X X X X X -fr X * X X X X X X X X X X X * X X X /
void add_word(const char *word);
[ X * * X * * * * * * * * * * X * * * * ★
* * * * X X * * * X X * X X * * * * X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
* space_remaining: Returns the number of characters left *
in the current line.
int space remaining(void);
| -k X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
* write_line: Writes the current line with
* justification.
X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X |
void write_line(void);
| X X X X X X X X X x- X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
* flush_line: Writes the current line without
* justification. If the line is empty, does *
* nothing.
X X X X X X X X ★
X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X A’X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X |
void flush_line(void);
Before wc writc thc w o r d . c and l i n e . c files, we can use thc functions
declared in w o r d . h and l i n e . h to write j u s t i f y . c, the main program. Writ­
ing this lile is mostly a matter of translating our original loop design into C.
1 5 .3
3 6 3 BA
D iv id in g a P ro g ra m in to F ile s hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLK
/* Formats a file of text */
#include <string.h>
#include "line.h"
#include "word.h”
#define MAX_WORD_LEN 20
int main(void)
char word[MAX_W0RD_LEN+2];
int word_len;
clear__line () ;
for (;;) {
read_word (word, MAX_WORD_LEN+1) ;
word_len = s trlen(wo rd) ;
if (word_len == 0) {
flush_line () ;
return 0;
if (word_len > MAX_WORD_LEN)
word[MAX_WORD_LEN] = '* ’;
if (word_len + 1 > space_remaining())
Including both l i n e . h and w o r d . h gives the compiler access to the function
prototypes in both files as il compiles j u s t i f y , c.
m a in uses a trick to handle words that exceed 20 characters. When it calls
r e a d _ w o r d . m a in tells it to truncate any word that exceeds 21 characters. After
r e a d _ w o rd returns, m a in checks whether w o rd contains ac?strins, that^'s lonsjcr
than 20 characters, lfso. the word that was read must have been at least 21 charac­
ters long (before truncation), so m a in replaces the word’s 2 lst character by an
Now it's time to write w o r d . c. Although the w o r d . h header file has a pro­
totype for only one function, r e a d _ w o r d , we can put additional functions in
w o r d . c if we need to. As il turns out, r e a d _ w o r d is easier to write if we add a
small ‘"helper” function, r e a d _ c h a r . We’ll assign r e a d _ c h a r the Lask ofreading a single character and, if il’s a new-line character or tab, converting it to a
space. Having r e a d _ w o r d call r e a d _ c h a r instead of g e t c h a r solves the
problem of treating new-line characters and tabs as spaces.
Here’s the w o r d . c file:
#include <stdio.h>
#include "word.h"
C h a p te r 15
W ritin g L a r g e P ro g r a m s kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
if (ch == '\n'
return ' ';
return ch;
|| ch == '\t')
void read_word(char *word, int len)
int ch, pos = 0;
while ((ch = read_char()) == ’ ’)
while (ch != 1 ' && ch != EOF) {
if (pos < len)
word[pos++] = ch;
ch = read_char();
E O F m a c ro > a ? .4
Before wc discuss r e a d _ w o r d . a couple ofcom m ents are in order concern­
ing the use of g e t c h a r in the r e a d _ c h a r function. First, g e t c h a r returns an
i n t value instead o f a c h a r value: thaf’s why the variable c h in r e a d _ c h a r is
declared to have type i n t and why the return type of r e a d _ c h a r is i n t . Also,
g e t c h a r returns thc value EOF when it’s unable to continue reading (usually
because it has reached the end of the input file).
r e a d _ w o r d consists of two loops. The first loop skips over spaces, stopping
at the first nonblank character. (EOF isn’t a blank, so the loop stops ifit reaches the
end o fth e input file.) The second loop reads characters until encountering a space
or EOF. The body o fth e loop stores the characters in w o rd until reaching the l e n
limit. After that, the loop continues reading characters but d o esift store them. The
final statement in r e a d _ w o r d ends the word with a null character, thereby mak­
a nonblank characIf r e a d - w o r d encounters EOF before finding
ingO it a string.
ter. p o s will be 0 at the end. making w o r d an empty string.
The only file left is l i n e . c , which supplies definitions o f the functions
declared in the l i n e . h file, l i n e . c will also need variables to keep track of the
state of thc line buffer. One variable, l i n e , will store the characters in the current
line. Strictly speaking, l i n e is the only variable wc need. For speed and conve­
nience. however, w e'll use two other variables: l i n e _ l e n (thc num ber o fch aracters in the current line) and n u m _ w o rd s (thc number of words in the current
H ere's the l i n e . c file:BA
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "line.h"
1 5 .3
D iv id in g a P ro g ra m in to F ile s kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHG
#define MAX_LINE_LEN 60
char line[MAX_LINE_LEN+l];
int line_len = 0;
int num_words = PONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
void clear_line(void)
line [0] = ’\ 0 ’;
line_len = 0;
num_words = 0;
void add_word(const char *word)
if (num_words > 0) {
line[line_len] = ' ';
line[line_len+l] - '\0';
line_len++ ;
strcat(line, word);
line_len += strlen(word);
int space_remaining(void)
return MAX_JjINE_LEN - line_len;
void write_line(void)
int extra_spaces, spaces_to_insert,
i r j;
extra_spaces = MAX_LINE_LEN - line_len;
for (i = 0; i < line_len; i+ + ) {
if (line [i] ’= • ’)
else {
spaces_to_insert = extra_spaces / (num_words - 1);
for (j = 1; j <= spaces_to_insert + 1; j++>
putchar(• ’);
extra_spaces -= spaces_to_insert;
num_words- -;
putchar(1 \ n ’);
void flush_line(void)
if (line_len > 0)
C h a p te r 15
W ritin g L a rg e P ro g ra m s onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Most of the functions in l i n e . c are easy to write. The only tricky one is
w r i t e _ l i n e , which writes a line wilhjiistiFication. w r i t e _ l i n e writes thc
characters in l i n e one by one, pausing at thc space between each pair of words to
write additional spaces if needed. The number of additional spaces is stored in
s p a c e s _ t o _ i n s e r t . which has the value e x t r a _ s p a c e s / (n u m _ w o rd s
- 1 ) , where e x t r a _ s p a c e s is initially the difference between the maximum
line length and the actual line length. Since e x t r a _ s p a c e s and n u m _ w o rd s
change after each word is printed, s p a c e s _ t o _ i n s e r t will change as well. If
e x t r a _ s p a c e s is 10 initially and n u m _ w o rd s is 5, then the first word will be
followed by 2 extra spaces, the second by 2. the third by 3, and the fourth by 3.aZYXWVUTS
1 5 .4
B u ild in g a M u lt ip le - F ile P r o g r a m
In Section 2.1, we examined the proccss ofcom piling and linking a program that
fits into a single file. Let's expand that discussion to cover multiple-file programs.
Building a large program requires the same basic steps as building a small one:cbaZYXWVUTS
■ Com piling. Each source filc in the program must be compiled separately.
(Header files don't need to be compiled; the contents of a header file are auto­
matically compiled whenever a source file that includes il is compiled.) For
each source file, the compiler generates a file containing object code. These
files— known as object file s — have the extension .o in UNIX and . o b j in
■ U n kin g . Thc linker combines the object files created in thc previous step—
along with code for library functions— lo produce an executable file. Among
other duties, the linker is responsible for resolving external references lcfl
behind by the compiler. (An external reference occurs when a function in onc
file calls a function defined in another file or accesses a variable defined in
another file.)
Most compilers allow us to build a program in a single, step. With the GCC
compiler, for example, we'd use the following command to build the j u s t i f y
program ofSection 15.3:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
gcc ~o justify justify.c line.c word.c
Thc three source files are first compiled into object code. The object files are then
automatically passed to thc linker, which combines (hem into a single file. The -o
option specifies that wc want the executable file to be named j u s t i f y .dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONM
M a k e f ile s
Putting the names of all the source files on lhc command line quickly gets tedious.
Worse still, we could waste a lol of time when rebuilding a program if we recom­
pile all source files, notjust the ones that were affected by our most recent changes.
1 5 .4
3 6 7 onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXW
B u ild in g a M u ltip le - F ile P ro g ra m hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHG
To make ii easier to build large programs. UNIX originated the concept o fth e cbaZYXWVUTSRQPON
m akefile, a llle containing the information necessary to build a program. A make­
file not only lists the files that are part of the program, but also describes d ep e n ­
dencies among the files. Suppose that the file f o o . c includes the file b a r . h. We
say that f o o . c “depends” on b a r . h, because a change to b a r . h will require us
to recompile f o o . c.
H ere’s a UNIX makefile for the j u s t i f y program. The makefile uses GCC
forcom pilation and linking:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
justify: justify.o word.o line.o
gcc -o justify justify.o word.o line.o
justify.o: justify.c word.h line.h
gcc -c justify.c
word.o: word.c word.h
gcc -c word.c
line.o: line.c line.h
gcc -c line.c
Thcrc are four groups of lines: each group is known as a rule. The first line in each
rule gives a ta rget file, followed by the files on which it depends. The second line
is a co m m a n d to be executed if the target should need to be rebuilt because of a
change to one of its dependent files. Let’s look at the first two rules; (hc last two
are similar.
In the first rule, j u s t i f y (the executable file) is the target:
juseify: justify.o word.o line.o
gcc -o justify justify.o word.o line.o
The first line states that j u s t i f y depends on the files j u s t i f y . o , w o r d .o .
and l i n e .o : if any one of these three files has changed since the program was
last built, then j u s t i f y needs to be rebuilt. The command 011 the following line
shows how the rebuilding is to be done (by using the g c c command to link the
three object files).
In the second rule, j u s t i f y . o is the target:
justify.o: justify.c word.h line.h
The first line indicates that j u s t i f y . o needs to be rebuilt if there’s been a
change to j u s t i f y . c , w o r d .h . or l i n e . h . (The reason for mentioning
w o r d . h and l i n e . h is that j u s t i f y . c includes both these files, so it’s poten­
tially affected by a change to either one.) The next line shows how to update
j u s t i f y . o (by recompiling j u s t i f y . c ) . The - c option tells the com piler to
compile j u s t i f y , c into an object file but not attempt to link il.
Once we've created a makefile for a program, we can use the m a k e utility to
build (or rebuild) the program. By checking the time and date associated with each
C h a p te r 15
W r it in g L a r g e P r o g r a m s
llle in the program, m ak e can determine which Tiles are out ofdate. It then invokes
the commands necessary to rebuild the program.
Ifyou want to give m ake a try. here arc a few details you’ll need to know:
■ E ach command in a makefile must be preceded by a tab character, not a series
of spaces. (In our example, the commands appear to bc indented eight spaces,
but it’s actually a single tab character.)
A makefile is normally stored in a file named M a k e f i l e (or m a k e f i l e ) .
When the m ake utility is used, it automatically checks the current directory
for a file with one of these names.
To invoke m ake, use the command kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
where targer is one o flh e targets listed in the makefile. To build the j u s t i f y
executable using our makefile, wc would use the command
make justify
If no target is specified when m ake is invoked, it will build the target of the
first rule. For example, the command
will build the j u s t i f y executable, since j u s t i f y is the first target in our
makefile. Except for this special property o flh e first rule, the o rd ero fru les in
a makefile is arbitrary.
m ake is complicated enough that entire books have been written about it, so
we w on't attempt to delve further into its intricacies. L et'sju st say that real make­
files a re n i usually as easy to understand as our example. There are numerous
techniques that reduce the amount ofredundancy in makefiles and make them eas­
ier to modify: at the same lime, though, these techniques greatly reduce thcir read­
Not everyone uses makefiles, by the way. Other program maintenance tools
arc also popular, including the "project files’’ supported by some integrated devel­
E r r o r s D u r in g L in k in g
Some errors that can’t be detected during compilation will be found during linking.
In particular, iflh e definition o f a function or variable is missing from a program,
the linker will be unable to resolve external references to it. causin <
a^ a messagk-e
such as "iindefinedsym h(> r or "undefined reference.”
Errors detected by the linker arc usually easy to fix. Here arc some o fth e most
common causes:
■ M isspellings. If thc name of a variable or function is misspelled, the linker
will report it as missing. For example, ifth c function r e a d _ c h a r is defined
1 5 .4
B u ild in g a M u lt ip le - F ile P r o g ra m kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFED
in the program but called as r e a d _ c a h r , the linker will report that
r e a d c a h r is missing.cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
■ M issing file s . If the linker can’t find thc functions that arc in file f o o . c. it
may not know about the file. Check the makefile or project file to make sure
that f o o . c is listed there.
■ M issin g libraries. The linker may not bc able to find all library functions used
in thc program. A classic example occurs in UNIX programs that use lhc
< m a th .h > header. Simply including the header in a program may not be
enough: many versions o fU N IX require that the - l m option be specified
when the program is linked, causing the linker to search a system file that con­
tains compiled versions of the < m a t h . h > functions. Failing to use this option
may cause “undefined reference” messages during linking.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
R e b u ild in g a P r o g r a m
During the development of a program, it’s rare that w e’ll need to compile all its
files. Most o f the time, w e'll test the program, make a change, then build the pro­
gram again. To save time, lhc rebuilding process should recompile only those files
that might bc affected by thc latest change.
Let’s assume that w c’vc designed our program in thc way outlined in Section
15.3. with a header file for each source file. To see how many files will need to be
recompiled after a change, we need to consider two possibilities.
The first possibility is that the change affects a single source file. In that case,
only that file must be recompiled. (After that, the entire program will need lo be
relinked, of course.) Consider the j u s t i f y program. Suppose that wc dccide to
condense the r e a d _ c h a r function in w o r d . c (changes are marked in bold):
int read_char(void)
int ch = getchar();GFEDCBA
return (ch == '\n' || ch == '\t') ? ' ' : ch;
This modification doesn’t affect w o r d . h . so we need only recompile w o r d . c
and relink the program.
Thc sccond possibility is that the change affects a header file. In that case, we
should recompile all files that include the header file, since they could potentially
be affected by the change. (Some o fth em might not be, but il pays to be conserva­
As an example, consider the r e a d _ w o r d function in lhc j u s t i f y program.
Notice that m a in calls s t r l e n immediately after calling r e a d _ w o r d , in order
to determine the length o fth e word that w asju st read. Since r e a d _ w o r d already
knows the length of the word ( r e a d _ w o r d 's p o s variable keeps track of the
length), it seems silly lo use s t r l e n . M odifying r e a d _ w o r d lo return the
w ord’s length is easy. First, we change thc prototype of r e a d _ w o r d in w o r d . h:
C h a p te r1 5
W r itin g L a r g e P r o g r a m s cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
* ★ ★ A ★ * * ★ ★ ★ 'A'★ ir* ^ ★ * ★ ★
I + ie x * *■* *• ★ * ± * kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
* ★ ★ + *+ ★ ★ ★ * ★ *•★ ★ *★ ★ ** *^ ★ * ★ x* * *
read_word: Reads the next word from the input and
stores ic in word. Makes word empty if no
word could be read because of end-of-file.
Truncates the word if its length exceeds
len. Returns the number of characters
★ ★ ★ * * 9r ★ ★ ★ Jr ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
int read_word(char *word,
Jr *
* • •*• *
Jr Jr *
Jr Jr *
J- Jr *
*• *
O f course, we’re careful to change the comment that accompanies r e a d _ w o r d .
Next, we change the definition of r e a d _ w o r d in w o rd . c:
int read_word(char *word,
int ch, pos = 0;
int len)
((ch = read_char())
== ' •)
while (ch != ' ’ && ch != EOF)
\if (pos < len)
word[pos + + ] = c h ;
ch = read_char();
wordlpos] = *\0*;
return pos;
Finally, we modify j u s t i f y . c by removing thc include of < s t r i n g . h > and
changing m a in as follows:
int main(void)
char word[MAX_W0RD_LEN+2j;
int word_len,clear_line();
for (;;) {
word_len = read_word(word, MAX_WORD_LEN+1);
if (word_len == 0) {
return 0;
if (word_len > MAX_WORD_LEN)
w o r d [MAX_WORD_LEN] = '* 1 ;
if (word_len + 1 > space_remainingO)
add w o rd ( w o rd ) ;
B u ild in g a M u ltip le -F ile P ro g ra m hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFED
371 onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUT
Once w e’ve made these changes, w e’ll rebuild the j u s t i f y program by recom ­
piling w o rd . c and j u s t i f y . c and then relinking. T here's no need to recom pile
l i n e . c , which doesn’t include w o r d . h and therefore w on’t be affected by
changes to it. With the GCC com piler, we could use the following com m and to
rebuild the program:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
gcc -o justify justify.c word.c line.o
Note the mention of l i n e . o instead of l i n e . c.
One of the advantagK^3es of usin ^s makefil^e*s is that rebuilding is handled automatically. By exam ining the date o f each file, the m a k e utility can determ ine
which files have changed since the program was last built. It then recom piles
these files, together with all files that depend on them, either directly or indirect­
ly. For example, if we make the indicated changes to w o r d . h , w o r d . c , and
j u s t i f y . c and then rebuild the j u s t i f y program , m a k e will perform the
following actions:
l . Build j u s t i f y . o by com piling j u s t i f y . c (because j u s t i f y . c and
w o r d . h were changed).
2. Build w o r d . o by com piling w o r d . c (because w o r d . c and w o r d . h
were changed).
3 . Build j u s t i f y by linking j u s t i f y . o , w o r d . o , and l i n e . o
(because j u s t i f y . o and w o r d . o were changed).dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
D e fin in g M a c r o s O u ts id e a P r o g r a m
C com pilers usually provide som e m ethod ofsp ecify in g the value o f a m acro at the
time a program is com piled. This ability makes it easy to change the value of a
macro without editing any of the program ’s files. It’s especially valuable w hen pro­
gram s are built autom atically using makefiles.
Most com pilers (including G CC) support the -D option, which allow s the
value of a macro to be specified on the com m and line:
gcc -DDEBUG=1 foo.c
In this example, the DEBUG m acro is defined to have the value 1 in the program
f o o . c ,ju s t as if the line
|idefine DEBUG 1
p r e d e fin e d m a c r o s > f< 3
appeared at the beginning of f o o . c . If the -D option names a m acro without
specifying its value, the value is taken to be 1.
Many com pilers also support the -U option, which “undefines” a m acro as ifaZYXWVUTSRQPONML
by u.sing # u n d e f . We can use -U to undefine a predefined m acro or one that was
defined earlier in the com m and line usins -D.
C h a p te r 15
W ritin g L a rg e P ro g ra m s aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Y ou d o n ’t h a v e a n y e x a m p le s tlia t u se th e # i n c l u d e d ir e c tiv e to in c lu d e a
s o u r c e file. W h a t w o u ld h a p p e n i f w e w e r e to d o th is? onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
T hal's not a good practice, although it’s not illegal. Here*s an exam ple of the kind
o f trouble you can gct into. Suppose that f o o . c defines a function f that we'll
need in b a r . c and b a z . c. so we pul the directive kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
f|include "foo.c"
in both b a r . c and b a z . c. Each of lhese files will com pile nicely. The problem
com es later, when lhc linker discovers two copies o f the object code for f . Of
course, we would have gotlcn away with including f o o . c if only b a r . c had
included il. not b a z . c as well. To avoid problems, it's besl lo use # i n c l u d e
only with header files, not source files.
W h a t a r e th e e x a c t s e a r c h r u le s fo r th e # i n c l u d e d ir e c tiv e ? [p. 3 5 1 ]
That depends on yourcom pilcr. The C standard is deliberately vague in its descrip­
tion of # i n c l u d e . Ifth e file name is enclosed in cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
brackets, the preprocessor looks
in a "sequence of im plem entation-defined places.” as lhc standard obliquely puts
it. If the file name is enclosed in quotation m arks, the file “is searched for in an
im plem entation-defined m a n n e r’ and. if not found, then searched as if its name
had been enclosed in brackels. The reason for this waffling is sim ple: not all oper­
ating systems have hierarchical (tree-likc) file system s.
To make matters even more interesting, lhe standard doesn’t require lhal
nam es enclosed in brackets be file names at all, leaving open the possibility that
# i n c l u d e directives using <> are handled entirely within the com piler.
I d o n ’t u n d e r s ta n d w h y e a c h s o u r c e file n e e d s its o w n h e a d e r file. W h y not
h a v e o n e b ig h e a d e r file c o n ta in in g m a c r o d e fin itio n s , ty p e d e fin itio n s , and
fu n c tio n p r o to ty p e s? B y in c lu d in g th is file, e a c h s o u r c e file w o u ld h a v e access
to all th e s h a r e d in fo r m a tio n it n e e d s, [p. 354J
The “one big header file" approach certainly works; a num ber of program m ers use
it. And il does have an advantage: with only one header file, there are fewer files io
manage. For large program s, however, lhe disadvantages of this approach lend to
outweigh its advantages.
Using a single header file provides no useful inform ation to som eone reading
lhe program laier. With m ultiple header files, the rcad ercan quickly see what oiher
parts o f lhe program are used by a particular source file.
Bui that's nol all. Since each source file depends on (he big header file, chang­
ing it will cause all source files to bc recom piled— a significanl draw back in a l;uge
program. To makc maiters worse, lhe header file will probably change frequently
because o f the larae am ount of inform ation it contains.
E x e r c is e s onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLK
T h e c h a p te r s a y s th a t a s h a r e d a r r a y s h o u ld b e d e c l a r e d a s fo llo w s : kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFE
extern int a[];
S in c e a r r a y s a n d p o in te r s a r e c lo s e ly r e la te d , w o u ld it b e le g a l to w r ite
extern int *a;
in s te a d ? [p . 3 5 6 ]
No. When used in expressions, arrays “decay” inio pointers. (W e've noticed this
behavior when an array namc is used as an argument in a function call.) In variable
declarations, however, arrays and pointers are distinct types.
D o e s it h u r t i f a s o u r c e file in c lu d e s h e a d e r s th a t it d o e s n ’t r e a ll y n e e d ?
