2021R002718 02/18/2n2i 08:47:2¢ Ahi T!ieA [ntliana Asse;iiLL;,iy dedriFr. /q 8c)a, I FEE: 25.Ofl PGS: 1 i®INnfi SREITH Recorcl#: Recorded, All Rig ****# f##-**-*-FT*-#*|®EL-Bin-_inriin-~in-injiie;3urs`|jlfa ha fro I_ d aei7 fry to the owe t`r: FT« FJfni"ae, Prfu 17,fi, t-ndpundrwEpdfro hthrity ltoc: haqr>. A. rol7 VutcmGoiqapp-Tfroilc LThSigd-- 3qco ddl3 tina Vricml cot20l fupfr FutTh¢KingidonaOf{jedonE¢rfu For Pryflgtqi in Fur Redapin ®r: ^¥"^ .W^Rt^ RIF2!INf5£R Pii`-rfeftqgisitpdlndmrityBndAifflrmoI ^`N" ut RiE+ur#R prfer*a¢RErieddkndfasErmlrmooco2 Am trin Rkgiv q. dr drt#+; ed¥ .un ^can.m±+.^Crm"|S co Ea.rfu BiuofLeding!g `:rd.*iB € fi \\fde -%€kt-? li]flisfm'iceBaBoadrmmOf'JesibOf`brtyJth:air-ttt8P!aGhgdrgivdrvicldr!rddrgiva mEI tl]e end orthe aputfion bcttee (bd ul 14tL A4uliin4 bb I.ctn asffiail br tbc fafro-Of dfEgiv`e baqutpeanBthcihasmdvdmrOf'Cu]fxxprEfcendcaecag&ieiSiadngerOfdermaEticanE"tingfom SrmicdcocptfroinchxfagthcpeedctatnagtiBgMclasB¢.Esso48i¢gcacticcorifty.the:oliocabdyOfidedi wnd&adun§ulnrmt]cz`aidgrminlysinwl€chh4mha]t:plaoeddic?fajthicacadofotrF:abcr.I qufp as t"r 9idraerTs FHqrirty [tr* t® mle d ibtee aicom 11rtbqroeddwrfuHiDrOfMc8bcon!csiv.thAngdLb.Lnotbpoed8tebitjt)id.Go4ioMabbutnqph.indso thdedlCtoionxpknowth&co¢mlhotsgfedcrthmiBGdlor.IpmctBintf`cF.`ncrEmingTfiiingbaoitlfilorty I oror Fdher ift tleamal and xpde Of Sam anl lh¢ R-Pontiff dac rdfm inn dct* a4 eeei.eel of idl I hlnded. fmr and l`ort*a"u roe all thdr dEfu¥ haue tBb potty nd al imchos md squrfuam ha*t hem !o-, thavedwcftyindrutlrsutlj`edve4erd*Imo®f#aaLfDcecrtyiprsud&ir€sdsveiBoremsdmcc; hut as de Red !iazi "E= fimed Ions lab co thl htrzin4 obeda od.lk tiaca the Lmd 4n4 16cae!s lc]l thi=nri `irs decl.rs an wc haw calked arty the' fled #c* and hm¢ lirod dpdc* the Imf Of the led, ae4 so, roe. JCH:i the RAaREth has putf]l &ht tar ul the a.d Lad us b bc Kiiiafaa Of llc]nitn aod `Art: i4rdars thl ime haec tiii-ririlrii: tLc ChilhaOf'CidatrfucipdrbFl.v'oflftaimardacidb.peoeran}-partOfiE±erapt€f~rfm®rust5 bout b' vy othg LJFw. WcLameltbmedftyI.ife.fohaveandgiveqdfveaEndaetbi,frorOfdcbndvv.ndap*laapleagraeaipf!eer I:&hcr th3i dce is rtyr sdelr al ab end I.rc nxpine rm S*im the Lq;rE of ha "d ap thz& 1! napr be msti-ed aecDrding to ihc Yt¢er..` Drill I baine pcaed the iedennigt tilcotb> a#iiha dic At;tx)tIN n6 brill in u:y `pes=d.i nmgrorde^mEricmt"ddpdcndulootcrdiiRBofnco-b4sommthf`BtiBImlthi:`lch4aBlaa± tmnderth`1nithth-andrfu:£hmretpcBdyvcoaedctoerdemarcuel?aid. ^maMBdrd±rfEnrmcamBbiv-aa/CoasiLEd©orTwhm4Tfuh -Fior iirh±t`e tlio er dloce Ofquaegrfroedrdm I Iahotm-. IEE± S#" , I fry,2 Prrty ihaafft'Ma#dL:#iema¥soa#:ie¥reng:Uha. ::::m¥n|a'u#:rtyngnuujmndi#nfa#S G5®= Soil Jut 8lneoz,:X| 11999Z END OF DOCUMENT FEE