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Vitamin D Analysis in Feeds by Liquid Chromatography

C. Alumina Column
AOAC Official Method 982.29
Vitamin D in Mixed Feeds,
Premixes, and Pet Foods
Liquid Chromatographic Method
First Action 1982
Final Action 1983
[Applicable to all food products containing >2 IU and <200 IU
vitamin D/g. For products containing ≥200 IU vitamin D/g, use
980.26 (see 45.1.19).]
A. Principle
Products are saponified and extracted, and unsaponifiable
material is chromatographed successively on alumina to remove
tocopherols and carotenes, if present, and on LC cleanup column to
separate from interfering substances. Second LC column packed
with silica separates vitamin D from impurities. Vitamin D is
corrected for amount previtamin D formed during saponification.
Vitamin D is sum of vitamin D and previtamin D.
B. Reagents
(a) Solvents.—Methanol, alcohol, CH3CN, toluene, peroxideand acid-free ether, n-hexane (spectroquality). Dry n-hexane by
passing through column 60 × 8 cm diameter containing 500 g
50–250 µm silica dried 4 h at 150°C.
(b) Sodium ascorbate solution.—Dissolve 3.5 g ascorbic acid in
20 mL 1M NaOH. Prepare fresh daily.
(c) Antioxidant solution.—1 mg butylated hydroxytoluene
(BHT)/mL hexane.
(d) Petroleum ether.—Reflux over KOH pellets and collect
fraction distilling between 40° and 60°C.
(e) Ether–petroleum ether eluants.—8 + 92 and 40 + 60.
(f) Alumina.—Neutral, type 1097 (E. Merck).
Seal coarse fritted glass disk in lower end of 150 × 20 mm (id) tube
and 250 mL bulb at upper end. Fit constricted portion at lower end
with Teflon stopcock.
Heat 250 g alumina overnight at 750°C. Cool and store in vacuum
desiccator. Weigh 30 g dried alumina into 100 mL Erlenmeyer. Pipet
2.7 mL H2O into flask, and stopper. Heat 5 min on steam bath.
Vigorously shake warm flask until powder is free-flowing. Cool and
let stand 30 min.
Add 40 mL petroleum ether to deactivated alumina, swirl, and
transfer to tube, using petroleum ether. Let packing settle. Maintain
head of >0.5 cm liquid on column throughout assay (alumina
column can be used for only 1 assay).
D. Liquid Chromatography
(a) Liquid chromatograph.—Hewlett-Packard 1010A (replaced
by HP 1050 or HP 1090), or equivalent, with 254 nm UV detector
with 2 columns: cleanup and analytical.
(b) Cleanup column.—Stainless steel, 250 × 4.6 (id) mm, packed
with 10 µm particle size Li-Chrosorb RP-18, or equivalent. Typical
operating conditions: chart speed, 1 cm/min; eluant flow rate,
1.4 mL/min; detector sensitivity, 0.08 AUFS; temperature, ambient;
valve injection volume, 500 µL; solvent system,
CH3CN–methanol–H2O (50 + 50 + 5).
(c) Analytical column.—Stainless steel, 250 × 4.6 (id) mm,
packed with 5 µm particle size Partisil-5,or equivalent, passing
system suitability test. Typical operating conditions: chart speed,
1 cm/min; eluant flow rate, 2.6 mL/min (ca 1500 psi); detector
sensitivity, 0.008 AUFS; temperature, ambient; valve injection
volume, 200 µL; solvent system, n-hexane containing 0.35% (v/v)
n-amyl alcohol.
E. System Suitability Test for Analytical Column
Dissolve 0.1 g system suitability standard solution in 100 mL
toluene–mobile phase (5 + 95) and inject 200 µL. Determine peak
resolution between previtamin D3 and trans-vitamin D3 as:
(g) Mobile phase (for cleanup column).—CH3CN–methanol–H2O
(50 + 50 + 5).
(h) Mobile phase (for analytical column).—n-Hexane containing
0.35% (v/v) n-amyl alcohol.
(i) Vitamin D standard solutions.—USP Reference Standard
Ergocalciferol (if product labeled as containing vitamin D2) or
Cholecalciferol (if la beled as con tain ing vitamin D or D3).
Accurately weigh ca 12.5 mg vitamin D standard (W′) in 100 mL
amber volumetric flask. Dissolve without heat in toluene and dilute
to volume with toluene (125 µg/mL, solution A). Dilute 10 mL
solution A to 100 mL with mobile phase (h). Dilute 10 mL of this
solution to 100 mL with toluene–mobile phase (h) (5 + 95) for
vitamin D standard (solution B) (1.25 µg/mL; 50 IU/mL). Also
dilute 10 mL solution A to 100 mL with mobile phase (g); dilute
20 mL of this solution to 100 mL with mobile phase (g) (2.5 µg/mL,
solution C). Prepare fresh daily.