Not unless the header has a declaration or definition that conflicts with one in the
source file. Otherwise, the worst that can happen is a minor increase in the time it
takes to com pile the source file.
I n e e d e d to c a ll a fu n c tio n in th e file f o o . c , s o I in c lu d e d th e m a t c h in g
h e a d e r file , f o o . h . M y p r o g r a m c o m p ile d , h u t it w o n ’t lin k . W h y ?
Compilation and linking are completely separate in C. Header files exist lo provide
information to the compiler, not the linker. If you want to call a function in f o o . c.
then you have to make sure that f o o . c is com piled and that the linker is aware
that it must search the object file for f o o . c lo find the function. Usually this
means naming f o o . c in the program 's makefile or project file.
I f m y p r o g r a m c a lls a fu n c tio n in < s t d i o . h > , d o c s th a t m e a n th a t a ll f u n c ­
tio n s in < s t d i o . h > w ill b e lin k e d w ith th e p r o g r a m ?
No. Including < s t d i o . h > (o ran y other header) has no effect on linking. In any
event, most linkers will link only functions that your program actually needs.
W h e r e c a n T g e t th e m a k e u tility ? [p . 3 6 7 ]
m a k e is a standard UNIX utility. The GNU version, known as GNU M ake, is
included in most Linux distributions. It’s also available directly from the Free Soft­
(xvm\v(ire/tiuike^. hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
E x e rc is e s
S e c t i o n 15.1
Section l5.l listed several advantages of dividing a program into multiple sourcc files,
(a) Describe several other advantages.
(b) Describe some disadvantages.
S e c t i o n 1 5 .2
Which of the following should not be put in a header file? Why not?
(a) Function prototypes
(b) Function definitions
C h a p te r 15
W ritin g L a rg e P ro g ra m s aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
(c) Macro definitions
(d) Type definitions
<ftle> instead of # i n c l u d e "file" may not work iffile is
We saw that writing # i n c l u d e cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
one that we’ve written. Would there be any problem with writing # i n c l u d e "Jile" instead
of # i n c l u d e <filc> ifJlle is a system header?
Assume that d e b u g . h is a header file with the following contents:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
#ifdef DEBUG
#define PRINT__DEBUG(n) printf("Value of " #n ": %d\n", n)
#define PRINT_DEBUG(n)
Let t e s t d e b u g . c be the following source file:
#include <stdio.h>
#define DEBUG
#include ”debug.h "
int main(void)
= 2, k = 3;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("Output if DEBUG is defined:\n");
printf("Output if DEBUG is not defined:\n");
PRINT_DEBUG(2 * i 4- j - k);
return 0;
What is the output when thc program is cxccuted?
What is the output if the # d e f i n e directive is removed from t e s t d e b u g . c?
Explain why the output is different in parts (a) and (b).
ls il necessary for the DEBUG macro to be defined before d e b u g . h is included in order
for PRINT_DEBUG to have the desired effect? Justify your answer.
program consists of three sourcc files— m a i n . c. f l . c, and f 2 . c — plus
two header files, f l . h and f 2 . h. AI1 three source files include f l . h, but only f l . c and
f 2 . c include f 2 . h. Write a makefile for this program, assuming that lhc com piler is g c c
and that the executable file is to be named dem o.
S e c t io n 1 5 .4 onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Suppose that a
The following questions refer to the program described in Excrcise 5.
Which files need to be compiled when thc program is built for the first time?
lf f l . c is changed after the program ha.s bccn built, which files need to be recompiled?
I f f l . h is changed after the program has bccn built, which files need to be recompiled?
l f f 2 . h is changed after the program has bccn built, which files need to be recompiled?
P r o g r a m m in g P r o je c ts
P r o g r a m m in g P ro je c t s onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
The j u s t i f y program of Section 15.3 justifies lines by inserting extra spaces between
words. The way the w r i t e _ l i n e function currently works, the words closer to the end of
a line tend to havc slightly wider gaps between them than the words at the beginning. (For
example, the words closer to the end might havc three spaces between them, while the
words closer to the beginning might be separated by only two spaces.) Improve the program
by having w r i t e _ l i n e alternate between putting the larger gaps at the end o fth e line and
putting them at the beginning of the line.
Modify the j u s t i f y program of Section 15.3 by having the r e a d _ w o r d function
(instead o fm a in ) store the * characterat (hc cnd o fa word that’s been truncated.
Modify the q s o r t . c program of Section 9.6 so that the q u i c k s o r t and s p l i t func­
tions are in a separate file named q u i c k s o r t . c. Create a header file named q u i c k s o r t . h that contains prototypes for the two functions and have both q s o r t . c and
q u i c k s o r t . c include this file.
Modify the r e m i n d . c program of Section 13.5 so that the r e a d _ l i n e function is in a
separate file named r e a d l i n e . c. Create a header file named r e a d l i n e . h that contains
a prototype for the function and have both r e m i n d . c and r e a d l i n e . c include this file.
Modify Programming Project 6 from Chapter 10 so that it has separate s t a c k . h and
s t a c k . c files, as described in Section 15.2.
1 6
S tr u c tu r e s , U n io n s , a n d
E n u m e r a tio n s
F u n c tio n s d e la y b in d in g : d a ta s tr u c tu r e s in d u c e b in d in g .
M o ra l: S tr u c tu re d a ta la te in th e p r o g r a m m in g p ro c e s s . onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWV
This chapter introduces three new types: structures, unions, and enumerations. A
structure is a collection of values (members), possibly of different types. A union
is similar to a structure, except that its members share the same storage; as a result,
a union can store one m em ber at a time, but not all members simultaneously. An
enum eration is an integer type whose values are named by ihe programmer.
Of these three types, structures are by far lhe most important, so I'll devote
most o fth e chapter to them. Section l6.1 shows how to declare structure variables
and perform basic operations on them. Section l6.2 then explains how to define
structure types, which— among other things— allow us to write functions that
accept structure arguments or retuni structures. Section l6.3 explorcs how arrays
and structures can be nested. The last two sections are devoted to unions (Section
l6.4) and enumerations (Section l6.5).
1 6 .1
S t r u c t u r e V a r ia b le s
The only data structure w c’vc covered so far is lhc array. Arrays have two impor­
tant properties. First, all elements o fa n array have the same type. Second, to select
an array clement, we specify its position (as an integer subscript).
stru ctu re are quite different from those of an array. The
elements of a structure (its m em b ers, in C parlance) aren’t required to have the
same type. Furthermore, the members o f a structure have names; to select a partic­
ular member, we specify its name, not its position.
Structures may sound familiar, since most programming languages provide a
sim ilar feature. In some languages, structures are called records, and members arcknown a sfie ld s.
C h a p te r1 6
S t r u c t u r e s , U n io n s , a n d E n u m e r a t io n s dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
D e c la r in g S t r u c t u r e V a r ia b le s onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
When we need lo store a collection of related data items, a structure is a log ical
choice. For example, suppose that we need to keep track of parts in a warehouse.
The information that w e’ll need to store for each part might include a part number
(an integer), a part name (a string of characters), and the number of parts on hand
(an integer). To create variables that can store all three items o fd ata. we might use
a declaration such as the following:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
struct {
int number;
char name[NAME_LEN+l];
int on_hand;
} partl, part2;
Each structure variable has three members: n u m b e r (the part number), n am e (the
name of the part), and o n _ h a n d (the quantity on hand). Notice that this declara­
tion has the same form as other variable declarations in C: s t r u c t { ... } specifies
a type, while p a r t l and p a r t 2 arc variables of that type.
The members of a structure are stored in memory in the order in which they’re
declared. In order to show whal the p a r t l variable looks like in memory, let's
assume that (I) p a r t l is located at address 2000. (2) integers occupy four bytes.
(3) NAME_LEN has lhc value 25, and (4) there are no gaps between the members.
With these assumptions, p a r t l will have the following appearance:
1 6 .1
S tr u c tu r e V a ria b le s kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGF
Usually it's not necessary to draw structures in such detail. Tll normally show
them more abstractly, as a series ofboxcs:
on hand
I may som etim es draw the boxes horizontally instead of vertically:
M em ber values will go in the boxes later; for now, Fve left them empiy.
Each structure represents a new scope: any names declared in that scope w on’t
conflict with other names in a program. (In C term inology, we say that each struc­
ture has a separate RQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
n a m e s p a c e for its members.) For exam ple, the following decla­
rations can appear in the same program:
s tru c t {
i n t n u m b e r;
c h a r n a m e [NAFIE_LEN+1] ;
in t on_hand;
} p a r tl, p a rt2 ;
s tru c t {
c h a r n a m e [NAM E_LEN+1];
i n t n u m b e r;
ch ar sex;
) e m p lo y e e l, e m p lo y e e 2 ;
The n u m b e r and n am e members in the p a r t l and p a r t 2 structures don’t conllict with the n u m b e r and n a m e mem bers in e m p l o y e e l and e m p l o y e e 2 .dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIH
I n it ia liz in g S t r u c t u r e V a r ia b le s
Like an an*ay, a structure variable may be initialized at the time it’s declared. To
initialize a structure, we prepare a list of values lo be stored in the structure and
enclose it in braces:
s tru c t {
i n t n u m b e r;
c h a r n a m e [N W 4 E _ L E N + l];
in t on_hand;
} p a r c l = { 5 2 8 , " D is k d r i v e " , 1 0 } ,
p a r t2 = {914, " P r in te r c a b le " , 5 );
C h a p te r 16
S tru c tu re s , U n io n s , a n d E n u m e r a tio n s onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
The values in the initializer must appear in the same order as the m em bers of the
structure. In our exam ple, the n u m b e r member o f p a r t l will be 528. thc nam e
member will bc " D i s k d r i v e " , and so on. H ere's how p a r t l will look after
Disk drive
on hand
Structure initializers follow rules sim ilar to those for array initializers. Expres­
sions used in a structure initializer must be constant: for example, we couldn’t have
used a variable to initialize p a r t l ' s o n _ h a n d member. (This restriction is rclaxed in C99. as w e’ll sec in Section 18.5.) An initializer can have fewer members
than the structure it's initializing: as with arrays, any “leftover” m em bers are given
0 as their initial value. In particular, the bytes in a leftover character array will he
zero, making it represent the empty string.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
D e s ig n a t e d I n itia liz e r s
C 99's designated initializers, which were discussed in Section 8.1 in the context of
arrays, can also be used with structures. Consider the initializer for p a r t l shown
in the previous example:
"Disk drive", 10}
A designated initializer would look similar, but with each value labeled by the
name of the m em ber that il initializes:
{.number = 528,
.name = "Disk drive",
.on_hand = 10}
designator. (Des­
The com bination of the period and lhc m em ber name is called a cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
ignators for array elements have a different fonn.)
Designated initializers have several advantages. For one. they’re easier to read
and check for correctness, because the reader can clearly see the correspondence
between lhc members of the structure and the values listed in thc initializer.
Another is that thc values in the initializer don’t have to be placed in thc same
order that thc members are listed in the structure. Our example initializer could bc
written as follows:
{.on_hand = 10,
.name = "Disk drive",
.number = 528}
Since the order doesn’t matter, the program m er doesn’t have to rem em ber the
order in which the mem bers were originally declared. Moreover, the order of
the m em bers can be chang^wed in t^h*e futu^**re without affecting designated initializers.
S tru c tu re V a r ia b le s kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJ
Not all values lisiecl in a designated initializer need be prefixed by a designa­
tor. (This is true for arrav* s as well, as we saw in Section 8 .l.) C onsider the following example:
{ .n u m b e r = 5 2 8 ,
" D is k d r i v e " ,
.o n _ h a n d
= 10}
The value " D i s k d r i v e " doesn’t have a designator, so the com piler assum es
that it initializes the member that follows n u m b e r in the structure. Any m em bers
that the initializer fails to account for arc set to zero.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
O p e r a tio n s o n S tr u c tu r e s
Since the most com m on array operation is subscripting— selecting an elem ent by
position— it’s not surprising that the most com m on operation on a structure is
selecting one o f its members. Structure m em bers are accessed by name, though,
not by position.
To access a mem ber within a structure, we write the name o fth e structure first,
then a period, then the name o fth e member. For example, the following statem ents
will display the values o f p a r t l ’s members:
p r i n t f ( " P a r t n u m b e r : % d \n " , p a r t l . n u m b e r ) ;
p r i n t f ( " P a r t n am e: % s \n " , p a r t l . n a m e ) ;
p r i n t f ( " Q u a n t i t y o n h a n d : % d \n " , p a r t l . o n h a n d ) ;hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
iv a iu e s > < 2
The m em bers of a structure are lvalues, so they can appear on the left side of
an assignment o r a s the operand in an increm ent ordecrem ent expression:
p a rtl.n u m b e r = 2 58;
p a r tl.o n _ h a n d + + ;
t a b ! e o io p e r a io r s > ^ p p e n c f / x 4
/* c h a n g e s p a r t l ' s p a r t num ber *
in c r e m e n ts p a r t l ' s q u a n t i t y on h a n d * /
The period that we use to access a structure m em ber is actually a C operator. It
has the same precedence as the postfix + 4 - and - - operators, so it takes precedence
over nearly all other operators. Consider the following example:
sc a n f("% d ",
& p a r tl.o n _ h a n d ) ;
The expression & p a r t l . o n _ h a n d contains two operators (& and .). T he .
operator takes precedence over the & operator, so & com putes the address of
p a r t l .o n _ h a n d . as we wished.
The other m ajor structure operation is assignm ent:
p a rt2
= p a rtl;
The effect of this statement is to copy p a r t l . n u m b e r into p a r t 2 .n u m b e r ,
p a r t l . n am e into p a r t 2 . n am e, and so on.
Since arrays can’t be copied using the = operator, it com es as som ething o f a
surprise to discover that structures can. It’s even more surprising when you con­
sider that an array embedded within a structure is copied when the enclosing struc­
ture is copied. Some programmers exploit this property by creating '“dum m y”
structures to enclose arrays that will be copicd later:
C h a p te r 16
S tru c tu re s , U n io n s , a n d E n u m e r a tio n s kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
struct { int a[10] ; } al, a2;
al - a2;
1 6 .2
/* legal, since al and a2 are structures */onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXW
co m p a tib le types. Two
T he = operator can bc used only with structures of cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
structures declared at the same time (as p a r t l and p a r t 2 were) are compatible.
As w e’ ll see in the next section, structures declared using the same “structure tag”
or the sam e type name are also com patible.
O ther than assignment. C provides no operations on entire structures. In par­
ticular, we can’t use the == and != operators to test wheiher two structures are dc
S tru c tu re T y p e s
Although the previous section showed how to declare structure variables, it failed
to discuss an important issue: naming structure types. Suppose that a program
needs to declare several structure variables with identical members. [fa ll the vari­
ables can bc declared at one time, there’s no problem. But if we need to declare the
variables at different points in the program , then life becomes more difficult. Ifw e
struct {
int number;
char name[NAME_LEN+1];
int on_hand;
} partl;
in one place and
struct {
int number;
char name[NAME_LEN+l];
int on_hand;
} parc2;
t y p e d e f in it io n s > 7 . 5
in another, w e’ll quickly run into problem s. Repeating the structure information
will bloat the program. Changing the program later will be risky, since we can’l
easily guarantee that the declarations will remain consistent.
But those aren’t the biggest problem s. According to the rules of C, p a r t l
and p a r t 2 do n ’t have com patible types. As a result, p a r t l can’t be assigned to
p a r t 2 , and vice versa. Also, since wc don’t have a name for the type o f p a r t l or
p a r t 2 , we can’t use them as argum ents in function calls.
To avoid these difficulties, we need to be able to define a name that represenb
a type o f structure, not a particular structure variable. As it turns out. C provides
two ways to name structures: we can either declare a “structure tag” or use
t y p e d e f to define a type name.
1 6 .2
S tr u c tu re T y p e s hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDC
D e c la r i n g a S t r u c t u r e T a g onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
stru ctu re tag is a name used to identify a particular kind of structure. The fol­
lowing example declares a structure tag named p a r t :kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
struct part {
int number;
char name[NAME_LEN+1];
int on_hand;
Noticc the semicolon that follows the right brace— it must be present to term inate
thc declaration.
Accidentally omitting the semicolon at the end o f a structure declaration can cause
surprising errors. Consider the following example:
struct part {
int number;
char name[NAME_LEN^1];
int on_hand;
/*** WRONG: semicolon missing ***/
f (void)
return 0;
/* error detected at this line */
Thc programmer failed to specify the return type o fth e function f (a bit of sloppy
programming). Since the preceding structure declaration w asn’t terminated prop­
erly. the compiler assumes that f returns a value of type s t r u c t p a r t . The error
won’t be detected until the compiler reaches the first r e t u r n statement in the
function. The result: a cryptic error message.
Once w e’ve created the p a r t tag. we can use it to declare variables:
struct part partl, part2;
Unfortunately, we can't abbreviate this declaration by dropping the word s t r u c t :
part partl, part2;
/*** WRONG ***/
p a r t isn’t a type name: without the word s t r u c t , it is meaningless.
Since structure tags aren't recognized unless preceded by the word s t r u c t .
they don't conflict with other names used Ln a program. It would bc perfectly legal
(although more than a little confusing) to have a variable named p a r t .
Incidentally, the declaration o f a structure tag can be com bined with the decla­
ration of structure variables:
C h a p te r 16
S tru c tu re s , U n io n s , a n d E n u m e ra tio n s kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
struct part {
int number;
char name[NAME LEN+1];
int on_hand;
} partl, part2;onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Here, \ve*ve declared a structure tag named p a r t (making it possible to use p a r t
later to declare more variables) as well as variables named p a r t l and p a r t 2 .
All structures declared to have type s t r u c t p a r t are compatible with one
struct part partl = {528,
struct part part2;
part2 = partl;
"Disk drive",
/* legal; both parts have the same type */aZYXWV
D e fin in g a S tr u c tu r e T y p e
As an alternative to declaring a structure tag. we can usc t y p e d e f to define a
genuine type name. For example, we could define a type named P a r t in the fol­
lowing way:
typedef struct {
int number;
char name[NAME_LEN+l];
int on_hand;
} Part;
Note that the name of the type. P a r t , must come at the end. not after the word
s tru c t.
We can use P a r t in the same way as the built-in types. For example, we
mi<4»iht use it to declare variables:
Part partl, part2;
Since P a r t is a t y p e d e f name, we’re not allowed to write s t r u c t P a r t . All
P a r t variables, regardless ofw hcre thcy’rc declared, are compatible.
When it comes time to name a structure, we can usually choose either 10
declare a structure tag or to use t y p e d e f . However, as we’ll see later, declaring a
iinkediists>/7.5 structure tag is mandatory when the structure is to be used in a linked list. I’ll use
structure tags rather than t y p e d e f names in most o fm y examples.
S tr u c tu r e s a s A r g u m e n ts a n d R e tu r n V a lu e s
Functions mavw have str^.uctures as arauments and return values. L et’s look al two
examples. Our first function, when given a p a r t structure as its argument, prints
thc structure's members:
void Drint_part(struct oart p)
printfPPart number: %d\n", p.number);
1 6 .2
3 8 5 kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTS
S t r u c t u r e T y p e s hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFED
printf("Part name: %s\n",;
printf("Quantity on hand: %d\n", p.on_hand);onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Here’s how p r i n t _ p a r t might be called:
print_parc(parcl) ;
Our second function returns a p a r t structure that it constructs from its arguments:
struct part build_part(int number, const char *name,
int on_hand)
struct part p;
p.number = number;
strcpy(, name);
p.on_hand = on_hand;
return p;
Notice that it*s legal for b u i l d _ p a r t ' s parameters to have names that match the
members o fth e p a r t structure, since thc structure has its own name space. Here's
how b u i l d _ p a r t might be called:
partl = build_part(528,
"Disk drive”, 10);
Passing a structure to a function and returning a structure from a function both
require making a copy ofall members in the structure. As a result, these operations
impose a fair amount of overhead on a program, especially if the structure is large.
p o in ter to a structure
To avoid this overhead, it's sometimes advisable to pass a cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
instead ofpassing the structure itself. Similarly, we might have a function return a
pointer to a structure instead of returning an actual structure. Section 17.5 gives
examples of functions that have a pointer to a structure as an argument and/or
return a pointer to a structure.
There are other reasons to avoid copying structures besides efficiency. For
example, the < s t d i o . h > headerdefines a type named F IL E , which is typically a
structure. Each F IL E structure stores information about the state of an open file
and therefore must be unique in a program. Every function in < s t d i o . h > that
opens a file returns a pointer to a F IL E structure, and every function that performs
an operation on an open file requires a F IL E pointer as an argument.
On occasion, we may want to initialize a structure variable inside a function to
match another structure, possibly supplied as a parameter to the function. In thc
following example, thc initializer f o r p a r t 2 is the parameter passed to the f func­
void f(struct part partl>
struct part part2 = partl;
C h a p te r 16
a u to m a tic s to r a g e d u r a tio n > w ./
S tru c tu re s , U n io n s , a n d E n u m e r a t io n s onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
C permits initializers of this kind, provided that the structure w e’re initializing
( p a r t 2 , in this case) has automatic storage duration (it’s local to a function and
hasn't been declared s t a t i c ) . The initializer can be any expression of the proper
type, including a function call that returns a structure.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
C o m p o u n d L ite r a ls
Section 9.3 introduced the C99 feature known as the cRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
o m p o u n d l i t e r a l . In that sec­
tion, compound literals were used to create unnamed arrays, usually for the pur­
pose of passing the array to a function. A compound literal can also bc used to
create a structure “on the flv«*,” without first storingk^> ui,-t in a variable. The resulting
structure can be passed as a parameter, returned by a function, or assigned to a
variable. Let’s look at a couple ofcxam ples.
First, we can use a compound literal to create a structure that will be passed to
a function. For example, we could call the p r i n t _ p a r t function as follows:kjihgfedc
print_part((struct part) {528, "Disk drive", 10});
The compound literal (shown in bold) creates a p a r t structure containing the
members 528, " D i s k d r i v e ” , and 10, in that order. This structure is then passed
to p r i n t _ p a r t , which displays it.
