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نسخة من Climate change's impacts on economic power 20231209 004014 ٠٠٠٠

Climate change's impacts on
economic power
In todays world , the issue of climate change has become
an our ever pressing concern. The effects of global warming and
environment degradation are being felt across the global. Posing
significant challenges to both our planet and our economies. At the
same time, we found ourselves in an era of unprecedented economic
power, where economic growth and development paramount. It is
within this context that we must address the urgent need to embrace
climate change as an integral part of our economic system. So, the
relationship between climate change and economic power is
complex throughout the ages.
▪The climate system of our planet :
First Climate refers to the long-term weather patterns of a
particular region or the Earthas a whole. It includes factors such
astemperature,precipitation, wind patterns, and other atmospheric
conditions that are characteristic of a specific area over a long period of
Climate change refers to the long-term alteration of the
Earth's climate system, primarily due to human activities. It is
characterized by significant changes in temperature, precipitation
patterns, sea level rise, and other climatic factors. Climate change is
primarily driven by the increase in greenhouse gas emissions,such as
carbon dioxide, resulting from human activities like burning fossil fuels,
deforestation, and industrial processes.And also Climate change is a
long-term change in the average weather patterns that have come to
define Earth’s local ,regional and global climates. These changes have a
broad range of observed effects synonymous with the term.
Economic power refers to the ability of a country, organization,
or individual to exert influence and control over economic activities,
resources, and markets . It is often measured by indicators such as
gross domestic product (GDP), trade volume, employment rates, and
technological advancements. Economic power can determine a
country's ability to shape global policies, attract investments, and
influence international trade and financial systems. Economistis use
several concepts featuring the word power.
In the past the Earth has changed over time due to climat
variations over thousands of years. Genetic climate changes have
caused environmental and ecosystem shifts on the Earth's surface.
Since the Earth's formation, it has experienced long periods of cold and
warm epochs known as ice ages and interglacial periods. Different
regions on Earth have been affected by fluctuations in sea levels and
oceans due to climate transitions, ice ages, and melting cycles. However,
in the modern era, we have observed an acceleration in climate change
due to human activities such as greenhouse gas emissions and global
warming. This leads to a global rise in temperatures, changes in rainfall
patterns, melting ice and snow, and rising sea levels. Understanding
these changes and their impact on the Earth is crucial. It requires
collective efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adopt
sustainable practices to preserve the planet and its natural resources
for future generations.
Today's climate change , as we have just seen ,climate change
has always occurred throughout the history of our planet. It is hence
quite unusual that for the past 10000 years ,the climate conditions of
the Earth were very stable ,as we see for example from ice core records
in Greenland . This period of stable conditions was used by humans to
develop their modern civilisation :about 5000 years ago ,humans slowly
moved from the Stone Age to the Bronze Age , and then trough the Iron
Age towards our modern civilisation. Much of this development was
only possible because the climatic boundary conditions were
comparably stable . Hence ,large cities could develop with their location
being compatible with the sea-level associated to this stable climate.
Agriculture could develop because the large-scale patterns of
precipitation and temperature were comparably stable. The kind of
houses people lived in ,their trade routes ,the number of people that
could live in a given community. are all condition to climate conditions.
And because these climate conditions were stable, civilization was able
to continue.Hence ,a major distinguishing feature of the ongoing climate
change is the fact that for the first time ,all of our human civilisation is
globally affected by a large scale climate change of a magnitude
unknown throughout the past 10000 years of human development.
"Let's delve into the realm of natural disasters, exploring their
unpredictable nature,and it's impacts on economic power. "
The earthquake in Turkey and Syria was by far the most
devastating natural disaster in the six months of the year. On 6 February
,a series of tremors struck southeastern Turkey close to the border with
Syria. The two strongest tremors had magnitudes of 7.8 and 7.5
respectively and were the strongest. earthquakes in Turkey in decades.
A very large number of buildings ,roads and bridges were destroyed.
Around 000,58 people lost their lives. As a result ,the global number of
victims of natural disasters in the first half of the year ( some )000,62
was higher than it had been since .2010 Overall losses from the
earthquake in both countries are estimated at around US40 $bn ,with
Syria accounting for roughly US5 $bn.
