Subido por Yatziri Elizabeth Nájera Espinoza

State of the art

The importance of the use of the target language and technologies in
the language learning
Researchers and education experts recognize the importance of these foundations
for the development of effective and quality educational practices.
First and foremost, it is important to highlight that didactic foundations refer to the
principles and strategies that teachers use to plan, organize, and develop their lessons.
These foundations are based on learning theory and focus on the cognitive and affective
processes of students.
Larson-Freeman (1997) emphasizes the importance of a learner-centered
approach by encouraging teachers to focus on their students’ individual skills. She
highlights the significance of students engaging in meaningful and authentic
communication to develop their language competencies.
Larson-Freeman also explores language teaching principles, such as using the
target language in the classroom, integrating grammar and vocabulary instruction, and
incorporating technology into language learning. She underscores the importance of
providing students with ample opportunities for practice and meaningful interaction to
enhance their language proficiency. She offers practical suggestions and guidelines for
teachers, illustrating how to adapt techniques and principles to different teaching contexts
and levels of learning. She encourages teachers to reflect on their teaching practices and
continuously strive for improvement.
Cummins (1970) emphasizes the importance of valuing and utilizing students'
native language to facilitate their acquisition of a second language.
According to Cummins, language acquisition is influenced by two types of
language proficiency: basic interpersonal communication skills and cognitive academic
language proficiency. Basic interpersonal communication skills refer to the ability to
communicate in everyday situations, while cognitive academic language proficiency
refers to the ability to understand and use academic language in school contexts.
Cummins argues that second language acquisition is facilitated when there is a
strong development of the native language. According to him, skills and knowledge
acquired in the native language can be transferred to the learning of a second language.
Additionally, Cummins contends that bilingual students have a cognitive advantage and
can use transferable cognitive strategies to acquire a second language more quickly and
Richards (2005) emphasizes the importance of practice and feedback in the
language acquisition process. According to him, active use of the language in real-life
situations and receiving feedback from native or proficient speakers are crucial for the
development of language skills.
Richards states that language acquisition is a natural process that occurs
unconsciously through exposure and interaction in the linguistic environment. According
to him, children learn language intuitively and effortlessly, absorbing the structures and
rules of their environment. Richards argues that this natural approach to language
acquisition should also be applied in language teaching.
A study conducted by the Education Research Group at the University of
Barcelona (2018) highlights the relevance of didactic and pedagogical foundations in
teaching intervention. According to the authors, these elements are key to the
development of quality educational practices in the classroom.
Krashen (1970) states that for language acquisition to occur, the input must be
comprehensible to the learner. Sufficient meaningful and authentic input should be
provided that is slightly above the learner's current level of language proficiency.
Krashen asserts that affective variables, such as motivation, confidence, and
anxiety, can influence language acquisition. A relaxed and positive learning environment
promotes more effective language acquisition.
Martínez (2019) emphasizes that reflection on didactic and pedagogical
foundations allows teachers to adjust their practices based on the needs and
characteristics of their students. By understanding how these foundations influence the
teaching-learning process, teachers can adapt them according to students' learning
Cárdenas and López (2020) argue that didactic and pedagogical foundations
should be considered as a solid basis for decision-making and activity planning in the
classroom. These foundations provide a theoretical and conceptual framework that
guides teaching practice and effectively addresses educational challenges and situations.
Another relevant aspect is the adaptation of foundations to the specific needs of
students. González and Rodríguez (2017) affirm that teachers must understand how
these foundations influence the teaching-learning process and how to adapt them
according to students' characteristics and learning styles.
In summary, these authors demonstrate the importance of these elements for the
development of effective and quality educational practices. Their application allows
teachers to adjust their practices, make informed decisions, and adapt the foundations to
meet the needs and characteristics of their students.
In conclusion, the research conducted by various authors emphasizes the
importance of didactic and pedagogical foundations in teaching intervention. These
elements serve as a crucial framework for the development of effective and high-quality
educational practices. Understanding how these foundations influence the teachinglearning process and adapting them to meet the specific needs and characteristics of
students is essential for creating a positive and conducive learning environment. By
incorporating these foundations into their teaching practices, teachers can make informed
decisions and effectively address the challenges and situations they encounter in the
classroom. Ultimately, the application of these foundational principles promotes
meaningful language acquisition and enhances the overall educational experience for
Larson-Freeman emphasizes the importance of pedagogical approaches that
encourage active student participation, thereby promoting the construction of knowledge
in a meaningful way. Cummins, on the other hand, underscores the relevance of
considering students' cultural and linguistic contexts in teaching intervention, proposing
an educational approach that values and utilizes linguistic diversity as an enriching
resource for learning. Krashen contributes to this theoretical framework with his
comprehensible input theory, emphasizing the importance of exposing students to
language slightly beyond their current level to foster natural linguistic development.
