✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page i — #1 ✐ ✐ Active Disturbance Rejection Control of Dynamic Systems A Flatness Based Approach Hebertt Sira-Ramı́rez CINVESTAV-IPN, Departamento de Ingenierı́a Eléctrica, Sección de Mecatrónica, AP 14740 CP 07360 Ciudad de México, México Alberto Luviano-Juárez Instituto Politécnico Nacional - UPIITA, Sección de Estudios de Posgrado e Investigación, Av. IPN 2580 colonia Barrio la Laguna Ticomán Delegación Gustavo A. Madero C.P. 07340 Ciudad de México, México Mario Ramı́rez-Neria CINVESTAV-IPN, Departamento de Control Automático, AP 14740 CP 07360 Ciudad de México, México Eric William Zurita-Bustamante CINVESTAV-IPN, Departamento de Ingenierı́a Eléctrica, Sección de Mecatrónica, AP 14740 CP 07360 Ciudad de México, México ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page ii — #2 ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page iv — #4 ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page v — #5 ✐ ✐ Contents Contents Acknowledgments Preface About the Authors 1. Introduction 1. A brief historical perspective on Active Disturbance Rejection Control 1.1. Contents of this book References 2. Generalities of Active Disturbance Rejection 1. Introduction 2. Main theoretical issues 2.1. Extended State Observers: A tutorial introduction 2.2. A second order extension of the disturbance observer: GPI observers 2.3. The m-th order GPI observer for an elementary perturbed plant 2.4. Simultaneously estimating the phase variables, the disturbance input signal and its successive time derivatives 2.5. The ADRC scheme for pure integration systems 2.6. Generalized Proportional Integral Control 2.7. An iterated tracking error integral compensation 2.8. An m-th order iterated tracking error integral compensation 3. The need for flatness based ADRC designs 3.1. The nonlinear flat case 3.2. The n-th order integration plant 4. Ultra local disturbance models 4.1. Exogenous Cancelation of Nonlinearities 4.2. The Case of Nonlinear Controlled Systems 4.3. Ultra-local models and flatness 4.4. A High Gain Observer Based Approach 4.5. The Disturbance Canceling Linear Controller 4.6. An illustrative experimental example References 3. Merging Flatness, GPI Observation and GPI control with ADRC 1. Introduction 2. GPI Extended State Observer Design 2.1. An introductory example 2.2. Problem Formulation and main results v xi xiii xv 3 3 5 6 11 12 13 13 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 23 24 24 27 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 39 40 41 41 43 v ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page vi — #6 ✐ ✐ vi Contents 2.3. An application example 3. An observer based approach to GPI perturbation rejection 3.1. An example 4. The Buck Converter 4.1. Problem Formulation 4.2. A GPI observer-based ADRC approach 4.3. A Flat Filtering Approach 4.4. Simulation results 4.5. Experimental results 5. Example: A pendulum system 5.1. Experimental Results 6. Two link robot manipulator 6.1. The two link manipulator robot tracking trajectory problem 6.2. Robot manipulator GPI controller 6.3. Simulation results robot manipulator 7. Non holonomic wheeled car 7.1. The non-holonomic car tracking trajectory problem 7.2. Non-holonomic car GPI controller 7.3. Simulation results non-holonomic car 8. Two mass rectilinear mechanism 8.1. Mathematical model 8.2. Problem Formulation 8.3. Differential flatness of two mass rectilinear mechanism 8.4. Two mass rectilinear mechanism GPI controller approach 8.5. Simulation results two mass rectilinear mechanism 9. Remarks References 4. Extensions of ADRC 1. Introduction 2. Integral Reconstructors of MIMO linear systems 2.1. Example: Planar Vertical Take-off and Landing Aircraft (PVTOL) 2.2. A Monovariable Example: A flexible shaft 3. A Lyapunov approach for a class of nonlinear multivariable systems 3.1. The high-order extended state observer 3.2. Example: A cylindrical robot 3.3. Numerical results 4. Combined Sliding mode ADRC controllers 4.1. Generalities about sliding regimes 4.2. Main Results 4.3. Assumptions 4.4. A GPI observer approach to sliding mode creation 4.5. A second order example 5. ADRC and sampled systems: The delta operator approach 5.1. The delta operator approach: a theoretical framework 5.2. Problem formulation 5.3. Delta operator GPI observer 5.4. Gain tuning via continuous time matching 5.5. Example: Inertia Damper System 6. Control of time delay systems 6.1. An illustrative example 6.2. Another Smith Predictor-GPI observer based controller 6.3. A particularly difficult example 48 49 51 52 54 54 55 57 57 58 63 69 70 70 71 74 75 75 76 76 76 80 80 81 82 82 84 87 88 88 89 91 96 97 99 101 101 101 103 103 103 106 112 112 114 115 116 116 119 119 120 127 ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page vii — #7 ✐ ✐ Contentsvii 6.4. A simple nonlinear delayed system 7. Relations with model free control 7.1. Example: A van der Pol oscillator 8. Fractional Order Systems References 5. Case Studies 1. Introduction 2. A two degrees of freedom robotic arm 2.1. Derivation of the model via Euler-Lagrange equations 2.2. Normalization 2.3. A Flat-filtering based controller 3. An omnidirectional robot 3.1. Mathematical model 3.2. Simulation results 4. A single link manipulator driven by a synchronous motor 4.1. Derivation of the model via Euler-Lagrange equations 4.2. Problem Formulation 4.3. Including the model of a PMSM motor 5. Nonlinear pendulum system 5.1. Experimental results for the nonlinear pendulum system 6. The Thomson Ring 6.1. The nonlinear Thomson Ring model 6.2. Flatness and the linearized model of the Thomson’s jumping ring system 6.3. Problem formulation 6.4. A GPI observer-based Active Disturbance Rejection Controller 6.5. The global ultra local model of the reference trajectory tracking error dynamics 6.6. A GPI oberver-based ADRC for the jumping ring 6.7. Experimental results 7. Trajectory tracking control of a delta robot 7.1. GPI Control Design 7.2. Experimental results 8. A time delayed flywheel system 8.1. Smith Predictor GPI controller 8.2. Control of a perturbed Flywheel with delayed input 8.3. Experimental results 9. Control of robot manipulators with delayed inputs 9.1. Time Delayed Delta Robot 9.2. Experimental results References 6. The Case of Underactuated Systems 1. Introduction 2. Controlling the Pendubot via Tangent Linearization 2.1. Derivation of the model via Euler-Lagrange equations 2.2. Normalization of the model 2.3. Problem formulation 2.4. Tangent linearization 2.5. A flatness based linear controller 2.6. Simulations 2.7. An ADRC controller based on the tangent linearization model 3. A two mass spring system with an inverted pendulum 3.1. Derivation of the model 127 129 131 136 136 141 142 142 143 143 144 145 145 148 148 149 151 152 157 157 159 159 162 163 163 163 164 165 166 170 172 174 174 176 179 181 185 187 187 193 194 195 195 197 197 197 198 198 199 201 201 ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page viii — #8 ✐ ✐ viii Contents 3.2. Normalization 3.3. Tangent linearization 3.4. A linear controller based on tangent linearization 3.5. Simulations 3.6. An ADRC controller based on tangent linearization 3.7. Simulations 4. Double inverted pendulum on a cart 4.1. Derivation of the model via Euler-Lagrange equations 4.2. Normalization 4.3. Tangent linearization 4.4. The method of cascaded observers for the ADRC controller for trajectory tracking 4.5. Simulations 5. The Furuta Pendulum 5.1. The Furuta Pendulum Model 5.2. Flatness of the Linearized Furuta Pendulum Model 5.3. A set of low order observers for ADRC 5.4. Problem formulation 5.5. A Cascaded GPI Oberver-based ADRC for the Furuta Pendulum 5.6. The ADRC controller design 5.7. Experimental Results 6. The ball and beam system 6.1. Tangent Linearization 6.2. Obtaining a flat output 6.3. On the cascade form of the linearized ball and beam system 6.4. Implementing the Active Disturbance Rejection Controller for the linearized system 6.5. Experimental results 7. Remarks References A. Differential Flatness A.1. Definition of Flatness. A.2. Illustrative Examples. A.2.1.Linear, single-input single-output, time-invariant, continuous, systems A.2.2.Linear, single-input single-output, time-invariant discrete time systems A.2.3.Linear, multiple inputs-multiple outputs, time-invariant, continuous systems A.2.4.Linear, multiple inputs-multiple outputs, time-invariant, discrete time systems A.2.5.Nonlinear, single input-single output, time-invariant, continuous systems A.3. About the advantages and disadvantages of flatness. A.4. Differential Flatness and uncertainty. A.4.1.A DC motor example References B. Generalized Proportional Integral Control B.1. Definitions and generalities. B.2. Generalized Proportional Integral Control and Classical Compensation Networks B.2.1.A second order pure integration example B.2.2.Dirty derivatives in PD schemes and Lead Networks B.2.3.A third order pure integration example B.2.4.The robustness issue B.2.5.The dirty derivative case B.2.6.A generalization B.2.7.A further generalization 203 203 204 204 204 206 206 207 209 209 211 213 213 214 215 215 215 217 218 219 220 223 224 224 225 227 229 230 233 233 233 233 235 236 237 237 238 239 239 240 243 243 244 244 246 246 248 249 250 252 ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page ix — #9 ✐ ✐ Contentsix B.3. An Illustrative application example B.3.1.Simulations B.4. GPI control for Discrete time systems. B.4.1.The counterpart of integral compensation B.4.2.Simulations B.4.3.A ramp perturbed system B.4.4.GPI control of a pure chain of delays. B.4.5.A perturbed second order system B.4.6.A third order system B.4.7.n-th order pure delay systems B.4.8.An n-th order perturbed system B.5. A general result for multivariable linear systems B.5.1.The heat equation References 253 255 255 255 257 258 259 260 263 264 264 265 266 268 ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page x — #10 ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page xii — #12 ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page xiii — #13 ✐ ✐ Preface Active Disturbance Rejection Control (ADRC) is a mature research and applications field of automatic control systems design in a variety of dynamical controlled systems. Its conceptual inception dates back to the 19th Century. The teaching of some fundamentally pertinent issues to modern ADRC was already popular in the Soviet Union throughout the last half of the 20th Century and its consolidation, as an efficient and innovative controller design tool, begun since the 80’s of the last century and all throughout the passing years of the 21st Century. One of the key issues and concerns associated with ADRC, during the years, has been the lack of a widely acceptable mathematical basis for the theoretical foundations of the subject. The intuitive aspects, allowing for direct applications and implementations, have reached a stage of development that may be termed as: remarkable. Slowly, however, the needed rigorous basis has begun to emerge, with great impetus, in relatively recent publications; putting the whole frame into a wider acceptability, and enhanced possibilities, for practical developments to be used in academic laboratories and in industrial environments, all over the planet. This book is an outgrowth of the work of the authors during a considerable span of time. Our intention in writing this book has been manifold. We have aimed at bringing ADRC to the academically oriented researchers, graduate students, as well as to practitioners of the field of automatic control in industrial establishments. We tried to produce a book that also allows newcomers to the area of control systems to be able to handle the essential features of the ADRC technique while providing relations with neighboring developed areas which greatly facilitate the desing problem from the outset. We have, thus, strived to bring areas of nonlinear control theory, such as: differential flatness, generalized proportional integral control, tangent linearization based control schemes, sliding mode control, nonlinear time delayed systems and fractional order systems, within the perspective and realm of ADRC. The style is that of presenting illustrative, worked out, textbook and laboratory examples in a concise, systematic, manner so that the reader finds a chance to be convinced of the breadth and reaches of the technique and may attempt, himself or herself, to use it in their own field of work, or development, with some confidence. The authors have immensely benefitted of their individual relations with many people doing joint work with them. They take this opportunity to express their deepest appreciation to those who faithfully embarked on the job of making the theory work in challenging areas of academic application. For us, it has been a remarkable experience, and a great source of joy, to have been able to complete this work, to work together, and to see this project in final form. Only the years to come will be able to prove if the material, here presented, is useful to people in different continents of our beloved Earth. We certainly hope so. Hebertt Sira-Ramı́rez Mexico City December 2016 xiii ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page xiv — #14 ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page xv — #15 ✐ ✐ About the Authors H. Sira-Ramı́rez He was born in San Cristóbal, Venezuela. He obtained the Ingeniero Electricista degree from the Universidad de Los Andes (ULA) in 1970. He pursued graduate studies at MIT (Cambridge-USA), from where he obtained the degrees of MSc in Electrical Engineering, 1974, Electrical Engineer, 1974, and the PhD in Electrical Engineering in 1977 under the joint supervision of the late Prof. F.C.Schweppe and the Late Dr. E. Hnyilicza. He was Head of the Control Systems Department at ULA, Vicerrector of the Universit and Head of the Graduate School of Automatic Control. He received numerous awards and prizes in his native Venezuela. He retired from the ULA in 1998. He is currently a Titular Researcher at the Mechatronics Section of the Electrical Engineering Department at Cinvestav-IPN in Mexico City. A. Luviano Juárez He obtained the bachelor degree in mechatronics engineering from the Instituto Politécnico Nacional (Mexico,2003), the master of science degree on Automatic Control (2006) and the PhD in Electrical Enginnering (2011) from CINVESTAV - IPN (Mexico). Since 2011, he is with the Graduate and Research Section at at Unidad Profesional Interdisciplinaria en Ingeniera y Tecnologas Avanzadas (UPIITA), IPN. His research interests include robust estimation and control in mechatronic systems, robotics, and algebraic methods in the estimation and control of mechatronic systems. M. Ramı́rez-Neria He received the B.S. degree in Mechatronics Engineering from UPIITA-IPN of the Instituto Politécnico Nacional , Mexico City, Mexico (2008), the M.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from the Mechatronics Section of the Electrical Engineering Department of CINVESTAV-IPN, Mexico City, Mexico (2011), Currently, he is a Ph.D. candidate at Automatic Control Departament of CINVESTAV-IPN. His current research interest are applications of control theory, active disturbance rejection control, mechanical underactuated systems, robotics and mechatronic systems. E.W. Zurita-Bustamante He received the B.S.degree in electronic engineering from the Universidad Tecnológica de la Mixteca, Huajuapan de León, Oaxaca, México, in 2007, the M.S degree in Electronic and Computer Science from the Universidad Tecnológica de la Mixteca, Huajuapan de León, Oaxaca, México, in 2010. Currently, he is a Ph.D. student at Electrical Departament of CINVESTAV-IPN. His research interests include development and implementation of hardware architectures on reconfigurable logic for power electronics, automatic control and mechatronic systems. xv ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page xvi — #16 ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 1 — #17 ✐ ✐ About the Authors Chapter | 0 1 ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 2 — #18 ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 3 — #19 ✐ ✐ Chapter 1 Introduction H.Sira-Ramı́rez,∗ , A. Luviano-Juárez∗∗ , M. Ramı́rez-Neria† and E. W. Zurita-Bustamante∗ ∗ CINVESTAV-IPN, Departamento de Ingenierı́a Eléctrica, Sección de Mecatrónica, Av. IPN, No. 2508, Colonia San Pedro Zacatenco, Delegación Gustavo A. Madero C.P. 07360, Ciudad de México, México ∗∗ UPIITA-IPN,Instituto Politécnico Nacional - UPIITA, Av. IPN, 2580, Colonia Barrio la Laguna Ticomán, Delegación Gustavo A. Madero C.P. 07340 Ciudad de México, México † CINVESTAV-IPN, Departamento de Control Automático, Av. IPN, No. 2508, Colonia San Pedro Zacatenco, Delegación Gustavo A. Madero C.P. 07360, Ciudad de México, México Chapter Outline Head 1. A brief historical perspective on Active Disturbance Rejection Control 1.1. Contents of this book 3 References 5 6 ABSTRACT Chapter Points • • • A brief historical review of contributions to Active Disturbance Rejection Control (ADRC) putting in perspective the utilization of differential flatness as a fundamental tool to systematize and substantially facilitate, in planning and design issues, nonlinear control problems. The similarities and differences with recent trends in automatic control, such as Model Free Control, or Intelligent PID and other fruitful areas, is also examined with the desire to stimulate future interactions and cross fertilization of ideas among reserchers and practitioners in the unexplored areas of the diverse disciplines that have non-empty intersections with ADRC This introduction contains a brief description of the contents of each one of the chapters constituting this book. 1. A BRIEF HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE ON ACTIVE DISTURBANCE REJECTION CONTROL Active Disturbance Rejection Control has been studied since the 19th century. The main idea is to simplify the plant description so as to group all disturbances, foreign and internal, and all unknown, or ignored, quantities and expressions into a single disturbance term. Proceed to estimate the effects of this disturbance, in some accurate manner, and devise the means to cancel its effects, using the gathered estimate as part of the feedback control action. The method is simple, elegant and efficient in a vast number of situations. The disturbance is, generally speaking, unstructured, i.e., it may depend on internal variables of the system in an either unknown, or an ignored, manner, or else, it may also depend on external phenomena affecting the system. In any case, disturbances are assumed to be uncertain, unknown, unpredictable, unmodeled. As stated, we distinguish the nature of the disturbances in two classes and refer to them as: endogenous disturbances, those which are dependent upon internal variables (states, outputs, even control inputs, unmodeled parasitics and nonlinearities), and exogenous disturbances, i.e., those generated by the environment, by other systems interacting with the plant under study, or represented by the effects of willingly applied disturbing tests. The main virtue and, perhaps, the 3 ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 4 — #20 ✐ ✐ 4 PART | Introduction most questionable viewpoint, of ADRC consists in treating the two kinds of disturbances in a common, unified, framework which makes them indistinguishable from each other and essentially of the same disturbing nature. It is the lumped, overall, effects of disturbances that really concern the designer using the ADRC methodology. ADRC then vastly, and indiscriminately, simplifies the system dynamics into an input-output relation in which the most essential structural aspects of the system dynamics are retained. Namely, the order of the system and, possibly, the factors escorting the control input variables. In some research trends, these control input gains are also replaced, at the design stage, by simple, elementary constant, control gains, relegating the true modulated influence of the inputs to the overall unknown disturbance term. In other instances and trends, currently known as Model-free control, even the known, or suspected, order of the plant is ignored on purpose and specifically set to be as low as possible (order one, or, at most, order two). ADRC is then aimed at reducing a complex process to a, possibly, linear perturbed plant affected by a Total Disturbance term which is easy to control by means of a linear output feedback control law. ADRC advocates and practitioners enjoy a severe, and probably justified, criticisms from the mathematically oriented automatic control communities. More recently, groups and individual control scientists, actively doing research in this area, have produced different mathematical justifications of the procedures commonly exercised by the ADRC users in: plant simplifications, disturbance estimation options and feedback-based cancellation of uncertain disturbances. The French engineer/mathematician Jean Victor Poncelet seems to have been the first person to suggest in 1829 [1] the, so called, Invariance Principle, ”the disturbances must be used to generate an activating signal which will tend to cancel the effect of the same disturbance”, which was formally established the by Professor G. V. Schipanov in 1939 [2]. The invariance principle became popular in control theory in the former Soviet Union [3]. In those early days, the approach was fundamental linear and the analysis circumscribed to systems described by transfer functions in the complex variable domain. The invariance principle, or Poncelet principle, was reinforced with the, so called, Feedback Principle . Fundamentals contributions in this area were given by V.S. Kulebakin in 1948 [4], by B.N. Petrov 1955 [5], and by L. Finkelstein 1960[6]. In America, the first developments in this direction are due to F. G. Shinskey 1963, [7], and to L. E McBride 1965 [8]. In the sixties of the last century, the methodology was approached within the state space representation of systems. In this context, the input disturbance was treated as a fictitious state, to be estimated with the help of a suitable state observer, known later on as the Unknown Input Disturbance Observer (UIO). Naturally, the estimation process was aimed at providing the feedback control action with a disturbance canceling capability. The initial developments were proposed by C.D Johnson [9] in the seventies. The method was known as Disturbance Accommodation Control and a discrete version was studied in[10]. The adaptive control oriented version of disturbance accommodation was presented in [11]. In the nineties, the late Professor Jingqing Han, who studied at Moscow State University, and was an ex-student of professor Schipanov, proposed for, both, the dynamic uncertainties and the unknown external disturbances, the Extended State Observer (ESO). The combined effect of, both, unknown dynamics and external disturbances is treated as a fictitious, auxiliary, state, estimated using a suitable extra dimension accounted for in a Luenbergeer type of state observer. The obtained estimate is subsequently canceled out, reducing a complex nonlinear time-varying control problem into a simple linear time-invariant one [12]. Han’s contributions at the time, formed the backbone of a the new design paradigm: Active Disturbance Rejection Control (ADRC) [13]. The methodology was successfully applied in industrial implementations [14], [15], and in academic laboratory environments. Prof. Han’s ideas where introduced into the English literature in [16] and [17]. Recent contributions by Professor Zhiqiang Gao, coworkers and students have nourished ADRC with academic applications [18] [19] from various technological engineering areas [20], [21], [22],[23], [24], [25], [26], [27]. Some rigorous mathematical features of the ADRC approach are thoroughly discussed in the works of Zheng, Zhao and Guo ([28, 29, 30]). The recent book [31] includes some of these contributions for a wide class of dynamical systems. Recently, ADRC has been extended to a class of distributed parameter systems concerning the output feedback control an anti-stable wave equation as well as a class of systems subject to mismatched uncertainties (see [32], [33]). Generalized Proportional Integral (GPI) Observers are shown to naturally act as Extended State Estimators. The idea was used the context of sliding-mode observers for flexible robotic systems in [34]. The non-sliding mode control version appears in [35], as applied to chaotic-system synchronization. The main idea in this approach is to implemented a linear observer which naturally incorporated iterated output error integral injections for attenuating the effects, on the estimation error dynamics, of exogenous and state dependent perturbation input signals affecting the inputoutput model of the plant. The variety of reported results for other applications is increasing, including the control of power converters, as in [36], for robotic systems [37],[38], [39], [40], in electric machines [41], [42], underactuated systems [43, 44], in feedback levitation systems [45], and in fault tolerant control [46], among others. A comprehensive recent survey of the theory and the many applications of the ADRC methodology is contained in the article by Madoński & Herman in ([47]). ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 5 — #21 ✐ ✐ Introduction Chapter | 1 5 Model-Free control: An algebraic counterpart of Active Disturbance Rejection Control The idea of Model-Free control dates back to 2006 [48], where the idea of black box identification was approached in the context of algebraic identification techniques [49], [50]. The idea was to avoid dealing with the complete mathematical model and, instead, using a simpler phenomenological model of the form: y(n) = F + αu (1.1) The actual model is, thus, replaced by a simpler model, of order n = 1 or n = 2, while F and α are to be estimated via algebraic estimation techniques (see [51]) complemented, for n = 1, by a proportional or proportional-integral controller, or, for n = 2, by a proportional-integral-derivative controller. This approach, naturally conforms to the idea of relating a complex control problem with popular industrially-oriented control design techniques, such as P, PI and PID compensation. This is also the practical motivation, in one word, behind ADRC control (see [13]). The robust solution of the control problem for n = 2 was termed: Intelligent PID control [52], [53]. The phenomenological plant model was addressed as: the ultra-local model [54], [55] and the generalization of the possible solutions was the origin of the so-called model-free control [56]. The intelligent PID, intelligent PI control and the variations of the intelligent controllers (see [54] for a complete set of intelligent controllers) depend on the accurate state estimation, closely related to the development of robust algebraic differentiators (see [57], [58], [59], [60]) and the trajectory tracking control relies on the flatness viewpoint (this is the major difference with respect to classical ADRC). Though the novelty of this technique, there is a growing set of applications where model free has been successfully applied such as Automotive and traffic control [61], [62], [63], [64], [65], [66], biomedical systems [67], agricultural [68], electromagnetic engineering [69], [70], power systems [71], [72], [73], hysteretic actuators [74], time delay systems [75], humanoid robot control [76], aerial robotics [77], variable structure systems [78], [79], etc. 1.1. Contents of this book Chapter 2 exposes the Active Disturbance Rejection Control methodology, in its most general form, within the realm of nonlinear dynamic systems. The need for disturbance estimation-disturbance cancellation, or direct disturbance cancellation, without using observers, is portrayed as part of the fundamental procedure to grant robustness on a linear controller performance. The controller is based on a substantially simplified model of the system. In this regard, flatness plays a crucial role since the simplified system model adopts the form of a set of controlled pure integration systems with additive bounded disturbances. Illustrative examples are presented along with an on-line evaluation of an integral square error performance index based on the stabilization or output reference trajectory tracking error. Chapter 3 develops and illustrates two alternative feedback techniques for Active Disturbance Rejection Control in differentially flat systems: The GPI extended state observer and the flat filtering approach (also referred to as the classical compensation networks approach, or, simply, the robust GPI control approach). An Extended State Observer based linear output feedback controller is developed for trajectory tracking problems defined on a class of disturbed differentially flat systems. A linear active disturbance rejection control based on a high gain linear disturbance observer is proposed and implemented on a variety of challenging cases of study. We show that the state-dependent disturbance can be approximately, but arbitrarily closely, estimated through a linear high-gain observer, called a Generalized Proportional Integral (GPI) observer, which contains a linear combination of a sufficient number of extra iterated integrals of the output estimation error. On the other hand, the concept of Flat filtering is introduced as a reinterpretation of Generalized Proportional Integral (GPI) Control in the form of Classical Compensation Networks (CCN). Flat filters allows the output regulation of any linear controllable system through a suitable linear combination of the measurable internal states of the filter. Here, it is shown that such a classical control related tool is also capable of efficiently handling control tasks on perturbed exactly linearizable nonlinear systems, i.e. flat systems, including the effects of unknown nonlinearities and un-modeled dynamics. Some study cases are provided to show the effectiveness of the control schemes. In Chapter 4, we explore some extensions of ADRC control to classes of systems which are of general interest. We first present the integral reconstruction of states in multivariable systems, just to complete the integral reconstruction-based GPI control schemes, proposed in previous chapters. The extension is presented in the realm of observer-free ADRC, previously used only for the control of simple chains of integration systems. The Chapter also addresses how to enhance the robustness, and effectiveness, in Sliding Mode control schemes by using extended disturbance observers. This proposal evades the typical need for adaptation of switching “amplitudes”, representing binary control values, characterizing typical ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 6 — #22 ✐ ✐ 6 PART | Introduction control input limits in sliding mode control. We then move to present ADRC results to discrete time systems in the context of delta transforms, a successful technique to deal with the efficient control of sampled data dynamical systems [80], [81]. The chapter also includes an excursion into the ADRC control of systems exhibiting input delays. The topic is also addressed, in more detail, via a specific laboratory example in Chapter 5. The chapter closes with an illustrative example, pointing towards an extension of ADRC control to a class of fractional order systems. Chapter 5, is devoted to present some miscellaneous applications of ADRC control. The topics range from robotic systems: nonlinear manipulators of one and two degrees of freedom, controlled by nonlinear motors, to control of Thomson’s jumping ring. The idea is to present the wide range of applicability of ADRC schemes and the underlying ease of actual implementation in laboratory environments. Some examples are dealt with using Flat Filtering Controllers, a dual alternative to observer based ADRC controllers. The obtained results are shown to also extend to a class of control-input delayed systems. The experimental results included, dealing with several complex nonlinear systems, confirms the effectiveness of Active Disturbance Rejection Control and its dual variation: Flat filtering control, for dealing with systems exhibiting significant exogenous uncertainties and endogenous uncertainties in the form of un-modelled nonlinearities. Chapter 6 centers around the ADRC control of underactuated systems, which, in particular, belong to the class of non differentially flat. These cases are treated in the context of trajectory tracking tasks, just to illustrate the effectiveness of ADRC in the control of nonlinear systems via their controllable tangent linearizations around a given equilibrium point. The trajectories may take the operating point significantly far away from the linearization point and the neglected nonlinearities may be substantially excited by the features of the desired reference trajectory. In spite of these classical obstacles to tangent linearization-based control, the ADRC scheme yields quite a robust and precise closed loop performance. Appendix A is devoted to revisit the concept of flatness. Flatness is a rather ubiquitous property of controlled dynamic systems that offers several unique features that contribute to simplify the controller design task, the trajectory planning problem, and to directly perform off-line analysis related to manifolds of equilibria, effects of inputs and states restrictions, as well as examining the feasibility of controllers in the context of uncertainties. Flatness trivializes off-line computations and controller design issues. Appendix B provides a reinterpretation of GPI control in terms of Classical Compensation Networks (CCN). This allows, in turn, for the conception of a “flat filtering” device which constitutes a tool for output feedback control design in linear controllable systems. A controllable linear system exhibits a natural flat output (best known as the Brunovsky’s output), from which the system is also trivially observable. 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Madero C.P. 07360, Ciudad de México, México Chapter Outline Head 1. Introduction 2. Main theoretical issues 2.1. Extended State Observers: A tutorial introduction 2.2. A second order extension of the disturbance observer: GPI observers 2.3. The m-th order GPI observer for an elementary perturbed plant 12 13 2.8. An m-th order iterated tracking error integral compensation 3. The need for flatness based ADRC designs 13 15 16 2.4. Simultaneously estimating the phase variables, the disturbance input signal and its successive time derivatives 2.5. The ADRC scheme for pure integration systems 17 20 2.6. Generalized Proportional Integral Control 21 2.7. An iterated tracking error integral compensation 22 3.1. The nonlinear flat case 3.2. The n-th order integration plant 4. Ultra local disturbance models 23 23 24 24 27 4.1. Exogenous Cancelation of Nonlinearities 30 4.2. The Case of Nonlinear Controlled Systems 31 4.3. Ultra-local models and flatness 32 4.4. A High Gain Observer Based Approach 33 4.5. The Disturbance Canceling Linear Controller 34 4.6. An illustrative experimental example 35 References 36 ABSTRACT This chapter exposes the Active Disturbance Rejection Control methodology, in its most general form, within the realm of nonlinear dynamic systems. The need for disturbance estimation-disturbance cancellation, or direct disturbance cancellation, without observers, is portrayed as part of the fundamental procedure to grant robustness on a linear controller performance. The controller is based on a substantially simplified model of the system. In this regard, flatness plays a crucial role since the simplified system model adopts the form of a set of controlled pure integration systems with additive bounded disturbances. Chapter Points • • This chapter introduces the framework in which Active Disturbance Rejection control is to be developed for regulation, or output reference trajectory tracking, in nonlinear mono-variable and multi-variable perturbed systems. At the heart of the ADRC methodology lies the need for a flatness property or of a partially linearizable structure with stable zero dynamics (minimum phase systems). The exploitation of the flatness property brings in a vast simplification in the controller design efforts. Flatness is natural in the ADRC option and offers no obstacle to either observer-based designs or direct disturbance cancellation possibilities. A linear observer-based disturbance cancelling controller easily extends to a rather large class 11 ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 12 — #28 ✐ ✐ 12 • • PART | General Aspects of Active Disturbance Rejection of nonlinear differentially flat systems, including systems with input delays, fractional order controlled dynamic systems, discrete time controlled systems, just to mention a few. This chapter places special attention to direct disturbance cancelling controllers not using disturbance observers. The surprising fact resides in the linearity of such controllers and their intimate relation with classical compensation networks. An important extension resides in the immersion of the technique in the sliding mode control of nonlinear systems. The conceptual justification of ADRC lies in the realm of ultra-local disturbance models in the context of additive unknown but bounded disturbances. However, a technical justification is also possible in the context of Lyapunov stability theory based observer and controller designs. Disturbance annihilation constitutes an alternative 1. INTRODUCTION Active Disturbance Rejection Control (ADRC) is fundamentally based on the possibility of on-line estimating unknown disturbance inputs affecting the plant behavior by means of suitable observers and proceed to cancelling them via an appropriate feedback control law using the gathered disturbance estimate. The feedback control law usually requires full knowledge of the state but the lack of verification of this assumption is not removed from reality. The challenge then is to design a single state observer which simultaneously estimates the unmeasured state variables of the system and the unknown disturbances. Naturally, the task at hand is quite ambitious if one strives for full generality of the plant description and the, possibly, assumed nonlinear nature of the state dependent output maps. Moreover, the entire problem may be cast in a stochastic description of uncertainties or more dramatically the plant’s mathematical model may be subject to the presence of various types of time-delays. A solution to the most general disturbance rejection problem is far from being solvable within the realm of present-day rigorous mathematical control theory approaches. Some compromises have to be naturally enforced, specially from the engineering viewpoint, which makes the problem tractable, from a theoretical viewpoint, and implementable from a practical standpoint. We will address nonlinear SISO systems or MIMO systems, expressed in input-output form. In particular, we are interested in the class of SISO nonlinear systems which are feedback linearizable systems via static feedback whose linearizing output is available for measurement. Alternatively, we shall also consider MIMO systems which are feedback linearizable by means of static or, dynamic feedback with measurable linearizing outputs. In one word, we are interested in the class of nonlinear differentially flat systems with measurable flat outputs. In the SISO case, the plant model is addressed as an input-to-flat output additively perturbed model. The disturbances are a lumped aggregation of exogenous (i.e., purely time-dependent) and endogenous (state-dependent) terms, of unknown nature. In the MIMO case, the plant models will be usually simplified to a set of pure decoupled integration subsystems with additive lumped endogenous and exogenous disturbances. The nature of the disturbances will be additive, state dependent, and totally unknown. Stochastic aspects will be usually avoided from the analysis but the efforts will be geared towards actual laboratory implementation in prototype plants where the noise influences are unavoidable. Differentially flat systems are rather common in engineering problems and their theoretical treatment can be approach from either a highly sophisticated differential algebra approach of infinite dimensional differential geometry of diffieties, or, alternatively, their study can be approached from a rather intuitive stand point. We adopt the latter in the interest of exploiting concrete application examples with relative ease and for the benefit of an engineering oriented audience. We relegate to Chapter 4, the exploration of more complex descriptions of the given plant, such as the presence of input-delays and other infinite dimensional effects. In particular, we devote some attention to systems with the presence of fractional derivatives in the system dynamics. In this chapter, we introduce ADRC in a tutorial fashion starting, from the scratch, by dealing with perturbed onedimensional pure integration systems. At this stage, already a straightforward Lyapunov stability approach allows for a clear perspective on how to proceed in higher dimensional systems. The treatment is elementary and with the intention of making the developments look simple enough. This is, precisely, a remarkable advantage of flatness, which will be systematically exploited later on. Slowly, we increase the complexity of the plant regarding the order of the system showing that one can envision the inherent simplicity of the ADRC approach throughout. ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 13 — #29 ✐ ✐ Generalities of ADRC Chapter | 2 13 2. MAIN THEORETICAL ISSUES 2.1. Extended State Observers: A tutorial introduction We introduce observer-based ADRC by examining, in a tutorial fashion, a simple example that will also serve as a basis for a desired generalization. Consider the perturbed system: ẏ = u + ξ(t) (2.1) where ξ(t) is an uniformly absolutely bounded disturbance, with, likewise, uniformly absolutely bounded first order time derivative, ξ̇(t). We, therefore, hypothesize the existence of finite constants, K0 and K1 , such that, sup |ξ(t)| ≤ K0 , sup |ξ̇(t)| ≤ K1 , t (2.2) t Consider, for λ > 0, the following disturbance observer for the given system, ŷ˙ = u + z + λ(y − ŷ) (2.3) where z is an auxiliary variable that needs to be determined on the basis of the stability of the (redundant) output estimation error and of the disturbance estimation error. The disturbance estimation error is defined as: η = ξ(t) − z. The output estimation error e = y − ŷ evolves, then, according to, ė = −λe + (ξ(t) − z) = −λe + η (2.4) Let γ be a strictly positive constant parameter. Consider the following, positive definite, Lyapunov function candidate, in the (e, η) space, V(e, η) = 1 1 2 e + η2 2 2γ (2.5) The time derivative of the function V(e, η), along the solutions of the error dynamics (2.4), has the form, V̇ 1 = eė + ηη̇ γ 1 = −λe2 + ηe + η(ξ̇(t) − ż) γ " # 1 2 = −λe + η e + (ξ̇(t) − ż) γ (2.6) It is clear that the (forbidden) choice, ż = ξ̇(t) + γe (2.7) leads to the negative semi-definite time derivative of the function V. Indeed, V̇ = −λe2 ≤ 0. This means that V is bounded, or, expressed in a more customary fashion: V < ∞. This implies that the following integral is also finite, Z t e2 (σ)dσ < ∞ (2.8) −λ lim t→∞ 0 In other words, e is square integrable and, necessarily, e → 0, i.e., ŷ → y. If such is the case, ż → ξ̇(t) and V̇ → 0. The set: {(e, η) | V̇ = 0}, is given by e = 0. The observer trajectories asymptotically converges to e = 0 and to η = z − ξ(t) = 0. Under these circumstances, the (injected) observation error dynamics satisfies the asymptotically exponentially stable dynamics: ë = −λė − γe (2.9) for λ, γ > 0, as required above. Unfortunately, ξ(t) is unknown and the previously chosen dynamics for z, is unfeasible. The above development, nevertheless, motivates a modified proposal for the dynamics of z. We set, feasibly, ż = γe = γ(y − ŷ) (2.10) ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 14 — #30 ✐ ✐ 14 PART | General Aspects of Active Disturbance Rejection We have, then, the following, suggested, observer: ŷ˙ = u + z + λ(y − ŷ), ż = γ(y − ŷ) (2.11) for the perturbed system. This observer constitutes what is known, in the literature of disturbance observers, as an Extended State Observer (ESO). The estimation error e system satisfies the following injected dynamics: ė = ξ(t) − z − λe, ż = γe (2.12) i.e., ë + λė + γe = ξ̇(t) (2.13) The injected estimation error dynamics is a perturbed linear dynamic system, whose homogenous (i.e. unperturbed) corresponding dynamics is globally asymptotically exponentially stable whenever the design parameters γ and λ are chosen to be strictly positive. Let ǫ be a small, strictly positive, parameter intended to be used in a singular perturbation approach for the analysis of the stability of the high gain perturbed observation error system. Set λ and γ to be of the form, ω2 2ζωn , γ = 2n (2.14) ǫ ǫ where ζ and ωn are strictly positive parameters denoting (when ǫ is set to be 1), respectively, a damping ratio and a natural frequency. This choice of the observer parameters, in terms of ǫ, makes the eigenvalues of the homogeneous linear estimation error system to be located on the following rays, containing the origin, in the left half of the complex plane, q ωn ζωn (2.15) ±j s1,2 = − 1 − ζ2, ǫ > 0 ǫ ǫ The above choice of λ and γ sets the injected dynamics to be: ! ! ω2 2ζωn ë + ė + 2n e = ξ̇(t) (2.16) ǫ ǫ λ= Multiplying throughout by ǫ 2 and setting ǫ = 0, yields the degenerate reduced dynamics, as the equilibrium point e = 0. On the other hand, under the time scale transformation: dτ = dt/ǫ, and the formal setting of ǫ to zero, yields the boundary layer dynamics: d2 e de + ω2n e = 0 (2.17) + 2ζωn dτ dτ2 which is also globally asymptotically exponentially stable. According to a variant of Tikhonov’s theorem, the perturbed system trajectories will be eventually found, after a finite time tǫ , dwelling uniformly in an arbitrary small neighborhood of the origin of the (e, ė)-space. This neighborhood, for a given small desired bound on |η|, becomes smaller as ǫ is chosen to be smaller. In terms of a Lyapunov stability analysis, used previously, we prescribe a Lyapunov function candidate, V(e, η), as defined in (2.5). One obtains the following time derivative for V, along the injected dynamics, with the new feasible choice for the z dynamics, V̇ = −λe2 + |(ξ − z)||ξ̇(t)| |(ξ − z)|K1 (ξ(t) − z)ξ̇(t) ≤ −λe2 + ≤ −λe2 + γ γ γ (2.18) Let δ2 > 0 be a positive scalar quantity. Consider the set |η| ≤ δ2 . Outside the set, B = {(e, η) | e2 = δ2 K 1 , |η| ≤ δ2 } γλ (2.19) the time derivative of V is strictly negative, while the sign of V̇ is not definite inside the set B. We have the following result, Let ζ and ωn be strictly positive constants. Given δ1 > 0 and δ2 > 0, arbitrarily small positive constants, then, there ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 15 — #31 ✐ ✐ Generalities of ADRC Chapter | 2 15 exist an ǫ > 0 and a th , such that for all t > th , the trajectories of the perturbed injected dynamics ! ! ω2 2ζωn ė + 2n e = ξ̇(t), ë + ǫ ǫ uniformly satisfies, for all t > tǫ , |e(t)| < δ1 and |η(t)| = |ξ(t) − z(t)| < δ2 , provided s 3 2 3 2δ ζωn 1 ǫ< δ2 K 1 (2.20) (2.21) 2.2. A second order extension of the disturbance observer: GPI observers There are several ways to extend the above result. One of them is to further extend the dimension of the disturbance observer in order to, possibly, include an approximate estimate option for the first order time derivative of the disturbance input signal ξ(t). Consider, again, the perturbed system (2.1), along with an additional uniform absolute boundedness assumption regarding the second order time derivative of the perturbation input, i.e., suppose, sup |ξ(i) (t)| = Ki , i = 0, 1, 2. (2.22) t Consider, then, the following extended observer for the perturbed first order system: ẏ0 ẏ1 ẏ2 = u + y1 + λ2 (y − y0 ) = y2 + λ1 (y − y0 ) = λ0 (y − y0 ) (2.23) The observation error system is given by ė0 = ξ(t) − y1 − λ2 e0 ẏ1 = y2 + λ1 e0 ẏ2 = λ0 e0 (2.24) Where e0 stands for the redundant observation error of the output, i.e., e0 = y − y0 . The variable e0 satisfies the following perturbed linear dynamics, e(3) 0 + λ2 ë0 + λ1 ė0 + λ0 e0 = ξ̈(t) (2.25) The choice of the observer’s design parameter set, {λ0 , λ1 , λ2 }, may be settled in accordance with the characteristic polynomial of a desired, asymptotically exponentially stable, unperturbed injected observation error dynamics. For suitable, strictly positive, parameters ζ, ωn and p, this polynomial may be of the form: ! ! !! ! ! ω2 2ζωn p + ω2n ω2n p 2ζωn + p 2 2ζωn p s + 2n = s3 + s + s+ s + p(s) = s2 + ǫ ǫ ǫ ǫ ǫ2 ǫ3 (2.26) Hence, one chooses, 2ζωn p + ω2n ω2n p 2ζωn + p , λ1 = , λ = (2.27) 0 ǫ ǫ2 ǫ3 Similarly to the previous case, given an arbitrarily small ultimate bound for the supremum of the absolute value of the estimation error phase vector (e0 , ė0 , ë0 ), and for a given desirable ultimate bound on the disturbance estimation errors η1 = ξ(t) − y1 , η2 = ξ̇(t) − y2 , there exists a sufficiently small value of ǫ and a finite time tǫ > 0 after which, the perturbed response of the injected observation error dynamics (2.25) remains absolutely uniformly bounded, in an asymptotic exponentially dominated manner, by the given small neighborhood around the origin of the estimation error phase space. This neighborhood is determined by ǫ and the apriori bounds Ki , i = 0, 1, 2, on the corresponding time derivatives of the disturbance signal. λ2 = ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 16 — #32 ✐ ✐ 16 PART | General Aspects of Active Disturbance Rejection Notice that the observer (2.23) can be rewritten as Z t Z tZ ẏ0 = u + λ2 e0 + λ1 e0 (σ1 )dσ1 + λ0 0 0 σ1 e0 (σ2 )dσ2 dσ1 (2.28) 0 and the corresponding estimation error dynamics for e0 , obtained by subtracting the perturbed plant dynamics from the observer expression (2.28), is given by, Z t Z σ1 Z t e0 (σ1 )dσ1 − λ0 e0 (σ2 )dσ2 dσ1 + ξ(t) (2.29) ė0 = −λ2 e0 − λ1 0 0 0 Independently of the system order, the possibility of dynamically extending the traditional observer by means of a suitable linear combination of nested output error integrations, results in the possibility of estimating a certain number of time derivatives of the disturbance signal. In linear control theory, controllers involving suitable linear combinations of nested integrations of output tracking, or output stabilization errors, receive the name of Generalized Proportional Integral (GPI) controllers. Injected error dynamics containing similar linear combinations of multiple integrals of the estimation error will be, accordingly, addressed as GPI observers (see Appendix B). 2.3. The m-th order GPI observer for an elementary perturbed plant Let ( R ( j) φ) denote the following iterated integral, Z tZ Z ( j) φ) = ( 0 σ1 ··· 0 Z σ j−1 0 φ(σ j )dσ j · · · dσ1 R (0) φ) = φ. with ( For the elementary linear perturbed plant, ẏ = u + ξ(t), an m-th order extended observer of the form: Z (m−i) m X (y − y0 )) ẏ0 = u + λi ( (2.30) (2.31) i=0 yields an estimation error dynamics, (e0 = y − y0 ), given by the perturbed integro-differential equation, Z (m−i) m X (y − y0 )) + ξ(t) ė0 = − λi ( (2.32) i=0 It is not difficult to show that this equation is equivalent to the perturbed estimation error linear dynamics, ė0 = ξ(t) − y1 − λm (y − y0 ) ẏ1 = y2 + λm−1 (y − y0 ) .. . ẏm−1 = ym + λ1 (y − y0 ) ẏm = λ0 (y − y0 ) (2.33) or, in an input-output form, (m) (t) e0(m+1) + λm e(m) 0 + · · · + λ1 ė0 + λ0 e0 = ξ (2.34) As the order, m, of the observer extension is increased, one must assume, in order to guarantee an uniformly asymptotically exponentially dominated decay of the estimation error phase variables vector norm, that the perturbation input signal, ξ(t), exhibits uniformly absolutely bounded higher order time derivatives. These must exhibit an order compatible with the order of the observer extension. The higher the extension order, the higher the number of time derivatives of the disturbance signal that may be estimated. Clearly, this may be achieved for sufficiently high observer gains guaranteeing injected observer eigenvalues located sufficiently far into the left half of the complex plane. P A polynomial in the complex variable s with real coefficients: p(s) = sm+1 + mj=0 λ j s j is said to be Hurwitz if the roots of the polynomial are all located in the open left half of the complex plane. In such a case, one usually states that the set of coefficients: {λ0 , λ1 , · · · , λm } is a set of Hurwitz coefficients. ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 17 — #33 ✐ ✐ Generalities of ADRC Chapter | 2 17 Let, {λ0 , λ1 , · · · , λm }, be a set of Hurwitz coefficients, one may prescribe the following injected dynamics: e0(m+1) + λ0 λ1 λm (m) e0 + · · · + m ė0 + m+1 e0 = ξ(m) (t) ǫ ǫ ǫ (2.35) The boundedness assumption on supt |ξ(m−1) (t)| guarantees, via a singular perturbation analysis, the uniform asymptotic exponentially dominated convergence of the trajectories of the vector of estimation error phase variables (e0 (t), ė0 (t), ..., e(m) (t)), towards the interior of a small (as small as desired) ǫ-dependent neighborhood centered around the origin of the estimation error phase space. This, in turn, guarantees sufficiently close estimates of the time derivatives of the disturbance input signal ξ(t). 2.4. Simultaneously estimating the phase variables, the disturbance input signal and its successive time derivatives Continuing with our tutorial approach to disturbance observer-based ADRC, let us now consider the following n-th order pure integration, perturbed, system, y(n) = u + ξ(t) The canonical form of the perturbed linear plant is simply expressed as, y0 y0 y0 y y y 1 1 d 1 .. = A .. + b(u + ξ(t)), y = cT .. dt . . . yn−1 yn−1 yn−1 with A, b and cT , given by, A = 0 1 0 0 .. .. . . 0 0 0 0 0 1 .. . ··· ··· .. . 0 0 ··· ··· , b = 1 0 0 0 .. . (2.36) T , c = [1 0 · · · 0 0] 0 1 0 0 .. . (2.37) (2.38) We prescribe the following m-th order extended observer (GPI observer), d ŷ0 = ŷ1 + λm+n−1 (y0 − ŷ0 ) dt d ŷ1 = ŷ2 + λm+n−2 (y0 − ŷ0 ) dt .. . d ŷn−1 = u + z1 + λm (y0 − ŷ0 ) dt ż1 = z2 + λm−1 (y0 − ŷ0 ) ż2 = z3 + λm−2 (y0 − ŷ0 ) .. . żm−1 żm = zm + λ1 (y0 − ŷ0 ) = λ0 (y0 − ŷ0 ) (2.39) ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 18 — #34 ✐ ✐ 18 PART | General Aspects of Active Disturbance Rejection The estimation error injected dynamics is given by, d e0 = e1 − λm+n−1 e0 dt d e1 = e2 − λm+n−2 e0 dt .. . d en−1 dt ż1 = ξ(t) − z1 − λm e0 = z2 + λm−1 e0 ż2 = z3 + λm−2 e0 .. . żm−1 żm = zm + λ1 e0 = λ0 e0 (2.40) Clearly, the dynamics of the estimation error, e0 = y − ŷ0 , satisfies the linear perturbed differential equation: e(m+n) + λm+n−1 e0(m+n−1) + · · · + λ1 ė0 + λ0 e0 = ξ(m) 0 (2.41) Since for an uniformly absolutely bounded m-th order time derivative of the disturbance signal, the trajectories of the observation error and its associated phase variables, (e0 (t), ...en−1 (t)), can be made to ultimately converge, in a finite time, to the interior of an arbitrarily small neighborhood centered around the origin of the observation error phase space, then, from the equation: d en−1 = ξ(t) − z1 − λm e0 (2.42) dt it follows that the trajectory of z1 (t) will represent a sufficiently close estimate of the disturbance signal trajectory ξ(t). Hence, it follows that z2 (t) ≈ ż1 (t), i.e., z2 (t) will approximate the first order time derivative of ξ(t) and, in general, zi (t),i = 1, 2, ..., m − 1 will represent, respectively, close, on-line, estimates of the trajectories of ξ(i−1) (t). The possibility of estimating time derivatives of the unknown disturbance signal, ξ(t), will be specially useful in disturbance prediction schemes. These are naturally associated with the ADRC of systems exhibiting fixed, known, input delays (See Chapter 4). Example 1. Consider the following, exogenously perturbed, actuated pendulum system, g θ̈ = − sin θ + ζ(t) + u =: ξ(t) + u (2.43) L where ζ(t), and its first order time derivative, are uniformly absolutely bounded and the nonlinear state dependent gravitational term: −(g/L) sin θ is considered to be a certain function of time: −(g/L) sin θ(t) which is, evidently, uniformly absolutely bounded. Let θ = θ1 , θ̇ = θ2 and their corresponding estimates be denoted, respectively, as θ̂1 , θ̂2 . We also define, ξ(t) = −(g/L) sin θ(t) + ζ(t), and address the term −(g/L) sin θ(t) as the endogenous part of the disturbance and ζ(t) as the exogenous part of the disturbance. Consider the following ESO, d θ̂1 = θˆ2 + λ2 (θ − θ̂1 ) dt d θ̂2 = u + z + λ1 (θ − θ̂1 ) dt d z = λ0 (θ − θ̂1 ) (2.44) dt Here, the variable z is supposed to estimate the total disturbance input to the system, constituted by the sum of the endogenous perturbation input: −(g/L) sin θ(t) and the exogenous perturbation input: ζ(t). The estimation error e = θ − θ̂ evolves according to the linear perturbed dynamics: e(3) + λ2 ë + λ1 ė + λ0 e = ξ̇(t) (2.45) ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 19 — #35 ✐ ✐ Generalities of ADRC Chapter | 2 19 Set λ2 , λ1 and λ0 to adopt the following strictly positive values, 1 1 1 (po + 2ζo ωno ), λ1 = 2 (2po ζo ωno + ω2no ), λ0 = 3 ω2no po ǫ ǫ ǫ with ζo , ωno , po > 0 and ǫ being a small parameter, bestowing a high-gain character to the ESO design. We used the following simulation data, ζ(t) = 0.5 1 + e− sin(3t) sin(t) cos(0.5t), m = 1.0 [Kg], g = 9.8 [m/s2 ], L = 0.7 [m], λ2 = (2.46) ζo = 1, ωno = 2 [rad/s], po = 2 Figure 2.1 depicts the performance of the ESO, under open loop control conditions, (u = 0 for t < 2, u = 1 for t > 2) for various values of the design parameter ǫ. The redundant estimate of the angular position and the estimate of the angular velocity are indistinguishable for the three used values of ǫ = 0.01, 0.005, 0.001. The bottom of the figure shows the value of the joint integral square error (IS E(t)) of the total disturbance estimate, the redundant angular position estimate, as well as the angular velocity estimate. Z th i IS E(t) = (θ(σ) − θ̂1 (σ))2 + (θ̇(σ) − θ̂2 (σ))2 + (z(σ) − ξ(σ))2 dσ (2.47) 0 Angular position and its redundant estimate for all ε Total disturbance ξ(t) and disturbance estimate z(t) for all ε z(t), ξ(t) θ(t), θ̂(t) 0.5 0 -0.5 5 0 -5 0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 0.08 ε=0.01 0.06 0.04 ε=0.005 0.02 ε=0.001 0 -0.02 0 2 4 10 time [s] Angular velocity and its ESO estimate for all ε θ̇(t), θ̂2 (t) 1 0 -1 0 2 4 6 8 10 time[s] 6 8 time [s] Integral Square Error evaluation, ISE(t) 6 8 10 10 time [s] Figure 2.1 Evaluation of high gain Extended State Observer performance via Integral Square Estimation Errors The IS E(t) performance index rapidly grows for higher values of ǫ (for ǫ = 0.01 and ǫ = 0.005) and it is nearly constant for ǫ = 0.001. (indicating the existence of a nearly constant estimation error, very close to zero, with negligible growth). Example 2. A second simulation example depicts a totally different nature of the total disturbance. Consider the following nonlinear, controlled, spring damper system, with horizontal displacement denoted by x, exhibiting significant position and velocity dependent nonlinearities: ẍ = −x2 ( ẋ)3 − x7 + u (2.48) We regard the endogenous terms: −x2 (t)( ẋ)3 (t) − x7 (t), as the total disturbance affecting the system. The simplified system to be considered is the following: ẍ = ξ(t) + u (2.49) Define x1 = x, and x2 = ẋ. The ESO observer is given, in this case, by, x̂˙1 x̂˙2 = x̂2 + λ2 (x1 − x̂1 ) = z + u + λ1 (x1 − x̂1 ) ż = λ0 (x1 − x̂1 ) ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 20 — #36 ✐ ✐ 20 PART | General Aspects of Active Disturbance Rejection Using the same set of design parameters for the ESO, as in the previous example, one obtains the following performance of the ESO observer under the same open loop conditions. The IS E(t) performance index behaves in a remarkable analogous Total disturbance and disturbance estimate for all ε ξ(t) and z(t) x1 (t) and x̂1 (t) Horizontal position x1 and its redundant estimate 2 1 0 0 2 4 6 8 0 -2 -4 -6 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 time [s] Horizontal velocity x and its ESO estimate for all ε -3 x2 (t) and x̂2 (t) 2 2 20 0 Integral Square Error evaluation, ISE(t) ε=0.01 ε=0.005 10 ε=0.001 0 -2 x 10 2 4 6 8 0 0 10 2 time [s] 4 6 8 10 time [s] Figure 2.2 Evaluation of high gain Extended State Observer performance via Integral Square Estimation Errors manner as in the previous example. The above simulation examples depict a crucial fact on which observer based ADRC control schemes work: State dependent, unknown, nonlinearities, exogenous disturbances (and un-modelled dynamics effects) can all be treated in the same footing as unstructured disturbances. Estimation of the effects of such disturbances can be efficiently carried out via a high-gain Extended State Observer on the basis of a substantially simplified (pure integration) system. 2.5. The ADRC scheme for pure integration systems In reference to the system, y(n) = u + ξ(t), (2.50) the perturbed, n-th order, pure integration system admits a high gain GPI observer which arbitrarily closely estimates the phase variables associated with the output (y, ẏ, ..., y(n−1) ), and a certain number of time derivatives of the disturbance signal ξ(t), including the disturbance signal itself. The next step simply consists in prescribing a feedback control law which cancels the disturbance on the basis of its on-line estimate and imposes a (perturbed) closed loop dynamics which approximately solves a stabilization, or an output reference trajectory tracking, task. We assume that an output reference trajectory tracking task is at hand for a given smooth reference trajectory y∗ (t) The feedback controller, for a smooth output reference trajectory tracking task in which y → y∗ (t) represents the desired objective, is given by u = [y∗ (t)](n) − z1 − n−1 X j=0 κ j (ŷ j − [y∗ (t)]( j) ) (2.51) ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 21 — #37 ✐ ✐ Generalities of ADRC Chapter | 2 21 where d ŷ0 = ŷ1 + λm+n−1 (y0 − ŷ0 ) dt d ŷ1 = ŷ2 + λm+n−2 (y0 − ŷ0 ) dt .. . d ŷn−1 = u + z1 + λm (y0 − ŷ0 ) dt ż1 = z2 + λm−1 (y0 − ŷ0 ) ż2 = z3 + λm−2 (y0 − ŷ0 ) .. . żm−1 żm e(oj) = zm + λ1 (y0 − ŷ0 ) = λ0 (y0 − ŷ0 ) (2.52) Define the output tracking error as ey = y − y∗ (t). Define, this time, the estimation error by, eo = y − ŷ0 . We use = y( j) − ŷ j . Clearly, the estimation error dynamics for eo is given, as before, by e(m+n) + λm+n−1 eo(m+n−1) + · · · + λ1 ėo + λ0 eo = ξ(m) o After substituting ŷ j in (2.51) by y( j) − loop dynamics: ( j) eo , (2.53) the tracking error, ey = y − y∗ (t), evolves, satisfying the following closed (n−1) e(n) + · · · + κ0 ey = ξ(t) − z1 + y + κn−1 ey n−1 X ( j) κ j eo (2.54) j=0 The set of coefficients {κ0 , κ1 , · · · , κn−1 } is chosen to be a Hurwitz set. The disturbance term, ξ − z1 , is arbitrarily small and so are the terms e(oj) , for all j. Then, the right hand side of (2.54) is a small perturbation term affecting an exponentially asymptotically stable dynamics. The net result is that there is no need to chose high gains for the linear feedback controller (2.51). We state that such gains need only be moderately high. 2.6. Generalized Proportional Integral Control In a completely dual manner to the extended observer-based ADRC scheme, we now pose the observer-less approach for robust control of linear perturbed systems. Consider, in the spirit of a tutorial introduction, the elementary linear perturbed scalar system, ẏ = u + ξ(t) (2.55) with ξ(t) an unknown but uniformly absolutely bounded function of time with uniformly absolutely bounded first order time derivative ξ̇(t). As before, we hypothesize supt |ξ(t)| ≤ K0 and supt |ξ̇(t)| ≤ K1 . Suppose it is desired to track a given smooth reference signal y∗ (t). Let z be an auxiliary variable destined to on-line compensate for the unknown disturbance on the basis of satisfying some dynamics yet to be determined. We propose u = ẏ∗ (t) − k1 (y − y∗ (t)) − z (2.56) ėy = −k1 ey + (ξ(t) − z) (2.57) The partially closed loop system reads then as, with, ey = y − y∗ (t), being the reference trajectory tracking error and k1 a strictly positive scalar gain. A Lyapunov function candidate, defined in the (ey , η) space, with η = ξ(t) − z, is given by, V(ey , η) = 1 2 1 2 e + η 2 y γ (2.58) ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 22 — #38 ✐ ✐ 22 PART | General Aspects of Active Disturbance Rejection The time derivative of V is obtained as, 1 1 V̇(ey , η) = ey (−k1 ey + η) + η(ξ̇(t) − ż) = −k1 e2y + η(ey + (ξ̇(t) − ż)) γ γ (2.59) Clearly, the choice ż = ξ̇(t) + γey yields, V̇ = −k1 e2y ≤ 0 thus implying that V is bounded and that ey is square integrable thus inducing the asymptotic convergence of ey to zero, i.e. ey → 0. Then ż → ξ̇(t). Letting γ = k0 , the proposed feedback controller adopts the form, Z t (y − y∗ (σ))dσ − ξ(t) (2.60) u = ẏ∗ (t) − k1 (y − y∗ (t)) − k0 0 i.e., the controller of the perturbed first order plant is, none other than, a classical proportional integral controller with an exact cancellation of the unknown disturbance. However, due to the lack of information about ξ(t), the variable, z, can not be chosen to obey, ż = ξ̇(t) − k0 ey (2.61) and, at most, we may propose the following closely related controller: Z t ż = −k0 ey , i.e. z = −k0 ey (σ)dσ (2.62) 0 This new controller choice yields the following closed loop system, Z t ėy = −k1 ey − k0 ey (σ)dσ + ξ(t) (2.63) 0 which is equivalent to the system: ëy + k1 ėy + k0 ey = ξ̇(t) (2.64) The closed loop system is constituted by a perturbed asymptotically exponentially stable dynamics. The situation is identical to that of the disturbance observer exposed in the previous subsection. The choice of the controller gains, k0 and k1 , as high gains of the form: ω2 2ζωn , k0 = 2n (2.65) ǫ ǫ with ǫ a, strictly positive, sufficiently small parameter, and ζ, ωn > 0, yields a tracking error closed loop response of the perturbed system whose trajectory can be made to stay, ultimately, arbitrarily close to zero, uniformly in time, after some finite time tǫ . k1 = 2.7. An iterated tracking error integral compensation Consider, again, the perturbed first order system ẏ = u + ξ(t) (2.66) with the following feedback controller u = ẏ∗ (t) − k2 (y − y∗ (t)) − k1 Z t 0 (y − y∗ (σ1 ))dσ1 − k0 The closed loop output tracking error ey = y − y∗ (t) is given by, ėy ρ̇1 ρ̇2 Z tZ 0 0 σ1 (y − y∗ (σ2 ))dσ2 dσ1 (2.67) = −k2 ey − ρ1 + ξ(t) = ρ2 + k1 ey = k0 ey (2.68) or by e(3) y + k2 ëy + k1 ėy + k0 ey = ξ̈(t) (2.69) ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 23 — #39 ✐ ✐ Generalities of ADRC Chapter | 2 23 Here, we are precisely in the same situation depicted by equation (2.25) for the observation error of the extended GPI disturbance observer case. For a disturbance signal, ξ(t), exhibiting an uniformly absolutely bounded second order time derivative, we will arrive exactly to the same result but for the tracking error ey , instead of the observation error e0 . For uniformly absolutely bounded disturbances with similarly bounded time derivatives, a high gain controller guarantees uniform exponentially dominated asymptotic convergence of the tracking error phase trajectories to a small neighborhood of the tracking error phase space. The farther to the left of the complex axis are located the roots of the characteristic polynomial the smaller the neighborhood around the origin. The result is termed to be dual to the observer based ADRC but, as in the previous integral controller case, it evades the need for using disturbance observers. The above controller is called a GPI controller and its robustness with respect to unstructured disturbances follows from the same results obtained for the GPI observer. In this elementary case, we can similarly use an m-th order iterated tracking error integrals conformed in a suitable linear combination. 