Mediter anean Storm Daniel passed through eastern Libya over
the weekend of Sept ,9 bringing heavy rainfal and flooding that
resulted in large-scaledestruction.
Unusually when we talk about the effects of the climate
change our thinking is a little limited, but the reality is that climate
change affects the econmies of countries . it also affect humans, animals
, plants and even objects. It heavily affects the four most important
economic fundamentals: agriculture, industry, trade and tourism.
Agriculture crops are very sensitive to weather and climate change.
them nan affect then the effects of agriculture crops for worse or for
better,but recently climate change is very harmful to agriculture. The
effects of climate change on agriculture can lead to reduce crop yields
and nutritional quality.
Climate change affect on agriculture field at local and
reginal scales in direct and indirect ways. Factors resulting from
climate change that directly affect agriculture are: rising temperatures,
increasing heatwaves, changes in rainfall, drought and floods. As for the
indirect factors that affected agriculture they are: the rise in sea level
due to global warming. The lake arable land due to the decline
permafrost, and the of availability of irrigation water due to the melting
of glaclers and their impact on erosion and soil fertility.
The direct impact of climate change on earth is desertification
which led to less alot of agricultural land consequently, Farmers
resorted to using greenhouses to adapt to the Climate. Unfortunately,
greenhouses have some flaws such as : the difficulty of Controlling The
temperature inside them terms of heating or cooling, lack of flexibility in
Crop types, as it is difficult to grow tall crops of vegetables for example
eggplant and pepper, High agricultural cost, providing optimal
conditions for the pathogens, A deficit in agricultural crops leads to a
rise in prices according to the theory of supply and demons , and if
climate deterioration continues ,famines are expected to occur. if
Phytosantary measures are not implemented, it will Cause production
There is a strong relationship between agriculture & industry ,
as they both Complement euch other ,agricultural crops are the raw
material for various industries. The food industry depends almost
entirely on agricultural crops, and the textile industry is based mainly on
skilworms, and silk worms depend on some types of crops. on the other
hand, Industry has a major role in agriculture through the manufacture
of chemical fertilizers, Pesticides agricutral machinery.
Climate change affects on local and international trade which is
generally based on industrial Products and Drachitral Crops.(Industryagriculture) . climat Change also affects on Supply Chains international
Sea Shipping methods this occurs due to Climate Change in areas where
some large animals such as Whales ,so these whales were forced to
migrate to other Places including shipping lanes. This is not the only
form of E human wildlife Conflict due to climate. At least twenty people
were killed in confrontation with elephants last year ,according to
Zimbabwe's national parks and wildlife management authority. Forest
fire pushing tigers towards sumatran villages.
Climate change-induced threats to Forstes , as a vital natural
attractions for tourists, extend beyond immediate ecological impacts.
Changes in temperature and precipitation patterns can disrupt the
delicate balance of ecosystems, leading to shifts in flora and fauna
distribution. This not only affects the aesthetic appeal of the forests but
also undermine the unique biodiversity that draws visitors. Moreover,
the intensification of extreme weather events, such as storms and
floods, poses risks to the physical infrastructure within these forested
areas, including trails, viewing points, and accommodation facilities. The
increased frequency of wildfire not only alters the landscape but also
presents safety concern for tourists.
Climate change has not only affected forests, but it has also greatly
affected one of the most important tourist attractions, which is coral
reefs . Coral reefs shine as unique natural gems, attracting tourists from
all over the world to enjoy a unique and amazing experience. The
importance of these wonderful marine environments for tourism is
evident in their environmental diversity, natural beauty, and their
positive impact on the local economy and environmental awareness.
Coral reefs are found in different regions, but climate change can
negatively affect them anywhere.