H ere’s how a compound literal might be assigned to a variable:
pdiLl = (sLiuuL paiL)
"Diak drive”, 10};
This statem ent resembles a declaration containing4^ an initializer, but it’s not the
same— initializers can appear only in declarations, not in statements such as this
In general, a compound literal consists o f a type name within parentheses, fol­
lowed by a set of values enclosed by braces. In the case o f a compound literal thai
represents a structure, the type name can be a structure tag preceded by the word
s t r u c t — as in our exam ples— or a t y p e d e f name. A compound literal may
contain designators,just like a designated initializer:
print_part((struct part)
{.on__hand = 10,
.name = "Disk drive",
.number = 528});
A compound literal may fail to provide full initialization, in which case any unini­
tialized members default to zero.aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
1 6 .3
N e s te d A rra y s a n d S tru c tu re s
Structures and arrays can be combined without restriction. Arrays may have struc­
tures as their elements, and structures may contain arrays and structures as mem­
bers. W c’vc already seen an example of an array nested inside a structure (the
N e s t e d A rra y s a n d S t r u c tu r e s onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIH
1 6 .3
nam e member of the p a r t structure). Let’s explore thc other possibilities: struc­
tures whose members are structures and arrays whose elements are structures.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIH
N e s te d S tr u c t u r e s
Nesting one kind of structure inside another is often useful. For example, suppose
that we’ve declared the following structure, which can store a person's first name,
middle initial, and last name:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
person_name {
We can use the p e r s o n _ n a m e structure as part o fa larger structure:
struct student {
struct person_name name;
int id, age;
char sex;
} studentl, student2;
Accessing s t u d e n t l ’s first name, middle initial, or last name requires two appli­
cations of the . operator:
One advantage of making n am e a structure (instead of having f i r s t ,
m i d d l e _ i n i t i a l . and l a s t be members of the s t u d e n t structure) is that
we can more easily treat names as units of data. For example, if we were to
write a function that displays a name, we could pass it just onc argument— a
p e r s o n _ n a m e structure— instead o fth ree arguments:
Likewise, copying the information from a p e r s o n _ n a m e structure to the n am e
member o fa s t u d e n t structure would take one assi<
e^nment instead of three:
struct person_name new_name; = new_name;
A r r a y s o f S tr u c t u r e s
One of the most common combinations of arrays and structures is an array whose
elements are structures. An array of this kind can serve as a simple database. For
example, the following array o f p a r t structures is capable of storing information
about J00 parts:
struct part inventory[100];
C h a p te r 16
S tr u c tu re s , U n io n s , a n d E n u m e r a tio n s onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
To access onc ol'the parts in the array, w e'd use subscripting. To print the part
stored in position i , for example, we could write kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
print_part(inventory[i] );
Accessing a m em ber within a p a r t structure requires a com bination o f sub­
scripting and member selection. To assign 883 to the n u m b e r m em ber of
i n v e n t o r y [ i ] . wc could write
inventory[i].number = 883;
Accessing a single character in a part name requires subscripting (to select a par­
ticular part), followed by selection (to select the n am e member), followed by sub­
scripting (to select a character within the part name). To change the nam e stored iit
i n v e n t o r y [ i ] to an em pty siring, we could write
inventory[i].name[0] = '\0';dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
I n it ia liz in g a n A r r a y o f S t r u c t u r e s
Initializing an array of structures is done in much the same way as initializing a
multidim ensional array. Each structure has its own brace-enclosed initializer: the
initializer for lhc array sim ply wraps another set o fb raccs around the structure ini­
Onc reason for initializing an array ofstructurcs is that w c’re planning lo treat
it as a database of inform ation that w on't change during program execution. For
exam ple, suppose that w e're working on a program that will need access to the
counlrycodcs used when making international ielcphonccalls. First, w e ’ll set upa
structure that can store the name o f a country along witli its code:
struct dialing_code {
char *country;
int code;
Note that c o u n t r y is a pointer, not an array ofcharacters. Thal coukl be a prob­
lem ifw e were planning to use d i a l i n g _ c o d e structures as variables, but we're
not. When we initialize a d i a l i n g _ c o d e structure, c o u n t r y will end up
pointing to a string literal.
Next, w c’ll declare an array of these structures and initialize it to contain the
codes for some o fth e w orld’s most populous nations:
const struct dialing__code country_codes[] =
’"Burma (Myanmar)", 95^
"Congo, Dem. Rep. of", 243
* ,
1 6 .3
["Italy” ,
[’’M e x i c o ” ,
’"Pakistan” ,
"Poland” ,
["South Africa",
["S p a i n ” ,
[’’Tha i l a n d " ,
"Ukraine” ,
"United S t a t e s " ,
N e s te d A rr a y s a n d S tr u c tu r e s hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFE
3 8 9 kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTS
"Japan” ,
["Russia” ,
"South Korea",
["S u d a n ” ,
• "Turkey” ,
• "United Kingdom",
82} ,
249} ,
84 } } ;onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQ
The inner braces around each structure value are optional. As a matter of style,
however. I prefer not to omit them.
Because arrays of structures (and structures containing arrays) are so com ­
mon, C99's designated initializers allow an item to have more than one designator.
Suppose that we want to initialize the i n v e n t o r y array to contain a single part.
The part number is 528 and the quantity on hand is 10, but the name is to be left
empty for now:
struct part inventory[100] =
{ [0] .number = 52 8, [0] .on_hand = 10,
[0] .n a m e [0] = '\0 '} ;
The first two items in the list use two designators (one to select array element 0—
a p a r t structure— and one to select a member within the structure). The last item
uses three designators: one to select an array element, one to select the nam e
member within that element, and one to select element 0 o fn a m e .
M a in ta in in g a P a r ts D a ta b a s e
To illustrate how nested arrays and structures are used in practice, w e’ll now
develop a fairly long program that maintains a database of information about parts
stored in a warehouse. The program is built around an array of structures, with
each structure containing inform ation— part number, name, and quantity— about
one part. Our program will support the following operations:RQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
The pro­
gram must print an error message if thc part is already in the database or if the
database is full.
■ A d d a n e w p a r t n u m b er^ p a r t n a m e , a n d in itia l q u a n tity o n h a n d .
■ G iv e n a p a r t n u m b e r , p r in t th e n a m e o f th e p a r t a n d th e c u r r e n t q u a n tity o n
The program must print an error message if the part number isn’t in the
The program must print
an error message ifth e part number isn’t in the database.
■ G iv e n a p a r t n u m b e r , c h a n g e th e q u a n tity o n h a n d .
■ P r in t a ta b le s h o w in g a ll in fo r m a tio n
in t h e d a t a b a s e .
played in the order in which they were entered.
■ T e r m in a te p r o g r a m e x e c u tio n .
Parts must be dis­
C h a p te r 16
S tru c tu re s , U n io n s , a n d E n u m e r a tio n s onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
We’ll usc the codes i (insert), s (search), u (update), p (print), and q (quit) to rep­
resent these operations. A session with the program might look like this:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUT
operation code: i_
part number: 528
part name: Disk drive
quantity on hand: 10
Enter operation code: £
Enter u
e^^r: 528
Vart nu^
Part name: Disk drive
Quantity on hand: 10
Enter operation code: s
Enter part number: 914
Part not found.
operation code: _i
part number: 914
part name: Printer cable
quantity on hand: j5
Enter operation code: u
Enter part number: 528
Enter change in quantity on hand: -2
Enter operation code: s
Enter part number: 528
Part name: Disk drive
Quantity on hand: 8
Enter on
*•eration code: p
Part Number
Part Name
Disk drive
Printer cable
Quantity on Hand
Enter oneration code: a
The program will store information about each part in a structure. We'll limit
the size of the database to 100 parts, making it possible to store the structures in an
array, which I’ll call i n v e n t o r y , (lf this limit proves to be loo small, we can
always change it later.) To keep track of the number of parts currently stored in the
array, w e'll use a variable named n u m _ p a r t s .
Since this program is menu-driven, it's fairly easy to sketch the main loop:
prompt user to enter operation code;
read code;
switch (code) {
case 'i': performinsertoperation; break;
case 's': pcrfornisearclioperation; break;
case ’u 1 : perform update operation; break ;
case 'p': performprintoperation; break;
N e s te d A rr a y s a n d S tr u c tu re s hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIH
391 kjihgfedcbaZYX
case ’q ’: terminate program;
de fau 1t : print error message;onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
11 will be convenient to have separate functions perform the insert, search,
update, and print operations. Since these functions will all need access to
i n v e n t o r y and n u m _ p a r t s , we might want to make these variables external.
As an alternative, wc could declare the variables inside m a in , and then pass them
to the functions as arguments. From a design standpoint, it’s usually better to make
variables local to a function rather than making them external (see Section 10.2 if
you’ve forgotten why). In this program, however, putting i n v e n t o r y and
n u m _ p a r t s inside m a in would merely com plicate matters.
For reasons that I’ll explain later, I’vc decided to split the program into three
files: i n v e n t o r y . c . which contains the bulk of the program; r e a d l i n e . h ,
which contains the prototype for the r e a d _ l i n e function; and r e a d l i n e . c ,
which contains the definition of r e a d _ l i n e . We’ll discuss the latter two files
later in this section. For now, let’s concentrate on i n v e n t o r y , c.
Maintains a parts database
(array version)
#include <stdio.h>
#include ’’readline.h”
#define NAME_LEN 25
#define MAX_PARTS 100
struct part {
int number;
char name[NAME_LEN+l];
int on_hand;
} inventory[MAX_PARTS] ;
int num_parts = 0;
/* number of parts currently stored */
int find__part(int number);
void insert(void);
void search(void);
void update(void);
void print(void);
!★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ * ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ * ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
* main: Prompts the user to enter an operation code,
then calls a function to perform the requested
action. Repeats until the user enters the
command 'q*. Prints an error message if the user *
enters an illegal code.
★ * *★ * * * * * * * * ** * ** ** * * * ★ * * * * * * * * * ★ * * * ★ * ★ ★ * ★ * * * * ★ ★ ★ * * ★ ★ ★ * * *
int main(void)
char code;
C h a p te r 16
S tru c tu re s . U n io n s , a n d E n u m e ra tio n s kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
for (;;) {
printf("Enter operation code: ”);
scanf(” %c", &code);
/* skips to end of line */
while (getchar() != '\n')
switch (code) {
case 'i': insert();
case 's ': search();
case 'u': update();
case 'p': print();
case 'q': return 0;
printf("Illegal code\n");
*Ar 4
* 4
*Ar *
4- 4
* find_part: Looks up a part number in the inventory
array. Returns the array index if the part
number is found; otherwise, returns -1.
-k 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
4* 4
4: 4
*A* 4
4* 4* 4
int find_part(int number)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < num__parts; i+ + )
if (inventory[i].number == number)
return i;
return -1,-
4r 4* 4r 4r 4r 4
4* - k 4
4r 4r 4
4 4
4r 4r 4
4r 4 : 4
4r 4
4r 4
+ 4
4 r 4 4 ; 4* 4r 4
4r 4r 4r 4
4* 4
4 4
* insert: Prompts the user for information about a new
part and then inserts the oart into the
database. Prints an error message and returns
prematurely if the part already exists or the
database is full.
4* 4
4* 4
void insert(void)
int part_number;
if (numj?arts == MAX_PARTS) {
printf("Database is full; can't add more parts.\n");
printf("Enter part number: ii
scanf("%d", &part_number);
1 6 .3
N e s te d A rr a y s a n d S tr u c tu r e s kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLK
if (find_part(part_number) >= 0) {
printf("Part already exists.\n");
inventory[num_parts].number = part_number;
printf("Enter part name: ");
read_line(inventory[num_parts] .name, NAME__LEN) ;
printf("Enter quantity on hand: ");
scanf("%d", &inventory[num_parts] .on_hand) ;
num_jparts + + ;
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * *★ * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* search: Prompts the user to enter a part number, then *
looks up the part in the database. If the part *
exists, prints the name and quantity on hand;
if not, prints an error message.
★ ★ ★ *★ * 7
★ * ★ * ★ ★ ★ * ★ ★ ★ ± ★ * ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ * * ★ * * * -k ★ ★ * * + * ★ *
void search(void)
int i, number;
printf("Enter part number: ");
scanf("%d", &number);
i = find_part(number);
if (i >= 0) {
printf("Part name: %s\n", inventory[i].name);
printf("Quantity on hand: %d\n", inventory[i].on_hand);
} else
printf("Part not found.\n");
I **★
★ ★ -k * * * * ★ ★ * * * * x ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ * * ★ ★ ★ * ★ ★ ★ * * ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ * ★ ★ * ★ ★ * * ± * ★
* update: Prompts the user to enter a part number.
Prints an error message if the part doesn't
exist; otherwise, prompts the user to enter
change in quantity on hand and updates the
★ ★ * ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ * ★ ★ *★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ * ★ * * ★ ★ ★ * * ★ * ★ ★ ★ ★ *★
void update(void)
int i, number, change;
printf("Enter part number: ");
scanf("%d", &number);
i = find_part(number);
if (i >= 0) {
printf("Enter change in quantity on hand:
scanf("%d", &change);
inventory[i].on_hand += change;
} else
printf("Part not found.\n");
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
** ★ * ★
C h a p te r 1 6
S tr u c tu r e s ,U n io n s ,a n d E n u m e r a tio n s PONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
I* 9r ★ k vV * *• ★ 4r * ^c ★ ★ 'kk* kkkkkk kkkkkkkkkkk kkkk kk kk kk★ ★ ^k-kkkkk ^fc★ kkk★ ★ kjihg
* print: Prints a listing of all parts in the database,
showing the part number, part name, and
quantity on hand. Parts are printed in the
order in which they were entered into the
kkkk kkkkkkkk ★ kk★ kkkk kk*k k★ k★ k ★ kk ★ kkk kkk+kkkk★ k kk*★ k kk ★ ★ k *kj
void print(void)
int i;
printf("Part Number
Part Name
"Quantity on Hand\n");
for (i = 0; i < num_parts; i++)
%~25s%lld\n", inventory[i].number,
inventory[i].name, inventory[i].on_hand);onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTS
In the m a in function, the format string " % c” allows s c a n f to skip over
white space before reading the operation code. The space in the format string is
crucial; without it. s c a n f would sometimes read the new-linc character that ter­
minated a previous line of input.
The program contains one function, f i n d _ p a r t . that isn’t called from
m a in . This “h elp er' function helps us avoid redundant code and sim plify the
more important functions. By calling f i n d _ p a r t . the i n s e r t , s e a r c h , and
u p d a t e functions can locate a part in the database (or simply determ ine if the
part exists).
T here\sjust one detail left: the r e a d _ l i n e function, which the program uses
to read the part name. Section 13.3 discussed the issues that are involved in writing
such a function. Unfortunately, the version of r e a d _ l i n e in that section woni
work properly in the current program. Consider what happens when the user
inserts a part:
Enter part number: 528
Enter part name: Disk drive
The user presses the Enter key after entering the part number and again after enter­
ing the part name, each time leaving an invisible new-line character that the pro­
gram must read. For the sake ofdiscussion. let’s pretend that these characters are
Enter part number: 528Q
Enter part name: Disk driveQ
When wc call s c a n f to read the part number, it consumes the 5. 2. and 8. but
leaves the a character unread. If we try to read the part name using our original
r e a d _ l i n e function, il will encounter the a character im mediately and stop
reading. This problem is common when numerical input is followed by character
input. Our solution will be to write a version of r e a d _ l i n e that skips white-
1 6 .3
N e s t e d A r r a y s a n d S tr u c tu r e s hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCB
3 9 5 onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSR
space characters before it begins storing characters. Not only will this solve the
new-line problem, but it also allows us lo avoid storing any blanks that precede the
part name.
Since r e a d _ l i n e is unrelated to the other functions in i n v e n t o r y . c, and
since it’s potentially reusable in other programs, I ’ve decided to separate ir from
i n v e n t o r y . c . The prototype for r e a d _ l i n e will go in the r e a d l i n e . h
header file:
r e a d l i n e . h kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
#ifndef READLINE
#define READLINE_H
+. *
* Mr *
* *
* Mr * -k *
* 4 Mr *
* Mr * Mr *
* Mr * ★
4 * M- * * *
* *
* *
* *
* ★
Mr *
* * *
* *
* * *
* read_line: Skips leading white-space characters, then
reads the remainder of the innut line and
stores it in str. Truncates the line if its *
length exceeds n. Returns the number of
characters stored.
* ★
4r ★
4r ★
Mr * *
* Mr 4: Mr *
int read_line(char str[],
* Mr Mr Mr *
* *
Mr * Mr *
4r * Mr Mr Mc Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr 4 ' Mr Mr 'k ^k Mr Mr Mr M' Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr
int n);
W e'll put the definition of r e a d _ l i n e in thc r e a d l i n e . c file:
r e a d lin e .c
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "readline.h"
int read_line(char str[],
int ch,
int n)
i = 0;
(isspace(ch = getchar()))
while (ch 1= ‘\ n ’ a& ch
if (i < n)
!= EOF)
str [i] = ’\ 0 • ;
return i;
The expression
isspace(ch = getchar())
is s p a c e iu n c t io n > 2 a 5
controls lhc f i r s t w h i l e statement. This expression calls g e t c h a r to read ach aractcr, stores the character into c h , and then uses the i s s p a c e function to lest
whether c h is a white-space character. Ifnot, the loop term inates with c h contain­
ing a character that’s not white space. Section 15.3 explains why c h has type i n t
instead of c h a r and why it’s good to test for EOF.
C h a p te r 1 6
1 6 .4
S tr u c tu r e s ,U n io n s ,a n d E n u m e r a tio n s aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
u n io n , like a structure, consists o f one or more members, possibly o fdifferent
types. However, the com piler allocates only enough space for the largest of the
members, which overlay each other within this space. As a result, assigning a ncw
value to one member alters the values of the other members as well.
To illustrate the basic properties of unions, le t’s declare a union variable, u.
with two members:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
union {
int i ;
double d;
} u;
Notice how the declaration of a union closelve* resem bles a structure declaration:
struct {
int i;
double d;
} s;
ln fact, the structure s and the union u differ in jtist one way: the m em bers of s are
stored at different addresses in memory, while the members of u are stored at the
sa m e address. H ere’s wha( s and u will look like in memory (assuming that i n t
values require four bytes and d o u b l e values take eight bytes):
U n io n s hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLK
In the s structure, i and d occupy different memory locations: the total size of s is
12 bytes. In the u union. i and d overlap ( i is really lhc first four bytes of d), so u
occupies only eight bytes. Also, i and d have the same address.
Members of a union arc accessed in the same way as members of a structure.
To store the number 82 in the i member of u. wc would write kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
u.i = 82;
To store the value 74.8 in the d member, we would write
u.d = 74.8;
Sincc lhc compiler overlays storage for the members of a union, changing one
member alters any value previously stored in any o fth e other members. Thus, if
we store a value in u . d . any value previously stored in u . i will be lost. (If wc
examine the value o f u . i . il will appear to be meaningless.) Similarly, changing
u . i corrupts u . d. Because of this property, we can think of u as a place to store
or d. not both. (Thc structure s allows us to store i and d.)
The properties of unions arc almost identical to lhc properties of structures.
We can declare union tags and union types in the same way we declare structure
lags and types. Like structures, unions can be copicd using the = operator. passed
to functions, and returned by functions.
Unions can even bc initialized in a manner similar to structures. However,
only the first member of a union can be given an initial value. For example, wc can
initialize the i member of u to 0 in the following way:
union {
int i ;
double d;
} U = {0} ;
Notice the presence of the braces, which are required. The expression inside the
braces must bc constant. (The rules arc slightly different in C99. as wc'll see in
Section l8.5.)
Designated initializers, a C99 feature that we've previously discussed in the
context of arrays and structures, can also bc used with unions. A designated initial­
izer allows us to specify which member o fa union should be initialized. For exam­
ple. wc can initialize the d member o f u as follows:
union {
int i;
double d;
} u = {.d = 10.0};
Onlv* one member can be initialized, but it doesn't have to be the first one.
There are several applications for unions. Wc'll discuss two o f these now.
Another application— viewing storage in different ways— is highly machinedependent, so I'll postpone il unlil Section 20.3.
C h a p te r 16
S tru c tu re s , U n io n s , a n d E n u m e r a tio n s dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
U s in g U n io n s to S a v e S p a c e onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
We'll often use unions as a way to save space in structures. Suppose that wc'rc
designing a structure that will contain information about an item that\s sold
through a gift catalog. Thc catalog carries only thrcc kinds of merchandise: books,
mugs, and shirts. Each item has a stock number and a price, as well as other infor­
mation that depends on the type ofthe item:cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Books: Title, author, number of pages
Mugs: Design
Shirts: Design, colors available, sizes available
Our first design attempt might result in the following structure:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
struct catalog_item {
int stock_number;
double price;
int item_type;
char title[TITLE_LEN+l];
char author[AUTHOR_LEN+l];
int num_pages;
char design[DESIGN_LEN+l];
int colors;
int sizes;
The i t e m _ t y p e member would have onc of lhe values BOOK. MUG. or SHIRT.
The c o l o r s and s i z e s members would store encoded combinations ofcolors
and sizes.
Although this structure is perfectly usable, it wastes space, since only part of
the information in the structure is common to all items in the cataloak^-. If an item is
a book, for example, there\s no necd to store d e s i g n , c o l o r s , and s i z e s . By
putting a union inside the c a t a l o g _ i t e m structure, wc can reduce the space
required by the structure. The members o fth e union will be structures, each con­
taining the data that's needed for a particular kind ofcatalog item:
struct catalog_item {
int stock_number;
double price;
int item_type;
union {
struct {
char title[TITLE_LEN+l] ;
char author(AUTHOR_LEN+l];
int num_pages;
} book;
struct {
char design[DESIGN_LEN+l];
} mug;
U n io n s kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJI
struct {
char design[DESIGN_LEN+l];
int colors;
int sizes;
} shirt;
Notice, that the union (named i t e m ) is a member o f th e c a t a l o g _ i t e m
structure, and the b o o k , mug, and s h i r t structures are m em bers of i t e m . If c is
a c a t a l o g _ i t e m structure that represents a book, we can print the book's title in
the following way:
printf("%s", c;
As this exam ple shows, accessing a union that’s nested inside a structure can be
awkward: to locate a book title, \vc had to specify the nam e of a structure (c). the
name of the union member of the structure ( i t e m ) , the name o f a structure menib e ro f the union (b o o k ), and then thc name o fa m em b ero f tliat structure ( t i t l e ) .