2.8. An m-th order iterated tracking error integral compensation For the first order perturbed system, the following controller: u = ẏ∗ (t) − m X j=0 km− j Z ( j) (y − y∗ (t)) ! (2.70) yields the closed loop system, ėy = −km ey − ρ1 + ξ(t) ρ̇1 = ρ2 + km−1 ey .. . ρ̇m−2 = ρm−1 + k2 ey ρ̇m−1 ρ̇m = ρm + k1 ey = k0 ey (2.71) which is equivalent to, (m) ey(m+1) + km e(m) (t) y + · · · + k2 ëy + k1 ėy + k0 ey = ξ (2.72) The choice of suitable high gain design coefficients, drives the output reference tracking error ey and its time derivatives to a small (as small as desired) neighborhood of the origin of the tracking error phase space, provided the m-th order time derivative of the disturbance input ξ(t) is uniformly absolutely bounded. Notice that this is, precisely, the case of equation (2.34) for the m-th order GPI extended observer in the dual disturbance estimation problem for the first order case. 3. THE NEED FOR FLATNESS BASED ADRC DESIGNS Flatness, or differential flatness, is a property that generalizes the concept of linear controllability to the nonlinear systems case. In the linear time-invariant, and time-varying, cases, it entirely coincides with the controllability concept. In the nonlinear single-input system case, it is equivalent to feedback linearizability by means of state and input coordinate transformations. In the nonlinear multi-variable case flatness identifies those systems which are either statically or dynamically feedback linearizable. The concept of flatness is extendable to some interesting classes of infinite dimensional systems, such as systems with finite input and state delays, systems exhibiting fractional derivatives and systems described by linear partial differential equations, controlled from the boundary. Flatness trivializes the system structure, under state transformation and partial feedback, to that of a pure integration system. Example 3. Consider the following inertia-rotational spring system with externally applied torque u, J1 θ̈1 J2 θ̈2 = −k(θ1 − θ2 ) + u = −k(θ2 − θ1 ) (2.73) The system is flat, with flat output given by the angular displacement of the second inertia θ2 . Indeed, all system variables ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 24 — #40 ✐ ✐ 24 PART | General Aspects of Active Disturbance Rejection are parameterizable in terms of this special output and its time derivatives, up to finite order. J2 θ̈2 + θ2 k J1 J2 (4) u = (2.74) θ + (1 + J2 ) θ̈2 k 2 Notice that while one can in principle bring θ1 to a complete rest by means of a simple enough ESO-based ADRC stabilizing controller, such as, u = −z − J 2ζω θ̇ˆ + ω2 θ θ1 = 1 1 n 1 n 1 d θ̂1 = θ̇ˆ1 + λ2 (θ1 − θ̂1 ) dt dˆ θ̇1 = u + z1 + λ1 (θ1 − θ̂1 ) dt d z1 = λ0 (θ1 − θ̂1 ) dt The scheme leaves uncontrolled an oscillatory zero dynamics, governed by: ! k θ̈2 = − θ2 J2 (2.75) (2.76) which depends on the values of the initial conditions. On the other hand, the input-to-flat output model has the same order of the plant and, hence, the flat output does not have any zero dynamics. 3.1. The nonlinear flat case The main motivation for introducing either extended observer-based ADRC control schemes, or direct GPI controllers, for pure integration systems of any order, rests in the relevance of such a simple plant dynamics in connection with n-th order differentially flat nonlinear systems. For SISO flat systems with measurable flat output, the system is known to be equivalent, after a state and input coordinate transformation, to a n-th order linear controllable system whose input-output canonical description generally allows to solve (modulo input gain singularities associated to the nonlinear plant dynamics) for the highest time derivative of the flat output (i.e., y(n) ) in terms of a linear combination of the first n − 1 time derivatives of the flat output (flat output phase variables) and of the control input, multiplied by some non-zero constant gain. As customary in ADRC, the phase variables dependent terms, of the linear input-output description of the feedback linearized system, can be regarded as unknown endogenous disturbances. The scaling of the presumably known constant input gain, allows one to deal with the control of the nonlinear system in terms of the simplified dynamics y(n) = u + ξ(t) This is one of the major simplifications of the flatness based ADRC control scheme, and one that has been proven to efficiently work in a large variety of physical situations, as it will be demonstrated, in subsequent chapters of this book, and in the many bibliographical references that contain closely related expositions and engineering application case studies. 3.2. The n-th order integration plant Pure integration plants, of second and higher order, require structural phase variable reconstruction based on suitable iterated integrations of linear combinations of the control input and of the output. This procedure is pursued, in all detail, in the Appendix B of this book, in a tutorial fashion. The net result is the close connection of GPI control with classical compensation networks using extra integration. We summarize the results of the Appendix without further analysis. For the perturbed plant y(n) = u + ξ(t) (2.77) the GPI controller, for trajectory tracking tasks, is written in a mixture of complex variable notation and time domain ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 25 — #41 ✐ ✐ Generalities of ADRC Chapter | 2 25 notation, as follows, u = u∗ (t) − " # κm+n−1 sm+n−1 + κm+n−2 sm+n−2 + · · · + κ1 s + κ0 (y − y∗ (t)) sm (sn−1 + κ2n+m−2 sn−2 + · · · + κn+m+1 s + κn+m ) (2.78) where the nominal control input is computed as: u∗ (t) = [y∗ (t)](n) and where y∗ (t) is the given, smooth, output reference trajectory. The closed loop system evolves governed by, ey(2n+m−1) + κ2n+m−2 e(2n+m) + · · · + κ1 ėy + κ0 ey = ξ(m+n−1) (t) + κ2n+m−2 ξ(m+n) (t) + · · · + κn+m ξ(t) y (2.79) The set of design coefficients, {κ2n+m−2 , κ2n+m−3 , · · · , κ1 , κ0 }, is chosen as a Hurwitz set, which makes the closed loop tracking error system into a low pass filter processing the disturbance input ξ(t). In transfer function form, the tracking error is obtained as " m n−1 # s (s + κ2n+m−2 sn−2 + · · · + κn+m+1 s + κn+m ) ey (t) = ξ(t) (2.80) s2n+m−1 + κ2n+m−2 s2n+m−2 + · · · + κ1 s + κ0 At high frequencies, the filter is approximated by the attenuation effects of a multiple integrator, of the form, ey (s) ≈ ξ(s) sn with an attenuation slope of 20 n [db/dec]. At low frequencies, the filter is approximated by the pure differentiator, " # κn+m sm ey (s) ≈ ξ(s) κ0 (2.81) (2.82) with a magnifying slope of 20 m db/dec. The design guideline indicates that the amount of extra integrations, m, should be kept as small as possible, with m = 1 being the lowest possible choice. Incidentally, this option is dual to the original one-dimensional extension of the traditional Extended State Observer-based method for ADRC, proposed in early works, such as in that of J. Han [1]. A compromise is therefore established between the number of additional integrations and the prevailing filter behavior in the bandwidth interval. Notice that a high gain design, characterized by the use of an ǫ-dependent description of the characteristic polynomial roots, in the stable portion of the complex plane, implies that κ0 >> κn+m , introducing yet an additional attenuation factor for the low frequency behavior of the closed loop system, thus counteracting the amplifying effects introduced by the low frequency differentiator. Example 4. Consider the perturbed third order, integration system, y(3) = u + ξ(t) (2.83) where ξ(t) is an unknown but uniformly, absolutely, bounded signal with uniform absolutely bounded first order time derivative. Define ey = y − y∗ (t), eu = u − u∗ (t) where u∗ (t) is nominally computed as [y∗ (t)](3) . Consider the controller, written in the complex frequency domain via the standard operator s, # " 3 κ3 s + κ2 s2 + κ1 s + κ0 ∗ (3) (y − y∗ (t)) (2.84) u = [y (t)] − s(s2 + κ5 s + κ4 ) The closed loop, perturbed, system evolves in accordance with # " # " s(s2 + κ5 s + κ4 ) n(s) ξ(s) ey (s) = 6 ξ(s) = d(s) s + κ5 s5 + κ4 s4 + κ3 s3 + κ2 s2 + κ1 s + κ0 (2.85) Suppose that the set of coefficients, {κ5 , κ4 , · · · , κ1 , κ0 }, are chosen so that the denominator polynomial, d(s) = s6 + κ5 s5 + κ4 s4 + · · · + κ1 s + κ0 , is strictly Hurwitz, i.e., all its roots are in the open left half of the complex plane. ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 26 — #42 ✐ ✐ 26 PART | General Aspects of Active Disturbance Rejection We could locate the roota of the closed loop characteristic polynomial, via the auxiliary polynomial: (s2 + 2ζ ω2 ωn s + 2n )3 = s6 + κ5 s5 + κ4 s4 + · · · + κ1 s + κ0 ǫ ǫ (2.86) Here, 12ζ 2 ω2n + 3ω2n ω6n (2.87) , κ = 4 ǫ2 ǫ6 The quotient, κ4 /κ0 , affecting, as a factor, the equivalent closed loop differentiator for low frequencies, is of the form: κ0 = κ4 12ζ 2 + 3 = ǫ4( ) κ0 ω4n (2.88) For high frequencies, the closed loop system attenuates the disturbance input, ξ(t), via 3 equivalent integrations i.e., an attenuation of 60 [db/dec]. Example 5. As an illustration of the performance of the previously derived controller for a third order plant, consider the following nonlinear model of a synchronous machine (see Singh and Titli [2]): ẏ1 = y2 ẏ2 = ẏ3 = u − C1 y3 + C2 cos y1 B1 − A1 y2 − A2 y3 sin y1 − B1 sin 2y1 2 (2.89) The control input, u, represents the voltage applied to the machine and the variable to be controlled, y1 represents an angular position deviation variable that should be controlled towards a desired, non-zero, equilibrium point. All constant coefficients of the system are assumed to be known. The objective is to stabilize the plant towards the equilibrium point: (y1 , y2 , y3 ) = (0.7461, 0, 7.7438), u = 1.1 The system is differentially flat, with flat output given by: y = y1 . The simplified input-to-flat output dynamics is then given by y(3) = v + ξ(t) (2.90) where ξ represents an, endogenous, nonlinear additive term depending on the phase variables y1 , y2 , y3 which is here treated as an unstructured total disturbance. The auxiliary input, v, satisfies: v = −A(sin y)u. Hence, a singularity is present in y = 0 that leaves u undefined. This is the reason why the system is not controlled towards an equilibrium value where y = 0. Figure 2.3 depicts the closed loop performance of the linearly controlled non-linear system. In order to examine the robustness with respect to control input saturations, a saturation limit of 70 [V] was enforced on the input signal u(t). The obtained equilibrium, up to a fifth decimal was: y1 = 0.74609 [rad], y2 = −0.00004[rad/s], y3 = 7.74371 [V − s], u = 1.10091 [V] The parameter values were set to be A1 = 0.2703, A2 = 12.012, B1 = 39.1892, B2 = −48.048, C1 = 0.3222, C2 = 1.9 The design parameters for the GPI controller in the closed loop characteristic polynomial, p(s), were set to be ω2 ωn s + 2n )3 , ζ = 0.707, ωn = 2, ǫ = 0.1 ǫ ǫ Figure 2.4 depicts, for different values of ǫ, the evolution of the Integral Square Error (ISE), associated with the output reference stabilization problem. Recall that, Z t (2.91) (y(σ) − y)2 dσ IS E(t) = p(s) = (s2 + 2ζ 0 Generically speaking, the higher the gain (the smaller ǫ), the smaller the final constant value of the ISE performance index. The seemingly constant steady state value of the performance index indicates that the stabilization error is arbitrarily close ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 27 — #43 ✐ ✐ Generalities of ADRC Chapter | 2 27 y1 [rad] y3 [V-s] 0.78 9 0.76 8 0.74 7 0.72 0 0.5 time [s] 1 6 0 1.5 0.5 1 1.5 1 1.5 time [s] y2 [rad/s] u [Volt] 0.6 50 0.4 0 0.2 -50 0 -0.2 0 0.5 1 -100 1.5 0 0.5 time [s] time [s] Figure 2.3 Closed loop response of third order nonlinear system, controlled via a GPI linear controller. to zero, as expected, with negligible growth. Naturally, this implication is not valid when the control input magnitude is restricted and saturations are present on the closed loop performance of the system. Integral square error (ISE) performance index for stabilization -4 x 10 ε = 0.2 2 1 ε = 0.1 ε = 0.05 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 time [s] 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Figure 2.4 Integral square error evolution for the output stabilization error, controlled via a GPI linear controller. The corresponding steady state values of the ISE performance index, as a function of the parameter ǫ are given by IS E(0.2) = 2.5713 × 10−4 , IS E(0.1) = 4.4753 × 10−5 , IS E(0.05) = 1.958 × 10−5 Imposing the saturation constraint to the input of 70 [V] in absolute value, a minimum for the performance index is found for, approximately, ǫ = 0.1, with a value of IS E(0.1) = 3.059 × 10−5 smaller than for the unsaturated controller case. 4. ULTRA LOCAL DISTURBANCE MODELS We begin the treatment of global ultra-models in terms of a particularization of a well known concept: trajectory equivalent systems, developed by Coleman in [3]. ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 28 — #44 ✐ ✐ 28 PART | General Aspects of Active Disturbance Rejection Definition 1. Two systems, ẏ = ż f (t, y), y(t0 ) = y0 , y ∈ Rn , = g(t, z), z(t0 ) = z0 , z ∈ Rn (2.92) are said to be trajectory-equivalent whenever y(t) = z(t) for all t ≥ 0 (i.e., in particular, y0 = z0 ). They are asymptotically trajectory-equivalent if for y0 , z0 , e = y(t) − z(t) → 0. They are said to be asymptotically exponentially trajectory equivalent, if the convergence of the error e = y(t) − z(t) to zero, is exponential. Trajectory equivalent systems do not necessarily look alike, nor they have to be of the same nature, as the following example illustrates: Example 6. The linear system ẏ = A(t)y, y(t0 ) = y0 , y ∈ Rn is trajectory equivalent to the pure integration system ż = A(t)ΦA (t, t0 )y0 , z(t0 ) = y0 , z ∈ Rn , where ΦA (t, t0 ) is the fundamental matrix associated with A(t). Naturally, ẏ = A(t)y, y(t0 ) = y0 and ż = A(t)y(t), z(t0 ) = y0 are trajectory equivalent. Figure 2.5 Trajectory equivalent systems In reference to Figure 2.5, consider the following system of time-varying nonlinear differential equations: ẏ = Ay + φ(t, y), y(t0 ) = y0 , y ∈ Rn (2.93) where A is an n × n Hurwitz matrix, and φ(t, y) is a vector of nonlinearities possibly including exogenous signals. We denote by, y(t) = Θ(t, t0 , y0 ), the solution trajectory of the nonlinear differential equation (2.93). Let z be an n-dimensional vector and consider the following linear system with an exogenous, time-varying, injection, ż = Az + φ(t, Θ(t, t0 , y0 )) = Az + φ(t, y(t)) z(t0 ) = y0 + b (2.94) Proposition 1. For b , 0, the systems (2.93) and (2.94) are asymptotically exponentially trajectory equivalent. If b = 0 the systems are trajectory equivalent. Proof Certainly, let e = y(t) − z(t), we have: ė = Ae + φ(t, y(t)) − φ(t, Θ(t, t0 , y0 )) = Ae, with e(t0 ) = b. The result follows. (2.95) ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 29 — #45 ✐ ✐ Generalities of ADRC Chapter | 2 29 We emphasize that in the above demonstration we have used the following two facts: a) The time varying vector y(t) = Θ(t, t0 , y0 ), trivially satisfies the identity (see Pontryagin [4], ch. 1, p. 19): Θ̇(t, t0 , y0 ) = AΘ(t, t0 , y0 ) + φ(t, Θ(t, t0 , y0 )), Θ(t0 , t0 , y0 ) = y0 , (2.96) ẏ(t) = Ay(t) + φ(t, y(t)), y(t0 ) = y0 , (2.97) i.e., b) The linear differential equation for z includes a copy of the term φ(t, y) particularized for the solution y = y(t) = Θ(t, t0 , y0 ) of the nonlinear differential equation. As such, for every fixed initial condition, y0 , at a given instant t0 , the term, φ(t, Θ(t, t0 , y0 )), is a time function expressed as ξ(t) = φ(t, Θ(t, t0 , y0 )) = φ(t, y(t)). Example 7. Consider the following nonlinear time-varying system, with: x1 (0) = 1, x2 (0) = −1 x2 + φ1 (t, x1 , x2 ) ẋ1 = ẋ2 = −8x1 − 16x2 + φ2 (t, x1 , x2 ) (2.98) 2 φ1 (t, x1 , x2 ) = sin(0.1t) cos(t)e−x1 cos(0.1x2 ) 2 φ2 (t, x1 , x2 ) = cos(0.1t) sin(t)e−x2 sin(0.1x1 ) (2.99) and the linear trajectory equivalent system ż1 ż2 = z2 + φ1 (t, x1 (t), x2 (t)) = −8z1 − 16z2 + φ2 (t, x1 (t), x2 (t)) (2.100) x1 (t), z1 (t) with z1 (0) = 0, z2 (0) = 0, Figure 2.6 depicts the evolution of the nonlinear state variables: x1 , x2 , and the convergent evolution of the linear state variables z1 , z2 , along with the corresponding tracking errors, e1 = x1 − z1 and e2 = x2 − z2 . 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 2 2.5 3 0.2 0.25 0.3 x2 (t), z2 (t) time 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 0 0.5 1 1.5 e1 (t), e2 (t) time 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 time Figure 2.6 States evolution of asymptotically exponentially trajectory equivalent systems ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 30 — #46 ✐ ✐ 30 PART | General Aspects of Active Disturbance Rejection Theorem 1. The nonlinear system (2.93) is trajectory equivalent to the forced linear system ż = Az + ξ(t), z(t0 ) = y0 , if and only if, ξ(t) = φ(t, y(t)) ∀ t ≥ 0 (2.101) Proof. Suppose the two systems are trajectory equivalent, then, e(t) = y(t) − z, is identically zero for all t. Moreover ė is also identically zero. Therefore, ė = Ae + φ(t, y(t)) − ξ(t) = φ(t, y(t)) − ξ(t) = 0 (2.102) which implies that φ(t, y(t)) = ξ(t) for all t. Consider now the systems, ẏ = Ay + φ(t, y), y(0) = y0 , and, ż = Az + φ(t, y(t)), z(t0 ) = y0 , The error, e = y(t) − z(t), evolves governed by: ė = Ae, e(t0 ) = 0 (2.103) therefore, e(t), is identically zero for all t, and both systems are trajectory equivalent. The consequence of this simple fact is that we may view the nonlinear system (2.93) as a linear system with an exogenous time-varying injection term, ξ(t) = φ(t, y(t)), ż = Az + ξ(t), z(t0 ) = y0 . (2.104) These two systems, (2.93) and (2.104), are identical in the precise sense that their trajectories are the same over any time interval. Consequently, the distinction between z and y becomes irrelevant. Any pertinent consideration on the system (2.93) may be examined on the linear trajectory equivalent system (2.103), viewed now without any ambiguity as, ẏ = Ay + ξ(t), y(0) = y0 (2.105) which is devoid of the state-dependent nonlinear structure. We address the linear perturbed system (2.105) as the ultra local model of the nonlinear system (2.93). In practise, the time-valued nonlinearities, lumped in ξ(t), constitutes an unknown term, thus acting as a proper disturbance to the system. 4.1. Exogenous Cancelation of Nonlinearities Figure 2.7 Exogenous cancelation of state dependent nonlinearities ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 31 — #47 ✐ ✐ Generalities of ADRC Chapter | 2 31 Let A ∈ Rn×n be a Hurwitz matrix. Consider the systems: ẏ = Ay, y(t0 ) = y0 , ż Az + φ(t, z) − ζ(t), z(t0 ) = y0 = (2.106) with (see Figure 2.7) ζ(t) = φ(t, y(t)) = φ(t, ΦA (t, t0 )y0 ) (2.107) The two previous systems are trajectory equivalent. Proof For all t, the error, e = y − z(t), evolves according to ė = Ae + φ(t, y(t)) − φ(t, z(t)) = Ae + φ(t, z(t) + e) − φ(t, z(t)) (2.108) with e(t0 ) = 0, it follows that ė(t0 ) = 0, this in turn implies that ë(t0 ) = 0, and all time derivatives of e(t) are zero at t = t0 . Therefore, e(t) ≡ 0 ∀t ≥ t0 Example 8. Consider the following linear system ẋ1 ẋ2 = x2 = −8x1 − 16x2 (2.109) = z2 + φ1 (t, z1 , z2 ) − uφ1 (t, x1 (t), x2 (t)) = −8z1 − 16z2 + φ2 (t, z1 , z2 ) − uφ2 (t, x1 (t), x2 (t)) (2.110) with: x1 (0) = 1, x2 (0) = −1 and the nonlinear systems ż1 ż2 with z1 (0) = 1, z2 (0) = −1, and u ∈ {0, 1} 2 φ1 (t, z1 , z2 ) = sin(0.1t) cos(t)e−z1 cos(0.1z2 ) 2 φ2 (t, z1 , z2 ) = cos(0.1t) sin(t)e−z2 sin(0.1z1 ) (2.111) The two systems are trajectory equivalent whenever u = 1 for all t. Figure 2.8, below, illustrates that when the on-line exogenous cancelation is not activated (and u = 0 for all t), the solution trajectories of the state variables of the two systems are substantially different; but that they entirely coincide when the exogenous cancelation is activated (and u is set to the value of 1, for all times). This result implies that the effect of additive state dependent non-linearities may be exactly canceled from the nonlinear system behavior, via the injection of a, precise, exogenously generated time-varying signal vector. 4.2. The Case of Nonlinear Controlled Systems We are particularly interested in those cases where the additive non-linearities (φ(t, y)) are uncertain due to: a) the lack of knowledge of certain parameters, or b) due to the presence of un-modeled state dependent nonlinearities or c) the combination of these two previous cases with the presence of uncertain exogenous time-varying vector signals. From the previous results, we consider all such terms as a single, lumped, unstructured, time-varying disturbance term ξ(t). When the disturbance term ξ(t) cannot be exactly, on line, reconstructed and only an approximate, on-line, knowledge of its time behavior is available (say, via the use of a suitable asymptotic observer), then approximate cancelation may still be effectively achieved. In controlled systems, the effects of this approximate cancelation can be further counteracted to achieve arbitrarily close output trajectory tracking features to differentially flat systems. The underlying problem, though, is clearly linear. Consider the nonlinear, scalar, differentially flat system y(n) = ψ(t, y)u + φ(t, y, ẏ, ..., y(n−1) ) (2.112) Y0 = {y(t0 ), ẏ(t0 ), ..., y(n−1) (t0 )} (2.113) with the following set of initial conditions: ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 32 — #48 ✐ ✐ 32 PART | General Aspects of Active Disturbance Rejection 1 u=0 u=1 1 z1 z1 0.8 0.5 0.6 0.4 0 -0.5 0.2 x1 0 0.5 0.5 1 u=0 0 z2 x1 0 0 -0.2 z2 0.5 1 u=1 0 -0.4 -0.6 -0.5 -1 -1 -0.8 x2 -0.5 0 -1 -1 x2 -0.5 0 Figure 2.8 Exogenous cancelation of state dependent nonlinearities We refer to the function ψ(t, y) as the control input gain of the system. The term φ(t, y, ẏ, ..., y(n−1) ) will be addressed as the drift function. Proposition 2. For a given smooth control input function, u(t), let y(t) = Θ(t, t0 , Y0 , u(t)) denote the solution trajectory of system (2.112) from the set of initial conditions, Y0 . The following system, z(n) = ψ(t, z)u + φ(t, y(t), ẏ(t), ..., y(n−1) (t)) (2.114) is trajectory equivalent to system (2.112) provided the initial conditions for z and its time derivatives, Z0 = {z(t0 ), ..., z(n−1) (t0 )} coincide with Y0 , i.e., z( j) (t0 ) = y( j) (t0 ), j = 0, 1, ..., n − 1. Proof The proof is based on the fact that the error signal e = y(t) − z(t) satisfies e(n) = ψ(t, y(t)) − ψ(t, z(t)) u(t) ( j) (n) (2.115) (n+k) with e (t0 ) = 0, for all j = 0, 1, ..., n − 1. Clearly, e (t0 ) = 0. It is not difficult to establish that e (t0 ) = 0 for all integers, k. Thus e(t) ≡ 0 for all t ≥ t0 and the systems are trajectory equivalent for the given control input function u(t). As before, we denote by the time function, ξ(t), the additive drift function, φ(t, y(t), ẏ(t), ..., y(n−1) (t)), without regard for any particular internal structure. We refer to the trajectory equivalent system, y(n) = ψ(t, y)u + ξ(t) (2.116) as the ultra-local model associated with system (2.116). 4.3. Ultra-local models and flatness It is desired to drive the flat output y of the system y(n) = ψ(t, y)u + φ(t, y, ẏ, ..., y(n−1) ) (2.117) to track a given smooth reference trajectory y∗ (t), regardless of the unknown but uniformly bounded nature of the drift function φ(t, y, ẏ, ..., y(n−1) ). ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 33 — #49 ✐ ✐ Generalities of ADRC Chapter | 2 33 Regarding the controlled system (2.117), we make the following assumptions: 1. The drift function φ(t, y, ẏ, ..., y(n−1) ) is completely unknown while the control input gain, ψ(t, y), is perfectly known. Let ǫ be a strictly positive real number. The control input gain ψ(t, y(t)) is assumed to be uniformly bounded away from zero, i.e., inf t |ψ(t, y(t))| ≥ ǫ > 0 for any solution y(t) of the controlled system. In particular, it is bounded away from zero for the given output reference trajectory y∗ (t). 2. It is assumed that a solution, y(t), exists, uniformly in t, for every given set of initial conditions: Y0 , specified at time t = t0 and for a given, sufficiently smooth, control input function u(t). Given a desired flat output reference trajectory, y∗ (t), the flatness of the system, and the previous assumption, allows for a straightforward calculation of the corresponding (unique) open loop control input u∗ (t). 3. Let m be a given integer. As a time function, the m-th, time derivative of ξ(t) = φ(t, y(t), ẏ(t), ..., y(n−1) (t)) is uniformly absolutely bounded (in an “almost everywhere” sense where needed). In other words, there exists a constant K such that, 1 sup |ξ(m) (t)| = sup |φ(m) (t, y(t), ẏ(t), ..., y(n−1) (t))| ≤ K t (2.118) t 4.4. A High Gain Observer Based Approach Setting y1 = y, y2 = ẏ,...,yn = y(n−1) , a state space model for the ultra-local model of such an uncertain system is given by, ẏ j ẏn = y j+1 , j = 1, ..., n − 1 = ψ(t, y1 )u + ξ(t) (2.119) We propose the following observer (called Generalized Proportional Integral observer or, simply, GPI observer) for the phase variables, {y1 , y2 , ..., yn }, associated with the flat output y, characterized by the states ŷ1 , ..., ŷn , and complemented by m output estimation error iterated integral injections, characterized by the variable, z1 . We have ŷ˙ j ŷ˙ n żi żm = ŷ j+1 + λn+m− j (y1 − ŷ1 ), j = 1, ..., n − 1 = ψ(t, y1 )u + z1 + λm (y1 − ŷ1 ) = zi+1 + λm−i (y1 − ŷ1 ), i = 1, ..., m − 1 = λ0 (y1 − ŷ1 ) (2.120) Let the estimation error, ey , be defined as ey = e1 = y1 − ŷ1 = y − ŷ1 with e2 = y2 − ŷ2 , etc., ė j ėn żi żm = e j+1 − λn+m− j e1 , j = 1, ..., n − 1 = ξ(t) − z1 − λm e1 = zi+1 + λm−i e1 , i = 1, ..., m − 1 = λ0 e1 (2.121) The estimation error, ey = e1 , satisfies, after elimination of all variables z, the following n + m-th order, perturbed, linear differential equation, e(n+m) + λn+m−1 ey(n+m−1) + · · · + λ1 ėy + λ0 ey = ξ(m) (t) y (2.122) Theorem 2. Suppose all previous assumptions are valid. Let the coefficients, λ j , j = 0, 1, ..., n + m − 1, of the characteristic polynomial in the complex variable s, po (s) = sn+m + λn+m−1 sn+m−1 + · · · + λ1 s + λ0 (2.123) be chosen so that, for a sufficiently large real number N > 0, the polynomial po (s) exhibits all its roots to the left of the line: {s ∈ C|Re(s) ≤ −N}, in the complex plane C. Then, the trajectories of the estimation error, ey (t), and of its time derivatives, e( j) (t), j = 1, ..., n + m − 1, globally converge towards a small as desired sphere of radius ρ, denoted by S (0, ρ), centered at 1. This assumption cannot be verified a priori when φ(t, y, ẏ, ..., y(n−1) ) is completely unknown. However, in cases where the nonlinearity is known except for some of its parameters, its validity can be assessed with some work. Also, if ξ(m) (t) is not uniformly absolutely bounded almost everywhere then solutions, y(t), for (2.117) do not exist, for any finite u(t) (see Gliklikh [5]). ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 34 — #50 ✐ ✐ 34 PART | General Aspects of Active Disturbance Rejection the origin of the estimation error phase space, {ey , ėy , ..., ey(n+m−1) }, where they remain ultimately bounded. The larger the value of N, the smaller the radius of the sphere S (0, ρ). Similarly, the variable z1 and its time derivatives, z j , j = 1, ..., m, track arbitrarily closely the unknown time functions, ξ(t), and its time derivatives, ξ( j) (t), j = 1, ..., m. Proof Let x = (e1 , ..., en+m )T denote the phase variables of (2.122). The perturbed linear system (2.122) is of the form: ẋ = Ax + bξ(m) (t), with A being a Hurwitz matrix written in companion form and b is a vector of zeroes except for the last component being equal to 1. Let |Re(σmax A)| denote the absolute value of the negative real part of the largest eigenvalue of the matrix A (i.e., the closest to the imaginary axis). Clearly, |Re(σmax A)| ≥ N. The Hurwitzian character of A implies that for every constant, (n + m) × (n + m), symmetric, positive definite, matrix Q = QT > 0, there exists a symmetric, positive definite (n + m) × (n + m) matrix P = PT > 0 such that: AT P + PA = −Q. The Lyapunov function candidate, V(x) = 12 xT Px, exhibits a time derivative, along, the solutions of the closed loop system, given by V̇(x, t) = 12 xT (AT P + PA)x + xT Pbξ(m) (t). This function satisfies V̇(x, t) ≤ −kxk2 kPk|Re(σmax (A))| + KkxkkPk = −kxkkPk (|Re(σmax (A))|kxk − K). This function is strictly negative everywhere outside the sphere S (0, ρ), given by: S (0, ρ) = {x ∈ Rm+n | kxk ≤ ρ, ρ = K/|Re(σmax (A))| ≤ K/N}. Hence, all trajectories x(t) starting outside this sphere converge towards its interior, and all those trajectories starting inside S (0, ρ) will never abandon it. The more negative the real part of the dominant eigenvalue of A, the larger the quantity: |Re(σmax (A))|, and, hence, the smaller the radius of the ultimate bounding sphere, S (0, ρ), in the x space. From (2.121) it follows that z1 = φ(t, y1 (t), y2 (t), ..., yn (t)) − λm e1 − ėn = ξ(t) − λm e1 − ėn (2.124) Hence, as e1 and ėn evolve towards the small bounding sphere in the estimation error phase space, the trajectory of z1 tracks, arbitrarily close, the unknown disturbance function, ξ(t) = φ(t, y1 (t), y2 (t), ..., yn (t)). In general, zi , i = 1, ..., m, converges towards a small as desired vicinity of ξ(i−1) (t), i = 1, ..., m. Since z1 − ξ(t) is ultimately bounded, the approximate estimate, z1 , of the ultra-local model disturbance term, ξ(t), is thus self-updating. From the definition of the estimation errors for y, and its time derivatives, it follows that ŷ j , j = 1, ..., n, reconstruct, in an arbitrarily close fashion, the time derivatives of y. 4.5. The Disturbance Canceling Linear Controller The trajectory tracking controller is given by, n−1 1 ∗ (n) X [y (t)] − u= γk ŷk+1 − [y∗ (t)](k) − z1 ψ(t, y) k=0 (2.125) with the set of coefficients {γ0 , ..., γn−1 } chosen so that pc (s) = sn + γn−1 sn−1 + · · · + γ0 exhibits all its roots in the left half of C. The closed loop flat output tracking error, e = y − y∗ (t), is governed by, e(n) + γn−1 e(n−1) + · · · + γ0 e = (ξ(t) − z1 ) + n−1 X γk e(k) y (2.126) k=1 Theorem 3. The disturbance rejection output feedback controller (2.125) drives the trajectory of the controlled system flat output, y(t), towards a small as desired vicinity of the origin of the output tracking error phase space, (e, ė, ..., e(n−1) ), provided the set of coefficients: {γ0 , ..., γn−1 }, are chosen so that pc (s) is a Hurwitz polynomial with roots sufficiently far from the imaginary axis in C. Proof According to the previous theorem, the term, ξ(t) − z1 , and the terms, ey(k) , k = 1, 2, ..., n − 1, evolve in a small as desired neighborhood of the origin. It follows that the right hand side of the linear system (2.126) evolves, in an uniformly ultimately bounded fashion, within a sufficiently small neighborhood of the origin of the output tracking error phase space. Using the same arguments as in the proof of the previous theorem, it follows that the tracking error, e, and its time derivatives, converge towards a small as desired vicinity of the tracking error phase space coordinates: z = (e, ė, · · · , e(n−1) ), provided the roots of pc (s) are located sufficiently to the left of the imaginary axis in C. ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 35 — #51 ✐ ✐ Generalities of ADRC Chapter | 2 35 Remark 1. Implementation of the GPI observer-based ADR algorithm requires low pass filtering, along with “clutching” of the observer output signals. The integer m, depicting the order of approximation of the lumped disturbance signal ξ(t), is typically chosen as m = 3 or, at most, m = 5 2 (see[6] for experimental details). 4.6. An illustrative experimental example R x3 + x2 − + C2 L x1 − C1 ϕ(x1 ) u Figure 2.9 Controlled Chua’s circuit In reference to Figure 2.9, let ϕ(x1 ) represent the, so called, Chua’s diode, given by [7], [8]: (m1 − m0 ) (|x1 + B p | − |x1 − B p |) 2 The inductor current y = x3 is the flat output. The input-flat output model is given by: ϕ(x1 ) = m0 x1 + RLC1 C2 y(3) + L(C1 + C2 )ÿ + RC1 ẏ + y + θ(y, ẏ, ÿ) = u (2.127) (2.128) with θ(y, ẏ, ÿ) = ϕ(x1 ) and x1 = RLC2 ÿ + Lẏ + Ry. The constant gain, linear global ultra-local model is given by: y(3) = (1/RLC1C2 ) u + ξ(t) (2.129) It is desired that the output y(t) of (2.129) tracks the reference signal, ζ(t) = y∗ (t), of the following unrelated Lorenz system: ζ̇1 = σ(ζ2 − ζ1 ), ζ̇2 = rζ1 − ζ2 − ζ1 ζ3 , ζ̇3 = ζ1 ζ2 − bζ3 (2.130) with ζ(t) = ǫζ1 (t). We used the following linear observer-based disturbance canceling control u = RLC1 C2 [y∗ (t)](3) − γ2 (y3 − ÿ∗ (t)) − γ1 (y2 − ẏ∗ (t)) −γ0 (y1 − y∗ (t)) − z1 ẏ1 = y2 + λ5 (y − y1 ), ẏ2 = y3 + λ4 (y − y1 ) ẏ3 = (1/RLC1C2 ) u + z1 + λ3 (y − y1 ) ż1 ż3 = z2 + λ2 (y − y1 ), ż2 = z3 + λ1 (y − y1 ), = λ0 (y − y1 ) (2.131) The characteristic polynomial associated with the output estimation error is given by, po (s) = s6 + λ5 s5 + . . . + λ1 s + λ0 . While that associated with the closed loop system is pc (s) = s3 + γ2 s2 + γ1 s + γ0 . The ADR control law was implemented by means of a National Instruments Data Acquisition Card PCI-6259. The control output was synthesized through the analog output, and the control law was devised using Matlab Simulink software in a real time implementation environment using the xPc target hardware in the loop simulation with a sampling period of 0.1 [ms]. The circuit parameters were set to to be: C1 = 23.5 [µF], C2 = 235[µF], R = 1550 [Ω]. The inductance L = 42.3 [H]. The parameters of Chua’s diode were set to be: m0 = −0.409 [ms], m1 = −0.758 [ms], B p = 1.8[V]. The simulated Lorenz system parameters were set as: σ = 10, r = 28, b = 8, with ǫ = 0.7510−4. We let Chua’s circuit evolve without any control action for a period of 30 [s] and then, we switched “ON” the observer based ADR controller. Figures 4.6 and 4.6 depict the performance of the ADR controller in the trajectory tracking task. 2. As a justification for such a low degree, recall John von Neumann’s statement: “With four parameters I can fit an elephant, and with five I can make him wiggle his trunk!” ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 36 — #52 ✐ ✐ 36 PART | General Aspects of Active Disturbance Rejection -3 4 x 10 y [A] y∗ [A] 2 0 -2 -4 0 10 20 30 Time [s] 40 50 60 -3 4 x 10 ey [A] 2 0 -2 -4 0 10 20 30 Time [s] 40 50 60 Figure 2.10 Performance of the observer based ADR controller for Chua’s circuit (ey = y − y∗ (t)) Figure 2.11 Picture of oscilloscope showing controlled circuit performance REFERENCES ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 37 — #53 ✐ ✐ [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] J. Han, From PID to active disturbance rejection control, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 56 (3) (2009) 900–906. M. G. Singh, A. Titli, Systems: decomposition, optimisation, and control, Pergamon 1978. C Coleman, Local Trajectory Equivalence of Differential Systems, Procedings of the American Mathematical Society 16 (1966) 890–892. MG Singh, Ordinary Differential Equations, Addison-Wesley, 1962. Y. E. Gliklikh, Necessary and sufficient conditions for global -in-time existence of solutions of ordinary, stochastic and parabolic differential equations, Abstract and Applied Analysis 2006 (2006) 1–17. [6] H Sira-Ramı́rez, M Ramı́rez-Neria, A Rodrı́guez-Ángeles, On the Linear Control of Nonlinear Mechanical Systems, in: 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 2010, pp. 1999–2004. [7] L. Fortuna, M. Frasca, M.G. Xibilia, Chua’s circuit implementations: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, Nonlinear Science, Series A, vol. 65, World Scientific, Singapore 2009. [8] H. Sira-Ramı́rez, A. Luviano-Juárez, J. Cortés-Romero, Flatness-based linear output feedback control for disturbance rejection and tracking tasks on a Chua’s circuit, International Journal of Control 85 (5) (2012) 594–602. 37 ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 38 — #54 ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 39 — #55 ✐ ✐ Chapter 3 Merging Flatness, GPI Observation and GPI control with ADRC H.Sira-Ramı́rez,a,∗ , A. Luviano-Juárez∗∗ , M. Ramı́rez-Neria† and E. W. Zurita-Bustamante∗ ∗ CINVESTAV-IPN, Departamento de Ingenierı́a Eléctrica, Sección de Mecatrónica, Av. IPN, No. 2508, Colonia San Pedro Zacatenco, Delegación Gustavo A. Madero C.P. 07360, Ciudad de México, México ∗∗ UPIITA-IPN,Instituto Politécnico Nacional - UPIITA, Av. IPN, 2580, Colonia Barrio la Laguna Ticomán, Delegación Gustavo A. Madero C.P. 07340 Ciudad de México, México † CINVESTAV-IPN, Departamento de Control Automático, Av. IPN, No. 2508, Colonia San Pedro Zacatenco, Delegación Gustavo A. Madero C.P. 07360, Ciudad de México, México Chapter Outline Head 1. Introduction 2. GPI Extended State Observer Design 40 41 2.1. An introductory example 41 2.2. Problem Formulation and main results 2.3. An application example 43 48 3. An observer based approach to GPI perturbation rejection 3.1. An example 4. The Buck Converter 4.1. Problem Formulation 4.2. A GPI observer-based ADRC approach 49 51 52 54 54 4.3. A Flat Filtering Approach 55 4.4. Simulation results 4.5. Experimental results 57 57 5. Example: A pendulum system 58 5.1. Experimental Results 63 6. Two link robot manipulator 6.1. The two link manipulator robot tracking trajectory problem 69 6.2. Robot manipulator GPI controller 70 6.3. Simulation results robot manipulator 71 7. Non holonomic wheeled car 75 7.2. Non-holonomic car GPI controller 75 7.3. Simulation results non-holonomic car 76 8. Two mass rectilinear mechanism 76 8.1. Mathematical model 76 8.2. Problem Formulation 80 8.3. Differential flatness of two mass rectilinear mechanism 80 8.4. Two mass rectilinear mechanism GPI controller approach 81 8.5. Simulation results two mass rectilinear mechanism 9. Remarks 70 74 7.1. The non-holonomic car tracking trajectory problem References 82 82 84 39 ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 40 — #56 ✐ ✐ 40 PART | ADRC, Flatness and GPI observation and control ABSTRACT In this chapter two techniques are developed for the problem of Active Disturbance Rejection Control of differentially flat systems: The GPI extended state observer and the flat filtering approach. An Extended State Observer based linear output feedback controller is developed for trajectory tracking problems defined on a class of disturbed differentially flat systems. A linear active disturbance rejection control based on a high gain linear disturbance observer is proposed and implemented on a variety of challenging cases of study. We show that the state-dependent disturbance can be approximately, but arbitrarily closely, estimated through a linear high-gain observer, called a Generalized Proportional Integral (GPI) observer, which contains a linear combination of a sufficient number of extra iterated integrals of the output estimation error. On the other hand, the concept of Flat filtering is introduced as a reinterpretation of Generalized Proportional Integral (GPI) Control in the form of Classical Compensation Networks (CCN). Flat filters allows the output regulation of any linear controllable system through a suitable linear combination of the measurable internal states of the filter. Here, it is shown that such a classical control related tool is also capable of efficiently handling control tasks on perturbed exactly linearizable nonlinear systems, i.e. flat systems, including the effects of unknown nonlinearities and un-modeled dynamics. Some study cases are provided to show the effectiveness of the control schemes. Chapter Points • • • Differential flatness is shown to be of invaluable help in ADRC control of nonlinear systems, independently of the chosen feedback scheme: Extended State Observer-based ADRC, GPI observe-based ADRC or flat filtering techniques. Flatness trivializes the trajectory planning issues and the feedback controller design aspects. GPI observers are natural generalizatios of single dimensional extended state observers. Their advantages relate to the possibilities of estimating time derivatives of additive disturbances, a valuable asset in controlling input-delayed systems Flat filtering control of nonlinear simplified flat systems constitutes a dual alternative to GPI observation based ADRC. Flat fitering is a robustified version of GPI control as developed for linear time invariant systems and can be classified as a linear robust feedback scheme for nonlinear systems. This chapter provides illustrative applications of flat filtering to text book examples and to real laboratory prototypes. 1. INTRODUCTION The differential flatness property in control systems allows for the trivialization of the controller design task, reducing the feedback control problem to that corresponding to a linear controllable time-invariant system ([1], [2], and the appendix A for background on flatness.). For an approximate, yet effective, disturbance observer design, the input-to-flat output relation is simplified to a linear perturbed system. The perturbation input lumps both external disturbance inputs and state dependent nonlinear terms, into a single uniformly absolutely bounded disturbance function. This viewpoint transforms the original control task into one of robustly controlling, via a linear output feedback controller, an externally perturbed chain of integrators. The additive disturbance input can be effectively, though approximately, estimated via a linear high gain, observer. This information is used in approximately cancelling (at the controller stage) its effects on the trajectory tracking performance quality. The effects of the unknown disturbance input on the output reconstruction error dynamics (at the observer stage) may be attenuated via a suitable linear combination of iterated integral injections of the output estimation error. This is precisely the dual procedure to that characterizing disturbance input attenuation in Generalized Proportional Integral (GPI) Control and, hence, the observers we advocate may be properly called GPI observers. Both in GPI control and GPI observer design, the need for appropriate linear combinations of iterated integral errors is completely equivalent to the hypothesis of a self-updating internal model of the perturbation input (local ultra-model) as a time polynomial approximation. GPI observer-based output feedback control of nonlinear uncertain systems is considered as an Active Disturbance Rejection Control, which deals with the problem of canceling, from the controller’s actions, endogenous and exogenous unknown additive disturbance inputs affecting the system. Perturbation effects are made available via suitable linear, or nonlinear, estimation efforts. GPI observers are also intimately related to a radically new viewpoint in nonlinear state estimation, based on differential algebra, developed by [3]). From a practical perspective, the use of simple controllers with the least possible information of a complex system is a challenging control problem. Robust strategies which involve the use of observers for unknown dynamics and external disturbance have been the basis of the Active Disturbance Rejection Control (ADRC) approach [4], [5], which relies on the use of Extended State Observers, of linear or nonlinear nature, which use input-output information in order to reconstruct the lumped disturbances for their further cancellation. The effectiveness of this scheme has been shown through many academic and industrial applications (see [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11] and references therein). ADRC does not require a detailed mathematical description of the system, thanks to the online estimation and rejection of unmodeled elements [12]. ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 41 — #57 ✐ ✐ ADRC, Flatness, GPI Chapter | 3 41 The original idea of Han was to establish a direct connection between the classical PID control and other modern control theory techniques. In this sense, an alternative approach is the use of Classical Compensation Networks, by means of the Generalized Proportional Integral Control (GPI) [13], [14], [15]. Classical Compensation Networks controlling linear systems, constitute dynamical systems which are naturally flat [16], [14], [1]. Although flatness here is not to be taken in a strict control oriented sense, but in a new filtering sense (The input of the compensation network is actually constituted by the plant output signal and the compensation network output is actually the system input). All variables in the compensator, or filter, are indeed expressible in terms of the filtered output signal and a finite number of its time derivatives, a general defining property of flat systems [17]. In this chapter, the concept of flat filtering, as a disturbance rejection tool for output feedback control design in controllable linear systems is analyzed in the context of GPI control and ADRC. Flat filtering is based on the fact that a GPI controller is viewed as a dynamical linear system which exhibits as a natural flat output a filtered version of the plant output signal. This property is particularly helpful in the design of efficient output feedback stabilization schemes and in solving output reference trajectory tracking tasks. The approach is naturally extended applying Active Disturbance Rejection Control ideas to the control of significantly perturbed differentially flat SISO nonlinear systems, affected by unknown endogenous nonlinearities, in the presence of exogenous disturbances and unmodeled dynamics. 2. GPI EXTENDED STATE OBSERVER DESIGN Here, we propose a natural, dual, extension of Generalized Proportional Integral control to the state observer design problem for linear systems. First, as a parallel to what we did for the GPI controller design case, we undertake the case of estimating via GPI observers unstable perturbation input signals of the polynomial type. Suitable dynamic output estimation error injections to the traditional Luenberger observer results in a robust behavior capable of producing asymptotic exponentially stable estimations of the system state variables and of the unstable inputs. In particular, for the most common case of constant unknown perturbation inputs to the plant, the proposed observers produce asymptotically convergent state estimates, a feature not shared by traditional observers of the Luenberger type. The proposed robust observers with dynamic injections may be regarded as average observer designs when the additional restriction is imposed of output error injections taking values on a discrete set of the form {−1, 1}, as in sliding mode observers of the Luenberger type. This restriction is natural for remotely observed systems with output estimation error values being transmitted in the form of a binary valued sequence. The results here obtained are shown to be rather pertinent in unknown, unstable, perturbation estimation. An application of our proposed estimation scheme for the identification of temporarily growing coupling torques, and Coulomb friction terms, in closed loop controlled flexible appendages undergoing unforseen collisions is also here presented. 2.1. An introductory example We begin with an illustrative design example of elementary nature which exhibits the lack of robustness of traditional observers of the Luenberger type even to bounded perturbation inputs. Consider the following linear perturbed system: ẋ1 = x2 , ẋ2 = ξ(t), y = x1 (3.1) where ξ(t) is a perturbation input signal. Assume, momentarily, that ξ(t) is bounded, i.e., for some positive constant A, supt |ξ(t)| = A is valid. A traditional observer of the Luenberger type, designed on the basis of the unperturbed plant model, is customarily designed as follows: x̂˙1 x̂2 + λ2 (y − ŷ), x̂˙2 = λ1 (y − ŷ) = x̂1 , ŷ = λ1 , λ2 > 0 (3.2) The perturbed reconstruction error state: (e1 , e2 ) = (y − ŷ, x2 − x̂2 ), evolves according to the perturbed dynamics, ė1 ė2 e1 = e2 − λ2 e1 = −λ1 e1 + ξ(t) = x1 − x̂1 = y − ŷ (3.3) The injected dynamics of e1 evolves according to ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 42 — #58 ✐ ✐ 42 PART | ADRC, Flatness and GPI observation and control ë1 + λ2 ė1 + λ1 e1 = ξ(t) (3.4) Clearly, only for finite time fading perturbation inputs, or perturbations with compact support, can one guarantee the eventual convergence to zero of the estimation error e1 provided λ1 and λ1 are properly chosen. Rigorously speaking then, the Luenberger observer is non-robust with respect to any practical system input perturbation. Nevertheless, the approximate estimation of x2 is still possible, for bounded perturbations, using a suitably large design parameter λ1 . This last property has been extensively used in the literature of sliding mode observer applications (see, for instance, McCann it et. al.[18]). In the interest of completing the example, we assume that ξ(t) is a time-polynomial perturbation of the quadratic type given by: ξ(t) = p0 + p1 t + p2 t2 , with {p0 , p1 , p2 } being constant, but completely unknown, coefficients thus yielding a family of polynomial perturbation inputs of second degree. Consider the following observer with dynamic output reconstruction error injection and zero initial conditions for the variables z:1 x̂˙1 x̂˙2 ż1 ż2 ż3 ŷ = = = = = = x̂2 + λ4 (y(t) − ŷ(t)) λ3 (y(t) − ŷ(t)) + z1 z2 + λ2 (y(t) − ŷ(t)) z3 + λ1 (y(t) − ŷ(t)) λ0 (y(t) − ŷ(t)) x̂1 (3.5) As before, letting e1 = x1 (t) − x̂1 (t) = y(t) − ŷ(t), and e2 = x2 (t) − x̂2 (t), the estimation error dynamics evolves now according to, ė1 ė2 = e2 − λ4 e1 = ξ(t) − λ3 e1 − z1 ż1 = z2 + λ2 e1 ż2 ż3 = z3 + λ1 e1 = λ0 e1 The perturbed integro-differential equation satisfied by the output error e1 is just obtained to be 2 Z (3) Z Z (2) e1 ) = ξ(t) e1 ) + λ0 ( ë1 + λ4 ė1 + λ3 e1 + λ2 ( e1 ) + λ1 ( (3.6) (3.7) Clearly, then, for the assumed second degree time-polynomial perturbation input ξ(t), the characteristic polynomial of the estimation error for the proposed observer is given, in this case, by p(s) = s5 + λ4 s4 + λ3 s3 + λ2 s2 + λ1 s + λ0 (3.8) The proper choice of the set of design coefficients: {λ4 , . . . , λ0 }, as those of a corresponding degree Hurwitz polynomial, results in an asymptotically exponentially stable output reconstruction error dynamics. The exponential stability of the origin of the reconstruction error space is thus independent of the parameters in the signal ξ(t) and, hence, the observer is 1. Note that we take three extra state variables z’s in the extended observer in order to match the order of the model of the unknown family of polynomial perturbation inputs, namely: d3 ξ(t)/dt3 = 0 R (n) 2. Here, ( η) stands for the expression: Z t Z σ1 Z σn−1 ··· η(σn )dσn · · · dσ1 0 0 0 with Z ( (1) Z Z t η) = ( η) = η(σ1 )dσ1 0 ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 43 — #59 ✐ ✐ ADRC, Flatness, GPI Chapter | 3 43 robust with respect to such a perturbation input. Note that since e2 = ė1 + λ4 e1 , if e1 is asymptotically exponentially driven to zero, so is e2 . Also, one has that z1 asymptotically tracks the unknown unstable signal ξ(t), i.e. limt→∞ z1 (t) = ξ(t). Similarly z2 → ξ̇(t) and z3 → ξ̈(t). Next figure depicts the observer scheme exhibiting the proposed dynamic output error injection ø(t) 1 s2 y + à v õ4 + plant + 1 s yê 2 1s+õ 0 õ3 + õ2s +õ s3 1 s x ê2 average observer Figure 3.1 Robust observer with dynamic output error injection. The figure below depicts the trajectories of the estimation error variables e1 , e2 of the observer design based on suitable dynamic output error injections. The estimation error state variables e1 , e2 are seen to converge towards zero in an asymptotically exponential fashion. 2.2. Problem Formulation and main results Given a linear perturbed SISO observable system: y(s) = where all the system coefficients: 1 ξ(s) sn + an−1 sn−1 + · · · + a1 s + a0 ai , i = 0, 1, . . . , n − 1, (3.9) (3.10) are assumed to be perfectly known, devise an asymptotic observer which is robust with respect to polynomial perturbation inputs of the form: ξ(t) = r−1 X pi t i (3.11) i=0 ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 44 — #60 ✐ ✐ 44 PART | ADRC, Flatness and GPI observation and control Figure 3.2 Robust state estimation error trajectories for a linear plant undergoing unstable polynomial perturbations. where all the coefficients pi are completely unknown. The given system has the following state representation in observable canonical form ẋ = with A = Ax + bξ(t) h 1 0 0··· y = −an−1 −an−2 .. . −am −am−1 .. . −a1 −a0 1 0 ··· 0 1 ··· .. .. . . . . . 0 0 ··· 0 0 ··· .. .. . . . . . 0 0 0 0 ··· ··· 0 0 ··· 0 0 ··· .. .. .. . . . 1 0 ··· 0 1 ··· .. .. . . . . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .. . 0 0 .. . 1 0 0 i h , b = 0 (3.12) x 0 ··· 0 0 ··· 0 1 iT (3.13) An observer, capable of overcoming the effects of the time polynomial perturbation input to the plant, is given by ˙x̂ = −an−1 −an−2 .. . −am −am−1 .. . −a1 −a0 1 0 0 1 .. .. . . 0 0 0 0 .. .. . . ··· ··· .. . ··· ··· .. . 0 0 ··· 0 0 ··· 0 0 ··· 0 0 ··· .. .. .. . . . 1 0 ··· 0 1 ··· .. .. . . . . . 0 0 .. . 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 .. . x̂ + λn+r−1 λn+r−2 .. . λr+m λr+m−1 .. . λr+1 λr (y − ŷ) + 0 0 .. . 0 0 .. . 0 1 z1 (3.14) ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 45 — #61 ✐ ✐ ADRC, Flatness, GPI Chapter | 3 45 ŷ = h 1 0 0··· 0 ż1 = z2 + λr−1 (y − ŷ) ż2 = z3 + λr−2 (y − ŷ) .. . żr−1 żr i x̂ = zr + λ1 (y − ŷ) = λ0 (y − ŷ) (3.15) The vector of estimation errors: e = x − x̂, satisfies the following perturbed dynamics: −an−1 − λn+r−1 −a − λ n−2 n+r−2 .. . −am − λr+m ė = −am−1 − λr+m−1 .. . −a1 − λr+1 −a0 − λr 1 0 ··· 0 1 ··· .. .. . . . . . 0 0 ··· 0 0 ··· .. .. . . . . . 0 0 ··· 0 0 ··· 0 0 ··· 0 0 ··· .. .. .. . . . 1 0 ··· 0 1 ··· .. .. . . . . . 0 0 .. . 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 .. . ż1 = z2 + λr−1 (y − ŷ) ż2 = z3 + λr−2 (y − ŷ) .. . żr−1 żr e + 0 0 .. . 0 0 .. . 0 1 ξ(t) − = zr + λ1 (y − ŷ) = λ0 (y − ŷ) 0 0 .. . 0 0 .. . 0 1 z1 (3.16) (3.17) From this expression, it is not difficult to see that the output observation error e1 = y − ŷ satisfies the following perturbed integro-differential equation: e1(n) + (an−1 + λn+r−1 )e(n−1) + · · · + (a0 + λr )e1 1 Z r (r−i+1) X e1 ) = ξ(t) + λi−1 ( (3.18) i=1 The dynamics of the output reconstruction error, given that ξ(t) is a time polynomial of order r − 1, exhibits the following characteristic equation:3 e1(n+r) + (an−1 + λn+r−1 )e(n+r−1) +··· 1 (r−1) +(a0 + λr )e(r) + · · · + λ0 e1 = 0 1 + λr−1 e1 (3.19) Clearly, the coefficients of the characteristic polynomial can be adjusted, by means of a suitable specification of the design gains: {λn+r−1 , . . . , λ1 , λ0 } (3.20) so that the output estimation error e1 exponentially asymptotically converges to zero. This may be easily achieved from the relations 3. According to classical usage, we term the homogeneous closed loop differential equation of the reconstruction error: the characteristic equation The characteristic polynomial refers to the polynomial factor, in the complex variable s of the Laplace transform, accompanying the reconstruction error signal ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 46 — #62 ✐ ✐ 46 PART | ADRC, Flatness and GPI observation and control λi+r λj = κi+r − ai , i = 0, 1, . . . , n − 1, = κ j , j = 0, 1, . . . , r − 1 (3.21) where the coefficients κ are those of a desired n + r degree characteristic polynomial of the Hurwitz type with all its roots in the open left half portion of the complex plane. p(s) = sn+r + κn+r−1 sn+r−1 + · · · + κ1 s + κ0 (3.22) From the differential parametrization resulting from the designed average observer e2 = ė1 + κn+r−1 e1 e3 = ë1 + κn+r−1 ė1 + κn+r−2 e1 .. . en = e(n−1) + κn+r−1 e(n−2) + · · · + κr+1 e1 1 1 (3.23) it follows that the exponential asymptotic convergence of e1 to zero induces the same type of convergence to zero on the state estimation errors e2 , e3 , ... , en . Also, from zero initial conditions for all z’s, then z1 tends asymptotically exponentially to the unknown perturbation input ξ(t) and, hence, z j (t) → ξ( j−1) (t), j = 1, 2, . . . r. Indeed, the state variables z of the observer are also differentially parameterizable in terms of e1 and ξ(t) as follows, i h z1 = − e1(n) + κn+r−1 e(n−1) + · · · + κr+1 ė1 + κr e1 + ξ(t) 1 z2 .. . zr = ż1 − κr−1 e1 i h + κn+r−1 e(n) = − e(n+1) 1 1 + · · · + κr+1 ë1 + κr ė1 + κr−1 e1 + ξ̇(t) h i (n+r−2) = − e(n+r−1) + κ e + · · · + κ e + ξ(r−1) (t) n+r−1 1 1 1 1 (3.24) We have proven the following result: Given the n-th order linear observable SISO system considered above subject to the unstable perturbation input of the polynomial type, then, the average n + r-th order observer: x̂˙ = A x̂ + λa (y − ŷ) + bω, ż = Fz + λb (y − ŷ) ω = [1, 0, ..., 0]z, ŷ = [1, 0, ..., 0] x̂ −an−1 1 0 · · · 0 0 −a 0 1 · · · 0 0 n−2 . . . . , b = .. .. .. . . . .. A = −a1 0 0 · · · 0 1 −a0 0 0 · · · 0 0 0 1 0 · · · 0 λn+r−1 0 0 1 · · · 0 λ n+r−2 .. .. , F = .. .. .. . . λa = . . . . . . 0 0 0 · · · 1 λr+1 0 0 0 ··· 0 λr iT h λr−1 λr−2 · · · λ1 λ0 λb = , 0 1 0 0 .. . (3.25) exponentially asymptotically estimates the n system states with an output estimation error e1 = y − ŷ governed by an (n + r)-th order characteristic equation whose design coefficients may be entirely chosen at will in order to guarantee location of the roots of the corresponding (n + r)-th degree characteristic polynomial in the left half of the complex plane. ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 47 — #63 ✐ ✐ ADRC, Flatness, GPI Chapter | 3 47 Moreover, the r states in the vector z of the observer, exponentially asymptotically estimate the unknown time polynomial perturbation input ξ(t) and its first r − 1 time derivatives. Note that the observer design demands the knowledge of the polynomial input degree, r. In those cases in which this degree is unknown, the excess of integrations in the average observer scheme does not preclude the accurate estimation of the lower order perturbation input. The figure below depicts the block diagram structure of the proposed robust Luenberger observer with dynamic output error injections for the studied observable linear plant subject to unstable perturbation inputs of the polynomial type. Figure 3.3 Robust observer with dynamic injections for estimation of the plant states when subject to time polynomial inputs. ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 48 — #64 ✐ ✐ 48 PART | ADRC, Flatness and GPI observation and control 2.3. An application example Consider the lumped mass model of a horizontally moving single-link flexible arm with a point mass concentrated at the tip of the appendage provided with a reduction gear of ratio N : 1. Figure 3.4 Single link flexible arm. The dynamics of the motor shaft angle is given by 1 1 K (3.26) g(θ̇m ) + 2 Γ = u N N2 N where u is the voltage signal applied for controlling the motor armature circuit. Jm is the combined inertia of the motor and the gear, ν is the viscous friction coefficient while g(θ̇m ) is the Coulomb’s friction torque assumed to be of the form: g(θ̇m ) = G sign (θ̇m ) with G being completely unknown. Γ is the coupling torque between the motor and the link assumed to be of the form: Jm θ̈m + νθ̇m + Γ = c(θm − θt ) (3.27) with θt denoting the angular position of the tip of the arm, as illustrated in the figure. The constant c is found to be given by c = mL2 ω20 with ω0 being the natural vibration frequency of the arm clamped at its base. We assume that the motor is being controlled so that a constant positive angular velocity ωr is achieved. It is known that in steady state free motion, the coupling torque, Γ, may be made negligible if tip vibrations are prevented. They can be efficiently avoided by using pre-filters that shape the command reference for the motor in such a way that the arm vibration frequency is removed. When the flexible arm collides with a fixed obstacle, often the tip remains in contact, most of the time, with the obstacle surface. This is in contradistinction to standard rigid arms, where rebounds happen as a consequence of the interaction between the control and the mechanical constraint. After collision, and provided a good servo-controller is available for the motor, the angle of the motor, θm , keeps growing at a constant rate while the tip angle remains at a fixed value θ0 . We deduce that the coupling torque grows linearly after the collision instant. Hence, a ramp perturbation input is expected to affect the closed loop motor dynamics. We thus placed a second order integration dynamic injection into our observer. In our simulation model, during the free motion phase, the perturbation ξ(t) is related to the unknown Coulomb friction term alone (i.e., ξ(t) = −G/(Jm N 2 ) with G constant, for positive values of θ̇). After the collision, the perturbation ξ(t) is given by the sum of the Coulomb friction term and the linear growing torque scaled by the factor Jm N 2 . We have then, for a collision time occurring at time t = ti , under the assumption of θ̇ > 0, the following model of the flexible arm-motor system: ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 49 — #65 ✐ ✐ ADRC, Flatness, GPI Chapter | 3 49 K ν u + ξ(t) θ̇m = Jm Jm N ( −G/(Jm N 2 )h i ξ(t) = −1/(Jm N 2 ) G + mL2 ω20 (θ − θ0 ) θ̈m + for t ≤ ti for t > ti (3.28) with ti being the collision instant approximately estimated as t0 + ω0 /ωr , with ωr being the constant angular reference velocity tracked by the motor shaft and t0 is the initial time. We have proposed the following robust GPI observer θ̇me ω̇me ż1 ż2 = ωme + λ3 (y − ŷ) ν K = − ωme + λ2 (y − ŷ) + z1 + u Jm N Jm = z2 + λ1 (y − ŷ) = λ0 (y − ŷ) ŷ = θme (3.29) where the set of design coefficients, λi , i = 0, 1, 2, 3, are chosen so that the characteristic polynomial of the estimation error system dynamics, given by, ν ν 3 )s + (λ2 + λ3 )s2 + λ1 s + λ0 (3.30) p(s) = s4 + (λ3 + Jm Jm has all its roots in the strict left half of the complex plane, i.e., it is made into a Hurwitz polynomial. We have chosen the λ coefficients so that the characteristic polynomial matches those of the desired polynomial: pd (t) = (s2 + 2ζo ωo s + ω2o ) with ζo , ωo > 0. The figure below depicts the performance of the proposed robust observer in the estimation of the state variables of the motor. The figure also shows the estimation of the unstable input signal, represented by the sum of the Coulomb friction torque and the temporarily growing coupling torque. Note that while the collision has not taken place, the excess of integrators does not preclude the estimation of the unknown constant perturbation input represented by the Coulomb friction term (which would have only required one integration in the output error injection). The monitoring of the unstable variable z1 , or of its time derivative z2 , available also from the observer, yields, therefore, a quite efficient collision detection scheme. The figure above shows that for the estimation of the variable z2 , the observer needs less than 0.1 s to converge towards the real value of the perturbation. Such a time delay for detecting a collision is deemed quite acceptable for flexible robots. It should be stressed that designing algorithms to rapidly detect collisions in robots is of the utmost interest as they allow to switch from position control to force control in real time when contact is produced. This results in the avoidance of possible damages either in the robot or in the surrounding environment. 