Climate change has significant impacts on coral reefs, threatening
their sustainability and the unique biodiversity they harbor. One of the
primary effects is the rise in ocean surface temperatures, leading to
coral bleaching. This phenomenon occurs when temperatures
excessively increase, forcing reef dwelling organisms to expel
zooxanthellae (symbiotic algae), resulting in the loss of color and
Furthermore, the rising sea levels due to polar ice melting and
seawater expansion pose a threat to coastal coral reefs. This elevation
increases the vulnerability of reefs to storms and changes in water
salinity, making them less resilient and more susceptible to damage.
Climate change effects also extend to the increased frequency of
severe weather events and elevated ocean surface temperatures,
contributing to the spread of marine diseases. This exacerbates the
health decline of coral reefs and puts them at risk of losing vital
To address these challenges, it becomes imperative to take
effective measures to reduce carbon emissions, raise awareness about
the importance of marine conservation, and enhance local and global
initiatives to preserve these crucial marine jewels. All of these climate
change impacts pose challenges that must be faced.
Climate Change represents a range of risks and impacts that
are expected negatively impact on our economy. There include property
loss, and damage in many fields, include agricultural, industrialist, trade
, tourism , water resources such as, sea water level, Livestock and fish
resources and, water level in the Nile river which is Egypt’s lifeline.
Climate Change can have significant challenges impact on various
sectors of the economy. For instance, extreme weather events like
hurricanes of droughts can damage infrastructure and disrupt supply
chains, leading to higher Costs for businesses, and Consumers.
Moreover, rising sea levels Can threaten Costal areas and tourism,
affecting local economies that rely on these industries. In addition, shifts
in temperature, and precipitation Patterns Can impact agricultural
Productivity, Potentialy leading to feod shortage and higher food prices.
But it’s necessary to focus on here What harms human the most in
these factors; health Care Costs, and Job market transformation.
Climate Change Can Couthibute to an increase
healthcare costs. One way this happens is through a rise in healthcare
related to heatwaves and Pollution. As temperatur Contains rise in
illness Continue to rise heatwaves , because more frequent and leading
to heat – related illnesses such as heatstrok and and dehydration. In
addition to, resulting in higher levels of air Pollution. This can exacerbate
respirating conditions such as asthma, and bronchitis, leading to
inchased hospital visits, and medical treatment. Research shows that 3.2
millions people already live in areas highly vulnerable to Climate Change
From 2030 to 2050, Climate Change is expected to Cause some 250000
additional deaths each year from unfernutrition,malatia,diarrhoea and
heat stress alone. Areas Lacking robust health infrastructure – mostly in
developing Countries will be less resilient without assistance for
Preparedness, and response. All of these increase the Costs of health
Care for the Citizen.
High temperatures increase heat-related diseases, and make out
door work more difficult. Forest fires burn more easily, and spread more
rapidly when the atmosphere is hotter. Fossil fuels are Coal oil and gas,
which are by for the largest Contributor to global Climate Change,
accounting of more than 75 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions
and about 90 Percent of all Carbon dioxife emissions. Due to their
presence in the Earth’s atmosphere, emissions Greenhouse gases trap
the sun’s heat. This all increases the Costs of health care. It also poses a
significant material burden to health care. It also poses a significant
material burden to health organizations globally due to the high
incidence of multiple diseases resulting from many deaths. This
represents a significant burden due to the increased pressure on Public
health facilities resulting in their Consumption, and lack of facilities.
Furthermore, the financial burden on the healthcare System can
be significant. Treating these Climate -related health issues requires
resources such as medical personnel, medications, and Specialized
equipment. The increased demand for healthcare Services strains the
system and Can lead to higher Costs for both individuals, and
governments .This can also divert resources from other areas of
healthcare,impacting the overall quality of Care Provided. The economic
Challenges resulting from Climate change’s Impact on healthcare Costs
are Complex, and require attention, and action from both. Policymakers,
and individuals.
Climate change can also lead to a transformation in the job
market , with potential Job losses in industries that are vulnerable to
the impacts of climate change For example, Industries heavily reliant on
fossil fuels, such as, Coat mining at traditional energy Production, may
face declines as Society Shifts towards Cleaner, and more Sustainable
energy Sources This can result in Job losses, and economie Challenges
for individuals and Communities dependent on these industries.