(j) System suitability standard solution.—Use USP Vitamin D
Assay System Suitability Reference Standard, or prepare solution
containing 2 mg vitamin D3 and 0.2 mg trans-vitamin D3/g in
vegetable oil. Peaks of trans-vitamin D3 and previtamin D3 must
have ca same peak heights. If necessary, increase previtamin D3
content by warming oil solution ca 45 min at 90°C. Store solution at
where D = distance between peak maximum of previtamin D3 and
trans-vitamin D3; B = peak width of previtamin D3; and C = peak
width of trans-vitamin D3. Performance is satisfactory if R is ≥1.0.
F. Calibration
Inject 500 µL vitamin D standard solution (solution C) onto
cleanup column through sampling valve and 200 µL solution B onto
analytical column, and adjust operating conditions of detector to
give largest possible on-scale peaks of vitamin D. Determine
retention time of vitamin D on cleanup and analytical columns and
peak height of vitamin D on analytical column. Retention time of
vitamin D on clean-up column should be between 15 and 25 min;
adjust H2O content of mobile phase, if necessary, to achieve this
situation. Retention time of vitamin D on analytical column should
be between 15 and 20 min; adjust amyl alcohol content in mobile
phase, if necessary, to achieve this situation.
G. Preparation of Test Solution
Isolation of unsaponifiable matter from powder.—Accurately
weigh ca 25 g powdered test portion (preferably particle size
<1 mm) into saponification flask. Add 80 mL alcohol, 2 mL Na
ascorbate solution, a pinch of Na2EDTA, and 10 mL 50% aqueous
KOH solution. Reflux 30 min on steam bath under N2 with magnetic
stirring. Cool and extract with five 60 mL portions of ether in
saponification flask; decant each time and transfer ether layer to 1 L
separator containing 100 mL H2O. Shake ether layer in separator
(A), let separate, and transfer aqueous phase to 500 mL separator
(B). Extract aqueous phase with 60 mL ether and transfer ether layer
to separator (A). Wash combined ether extracts with 100 mL 0.5M
KOH solution and then 100 mL portions of H2O until last washing is
neutral to phenolphthalein. Add 150 mL petroleum ether, wait 0.5 h,
separate from last drops of H2O, and add 2 sheets of 9 cm filter paper
in strips to separator. Shake, add 1 mg BHT, and transfer to
round-bottom flask, rinsing separator and paper with petroleum
Evaporate test solution by swirling (Rotavapor) under N2 stream
in 40°C water bath. Dissolve residue immediately in 5 mL hexane.
I. Determination
(a) Cleanup.—Inject 500 µL test solution onto cleanup column
through sampling valve and adjust operating conditions of detector
to give largest possible on-scale peaks for vitamin D. Collect
fraction between 3 min before and 3 min after vitamin D peak in
10 mL volumetric flask. Add 1 mL antioxidant solution and
evaporate to dryness under N2 stream. Dissolve residue immediately
in 2.0 mL toluene–mobile phase (5 + 95). Use this test solution for
injection onto analytical column.
(b) Assay.—Inject 200 µL cleaned up test solution (a) onto
analytical column through sampling valve, and adjust operating
conditions of detector to give largest possible on-scale peaks of
vitamin D. Measure peak height of vitamin D. Use same operating
conditions and inject standard solution B. Measure peak height of
vitamin D.
(c) Calculations.—
H. Alumina Column Chromatography
Transfer test solution to column with aid of three 10 mL portions
of hexane. Discard eluate (contains carotenoids). Elute column with
seven 10 mL portions of ether–hexane (8 + 92) and discard eluate
(contains tocopherols and ethoxyquin).
Elute column with seven 10 mL portions of ether–hexane
(40 + 60), discard first 20–25 mL, collecting rest of eluate in
round-bottom flask (contains vitamins A and D) when front of
fluorescent vitamin A band is located 3 cm from bottom of column.
Examine column <1 s under UV light (360 nm) with portable UV
lamp to verify elution of vitamin A. Evaporate solution by swirling
(Rotavapor) under N2 stream in 40°C water bath. Transfer to
centrifuge tube, rinsing flask with 2–3 mL ether, evaporate ether, and
dissolve in 1.0 mL methanol with warming. Add 1.0 mL CH3CN and
cool. Centrifuge and use clear supernate for injection onto cleanup
Vitamin D potency in IU/g test portion =
. × P × W ′ × V × 40000
P′ × W × V ′
where P = peak height of cleaned up vitamin D in test solution; 1.25
= correction factor for previtamin D formed during refluxing for
saponification; P′ = peak height of vitamin D in reference solution;
W = g test portion weighed; W′ = mg reference standard; V = total
mL test solution; V′ = total mL reference standard solution; 40 000 =
IU vitamin D/mg USP Reference Standard.
Reference: JAOAC 66, 751(1983).
CAS-67-97-0 (cholecalciferol; vitamin D3)
CAS-50-14-6 (ergocalciferol; vitamin D2)