Subido por aguirrelara201717

1 Homework Help for FJWU

Q1: What is the full form of HTTP??
a None
b Hyper text transfer protocol
c Hyphenation text test program
d Hyper text transfer package
e None
f none of the above
Q2: Once a table has been created in MySQL, its structure cannot be altered?
a None
b None
c None
d None
e False
f True
Q3: What will happen while adding new API to Kubernetes??
a Adding a new API will remove some clusters
The correct Answer is: None
c Adding a new API will improve the functioning ability of Kubernetes
d Adding a new API will block the previous API
The correct Answer is: None
The correct Answer is: None
Q4: What is the correct JavaScript syntax for opening a new window called "w2" ??
a None
b w2 ="");
c None
d None
e w2 ="");
f None
Q5: How do you create a function in JavaScript??
a None
b function:myFunction()
c None
d function myFunction()
e None
f function = myFunction()
Q6: The query SELECT name, (SELECT study_program FROM programs) study_program
FROM students will return the student name and the program that the student is studying.?
a None
b False
c None
d True
e None
f None
Q7: Which of the following is true for Kube-proxy??
The correct Answer is: None
The correct Answer is: None
c Kube-proxy can run on each and every node and can do simple TCP/UDP packet
forwarding across backend network service.
d Kube-proxy is a network proxy that runs only on the master node
The correct Answer is: None
The correct Answer is: None
Q8: Which of the following gives a string containing PHP script file name in which it is
c None
d None
f $php_errormsg
Q9: The database development lifecycle is very important to the successful implementation
of a database system.?
a None
b None
c False
d True
e None
f None
Q10: How to get all resources with simple output (just the resource name) in Kubernetes??
a kubectl api -o name
b kubectl api -r name
c None
d kubectl api-resources -o name
e None
f kubectl api-resources name
Q11: What does the following command do? - $ chmod o-r note?
a Read permission for others is added
b Read permission for user is added
c Read permission for user is removed
d None
e Read permission for others is removed
f None
Q12: Which operator can be used to throw a process into background??
b ||
The correct Answer is: None
d &&
The correct Answer is: None
Q13: Which of the following is available in MySQL:?
a None
c None
Q14: Which of the following SQL statements is correct??
a None
b None
c None
d SELECT cname, COUNT(cname) FROM Orders GROUP BY cname
e SELECT cname, COUNT(cname) FROM Orders ORDER BY cname
f SELECT cname, COUNT(cname) FROM Orders