We can use the c a t a l o g _ i t e m structure to illustrate an interesting aspect o f
unions. Normally, it's not a good idea to store a value into one member of a union
and then access the data through a different member, because assigning to one
member o f a union causes thc values o fth e other m em bers to be undefined. H ow ­
ever, the C standard mentions a special case: two or more of the members of the
union are structures, and the structures begin with one or more matching members.
(These members need to bc in the same order and have com patible types, but need
not have the same name.) Ifo n c o fth e structures is currently valid, then the m atch­
ing members in the other structures will also be valid.
Consider the union em bedded in the c a t a l o g _ i t e m structure. It contains
three structures as members, two ofw hich (mug and s h i r t ) begin with a m atch­
ing m em ber ( d e s i g n ) . Now, suppose that we assign a value to one of the
d e s i g n members:
"Cats11) ;
The d e s i g n member in the other structure will be defined and have thc same value:
/* prints "Cats” */dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIH
U s in g U n io n s to B u ild M ix e d D a ta S tr u c tu r e s
Unions have another im portant application: creating data structures that contain a
mixture o fd a ia ofdilTerent types. Let s say that we need an array whose elem ents
are a m ixture of i n t and d o u b l e values. Since the elem ents o fa n array must be
of the same type, it seem s im possible to create such an array. Using unions,
though, it's relatively easy. First, we define a union type whose members represent
thc different kinds o f data to bc stored in the array:
C h a p te r 16
S tru c tu re s , U n io n s , a n d E n u m e ra tio n s kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
typedef union {
int i ;
double d;
} Number;
Next, wc create an array• whose elements are N um ber values:
Number number_array[1000];
Each element of n u m b e r_ _ a rra y is a N um ber union. A N um ber union can
store either an i n t value or a d o u b l e value, making it possible to store a mixture
of i n t and d o u b l e values in n u m b e r _ a r r a y . For example, suppose that we
want element 0 o f n u m b e r _ _ a r r a y to store 5, while clement 1 stores 8.395. The
following assignments will have the desired effect:
number_array[0].i = 5;
number_array[l].d = 8.395;dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
A d d in g a “ T a g F ie ld ” to a U n io n
Unions suffer from a major problem: there’s no easy way to tell which memberof
a union was last changed and therefore contains a meaningful value. Consider the
problem of writing a function that displays the value currently stored in a Number
union. This function migoht have the followingo outline:
void print_number(Number n)
if (n conlainsan
printf("%d”, n .i);
printf("%g", n .d);
Unfortunately, there's no way for p rin t_ _ _ n u m b er to determine whether n con­
tains an integer or a floating-point number.
In order to keep track of this information, we can embed the union within a
structure that has one other member: a “tag field" or "discrim inant" whose pur­
pose is to remind us what’s currently stored in the union. In the c a t a l o g _ i t e m
structure discussed earlier in this section, i t e m _ t y p e served this purpose.
Let’s convert the N um ber type into a structure with an embedded union:
#define INT_KIND 0
#define DOUBLE_KIND 1
typedef struct {
/* tag field */
int kind;
union {
int i ;
double d;
} u;
} Number;
1 6 .5
E n u m e r a tio n s onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFED
N u m b er has two members, k i n d and u. The value of k i n d will be either
Each time we assign a value to a member of u , we’ll also change k i n d to
remind us which member o f u we modified. For example, if n is a N u m b e r vari­
able, an assignment to the i in e m b e ro fu would have the following appearance:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLK
n.kind = INT_KIND;
n.u.i = 82;
Notice that assigning to i requires that we first select the u member o f n , then the
i member o fu .
W hen we need to retrieve the number stored in a N u m b e r variable, k i n d will
tell us which member of the union was the last to be assigned a value. The
p r i n t _ n u m b e r function can take advantage o fth is capability:
void print_number(Number n)
if (n.kind == INT_KIND)
printf(”%d”, n.u.i);
printf("%g", n.u.d);hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
1 6 .5
lt’s the program ’s responsibility to change the tag field each time an assignment is
made to a member of the union.aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
E n u m e r a t io n s
In many programs, w e’ll need variables that have only a small set of meaningful
values. A Boolean variable, for example, should have only two possible values:
“true” and “false.” A variable lhai stores the suit of a playing card should have only
four potential values: “clubs,” “diamonds,” “hearts,” and “spades.” The obvious
way to deal with such a variable is to declare it as an integer and have a set of codes
that represent the possible values of the variable:
int s;
s = 2;
/* s will store a suit */
/* 2 represents "hearts” */
Although this technique works, it leaves much to be desired. Someone reading the
program can’t tell that s has only four possible values, and the significance of 2
isn’t immediately apparent.
Using macros to define a suit “type” and names for the various suits is a step
in the right direction:
C h a p t e r 16
S tr u c tu re s , U n io n s , a n d E n u m e ra tio n s kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Our previous exam ple now becomes easier to read:
This technique is an improvement, but it’s still not the best solution. T here's no
indication to someone reading the program that the macros represent values o f the
same “type.” If the number of possible values is more than a few, defining a sepa­
rate macro for each will be tedious. Moreover, the names w e’ve defined— CLUBS,
DIAMONDS, HEARTS, and SPADES— will be removed by the preprocessor, so
they w on’t be available during debugging.
C provides a special kind of type designed specifically for variables that have
a small num ber of possible values. An cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
e n u m e r a te d type is a type whose values are
listed (“enum erated”) by the programmer, who must create a name (an e n u m e r a ­
tio n c o n sta n t) for each o f the values. The following exam ple enum erates the val­
ues (CLUBS, DIAMONDS, HEARTS, and SPADES) that can be assigned to the
variables s l and s 2 :
Although enum erations have little in com m on with structures and unions, they’re
declared in a sim ilar way. Unlike the members of a structure or union, however, the
names ofenum eration constants must be different from other identifiers declared
in the enclosing scope.
Enum eration constants are sim ilar to constants created with the # d e f i n e
directive, but they're not equivalent. For one thing, enum eration constants are sub­
je c t to C ’s scope rules: ifa n enum eration is declared inside a function, its constants
w on’t be visible outside the function.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
E n u m e r a t io n T a g s a n d T y p e N a m e s
W e’ll often need to create names for enum erations, for the same reasons that we
name structures and unions. As with structures and unions, there are two ways to
name an enum eration: by declaring a tag or by using t y p e d e f to create a genuine
type name.
Enumeration tags resemble structure and union tags. To define the tag s u i t ,
for exam ple, we could write
s u i t variables would be declared in the following way:
enum suit sl, s2;
1 6 .5
E n u m e ra tio n s kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJI
As an alter native, we could use t y p e d e f to make S u i t a type name:
typedef enum {CLUBS, DIAMONDS, HEARTS, SPADES} Suit;
Suit sl, s2;
Tn C8 9 , using t y p e d e f to name an enumer ation is an excellen t way to create
a Boolean type:
typedef enum {FALSE, TRUE} Bool;
C9 9 has a built-in Boolean type, o f cour se, so there's no need for a C9 9 pr ogr am­
mer to define a B o o l type in this way.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
E n u m e r a t io n s a s I n te g e r s
Behind the scenes, C treats enumeration var iables and constants as integer s. By
default, the com p iler assigns the integers 0, 1,2 , ... to the constants in a par ticular
enumeration. In our s u i t enumer ation, for exam p le, CLUBS, DIAMONDS,
HEARTS, and SP ADES represent 0, l. 2, and 3, r esp ectively.
We’re free to choose differ ent values for enumeration constants if we like.
Le t ’s say that we want CLUBS, DIAMONDS, HEARTS, and SP ADES to stand for I,
2, 3, and 4. We can sp ecify these numbers when declar in g the enumeration:
enum suit {CLUBS = 1, DIAMONDS = 2, HEARTS = 3, SPADES = 4};
The values ofen u m er ation constants may be arbitrary integers, listed in no par ticu­
lar order:
enum dept {RESEARCH = 20, PRODUCTION = 10, SALES = 25};
lt ’s even legal for two or more enumeration constants lo have the sam e value.
When no value is specified for an enumeration constant, its value is one
greater than the value o ft h e previous constant. (The fir st enumeration constant has
the value 0 by default.) In the follow in g enum er ation, BLACK has the value 0,
LT _GRAY is 7. DK_GRAY is 8, and WHITE is 15:
enum EGA_colors {BLACK, LT_GRAY = 7, DK_GRAY, WHITE = lS};
Sin ce enumeration values are nothing but thinly disguised integer s, C allow s
us to m ix them with or dinary integers:
int i ;
iis now 1
S = 0 ;
sis now 0 (CLUBS)
sis now 1 (DIAMONDS) */
S++ ;
iis now 3
= S + 2 ;
The com piler treats s as a var iable o f some integer type; CLUBS, DIAMONDS,
HEARTS, and SP ADES ar eju st names for the integer s 0, 1, 2, and 3.
S t r u c t u r e s , U n io n s , a n d E n u m e r a t io n s
C h a p te r1 6
Althougv7h it’s convenient to be able to use an enumeration value as oan integer, it’s
dangerous to use an integer as an enumeration value. For example, we might acci­
dentally store the num ber4— which doesn't correspond to any suit— into s.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONM
U s i n g E n u m e r a ti o n s to D e c la r e “ T a g F ie ld s ”
Enumerations are perfect for solving a problem that we encountered in Section
l6.4: determining which member of a union was the last to be assigned a value. In
the N u m b er structure, for example, we can make the k i n d member an enum era­
tion instead of an i n t :kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
typedef struct {
enum {lNT_KIND, DOUBLE_KIND} kind;
union {
int i ;
double d;
} u;
} Number;
The new structure is used in exactly the same way as the old one. The advantages
are that w e’ve done away with the INT_KIND and DOUBLE_KIND macros
(they’re now enumeration constants), and w e’ve clarified the meaning o f k i n d —
it’s now obvious that k i n d has only two possible values: INT_KIN D and
Q & A
W h e n I tr ie d u s in g th e s i z e o f o p e r a to r to d e te r m in e th e n u m b e r o f b y te s in
a s tr u c tu r e , I g o t a n u m b e r th a t w a s la r g e r th a n th e s iz e s o f th e m e m b e r s
a d d e d to g e th e r . H o w c a n th is b e ?
Let's look at an example:
struct {
char a;
int b;
} s;
If c h a r values occupy one byte and i n t values occupy four bytes, how large is
s ? The obvious answer— five bytes— may not be the correct one. Some computers
require that the address ofcertain data items be a multiple ofsom e number ofbytes
(typically two, four, or eight, depending on the item’s type). To satisfy this require­
ment, a compiler will “align” the members of a structure by leaving “holes”
(unused bytes) between adjacent members. If we assume that data items must
4 0 5 onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUT
begin on a multiple of four bytes, the a member of the s structure will be followed
by a three-byte hole. As a result, s i z e o f ( s ) will be 8.
By the way, a structure can have a hole at the end, as well as holes between
members. For example, the structure
s tru c t {
in t a ;
char b;
} S/'
might have a three-byte hole after the b member.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
C a n th e r e b e a “ h o le ” at th e b e g in n in g o f a s tr u c tu r e ?
No. The C standard specifies that holes are allowed only betw
een members or after
the last member. One consequence is that a pointer to the first member of a struc­
ture is guaranteed to be lhc same as a pointer to the entire structure. (Note, how­
ever. that the two pointers won’t have the same type.)
W h y is n ’t it leg a l to u s e th e = = o p e r a to r to te st w h e th e r tw o s t r u c t u r e s a r e
e q u a l? [p . 3 8 2 ]
This operation was left out o fC because there’s no way to implement it that would
be consistent with the language's philosophy. Comparing structure members one
by one would be too inefficient. Comparing all bytes in the structures would be
better (many computers have special instructions that can perform such a compari­
son rapidly). If the structures contain holes, however, comparing bytes could yield
an incorrect answer; even ifcorresponding members have identical values, leftover
data stored in the holes might be different. The problem could be solved by having
the compiler ensure that holes always contain the same value (zero, say). Initializ­
ing holes would impose a performance penalty on all programs that use structures,
however, so it’s not feasible.
W h y d o e s C p r o v id e tw o w a y s to n a m e s tr u c t u r e ty p e s (ta g s a n d t y p e d e f
n a m e s)? [p. 3 8 2 ]
C originally lacked t y p e d e f , so tags were the only technique available for nam­
ing structure types. When t y p e d e f was added, il was too late to remove tags.
Besides, a tag is still necessary when a member of a structure points to a structure
of the same type (see the n o d e structure of Section 17.5).
C a n a s tr u c tu r e h a v e b o th a ta g a n d a t y p e d e f n a m e ? [p . 3 8 4 ]
Yes. In fact, the tag and the t y p e d e f name can even be the same, although that’s
not required:
ty p e d e f s t r u c t p a r t {
i n t n u m b e r;
c h a r n a m e [N M E _L E N + 1] ;
in t on_hand;
} p a rt;
C h a p te r 16
tr u c tu r e s , U n io n s , a n d E n u m e r a t io n s
H o w c a n I s h a r e a s tr u c tu r e ty p e a m o n g s e v e r a l file s in a p r o g r a m ? onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPON
Put a declaration of the structure tag (or a t y p e d e f , if you prefer) in a header file,
then include the header file where the structure is needed. To share the p a r t struc­
ture, for example, w e’d put the following lines in a header file:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
struct part {
int number;
char name[NAME_LEN+1] ;
int on_hand;
p r o te c tin g h e a d e r fiie s > /5 .2
Notice that w e’re declaring only the structure /flg, not variables of this type.
Incidentally, a header file that contains a declaration of a structure tag or struc- hgfedcbaZYX
ture type may need protection against multiple inclusion. Declaring a tag or
t y p e d e f name twice in the same file is an error. Sim ilar remarks apply to unions
and enumerations.
I f I in c lu d e th e d e c la r a tio n o f th e p a r t s tr u c tu r e in to tw o d iff e r e n t file s , w ill
p a r t v a r ia b le s in o n e file b e o f th e s a m e ty p e a s p a r t v a r i a b le s in th e o t h e r
file ?
Technically, no. However, the C standard says that the p a r t variables in one file
have a type thal’s compatible with the type of the p a r t variables in the other file.
Variables with compatible types can be assigned to each other, so there’s little
practical diffcrcncc between types being “com patible” and being “the same.”
The rules for structure compatibility in C89 and C99 are slightly different. In
C89, structures defined in different files are compatible if their members have the
same names and appear in the same order, with corresponding members having
compatible types. C99 goes one step further: it requires that either both structures
have the same tag or neither has a tag.
Similar compatibility rules apply to unions and enumerations (with the same
difference between C89 and C99).
Is it le g a l to h a v e a p o in te r to a c o m p o u n d lite r a l?
Yes. Consider the p r i n t _ p a r t function ofS eclion l6.2. Currently, the param e­
ter to this function is a p a r t structure. The function would be more efficient if il
p o inter to a p a r t structure instead. Using the function
were modified to accept a cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
to print a compound literal would then be done by prefixing the argument with the
& (address) operator:
print_part(&(struct part)
{528, "Disk drive", 10});
A l lo w in g a p o in te r to a c o m p o u n d lite r a l w o u ld s e e m to m a k e it p o s s ib le to
m o d ify th e lite r a l. Is th a t th e c a se ?
Yes. Compound literals are lvalues that can be modified, although doing so is rare.
I s a w a p r o g r a m in w h ic h th e la s t c o n s ta n t in a n e n u m e r a ti o n w a s fo llo w e d b y
a c o m m a , lik e th is:
E x e rc is e s kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHG
enum g r a y _ v a l u e s {
BLACK = 0 ,
DARK_GRAY = 6 4 ,
GRAY = 1 2 8 ,
Is th is p r a c tic e le g a l?
<^ £ >
This practice is indeed legal in C99 (and is supported by some pre-C99 compilers as
well). Allowing a “trailing comma” makes enumerations easier to modify, because
we can add a constant lo the end of an enumeration without changing existing lines
ofcode. For example, we might want to add WHITE to our enumeration:
enum g ra y _ _ v a lu e s {
BLACK = 0 ,
DARK_GRAY = 6 4 ,
GRAY = 1 2 8 ,
LIGHT__GRAY = 1 9 2 ,
W HITE = 2 5 5 ,
The comma after the definition of LIGHT_GRAY makes it easy to add WHITE to
the end of the list.
l”ingK^ commas in initializers,*
One reason for this change is that C89 allows tra^iK
so it seemed inconsistent not to allow the same flexibility in enumerations. Incidentally, C99 also allows trailing commas in compound literals.aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
C a n th e v a lu e s o f a n e n u m e r a te d ty p e h e u se d a s s u b s c r ip ts ?
Yes, indeed. They are integers and have— by default— values that start at 0 and
count upward, so they make great subscripts. In C99, moreover, enumeration con­
stants can be used as subscripts in designated initializers. Here’s an example:
e n u m w e e k d a y s {MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY,
c o n s t c h a r * d a i l y _ s p e c i a l s [] = {
[MONDAY] = " B e e f r a v i o l i " ,
[TUESDAY] = " B L T s " ,
[WEDNESDAY] = " P i z z a " ,
[THURSDAY] = " C h i c k e n f a j i t a s " ,
[F R ID A Y ] = " M a c a r o n i a n d c h e e s e "
F R ID A Y } ;
E x e r c is e s
S e c tio n 16.1
In the following declarations, the x and y structures have members named x and y:
s tru c t
s tru c t
in t
in t
Arc these declarations legal on an individual basis? Could both declarations appear as
shown in a program? Justify your answer.
S tru c tu re s , U n io n s , a n d E n u m e r a tio n s onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
C h a p te r 16
(a) Declare structure variables named c l . c 2 , and c 3 . each having members r e a l and
i m a g i n a r y o fty p e d o u b l e .
(b) Modify the declaration in part (a) so that c l ' s members initially have the values 0.0 and
l.0, while c 2 's members are l.0 and 0.0 initially, (c3 is not initialized.)
(c) Write statements that copy the members o f c2 into c l . Can this be done in one state­
ment, or does it require two?
(d) Write statements that add the corresponding members of c l and c 2 , storing the result
in c 3 .
S e c tio n 16.2
(a) Show how to declare a tag named c o m p le x for a structure with two members, r e a l
and i m a g i n a r y , of type d o u b l e .
(b) Use the c o m p le x tag to declare variables named c l . c 2 , and c 3 .
(c) Write a function named m a k e _ c o m p le x that stores its two arguments (both o f type
d o u b l e ) in a c o m p le x structure, then returns the structure.
(d) W rite a function named a d d _ c o m p le x that adds the corresponding members o f its
arguments (both c o m p l e x structures), then retums the result (another c o m p l e x structure).
type named C o m p le x .
Repeal Exercise 3, but this lime using a cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Write the following functions, assuming that ihe d a t e structure contains three members:
m o n th , d a y . and y e a r (all ofiype i n t ) .
(a) i n t
d a y _ o f_ y e a r(s tru c t d a te
d );
Returns the day of the year (an integer between l and 366) that corresponds to the dale d.
(b) i n t
c o m p a re _ d a te s (s tru c t d a te
d l,
s tru c t
d a te
d 2 );
Retums - l if d l is an earlier date than d 2 . +l if d l is a later date than d 2 . and 0 if d l and
d2 are the same.
Write the following function, assuming that the t i m e structure contains three members:
h o u r s , m i n u t e s , and s e c o n d s (all o fty p e i n t ) .
s tru c t
tim e
s p lit_ tim e (lo n g
to ta l_ s e c o n d s );
t o t a l _ s e c o n d s is a time represented as the number of seconds since midnight. The
function returns a structure containing the equivalent time in hours (0-23), minutes (0-59).
and seconds (0-59).
Assume that the f r a c t i o n structure contains two members: n u m e r a t o r and d e n o m i ­
n a t o r (both o fly p c i n t ) . Write functions thai perform the following operations on frac­
(a) Reduce the fraclion f to lowest terms. H im : To reduce a fraction to lowest terms. first
compute ihe greatest common divisor (GCD) of the numerator and denominator. Then
divide boih the num eratorand denominator by the GCD.
(b) Add the fractions f l and f 2 .
(c) Subtract ihe fraction f 2 from the fraction f l .
(d) Multiply lhc fractions f l and f 2 .
(e) Divide the fraction f l by the fraction f 2 .
The fractions f , f l , and f 2 will be arguments of type s t r u c t f r a c t i o n : each function
will return a value of type s t r u c t f r a c t i o n . The fractions reiurned by the functions in
parts (b)-(e) should be reduced to lowest terms. H im : You may use the function from pan
(a) to help write the functions in parts (b)-(e).
E x e rc is e s kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGF
Let c o l o r bc the following structure:
s tru c
in t
in t
in t
c o lo r
red ;
g re e n ;
b lu e ;
(a) Write a declaration for a c o n s t variable named MAGENTA of type s t r u c t c o l o r
whose members have the values 255, 0, and 255, respectively.
(b) (C99) Repeat part (a), but use a designated initializer that doesn’t specify the value of
g r e e n , allowing it ro default to 0.
Write the following functions. (The c o l o r structure is defined in Exercise <8.)
(a) s t r u c t c o l o r m a k e _ c o l o r ( i n t r e d , i n t g r e e n , i n t b l u e ) ;
Returns a c o l o r structure containing the specified red, green, and blue values. If any argu­
ment is less than zero, the corresponding member of the structure will contain zero instead.