However, in the face of these Challenges, there is also a need for
retraining workers for green and Sustainable jobs. As the world
transitions to a low-Carbon economy, there is increasing demand for
Jobs in renewable energy, energy efficiency Sustainable agriculture, and
other environmentally friendly Sectors. Retraining Programs Can help
workers affected by Job loss to acquire the Skills, and Knowledge
needed for these new opportunities.
While there may be initial economy challenges due to job losses in
Vulnerable industries, investing in retraining Programs can help mitigate
these impacts and Provide new employment opportunities. It is so
important to support individuals, and Communities through this
transition Period to will ensure a just ,and sustainable furture.
▪Tackling climate change
There are a number of benefits that can result from taking action
to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to climate change,
including improvements to individual and public health due to more
active lifestyles. The Global Commission on Economics and Climate
concluded that shifting to a sustainable, low-carbon growth path could
deliver direct economic windfalls of $26 trillion and create more than 65
million new jobs by 2030 compared to business as usual.
Renewable Energy is energy that is automatically renewed
without human intervention and is the result of natural sources that are
replenished at a rate greater than what is used. As environmentally
friendly because it is clean and non-polluting, as well as it is not
classified among the substances that are removed from it, it reduces the
amounts of greenhouse gases that are emitted into the air and lead to
high global temperatures. One of its advantages is that it is less
expensive, more attractive, and a future hope in saving energy. Now,
with a global change in the use of renewable energy sectors, growth in
renewable energy sectors is critical in the fight against climate change as
it not only reduces its carbon footprint ,but also creates new jobs for
economic growth . With the adoption of renewable energy solutions,
global additions to renewable energy capacity are expected to jump by a
third this year as rising demand, rising fossil fuel prices and energyrelated security concerns drive the strong spread of various types of
renewable energy, according to the latest update from the International
Energy Agency.
The use of renewable energy sources has created new jobs in
sectors such as manufacturing, installation and maintenance. For
example, the U.S. solar industry employed more than 240,000 workers
in 2019, up from just 93,000 in 2010.Good jobs can also be created by
reducing short-lived climate pollutants, which are immediate economic
benefits, as well as permanent secondary benefits that reduce the
effects of climate change. Its secondary review. Many governments have
prioritized the development of renewable energy first to reduce
emissions and achieve international climate-related targets and also to
pursue economic and social benefits on a large scale.
The role of technology in facing climate change and its most
important applications "green technology", which involves the latest
changes in information technology applications that keep pace with the
standards of preserving the environment and sustainable development,
and the possibility of integrating information technology into
environmental management efficiently, and its role in spreading
environmental awareness through digital platforms, and the possibility
of launching initiatives to protect against environmental pollutants and
awareness of the repercussions of climate change on the environment.
Energy sufficiency is not just about cost savings,it is also a vital
tool in our efforts to protect the environment. Energy efficiency can
reduce energy prices by reducing the need to add costly new energy to
generate or transmit energy by reducing pressure on energy resources.
Regulating the demand for energy services can lead to lower energy
prices and when energy efficiency leads to consumption, it can reduce
costs, and this is the solution, especially if energy efficiency activities are
large-scale, such as: fuel economy standards for vehicles and some
energy sources.
The Ministry of Planning and Administrative Reform confirmed
that reducing government spending on energy subsidies reduces
harmful emissions to the environment by rationalizing energy
consumption after reducing subsidies, which leads to a decrease in
harmful emissions to reduce climate change. Data from the Ministry of
Planning also indicated that the government is encouraging the
widespread use of photovoltaic and wind power sources while
improving energy efficiency in several sectors to achieve the goal of
"climate action".
There is considerable risk that some current industries may
remain viable as climatic conditions continue to change and it is
understandable that some think unprecedented times require an un
precedented from of consevatism . Almost all experts agree that
governments not just , individual or private businesses play a critical
role in the fight against climate change. However , they disagree on the
most effective options to adress the problem , such as carbon pricing
mechanism .
