Goal: Obtaining my bachelor's degree in International Business Areas to work on: Technical skills: English, Excel, Power Point. Knowledge: Economics, International Trade, Negotiation Soft skills: Communication, teamwork, patience Goal: Advancing to a leadership position in the field. Objectives: Developing my experience and knowledge in the field. Objectives: Take and pass all the courses in my major Graduate with a good GPA Participate in extracurricular activities related to my major Obtaining a master's degree. Action plan: Attend all my classes and take notes Complete assignments and projects on time Developing my leadership abilities. Participate in class debates and presentations SHORT TERM Aspects to work on: Technical skills: project management, leadership, international business. Knowledge: Global economy, business strategy, international finance. Action plan: To advance within my current company or seek a new job opportunity in a higher position of responsibility. Participate in leadership devel- Join a club or team related to my major Regularly review my progress to identify areas for improvement opment programs. MEDIUM TERM Goal: Obtaining a job in the field related to my career. Objectives: Gaining experience in my field. Developing myself in the area. Preparing myself in other necessary areas. LONG TERM Areas to work on: Technical skills: Data analysis, research, communication. Knowledge: International trade, Incoterms, marketing. Action plan: Seeking internship or professional practice opportunities. Participation in events and conferences. Studying for certification exams .