If any argument is greater than 255, the corresponding member o fth e structure will contain
(b) i n t g e t R e d ( s t r u c t c o l o r c ) ;
Returns the value o f c ’s r e d member.
(c) b o o l e q u a l _ c o l o r ( s t r u c t c o l o r c o l o r l , s t r u c t c o l o r c o l o r 2 ) ;
Returns t r u e if the corresponding members o f c o l o r l and c o l o r 2 are equal.
(d) s t r u c t c o l o r b r i g h t e r ( s t r u c t c o l o r c ) ;
Returns a c o l o r structure that represents a brighter version of the color c. The structure is
identical to c, except that each member has been divided by 0.7 (with the result truncated to
an integer). However, there are three special cases: (1) lf all members of c are zero, the
function returns a color whose members all have the value 3, (2) If any member of c is
greater than 0 but less than 3, it is replaced by 3 before die division by 0.7. (3) If dividing by
0.7 causes a member to exceed 255, il is reduced lo 255.
(c) s t r u c t c o l o r d a r k e r ( s t r u c t c o l o r c ) ;
Returns a c o l o r structure that represents a darker version of the color c. The structure is
identical to c, except that each member has bcen multiplied by 0.7 (with the result truncated
S e c tio n 1 6 .3
The following structures are designed to store information about objects on a graphics
s t r u c t p o i n t { i n t x , y ; };
s t r u c t r e c t a n g l e { s t r u c t p o in t u p p e r_ _ le ft,
lo w e r_ rig h t;
A p o i n t structure stores the .v and y coordinates of a point on the screen. A r e c t a n g l e
siniciure stores the coordinates of the upper left and lower right corners o fa rectangle. Write
functions that perform the following operations on a r e c t a n g l e structure r passed as an
(a) Cornpuie ihe area of r.
(b) Compute the cenier of r. returning il as a p o i n t value. If either the .v or v coordinate of
the center isn’t an integer, store its truncated value in lhe p o i n t structure.
(c) Move r by x units in lhc .v direction and y uniis in the y direction, returning the modi­
fied version of r. (x and y are additional arguments to lhe function.)
(d) Determine whether a point p lies within r , returning t r u e or f a l s e , (p is an addi­
tional argument oftype s t r u c t p o i n t . )
C h a p te r 16
S tru c tu re s , U n io n s , a n d E n u m e r a tio n s aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
S e c t io n 1 6 .4 onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
© 11. Suppose that s
is the following structure:
s tru c t {
d o u b le a ;
u n io n {
c h a r b [4] ;
d o u b le c ;
in t d;
} e;
c h a r f [4] ;
} s;
If c h a r values occupy one byte, i n t values occupy four bytes, and d o u b l e values occupy
eight bytes, how much space will a C compiler allocate for s ? (Assume that the compiler
leaves no “holes" between members.)
Suppose that u is the following union:
u n io n {
d o u b le a ;
s tru c t {
c h a r b [4] ;
d o u b le c ;
in t d ;
} e;
c h a r f [4 ];
} u;
If c h a r values occupy one byte, i n t values occupy four bytes, and d o u b l e values occupy
eight bytes, how much space will a C compiler allocate for u? (Assume that the compiler
leaves no “holes" between members.)
Suppose that s is the following structure ( p o i n t is a structure tag declared in Exercise l0):
s t r u c t shape {
i n t s h a p e _ k in d ;
s tr u c t p o in t c e n te r;
u n io n {
s tru c t {
i n t h e ig h t, w id th ;
} re c ta n g le ;
s tru c t {
in t ra d iu s ;
} c irc le ;
} U;
} S;
/* c o o r d i n a t e s o f c e n t e r * /
Ifthc value of s h a p e _ k i n d is RECTANGLE, the h e i g h t and w i d t h members store the
dimensions of a rectangle. If the value of s h a p e _ k i n d is CIRCLE, the r a d i u s member
stores the radius of a circle. Indicate which of the following statements are legal, and show
how to repair the ones that aren't:
s . s h a p e _ k i n d = RECTANGLE ;
s .c e n t e r .x = 10;
s .h e ig h t = 25;
s . u . r e c t a n g l e . w i d t h = 8;
s . u . c i r c l e = 5;
s . u . r a d i u s = 5;
E x e rc is e s kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJ
Let s h a p e be (he structure tag declared in Exercise I3. W rite functions that perforin lhc
following operations on a s h a p e structure s passed as an argument:
(a) Com pute the area of s.
(b) Move s by x units in the .v direction and y units in the cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
y direction, returning the m odi­
fied version of s . (x and y are additional argum ents to the function.)
(c) Scalc s by a factor of c (a d o u b l e value), returning (he modified version o f s . (c is an
additional argument to the function.)
S e c tio n 16 .5 onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
© I5.
(a) Declare a tag for an enumeration whose values represent (he seven days o f the week.
(b) Use t y p e d e f to define a name for the enum eration of part (a).
Which of the following statem ents about enum eration constants are true?
(a) An enumeration constant may represent any integer specified by the programmer.
(b) Enumeration constants have exactly the sam e properties as constants created using
# d e fin e .
(c) Enumeration constants have the values 0. 1.2, ... by default.
(d) All constants in an enumeration must have different values.
(e) Enumeration constants may be used as integers in expressions.
Suppose that b and i are declared as follows:
enum {FALSE,
in t i ;
TRUE} b ;
Which o f the following statem ents are legal? W hich ones are “safe’1 (always yield a m ean­
ingful result)?
b = FALSE;
b = i;
i = b;
i = 2 * b 4- 1 ;
(a) Each square of a chessboard can hold one piece— a pawn, knight, bishop, rook, queen,
or king— or it may be empty. Each piece is either black or white. Define two enum erated
types: P i e c e , which has seven possible values (one of which is “em pty”), and C o l o r ,
which has two.
(b) Using the types from part (a), define a structure type named S q u a r e that can store both
the type of a piece and its color.
(c) Using the S q u a r e type from part (b), declare an 8 x 8 array named b o a r d that can
store thc entire contents o f a chessboard.
(d) Add an initializer to (he declaration in part (c) so that b o a r d 's initial value corresponds
to the usual arrangement of pieces at the start of a chess game. A square that\s not occupied
by a piece should have an “em pty" piece value and the color black.
Declare a structure with the following members whose tag is p i n b a l l _ m a c h i n e :
n a m e - a string o f up to 40 characters
y e a r - an integer (representing the year of m anufacture)
t y p e - an enumeration with the values EM (electrom echanical) and SS (solid state)
p l a y e r s - an integer (representing the maximum num ber o fp layers)
Suppose that the d i r e c t i o n variable is declared in the following way:
en u m
WEST} d i r e c t i o n ;
C h a p te r 16
S tru c tu re s , U n io n s , a n d E n u m e r a tio n s onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Let x and y be i n t variables. Wrilc a s w i t c h statement that tests the value of d i r e c ­
t i o n , incrementing*^- x if d i r e c t i o n is EAST, decrementin *g—x if d i r e c t i o n is WEST,
incrementing y i f d i r e c t i o n is SOUTH, and decrementing y if d i r e c t i o n is NORTH.
What are the integer values of the enumeration constants in cach of the following declara­
{VT = 1 1 , F F , C R };
{SO = 1 4 , S I , DLE, CAN = 2 4 , EM};
{ENQ = 4 5 , ACK, BEL, LF = 3 7 , ETB,
E S C };
Let c h e s s _ p i e c e s be the following enumeration:
e n u m c h e s s _ p ie c e s
(a) Write a declaration (including an initializer) for a constant array of integers named
p i e c e _ _ v a l u e that stores the numbers 200, 9, 5, 3, 3, and 1. representing lhc value of cach
chess piece, from king to pawn. (The king’s value is actually infinite, since “capturing" the
king (checkmate) ends the game, but some chess-playing software assigns the king a large
value such as 200.)
(b) (C99) Repeat part (a), but use a designated initializer to initialize the array. Use the enu­
meration constants in c h e s s _ _ p i e c e s as subscripts in the designators. cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
(Hint: Scc the last
question in Q&A for an example.) aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
P r o g r a m m in g P r o je c ts
Write a program that asks the user lo enter an international dialing code and then looks il up
in the c o u n t r y _ c o d e s array (see Section 16.3). Ifit finds the code, the program should
display the name of the corresponding country: if not. the program should print an error
messagc e,
Modify the i n v e n t o r y . c program of Section 16.3 so that the p (print) operation displays
the parts sorted by part number.
Modify the i n v e n t o r y . c program of Section 16.3 by making i n v e n t o r y
n u m _ p a r t s local to the m a in function.
Modify the i n v e n t o r y . c program of Section 16.3 by adding a p r i c e member to the
p a r t struclure. The i n s e r t function should ask the user for the price o f a new item. The
s e a r c h and p r i n t functions should display the price. Add a ncw command that allows
the user to ehangc the price of a part.
Modify Programming Projecl 8 from Chapter 5 so that the times are stored in a single array.
The elements of the array will be structures, each containing a departure time and the corre­
sponding arrival time. (Each time will be an integer, representing the number of minutes
since midnight.) The program will use a loop to search lhe array for die departure time clos­
est to the iime entered by the user.
Modify Programming Project 9 from Chapter 5 so that cach dale eniercd by lhc user is
stored in a d a t e struclure (see Exercise 5). Incorporate the c o m p a r e _ d a t e s function of
Exercise 5 into your program.
A d v a n c e d U s e s o f P o in t e r s
O n e c a n o n ly d is p la y c o m p le x in fo r m a tio n in th e m in d .
L ik e s e e in g , m o v e m e n t o r flo w o r a lte r a tio n o f v ie w is m o r e
im p o r t a n t th a n th e s t a t ic p ic tu re , n o m a t t e r h o w lo v e ly onmlkjihgfedcbaZYX
In previous chapters, we‘ve seen two important uses of pointers. Chapter 11
showed how using a pointer to a variable as a function argument allows the func­
tion to modify the variable. Chapter 12 showed how to process arrays by perform­
ing arithmetic on pointers to array elements. This chapter completes our coverage
of pointers by exannning two additional applications: dynamic storage allocation
and pointers to functions.
Using dynamic storage allocation, a program can obtain blocks of memory as
needed during execution. Section 17.1 explains the basics ofdynam ic storage allo­
cation. Section 17.2 discusses dynamically allocated sirings, which provide more
flexibility than ordinary character arrays. Section 17.3 covers dynamic storage
allocation forarrav*>s in ^g eneral. Section 17.4 deals withK>the issue ofstorage deallocation— releasing blocks ofdynam ically allocated memory when they're no longer
Dynamically allocated struclures play a big role in C programming, since they
can be linked together lo form lists, trees, and other highly flexible data structures.
Section 17.5 focuses on linked lists, the most fundamental linked data structure.
One of the issues that arises in this section— the concept of a “pointer to a
pointer”— is important enough to warrant a section o fils own (Section 17.6).
Section 17.7 introduces pointers to functions, a surprisingly useful concept.
Some of C's most powerful library functions expect function pointers as argu­
ments. We’ll examine one ofthese functions, q s o r t , which is capable ofsorting
any array.
The last two sections discuss pointer-related features that first appeared in
C99: restricted pointers (Section 17.8) and flexible array members (Section 17.9).
These features are primarily of interest to advanced C programmers, so both sec­
tions can be safely be skipped by the beginner.hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
C h a p te r 1 7
v a r ia b ie - i e n g t h a r r a y s > 8 . 3
d v a n c e d U s e s o f P o in te r s aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
D y n a m ic S t o r a g e A l l o c a t i o n
C ’s data structures are normally fixed in size. For example, the number of elements
in an array is fixed once the program has been compiled, (ln C99, the length of a hgfedcba
variable-length array is determined at run lime, but it remains fixed for the rest of
the array’s lifetime.) Fixed-size data structures can be a problem, since w e’re
forced to choose their sizes when writing a program; we can’t change the sizes
without modifying the program and compiling it again.
Consider the i n v e n t o r y program ofS ection l6.3, which allows the user lo
add parts to a database. The database is stored in an array of length l00. To en­
large the capacity of the database, we can increase the size of the array and recom­
pile the program. But no matter how large we make the array, there’s always the
possibility that it will fill up. Fortunately, all is not lost. C supports RQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
d y n a m ic s to r ­
a g e a l l o c a t i o n : the ability to allocate storage during program execution. Using dy­
namic storage allocation, we can design data structures that grow (and shrink) as
Although it’s available for all types ofdata, dynamic storage allocation is used
most often for strings, arrays, and structures. Dynamically allocated structures are
ofparticular interest, since we can link them together to form lists, trees, and other
M e m o r y A llo c a tio n F u n c t io n s
< s td iib .h >
h e a d o r> 2 6 .?
To allocate storage dynamically, w e'll need to call one of the three memory aLlocation functions declared in the < s t d l i b . h> header:
■ m a l l o c — Allocates a block of memory but doesn’t in itialize il.
■ c a l l o c — Allocates a block of memory and clears it.
■ r e a l l o c — Resizes a previously allocated block of m emory.
Of the three, m a l l o c is the most used. It's more efficient than c a l l o c , since it
doesn’t have to clear the memory block that il allocates.
When we call a memory allocation function to request a block of memory, the
function has no idea what type of data we’re planning to store in the block, so it
can’t return a pointer to an ordinary type such as i n t or c h a r . Instead, the func­
tion returns a value of type v o i d *. A v o i d * value is a “generic” pointer—
essentially,just a memory address.
N u ll P o in t e r s
When a memory allocation function is called, there’s always a possibility that it
w on’t be able to locate a block of memory large enough to satisfy our request. If
4 1 5 onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSR
D y n a m ic S to ra g e A llo c a tio n hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDC
that should happen, the function will return a RQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
n u l l p o i n t e r . A null pointer is a
“pointer to nothing”— a special value that can be distinguished from all valid
pointers. After w e’ve siored the function’s return value in a pointer variable, we
must test to see if it’s a null pointer.
lt’s the program m er’s responsibility to test the return value of any memory alloca­
tion function and take appropriate action if it's a null pointer. The effect ofattem pting to access memory through a null pointer is undefined: the program may crash
or behave unpredictably.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
The null pointer is represented by a macro named NULL, so we can test
m a l l o c ’s return value in the following way:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
p = malloc(10000);
if (p == NULL) {
/* allocation failed; take appropriate action */
Some program m ers combine the call o f m a l l o c with the NULL test:
if ((p = malloc(10000)) == NULL) {
/* allocation failed; take appropriate action */
< ffi>
The NULL macro is defined in six headers: < l o c a l e . h > , < s t d d e f .h > .
< s t d i o . h> , < s t d l i b . h> , < s t r i n g . h > , and < t i m e . h> . (The C99 header
< w c h a r . h> also defines NULL.) As long as one of these headers is included in a
program, the com piler will recognize NULL. A program that uses any o fth e m em ­
ory allocation functions will include < s t d l i b . h > . of course, making NULL
In C, pointers test true or false in the same way as numbers. All non-nuIl
pointers test true; only null pointers are false. Thus, instead o fw ritin g
if (p == NULL) ...
we could write
if (!p) ...
and instead of writing
if (p != NULL) ...
we could write
if (p) ...
As a matter ofsty le, I prefer the explicit comparison with NULL.
C h a p te r 1 7
A d v a n c e d U s e s o f P o in te rs aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
1 7 .2
D y n a m ic a lly A llo c a t e d S tr in g s
Dynamic storage allocation is often useful for working with strings. Strings are
stored in character arrays, and it can be hard to anticipate how long these arrays
need to be. By allocating strings dynamically, we can postpone the decision until
the program is running.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
U s in g m a l l o c to A llo c a te M e m o r y fo r a S tr in g
The m a l l o c function has the following prototype:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
void *malloc(size_t size);
e i z e _ t ty p e > 7 .6
m a l l o c allocates a block of s i z e bytes and returns a pointer to it. Note that
s i z e has typc s i z e _ t , an unsigned integer type defined in the C library. Unless
we’re allocating a very large block of memory, we can just think of s i z e as an
ordinary integer.
Using m a l l o c to allocate memory for a string is easy, because C guarantees
that a c h a r value requires exactly one byte ofstorage ( s i z e o f ( c h a r ) is I. in
other words). To allocate space for a string o f n characters, we'd write
p = malloc(n + 1);
where p is a c h a r * variable. (The argument is n + 1 rather than n to allow room
for the null character.) The generic pointer that m a l l o c returns will be converted
to c h a r * when the assignment is performed; no cast is necessary. (In general, we
can assign a v o i d * value to a variable ofany pointer type and vice versa.) Never­
theless, some programmers prefer to cast m a l l o c ’s return value:
p = (char *) malloc(n 4- 1) ;hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
When using m a l l o c lo allocate space for a siring, don't forget to include room for
the null character.
Memory allocated using m a l l o c isn’t cleared or initialized in any way. sop
will point to an uninitialized array o f n + 1 characters:
1 7 .2
D y n a m ic a lly A llo c a t e d S tr in g s onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGF
Calling s t r c p y is one way to initialize this array:
s trc p y (p ,
The first four characters in the array will now be a , b . c, and \ 0 :dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
U sin g D y n a m ic S to r a g e A llo c a tio n in S tr in g F u n c tio n s
Dynamic storage allocation makes it possible to write functions that return a
poinler to a “new” string— a string that didn't exist before the function was called.
Consider the problem of writing a function that concatenates two strings without
changing either one. C ’s standard library doesn’t include such a function ( s t r c a t
isn't quite what we want, since it modifies one of the strings passed to it), but we
can easily write our own.
Our function will measure the lengths of the two strings to be concatenated,
then call m a l l o c to allocate just the right amount of space for the result. The
function next copies the first siring into the new space and then calls s t r c a t to
concatenate the second string.kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
char *concat(const char *sl, const char *s2)
char *result;
result = malloc(strlen(sl) + strlen(s2) + 1);
if (result == NULL) {
printf("Error: malloc failed in concat\n");
strcpy(result, sl);
strcat(result, s2);
return result;
I f m a l l o c returns a null pointer, c o n c a t prints an error message and term inates
the program. T hat's not always the right action lo lake: some programs need to
recover from memory allocation failures and continue running.
Here’s how the c o n c a t function might be called:
p = concat("abc",
After the call, p will point to the string " a b c d e f " . which is stored in a dynam i­
cally allocated array. The array is seven characters long, including the null charac­
ter al the end.
C h a p te r 1 7
A d v a n c e d U s e s o f P o in te rs
Functions such as c o n c a t that dynam ically allocate storage must be used with
care. When the string that c o n c a t returns is no longer needed, w e'll want to call
fu n c tio n > 17.4
the f r e e function to release the space that the string occupies. If we don’t, the
program may eventually run out of memory.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
A r r a y s o f D y n a m ic a lly A llo c a te d S tr in g s
hi Section l3.7, we tackled the problem of storing strings in an array. We found
that storing strings as rows in a two-dim ensional array of characters can waste
space, so we tried setting up an array of pointers to string literaK T he techniques
o fS ection l3.7 w o rk ju st as well ifth e elem ents o fa n array are pointers to dynam ­
ically allocated strings. To illustrate this point; let’s rewrite the r e m i n d . c pro­
gram of Section 13.5, which prints a one-m onth list o fd aily reminders.
P r in tin g a O n e -M o n th R e m in d e r L is t (R e v is ite d )
The original r e m i n d . c program stores the rem inder strings in a two-dim ensional
array ofcharacters, with each row of the array containing one string. A fter the pro­
gram reads a day and its associated reminder, it searches the array to determ ine
where the day belongs, using s t r c m p to do com parisons. It then uses s t r c p y to
move all strings below that point down one position. Finally, the program copies
the day into the array and calls s t r c a t to append the rem inder to the day.
In the new program ( r e m i n d 2 . c), the array will be one-dim ensional; its ele­
ments will be pointers to dynamically allocated strings. Switching to dynamically
allocated strings in this program will have two prim ary advantages. First, we can
use space more efficiently by allocating the exact num ber of characters needed to
store a reminder, rather than storingo the rem inder in a fixed num ber of characters
as the original program does. Second, we w on't need to call s t r c p y lo move
existingo rem indeor strings in order to make room for a new reminder. Instead, w e’ll
o in ters to strings.
H ere’s the new program, with changes in bold. Switching from a two-dim en­
sional array to an array of pointers turns out to be rem arkably easy: w e’ll only need
to change eight lines of the program.BA
/* Prints a one-month reminder list (dynamic string version) */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MAX_REMIND 50
#define MSG_LEN 60
/* maximum number of reminders */
/* max length of reminder message */
int read line(char str[], int n);
1 7 .2
D y n a m ic a lly A llo c a te d S trin g s kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONML
int main(void)
char *reminders[MAX_REMIND];
char day_str[3], msg_str[MSG_LEN+l];
int day, i, j, num_remind = 0;
for (;;) {
if (num_remind == MAX_REMIND) {
printf(”-- No space left --\n");
printf("Enter day and reminder:
scanf(”%2d”, &day);
if (day == 0)
sprintf(day_str, "%2d", day);
read_line(msg_str, MSG_LEN);
for (i = 0; i < num_remind; i++)
if (strcmp(day_str, reminders[i]) < 0)
for (j = num_remind; j > i; j--)
reminders [j ] = reminders [j -1] ;
reminders[i] = malloc(2 + strlen(msg_str) + 1);
if (reminders[i] == NULL) {
printf(”-- No space left --\n”);
strcpy(reminders[i], day_str);
strcat(reminders[i], msg_str);
printf("\nDay Reminder\n");
for (i = 0; i < num_remind; i++)
printf(” %s\n”, reminders[i]);
return 0;
int read_line(char str[], int n)
int ch, i = 0;
while ((ch = getchar())
if (i < n)
str[i++] = ch;
str [i] = •\0 ’;
return i ;
!= ‘\ n ’)
C h a p t e r 1 7 A d v a n c e d U s e s o f P o in te rs aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
1 7 .3
D y n a m ic a lly A llo c a t e d A r ra y s onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Dynamically allocated arrays have (he same advantages as dynamically allocated
strings (not surprisingly, since strings cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
are arrays). When w e’re writing a program,
it’s often difficult to estimate the proper size for an array: it would be more conve­
nient to wait until the program is run to decide how large the array should be. C
solves this problem by allowing a program to allocate space for an array during
execution, then access the array through a pointer to its first element. The close
relationship between arrays and pointers, which we explored in Chapter l2, makes
a dynamically allocated arrayjust as easy to use as an ordinary array.