3. AN OBSERVER BASED APPROACH TO GPI PERTURBATION REJECTION Consider the following perturbed system y(n) = u + ϕ(t) (3.31) where ϕ(t) is a, sufficiently differentiable, bounded signal. We first establish the properties of an observer similar to the one developed before in the presence of a non-polynomial perturbation input. The presence of the control input does not introduce any change into the previous, or the present, developments. We propose the following observer ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 50 — #66 ✐ ✐ 50 PART | ADRC, Flatness and GPI observation and control Figure 3.5 Collision detection in a controlled flexible link via robust GPI observer. Figure 3.6 Collision detection in a controlled flexible link via robust GPI observer. ŷ(n) ż1 = u + λn+r−1 (y − ŷ)(n−1) + ... + λr (y − ŷ) + z1 = z2 + λr−1 (y − ŷ) ż2 = z3 + λr−2 (y − ŷ) .. . żr−1 = zr + λ1 (y − ŷ) żr = λ0 (y − ŷ) (3.32) The output estimation error, e1 = (y − ŷ), satisfies the perturbed injected dynamics: (r−1) e1(n+r) +λ(n+r−1) e(n+r−1) + · · · + λr e(r) + · · · + λ0 e1 = ϕ(r) (t) 1 1 + λr−1 e1 (3.33) ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 51 — #67 ✐ ✐ ADRC, Flatness, GPI Chapter | 3 51 If ϕ(r) (t) is bounded by a small ǫ-neighborhood of zero and the roots of the polynomial p(s) = sn+r + λn+r−1 sn+r−1 + · · · + λ1 s + λ0 (3.34) are chosen, by means of a suitable specification of the set of coefficients {λn+r−1 , · · · , λ0 }, to be sufficiently deep into the left half of the complex plane, then the estimation error e1 , and its time derivatives, will be sufficiently small to be bounded by a small ǫ-dependent radius ball centered around the origin of the error phase space. As before, the quantity z1 provides an ǫ-approxi-mate, on-line, estimate of ϕ(t). 3.1. An example Consider the following system ÿ = au + ϕ(t) (3.35) ( " 2 # ) 1 ∗ k2 s + k1 s + k0 ∗ u= ÿ (t) − (y − y (t)) − ϕ̂(t) a s(s + k3 ) (3.36) We use the observer based controller: where ϕ̂(t) is generated via the following observer: ϕ̂(t) = z1 x̂˙1 = x̂2 + λ4 (y − ŷ) x̂˙2 = au + z1 + λ3 (y − ŷ) ż1 ż2 = z2 + λ2 (y − ŷ) = z3 + λ1 (y − ŷ) ż3 = λ0 (y − ŷ) y = x1 , ŷ = x̂1 (3.37) We used the following system for simulation purposes 3 a = 1, ϕ(t) = e− sin (t) sin(5t) (3.38) and used the following observer: x̂˙1 x̂˙2 ż1 ż2 ż3 = x̂2 + λ4 (y − x̂1 ) = u + z1 + λ3 (y − x̂1 ) = z2 + λ2 (y − x̂1 ) = z3 + λ1 (y − x̂1 ) = λ0 (y − x̂1 ) (3.39) We used the following observer based controller with amplitude saturation on the control input ucalculated = −ϕ̂(t) − 2ζc ωc x̂2 − ω2c y u = umax sat(uc ) umax = 5 (3.40) with ζc = 1, and ωc = 2.5 In order to block the “peak” involved at the beginning of the transient response we use the following expression for the perturbation estimate: ϕ̂(t) = if t < δ then 0 else z1 ẏˆ = if t < δ then 0 else x̂2 with δ = 0.1. We used the following design parameter values for the observer ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 52 — #68 ✐ ✐ 52 PART | ADRC, Flatness and GPI observation and control λ4 = (p + 4ζω) λ3 λ2 = (2ω2 + 4ζ 2 ω2 + 4ζωp) = (4ζω3 + 2ω2 p + 4ζ 2 ω2 p) λ1 λ0 = (4ζω3 p + ω4 ) = ω4 p with ζ = 20, ω = 100 and p = 100. Figure 3.7 Performance of gpi observer based stabilization controller for perturbed system. Figure 3.8 Inset showing the perturbation estimation via a gpi-observer. 4. THE BUCK CONVERTER Figure 3.10 shows the electrical circuit of the dc/dc buck converter. Using the Kirchhoffs laws we get the following average model of the buck converter: The system of differential equations describing the dynamics of the Buck converter is obtained through the application ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 53 — #69 ✐ ✐ ADRC, Flatness, GPI Chapter | 3 53 Figure 3.9 Inset showing the state estimation via a gpi-observer. u E L + iL + - + D C- R Vo - Figure 3.10 The electrical circuit of Buck converter. of Kirchoff’s current and voltage laws, and is given by: diL = −vo + Eu (3.41) dt 1 dvo = iL − ( )vo (3.42) C dt R where iL is the converter input current, vo is the converter output voltage. The control input is represented by the variable u, which models a switch position function taking values on the discrete set {0,1}. If it is considered an average value in the entry of control in each period of switching of the interruptor (Mosfet Transistor), this average control input uav , bounded to interval [0,1]. From (3.41) we observed that the buck converter system is a second order linear. The Kalman controllability and the observability matrix of the system is given by: L C = O = "E L " 0 # 0 E LC 0 1 1 − RC 1 C (3.43) # (3.44) The determinant of the controllability matrix is E2 ,0 L2 C Therefore the system is controllable and flat [1]. Moreover, the flat output of the system is the buck converter output voltage variable: F = vo (3.45) ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 54 — #70 ✐ ✐ 54 PART | ADRC, Flatness and GPI observation and control The flatness differential of the system implies that all variables of state of the system and the variable of input control are parametrizable in terms of F = vo , and a finite number of its derivatives with respect to time. F = vo iL = C Ḟ + 1 F R (3.46) and the average control input is LC L 1 F̈ + Ḟ + F (3.47) E RE E Moreover, the average model given in ([1]) we can see that the system is observable, when taken as output variable vo, i.e. , the Kalman observability matrix given as: u= " # " 0 C O= = 1 CA C 1 1 − RC # (3.48) complies with the property to be of full-range. This implies that all variables of state of the system, which are not the flat output, can be estimated through integral reconstructors than involving the input and output. 4.1. Problem Formulation Given a dc/dc buck converter, it is desired to have the output voltage of the converter track a given smooth reference voltage profile in the presence of sudden static load changes in parallel with the load resistance of the Buck converter. 4.2. A GPI observer-based ADRC approach To increase the robustness of the output voltage of Buck converter we propose an Active Disturbance Rejection Control respect to the average input control law presented in 3.47. From 3.47 we have u= LC F̈ + ξ(t) E (3.49) where L 1 Ḟ + F (3.50) RE E Here, ξ(t) represents the included nonmodeled dynamics and external disturbance inputs. A GPI disturbance observer can be proposed as follows: ξ(t) = F˙ˆ0 Fˆ˙ 1 zˆ˙1 z˙ˆ2 F1 + λ3 (F − F0 ) E = u + z1 + λ2 (F − F0 ) LC = z2 + λ1 (F − F0 ) = λ0 (F − F0 ) = (3.51) where F0 represents the redundant estimation of F. The estimation error e = F − F0 satisfies the following linear perturbed differential equation: e(4) + λ3 e(3) + λ2 e(2) + λ1 ė + λ0 e = 0 (3.52) The coefficients (λ3 , λ2 , λ1 , λ0 ) are chosen sufficiently high so as to have the poles corresponding with characteristic polynomial p(s) = s4 + k3 s3 + k2 s2 + k1 s + k0 , far into the left half of the complex plane. An Active Disturbance Rejection Controller (ADRC) is synthesized cancelling the disturbance term (ξ(t)) in terms of ẑ˙1 is proposed as: i LC h ∗ (2) (3.53) [F (t)] − k1 F1 − Ḟ ∗ (t) − k0 (F − F ∗ (t)) u= E ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 55 — #71 ✐ ✐ ADRC, Flatness, GPI Chapter | 3 55 The coefficients k1 and k0 corresponds with a Hurwitz polynomial of second order of the form p(s) = s2 + 2ζωn s + ω2n to guarantee that the poles are in the left half of the complex plane with ζ > 0 and ωn > 0. 4.3. A Flat Filtering Approach Consider the second order unperturbed system: (3.54) F̈ = u ∗ Is desired to asymtotically track a given smooth output reference signal F (t). The nominal control input: u∗ (t)=F ¨ ∗ (t) (3.55) The output tracking error dynamics is given by eF = F − F ∗ (t), eu = u − u∗ (t) (3.56) The GPI Control eliminates the need for asymptotic state observers through integral reconstructors than involves the input and output [14]. For this case, an integral reconstructor of ėF is obtained as: ėˆ F = Z t eu (σ)dσ, ėF = ėˆ F + ėˆ F (0) (3.57) 0 The incorporation of the estimator of ėˆ F in a linear feedback controller implies that this law may be affected by constant values.To correct this destabilizing effect caused by the mistakes of estimate and by external perturbations, we used the compensation through integrations of error of the flat output. The following linear feedback controller is proposed eu = −k3 Z 0 t eu (σ)dσ − k2 eF − k1 Z t 0 eF (σ)dσ − k0 Z tZ 0 τ eF (σ)dτdσ (3.58) 0 where the coefficients R t (k3 , ..., k0 ) are chosen to guarantee the stability of the tracking error eF . Defining γ = 0 eF (σ)dσ − (k3/k0)ėF (0) the closed loop tracking error may be represented as: Z t eu = ëF = −k3 eu (σ)dσ − k2 eF − k1 γ − k0 η (3.59) 0 γ̇ = eF (3.60) η̇ = γ (3.61) According to (3.58) the following implicit expression for the linear feedback controller is obtained: Z t Z tZ τ (−k1 eF (σ)dσ − k3 eu (σ)dσ) − k0 eu = −k2 eF − k1 eF (σ)dτdσ 0 0 (3.62) 0 The values of the design parameters {k3 , k2 , k1 , k0 } are chosen so that the closed loop characteristic polynomial p(s) = s4 + k3 s3 + k2 s2 + k1 s + k0 (3.63) has all its roots in the left half of the complex plane. The controller parameters were chosen the following desired closed loop characteristic polynomial p(s) = (s2 + 2ζωn s + ωn 2 )2 (3.64) The Laplace transform of (3.62) allow us to obtain an expression for the linear feedback output tracking controller, this expression is a lead compensator network and figure 3.11 show us the block diagram representation of the second order plant with GPI controller system. " 2 # k2 s + k1 s + k0 eu = − eF (3.65) s(s + k3 ) The expression in (3.65) can be represented in state variables. Defining x = eF /(s(s + k3 ), x can be interpreted like a filter, the representation in state variables is: ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 56 — #72 ✐ ✐ 56 PART | ADRC, Flatness and GPI observation and control u* Network Compensator + -eF Plant 2 k2s +k1s+k0 + s(s+k3) - + F 1 2 s Figure 3.11 Lead network realization with GPI controller for a second order plant. F* eF F k0 k1 Second Order Plant k2 ∫ ∫ Integrator Integrator k3 u eu u* Figure 3.12 GPI control of a second order plant via integral reconstructor. x = x = ẋ1 ẋ2 eF s(s + k3 ) x1 = x2 = −k3 x2 + eF (3.66) The feedback controller 3.66 is synthesized, in the time domain, as: u = F̈ ∗ (t)(k2 k3 − k1 )φ − k0 ϕ − k2 eF ϕ̇ = eF = F(t) − F ∗ (t) φ̇ = ϕ (3.67) The last expression is known as the flat-filtered based controller [17]. In figure 3.67 we can show the flat filtered control for a second order plant via integral reconstructor. 4.3.1. The buck converter case According to (3.41) and (3.42), the model of the Buck converter is a second order plant, then is easily to implement a Flat-filtered controller (Figure 3.13). An input-output transfer function for Buck converter can be expressed in the form: F(s) = Eu(s) + R1 s + 1 LC s2 (3.68) Substituting the flat filtered control u in the transfer function (3.68) a resulting characteristic polynomial with the lead network compensator is in the form: ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 57 — #73 ✐ ✐ ADRC, Flatness, GPI Chapter | 3 57 Network Compensator F* + -e - 2 k2s +k1s+k0 + s(s+k3) u* Buck Converter + E LCs +s/R+1 F 2 Figure 3.13 Block diagram for a Buck converter with Flat filtered controller. 1 1 k3 )s3 + ( + Ek2 + 1)s2 RLC LC R Ek0 1 (k3 + Ek1 )s + (3.69) + LC LC To ensure asymptotic stability of the tracking error eF , all roots in the polynomial m(s) needs to be in the left side of the complex plane. A fourth order polynomial Hurwitz in the form: m(s) = s4 + (k3 + H(s) = (s2 + 2ξωn s + ω2n )2 where: k3 k2 k1 k0 = 4ξωn − 1 >0 RLC 1 4ξωn + 2 −1>0 R R LC 1 >0 = 4ξωn (ω2n LC − 1) + RLC = LCω4n > 0 = 2LCω2n (2ξ2 + 1) − 4.4. Simulation results For simulation results a buck converter was designed with the following specifications: L = 3mH, C = 470µF, R = 150Ω, E = 15V. Due to the linearity of the system and to corroborate the robustness of the control, the input of the Buck converter was implemented as: ( 15, if t ∈ [0, 0.5) 2 (3.70) E(t) = 15 + 2e− sin (20t) cos2 (50t), if t ∈ [0.5, ∞) The gains values for the Flat-filtering approach are: ωn ζ = 2500 = 1 In figure 3.14 a rest-to-rest trajectory tracking is shown for the output voltage in the Buck circuit. The initial voltage is set to 0V and the final voltage was set to 12V in a time lapse of 0.4s. The input voltage was set to 15V, after 0.5s this value is variable. 4.5. Experimental results A buck converter was designed with the following specifications: L = 3mH, C = 470µF, R = 150Ω, E = 15V, f = 5kHz. A rest-to-rest output voltage reference trajectory tracking task from 3.5 [s] to 5.5 [s] was implemented for the output voltage of the Buck converter for three different control laws. The first control is an ADR controller and the second control is a flat-filtering approach. These controls were implemented on a STM32F4 Discovery target. The only variable measured was the output voltage of the converter. The control law, Bezier polynomial and PWM was implemented on the target with a PWM frequency of 5kHz. ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 58 — #74 ✐ ✐ 58 PART | ADRC, Flatness and GPI observation and control Output voltage [V] 15 10 Vo∗ (t) Vo (t) 5 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 time[s] Applied input control 0.6 0.7 0.8 1 0.5 0 0 u(t) 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 time[s] Input voltage 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.6 0.7 0.8 [V] 16 14 12 0 0.4 time[s] 0.5 Figure 3.14 Trajectory tracking response for the output voltage of the Buck converter with flat-filtering approach and variable input voltage. In figure 3.15 an ADR control response for the desired trajectory tracking is shown. A static load variation was activated at 6.5[s]. This change correspond with a resistor in parallel with the resistor of the Buck converter. The average input control is shown in the same figure. The gains values for the ADRC approach was: ωn = 10 ζ = 1 However, the implementation for the Flat-filtering approach presented a better performance than the ADRC implementation. In figure 3.16 is presented the response of the output voltage from the converter. The average input control has less noise as the output voltage. The gains values for the Flat-filtering approach was: ωn = 450 ζ = 1.5 Both controls laws present similar performance, but if we compare the Integral Square Error criterion (ISE), that give us a better comparison between the different control schemes, the Flat-filtering presents the best performance in this experiment. In figure 3.17 we can shown the ISE for the different control laws. A second experiment for the Buck converter was performed for the comparison of the different control laws. In this case, a dynamic load, in form of a DC motor, was connected in cascade with the Buck converter. For the ADRC approach in the second experiment in figure 3.18 is presented the reference voltage and the average input control. The average control presents a saturation but the control maintains the output voltage. Finally the implementation of the Flat-filtering is presented in figure 3.19. It presents a saturation in the control input but the response presents less noise than the ADRC and PID implementations. For comparison purposes as the static load, the ISE criterion is presented in figure 3.20. The ADRC presents a better performance than the Flat-Filtering. 5. EXAMPLE: A PENDULUM SYSTEM Consider a pendulum system, consisting of a bar of length L, mass M, and an extra mass, of value me , attached to its tip (see figure 3.21). The pendulum is actuated by a DC motor through a gear box. The angular position of the motor shaft is denoted by θm and that of the pendulum is denoted by θ. The nonlinear model of the system is given by ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 59 — #75 ✐ ✐ ADRC, Flatness, GPI Chapter | 3 59 Output Voltage with ADRC approach 15 [V] 10 5 Vs∗ (t) Vo (t) 0 0 2 4 6 time[s] Average input control 8 10 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 uav(t) 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 time[s] Figure 3.15 Trajectory tracking response for the output voltage of the Buck converter with ADRC approach and variable input average voltage with static load change. Output Voltage with Flat-filtering approach 15 [V] 10 5 Vs∗ (t) Vo (t) 0 0 2 4 6 time[s] Average input control 8 10 0.8 0.6 0.4 uav(t) 0.2 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 time[s] Figure 3.16 Trajectory tracking response for the output voltage of the Buck converter with Flat-filtering approach and variable input average voltage with static load change. M M 2 )L + J θ̈ + (me + )gLsin(θ) = τ (3.71) 3 2 where J includes the moments of inertia of the gear train and the rotor shaft of the DC motor. The parameter N stands for the gear ratio. The pendulum angle θ is related via θ = θm /N to the motor shaft displacement as well as the torque applied (me + ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 60 — #76 ✐ ✐ 60 PART | ADRC, Flatness and GPI observation and control Integral Square Error 0.03 0.025 0.02 0.015 0.01 0.005 ISEADRC ISEF F 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 Time[s] Figure 3.17 Integral Square Error for the trajectory tracking response with static load change. Output Voltage with ADRC approach 15 [V] 10 5 0 0 Vs∗ (t) Vo (t) 2 4 6 time[s] Average input control 8 10 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 uav(t) 2 4 6 8 10 time[s] Figure 3.18 Trajectory tracking response for the output voltage of the Buck converter with ADRC approach and variable input average voltage with dynamic load change. to the pendulum τ = τm N. Some terms as viscous and Coulomb friction, dead zones, and backslash in the geared motor are considered as unmodeled dynamics. In this case, these perturbation inputs, as well as the nonlinear gravitational effects are assumed to be unknown and, according to our proposal, considered to be a bounded perturbation input signal, lumped into a single additive time-varying function, ξ(t). The simplified model of the pendulum system, in terms of the pendulum angle, is ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 61 — #77 ✐ ✐ ADRC, Flatness, GPI Chapter | 3 61 Output Voltage with Flat-filtering approach 15 [V] 10 5 Vs∗ (t) Vo (t) 0 0 2 4 6 time[s] Average input control 8 10 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 uav(t) 0.2 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 time[s] Figure 3.19 Trajectory tracking response for the output voltage of the Buck converter with Flat-filtering approach and variable input average voltage with dynamic load change. Integral Square Error 0.7 0.6 ISEADRC ISEF F 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 time[s] Figure 3.20 Integral Square Error for the trajectory tracking response with dynamic load change. given by: θ̈ = ατ + ξ(t) with α = 1/(me + M 2 3 )L (3.72) neglected the parameter J. The control gain, α, is assumed to be known. The problem formulation ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 62 — #78 ✐ ✐ 62 PART | ADRC, Flatness and GPI observation and control Gear Train L DC Motor M θ m Added Mass Figure 3.21 Schematic of the nonlinear pendulum. is the following: Consider the perturbed nonlinear system (3.71) and its simplified representation (3.72). It is desired to track a given angular position reference trajectory, θ∗ (t), by means of the proposed robust GPI controller scheme, in spite of the non-modeled dynamics, the lack of knowledge of some nonlinearities as well as the possible arising of external disturbances, lumped as the time function ξ(t). From (3.72), the unperturbed feedforward control input is u∗ (t) = α1 θ̈∗ (t). Thus, the input error eu is given as follows 1 ∗ θ̈ (t) (3.73) α From the Active Disturbance Rejection Philosophy, the effects of the generalized disturbance input ξ(t) are locally modeled by means of the following approximation: eu (t) = u(t) − u∗ (t) = u(t) − ëθ = αeu + z1 żi = zi+1 , i = 1, 2, . . . , m − 1 (3.74) żm = 0 eθ = θ − θ∗ where m ∈ Z+ indicates the degree of approximation of the ultra-local model. Here, in order to illustrate the effect of the approximation degree of the ultra-local model, the following cases are considered: m = 2, 3, 4, 5. with n = 2. The flat filter feedback controllers are given as follows: ζ̇i = ζi+1 , i = 1, · · · , m ζ̇m+1 = −λm+2 ζm+1 + eθ eθ f = ζ1 1 eum = ((λm+1 λm+2 − λm )ζm+1 − λm−1 ζm − λm−2 ζm−1 , · · · , −λ1 ζ2 − λ0 ζ1 − λm+1 eθ ) α (3.75) ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 63 — #79 ✐ ✐ ADRC, Flatness, GPI Chapter | 3 63 For m = 2 ζ̇i = ζi+1 , i = 1, 2 ζ̇3 = −k4 ζ3 + eθ eθ f = ζ1 1 (3.76) eu2 = ((k3 k4 − k2 )ζ3 − k1 ζ2 − k0 ζ1 − k3 eθ ) α where eθ f is the flat output. The characteristic polynomial of the linear dominant dynamics of the closed loop tracking error is pcm (s) = sm+3 + λm+2 sm+2 + λm+1 sm+1 +, · · · , +λ1 s + λ0 (3.77) For m = 3 ζ̇i = ζi+1 , i = 1, 2, 3 ζ̇4 = −k5 ζ4 + eθ eθ f = ζ1 1 eu3 = ((k4 k5 − k3 )ζ4 − k2 ζ3 − k1 ζ2 − k0 ζ1 − k4 eθ ) α p(s) = s6 + k5 s5 + k4 s4 + k3 s3 + k2 s2 + k1 s + k0 (3.78) For m = 4 ζ̇i = ζi+1 , i = 1, 2, · · · , 4 ζ̇5 = −k6 ζ5 + eθ eθ f = ζ1 1 eu4 = ((k5 k6 − k4 )ζ5 − k3 ζ4 − k2 ζ3 − k1 ζ2 − k0 ζ1 − k5 eθ ) α p(s) = s7 + k6 s6 + k5 s5 + k4 s4 + k3 s3 + k2 s2 + k1 s + k0 (3.79) For m = 5 ζ̇i = ζi+1 , i = 1, 2, · · · , 5 ζ̇6 = −k7 ζ6 + eθ eθ f = ζ1 1 eu5 = ((k6 k7 − k5 )ζ6 − k4 ζ5 − k3 ζ4 − k2 ζ3 − k1 ζ2 − k0 ζ1 − k6 eθ ) α p(s) = s8 + k7 s7 + k6 s6 + k5 s5 + k4 s4 + k3 s3 + k2 s2 + k1 s + k0 (3.80) 5.1. Experimental Results The experimental prototype consists of a DC motor from Electro-Craft servo products (model E586) which drives the pendulum system via a synchronous belt a pulley and a gear box with a ratio N = 16 : 1 as is shown in Figure 3.22. The angular position of the pendulum is measured using an incremental optical encoder of 2500 pulses per revolution. A power amplifier Copley Controls model 412CE drives the motor in torque mode. The data acquisition is carried out through a data card, model PCI6221 National Instruments. The control strategy was implemented in the MatlabSimulink platform. The sampling time is set to be 0.001[s]. The parameters of the pendulum system are M = 0.095[kg], me = 0.190[kg], and L = 0.3[m]. The initial condition of the pendulum position is θ = 0. The GPI control gain parameters were chosen as according with controller design parameter m as: ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 64 — #80 ✐ ✐ 64 PART | ADRC, Flatness and GPI observation and control Figure 3.22 Pendulum system prototype For m = 2, ς2 = 5, ω2 = 28 and p2 = 28 pc2 (s) = (s + p2 )(s2 + 2ς2 ω2 s + ω22 )2 (3.81) pc3 (s) = (s2 + 2ς3 ω3 s + ω23 )3 (3.82) pc4 (s) = (s + p4 )(s2 + 2ς4 ω4 s + ω24 )3 (3.83) pc5 (s) = (s2 + 2ς5 ω5 s + ωw25 )3 (3.84) For m = 3, ς3 = 7, ω3 = 14 For m = 4, ς4 = 5, ω4 = 16 and p4 = 16 and for m = 5, ς5 = 5, ω5 = 12 A first test is shown in Figure 3.23, for the tracking results on a rest to rest trajectory, obtained with the help of a Bézier polynomial of degree 9. The pendulum starts on an initial position θ( 0) = 0, and then it is moved to a first rest position θ(1.6) = π2 [rad] during the interval [1, 1.6][s]. Once the pendulum is stabilized, it is taken, at time t = 3.1[s] towards a final position θ(3.8) = − π2 [rad]. In this test, all the controllers had accurate tracking results. Figure 3.23 (bottom) depicts a zoom for trajectory tracking. The tracking error is shown in Figure 3.24, which is bounded in all cases in spite of the nonlinear terms present in the system as Coulomb friction, gravitational forces, viscous friction, etc. Figure 3.25 depicts the torque control input for each approximation. A performance index consisting on the integral square of the trajectory tracking error (ISI) was set for assessing the effect of the approximation parameter m. Consider the following performance index: IS I = ǫ Z 0 t e2θ (σ)dσ (3.85) with ǫ ∈ R+ , in this case ǫ = 2 × 105 . Figure 3.26 shows how the increase of m allows a better trajectory tracking, illustrated in the performance index. A second test consisting in tracking the same desired trajectory used in first test was carried out. This time, the system is perturbed by adding an extra mass of 0.095[kg] (see figure 3.27) increasing the inertia of the pendulum and the gravitational force. Here, the best result is obtained using an approximation parameter m = 5, while compensating the effects of disturbances and unmodeled dynamics. As shown in the results (figure 3.28), the trajectory tracking error for the pendulum position when the added mass is applied remain restricted to the interval of [−0.002, 0.002] [rad] (see ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 65 — #81 ✐ ✐ ADRC, Flatness, GPI Chapter | 3 65 2 θ ∗ (t) θGP I2 (t) θGP I3 (t) θGP I4 (t) θGP I5 (t) [ rad ] 1 0 -1 -2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 1.58 [ rad ] 1.575 1.57 1.565 1.56 1.555 1.55 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 time [ s ] 2.6 2.8 3 Figure 3.23 Behavior of the pendulum position trajectory tracking. 0.02 eθGP I2 (t) eθGP I3 (t) eθGP I4 (t) eθGP I5 (t) 0.016 0.012 0.008 [rad] 0.004 0 -0.004 -0.008 -0.012 -0.016 -0.02 0 1 2 3 4 time[s] 5 6 7 8 Figure 3.24 Tracking trajectory error ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 66 — #82 ✐ ✐ 66 PART | ADRC, Flatness and GPI observation and control 3.5 τGP I2 (t) τGP I3 (t) τGP I4 (t) τGP I5 (t) 3 2.5 2 1.5 [N-m] 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 0 1 2 3 4 time[s] 5 6 7 8 Figure 3.25 Torque control input. 14 12 ISIGP I2 (t) ISIGP I3 (t) ISIGP I4 (t) ISIGP I5 (t) 10 [ISI] 8 6 4 2 0 0 1 2 3 4 time[s] 5 6 7 8 Figure 3.26 Performance index behavior. ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 67 — #83 ✐ ✐ ADRC, Flatness, GPI Chapter | 3 67 figure 3.29). This results show the remarkable robustness of the GPI controller, and how the use of nested integration compensation terms improves the controller performance (see figure 3.30). Figure 3.31 shows the evolution of the control input torques, τ. The experimental results illustrate the fact that the applied torque on the DC motor is bounded. On the other hand, the corrective reaction of the robust GPI control against an parameter variations is performed within a reasonable interval. Figure 3.27 Pendulum system prototype with unknown added mass 2 θ ∗ (t) θGP I2 (t) θGP I3 (t) θGP I4 (t) θGP I5 (t) [ rad ] 1 0 -1 -2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1.58 [ rad ] 1.575 1.57 1.565 1.56 1.555 1.55 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 time [s] 2.6 2.8 3 3.2 Figure 3.28 Behavior of the pendulum position trajectory tracking. ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 68 — #84 ✐ ✐ 68 PART | ADRC, Flatness and GPI observation and control 0.02 eθGP I2 (t) eθGP I3 (t) eθGP I4 (t) eθGP I5 (t) 0.015 0.01 [rad] 0.005 0 -0.005 -0.01 -0.015 -0.02 0 1 2 3 4 time[s] 5 6 7 8 Figure 3.29 Tracking trajectory error 14 12 ISIGP I2 (t) ISIGP I3 (t) ISIGP I4 (t) ISIGP I5 (t) 10 [ISI] 8 6 4 2 0 0 1 2 3 4 time[s] 5 6 7 8 Figure 3.30 Performance index behavior for different approximations. ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 69 — #85 ✐ ✐ ADRC, Flatness, GPI Chapter | 3 69 3.5 τGP I2 (t) τGP I3 (t) τGP I4 (t) τGP I5 (t) 3 2.5 2 [N-m] 1.5 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 0 1 2 3 4 time[s] 5 6 7 8 Figure 3.31 Torque control input. 6. TWO LINK ROBOT MANIPULATOR Consider the two link planar robot manipulator, shown in Figure 3.32, it consist of two actuated links that move in the plane, the generalized coordinates of the system are given by the angular positions q = θ φ T , The dynamic model of the robot manipulator [19], [20], [21] is given : Figure 3.32 2 DOF robot manipulator diagram M(q)q̈ + C(q, q̇)q̇ + G(q) = τ − Dq̇ (3.86) ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 70 — #86 ✐ ✐ 70 PART | ADRC, Flatness and GPI observation and control where" the matrices # # " m1 l2c1 + m2 l21 + m2 l2c2 + 2m2 l1 lc2 cos(φ) + I1 + I2 m2 l2c2 + m2 l1 lc2 cos(φ) + I2 d1 0 , M(q) = , D = 0 d2 m2 l2c2 + m2 l1 lc2 cos(φ) + I2 m2 l2c2 + I2 " # " # −2m2 l1 lc2 sin(φ)φ̇ −m2 l1 lc2 sin(φ)φ̇ (m1 lc1 + m2 l1 )g sin(θ) + m2 lc2 g sin(θ + φ) C(q, q̇) = , G(q) = m2 l1 lc2 sin(φ)θ̇ 0 m2 lc2 g sin(θ + φ) iT h with τ = τθ τφ represents the generalized input torque vector, θ and φ are the angular displacement related to the each joint, l1 and l2 are the length of each link, and lc1 and lc2 are the length to the center of mass, m1 and m2 are the link mass respectively, the inertia is represented with I1 and I2 , g is the gravitational constant. The control variables, τθ and τ p hi are the control inputs, representing, D is the matrix of the friction viscous with coefficient d1 and d2 . 6.1. The two link manipulator robot tracking trajectory problem It is desired that the end effector of the robot manipulator located at the position xe =l1 sin(θ) + l2 sin(θ + φ) ye = − l1 cos(θ) − l2 cos(θ + φ) (3.87) tracks, a trajectory specified by the position reference x∗ (t), y∗ (t), using the inverse kinematic of planar robot manipulator we can process the desired Cartesian trajectories to desired articular trajectories. [x∗ (t)]2 + y∗ (t) 2 − l21 − l22 cos(φ) = 2l1 l2 q sin(φ) = 1 − (cos(φ))2 (l1 + l2 cos(φ))y∗ (t) − l2 sin(φ)x∗ (t) [x∗ (t)]2 + y∗ (t) 2 (l1 + l2 cos(φ))x∗ (t) − l2 sin(φ)x∗ (t) sin(θ) = [x∗ (t)]2 + y∗ (t) 2 ! sin(φ) θ2∗ (t) = arctan cos(φ) ! π sin(θ) ∗ + θ1 (t) = arctan cos(θ) 2 cos(θ) = (3.88) 6.2. Robot manipulator GPI controller Given the dynamic of the robot (3.86), the nonlinear Coriolis and gravity forces as well as friction viscous terms are considered unknown and lumped into time-varying vector ξ̃(t) = [ξ̃θ (t) ξ̃φ (t)]T " # " # # " τ1 ξ̃θ (t) θ̈1 −1 + (3.89) = M(q) ξ̃φ (t) τ2 θ̈2 with ξ̃(t) = −M(q)−1 (C(q, q̇)q̇ + G(q) + Dq̇) We define the tracking trajectory errors eθ = θ − θ∗ (t), and eφ = φ − φ∗ (t), # " # # " ∗ # " " τθ (t) ξ̃θ (t) τθ ëθ ∗ −1 −1 + (3.90) − M(q (t)) = M(q) τ∗φ (t) ξ̃φ (t) τφ ëφ We rewrite the error dynamic of the system (3.90) as a perturbed double chain of integers " # " # " # ëθ eτθ ξθ (t) = M(q)−1 + ξφ (t) ëφ eτφ with ėτθ = τθ − τ∗θ (t) and ėτφ = τφ − τ∗φ (t), and the disturbance vector " ∗ " ∗ " # # # " # τθ (t) τθ (t) ξθ (t) ξ̃θ (t) −1 ∗ −1 = M(q) − M(q (t)) + τ∗φ (t) τ∗φ (t) ξφ (t) ξ̃φ (t) (3.91) (3.92) ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 71 — #87 ✐ ✐ ADRC, Flatness, GPI Chapter | 3 71 The perturbed system (3.91) can be expressed using the Active Disturbance Rejection Control philosophy, the effects iT h iT h are locally modeled by means following of the generalized disturbance vector input ξθ (t) ξφ (t) = zθ1 zφ1 approximation: " # " # " # ëθ eτθ zθ −1 = M(q) + ëφ eτφ zφ " # " # żθi zθi+1 = , i = 1, 2 . . . , m − 1 (3.93) żφi zφi+1 " # " # żθm 0 = 0 żφm where m indicates the degree of approximation of the ultra-local model. For this example n = 2 and we choose m = 3 The flat filter feedback controllers is proposed as: " " " ζ̇θi ζ̇φi ζ̇θ3 ζ̇φ3 eθ f eφ f # " ζθ(i+1) ζφ(i+1) # , i = 1, 2, 3 # # " −kθ5 ζθ4 + eθ = −kφ5 ζφ4 + eφ # " # ζθ = ζφ = (3.94) # (kθ4 kθ5 − kθ3 )ζθ4 − kθ2 ζθ3 − kθ1 ζθ2 − kθ0 ζθ1 − kθ4 eθ (3.95) (kφ4 kφ5 − kφ3 )ζφ4 − kφ2 ζφ3 − kφ1 ζφ2 − kφ0 ζφ1 − kφ4 eφ o n The values of the controllers design parameters {kθ5 , kθ4 , kθ3 , kθ2 , kθ1 , kθ0 } and kφ5 , kφ4 , kφ3 , kφ2 , kφ1 , kφ0 are chosen so that the closed-loop characteristic polynomials " 6 # " 2 # (s + 2ςθ ωθ s + ω2θ ) s + kθ5 s5 + kθ4 s4 + kθ3 s3 + kθ2 s2 + kθ1 s + kθ0 = (3.96) (s2 + 2ςφ ωφ s + ω2φ ) s6 + kφ5 s5 + kφ4 s4 + kφ3 s3 + kφ2 s2 + kφ1 s + kφ0 " τθ τφ # = M(q) " ẍ∗ (t) ÿ∗ (t) # + M(q) " has all its roots in the left half of the complex plane using a desired stable close loop characteristic polynomials. 6.3. Simulation results robot manipulator Simulations were performed for the following reference trajectories: The robot manipulator start with initial condition xe (0) = 0ye (0) = −0.6 it implies that [θ(0) = 0 φ(0) = 0], at the time t = 1.5[s] the end effector move with a smooth trajectory to xe (4) = 0.45ye (4) = 0 in 2.5[s], it remains in this position for 2[s], when at time 7[s], the end effector start a smooth circle trajectory (3.97) with radius R = 0.15[m], with smooth angle α∗ (t) that is accomplish in 10[s], when the end effector get one turn it remains in this position to the end of the simulation x∗ (t) = R cos(α∗ (t)) y∗ (t) = R sin(α∗ (t)) (3.97) ∗ ∗ The inverse kinematic (3.88) is used to compute for the articular desired positions θ(t) and φ(t) . The system 3.86 parameters used in the simulations were set to be: m1 = 0.263[Kg] m2 = 0.1306[Kg] I1 = 0.002[Nm2] I2 = 0.00098[Nm2] l1 = 0.3[m] l2 = 0.3[N s/m] lc1 = 0.15[m] lc2 = 0.15[m] g = 9.81[m/s2 ] d1 = 0.03[Nms/rad] d2 = 0.005[Nms/rad] The controller gains were chosen in accordance with the desired closed loop characteristic polynomial for each position coordinate dynamics, as follows: ςθ = 4, ωθ = 10, ςφ = 4, ωφ = 10. Figure 3.33 depicts the time evolution of the end effector xe (t) and ye (t) position coordinates, along with the desired reference trajectories. Figure 3.34 shows first link position θ(t) trajectory tracking, Figure 3.35 depicts the second link position φ(t) trajectory tracking. The time evolution of the GPI controller inputs are shown, in Figure 3.36 and Figure 3.37, respectively, τθ (t), τφ (t). ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 72 — #88 ✐ ✐ 72 PART | ADRC, Flatness and GPI observation and control 0.4 x∗ (t), y∗ (t) x(t), y(t) 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Y -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 -0.5 -0.6 -0.7 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 X Figure 3.33 Robot manipulator trajectory tracking performance 1.2 1 0.8 [rad] 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 θ ∗ (t) θ(t) -0.2 0 5 10 time[s] 15 20 Figure 3.34 Controlled evolution of first link ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 73 — #89 ✐ ✐ ADRC, Flatness, GPI Chapter | 3 73 3 2.5 [rad] 2 1.5 1 0.5 θ ∗ (t) θ(t) 0 0 5 10 time[s] 15 20 Figure 3.35 Controlled evolution of second link 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 [N-m] 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 τθ (t) 0 0 5 10 time[s] 15 20 Figure 3.36 First link control torque input ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 74 — #90 ✐ ✐ 74 PART | ADRC, Flatness and GPI observation and control 0.3 0.25 0.2 [N-m] 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 -0.05 τφ (t) -0.1 0 5 10 time[s] 15 20 Figure 3.37 Second link control torque input 7. NON HOLONOMIC WHEELED CAR Consider the following non-holonomic car [22],[23],[24] shown in Figure 3.38 the kinematic model is described as: Figure 3.38 Non-holonomic car diagram ẋ = V cos(θ) (3.98) ẏ = V sin(θ) θ̇ = ω (3.99) (3.100) ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 75 — #91 ✐ ✐ ADRC, Flatness, GPI Chapter | 3 75 The the coordinates (x, y) are the plane coordinate and θ is an angular displacement related to the mobile orientation with respect to the positive X coordinate axis. The control variables, (V, ω), are the control inputs, representing, respectively, the velocity and the velocity of change of orientation. 7.1. The non-holonomic car tracking trajectory problem It is desired that the robot tracks, a trajectory specified by the position reference signals: x∗ (t), y∗ (t) The kinematic car model (3.98)-(3.100) is differentially flat [25], all system variables may be differentially parametrized by the output variables x, y and a finite number of their time derivatives. Indeed, ẏ (3.101) θ = tan−1 ẋ ÿ ẋ − ẍẏ ω= 2 (3.102) ẋ + ẏ2 p V = ẋ + ẏ (3.103) From this differential parametrization, it can be seen immediately that the control input variable, V, requires a first order extension in order to have a well defined relative degree and achieve invertibility of the matrix defining the input to output’s highest time derivatives relation. The input-output model with V̇ as a new auxiliary control input variables yields where " " # √ ẋ # ẋ2 +ẏ2 −ẏ V̇ ẍ = (3.104) √ ẏ2 2 ÿ ẋ ω ẋ +ẏ 7.2. Non-holonomic car GPI controller Consider the tracking trajectory errors e x = x − x∗ (t), and ey = y − y∗ (t), using the differential flatness parametrization of the car (3.104) we obtain the trajectory tracking error dynamic as: " ∗ # √ ẋ∗ (t) " # " # √ ẋ ẋ2 +ẏ2 −ẏ V̇ [ ẋ∗ (t)]2 +[ẏ∗ (t)]2 −ẏ (t) V̇ ∗ (t) ẍ − ẍ∗ (t) ∗ − (3.105) = √ ẏ2 2 ÿ − ÿ∗ (t) √ ẏ (t) ẋ ω ẋ∗ (t) ω∗ (t) ∗ 2 ∗ 2 ẋ +ẏ [ ẋ (t)] +[ẏ (t)] We simplified the model (3.105) as a perturbed double chain of integers " # # " # √ ẋ " ẋ2 +ẏ2 −ẏ ėV ϕx ë x + = √ ẏ2 2 ϕy ëy ẋ eω (3.106) ẋ +ẏ with ėV = V̇ − V̇ ∗ (t) and eω = ω − ω∗ (t), and the disturbance vector " # √ ẋ∗ (t) " # √ ẋ ẋ2 +ẏ2 −ẏ V̇ ∗ (t) ϕx ∗ 2 +[ẏ∗ (t)]2 − [ ẋ (t)] = ẏ∗ (t) √ ẏ2 2 ϕy ẋ ω∗ (t) ∗ 2 ∗ 2 ẋ +ẏ [ ẋ (t)] +[ẏ (t)] −ẏ∗ (t) " V̇ ∗ (t) # ω∗ (t) ẋ∗ (t) (3.107) From the Active Disturbance Rejection Control philosophy, we can re express the perturbed system 3.106, where the effects iT h iT h are locally modeled by means following of the generalized disturbance vector input ϕ x (t) ϕy (t) = z x1 zy1 approximation: " # # " # √ ẋ " ẋ2 +ẏ2 −ẏ ėV z x1 ë x + = √ ẏ2 2 zy1 ëy ẋ eω ẋ +ẏ # # " " z xi+1 ż xi , i = 1, 2 . . . , m − 1 (3.108) = zyi+1 żyi # " # " 0 ż xm = żym 0 where m indicates the degree of approximation of the ultra-local model. For this example n = 2 and we choose m = 2 ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 76 — #92 ✐ ✐ 76 PART | ADRC, Flatness and GPI observation and control The flat filter feedback controllers are given as follows: # " " ζ̇ xi = ζ̇yi # " " ζ̇ x3 = ζ̇y3 " # " ex f = ey f " V̇ ω # √ x̂˙ 2 2 = x̂˙ +ẏ − ŷ˙ x̂˙2 +ŷ˙ 2 ˙ √ ŷ x̂˙2 +ŷ˙ 2 x̂˙ x̂˙2 +ŷ˙ 2 # √ x̂˙ " ∗ ẍ (t) + x̂˙2 +ẏ2 ˙ ÿ∗ (t) − x̂˙2 +ŷ ŷ˙ 2 ζ xi+1 ζyi+1 # , i = 1, 2 # −k x4 ζ x3 + e x −ky4 ζy3 + ey # ζ x1 ζy1 ˙ √ ŷ x̂˙2 +ŷ˙ 2 x̂˙ x̂˙2 +ŷ˙ 2 # " (k x3 k x4 − k x2 )ζ x3 − k x1 ζ x2 − k x0 ζ x1 − k x3 e x (ky3 ky4 − ky2 )ζy3 − ky1 ζy2 − ky0 ζy1 − ky3 ey The velocities ẋ and ẏ used in the gain matrix are estimated with 3.104, " # R (1) Z (1) √ x̂˙ x̂˙2 +ŷ˙ 2 ˙x̂ ẍ ˙ ˙ŷ = R (1) ÿ = √ ŷ x̂˙2 +ŷ˙ 2 # −ŷ˙ " V̇ x̂˙ ω (3.109) (3.110) (3.111) (3.112) (3.113) o n The values of the controllers design parameters {k x4 , k x3 , k x2 , k x1 , k x0 } and ky4 , ky3 , ky2 , ky1 , ky0 are chosen so that the closedloop characteristic polynomials " 5 # " # (s + p x )(s2 + 2ς x ω x s + ω2x )2 s + k x4 s4 + k x3 s3 + k x2 s2 + k x1 s + k x0 = (3.114) (s + py )(s2 + 2ςy ωy s + ω2y )2 s5 + ky4 s4 + ky3 s3 + ky2 s2 + ky1 s + ky0 has all its roots in the left half of the complex plane using a desired stable close loop characteristic polynomials. 7.3. Simulation results non-holonomic car Simulations were performed for the following reference trajectories describing an lemniscatae on the plane 2π t) T 2π θ∗ (t) = sin( t) T x∗ (t) = 2R∗ (t) cos(θ∗ (t)) y∗ (t) = 4R∗ (t) sin(θ∗ (t)) R∗ (t) = cos( (3.115) where R∗ (t), θ∗ (t) is the radius and the angle of the lemniscatae respectively and the desired trajectory period was set T = 20[s], the controller gains were chosen in accordance with the desired closed loop characteristic polynomial for each position coordinate dynamics, as follows: ς x = 3, ω x = 4 and p x = 4, ςy = 3, ωy = 4 and py = 4. The initial condition ˙ = for the non-holonomic car was set [x(0) = 1, y(0) = −0.5, θ(0) = 0.5] and for the estimation of velocities [ x̂(0) ˙ 0.01, ŷ(0) = 0.01]. Figure 3.39 depicts the time evolution of the x(t) and y(t) position coordinates for the non-holonomic car, along with the desired reference trajectories. Figure 3.40 shows the horizontal car position x(t) trajectory tracking, Figure 3.41 depicts the vertical car position y(t) trajectory tracking. The angular position of the car θ(t) is shown in Figure 3.42, the time evolution of the GPI controller inputs are shown, in Figure 3.43 and Figure 3.44, respectively, V(t), ω(t). 8. TWO MASS RECTILINEAR MECHANISM 8.1. Mathematical model A two mass rectilinear mechanism consists of two mass which are suspended on anti-friction linear bearings. The mathematical model of the mechanical part of the system, m1 ẍ1 + c1 ẋ1 + (K1 + K2 )x1 − K2 x2 = u m2 ẍ2 + c2 ẋ2 − K2 x1 + (K2 + K3 )x2 = 0 (3.116) (3.117) ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 77 — #93 ✐ ✐ ADRC, Flatness, GPI Chapter | 3 77 2.5 x∗ (t), y∗ (t) x(t), y(t) 2 1.5 1 0.5 Y 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 -2.5 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 X 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Figure 3.39 Non-holonomic trajectory tracking performance 2.5 2 1.5 1 [m] 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 -2.5 x∗ (t) x(t) 0 5 10 time[s] 15 20 Figure 3.40 Controlled evolution of the horizontal position coordinate ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 78 — #94 ✐ ✐ 78 PART | ADRC, Flatness and GPI observation and control 2.5 y ∗ (t) y(t) 2 1.5 1 [m] 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 -2.5 0 5 10 time[s] 15 20 Figure 3.41 Controlled evolution of the vertical position coordinate 5 θ(t) 4 3 [rad] 2 1 0 -1 -2 0 5 10 time[s] 15 20 Figure 3.42 Car angular position evolution ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 79 — #95 ✐ ✐ ADRC, Flatness, GPI Chapter | 3 79 6 V (t) 5 [m/s] 4 3 2 1 0 0 5 10 time[s] 15 20 Figure 3.43 Control velocity input 10 ω(t) 8 6 4 [rad/s] 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 0 5 10 time[s] 15 20 Figure 3.44 Angular velocity input ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 80 — #96 ✐ ✐ 80 PART | ADRC, Flatness and GPI observation and control The first mass is driven by linear actuator, as is shown in Figure 3.45 the second mass is used as an under-actuated simple mass, it is connected to the first mass by a spring with coefficient K2 , both masses are constrained by springs which are attached to the base with coefficients K1 , K3 , respectively. The variables x1 and x2 are mass positions, u represents the input control signal of the system, c1 andc2 are the friction viscous coefficients. We neglect the friction viscous forces, it is Figure 3.45 Two mass rectilinear mechanism diagram considered as an external input perturbation, the system 3.116-3.117 is simplifying as follow. m1 ẍ1 + (K1 + K2 )x1 − K2 x2 = u (3.118) m2 ẍ2 − K2 x1 + (K2 + K3 )x2 = 0 (3.119) the system can be represented in state space model as ẋ =Ax + Bu y =Cx where 0 K1 +K2 − m1 A = 0 K2 m2 1 0 K2 0 m1 0 0 3 0 − K1m+K 2 0 0 1 0 , x1 ẋ x = 1 x2 ẋ2 0 1 B = m1 0 0 (3.120) C= h 0 0 1 0 i 8.2. Problem Formulation Considering the two mass Rectilinear Mechanism with dynamic model (3.118)-(3.119), it requires a robust control law such that it forces the position of Mass-2, which is x2 , to track a point to point smooth trajectory. The task consists in taking the Mass-2 from an initial value, x2 (0) = 0, towards a final position x2 (t f ) = X within a prescribed time interval [0, t f ]. 8.3. Differential flatness of two mass rectilinear mechanism In order to obtain the flat output we obtain the controllability matrix of the linear system (3.118)-(3.119) which is given by h i K2 Ck = B AB A2 B A3 B , the system under consideration is controllable with det(Ck ) = m4 m2 2 , hence it is flat,[16]. 1 2 The flat output can be obtained h i m1 m2 F = 0 0 0 1 C−1 x2 (3.121) K x = K2 ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 81 — #97 ✐ ✐ ADRC, Flatness, GPI Chapter | 3 81 We chose the flat output as: xγ = ǫF where ǫ = mK1 m2 2 , this flat output coincides with the position x2 , We readily obtain all state variables as differential function of the flat output xγ . K1 + K3 K3 m2 xγ + ( + ) ẍγ K2 K1 K2 K3 m2 (3) K1 + K3 ẋγ + ( + )x ẋ1 = K2 K1 K2 γ x2 = xγ (3.122) x1 = (3.123) (3.124) ẋ2 = ẋγ 1 1 m1 m2 (4) xγ + (K1 m1 + K2 m1 + K2 m2 + K3 m1 ) ẍγ + (K1 K2 + K1 K3 + K2 K3 )xγ u= K2 K2 K2 (3.125) (3.126) 8.4. Two mass rectilinear mechanism GPI controller approach In order to obtain GPI controller, a disturbed chain of integrators representation is necessary, the input-flat output system form (3.126) can be computed as follows: x(4) γ = K2 1 1 u− (K1 K2 + K1 K3 + K2 K3 )xγ − (K1 m2 + K2 m1 + K2 m2 + K3 m1 ) ẍγ + d(t) m1 m2 m1 m2 m1 m2 (3.127) where d(t) contains the uncertainty disturbances, such as friction viscous, nonlinear terms and other disturbances than can be neglected in (3.118)-(3.119). We define the tracking error as: e x = xγ − x∗γ (t) the four time derivative of the tracking error can be represented as linear perturbed dynamic model which is the key step in flatness based ADRC controllers K2 eu + ϕ(t) (3.128) e(4) x = m1 m2 m1 m2 (4)∗ where the unperturbed feedforward control is u(t)∗ = mK1 m2 2 x(4)∗ γ (t), thus the input error eu = u(t) − K2 xγ (t) and ϕ(t) is the total disturbance [4], [5] which lumped the effects of neglected internal linear dynamic disturbances, nonlinear dynamic disturbances and un-modeled external disturbances. 1 1 (K1 K2 + K1 K3 + K2 K3 )e x − (K1 m2 + K2 m1 + K2 m2 + K3 m1 )ë x + d(t) (3.129) ϕ(t) = − m1 m2 m1 m2 The generalized disturbance input ϕ(t) is locally modeled as the following approximation: K2 eu + z1 m1 m2 żi = zi+1 e(4) x = (3.130) żm = 0 We propose the following flat filter feedback controller with n = 4 and m = 2. ζ̇i = ζi+1 , i = 1, 4 ζ̇5 = −k8 ζ5 − k7 ζ4 − k6 ζ3 + e x e x f = ζ1 m1 m2 (4)∗ m1 m2 u(t) = xγ (t) + (k5 k8 − k4 )ζ5 + (k5 k7 − k3 )ζ4 + (k5 k6 − k2 )ζ3 − k1 ζ2 − k0 ζ1 − k5 e x f K2 K2 (3.131) (3.132) where e x f is the flat filtering output. The controller gains {k8 , k7 , k6 , . . . , k1 , k0 } are chosen matching the closed loop tracking error characteristic polynomial with a desired stable polynomial with all its roots in the left of the complex plane. s9 + k8 s8 + k7 s7 +, · · · , +k1 s + k0 = (s + p x )(s2 + 2ς x ω x s + ω2x )4 (3.133) ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 82 — #98 ✐ ✐ 82 PART | ADRC, Flatness and GPI observation and control 8.5. Simulation results two mass rectilinear mechanism The system 3.116-3.130 parameters used in the simulations were set to be: m1 = 2.34[Kg] m2 = 2[Kg] K1 = 450[N/m] K2 = 450[N/m] K3 = 175[N/m] c1 = 10[N s/m] c2 = 10[N s/m] The controller parameters were chosen as ς x = 3, ω x = 65, and p x = 65. The test starts with initial conditions of the masses at point: [x1 (0) = 0, x2 (0) = 0], this implies that flat output is xγ (0) = 0. Figure 3.46 shows system performance using flat filter scheme the flat output xγ (t) follows the desired point to point smooth trajectory x∗γ (t) as is depicted in Figure 3.47 with a efficient result, the GPI controller based differential flatness allows second mass position xγ (t) = x2 carry out tracking trajectories avoiding undesired oscillations could affect to the system due to springs, the mass position x1 adjust its path allowing flat output make the desired task, the control force input u(t) is depicted in Figure 3.48, it has to overcome the forces provides by springs that does not allow the masses to move freely as well as un modeled dynamics in this case friction viscous. 0.2 x∗γ (t) xγ (t) 0.15 0.1 [m] 0.05 0 -0.05 -0.1 -0.15 -0.2 0 2 4 6 8 10 time[s] Figure 3.46 Flat output xγ trajectory tracking 9. REMARKS In this chapter, we have introduced a remarkable new property of flatness, summarized as follows: Any linear controllable system, whose flat output (or Brunovsky output) coincides with the measurable system output, may be controlled, in stabilization or trajectory tracking tasks by means of a linear well tuned stable filter alone. The filter processes, respectively, the system output or the system output trajectory tracking error. A linear combination of the obviously measurable internal states of the filter conform the required stabilizing feedback law. The coefficients of the linear filter, which turns out to be also flat in a filtering context, are uniquely determined in a rather trivial manner involving only an overall pole placement effort for closed loop stability. The flat filter constitutes a reinterpretation of the classical compensation networks for linear systems. The classical compensation networks are shown to be totally equivalent to the well known Generalized Proportional Integral (GPI) controllers based on integral reconstructors. GPI controllers are widely known to efficiently evade the need for asymptotic state observers. The striking fact, coincident in a dual manner with Extended State Observers based Active Disturbance Rejection Control schemes, is that the proposed linear dynamic controllers may be used for the control of nonlinear, uncertain, flat systems. While the tracking performance is approximate in nature, it is realized with a remarkable precision even in experimental environments. The approach easily overcomes a classical limitation of nonlinear ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 83 — #99 ✐ ✐ ADRC, Flatness, GPI Chapter | 3 83 0.3 x∗γ (t) x2 (t) = xγ x1 (t) 0.2 [m] 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 0 2 4 6 8 10 time[s] Figure 3.47 Flat filter controller close loop system performance 150 u(t) 100 [N] 50 0 -50 -100 -150 0 2 4 6 8 10 time[s] Figure 3.48 Force input control ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 84 — #100 ✐ ✐ 84 PART | ADRC, Flatness and GPI observation and control systems trajectory tracking and stabilizing control via their tangent linearization model provided such model is controllable. The local validity of the linearized controllable model is overcome by the annihilating features of the dynamic controller with respect to the excited non-linearities and neglected terms in the first order approximation. This was illustrated here in the trajectory tracking task of a classic nonlinear pendulum system. In this particular example, is was shown that the increasing the degree of approximation of the family of time polynomials that locally model the disturbance input can improve the tracking performance. REFERENCES ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 85 — #101 ✐ ✐ [1] Hebertt Sira-Ramı́rez, Sunil K Agrawal, Differentially flat systems, Marcel Dekker 2004. [2] J. Levine, Analysis and control of nonlinear systems: A flatness-based approach, Springer Science & Business Media 2009. [3] M. Fliess, C. Join, H. Sira-Ramirez, Non-linear estimation is easy, International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control 4 (1) (2008) 12–27. [4] Z. Gao, Active disturbance rejection control: a paradigm shift in feedback control system design, in: 2006 American control conference, IEEE 2006, pp. 7–pp. [5] J. Han, From PID to active disturbance rejection control, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 56 (3) (2009) 900–906. [6] Z. Chen, D. 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[25] Hebertt Sira-Ramı́rez, Carlos López-Uribe, Martin Velasco-Villa, Trajectory-tracking control of an input delayed omnidirectional mobile robot, in: Electrical Engineering Computing Science and Automatic Control (CCE), 2010 7th International Conference on, IEEE 2010, pp. 470–475. 85 ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 86 — #102 ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 87 — #103 ✐ ✐ Chapter 4 Extensions of ADRC H.Sira-Ramı́rez,a,∗ , A. Luviano-Juárez∗∗ , M. Ramı́rez-Neria† and E. W. Zurita-Bustamante∗ ∗ CINVESTAV-IPN, Departamento de Ingenierı́a Eléctrica, Sección de Mecatrónica, Av. IPN, No. 2508, Colonia San Pedro Zacatenco, Delegación Gustavo A. Madero C.P. 07360, Ciudad de México, México ∗∗ UPIITA-IPN,Instituto Politécnico Nacional - UPIITA, Av. IPN, 2580, Colonia Barrio la Laguna Ticomán, Delegación Gustavo A. Madero C.P. 07340 Ciudad de México, México † CINVESTAV-IPN, Departamento de Control Automático, Av. IPN, No. 2508, Colonia San Pedro Zacatenco, Delegación Gustavo A. Madero C.P. 07360, Ciudad de México, México Chapter Outline Head 1. Introduction 88 2. Integral Reconstructors of MIMO linear systems 88 2.1. Example: Planar Vertical Take-off and Landing Aircraft (PVTOL) 2.2. A Monovariable Example: A flexible shaft 3. A Lyapunov approach for a class of nonlinear multivariable systems 89 91 96 3.1. The high-order extended state observer 97 3.2. Example: A cylindrical robot 99 5. ADRC and sampled systems: The delta operator approach 5.1. The delta operator approach: framework 112 a theoretical 112 5.2. Problem formulation 114 5.3. Delta operator GPI observer 115 5.4. Gain tuning via continuous time matching 116 5.5. Example: Inertia Damper System 116 6. Control of time delay systems 119 6.1. An illustrative example 119 101 6.2. Another Smith Predictor-GPI observer based controller 120 4.1. Generalities about sliding regimes 101 6.3. A particularly difficult example 127 4.2. Main Results 103 6.4. A simple nonlinear delayed system 127 4.3. Assumptions 103 3.3. Numerical results 4. Combined Sliding mode ADRC controllers 101 7. Relations with model free control 7.1. Example: A van der Pol oscillator 4.4. A GPI observer approach to sliding mode creation 103 4.5. A second order example 106 8. Fractional Order Systems References 129 131 136 136 87 ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 88 — #104 ✐ ✐ 88 PART | Extensions of ADRC ABSTRACT This chapter presents some extensions of the ADRC control method to important classes of systems which are of common interest in, both, engineering oriented applications and in research trends found in the literature. The chapter starts with the structural state reconstruction of MIMO systems, i.e., it demonstrates that in linear multivariable systems, the state can be expressed in terms of linear combinations of iterated integrals of inputs and outputs (see [1] for details). Chapter Points • • • • In this chapter, we present some extensions of the Active Disturbance Rejection Control for multivariable systems, its combination with sliding mode control, sampled time systems as well as time delay systems. The multivariable treatment deals with two schemes, the integral reconstruction approach as well as the use of a quadratic lyapunov function to prove its convergence. The sampled time systems are treated by means of the delta operator approach, which is an alternative tool to analyze fast sampled time systems. A class of control-input delayed systems in trajectory tracking tasks is approached from the classic Smith Predictor viewpoint but, in this case, the prediction is proposed from a Taylor series approximation. 1. INTRODUCTION Over the years, ADRC has been applied to different classes of systems including the linear and the non-linear systems cases, the monovariable and multivariable systems structures, the finite dimensional systems and the infinite dimensional systems cases. Formulations of ADRC are found which are cast in the continuous time framework and in the discrete time environment. Recent surveys [2], [3] indicate that the field of applications of ADRC has been steadily expanding to each new class of dynamic systems framework, or to each new class of problems, that, for a variety of reasons, become a “ contagious ” research trend in the field of automatic control. In this chapter, we explore some extensions of ADRC control to classes of systems which are of general interest. We first present the integral reconstruction of states in multivariable systems, just to complete the integral reconstruction-based GPI control schemes, proposed in previous chapters, in the realm of observer-free ADRC for the simple chains of integration systems. Enhanced robustness and effectiveness can be bestowed on Sliding Mode control schemes by using disturbance observers. This evades the need for adaptive switching “amplitudes” , representing binary control values, characterizing typical control input limitations in sliding mode control. We then move to present ADRC results to discrete time systems in the context of delta transforms, a successful technique to deal with the efficient control of sampled data dynamical systems [4], [5]. The chapter also includes an excursion into the ADRC control of systems exhibiting input delays. The topic is also addressed, in more detail, via a specific laboratory example in Chapter 5. The chapter closes with an illustrative example, pointing towards an extension of ADRC control to a class of fractional order systems. 2. INTEGRAL RECONSTRUCTORS OF MIMO LINEAR SYSTEMS In this section we complete our treatment of integral reconstructor based ADRC of Chapters 2 and 3. The results in this section can be found in the work of Fliess et al [1]. We present those results with little modification. Consider the observable, time-invariant, linear system of m inputs and p outputs ẋ = Ax + Bu, x(0) = x0 , y = C x (4.1) where x ∈ Rn is the state vector, x0 ∈ Rn represents the initial state, y ∈ Rl is the set of outputs, and u ∈ Rm is the set of inputs. Also, A ∈ ⋉ × ⋉, B ∈ Rn×m , and C ∈ Rl×n . Integrating (4.1), in the frequency domain, we have x u x=A +B (4.2) s s Iterating on this functional relation, we have: u u x (4.3) x(t) = A2 2 + AB 2 + B s s s ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 89 — #105 ✐ ✐ Extensions of ADRC Chapter | 4 89 Continuing with the functional iteration, a total of n − 1 times, we have: ! X n−1 u(s) n−1 x(s) x(s) = A + Ai−1 B i n−1 s s i=1 (4.4) On the other hand, consider the output and its successive time derivatives, I sI .. . s(n−1) I y(s) = C CA .. . CAn−1 x(s) + 0 0 .. . ··· ··· .. . CAn−2 B · · · ··· 0 CB .. . Integrating, in the frequency domain, n − 1 times, we have, I sn−1 I sn−2 . .. I C CA y(s) = .. . CAn−1 Thanks to the assumed observability of the system: x(s) T −1 T = [O O] O sn−1 I sn−1 I sn−2 .. . I I sn−1 I x(s) n−1 + M sn−2 .. s . I s y(s) − M I sn−1 I sn−2 .. . I s We can now combine this expression with the preceding one: ! X n−1 u(s) n−1 x(s) + Ai−1 B i x(s) = A s sn−1 i=1 I sI .. . 0 (n−2) s I CB 0 0 u(s) u(s) u(s) (4.5) (4.6) (4.7) (4.8) Finally, we have, combining frequency domain and time domain notations: x(t) = P(s−1 )y(t) + Q(s−1 )u(t) (4.9) −1 where the functional dependence on s indicates a polynomial dependence on powers of such an operator, representing finite linear combinations of integrations of the involved quantities being operated on. We address the expression, which does not take into account the influence of the initial states: b x(t) = P(s−1 )y(t) + Q(s−1 )u(t) (4.10) as the integral state reconstructor based on finite linear combinations of iterated integrals of inputs and outputs. The integral state reconstructor may be used, in principle, on any linear state feedback control law u = −kT x(t), as long as it is complemented with additional integral output, or input, error compensation, which counteracts the effects of the neglected initial conditions. h i u = −kT P(s−1 )y(t) + Q(s−1 )u(t) + v (4.11) Such compensation term, v, only requires iterated integrations of the outputs (i.e., output tracking or stabilization errors), or, of the inputs ( nominal input tracking errors). 2.1. Example: Planar Vertical Take-off and Landing Aircraft (PVTOL) This section illustrates the computation of integral reconstructors in a multivariable system and their use on a GPI controller. The use of the reconstructed states in an ADRC controller is not addressed, and it is left as an exercise for the interested ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 90 — #106 ✐ ✐ 90 PART | Extensions of ADRC reader. Consider a normalized model of the PVTOL system, ẍ = −u1 sin θ + ǫu2 cos θ z̈ = u1 cos θ + ǫu2 sin θ − g θ̈ = u2 (4.12) A desired equilibrium for the system is given by, x = x, z = z, θ = 0, u1 = g, u2 = 0 (4.13) Linearization of the nonlinear system of equations, around the equilibrium point, yields: ẍδ z̈δ θ̈δ = −gθδ + ǫu2δ = u1δ = u2δ (4.14) It is easy to verify that xδ is a non-minimum phase output. Indeed, the zero dynamics associated to xδ = 0 is θ̈δ = (g/ǫ)θδ (4.15) which exhibits an unstable saddle point type of equilibrium. The flat outputs may be considered to be: F = xδ − ǫθδ , L = zδ (4.16) The system is equivalent to two chains of integrations, 1 u1δ = L̈, u2δ = − F (4) g (4.17) A pole assignment-based compensator is readily obtained as, u1δ u2δ Take the system outputs simply as, = −γ2 L̇ − γ1 L i 1h = − −k5 F (3) − k4 F̈ − k3 Ḟ − k2 F g y1δ = xδ , y2δ = zδ The integral state reconstructors are obtained in the following manner, Z Z θδ = ( u2δ ), xδ = y1δ , zδ = y2δ Z Z Z Z Z θ̇δ = ( u2δ ), ẋδ = −g( u2δ ) + ǫ( u2 ), Z żδ = ( u1δ ) A feedback control law,based on the integral reconstructors, is readily obtained as, Z Z u1δ = −γ2 ( u1δ ) − γ1 y2δ − γ0 ( y2δ ) Z Z Z 1 (3) ḃ b̈ b b y1δ ) , u2δ = − − k5 F − k4 F − k3 F − k2 F − k1 ( y1δ ) − k0 ( g (4.18) (4.19) (4.20) (4.21) ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 91 — #107 ✐ ✐ Extensions of ADRC Chapter | 4 91 This yields the following GPI controller Z u1δ = − [γ2 u1δ − γ0 y2δ ] − γ1 y2δ " # Z Z Z Z Z 1 [(k4 g + k2 ǫ)u2δ − k0 y1δ ] + (k3 gu2 − k2 y1δ ) u2δ − (k5 gu2δ − k1 y1δ ) − k2 y1δ + g (4.22) The performance of the incremental controller on the nonlinear model of the PVTOL is depicted in Figure Figure 4.1 Performance of PVTOL model controlled by a GPI multivariable controller. 2.2. A Monovariable Example: A flexible shaft Consider the following simplified model of a flexible shaft (see figure 4.2), acted upon by an external torque T applied on the boundary. The shaft is discretized to three representative points a, b, c, characterized by lumped moments of inertia I, connected by springs, and angular deflections θa , θb and θc , satisfying the following set of differential equations: ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 92 — #108 ✐ ✐ 92 PART | Extensions of ADRC Figure 4.2 A flexible shaft system d 2 θa = k(−θa + θb ) + T dt2 d 2 θb (4.23) I 2 = k(θa − 2θb + θc ) dt d 2 θc I 2 = k(θb − θc ) dt Normalizing the system via the following time scale and input coordinate transformation one obtains, r T k dτ = dt, u = (4.24) I I The normalized system is flat, with flat output given by F = θc . The differential parametrization of all system variables follows immediately as, I θc = F θb θa = = F̈ + F F (4) + 3F̈ + F (4.25) F (6) + 4F (4) + 3F̈ (4.26) u = If the, linear, endogenous terms of the system are overlooked, or purposely neglected, then, the system is simplified to the following perturbed chain of integrations, F (6) = u + ξ(t) (4.27) A pole placement controller design, for having the flat output track a desired output reference trajectory F ∗ (t), is obtained for u in the usual manner, u = [F ∗ (t)](6) − k5 F (5) − [F ∗ (t)](5) − k4 F (4) − [F ∗ (t)](4) − k3 F (3) − [F ∗ (t)](3) (4.28) −k2 F̈ − F̈ ∗ (t) − k1 Ḟ − Ḟ ∗ (t) − k0 (F − F ∗ (t)) with the following state dependent relations being replaced on the higher order flat output time derivatives, F Ḟ F̈ F (3) F (4) F (5) = θc = θ̇c = (θb − θc ) = θ̇b − θ̇c = (θa − 3θb + 2θc ) = (θ̇a − 3θ̇b + 2θ̇c ) We picked the following rest-to-rest trajectory for the flat output nominal trajectory F ∗ (t) F ∗ (t) = Fini + (F f in − Fini )ψ(t, t0 , t f ) (4.29) ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 93 — #109 ✐ ✐ Extensions of ADRC Chapter | 4 93 with Fini = 0 and F f in = 1, where, i h ψ(t, t0 , t) = τ8 r1 − r2 τ + · · · − r8 τ7 + r9 τ8 (4.30) r1 = 12870, r2 = 91520, r3 = 288288, r4 = 524160, r5 = 600600, r6 = 443520, r7 = 205920, r8 = 54912, r9 = 6435 t − ti . t f − ti The linear feedback controller coefficients were set as coming from the desired characteristic polynomial, and τ = (s + a)6 , a < 0 (4.31) Figure shows the Figure 4.3 Performance of flexible bar subject to a linear feedback controller. The system is observable from θc , since this is the flat output. We iterate twice on the second order normalized equations, θ̈a θ̈b = −θa + θb + u = θa − 2θb + θc (4.32) θ̈c = θb − θc y = θc ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 94 — #110 ✐ ✐ 94 PART | Extensions of ADRC Figure 4.4 Control input trajectory generated by the linear controller θc θb θa 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 30 25 0.7 20 0.6 0.5 15 0.4 10 0.3 0.2 5 0 0.1 0 Figure 4.5 Three dimensional representation of time trajectory of the flexible bar deformations ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 95 — #111 ✐ ✐ Extensions of ADRC Chapter | 4 95 Integrating twice we obtain, Z Z Z Z Z Z = −( θa ) + ( θb ) + ( u) Z Z Z Z Z Z = ( θa ) − 2( θb ) + ( y) Z Z Z Z = ( θb ) − ( y) θa θb θc (4.33) Iterating on the expressions for θa and θb , once, we have, Z [4] Z [4] Z [4] Z [4] u) y) + ( θb ) + ( θa ) − 3( θa = 2( Z [4] Z [4] Z [4] Z [4] u) y) + ( θb ) − 2( θa ) + 5( θb = −3( (4.34) From the flatness of θc , we have the following differential parameterizations for θa and θb = y(4) + 3ÿ + 3y = ÿ + y θa θb (4.35) Hence, Z Z Z θa ) = y + 3( y) + 3( Z Z Z [4] Z [4] y) θb ) = ( y) + ( ( ( Z [4] [4] (4.36) y) Substituting these expressions on the intermediate parameterizations of θa and θb , in terms of fourth iterated integrals, we obtain Z [4] Z Z Z [4] u) (4.37) y) + ( θa = 2y + 3( y) + 4( Z Z Z [4] y) θb = −3y − 4( y) − 4( From the system equations, we obtain a parametrization for the flat output velocity, Z Z θ̇c = ( θb ) − ( y) (4.38) This yields then, θ̇c = −3y − ( Similarly, from the system equations, θ̇a θ̇b one readily obtains, θ̇a θ̇b Z y) − 4( Z Z y) − 4( Z [4] (4.39) y) Z Z Z = −( θa ) + ( θb ) + ( u) Z Z Z = ( θa ) − 2( θb ) + ( θc ) Z Z = −5( y) − 7( Z Z = 9( y) + 14( [3] y) − 8( [3] Z y) + 12( Z [5] y) − ( [5] y) + Z Z (4.40) [5] u) + ( [5] Z u) (4.41) u The following integral input-output parametrization of all system variables allows us to design a GPI controller for this ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 96 — #112 ✐ ✐ 96 PART | Extensions of ADRC system. θa θb θc θ̇a θ̇b θ̇c Z Z Z [4] y) + ( y) + 4( Z Z Z [4] y) = −3y − 4( y) − 4( = 2y + 3( = y Z Z [3] Z [5] Z [4] u) Z y) − ( y) − 8( = −5( y) − 7( Z Z [5] Z Z [3] y) + y) + 12( = 9( y) + 14( Z Z Z Z [4] y) = −3y − ( y) − 4( y) − 4( [5] u) + ( [5] Z u) u (4.42) This estimates are off by at most an o(t4 ) function, as seen from the iterated integrations of the system equations. We use a controller with fifth order iterated integral compensations. In total, we adjust an 11-th order characteristic polynomial. 