Subido por Adrian Aguado

Year 12 IA task 2 - Chapter 3

Year 12 - Internal Assessment Task 2 (Chapter 3 - Descrip:ve sta:s:cs)
*Choose a topic for your survey : e.g. How many minutes a day do you spend on social media?
Choose a topic which interests you as this will contribute to criteria C ( Personal engagement)
No two topics should be the same as your class colleagues.
Prepare a method for collecting your data and decide :
1) which sampling technique you intend to use (e.g. systematic sampling, quota sampling),
2) who is your target population (e.g. Y12 and Y13, or lower school students)
3) how (and when) you are going to collect your data. You may work in small groups to collect
your data, but each group member must record their own data on a pre-prepared document.
You may use tables or computer excel spreadsheets to collect your data.
*Look at the 5 criteria (from the checklist on Managebac) and plan how you are going to attempt
to get maximum marks per section. Make some rough notes or bullet points with your ideas.
*Once you have completed your survey, present your data in an appropriate way: e.g. frequency
tables - check out all the forms of presenting data in chapter 3. All charts and tables with your
collected data can be included in the appendix of your IA.
* Write an appropriate introduction, explaining IN YOUR OWN WORDS, why you chose this
topic for your survey and what you intend to do with the data. Explain your aims: what you hope
to discover from the survey and include predictions about your findings. This will contribute to
criteria A (presentation) and C (personal involvement).
* For the main body of the IA, you need to present your data using as many different statistical
diagrams as you can. using them, analyse the data using measures of central tendency
(averages) and measures of dispersion. If you perform the calculations by hand (I suggest you
do on at least one occasion) show all your working out clearly in the appendix. Whenever you
use your GDC, explain what you did.
Record all your results clearly and coherently in the main body of the IA task.
* Ensure that all statistical diagrams are neat, clear and correctly labelled (scales etc). They can
be hand drawn (ask for graph paper) or done on the computer.
* Give titles to all tables and diagrams, explaining what each shows, criteria B (mathematical
* How you analyse and present your results will determine your mark for criteria E (Use of
mathematics). Make sure all the mathematical calculations (including those performed with your
GDC) are accurate with the correct mathematical notation.
*Write a clear conclusion IN YOUR OWN WORDS. explain your findings and reflect on them.
Try to think of the implications your findings. Try to link them to other subjects.
Suggest possibilities for further research, maybe thinking of TOK and CAS.