Although m a l l o c can allocate space for an array, the c a l l o c function is
sometimes used instead, since it initializes the memory that it allocates. The
r e a l l o c function allows us to make an array '"grow” or “shrink” as needed.dcbaZYXWVUTSR
U s in g m a l l o c to A llo c a te S to r a g e fo r a n A r r a y
s iz e o fo p e r a to r > 7 .6
We can use m a l l o c to allocate space for an array in much the same way we used
it to allocate space for a string. The primary difference is that the elements of an
arbitrary array won’t necessarily be one byte long, as they are in a string. As a
result, we’ll need to use the s i z e o f operator to calculate the amount of space
required for each element.
Suppose we’re writing a program that needs an array of n integers, where n is
to be computed during the execution of the program. We’ll first declare a pointer
int *a;
Once thc value of n is known, we’ll have the program call m a l l o c to allocate
space for the array:
a = malloc(n * sizeof(int));
Always use s i z e o f when calculating how much space is needed for an array.
Failing to allocate enough memory can have severe consequences. Consider the
following attempt to allocate space for an array o f n integers:
a = malloc(n * 2);
If i n t values are larger than two bytes (as they are on most computers), m a l l o c
won’t allocate a large enough block of memory. When we later try to access ele­
ments of the array, the program may crash or behave erratically.
Once it points to a dynamically allocated block of memory, we can ignore the
fact that a is a pointer and use it instead as an array name, thanks to the relation-
D y n a m ic a lly A llo c a te d A rra y s kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFE
ship between arrays and pointers in C. For example, we could use the following
loop to initialize the array that a points to:dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
a[i] = 0;
We also have the option of using pointer arithmetic instead of subscripting to
access the elements of the array.
T h e c a l l o c F u n c tio n
Although the m a l l o c function can be used to allocate memory for an array. C
provides an alternative— the c a l l o c function— that’s sometimes better, c a l l o c
has the following prototype in < s t d l i b . h>:
void *calloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size);
c a l l o c allocates space for an array with nmemb elements, each of which is
s i z e bytes long; it returns a null pointer if the requested space isn’t available.
After allocating the memory, c a l l o c initializes it by setting all bits to 0. For
example, the following call of c a l l o c allocates space for an array o f n integers,
which are all guaranteed to be zero initially:
a = calloc(n, sizeof(int));
Since c a l l o c clears the memory that it allocates but m a l l o c doesn’t, we
may occasionally want to use c a l l o c to allocate space for an object other than an
array. By calling c a l l o c with 1 as its first argument, we can allocate space for a
data item of any type:
struct point { int x, y; } *p;
p = calloc(l, sizeof(struct point));
After this statement has been executed, p will point to a structure whose x and y
members have been set to zero.
T h e r e a l l o c F u n c tio n
Once w e’ve allocated memory for an array, we may later find that it’s too large or
too small. The r e a l l o c function can resize the array to better suit our needs. The
following prototype for r e a l l o c appears in < s t d l i b . h>:
void *realloc(void *ptr, size_t size);
When r e a l l o c is called, p t r must point to a memory block obtained by a previ­
ous call of m a l l o c , c a l l o c , or r e a l l o c . The s i z e parameter represents the
new size of the block, which may be larger or sm aller than the original size.
Although r e a l l o c doesn't require t h a t p t r point to memory that’s being used as
an array, in practice it usually does.
A d v a n c e d U s e s o f P o in te rs hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
C h a p te r 1 7
Be sure that a pointer passed to r e a l l o c came from a previous call of m a l l o c ,
c a l l o c , or r e a l l o c . If it didn’t, calling r e a l l o c causes undefined behavior.
The C standard spells out a number of rules concerning the behavior of
re a llo c :
When it expands a memory block, r e a l l o c doesn’t initialize the bytes that
are added to the block.
If r e a l l o c can’t enlarge the memory block as requested, it returns a null
pointer; the data in the old memory block is unchanged.
If r e a l l o c is called with a null pointer as its first argument, it behaves like
m a llo c .
■ I f r e a l l o c is called with 0 as its second argument, it frees the memory
The C standard stops short of specifying exactly how r e a l l o c works. Still,
we expect it to be reasonably efficient. When asked to reduce the size of a memory
block, r e a l l o c should shrink the block “in place,’’ without moving the data
stored in the block. By the same token, r e a l l o c should always attempt to
expand a memory block without moving it. K it’s unable to enlarge the block
(because the bytes following the block are already in use for some other purpose),
r e a l l o c will allocate a new block elsewhere, then copy the contents of the old
block into the new one.
1 7 .4
Once r e a l l o c has returned, be sure to update all pointers to the memory block,
since it’s possible that r e a l l o c has moved the block elsewhere.aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
D e a llo c a tin g S to r a g e
m a l l o c and the other memory allocation functions obtain memory blocks from a
e a p . Calling these functions too often— or asking them
storage pool known as the hRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
for large blocks of memory— can exhaust the heap, causing the functions to return
a null pointer.
To make matters worse, a program may allocate blocks of memory and then
lose track ofthem , thereby wasting space. Consider the following example:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQP
= m a l l o c (...) ;
m a l l o c (...) ;
1 7 .4
D e a llo c a tin g S to r a g e onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIH
A fter the first two statements have been executed, p points to one m em ory block,
while q points to another:
After q is assigned to p , both variables now point to the second mem ory block:
There are no pointers to the first block (shaded), so w e’ll never be able to use it
A block of memory that’s no longer accessible to a program is said to b e g a rbage. A program that leaves garbage behind has a m e m o ry leak. Some languages
provide a garb a g e co llecto r that autom atically locates and recycles garbage, but C
doesn’t. Instead, each C program is responsible for recycling its own garbage by
calling the f r e e function to release unneeded memory.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
T h e f r e e F u n c tio n
The f r e e function has the follow ing prototype in < s t d l i b . h> :kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
void free(void *ptr);
Using f r e e is easy; we simply pass it a pointer to a m emory block that we no
e^er need:
lon w
p = malloc(...);
q = malloc (...) ;
P = Q;
Calling f r e e releases the block of memory that p points to. This block is now
available for reuse in subsequent calls of m a l l o c or other mem ory allocation
The argument to f r e e must be a pointer that was previously returned by a m em­
ory allocation function. (The argum ent may also be a null pointer, in which case
the call of f r e e has no effect.) Passing f r e e a pointer to any other object (such
as a variable or array element) causes undefined behavior.
C h a p te r 1 7
A d v a n c e d U s e s o f P o in te rs dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
T h e “ D a n g lin g P o in te r ” P r o b le m
Although the f r e e function allows us to reclaim memory that’s no longer needed,
d a n g liiig p o in te rs. The call f r e e (p ) deallocates
using it leads lo a new problem: cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
the memory block that p points to. but doesn’t change p itself. If we forget that p
no longer points to a valid memory block, chaos may ensue:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
char *p = malloc(4);
/*** WRONG ***/
Modifying the memory that p points to is a serious error, since our program no
longer has control of that memory.
Attempting to access or modify a deallocated memory block causes undefined
behavior. Trying to modify a deallocated memory block is likely to have disastrous
consequences that may include a program crash.
Dangling pointers can be hard to spot, since several pointers may point to
the same block of memory. When the block is freed, all the pointers are left dano°l1i*n**°&- aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
1 7 .5
L in k e d L is t s
Dynamic storage allocation is especially useful for building lists, trees, graphs, and
other linked data structures. We’ll look at linked lists in this section; a discussion
of other linked data structures is beyond the scope of this book. For more informa­
tion. consult a book such as Robert Sedgewick’s A lg o rith m s in C, Parts l ^ f : Fun­
dam entals. D ata Structures, Sorting, Searching, Third Edition (Reading, Mass.:
Addison-Wesley, l998).
A lin ked list consists of a chain of structures (called nodes), with each node
containing a pointer to the next node in the chain:
The last node in the list contains a null pointer, shown here as a diagonal line.
In previous chapters, w e’ve used an am iy whenever w e’ve needed to store a
collection of data items; linked lists give us an alternative. A linked list is more PONMLKJI
flexible than an array: we can easily insert and delete nodes in a linked list, allow­
ing the list to grow and shrink as needed. On the other hand, we lose the “random
access” capability o fan array. Any element o fan array can be accessed in the same
1 7 .5
4 2 5 onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUT
L in k e d L is ts hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFED
amount of time: accessing4^*» a node in a linked list is fast if the node is close to the
g^inn^i*”ng of lhe li'st, slow if it’s near the end.
This section describes how to set up a linked list in C. It also shows how to
perform several common operations on linked lists: inserting a node at the begin­
ning of a list, searching for a node, and deleting a node.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
D e c la r in g a N o d e T y p e
To set up a linked list, the first thing we'll need is a structure that represents a sin­
gle node in the list. For simplicity, let's assume that a node contains nothing but an
integer (the node’s data) plus a pointer to the next node in the list. Here’s what our
node structure will look like:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
struct node {
int value;
struct node *next;
/* data stored in the node */
/* pointer to the next node */
Notice that the n e x t member has type s t r u c t n o d e *, which means that it can
store a pointer to a n o d e structure. There’s nothing special about the name n o d e ,
by the way; it’sjust an ordinary structure tag.
One aspect of the n o d e structure deserves special mention. As Section l6.2
explained, we normally have the option of using either a tag or a t y p e d e f name
to define a name for a particular kind of structure. However, when a structure has a
member that points to the same kind ofslructure, as n o d e does, we’re required to
use a structure tag. Without the n o d e tag, we'd have no way to declare the type of
n e x t.
Now that we have the n o d e structure declared, we’ll need a way to keep track
of where the list begins. In other words, we’ll need a variable that always points to
the first node in the list. Let’s name the variable f i r s t :
struct node *first = NULL;
Setting f i r s t to NULL indicates that the list is initially empty.
C r e a tin g a N o d e
As we construct a linked list; we’ll want to create nodes one by one, adding each to
the list. Creating a node requires three steps:
1. Allocate memory for the node.
2. Store data in the node.
3. Insert the node into the list.
We’ll concentrate on the first two steps for now.
When we create a node, weTl need a variable that can point to the node tem­
porarily. until it’s been inserted into the list. Let’s call this variable new__node:
struct node *new node;
C h a p te r 1 7
A d v a n c e d U s e s o f P o in te rs onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
W e’ll use m a l l o c to allocate memory for tlie new node, saving the return value in
n e w _ n o d e :kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
new_node = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
n e w _ n o d e now points to a block of memory just large enough to hold a n o d e
type to be allocated, not the name o f a
Be careful to give s i z e o f the name of the cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
p o in ter to that type:
new_node = malloc(sizeof(new_node));
/*** WRONG ***/
The program will still compile, but m a l l o c will allocate only enough memory for
a p o in ter to a n o d e structure. The likely result is a crash later, when the program
attempts to store data in the node that n e w _ n o d e is presumably pointing to.
Next, w e’ll store data in the v a l u e mem ber of the new node:
(*new_node).value = 10;
H ere’s how the picture will look after this assignment:
valuo next
> A p p e n d ix A
t a b l e o f o p e r a t o r s BA
To access the v a l u e member of the node, w e’ve applied the indirection operator
* (to reference the structure to which n e w _ n o d e points), then the selection oper­
ator . (to select a m em berof the structure). The parentheses around * n e w _ n o d e
are mandatory because the . operator would otherw ise take precedence over the *
T h e - > O p e r a to r
Before we go on to the next step, inserting a new node into a list, let's take a
moment to discuss a useful shortcut. Accessing a member of a structure using a
pointer is so common that C provides a special operatorjust for this purpose. This
operator, known as rig h t arrow selection, is a minus sign followed by >. Using the
- > operator, we can write
new_node->value = 10;
instead of
1 7 .5
L in k e d L is ts kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCB
(*new_node).value = 10;onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
lv a lu e s > 4 . 2
The - > operator is a com bination o fth e * and . operators; il perform s indirection
on n e w _ n o d e to locate the structure that it points to, then selects the v a l u e
m em ber of the structure.aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
The -> operator produces an lvalue, so we can use it wherever an ordi­
nary variable would be allowed. W e’ve ju st seen an exam ple in which
n e w _ n o d e - > v a l u e appears on the left side of an assignm ent. It could just as
easily appear in a call of s c a n f :
scanf("%d", &new_node->value);
Notice that the & operator is still required, even though n e w _ n o d e is a pointer.
W ithout the &, w e’d be passing s c a n f the cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
value o f n e w _ n o d e - > v a l u e , which
I n s e r t in g a N o d e a t th e B e g in n in g o f a L in k e d L is t
One of the advantages o f a linked list is that nodes can be added at any point in the
list: at the beginning, at the end, or anywhere in the middle. The beginning o f a list
is the easiest place to insert a node, however, so let’s focus on that case.
l f n e w _ n o d e is pointing to the node to be inserted, and f i r s t is pointing to
the first node in the linked list, then w e’lJ need two statem ents to insert the node
into the list. First, w e’ll modify the new node’s n e x t m em ber to point to the node
that was previously at the beginning of the list:
new_node->next = first;
Second, w e’ll make f i r s t point to the new node:
first = new_node;
Will these statem ents work if the list is em pty when we insert a node? Yes,
fortunately. To make sure this is true, let’s trace the process o f inserting two nodes
into an em pty list. W e’ll insert a node containing the num ber lO first, followed by a
node containing 20. In the figures that follow, null pointers are shown as diagonal
first = NULL;
new node
new node = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
new node
C h a p te r 1 7
v a n c e d U s e s o f P o in te r s kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
new_node->value = 10;
new_node->next = first;
first = new_node;
new node
new_node = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
new_node->value = 20;
new node
new_node->next = first;
first = new'_node;
new node
Inserting a node into a linked list is such a com m on operation that w e'll probably
want to w rite a function for that purpose. L et’s name the function a d d _ t o _ l i s t .
Il will have two param eters: l i s t (a pointer to the first node in the old list) and n
(the integer to be stored in the new node).
struct node *add_to_list(struct node *list, int n)
struct node *new_node;
new_node = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
if (new_node == NULL) {
printf("Error: malloc failed in add_to_list\n");
1 7 .5
4 2 9 kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQP
new_node->value = n,new_node->next = list;
return new_node;onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Note that a d d _ t o _ l i s t doesn’t modify the l i s t pointer. Instead, it retum s a
pointer to the newly created node (now at the beginning o fth e list). When we call
a d d _ t o _ l i s t , w e’ll need to store its return value into f i r s t :
first = add_to_list(first, 10);
first = add_to_list(first, 20);
These statements add nodes containing 10 and 20 to the list pointed to by f i r s t .
Getting a d d _ t o _ l i s t lo update f i r s t directly, rather than return a new value
for f i r s t , turns out to be tricky. W e'll return to this issue in Section 17.6.
l i s t to create a linked list containing^^
The following function us^e*'s a d d «M
^t o -^^—
numbers entered by the user:
struct node *read_numbers(void)
struct node *first = NULL;
int n;
printf("Enter a series of integers (0 to terminate): ”);
for (;;) {
scanf("%d*', &n);
if (n == 0)
return first;
first = add_to_list(first, n);
The numbers will be in reverse order within the hst, since f i r s t always points to
the node containing the last number entered.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
S e a r c h in g a L in k e d L is t
Once w e’ve created a linked list, we may need to search it for a particular piece of
data. Although a w h i l e loop can be used to search a list, the f o r statem ent is
often superior. We’re accustom ed to using the f o r statement when writing loops
that involve counting, but its flexibility makes the f o r statement suitable for other
tasks as well, including operations on linked lists. H ere’s the customary way to
visit thc nodes in a linked list, using a pointer variable p to keep track of the “cur­
rent” node:
id io m
for (p = first; p != NULL; p - p->next)
The assi^g-nment
p = p->next
C h a p te r 1 7
A d v a n c e d U s e s o f P o in te rs onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
advances the p pointer from one node to the next. An assignment of this form is
invariably used in C when writing a loop that traverses a linked list.
Let’s write a function named s e a r c h _ l i s t that searches a list (pointed to
by the parameter l i s t ) for an integer n. If it finds n. s e a r c h _ l i s t will return
a pointer to the node containing n; otherwise, it will return a null pointer. Our first
version o f s e a r c h _ l i s t relies on the “Jist-traversal” idiom:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
struct node *search_list(struct node *list, int n)
struct node *p;
for (p = list; p >= NULL; p - p->next)
if (p->value == n)
return p;
return NULL;
Of course, there are many other ways to write s e a r c h _ l i s t . One alterna­
tive would be to eliminate the p variable, instead using l i s t itself to keep track of
the current node:
struct node *search_list(struct node *list, int n)
for (; list != NULL; list = list->next)
if (list->value == n)
return list;
return NULL;
Since l i s t is a copy of the original list pointer, there’s no harm in changing it
within the function.
Another alternative is to combine the l i s t - > v a l u e == n test with the
l i s t ! = NULLtest:
struct node *search_list(struct node *list, int n)
for (; list != NULL && list->value != n; list = list->next)
return list;
Since l i s t is NULL ifw e reach the end of the list, returning l i s t is correct even
if we don’t find n. This version of s e a r c h _ l i s t might be a bit clearer if we
used a w h i l e statement:
struct node *search_list(struct node *list, int n)
while (list != NULL && list->value != n)
list = list->next;
return list;
1 7 .5
L in k e d L is ts kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFE
D e le ti n g a N o d e fr o m a L in k e d L i s t onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
A big advantage of storing data in a linked list is that we can easily delete nodes
that we no longer need. Deleting a node, like creating a node, involves three steps:
1. Locate the node to be deleted.
2. Alter the previous node so that it “bypasses” the deleted node.
3. Call f r e e to reclaim the space occupied by the deleted node.
Step I is harder than it looks. lf w e search the list in the obvious way, w e'll end up
with a pointer to the node to be deleted. Unforiunaiely, we w oift be able to per­
form step 2, which requires changing the previous
There are various solutions to this problem . WeTl use the “trailing pointer”
technique: as we search the list in step I, w e'll keep a pointer to the previous node
( p r e v ) as well as a pointer to the current node ( c u r ) . If l i s t points to the list to
be searched and n is the integer to be deleted, the following loop implem ents step
for (cur = list, prev = NULL;
cur != NULL && cur->value 1= n;
prev = cur, cur = cur->next)
Here we see the power of C ’s f o r statement. This rather exotic example, with its
empty body and liberal use of the comma operator, perform s all the actions needed
to search for n. When the loop term inates, c u r points to the node to be deleted,
while p r e v points to the previous node (if there is one).
To see how this loop works, let's assume that l i s t points to a list containing
30, 40, 20, and 10, in that order:
* 20
L et’s say that n is 20, so our goal is to delete the third node in the list. After
c u r = l i s t , p r e v = NULL has been executed, c u r points to the first node in
the list:
The test c u r 1= NULL && c u r - > v a l u e 1= n is true, since c u r is pointing to a
node and the node doesn't contain 20. After p r e v = c u r , c u r = c u r - > n e x t
has been executed, we begin to see how the p r e v pointer will trail behind c u r :
C h a p te r 1 7
A d v a n c e d U s e s o f P o in te rs onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Again, the test c u r != NULL && c u r - > v a l u e != n is true. so p r e v = c u r ,
c u r = c u r - > n e x t is executed once more:
Since c u r now points to the node containing 20, the condition c u r - > v a l u e ’ =
n is false and the loop term inates.
Next, w e’ll perform the bypass required by step 2. The statem entkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJI
prev->next = cur->next;
makes the pointer in the previous node point to the node cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
a fter the current node:
W e’re now ready for step 3. releasing the mem ory occupied by thc cu n en t node:
The following function, d e l e t e _ f r o m _ l i s t , uses the strategy that w e’ve
just outlined. When given a list and an in teg ern . the function deletes the first node
containing»- n. If no node contains n . d e l e t e —f r o m —l i s t does nothing«—
■ . In
either case, the function returns a pointer to the list.
struct node *delete_from_list(struct node *list,
struct node *cur,
(cur = list, prev = NULL;
cur != NULL && cur->value != n;
prev = cur, cur = cur->next)
int n)
if (cur == NULL)
return list;
if (prev == NULL)
list = list->next;
prev->next = cur->next;
return list;
4 3 3 kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQP
/* n was not found */
/* n is in the first node */
/* n is in some other node */
Deleting the first node in the list is a special case. The p r e v == NULL test checks
for this case, which requires a different bypass step.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
O r d e r e d L is ts
When the nodes of a list are kept in order— sorted by the data stored inside the
o r d e r e d . Inserting a node into an ordered list is more
nodes— we say that the list is RQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
difficult (the node w on't always be put at lhe beginning o fth e list), but searching is
faster (we can stop looking after reaching the point al which the desired node
would have been located). The following program illustrates both the increased
difficulty of inserting a node and the faster search.
M a in ta in in g a P a r ts D a t a b a s e ( R e v is it e d )
Let’s redo the parts database program o fS ectio n l6.3. this time storing the data­
base in a linked list. Using a linked list instead o fa n array has two m ajor advan­
tages: (1) We don’t need to put a preset limit on the size of the database; it can
grow until there's no more memory lo store parts. (2) We can easily keep the data­
base sorted by part num ber— when a new part is added to the database, we simply
insert it in its proper place in the list. In the original program , the database w asn’t
In the new program, the p a r t structure will contain an additional m em ber (a
pointer to the next node in the linked list), and the variable i n v e n t o r y will be a
pointer to the first node in the list:
struct part {
int number;
char name[NAME_LEN+1] ;
int on_hand;
struct part *next;
struct part *inventory = NULL;
/* points to first part */
Most of the functions in the new program will closely resemble their counter­
parts in the original program. The f i n d _ p a r t and i n s e r t functions will be
m orecom plcx. however, since we'U keep the nodes in the i n v e n t o r y list sorted
by part number.
