Subido por Ina Flint


Mi nombre es: _______________________________
Semana 3. Homework
Normalmente, para ir al colegio llevo unos zapatos negros con unos pantalones negros. También, llevo
una camisa blanca con una chaqueta negra – ¡qué aburrido! Después del colegio me cambio, y llevo
unos jeans azules con un suéter – normalmente con capucha. Mis colores preferidos son amarillo y
negro. El próximo fin de semana, yo voy a llevar unos jeans anchos (wide) con una camiseta estampada
(stamped) porque voy a ir a un restaurante con mis amigos. Es el cumpleaños de mi mejor amigo
Andrés ¡va a cumplir los catorce anos!
Underline in different colours: verbs in the present tense, and verbs in the future tense.
Find the following vocabulary:
Some black shoes
How boring!
After school, I get changed
With a hood (hooded)
Next weekend
I am going to wear
He is going to be fifteen
¿Verdadero o falso?
Normally he wears brown shoes and black trousers to go to school. _______
He thinks his uniform is exciting. ______
After school he wears blue jeans and a jumper. ______
Next weekend he is going to wear printed jeans and a baggy t-shirt. _____
Preguntas de comprehension
What type of jumper does he wear after school?
What are his favourite colours?
What is he going to do next weekend?