Subido por Eli San

Meditation to get the cosmic name

Meditation to get the cosmic name
okay guys so now I’m going to
allow myself to guide you in this meditation
that is going to train you in how to get your cosmic name
in silence in the future when you meditate you have to ask
who am i
who am i
who am i
with the intention of getting your
cosmic name because names of course they have a
now i want you to relax
close your eyes for a few moments and inhale
deeply deeply inhale
follow my voice that is going to guide you through relaxation and meditation
there is actually not such a thing as a rama meditation
any meditation is a Rama meditation we don't have a script
we have an intention
Rama means to be light on earth
Ra means light
Ma means earth
and that is the intention
or that is the meaning of that name and the intention of any person
that is in the path of life is to be light on earth
it has to be light
and the more Ramas in the planet, the more light
and the more light, the faster the better we're going to manifest our reality
keep it going with your breathing
and we are going to protect our group
we are going to call our highest self
to come, to integrate in you as much consciousness
as you are capable of holding
you are going to call your guides
to be next to you in this meditation
this descending moment in your life
you're going to call The Omnipresent Consciousness to come stay very close to us
to manifest within us
It is there
already but It is there as an observer
so if i say call It, it doesn't mean that it is outside and
needs to come in
I mean that when you call The Omnipresent Consciousness
you are acknowledging that It is within you
you want It to manifest in your reality to make the best out of you
every day a moment i call this presence
you can pronounce the word the mantra
now we are together we can mantralise Its presence within you
we are going to mantralize A-DO-NA-I
and you will feel how it resonates being you
come with me
you have your whole body best
now inhale and we do the last
and with this mantra you are calling this light within you
yourselves feel this vibration
this name has a vibration
it meets a vibration to the universe
to the universe in you
so your vibration gets higher
so you can reach higher levels of consciousness
Now we are going to place a light dome around everyone
you will visualize a white light domes of light
it's coming down from the top of your head way down below your feet
you are surrounded now in a wide beautiful energizing
bubble of life
and with each inhaling
you're going to introduce in yourself
the air that is going through this battle of life
and it's getting impregnated with love
and light
and you will visualize how the spirit of this earth
is going into your body and it's filling every cell of your body
with this white and lovely light
you visualize how your brain
your head all the parts
your head
your eyes
your mouth
your nose
your ears
the neck
everything is being filled with white loving energy
you visualize how this energy is going through your nose
is coming down the arms
to your chest
to your abdomen
to your hips
to your reproductive organs
within this wide and lovely light
and visualize how it goes through your legs
way down to your feet and grounding you to the earth
ground you to the planet
so now you are grounded
you are filled with love and life protected by this bubble of life
with the presence of The Cosmic Consciousness inside of you
and you are connected to the universe
you will keep inhaling slow
slow feeling the vibration of love
i love
i love you
i love you
you are loved
you are loved
you are love
you feel yourself like floating wherever you are in the chair, the bed, in the sofa
you're going up
now you're going up in this bubble of light
you're still grounded still grounded to the planet
you're flying high
flying high to a higher realm of consciousness
where all the answers that you are looking for are waiting for you
all the answers you are looking for are wherever you are right now
in this higher realm of consciousness
and you are ready to accept as much as you can get from that realm
when you come back at the right time information is going
to contact and brought back to your precious mind
you are floating now within this bubble of life
still grounded with this rope of light
you are loved
Now project a white screen in front of you
in this screen you're going to write
a question
who am i
who am i
and in silence
you are going to visualize this question
who am i
in silence asking this question non-stop
feeling that you are love and that
you are now in the higher realm of consciousness
where all the answers that you need
are there for you
the question is
who am i
who am i
and if you already have your cosmic name
instead of asking who am i you're going to think about
your cosmic name
you're going to internally mantralise
your cosmic name
Now I will live you for a few seconds
And you will keep asking the question
who am i
now you're slowly slowly
stop repeating the question
and if you have received any answers
for your question
you will keep repeating that name
and you will keep
repeating writing it in your mind
so you're going to remember
you will
keep saying it once again
as now we are coming down
we are coming back to planet earth
bringing with us the energy of higher realms of consciousness
we are bringing to our field of energy
a higher energy
it's going positively affect
the energy of the planet
you are a bubble of light
you’re beautiful big bubble of light
you see light you see the rope below you
you're coming down
you're approaching the ground
and you are there
with ease you have landed
and now the energy from higher realms of consciousness
is being grounded into mother earth
this higher vibration will stay in you
you feel it's there
and also in the planet as you are part of the planet
you prepare yourself to come back
to the now moment in that place where you are
you will keep a nice feeling of feeding this
beautiful loving bubble of life around you
you can call for this light wheRever you want
wheNever you want
it is going to be there
you can call it to you whenever you want
to manifest within you
to be able to perform miracles
or what is perceived as miracles
that is just the good use of energy
and consciousness
now you're coming back
you breathe in
you can open your eyes
whenever you're ready
thank you
whenever you're back you can turn your camera on your
microphone on
there is no rush
you can rejoice
enjoy this energy as much as you want
so everyone thank you thank you for being here it's been lovely for me
to be back to you and to feel your energy and being able to
together with you
and now you know how to get your cosmic
name take notes
sometimes it comes in parts
and whenever you have your cosmic name
as we try to avoid mentalism
we need a confirmation for that cosmic name
okay the confirmation can be manifested in many ways
so whenever you have your cosmic name you have to request the confirmation and your
guides are going to guide you to that confirmation of your cosmic name
the more you keep it going the more you put work on yourself on the preparation in
mind body and spirit the more you do that, the more initiations
you can have more contacts
your consciousness is going to be up