Subido por juul kuypers

Chinese tomatensoep kazernelaan

用料 Ingredients
西红柿 tomatoes
鸡蛋 eggs
150 克左右(1—2 人份)
面粉 wheat flour
About 150 gram(for one or two peoples)
葱末 sliced leek
适量(appropriate amount)
香菜末 sliced coriander
适量(appropriate amount)
蕃茄酱 ketchup
适量(appropriate amount)
糖 suger
适量(appropriate amount)
盐 salt
适量(appropriate amount)
香油 seseme oil
适量(appropriate amount)
西红柿鸡蛋疙瘩汤的做法 Method
1. 两个中等大小的西红柿切小块,葱切末。
Cut the tomatoes into small pieces.
2. 锅热后倒入比炒菜略少的油即可,油热后加入葱末爆香。Put
some oil in the pot, heat the oil until it gets warm, then add the
3. 葱香味出来后,加入西红柿块儿,翻炒半分钟。Add the
tomatoes when you can smell the leek, then fry the tomatoes
for half minute..
4. 加入适量蕃茄酱,盐和糖,中火翻炒,直至炒出红油,西红柿
的块儿状逐渐减少。Add the ketchup, salt and suger, stir-fry it
until the tomatoes become smaller.
5. 加入半锅清水,大火烧开。Add water in your pot and boil it.
6. 等待水开的过程时,将准备好的面粉加水,用筷子一点点搅拌,
大小一致的小颗粒状,无干面粉。You can prepare the wheat
flour when you are waiting for the soup to boil. Add water into
wheat flour and stir it with chopstick. Remember not to put too
much water at one time. Add a little bit of water and stir it until
you cannot see any water in your bowl, then add next bit of
water. Your wheat flour should be look like the next picture.
7. 锅中水开后继续保持大火,分次加入小面疙瘩。When the soup
is boiling, showly add your flour.
8. 每到一次面疙瘩就用筷子快速搅拌,将面疙瘩在锅中散开不要
黏住。When you are adding flour, you need to stir the soup
with chopstick, you don’t want the flour to stick together.
9. 再开锅后转成中小火,面疙瘩成熟后转小火,将打散的鸡蛋画
圈倒入锅中,先不要搅拌。When the soup is boiling again, turn
the cooker into small heating mode, wait for the wheat flour to
be well-cooked, add beaten eggs in your pot but don’t stir it
锅前淋一些香油即可。Wait for the eggs to curdle, stir it with
chopstick, then add sliced coriander in it. After you turn off the
cooker, you can add few drops of seseme oil.
(PS:My translation might be confusing, if you cannot get it, you can always ask me )
(PPS:If you cannot find seseme oil or if you don’t like coriander just skip it)