C h a p te r 1 7
A d v a n c e d U s e s o f P o in te rs onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
ln the original program, f i n d _ p a r t returns an index into the i n v e n t o r y
array. In the new program, f i n d _ p a r t will return a pointer to the nodc that con­
tains the desired part number. If it doesn’t find the part number, f i n d _ p a r t will
return a null pointer. Since the i n v e n t o r y list is sorted by part number, the new
version of f i n d _ p a r t can save time by stopping its search when it finds a node
containing a part number that’s greater than or equal to the desired part number.
f i n d _ p a r t ’s search loop will have the form kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
for (p = inventory;
p != NULL && number > p->number;
p = p->next)
The loop will terminate when p becomes NULL (indicating that the part number
wasn’t found) or when n u m b e r > p - > n u m b e r is false (indicating that the part
number we’re looking for is less than or equal to a number already stored in a
node). In the latter case, we still don’t know whether or not the desired number is
actually in the list, so we’ll need another test:
if (p ’= NULL && number == p->number)
return p;
The original version of i n s e r t stores a new part in the next available array
element. The new version must determine where the new part belongs in the list
and insert it there. We’ll also have i n s e r t check whether thc part number is
already present in the list, i n s e r t can accomplish both tasks by using a loop sim­
ilar to the one in f i n d _ p a r t :
for (cur = inventory, prev = NULL;
cur ’= NULL && new_node->number > cur->number;
prev - cur, cur = cur->next)
This loop relies on two pointers: c u r , which points to the current node. and p r e v ,
which points to the previous node. Once the loop terminates, i n s e r t will check
whether c u r isn’t NULL and n e w _ n o d e - > n u m b e r equals c u r - > n u m b e r : if
so, the part number is already in the list. Otherwise i n s e r t will insert a new node
between the nodes pointed to by p r e v and c u r . using a strategy similar to the one
we employed for deleting a node. fThis strategy works even ifth e new part number
is larger than any in the list: in that case, c u r will be NULL but p r e v will point to
the last node in the list.)
Here’s the new program. Like the original program, this version requires the
r e a d _ l i n e function described in Section 16.3; I assume that r e a d l i n e . h
contains a prototype for this function.BA
in v e n to ry 2 .c
Maintains a parts database
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "readline.h"
(linked list version)
L in k e d L is t s kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDC
1 7 .5
#define NAME_LEN 25
struct part {
int number;
char name[NAME_LEN+1];
int on_hand;
struct part *next;
struct part *inventory = NULL;
/* points to first part */
struct part *find_part(int number);
void insert(void);
void search(void);
void update(void);
void print(void);
★ ★
I ****************
★ ★ *★ ★ ★
★ *★
★ ★
* main: Prompts the user to enter an operation code,
then calls a function to perform the requested
action. Repeats until the user enters the
command 'q’. Prints an error message if the user *
enters an illegal code.
** * ** *★ ★ ★ ★ * **** ★ ** **★ * ** *★ * *★ * * *** -fc★ ★ ★ ** ** * *★ * *★ * * ** ** ** *
int main(void)
char code;
for (;;) {
printfP’Enter operation code: ”);
scanf(" %c”, &code);
/* skips to end of line */
while (getchar() != ’\n')
switch (code) {
case 'i 1 . insert () ;
case 's ': search();
case 'u': update();
case ’p ’: print();
case 1q ’: return 0;
default: printf("Illegal code\n");
★ ★ *★ *★
★ ★
★ ★ *★ ★ ★
★ *★ *★ ★ ★ ★ ★ *★
* find_part: Looks up a part number in the inventory
list. Returns a pointer to the node
containing the part number; if the part
number is not found, returns NULL.
* * ★
* ★
* ★
* ★
* * ★
* ★
* ★
* * * *■ ★
* * * * * *
* * ★
* ★
* * ★
* ★
C h a p te r 17
A d v a n c e d U s e s o f P o in te rs kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
struct part *find_part(int number)
struct part *p;
for (p = inventory;
p != NULL && number > p->number;
p = p->next)
if (p != NULL && number == p->number)
return p;
return NULL;
* ★
* * * * ★
* ★
* * * ★
* ★
* ★
* * ★
* insert: Prompts the user for information about a new
part and then inserts the part into the
inventory list; the list remains sorted by
part number. Prints an error message and
returns prematurely if the part already exists
or space could not be allocated for the part.
* ★
* ★
* ★
* ★
* * * ★
* * ★
* ★
* ★
* ★
* * ★
* ★
* * ★
void insert(void)
struct part *cur, *prev, *new_node;
new_node = malloc(sizeof(struct part));
if (new_node == NULL) {
printf("Database is full; c a n ’t add more parts.\n");
printf("Enter part number: ");
scanf("%d", &new_node->number);
for (cur = inventory, prev = NULL;
cur 1= NULL && new_node->number > cur->number;
prev = cur, cur = cur->next)
if (cur 1= NULL && new_node->number == cur->number)
printf("Part already exists.\n");
printf("Enter part name: ”);
read_line(new_node->name, NAME_LEN);
printf("Enter quantity on hand: ”);
scanf(”%d”, &new_node->on_hand);
new_node->next = cur;
if (prev == NULL)
inventory = new_node;
prev->next = new node;
* ★
L in k e d L is ts kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGF
I* ★ ★ **++ *+ ★ +** ★ *+ + ++★ ★ +★ ★ * + ★ + **+ + + ★ ★ + +★ + + ★ ★ +★ +★ + +4r★ *★ + ** + + +
* search: Prompts the user to enter a part number, then *
looks up the part in the database. If the part *
exists, prints the name and quantity on hand;
if not, prints an error message.
*★ ★ *★ ★ **+ **★ ★ ** ★ **+ ★ *★ ★ ★ +k* * *★ ★ ** * ** ★ ★ *★ +** ★ ★ *★ * * *★ -k** ★ ★ ★
void search(void)
int number;
struct part *p;
printf("Enter part number: ");
scanf("%d", &number);
p = find_part(number);
if (p != NULL) {
printf("Part name: %s\n", p->name);
printf("Quantity on hand: %d\n", p->on_hand);
} else
printf("Part not found.\n");
I ★ ★ *★ ★ ★ * ★ ★
* update:
★ ★ ★ ★ * kk* ★ ★ *★ ★ ★ ★ iAr★ ** ★ ★ * ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ** ★ ★ +★ ★ ★ * ★ ★ *★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Prompts the user to enter a part number.
Prints an error message if the part doesn't
exist; otherwise, prompts the user to enter
change in quantity on hand and updates the
★ ★
★ ★
void update(void)
Ar Ar Ar *
Ar *
Ar *
Ar Ar *
A: *
Ar Ar
Ar Ar *
Ar *
Ar *
Ar *
Ar Ar Ar *
Ar Ar *
Ar *
Ar Ar Ar Ar *
int number, change;
struct part *p;
printf("Enter part number: ");
scanf("%d", &number);
p = find_part (number) ;
if (p •= NULL) {
printf("Enter change in quantity on hand: ");
scanf("%d", &change);
p->on_hand += change,} else
printf("Part not found.\n");
/ **★ * *** *** ★ *★ **+* *★ *★ *★ ★ * *★ *★ *★ *** ★ ★ * *★ *★ ★ ★ * * * ** + -fc-k* ** *** *
* print: Prints a listing of all parts in the database,
showing the part number, part name, and
quantity on hand. Part numbers will appear in
ascending order.
**★ -A*★ *★ **+★ * ★ * ★ * ** ic* *★ *★ + ★ +* *+*+ +★ * *+*+ + ★ ‘
kk★ kk★ k k *★ kk★ kk k
void print(void)
struct part *p;
C h a p te r1 7
A d v a n c e d U s e s o f P o in t e r s kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Part Name
printf("Part Number
’’Quantity on Hand\n");
for (p = inventory; p != NULL; p = p->next)
%-25s%lld\n", p->number, p->name,
Notice the use of f r e e in the i n s e r t function, i n s e r t allocates memory
for a part before checking to see if the pan already exists. If it does, i n s e r t
releases the space to avoid a memory leak.aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
1 7 .6
P o in te r s to P o in te r s
v f& p o in te r to a pointer. In that section,
ln Section 13.7, \ve came across the notion cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
we used an array whose elements were of type c h a r *: a pointer to one of the
array elements itself had type c h a r **. The concept of “pointers to pointers” also
pops up frequently in the context of linked data structures. In particular, when an
argum ent to a function is a pointer variable, we*lI sometimes want the function to
be able to modify the variable by making it point som ewhere else. Doing so
requires the use of a pointer to a pointer.
Consider the a d d _ t o _ l i s t function o fS ectio n l7.5, which inserts a node
at the beginning of a linked list. When we call a d d _ t o _ l i s t , we pass it a
pointer to the first node in the original list; it then returns a pointer to the first node
in the updated list:
struct node *add_to_list(struct node *list, int n)
struct node *new_node;
new_node = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
if (new_node == NULL) {
printf("Error: malloc failed in add_to_list\n");
new_node->value = n;
new_node->next = list;
return new_node;
Suppose that we modify the function so that it assigns n e w _ n o d e to l i s t
instead of returning n e w _ n o d e . In other words, let’s remove the r e t u r n state­
ment from a d d _ t o _ l i s t and replace it by
list = new_node;
Unfortunately, this idea doesn’t work. Suppose that we call a d d _ t o _ l i s t in the
following way:
add_to_list(first, 10);
1 7 .7
P o in te rs to F u n c tio n s hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLK
4 3 9 onmlkjihgfedcbaZ
At the point of the call, f i r s t is copied into l i s t . (Pointers, like all arguments,
are passed by value.) The last line in the function changes the value of l i s t , mak­
ing it point to the new node. This assignment doesn't affect f i r s t , however.
Getting a d d _ t o _ l i s t to modify f i r s t is possible, but it requires pass­
ing a d d _ t o _ l i s t a cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
p o in ter to f i r s t . Here’s the correct version o f the func­
void add_to__list(struct node **list, int n)
struct node *new_node;
new_node = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
if (new_node == NULL) {
printf("Error: malloc failed in add_to_list\n");
new_node->value = n;
new_node->next = *list;
*list = new_node;
t o _^l i s t , the first ar^g^ument will be the
When we call the new version of a d d —
address of f i r s t :
add_to_list(&first, 10);
Since l i s t is assig^^'ned the address of f i r s t , * we can use * l i s t as an alias for
f i r s t . In particular, assigning n e w _ n o d e to * l i s t will modify f i r s t .aZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIH
1 7 .7
P o in te r s to F u n c tio n s
We’vc seen that pointers may point to various kinds of data, including variables,
array elements, and dynamically allocated blocks of memory. But C doesn’t
require that pointers point only to data; it’s also possible to have pointers to fu n c ­
tions. Pointers to functions aren't as odd as you might think. After all, functions
occupy memory locations, so every function has an address, just as each variable
F u n c ti o n P o i n te r s a s A r g u m e n t s
We can use function pointers in much the same way we use pointers to data. In par­
ticular, passing a function pointer as an argument is fairly common in C. Suppose
that we’re writing a function named i n t e g r a t e that integrates a mathematical
function f between points a and b. W e’d like to make i n t e g r a t e as general as
possible by passing it f as an argument. To achieve this effect in C, w e’ll declare f
to be a pointer to a function. Assuming that we want to integrate functions that have
C h a p te r 1 7
A d v a n c e d U s e s o f P o in te rs
a d o u b l e parameter and return a d o u b l e result, the prototype for i n t e g r a t e
will look like this:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
double integrate(double (*f)(double), double a, double b);
The parentheses around * f indicate that f is a pointer to a function, not a function
that returns a pointer. It’s also legal to declare f as though it were a function:
double integrate(double f(double), double a, double b);
From the com piler’s standpoint, this prototype is identical to the previous one.
When we call i n t e g r a t e , w e’ll supply a function name as the first argument. For exam ple, the following call will integrate the s i n (sine) function from 0
to 7t/2:
result = integrate(sin, 0.0, PI / 2);
Notice that there arc no parentheses after s i n . When a function name isn’t fol­
lowed by parentheses, the C com piler produces a pointer to the function instead of
generating code for a function call. In our example, w e’re not calling s i n ; instead,
w e’re passing i n t e g r a t e a pointer to s i n . If this seem s confusing, think of how
C handles arrays. I f a is the name o fa n array, then a [ i ] represents one elem ent of
the array, while a by itself serves as a pointer to the array. In a sim ilar way, if f is a
function, C treats f (x ) as a cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
call of the function but f by itself as a p o in te r to the
Within the body of i n t e g r a t e , we can call the function that f points to:
(*f) (x) ;
* f represents the function that f points to: x is the argum ent to the call. Thus, dur­
ing the execution of i n t e g r a t e ( s i n , 0 . 0 z P I / 2 ) . each call o f * f is actu­
ally a call of s i n . As an alternative to ( * f ) ( x ) , C allows us to write f (x ) to
call the function that f points to. Although f (x ) looks more natural, I’ll stick
with ( * f ) (x ) as a rem inder that f is a pointer to a function, not a function name.dcbaZYXW
T h e q s o r t F u n c tio n
Although it might seem that pointers to functions aren’t relevant to the average
programmer, that couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, some o fth e m ost use­
ful functions in the C library require a function pointer as an argument. One of
these is q s o r t , which belongs to the < s t d l i b . h > header, q s o r t is a general­
purpose sorting function th at’s capable of sorting any array, based on any criteria
that we choose.
Since the elements of the array that it sorts may be of any type— even a struc­
ture or union type— q s o r t must be told how to determ ine which of two array ele­
ments is “smaller." W e’ll provide this information to q s o r t by writing a
co m p a riso n fu n c tio n . When given two pointers p and q to array elem ents, the
comparison function must return an integer that is negative if * p is “less than” *q,
7 7 .7
P o in t e r s t o F u n c t io n s
if *p is ‘‘equal to” *q. and positive if *p is “greater than" *q. The terms “less
than,” “equal to,” and “greater than” are in quotes because it’s our responsibility to
determine how *p and * q are compared.
q s o r t has the following prototype:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
void qsort(void *base, size_t nmemb, size_t size,
int (*compar)(const void *, const void *));
b a s e must point to the first element in the array. (Ifonly a portion o fth e array is
to be sorted, we’ll make b a s e point to the first element in this portion.) In the sim ­
plest case, b a s e isjust the name of the array, nmemb is the number ofelem ents to
be sorted (not necessarily the number of elements in the array), s i z e is the size of
each array element, measured in bytes, c o m p a r is a pointer lo the comparison
function. When q s o r t is called, it sorts the array into ascending order, calling the
comparison function whenever it needs to compare array elements.
To sort the i n v e n t o r y array of Section 16.3. we’d use the following call of
q s o rt:
qsort(inventory, num_parts, sizeof (structpart) , compare__parts) ;
Notice that the second argument is n u m _ p a r t s , not MAX_PARTS: we don’t want
to sort the entire i n v e n t o r y array, just the portion in which parts are currently
stored. The last argument, c o m p a r e _ p a r t s , is a function that compares two
p a r t structures.
Writing the c o m p a r e _ p a r t s function isn’t as easy as you might expect,
q s o r t requires that its parameters have type v o i d *. but we can’t access the
members of a p a r t structure through a v o i d * pointer; we need a pointer of type
s t r u c t p a r t * instead. To solve the problem, we’ll have c o m p a r e _ p a r t s
assign its parameters, p and q, to variables of type s t r u c t p a r t *, thereby con­
verting them to the desired type, c o m p a r e _ p a r t s can now use these variables to
access the members o fth e structures that p and q point to. Assuming that we want
to sort the i n v e n t o r y array into ascending order by part number, here’s how the
c o m p a r e _ p a r t s function might look:
int compare_parts(const void *p, const void *q)
const struct part *pl = p;
const struct part *ql = q;
if (pl->number < ql->number)
return -1;
else if (pl->number == ql->number)
return 0 ;
return 1;
The declarations o f p l and q l include the word c o n s t to avoid getting a warning
from the compiler. Since p and q are c o n s t pointers (indicating thai the objects
C h a p te r 1 7
A d v a n c e d U s e s o f P o in te rs
to which they point should not be modified), they should be assigned only to
pointer variables that are also declared to be c o n s t .
Although this version of c o m p a r e _ p a r t s works, most C programmers
would write the function more concisely. First, notice that we can replace p l and
q l by cast expressions:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
int compare_parts(const void *p, const void *q)
if (((struct part
((struct part
return -1;
else if (((struct
return 0;
return 1;
*) p)->number <
*) q)->number)
part *) p)->number ==
part *) q)->number)
T heparenthesesaround ( ( s t r u c t p a r t * ) p ) arenecessary;w itlw utthem ,the
compiler would try to cast p - > n u m b e r to type s t r u c t p a r t *.
We can make c o m p a r e _ p a r t s even shorter by removing the i f statements:
int compare_parts(const void *p, const void *q)
return ((struct part *) p)->number ((struct part *) q)->number;
Subtracting q ’s pail number from p ’s part number produces a negative result i f p
has a smaller part number, zero if the part numbers are equal, and a positive result
if p has a larger part number. (Note that subtracting two integers is potentially
risky because of the danger ofoverflow. I’m assuming that part numbers are posi­
tive integers, so that shouldn’t happen here.)
To sort the i n v e n t o r y array by part name instead of part number, w e’d use
the following version of c o m p a r e _ p a r t s :
int compare_parts(const void *p, const void *q)
return strcmp(((struct part *) p)->name,
((struct part *) q)->name);
All c o m p a r e _ p a r t s has to do is call s t r c m p , which conveniently returns a
negative, zero, or positive result.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
O th e r U s e s o f F u n c t io n P o in te r s
Although I’ve emphasized the usefulness of function pointers as arguments to
other functions, that’s not all they’re good for. C treats pointers to functions just
like pointers to data: we can store function pointers in variables or use them as ele-
P o in te rs to F u n c tio n s
4 4 3 onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVU
ments o f an array or as m em bers of a structure or union. We can even write func­
tions that return function pointers.
H ere’s an exam ple of a variable that can store a pointer to a function:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFE
void (*pf)(int);
p f can point to any function with an i n t param eter ancl a return type o f v o i d . If
f is such a function, we can m a k e p f point to f in the following way:
pf = f;
Notice that there’s no am persand preceding f . Once p f points to f , we can call f
by writing either
(*pf) (i) ;
pf(i) ;
Arrays whose elem ents are function pointers have a surprising num ber o f
applications. For example, suppose that w e’re writing a program that displays a
menu of com m ands for the user to choose from. We can w rite functions that im ple­
ment these com m ands, then store pointers to the functions in an array:
void (*file_cmd[]) (void) = {new__cmd,
If the user selects com m and n , where n falls between 0 and 8, we can subscript the
f i l e _ c m d array and call the corresponding function:
(*file_cmd[n]) ();
/* or file_cmd[n] (); */
O f course, we could get a sim ilar effect with a s w i t c h statem ent. Using an array
of function pointers gives us more flexibility, however, since the elem ents of the
array can be changed as the program is running.
<math.h> header>23.s
T a b u la ti n g th e T r ig o n o m e t r ic F u n c t i o n s
The following program prints tables showing the values o f the c o s , s i n , and t a n
functions (all three belong to < m a t h . h> ). The program is built around a function
named t a b u l a t e that, when passed a function pointer f , prints a table showing
the values of f .
44 4
C h a p te r 1 7
A d v a n c e d U s e s o f P o in te r s BA
/* Tabulates values of trigonometric functions */
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
void tabulate(double (*f)(double), double first,
double last, double incr);
int main(void)
double final,
printf("Enter initial value:
scanf("%lf", &initial);
printf("Enter final value:
scanf("%lf", &final);
'1 );
pr i n t f ("Enter increment: ");
scanf("%lf", &increment);
p r i n t f (”\n
c o s (x)"
final, increment);
------tabulate(sin, initial,
------- \n") ;
final, increment);
------tabulate(tan, initial,
tan (x) "
------\n " ) .
final, increment);
return 0;
void tabulate(double (*f)(double), double first,
double last, double incr)
double x;
int i, num_intervals;
num__intervals = ceil((last - first) / incr);
for (i = 0; i < = num_intervals; i++) {
x = first + i * incr;
printf("%10.5f %10.5f\n", x, (*f)(x));
t a b u l a t e uses the c e i l function, which also in < m a t h .h > . When 4g^-iven an
argument x o f d o u b l e type, c e i l returns the sm allest integer that’s greater than
or equal to x.
H ere’s whal a session with t a b u l a t e . c m iaht look like:
1 7 .8
R e s t r ic t e d P o in t e r s ( C 9 9 ) onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIH
4 4 5 kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTS
Enter initial value: £
Enter final value: .5
Enter increment: .1
c o s (x)
s i n (x)
1 7 .8
tan (x)
R e s tr ic t e d P o in t e r s ( C 9 9 )
This section and the next discuss two of C99’s pointer-related features. Both are
primarily of interest to advanced C programmers: most readers will want to skip
these sections.
In C99, the keyword r e s t r i c t may appear in the declaration o f a pointer:
int * restrict p;
A pointer that’s been declared using r e s t r i c t is called a restricted
pointer. The
intent is that if p points to an object that is later modified, then that object is not
accessed in any way other than through p. (Alternative ways to access the object
include having another pointer lo the same object or having p point to a named
variable.) Having more than one way to access an object is often called aliasing.