3. A LYAPUNOV APPROACH FOR A CLASS OF NONLINEAR MULTIVARIABLE SYSTEMS In this section, the ADRC problem is tackled for a class of interconnected uncertain second-order systems, which can model a large class of electromechanical systems formed by a set of inertial terms. Also, an alternative way of modeling the lumped disturbance inputs is discussed and, finally, a quadratic Lyapunov function is provided for the stability of the closed loop system. The theoretical part of this section is provided in [6]. Consider the following class of coupled second-order nonlinear systems with uncertain structure: ẋa = xb (t) ẋb = f (xa , xb ) + g(xa (t))u(t) + ξ(x, t) (4.43) We denote by x = [x⊤a , x⊤b ]⊤ , x ∈ R2n the state vector of the robotic system. xa is the set of position coordinates and xb represents the corresponding velocities.The initial condition of the system (4.43) is given by x(0) = x0 , kx0 k < ∞. Let X be the set such that x ∈ X ⊂ R2n . The bounded function u ∈ Rn is the control input function. The nonlinear Lipschitz function f : R2n → Rn is composed of n-uncertain nonlinear functions that describe the drift term of (4.43). The matrix function g : Rn → Rn×n is invertible and satisfies the following constraint: 0 < g− ≤ kg(·)k ≤ g+ g− , g+ ∈ R+ (4.44) The term ξ(x, t) contains the combined effects of perturbations and uncertainties that can also include, for example, parameter variations and modeling errors. The following assumption regarding ξ(x, t) is considered: Assumption 1: The class of uncertainties ξ(x, t) satisfies the following inequality: kξ(x, t)k2Λξ ≤ γ0 + γ1 kxk2 , ∀t ≥ 0 γ0 , γ1 ∈ R+ ; 0 < Λξ = Λ⊤ξ ∈ Rn×n (4.45) The system (4.43) can be rewritten as follows: " 0 A = n×n 0n×n ẋ = Ax(t) + G(x))U(t) + F(x, t) # " # # " 0 0n×n 0n×n In×n , U(t) = n , G(x) = u(t) 0n×n g(xa ) 0n×n h i⊤ F(x, t) := 0⊤n f ⊤ (x) + ξ⊤ (x, t) (4.46) (4.47) The function F(x) satisfies the following inequality for all t ≥ 0: kF(x, t)k2 ≤ f0 + f1 kxk2 , f0 , f1 ∈ R+ . The following ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 97 — #113 ✐ ✐ Extensions of ADRC Chapter | 4 97 assumption concerns the nature of the lumped disturbance, according to the chain of integrators structure, needed to propose the controller design. Assumption 2: There exists a constant vector, a, such that the function f (x) + ξ(x(t), t) evaluated along the system trajectories, that is, x = x(t), can be represented as f (x) + ξ(x, t) = a⊤ κ(x) + f˜(x, t), where the vector a ∈ R(p+1)×n is formed by a set of constant parameters, ak , that must be adjusted to improve the approximation of f (x) + ξ(x, t). According to the structure of the GPI extended state observers, the vector, κ ∈ R p+1 , is composed as follows: κ = [1, t, · · · , t p ]. This is a regular decomposition of f (x) + ξ(x, t) in terms of a finite number of elements that form a basis. In particular, the last set of polynomials is considered here. The term f˜(x, t) is called the modeling error produced by the approximation of f (x) + ξ(x, t) by a finite number p of elements in the basis. The so-called nominal model, a⊤ κ(t), can be represented as: a⊤ κ(t) = a0 + a1 t + a2 t2 + · · · + a p t p . Each term a j is a vector, i.e., a j ∈ Rn , j = 0, ..., p. This representation is similar to the one used throughout this book. However, the underlying approximation method will require the differentiability of the term f (x) + ξ(x, t), which is considered to be a strong restriction. In this section, an alternative is proposed, in which the function a⊤ κ(x(t)) can be represented as a chain of integrators. Thus, the approximation presented above states that f (x) + ξ(x, t) must be the solution of integration of an uncertain function plus the approximation error. This condition relaxes the constraint that is usually a drawback in this class of extended state observers. Thus, the previous equation is written as, Z τ p−1 Z t Z τ1 Z t Z t p!a p dτ p · · · dτ1 (4.48) ··· a1 dτ1 + 2a2 dτ2 dτ1 + · · · + a⊤ κ(t) = a0 + τ1 =0 τ1 =0 τ2 =0 τ1 =0 τ p =0 The last equation can be expressed in differential form: a⊤ κ(t) = ρ0 (t) (4.49) dρi (t) = ρi+1 (t), i = 0, . . . , p − 1 dt dρ p (t) =0 ρ j (0) = a j , j = 0, 1, ..., p dt The problem formulation given above can be rephrased as follows: Given a vector output reference trajectory, x∗ , for the system (4.43), design an output feedback controller that, regardless of the unknown unmodeled dynamics, or external disturbances, (both lumped in an additive signal F(x)), forces the outputs, x, to track, asymptotically, the desired reference trajectories, with the tracking error restricted to evolve on a small neighborhood near the origin and proportional to a power of the uncertainties and perturbations. The first stage in solving this problem consists in designing an extended state observer to reconstruct the unmeasurable part of the state. 3.1. The high-order extended state observer The extended state observer for the system (4.43), with the corresponding feedback controller using the observer states u(t) := u( x̂(t)), is proposed as: ˙ = A x̂(t) + G(xa (t))U(t) + Bρ̂0 (t) + He(t) x̂(t) ˙ = Φρ̂(t) + Le(t) ρ̂(t) 0n×n In×n 0n×n · · · 0n×n 0 0 I · · · 0 n×n n×n n×n n×n .. . . . . .. .. p − times Φ = . . · · · 0n×n 0n×n 0n×n · · · In×n 0n×n 0n×n 0n×n · · · 0n×n ρ̂0 (t) = D⊤ ρ̂(t); (4.50) e(t) = xa (t) − C ⊤ x̂(t) Here the vectors x̂ and ρ̂ are the estimated states for x and ρ, respectively. The matrix H ∈ R2n×n is the state observer gain. The matrix L ∈ Rn(p+1)×n is the extended observer gain. The matrix D ∈ Rn(p+1)×p is represented as D⊤ = [In×n 0n×n · · · 0n×n ]. The matrix Φ ∈ Rn(p+1)×n(p+1) is called the extended state self matrix. The output matrix C ∈ R2n×n is given by C ⊤ = [In×n 0n×n ]. Finally, the matrix B ∈ R2n×n is represented as B⊤ = [0n×n In×n ]. On the basis of the extended state observer proposed in (4.50), the output-based controller can then be designed using ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 98 — #114 ✐ ✐ 98 PART | Extensions of ADRC the following structure: h i u(t) = −g(xa (t))−1 K ⊤ ( x̂(t) − x∗ (t)) + ρ̂0 (t) − s(x∗ (t)) (4.51) ẋ∗ (t) = Ax∗ (t) + Bs(x∗ (t)), x∗ (0) = x∗0 ∈ R2n (4.52) where s(x∗ (t)) is the feedforward input.In space state terms, the reference trajectory vector x∗ ∈ R2n satisfies where s : Rn → Rn is a Lipschitz function. The reference trajectory is designed to be bounded ∀t ≥ 0; that is, kx∗ (t)k2 ≤ ∗ 2 ∗ xmax , xmax ∈ R+ . The controller gain matrix K is designed such that the matrix A − BK is Hurwitz. To solve this part of the problem, all the methodologies to tune a desired characteristic polynomial of a dominant linear dynamics can be applied. The main result is given as follows. Theorem 4. Consider the state observer given in (4.50) and the output feedback controller proposed in (4.51) (with the gain K adjusted such that the linear closed loop dominant dynamics is Hurwitz) for the class of nonlinear uncertain systems (4.43) fulfilling the condition (4.44) with incomplete information and affected by perturbations that obey the constraints given in (4.45). Define the matrices Π(H, L, K), R, and Q described by A − HC ⊤ BD⊤ 02n×2n Φ 0n(p+1)×n(p+1) Π(H, L, K) = −LC ⊤ (4.53) HC ⊤ 02n×2n A − BK 2 f1 I 0 0 0 0 R = Λ + 0 (4.54) 0 0 4 f1 I where Λ = Λ⊤ ∈ RN p ×N p , Λ > 0, Q = Q0 , Q0 = Q⊤0 ∈ RN p ×N p , Q0 > 0, and N p = 4n + n(p + 1). If there is a positive definite matrix Q0 such that the algebraic Riccati equation Ric(P) = 0 with Ric(P) = PΠ(H, L, K) + Π(H, L, K)⊤ P + PRP + Q (4.55) has a positive definite symmetric solution P∈ RNp ×N p , then the tracking trajectory error ε = x − x∗ is ultimate bounded n o f0 + 4 f1 x∗max + , αQ := λmin P−1/2 Q0 P−1/2 . with an upper bound given by β = 2 αQ Proof. The estimation error ∆ satisfies h i ˙ = A − HC ⊤ ∆(t) + F(x(t)) − Bρ̂0 (t) ∆(t) The approximation proposed in (4.49) makes it possible to transform the previous differential equation into ˙ = [A − HC ⊤ ]∆(t) + B f˜(x(t), t) + BD⊤ ρ(t) − ρ̂(t) ∆(t) (4.56) (4.57) On the other hand, the extended state error, defined as δ = ρ − ρ̂, and the tracking error σ satisfy δ̇(t) = Φδ(t) − LC ⊤ ∆(t) σ̇(t) = A x̂(t) + G(xa (t))u(t) + Bρ̂0 (t) + He(t) − s(x∗ (t)) (4.58) (4.59) If the control action described by (4.51) is substituted in the previous differential equation, one gets σ̇(t) = (A − BK)σ(t) + HC ⊤ ∆(t) (4.60) To prove that the equilibrium point of (4.57) and (4.58) is stable, the following Lyapunov function candidate is proposed: V(z) = z⊤ Pz (4.61) where the vector z ∈ RN p is constructed as z⊤ = [∆⊤ δ⊤ σ⊤ ]. Taking the Lie derivative of V(z) with respect to time, one has V̇(t) = 2z⊤ (t)Pż(t) (4.62) ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 99 — #115 ✐ ✐ Extensions of ADRC Chapter | 4 99 From (4.57) and (4.58), the time derivative of z is A − HC ⊤ BD⊤ Φ ż(t) = −LC ⊤ HC ⊤ 02n×2n ˜ B f (x(t), t) 0n(p+1)×n(p+1) z(t) + 0n(p+1) A − BK 0n 02n×2n (4.63) Using this result in the previous differential equation, one gets V̇(t) = 2z⊤ (t)PΠ(H, L, K)z(t) + 2z⊤ (t)Pη(t) (4.64) where η represents all the internal uncertainties and external perturbations. The direct application of the matrix inequality X ⊺ Y + Y ⊺ X ≤ X ⊺ NX + Y ⊺ N −1 Y, which is valid for any X, Y ∈ Rr×s and any 0 < N = N ⊺ ∈ R s×s [7], yields V̇(t) ≤ z⊤ (t) PΠ(H, L, K) + Π(H, L, K)⊤ P + PΛP z(t) + η⊤ (t)Λ−1 η(t) (4.65) An algebraic manipulation involving the term z⊤ (t)Q0 z(t) yields V̇(t) ≤z⊤ (t)(PΠ(H, L, K) + Π(H, L, K)⊤ P + PΛP + Q0 )z(t) + η⊤ (t)Λ−1 η(t) − z⊤ (t)Q0 z(t) (4.66) By taking the upper bound presented in (4.45), the term η⊤ Λ−1 η for all t ≥ 0 is bounded from above by η⊤ Λ−1 η ≤ f0 + 2 f1 k∆k2 + 4 f1 kσk2 + 4 f1 kx∗ k2 (4.67) On the basis of this inequality, the differential inclusion presented in (4.66) is transformed into V̇(t) ≤ z⊤ (t)Ric(P)z(t) − z⊤ (t)Q0 z(t) + β0 (4.68) V̇(t) ≤ −z⊤ (t)Q0 z(t) + β0 (4.69) where β0 = f0 + 4 f1 [x∗ ]+ . Using the assumption regarding the existence of a positive definite solution to the Riccati equation Ric(P) = 0, the previous differential inclusion is modified to The right-hand side of the previous differential inclusion can be bounded from above as o n V̇(t) = −λmin P−1/2 Q0 P−1/2 z⊤ (t)Pz(t) + β0 (4.70) The last inequality was obtained using the so-called Rayleigh inequality and the Cholesky decomposition [7]. According to the definition of β, one has the following differential inequality: V̇(t) ≤ −αQ V(t) + β0 (4.71) Taking the equality in the previous differential inclusion, one has V̇ eq = −αQ V eq + β0 (4.72) The solution of the previous differential equation is V eq (t) = e−αQ t V eq (0) + β0 (1 − e−αQ t ) αQ (4.73) By applying the comparison principle [8] to the previous equation and using the fact that V(t) ≥ 0, one has V(t) ≤ e−αQ t V(0) + β0 (1 − e−αQ t ) αQ Taking the upper limit of the previous inequality, the main result presented in the theorem is finally obtained. (4.74) 3.2. Example: A cylindrical robot Consider a cylindrical robotic system (figure 4.6). The mathematical model is given as follows: J + m3 q33 0 0 0 m2 + m3 0 0 q̈1 m3 q3 q̇3 0 q̈2 + 0 m3 q̈3 −m3 q3 q̇1 0 m3 q3 q̇1 q̇1 0 u1 0 0 q̇2 + (m2 + m3 )g = u2 0 0 q̇3 0 u3 (4.75) ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 100 — #116 ✐ ✐ 100 PART | Extensions of ADRC q3 q2 q1 Figure 4.6 Trajectory tracking results of the sampled control where J is the moment of inertia of the first link (revolute), m2 and m3 are the masses of the prismatic links, g is the gravity acceleration, q1 , q2 and q3 are the joint coordinates which represent the rotational movement (q1 ), the vertical motion (q2 ) and the radial motion of the end effector (q3 ). The control problem is to design a multivariable control u(t) such that the joint position coordinates q are forced to track a reference trajectory q∗ , in spite of the lack of knowledge of the Coriolis and gravity terms as well as possible external disturbances, within an ultimate bounded tracking behavior. Last model can be seen as (4.76) D(q)q̈ + C(q, q̇)q̇ + Ḡ(q) = u 3×3 where D(q) isi the inertia matrix, C(q, q̇) ∈ R3×3 is the matrix of h h ∈R ⊺ vector, q̈ = q̈1 q̈2 q̈3 ∈ R3 is the joint acceleration vector, q̈ = q̇1 q̇2 i⊺ h h q1 q2 q3 ∈ R3 is the joint position vector (measurable) and u = u1 u2 i⊺ h Assuming the presence of external forces, denoted by η := η1 η2 η3 , the following system: Coriolis effects, Ḡ(q) ∈ R3 is the gravity i⊺ 3 q̇3 ∈ R is the joint velocity vector, q = i⊺ u3 ∈ R3 stands for the input vector. we have, according to the structure (4.46), ẋ = Ax + G(xa )u + F(x, t) (4.77) where h xa = q 1 q2 q3 i⊺ h , xb = q̇1 q̇2 q̇3 i⊺ , G(xa ) = g(xa ) = D−1 (xa ), F(x, t) = C(x)xb + Ḡ(xa ) + η " 03×3 03×3 03×3 D−1 (xa ) # (4.78) (4.79) From the bounds of the inertia matrix property [9], the condition (4.44) is achieved and it is assumed that each component of η lies on the class defined in Assumption 1. For the approximation of F, let us propose a set of 3rd degree time polynomial family (p=1). That leads to the following extended state observer form: ˙ = A x̂(t) + G(xa )U(t) + Bρ̂0 (t) + He(t) x̂(t) ˙ = Φρ̂(t) + Le(t) ρ̂(t) (4.80) with, 03×3 0 Φ = 3×3 03×3 03×3 I3×3 03×3 03×3 03×3 The matrices H and L are proposed as: 03×3 I3×3 03×3 03×3 03×3 h 03×3 , D⊺ = I3×3 I3×3 03×3 03×3 03×3 03×3 i ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 101 — #117 ✐ ✐ Extensions of ADRC Chapter | 4 101 λ51 0 0 H = λ41 0 0 0 λ52 0 0 λ42 0 0 0 λ53 0 0 λ43 λ31 0 0 λ21 0 0 L = λ11 0 0 λ01 0 0 0 λ32 0 0 λ22 0 0 λ12 0 0 λ02 0 0 0 λ33 0 0 λ23 0 0 λ13 0 0 λ03 such that the linear dominant injection dynamics of each joint coordinate, in terms of the Laplace operator is given as follows: s6 + λ5i s5 + λ4i s4 + λ3i s3 + λ2i s2 + λ1i s + λ0i (4.81) with i = 1, 2, 3. The trajectory tracking control is given as: where h i u(t) = −g(xa (t))−1 K ⊤ ( x̂(t) − x∗ (t)) + ρ̂0 (t) − s(x∗ (t)) (4.82) 3.3. Numerical results A trajectory tracking consisting in a rest to rest reference function for the three joints was carried out for the robotic system. The robot parameters were J = 0.02 Kg m2 , m2 = 0.2 Kg, m3 = 0.15 Kg, g = 9.81 m/s2 . The desired characteristic polynomials of the dominant dynamics (4.81) of the observer were set to have the form (s2 + 2ζ1i ω1i + ω21i )(s2 + 2ζ2i ω2i + ω22i )(s2 + 2ζ3i ω3i + ω23i ), with ζi1 = 2, ζ2i = 4, ζ3i = 5, ω1i = 22, ω2i = 25, ω3i = 30, i = 1, 2, 3. The linear control input was set to match the closed loop error characteristic polynomial of s2 + 2ζic ω2ic , with ζic = 3 and ωic = 20, i = 1, 2, 3. Additionally, the states of a Chen chaotic system were used to disturb each joint, forcing the extended state observer to estimate, both, non modeled dynamics as well as external disturbances. Figure 4.7 shows the tracking results were the three reference trajectories are tracked with a bounded error. The same figure shows the position estimation of the observer. Finally, figure 3.3 shows the lumped disturbance inputs and the control inputs, where the chaotic behavior of the disturbances is present in the extended state estimator and the control inputs. 4. COMBINED SLIDING MODE ADRC CONTROLLERS 4.1. Generalities about sliding regimes Consider the following n-dimensional, nonlinear, single input-single output, system ẋ = f (x) + g(x)u, σ = h(x) (4.83) n where, f and g, are known, smooth, vector fields on T R . The scalar control input function, u, is assumed to take values on the closed interval, [−U, U]. The function, h(x), is a smooth function, h : Rn → R. The zero level set for the scalar output, σ, S = {x ∈ Rn | σ = h(x) = 0} (4.84) represents a smooth, n − 1, dimensional manifold acting as a sliding surface. We say, σ, is the sliding surface coordinate function. Let x0 < S be an arbitrary operating point in Rn . We restrict our considerations to an open neighborhood, N(x0 ) ⊂ Rn , exhibiting a non-empty intersection with the sliding surface S . Suppose it is desired to locally create a sliding motion on the sliding surface, S , from an operating point x0 . Furthermore, assume that the directional derivative, Lg h(x), is perfectly known, strictly positive and known to be bounded away from ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 102 — #118 ✐ ✐ 102 PART | Extensions of ADRC 10 q1 (t) q̂1 (t) q1∗ (t) 5 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 time [s] 5 0 0 q2 (t) q̂2 (t) q2∗ (t) 2 4 6 8 10 time [s] 5 q3 (t) q̂3 (t) q3∗ (t) 0 -5 0 2 4 6 8 10 time [s] Figure 4.7 Closed loop trajectory tracking results and position estimation 10 20 0 0 -10 -20 u1 (t) 0 5 time [s] 10 10 ξˆ1 (t) 0 5 time [s] 10 0 5 -10 0 ξˆ2 (t) u2 (t) -5 0 5 time [s] 10 10 0 u3 (t) -10 0 5 time [s] 10 -20 0 20 0 -20 -40 -60 0 5 time [s] 10 ξˆ3 (t) 5 time [s] 10 Figure 4.8 Control inputs and disturbance estimation ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 103 — #119 ✐ ✐ Extensions of ADRC Chapter | 4 103 zero in N(x0 ). This is known as the transversality condition. The necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a local sliding regime on the smooth surface, S , from a point x0 is given by the well known existence condition (see Utkin [10]): σσ̇ < 0 (4.85) For points x ∈ N(x0 ) where, σ(x) > 0, the control input choice, u = u+ (x) must be such that σ̇ = L f h(x) + Lg h(x)u+ (x) < 0 (4.86) while for points where σ(x) < 0, the control input choice, u = u− (x), must render, σ̇ = L f h(x) + Lg h(x)u− (x) > 0 (4.87) Suppose we adopt the following switching policy: u+ (x) = −W, u− (x) = W, i.e., u = −Wsign(σ) with W < U. Then, −WLg h(x) < L f h(x) < Lg h(x)W (4.88) Dividing out by the negative quantity, −Lg h(x), we obtain, for points in the vicinity of the sliding surface S , the necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a sliding regime is translated into −W < − L f h(x) < W Lg h(x) (4.89) Ideal sliding motions are defined as the motions locally, smoothly, taking place on the sliding surface, S , under the influence of the virtual, smooth, equivalent control input function, denoted as ueq (x), for initial state conditions belonging to S . The ideal sliding motions are characterized by the Invariance conditions: σ = 0, σ̇ = 0. These conditions define the equivalent control as L f h(x) (4.90) ueq (x) = − Lg h(x) σ=0 The ideal sliding motions are described by the following n-dimensional redundant dynamics, valid on the constraint manifold S , " # g(x) ∂h ẋ = I − f (x) := M(x) f (x) (4.91) Lg h(x) ∂xT It may be verified that since dh(x)M(x) = 0, for x ∈ S ∩ N(x0 ), then M(x) f (x) ∈ T x S , while M 2 (x) = M(x) and M(x)g(x) = 0. The matrix M(x) is, hence, a projection operator onto the tangent space, T x S , along the span{g}. We have the following result: Given the smooth nonlinear system ẋ = f (x) + g(x)u with u ∈ [−U, U], and, Lg h(x), being a strictly positive scalar function on N(x0 ). The switched feedback control policy u = −Wsign(σ), with W < U, locally creates a sliding regime on S = {x ∈ Rn | σ = h(x) = 0} if and only if for points x on S ∩ N(x0 ) −W < ueq (x) = − L f h(x) <W Lg h(x) (4.92) The proof is immediate upon realizing that, due to the smoothness of the equivalent control, the condition: −W < ueq (x) < W, remains valid on an open neighborhood of x ∈ S . Hence, a sliding regime locally exists on S ∩ N(x0 ). 4.2. Main Results Consider the following n-dimensional, nonlinear, single input-single output, system ẋ = f (x) + g(x)u, σ = h(x) (4.93) where, the drift vector field, f (x), is a smooth, but uncertain, vector field on T Rn . The case of an additive exogenously perturbed input field of the form: γ(x)θ(t), follows quite a similar treatment. ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 104 — #120 ✐ ✐ 104 PART | Extensions of ADRC 4.3. Assumptions • • • The scalar control input, u, is assumed to take values on the, finite, closed interval: [−U, U] and the amplitude, W, of the switching part of the control input, u, satisfies: W < U. The directional derivative, L f h(x), and a finite number of its time derivatives, say (L f h(x(t)))(k) , k = 0, 1, 2, ..., m, for a sufficiently large m, are assumed to be uniformly absolutely bounded for any feedback control input stabilizing the sliding surface coordinate dynamics1 . We assume that, Lg h(x), is perfectly known and locally strictly positive. 4.4. A GPI observer approach to sliding mode creation The state-dependent sliding surface dynamics is characterized by, σ̇ = L f h(x) + Lg h(x)u (4.94) Under the uncertain but bounded nature of, L f h(x), the existence condition: σσ̇ < 0, for u = −Wsign(σ), adopts the more conservative form, −W inf Lg h(x) < sup L f h(x) < W inf Lg h(x) t t t (4.95) which translates into −W < − supt L f h(x) inf t Lg h(x) < W (4.96) It is clear that in comparison with the existence condition, (4.92), for the non uncertain case, the control input switching amplitude, W, may be superseded by the expression in (4.96). Note, however, that an accurate, although possibly approximate, on line estimation of the scalar uncertain quantity, d L f h(x), in the form: L f h(x), may result in a substantially enhanced possibility for the creation of a sliding motion via the active disturbance cancellation strategy, d u = −L f h(x) − Wsign(σ). The observer based controller (4.97) produces the following closed loop sliding surface dynamics, h i d σ̇ = L f h(x) − L f h(x) − WLg h(x)sign(σ) (4.97) (4.98) which would require a smaller control input switching amplitude, W, than in the case where the observer is not used: σ̇ = L f h(x) − WLg h(x)sign(σ) (4.99) We have the following result: Theorem 5. Consider the following sliding surface coordinate function GPI observer: ˙ σ̂ = z1 + Lg h(x)u + γm (σ − σ̂) ż1 = z2 + γm−1 (σ − σ̂) ż2 = z3 + γm−2 (σ − σ̂) .. . żm−1 żm = zm + γ1 (σ − σ̂) = γ0 (σ − σ̂) (4.100) with, m, being a sufficiently large integer ([11] where m is set to 1). Given the uncertain sliding surface dynamics: σ̇ = L f h(x) + Lg h(x)u. (4.101) 1. This assumption is to be understood in the “almost everywhere” sense ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 105 — #121 ✐ ✐ Extensions of ADRC Chapter | 4 105 The sliding surface estimation error, eσ = σ − σ̂, and its time derivatives, e(σj) , j = 1, 2, ..., m, asymptotically converge, in an exponentially dominated manner, towards a small ball, B(0, ρ) of radius ρ, centered around the origin of the estimation error phase space: χ = (eσ , ėσ , ..., e(m) σ ). The radius, ρ, can be made as small as desired provided the roots of the polynomial in the complex variable, s, p(s) = sm+1 + γm sm + · · · + γ1 s + γ0 (4.102) are located further into the left half of the complex plane, via the specification of the observer design coefficients: {γ0 , · · · , γm }. Moreover, the observer variable, z1 , estimates, in an arbitrarily close fashion, the time signal representing the uncertain directional derivative, L f h(x(t)). Proof Notice that the estimation error variable, eσ = σ − σ̂, evolves governed by, ėσ = (L f h(x(t))) − z1 − γm eσ ż1 = z2 + γm−1 eσ ż2 = z3 + γm−2 eσ .. . żm−1 = zm + γ1 eσ żm = γ0 eσ (4.103) Therefore, the sliding surface estimation error, eσ , evolves according to the, linearly dominated, perturbed dynamics: eσ(m+1) + γm e(m) σ + · · · + γ1 ėσ + γ0 eσ = η(t) (4.104) where η(t) = (L f h(x(t)))(m) . Since, (L f h(x(t)))(m) , is assumed to be uniformly bounded, there exists a positive constant, κm , such that, supt |η(t)| < κm . The phase variables, χ, of the injected dynamics, evolve governed by, χ̇ = Aχ + bη(t), with A ∈ R(m+1)×(m+1) , in companion form, with complex eigenvalues exhibiting strictly negative real parts. The m + 1-dimensional vector b, is a vector of zero entries except for the last one, which is equal to 1. Let P be a positive definite symmetric matrix. Consider, then, the positive definite Lyapunov function candidate, V(χ) = 12 χT Pχ, defined in the estimation error phase space. Since, 21 (AT P + PA), is a symmetric matrix, with m + 1 real, negative, eigenvalues, written in decreasing order fashion as: −λmax , · · · , −λmin , it is immediate to verify, that, along the solutions of the estimation error dynamics, one has 1 T T χ (A P + PA)χ + bT Pχη(t) V̇(χ) = 2 ≤ −λmax kPkkχk2 + κm kχk ! κm = −λmax kPkkχk kχk − (4.105) λmax The trajectories of the tracking error phase vector starting outside the ball, κm kPk} B(0, ρ) = {χ | kχk ≤ ρ, ρ = λmax (4.106) asymptotically converge towards the boundary of the ball. Those trajectories starting inside the ball B(0, ρ) will never be able to abandon it. Then, as the complex eigenvalues of the matrix, A, are chosen further to the left of the complex plane, the radius, ρ, of the ball B(0, ρ) becomes as small as desired. The sliding surface estimation error phase variables, χ(t), will be ultimately uniformly bounded by the ball B(0, ρ). From the first equation, it is clear that, L f h(x(t)) − z1 = −ėσ − γm eσ . Therefore, from the fact that, ėσ and eσ , are ultimately uniformly bounded inside, B(0, ρ), the difference z1 − L f h(x(t)) is asymptotically convergent towards a small interval around the origin, which is as small as desired. The observer signal, z1 , estimates, in an arbitrarily close fashion, the uncertain directional derivative: L f h(x(t)). The observer variable, z1 , may be properly denoted as the estimate L[ f h(x). Let, q, be an even integer and, ǫ > 0, be a small real number (ǫ ≈ κm−1 ρ = λ−1 max ). We define, φ s (t), as the “smoothed” ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 106 — #122 ✐ ✐ 106 PART | Extensions of ADRC version of a time signal, φ(t), whenever, φ s (t) = s f (t)φ(t), with, s f (t), given by ( πt sinq ( 2ǫ ) for t ≤ ǫ s f (t) = 1 for t > ǫ (4.107) Corollary 1. Let z1s be a smoothing of the observer variable, z1 = L f [ h(x(t)), during a small time interval, [0, ǫ]. Under all the previous assumptions, the discontinuous, active disturbance cancelation, feedback controller: 1 −z1s − Wsign(σ) , Lg h(x) u= (4.108) locally creates a sliding regime on, S ∩ N(x0 ), for any amplitude, W, satisfying: W > ρ = κm /λmax . Proof The closed loop sliding surface dynamics is given by, σ̇ = L f h(x) − z1s − Wsign(σ) (4.109) d Since, for, t > ǫ, the disturbance estimation error, L f h(x) − z1s = L f h(x) − L f h(x), is asymptotically converging towards an arbitrary small interval around the origin, the local existence of a sliding regime on, σ = 0, is guaranteed even if W is rather small. An estimate of the required, W, is just given by: κm W >ρ= (4.110) λmax where κm = supt |L f h(x)| and λmax is the smallest, in absolute value, eigenvalue of the symmetric negative definite matrix 1 T 2 (A + A ). 4.5. A second order example Consider the uncertain nonlinear second order system, ẋ1 ẋ2 = x2 = ξ(x1 , x2 ) + u (4.111) where, ξ(x1 , x2 ), is a smooth unknown function of its arguments. We take, for instance, ξ = −0.5 sin(x1 ) cos(x1 ) (4.112) Define the following stabilizing sliding surface S = {x ∈ R2 | σ(x) = x2 + ax1 = 0, a > 0} (4.113) with associated ideal sliding dynamics: ẋ1 = −ax1 on S . Consider the following discontinuous feedback control law: u = −z s v − Wsign(σ) (4.114) with W = 0.2 and with v being an “activation function”, v ∈ {0, 1}, for the disconnection, or active involvement, of the smoothed version of the variable, z1 , arising from the following GPI observer: ˙ σ̂ ż1 ż2 ż3 = z1 + u + γ3 (σ − σ̂) = z2 + γ2 (σ − σ̂) = z3 + γ1 (σ − σ̂) = γ0 (σ − σ̂) (4.115) The gains, {γ0 , · · · , γ3 }, are chosen so that the polynomial in the complex variable s, p(s) = s4 + γ3 s3 + γ2 s2 + γ1 s + γ0 (4.116) ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 107 — #123 ✐ ✐ Extensions of ADRC Chapter | 4 107 Figure 4.9 Comparison of the closed loop performances of the GPI observer assisted sliding mode control scheme (dotted line) and the observer-less scheme (continuous line). exhibits all its roots deep in the left half portion of the complex plane2 . We set p(s) identical to the polynomial, (s2 + 2ζωn s + ω2n )2 , with the damping factor, ζ, close to unity and, ωn , chosen sufficiently large. We let: γ3 = 4ζωn , γ2 = (2ω2n + 4ζ 2 ω2n ), γ1 = 4ζω3n , γ0 = ω4n The unknown function to be estimated via the GPI is simply: z = ξ(x1 , x2 ) + ax2 . Let q be an even integer. The smoothed version (or “clutched” version) of this observer variable is defined by z s = z1 s f (t) where s f (t) is a smoothing factor of the form (4.107). 4.5.1. Simulations We have set, for simulation purposes: ζ = 1 and, ωn = 6, ǫ = 1, q = 8. The control input takes values on the set [−U, U] = [−0.6, 0.6] with W = 0.2, The sliding surface is of the form: {x ∈ R2 | x2 + x1 = 0} (4.117) i.e., a = 1. Figure 4.9, below, shows, in dotted lines, how the GPI observer assisted sliding motion occurs much earlier than the traditional full force bang-bang sliding policy (in continuous line). The performance of the closed loop system is clearly substantially improved. Figure 4.10 depicts the asymptotic estimation features of the GPI observer for the sliding surface coordinate function σ and for the estimation of the endogenous perturbation input signal L f h(x(t)) + ax2 (t), depicted as ẑ(t). In order to test the robustness of the proposed approach, we now set the unknown function, ξ(x1 , x2 ), to be given by, ξ(x1 , x2 ) = −0.5 sin2 (x1 ), making the uncontrolled system unstable. Figure 4.11, depicts the fact that the GPI observer assisted sliding mode controller (in dotted line) locally creates a sliding regime with performance comparable to the last simulation example. However, the observer-less scheme (in continuous line) results in a totally unstable system. Figure 4.12 depicts the observer assisted sliding mode creation features (v = 1), for the unstable version of the illustrative system, with controlled trajectories starting from two different initial conditions. It should be clear that sliding 2. As a justification for such low order observer, recall J. Von Neumann statement: “With four parameters I can fit an elephant, and with five I can make him wiggle his trunk!” ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 108 — #124 ✐ ✐ 108 PART | Extensions of ADRC Figure 4.10 Sliding surface evolution σ(t) and nonlinear state-dependent perturbation input, z(t) = L f h(x(t)) + ax2 (t), along with their linear GPI observer-based estimates. Figure 4.11 Comparison of performances for the GPI observer assisted sliding mode controller (dotted line) and the observer-less scheme (continuous line) for an unstable system. ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 109 — #125 ✐ ✐ Extensions of ADRC Chapter | 4 109 0.4 0.3 x2 (x1 ) W=0.2 0.2 W=0.1 W=0.05 0.1 0 (-1,0) (1,0) -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 W=0.3 -0.4 W=0.4 -0.5 -0.6 -1.5 σ=0 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 Figure 4.12 GPI observer assisted sliding mode creation for perturbed system using different switching control input authorities, W. modes are being invariably created, in spite of control input switching authorities as low as W = 0.05. Figure 4.13 depicts the same numerical experiment, in the absence of the active disturbance estimation-rejection scheme (v = 0). The results clearly depict the beneficial effects of the active disturbance rejection approach based on linear, high-gain, GPI disturbance observers. 4.5.2. Control of Pendulum System Consider the problem of controlling the angular position of a pendulum which was made with an aluminium bar and a concentrated mass at the tip at a distance L of pivot. As for the actuator, we use the DC motor with gear reduction ratio 16:1. shown in Fig.4.14. The pendulum system is coupled to the DC motor through a gear train, there are viscous friction and Coulomb friction.The dynamics of this system is described by (4.118) . ! ! ·· · · · 1 1 2 M + m L θ + M + m gL sin(θ) + Bθ + Fc sign(θ) = τ(t) 3 2 (4.118) where τ is the input torque to the motor and gear train θ, m, M, L are the rotation angle, the mass of the bar, the added mass and the length of the bar, respectively. B and Fc are viscous friction coefficient,Coulomb friction and g denotes the gravity acceleration. We simplify the nonlinear system model to the following linear perturbed system, τ(t) ·· θ= 1 3M + ϕ̃(t) + m L2 (4.119) For the system, we use a gears train between the motor and the pendulum system. The torque in the output of the gears train is given by: τ(t) = K1 K2 N 2 · K1 N V(t) − θ Ra Ra (4.120) ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 110 — #126 ✐ ✐ 110 PART | Extensions of ADRC x2 (x1 ) W = 0.6 0.4 W = 0.4 0.2 (1, 0) (−1, 0) 0 W = 0.4 σ=0 -0.2 W = 0.2 -0.4 W = 0.1 -0.6 -0.8 -1.5 W = 0.6 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 Figure 4.13 Traditional sliding mode creation for perturbed system, without GPI observer assistance, using different switching control input authorities, W. Figure 4.14 Pendulum, Gear train and Motor ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 111 — #127 ✐ ✐ Extensions of ADRC Chapter | 4 111 We use the equation (4.120) the torque in the output of the gears train θ= K1 K2 N 2 Ra K1 N Ra ·· 1 3M We simplify the linear perturbed system · V(t) − θ + ϕ̃(t) 1 2 + m L2 3M + m L ·· θ= K1 N Ra 13 M V(t) + ϕ(t) + m L2 (4.121) (4.122) with ϕ(t) including now the state dependent nonlinearity ϕ(t) = − Ra K1 K2 N 2 1 3M · θ− + m L2 + m g sin(y) Fc sign(ẏ) Bẏ − − 1 1 1 2 2 3M + m L 3M + m L 3M + m L 1 2M Define the following trajectory sliding surface S = {x ∈ R2 | σ(x) = (ẏ − ẏ∗ ) + λ(y − y∗ ) = 0, λ > 0} (4.123) (4.124) where y∗ is the reference trajectory, y = θ. For the pendulum system, consider the following discontinuous feedback control law: V(t) = − ( 31 M + m)L2 K1 N Ra (z1 − ÿ∗ ) − W sign(σ) (4.125) with W = 1.5 and λ = 3. The GPI observer is proposed as: σ̂˙ 1 σ̂˙ 2 = σ̂2 + γ7 (σ − σ̂1 ) = z1 + K1 N Ra ż1 ( 13 M + m)L2 = z2 + γ5 (σ − σ̂1 ) .. . ż6 = γ0 (σ − σ̂1 ) (4.126) V(t) + γ6 (σ − σ̂1 ) (4.127) The gains, {γ0 , · · · , γ7 }, are chosen so that the polynomial in the complex variable s, p(s) = s8 + γ7 s7 + · · · + γ0 (4.128) exhibits all its roots deep in the left half portion of the complex plane. We set p(s) with the Hurwitz polynomial, (s2 + 2ζωn s + ω2n )4 , with the damping factor, ζ, close to unity and, ωn , chosen sufficiently large. Experimental results We used to measure the pendulum angular position a incremental encoder, it is a series CP-350-100-LD-1/4” encoder of 1000 pulses per revolution. A Sensoray acquisition card, Model 620, with 6 counters and 4 D/A outputs, 16 A/D inputs, with 48 digital bidirectional I/O pins. The card is an interface for the Matlab Simulink Real time Windows Target environment. The sampling time was set to 0.001 seg. A power operational Amplifier provides a current of 6 A and a voltage ±24volts,It receives the control signal and amplifies the motor current is delivered. The DC-motor used was a NC5475B NISCA MOTOR with parameters are show in table 4.1; on the other hand figure 4.15 shows the block diagram of the pendulum system. The pendulum system exhibits the following parameter values: M = 0.268 kg , m = 0.1 Kg L = 0.6 [m] ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 112 — #128 ✐ ✐ 112 PART | Extensions of ADRC Table 4.1 NC5475B NISCA motor parameters Parameter Torque constant FEM constant Electrical resistance Gear reduction ratio Value 0.0724 [N/A] 0.0687 [Nm/Rad/s] 2.983 [Ω] 16 Figure 4.15 GPI observer based trajectory tracking performance for the uncertain Bagley-Torvik system. Figure 4.16 GPI observer based trajectory tracking performance for the uncertain Bagley-Torvik system. Observer Gains: ζc = 2, ωn = 10 Figure 4.16, depicts the quality of the controller’s performance in a trajectory tracking task involving a sinusoidal signal reference trajectory for the angular position coordinate, θ(t). The output reference trajectory θ(t)∗ was specified to be: " # π 2π rad θ(t)∗ = sin(ωt), [rad] , ω = (4.129) 2 5 s 5. ADRC AND SAMPLED SYSTEMS: THE DELTA OPERATOR APPROACH Most practical problems in control implementations deal with digital control, which implies a sampling process (discretization). The classic analysis of discretized systems is based on the time shift operator q, and the usual analysis for linear systems is the Z transform technique. ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 113 — #129 ✐ ✐ Extensions of ADRC Chapter | 4 113 Current data acquisition technologies have allowed to increase the sampling rate of the continuous time systems, involving some advantages and drawbacks. On the other hand, fast sampling induces several problems such as [12] • • • Vast amounts of data collected Numerical ill-conditioning within algorithms, primarily caused by the discrete time-shift operator Encroachment of the sample frequency onto the noise bandwidth causing aliasing/frequency folding This fact encouraged Goodwin and Middleton to develop a strategy capable of unifying both continuous and discretetime formulations [13]. Moreover, this approach overcomes the unstable sampling zero problem as analyzed in [14] and the procedure for the control gains is enhanced since the stability region increases as sampling time decreases. In this type of approach, the authors proposed the use an operator called δ-operator defined as follows: q−1 (4.130) ∆ where q is the shift operator in the time domain and ∆ is the sampling time. This approach has been used with good results regarding robustness and other features even in a class of nonlinear systems when fast sampled data are involved. δ= 5.1. The delta operator approach: a theoretical framework In this section some preliminary concepts regarding the δ operator and its properties are introduced, the reader is referred to [4, 13] for detailed information: Definition 2. The domain of possible nonnegative “times” Ω+ (∆) is defined as follows: ( ) R+ ∪ {0} : ∆ = 0, Ω+ (∆) = {0, ∆, 2∆, 3∆, . . .} : ∆ , 0 (4.131) where ∆ denotes the sampling period in discrete time, or ∆ = 0 for a continuous time framework. Definition 3. A time function x(t), t ∈ Ω+ (∆), is in general, simply a mapping from times, to either the real or the complex set. That is: x(t) : Ω+ → C. Definition 4. The unified operator or δ operator is defined as follows: dx(t) dt δx(t) , (q−1)x(t) = x(t+∆)−x(t) ∆ ∆ where lim δ(x(t)) = ∆→0+ dx(t) dt :∆=0 :∆,0 (4.132) Definition 5. The integration operation S is given as follows: R t2 x(τ)dτ :∆=0 t1 Stt21 x(τ)dτ = l=t2P /∆−1 x(l∆) : ∆ , 0 ∆ l=t1 /∆ t1 , t2 ∈ Ω+ The integration operator corresponds to the antiderivative operator. (4.133) Definition 6. Generalized Matrix Exponential In the case of the unified transform theory, the generalized exponential E is ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 114 — #130 ✐ ✐ 114 PART | Extensions of ADRC defined as follows: ( E(A, t, ∆) = eAt (I + A∆)t/∆ :∆=0 :∆,0 ) (4.134) where A ∈ Cn×n , I is the identity matrix. The Generalized Matrix Exponential satisfies to be the fundamental matrix of δx = Ax and thus, the unique solution to: δx = Ax; x(0) = x0 (4.135) δx = Ax + Bu, x(0) = x0 (4.136) x(t) = E(A, t, ∆)x0 + St0 E(A, t − τ − ∆, ∆)Bu(τ)dτ (4.137) is x(t) = E(A, t, ∆)x0 . The general solution to: is Definition 7 (Stability boundary). The solution of (4.135) is said to be asymptotically stable if and only if, for all x0 , x(t) → 0 as time elapses. The stability arises if and only if E(A, t, ∆) → 0 as t → ∞ if and only if every eigenvalue of A, denoted as λi , i = 1, . . . , n satisfies the following condition: ∆ 2 |λi | < 0 (4.138) 2 Therefore, the stability boundary is the circle with center (−1/∆, 0) and radius 1/∆ which also can be described as: Re{λi } + Re{λi } + ∆ 2 |λi | = 0 2 (4.139) In particular, given the equation: δn x + an−1 δn−1 x + . . . + a1 δx + a0 x = 0 (4.140) If the all the roots λi , i = 1 . . . , n of the polynomial λn + an−1 λn−1 + . . . + a1 λx + a0 = 0 (4.141) satisfy the condition (4.138), then the solution of (4.140) is asymptotically stable. Im 1 ∆ −1/∆ R Figure 4.17 Stability region of the delta operator ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 115 — #131 ✐ ✐ Extensions of ADRC Chapter | 4 115 Definition 8. Suppose V(t, x) is a Positive Definite Function and x is a state of the system δx(t) = f (x(t), t) (4.142) Then V(t, x) is called a Lyapunov Function Candidate (LFC) if δV(t, x(t)) exists. Definition 9 (Lyapunov Stability). Suppose for some LFC V(t, x) and some system (4.142) that δV(t, x) ≤ 0, for all t, for all x. Then the solution of (4.142) is stable in Lyapunov sense. If δV(t, x) < 0 then the solution of (4.142) is asymptotically stable in Lyapunov sense. 5.2. Problem formulation Consider the following continuous time system, expressed as a disturbed integrator chain: y(n) = u + ξ(t) (4.143) The sampling process of last system (with sampling time ∆) leads to the following delta operator approximation: δn y(t) = u + ξ̄(t) (4.144) ¯ includes the non-modeled dynamics derived from the sampling process. where ξ(t) The problem statement is given as follows: Given a reference trajectory y∗ (t), devise a discrete time controller u such that, in spite of the non modelled dynamics and possible arising of external disturbances, the output of system (4.143) is forced to track y∗ (t) within a bounded tracking error. 5.3. Delta operator GPI observer ¯ is proposed to Using the same methodology of the continuous time ADRC control, the generalized disturbance input ξ(t) be locally approximated by a family of polynomials of degree p. That implies the following space state representation of (4.144) δy1 = y2 δy2 = y3 .. . δyn−1 = yn δyn = u + ρ0 (4.145) δρ0 = ρ1 .. . δρ p−1 = ρ p δρ p = 0 where the state ρ0 locally approximates ξ̄(t). The proposed ADRC control is given in terms of the delta operator as follows: ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 116 — #132 ✐ ✐ 116 PART | Extensions of ADRC u = δn y∗ − n−1 X κi ŷi − δi y∗i − ρ̂0 i=0 δŷ1 = ŷ2 + ln+p (y1 − ŷ1 ) δŷ2 = ŷ3 + ln+p−1 (y1 − ŷ1 ) .. . δŷn−1 = ŷn + l p+2 (y1 − ŷ1 ) δŷn = u + ρ̂0 + l p+1 (y1 − ŷ1 ) δρ̂0 = ρ̂1 + l p (y1 − ŷ1 ) .. . (4.146) δρ̂ p−1 = ρ̂ p + l1 (y1 − ŷ1 ) δρ̂ p = l0 (y1 − ŷ1 ) ρ̂ = ξ̄ˆ(t) 0 Let us define the convergence error as ε := y1 − ŷ1 . This error satisfies the following dynamics: δn+p+1 ε + ln+p δn+p ε + . . . + l1 δε + l0 ε = δ p ξ̄ (4.147) The characteristic equation of the linear dominant dynamics in the complex variable γ is γn+p+1 + ln+p γn+p + . . . + l1 γ + l0 = 0 (4.148) Thus, if the observer gains li , i = 0, 1, . . . , n + p are chosen such that the roots of (4.148), say γi , are located in the ∆ region |γi |2 + Re{γi } < 0, then, the estimation error is restricted to a vicinity of the origin of the phase space. 2 The tracking error, defined as ey := y − y∗ , evolves according to the following disturbed linear dynamics: δn ey + κn−1 δn−1 ey + . . . + κ0 ey = x̄i(t) − x̄ˆi(t) − ϕ(ε, δε, . . . , δn−1 ε) (4.149) being ϕ(ε, δε, . . . , δn−1 ε) a linear function of the estimation error and its uniform time derivatives. By choosing κi , i = 0, . . . , n − 1 such that the polynomial γn + κn−1 γn−1 + . . . + κ0 (4.150) ∆ has its roots deep in the region |γi |2 + Re{γi } < 0, it is ensured that the tracking error as well as its time derivatives 2 converge asymptotically to a vicinity of the origin of the phase state of the tracking error. 5.4. Gain tuning via continuous time matching One important aspect for a control practitioner in the use of discrete time control systems is the gain tuning procedure. Since the stability region for a shift operator is the unitary circle, the tuning procedure based on the root location may be sensitive to the sampling time [14]. A direct connection between discrete and continuous time transfer function (G(s)), assuming a sampling process of the output with a zero order hold input is expressed as follows: • Shift Operator (z) G′ (z) = ( )! 1 z−1 Z L−1 G(s) z s (4.151) ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 117 — #133 ✐ ✐ Extensions of ADRC Chapter | 4 117 • Delta Operator (γ) G′ (γ) = )! ( 1 γ T L−1 G(s) 1 + γ∆ s (4.152) Unlike (4.151), notice that in (4.152) the relation between transfer function of G′ (γ) includes the sampling time. This fact can be an advantage in order to apply a tuning process based on a pole assignment rule in continuous time. In particular, the table 4.2 shows some zero order hold discrete time equivalents which are useful in the tuning procedure (for a complehensive table, see [4]): G(s) G′ (γ) 1 s 1 γ 1 a (1 1 s+a ω (s + a)2 + ω2 s (s + a)2 + ω2 γ+ " − e−a∆ ) 1 − e−a∆ ∆ # " # ω(1 − e−a∆ cos ω∆) − ae−a∆ sin ω∆ 1 − 2e−a∆ cos ω∆ + e−2a∆ γ+ω ∆ ∆2 # " #! " −a∆ −a∆ 1 − 2e cos ω∆ + e−2a∆ 2 − 2e cos ω∆ 2 2 2 γ+ (a + ω ) γ + ∆ ∆2 h i e−a∆ (sin ω∆/ω∆) γ " # i h 1 − 2e−a∆ cos ω∆ + e−2a∆ 2−2e−a∆ cos ω∆ 2 γ+ γ + ∆ ∆2 Table 4.2 Zero order hold discrete time equivalents (delta operator) for transfer functions 5.5. Example: Inertia Damper System Consider the following Inertia Damper system with an unknown disturbance input: J q̈ + B(q̇) = u + η(t) (4.153) where J represents the inertia of the system, B is a function representing the combination of viscous and Coulomb friction terms, u is the system input and η(t) stands for an external disturbance due to an external load. Assuming a sampling process with sampling time ∆, the model in the delta operator is given by B(δq) 1 1 + u + η(t) J J J B(δq) 1 + η(t). We have Let us define the generalized lumped disturbance ξ = − J J δ2 q = − (4.154) ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 118 — #134 ✐ ✐ 118 PART | Extensions of ADRC 1 u+ξ (4.155) J Let us propose an approximation of ξ(t) by a family of 2nd degree time polynomials. That is, it is proposed a 3rd order local approximation. The system including the ultra-model approximation is δ2 q = δq1 = q2 1 δq2 = u + ρ0 J δρ0 = ρ1 δρ1 = ρ2 (4.156) δρ2 = 0 The observer for the system (4.156) is given as: δq̂1 = q̂2 + l1 (q1 − q̂1 ) + l4 (q1 − q̂1 ) 1 δq̂2 = u + ρ0 + l3 (q1 − q̂1 ) J δρ̂0 = ρ̂1 + l2 (q1 − q̂1 ) δρ̂1 = ρ̂2 + l1 (q1 − q̂1 ) (4.157) δρ̂2 = l0 (q1 − q̂1 ) Some numerical simulations were carried out in order to test the estimation and control scheme. The sampling time in the control was 1 ms and the tuning of the observer and controller were based on the use of the zero order hold equivalents. The closed loop trajectory tracking characteristic polynomial was s2 + 2z1 ωn1 s + w2n1 , with z1 = 0.5 and ωn1 = 7. The observer gains were selected such as the injection error dynamics matches the desired characteristic polynomial (s2 + 2zo1 ωno1 s + w2no1 )(s2 + 2zo2 ωno2 s + w2no2 )(s + po , with zo1 = 0.5, zo1 = 0.8, ωno1 = 5, and ωno1 = 10. Figure 4.18 shows the tracking results for a sinusoidal reference trajectory. The time derivative estimation is shown in figure 5.5. The control input as well as the disturbance estimation are depicted in figure 4.20. Since the sampling time is reduced the sampled time controller allows a similar behavior with respect to the continuous time instance, and its digital implementation is direct. 6. CONTROL OF TIME DELAY SYSTEMS 6.1. An illustrative example Consider the following second order linear delay system ÿ = u(t − T ) + ϕ(t) (4.158) where T is a perfectly known strictly positive real number and ϕ(t) is a bounded perturbation of low frequency character so that its time derivatives are negligible after certain order, say 4th order. This perturbation is, otherwise, unknown. It is desired to stabilize the output of the system to a constant value yre f . Let y1 = y and consider the state representation of the given system ẏ1 ẏ2 = y2 = u(t − T ) + ϕ(t) (4.159) y = y1 Consider the following GPI observer ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 119 — #135 ✐ ✐ Extensions of ADRC Chapter | 4 119 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 θ(t) θ̂(t) θ ∗ (t) 0 2 4 6 8 10 time [s] Figure 4.18 Trajectory tracking results of the sampled control 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 dθ/dt ˆ dθ/dt 0 2 4 6 8 10 time [s] Figure 4.19 Time derivative estimation ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 120 — #136 ✐ ✐ 120 PART | Extensions of ADRC 40 30 20 10 0 ξˆ -10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 time [s] 20 10 0 -10 u 0 2 4 6 8 10 time [s] Figure 4.20 Disturbance estimation (Up) and control input (Down) ŷ˙ 1 ŷ˙ 2 ż1 ż2 ż3 ż4 ż5 ż6 ż7 ż8 ż9 ż10 = ŷ2 + γ11 (y − ŷ) = u(t − T ) + z1 + γ10 (y − ŷ) = z2 + γ9 (y − ŷ) = z3 + γ8 (y − ŷ) = z4 + γ7 (y − ŷ) = z5 + γ6 (y − ŷ) = z6 + γ5 (y − ŷ) = z7 + γ4 (y − ŷ) (4.160) = z8 + γ3 (y − ŷ) = z9 + γ2 (y − ŷ) = z10 + γ1 (y − ŷ) = γ0 (y − ŷ) It is easy to see that the output reconstruction error e = y − ŷ evolves according to e(12) + γ11 e(11) + · · · + γ1 ė + γ0 e = ϕ(10) (t) ≈ 0 (4.161) The reconstruction error and its time derivatives converge towards a small neighborhood of zero in the reconstruction error state space. Similarly the variable z1 converges towards the unknown perturbation ϕ(t) and z j → ϕ( j−1)(t) for j = 2, 3... We propose the following perturbation predictor computed at time t, T3 T2 + z4 (t) + ... (4.162) 2! 3! With this prediction of the perturbation input, we can certainly use the Smith predictor philosophy by considering the advance, or forward system: ϕ̂(t + T ) ≈ z1 (t) + z2 (t)T + z3 (t) ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 121 — #137 ✐ ✐ Extensions of ADRC Chapter | 4 121 ÿ f = u(t) + ϕ̂(t + T ) (4.163) By controlling this apparently non-causal system (recall ϕ̂(t + T ) is actually available at time t) towards the desired reference value yre f and sharing the designed state feedback controller with the actual delay system, we control the delay system with a properly predicted state feedback control law with predicted cancelation of the acting perturbation input. We set the following proportional, derivative, controller of the forward system: u(t) = −ϕ̂(t + T ) − k1 ẏ f − k0 (y f − yre f ) (4.164) The control scheme is shown in the following figure j(t) u(t) -sT e + y(t) + System + y f + u(t-T) GPI Observer + + ^j(t+T) _ Forward System Controller with cancelation effect + y f + y ref _ Figure 4.21 GPI observer-based controller for delay systems. 6.2. Another Smith Predictor-GPI observer based controller We now consider the following popular Smith predictor based control scheme in the context of the following example: Consider a perturbed water heating system described by the following delayed differential equation 10ẏ = −y + u(t − 20) + ϕ̃(t) (4.165) Since the delay, T = 20, is very large compared to the time constant of the system (1/10), we choose the following time normalization dt′ = dt/20, u(t − 20) = u(20(t′ − 1)) = v(t′ − 1), (4.166) We obtain the following normalized system, ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 122 — #138 ✐ ✐ 122 PART | Extensions of ADRC 1 0.5 0 0 yref (t) y(t) 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 2 0 -2 u(t) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0.2 0 ϕ(t + T ) ϕ(t) -0.2 0 5 10 15 20 time[s] 25 30 35 40 Figure 4.22 Performance of Smith predictor plus gpi observer control scheme of illustrative example. ẏ = −2y + 2v(t′ − 1) + ϕ(t′ ) (4.167) j(t) yref(t) C(s) + u y G(s)e-sT _ e -sT GPI observer and perturbation predictor j(t+T) yf u Gm(s) yf + e-sT _ + + Figure 4.23 Smith predictor control scheme and GPI observer for perturbation prediction. Using the described Smith predictor scheme in combination with the perturbation prediction GPI observer we obtained the following simulation results. We used the following normalized gpi observer ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 123 — #139 ✐ ✐ Extensions of ADRC Chapter | 4 123 d ŷ = −2ŷ + 2v(t′ − 1) + z1 + γ3 (y − ŷ) dt′ d z1 = z2 + γ2 (y − ŷ) dt′ d z2 = z3 + γ1 (y − ŷ) dt′ d z3 = γ0 (y − ŷ) dt′ The de-normalized prediction of the perturbation is computed as ϕ̂(t + T ) = z1 (t) + z2 (t) (4.168) T T2 + z3 (t) 1! 2! (4.169) 80 60 40 yref (t) y(t) 20 0 0 80 50 100 150 200 60 40 0 10 u(t) 50 100 150 200 0 -10 -20 ϕ(t + T ) ϕ(t) 0 50 100 time[s] 150 200 Figure 4.24 Performance of Smith predictor plus gpi observer control scheme in a perturbed water heating system. In order to obtain a better prediction of the perturbation input ϕ(t) we proposed a larger dimensional observer thus obtaining a better estimate of the needed time derivatives. We continued to use the same predictor order ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 124 — #140 ✐ ✐ 124 PART | Extensions of ADRC d ŷ dt′ d z1 dt′ d z2 dt′ d z3 dt′ d z4 dt′ d z5 dt′ d z6 dt′ d z7 dt′ = −2ŷ + 2v(t′ − 1) + z1 + γ7 (y − ŷ) = z2 + γ6 (y − ŷ) = z3 + γ5 (y − ŷ) = z4 + γ4 (y − ŷ) = z5 + γ3 (y − ŷ) = z6 + γ2 (y − ŷ) = z7 + γ1 (y − ŷ) = γ0 (y − ŷ) ϕ̂(t + T ) = z1 (t) + z2 (t) T T2 + z3 (t) 1! 2! (4.170) 80 60 40 yref (t) y(t) 20 0 0 80 50 100 150 200 60 40 0 10 u(t) 50 100 150 200 0 -10 -20 ϕ(t + T ) ϕ(t) 0 50 100 time[s] 150 200 Figure 4.25 Performance of smith predictor plus gpi observer control scheme in a perturbed water heating system with a larger dimensional observer. Now, let us consider a perturbed first order system with unknown but bounded perturbation [15]. ′ ẏ = u(t′ − 5) + ϕ̃(t) (4.171) where t stands for the actual time. It is desired to have: y → yre f . Consider first, and mainly to make the computer simulations feasible, the following time scaling of the system t = t′ /5. We obtain ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 125 — #141 ✐ ✐ Extensions of ADRC Chapter | 4 125 ẏ = 5u(t − 1) + ϕ(t) (4.172) where, with an abuse of notation, the dot notation stands for derivation with respect to the scaled time t. In order to estimate the perturbation input ϕ(t) and thus, to be able to predict its future values even if in an approximate manner, we propose the following gpi observer ŷ˙ = u(t − 1) + z1 + λ8 (y − ŷ) ż1 = z2 + λ7 (y − ŷ) ż2 ż3 ż4 ż5 ż6 ż7 ż8 = z3 + λ6 (y − ŷ) = z4 + λ5 ∗ (y − ŷ) = z5 + λ4 (y − ŷ) (4.173) = z6 + λ3 (y − ŷ) = z7 + λ2 (y − ŷ) = z8 + λ1 (y − ŷ) = λ0 (y − ŷ) The estimation error e = y − ŷ evolves according to e(9) + λ8 e(8) + · · · + λ1 ė + λ0 e = ϕ(8) (t) (4.174) (8) Our basic assumption is that, the higher order time derivatives of ϕ(t), i.e., ϕ (t) ≈ 0, is negligible. By placing the poles of the corresponding characteristic polynomial p(s) = s(9) + λ8 s(8) + · · · + λ1 s + λ0 (4.175) well into the left half of the complex plane, one further obtains that e( j) (t) → zk (t) → N(0), j = 1, 2, ..., 8 ϕ(k−1) (t) + ǫk (t), k = 1, 2, ... (4.176) where N(0) is a small neighborhood of the origin of the reconstruction error state space [e, ė, ..., e(8) ] and ǫk (t) is a scalar signal taking values in such a neighborhood N(0), for a reasonable set of consecutive values of k. The accurate estimation of the perturbation input ϕ(t) by means of the observer variable z1 and its various time derivatives by the functions zk , k=2,3,... prompts us to propose the following Taylor polynomial based predictor for ϕ(t + T ), ϕ̂(t + T ) = z1 + 1 1 1 1 z2 T + z3 T 2 + z4 T 3 + z5 T 4 1! 2! 3! 4! (4.177) with T = 1. This predicted value of ϕ(t + 1), is used in the following forward system ẏ f = 5u(t) + ϕ̂(t + 1) (4.178) The Smith predictor basic idea is to control, usually by means of a classical PI controller, this forward system so that it converges to the desired reference value yre f . One proposes " # Z t 1 u= −ϕ̂(t + 1) − k1 (y f (t) − yre f ) − k0 (y f (σ) − yre f )dσ 5 0 (4.179) The Smith predictor alternative proposes to share this synthesized controller for the forward system with the actual plant. However, since the plant has been completely bypassed, this controller is quite sensitive to the lack of a perfect prediction of the perturbation error and other modeling errors possibly committed in the forward system synthesis. Usually ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 126 — #142 ✐ ✐ 126 PART | Extensions of ADRC then the following modification of the above controller is enforced. Let e f r = y − y f (t − 1), i.e., the error between the actual plant output and the delayed output of the forward system. This quantity is used as an additive perturbation in the feedback signal trying to control the forward system. We thus propose: u = " # Z t 1 −ϕ̂(t + 1) − k1 (y f (t) − yre f + e f r ) − k0 (y f (σ) − yre f + e f r )dσ 5 0 (4.180) Simulations We set the observer gains by equating the 9th degree characteristic polynomial, p(s), dominating the behavior of the reconstruction error, to the expression: (s2 + 2ζωn s + ω2n )4 (s + p) (4.181) λ8 λ7 = (p + 8ζωn ) = (24ζ 2 ω2n + 8ζωn p + 4ω2n ) λ6 λ5 = (24ζ 2 ω2n p + 24ζω3n + 32ζ 3 ω3n + 4ω2n p) = 32ζ 3 ω3n p + 16ζ 4 ω4n + 48ζ 2 ω4n + 6ω4n + 24ζω3n p λ4 λ3 = = λ2 λ1 = = λ0 = 24ζω5n + 48ζ 2 ω4n p + 32ζ 3 ω5n + 16ζ 4 ω4n p (24ζ 2 ω6n + 4ω6n + 32ζ 3 ω5n p + 24ζω5n p) (8ζω7n + 24ζ 2 ω6n p + 4ω6n p) (8ζω7n p + ω8n ) ω8n p + (4.182) 6ω4n p with ζ = 1, ωn = 20, p = 20. The desired reference level for the output variable y, was set to be yre f = 4.0. The closed loop poles for the PI controller were established as: k1 = 2ζc ωnc , k0 = ω2nc , with ζc = 1, ωnc = 0.5. 2 The perturbation input was synthesized as ϕ(t) = e− sin (0.6t) cos(0.3t). In order to avoid the large “peaking” that may arise from the high gain observer we propose to suitably attenuate certain signals used in the observer based control scheme. We propose the use of the following “smoothing factor function”, s f (t), during a certain time interval [0, δ], with δ > 0. s f (t) = ( πt ) for t ≤ δ sin8 ( 2δ 1 for t > δ (4.183) We use this function to suppress the peaking behavior in the observer variables z1 , z2 , ..., z5 used in the perturbation estimation and perturbation prediction. In the simulations presented next, δ was set to be 3. The perturbation estimation signal, z1 (t), and the perturbation prediction signal, ϕ̂(t + 1), are all multiplied by the smoothing factor function s f (t). 6.3. A particularly difficult example Consider the following delay system3 ẏ = y(t − T 1 ) + u(t − T 2 ) (4.184) with T 2 > T 1 . It is desired to control y(t) towards a constant reference value yre f . Our technique, combined with the Smith Predictor, is capable of on-line estimating, the delayed state y(t − T 1 ) and to further predict the associated forward system perturbation y(t − T 1 + T 2 ). We consider the system as being just a perturbed system of the form 3. This example was suggested in the Nokia Lecture: Long Actuator Delays - Extending the Smith Predictor to Nonlinear systems by Miroslav Kristic, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Nt1Pf5H3rA ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 127 — #143 ✐ ✐ Extensions of ADRC Chapter | 4 127 5 4 y(t), yref 3 2 z1 (t), ϕ(t), 1 0 -1 0 50 100 150 100 150 100 150 Figure 4.26 GPI observer-based controller for first order delay systems. 1 u(t) 0.5 0 -0.5 0 50 1 ϕ(t), z1 (t), ϕ̂(t + 1) 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 0 50 Figure 4.27 Performance of GPI observer-based controller in canceling input generation and perturbation estimation-prediction. ẏ = u(t − T 2 ) + ϕ(t) (4.185) We will estimate ϕ(t) by means of a gpi observer. From the observer variables we predict the value of ϕ(t + T ), i.e., y(t − T 1 + T 2 ), and then control the forward perturbed system ẏ f = u(t) + ϕ̂(t + T 2 ) (4.186) The problem reduces to the same class of problems we have been studying along this manuscript. The controller for the forward system is of the classical PI form with perturbation elimination and plant-retarded forward system stabilization error perturbation. u = −ϕ̂(t + T 2 ) + K1 (y f − yre f + y − y f (t − T 2 )) Z t (y f − yre f + y − y f (σ − T 2 ))dσ +K0 (4.187) 0 ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 128 — #144 ✐ ✐ 128 PART | Extensions of ADRC Figure 4.28 Performance of Smith predictor plus gpi observer control scheme on an unstable delay system with delayed state. Figure 4.29 Performance of Smith predictor plus gpi observer control scheme on an unstable delay system with delayed state. 6.4. A simple nonlinear delayed system Consider the following normalized controlled pendulum with delayed inputs ÿ = − sin(y) + u(t − T ) + p(t) (4.188) where p(t) is a time varying perturbation of unknown but bounded nature. We simplify the nonlinear system model to the following linear perturbed system ÿ = u(t − T ) + ϕ(t) (4.189) with ϕ(t) including now the state dependent nonlinearity: ϕ(t) = p(t) − sin(y(t)). Suppose, for simplicity, it is desired to control the angular position y towards a constant reference yref . Let y1 = y, y2 = ẏ, we postulate the following gpi observer for the linear perturbed system ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 129 — #145 ✐ ✐ Extensions of ADRC Chapter | 4 129 ŷ˙ 1 ŷ˙ 2 ż1 ż2 ż3 ż4 ż5 ż6 = ŷ2 + λ7 (y1 − ŷ1 ) = u(t − T ) + z1 + λ6 (y1 − ŷ1 ) = z2 + λ5 (y1 − ŷ1 ) = z3 + λ4 (y1 − ŷ1 ) = z4 + λ3 (y1 − ŷ1 ) (4.190) = z5 + λ2 (y1 − ŷ1 ) = z6 + λ1 (y1 − ŷ1 ) = λ0 (y1 − ŷ1 ) The reconstruction error e = y1 − ŷ1 = y − ŷ1 , satisfies the dynamics e(8) + λ7 e(7) + λ6 e(6) + ... + λ1 ė + λ0 e = ϕ(6) (t) (4.191) Under the assumption that ϕ(6) (t) is negligible, we may assume that e and its time derivatives converge to a small neighborhood of zero. As a consequence z1 → ϕ(t), z2 → ϕ̇(t), z3 → ϕ̈(t), etc. We use the following Taylor polynomial as an approximate prediction of the perturbation input 1 1 z2 (t)T + z3 (t)T 2 (4.192) 1! 2! With this perturbation we consider, following the philosophy of the Smith Predictor controller methodology, the following forward or advanced system ϕ̂(t + T ) = z1 (t) + ÿ f = u(t) + ϕ̂(t + T ) (4.193) Let e f = y − y f be the forward system based output prediction error. Naturally ė f = ẏ − ẏ f . The angular velocity ẏ will be obtained from the observer as ŷ2 and we assume ẏ f is available by construction. We propose the following proportional derivative controller for the forward system, with control input shared by the nonlinear delayed system, u = −ϕ̂ s (t + T ) − k1 (ẏ f + ė f ) − k0 (y + e f − yref ) (4.194) where ϕ̂ s (t + T ) is a “ smoothed ” predicted state dependent perturbation input. Let ǫ be a small positive real number. Let s f (t) denote the smoothing factor defined as s f (t) = ( πt ) for t ≤ ǫ sin8 ( 2ǫ 1 for t > ǫ (4.195) Thus, ϕ̂ s (t + T ) = ϕ̂(t + T )s f (t). Numerical results 7. RELATIONS WITH MODEL FREE CONTROL Model free control [16] is an alternative technique to control complex systems by using a simplified representation of the system (ultra local model) and subsequent algebraic estimation techniques to design a simple, but effective, trajectory tracking controller. There are some similarities and differences between ADRC and the model free approaches which are listed as follows: • • The idea of using an ultra local model is derived from the model free control scheme. However, in the case of model free the system’s order can be reduced while in the case of ADRC the order of the system is invariant. The use of the ultra local model is then given for an alternative model of the lumped disturbance input. The nominal representation of a system in model free control has the form ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 130 — #146 ✐ ✐ 130 PART | Extensions of ADRC 2 1 yref (t) y(t) 0 0 5 10 15 u(t) 4 2 0 0 5 10 15 ϕ(t + T ) ϕ(t) 0 -0.5 -1 0 5 10 15 time[s] Figure 4.30 Performance trajectory and control of Smith predictor plus gpi observer controller 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 yref (t) y(t) 0 -0.5 0 5 10 15 1.5 20 u(t) 1 0.5 0 -0.5 0 5 10 time[s] 15 20 Figure 4.31 Performance for trajectory tracking of Smith predictor plus gpi observer control scheme in a perturbed one degree of freedom perturbed pendulum with delayed control. ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 131 — #147 ✐ ✐ Extensions of ADRC Chapter | 4 131 ϕ(t + T ) ϕ(t) 0 -0.5 -1 0 5 10 15 20 2.5 2 1.5 1 yf∗ (t) yf (t) y(t) 0.5 0 0 5 10 time[s] 15 20 Figure 4.32 Performance for trajectory tracking of Smith predictor plus gpi observer control scheme in a perturbed one degree of freedom perturbed pendulum with delayed control. yν = F + αu (4.196) + • where ν ∈ Z is a designer choice, α ∈ R is a constant gain and F is a function to be estimated by means of algebraic estimation techniques, locally considered as piecewise constant. In ADRC, the control gain is assumed to be known and a possible nonlinear function depending on space state. In general, there is an interval in which the controller works appropriately. In the case of the model free approach, the control gain is obtained by trial-error, but it is not known from the beginning. In next subsection, an example is analyzed by model free and ADRC scheme: 7.1. Example: A van der Pol oscillator Consider the following controlled Van der Pol oscillator ẋ1 = x2 ẋ2 = µ(1 − x21 )x2 − x1 + u (4.197) y = x1 7.1.1. Intelligent PID control The ultra-model representation with ν = 2 is given by: ẋ1 = x2 ẋ2 = F + αu (4.198) y = x1 ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 132 — #148 ✐ ✐ 132 PART | Extensions of ADRC last system with F = 0 is flat, with flat output y. The reference trajectory y∗ leads to the nominal feed forward control u∗ = ÿ∗ . There are some manners to implement the model free scheme by assuming an ultra local model of order one or two (see [16] for a comprehensive analysis). In this section it is used the intelligent PID approach since the ultra local model is similar to the one proposed in ADRC. Assuming the control gain is known (α = 1), the intelligent proportional integral controller is defined as u(t) = −F̂(t) − ÿ(t) + KD (ẏˆ (t) − ẏ∗ (t)) + KP e(t) + KI e(t) = y(t) − y∗ (t) Z t e(τ)dτ (4.199) 0 F is estimated as follows: F̂ = ÿˆ − u (4.200) 7.1.2. Algebraic time derivative scheme The time derivative estimation is carried out through the algebraic derivative technique [17], [18]. This method is based on the time derivative approximation by truncated expansion of the Taylor series of the signal, say y, e y(t) = y(ti ) + [ẏ(ti )](t − ti ) (4.201) The time derivative on the approximation expression (4.201) leads to the following linear model for the approximation: d2e y =0 (4.202) 2 dt The procedure is generalized by adopting a higher order model for the approximation of the output signal y(t), N−1 X 1 (k) y (ti )(t − ti )k , e y(t) = k! k=0 N ∈ Z+ (4.203) This approximation satisfies the following differential equation: d Ne y =0 (4.204) dtN The problem of computing time derivatives of y(t) is given as computing the states of the linear time-invariant, linear, homogeneous system of order N. The linear approximation y(N) (t) = 0, satisfies (in the s domain) the following relation: i dN h N s Y(s) = 0 N ds The expressions (4.205) i dN h N s Y(s) = 0, k = N − 1, N − 2, · · · , N − k (4.206) N ds contain implicit information on the k-th derivatives of y(t) in an approximate manner. In this case, it is proposed a fifth order approximation which leads to the following expression in the s domain: s−k s−k d6 6 [s b y(s)] = 0, k = 5, 4, 3 ds6 (4.207) ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 133 — #149 ✐ ✐ Extensions of ADRC Chapter | 4 133 For k = 5, we have 720s−5 y(s) + 4320s−4 3 4 d2 y(s) d5 y(s) dy(s) d6 y(s) −2 d y(s) −1 d y(s) + 5400s−3 + 36 + 2400s + 450s + s =0 ds ds ds2 ds3 ds5 ds6 This expression relates the term s d6 y(s) which, in the time domain, is: ds6 d 6 [t y(t)] = 6t5 y(t) + t6 ẏ(t) dt The expression (4.208) in the time domain is 720( Z (4.208) (5) y(t)) − 4320( Z (4) From (4.208) and (4.210) Z (2) Z (3) t3 y(t)) t2 y(t)) − 2400( ty(t)) + 5400( Z d +450 t4 y(t) − 36t5 y(t) + t6 y(t) = 0 dt Z Z (5) 1 y(t)) + 4320( − 720( t6 Z − 450 t4 y(t) + 30t5 y(t) ẏ(t) = (4.209) (4) ty(t)) − 5400( Z (3) t2 y(t)) + 2400( Z (4.210) (2) t3 y(t)) (4.211) Since equation (4.211) is singular at t = 0 (the singularity disappears after a time t = ǫ > 0), it is proposed the following estimate of the first order time derivative of y(t) with respect to time: ẏ(t) = Arbitrary value, here, it is proposed ẏ∗ (t) 0 ≤t<ǫ R (5) R (4) R (3) 1 2 − 720( y(t)) + 4320( ty(t)) − 5400( t y(t)) t6 R R (2) t3 y(t)) − 450 t4 y(t) + 30t5 y(t) t ≥ ǫ +2400( (4.212) This computation can be expressed in the form of a time varying linear filter of the form: where ∗ 0 ≤t<ǫ ẏ (t) i 1h 5 ẏ(t) = 6 30t y(t) + z1 t ≥ ǫ t ż1 ż2 = z2 − 450t4 y(t) = z3 + 2400t3 y(t) ż3 = z4 − 5400t2 y(t) ż4 ż5 (4.213) (4.214) = z5 + 4320ty(t) = −720y(t) To compute the second order time derivative of y(t), let use k = 4 on (4.207), we have 720s−4 y(s) + 4320s−3 3 6 d4 y(s) dy(s) d2 y(s) d5 y(s) −1 d y(s) 2 d y(s) + 2400s + 450 + s =0 + 5400s−2 + 36s ds ds ds2 ds3 ds5 ds6 (4.215) ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 134 — #150 ✐ ✐ 134 PART | Extensions of ADRC The last two terms in the sum are, in time domain, d 5 d2 [t y(t)] + 2 [t6 y(t)] (4.216) dt dt allow to compute the second order time derivative of y(t) in terms of the first order time derivative of y(t) and a finite sum of convolutions of y(t) with powers of t. The resulting expression using the time varying linear filter is −36 with ∗ ÿ (t) 1 ÿ(t) = 4 5 t 150t y(t) + 24t ẏ(t) + z2 6 ż1 ż2 = z2 − 450t4 y(t) = z3 + 2400t3 y(t) ż3 ż4 = z4 − 5400t2 y(t) = z5 + 4320ty(t) ż5 = −720y(t) 0 ≤t<ǫ t ≥ ǫ (4.217) (4.218) 7.1.3. Computing resettings Since this scheme is based on a local Taylor series approximation, the validity of the time derivatives estimation is limited in the time horizon. For this reason, it is necessary to re-initialize the computations at some time tr > 0. This time selection depends on the precision of the approximation, which is function of the signal to differentiate, the number of approximation terms, etc. In this case, under the assumption that ǫ ≪ tr , tr < δ, the resetting strategy consists in using two identifiers in a resetting mode configuration such that the re-initialization of the each identifier is separated a time tr /2. This can be performed by defining two time lines tr1 , tr2 , defined as follows: t1 = t mod tr t2 = t − tr /2 mod tr (4.219) where ǫ < tr /2. 7.1.4. Numerical results An intelligent PID was implemented for the system (4.197) with µ = 0.5. The time derivatives estimation was set with a resetting time t = 1.2 [s]. The PID control gains were set to match the following dominant linear characteristic polynomial associated with the tracking error: Pd(s) = (s2 + 2ζωn s + ω2n )(s + p), with ζ = 1, ωn = 4, p = 5. The reference trajectory was a sinusoidal wave with an angular frequency of 0.5π [rad/s] and a unitary amplitude and a phase value equal to zero. Figure 7.1.4 shows that the intelligent PID control is able to force the system’s output to track the reference trajectory within a second. Figure 7.1.4 shows that the time derivative estimation is accurate allowing an appropriate derivative feedback control component. In this case, the case of study is free of noise but, as shown in the literature, this methodology is suitable in presence of zero mean additive noises. Finally, figure 7.1.4 shows the generalized lumped disturbance estimation, which is clearly related to the control input compensation. As shown in the example, the ultra-local model is the same than the one used in ADRC. The main difference is the fact that model free control can consider a less system’s order (in this case, it would be used an intelligent PI control instead). But the ideas of a simpler modelling and a compensation technique look for the same purposes. 8. FRACTIONAL ORDER SYSTEMS Consider the following Bagley-Torvik equation ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 135 — #151 ✐ ✐ Extensions of ADRC Chapter | 4 135 1.5 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 y(t) y ∗ (t) -1.5 0 2 4 6 8 10 time [s] Figure 4.33 Closed loop trajectory tracking results 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 dy/dt c dy/dt dy ∗ /dt -2 -2.5 0 2 4 6 8 10 time [s] Figure 4.34 Control inputs and disturbance estimation ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 136 — #152 ✐ ✐ 136 PART | Extensions of ADRC 20 10 0 -10 Fb(t) -20 0 2 4 6 8 10 time [s] 15 10 5 0 u(t) -5 0 2 4 6 8 10 time [s] Figure 4.35 Algebraic disturbance estimation and control input 3 A0 D2t y + B0 Dt2 y + Cy = u (4.220) (where A , 0 and B, C ∈ R) arises in the modelling of the motion of a rigid plate immersed in a Newtonian fluid. It was originally proposed by Bagley and Torvik (see [19]) and is thoroughly discussed in Poblubny [20] an in the article by Trinks and Ruge [21]. Following the work of Podlubny, we assume homogeneous initial conditions corresponding to an equilibrium state at the beginning of the process: y(0) = 0 and ẏ = 0. It is desired to track a given smooth, bounded, reference trajectory, denoted by: y∗ (t). For the control of the infinite dimensional system, we use the following simplified perturbed model of the fractional order system (we let 0 D2t y = ÿ with homogeneous initial conditions), 1 u + ξ(t) A y(0) = ẏ = 0 ÿ = (4.221) (4.222) where C B 32 Dt y − y (4.223) A0 A is regarded as a bounded perturbation input of, otherwise, completely unknown nature. As customarily, we locally model this perturbation input by means of a representative of a family of second degree polynomials. We propose then the ξ(t) = ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 137 — #153 ✐ ✐ Extensions of ADRC Chapter | 4 137 following, high gain, GPI observer based PID controller scheme: ẏˆ 1 ẏˆ 2 ż1 = ŷ2 + λ2 (y − ŷ1 ) 1 u + z1 + λ1 (y − ŷ1 ) = A = λ0 (y − ŷ1 ) u = u∗ (t) − # " Z t A k2 (ŷ2 − ẏ∗ (t)) + k1 (y − y∗ (t)) + k0 (y − y∗ (σ))dσ + z1 (4.224) 0 The closed loop system tracking error behavior e = y − y∗ (t) is, approximately, governed by e(3) + k2 ë + k1 ė + k0 e = 0 (4.225) For the simulations we have chosen A = 1, B = 0.5, C = 1. The reference trajectory was set to be a smooth rest to rest maneuver, synthesized by means of a Bézier polynomial. The following figures depict the performance of the proposed GPI observer based controller. 1 0.5 y(t) y ∗ (t) 0 -0.5 0 1 2 3 4 5 time[s] u(t) 20 0 -20 0 1 2 3 4 5 time[s] 5 z1 (t) ξ(t) 0 -5 0 1 2 3 4 5 time[s] Figure 4.36 GPI observer based trajectory tracking performance for the uncertain Bagley-Torvik system. 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Zurita-Bustamante∗ ∗ CINVESTAV-IPN, Departamento de Ingenierı́a Eléctrica, Sección de Mecatrónica, Av. IPN, No. 2508, Colonia San Pedro Zacatenco, Delegación Gustavo A. Madero C.P. 07360, Ciudad de México, México ∗∗ UPIITA-IPN,Instituto Politécnico Nacional - UPIITA, Av. IPN, 2580, Colonia Barrio la Laguna Ticomán, Delegación Gustavo A. Madero C.P. 07340 Ciudad de México, México † CINVESTAV-IPN, Departamento de Control Automático, Av. IPN, No. 2508, Colonia San Pedro Zacatenco, Delegación Gustavo A. Madero C.P. 07360, Ciudad de México, México Chapter Outline Head 1. Introduction 2. A two degrees of freedom robotic arm 142 142 6.3. Problem formulation 163 2.1. Derivation of the model via Euler-Lagrange equations 6.4. A GPI observer-based Active Disturbance Rejection Controller 163 143 2.2. Normalization 2.3. A Flat-filtering based controller 143 144 6.5. The global ultra local model of the reference trajectory tracking error dynamics 163 6.6. A GPI oberver-based ADRC for the jumping ring 164 6.7. Experimental results 165 3. An omnidirectional robot 3.1. Mathematical model 3.2. Simulation results 4. A single link manipulator driven by a synchronous motor 4.1. Derivation of the model via Euler-Lagrange equations 4.2. Problem Formulation 4.3. Including the model of a PMSM motor 5. Nonlinear pendulum system 5.1. Experimental results for the nonlinear pendulum system 6. The Thomson Ring 6.1. The nonlinear Thomson Ring model 6.2. Flatness and the linearized model of the Thomson’s jumping ring system 145 145 148 7. Trajectory tracking control of a delta robot 7.1. GPI Control Design 148 149 151 152 157 157 159 159 162 7.2. Experimental results 8. A time delayed flywheel system 166 170 172 174 8.1. Smith Predictor GPI controller 174 8.2. Control of a perturbed Flywheel with delayed input 176 8.3. Experimental results 179 9. Control of robot manipulators with delayed inputs 181 9.1. Time Delayed Delta Robot 185 9.2. Experimental results 187 References 187 141 ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 142 — #158 ✐ ✐ 142 PART | Case Studies ABSTRACT In this chapter, some miscellaneous applications of ADRC control are presented. The topics range from robotic systems: nonlinear manipulators of one and two degrees of freedom, controlled by nonlinear motors, to the control of Thomson’s jumping ring. The idea is to present the wide range of applicability of ADRC schemes and the underlying ease of actual implementation in laboratory rigs. Some examples are dealt with using Flat Filtering Controllers, a dual alternative to observer based ADRC controllers. Chapter Points • • • In this chapter, we present several applications of Active Disturbance Rejection Control for the trajectory tracking, and regulation, of a number of physically oriented examples. In some cases we present realistic simulation results. The presented experimental results, on several complex nonlinear systems, confirms the effectiveness of Active Disturbance Rejection Control and its dual variation: Flat filtering control, for dealing with systems exhibiting significant exogenous uncertainties and endogenous uncertainties in the form of un-modelled nonlinearities. The obtained results are shown to also extend to a class of control-input delayed systems. 1. INTRODUCTION This chapter is devoted to present several applications examples of ADRC schemes to the control of physical systems. The examples are all constituted by nonlinear dynamical systems of mono-variable, or multi-variable, type. We pay specific attention to modeling issues, in order to benefit the applications oriented reader. The three first examples presented in this chapter deal with simulations only, while the rest of the examples presented, six in total, illustrate actual laboratory implementation of the ADRC schemes. Section 2 presents a simulation example concerning a nonlinear two degree of freedom robot manipulator on which a trajectory tracking task is imposed. A flat filtering approach is used for the tracking of a set of rest-to-rest output reference trajectories. Only the angular positions of the robot waste and arm are assumed to be measured. In this first example, Coriolis terms are neglected while the gravitational terms are being cancelled thanks to the measurement of the generalized position coordinates. Section 3 presents simulation results on a fully actuated three degree of freedom omnidirectional robot. In this instance, an observer based ADRC scheme is implemented. For a laboratory implementation of the GPI observer based ADRC controller, the reader is referred to the article [1]. Section 4 deals with an unfrequent combination of a single link robotic manipulator and a nonlinear multi-variable synchronous motor, of the permanent magnet synchronous type, acting as a drive for the single link system. The flatness of the system is exploited to independently regulate the two flat outputs. The flat outputs being: one of the armature circuit currents, the quadrature current, and the motor shaft angular position. Section 5 shifts attention to actual laboratory experiments and begins by considering a nonlinear pendulum system in all detail. A high dimensional GPI observer is used as the Extended State Observer. The accuracy of the disturbance estimation allows also to carry out an independent, offline, identification procedure of the ignored linearities and nonlinearities affecting the system behavior. These identification efforts are used, via their corresponding parameters, in the observer-based ADRC implementation. Section 6 presents a non-traditional control example constituted by the Thomson’s jumping ring. Experimental results show that the observer based ADRC controller is capable of make the system track a rather wild position reference trajectory for the levitated ring. The reader is referred to the article by [2] for an ADRC synchronization task on a set of two Thomson’s jumping rings prototypes. Section 7 centers around the observer based multivariable ADRC control of an actual Delta robot in a trajectory tracking task. Section 8 is concerned with the ADRC control of a nonlinear input-delayed system constituted by a flywheel pendulum type of system. In this example a generalization of ADRC is proposed to include a Smith Predictor type of control option. The use of high dimensional Extended State Observers allows one to compute enough time derivatives of the disturbance input. This derivatives are used in a disturbance signal predictor, based on the first few terms of a Taylor series expansion of the future disturbance around the present. The successful implementation, however, implied that only relatively small delays, of perfectly known nature, resulted in a feasible rest-to-rest trajectory tracking control. 2. A TWO DEGREES OF FREEDOM ROBOTIC ARM Consider the mathematical model of a two degree of freedom robotic manipulator. This anthropomorphic arm, provided with a waste and shoulder, is capable of angular displacements, denoted by θ, around a vertical axis, orthogonal to the horizontal plane. The angular motions of the shoulder, achieved by rotations around an axis perpendicular to the vertical axes, are denoted by φ. We consider two control input torques, τ1 and τ2 acting, respectively, on the axis describing θ and ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 143 — #159 ✐ ✐ Case Studies Chapter | 5 143 φ. This manipulator is depicted in figure 5.1 Figure 5.1 Two degrees of freedom robotic arm 2.1. Derivation of the model via Euler-Lagrange equations We use spherical coordinates to define the position of the end effector, idealized to be a point on the surface of the sphere acting as the configuration space. The kinetic energy of the system is given by: K= 1 m2 l22 (φ̇2 + sin2 φ̇2 ) 2 (5.1) The potential energy is: V = m2 g(l1 + l2 cos φ) − τ1 θ − τ2 φ (5.2) The Lagrangian of the system is then obtained as: 1 (5.3) m2 l22 (φ̇2 + sin2 φ̇2 ) − m2 g(l1 + l2 cos φ) + τ1 θ + τ2 φ 2 The mathematical model of the system is then derived from the Euler-Lagrange equations, obtaining the following differential equations in matrix form: L= " #" # " #" # " # " # θ̈ m2 l22 φ̇ sin φ cos φ m2 l22 θ̇ sin φ cos φ θ̇ 0 τ m2 l22 sin2 φ 0 + = 1 2 φ̈ + −m l2 θ̇ sin φ cos φ 0 φ̇ τ2 −m gl sin φ 0 m2 l2 2 2 2 2 (5.4) 2.2. Normalization A normalization of the differential equations is achieved via the following amplitude and time scaling operations: r τi g , ui = , i = 1, 2 t′ = t l2 m2 gl2 One obtains the following set of normalized equations for the system: sin2 φθ̈ + 2φ̇θ̇ sin φ cos φ = u1 (5.5) φ̈ − θ̇2 sin φ cos φ − sin φ = u2 (5.6) ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 144 — #160 ✐ ✐ 144 PART | Case Studies Figure 5.2 Block diagram of the GPI control for the robotic arm. A state dependent, locally invertible, input coordinate transformation of the form: u1 = sin2 φv1 + 2φ̇θ̇ sin φ cos φ 2 u2 = v2 − θ̇ sin φ cos φ − sin φ, (5.7) (5.8) with singularities located at φ = 0 and φ = π, yields the following multi-variable linear system, θ̈ = v1 (5.9) φ̈ = v2 (5.10) 2.3. A Flat-filtering based controller A set of linear flat filtering controllers, for the transformed system, are readily obtained as # " 2 k2 s + k1 s + k0 ∗ (θ − θ∗ (t)) v1 = θ̈ (t) − s(s + k3 ) " 2 # γ2 s + γ1 s + γ0 ∗ v2 = φ̈ (t) − (φ − φ∗ (t)) s(s + γ3 ) (5.11) (5.12) Figure 5.2 shows a block diagram depicting the closed loop controlled subsystem, for the θ variable. The reader is referred to Appendix B for an explanation of this block diagram realization of a closed loop system using flat filtering. The corresponding controllers in original variables u1 and u2 are simply: ( # ) " 2 k2 s + k1 s + k0 2 ∗ ∗ u1 = sin φ θ̈ (t) − (θ − θ (t)) (5.13) s(s + k3 ) # ) ( " 2 γ2 s + γ1 s + γ0 (φ − φ∗ (t)) (5.14) u2 = − sin φ + φ̈∗ (t) − s(s + γ3 ) where k2 , ..., k0 and γ2 , ..., γ0 correspond with a Hurwitz polynomial of fourth order in the form (s2 + 2ξωn s + ω2n )2 . The controllers are found to be robust, with respect to the neglected nonlinearities, thanks to the extra integrator located in the denominator of the transfer function. 2.3.1. Simulations For simulations, we have set the following parameters: ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 145 — #161 ✐ ✐ Case Studies Chapter | 5 145 Angular position [rad] 4 2 0 0 θ θ ∗ (t) 2 4 6 time[s] Angular position 8 10 [rad] 2 1 0 0 φ φ∗ (t) 2 4 6 time[s] Applied input control 8 [N] 20 10 τ1 τ2 0 -20 0 2 4 6 8 10 time[s] Figure 5.3 Performance of the flat filtering controllers on a two degree of freedom robotic system. m1 = 0.5 [Kg], L1 = 1 [m], m2 = 0.5 [Kg], L2 = 1 [m], g = 9.8 [m/s2 ] A trajectory tracking task, rest to rest trajectory for θ and φ during a time interval from t = 2s to t = 4s is shown in figure 5.3. The values of ξ and ωn for constants in u1 and u2 were set to be ξ = 1; ωn = 6 and ξ = 1; ωn = 10 respectively. 3. AN OMNIDIRECTIONAL ROBOT In this section, the problem of trajectory tracking control for a three-wheel omnidirectional robot is addressed using an observer based active disturbance rejection control strategy. 3.1. Mathematical model In this subsection, the dynamic equations of the omnidirectional robot are obtained via the Newton’s Second Law of Motion. This solution is based on the results obtained in [3], [4]. Figure 5.4 shows a top view of omnidirectional robot configuration, where Xm − Ym is the mobile frame set in the mass center of the robot G. In this case, the axis Xm is aligned with respect to the axis to the 3d wheel (this assumption is made without loss of generality, since one can choose any one of the wheels as a reference). The other wheels are displaced 30 ◦ to each side of the Ym axis. The fixed frame, X − Y provides the position with respect to an arbitrary point in the laboratory environment. We address this coordinate system as the global position coordinate frame. Other parameters required to describe the model are: the orientation angle (φ), the total mass M p , the moment of inertia I p , the distance L from the center to each wheel, as well as the wheel’s common radius, r, and the angular velocities θi , with i = 1, 2, 3. Additionally, we require the moment of inertia, Iri , and the friction force Di of the ith wheel. The point S in the Xm − Ym frame is defined as: S = x, y T (5.15) Using Newton’s Second Law: M S̈ = F (5.16) iT h where F = F x , Fy is the vector of the generalized forces, in global coordinates, applied in the center of mass of the robot ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 146 — #162 ✐ ✐ 146 PART | Case Studies Y r θ̇1 D1 δ Ym τ1 Xm u2 u3 u1 φ τ3 ym G (xm , ym ) L D3 r θ̇3 D2 r θ̇2 τ2 X xm Figure 5.4 Schematic of the omnidirectional robot and M is a positive definite symmetric matrix ( diag M p , M p > 0). The rotation of the robot, respect to the global frame, is characterized by φ and the rotational transformation from global to body coordinate frame is expressed as " # cos(φ) − sin(φ) R= (5.17) sin(φ) cos(φ) Using this transformation, the following relation is obtained in the body coordinates frame: M ṘṠ m + RṠ m = RFm (5.18) where S m = [xm , ym ]T and Fm = [ f x , fy ]T represent, respectively, the position vector of the center of mass and the vector of applied forces, to such center of mass, in body coordinates. The last equation can be simplified as follows: M # " # " #) " # f 0 −φ̇ ẋm ẍ + m = x φ̇ 0 ẏm fy ÿm (" (5.19) The angular moment of the mobile robot is computed as I p φ̈ = MI (5.20) where I p is the moment of inertia and MI is the moment of the force around the center of mass center. From (5.19) and (5.20) the dynamics, respect to the body frame, is described by: M p 0 0 0 Mp 0 0 ẍm 0 0 ÿm + M p I p φ̈ 0 −M p 0 0 The terms f x , fy and MI are computed as follows: f x − sin(δ) − sin(δ) fy = cos(δ) − cos(δ) MI L L 0 ẋm f x 0 ẏm = fy 0 φ̇ MI 1 D1 0 D2 L MI (5.21) (5.22) where D1 , D2 and D3 are the forces introduced by each wheel, L is the distance from wheels to the center of mass and δ = π/6 is the angle between the vertical axis and the direction of the D vectors. ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 147 — #163 ✐ ✐ Case Studies Chapter | 5 147 Assume that the angular moments of inertial of the wheels Ir are all the same, say, Iri = Ir . The wheel’s dynamic are described by: Ir θ̈i = τi − rDi (5.23) where τi is the applied input torque. From the inverse kinematic model of the omnidirectional mobile robot, with respect to the mobile frame, one obtains: rθ̇1 − sin(δ) cos(δ) rθ̇2 = − sin(δ) − cos(δ) rθ̇3 1 0 L ẋm L ẏm L φ̇ (5.24) Differentiating the equation (5.24) and multiplying by 1/r, the resulting equation is, − sin(δ) cos(δ) L ẍm θ̈1 1 θ̈3 = − sin(δ) − cos(δ) L ÿm r 1 0 L φ̈ θ̈ (5.25) 3 Expressing (5.23) in matrix form, substituting (5.25), (5.22), and using the represented by: 1 3 1 − − 1 √2 f x 2 τ 1 2 √ 1 I r fy = 3 − 3 0 τ2 − 2 0 r r MI τ3 2 2 −2L L L L numerical value of δ, the wheels dynamic is 0 3 2 0 −2L ẍm ÿ 0 m φ̈ 3L2 (5.26) Finally, substituting (5.26) in (5.21), the dynamics of the omnidirectional mobile robot is described as: 3I 1 r + M 1 0 0 − p 2r2 − 1 τ1 ẍm 0 −M p 0 ẋm 1 √2 2 √ 3I r 3 0 0 ẏm = 3 0 + Mp 0 (5.27) ÿm + φ̇ M p τ2 2 − 0 2r r τ3 2 φ̇ 0 0 0 φ̈ 2 2 3L I r L L L 0 0 Ip + 2 r To express (5.27) in terms of the global (inertial) frame, it is necessary to transform this equation once again. The transformation consists in a planar rotation based on the orientation angle φ. cos(φ) sin(φ) 0 (5.28) T (φ) = − sin(φ) cos(φ) 0 0 0 1 Thus, the velocity and acceleration are described as: ẋm cos(φ) sin(φ) 0 ẋ ẏm = − sin(φ) cos(φ) 0 ẏ φ̇ 0 0 1 φ̇ ẍm cos(φ) sin(φ) 0 ẍ − sin(φ)φ̇ cos(φ)φ̇ 0 ẋ ÿm = − sin(φ) cos(φ) 0 ÿ + − cos(φ)φ̇ − sin(φ)φ̇ 0 ẏ φ̈ 0 0 1 φ̈ 0 0 0 φ̇ (5.29) (5.30) Substituting (5.29) and (5.30) in (5.27), and then simplifying, the model is expressed in terms of the global frame of reference as: ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 148 — #164 ✐ ✐ 148 PART | Case Studies 0 ẍ 3Ir ÿ + φ̇ 3Ir + M 0 p − 2r2 2r2 φ̈ 3L2 Ir 0 + I 0 p r2 This system can be expressed in the form: 3I r + M p 2r2 0 0 0 0 3Ir 2r2 0 0 0 ẋ 1 − sin(δ + φ) − sin(δ − φ) cos(φ) τ1 cos(δ + φ) − cos(δ − φ) sin(φ) τ2 (5.31) ẏ 0 = r φ̇ L L L τ3 0 Dq̈ + C (q̇) q̇ = Bτ (5.32) The control system can be developed on the basis of Extended State Observers of the GPI type. Using the fact that the omnidirectional robot has a positive definite inertia matrix, it is possible to express the system (5.32) in the simplified form, q̈ = D−1 Bτ + ξ(t) (5.33) where ξ(t) contains, both, neglected nonlinearities (Coriolis effects) as well as external disturbance inputs. Proposing an approximation by means of a first degree polynomial (a second order chain of integrator disturbance model approximation) for each element of ξ(t), the ADRC controller is proposed as follows: τ = B−1 D q̈∗ − KD (q̂2 − q̇∗ ) − KP (q − q∗ ) − ρ̂0 q̂˙ 1 = q̂2 + λ3 (q − q̂1 ) q̂˙ 2 = D−1 Bτ + ρ̂0 + λ2 (q − q̂1 ) ρ̂˙ 0 = ρ̂1 + λ1 (q − q̂1 ) ρ̂˙ 1 = λ0 (q − q̂1 ) (5.34) ρ̂0 = ξ̂ where the matrices and the observer gains, KD = diag(Kd1 , Kd2 , Kd3 ), KP = diag(K p1 , K p2 , K p3 ), KD , KP > 0. λi1 , λi2 , λi3 , i = 0, 1, 2, 3, λi, j ∈ R are selected such that the associated poles of the dominant linear dynamics has its roots located deep in the left side of the complex plane, guaranteeing the stability of the tracking errors. 3.2. Simulation results To validate the proposed controllers, some numerical simulations were carried out. The system was simulated in Matlab Simulink. The parameters of the omnidirectional robot were the following Ir = 0.6 [Kg m2 ], M p = 7.25 [Kg], r = 0.05 [m], L = 0.175 [m], I p = 0.20 [Kg m2 ], δ = π/6. The controller gains were set such that each linear dominant tracking error dynamics matches the following stable dynamics in the Laplace operator: s2 + 2ζωn s + ω2n , with ζ = 2, ωn = 5. The observer injection gains were set linear dominant injection error dynamics in the Laplace transform to match the following 2 2 2 2 notation, s + 2ζ1 ωn1 s + ωn1 s + 2ζ2 ωn2 s + ωn2 , with ζ1 = 1, ζ2 = 1.5, ωn1 = 15, ωn2 = 20. Figure 5.5 depicts the tracking results for a reference trajectory consisting of a circle of radius 0.75 [m], centered in the origin. In this image, the red line represents the actual robot position and the blue dashed line denotes the reference trajectory. Notice that the error convergence has no peaking effects as seen in the tracking error dynamics (figure 5.6) despite the fact that a lack of information of the dynamic modeling is being assumed, as well as the effects of the nonlinearities on the manipulator behavior. To show the disturbance rejection, two external forces were applied, the first one at t = 5 [s], consisted on a unit step disturbance input applied on the x axis of the vehicle. This force was applied during 5 seconds. Another torque disturbance input of the step kind, with a magnitude of 2 [Nm], was applied during 2.5 s at t = 20 [s]. As shown in figure 5.5, these disturbances did not affect the general tracking performance. The disturbance estimations, as well as the torque inputs, are shown in figure 5.7. Notice the effect of the disturbance estimations in the system control inputs. After the reference is reached, the robot position remains in a vicinity of the reference trajectory, as expected. 4. A SINGLE LINK MANIPULATOR DRIVEN BY A SYNCHRONOUS MOTOR Consider a one-degree-of-freedom manipulator. The system consists of a point mass m, and a link of negligible mass and moment of inertia. The length of the link is L1 . This manipulator is controlled by a pair τ applied to the pivot axis. We ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 149 — #165 ✐ ✐ Case Studies Chapter | 5 149 1 Actual Reference 0.5 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 y [m] 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1 -1 -0.5 0 x [m] Figure 5.5 Trajectory tracking of the omnidirectional robot for a circular reference. 1 0 -1 Error x 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 5 10 15 20 25 30 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 -3 2 x 10 0 Error y -2 0 35 1 0 Error φ -1 0 35 time [s] Figure 5.6 Tracking error signals. assume that only the angular position of the pendulum is measured. The corresponding angular velocity is not measured. All the single link manipulator parameters are assumed to be known. 4.1. Derivation of the model via Euler-Lagrange equations From figure 4, we have the cartesian coordinates locations of m1 , given by xm1 = L1 sin(θ); ym1 = −L1 cos(θ) (5.35) The velocities associated with the mass are obtained by straightforward time differentiation of their respective coordi- ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 150 — #166 ✐ ✐ 150 PART | Case Studies 0.1 10 5 0 ρ0 x -0.1 0 10 20 time [s] 30 0 0.1 10 20 time [s] 30 10 20 time [s] 30 10 20 time [s] 30 0 0 ρ0 y 0 10 20 time [s] τ2 -1 30 0 5 5 0 0 ρ0 φ -5 τ1 1 0.05 -0.05 0 0 10 20 time [s] 30 τ3 -5 0 Figure 5.7 Disturbance estimates and control inputs. Figure 5.8 Pendulum system nate positions, ẋm1 = −L1 θ̇ cos(θ), ẏm1 = −L1 θ̇ sin(θ) (5.36) The kinetic energy is obtained as follows: Km1 = 1 m1 (L21 θ̇2 ) 2 (5.37) The potential energy, associated with the bob mass position and the work of the external input force, is expressed as, Vm1 = −m1 gL1 cos(θ) − τθ (5.38) The Lagrangian of the system is computed as, L = Km1 + Vm1 = 1 m1 (L21 θ̇2 ) − m1 gL1 cos(θ) − τθ 2 (5.39) ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 151 — #167 ✐ ✐ Case Studies Chapter | 5 151 Figure 5.9 Control scheme for the single-link manipulator. Using the Euler-Lagrange equations of the system are given by, ! d ∂L ∂L = 0, − dt ∂θ̇ ∂θ one obtains: m1 L21 θ̈ + m1 gL1 sin(θ) = τ (5.40) Introducing an auxiliary control v for a state dependent input coordinate transformation, yields: τ = m1 gL1 sin(θ) + m1 L21 v where the model of the system has been reduced to θ̈ = v. (5.41) We propose the following classical controller with feed-forward compensation for the simplified system: " # bs + c ∗ v = θ̈ (t) − (θ − θ∗ (t)) s+a The resulting nonlinear control is just τ = m1 gL1 sin(θ) + m1 L21 " # # " bs + c ∗ ∗ θ̈ (t) − (θ − θ (t)) s+a (5.42) (5.43) Such a controller allows for the accurate tracking of the angular position. The values of a, b and c correspond with a Hurwitz polynomial in the form: (s2 + 2ξωn s + ω2n )(s + p) where a = 2ωn ξ + p, b = 2pωn ξ + ω2n , c = pω2n (5.44) Figure 5.9 shows a block diagram of the single-link manipulator with a flat filtering approach. In other hand, in figure 5.10 it is shown a simulation of the trajectory tracking for the angular position in the manipulator, the values for simulation were set to be: m1 = 0.3 [Kg], L1 = 0.5 [m], g = 9.8 [m/s2 ], ξ = 1, ωn = 30, p = 30 (5.45) 4.2. Problem Formulation A Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM) is coupled to a single-link manipulator. It is desired to control the angular position θ of the manipulator, so that a given smooth output reference trajectory θ∗ (t) is accurately tracked. The control input to the composite systems is the applied armature voltage Vd applied to the electrical part of the motor. ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 152 — #168 ✐ ✐ 152 PART | Case Studies Angular position 4 [rad] 3 2 1 θ(t) θ ∗ (t) 0 0 2 4 6 time[s] Applied input control 8 2 10 τ (t) [N] 1 0 -1 0 2 4 6 8 10 time[s] Figure 5.10 Trajectory tracking performance of the controller with gravity compensation. 4.3. Including the model of a PMSM motor The control input torque for the single-link manipulator system can be provided via a PMSM motor. A mathematical model of a PMSM, described by the following multi-variable nonlinear system, written in a d-q frame, is given in Chiasson [5]: did = −R s id + n p θ̇m L s iq + vd dt diq = −R s iq − (n p L s id + Km )θ̇m + vq Ls dt d 2 θm = Km iq − Bθ̇m − τL (5.46) J 2 dt where id and iq are the direct and quadrature current respectively, vd and vq are the input controls, θm is the motor shaft angular position. L s and R s denote, respectively, the stator resistance and the stator inductance, J and B represent, the moment inertia and the rotational friction coefficient. The parameter Km is the back-emf (back electro-motive force) term obtained through Km = n p λm , where n p is the number of pole pairs and λm is the flux linkage of the stator winding due the flux produced by the rotor magnets., τL is the torque demanded by the mechanical load. To connect both systems, the pendulum and the DC motor dynamics, we set: Ls τL = τ, θm = θ (5.47) The coupled system, given by the models (5.40) and (5.46), is described by: did dt diq Ls dt 2 2 d θ (J + mL1 ) 2 dt Ls = −R s id + n p θ̇L s iq + vd = −R s iq − (n p L s id + Km )θ̇ + vq = Km iq − Bθ̇ − m1 gL1 sin(θ) (5.48) ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 153 — #169 ✐ ✐ Case Studies Chapter | 5 153 From (5.48), the quadrature current iq is: iq = (J + m1 L21 )θ̈ + Bθ̇ + m1 gL1 sin(θ1 ) Km (5.49) Substituting iq from (5.49) in (5.48), we obtain the input-output representation of the coupled system: i n p Ls h did Ls + R s id − (J + m1 L21 )θ̈ + Bθ̇ + m1 gL1 sin(θ) θ̇ = vd dt Km " # 2 2 L s (J + m1 L1 ) (3) BL s R s (J + m1 L1 ) R s m1 gL1 sin(θ) R B L m gL cos(θ) θ̈ + s + s 1 1 θ + + + n p L s id + Km θ̇ + = vq (5.50) Km Km Km Km Km Km 4.3.1. A flat-filtering approach To control the angular position, it seems necessary to measure: the angular velocity, θ̇, and the angular acceleration, θ̈. In practice, this results inconvenient due the noise associated with physical measurements of the time derivatives of given signals. To avoid the measurements of the angular velocity, θ̇, and of the angular acceleration, θ̈, we propose the following control with nominal compensation of variables: # " k1 s + k0 id vd = R s id − L s s + k2 " # L s (J + m1 L21 ) ∗ (3) R s L s (J + m1 L21 ) γ2 s2 + γ1 s + γ0 vq = [θ (t)] + m1 gL1 sin(θ) − (θ − θ∗ (t)) (5.51) Km Km Km s2 + γ4 s + γ3 Such a controller drives the current id to zero and the angular position to track the desired angular reference trajectory. In closed loop, the resulting systems are decoupled, perturbed, linear systems with characteristic polynomials of third and fifth order respectively. We equate these polynomials, term by term, with desired Hurwitz polynomials of the form: (s2 + 2ξ1 ω1 + ω21 )(s + p1 ) and (s2 + 2ξ2 ω2 + ω22 )2 (s + p2 ). This yields the following equalities to determine the controller parameters: k2 k1 k0 γ4 γ3 γ2 γ1 γ0 = 2ω1 ξ1 + p1 = 2p1 ω1 ξ1 + ω21 = p1 ω21 = 4ω2 ξ2 + p2 = 4ω22 ξ22 + 4p2 ω2 ξ2 + 2ω22 = 4p2 ω22 ξ22 + 4ω32 ξ2 + 2p2 ω22 = 4p2 ω32 ξ2 + ω42 = p2 ω42 (5.52) 4.3.2. Simulation results For the computer simulations, we used the following set of parameter values: m1 = 0.3 [Kg], L1 = 0.5 [m], J = 0.182e−3 [Kgm2 ], L s = 6.365e − 3 [H], R s = 1.6 [Ω], g = 9.8 [m/s2 ], B = 8.7081e − 05 [Nms], Km = 0.468 [V/rad/s], n p = 2 ξ1 = 1, ω1 = 50, p1 = 50, ξ2 = 1, ω2 = 100, p2 = 100 In figure 5.11, the trajectory tracking of a rest-to-rest maneuver is depicted for the angular position of the manipulator. The angular trajectory rises from 0 to 3 radians, during a time interval of 1 second, t = [2, 3] [s]. The controllers include nominal pre-compensation terms related to the desired reference trajectory. The direct and quadrature current and the respectively control inputs are shown in figure 5.12. ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 154 — #170 ✐ ✐ 154 PART | Case Studies Controlled angular position 3.5 3 Position [rad] 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 -0.5 θm θ∗ 0 1 2 3 4 5 time [s] Figure 5.11 Trajectory tracking performance of the proposed controllers for the single link manipulator driven by a PMSM motor, including nominal compensation. Controlled direct current Controlled quadrature current 15 10 0.2 Current [A] Current [A] 0.3 0.1 0 -0.1 1 2 3 4 time [s] Control input voltage -10 5 1 iq 0 1 2 3 4 time [s] Control input voltage 5 30 20 [V] 0.5 [V] 0 -5 id 0 5 0 10 0 -0.5 -1 -10 vd 0 1 2 3 time [s] 4 5 -20 vq 0 1 2 3 time [s] 4 5 Figure 5.12 Direct-quadrature current and control variables with nominal compensation for trajectory tracking task. ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 155 — #171 ✐ ✐ Case Studies Chapter | 5 155 4.3.3. An Active Disturbance Rejection Controller based approach Equation (5.50), is of the form: θ where, ξ(θ, θ̇, θ̈, id ) = (3) = Km v − ξ(θ, θ̇, θ̈, id ) 2 q L s (J + m1 L1 ) (5.53) # " 2 R s m1 gL1 sin(θ) Km R s B L s m1 gL1 cos(θ) BL s R s (J + m1 L1 ) θ̇ + + + + n L i + K θ̈ + p s d m Km Km Km Km L s (J + m1 L21 ) Km (5.54) As customary in the ADRC approach, we can rewrite the above model, in a simplified manner, as follows: Km (3) θ = vq + ξ(t) 2 L s (J + m1 L1 ) (5.55) The expression ξ(t) includes all the neglected nonlinearities and it is taken to represent the total of disturbance. For control design purposes, one considers the simplified version of the system associated with the previous nonlinear system. The combined PMSM-link manipulator model is differentially flat (see [6, 7]). Consider the following third order model of the angular position of the motor shaft, d 3 θm = v + ξ(t) (5.56) dt3 where the variable, v, is an auxiliary control input. The controller design route is now clear and it follows the GPI observerbased Active Disturbance Rejection Controller methodology. The feedback controller is given by: v = [θ∗ (t)](3) − k2 (θ2 − θ̈∗ (t)) − k1 (θ1 − θ̇∗ (t)) − k0 (θ − θ∗ (t)) − z1 (t) (5.57) where: θ̇0 θ̇1 θ̇2 ż1 = θ1 + γ3 (θ − θ0 ) = θ2 + γ2 (θ − θ0 ) = v + z1 + γ1 (θ − θ0 ) = γ0 (θ − θ0 ) (5.58) This controller globally uniformly asymptotically stabilizes the tracking error, e = θr − θm∗ (t), and its time derivatives, ( j) e = θr − [θm∗ (t)]( j) , j = 1, 2, 3 to a small as desired vicinity of the origin of the tracking error phase space (e, ė, ë), provided the set of real coefficients, γ0 ,...,γ3 and k0 , k1 , k2 , are chosen such that the roots of the following polynomials in the complex variable s: ( j) po(s) = s4 + γ3 s3 + γ2 s2 + γ1 s + γ0 pc(s) = s3 + k2 s2 + k1 s + k0 (5.59) are located sufficiently far to the left of the imaginary axis, in the complex plane s. The values of γ3 , ..., γ0 and k2 , ..., k0 correspond with Hurwitz polynomials of fourth and third order respectively; this Hurwitz polynomials are in the form: (s2 + ξ1 ω1 s + ω21 )2 and (s2 + 2ξ2 ω2 s + ω22 )(s + p2 ), where k2 = 2ω2 ξ2 + p2 ; k1 = 2p2 ω2 ξ2 + ω22 ; k0 = p2 ω22 γ3 = 4ξ1 ω1 ; γ2 = 4ξ12 ω21 + 2ω21 ; γ1 = 4ξ1 ω31 ; γ0 = ω41 ; Figure 5.13 and 5.14 show the performance of the trajectory tracking controller for the pendulum angular position. The ADRC approach, substantially improved the performance when compared with the flat filtering approach due to the use of state observers that allow better disturbance cancellation in the task of stabilization of the tracking error to zero. ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 156 — #172 ✐ ✐ 156 PART | Case Studies Controlled angular position 3.5 3 Position [rad] 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 -0.5 θm θ∗ 0 1 2 3 4 5 time [s] Figure 5.13 Trajectory tracking performance of the ADRC controller for the angular position of the single link manipulator driven by a PMSM motor. Controlled quadrature current 10 0.2 5 Current [A] Current [A] Controlled direct current 0.3 0.1 0 -0.1 1 2 3 4 time [s] Control input voltage -5 iq id 0 0 -10 5 0.4 0 1 2 3 4 time [s] Control input voltage 5 20 10 0 [V] [V] 0.2 -0.2 0 -0.4 -0.6 vq vd 0 1 2 3 time [s] 4 5 -10 0 1 2 3 time [s] 4 5 Figure 5.14 Trajectory tracking performance of the ADRC controller for direct-quadrature current and control variables. ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 157 — #173 ✐ ✐ Case Studies Chapter | 5 157 Figure 5.15 Schematics of the experimental prototype 5. NONLINEAR PENDULUM SYSTEM 5.1. Experimental results for the nonlinear pendulum system Consider a pendulum system, consisting of a solid metal bar of length L, mass mc , and an extra mass, of value ma , attached to its tip (see Figure 5.15). The pendulum is actuated by a dc motor through a gear box. The angular displacement of the motor shaft is denoted by θm and the pendulum angular position is denoted by θ. The model of the nonlinear system from the motor side, where all measurements are carried out, is given by m mc c ( + ma )L2 + I θ̈ + ( + ma )gLsin(θ) = τ (5.60) 3 2 where I includes the reflected moment of inertia through the gears and that of the rotor of the DC motor. The parameter N 2 τ stands for the gear ratio. The torque τ is related, via τ = Nk Ra V(t) − kτ kv N θ̇, to the voltage applied to the motor where kτ is the motor torque constant and Ra is the armature circuit resistance. Terms such as: Viscous friction, Coulomb friction (typically acting through a sign function of the angular velocity), dead zone phenomena present in the gears, air resistance, etc. are not specifically modeled in (5.60). These torques, however, were found to significantly affect the motion of the pendulum. All these perturbation inputs, as well as the, position-dependent, gravitational nonlinearity of the pendulum, are assumed to be unknown and, according to our proposal, considered to be a bounded perturbation input signal, lumped into a single additive time-varying function, ξ̃(t). The simplified model of the pendulum system, in terms of the pendulum angle, is given by: θ̈ = κV(t) + ξ̃(t), κ = Nkτ Ra (M + 3m)L2 + I (5.61) The constant control input gain, κ, is assumed to be known. However, the linear-observer linear-controller scheme to be used, proves to be quite robust with respect to significant mismatches in variations of this control input gain, κ (see the next subsection). It is desired to track a given angular position reference trajectory, θ∗ (t), by means of the proposed linear observer-based linear controller scheme, in spite of the lack of knowledge of the various system state-dependent nonlinearities, whose effects are jointly modelled as an unknown, but bounded, perturbation input signal ξ̃(t). The simplified, open loop, output reference trajectory tracking error dynamics, e = θ − θ∗ (t), is given by, ë = κV(t) + ξ̃(t) (5.62) where ξ(t) comprises the previously described perturbation, ξ̃(t), it also contains the influence of the (unknown) nominal control input, τ∗ (t), on the output tracking error dynamics, as well as some other unforeseen effects of disturbances. Specifically, ξ(t) = ξ̃(t) − κτ∗ (t) (5.63) ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 158 — #174 ✐ ✐ 158 PART | Case Studies A PD controller, with estimated angular velocity tracking error feedback (obtained from the GPI observer), is given by i 1h (5.64) −2ζc ωnc ėˆ − ω2nc e − ξ̂(t) V(t) = κ with ėˆ = ê2 and ξ̂(t) = ẑ1 (t). These last two variables are, on-line, generated by the GPI observer. The observer is given by: ê˙ 1 = ê2 − λ7 (e − ê1 ) ê˙ 2 = κτ + ẑ1 − λ6 (e − ê1 ) ẑ˙1 = ẑ2 − λ5 (e − ê1 ) ẑ˙2 = ẑ3 − λ4 (e − ê1 ) .. . z̃˙6 = λ0 (e − ê1 ) (5.65) We set m = 6 for the polynomial internal model of the unknown disturbance input, ξ(t). The observer reconstruction error of the output tracking error, ẽ = e − ê1 , satisfies, approximately, the following linear dynamics, ẽ(8) + λ7 ẽ(7) + · · · + λ1 ẽ˙ + λ0 ẽ ≈ 0 (5.66) The design coefficients, {λ7 , . . . , λ0 }, were chosen so that the predominantly linear response of the reference tracking error observer reconstruction error, ẽ, exhibited the following desired characteristic polynomial: p(s) = (s2 + 2ζo ωno s + ω2no )2 , with ζo , ωno > 0. Figure 5.16 Experimental prototype of pendulum system. The prototype of the pendulum system is shown in the Figure 5.16. It has the following nominal parameter values: mc = 0.268 [kg], ma = 0.1 [kg], L = 0.60 [m], I = 0.0103 [Kgm2 ] N = 16 Ra = 2.983[Ω], kτ = 0.0724[N-m/A], kv = 0.0687 [Nms/rad]. In order to be able to generate comparisons of the estimated perturbation with the best possible perturbation identification, we found, via a careful model validation through experimentation, the following disturbance parameters for the viscous friction (B), the Coulomb friction magnitude (Fc ) and the dead zone angular range, B = 0.4[N-m-s/rad], Fc = 0.3 [N-m], Dead zone=0.3[rad] We set the observer design parameters to be, ζo = 3,po = 12. The controller design parameters were specified as, ζc = 1, ωnc = 2. A diagram of the experimental platform of pendulum is shown in Figure 5.17. The incremental encoder used to measure the pendulum angular position is a series CP 350-1000-LD-1/4 encoder of 1000 pulses per revolution. The ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 159 — #175 ✐ ✐ Case Studies Chapter | 5 159 Figure 5.17 Experimental control implementation system. acquisition card was a Sensoray Model 626, with 6 counters, 4 D/A outputs and 16 A/D inputs in a 48 digital bi-directional I/O pins. The card acts as an interface for the Matlab-Simulink Real time Windows Target environment. The sampling time was set to 0.001 [s]. Figure 5.18 depicts the quality of the controller performance in a trajectory tracking task of a sinusoidal signal for the angular position coordinate, θ. The output reference trajectory, θ∗ (t), was specified as, π 2π sin(ωt), where ω = [rad/s] (5.67) 2 5 The output reference trajectory tracking error, e(t) = θ(t) − θ∗ (t), is depicted in Figure 5.19. The tracking error is seen to be uniformly bounded, in steady state, within the interval [−0.01, 0.01] [rad], approximately. Figure 5.20 exhibits the applied input voltage as estimated from the DC motor current measurements. Figures 5.21-5.22 depict, in a step by step fashion, the comparison of the observer-estimated disturbance input signal, ξ̃ˆ(t), and the identified disturbance input, ξ̃(t), affecting the system motions. The linear GPI observer based estimation follows quite closely the computed perturbation input, ξ(t), based on an experimental identification of the acting perturbation nonlinearities. θ∗ (t) = 6. THE THOMSON RING 6.1. The nonlinear Thomson Ring model Consider the Thomson’s jumping ring system, which is shown in Figure 5.23. The variable y denotes the distance of the ring measured from the end of the core. The other circuit dimensional parameters are indicated in the figure. The ring is free to move up and down in the direction of the core with zero friction between itself and the core which is made from a solid piece of ferrous metal. The ring is made from a nonmagnetic electrical conductor (aluminium). A sinusoidal input voltage,Vc , generates an input current, Ic , on the coil around the core. As a result, a levitating force is obtained whose average value may effectively counteract the effect of gravity. It can be demonstrated (see [8] and [9] for details) that the dynamics (controlled) of the ring is governed by the following second order nonlinear differential equation, m Kf d2 y = −mg + ′2 Vc2 dt Zc y (5.68) where m is the mass of the ring, g is the acceleration of gravity. Zc′ is an impedance magnitude, related to the ring and Vc is the amplitude of a sinusoidally modulated input voltage applied to the circuit. Vc acts as the control input to the system. ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 160 — #176 ✐ ✐ 160 PART | Case Studies 2 1.5 1 [rad] 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 θ ∗ (t) θ(t) 0 5 10 time[s] 15 20 Figure 5.18 Reference trajectory tracking performance. 0.04 0.035 0.03 0.025 0.02 0.015 [rad] 0.01 0.005 0 -0.005 -0.01 -0.015 -0.02 -0.025 -0.03 -0.035 -0.04 e(t) = θ(t) − θ ∗ (t) 0 5 10 time[s] 15 20 Figure 5.19 Performance of GPI observer based controller in a trajectory tracking task. ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 161 — #177 ✐ ✐ Case Studies Chapter | 5 161 15 10 [Volts] 5 0 -5 -10 -15 V (t) 0 5 10 time[s] 15 20 Figure 5.20 Control input torque for output reference trajectory tracking task 50 40 30 20 [rad/s2] 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 ẑ1 (t) -50 0 5 10 time[s] 15 20 Figure 5.21 On-line, GPI observer based, estimated nonlinear, state-dependent, perturbation input signal ξ̃ˆ(t) The strictly positive parameter, K f , exhibits a complex dependence on the magnetic field, the dimensions of the circuit and the position of the ring from the end of the coil. In this work, its value is taken to be a constant, precisely determined at a nominal equilibrium condition. In actual operation, specially under time-varying trajectory tracking conditions, the control input gain of the system exhibits a noticeable variation which cannot be easily measured. The control scheme to be proposed will be remarkably robust with respect to such unknown variations. ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 162 — #178 ✐ ✐ 162 PART | Case Studies 50 40 30 20 [rad/s2] 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 ẑ1 (t) z̃1 (t) 0 5 10 time[s] 15 20 Figure 5.22 Gravitational + viscous + Coulomb +“backlash” perturbation input signal ξ̃(t) compared with experimentally identified perturbation input ξ̃ˆ(t) Figure 5.23 Schematic diagram of the Thomson’s ring. 6.2. Flatness and the linearized model of the Thomson’s jumping ring system System (5.68) is flat, since the control input Vc is differentially parameterized by y. Indeed, r mZc′2 y (ÿ + g) (5.69) Vc = K The relation (5.69) clearly demands that downwards accelerated motions, beyond “1G”, are not meaningfully modeled by (5.68). Negative vales of the input Vc produce the same effect as its absolute value. Hence, the assumption, Vc ≥ 0, is inherent to the problem. Note that free fall corresponds with zero applied input voltage Vc . Naturally, the ring’s velocity, dy/dt, is a differential function of y. Given a nominal reference trajectory y∗ (t) for the flat output, the corresponding ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 163 — #179 ✐ ✐ Case Studies Chapter | 5 163 nominal input, Vc∗ (t), is given by Vc∗ = s mZc′2 y∗ ∗ (ÿ + g) Kf (5.70) i.e. m Kf d2 y∗ = −mg + ′2 ∗ [Vc∗ (t)]2 dt Zc y A constant equilibrium point for the ring’s position is obtained from: (5.68) as s mZc′2 ȳ y = ȳ, ẏ = ȳ˙ = 0, V̄c = Kf The tangent linearization of (5.68), around the equilibrium point (5.72), is given by, ! ! K f V̄c2 2K f V̄c Vcδ − ′2 2 yδ mÿδ = Zc′2 ȳ Zc ȳ (5.71) (5.72) (5.73) with, yδ = y − ȳ, Vcδ = Vc − V̄c , being the incremental variables of the linearized model. Clearly, ẏδ = ẏ and ÿδ = ÿ. 6.3. Problem formulation Traditionally, the control objective consists in driving the incremental output, yδ , and its time derivative, ẏδ , to zero, so that the ring position is regulated towards its nominal equilibrium value (5.72) and achieves a stable, controlled, rest condition. Our main departure consists in using the locally valid tangent linearization model (5.73) to design an output feedback control law geared to effectively achieve arbitrary position reference trajectory tracking, beyond the region of validity of the incremental model. The problem is formulated as follows: Given an arbitrary smooth position reference trajectory y∗ (t) for the ring position, y, device a linear feedback control law so that the incremental variable, yδ = y − ȳ, approximately governed by (5.73), tracks the desired incremental reference position, y∗δ = y∗ (t) − ȳ, irrespectively of the effects of gravity, and of the exogenous perturbation inputs possibly affecting the ring position. 6.4. A GPI observer-based Active Disturbance Rejection Controller 6.5. The global ultra local model of the reference trajectory tracking error dynamics From the definition of the incremental position and that of the desired incremental reference position, given above, the reference trajectory tracking error: eyδ = yδ − y∗δ (t), precisely coincides with the tracking error, y − y∗ (t). Moreover, ëyδ = ÿδ − ÿ∗δ = ÿδ − ÿ∗ (t). Notice, then, that the tracking error, eyδ , satisfies, according to (5.73) and (5.71): 2K f V̄c Kf K f V̄c2 ∗ 2 ëyδ = (5.74) V − cδ ′2 ′2 2 yδ + g − ′2 ∗ [Vc (t)] mZ ȳ mZ ȳ Z y c c c We consider the following linear global ultra local model of the tracking error dynamics (see Fliess and Join [10] for the use of the local, fixed order, version of ultra local models). In this case, the ultra local model of the tracking error dynamics retains only the constant linearization input gain and the order of the system, that is, ! 2K f V̄c ëyδ = Vcδ + ξ(t) (5.75) mZc′2 ȳ where the time-varying function, ξ(t), represents an unstructured version of the state dependent disturbance input. This quantity is to be treated as an unknown time-varying signal. More precisely, ! Kf K f V̄c2 ξ(t) = g − yδ (t) − ′2 ∗ [Vc∗ (t)]2 (5.76) mZc′2 ȳ2 Zc y We point out to the fact that the unknown perturbation, ξ(t), in the model (5.75) is observable from the measurable ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 164 — #180 ✐ ✐ 164 PART | Case Studies position coordinate in the sense of Diop and Fliess [11]. Indeed, from equation ((5.75)) we have, ! ! 2K f V̄c 2K f V̄c ∗ V = ÿ − ÿ (t) − Vcδ ξ(t) = ëyδ − cδ mZc′2 ȳ mZc′2 ȳ (5.77) In other words, ξ(t) can be written in terms of the output y, and a finite number of its time derivatives, the known quantity, y∗ (t), and the control input, Vcδ . Let p be a given integer (typically, p is a low order integer, i.e. 3 ≤ p ≤ 6 in an “almost everywhere” sense where needed). It is assumed that the disturbance input, ξ(t), and its time derivative ξ(k) (t), for k = 1, 2, ..., p, are uniformly absolutely bounded. This condition guarantees existence of solutions for eyδ (see Gliklikh [12]) in (5.74) and (5.75). 6.6. A GPI oberver-based ADRC for the jumping ring Let p be a given integer. We have the following result: o n Theorem 6. Let {γ1 , γ2 } and λ p+1 . . . λ0 be sets be sets of real numbers, chosen so that the following polynomials in the complex variable s, pc (s) = s2 + γ1 s + γ0 (p+2) po (s) = s (5.78) (p+1) + λ(p+1) s + · · · + λ1 s + λ0 (5.79) are Hurwitz polynomials that exhibit their roots sufficiently far from the imaginary axis in the complex plane. Then, the linear feedback controller: ! i mZc′2 ȳ h Vc = V̄c − γ1 ê2δ + γ0 eδ + ξ̂(t) (5.80) 2K f V̄c drives the output reference trajectory tracking error, eyδ , and its time derivative, ėyδ , to be ultimately uniformly bounded around a neighborhood of zero provided the quantities: ê2yδ , and ξ̂(t) = ẑ1 , are on-line generated by the following linear GPI observer: ê˙1yδ = ê2yδ + λ(p+1) (eyδ − ê1yδ ) ˙ê2yδ = 2K f′2V̄c Vcδ + ẑ1 + λ p (eyδ − ê1yδ ) mZc ȳ ẑ˙1 = ẑ2 + λ5 (eyδ − ê1yδ ) (5.81) ẑ˙2 = ẑ3 + λ(p−2) (eyδ − ê1yδ ) .. . ẑ˙(p−1) = ẑ p + λ1 (eyδ − ê1yδ ) ẑ˙ p = λ0 (e1yδ − ê1yδ ) The observation error ẽ = eyδ − e1yδ , and its time derivative ẽ( j) , j = 1, 2, ..., p + 1, ultimately uniformly converge towards a small as desired neighborhood of the origin of the observation error phase space. Moreover, the larger, in absolute value, the negative real part of the dominant roots of po (s), the smaller the radius of the bounding ball of such a vicinity. As a consequence, the disturbance estimation error ξ(t) − ẑ1 (t) = ξ(t) − ξ̂(t) is ultimately uniformly bounded by a small as desired neighborhood of zero. Proof. The proof is based on the fact that the estimation error ẽ = eyδ − e1yδ satisfies the following perturbed linear differential equation (see [13]), ẽ(p+2) + λ(p+1) ẽ(p+1) + · · · + λ1 ẽ + λ0 = ξ(p) (t) (5.82) Since ξ(p) (t) is assumed to be uniformly absolutely bounded then there exists coefficients λk , k = 0, ..., p + 1 such that ẽ and its time derivatives converge to a small vicinity of the origin, provided the roots of the associated characteristic polynomial in the complex variable s: s(p+2) + λ(p+1) s(p+1) + · · · + λ1 s + λ0 (5.83) are all located deep into the left half of the complex plane. The further away from the imaginary axis, of the complex plane, are these roots located, the smaller the neighborhood of the origin, in the estimation error phase space, where the ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 165 — #181 ✐ ✐ Case Studies Chapter | 5 165 estimation error ẽ will remain ultimately uniformly bounded. Since ẽ¨ and ẽ are forced to converge to a small as desired vicinity of the origin, the underlying disturbance estimation error ξ(t) − ẑ1 is ultimately uniformly absolutely bounded by a small neighborhood of zero. This fact clearly depicts the self-updating character of the implicit time polynomial model, adopted in ẑ1 , for the lumped disturbance ξ(t). The output tracking error, eyδ = y − y∗(t) , evolves according to the following linear perturbed dynamics h i ëyδ + γ1 ėyδ + γ0 eyδ = ξ(t) − ξ̂(t) (5.84) Since ξ(t) − ξ̂(t) and ẽ˙yδ are ultimately convergent to a small as desired vicinity of zero. The right hand side of (5.84) is, therefore, uniformly absolutely bounded and the previous result applies. Choose the controller coefficients: {γ0 , γ1 }, so that the associated closed loop characteristic polynomial, pc (s), exhibits its roots moderately far from the imaginary axis in the left half portion of the complex plane. It follows that the tracking error, eyδ , and its first order time derivative, are guaranteed to asymptotically converge towards a vicinity of the origin of the tracking error phase space. Their trajectories remain ultimately absolutely uniformly bounded 6.7. Experimental results Figure 5.24 shows a diagram of the experimental platform used for the Thomson’s Jumping Ring. The dimensions of the Thomson’s ring considered in the prototype are given in Figure 5.25. The main coil has a primary winding of 1200 turns of AWG copper wire of 0.574mm of diameter. The wire is wrapped around a stainless steel core. The ring to be levitated is an aluminum ring of mas m = 1.44 × 10−3 Kg. The nominal value of the parameter is K f = 1.162 × 10−3 N-mΩ/V. The nominal control input gain is 2.243 × 10−4 m/s2 V and Zc′ = 44.75Ω. The position of the ring to the top of the coil was measured by means of an array of infrared sensors, coupled with a noise filtering stage. All data was channeled to a PC by means of a data acquisition board (Sensoray: Model 626). The proposed control strategy was implemented on the PC making use of a Matlab-Simulink platform. The obtained control signals were injected to the prototype, see Figure 5.26, by considering a previous conditioning stage constituted by a power amplifier (Sanyo: Model STK4050II). The parameters associated with the model of the circuit were obtained following the procedures described in [8]. Terms such as: Friction, air resistance, parasitic effects etc. are not specifically modeled in (5.68). All these perturbation inputs, as well as the, position-depending, variation of the gain parameter K and gravitational acceleration force, g, are present in the plant. The constant control input gain, 2K f V̄c /mZc′2 ȳ, is assumed to be known with the parameter, K, calculated on the basis of the nominal equilibrium point in accordance with the formulae in [8] and [9]. The value of the gain was obtained setting the nominal equilibrium height to be: ȳ = 20mm, while using a corresponding constant voltage amplitude of while using a corresponding constant voltage amplitude of V̄c = 56V. The following position reference trajectory was implemented in the software of the platform with ω = 0.628rad/s: y∗ (t) = 15 + 5 sin(2ωt) cos(ωt) + 2 sin(15ωt) + 2 cos(20ωt) (5.85) The second order closed loop, dominant, characteristic polynomial, pc (s), was chosen to be of the form: pc (s) = s2 + 2ζc ωnc s + ω2nc with, wnc = 30 and ζc = 3. The linear GPI observer was implemented by letting p = 6, so that the dominant characteristic polynomial for the estimation error was set to be of the form: po (s) = (s2 + 2ζo ωno s + ω2no )4 with and wno = 20 and ζo = 2. The proposed linear-observer linear-controller scheme, proves to be quite robust with respect to significant mismatches due to the variations of the control input gain (see [13]) as it can be inferred from the high quality features of the obtained trajectory tracking. The tracking performance is depicted in Figure 5.27 where the desired reference trajectory is superimposed to the actual ring position trajectory. The corresponding output trajectory tracking error eδ = Y − Y ∗ (t) is shown in Figure 5.28. As it can be seen, the trajectory tracking error is uniformly absolutely bounded by a small neighbourhood of zero. Figure 5.29 shows the resulting control voltage where the amplitude of control signal is modulated by a sinusoidal signal with frequency f = 60Hz. Figure 5.30 depicts a zoom of the input voltage showing the sinusoidal character of the carrier signal. Figure 5.31 shows the GPI observer based estimated, state-dependent, time-varying perturbation input signal. Notice that the lumped perturbation estimation (Figure 5.31) determine the form of the control inputs, which tends to cancel out the additive disturbance inputs It should be mentioned that the ring position measurement has a high sensitivity with respect to ambient light, so that they require an initial calibration at each experiment. Also, along the experiments , we can find peaks in the estimated disturbance due to friction between core and ring which are not included explicitly on the model. ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 166 — #182 ✐ ✐ 166 PART | Case Studies Figure 5.24 Experimental system block diagram Figure 5.25 Prototype main dimensions 7. TRAJECTORY TRACKING CONTROL OF A DELTA ROBOT Figure 5.32 depicts the Delta Robot which consists in a three Degree of Freedom parallel manipulator. The dynamical model is given as follows [14]: D(Θ)Θ̈ + G(Θ) + W(Θ, U)λ = τ (5.86) where h iT iT h Θ = θ1 , θ2 , θ3 is the actuated articular position vector, U = u x , uy , uz represents the Cartesian positions, iT iT h h λ = λ1 , λ2 , λ3 , denotes the Lagrange multipliers, τ = τ1 , τ2 , τ3 is the vector of the external torques and forces, D(Θ) denotes the generalized inertia matrix, G(Θ) contains the gravitational terms, where g is the gravitational acceleration term. W(Θ, U) is the restriction vector which indicates the coupling restrictions between the mobile platform, the parallel links and the Delta Robot arms, whose length is given by l1 , l2 ; r1 and r2 are the distance from the geometric center of the platforms to any of their vertex. In this case, the coupling dynamics is computed by the Lagrange Multipliers. ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 167 — #183 ✐ ✐ Case Studies Chapter | 5 167 Figure 5.26 Experimental Thomson’s ring platform 16 14 12 [mm] 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 0 yδ∗ (t) yδ (t) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 time[s] 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Figure 5.27 Ring position reference trajectory tracking with observer based linear ADRC controller D(Θ), G(Θ), W(Θ, U) are given as follows: ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 168 — #184 ✐ ✐ 168 PART | Case Studies 9 eyδ (t) 8 7 6 5 [mm] 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 time[s] 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Figure 5.28 Reference trajectory tracking error 80 60 40 [Volts] 20 0 -20 -40 -60 -80 Vc sin(ωt) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 time[s] 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Figure 5.29 Control input signal ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 169 — #185 ✐ ✐ Case Studies Chapter | 5 169 80 60 40 [Volts] 20 0 -20 -40 -60 Vc sin(ωt) -80 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 time[s] Figure 5.30 Zoom of control input signal 4 0 x 10 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 [mm/s2] -0.8 -1 -1.2 -1.4 -1.6 -1.8 -2 ẑ1 (t) -2.2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 time[s] 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Figure 5.31 State depend online estimated input signal ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 170 — #186 ✐ ✐ 170 PART | Case Studies Figure 5.32 Schematics of the Delta Robot 1 0 0 ( 3 m1 + m2 )l21 0 ( 31 m1 + m2 )l21 D(Θ) = 0 1 2 0 0 ( 3 m1 + m2 )l1 1 ( 2 m1 + m2 )gl1 cos(θ1 ) 1 G(Θ) = ( 2 m1 + m2 )gl1 cos(θ2 ) 1 ( 2 m1 + m2 )gl1 cos(θ3 ) i h 2l1 (u x cos(φ1 ) + uy sin(φ1 ) + r2 − r1 ) sin(θ1 ) − uz cos(θ1 ) i h W(Θ, U) = (−1) · 2l1 (u x cos(φ2 ) + uy sin(φ2 ) + r2 − r1 ) sin(θ2 ) − uz cos(θ2 ) i h 2l1 (u x cos(φ3 ) + uy sin(φ3 ) + r2 − r1 ) sin(θ3 ) − uz cos(θ3 ) (5.87) (5.88) (5.89) The terms λi , i = 1, 2, 3, are obtained by the following system of equations: 2 3 X λi (u x +r2 cos(φi ) − r1 cos(φi ) − l1 cos(φi ) cos(θi )) = (mu + 3m2 )ü x − fux i=1 3 X 2 λi (uy +r2 sin(φi ) − r1 sin(φi ) − l1 sin(φi ) cos(θi )) = (mu + 3m2 )üy − fuy (5.90) i=1 2 3 X λi (uz −l1 sin(θi ) = (mu + 3m2 )üz + (mu + 3m2 )g − fuz i=1 where fux , fuy , and fuz , are the external forces for the mobile platform in the x, y, and z axes, m1 is the input link mass, m2 denotes the parallel bars link mass, and mu is the mobile platform mass. 7.1. GPI Control Design h Consider a vector of desired articular positions Θ∗ = θ1∗ θ2∗ i θ3∗ , multiplying (5.86) by D(Θ)−1 Θ̈ = D−1 (Θ)τ − M −1 (Θ)[G(Θ) + W(Θ, U)λ] (5.91) ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 171 — #187 ✐ ✐ Case Studies Chapter | 5 171 Let ξ̃ denote the uncertain terms. ξ̃ = −D−1 (Θ) [G(Θ) + W(Θ, U)λ] (5.92) On the other hand, consider that each actuator is affected by the train gear disturbances, represented by additive disturbance external inputs η(t). The lumped disturbance input vector is given by: ξ(t) = ξ̃ + η(t) (5.93) Thus, the dynamics governing the disturbed system is viewed, for observer design purposes, as Θ̈ = D−1 (Θ)τ + ξ(t) (5.94) where the inverse of D(Θ) is obtained as, 1 ( 1 m +m 2 3 1 2 )l1 −1 0 D (Θ) = 0 0 0 1 ( 13 m1 +m2 )l21 0 1 ( 31 m1 +m2 )l21 0 The relation between the motor torque and the input voltage is computed as: (kτ N/Ra )Vθ1 (t) τ = (Kτ N/Ra )Vθ2 (t) (Kτ N/Ra )Vθ3 (t) (5.95) (5.96) where kτ is the torque constant, N is the gear relation, Ra is the armature resistance, and Vθ i is the voltage input. It is assumed that all the motors have identical features. Using equations (5.95), (5.96) in (5.94) leads to 1 0 0 (kτ N/Ra )Vθ1 (t) 1 0 1 0 (kτ N/Ra )Vθ2 (t) + ξ(t) (5.97) Θ̈ = 1 2 ( 3 m1 + m2 )l1 0 0 1 (k N/R )V (t) τ a θ3 Equation (5.97) consists of a set of three decoupled, perturbed, linear systems. It is, then, possible to define three independent control inputs of the form (5.98), to solve the robust trajectory tracking problem for the three angular coordinates eθi = θi (t) − θi∗ (t), i = 1, 2, 3. It is assumed that ξ(t) is unknown, but uniformly absolutely bounded. Thus, it is necessary to estimate the disturbance input in an on-line fashion, by means of an observer. One then cancels the actual disturbance in the feedback control law. Rt Let θ0i = 0 θi (τ)dτ, i = 1, 2, 3. We propose the following extended order GPI observer based control [15]: Vi = i Ra ( 31 m1 + m2 )l21 h ∗ θ̈i (t) − κ0 (θ̂1i − θi∗ ) − κ1 (θ̂2i − θ̇i∗ ) − ξ̂i (t) kτ N θ̇ˆ0i = θ̂1i + λ7θi (θ0i − θ̂0i ) θ̇ˆ1i = θ̂2i + λ6θi (θ0i − θ̂0i ) kτ N Vi ẑ1θi + λ5θi (θ0i − θ̂0i ) θ̇ˆ2i = 1 Ra ( 3 m1 + m2 )l21 żˆ1θi = ẑ2θi + λ4θi (θ0i − θ̂0i ) żˆ2θi = ẑ3θi + λ3θi (θ0i − θ̂0i ) żˆ3θi = ẑ4θi + λ2θi (θ0i − θ̂0i ) żˆ4θi = ẑ5θi + λ1θi (θ0i − θ̂0i ) żˆ5θi = λ0θi (θ0i − θˆ0i ) ξ̂i = z1θi (5.98) The linear dominant part of each injection error dynamics, is defined by the following characteristic polynomials expressed in terms of the Laplace operator, s: ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 172 — #188 ✐ ✐ 172 PART | Case Studies poi (s) = s8 + λ7θi s7 + λ6θi s6 + λ5θi s5 + λ4θi s4 + λ3θi s3 + λ2θi s2 + λ1θi s + λ0θi (5.99) The observer gain parameters λ jθi , for i = 1, 2, 3, and j = 1, 2 · · · , 7 are chosen in such a way that each characteristic polynomial of the injection dominant dynamics has its roots in the left half complex plane, sufficiently far of the imaginary axis. To achieve the last objective, Hurwitz polynomials of the form: poi (s) = (s2 + 2ζθi ωθi s + ω2θi )4 (5.100) are proposed as dominant characteristic polynomials of the closed loop dynamics. Finally, by choosing the controller gain parameters, κ0i , κ1i , such that the associated characteristic polynomial of the closed loop system is of the form: s2 + 2ζci ωnci s + ω2nci (5.101) the tracking error and its time derivatives are then commanded to exponentially converge to a small vicinity of the origin of the tracking error phase space. 7.2. Experimental results Figure 5.33 shows the schematic diagram of the experimental platform. The position of each arm was obtained by means of incremental encoders, of 2000 CPR, to measure the angular position of each gear box shaft. The position data was sent to the main controller by means of a data acquisition board Sensoray Model 626. The control strategy was implemented in the Matlab-Simulink platform, and the devised control signals were transferred to the actuators through three power amplifiers Sanyo: Model STK4050II. The delta robot actuators were three dc geared motors NISCA: Model NC5475. The motor parameters are: A torque constant kτ = 0.0724 [N − m/A], the armature resistance is Ra = 2.983 [Ω], and the gear relation is N = 16. Finally, the sampling time was set to be 0.001 [s]. Figure 5.33 Block diagram of delta robot controller The delta robot system parameters are: l1 = 0.25[m], l2 = 0.50 [m], r2 = 0.045 [m], r1 = 0.1 [m], m1 = 0.168 [kg], m2 = 0.3 [kg], and mu = 0.215 [kg]. To illustrate the tracking results, a reference trajectory in the cartesian space, x − y − z, was proposed. In this case, the trajectory consisted in a circle centered at the origin of the x − y plane, with radius 200[mm]. The initial conditions, at t = 0[s], for the delta robot configuration were set as: x∗ (0) = 0[mm], y∗ (0) = 0[mm], z∗ (0) = −396.2[mm]; then, in t = 3[s], the robot was moved to the position, x∗ = 200[mm], y∗ = 0[mm], z∗ = −396.2[mm], then, 2π ∗ ∗ at t = 4.5[s], the reference trajectory is set to be x∗ (t) = 200 sin( 2π 5 (t − 4.5))[mm], y (t) = 200 cos( 5 (t − 4.5))[mm], z (t) = −396.2[mm], this circle is traced in 5 seconds and finally, at t = 9.5[s] the robot turns out to its initial configuration. The inverse kinematics was used to find the desired joint angles, θ1∗ , θ2∗ , and θ3∗ [14]. The initial conditions for the joint variables in the robot were: [θ1 (0) = 0, θ2 (0) = 0, and θ3 (0) = 0. The observer gain parameters were set to be: ζo1 = ζo2 = ζo3 = 5, ωo1 = ωo3 = 20, ωo2 = 22; The controller design parameters were specified to be: ζc1 = ζc2 = 2, ζc3 = 2.5, ωnc1 = 14, ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 173 — #189 ✐ ✐ Case Studies Chapter | 5 173 Figure 5.34 Delta robot system prototype ωnc2 = ωnc3 = 15. Figure 5.34 shows the experimental platform delta robot, the quality of the trajectory tracking performance in the x − y − z plane, obtained on the basis of the proposed linear output feedback observer-controller scheme, is depicted in Figure 5.35, while Figure 5.36 shows the tracking results in each actuated angular coordinate. The tracking error is detailed in Figure 5.37, where it is shown that the angular error is restricted to a vicinity of radius 0.02 [rad] approximately, or 5 [mm] in the cartesian space, for the proposed design parameters. The produced control voltages are provided in Figure 5.38. Notice that the lumped disturbance estimations (Figure 5.39) determine the form of the control inputs, which tends to cancel out the additive disturbance inputs. Desired Trajectory Robot Trajectory -300 z(t) -350 -400 -450 -500 200 0 -200 y(t) Figure 5.35 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 x(t) x, y, z-directions reference trajectory tracking with observer based linear controller ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 174 — #190 ✐ ✐ PART | Case Studies [rad] [rad] [rad] 174 0.5 0.25 0 -0.25 -0.5 -0.75 -1 0.5 0.25 0 -0.25 -0.5 -0.75 -1 0.5 0.25 0 -0.25 -0.5 -0.75 -1 0 θ1∗ (t) θ1 (t) θ2∗ (t) θ2 (t) θ3∗ (t) θ3 (t) 2 4 6 time[s] 8 10 12 Figure 5.36 Angular position reference trajectory tracking with observer based linear controller 0.04 [rad] 0.02 0 -0.02 eθ1 (t) = θ1 (t) − θ1∗ (t) -0.04 0.04 [rad] 0.02 0 -0.02 eθ2 (t) = θ2 (t) − θ2∗ (t) -0.04 0.04 [rad] 0.02 0 -0.02 eθ3 (t) = θ3 (t) − θ3∗ (t) -0.04 0 2 4 6 time[s] 8 10 12 Figure 5.37 Output reference trajectory tracking error evolution 8. A TIME DELAYED FLYWHEEL SYSTEM 8.1. Smith Predictor GPI controller Consider the following disturbed system with input time delay. ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 175 — #191 ✐ ✐ Case Studies Chapter | 5 175 15 [Volts] 10 5 0 Vθ1 (t) -5 15 [Volts] 10 5 0 Vθ2 (t) -5 15 [Volts] 10 5 0 Vθ3 (t) -5 0 2 4 6 time[s] 8 10 12 Figure 5.38 Control input torque for output reference trajectory tracking task. q̈(t) = M −1 (q)u(t − T ) + ψ(t, q, q̇), (5.102) where q, q̇ are the states of the system, M(q) is a positive definite symmetric matrix, u is the control input, ψ(·) denotes a lumped disturbance input and T is a time delay. From (5.102), the “forward system” is defined as follows: q̈ f (t) = M −1 (q) f u(t) + ψ(t + T, q f , q̇ f ), (5.103) where ψ(t + T, q f , q̇ f ) is the predicted disturbance input to be reproduced, in an approximate form, using the estimated states of the original system. Taking a Taylor series expansion, it is obtained the following disturbance input predictor: 1 ¨ ˙ 2 ψ(t + T ) = ψ(t) + ψ(t)T + ψ(t)T + ... (5.104) 2! Using the input disturbance estimator and a truncated version of (5.104), an approximate disturbance input predictor is obtained as follows: 1 b ψ(t + T ) = ẑ1 (t) + ẑ2 (t)T + . . . + ẑ p T p−1 (5.105) (p − 1)! As it occurs in polynomial series approximation, increasing the value of p allows a better approximation; however, the numerical complexity of the observer is increased. We have the following control law for the forward system using the disturbance predictor estimation ψ(t + T ) + q̈∗ (t + T ) − κ1 [ė f (t) + ėrr (t)] + κ0 [e f (t) + e s (t)] (5.106) u(t) = M(q) −b e f (t) = q̂(t) − q∗f (t) e s (t) = q(t) − q f (t − T ) where κ1 , κ0 are diagonal positive definite matrices with the control gains of a classical multivariable PD controller, such that the linear dominant dynamics is Hurwitz. q̂( j) (t), j = 0, 1 are supplied by the GPI observer and q(f j) (t) are, through algebraic manipulations, available for measurement. The terms e(f j) are introduced in order to handle possible errors in ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 176 — #192 ✐ ✐ 176 PART | Case Studies [rad/s2] 40 20 -20 -60 -100 -140 ẑ1θ1(t) [rad/s2] -180 40 20 -20 -60 -100 -140 ẑ1θ2(t) [rad/s2] -180 40 20 -20 -60 -100 -140 ẑ1θ3(t) -180 0 2 4 6 time[s] 8 10 12 Figure 5.39 Disturbance estimate translation dynamics the disturbance prediction, as a part of the Smith Predictor methodology. This terms use the difference between the plant output and the time delayed forward output to compensate possible differences between the delayed system and the delayed forward model. Figure 5.40 shows an schematic of the control design: Figure 5.40 Control scheme for ADRC-Smith Predictor. 8.2. Control of a perturbed Flywheel with delayed input Consider a perturbed flywheel system (see figure 5.41), with delayed input. The flywheel consists in a aluminium wheel of radius L, mass Mw , and an extra perturbation mass, of value ma , attached on the circumference of the wheel. The system ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 177 — #193 ✐ ✐ Case Studies Chapter | 5 177 is actuated by a DC motor, and the angular displacement of the rotor shaft is denoted by φ. The model of the nonlinear system is given by (Im + I + ma L2 )φ̈ + ma gL sin φ = τ(t − T ) (5.107) where T is the, known, fixed time delay, I is the inertia of the flywheel and Im is the inertia of motor shaft-rotor. Terms such as the viscous friction, Coulomb friction (typically acting through a sign function of the angular velocity), air resistance, etc. are not specifically modeled in (5.107). These torques, however, were found to significantly act on the motion of the flywheel. All these disturbances are assumed to be unknown, and they are given by the disturbance term η(t, φ, φ̇), which, as well as the position-dependent gravitational nonlinearity of the extra mass on flywheel, are, according to our proposal, considered to form a bounded generalized disturbance input signal, lumped into a single additive time-varying function, ψ̃(t). Figure 5.41 Schematics of flywheel system ψ̃(t) = (1/(Im + I + ma L2 )) (ma gL sin θ + η(t)) (5.108) The simplified model of the flywheel system, in terms of the flywheel angle, is given by: φ̈(t) = (1/(Im + I + ma L2 ))τ(t − T ) + ψ̃(t) (5.109) From the DC motor dynamics, the relation between the torque and the voltage input is given by, τ(t − T ) = Kτ N V(t − T ) − Kτ Kv N 2 θ̇ Ra (5.110) where Ra [Ω] is the armature resistance, Kτ [N · m/A] denotes the torque constant and Kv [N · m · s/rad] is the back electromotive force constant. Using (5.110) in (5.109): φ̈(t) = M −1 V(t − T ) + ψ(t) (5.111) where M −1 = Kτ , ψ(t) = ψ̃ − Kτ Kv N 2 φ̇. Ra (Im + I + ma L2 ) (5.112) ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 178 — #194 ✐ ✐ 178 PART | Case Studies According to the problem formulation, given a reference angular position trajectory, say θ∗ (t), it is desired to devise a, Smith Predictor based, GPI observer based active disturbance rejection controller, to obtain a robust tracking of the reference function in spite of the un-modeled dynamics, nonlinear effects and external disturbances, all of them, lumped in the disturbance input ψ. We propose the following GPI observer with forward input and approximation parameter p = 6: ḃ φ0 = φ̂1 + λ8 (φ0 − φ̂0 ) ḃ φ1 = φ̂2 + λ7 (φ0 − φ̂0 ) ḃ φ2 = M −1 V(t − T ) + ẑ1 + λ6 (φ0 − φ̂0 ) ḃ z1 = ẑ2 + λ5 (φ0 − φ̂0 ) .. . ḃ z5 = ẑ6 + λ1 (φ0 − φ̂0 ) ḃ z6 = λ0 (φ0 − φ̂0 ) Z θ0 = φ(t)dt b ψ = ẑ1 (5.113) which leads to a characteristic polynomial for the integral error in the linear dominant part: P(s) = s9 + λ8 s8 + λ7 s7 + . . . + λ2 s2 + λ1 s + λ0 (5.114) The observer gain parameters λ j , for j = 0, 1, 2, · · · , 8 are chosen using the following procedure. Consider a desired characteristic polynomial, p(s), of the form: an sn + an−1 sn−1 + · · · + a2 s2 + a1 s + a0 , ai > 0 (5.115) and let αi be the characteristic ratios of p(s). It is said that p(s) is Hurwitz when the following two conditions hold: A) α1 > 2; sin B) αk = kπ n + sin 2 sin kπ n π n α1 for k = 2, 3, . . . , n − 1. The construction of the all-pole stable characteristic polynomial involves only α1 which we require to be larger than 2. Thus, this result allows us to characterize the reference all-pole systems by adjusting a single parameter α1 to achieve the desired damping. Since the generalized time constant can be chosen independently of αi , the coefficients of p(s) are calculated using the procedure given in [16]: For an arbitrary a0 and τ > 0: a1 = τa0 ai = τi a0 2 αi−1 αi−2 α3i−3 · · · α1i−1 for i = 2, 3, . . . , n ! aj λj = an for j = 0, 1, , 3, . . . , 8 which helps to find a fast tracking response, avoiding overshooting effects. The GPI observer provides an online approximation of the disturbance input ψ by means of the observer variable, ẑ1 . Besides, the observer also obtains a finite number of time derivatives of the disturbance input, given by ẑ2 , . . . , ẑ6 . Using the Taylor series expansion, the prediction of the disturbance input may be calculated as follows: ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 179 — #195 ✐ ✐ Case Studies Chapter | 5 179 1 1 1 1 b ψ(t + T ) ≈ ẑ1 (t) + ẑ2 (t)T + ẑ3 (t)T 2 + ẑ4 (t)T 3 + ẑ5 (t)T 4 + ẑ4 (t)T 5 . (5.116) 2! 3! 4! 5! Using the Smith predictor methodology, the forward system with prediction period, T , for the perturbed linear system (5.111), is: φ̈ f = M −1 V(t) + ẑ1 (t + T ) (5.117) The trajectory tracking error of the forward plant is defined as follows: eφ f = φ f (t) − φ∗ (t + T ) (5.118) and the error between the delayed forward system and the actual plant is defined as, eφs = φ(t) − φ f (t − T ) (5.119) where eφs represents the discrepancies between the forward system and the actual system, and it is to be used as a compensation term. It is proposed a PD with a disturbance compensation term controller for the forward system with ζc , ωnc > 0. h i V(t) = −M ẑ1 (t + T ) + 2ζc ωnc (ėφs + ėφ f ) + ω2nc (eφs + eφ f ) − φ̈∗f (t) (5.120) 8.3. Experimental results Some experiments were carried out on the test bed system to show the effectiveness of the control strategy. The angular position of the motor shaft was obtained by means of an incremental encoder of 1000 CPR. The position data was sent to the main controller by means of a data acquisition card Sensoray Model 626. The controller was implemented in the Matlab-Simulink platform, and the control signals were transferred to the actuator through a power amplifier Sanyo: Model STK4050II. The actuator consisted in a DC motor NISCA: Model NC5475. The motor parameters were the following: The motor inertia Im = 4.0101x10−5[Kg m2 ], a torque constant Kτ = 0.0724[N − m/A], the armature resistance was Ra = 2.983[Ω], and the back electromotive force constant, Kv = 0.0687[N − m − s/rad] respectively. The inertia of the flywheel was I = 9.611x10−3[Kg − m2 ], the flywheel mass Mw = 1.315[Kg], as well as the added mass ma = 0.1[Kg]. The flywheel radius parameter was L = 0.1[m] and the input delay time T was chosen to be 0.07[s]. Finally, the sampling time was set to be 0.0005[s]. Figure 5.42 Flywheel system prototype The initial conditions for the system were φ(0) = 0. The observer gain parameters were set to be as follows: n = 9, ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 180 — #196 ✐ ✐ 180 PART | Case Studies τ = 6, a0 = 1510 , α1 = 3.5. The controller design parameters were specified to be: ζc = 3 and ωnc = 5. The tracking results using the Smith predictor based control in a rest to rest path are depicted in figure 5.44, where the presented results, for a constant time delay T , were satisfactory, as shown that the error signal remains bounded as stated in the problem approach, with an absolute peak error less than 0.2 [rad] (see figure 5.45). Figure 5.46 shows the control inputs for the tracking process and finally, figure 5.47 depict the disturbance input estimation as well as its prediction. Figure 5.43 Experimental system block diagram 7 6 5 [rad] 4 3 2 1 φ∗ (t) φ(t) 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 time[s] Figure 5.44 Tracking behavior position reference trajectory ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 181 — #197 ✐ ✐ Case Studies Chapter | 5 181 0.2 0.15 0.1 [rad] 0.05 0 -0.05 -0.1 -0.15 eφs (t) -0.2 0 2 4 6 8 10 time[s] Figure 5.45 Reference trajectory tracking error 15 10 [Volts] 5 0 -5 V (t) -10 0 2 4 6 8 10 time[s] Figure 5.46 Voltage control input 9. CONTROL OF ROBOT MANIPULATORS WITH DELAYED INPUTS Motivated by the previous example, consider the following fully actuated model of a controlled manipulator system, including a delayed control input M(q)q̈ + C(q, q̇)q̇ + g(q) = τ(t − T ) (5.121) with q ∈ Rn . ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 182 — #198 ✐ ✐ 182 PART | Case Studies 20 15 10 [rad/s2] 5 0 -5 -10 -15 ẑ1 (t) ẑ1 (t + T ) -20 0 2 4 6 8 10 time[s] Figure 5.47 Disturbance input predictor We consider, as usual, the simplified system with time-varying (state dependent) control input gain: q̈ = M −1 (q)τ(t − T ) + ϕ̃(t) (5.122) with ϕ̃(t) a, sufficiently smooth, unknown but bounded signal devoid of high frequency components. It is desired to have the output vector q of generalized joints positions track a given desired trajectory qd (t). Let τd (t − T ) be the delayed version of the nominal control input τd (t). This signal, which in our approach we do not need to synthesize, may be nominally computed off-line as follows τd (t) = M(qd (t + T ))q̈d (t + T ) (5.123) where we do not complement the computation with the “nominal predicted perturbation input ” given that it represents an unknown quantity. Thus our nominal control input τd (t) and its delayed version τd (t − T ) will always be in significant error with respect to its possible actual value. We, henceforth, deal with the tracking error directly and avoid explicitly involving such a nominal control input τd (t) nor the “nominal perturbation input” ϕ̃d (t). We proceed as follows: We consider the following perturbed tracking error system dynamics with e = q − qd (t), q̈ − q̈d (t) = M −1 (q)τ(t − T ) + ϕ̃(t) −M −1 (qd (t))τd (t − T ) − ϕ̃d (t) = M −1 (q)τ(t − T ) + ϕ(t) (5.124) i.e., ë = M −1 (q)τ(t − T ) + ϕ(t) (5.125) ϕ(t) = ϕ̃(t) − M −1 (qd (t))τd (t − T ) + ϕ̃(t) − ϕ̃d (t) (5.126) where now The Smith predictor methodology postulates a forward system representing an updated version of the plant and conformed, in our perturbed case, as follows ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 183 — #199 ✐ ✐ Case Studies Chapter | 5 183 ë f = M −1 (q f )τ(t) + ϕ(t + T ) (5.127) In order to conform this forward system we must synthesize a prediction estimate ϕ̂(t + T ) of the unknown advanced perturbation input ϕ(t + T ). For this, we use a gpi observer on the delayed tracking error system itself. Let e1 = e, e2 = ė. We have that the system dynamics evolves according with ė1 ė2 = e2 = M −1 (q1 )τ(t − T ) + ϕ(t) (5.128) Note that e f (t) = q f (t) − qd (t + T ) and q̈ f = M −1 (q f )τ(t) + ϕ̃(t + T ), in accordance with the predictive nature of the forward system. Suppose we model the uncertain perturbation input ϕ(t) as an n-dimensional vector of r − 1-degree arbitrary time polynomial inputs so that dr ϕ(t) ≈ 0 (5.129) dtr or, else, such an r-th time derivative of its entries represent completely negligible quantities. Letting z1 = ϕ(t) we have the following local, but self updating, dynamical model of the perturbation input dr dr z = ϕ(t) ≈ 0 1 dtr dtr We use the following approximate model for the perturbed delayed system ė1 = e2 ė2 = M −1 (q1 )τ(t − T ) + z1 z˙1 = z2 .. . żr−1 żr (5.130) (5.131) = zr = 0 A GPI observer for the delayed perturbed system is readily proposed as ê˙ 1 ê˙ 2 ẑ˙ 1 ẑ˙ 2 .. . ẑ˙ r−1 ẑ˙ r = ê2 + Λr+1 (e1 − ê1 ) = M −1 (q1 )τ(t − T ) + z1 + Λr (e1 − ê1 ) = ẑ2 + Λr−1 (e1 − ê1 ) (5.132) = ẑ3 + Λr−2 (e1 − ê1 ) = ẑr + Λ1 (e1 − ê1 ) = Λ0 (e1 − ê1 ) Let: ẽi = ei − êi , i = 1, 2 and z̃ j = z j − ẑ j , j = 1, 2, ...r. The reconstruction error dynamics is governed by ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 184 — #200 ✐ ✐ 184 PART | Case Studies ẽ˙ 1 = ẽ2 − Λr+1 ẽ1 ẽ˙ 2 = z̃1 − Λr ẽ1 z̃˙ 1 = z̃2 − Λr−1 ẽ1 .. . z̃˙ r−1 = z̃r − Λ1 ẽ1 z̃˙ r = −Λ0 ẽ1 (5.133) i.e., we have that the reconstruction error dynamics satisfies: + · · · + Λ1 ẽ˙ 1 + Λ0 ẽ1 ≈ 0 + Λr+1 ẽ(r+1) ẽ(r+2) 1 1 (5.134) Large values in the observer gains contribute to make the effect of the neglected right side of the perturbed reconstruction error dynamics be negligible and, thus, have the reconstruction error approximately behave as the following linear dynamics: + · · · + Λ1 ẽ˙ 1 + Λ0 ẽ1 = 0 ẽ(r+2) + Λr+1 ẽ(r+1) 1 1 (5.135) which we take for valid. In fact, the reconstruction error dynamics evolves according with + · · · + Λ1 ẽ˙ 1 + Λ0 ẽ1 = ϕ(r) (t) ẽ(r+2) + Λr+1 ẽ(r+1) 1 1 (5.136) Our assumption ϕ(r) (t) ≈ 0 further justify our procedure. As a consequence, choosing the entries of the (preferably diagonal positive) gain matrices, Λ j , j = 1, ..., r + 2, so that the closed loop eigenvalues of the reconstruction error dynamics lie deep in the left half of the complex plane, the reconstruction error e1 , and its various time derivatives, rapidly converge towards a small neighborhood of zero. In turn, the variables z j , j = 1, ..., r approximately converge towards the time derivatives of the perturbation input ϕ(t), in the following fashion: z j → ϕ( j−1) (t), j = 1, 2, ... (5.137) Using the Taylor series development formula for the prediction of a vector time signal ϕ(t), we may propose the following perturbation input predictor 1 ϕ̈(t)T 2 + · · · (5.138) 2! Consider, then, the natural approximation to the predicted perturbation signal, ϕ(t ∗ t), with available time derivatives at time t of the signal ϕ(t), as the following Taylor polynomial in the time interval value, T : ϕ(t + T ) = ϕ(t) + ϕ̇(t)T + ϕ̂(t + T ) = z1 + z2 T + r 1 1 z3 T 2 + · · · + r z[ 2r +1] T [ 2 ] 2! [ 2 ]! (5.139) where we have taken only the integer part of 2r , denoted here by [ 2r ], as the most reasonable degree for the approximating Taylor polynomial of the predicted value of the vector of signals ϕ(t). The forward system is, hence, completely determined, even if in an approximate manner, by ë f = M −1 (qf )τ(t) + ϕ̂(t + T ) (5.140) According to the Smith predictor methodology we may propose a variety of simple linear controllers which either take or, alternatively, do not take into account the actual perturbed plant output vector q. One such possibility, which completely overrides the perturbed plant is the following proportional derivative controller ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 185 — #201 ✐ ✐ Case Studies Chapter | 5 185 i h τ(t) = M(q f ) −ϕ̂(t + T ) − K1 ė f − K0 e f (5.141) ë f + K1 ė f + K0 e f = 0 (5.142) with K1 and K0 being suitable positive definite symmetric matrices (preferably diagonal matrices) which provoke an asymptotically, exponentially, stable character to the origin of the tracking error, e, as a solution of the homogeneous system Naturally, the synthesized control input τ(t) is shared by, both, the forward plant and the controlled perturbed delayed robot manipulator dynamics. A second possibility is represented by considering the synthesis of the error between the plant output, q(t), and the delayed output of the forward system q f (t − T ). Let, then err(t) = q(t) − q f (t − T ) (5.143) This error, depicting discrepancies between the actual plant output and the delayed output of the forward system is used as an additional perturbation input to the fed back forward system output. The controller is thus synthesized as d (5.144) e f + err(t) − K0 e f + err(t) dt Since this error is defined as: err(t) = q(t) − q f (t − T ), its time derivative may be computed using suitable signals from the previously proposed observer, and signals readily available from the forward plant emulation, i.e., τ(t) = −ϕ̂(t + T ) − K1 d (err(t)) = q̂2 (t) − q̇ f (t − T ) = ê2 + q̇d (t) − q̇ f (t − T ) (5.145) dt If the forward system is perfect then the scheme coincides with the traditional plant overriding Smith predictor controller, otherwise, modeling errors in the forward system can be suitably compensated via this scheme. Further interesting modifications of the Smith predictor scheme, in particular those using the Mikusinsky’s transform, proposed by Marquez, Fliess and Mounier [17] can also be considered with great advantages and simplicity. 9.1. Time Delayed Delta Robot Consider the Delta type robot proposed by L.W. Tsai et al. [14], which consists in a three degree of freedom (DOF) parallel robot. It is characterized by: 1) An easy solution for the direct kinematics problem and 2) The position and orientation of the moving platform are naturally decoupled. Figure 5.32 depicts the Delta Robot. The dynamic model with delayed input is given as follows: M(Θ)Θ̈(t) + G(Θ, t) − R(Θ, P(t))λ = τ(t − T ) (5.146) where Suppose that G(Θ), R(Θ, P) are nonmodeled dynamics, and each actuator is affected by the train gear disturbances (η(t) = [η1 η2 η3 ]T ). Lumping last terms lead to the following disturbance vector. ψ(t) = ( 31 ma 1 [−G(Θ) + R(Θ, P)] + η(t) + mb )a2 (5.147) Thus, the dynamics governing the tracking error of the simplified disturbed system is Θ̈ = M −1 (Θ)τ(t − T ) + ψ(t) (5.148) The relation between the motor torque and the voltage input is: (K1 N/Ra )V1 (t − T ) τ(t − T ) = (K1 N/Ra )V2 (t − T ) (K1 N/Ra )V3 (t − T ) (5.149) ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 186 — #202 ✐ ✐ 186 PART | Case Studies Using (5.149), (5.148), we have: 1 Θ̈ = 1 ( 3 ma + mb )a2 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 (K1 N/Ra )V1 (t − T ) 0 (K1 N/Ra )V2 (t − T ) + ψ(t) 1 (K1 N/Ra )V3 (t − T ) 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 (K1 N/Ra )V1 (t) 0 (K1 N/Ra )V2 (t) + ψ(t + T ) 1 (K1 N/Ra )V3 (t) (5.150) Equation (5.150) consists of a set of three decoupled, disturbed systems of the form (5.122). It is, then, possible to define three independent control inputs of the form (5.144), to solve the robust trajectory tracking problem. According to the procedure proposed for robot manipulators with delayed inputs, the forward disturbed system is proposed as 1 Θ̈ f = 1 ( 3 ma + mb )a2 (5.151) where ψ(t + T ) is the vector of disturbed input signals to be estimated, in an online fashion, using the truncated power series expansions in combination with the GPI observers. It is assumed that ψ is unknown, but R t uniformly absolutely bounded. Rt Let us define ê10 , ê20 , and êθ30 the estimates of the integral tracking errors, e10 = 0 (θ1 (τ) − θ1∗ (τ))dτ ,e20 = 0 (θ2 (τ) − Rt θ2∗ (τ))dτ, and e30 = 0 (θ3 (τ) − θ3∗ (τ))dτ. Now, consider ê11 , ê21 , and êθ31 the estimates of the tracking errors e11 = θ1 (t) − θ1∗ (t) ,eθ21 = θ2 (t) − θ2∗ (t), e31 = θ3 (t) − θ3∗ (t). In a similar fashion, let ê12 , ê22 , and êθ32 be the estimates of the velocity tracking error states, given by e12 = θ̇1 (t) − θ̇1∗ (t) ,eθ22 = θ̇2 (t) − θ̇2∗ (t), and e32 = θ̇3 (t) − θ̇3∗ (t) respectively. The reconstruction errors, associated to the tracking errors are defined as follows: ẽ10 = e10 − b e10 , ẽ20 = e20 − b e20 and ẽ30 = e30 − b e30 , ẽ11 = e11 − b e11 , ẽ21 = e21 − b e21 and ẽ31 = e31 − b e31 . Thus, the set of GPI observers for the reference tracking errors in the input delayed Delta robot are proposed as: ê˙ j0 = ê j1 + λ(p+2) j ẽ j0 ê˙ j1 = ê j2 + λ(p+1) j ẽ j0 ê˙ j2 = (K j N/Ra )V j (t − T ) + ẑ1 j + λ p j ẽ j0 (5.152) ẑ˙1 j = ẑ2 j + λ(p−1) j ẽ j0 ẑ˙2 j = ẑ3 j + λ(p−2) j ẽ j0 .. . ˙ẑ p j = λ0 j ẽ j0 j = 1, 2, 3 Considering an approximation parameter p = 5. The linear dominant part of the each injection error dynamics, is defined by the following characteristic polynomials expressed in terms of the Laplace operator, s: po j (s) = s8 + λ7θi s7 + λ6θi s6 + λ5θi s5 + λ4θi s4 + λ3θi s3 + λ2θi s2 + λ1θi s + λ0θi (5.153) The observer gain parameters λ jθi , for i = 1, 2, 3, and j = 1, 2 · · · , 7 are chosen in such a way that each characteristic polynomial of the injection dominant dynamics has its roots in the left half complex plane, sufficiently far of the imaginary axis. To achieve the last objective, Hurwitz polynomials of the form: poi (s) = (s2 + 2ζθi ωθi s + ω2θi )4 (5.154) are proposed as dominant characteristic polynomials of the closed loop dynamics. Using the truncated Taylor series expansion to predict the lumped disturbance functions ψ j (t + T ), the following estimator is proposed: ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 187 — #203 ✐ ✐ Case Studies Chapter | 5 187 T3 T4 T2 + ẑ4 j + ẑ5 j 2! 3! 4! Now, let us define the errors associated to the prediction process and the Smith predictor control design: ψ̂ j (t + T ) = ẑ1 j + ẑ2 j T + ẑ3 j θ1 f (t) − θ1∗ (t + T ) θ1 − θ1 f (t − T ) err = θ2 − θ2 f (t − T )e f = θ2 f (t) − θ2∗ (t + T ) ∗ θ3 f (t) − θ3 (t + T ) θ3 − θ3 f (t − T ) (5.155) (5.156) Finally, the output feedback controller is given by: τ j (t) = " # Ra ( 31 ma + mb )a2 d −ψ̂ j (t + T ) − κ1 j (e f j + err j )κ0 j (e f j + err j ) K jN dt (5.157) The controller includes a compensation for the disturbance prediction functions ψ j (t + T ), j = 1, 2, 3. The cancelation is carried out through the disturbance observer extended states and the use of the tracking velocities θ̇ˆ1 j . The controller gain parameters, κ0i , κ1i , are chosen such that the associated dominant characteristic polynomials of the closed loop systems: p j (s) = s2 + κ1 j s + κ0 j (5.158) locate their roots deep into the left half of the complex plane. In particular, it can be proposed a location of the form: s2 + 2ζc j ωnc j s + ω2nc j (5.159) with ζc j , ωnc j > 0, to emulate stable responses of second order systems. 9.2. Experimental results The controller was applied to achieve a reference trajectory in the cartesian space, x − y − z. To start the main trajectory, the robot tracked a line between the initial point (0, 0, −400)[mm], and the point (200, 0, −400)[mm] in the x − y − z space. Then, the trajectory was a circle centered at the origin of the x − y plane, with radius 200[mm], for z = 400[mm]. The inverse kinematics was used to find the joint angles, θ11 , θ12 , and θ13 . The initial conditions for the joint variables in the robot were: [θ11 (0) = 0, θ12 (0) = 0, and θ13 (0) = 0. The observer gain parameters were set to be as follows: ζo1 ζo2 ζo3 5 = 5 5 The controller design parameters were specified to be: ζc1 2 ζc2 = 2 2 ζc3 ωo1 ωo2 ωo3 ωnc1 ωnc2 ωnc3 20 = 22 20 13 = 13 13 Figure 5.25 shows the experimental delta robot test bed. The tracking results in the the x − y − z space, obtained by the proposed Smith predictor based GPI output feedback controller are shown in Figure 5.48. Figure 5.49 depicts the behavior of the controller in each actuated joint.Figure 5.50 shows the control inputs (in voltage) for the tracking process. Last results show that the approximation is acceptable in spite of the input time delay and finally, figures 5.51, 5.52 depict the disturbance input predictors. REFERENCES ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 188 — #204 ✐ ✐ 188 PART | Case Studies Desired trajectory Robot trajectory -300 z(t) -350 -400 -450 -500 200 0 -200 -300 y(t) Figure 5.48 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 x(t) x, y, z-directions reference trajectory tracking with observer based linear controller [rad] 0.5 0 -0.5 θ1∗ (t) θ1 (t) -1 [rad] 0.5 0 -0.5 θ2∗ (t) θ2 (t) -1 [rad] 0.5 0 -0.5 θ3∗ (t) θ3 (t) -1 0 2 4 6 time[s] 8 10 12 Figure 5.49 Tracking behavior for the actuated joints ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 189 — #205 ✐ ✐ Case Studies Chapter | 5 189 15 [Volts] 10 5 0 Vθ1 (t) -5 15 [Volts] 10 5 0 Vθ2 (t) -5 15 [Volts] 10 5 0 Vθ3 (t) -5 0 2 4 6 time[s] 8 10 12 Figure 5.50 Voltage control inputs [rad/s2] 50 ẑ1θ1(t) ẑ1θ1(t + T ) 0 -50 -100 -150 [rad/s2] 50 ẑ1θ2(t) ẑ1θ2(t + T ) 0 -50 -100 -150 [rad/s2] 50 ẑ1θ3(t) ẑ1θ3(t + T ) 0 -50 -100 -150 0 2 4 6 tiempo [s] 8 10 12 Figure 5.51 Disturbance input predictor ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 190 — #206 ✐ ✐ 190 PART | Case Studies [rad/s2] 0 ẑ1θ1(t) ẑ1θ1(t + T ) -50 -100 [rad/s2] -150 0 ẑ1θ2(t) ẑ1θ2(t + T ) -50 -100 -150 [rad/s2] 0 ẑ1θ3(t) ẑ1θ3(t + T ) -50 -100 -150 2 2.05 2.1 2.15 2.2 2.25 tiempo [s] 2.3 2.35 2.4 2.45 Figure 5.52 Zoom on disturbance input predictor ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 191 — #207 ✐ ✐ [1] H. 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Zurita-Bustamante∗ ∗ CINVESTAV-IPN, Departamento de Ingenierı́a Eléctrica, Sección de Mecatrónica, Av. IPN, No. 2508, Colonia San Pedro Zacatenco, Delegación Gustavo A. Madero C.P. 07360, Ciudad de México, México ∗∗ UPIITA-IPN,Instituto Politécnico Nacional - UPIITA, Av. IPN, 2580, Colonia Barrio la Laguna Ticomán, Delegación Gustavo A. Madero C.P. 07340 Ciudad de México, México † CINVESTAV-IPN, Departamento de Control Automático, Av. IPN, No. 2508, Colonia San Pedro Zacatenco, Delegación Gustavo A. Madero C.P. 07360, Ciudad de México, México Chapter Outline Head 1. Introduction 194 2. Controlling the Pendubot via Tangent Linearization 195 2.1. Derivation of the model via Euler-Lagrange equations 195 2.2. Normalization of the model 2.3. Problem formulation 2.4. Tangent linearization 197 197 197 4.3. Tangent linearization 209 4.4. The method of cascaded observers for the ADRC controller for trajectory tracking 211 4.5. Simulations 213 5. The Furuta Pendulum 213 5.1. The Furuta Pendulum Model 214 5.2. Flatness of the Linearized Furuta Pendulum Model 215 5.3. A set of low order observers for ADRC 215 5.4. Problem formulation 215 2.5. A flatness based linear controller 2.6. Simulations 2.7. An ADRC controller based on the tangent linearization model 3. A two mass spring system with an inverted pendulum 3.1. Derivation of the model 3.2. Normalization 3.3. Tangent linearization 199 5.5. A Cascaded GPI Oberver-based ADRC for the Furuta Pendulum 217 201 201 203 203 5.6. The ADRC controller design 218 3.4. A linear controller based on tangent linearization 204 3.5. Simulations 3.6. An ADRC controller based on tangent linearization 3.7. Simulations 4. Double inverted pendulum on a cart 198 198 204 204 206 206 5.7. Experimental Results 6. The ball and beam system 6.1. Tangent Linearization 223 6.2. Obtaining a flat output 224 6.3. On the cascade form of the linearized ball and beam system 224 6.4. Implementing the Active Disturbance Rejection Controller for the linearized system 225 6.5. Experimental results 4.1. Derivation of the model via Euler-Lagrange equations 207 4.2. Normalization 209 219 220 7. Remarks References 227 229 230 193 ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 194 — #210 ✐ ✐ 194 PART | The Case of Underactuated Systems ABSTRACT Underactuated systems, which are non differentially flat, are treated in the context of trajectory tracking tasks to illustrate the effectiveness of ADRC in the control of nonlinear systems via their controllable tangent linearizations around a given equilibrium point. The trajectories may take the operating point significantly far away from the linearization point and the neglected nonlinearities may be substantially excited by the features of the desired reference trajectory. In spite of these classical obstacles to tangent linearization-based control, the ADRC scheme yields quite a robust and precise closed loop performance. Chapter Points • • • • Difficult to control under-actuated, non-flat systems, which exhibit a controllable linearization around a certain equilibrium point are considered to illustrate the effectiveness of the ADRC schemes synthesized on the basis of a tangent linearization of the plant around a given equilibrium point. The control tasks entitle, however, arbitrary output reference trajectory tracking, taking the system state away from the equilibrium point thus overcoming a traditional obstacle to linearization-based control of nonlinear systems. Trajectory planning is carried out for the incremental flat output variables, demanding significant excursions from the initial equilibrium point. The observer-based ADRC scheme estimates the neglected nonlinearities, excited by the features of the planned reference trajectory, and cancels them forcing the controlled plant dynamics to behave as a linear system around the prescribed trajectory. ADRC, in any of its two forms: extended observer based or flat filter control, will efficiently handle the neglected non-linearities of the linearized system, in the trajectory tracking task, while taking the system operation far from the vicinity of the initial equilibrium point where the linearized model is assumed to be valid. An important property of controllable tangent linearization models of underactuated systems is that even order time derivatives of the incremental flat outputs are functions of the measurable incremental position variables alone. Similarly, odd time derivatives of the flat output are functions of the velocity variables alone. This property is exploited to substantially simplify the observerbased ADRC scheme design thus obtaining a robust controlled performance which only requires position measurements, linear controllers and rather unrestricted reference trajectories. 1. INTRODUCTION In this chapter, we explore the relevance of ADRC schemes in a particular but highly visible class of non-differentially flat systems, namely, the class of underactuated, non-flat, systems with controllable tangent linearizations (see [1], [2], [3]). The lack of a flat output in the full non-linear coordinates of the system, introduces defect variables which are noncontrollable and makes it impossible to plan trajectories without solving differential equations [4], [5]. Tangent linearization of such systems, around an equilibrium point, turns out to be, usually, controllable (i.e., flat), thus allowing to formulate the trajectory tracking or stabilization problem, in a direct manner, via the suitable planning of the incremental flat output variables. ADRC will force the controlled system to act as a linear system along the prescribed trajectory. Observer based ADRC, will provide an estimate of the neglected nonlinear terms which can be directly canceled, turning the control problem into a linear problem, regardless of the excursions demanded from the equilibrium point. GPI control will dually attenuate the non-linear disturbances in a radical manner while controlling the remaining linear dynamics (See Appendix B). Under-actuated systems have been the object of sustained research efforts for several decades now (see for instance [6], [7], [8], [1], [9], [10], [11], [12], among others). Interesting contributions have been given from the geometric viewpoint described in configuration spaces and corresponding Lagrangian formulations (see the following authoritative contributions [13], [2], [14]). From the flatness viewpoint, several interesting schemes have been proposed entitling: exploiting the Liouvillian character of those non-flat systems exhibiting an integrable defect (see [15], [16], [17], [4]), and high frequency control inducing flatness in an average sense. The area of robust control of perturbed non-flat systems has been very little explored ([18], [19],[20]). Here, we illustrate how ADRC schemes in combination with flatness are specially suitable for successfully controlling under-actuated, non flat systems, with controllable linearizations while being possibly subject to unforseen exogenous disturbances, to unmodeled dynamics, and to the effects of ignored non-linearities due to the underlying tangent linearization scheme. In this chapter, we present several examples of under-actuated, non-flat, systems whose tangent linearization model is controllable. The flat output of the linearized model is shown to systematically exhibit a remarkable property which enormously facilitates the extended observer and linear feedback controller design for the linearized input-to-flat output dynamics. Even order time derivatives of the flat output can be, invariably, expressed in terms of linear combinations of the measurable position variables alone (see Apendix A). Even order time derivatives of the flat output become, before hitting ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 195 — #211 ✐ ✐ The challenging case of underactuated systems Chapter | 6 195 the control inputs, functions of the measurable generalized position variables alone. On the other hand, odd order time derivatives of the flat output are, in turn, functions of the original incremental generalized velocities alone. These facts make it unnecessary to devote efforts to estimate, via ESO, all the phase variables of the linearized input-output system. In fact, only incremental velocities, or systems momenta, are required to complete the feedback loop. Thus, in observer-based ADRC schemes, the observer design task is decomposed into several low order observers that take linear combinations of position variables as inputs and produce estimates of specific velocities in the system. As it is well known by now, in the case of flat filtering based control, only output variables need to be measured. However, flat filtering can also take advantage of the natural cascaded structure of the controllable linearized under-actuated systems. Some illustrative design examples presented in this chapter are evaluated using digital computer simulations. Experimental results are also included regarding ADRC control of challenging under-actuated systems such as the Furuta pendulum and the ball and beam system . 2. CONTROLLING THE PENDUBOT VIA TANGENT LINEARIZATION The pendubot , and its counterpart, the acrobot , constitute under-actuated systems which are not feedback linearizable and, hence, non differentially flat (for further information, see [21], [22], [23], [11] and references therein). These systems are easy to build, but quite difficult to control. In this section, we propose a straightforward output feedback controller based on the incremental flat output of the linearized model of the system. Linearization is carried out around a natural equilibrium point of the system. We proceed to stabilize the system around such an equilibrium point using an observer based ADRC controller. Figure 6.1 shows a schematic diagram of the acrobot. The main assumptions are: 1) The masses are concentrated at the end of the links 2) The links have negligible mass and all the moment of inertia is due to the bob of the penduli 3) The masses and the link lengths are different. Figure 6.1 The Acrobot 2.1. Derivation of the model via Euler-Lagrange equations The two masses need 4 coordinates to be located on the plane. However, there are two restrictions regarding the fixed distances from the mass centers to their respective pivots. The configuration space must then have dimension 2. The two angles shown, θ1 , θ2 constitute a possible choice for the generalized coordinates describing the system. ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 196 — #212 ✐ ✐ 196 PART | The Case of Underactuated Systems The cartesian coordinate locations of the masses, m1 and m2 , are given by x1 = x2 = L1 sin θ1 , y1 = −L1 cos θ1 , L1 sin θ1 + L2 sin θ2 , y2 = −L1 cos θ1 − L2 cos θ2 (6.1) The corresponding velocities are then given by, Figure 6.2 Generalized coordinates for the acrobot system ẋ1 = L1 θ̇1 cos θ1 , ẏ1 = L1 θ̇1 sin θ1 ẋ2 = L1 θ̇1 cos θ1 + L2 θ̇2 cos θ2 , ẏ2 = L1 θ̇1 sin θ1 + L2 θ̇2 sin θ2 The kinetic energies associated with the two masses are, respectively, i 1 1 h 1 1 K1 = m1 ẋ21 + ẏ21 = m1 L21 θ̇12 , K2 = m2 ẋ22 + ẏ22 = m2 L21 θ̇12 + L22 θ̇22 + 2L1 L2 θ̇1 θ̇2 cos(θ1 − θ2 ) 2 2 2 2 The potential energies, including the external control action, τ, are obtained as U1 U2 = mgL1 (1 − cos θ1 ), = m2 g [L1 + L2 − L1 cos θ1 − L2 cos θ2 ] − τθ2 (6.2) (6.3) (6.4) The Lagrangian of the system, eliminating constant terms, is then expressed as L = K1 + K2 − (U1 + U2 ) 1 1 = (m1 + m2 )L21 θ̇12 + m2 L22 θ̇2 + m2 L1 L2 θ̇1 θ̇2 cos(θ1 − θ2 ) + (m1 + m2 )gL1 cos θ1 + m2 gL2 cos θ2 + τθ2 2 2 The Euler-Lagrange equations of the system are, in this case, of the form: ! ! d ∂L ∂L ∂L d ∂L − − = 0, =0 dt ∂θ̇1 ∂θ1 dt ∂θ̇2 ∂θ2 (6.5) (6.6) ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 197 — #213 ✐ ✐ The challenging case of underactuated systems Chapter | 6 197 Using the above formulae, one obtains the implicit model of the system as, (m1 + m2 )L21 θ̈1 + m2 L1 L2 θ̈2 cos(θ1 − θ2 ) + m2 L1 L2 θ̇22 sin(θ1 − θ2 ) + (m1 + m2 )gL1 sin θ1 m2 L22 θ̈2 + m2 L1 L2 θ̈1 cos(θ1 − θ2 ) − m2 L1 L2 θ̇12 sin(θ1 − θ2 ) + m2 gL2 sin θ2 = 0 = τ (6.7) which in matrix form, (6.8) M(q)q̈ + C(q, q̇)q̇ + G(q) = F reads as follows: #" # " #" # " 0 m2 L1 L2 θ̇2 sin(θ1 − θ2 ) θ̇1 (m1 + m2 )L21 m2 L1 L2 cos(θ1 − θ2 ) θ̈1 + 0 θ̇2 −m2 L1 L2 θ̇1 sin(θ1 − θ2 ) θ̈2 m2 L1 L2 cos(θ1 − θ2 ) m2 L22 + # " # " 0 (m1 + m2 )gL1 sin θ1 = τ m2 gL2 sin θ2 (6.9) 2.2. Normalization of the model Generally speaking, normalization of a system clears the underlying features of the mathematical structure of physical systems and, definitely, helps to ease the simulation tasks. One may alternatively normalize the Lagrangian first or, as we are doing here, proceed to normalize the set of obtained system equations. Define the following variables and dimensionless parameters: r τ 1 L1 g ′ t =t , u= , ǫ= (6.10) , ρ= L2 m2 gL2 1 + (m2 /m1 ) L2 One obtains, then, the following normalized system: ρθ̈1 + ǫ θ̈2 cos(θ1 − θ2 ) + ǫ θ̇22 sin(θ1 − θ2 ) + sin θ1 = 0 θ̈2 + ρθ̈1 cos(θ1 − θ2 ) − ρθ̇12 sin(θ1 − θ2 ) + sin θ2 = u (6.11) where we have used, in an abuse of notation, the ”dot” to indicate time derivatives with respect to the normalized time scale t′ . 2.3. Problem formulation Given an arbitrary initial position for the configuration variables, θ1 , θ2 , it is desired to bring the pendubot system to the stable equilibrium θ1 = 0, θ2 = 0 based only on position measurements. 2.4. Tangent linearization Linearization around the equilibrium point : θ̄1 = 0, θ̄2 = 0, θ̇¯1 = 0, θ̇¯2 = 0, with ū = 0, yields the following incremental dynamics, linearized dynamics or tangent linearization model. # " # # " " #" 0 θ1 ρ ǫ θ̈1 = + u θ2 ρ 1 θ̈2 (6.12) 1 (6.13) The following virtual angular displacement constitutes a flat output of the linearized system, ϕ = ρθ1 + ǫθ2 (6.14) The flat output, ϕ, yields the following string of relations from where the observability property of the incremental flat 1. Due to the nature of the equilibrium point, located at the origin of the state space, the incremental variables coincide with the actual variables. ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 198 — #214 ✐ ✐ 198 PART | The Case of Underactuated Systems output is easily confirmed, ϕ = ρθ1 + ǫθ2 , ϕ̇ = ρθ̇1 + ǫ θ̇2 , ϕ̈ = ρθ̈1 + ǫ θ̈2 = −θ1 , ϕ(3) = −θ̇1 (6.15) Notice that the incremental flat output acceleration, ϕ̈, is a function of the position variables alone. In fact, it coincides with the negative of the (incremental) angular position of the first pendulum. Similarly, the odd time derivatives of the incremental flat output depends only upon velocities of the incremental generalized coordinates of the system. The incremental flat output produces the following differential parametrization of the incremental state variables of the system, i 1h 1 ϕ + ρϕ̈ , θ̇2 = ϕ̇ + ρϕ(3) (6.16) θ1 = −ϕ̈, θ̇1 = −ϕ(3) , θ2 = ǫ ǫ Finally, the incremental control input u is expressible in terms of the flat output as, ! ! 1 1 1−ǫ ϕ(4) + (1 + ρ) ϕ̈ + ϕ (6.17) u=ρ ǫ ǫ ǫ The input-to-flat output dynamics is then a fourth order dynamics, confirming that the variable ϕ is indeed the flat output to which there is no zero dynamics associated. If the variable ϕ is driven to zero, along with all its time derivatives (first, second and third, time derivatives) then θ1 and θ̇1 are driven to zero. In turn θ2 is also driven to zero. The angular velocity θ̇2 is also driven to zero and under such circumstances u converges also to zero, reaching the desired equilibrium input. The system to be controlled is thus represented by the following fourth order linear, time-invariant, system: " # " # " # ! ǫ 1+ρ 1 ǫ θ1 (4) ϕ = − θ2 u− ϕ̈ − ϕ= u+ (6.18) ρ(1 − ǫ) ρ(1 − ǫ) ρ(1 − ǫ) ρ(1 − ǫ) ǫ 2.5. A flatness based linear controller First, for comparison purposes, we design a linear full state feedback controller, before proceeding with an ESO observer based ADRC feedback scheme. A linear incremental state feedback controller stabilizes, exponentially asymptotically to zero, the phase variables associated with the flat output ϕ. Namely, the variables, (ϕ, ϕ̇, ϕ̈, ϕ(3) ) . Let, v be an auxiliary control input. The following partial state feedback control law ) # ( " # " 1+ρ 1 1 ρ(1 − ǫ) ρ(1 − ǫ) (ρθ1 + ǫθ2 ) + v = v (6.19) − θ1 + −θ1 + ǫθ2 + u = ǫ ρ(1 − ǫ) ρ(1 − ǫ) ǫ ǫ reduces the problem to controlling a pure integration system represented by the equation ϕ(4) = v. A traditional prescription for v which requires positions and velocities of the incremental generalized coordinates, is given by: v = −γ3 ϕ(3) − γ2 ϕ̈ − γ1 ϕ̇ − γ0 ϕ = γ3 θ̇1 + γ2 θ1 − γ1 (ρθ̇1 + ǫ θ̇2 ) − γ0 (ρθ1 + ǫθ2 ) (6.20) The above traditional incremental state feedback controller drives the incremental flat output to zero via the appropriate choice of the feedback gains γ3 , · · · , γ0 . The incremental closed loop system responses are governed by the location of the roots of the characteristic polynomial, p(s) = s4 + γ3 s3 + γ2 s2 + γ1 s + γ0 . (6.21) m1 = 0.5 [Kg], m2 = 1 [Kg], L1 = 1 [m], L2 = 0.75 [m], g = 9.8 [m/s2 ]. (6.22) 2.6. Simulations We set the following parameter values The initial angular displacement of mass m1 was taken to be θ1 (0) = 0.5 [rad] with zero angular velocity, while: θ2 (0) = 0 [rad], and θ̇2 = 0 [rad/s]. The closed loop poles of the linear controller were chosen as the roots of the following desired characteristic polynomial, pd (s) = (s2 + 2ξωn s + ω2n )2 = s4 + 4ξωn s3 + (2ω2n + 4ξ2 ω2n )s2 + 4ξω3n s + ω4n (6.23) ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 199 — #215 ✐ ✐ The challenging case of underactuated systems Chapter | 6 199 0.2 0 0 0 -0.2 5 0 0.8 θ̇2 (t) 0 0.6 [rad/s] 0.5 [rad/s] -0.2 0 -0.4 5 time[s] 1 θ̇1 (t) [rad/s] -2 5 time[s] 0.2 -0.6 2 0 0 time[s] τ(t) 4 0.2 -0.2 -0.4 6 θ2 (t) 0.4 [rad] [rad] 0.4 0.6 θ1 (t) [N] 0.6 ϕ(t) 0.4 0.2 0 0 5 -0.5 0 time[s] 5 -0.2 0 time[s] 5 time[s] Figure 6.3 Response of nonlinear pendubot system to linear state feedback control. One obtains a controller design via a term by term identification of the coefficients of the closed loop system characteristic polynomial, p(s), with those of the desired characteristic polynomial pd (s). 2.7. An ADRC controller based on the tangent linearization model Clearly, the flat output ϕ is measurable since the configuration variables θ1 , θ2 , are assumed to be measurable. This is translated, in particular, to the fact that the acceleration of the (incremental) flat output, ϕ̈, is also measurable. This means we can decompose the Extended State Observer design in two complementary parts. 1) The flat output acceleration variable, ϕ̈, may be considered to be a known, measured, auxiliary input represented by −θ1 . Such an input is driving the double integration sub-system yielding the flat output velocity, ϕ̇, and the flat output itself, ϕ. 2) A second order system considers the fourth order time-derivative of the flat output as the second order time derivative of the flat output acceleration. This yields a relation with the system input u and the generalized incremental position variables θ1 and θ2 . This last second order subsystem accepts, through the input channel, all the effects of the neglected nonlinearities, as well as all the possible lumped exogenous perturbation inputs affecting the system. A set of two observers can then be devised for the above described two constitutive subsystems. The block diagram shown in figure 2.7 clarifies the procedure: The input-output representation of the pendubot system, given in (6.19), may be represented as ϕ(4) = ǫ u + ξ(t) ρ(1 − ǫ) (6.24) where ξ(t) represents the effects of the neglected nonlinear terms in the linearization process. Consider the following relations involving the even order time derivatives of the incremental flat output: ϕ̈ = −θ1 , ϕ(4) = ǫ θ1 − θ2 u+ ρ(1 − ǫ) ǫ (6.25) These relations represent dynamical sub-systems with inputs given by known linear combinations of either the gener- ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 200 — #216 ✐ ✐ 200 PART | The Case of Underactuated Systems 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1 -1.2 -1.4 -1.6 -1.8 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Figure 6.4 Motion of pendubot from initial position towards controlled stabilization Figure 6.5 Stabilizing ADRC scheme for the pendubot ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 201 — #217 ✐ ✐ The challenging case of underactuated systems Chapter | 6 201 alized position variables or the position variables and the control input. For the first subsystem, the corresponding observer, which does not need to be an ESO observer, is synthesized on the basis of the subsystem auxiliary input, −θ1 , and the measured flat output ϕ, identified with y0 . The first observer produces, as a result, the estimate of the unmeasured flat output velocity, ϕ̇, here denoted by ŷ1 . d ŷ0 = ŷ1 + λ1 (y0 − ŷ0 ) dt d ŷ1 = −θ1 + λ0 (y0 − ŷ0 ) (6.26) dt For the second subsystem, the corresponding observer is synthesized on the basis of the above input-output relation taking the flat output acceleration as the auxiliary output signal. This second observer produces, as a result, the estimate of the unmeasured flat output third order time derivative, ϕ(3) , here denoted by ŷ3 . d ŷ2 = ŷ3 + λ4 (−θ1 − ŷ2 ) dt θ1 ǫ d u+ ŷ3 = ẑ + − θ2 + λ3 (−θ1 − ŷ2 ) dt ρ(1 − ǫ) ǫ d ẑ = λ2 (−θ1 − ŷ2 ) (6.27) dt Clearly, this observer produces an estimate ŷ3 of the third order time derivative of y and it also estimates, through the variable, z, the disturbances caused by the environment, the unmodelled dynamics as well as the nonlinearities neglected by the linearization process. Here, we have opted for a first order extension in the ESO observer for the estimation the overall disturbances. The (full state) output feedback control is given by: 3 X ρ(1 − ǫ) ∗ (4) ∗ (i) u= ϕ (t) − z − ki ŷi − [ϕ (t)] (6.28) ǫ i=0 with ŷ0 = ϕ, ŷ2 = −θ1 while ŷ1 and ŷ3 are estimated using the reduced order observers arising from the natural cascaded structure , and availability of the flat output acceleration, of the incremental flat output variable dynamics. The controller gains, ki ,i = 0, 1, · · · , 4, are chosen so that the underlying closed loop characteristic polynomial for the linearized system exhibits stable roots. 2.7.1. Simulations We set the parameter values to be identical to those used in the previous simulation. The initial angular displacement of mass m1 was taken to be θ1 (0) = 1.047 [rad] with zero angular velocity, while: θ2 (0) = 0 [rad], and θ̇2 = 0 [rad/s]. Figure 6.6 depicts the controlled response of all states of the nonlinear system as well as the generated torque control input. 3. A TWO MASS SPRING SYSTEM WITH AN INVERTED PENDULUM 3.1. Derivation of the model Consider the system constituted by two masses, joined by a spring, of resting length L1 , which can only be displaced horizontally thanks to a force acting on the first mass. The second mass supports a non-actuated inverted pendulum, as shown in the figure (6.7). The system’s Lagrangian is given by: 1 1 1 1 M ẋ21 + M ẋ22 + m ẋ22 − 2L2 ẋ2 θ̇ cos θ + L22 θ̇2 − k(x1 − x2 + L)2 − mgL2 (1 + cos θ) + F x1 (6.29) L = 2 2 2 2 Here, we have used the fact that the bob mass, in the pendulum, is located at: xm = x2 − L2 sin θ, ym = −L2 cos θ (6.30) ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 202 — #218 ✐ ✐ PART | The Case of Underactuated Systems 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1 5 -5 0 -10 5 0 time[s] 0.5 1.5 θ̇2 (t) 0 1 1 [rad/s] -0.5 0 -1 5 time[s] 2 θ̇1 (t) [rad/s] 0 0 -0.5 0 τ(t) 5 0.5 time[s] -1.5 10 θ2 (t) [rad/s] [rad] 1 1.5 θ1 (t) [N] 1.5 [rad] 202 ϕ(t) 0.5 0 -0.5 0 5 -1 time[s] 0 5 -1 time[s] 0 5 time[s] Figure 6.6 State responses of ADRC controlled pendubot system. Figure 6.7 A two mass spring system with inverted pendulum with corresponding velocities, ẋm = ẋ2 − L2 θ̇ cos θ, ẏm = L2 θ̇ sin θ (6.31) The potential energy is due to the height of the pendulum mass, the spring and the forcing input. The model of the system is just derived from the Euler-Lagrange equations: d ∂L ∂L − = 0, dt ∂ ẋ1 ∂x1 d ∂L ∂L − = 0, dt ∂ ẋ2 ∂x2 d ∂L ∂L − =0 dt ∂θ̇ ∂θ (6.32) ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 203 — #219 ✐ ✐ The challenging case of underactuated systems Chapter | 6 203 obtaining, the following set of nonlinear, coupled, controlled differential equations, M ẍ1 + k(x1 − x2 + L) = F (m + M) ẍ2 − m2 L2 θ̈ cos θ + mL2 θ̇2 sin θ − k(x1 − x2 + L) = 0 m2 L22 θ̈ − mL2 ẍ2 cos θ − mgL2 sin θ = 0 (6.33) 3.2. Normalization The following scaling operations and definitions were carried out to normalize the system equations. r g x2 M k L2 F L1 x1 ′ , χ2 = , t = t , ǫ= , β= , u= , γ= χ1 = L2 L2 L2 m m g mg L2 (6.34) One obtains the set of normalized equations for the system: ǫ χ̈1 + β(χ1 − χ2 + γ) = u (1 + ǫ)χ̈2 − θ̈ cos θ + θ̇ sin θ − β(χ1 − χ2 + γ) = 0 2 θ̈ − χ̈2 cos θ − sin θ = 0 (6.35) 3.3. Tangent linearization Assume the mass spring pendulum system is initially at rest at the following equilibrium point: χ̄1 = 0, χ̄2 = γ, χ̇¯ 1 = 0, χ̇¯ 2 = 0, ū = 0, θ̄ = 0, θ̇¯ = 0 (6.36) and the system is perturbed by a normalized impulsive force, fd , applied to the second mass. Device a controller that brings the mass spring pendulum system to its original equilibrium state in a reasonable amount of time. Define the incremental variables with respect to the initial equilibrium point: χ1δ = χ1 − 0 = χ1 , χ2δ = χ2 − γ, χ̇iδ = χ̇i − 0, i = 1, 2 θδ = θ − 0, θ̇δ = θ̇ − 0, uδ = u − 0 = u (6.37) These variables satisfy, up to first order, the following set of linear equations: ǫ χ̈1δ + β(χ1δ − χ2δ ) = uδ (1 + ǫ)χ̈2δ − θ̈δ − β(χ1δ − χ2δ ) = 0 θ̈δ − χ̈2δ = θδ (6.38) The horizontal projection, χ, of the bob position onto the horizontal axis is given by: χ = x2 − L2 sin θ. Its normalized version is just, χ = χ2 − sin θ. The equilibrium value is readily seen to be: χ = χ2 = γ. The associated normalized velocity is: χ̇ = χ̇2 − θ̇ cos θ Consider, then, the dimensionless incremental variable, χδ , and its time derivatives: χδ = θδ − χ2δ , χ̇δ = θ̇δ − χ̇2δ , χ̈δ = θ̈δ − χ̈2δ = θδ , χ(3) δ = θ̇δ , i h 1 1 (5) , χ = β(x − x ) + (1 + ǫ)θ β( χ̇ − χ̇ ) + (1 + ǫ) θ̇ χ(4) = θ̈ = 1δ 2δ δ 1δ 2δ δ δ δ δ ǫ ǫ " # " # 2 β(1 + ǫ) − 2β (1 + ǫ)2 − β β u + (χ − χ ) + θδ χ(6) = δ 1δ 2δ δ ǫ2 ǫ2 ǫ2 (6.39) The inverse relations, i.e., the incremental state variables in terms of the incremental flat output, and its time derivatives, are easily obtained by inspection using the system of linearized equations: ! ! 1 + ǫ (3) ǫ (5) ǫ 1+ǫ , χ̇ = − χ̇ + 1 − χ̈δ + χ(4) χδ + χδ , χ1δ = −χδ + 1 − 1δ δ β β δ β β (3) χ2δ = θδ − χδ = χ̈δ − χδ , χ̇2δ = χ(3) δ − χ̇δ , θδ = χ̈δ , θ̇δ = χδ (6.40) ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 204 — #220 ✐ ✐ 204 PART | The Case of Underactuated Systems The incremental control input, uδ , is expressed in terms of the flat output χδ as: uδ = ǫ 2 (6) ǫ(1 + β) + ǫ 2 (4) χ + χδ − (1 + 2ǫ)χ̈δ β δ β (6.41) The acceleration and the fourth order time derivative of the incremental flat output are functions of the incremental position variables alone. The sixth order time derivative of the incremental flat output is a function of the incremental control input (i.e., the flat output candidate is confirmed to have full relative degree, as expected) and of even order time derivatives of the flat output. This will allow for the design of three independent observers generating the unmeasured time derivatives of the flat output, necessary for closing the control loop. 3.4. A linear controller based on tangent linearization Controlling the value of the incremental projection of the bob, χδ , to zero, along with all its time derivatives: (4) (5) (χδ , χ̇δ , χ̈δ , χ(3) δ , χδ , χδ ), yields the desired equilibrium for all the system state variables. A linear controller, based on the input-output relation, is given by: ( " # " # ) ǫ2 β(1 + ǫ) − 2β2 (1 + ǫ)2 − β uδ = v− (χ1δ − χ2δ ) − θδ β ǫ2 ǫ2 (6.42) with v = −γ5 χ(5) δ − · · · − γ1 χ̇δ − γ0 χδ (6.43) where, as we have already seen in previous examples, all the time derivatives of χδ are expressible in terms of the system states, χ1δ ,χ̇1δ , χ2δ ,χ̇2δ ,θδ , θ̇δ . The coefficients {γ5 , ..., γ0 } are chosen so that the corresponding characteristic polynomial for the closed loop linearized system is Hurwitz. 3.5. Simulations An impulsive force is given to the second car, i.e., to the cart carrying the inverted pendulum. The task of the controller is to recuperate the lost equilibrium after the impulsive force has been delievered. A flatness based controller is shown to efficiently control the perturbed system. However, all six state variables must be accurately measured. The following set of parameter values were used in the simulations illustrating the performance of a flatness based controller, M = 0.5 [Kg], m = 0.3 [Kg], L1 = 0.1 [m], L2 = 1 [m], g = 9.8 [m/s2 ], k = 30 [N/m]. (6.44) 3.6. An ADRC controller based on tangent linearization The even order time derivatives of the measurable flat output χδ are given by: χ̈δ = θδ 1 χ(4) β(x1δ − x2δ ) + (1 + ǫ)θδ δ = ǫ " # " # β(1 + ǫ) − 2β2 (1 + ǫ)2 − β β (6) (χ1δ − χ2δ ) + θδ χδ = 2 uδ + ǫ ǫ2 ǫ2 (6.45) Let, χδ = θδ − x2δ , be denoted by y0 and its redundant estimated value be ŷ0 . The first relation prompts the following observer ŷ˙ 0 ŷ˙ 1 = ŷ1 + λ1 (θδ − x2δ − ŷ0 ) = θδ + λ0 (θδ − x2δ − ŷ0 ) (6.46) This observer produces the estimate ŷ1 of χ̇δ . ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 205 — #221 ✐ ✐ The challenging case of underactuated systems Chapter | 6 205 [m] 0.2 0 -0.2 x1 (t) x2 (t) 0 0.5 1 1.5 time[s] 2 2.5 [rad] 0.05 3 θ(t) 0 -0.05 0 0.5 1 1.5 time[s] 2 2.5 [N] 50 3 F (t) 0 -50 0 0.5 1 1.5 time[s] 2 2.5 3 Figure 6.8 Closed loop stabilization responses to linear feedback controller after an impulsive disturbance Horizontal projection of pendulums bob positions 0.025 xδ (t) 0.02 [m] 0.015 0.01 0.005 0 -0.005 0 0.5 1 1.5 time[s] 2 2.5 3 Figure 6.9 Stabilization of the flat output after an impulsive disturbance force ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 206 — #222 ✐ ✐ 206 PART | The Case of Underactuated Systems The second relation is translated into the observer ŷ˙ 2 = ŷ3 + λ3 (θδ − ŷ2 ) 1 β(x1δ − x2δ ) + (1 + ǫ)θδ + λ2 (θδ − ŷ2 ) (6.47) ŷ˙ 3 = ǫ where ŷ3 is the estimated value of the third order time derivative of the incremental flat output χδ . Notice that the quantity θ̈δ = 1ǫ β(x1δ − x2δ ) + (1 + ǫ)θδ representing d2 (θ̈δ )/dt2 acts as a ”control” input to this observer, only that written in terms of the measured positions. This observer produces the third order time derivative of the incremental flat output ŷ3 . Finally, the extended observer 1 = ŷ5 + λ6 ( β(x1δ − x2δ ) + (1 + ǫ)θδ − ŷ4 ) ǫ " # " # 2 2 ˙ŷ5 = β uδ + β(1 + ǫ) − 2β (χ1δ − χ2δ ) + (1 + ǫ) − β θδ + λ5 ( 1 β(x1δ − x2δ ) + (1 + ǫ)θδ − ŷ4 ) + ẑ ǫ ǫ2 ǫ2 ǫ2 1 ẑ˙ = λ4 ( β(x1δ − x2δ ) + (1 + ǫ)θδ − ŷ4 ) (6.48) ǫ produces the fifth order time derivative of the incremenal flat output as the variable ŷ5 . Also, this observer produces an estimate of the total disturbance by means of the extended variable ẑ. A block diagram for the mass spring pendulum observers can shown in figure 6.10. Notice, however, that the last observer may be considerably simplified by invoking the cancelling feature of ADRC schemes. In fact, all the linear state dependent additive terms can be considered to be inherited from endogenous disturbance (i.e., state dependent additive terms acting as disturbances) that affect the simplified linear system χ(6) = (β/ǫ 2 )uδ . This is, precisely, one of the remarkable features of ADRC control schemes that make it so similar to Model Free control strategies. We use the following extended observer for the total disturbance estimation in the simplified linearized system. (See Figure 6.10 ) ŷ˙ 4 ŷ˙ 4 = ŷ5 + λ6 ( 1 β(x1δ − x2δ ) + (1 + ǫ)θδ − ŷ4 ) ǫ β uδ + ẑ ǫ2 1 ẑ˙ = λ4 ( β(x1δ − x2δ ) + (1 + ǫ)θδ − ŷ4 ) ǫ ŷ˙ 5 = (6.49) 3.7. Simulations Assume the mass spring pendulum system is initially at rest in the following equilibrium point: χ̄1 = 0 χ̄2 = γ χ̇¯ 1 = 0 χ̇¯ 2 = 0 ū = 0 θ̄ = 0 θ̇¯ = 0 (6.50) At time t = 0 the system is located at the equilibrium point used for the linearization. At this instant, an impulsive force is applied to the second cart (holding the inverted pendulum) and the controller is to restore the initial equilibrium poisition with the pendulum in its vertical, unstable, position. The initial conditions for the system were all set to be zero except the initial position for the second cart which is placed at the position corresponding to the resting spring. 4. DOUBLE INVERTED PENDULUM ON A CART Consider a double inverted pendulum placed on a cart shown in figure 6.13. Each bob has the same mass m and the links are assumed to have negligible mass and moment of inertia. The lengths of the links are considered to be different, of values: L1 and L2 . The cart is free to move, without friction, in a horizontal manner thanks to the action of an external force F. The horizontal position of the cart x M is denoted by x, while those of the bobs are, respectively, denoted by xm1 and xm2 . The configuration space is constituted by S 1 × S 1 × R with generalized coordinates given by the position x of the cart and the angular positions, θ1 and θ2 , of the links. ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 207 — #223 ✐ ✐ The challenging case of underactuated systems Chapter | 6 207 Χδ Χ1δ A mass spring with Χ2δ inverted pendulum θδ -1 Χ1δ velocity y1 =Χδ observer Χδ Χ2δ Χδ β Χδ Χδ 4 third Χδ = y derivative observer 4 Χδ 1+ε 5 Extended Χδ = y State Observer full state feedback controller 5 Estimated disturbance Figure 6.10 ADRC scheme for the mass spring system with a inverted pendulum. [m] 0.2 0 -0.2 x1 (t) x2 (t) 0 0.5 1 1.5 time[s] 2 2.5 [rad] 0.1 θ(t) 0 -0.1 0 0.5 1 1.5 time[s] 2 2.5 50 [N] 3 3 F (t) 0 -50 0 0.5 1 1.5 time[s] 2 2.5 3 Figure 6.11 Closed loop stabilization responses to linear feedback controller after an impulsive disturbance with ADRC scheme. 4.1. Derivation of the model via Euler-Lagrange equations We have, xM = x xm1 xm2 = = x − L1 sin(θ1 )ym1 = L1 cos(θ1 ) x − L1 sin(θ1 ) + L2 sin(θ2 ), ym2 = L1 cos(θ1 ) + L2 cos(θ2 ) (6.51) The velocities associated with each mass are obtained by straightforward time differentiation of their respective posi- ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 208 — #224 ✐ ✐ 208 PART | The Case of Underactuated Systems Horizontal projection of pendulums bob positions 0.07 xδ (t) 0.06 0.05 [m] 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 time[s] 2 2.5 3 Figure 6.12 Stabilization of the flat output after an impulsive disturbance force with ADRC scheme. Figure 6.13 Double inverted pendulum on a cart system ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 209 — #225 ✐ ✐ The challenging case of underactuated systems Chapter | 6 209 tions, ẋ M ẋm2 = = ẋ, ẋm1 = ẋ − L1 θ̇1 cos(θ1 ), ẏm1 = −L1 θ̇1 sin(θ1 ) ẋ − L1 θ̇1 cos(θ1 ) + L2 θ̇2 cos(θ2 ), ẏm2 = −L1 θ̇1 sin(θ1 ) − L2 θ̇2 cos(θ2 ) (6.52) The kinetic energies are obtained as follows: 1 1 M ẋ2 , Km1 = m( ẋ2 − 2L1 ẋθ̇1 cos(θ1 ) + L21 θ̇12 ) 2 2 1 (6.53) Km2 = m( ẋ2 + L21 θ̇12 + L22 θ̇22 − 2L1 ẋθ̇1 cos(θ1 ) + 2L2 ẋθ̇2 cos(θ2 ) − 2L1 L2 θ̇1 θ̇2 cos(θ1 + θ2 ) 2 The potential energies, associated with the bobs masses positions and the work of the external input force, are expressed as, KM = u = mgL1 cos(θ1 ) + mg(L1 cos(θ1 ) + L2 cos(θ2 )) − xF (6.54) The Lagrangian of the system is computed as, L = + 1 (M + 2m) ẋ2 − 2mL1 ẋθ̇1 cos(θ1 ) + mL2 ẋθ̇2 cos(θ2 ) − mL1 L2 θ˙1 θ2 cos(θ1 + θ2 ) + mL21 θ̇12 2 1 2 2 mL θ̇ − 2mgL1 cos(θ1 ) − mgL2 cos(θ2 ) + xF 2 2 2 (6.55) 4.2. Normalization Define the normalized variables and parameters ǫ= L2 x F M , ρ= , χ= , u= , dτ = dt m L1 L1 mg r g L1 (6.56) One obtains the normalized Lagrangian as, 1 1 (6.57) (2 + ǫ)χ̇2 − χ̇θ̇1 cos(θ1 ) + ρχ̇θ̇2 − ρθ̇1 θ̇2 cos(θ1 + θ2 ) + θ̇1 + ρ2 θ̇22 − 2 cos(θ)1 − ρ cos(θ2 ) + χu 2 2 Application of the Euler-Lagrange formalism, to the three generalized coordinates expressing the degrees of freedom of the system, one obtains the following set of normalized coupled, second order, differential equations for the controlled system: L′ = (2 + ǫ)χ̈ − 2θ̈1 cos(θ)1 + 2θ̇12 sin(θ)1 + ρθ̈2 cos(θ2 ) − ρθ̇22 sin(θ2 ) = u −2χ̈ cos(θ)1 − ρθ̈2 cos(θ1 + θ2 ) + ρθ̇22 sin(θ1 + θ2 ) + 2θ̈1 − 2 sin(θ1 ) = 0 ρχ̈ cos(θ2 ) − ρθ̈1 cos(θ1 + θ2 ) + ρθ̇12 sin(θ1 + θ2 ) + ρ2 θ̈2 − ρ sin(θ2 ) = 0 (6.58) In customary matrix form: M(q)q̈ + C(q, q̇)q̇ + G(q) = bu (6.59) T with generalized coordinates, q = (χ, θ1 , θ2 ), we have, 1 2 + ǫ 0 2θ̇1 sin(θ1 ) −ρθ̇2 sin(θ2 ) χ̇ −2 cos(θ1 ) ρ cos(θ2 ) χ̈ 0 0 ρθ̇2 sin(θ1 + θ2 ) θ̇1 + −2 sin(θ1 ) = 0 u 2 −ρ cos(θ1 + θ2 ) θ̈1 + 0 −2 cos(θ1 ) 0 −2ρs ∈ (θ2 ) θ̇2 0 ρθ̇1 sin(θ1 + θ2 ) 0 θ̈2 ρ cos(θ2 ) −ρ cos(θ1 + θ2 ) ρ2 (6.60) The double inverted pendulum on a cart system is not feedback linearizable. Here we propose a ESO observer based ADRC controller for a trajectory tracking task defined on the basis of the controllable linearization system variables. 4.3. Tangent linearization Next, we linearize the system around the unstable equilibrium point, χ̄ = 0, χ̇¯ = 0, θ̄1 = 0, θ̇¯1 = 0, θ̄2 = 0, θ̇¯2 = 0, ū = 0. (6.61) ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 210 — #226 ✐ ✐ 210 PART | The Case of Underactuated Systems In this case, the linearization is around the unstable origin. all incremental variables coincide, then, with the actual variables. The linearized system is written as, χ̈ = θ̈1 = θ̈2 = 1 2 θ1 + u ǫ ǫ 1 2(1 + ǫ) θ1 + θ2 + u ǫ ǫ 2 2 θ1 + θ2 ρ ρ (6.62) The system, in state space form, is found to be controllable. The last row of the inverse of the controllability matrix (see [24]), multiplied by the state vector, reveals that the flat output is given by y = x − θ1 + ρθ2 (6.63) This output represents the linearized horizontal projection of the position of the second bob mass. In other words, the linearized position of the “shadow” of the second bob, on the horizontal line, is a system output that, upon approximate linearization, yileds a flat output capable of differentially parametrizing all the incremental system variables, including the incremental control input u. The consecutive time derivatives of the special output, y, are computed using the observability matrix of the system. This results in, y = x − θ1 + ρθ2 , ẏ = ẋ − θ̇1 + ρθ̇2 , ÿ = θ2 2 2 2 2 y(3) = θ̇2 , y(4) = θ1 + θ2 , y(5) = θ̇1 + θ̇2 ρ ρ ρ ρ (6.64) On the other hand, y(6) = 2 2(2 + ǫ) 2(ρ + ρǫ + ǫ) (4) 2 (θ̈1 + θ̈2 ) = −( )ÿ + ( )y + ( )u ρ ρǫ ρǫ ρǫ (6.65) Note that, once again, it is verified that the acceleration, ÿ, of the flat output y, and its fourth order time derivative y(4) are linear combinations of the position variables alone, while the first, third and fifth order time derivatives of the flat output are functions of the generalized velocities alone. Thus it is not necessary to estimate ÿ and y(4) since they are conformed in terms of the measured positions. The inverse relation yields the following differential parametrization of all system variables, ρ ρ θ1 = y(4) − ÿ, θ̇1 = y(5) − y(3) , θ2 = ÿ, θ̇2 = y(3) 2 2 ρ ρ (6.66) x = y − (1 + ρ)ÿ + y(4) , ẋ = ẏ − (1 + ρ)y(3) + y(5) 2 2 Finally, the differential parametrization of the incremental control input, u, is computed to be, ρǫ u = y(6) − (ρ + ρǫ + ǫ)y(4) + (2 + ǫ)ÿ (6.67) 2 The input-flat output dynamics of the linearized system is therefore given by i 2 h u + (ρ + ρǫ + ǫ)y(4) − (2 + ǫ)ÿ (6.68) y(6) = ρǫ The simplified input-to-flat output dynamics, which is quite useful in simplifying the trajectory tracking ADRC feedback scheme, may be chosen to be : y(6) = 2 u + ξ(t) ρǫ (6.69) This unique advantage of ADRC feedback schemes makes the approach so reminiscent of Model Free Control developed by Fliess and his colleagues. ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 211 — #227 ✐ ✐ The challenging case of underactuated systems Chapter | 6 211 4.4. The method of cascaded observers for the ADRC controller for trajectory tracking In practise, a high-dimensional, extended observer is rather inconvenient due to the noisy estimates of the state variables. One may, alternatively, exploit the fact that all even order time-derivatives of the measurable incremental flat output are functions of the incremental generalized positions alone, i.e., they can be synthesized as linear combinations of the measured horizontal displacement of the cart and the links angular positions. The observer design and the corresponding controller specification easily extends to the trajectory tracking case, thanks to the linearity of the tangent approximation system. Let y∗δ (t) be a given smooth output reference trajectory for the incremental flat output y. Define ey = y − y∗ (t), eu = u − u∗ (t) where u∗ (t) is computed from (6.67) or, alternatively on can resort to the nominal version of equation (6.69), if the option of relegating linear additive endogenous terms to the total disturbance term is chosen. In this case, one simply lets, u∗ (t) = (ρǫ/2)[y∗ (t)](6) . Similarly, we let eθ1 = θ1 − θ1∗ (t) and eθ2 = θ2 − θ2∗ (t) and e x = x − x∗ (t). The incremental state variables nominal trajectories, θ1∗ (t), θ2∗ (t), x∗ (t), as we have seen in previous chapters, are easily obtained from the flatness property which differentially parametrizes all system state variables in terms of the flat output and a finite number of its time derivatives. In our case, the tangent linearized system enjoys such a special property. Consider the following relations satisfied by the even order time derivatives of the incremental flat output trajectory tracking errors: e¨y = eθ2 , e(4) y = i 2 h 2 d2 (6) (4) , e = e + e e + (ρ + ρǫ + ǫ)e − (2 + ǫ)ë (ë ) = ë = y θ θ u y y θ 1 2 y 2 ρ ρǫ dt2 (6.70) These relations may be viewed as dynamical sub-systems with input given by linear combinations of the generalized position tracking error variables. The first two relations are used to build two ESO observers for the un-measured, intermediate, odd degree time derivatives of the incremental flat output tracking error. Let êy0 denote the redundant estimate of the measured flat output tracking error y − y∗ (t). The first observer is devised as follows: d êy = êy1 + λ1 (ey0 − êy0 ) dt 0 d êy = eθ2 + λ0 (ey0 − êy0 ) (6.71) dt 1 This observer produces an estimate êy1 of the first order time derivative of ey . Let the actual value of ëy be expressed as the position error variable θ2 − θ2∗ (t). The redundant estimate of ëy is denoted by êy2 . The second observer is synthesized as follows: d êy dt 2 d êy dt 3 = êy3 + λ3 (eθ2 − êy2 ) = 2 eθ + eθ2 + λ2 (eθ2 − êy2 ) ρ 1 (6.72) Clearly, this observer produces an estimate êy3 of the third derivative of the incremental flat output tracking error y − y∗ (t). The third relation prompts an ESO that simultaneously estimates the fifth order time derivative of the flat output tracking error, here denoted by êy5 , and the possible unknown disturbances, summarized in the extension variable z, due to neglected non-linearities as well as exogenous perturbations (un-modeled dynamics, force disturbances and so on). The actual value of the ey(4) coincides with the linear combination ρ2 eθ1 + eθ2 the redundant estimate of ey(4) is denoted by êy4 . We have, # " 2 d eθ + eθ2 − êy4 êy = êy5 + λ6 dt 4 ρ 1 " # # " 2 d 2 2 eu + (ρ + ρǫ + ǫ)(eθ1 + eθ2 ) − (2 + ǫ)eθ2 + λ5 eθ1 + eθ2 − êy4 êy5 = ẑ + dt ρǫ ρ ρ # " d 2 eθ + eθ2 − êy4 (6.73) ẑ = λ4 dt ρ 1 This observer produces an estimate êy5 of the fifth order time derivative of the incremental flat output tracking error, ey ,and tofh e natural endogenous disturbances caused by the nonlinearities neglected in the linearization of the original system as ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 212 — #228 ✐ ✐ 212 PART | The Case of Underactuated Systems y x Double Pendulum on a cart y velocity observer y -1 y y y 4 third derivative observer y Extended State Observer full state feedback controller y y 4 5 Estimated disturbance Trajectory planning y*(t) 5 y*(t) Figure 6.14 ADRC scheme for the double inverted pendulum on a cart. well as some possible additional uncertainties affecting the system. As in the previous example, the observer may be simplified by neglecting the state terms inherited from the linearized model (See Figure 6.14). One may safely propose, ! " d 2 êy4 = êy5 + λ6 (θ1 + θ2 ) − ŷ4 dt ρ # " d 2 2 eθ1 + eθ2 − êy4 ŷ5 = ẑ + eu + λ5 dt ρǫ ρ # " d 2 ẑ = λ4 eθ1 + eθ2 − êy4 (6.74) dt ρ The output observation error, e0 = ey0 − êy0 , and its time derivatives e1 = eθ2 − êy0 and e2 = 2ρ eθ1 + eθ2 − êy4 generate the following set of reconstruction error dynamics, ë0 + λ1 ė0 + λ0 e0 = 0 ë1 + λ3 ė1 + λ2 e1 = 0 e(3) 2 + λ6 ë2 + λ5 ėe + λ4 e2 = 0 (6.75) An appropriate choice of coefficients (λ6 , . . . , λ0 ) guarantee exponentially decreasing estimation errors, e0 , e1 and e2 . Using, respectively, a second and third order Hurwitz polynomial of the form: (s2 + 2ς0 ωn0 s + ω2n0 ) and (s2 + 2ς1 ωn1 s + ω2n1 )(s + p), one obtains: λ1 = 2ς0 ωn0 , λ0 = ω2n0 , λ3 = 2ς0 ωn0 , λ2 = ω2n0 , λ6 = 2ς1 ωn1 + p, λ5 = 2pς1 ωn1 + ω2n1 , λ4 = pω2n1 , The tracking controller is synthesized with a canceling strategy in mind based on the estimate of the total disturbance input function, ξ(t). The estimation of ξ(t) is denoted by ẑ1 . The output feedback control eu = u − u∗ (t) is given by, ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 213 — #229 ✐ ✐ The challenging case of underactuated systems Chapter | 6 213 ρǫ eu = 2 5 X −ẑ − ki êyi (6.76) i=0 The linear controller gains {k0 , · · · , k5 }, were set by using the coefficients of a desired sixth Hurwitz polynomial of the form, (s2 + 2ζωn s + ω2n )3 . We obtained: k5 = 6ζωn , k4 = (3ω2n + 12ζ 2 ω2n ), k3 = 8ζ 3 ω3n + 12ζω3n , k2 = 12ζ 2 ω4n + 3ω4n , k1 = 6ζω5n , k0 = ω6n . 4.5. Simulations The following set of parameter values were used in the simulations, M = 0.5 [Kg], m1 = 0.3 [Kg], m2 = 0.3 [Kg], L1 = 1 [m], L2 = 0.75 [m], g = 9.8 [m/s2 ]. (6.77) The incremental flat output trajectory y∗δ (t) was specified as a rest-to-rest trajectory to smothly interpolate between the initial value of zero and a final desired value 3 The initial conditions for the system were all set to be zero. Cart Position Applied input force 4 5 2 [N] [m] 3 0 1 0 0 5 10 time[s] Angular deviations of penduli 0.4 [rad] 0.2 0 4 θ1 (t) θ2 (t) 3 0 -0.2 -0.4 -5 [rad] -1 5 10 time[s] Flat output trajectory tracking y(t) y ∗ (t) 2 1 0 5 time[s] 10 0 0 5 time[s] 10 Figure 6.15 Performance of double inverted pendulum system to synthesized ADRC control. 5. THE FURUTA PENDULUM The Furuta pendulum [25], also called the rotational pendulum, is one of the most popular underactuated systems used in academic laboratories around the world. The system is provided with one control input and it has two mechanical degrees of freedom. It consists of an actuated arm, which rotates in the horizontal plane; the actuated arm is joined to a non actuated pendulum which rotates loosely in a vertical plane perpendicular, at the tip, to the horizontal rotating arm. The nonlinearities of the system include the gravitational, coriolis and centripetal forces as well as the acceleration couplings [26]. In addition, the system is non feedback linearizable [1]. The tangent linearization, around the unstable equilibrium point, of the Furuta pendulum is flat (i.e., it is controllable) with a physically measurable flat output. Thus, the problem of stabilization and tracking can be tackled from a combined perspective of flatness and ADRC. Here, low order cascaded observers are used, motivated by the structure revealed by flatness, in the context of an ADRC solution to the trajectory tracking problem. In this section, an ADRC scheme is ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 214 — #230 ✐ ✐ 214 PART | The Case of Underactuated Systems proposed for a trajectory tracking problem associated with the Furuta pendulum (actuated link), while the unactuated pendulum is to remain around its unstable vertical position, without falling, during the entire tracking maneuver. 5.1. The Furuta Pendulum Model The Furuta pendulum is shown in Figure 6.16). The nonlinear model of the mechanical part of the system can be derived from either Newton equations or from the Euler-Lagrange formalism [27]. Figure 6.16 Schematics of the Furuta Pendulum. I1 + m2 (l21 + l22 sin2 (θ2 )) θ̈1 − m2 l2 l1 cos(θ2 )θ̈2 + 2m2 l22 θ̇1 θ̇2 sin(θ2 ) cos(θ2 ) + m2 l2 l1 θ̇22 sin(θ2 ) = τ I2 + m2 l22 θ̈2 − m2 l2 l1 cos(θ2 )θ̈1 − m2 l22 θ̇22 sin(θ2 ) cos(θ2 ) − m2 gl2 sin(θ2 ) = 0 (6.78) (6.79) where θ2 is the angular displacement of the pendulum with respect to the vertical line passing through the pivot of the pendulum, θ1 is the angle of the horizontal arm, measured with respect to an arbitrary but fixed direction in the (x, y) plane, m2 denotes the mass of the pendulum, I2 stands for the inertia of the pendulum; I1 represents the inertia of the horizontal arm; l1 and l2 are, respectively, the lengths of the horizontal arm and the distance between the center of mass of the pendulum and the pendulum pivot; τ is the control input directly applied by the DC motor to the horizontal arm. We specifically assume that only the angular positions: θ1 and θ2 , are measurable. The model (6.78)-(6.79) is not feedback linearizable, i.e., it is non flat. Considered the tangent linearization of the system around the following arbitrary unstable equilibrium point: (6.80) θ̄ = 0, θ̄ = 0, τ̄ = 0, θ̇¯ = 0, θ̇¯ = 0 1 2 1 2 One readily obtains: I2 + m2 l22 I1 + m2 l21 θ̈δ1 − m2 l2 l1 θ̈δ2 θ̈δ2 − m2 l2 l1 θ̈δ1 − m2 gl2 θδ2 = τδ (6.81) = 0 (6.82) where θδ1 = θ1 − 0 = θ1 , θδ2 = θ2 − 0 = θ2 , and τδ = τ − 0 = τ, are the incremental states of the linearized system. In order to simplify the notation, let us define: α = I1 + m2 l21 ǫ = m2 l2 l1 ρ = I2 + m2 l22 η = m2 gl2 ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 215 — #231 ✐ ✐ The challenging case of underactuated systems Chapter | 6 215 One obtains the following implicit incremental description of the system: αθ̈δ1 − ǫ θ̈δ2 = τδ ρθ̈δ2 − ǫ θ̈δ1 − ηθδ2 = 0 (6.83) (6.84) 5.2. Flatness of the Linearized Furuta Pendulum Model The linear model (6.84) is differentially flat, with incremental flat output, denoted by Fδ , given in this case by the following expression, ρ (6.85) Fδ = θδ1 − θδ2 ǫ Indeed, all system variables in the linear model, i.e., states and the control input are expressible as differential functions of the incremental flat output. In other words, they are expressible as functions of the flat output Fδ and a finite number of its time derivatives. ! ρ ǫ ρ ǫ ǫ 2 − αρ (4) θδ1 = Fδ − F¨δ , θ̇δ1 = F˙δ − Fδ(3) , θδ2 = − F¨δ , θ̇δ2 = − Fδ(3) , τδ = (6.86) Fδ + αF̈δ η η η η η The linearized input to flat output model of the system is given by, ! ! η αη Fδ(4) = 2 F̈δ τδ − 2 ǫ − αρ ǫ − αρ (6.87) where it is assumed that ǫ 2 − αρ , 0. 5.3. A set of low order observers for ADRC It is immediate from the differential parametrization (6.86), that the tangent system naturally decomposes into a cascade connection of two independent blocks, the first one controlled by the torque input τδ with the corresponding output given by the flat output incremental acceleration, F̈δ . This output coincides, modulo a constant factor − ηǫ , with the vertical arm incremental angular position, θδ2 , i.e., F̈δ = − ηǫ θδ2 . The signal − ηǫ θδ2 , acts then as an auxiliary known (i.e., measurable) input to the second block, which consists of a chain of two integrators rendering the phase variables Ḟδ and Fδ . The last variable Fδ being the incremental flat output to be controlled in the overall system (see Figure 6.17). Figure 6.17 Cascade strucutre of the linearized Furuta Pendulum System This cascading property simplifies and decouples the observer design task in the Flatness based ADRC scheme to be presented next. 5.4. Problem formulation On the basis of (6.87), we adopt the following simplified perturbed model for the underlying nonlinear Furuta pendulum system (6.87): ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 216 — #232 ✐ ✐ 216 PART | The Case of Underactuated Systems Fδ(4) ! η = 2 τδ + ξ̃(t) ǫ − αρ (6.88) where ξ̃(t) represents state dependent expressions, all the higher order terms (h.o.t) neglected by the linearization, the possibly unmodeled dynamics, and external unknown disturbances affecting the system. We lump all this uncertain terms into a single time-varying function model represented by ξ̃(t), which in our case is of the form: ξ̃(t) = − ! αη F̈δ + h.o.t ǫ 2 − αρ (6.89) Suppose it is desired to transfer the horizontal arm from the initial position θδ1 (0) = 0 towards the final position θδ1 (t f ) = Θ in a finite, pre-specified, time interval [0, t f ]. The maneuver is to be carried out while the vertical arm (pendulum) evolves closely around the unstable position (i.e θδ2 (0) = 0). It is desired to accomplish this maneuver without losing the vertical unstable position of the pendulum arm θδ1 (t f ) = 0 at the end of, and long thereafter of, the prescribed time interval. Clearly, such a rest-to-rest maneuver is feasible via an adequate planning of the trajectory for the flat output Fδ = θδ1 − ρǫ θδ2 . The vertical arm is required to start and end at the unstable position, then θ2 (0) = θ2 (t f ) = 0. The horizontal arm orientation θ1 starts at rest at θ1 (0) = 0 and ends the maneuver at a different rest point, θ1 (t f ) = Θ f with θ̇1 (0) = θ̇1 (t f ) = 0. Hence, the initial value of the flat output is, Fδ (0) = 0, while its final value is: Fδ (t f ) = Θ f . One could prescribe a smooth rest to rest trajectory for Fδ∗ (t) using, for instance, a Bèzier polynomial with sufficient time derivatives being zero at the initial and at the final instants. The flat output trajectory tracking error eFδ = Fδ − Fδ∗ (t) is seen to evolve according to, e(4) Fδ ! η τδ + ξ(t) ǫ 2 − αρ = (6.90) where ξ(t) represents the previously defined unknown input term, complemented now by the effects arising from the prescribed nominal flat output trajectory and its various time derivatives. Let e(i) F δ = ei , i = 0, 1, 2, 3 be the flat output tracking error and its first three time derivatives. The flat output trajectory tracking error perturbed state space model is, given by, ė0 = e1 ė1 = e2 ė2 = e3 ė3 = (6.91) ! η τδ + ξ(t) ǫ 2 − αρ At this point we make use of the cascading property and view the previous system as the connection of two subsystems. Note that e2 = F̈δ − F̈δ∗ (t) (6.92) is the known input to the second order pure integration system, ė0 ė1 (6.93) = e1 = F̈δ − F̈δ∗ (t) An observer for this subsystem will give an estimate of the unmeasured first order time derivative of the flat output tracking error e1 . The rest of the system is given by ė2 = e3 ė3 = ! η τδ + ξ(t) ǫ 2 − αρ (6.94) ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 217 — #233 ✐ ✐ The challenging case of underactuated systems Chapter | 6 217 This subsystem prompts an ESO for the simultaneous observation of e3 , the third order time derivative of the incremental flat output tracking error and the total disturbance function ξ(t). 5.5. A Cascaded GPI Oberver-based ADRC for the Furuta Pendulum The perturbation term ξ(t) is algebraically observable [28] since it can be expressed algebraically in terms of the input, the output, and their finite time derivatives. Then, one may propose an internal time polynomial model for such an unknown time-varying function ξ(t), here denoted by z1 , and adopt, say, the following sixth order time polynomial model for ξ(t): z(6) = 0. Then, with z(t) = z1 , the flat output trajectory tracking error model (6.91) may be rewritten as follows: ė0 = e1 ė1 ė2 = e2 = e3 ė3 = ż1 = z2 ! η τδ + z1 ǫ 2 − αρ ż2 = z3 .. . ż6 = 0 (6.95) A set of two lower order linear observers are proposed for the simultaneous estimation of the unmeasured phase variables associated with the output tracking error eFδ and the disturbance signal term ξ(t): ê˙ 0 ê˙ 1 = ê1 + κ1 (e0 − ê0 ) = Fδ − Fδ∗ (t) + κ0 (e0 − ê0 ) (6.96) Were Fδ = θδ1 − ρǫ θδ2 . This observer yields ê1 an estimate of ėFδ . The second observer, including a disturbance observer is given by ê˙ 2 ê˙ 3 = ê3 + λ7 (e2 − ê2 ) ! η = τδ + ẑ1 + λ6 (e2 − ê2 ) ǫ 2 − αρ ẑ˙1 ẑ˙2 ẑ˙3 ẑ˙4 ẑ˙5 = = = = = ẑ˙6 = λ0 (e2 − ê2 ) ẑ2 + λ5 (e2 − ê2 ) ẑ3 + λ4 (e2 − ê2 ) ẑ4 + λ3 (e2 − ê2 ) ẑ5 + λ2 (e2 − ê2 ) ẑ6 + λ1 (e2 − ê2 ) (6.97) where e2 = F̈δ − F̈ ∗ (t) = − ηǫ θδ2 − F̈ ∗ (t). The observation error, ẽ0 = e0 − ê0 , of the incremental flat output tracking error, generates the following linear injected estimation error dynamics: ẽ¨ 0 + κ1 ẽ˙ 0 + κ0 ẽ0 = 0 (6.98) An appropriate choice of the design coefficients: {κ1 , κ0 }, placing the roots of the corresponding characteristic polynomial deep into the left half of the complex plane, renders an asymptotically, exponentially, decreasing estimation error state, ẽ1 , ẽ˙ 1 = ẽ2 . The tracking error velocity for the flat output ėFδ is, thus, accurately estimated for feedback purposes. Similarly, consider the observation error, ẽ2 = e2 − ê2 , of the flat output acceleration tracking error. It generates the following dominantly linear reconstruction error dynamics: (7) (6) (6) ˙ ẽ(8) 3 + λ7 ẽ3 + λ6 ẽ3 · · · + λ1 ẽ3 + λ0 ẽ3 = ξ (t) (6.99) ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 218 — #234 ✐ ✐ 218 PART | The Case of Underactuated Systems It may be proved that a necessary and sufficient condition for having the incremental flat output acceleration estimation error ẽ3 and its associated phase variables, ˙˜e3 ,¨˜e3 , ..., ẽ(8) 3 , ultimately, uniformly, converge towards a small as desired neighborhood of the acceleration estimation error phase space is that ξ(6) (t) be uniformly absolutely bounded. An appropriate choice of the design coefficients: {λ7 , ..., λ1 , λ0 }, placing the poles of the associated linear homogenous system sufficiently far into the left half of the complex plane, renders an uniformly asymptotically convergent estimation error, ẽ3 , towards an arbitrary small vicinity of the origin along with a finite number of its time derivatives. In the case at hand, the observer gain parameters λ j , for j = 0, 1, 2, · · · , 8 are chosen using the methodology proposed by Kim et al. in [29] based on extensive use of the, so called, characteristic ratios of the characteristic polynomial. This methodology suitably mitigates the “peaking phenomenon” typical of high gain pole placement injected responses of the observer [30]. Consider a characteristic polynomial p(s) of the form: an sn + an−1 sn−1 + · · · + a2 s2 + a1 s + a0 , ai > 0 (6.100) and let αi be the characteristic ratios of p(s). It has been shown [29] that if the following two conditions are satisfied, the polynomial (6.100) is Hurwitz 1) α1 > 2; sin 2) αk = kπ n + sin 2 sin kπ n π n α1 (6.101) for k = 2, 3, . . . , n − 1. The construction of the all-pole stable characteristic polynomial involves only α1 which we require to be larger than 2. Thus, this result allows us to characterize the reference all-pole systems by adjusting a single parameter α1 to achieve the desired damping. Since the generalized time constant can be chosen independently of αi , For an arbitrary a0 and T > 0: a1 = T a0 ai = T i a0 2 αi−1 αi−2 α3i−3 · · · α1i−1 for i = 2, 3, . . . , n ! aj λj = , for j = 0, 1, , 3, . . . , 8 an (6.102) The smoothness of the error responses and noise rejection properties, bestowed by the scheme, make it a highly recommendable choice for pole placement in practical situations. The reader may find details in the above cited reference. 5.6. The ADRC controller design The control input may then be readily synthesized with an active disturbance canceling strategy for the uncertain input ξ(t), in terms of its estimated value ẑ1 , and the use, for feedback purposes, of the estimated time derivatives associated with the incremental flat output tracking errors: e1 and the measurable incremental flat output acceleration error, e3 . We propose then, ! ǫ 2 − αρ [ẑ1 + k3 ê3 + k2 e2 + k1 ê1 + k0 e0 ] τδ = − η (6.103) where, naturally, the measured tracking errors, e0 and e2 , are used instead of their redundant estimates. This is due to the fact that these variables are known to be measurable through the original position variables θ and φ and their incremental values. Notice that the coefficients of the controller should be chosen in accordance with the fact that, the incremental flat output tracking error is being approximately governed by the differential equation: (3) e(4) 0 + k3 e0 + k2 ë0 + k1 ė0 + k0 e0 = ξ(t) − ẑ1 (6.104) ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 219 — #235 ✐ ✐ The challenging case of underactuated systems Chapter | 6 219 the set of design coefficients,{k3 , ..., k1 , k0 } should render the underlying characteristic polynomial, p(s) = s(4) + k3 s(3) + k2 s2 + k1 s + k0 , a Hurwitz polynomial. We propose k3 = 4ζc ωc , k2 = 2ω2c + 4ζc2 ω2c , k1 = 4ζc ω3c , k0 = ω4c . Figure 6.18 Block diagram for the Furuta Pendulum control scheme Figure 6.19 Furuta pendulum system prototype 5.7. Experimental Results Figure 6.18 shows a diagram of the experimental platform used for the Furuta Pendulum. The experimental device (Figure 6.19) consists of a Brushed servomotor from Moog, model C34L80W40, which drives the horizontal arm through a synchronous belt with a 4.5:1 ratio. The angles of the pendulum and arm (motor) can be measured with incremental optical encoders of 2500 CPR. A digital amplifier, model Junus 90, working in current mode, is in charge of driving the motor. ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 220 — #236 ✐ ✐ 220 PART | The Case of Underactuated Systems The data acquisition is carried out through a data card from Quanser consulting, model QPIDe terminal board. This card reads signals from the optical incremental encoders and supplies control voltages to the power amplifiers. The control strategy was implemented in the Matlab-Simulink platform. Finally, the sampling time was set to be 0.0005[s]. The Furuta Pendulum parameters were l0 = 0.33[m], l1 = 0.275[m], m0 = 1.64[Kg], m1 = 0.141[Kg], I0 = 0.0481[Kg-m2], I1 = 0.0036[Kg-m2], which are used in (6.97), (6.103), to obtain ρ, η, α, ǫ, and γ respectively. The initial conditions for the joint variables in the system were: [θ1 = 0, θ2 = 0]. The observer gain parameters for the observation error ẽ1 , were set to be : ζo = 2, ωo = 15. The observer gain parameters for the dynamics of the observation error ẽ3 , were set to be as follows: n = 8, T = 6, a0 = 16, α = 4. The controller design parameters were specified to be: ζc = 1 , ωc = 12. Figure 6.20 shows the performance of the Furuta Pendulum experimental platform; while the horizontal arm is rotating, the pendulum’s lies nearly vertically at the unstable position, θ2 = 0. Figure 6.21 shows the performance of the horizontal arm from the initial position θ1 (2) = 0 towards the final position θ1 (5.4) = 2π during a time interval t ∈ [2, 5.4] [s]. The produced control torque is depicted in Figure 6.22. Notice that the lumped disturbance estimation (see Figure 6.23) determines the waveform of the control input, which tries to cancel out the additive disturbance inputs. Figure 6.24 shows the behavior of the flat output Fδ = θδ1 − ρǫ θδ2 , from the initial value, Fδ (2) = 0, towards the desired final value: Fδ (5.4) = 2π, Figure 6.25 show the tracking error which remains restricted to a small bounded zone centered around the origin of the error phase space. 0.4 0.3 0.2 [rad] 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 θ2∗ (t) θ2 (t) 0 5 10 time[s] 15 20 Figure 6.20 Vertical angle closed loop behavior. 6. THE BALL AND BEAM SYSTEM Consider the ball and beam system, shown in the Figure 6.26. This system consists of a ball placed on a beam, which undergoes an angular displacement around a centered pivot, actuated by a dc motor directly coupled to the beam by means of a pulley. The dynamical model is represented as follows [31]: m2 x2 + m1 l21 + I1 + I p θ̈ + 2m2 x ẋθ̇ + m2 gx cos θ + m1 gl1 sin θ = Nτ I2 m2 + 2 ẍ − m2 xθ̇2 + m2 g sin θ = 0 R (6.105) (6.106) ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 221 — #237 ✐ ✐ The challenging case of underactuated systems Chapter | 6 221 8 7 6 [rad] 5 4 3 2 1 0 θ1 (t) -1 0 5 10 time[s] 15 20 Figure 6.21 Horizontal arm angular reference trajectory tracking behavior. 4 3 2 [N-m] 1 0 -1 -2 -3 τδ (t) -4 0 5 10 time[s] 15 20 Figure 6.22 Torque input trajectory ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 222 — #238 ✐ ✐ 222 PART | The Case of Underactuated Systems 2200 1800 1400 1000 [rad/s4] 600 200 -200 -600 -1000 ẑ1 (t) -1400 0 5 10 time[s] 15 20 Figure 6.23 Lumped on-line disturbance estimation. 7 6 5 [rad] 4 3 2 1 0 -1 0 Fδ∗ (t) Fδ (t) 5 10 time[s] 15 20 Figure 6.24 Flat output reference trajectory tracking. ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 223 — #239 ✐ ✐ The challenging case of underactuated systems Chapter | 6 223 0.6 0.5 0.4 [rad] 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2 eF δ (t) -0.3 0 5 10 time[s] 15 20 Figure 6.25 Tracking error for the flat output. Figure 6.26 A schematic of the Ball and Beam system where x ∈ R denotes the position of the ball measured from the center of mass of the beam, θ ∈ R is the angular position 2 of the beam, m2 ∈ R and R ∈ R denote, respectively, the ball mass and its radius. I2 = m2 R2 ∈ R is the ball inertia, I1 ∈ R 5 denotes the beam inertia, m1 ∈ R is the beam mass and I p ∈ R represents the inertia of the pulley system. N ∈ R is a ratio of distances concerning the pulley/motor actuator. The control input (motor torque), τ ∈ R, can be expressed as a function of kτ the motor voltage through the approximate relation: τ(t) = V(t), where kτ ∈ R is the motor torque constant, and Ra ∈ R Ra is the motor’s armature electric resistance. The problem formulation is as follows: It is desired to transfer the ball position from an initial value, x(0) , to a given final value x(t f inal ) in a finite, prescribed, interval of time [0, t f inal ], though a smooth rest-to-rest, smooth, reference trajectory. 6.1. Tangent Linearization The system desired equilibrium point is described by: θ̄ = 0, θ̇¯ = 0, x̄ = 0, ẋ¯ = 0, V̄ = 0. The approximate linearization of the system (6.105) - (6.106) around the equilibrium point is given by ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 224 — #240 ✐ ✐ 224 PART | The Case of Underactuated Systems kτ N Vδ (6.107) m1 l21 + I1 + I p θ̈δ + m2 gxδ + m1 gl1 θδ = Ra I2 m2 + 2 ẍδ + m2 gθδ = 0 (6.108) R with incremental states, θδ = θ − θ̄ = θ, θ̇δ = θ̇ − θ̇¯ = θ̇, xδ = x − x̄ = x, ẋδ = ẋ − ẋ¯ = ẋ, and Vδ = V − V̄ = V. To simplify the notation we define: α = m1 l21 + I1 + I p , β = m2 g, σ = m1 gl1 , γ = m2 + I2 , R2 µ= kτ N Ra (6.109) The system is re-expressed as: αθ̈δ + βxδ + σθδ = µVδ γ ẍδ + βθδ = 0 (6.110) (6.111) 6.2. Obtaining a flat output The linearized model (6.110) - (6.111) is controllable, hence flat. The flat output coincides with the incremental position of the ball. Define: xδ = x (6.112) coincident here with the actual ball position x. We obtain the following parametrization of the ball and beam system states in term of flat output and a finite number of its time derivatives: α α αγ σγ β x = xδ , ẋ = ẋδ , θδ = − ẍδ , θ̇δ = − x(3) , Vδ = − x(4) − ẍδ + xδ β β δ βµ δ βµ µ (6.113) 6.3. On the cascade form of the linearized ball and beam system The linearized acceleration of the ball can be expressed in terms of the angular position of the beam through the following relation: β ẍδ = − θδ (6.114) γ The incremental input-to-flat output relation for the ball and beam system (6.113), is represented by means of a fourth order linear, time-invariant, system: x(4) δ =− σ β2 βµ Vδ − ẍδ + xδ αγ α αγ (6.115) Notice that the linearized system naturally decomposes into a cascade connection of two blocks; the first one controlled by the input voltage Vδ (t), with the corresponding output given by the flat output incremental acceleration ẍδ = ẍ. This output coincides, modulo a constant factor, γβ , with the beam incremental angular position, θδ = θ, i.e., ẍδ = − γβ θδ . The signal − γβ θδ , acts then as an auxiliary, measurable, input to the second block, which consists of an elementary chain of two integrators. These facts render, simply enough, the possibility of estimation of the phase variables ẋδ and xδ (Figure 6.27). This cascade property simplifies and decomposes the Extended State Observer design task for the ADRC scheme into two lower order observer designs. The net result is that on-line observer-based phase variable estimations are limited to a simpler estimation of the first order time derivative and the third order time derivative of the flat output. The alternative is to estimate the consecutive time derivatives of the flat output up to a third order. ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 225 — #241 ✐ ✐ The challenging case of underactuated systems Chapter | 6 225 Figure 6.27 Cascade structure of ball and beam system. 6.4. Implementing the Active Disturbance Rejection Controller for the linearized system The linearized system can be expressed as follows: x(4) δ =− βµ σ β2 Vδ − ẍδ + xδ + h.o.t. + ν(t) αγ α αγ (6.116) where h.o.t. stands for high order terms and ν(t) includes the unmodeled dynamics, the external disturbances, exogenous perturbations etc. The flat output trajectory tracking error is defined as e xδ := xδ − x∗ (t) = x − x̄ − (x∗ (t) − x̄), this term coincides with the tracking error x − x∗ (t). Let us treat the tracking error dynamics as the following simplified perturbed model: e(4) xδ = − βµ Vδ + ξ(t) αγ (6.117) where ξ(t) is the total disturbance, representing the effects of the neglected incremental state dependent linearities, unmodeled dynamics, external disturbances and, specially, the nonlinearities collected in the higher order terms, eliminated by the linearization and Vδ∗ (t) ∈ R is the feedforward control input. In other words: ξ(t) = β2 βµ ∗ σ Vδ − ẍδ + xδ + h.o.t. + ν(t) αγ α αγ (6.118) 6.4.1. Extended State Observer Design Denote, e(i) xδ ∈ R simply as ei , i = 0, 1, . . . , n − 1. The flat output trajectory tracking error perturbed state space model is given by, ė0 = e1 ė1 = e2 ė2 = e3 βµ ė3 = − Vδ + ξ(t) αγ (6.119) Notice that the variable e2 may be expressed as: β e2 = ẍδ − ẍ∗δ (t) = − θδ − ẍ∗δ (t) γ (6.120) which represents a known input to the second order pure integration system ė0 = e1 β ė1 = e2 = − θδ − ẍ∗δ (t) γ (6.121) ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 226 — #242 ✐ ✐ 226 PART | The Case of Underactuated Systems while the rest of the error system is given by, ė2 = e3 βµ ė3 = − Vδ + ξ(t) αγ (6.122) A set of two second order linear Extended State Observers can be proposed for the simultaneous estimation of the flat output tracking error phase variables associated with e xδ and of the perturbation signal ξ(t) = z1 ∈ R. Using the cascade property it follows: For the phase variables e0 and e1 in equation (6.121), one sets, ê˙ 0 = ê1 + ρ1 (e0 − ê0 ) β ê˙ 1 = − θδ − ẍ∗δ (t) + ρ0 (e0 − ê0 ) γ (6.123) while for for the rest of the dynamics, associated with e2 and e3 , in (6.122), including the disturbance z1 , one synthesizes: ê˙ 2 = ê3 + λϕ+1 (e2 − ê2 ) βµ ê˙ 3 = − Vδ + ẑ1 + λϕ (e2 − ê2 ) αγ ẑ˙ j = ẑ j+1 + λ p− j (e2 − ê2 ), j = 1, . . . , m żϕ = λ0 (e2 − ê2 ) (6.124) where m is the order of the dynamic state extension for the disturbance observer, which, in this case, it is set to be m = 6. The observation error, ẽ0 = e0 − ê0 , of the incremental flat output tracking error satisfies the following perturbed dynamics: ẽ¨0 + γ1 ẽ˙ 0 + γ0 ẽ0 = η(ẽ˙ 0 , ẽ0 , e2 ) (6.125) where η(ẽ˙ 0 , ẽ0 , e2 ) is a perturbation term depending on the estimates of the tracking errors, and on e2 . An appropriate choice of the design coefficients: {γ1 , γ0 }, placing the roots of the corresponding characteristic polynomial into the left half of the complex plane, renders an asymptotically, exponentially, decreasing estimation error phase variables, ẽ0 , ẽ˙ 0 and ẽ¨0 towards previously chosen arbitrarily small neighborhoods of the origin. In this case, the parameters γ1 , γ0 are selected such that a stable second order dynamics with characteristic polynomial s2 + 2ζo ωo s + ω2o , being ζo , ωo ∈ R+ , is matched. The parameters are chosen as follows: γ1 = 2ζo ωo , and γ0 = ω2o , ω0 , ζ0 ∈ R+ . The tracking error velocity ėrδ = e1 is accurately estimated for feedback purposes by ê1 . The observation error of the flat output acceleration tracking error ẽ2 = e2 − ê2 generates the following linear reconstruction error dynamics: ẽ2(m+2) + λm+1 ẽ2(m+1) + . . . + λ1 ẽ˙ 2 + λ0 ẽ2 = [ξ(t)](m) (6.126) A necessary and sufficient condition for having the incremental flat output acceleration estimation error ẽ2 , and its associated phase variables, ẽ2 , ẽ˙ 2 , . . . , ẽ2(m+1) , ultimately, uniformly, converge towards a sufficiently small neighborhood of the acceleration estimation error phase space, consists in choosing the observer gains: λk , {k = 0, ..., m + 1}, sufficiently large and such that the linear injected error dynamics becomes Hurwitz. As performed in last section, the characteristic ratio assignment pole placement method [29] is proposed. The controller may be readily synthesized as a disturbance canceling ADRC, properly removing the total input disturbance, ξ(t), while imposing a desired exponentially dominated tracking error dynamics. This canceling action is achieved by using the total disturbance estimated value ẑ1 . Simultaneously, the tracking error phase variables estimates ê1 and ê3 are obtained from the proposed observers. The controller is thus given by: Vδ = αγ k0 e0 + k1 ê1 + k2 e2 + k3 ê3 + ẑ1 βµ (6.127) where, naturally, the tracking errors, e0 and e2 , themselves are used instead of their estimates. The coefficients of the feedback controller are chosen considering the differential equation of the closed loop flat output tracking error: (3) e(4) 0 + k3 e0 + k2 ë0 + k1 ė0 + k0 e0 = ξ(t) − ẑ1 (6.128) The set of coefficients {k3 , k2 , k1 , k0 } are chosen so that the associated characteristic polynomial of the dominantly linear closed loop dynamics, pc (s) = s4 + k3 s3 + k2 s2 + k1 s + k0 becomes a Hurwitz polynomial. In this case: k3 = 4ζc ωc , k2 = 2ω2c + 4ζc2 ω2c , k1 = 4ζc ω3c , k0 = ω4c , with 0 < ζc < 1, ωc ∈ R+ . One may force the closed loop tracking error dynamics to ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 227 — #243 ✐ ✐ The challenging case of underactuated systems Chapter | 6 227 exhibit the desired stable fourth order dynamics with characteristic polynomial coincident with (s2 + 2ζc ωc s + ω2c )2 . Figure 6.28 Block diagram of Ball and beam implemented control system Figure 6.29 Ball and beam system prototype 6.5. Experimental results A diagram of the experimental platform of the ball and beam system, is shown in Figure 6.28. The experimental device depicted in Figure 6.29 consists of a 24 V DC motor which drives an aluminium beam via a synchronous belt and a pulley with a ratio N = 6 : 1. The angular position of the beam is measured using an incremental optical encoder of 2500 pulses per revolution. A linear sensor, consisting on an etched nickel-chromium wire, measured the position of the ball along the beam with a resolution of 25 [mm/V]. The data acquisition is carried out through a Quanser data card, model QPIDe. The control strategy described before was implemented in the Matlab-Simulink Quarc platform. The sampling time was 0.001[s]. The parameters for the beam are: I1 = 0.0045[Kg-m2], m1 = 0.065[Kg], l1 = 0.015[m], I p = 0.001[Kgm2 ], m2 = 0.065[Kg], and I2 = 0.0045[Kg-m2]. The radius of the ball is, R = 0.0127[m]. The parameters of the motor are: Ra = 2.983[Ω], kτ = 0.0724[Nm/A]. The initial conditions for the position variables in the system were: [x = 0, θ = 0]. The observer gain parameters for the observation error ẽ0 , were ζo = 1.3, ωo = 13. The observer gain parameters for observation error ẽ2 dynamics were set: T = 6, a0 = 4, α1 = 4.1. The controller design parameters were ζc = 1 , ωc = 15. Figure 6.30 ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 228 — #244 ✐ ✐ 228 PART | The Case of Underactuated Systems shows the ball tracking trajectory performance from the initial position xδ (0) = 0 toward the position xδ (9) = 0.12, the ball is moved to the final position xδ (18) = −0.12. The tracking error is detailed in Figure 6.31, where it is shown that the position error is restricted to the interval [−0.004, 0.004] [m], Figure 6.32 shows the ball trajectory tracking performance. The applied control input Voltage is depicted in figure 6.33. Notice that the lumped disturbance estimation (Figure 6.34) largely determines the form of the disturbance canceling control input signal. 0.15 x∗δ (t) xδ (t) 0.11 0.07 [m] 0.03 -0.01 -0.05 -0.09 -0.13 0 5 10 15 time[s] 20 25 30 Figure 6.30 Trajectory tracking performance of the ADRC controller 0.01 0.008 0.006 0.004 [m] 0.002 0 -0.002 -0.004 -0.006 -0.008 exδ = xδ (t) − x∗δ (t) -0.01 0 5 10 15 time[s] 20 25 30 Figure 6.31 Output trajectory tracking error ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 229 — #245 ✐ ✐ The challenging case of underactuated systems Chapter | 6 229 0.4 0.3 0.2 [m/s2] 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 ẍ∗δ ẍδ (t) = − βγ θ(t) 0 5 10 15 time[s] 20 25 30 Figure 6.32 Tracking of ball acceleration 6 4 [Volts] 2 0 -2 -4 Vδ (t) -6 0 5 10 15 time[s] 20 25 30 Figure 6.33 Voltage control input signal 7. REMARKS This chapter has shown that challenging nonlinear systems, such as the class of under-actuated non-linear systems, which cannot be exactly feedback linearized, constitute excellent examples that may be used to illustrate the effectiveness of ADRC schemes when combined with the flatness property, possibly present in the tangent linearization model of the system. This applies both to extended observer based designs, or to flat filtering based control schemes. The remarkable feature is that if the system exhibits a controllable tangent linearization around a given equilibrium point, then the ADRC control scheme enjoys global features when the design is based on the incremental flat output. Incremental flat output reference trajectories, taking the system operation substantially away from the operating equilibrium, may be imposed, and tracked, regardless of the excitation that the faithful controlled tracking may cause to the system nonlinearities, neglected ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 230 — #246 ✐ ✐ 230 PART | The Case of Underactuated Systems 200 150 100 [m/s4] 50 0 -50 -100 -150 ˆ = ẑ1 (t) ξ(t) -200 0 5 10 15 time[s] 20 25 30 Figure 6.34 Total on-line disturbance estimation by the linearization process. The results show how the combination of incremental flatness and ADRC naturally overcome a traditional obstacle to linearization-based control of nonlinear systems. One of the key issues is to plan the output reference trajectories on the basis of a suitable behavior for the incremental flat output variables. The observer-based ADRC scheme on-line estimates and cancels the effects of the neglected nonlinearities, which may be substantially excited by the velocity and amplitude features of the planned incremental flat output reference trajectory. The ADRC scheme, on-line, cancels the discrepancies from the linearized dynamics, forcing the controlled plant dynamics to behave as a linear system around the prescribed trajectory. ADRC, in any of its two forms advocated in this book: extended observer based, or flat filter controllers, will efficiently handle the non-linearities neglected by the linearized system, for the trajectory tracking task, while taking the system operation far from the vicinity of the initial equilibrium point where the linearized model is assumed to be valid. Here, we have also uncovered, and exploited, a unique property of controllable tangent linearization models of underactuated nonlinear systems. This property is based on the fact that even order time derivatives of the incremental flat outputs, before hitting the control inputs, are functions of the measurable incremental position variables alone. Similarly, odd time derivatives, below the system order, of the flat outputs are functions of the velocity variables alone. This property has been exploited to substantially simplify the observer-based ADRC scheme design thus obtaining a robust controlled performance which only requires position measurements, linear controllers and rather unrestricted planning of output reference trajectories. REFERENCES ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 231 — #247 ✐ ✐ [1] I. Fantoni, R. Lozano, Non-linear control for underactuated mechanical systems, Springer Science & Business Media 2002. [2] R. Olfati-Saber, Normal forms for underactuated mechanical systems with symmetry, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 47 (2) (2002) 305–308. [3] M. Reyhanoglu, A. van der Schaft, N.H. 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Flatness may be found in linear and nonlinear systems, continuous and discrete time systems, mono-variable and multivariable systems, finite dimensional and even infinite dimensional systems (systems with input and state delays, dynamic systems described by fractional order time derivatives, systems governed by partial differential equations usually controlled from their boundaries). The most general definition we shall attempt, in the interest of simplicity, is necessarily restricted to the class of finitedimensional nonlinear multivariable systems. We consider systems of the form, ẋ = f (x, u), y = h(x, u), x ∈ Rn , u ∈ Rm , y ∈ Rk (A.1) Let γ, α, β be finite multi-indices, i.e., vectors of integer components, respectively, (γ1 , ..., γ p ), (α1 , ..., αq ) and (β1 , ..., βr ). System (A.1) is said to be differentially flat, if there exists a vector z = φ(x, ẋ, · · · , x(γ) ) ∈ Rm (A.2) called the set of flat outputs, equal in number to the number of inputs, whose components are differentially independent (i.e., they do not satisfy differential equations by themselves) such that functions ψ and θ may be found, for which x = ψ(z, ż, · · · , z(α) ), u = θ(z, ż, · · · , z(β) ) (A.3) Evidently, since the output is a function of the state vector x and, possibly, of the input vector u, the components of the vector, y, are expressible in terms of the flat outputs, z, and a finite number of derivatives of such outputs. Flatness implies that all variables in the system (states, inputs and outputs) can be differentially parameterized in terms of the components of a privileged vector z which is a function of the components of the state and a finite number of their time derivatives. In general, the flat output, or the set of flat outputs, is not unique. A.2. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES. We begin by illustrating that a linear, single-input single-output (siso), time-invariant, controllable system is flat in the sense defined above. A.2.1. Linear, single-input single-output, time-invariant, continuous, systems Consider, the linear system, ẋ = Ax + bu, x ∈ Rn , u ∈ R (A.4) Let the pair (A, b) be controllable, i.e., the Kalman controllability matrix, K = [b, Ab, · · · , An−1 b] (A.5) 233 ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 234 — #250 ✐ ✐ 234 PART | The Case of Underactuated Systems is full rank n. Suppose that the characteristic polynomial of A, in the complex domain, is represented by: p(s) = sn + αn−1 sn−1 + · · · + α1 s + α0 (A.6) −1 Consider the state coordinate transformation z = K x. The transformed system is of the form: ż = Fz + gu (A.7) F = K −1 AK, g = K −1 b (A.8) where, Using the definition of K and the facts that K F = AK and Kb = g, we obtain, in explicit form: ż1 = −α0 zn + u ż2 = z1 − α1 zn .. . = żn−1 = zn−2 − αn−2 zn żn = zn−1 − αn−1 zn (A.9) It is not difficult to establish that ζ = zn is a (scalar) flat output. Indeed, all variables in the transformed system (states and the input) are expressible as a differential function of ζ, i.e., each state variable in the original system is a function of ζ and of a finite number of its time derivatives. Clearly, z1 zn−3 zn−2 zn−1 = ζ (n−1) + αn−1 z(n−2) + · · · + α2 ζ̇ + α1 ζ .. . = ζ (3) + αn−1 ζ̈ + αn−2 ζ̇ + αn−3 ζ = ζ̈ + αn−1 ζ̇ + αn−2 ζ = ζ̇ + αn−1 ζ zn = ζ (A.10) From the first of equation (A.9), the control input u is differentially parameterized as u = ζ (n) + αn−1 z(n−1) + · · · + α2 ζ̈ + α1 ζ̇ + α0 ζ (A.11) The flat output is ζ = zn = (0, 0, · · · , 0, 1)z = (0, 0, · · · , 1)K −1 x, i.e., The flat output is given by the last row of the inverse of the controllability matrix, multiplied by the state of the system. Any scalar multiple of the flat output is also a flat output. The transfer function of the flat output ζ is characterized by a constant numerator. " # 1 ζ(s) = n u(s) (A.12) s + αn−1 sn−1 + · · · + α2 s2 + α1 s + α0 Equation (A.10) establishes the following matrix relation, α2 α3 α1 z1 α2 α α4 3 z2 .. .. ... . . . = ..z n−2 αn−2 αn−1 1 zn−1 1 0 αn−1 zn 1 0 0 ··· ··· .. . αn−1 1 .. . ··· ··· ··· 0 0 0 ζ ζ̇ .. . 0 ζ (n−3) 0 ζ (n−2) ζ (n−1) 0 1 0 .. . (A.13) Clearly, the matrix relating the transformed state, z, to the phase variables associated with the flat output ζ, is invertible. This means that the flat output ζ is an observable output and, hence, ζ cannot satisfy a differential equation by itself without relation to the system variables. The above relation also establishes that state and input variables equilibria are directly parameterizable in terms of the flat output equilibrium value. This is particularly useful in trajectory planning tasks involving desirable rest to rest maneuvers. A flat output usually enjoys an important physical meaning. If a requirement on the system operation is established in ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 235 — #251 ✐ ✐ Differential Flatness Chapter | A 235 terms of the original state and input, or output, variables, this can be immediately translated into an operation requirement for the flat output. A desired trajectory for the flat output, consistent with the requirement, allows one, thanks to the differential parametrization characterizing flatness, to off-line compute all the system’s state variable trajectories as well as the nominal input trajectory. This is a unique advantage of flatness which provides the designer with a unique insight into trajectory planning tasks, addressing: the ways to avoid control input saturations, how to stay away from state restrictions, how to impose some quality features to the nominal responses via smart planning. A.2.1.1. Example Consider the following system, representing a set of three carts, with identical masses, joined by identical springs. The set of carts is acted upon by a single force moving the train along a horizontal line from the first car. Suppose there is no friction affecting the motions of the carts. The normalized model of the system is given by z̈1 z̈2 z̈3 = u + (z2 − z1 − 1) = z1 − 2z2 + z3 = z2 − z3 + 1 (A.14) By inspection, a flat output is given by the third cart (normalized) position, ζ = z3 . All variables can be expressed as differential functions of ζ. Indeed, z3 = ζ z2 z1 = ζ̈ + ζ − 1 = ζ (4) + 3ζ̈ + ζ − 2 u = ζ (6) + 4ζ (4) + 3ζ̈ (A.15) A.2.2. Linear, single-input single-output, time-invariant discrete time systems This case is closely related to the previous one and details will not be provided. We summarize the case as follows: Given a controllable linear discrete time SISO system of the form, with, xk+1 = Axk + buk , xk ∈ Rn , uk ∈ R, ∀ k (A.16) h i K = b, Ab, · · · , An−1 B , rankK = n (A.17) The flat output, ζk ∈ R, is given by the variable obtained from the multiplication of the last row of the inverse of the controllability matrix by the state vector. ζk = [ 0 0 ··· 1 ]K −1 xk (A.18) In the discrete time case, the flat output parameterizes all system variables in terms of the flat output and a finite number of advances (i.e., future values) of such an output. This, seemingly, introduces a lack of causality in the definition of the flat output and all the consequences that might be derived from it. From the definition itself, however, one can always proceed with a flatness- based controller design, or an ADRC design, in which causality is fully respected (see Appendix B). A.2.2.1. Example Consider the following example, representing the Newton heating model of a slab of three compartments. The temperatures of the slabs, at time k, is denoted by ak , bk and ck . The control input is the temperature uk applied to the first slab whose temperature, at time k, is identified by ak . ck+1 bk+1 ak+1 = (1 − 2p)ck + pbk = pak + (1 − 2p)bk + pck = (1 − 2p)ak + pbk + puk (A.19) ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 236 — #252 ✐ ✐ 236 PART | The Case of Underactuated Systems In this case, 1 − 2p p 0 p 1 − 2p p A = 0 p 1 − 2p 0 0 0 p3 2 p 2(1 − 2p)p2 , b = 0 , K = 0 p (1 − 2p)p (1 − 4p + 5p2 )p p (A.20) The last row of the inverse of the controllability matrix multiplied by the state vector (ak , bk , ck )T results in the flat output ck ζk = 3 (A.21) p The flat output may be taken to be the state ck itself, or any scalar multiple of ck , as above. In fact, a flat output, ζk = ck , is easily found by inspection in this case. Notice that all variables in the system are parameterizable in terms of ζk = ck and a finite number of advances of ζk . Clearly, ck bk ak uk = ζk 1 (ζk+1 − (1 − 2p)ζk ) = p i 1 h = ζk+2 − 2(1 − 2p)ζk+1 + ((1 − 2p)2 − p2 )ζk 2 p 1 ζk+3 + · · · = p3 (A.22) A.2.3. Linear, multiple inputs-multiple outputs, time-invariant, continuous systems We follow a similar route to establish the characterization of flat systems in linear the multivariable case (MIMO). Since there exist two alternative procedures for the construction of the Kalman controllability matrix in the MIMO case, we will be using the one of the methods, known as “filling the crate by columns”. Consider the linear, time invariant system ẋ = Ax + Bu, x ∈ Rn , u ∈ Rm with B = [b1 , b2 , · · · , bm ] ∈ Rn×m being a full rank m matrix. The Kalman controllabilty matrix, given by the non-square, n × nm, matrix. h i K = B; AB; A2 B; · · · ; An−1 B (A.23) (A.24) Since controllability demands that the rectangular matrix, K, be full rank n, there are n(m − 1) linearly dependent column vectors in K which must be excluded. We assume that the n column, full rank, controllability matrix K is of the form h i Kc = b1 ; Ab1 ; · · · ; Aγ1 −1 b1 ; b2 ; Ab2 ; · · · ; Aγ2 −1 b2 ; · · · ; bm ; Abm ; · · · ; Aγm −1 bm (A.25) P where {γ1 , · · · , γm } is the set of Kronecker controllability indices, satisfying: i γi = n. The state coordinate transformation: z = Kc−1 x leads to a system of the form: ż = Fz + Gu (A.26) with F = Kc−1 AKc and G = Kc−1 B. In the transformed state variables, z = [z11 , z12 · · · z1γ1 , z21 , z22 , · · · , z2γ2 , · · · zm1 , · · · , zmγm ]T (A.27) the privileged set of state components, capable of parameterizing the rest of the state variables and the m control inputs, is constituted by the set of m states, {zγ1 , z2γ2 , · · · , zmγm } (A.28) These states are the last components of the m blocks in which the state vector z can be partitioned according to the values of the Kronecker controllability indices {γ1 , · · · γm }. We call these blocks, the Kronecker blocks. These are then easy to establish, in terms of the original x variables, with the help of a matrix of zeroes and ones, whose rows depict the position, ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 237 — #253 ✐ ✐ Differential Flatness Chapter | A 237 in the transformed z vector, of the last state variables z jγ j , in each Kronecker block. The flat outputs are then given by φ1 φ1 φ2 φ2 Z = [zγ1 , z2γ2 , · · · , zmγm ]T = . z = . Kc−1 x (A.29) .. .. φm φm where φ j , j = 1, 2, ..., m, is of the form, φ j = [0, · · · , 0, · · · , 0, · · · , 0, 1, 0, · · · , 0] | {z } | {z } γj γ1 with the 1 occupying the position Pj i=1 (A.30) γi in the n dimensional row vector. A.2.4. Linear, multiple inputs-multiple outputs, time-invariant, discrete time systems The MIMO linear, time invariant, case follows similarly to the previous case. We summarize the flat output expression in terms of the original state vector of the system xk+1 = Axk + Buk , xk ∈ Rn , u ∈ Rm , B = [b1 , b2 , · · · bm ], rankB = m with the Kalman controllability matrix given by, i h Kc = b1 , Ab1 , · · · , Aγ1 −1 b1 , b2 , Ab2 , · · · , Aγ2 −1 b2 , · · · , bm , Abm · · · , Aγm bm (A.31) (A.32) The vector of flat outputs ζ is given by, T −1 ζ = (ζ1 , · · · , ζm ) = ΦKc x, Φ = φ1 φ2 .. . φm , φ j = [0, · · · , 0, · · · , 0, · · · , 0, 1, 0, · · · , 0] | {z } | {z } γj γ1 (A.33) A.2.5. Nonlinear, single input-single output, time-invariant, continuous systems The nonlinear system, characterized by n-dimensional smooth vector fields f and g, ẋ = f (x) + g(x)u, x ∈ Rn , u ∈ R, (A.34) is said to be feedback linearizable (i.e., flat) at the point x, if and only if, the following two conditions are satisfied (see [1]) h i • The distribution g, ad f g, · · · adn−2 f g is involutive in an open neighborhood containing x n−1 • The set of vectors {g, ad f g, · · · adn−2 f g, ad f g} is linearly independent at the point x where ad jf g is recursively defined via the following Lie bracket operation !