Subido por Ivan Plasencia

Primera ley de newton Lesson Plan1694050817212

Lesson Plan: Primera ley de newton
Students will learn about Newton’s first law of motion and how it applies to various situations.
1. Students will be able to explain Newton’s first law of motion.
2. Students will be able to identify and describe the different types of forces and how they affect
3. Students will be able to calculate the acceleration of an object based on its mass and the
force acting on it.
4. Students will be able to use Newton’s first law to analyze real-world scenarios.
Possible Materials Needed
1. Textbook or educational handouts on Newton’s first law
2. Force diagrams
3. Newton’s First Law Vocabulary Sheet
4. Newton’s First Law Powerpoint Presentation
5. Short video on Newton’s First Law
Anticipatory Set
1. Begin the lesson by engaging the class in a discussion on Newton’s first law of motion. Ask
the class to consider how the law applies to various scenarios, such as a car on a flat road, a
skier on a hill, or a baseball in the air. Discuss the concept of inertia and how it applies to these
2. Discuss the different types of forces and how they affect motion. Ask the class to consider
examples of each type of force and how they interact with each other. Emphasize the concept
of equilibrium and how it applies to these scenarios.
3. Explain how we can calculate the acceleration of an object based on its mass and the force
acting on it. Give the students examples of different equations and ask them to calculate the
acceleration for each scenario.
4. Lastly, ask the class to consider how Newton’s first law can be used to analyze real-world
scenarios. Ask them to consider how the law can be used in everyday life and how it might be
applied to solve problems.
Modeled Practice
1. The teacher can provide an example of an object in motion and explain how the object’s
motion is affected by the forces acting on it. Ask the class to consider the different forces that are
acting on the object and how they interact with each other. Then, explain how the acceleration
of the object can be calculated based on its mass and the forces acting on it.
2. The teacher can provide a hands-on activity to help the students understand Newton’s first
law of motion. The teacher can pass out balloons to the students and ask them to fill the balloons
with air. Ask the students to push the balloons around the room and observe the effects of the
forces acting on the object. Ask the students to consider how the force of air pressure affects
the motion of the balloon.
3. The teacher can provide a discussion-based activity to help the students understand how
Newton’s first law of motion can be applied to real-world scenarios. Ask the class to consider a
scenario, such as a skier on a hill, and discuss how the different forces affect the skier’s motion.
Ask them to consider how the skier’s acceleration can be calculated and how Newton’s law can
be used to analyze the situation.
Guided Practice
1. Divide the class into small groups and assign each group a scenario (car on a flat road,
skier on a hill, etc.). Ask each group to create a force diagram that explains the different forces
acting on the object and how they interact with each other. Then, ask the groups to calculate
the acceleration of the object based on its mass and the force acting on it. Once the groups
are finished, have them present their force diagrams to the class and discuss how the different
forces affect the motion of the object.
2. Divide students into small groups and assign each group a real-world scenario (car crash,
falling objects, etc.). Ask each group to create a diagram that explains the different forces acting
on the object and how they interact with each other. Ask the groups to calculate the acceleration
of the object and explain how Newton’s first law of motion can be used to analyze the situation.
Allow each group to present their diagrams to the class and discuss how the different forces
affect the motion of the object.
3. Provide students with a worksheet that asks them to consider how Newton’s first law of motion
can be applied to different scenarios. Ask them to calculate the acceleration of an object and
explain how the different forces interact with each other. Ask them to consider how the law can
be used to analyze real-world scenarios.
Independent Practice
1. Ask students to research one particular real-world scenario and create a poster that includes
information about the different forces acting on the object and how they interact with each
other. Students should also include a discussion of how the acceleration of the object can be
calculated and how Newton’s first law of motion applies to the situation.
2. Ask students to write a story about a real-world scenario in which Newton’s first law of motion
applies. The story should include how the different forces interact with each other and how the
acceleration of the object can be calculated.
3. Ask students to create a PowerPoint presentation that explains how Newton’s first law of
motion can be applied to real-world scenarios. The presentation should include information on
how different forces affect the motion of an object and how the acceleration can be calculated.
The presentation should also include examples of real-world scenarios and how Newton’s first
law can be used to analyze them.
Common Areas of Struggle
When it comes to learning about Newton’s first law of motion, the most common struggle is
understanding the different types of forces and how they interact with each other. Students
may also have difficulty understanding how to calculate the acceleration of an object and how
Newton’s law can be applied to real-world scenarios.
Ensure that students are given plenty of opportunity to practice and discuss the different forces
and how they interact with each other. Provide plenty of examples and visuals to help students
better understand the concept. Encourage students to ask questions and engage in discussions
about the different types of forces and how they affect motion.
At the end of the lesson, the teacher can ask the class to complete a writing prompt that asks
them to consider how Newton’s first law of motion applies to a real-world scenario. Ask the
students to consider how different forces affect the motion of an object and how the acceleration
can be calculated. The teacher can also assign a quiz to assess the students' understanding of
the concepts discussed in the lesson. It is important to provide students with feedback on their
work so that they can understand what areas they need to focus on and improve.
Be sure to ask questions often related to the common areas of struggle.