Let’s look at an example of the kind of behavior that restricted pointers are
supposed to discourage. Suppose that p and q have been declared as follows:
int * restrict p;
int * restrict q;
C h a p te r 1 7
A d v a n c e d U s e s o f P o in te rs
Now suppose that p is m ade to point to a dynam ically allocated block of memory:kjihgfedc
p = malloc(sizeof(int));
(A sim ilar situation would arise i f p were assigned the address of a variable or an
array element.) Norm ally it would be legal to copy p into q and then modify the
integer through q:
q = p;
*q = 0;
/* causes undefined behavior */
Because p is a restricted pointer, however, the effect of executing the statem ent
* q = 0 ; is undefined. By making p and q point to the same object, we caused *p
and * q to be aliases.hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
If a restricted pointer p is declared as a local variable without the e x t e r n
e x t e r n s to ra g e c la s s > cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
b io c k s > / 0 . 3
storage class, r e s t r i c t applies only to p when the block in which p is declared
is being executed. (Note that the body o f a function is a block.) r e s t r i c t can be
used with function param eters of pointer type, in which case it applies only when
the function is executing. W hen r e s t r i c t is applied to a pointer variable with
fiie s c o p e > 10.2
file scope, however, the restriction lasts for the entire execution of the program.
The exact rules for using r e s t r i c t are rather complex; see the C99 stan­
dard for details. There are even situations in which an alias created from a
restricted pointer is legal. For example, a restricted p o in te rp can be legally copied
into another restricted pointer variable q, provided that p is local to a function and
q is defined inside a block nested within the function’s body.
To illustrate the use o f r e s t r i c t , let’s look at the m em cpy and mem move
functions, which belong to the < s t r i n g . h > header, m em cpy has the following
< s t r in g . h > h e a d e r > 2 3 . 6
prototype in C99:
void *memcpy(void * restrict sl,
size__t n) ;
const void * restrict s2,
m em cpy is sim ilar to s t r c p y , except that it copies bytes from one object to
another ( s t r c p y copies characters from one string into another), s 2 points to the
data to be copied, s l points to the destination of the copy, and n is the num ber of
bytes to be copied. The use of r e s t r i c t with both s l and s 2 indicates that the
source of the copy and the destination shouldn’t overlap. (It doesn't guarantee, that
they don’t overlap, however.)
In contrast, r e s t r i c t doesn’t appear in the prototype for memmove:
void *memmove(void *sl,
const voi d *s2,
size_t n);
mem move does the same thing as m em cpy: it copies bytes from one place to
another. The difference is that mem move is ^guaranteed
to work even if the source
and destination overlap. For example, we could use memmove to shift the elements
o f an array by one position:
int a [100] ;
1 7 .9
F le x ib le A r r a y M e m b e r s (C 9 9 ) kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJ
&a[l], 99 * sizeof(int));onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Prior to C99, there was no way to docum ent the difference between m em cp y and
mem move. The prototypes for the two functions were nearly identical:
void *memcpy(void *sl, const void *s2, size_t n);
void *memmove(void *sl, const void *s2, size_t n);
r e g is v e r s to r a g e c ia s s > j& 2
1 7 .9
The use of r e s t r i c t in the C99 version of m e m c p y ’s prototype lets the pro­
gram m er know that s l and s 2 should point to objects that d o n 't overlap, or else
the function isn’t oguaranteed to work,
Although using r e s t r i c t in function prototypes is useful docum entation,
that’s not the prim ary reason for its existence, r e s t r i c t provides inform ation to
the com piler that may enable it to produce more efficient code— a process known
o p tim iza tio n . (The r e g i s t e r storage class serves the sam e purpose.) Not
every com piler attempts to optimize program s, however, and Lhe ones that do nor­
mally allow thc program m er to disable optim ization. As a result, the C99 standard
guarantees that r e s t r i c t has no effect on the behavior o f a program that con­
form s to the standard: if all uses o f r e s t r i c t are removed from such a program,
it should behave the same.
Most program m ers w on’t use r e s t r i c t unless they’re fine-tuning a pro­
gram to achieve the best possible perform ance. Still, it’s worth knowing about
r e s t r i c t because it appears in the C99 prototypes for a num ber o f standard
F le x ib le A r r a y M e m b e r s ( C 9 9 )
Every once in a while, w e’ll need to define a structure that contains an array o fa n
unknown size. For exam ple, we might want to store strings in a form that’s differ­
ent from the usual one. Normally, a string is an array of characters, with a null
character marking the end. However, there are advantages to storing strings in
other ways. One alternative is to store the length o f the string along with the
string’s characters (but with no null character). The length and the characters could
be stored in a structure such as this one:
struct vstring {
int len;
char chars[N];
} !
Here N is a macro that represents the m axim um length of a string. Using a fixedlength array such as this is undesirable, however, because it forces us to limit the
length of the string, plus it wastes mem ory (since m ost strings w on’t need all N
characters in the array).
C program m ers have traditionally solved this problem by declaring the length
o f c h a r s to bc 1 (a dummy value) and then dynam ically allocating each string:
C h a p te r 1 7
A d v a n c e d U s e s o f P o in te rs kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
struct vstring {
int len;
char chars[1];
struct vstring *str = malloc(sizeof(struct vstring) + n - 1);
str->len = n;onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
We’re “cheating” by allocating more memory than the structure is declared to have
(in this case, an extra n - 1 characters), and then using the memory to store addi­
tional elements of the c h a r s array. This technique has become so common over
the years that it has a name: the “struct hack.*'
The struct hack isn’t limited to character arrays: it has a variety of uses. Over
time, it has become popular enough to be supported by many compilers. Some
(including GCC) even allow the c h a r s array to have zero length, which makes
this trick a little more explicit. Unfortunately, the C89 standard doesn’t guarantee
that the struct hack will work, nor does it allow zero-length arrays.
In recognition of the struct hack's usefulness. C99 has a feature known as the cbaZYXWV
fle x ib le array m e m b er that serves the same purpose. When Lhe last member of a
structure is an array, its length may be omitted:
struct vstring {
int len;
char chars[];
/* flexible array member - C99 only */
The length of the c h a r s array isn't determined until memory is allocated for a
v s t r i n g structure, normally using a call o f m a l l o c :
struct vstring *str = malloc(sizeof(struct vstring) + n);
str->len = n;
In this example, s t r points to a v s t r i n g structure in which the c h a r s array
occupies n characters. The s i z e o f operator ignores the c h a r s member when
computing the size of the structure. (A flexible array mem ber is unusual in that it
takes up no space within a structure.)
A few special rules apply to a structure that contains a flexible array member.
The flexible array member must appear last in the structure, and the structure must
have at least one other member. Copying a structure that contains a flexible array
member will copy the other members but not the flexible array itself.
A structure that contains a flexible array member is an in co m p lete type. An
incomplete type is missing part o fth e information needed to determine how much
memory it requires. Incomplete types, which are discussed further in one of the
Q&A questions at the end of this chapter and in Section 19.3. are subject to various
restrictions. In particular, an incomplete type (and hence a structure that contains a
flexible array member) can’t be a member of another structure or an element of an
array. However, an array may contain pointers to structures that have a flexible
array member; Programming Project 7 al the end of this chapter is built around
such an array.
Q & A
W h a t d o e s th c NULL m a c r o r e p r e se n t? [p. 4 1 5 ] onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
NULL actually stands for 0. W hen we use 0 in a context where a pointer would bc
required, C compilers treat it as a null pointer instead o f the integer 0. The NULL
macro is provided merely to help avoid confusion. The assignmentkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
P = 0;
could bc assigning the value 0 to a numeric variable or assigning a null pointer to a
pointer variable; we can’t easily tell which. In contrast, the assignm ent
p = NULL;
makes it clear thai p is a pointer.
*Q :
In th e h e a d e r file s th a t c o m e w ith m y c o m p ile r , NULL is d e fin e d a s fo llo w s:
#define NULL (void *) 0
W h a t’s th e a d v a n ta g e o f c a s tin g 0 to v o i d * ?
This trick, which is allowed by the C standard, enables com pilers to spot incorrect
uses of the null pointer. For exam ple, suppose that we try to assign NULL to an
integer variable:
i = NULL;
v a r ia b ie - ie n g th a r g u m e n tiis ts
^^26 7
IfNULL is defmed as 0, this assignm ent is perfectly legal. But ifNULL is defined
as ( v o i d *) 0, the com piler can warn us that w e’re assigning a pointer to an inte­
cg>er variable,
Defining NULL as ( v o i d *) 0 has a second, more im portant, advantage,hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSR
Suppose that we call a function with a variable-lensth argument list and pass NULL RQPONMLKJIHGFED
as one of the arguments. IfNULL is defined as 0, the com piler will incorrectly pass
a zero integer value. (Tn an ordinary function call, NULL works fine because the
com piler knows from the function’s prototype that it expects a pointer. W hen a
function has a variable-length argument list, however, the com piler lacks this
knowledge.) If NULL is defined as ( v o i d *) 0, the com piler will pass a null
To make matters even m ore confusing, some header files define NULL lo be
0L (the l o n g version of 0). This definition, like the definition of NULL as 0, is a
holdover from C ’s earlier years, when pointers and integers were com patible. For
most purposes, though, it really d oesn’t m atter how NULL is defined; just think of
it as a name for the null pointer.
S in c e 0 is u sed to r e p r e se n t th e n u ll p o in te r , I g u e ss a n u ll p o in te r is j u s t a n
a d d r e ss w ith all z e r o b its, r ig h t?
C h a p te r 1 7
A d v a n c e d U s e s o f P o in te r s onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Not necessarily. Each C com piler is allowed to represent null pointers in a different
way. and not all compilers use a zero address. For exam ple, som e com pilers use a
nonexistent mem ory address for the null pointer; that way, attem pting to access
memory through a null pointer can be detected by the hardware.
How the null pointer is stored inside the com puter shouldn’t concern us; that’s
a detail for com piler experts to worry about. The important thing is that, when used
in a pointer context, 0 is converted to the proper internal form by the compiler.dcbaZYXWVUTS
Is it a c c e p ta b le to u s e N U L L a s a n u ll c h a r a c te r ?
Definitely not. NULL is a macro that represents the null cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
pointer, not the null char­
acter. Using NULL as a null character will work with some com pilers, but not with
all (since some define NULL as ( v o i d *) 0). In any event, using NULL as any­
thing other than a pointer can lead to a great deal ofconfusion. If you want a name
for the null character, define the following<> macro:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
#define NUL ’\ 0 ’
*Q :
W h e n m y p r o g r a m te r m in a te s , I g e t th e m e s s a g e “N u ll p o in te r a ssig n m e n t.”
W h a t d o c s th is m e a n ?
This message, which is produced by programs compiled with som e older DOS­
based C compilers, indicates that the program has stored data in mem ory using a
bad pointer (but not necessarily a null pointer). Unfortunately, the m essage isn’t
displayed until the program term inates, so there’s no clue as to which statement
caused the error. The “N u llp o in te r a s s ig n m e n t" message can be caused by a miss­
ing^* & in s c a n f :
scanf("%d", i);
/* should have been scanf("%d", &i); */
Another possibility is an assignment involving a pointerthat’s uninitialized ornull:
*p = i;
*Q :
/* p is uninitialized or null */
H o w d o e s a p r o g r a m k n o w th a t a “ n u ll p o in te r a s s ig n m e n t” h a s o c c u r r e d ?
The message depends on the fact that, in the small and medium memory models,
data is stored in a single segment, with addresses beginning at 0. The compiler
leaves a “hole” at the beginning of the data segment— a small block of memory
that’s initialized to 0 but otherw ise isn’t used by the program. When the program
terminates, it checks to see if any data in the “hole” area is nonzero. If so, it must
have been altered through a bad pointer.
Is th e r e a n y a d v a n ta g e to c a s ti n g th e r e tu r n v a lu e o f m a l l o c o r th e o th er
m e m o r y a llo c a t io n fu n c t io n s ? [p . 4 1 6 ]
Not usually. Casting the v o i d * pointer that these functions return is unnecessary,
since pointers of type v o i d * are automatically converted to any pointer type
upon assignment. The habit of casting the return value is a holdover from older
versions of C, in which the memory allocation functions returned a c h a r * value,
making the cast necessary. Programs that are designed to be compiled as C++ code
may benefit from the cast, but that’s about the only reason to do it.
In C89, there’s actually a sm all advantage to n o t perform ing the cast. Suppose
that w e’ve forgotten to include the < s t d l i b . h > header in our program . W hen
we call m a l l o c , the com piler will assum e that its return type is i n t (the default
return value for any C function). If we don't cast the return value o f m a l l o c , a
C89 com piler wiII produce an error (or at least a warning), since w e’re trying to
assign an integer value to a pointer variable. On the other hand, if we cast the
return value to a pointer, the program may com pile, but likely w on’t run properly.
With C99, this advantage disappears. Forgetting to include the < s t d l i b . h >
header will cause an error when m a l l o c is called, because C99 requires that a
function be declared before it’s called.dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
The c a l l o c
fu n c t io n in it ia liz e s a m e m o r y b lo c k b y s e t t in g its b its to z e r o .
D o e s th is m e a n th a t a ll d a ta ite m s in th e b lo c k b e c o m e z e r o ? [p . 4 2 1 ]
Usually, but not always. Setting an integer to zero bits always makes the integer
zero. Setting a floating-point num ber to zero bits usually makes the num ber zero,
but this isn’t guaranteed— it depends on how floating-point numbers are stored.
The story is the same for pointers; a pointer whose bits are zero isn’t necessary a
null pointer.
*Q :
I s e e h o w th e s tr u c t u r e ta g m e c h a n is m a ll o w s a s t r u c t u r e to c o n ta in a p o in t e r
to its e lf. B u t w h a t i f tw o s t r u c t u r e s e a c h h a v e a m e m b e r th a t p o in ts to th e
o th e r ? [p . 4 2 5 ]
H ere’s how w e’d handle that situation:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
struct sl;
/* incomplete declaration of sl */
struct s2 {
struct S1 *P;
struct sl {
struct s2 *q;
in c o m p ie te ty p e s > r s .s
The first declaration of s l creates an incomplete structure type, since we haven’t
specified the members of s l . The second declaration of s l “com pletes” the type
by describing the mem bers of the structure. Incom plete declarations o f a structure
type are permitted in C, although their uses are limited. Creating a pointer to such a
type (as we did when declaring p ) is one of these uses.
C a ll in g m a l l o c w ith th e w r o n g a r g u m e n t— c a u s in g it to a llo c a t e to o m u c h
m e m o r y o r to o little m e m o r y — s e e m s to b e a c o m m o n e r r o r . Is th e r e a s a f e r
w a y to u s e m a l l o c ? [p . 4 2 6 ]
C h a p te r 1 7
A d v a n c e d U s e s o f P o in te rs onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Yes, there is. Some programmers use the following idiom when calling m a l l o c to
allocate memory for a single object:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
p = malloc(sizeof(*p));
Since s i z e o f (* p ) is the size of the object to which p will point, this statement
guarantees that the correct amount of memory will be allocated. At first glance,
this idiom looks fishy: it's likely that p is uninitialized, making the value of *p
undefined. However, s i z e o f doesn'tevaluate *p, it merely computes its size, so
the idiom works even if p is uninitialized or contains a null pointer.
To allocate memory for an array with n elements, we can use a slightly modi­
fied version of the idiom:
p = malloc(n * sizeof(*p));dcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
W h y is n ’t th e q s o r t fu n c tio n s im p ly n a m e d s o r t ? [p . 4 4 0 ]
The name q s o r t comes from the Quicksort algorithm published by C. A. R.
Hoare in l962 (and discussed in Section 9.6). Ironically, the C standard doesn't
require that q s o r t use the Quicksort algorithm, although many versions of
q s o r t do.
I s n ’t it n e c e ss a r y to c a st q s o r t ’s first a r g u m e n t to ty p e v o i d * , a s in th e fo l­
lo w in g e x a m p le ? [p. 4 4 1 ]
qsort((void *) inventory, num_parts, sizeof(struct part),
*Q :
No. A pointer of any type can be converted to v o i d * automatically.
I w a n t to u se q s o r t to so r t an a r r a y o f in te g e r s , b u t IT n h a v in g tr o u b le w r it­
in g a c o m p a r is o n fu n c tio n . W h a t’s th c s e c r e t?
Here's a version that works:
int compare_ints(const void *p, const void *q)
return *(int *)p - *(int *)q;
Bizarre, eh? The expression ( i n t * ) p casts p to type i n t *, so * ( i n t * ) p
would be the integer that p points to. A word ofw arning, though: Subtracting two
integers may cause overflow. If the integers being sorted are completely arbitrary,
it’s safer to use i f statements to compare * ( i n t * ) p with * ( i n t *) q.
*Q :
I n e e d e d to s o r t a n a r r a y o f s tr in g s , so I fig u r e d I ’d ju s t u se s t r c m p a s th e
c o m p a r is o n fu n c tio n . W h e n 1 p a sse d it to q s o r t , h o w e v e r , th e c o m p ile r g a v e
m e a w a r n in g . I tried to lix th e p r o b lem b y e m b e d d in g s t r c m p in a c o m p a r i­
so n fu n c tio n :
E x e rc is e s kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJI
int compare_strings(const void *p, const void *q)
return strcmp(p, q);
N o w in y p r o g r a m c o m p ile s , b u t q s o r t d o e s n ’t s e e m to s o r t th e a r r a y . W h a t
a m I d o in g w r o n g ? onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
First, you can’t pass s t r c m p itself to q s o r t , since q s o r t requires a comparison
function with two c o n s t v o i d * parameters. Your c o m p a r e _ s t r i n g s func­
tion doesn’t work because it incorrectly assumes that p and q are strings ( c h a r *
pointers). In fact, p and q point to array elements containing c h a r * pointers. To
fix c o m p a r e _ s t r i n g s , we’II cast p and q to type c h a r * *, then use the *
operator to remove one level of indirection:
int compare_strings(const void *p, const void *q)
return strcmp(*(char **)p, *(char **)q);
E x e rc is e s
Having to check the return value o f m a l l o c (or any other memory allocation function)
each lime we call it can be an annoyance. Write a function named m y _ m a llo c that serves
as a “wrapper” for m a l l o c . When we call m y _ m a llo c and ask it to allocate n bytes, it in
turn calls m a l l o c . tests to make sure that m a l l o c doesn’t return a null pointer, and then
returns the pointer from m a l l o c . Have m y _ m a llo c print an error message and terminate
the program i f m a l l o c returns a null pointer.
S e c t io n 1 7 .2
Write a function named d u p l i c a t e that uses dynamic storage allocation to create a copy
of a string. For example, the call
p = duplicate(str);
would allocate space for a string o f the same length as s t r . copy the contents of s t r into
the new string, and return a pointer lo it. Have d u p l i c a t e return a null pointer if the
memory allocation fails.
S e c t io n 1 7 .3
Write the following function:
int *create_array(int n, int initial_value);
The function should return a pointer to a dynamically allocated i n t array with n members,
each of which is initialized to i n i t i a l _ v a l u e . The return value should be NULL ifth e
array can’t be allocated.
S e c t io n 1 7 .5
Suppose that the following declarations are in effect:
struct point { int PONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
x, y; };
struct rectangle { struct point upper_left, lower_right; };
struct rectangle *p;
C h a p te r 1 7
A d v a n c e d U s e s o f P o in te rs onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Assume that we want p to point to a r e c t a n g l e structure whose upper left com er is al
(l0 , 25) and whose lower right com er is at (20, l5). W rite a series ofstatem ents that allocate
such a structure and initialize it as indicated.
Suppose that f and p are declared as follows:kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
struct {
union {
char a t b ;
int c ;
} d;
int e [5] ;
} £ t *p = &f;
Which of the following statem ents are legal?
p->b = ’ ';
p->e [3] = 10;
(*p) .d.a = ’* ';
p->d->c = 20;
Modify the d e l e t e _ f r o m _ l i s t function so that it uses only one pointer variable instead
o ftw o ( c u r and p r e v ) .
The following loop is supposed to delete all nodes from a linked list and release the memory
that they occupy. Unfortunately, the loop is inconect. Explain w hat's wrong with it and
show how to fix the bug.
for (p - first; p != NULL; p = p->next)
Section 15.2 describes a file, s t a c k . c , that provides functions for storing integers in a
stack. In that section, the stack was implemented as an array. M odify s t a c k , c so that a
stack is now stored as a linked list. Replace the c o n t e n t s and t o p variables by a single
variable that points to the first node in the list (the “top” of the slack). W rite the functions in
s t a c k . c so that ihey use this pointer. Remove the i s _ f u l l function, instead having
p u s h return either t r u e (if mem ory was available to create a node) or f a l s e (ifnoi).
True or false: If x is a structure and a i.s a mem ber o f that structure, then (&x) - > a is the
same as x . a . Justify your answer.
p o in te r to a
Modify the p r i n t _ j o a r t function of Section 16.2 so that its param eter is a cbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFED
p a r t slructure. Use the -> operator in your answer.
Write lhe following function:
int count_occurrences(struct node *list, int n);
The l i s t parameter points to a linked list: the function should return the num ber of times
that n appears in this list. Assum e that the n o d e slructure is lhe one defined in Section 17.5.
W rite the following function:
struct node *find_last(struct node *list, int n);
The l i s t param eter points to a linked list. The function should return a pointer to Lhe last
node that contains n ; it should return NULL i f n doesn't appear in the list. Assum e that the
n o d e structure is the one defined in Section 17.5.
The following function is supposed lo insert a new node into its proper place in an ordered
list, returning a pointer to the first node in lhe modified list. Unfortunately, lhe function
E x e r c is e s hgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGF
4 5 5 onmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVU
doesn’t work correctly in all cases. Explain what’s wrong with it and show how to fix it.
Assume that the n o d e structure is the one defined in Section 17.5.
s tr u c t node * in s e r t_ in to _ o r d e r e d _ lis t( s tr u c t node * l i s t ,
s t r u c t n o d e *new _node)
s tru c t
w h ile
p rev
n o d e * c u r = l i s t , * p r e v = NULL;
( c u r - > v a l u e <= n e w _ n o d e - > v a l u e ) {
= c u r;
= c u r-> n e x t;
p re v -> n e x t = new _node;
new _node- > next = c u r ;
S e c t io n 1 7 .6
S e c t io n 1 7 .7
Modify the d e l e t e _ f r o m _ l i s t function (Section l7.5) so that its first parameter has