From a conceptual standpoint, Didactic and Pedagogical Foundations are closely
linked to the idea of facilitating an inclusive learning environment tailored to the individual
needs of students. It involves conceptualizing teaching as a dynamic process that adjusts
to the cognitive and linguistic characteristics of each student, integrating methods that
stimulate active participation and deep understanding. Knowledge construction, attention
to diversity, and the promotion of student autonomy are key concepts in this framework,
supported by the theoretical contributions of Larson-Freeman, Cummins, and Krashen.
Legislatively, teaching intervention based on these foundations finds support in
educational policies that promote equity and quality in education. Legislations
emphasizing the inclusion of students from different sociocultural and linguistic
backgrounds support the practical application of the approaches proposed by these
theorists. Additionally, legislation can advocate for continuous teacher training, ensuring
they stay updated on best pedagogical practices and innovative methodologies aligned
with the principles laid out by Larson-Freeman, Cummins, and Krashen.
1. Pedagogical Approaches:
- Larson-Freeman's focus on active student participation suggests a learnercentric approach, encouraging engagement for more effective knowledge construction.
- Cummins highlights the significance of considering cultural and linguistic
contexts, advocating for an inclusive educational environment that values the diversity of
2. Comprehensible Input Theory:
- Krashen's theory of comprehensible input stresses the importance of exposing
students to language just beyond their current proficiency level. This approach aims to
naturally enhance linguistic development, acknowledging the role of challenging yet
understandable content in learning.
3. Conceptual Framework:
- Didactic and Pedagogical Foundations are not static concepts; they involve
dynamic teaching processes tailored to individual cognitive and linguistic characteristics.
This approach integrates methods that promote not only active participation but also a
deep understanding of the subject matter.
4. Legislative Support:
- Legislative backing for educational interventions aligns with broader
educational policies emphasizing equity and quality. Inclusivity in legislation supports the
practical implementation of pedagogical theories, ensuring educational practices cater to
the diverse sociocultural and linguistic backgrounds of students.
5. Continuous Teacher Training:
- Legislative advocacy for ongoing teacher training ensures educators stay
abreast of evolving pedagogical practices and innovative methodologies. This
commitment to professional development aligns with the principles of adapting teaching
approaches to meet the changing needs of students.
6. Overall Impact:
- The convergence of theoretical, conceptual, and legislative elements
underscores the holistic nature of effective educational practices. Addressing Didactic and
Pedagogical Foundations becomes a key strategy for achieving educational goals that
respect diversity and foster meaningful learning experiences.
This comprehensive approach not only considers the theoretical underpinnings of
education but also emphasizes the practical implementation supported by legislation,
ultimately contributing to a well-rounded and inclusive educational framework.
•Grupo de Investigación en Educación. (2018). Fundamentos didácticos y
pedagógicos en la intervención docente. Barcelona: Ediciones UB.
•Martínez, G. (2019). La importancia de los fundamentos didácticos y pedagógicos
en la intervención docente. Revista de Educación, 24(2), 55-67.
•Cárdenas, R. y López, M. (2020). Fundamentos didácticos y pedagógicos en la
intervención docente: importancia y aplicaciones prácticas. Revista Internacional de
Investigación Educativa, 30(1), 100-115.
•González, A. y Rodríguez, P. (2017). La importancia de los fundamentos
didácticos y pedagógicos en la intervención docente. Revista de Investigación en
Educación, 20(2), 80-90.
•Krashen, S. (1981). Second language acquisition and second language learning.
Pergamon Press.
•Larson-Freeman, D. (2020). Techniques and principles of English language
teaching (4th ed.). Oxford University Press.
•Cummins, J. (1981). The role of primary language development in promoting
educational success for language minority students. In California State Department of
Education (Ed.)
•Schooling and language minority students: A theoretical framework (pp. 3-49).
California State Department of Education.