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Phoenix - Backstory

Character: Phoenix Pierce – Warlock (Hex Blade)
Patron – Fierna (Archdevil - Lady of Phlegethos, Daughter of Belial), although Phoenix is unaware of the
exact patron, (his mother?... see back story) only that it is clearly a devilish power or force. But he is fully
accepting of this power for his own gain, whatever it may mean down the line. (Kyle helped me look into
a specific creature/being for this, as I don’t know shit about the lore of things a warlock may make a pact
with. For reference, a snippet from a wiki-page that describes Fierna, if this were to ever pan out into a
bigger idea in pasted below the backstory.)
Soon after the large storm and massive growth of Tumple, the town had undergone many changes in
management. After hearing the roomers of what happened that day and the spike in popularity of the
town, the Kingdom quickly dispatched the original town mayor and staff, bringing in well-respected but
moderately smaller noble family: The Pierce’s. Typically, Pierce’s had been well respected owners and
supporters of many farms in the surrounding area. Respected for there strong management skills, as
well as grit when it came to crunch time during the harvesting season to ensure food production was
maximized, the Kingdom saw the family as a good fit to take control and run the growing town of
Tumple. Although slow coming, as many residents in the area were weary of the new leadership.
However, over the course of a few years and growth of the town into a city, proven by their hard work
by there they became well a respected and trusted noble family, beloved by their citizens.
For 2 generations after, the Pierce family continued to run Tumple. However, as the town became more
of a city, it was clear that the hard working, farming background work ethic had been lost. The current
leader of Tumple, Rayson Pierce had tragically passed, leaving ownership of the city to his only son,
Phoenix Pierce. Phoenix was well decorated for the position, having grown up in the capital and being
educated in Sunset Kingdom. However, upon returning to Tumple for his father’s funeral, he learned
that the city had revolted and decided not to accept him as their leader. He was only 18 years old, and
had spent the majority of his life out of the city and area. The kingdom understood, and instead put the
growing church of Druids in charge of electing their own new leader. Phoenix was forced to move on
with his life, however hard it would be. His status was not striped by the Kingdom, but being the last
remaining Pierce, (his mother had passed during child birth) he had no where to go and felt completely
betrayed by his family’s people. His people.
Packing up his father possessions to move out of the Tumple’s city hall building, he came across a
unique pentagon shaped, silver amulet that had belonged to his mother. Wanting to feel a connection
to his lost mother, he put on the amulet and started to cry. He cursed the name of the city of Tumple
and vowed he would take it back. Take back his city and people at all costs. He would make his families
legacy thrive to be the greatest family in all of the sunset kingdom. He grasped the amulet, griping it so
hard that edges of the pentagon cut deep into his palm and began dripping blood. Deep in his palm he
felt a sharp burning sensation. Promptly he let go of the amulet shaking his hand and blood on the floor.
After a moment, he carefully lifts the amulet from a sharp edge to his face. It looks normal, but what is
this odd heat sensation? He flips the amulet to see a perfect sphere lit up on the other side. Was this
gem here before? Surely not. He looks deep into the gem and see uncanny display of a rolling flame,
endlessly looping. He stares deep into the cultivating image, completely immersed by its radiant power.
“Do you think this is power?” He hears a soft womanly voice speak in his head. “You can have it all, all of
our power. All of our legacy. Lets take it back together. Let me guide you.”
“Mother?...” He speaks back. “Find me, understand me. I will give you my power. We will take back
everything we are owed.” The flame and heat emitting from the amulet slowly fades. Perplexed, he
realizes his life’s purpose to reclaim his families greatness. The next day, he leaves all his fathers
belongings behind and sets out on his journey to understand the power within the amulet left to him by
his mother.