Carbon pricing is an instrument that captures theexternal
costs of greenhouse gas (GHG) or it is a shift the burden for the costs
associated with climate change on those who are responsible for it
greenhouse gas emissions , such ascarbon dioxide , pollute the
atmosphere and change the climate . Carbon taxes attempt to minimize
those emissions by requiring the largest greenhouse gas producers for
instance coal fired power plants to pay for the damage they cause by
attaching fees to emissions.
Carbon taxes encourage people , businesses , and government
to emit less . We must encouraging businesses to reduce emissions by
helping organisation meet their decarbonization goals , reduce carbon
emissions and providevalidation and verification against relevant
certification and safety standards . There are many challenges which
industry must overcome not least the ability to monitor progress
through effective verification and volidation against regulatory
requirements . For example European union taxation regulations
require the verification of the carbon footprint of certain industries by
an independent third part TÜV SÜD . The towards decarbonization can
be achieved by implementing effective carbon management practices .
Carbon management is essential for any company that wants to stay
competitive in today’s economy .
Governments can use the revenue generated from these fees
to pay for social programs , invest in clean energy or lower taxes for the
public . However, some experts believe carbon taxes cause economic
strain for people in lower income brackets for if electric companies
respond to carbon taxes by raising prices , the increase can
disproportionately affect low income households , which on average
spend greater percentages of their earnings on utilities than wealthier
households do .
Climate change is happening now , and it’s the most threat to life
on our plant , luckily , there are plenty of solutions to climate change,
And they are well understood. Adapting to life in a changing climate ,
involves adjusting to actual or expected future climate and the goal of it
reduce our risks from harmful effects of climate change . And the
Adaption is a process by which strategies to moderate cop with and take
advantages of the consequences of . Climate events are enhanced ,
developed and imploment such as dealwith floods and storm water by
improving water storage and use .
In addition to mitigation measures, there is also a growing
need to adress the consequences of climate change . Due to the risk of
extreme weather and the reality of longer term shirts and variability in
weather patterns caused by global warming , Adaption projects (aim to )
strengthen the resilience of building , critical infrastructure (such as) :
transportation , principally and robust roads and rail way lines or flood
defense in coastal areas to pratect against the impact of storm surges .
All of which contribute to better protected communities in the face of
weather disasters or gradually changing climate. Post-Hurrican katrin ,
for example , a huge amount of time was spent rebuilding new orleans .
With more resilient infrastructure relief efforts can be executed more
swiftly and huge economic expenditure all the cost of the community
can hopefully be a avoided.
Countries and companies should strive to limit warningto 1.5 c
to achieve an ultimate goal net zero GHG emission.Climate risk is global,
requiring the adaptation and resilience of companies world-wide. As the
global economy transitions to a low-carbon future, it is in the best
interests of companies and markets that the transition is orderly and
just. Both the private and public sectors have important roles to play in
aligning GHG reduction efforts with targets based on science. Equally,
we acknowledge that there are varying levels of dependence on carbon
in different economies. In order to implement a just and equitable
transition to a low-carbon economy, countries around the world will
need to re-allocate labor resources from carbon- intensive industries to
cleaner alternatives in order to preserve economic opportunities and
mitigate downstream community impacts. However, the loss of fossil
fuel intensive jobs does not necessarily equate to absolute economic
loss. Rather, the transition to renewable energy is likely to result in a net
economic gain for our global economy. Careful consideration of human
capital in this transition, including training and re- tooling, will allow for a
more just and equitable shift.Companies will need to assess their
operations and vulnerabilities, craft scalable solutions, and consider
low-carbon investments, among other initiatives. These changes will
require balancing urgency with the most destructive impacts of climate
change will be largely unavoidable. The shift to renewables in place of
oil and gas in the context of the low-carbon transition will, And so In
order to limit global warming, GHG emissions from a variety of sources,
such as transportation, energy production, and industrial processes,
need to be dramatically reduced.
In brief , harnessing climate change is not without its
challenges. Resistance from certain industries and a lock of political will
can linder progress towards sustainable practices. Overcoming these
obstacles requires collaboration between governments , business,
communities, and individuals. Through policy changes, public
awareness, campaigns, and international cooperation, we can faster on
environment conducive to sustainable solutions.