# ! " ∂ f (x) ∂g(x) j j−1 g(x) f (x) − ad f g = [ f, ad f g], [ f, g] = ad f g = ∂xT ∂xT Define the invertible matrix, K(x), as follows: h i n−1 K(x) = g(x), ad f g(x), · · · , adn−2 f g(x), ad f g(x) (A.35) (A.36) The flat output ζ is determined, up to a non-zero smooth factor function α(x), via integration of its gradient function. Such a gradient is given by ∂ζ(x) = α(x)[0, 0, · · · , 0, 1]K −1 (x) ∂xT (A.37) ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 238 — #254 ✐ ✐ 238 PART | The Case of Underactuated Systems A.2.5.1. A normalized boost converter example Let Q be a constant scalar. Consider the nonlinear smooth system, ẋ1 = −ux2 + 1, ẋ2 = ux1 − x2 , u ∈ R, Q Here f (x) = (1, − xQ2 )T and g(x) = (−x2 , x1 )T . The vector field g(x) is trivially involutive. The set of vectors, −x2 {g(x), ad f g(x)} = { , x1 (A.38) in itself a one-dimensional distribution which is x2 Q 1 Q } (A.39) is everywhere a linearly independent set, except on the manifolds x = −1, x2 = 0. The gradient of the flat output ζ, modulo a smooth non-zero factor function, is the row vector (x1 , x2 ). A flat output is given by the function ζ(x) = 21 (x21 + x22 ). A.2.5.2. Soft landing model for a spacecraft Consider the following system ẋ1 = x2 , ẋ2 = g − σα u, ẋ3 = −σu x3 (A.40) where x1 is the height of the aircraft, measured negatively upwards, x2 is the corresponding velocity and x3 represents the mass of the vehicle. The parameters σ and α are, respectively, mass rate and velocity of combustion gases. The control u may be assumed to smoothly take values in the open interval (0, 1). This system is non flat, since the second condition for feedback linearization fails. The system, however, enjoys a closely related property to flatness establishing that there exist a largest linearizable subsystem by means of a state coordinate transformation and partial feedback. Such a subsystem is dimension 2 and represented by the variables (x1 , x2 ). The defect of the system, given in this case by the variable x3 , is integrable via quadratures. Indeed, the partial feedback, with auxiliary input v, x3 (g − v) , x1 = ζ, x2 = ζ̇, v = ζ̈ u= (A.41) σα renders the system partially linear and the mass differential equation becomes a linear time varying equation dependent upon the output ζ = z1 , which represents the variable with the largest relative degree in the system. We have, 1 (A.42) ẋ3 = − g − ζ̈ x3 α Such systems, with integrable defect, are addressed as Liouvillian (see [2]) A.3. ABOUT THE ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF FLATNESS. Several disadvantages are usually claimed regarding the use of flatness in feedback controller design. A prevailing one is that there exist no general method for finding the flat output. As we have seen for the most commonly used classes of systems there exists specific formulae that give the flat output or the gradient of the flat output function. While it is rather elaborate and complicated to give a formula for the set of flat outputs in the multi-variable nonlinear systems case requiring dynamic feedback for their feedback linearization (see [3]), it is also a fact that flatness may be assessed by inspection in the vast majority of engineering examples. While the problem of characterizing flatness, in the most general case, still challenges the mathematically inclined part of the control systems community, it is also true that significant advances have been provided in the literature in that respect [4], see also the book by Lévine [5]. In some cases, the flat outputs cannot be measured. This is certainly a fact, for a quite particular class of nonlinear systems. The induction motor example, is perhaps the most significant example, given that one of the flat outputs is related to the argument of the unmeasured complex flux variables. In the majority of interesting engineering cases and applications, the flat outputs enjoy a distinctive physical nature. In this book we emphasize the fundamental importance of the flatness property in the ADRC control of dynamical systems of various kinds (monovariable, multivariable, linear or nonlinear, continuous or discrete). It is our conviction, ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 239 — #255 ✐ ✐ Differential Flatness Chapter | A 239 through many successful experimental results and applications that flatness is a property seemingly taylored, in a special manner, around ADRC schemes. The combination of flatness and ADRC provides the designer with a systematic procedure to obtain an efficient robust controller with a minimum of complexity. This vision is even applicable to non-differentially flat systems provided they exhibit a controllable linearization. Another frequent complaint about flatness resides in the singularities and lack of regularity of some mathematical models. Clearly, flatness in this respect cannot prevent singularities from occurring, since they are properties of the system rather than properties induced by the method used for analysis and controller design. Wherever such singularities do exist, at least the flatness property and its state and inputs parameterizations explicitly depict them in a fashion that is usually related to the physics of the system. A definite advantage of flatness resides in the fact that it is relatively easy to assess, even if the system is nonlinear in the control inputs, as suggested by equation (A.1). A.4. DIFFERENTIAL FLATNESS AND UNCERTAINTY. Disturbance, plant and measurement noises, un-modelled dynamics, unknown external influences, time-varying unknown parameters, constitute an inescapable reality in control systems engineering. Satisfactory performance of a designed control system, for a given plant operating under such uncertainty conditions, is difficult to guarantee from the outset. Controller design methods are usually confronted with this reality and the need for certain choices regarding how to proceed with a design that performs reasonably well. No controller design method is so general as to be able to accept, as hypothesis, the active presence of all possible sources of uncertainty, and imperfections, affecting a given plant and then proceed to synthesize a remarkable controller that successfully withstands stringent measures of quality performance. At the outset one must compromise, to the best of knowledge, regarding what will be relevant and what will not. Surprising results can only be casted either as new discoveries, or as a gross underestimation of some of the prevailing conditions. In the design of feedback controllers, flatness is of great help, but it is not the miracle option. It goes a long way in producing quite smart controllers with perhaps more advantages than disadvantages. Naturally, it does have limitations of its own, and one should be aware of them. The issue of uncertain signals plaguing the behavior of the plant system and of the measurements of the available signals constitutes a delicate feature that should be analyzed with caution and care. To begin with, flatness is a system’s structural property, i.e., one that should not be part of the description of the system’s surrounding environment, or of our interaction with it. As a result, the system is to be cleaned up of all uncertainties before even attempting to analyze it for flat outputs candidates. However, it is highly instructive and recommendable to include, and trace, the effects of such initially neglected uncertainties once one has clearly identified the best candidates for flat outputs (usually related to measurability of such variables). A.4.1. A DC motor example Consider, just for the sake of argument in our preceding discussion the equations of a linear DC motor. di = −Ri − kω + V dt dω = −Bω + ki − τ J dt dθ = ω (A.43) dt where i is the armature current, θ is the motor shaft angular position and ω is the angular velocity of the shaft. The control input to the system is the armature voltage V while τ represents the load torque. Here, every parameter in the system may be a source of uncertainty, the load torque τ is, generally speaking unknown, and we are certain that the mathematical model constitutes a quite nice approximation to reality, but, nevertheless, one which is relatively far from the real phenomenon described by the equations. Suppose that J, and τ are unknown and, L ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 240 — #256 ✐ ✐ 240 PART | The Case of Underactuated Systems moreover, we may have reasons to believe that k is time-varying. The equations should then be written in the form, di = −Ri − kω + V dt dω = −Bω + ki − τ J dt dθ = ω (A.44) dt The flat output is, without any doubt, the angular position of the motor shaft, since it clearly allows for a differential parametrization of ω, i and V, but, as a function of τ, and some time derivatives of the motor gain k, which are uninvited guests. Indeed, we have, L ω = θ̇ i 1h i = J θ̈ + Bθ̇ + τ k ! R JL (3) BL RJ LJ RB + k2 BL L V = θ + + − 2 k̇ θ̈ + − 2 k̇ θ̇ + τ + τ̇ k k k k k k k k (A.45) Since the uncertainty spreads all over the third equation, to the point that the system gain k/(JL), a fundamental quantity for the design, is uncertain. The load torque may give rise to impulses in this model if such a load is modelled as a step function starting somewhere along the time frame of the system operation. In the literature there are many options to deal with the controller design issue on an input-output system like that. It is the distinctive advantage of ADRC that one may get away with an effective controller computed on the basis of a simplified model of the form: k0 V + ξ(t) (A.46) θ(3) = J0 L where k0 and J0 are nominal, constant, values of k(t) and of J chosen on the basis of “engineering judgement”. The signal ξ(t) may be estimated with the help of a linear extended state disturbance observer. A more reasonable option, but surely a bit more complex to implement, may be based on obtaining an on-line estimate of the time varying, uncertain gain k(t)/(JL), using identification methods, and proceed to use the still simplified pure integration dynamics in an extended observer based scheme using the on-line identified gain. Uncertainty does affect the final working description of the plant. Flatness at least gives you a clear indication related to where, exactly, does the obstacle to be surmounted resides. The rest is, pretty much, your choice. REFERENCES ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 241 — #257 ✐ ✐ [1] A. Isidori, Nonlinear control systems, Springer Science & Business Media 1995. [2] A. Chelouah, Extensions of differential at elds and Liouvillian systems, in: Proceedings of the 36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 1997, pp. 4268–4273. [3] H. Sira-Ramirez, On the sliding mode control of multivariable nonlinear systems, International journal of control 64 (4) (1996) 745–765. [4] Ph. Martin, R.M. Murray, P. Rouchon, Flat systems, in: Proceedings of the 4th European Control Conference 1997, pp. 211–264. [5] J. Levine, Analysis and control of nonlinear systems: A flatness-based approach, Springer Science & Business Media 2009. 241 ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 242 — #258 ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 243 — #259 ✐ ✐ Appendix B Generalized Proportional Integral Control B.1. DEFINITIONS AND GENERALITIES. The use of efficient controllers, with the least possible amount of information about the complex system to be controlled, represents a challenging problem in controller design for dynamical systems. Robust strategies which involve the use of observers for unknown dynamics and external disturbance have been the basis of the so-called Active Disturbance Rejection Control (ADRC) scheme [1]. The scheme relies on the use of Extended State Observers, of linear or nonlinear nature, which use the input-output information in order to reconstruct, for an on-line cancelation of the effects of the lumped (i.e., total) disturbance inputs. The effectiveness of this scheme has been shown through many academic and industrial applications (see [2], [3], [4] and references therein). Another interesting scheme is the Model Free Control (MFC), proposed by Fliess and Join [5]. This technique takes advantage of algebraic estimation techniques in the context of ultra-models, which are used to “replace” the original system by another one having the same response with the help of the control input (see [6] for a detailed analysis). The approach does not require a detailed mathematical description of the system, thanks to the on-line estimation and rejection of the un-modeled elements of the dynamics [7]. In ADRC, as pioneered by Prof. Han, one of the original ideas was to establish a direct connection between the classical PID control and other modern control theory techniques. In this sense, an alternative approach, and some equivalences, are found in the domain of Classical Compensation Networks, by means of the Generalized Proportional Integral Control (GPI). Classical Compensation Networks controlling linear systems, constitute dynamical control systems which are naturally differentially flat [8],[9], [10] (see Appendix A). Although flatness in this new context is not to be taken in a strict control oriented sense, but in a new filtering sense (The input of the compensation network is actually constituted by the plant output signal and the compensation network output is actually the system input). All variables in the compensator, or filter, are indeed expressible in terms of the filtered output signal and a finite number of its time derivatives, a general defining property of linear flat (input-output) systems. In this Appendix, a reinterpretation of GPIC is proposed in terms of CCN. This allows, in turn, the conception of a “flat filtering” device which constitutes a tool for output feedback control design in linear controllable systems. A controllable linear system exhibits a natural flat output (Brunovsky’s output) from which the system is also trivially observable. Flat filtering is based on the fact that a GPI controller is viewed as a dynamical linear system which exhibits as a natural flat output a filtered version of the plant output signal. This property is particularly helpful in the design of efficient output feedback stabilization schemes and in solving output reference trajectory tracking tasks. The approach is naturally extended, using Active Disturbance Rejection Control (ADRC) ideas [1], [11], to the control of significantly perturbed SISO nonlinear systems, affected by unknown endogenous non-linearities, in the presence of exogenous disturbances and un-modeled dynamics. This Appendix is organized as follows: Section B.2 introduces, in a tutorial fashion, the parallel between GPI control, based on integral reconstructors, and CCN for linear systems. In this section, flat filtering is exhibited as a natural reinterpretation of GPI control. Section B.2 also contains the robust version of flat filtering based control schemes which allows to treat endogenous and exogenous disturbances as joint unstructured total disturbance signals. These joint disturbances will be locally representable as time polynomial models (also called ultra-models) which the designed robust flat filtering compensator efficiently rejects, via attenuation. The scheme is similar (in fact, dual) to extended observer-based Active Disturbance Rejection Control (ADRC). In Section B.3, an application example, including simulations, is provided. Section B.4 presents the counterpart of GPI control to the case of discrete time linear systems. Section B.5 contains some generalizations of discrete GPI control to the case of state space representations. A heat equation example is presented along with computer simulations. 243 ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 244 — #260 ✐ ✐ 244 PART | The Case of Underactuated Systems B.2. GENERALIZED PROPORTIONAL INTEGRAL CONTROL AND CLASSICAL COMPENSATION NETWORKS Flat filtering constitutes a reinterpretation, in the form of Classical Compensation Networks (CCN), of GPI controllers, introduced by Fliess and his colleagues in [12]). Roughly speaking, any classically perturbed1 linear controllable system, whose output of the unperturbed system model is the Brunovsky’s output, can be regulated with the help of a well tuned proper linear filter and a suitable linear combination of the available internal states of such filter. Here, it is shown that such classical tool is also capable of efficiently handling control tasks on perturbed linearizable nonlinear systems (i.e., flat systems), such as the boost converter, including unknown, or neglected, non-linearities, exogenous disturbances, and un-modeled dynamics; in a fashion similar as these uncertainties are handled in ADRC schemes (See Han [1], Zheng et al. [13], [14] and Guo et al. [15], [16], [17] and a recent survey by Madoński and Herman [18]). B.2.1. A second order pure integration example Here we review, in a tutorial fashion, the intimate links existing between GPIC and CCN. For simplicity, we address pure integration linear SISO systems and state that the results are easily extended to even nonlinear uncertain SISO, or MIMO, systems under reasonable modifications. Consider a second order unperturbed system, (B.1) ÿ = u ∗ Suppose it is desired to asymptotically track a given smooth output reference signal y (t). The nominal control input, u∗ (t), is just given by u∗ (t) = ÿ∗ (t). The output tracking error dynamics is given by ëy = eu , ey = y − y∗ (t), eu = u − u∗ (t) (B.2) GPI control evades the need for asymptotic state observers using integral reconstructions of the state variables in the form of uncompensated integrals of inputs and outputs. In this instance, an integral reconstructor of ėy , which is off by an unknown (constant) initial condition, is simply obtained as Z t ḃ eu (σ)dσ, ėy = ḃ ey + ėy (0) (B.3) ey = 0 The use of such an integral reconstructor of ėy , in a linear feedback control scheme, entitles the use of an output error integral compensation term to asymptotically overcome the effects of the constant error committed in the tracking error derivative estimation. The following linear feedback controller is proposed: Z t ey (σ)dσ (B.4) eu = −k2 eḃy − k1 ey − k0 0 where the set of constant coefficients {k2 , k1 , k0 } is to be chosen to guarantee asymptotic stability of the tracking error ey . The closed loop system tracking error dynamics is given by Z t ey (σ)dσ + k2 ėy (0) (B.5) ëy = −k2 ėy − k1 ey − k0 Notice that (B.5) may be rewritten, after defining z = ëy ż Rt 0 0 ey (σ)dσ − (k2 /k0 )ėy (0), as: = −k2 ėy − k1 ey − k0 z = ey , z(0) = −(k2 /k0 )ėy (0) (B.6) The characteristic polynomial of the above system (B.6) is readily found to be p(s) = s3 + k2 s2 + k1 s + k0 (B.7) whose roots are guaranteed to lie in the left half of the complex plane, as long as k0 > 0, k2 > 0, k2 > k0 /k1 . One also 1. Additively perturbed by classical disturbances: constant, linear, quadratic, etc. functions of time, i.e., polynomial functions of time. ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 245 — #261 ✐ ✐ Generalized Proportional Integral Control Chapter | B 245 Figure B.1 GPI control of a second order system via integral reconstructor Figure B.2 Lead network realization of a GPI controller for second order plant obtains, using (B.3), the following implicit expression for the linear feedback controller (B.4): Z t Z t ey (σ)dσ e (σ)dσ − k e − k eu = −k2 u 1 y 0 0 0 Z t = −k1 ey − [k0 ey (σ) + k2 eu (σ)]dσ (B.8) 0 Figure B.1 is a block diagram representation of the second order plant-GPI controller system. Taking the Laplace transform of (B.8) and after some rearrangement and simplifications yields the following mixed time-domain-frequency domain expression for the linear feedback output tracking controller (see Figure B.1), " # k1 s + k0 u(t) = u∗ (t) − (y − y∗ (t)) (B.9) s + k2 The stability requirement on the design coefficients {k2 , k1 , k0 } indicates that the controller (B.9) is a lead compensator network since the stable pole: s = −k2 is located to the left of the stable zero, s = −k0 /k1 , on the real line of the the complex plane. The classical compensation network (B.9) admits a low pass filtering interpretation. Define the filtered tracking error, ey f , as follows: # " 1 ey (s), i.e., ėy f = −k2 ey f + ey (B.10) ey f (s) = s + k2 Letting ζ := ey f , the feedback controller (B.9) is synthesized, in the time domain, as: u ζ̇ = u∗ (t) − (k1 k2 − k0 )ζ + k2 (y − y∗ (t)) = −k2 ζ + (y − y∗ (t)) (B.11) ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 246 — #262 ✐ ✐ 246 PART | The Case of Underactuated Systems We address the representation of the above controller as the flat-filtered based controller. The reasons for such a name are: 1) Regarding the controller as a dynamical system with “input” represented by the output error of the system ey , and with “output” represented by the system’s control input error, eu , the filtered output ey f is a flat output for such a linear dynamical system. Indeed, all variables in the compensator can be expressed in terms of the flat output ey f and a finite number (just one, in this case) of its time derivatives. 2) A crucial property of flat linear time-invariant systems is that their transfer functions exhibit no zero dynamics. Such is the case of the transfer function of the compensator network in (B.10). B.2.2. Dirty derivatives in PD schemes and Lead Networks A common practise in classical control systems design, as applied particularly to the field of robotics, is to use PD controllers for stabilization and tracking. In order to avoid measurements of the time derivative term for the controller, an alternative, approximate, synthesis approach is taken, known as the dirty derivative (see Kelly, Santibañez and Loria [19]). Consider a second order system, stated in terms of an underlying output reference trajectory tracking task: ëy = eu , ey = y − y∗ (t), eu = u − u∗ (t) = u − ÿ∗ (t) A controller, mixing time signals with frequency domain signals, of the form: # " k1 s ey = −G(s)ey eu = − k0 + s + k2 (B.12) (B.13) is proposed, based on a low pass filtering approximation of the derivative term sey . Clearly, G(s) is a stable lead network, as the following manipulations demonstrate. We can rewrite G(s) as G(s) = (k0 + k1 )s + k0 k2 s + k2 (B.14) The closed loop system reads h i s3 + k2 s2 + (k0 + k1 ) + k2 k0 ey = 0 (B.15) The Routh-Hurwitz stability test reveals the following restrictions for the set of design parameters {k0 , k1 , k2 }, k2 > 0, k1 > 0, k0 > 0 The pole of the transfer function G(s) is located on the real line at s = −k2 , while the zero of G(s) is located at s = −k0 k2 /(k0 + k1 ) = −k2 /(1 + (k1 /k0 )). The zero of G(s) is located to the right of its pole. Hence, G(s) is a lead compensator. B.2.3. A third order pure integration example Consider the linear time-invariant system: y(3) = u (B.16) Suppose it is desired to stabilize the output variable, and its time derivatives to the origin of the phase space. Integrating the system expression once, we obtain an estimate of the output acceleration ÿ modulo a constant initial condition term ÿ(0). ÿ = ÿ(0) + Z t u(σ0 )dσ0 (B.17) 0 Integrating (B.16) twice, one obtains an expressions for the unknown ẏ as, Z t Z σ0 u(σ1 )dσ1 dσ0 ẏ = [ÿ(0)]t + ẏ(0) + 0 (B.18) 0 We address the above faulty estimates as the structural estimates, or the integral reconstructed estimates and denote them, respectively, by b̈ y and ḃ y ([12]). ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 247 — #263 ✐ ✐ Generalized Proportional Integral Control Chapter | B 247 Figure B.3 GPI stabilizing control scheme, for a 3-d order system, using integral reconstructors. b̈ y= Z 0 t u(σ1 )dσ1 , ḃ y= Z tZ 0 σ1 u(σ2 )dσ2 dσ1 , (B.19) 0 The integral reconstructors , of the phase variables, ẏ, ÿ, are, respectively, off by a first degree time polynomial and by a constant term, whose coefficients depend on the unknown initial conditions. 2 The use of these faulty estimates, in any stabilizing linear feedback scheme, demands additive integral output compensation; including, at least, up to a double (iterated) integral of the available output signal y. A stabilizing controller is then proposed to be: " Z ! Z (2) !# y (B.20) u = −γ4b̈ y − γ3ḃ y − γ2 y − γ1 y − γ0 After substitution of the expressions for the integral reconstructors for ẏ and ÿ, one obtains the following implicit expression for the controller, " Z ! Z ! Z (2) ! Z (2) !# u = −γ4 u − γ2 y − γ1 y (B.21) u − γ3 y − γ0 Simple association, or nesting, of the iterated integrals leads to the following equivalent expressions which fully explain the controller representation depicted in Figure B.3. ! Z (1) ! Z (2) u = −γ2 y − γ0 y + γ3 u + γ1 y + γ4 u !!# "Z (1) Z (1) γ0 y + γ3 u = −γ2 y − γ1 y + γ4 u + (B.22) Taking Laplace transforms in (B.22), after rearrangement, it yields: # " 2 γ2 s + γ1 s + γ0 y(s) u(s) = − s2 + γ4 s + γ3 (B.23) The characteristic polynomial of the closed loop system is clearly given by, p(s) = s5 + γ4 s4 + γ3 s3 + γ2 s2 + γ1 s + γ0 (B.24) with freely assignable parameters for stability achievement. It is tedious but not difficult to show that the classical requirements for stable roots of p(s) in equation (B.24), imply, both, the stable locations of poles and zeroes of the filter in (B.23). In frequency domain terms, the integral reconstructor-based controller yields a dynamical classical compensation net2. We adopt, henceforth, the following notation for multiple integrations on a given time function φ(t), ! Z t Z (i) Z t Z σ1 Z σi−1 Z φ(t) , ··· φ(σ1 )dσ1 = ( φ) φ(σi )dσi · · · dσ1 = 0 0 0 0 ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 248 — #264 ✐ ✐ 248 PART | The Case of Underactuated Systems work of the form (B.23). This subsystem can be regarded as a combination of a stable filter, smoothing the available output of the system, and a feed-forward term synthesizing the required plant input in terms of a linear combination of the internal states of such a filter. We address the above classical controller as the flat-filter based controller. The reasons for this terminology are: 1) Regarding the controller as a dynamical system with “input” represented by the output of the system y, and with “output” represented by the system’s control input, u, the filtered output y f qualifies as a flat output for such a linear dynamical system. Indeed, all variables in the dynamic compensator can be expressed in terms of the flat output y f and a finite number of its time derivatives. 2) A crucial property of flat linear time-invariant systems is that their transfer functions exhibit no zero dynamics. Such is the case of the transfer function of the filtered output y f considering y as an input. The flat filtered output is defined as " # 1 y f (s) = 2 y(s), or ÿ f = −γ4 ẏ f − γ3 y f + y (B.25) s + γ4 s + γ3 The state space representation of the flat filtering controller follows immediately from the controller expression written in compensation network form and expressed back in the time domain. Defining, y f = ζ1 and ẏ f = ζ2 , one has: ζ̇1 ζ̇2 u = ζ2 = −γ4 ζ2 − γ3 ζ1 + y = −(γ0 − γ2 γ3 )ζ1 − (γ1 − γ2 γ4 )ζ2 − γ2 y (B.26) B.2.4. The robustness issue Suppose it is desired to control the same system as (B.16), in a perturbed version of the form: y(3) = u + ξ(t) (B.27) where ξ(t) is only known to be an absolutely bounded signal. A compensator would try to overcome the unknown disturbance with as many integrations in the compensator as reasonably possible in the hope of facing a classical disturbance of polynomial type or to handle a time-polynomial ultra-local model of such a perturbation with enough time differentiations. Notice, however, that any smooth, bounded, time-varying perturbation is ultra-locally efficiently approximated by a time polynomial of arbitrary degree (piecewise constant, piecewise linear, parabolic, etc.). Any finite degree time polynomial approximation, taken as internal model of the unstructured additive perturbation, may then be also locally approximately canceled by a sufficient number of differentiations. These differentiations, acting as perturbation annihilators, are easily realized as powers of the complex variable s appearing as factors in the denominator of the compensation network. Recall that, respectively, in extended state observers and in GPI observers, a single extra integrator, or, a finite number of integrations extending the observer’s state space, suffices to have an arbitrarily close estimation to the actual disturbance. Similarly, and dually, in GPI based Flat Filters, the suitable addition of one or a finite number of integrators in the compensation network denominator will result, under closed loop conditions, in at least the same number of time differentiations of the additive disturbance. This simple duality is at the heart of regarding non-linear state dependent, and even input dependent, disturbances as unstructured time polynomial models ([1]) whose effects can be on-line identified ([5]), estimated ([6]), or cancelled, in an approximate manner. That this philosophy works even for nonlinear state and input dependent additive non-linearities rests on the fact that, ultimately, while the system is operating on line, such disturbances are, indeed, time varying signals. Efforts to generally assess closed loop stability of the existing control schemes adopting this modeling philosophy for disturbances may be found in [16], [14], [20] [5] and [21]. See also the excellent survey by Madoński and Herman[18]. The preceding paragraph justifies the use of a robust flat filter based compensator for the perturbed third order pure integration system. Suppose a piecewise constant internal model is adopted for the additive perturbation (hence, m = 1 is needed). A trajectory tracking task, towards a given, smooth, output reference trajectory y∗ (t), is imposed on the system. We propose then, # " 3 k3 s + k2 s2 + k1 s + k0 (y − y∗ (t)) (B.28) u = u∗ (t) − s(s2 + k5 s + k4 ) Letting ey = (y − y∗ (t)), the closed loop system evolves in accordance with, (s6 + k5 s5 + · · · + k1 s + k0 )ey = (s3 + k5 s2 + k4 s)ξ(s) (B.29) The disturbance signal ξ, ultra-locally modeled by a piecewise constant function, is differentiated at least once in the closed ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 249 — #265 ✐ ✐ Generalized Proportional Integral Control Chapter | B 249 Figure B.4 Block diagram of closed loop system controlled by a GPI compensation network with an extra integrator loop system (see Fliess and Join [5] and, also, [6]). The state representation of the linear dynamical controller is achieved by defining: ey x= 3 s + k5 s2 + k4 s (B.30) the control signal u, written in terms of x and its time derivatives, actually constitutes the controller system output, u = u∗ (t) − k3 x(3) − k2 ẍ − k1 ẋ − k0 x (B.31) Defining x1 = x, x2 = ẋ, etc., we have, from the definition of x, ẋ1 ẋ2 = = x2 x3 ẋ3 = −k5 x3 − k4 x2 + (y − y∗ (t)) u = u∗ (t) − (k2 − k3 k5 )x3 − (k1 − k3 k4 )x2 − k0 x1 − k3 (y − y∗ (t)) (B.32) (B.33) B.2.5. The dirty derivative case Regarding PID controllers using the dirty derivative expression, one obtains a similar effect of having a pole at the origin of the compensator transfer function. Indeed, consider, in the same context of Subsection B.2.2, the following PID controller for a second order pure integration system, " # k0 k1 s + s2 ey = eu = − k2 + ey = −G(s)ey s + k3 s (B.34) where G(s) may be rewritten as: G(s) = (k1 + k2 )s2 + (k0 + k2 k3 )s + k0 k3 s(s + k3 ) (B.35) which has the same form as the corresponding GPI, or flat filtering, controller for a second order system. The closed loop system is just, h i s4 + k3 s3 + (k2 + k1 )s2 + (k0 + k2 k3 )s + k0 k3 ey = 0 (B.36) whose characteristic polynomial, in the complex variable s, can be made into a Hurwitz polynomial without any obsta- ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 250 — #266 ✐ ✐ 250 PART | The Case of Underactuated Systems Figure B.5 GPI control of an n-th order system via integral reconstructors cles. B.2.6. A generalization The previous development can be reproduced for a smooth output reference trajectory tracking problem, defined on an n − th order pure integration system of the form, y(n) = u (B.37) The tracking error dynamics corresponding to a smooth output reference trajectory y∗ (t) is simply given by: ey(n) = eu , ey = y − y∗ , eu = u − u∗ , u∗ = [y∗ ](n) (B.38) , along with their (unstable) reconstruction errors are proposed to The integral reconstructors of the variables: ėy , ..., e(n−1) y be: Z σi−1 Z t Z σ1 d (n−i) eu (σi )dσi · · · dσ1 , ··· ey = 0 e(n−i) y 0 0 d = e(n−i) + y i X ey(n−i+ j−1) (0) j=1 t j−1 ( j − 1)! i = 1, . . . , n − 1 (B.39) An implicit linear feedback controller, based on the above integral reconstructors (B.39), requires additive compensation, via multiple, or iterated, integrations, performed on the output tracking error signal ey (t): ! Z (i−1) n−1 n X X d (n−i) eu = − ey (t) k2n−i−1 ey − kn−i i=1 n−1 Z X = − k2n−i−1 i=1 = − n−1 Z X i=1 (i) i=1 (i) ! X Z n eu (t) − kn−i i=1 (i−1) ey (t) ! k2n−i−1 eu (t) + kn−i−1 ey (t) − kn−1 ey ! (B.40) A block diagram in Figure B.5 depicts the GPI trajectory tracking controller along with the pure integration plant. No output signal derivatives are gathered directly from the plant for closing the loop. ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 251 — #267 ✐ ✐ Generalized Proportional Integral Control Chapter | B 251 From the above expressions, the closed loop system is also found to be: ey(n) [ [ − · · · − kn eḃy − k2n−3 e(n−2) = −k2n−2 e(n−1) y y Z (1) ! Z ey − · · · − k1 −kn−1 ey − kn−2 (n−2) ! Z ey − k0 (n−1) ey ! (B.41) Substituting in equation (B.41) the expressions of the estimated phase variables found in (B.39) one obtains the following perturbed dynamics including the effects of the neglected initial conditions: Z (n−1) ! Z (1) ! (n−2) ey − · · · − k e − k e − · · · − k ė − k e − k ey(n) = −k2n−2 e(n−1) 0 y 2n−3 y n y n−1 y n−2 y (n−1) i j−1 X X t (n−i+ j−1) + ey (0) k2n−i−1 (B.42) ( j − 1)! j=1 i=1 Define, z1 = ! Z (2) ! Z k1 kn−3 ey + · · · + ey + kn−2 kn−2 (n−1) i j−1 X k2n−i−1 X (n−i+ j−1) t , ey (0) − kn−2 ( j − 1)! Z (1) i=1 (n−1) ! Z k0 ey + kn−1 ey ! ey ! (n−2) j=1 k2n−2 (n−1) z1 (0) = e (0) kn−2 y Z (2) ! Z Z (1) ! k1 kn−4 ey + · · · + ey + z2 = kn−3 kn−2 (n−1) i j−2 X k2n−i−1 X t (n−i+ j−1) − ey (0) k ( j − 2)! n−3 j=2 i=1 (n−3) ! Z k0 ey + kn−3 (n−2) k2n−3 (n−1) k2n−2 (n−2) ey (0) + e (0) kn−3 kn−3 y .. . Z (1) ! Z (2) ! (n−1) i X k2n−i−1 X k0 t j−n+2 (n−i+ j−1) , ey + = ey − ey (0) k1 k1 j=n−2 ( j − n + 2)! i=1 z2 (0) = zn−2 zn−2 (0) = zn−1 = zn−1 (0) = k2n−3 (3) kn+1 (n−1) k2n−2 (2) e (0) + e (0) + · · · + e (0) k1 y k1 y k1 y Z (1) ! ey k2n−3 (2) kn k2n−2 (1) ey (0) + ey (0) + · · · + e(n−1) (0) k0 k0 k1 y (B.43) The closed loop system is then obtained as, e(n) y żi żn−1 = −k2n−2 e(n−1) − · · · − kn ėy − kn−1 ey − kn−2 z1 y kn−i−2 = ey + zi+1 , i = 1, · · · , n − 2 kn−i−1 = ey (B.44) Eliminating the z variables via direct differentiation of the first equation a total of n − 1 times, one obtains the closed loop differential equation for the tracking error signal ey as: ey(2n−1) + k2n−2 ey(2n−2) + · · · + k1 ėy + k0 ey = 0 (B.45) ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 252 — #268 ✐ ✐ 252 PART | The Case of Underactuated Systems Figure B.6 GPI controller for an n-th order pure integration plant as a classical compensation network whose characteristic polynomial is simply p(s) = s2n−1 + k2n−2 s2n−2 + · · · + k1 s + k0 (B.46) Thus, a suitable set of design coefficients, {k2n−2 , k2n−1 , . . . , k1 , k0 }, may be prescribed to guarantee that the location of all the roots of the polynomial in equation (B.46) are strictly located in the left half portion of the complex plane, guaranteeing asymptotic stability of the closed loop output tracking error trajectory. R ( j) Notice that the Laplace transform of the iterated integral, φ(t) , is given by: φ(s)/s j . From the expression: e(n) y n−1 Z X = eu = − k2n−i−1 i=1 (i) ! X Z n eu (t) − kn−i (i−1) i=1 ey (t) ! (B.47) one obtains, after resorting to the frequency domain, and rearranging, that the controller may be described by the following classical compensation network (See Figure 4), # " kn−1 sn−1 + kn−2 sn−2 + · · · + k0 ey (s) (B.48) eu (s) = − sn−1 + k2n−2 s2n−2 + · · · + kn A reinterpretation of the GPI controller leads to a flat filtering based control scheme. Indeed, define, in the frequency domain, the filtered output tracking error " # 1 ey f (s) = n−1 ey (s) (B.49) s + k2n−2 s2n−2 + · · · + kn Clearly, a time domain realization of the filtered output tracking error, and the controller, is just e(n−1) = −k2n−2 e(n−2) − · · · − kn ey f + (y − y∗ ) yf yf eu = −kn−1 e(n−1) − kn−2 e(n−2) − · · · − k0 ey f yf yf (B.50) In other words, the output tracking error, ey = y − y∗ (t), and the input error, eu = u − u∗ (t), are expressible in terms of the filtered output, ey f , and a finite number of its time derivatives (i.e., the basic property of a flat output is valid for ey f ). In state space form: ζ̇i ζ̇n−1 = = ey f eu = = ζi+1 , i = 1, . . . n − 2 −k2n−2 ζn−1 − · · · − kn+1 ζ2 − kn ζ1 + (y − y∗ (t)) ζ1 (kn−1 k2n−2 − kn−2 )ζn−1 + (kn−1 k2n−3 − kn−3 )ζn−2 + · · · + (kn−1 kn+1 − k1 )ζ2 + (kn−1 kn − k0 )ζ1 − kn−1 (y − y∗ (t)) (B.51) B.2.7. A further generalization A further generalization, pertaining the output reference trajectory tracking control task without using observers, for a chain of n integrators of the form, y(n) = αu + ξ(t), α ∈ R, (B.52) ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 253 — #269 ✐ ✐ Generalized Proportional Integral Control Chapter | B 253 Figure B.7 Two degree of freedom cartesian robot undergoing the effects of an uniformly absolutely bounded additive perturbation input, ξ(t). The disturbance ξ(t) is assumed to be ultra-locally modeled as an m − 1-th degree time-polynomial. A flat filtering controller, or classical compensation network controller, is given by, " # 1 kn+m−1 sn+m−1 + kn+m−2 sn+m−2 + · · · + k0 ∗ u = u (t) − (B.53) (y − y∗ (t)) α sm sn−1 + k2n+m−2 sn−2 + · · · + kn+m with, u∗ (t) = (1/α)[y∗ (t)](n) . The characteristic polynomial of the closed loop system is given by, p(s) = s2n+m−1 + k2n+m−2 s2n+m−2 + k2n+m−3 s2n+m−3 + · · · + k2 s2 + k1 s + k0 (B.54) Since the least order of differentiation, induced by the proposed controller on the additive disturbace term ξ(t), is m, the additive perturbation model is ultra-locally annihilated. B.3. AN ILLUSTRATIVE APPLICATION EXAMPLE In this section, we present an illustrative application example dealing with the trajectory tracking of a two degree of freedom cartesian robot. The system, besides being linear can be controlled, using flat filtering, without measuring the link velocities. Consider the two mass system, representing orthogonal links, in a cartesian configuration with each link provided by an independent actuating force, as shown in the figure: The mathematical model of the system is given by q̈1 = −g + q̈2 = F2 m2 F1 m1 +m2 (B.55) We assume that: |F1 (t)| ≤ U1 , and |F2 (t)| ≤ U2 . The simple change of coordinates in the control input space (F1 , F2 ): F1 = (m1 + m2 )(g + v1 ), F2 = m2 v2 (B.56) reduces the system to a pair of pure, second order, integration systems with the auxiliary control inputs v1 y v2 , i.e., q̈1 = v1 q̈2 = v2 The auxiliary inputs are also constrained by virtue of the amplitude limitation on the original forces. In fact, ! U2 U1 − g, |v2 (t)| ≤ |v1 (t)| ≤ m1 + m2 m2 (B.57) (B.58) ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 254 — #270 ✐ ✐ 254 PART | The Case of Underactuated Systems Given a smooth trajectory on the plane, (x, y) = (q2 , q1 ), specified in parametrics x∗ = q∗2 (t), y∗ = q∗1 (t), (B.59) It is desired that the position coordinates of the end effector (q2 , q1 ), track a given smooth trajectory in the plane, after a reasonable transient regime, avoiding saturation of the control input forces F1 and F2 . We can control this system, by means of flat filtering, without need for velocity measurements: q̇1 y q̇2 . ( " # ) b 1 s + c1 F1 = (m1 + m2 ) g + q̈∗1 (t) − (q1 − q∗1 (t)) s + a1 # ) ( " b 2 s + c2 F2 = m2 q̈∗2 (t) − (q2 − q∗2 (t)) (B.60) s + a2 The nominal values of F1 y F2 in permanent regime, satisfy, F1∗ (t) = (m1 + m2 )(g + q̈∗1 (t)) F2∗ (t) = m2 q̈∗2 (t) (B.61) The end effector trajectory components must be such that: |q̈∗1 (t)| ≤ U1 U2 − g, |q̈∗2 (t)| ≤ , ∀t m1 + m2 m2 (B.62) We take, as an example, the tracking the following position reference trajectories, given in parametrics, x∗ = (a + R cos(nωt)) cos(ωt) y∗ = (a + R cos(nωt)) sin(ωt) (B.63) with the following assigned parameters m1 = m2 = 1[Kg], g = 9.8[m/s2 ] (B.64) Let ρ(t) = a + R cos(nωt), x∗ (t) = ρ(t) cos(ωt), y∗ (t) = ρ(t) sin(ωt) (B.65) The second order time derivatives of the desired trajectories are given by, ẍ∗ ÿ∗ = (ρ̈ − ω2 ρ) cos(ωt) − 2ρ̇ω sin(ωt) = (ρ̈ − ω2 ρ) sin(ωt) + 2ρ̇ω cos(ωt) (B.66) with, ρ̇ = −(nR)ω sin(ωt), ρ̈ = −R(nω)2 cos(ωt) (B.67) The estimated maximum value of the control input forces, q̈∗1 (t) = ÿ∗ (t) and q̈∗2 (t) = ẍ∗ (t), under nominal tracking conditions are just computed as, sup |F1∗ (t)| ≤ (m1 + m2 )(g + (R(n + 1)2 + a)ω2 ) t = sup |F2∗ (t)| ≤ m2 (R(n + 1)2 + a)ω2 (B.68) t These relations are useful for determining reasonable values of U1 and U2 for which, at least in principle, there is no permanent saturations. We have, for the given robot parameters, that, sup |F1∗ (t)| ≤ 2(9.8 + (R(n + 1)2 + a)ω2 ) ≤ U1 , t sup |F2∗ (t)| ≤ (R(n + 1)2 + a)ω2 ≤ U2 t ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 255 — #271 ✐ ✐ Generalized Proportional Integral Control Chapter | B 255 Vertical Position and nominal vertical position trajectory y, y∗(t) [m] 2 0 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 time [s] 12 14 16 18 20 14 16 18 20 14 16 18 20 Horizontal position and nominal horizontal trajectory x, x∗(t) [m] 2 0 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 time [s] 12 Vertical force F , horizontal force F 1 2 [N] 40 20 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 time [s] 12 Figure B.8 Trajectory tracking performance of flat filtering controller. F1 max = 31.28, [N] F2 max = 5.84 B.3.1. Simulations a = 0.5[m], R = 1[m], n = 5, w = 0.4[rad/s] B.4. GPI CONTROL FOR DISCRETE TIME SYSTEMS. B.4.1. The counterpart of integral compensation Consider the first order discrete time system yk+1 = uk + ξ (B.69) y∗k (t). where ξ is a constant perturbation. Suppose it is desired to track a given reference output signal A proportional plus “adder” controller, counterpart of the “proportional plus integral” controller in continuous time, is given by uk ρk+1 The closed loop tracking error ek = yk − y∗k = y∗k+1 + k1 (yk − y∗k ) + k0 ρk = ρk + (yk − y∗k ) (B.70) evolves according to ek+1 = k1 ek + k0 ρk + ξ ρk+1 = ρk + ek (B.71) Thus, we have, taking an advance, or time shift in the error equation (B.71): ek+2 = k1 ek+1 + k0 (ρk + ek ) + ξ = k1 ek+1 + k0 ρk + k0 ek + ξ (B.72) k0 ρk = ek+1 − k1 ek − ξ (B.73) but from the original error dynamics ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 256 — #272 ✐ ✐ 256 PART | The Case of Underactuated Systems Figure B.9 Pole location for GPI controlled discrete time system Using equation (B.73) in (B.72), we find that the second order error dynamics is given by the expression, ek+2 − (1 + k1 )ek+1 − (k0 − k1 )ek = 0 (B.74) whose characteristic polynomial, in the Z transform domain, is just: p(z) = z2 − (1 + k1 )z − (k0 − k1 ) (B.75) To obtain an asymptotically stable feedback controller design, we chose the coefficients of the characteristic polynomial to equal those of a polynomial, pd (z), with roots known to be strictly inside the unit circle of the complex plane (a2 + b2 < 1), pd (z) = (z − a − jb)(z − a + jb) = z2 − 2az + a2 + b2 (B.76) i.e., k1 = (2a − 1), k0 = −a2 − b2 + (2a − 1) The feedback controller is obtained in terms of the control error euk = uk − system dynamics as u∗k = y∗k+1 . Since, u∗k (B.77) where u∗k is found from the unperturbed euk = k1 ek + k0 ρk , ρk+1 = ρk + ek we have that, uk = u∗k # " k0 (yk − y∗k ) + k1 + z−1 Rewriting the controller in the following form, # ! " 1 z k1 z + (k0 − k1 ) −1 −1 k1 + (k0 − k1 )z ey (z) = ey (z) = k + (k − k )z ey (z) eu (z) = 1 0 1 z−1 z−1 1 − z−1 (B.78) (B.79) (B.80) it is easy to see that the factor (1 + z−1 )−1 plays a crucial role in the robustness property of the proportional plus adder controller with respect to unknown constant disturbances. Indeed, the factor (1 − z−1 ) is an annihilator of constant additive ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 257 — #273 ✐ ✐ Generalized Proportional Integral Control Chapter | B 257 Figure B.10 Closed loop system tracking performance of a ramp perturbed first order discrete time system 4 yk,y∗k 2 0 -2 -4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4 uk 2 0 -2 -4 0 1 5 u∗k 0 -5 0 1 Figure B.11 Closed loop response of second order system with “adder” action terms in the system dynamics. The controller produces the closed loop system, in the time domain: ek+1 − ek = k1 ek + (k0 − k1 )ek−1 + (1 − z−1 )ξ (B.81) ek+2 = (1 + k1 )ek+1 + (k0 − k1 )ek (B.82) or which is the originally found closed loop dynamics. B.4.2. Simulations We set the following output reference trajectory: y∗k = cos(ωk), ω = 5 (B.83) The closed loop characteristic polynomial parameters and the corresponding controller gains were given by: a = −0.5, b = 0.5, k0 = −2.5, k1 = −2. (B.84) The constant perturbation, ξ, was set to be: ξ = 0.5 The sampling time T was taken to be 0.2 i.e. kT = 0.2k with k = 0, 1, 2, ... Recall that kT + T is represented as k + 1. ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 258 — #274 ✐ ✐ 258 PART | The Case of Underactuated Systems 4 y ,y ∗ 2 k k 0 -2 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 10 15 20 25 30 10 15 20 25 30 4 u k 2 0 -2 0 5 0.8 0.6 ξ 0.4 0.2 0 0 5 Figure B.12 Effect of a step perturbation input ξ on the system tracking performance. B.4.3. A ramp perturbed system Consider now the perturbed first order system yk+1 = uk + kξ, (B.85) with a perturbation that linearly grows with time, i.e., with a “ramp” perturbation. We show first that a proportional plus adder controller does not exhibit robustness with respect to this type of perturbation. Indeed, suppose we used the controller: uk ρk+1 = y∗k+1 + k1 (yk − y∗k ) + k0 ρk = ρk + (yk − y∗k ) (B.86) The closed loop tracking error dynamics is found to satisfy: ek+2 − (1 + k1 )ek+1 − (k0 − k1 )ek = ξ, (B.87) whose equilibrium, given by: e = −ξ/k0 , is, clearly, nonzero and dependent upon the unknown value of ξ. We state that the proposed control strategy, with a single adder compensation term, does not stabilize the tracking error to zero. We propose then a proportional, adder plus “double adder” compensation as follows: uk = y∗k+1 + k2 (yk − y∗k ) + k1 ρk + k0 ζk ρk+1 ζk+1 = ρk + (yk − y∗k ) = ζk + νk νk+1 = νk + (yk − y∗k ) (B.88) Letting u∗k = y∗k+1 , we substitute in the controller equation (B.88), the following expressions for ρk and ζk , mixing time domain signals with transformed signals, # " 1 1 + k0 ek (B.89) euk = k2 + k1 z−1 (z − 1)2 Rearranging, one obtains euk z 2 k2 + (k1 − 2k2 )z−1 + (k2 + k0 − k1 )z−2 ek z−1 " # 1 = k2 + (k1 − 2k2 )z−1 + (k2 + k0 − k1 )z−2 ek −1 2 (1 − z ) = (B.90) ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 259 — #275 ✐ ✐ Generalized Proportional Integral Control Chapter | B 259 The closed loop system obeys, h i (1 − z−1 )2 ek = k2 + (k1 − 2k2 )z−1 + (k2 + k0 − k1 )z−2 ek + ξ[(1 − z−1 )2 k] (B.91) ek+3 − (2 + k2 )ek+2 + (2k2 − k1 + 1)ek+1 − (k0 − k1 + k2 )ek = 0 (B.92) Notice that (1 − z−1 )2 k = (1 − 2z−1 + z−2 )k = k − 2(k − 1) + (k − 2) = 0. Using these facts, one finds the closed loop system expression as, which is totally independent of ξ. The characteristic polynomial p(z) of the closed loop system (B.92) is, thus, given by: z3 − (2 + k2 )z2 + (2k2 − k1 + 1)z − (k0 − k1 + k2 ) = 0 (B.93) Once again, a suitable factor, which, in this case is a second order power of the binomial 1 − z−1 , annihilates the perturbation input and makes the system prone to asymptotically stable behavior by suitable choice of the controller design coefficients. The controller design is completed by choosing the set of gains {k2 , k1 , k0 } so that the characteristic polynomial p(z) coincides with a desired one, denoted by pd (z), exhibiting all its roots inside the unit circle in the complex plane. By setting, (a2 + b2 < 1, |p| < 1), one considers: pd (z) = (z2 − 2az + a2 + b2 )(z − p) = z3 − (p + 2a)z2 + (a2 + b2 + 2ap)z − p(a2 + b2 ) (B.94) Hence, a suitable choice of the gains is represented by, k2 k1 k0 = p + 2a − 2 = − a2 + b2 + 2ap − 2(p + 2a) + 3 = − a2 + b2 + 2ap − 2(p + 2a) + 3 − (p + 2a − 2) + p(a2 + b2 ) (B.95) B.4.4. GPI control of a pure chain of delays. Consider the following second order discrete time system: yk+2 = uk . (B.96) uk = y∗k+2 − k2 (yk+1 − y∗k+1 ) − k1 (yk − y∗k ) (B.97) A feedback controller may be proposed in the form whose corresponding closed loop dynamics for the tracking error ek = yk+1 − yk is given by, ek+2 + k2 ek+1 + k1 ek = 0. (B.98) The appropriate choice of the parameters k2 and k1 yields a closed loop system with zero as an asymptotically stable equilibrium point in the tracking error space. However, since yk+1 is not available at time k, we may exactly estimate it as We have, defining euk = uk − u∗k , with u∗k = yk+1 = uk−1 (B.99) euk = −k2 euk−1 − k1 ek (B.100) y∗k+2 The feedback controller is given, in an abusive combination of notation mixing the time domain and the Z-transform domain, by " # k1 uk = u∗k − (yk − y∗k ), (B.101) 1 + k2 z−1 This controller, based on an exact prediction estimate, of the output yk+1 , in terms of the control (B.99), is the counterpart of the GPI control in continuous time for a second order plant. Recall that such a control is synthesized using an integral reconstructor of the first order time derivative of the output. In that case, a constant error, due to the unknown initial ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 260 — #276 ✐ ✐ 260 PART | The Case of Underactuated Systems 3 y ,y∗ 2.5 k 2 k 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 8 10 12 3 2.5 ∗ uk,uk 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 2 4 6 Figure B.13 Closed loop response of GPI controlled second order discrete time system condition of the output derivative, had to be compensated via additional integral control. In the unperturbed discrete time case, the corresponding prediction estimate is devoid of errors and, therefore, no compensation is necessary for that reason. Simulations of the closed loop trajectory tracking error performance are shown in Figure B.8 B.4.5. A perturbed second order system Consider the following simple, perturbed, linear time-invariant discrete time system x1,k+1 x2,k+1 yk = x2,k = uk + ξk = x1,k (B.102) where the external perturbation input is constant, i.e. ξk = ξ for all k. We assume that only yk = x1,k and uk are available for measurement while x2,k = yk+1 is not. A controller, with “adder” action (the counterpart of “integral action”) for the tracking of a given trajectory y∗k is given by: uk ζk+1 = y∗k+2 − k2 (x2,k − y∗k+1 ) − k1 (yk − y∗k ) − k0 ζk = ζk + (yk − y∗k ) The closed loop system tracking error e1,k = yk − y∗k is seen to satisfy the following state equation: e1,k+1 0 1 0 e1,k 0 e2,k+1 = −k1 −k2 −k0 e2,k + ξ 0 ζk 1 0 1 ζk+1 (B.103) (B.104) The closed loop system has the equilibrium point at: e1,∞ = e2,∞ = 0, ζ∞ = ξ/k0 , (B.105) and the characteristic polynomial, associated with the closed loop system, is given, in Z-transform terms, by z3 + (k2 − 1)z2 + (k1 − k2 )z + k0 − k1 (B.106) which has roots completely assignable and may be chosen to be stable with the help of the Jury stability test. Since x2,k = yk+1 is not readily available for measurement, we can use the following “delayed reconstructor” for x2,k , as obtained directly from the unperturbed system model xc 2,k = uk−1 (B.107) ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 261 — #277 ✐ ✐ Generalized Proportional Integral Control Chapter | B 261 2 1 y ,y* k 0 k -1 -2 0 5 10 15 10 15 10 15 2 1 x 2,k 0 -1 -2 0 5 2 ξ u*k 1 0 -1 -2 0 5 Figure B.14 Closed loop response of 2nd order system with “adder” action. The proposed delayed reconstructor has the following relation with the actual value of x2,k x2,k = xc 2,k + ξ, (B.108) i.e., the estimate xc 2,k exhibits a constant, unknown, reconstruction error with respect to the actual value of the state x2,k . Hence, a feasible controller, compensating this error in the feedback loop, is reformulated as, ∗ ∗ = y∗k+2 − k2 ( xc 2,k − yk+1 ) − k1 (yk − yk ) − k0 ζk uk = ζk + (yk − y∗k ), x[ 2,k+1 = uk . ζk+1 (B.109) This feedback produces the following tracking error dynamics, ek = yk − y∗k ek+2 + k2 ek+1 + k1 ek + k0 ζk ζk+1 = (1 + k2 )ξ, = ζk + ek (B.110) Note that we can express, from the first equation in (B.110), the quantity k0 ζk as: k0 ζk = (1 + k2 )ξ − ek+2 − k2 ek+1 − k1 ek (B.111) Since the tracking error ek also satisfies, ek+3 + k2 ek+2 + k1 ek+1 + k0 ζk+1 ζk+1 = (1 + k2 )ξ = ζk + ek , (B.112) we have: ek+3 + k2 ek+2 + k1 ek+1 + k0 [ζk + ek ] = (1 + k2 )ξ (B.113) i.e. ek+3 + k2 ek+2 + k1 ek+1 + k0 ζk + k0 ek = (1 + k2 )ξ k0 ζk = (1 + k2 )ξ − ek+2 − k2 ek+1 − k1 ek (B.114) The closed loop tracking error dynamics satisfies then the following equivalent dynamics, ek+3 + (k2 − 1)ek+2 + (k1 − k2 )ek+1 + (k0 − k1 )ek = 0, (B.115) whose eigenvalues are completely assignable by appropriate choice of the design parameters {k0 , k1 , k2 }. The corresponding characteristic equation in Z-transform terms is simply given by, z3 + (k2 − 1)z2 + (k1 − k2 )z + (k0 − k1 ) = 0 (B.116) ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 262 — #278 ✐ ✐ 262 PART | The Case of Underactuated Systems 2 1 y ,y* k 0 k -1 -2 0 5 10 15 10 15 10 15 2 1 x 2,k 0 x2 -1 -2 est,k 0 5 2 ξ u*k 1 0 -1 -2 0 5 Figure B.15 Closed loop response of 2nd order system with GPI controller. Recall that the Möbius transformation, z+1 w+1 , z= , (B.117) z−1 w−1 allows one to use the traditional Routh-Hurwitz test for assessing the location of the roots of the Z-transform characteristic equation relative to the unit circle in the complex plane. The proposed feedback controller was given by, w= uk ζk+1 = y∗k+2 − k2 (uk−1 − y∗k+1 ) − k1 (yk − y∗k ) − k0 ζk = ζk + (yk − y∗k ) (B.118) The nominal input signal, u∗k , is obtained from the unperturbed model by straightforward inversion as: u∗k = y∗k+2 and, therefore, it follows that, u∗k−1 = y∗k+1 . We have, by defining eu,k = uk − u∗k : eu,k + k2 eu,k−1 = −k1 ek − k0 ζk , ζk+1 = ζk + ek (B.119) −k0 ζk = eu,k + k2 eu,k−1 + k1 ek (B.120) From (B.119), one obtains, Hence, eu,k+1 + k2 eu,k eu,k+2 + (k2 − 1)eu,k+1 − k2 eu,k = −k1 ek+1 + (eu,k + k2 eu,k−1 + k1 ek ) − k0 ek = − [k1 ek+2 + (k0 − k1 )ek+1 ] In Z-transform representation, the dynamical output feedback controller is expressed as: # " k1 z2 + (k0 − k1 )z e(z) eu (z) = − 2 z + (k2 − 1)z − k2 In other words combining time domain and transform domain expressions: " # k1 z2 + (k0 − k1 )z uk = u∗k − 2 (yk − y∗k ) z + (k2 − 1)z − k2 (B.121) (B.122) (B.123) ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 263 — #279 ✐ ✐ Generalized Proportional Integral Control Chapter | B 263 We rewrite the dynamic feedback controller (B.123) as follows: " # k1 z + (k0 − k1 ) z ek uk = u∗k − z−1 z + k2 " # k1 + (k0 − k1 )z−1 1 ek u∗k − 1 − z−1 1 + k2 z−1 (B.124) Thanks to the denominator of the term: 1/(1 − z−1 ), the constant additive perturbation ξ is annihilated in the closed loop dynamics. One obtains the following expression, ek+3 + (k2 − 1)ek+2 + (k1 − k2 )ek+1 + (k0 − k1 )ek = 0, (B.125) which coincides with equation (B.115). B.4.6. A third order system Consider now the unperturbed system: (B.126) yk+3 = uk with the feedback controller, uk = y∗k+3 − k2 (yk+2 − y∗k+2 ) − k1 (yk+1 − y∗k+1 ) − k0 (yk − y∗k ) results in the following closed loop system for the tracking error, ek = yk − (B.127) y∗k . ek+3 + k2 ek+2 + k1 ek+1 + k0 ek = 0 (B.128) The characteristic polynomial p(z) of the closed loop system, given by: p(z) = z3 + k2 z2 + k1 z + k0 , (B.129) can be made to exhibit all its roots strictly inside the unit circle in the complex plane by appropriate choice of {k2 , k1 , k0 }, in compliance with Jury’s test. Define euk = uk − u∗k . Replacing, in the proposed controller, the unavailable signals yk+2 , and yk+1 , respectively, by uk−1 and uk−2 along with the required nominal values, one obtains euk = −k2 euk−1 − k1 euk−2 − k0 ek (B.130) In other words, " # k0 z2 eu (z) = − 2 e(z) z + k2 z + k1 The feedback controller, in a combination of time and frequency domain notation, is thus given by, # " k0 z2 ∗ (yk − y∗k ) uk = uk − 2 z + k2 z + k1 or, " # k0 ∗ uk = uk − (yk − y∗k ) 1 + k2 z−1 + k1 z−2 (B.131) (B.132) (B.133) Consider now a perturbed third order system, with a constant, additive, perturbation input ξ yk+3 = uk + ξ (B.134) Let us solve the feedback stabilization problem. ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 264 — #280 ✐ ✐ 264 PART | The Case of Underactuated Systems The values of the advances of yk are simply yk+2 = uk−1 + ξ, yk+1 = uk−2 + ξ, yk (is measurable) (B.135) We take as “retarded reconstructors” of yk+2 and yk+1 , the following: b yk+2 = uk−1 , b yk+1 = uk−2 (B.136) Consider then the controller with adder compensation i.e., uk = −k3b yk+2 − k2b yk+1 − k1 yk − k0 ρk , ρk+1 = ρk + yk (B.137) uk = −k3 uk−1 − k2 uk−2 − k1 yk − k0 ρk , ρk+1 = ρk + yk (B.138) uk+1 = −k3 uk − k2 uk−1 − k1 yk+1 − k0 ρk − k0 yk (B.139) From here, one has subtracting the last two expressions, yields after rearranging and taking a one step delay h i i h 1 + (k3 − 1)z−1 + (k2 − k3 )z−2 − k2 z−3 uk = − k1 + (k0 − k1 )z−1 yk (B.140) or, in causal transfer function form, G(z−1 ), uk = − " # k1 + (k0 − k1 )z−1 yk 1 + (k3 − 1)z−1 + (k2 − k3 )z−2 − k2 z−3 (B.141) This is immediately written in a form that explicitly exhibits the annihilator factor (1 − z−1 ) in the denominator of the controller transfer function. " #" # 1 k1 + (k0 − k1 )z−1 uk = − yk (B.142) 1 − z−1 1 + k3 z−1 + k2 z−2 B.4.7. n-th order pure delay systems It is not difficult to see that the unperturbed n-th order delay system yk+n = uk (B.143) admits a compensator of the form: uk = u∗k " # k0 zn−1 − n−1 (yk − y∗k ) z + kn−1 zn−2 + · · · + k1 (B.144) In other words, the stabilizing controller, written in a causal manner, is given by the following expression, where time domain signals are combined with frequency domain signals, " # k0 ∗ uk = uk − (yk − y∗k ) (B.145) 1 + kn−1 z−1 + · · · + k1 z−(n−1) B.4.8. An n-th order perturbed system Consider now the output stabilization to zero of the perturbed system, yk+n = uk + ξ (B.146) with ξ an unknown constant. ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 265 — #281 ✐ ✐ Generalized Proportional Integral Control Chapter | B 265 The string of relations between the advanced outputs and the retarded inputs, for the perturbed system, is just yk+n−1 = uk−1 + ξ, yk+n−2 = uk−2 + ξ, · · · yk+1 = uk−n+1 + ξ, yk (measured) (B.147) The estimates of the retarded output, off by a constant disturbance term, are ŷk+n−1 = uk−1 , ŷk+n−2 = uk−2 , · · · ŷk+1 = uk−n+1 , ŷk = yk (B.148) A feedback controller, based on the retarded output estimates, with an adder compensator is obtained as: αk−1 yk uk = −αk+n−1 ŷk+n−1 − αk+n−2 ŷk+n−2 − · · · − αk+1 ŷk+1 − αk yk − z−1 " # αk−1 z−1 = −αk+n−1 uk−1 − αk+n−2 uk−2 − · · · − αk+1 uk−(n−1) − αk yk − yk 1 − z−1 (B.149) This controller, in transfer function form, is just uk = − " 1 1 − z−1 #" # αk + (αk−1 − αk )z−1 yk 1 + αk+n−1 z−1 + αk+n−2 z−2 + · · · + αk+1 z−n−1) (B.150) Note that the factor (1 − z−1 )m is an annihilator to the transform of any time polynomial in the z domain of degree m − 1. Let y∗k be a given output reference trajectory. Define the tracking error ek as, ek = yk − y∗k . A trajectory tracking controller, for a perturbed system of the form: yk+n = βuk + ξ(k), (B.151) with euk = uk − u∗k = uk − β1 y∗k+n , is given by: uk = u∗k " 1 − 1 − z−1 #m 1+ P j=k −1 k−m− j j−k z j=k−m α j (1 − z ) (yk −1 −2 −(n−1) αk+n−1 z + αk+n−2 z + · · · + αk+1 z − y∗k ) (B.152) The success in using a robust flat filtering controller for a discrete time trajectory tracking task on a perturbed system lies in the proximity of the additive closed loop term (1 − z−1 )m ξ(k) to zero in the time domain. B.5. A GENERAL RESULT FOR MULTIVARIABLE LINEAR SYSTEMS In this section, it is shown that for linear time invariant, discrete-time, unperturbed systems the state can be exactly obtained by means of an backward shifts parametrization, provided the system is observable. The result is also valid in the case of perturbed systems, modulo classical disturbances represented by time polynomial signals, The actual value of the states is not particularly required as an objective. Nevertheless, the use of such observer-free reconstructors, in a flatness based linear state feedback scheme, can be adequately incorporated by adding a suitable linear combination of iterated adders of the flat output tracking error. Since the result equally applies to monovariable or multivariable systems, we make our considerations in the context of linear multivariable systems. Also, we assume below that the output yk is not the flat output. Recall that the flat output is observable. Hence, the result particularly applies to systems with measurable flat outputs. Consider, then, the linear time-invariant unperturbed system, xk+1 yk = Axk + Buk , xk ∈ Rn , uk ∈ Rm , = C xk , yk ∈ R p (B.153) The system may be equivalently written as xk = Axk−1 + Buk−1 (B.154) Iterating once on the states of the system xk = A[Axk−2 + Buk−2 ] + Buk−1 = A2 xk−2 + ABuk−2 + Buk−1 (B.155) ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 266 — #282 ✐ ✐ 266 PART | The Case of Underactuated Systems A total of n − 2 iterations, yield xk = An−1 xk−(n−1) + n−2 X A j Buk−( j+1) (B.156) j=0 The forward shifts of the output equation results in, 0 0 C yk CB CA 0 y k+1 2 CB = CA xk + CAB .. .. .. .. . . . . yk+(n−1) CAn−2 B CAn−3 B CAn−1 ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· Taking n − 1 backwards shifts on every equation we obtain: 0 0 C yk−(n−1) CB CA 0 y 2 k−(n−2) CB = CA xk−(n−1) + CAB .. .. .. .. . . . . yk CAn−2 B CAn−3 B CAn−1 ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· which we rewrite as, yk−(n−1) y k−(n−2) ... yk From the two relations: uk−(n−1) u k−(n−2) = Oxk−(n−1) + M ... uk−1 xk = An−1 xk−(n−1) + n−2 X 0 0 0 .. . CB uk uk+1 .. . uk+(n−2) 0 0 0 .. . CB u k−(n−1) uk−(n−2) .. . uk−1 A j Buk−( j+1) (B.157) (B.158) (B.159) (B.160) j=0 yk−(n−1) y k−(n−2) .. . yk we obtain, xk = uk−(n−1) u k−(n−2) = Ox + M .. k−(n−1) . uk−1 yk−(n−1) yk−(n−2) n−1 T −1 T A (O O) O .. . yk uk−(n−1) u k−(n−2) − M .. . uk−1 n−2 X j + A Buk−( j+1) j=0 (B.161) (B.162) The state vector can then be exactly computed from inputs, outputs and a finite number of backward shifts of these vector signals. As a consequence, any linear state feedback can be, equivalently, synthesized in terms of linear combinations of inputs, outputs, and a finite number of their backward shifts. In the case of classically perturbed systems, a linear combination of finitely iterated adders of the output components tracking errors, completes the feedback scheme, known as GPI control. This is the discrete time counterpart of Generalized Proportional Integral control of linear time invariant continuous systems. B.5.1. The heat equation Here we consider a rather simple space-discretized model of the heating of a slab of material from one of its boundaries. The model is known as Newton law of heating and it will be assumed that all its defining parameters are known. ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 267 — #283 ✐ ✐ Generalized Proportional Integral Control Chapter | B 267 Figure B.16 Newton’s model of the heating of a slab of material ck+1 bk+1 ak+1 yk = (1 − 2p)ck + pbk = pak + (1 − 2p)bk + pck = (1 − 2p)ak + pbk + puk (B.163) = ck ak is the temperature of point a, at time k, bk is the temperature of point b, at time k, ck stands for the temperature of point c, at time k, while uk is the external input temperature. Here, we have assumed that the temperature to the right of the point c is zero. From the system equations we obtain: ck bk ak = (1 − 2p)yk−1 + pbk−1 = pak−1 + (1 − 2p)bk−1 + pyk−1 = (1 − 2p)ak−1 + pbk−1 + puk−1 (B.164) Iterating once on the unmeasured states we obtain bk ak = 2p(1 − 2p)ak−2 + [p2 + (1 − 2p)2 ]bk−2 + p2 uk−2 + (1 − 2p)pyk−2 + pyk−1 = [p2 + (1 − 2p)2 ]ak−2 + 2p(1 − 2p)bk−2 + p(1 − p)uk−2 + p2 yk−2 + puk−1 (B.165) which are still functions of the second backward shifts of the unmeasured states ak−2 , bk−2 . The system is flat, with flat output given by ck , which also happens to be the system output ck bk ak uk = yk 1 yk+1 − (1 − 2p)yk = p 2 1 − 4p + 3p2 1 yk+2 − 2 (1 − 2p)yk+1 + yk = 2 p p p2 " # " # 1 3 − 12p + 10p2 3(1 − 2p) (1 − 4p + 2p2 )(1 − 2p) = y − y + y − yk k+3 k+2 k+1 p3 p3 p2 p3 (B.166) From the difference parametrization provided by flatness we obtain, bk−1 = ak−1 = bk−2 = ak−2 = 1 yk − (1 − 2p)yk−1 p 2 1 − 4p + 3p2 1 y − (1 − 2p)y + yk−1 k+1 k p2 p2 p2 (B.167) and, hence, 1 yk−1 − (1 − 2p)yk−2 p 2 1 − 4p + 3p2 1 y − (1 − 2p)y + yk−2 k k−1 p2 p2 p2 (B.168) Substituting the expressions for bk−2 and ak−2 in the expressions for bk and ak obtained by iteration of the state equations we have the following delayed reconstructor for the unmeasured states: ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 268 — #284 ✐ ✐ 268 PART | The Case of Underactuated Systems 1 2 1 − 4p + 3p2 y − (1 − 2p)y + y k k−1 k−2 p2 p2 p2 1 + [p2 + (1 − 2p)2 ] yk−1 − (1 − 2p)yk−2 + p2 uk−2 p +(1 − 2p)pyk−2 + pyk−1 bk = 2p(1 − 2p) ak = [p2 + (1 − 2p)2 ] 1 2 yk − 2 (1 − 2p)yk−1 p2 p 1 − 4p + 3p2 + 2(1 − 2p) yk−1 − (1 − 2p)yk−2 y + k−2 p2 +p(1 − p)uk−2 + p2 yk−2 + puk−1 (B.169) which constitute the exact delayed input-output parametrization of the unmeasured state variables. The consecutive advances of the flat output yk = ck may be placed in terms of the unmeasured states as yk yk+1 yk+2 = ck = (1 − 2p)yk + pbk = [(1 − 2p)2 + p2 ]yk + 2p(1 − 2p)bk + p2 ak (B.170) The reconstructors of the advances of the flat output are then obtained as follows : ybk yd k+1 yd k+2 = yk = (1 − 2p)yk + pbbk = [(1 − 2p)2 + p2 ]yk + 2p(1 − 2p)bbk + p2 abk (B.171) with bbk , abk obtained as in the previous equation. Using the difference parametrization of the control input, uk " # " # 3 − 12p + 10p2 3(1 − 2p) (1 − 4p + 2p2 )(1 − 2p) 1 y − y + y − yk k+3 k+2 k+1 p3 p3 p2 p3 = (B.172) we propose the following controller with “adder” corrective action. uk = vk = # " # " 3(1 − 2p) (1 − 4p + 2p2 )(1 − 2p) 3 − 12p + 10p2 1 yd yk vk − yd k+1 − k+2 + p3 p3 p2 p3 2 X p3 y∗k+3 − ki+1 (d yk+i − y∗k+i ) − k0 ζk i=0 ζk+1 = ζk + yk − y∗k (B.173) Figure B.17 depicts the performance of the proposed GPI control in an output reference trajectory tracking task implying a rest to rest trajectory for the flat output. REFERENCES ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 269 — #285 ✐ ✐ Temp. [] Temp. [] Temp. [] Generalized Proportional Integral Control Chapter | B 269 40 a k 20 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 time k 20 b k 10 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 time k 10 c 5 0 0 5 10 15 k 20 25 time k 40 [] u k 20 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 time k Figure B.17 Performance of a GPI controller for a trajectory tracking task on a heat equation system ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 270 — #286 ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Book” — 2017/3/3 — 11:01 — page 271 — #287 ✐ ✐ [1] J. Han, From PID to active disturbance rejection control, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 56 (3) (2009) 900–906. [2] B.Z. Guo, F.F. Jin, The active disturbance rejection and sliding mode control approach to the stabilization of the Euler–Bernoulli beam equation with boundary input disturbance, Automatica 49 (9) (2013) 2911–2918. [3] S. Zhao, Z. Gao, An Active Disturbance Rejection Based Approach to Vibration Suppression in Two-Inertia Systems, Asian Journal of Control 15 (2) (2013) 350–362. [4] L. Dong, Y. Zhang, Z. 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