Over the next few years, spends his time investigating the amulet, understanding and how to unlock its
power. Early in his journey, he struggles to find any information about the amulet, its powers, and how
to use it. Frustrated, he discovers he can only communicate through the amulet only while he’s filled
with rage and anger, a burning desire. He grasps the amulet in his hand, opening his cuts and enduring
the scorching pain of the flaming gem. Through this, he learns to channel his anger. By focusing on
everything he hates, he wants, he needs, he slowly learns how to channel power within the amulet,
controlling it to embracing the magical presence bestowed upon him. Conjuring magical weapons,
spells, and curses he begins to understand his true potential. He will have vengeance on all those who
wronged him, stole his land, stole his power, stole his life. He continues adventuring through the land,
making a name for the Peirce family where ever he goes, and harnessing his raging power until he hears
a particular roomer. A large black and purple dragon, attacking Tumple?
What can this be? Why now? He is not ready yet, there is still so much more power to gain. But, I cannot
let this beast destroy my city. Afterall, it is MY city to destroy. MY city to rebuild. You’ve picked the man
to fuck with, as his red begin to grow red, and streaks of blood red veins flow through his blonde hair. I
guess it is time for me to pay a visit home. Hahahaha.
General Traits - Phoenix typically acts like a typical noble. A little arrogant, but always opting to help the
lesser people. Always doing the right thing by the land. Generally he is modest, and looks the part. Out
of combat, he is very approachable and welcomes his subjects. But of course, he does own the land and
makes the rules. Thus, the rules allow him to get the job done by any means necessary. That way,
everyone will know his name.
Appearance – Phoenix dresses like royalty. Fancy meticulous clothing, a large, puffy black cloak on his
back, a shiny set of silver-plated scale mail armor, a silver diadem on his head, 2 slivers rings on each
hand, and a pentagon shaped silver amulet around his neck. Blue eyes as bright as the sky, and blonde
hair as shiny as white dessert sand. When utilizing his warlock powers, depending on the amount of
power and anger channeled his amulet glows but on the side against his armor, creating a shimmering
effect. His hair will wave with blood red streaks, and in extreme cases his eyes will emit bright red. He
does not carry a weapon readily on him, however will summon a glowing black and red glaive on
command to fight. The glaive is styled with a scythe blade protruding off the back of the polearm. A
tribute to his families farming linage, and to strike the fear of death into his foes heart.
Fierna – Description / Personality:
Fierna appeared to be an incredibly attractive young woman, a lithe, statuesque, 6 ft (1.8 m)
seductress of stunning physique. Tall, dark and sensual, her garments were as royally fine as they
were scantily clingy, furthering her image as a being of perversion and indecency.
Giving away her infernal heritage were the small pair of horns that emerged under her hairline,
and even then the fiendish features somehow managed to enhance her enchanting appearance.
Her red eyes shined and smoldered like fires were dancing within them and implicit promises of
pleasure could be gleaned from her gaze.
Befitting an archdevil of fire, Fierna was well-known for her short fuse and volatile personality,
her temper striking fear in almost any devil. Her rage escalated quickly, frustration leading to
fury, which erupted, quite literally since she angrily moved about on fire when enraged, into
bloodthirsty vengeance, oftentimes with little warning. Additionally, she was self-absorbed,
sadistic, and just generally mercurial, flitting about like a lit flame between her various
obsessions and displaying a "party girl" attitude.
However, assuming Fierna was just a bratty beauty was a grave mistake, for both political
schemers and would-be courtiers. Fierna was prodigiously brilliant in the art of emotional
manipulation with charisma to match that of Asmodeus himself, lighting fires in the hearts of
mortals and immortals alike that she could control like any other. Her explosive outbursts
seemed chaotic and random, but she was a being of law, simply following a pattern that perhaps
only she understood.
Though she saw being viewed as incompetent a useful ploy, she was no less adept at politics
than other archdevils, but had no interest in taking part in the overcomplicated, governmental
web. The black-hearted archdevil had more hedonistic goals, desiring to use her position to
indulge in luxurious comforts and lecherous pleasures while allowing others to actually
administrate. At least, this was her stance at one point, but later on she became more
professionally-minded, still toying with lesser beings, but making efforts not to immediately
discard them upon growing bored and attempting to enter the "grownup" world of diabolical
conspiracies and power plays.