Subido por alexia.cortezm

Guidelines for Umbrella Organizations - SDG Action Weekend

SDG Action Weekend
16 and 17 September 2023
Umbrella Accreditation under the Major Groups and Other Stakeholders (MGoS)
Coordination Mechanism
As of 18 August 2023
Background and Overview
Access to the SDG Action Weekend will be open to all those with valid UN Grounds Passes,
including CSOs (“N” badge). All other interested participants will need to request registration
through a dedicated form.
This document refers to the additional registration channel (‘umbrella’) which is being set
up to facilitate the participation of representatives from the Major Groups and Other
Stakeholders (MGoS).
General registration link - (to be publicly promoted)
For more information, please visit the SDG Action Weekend website.
Registration will be open from 21 August to 8 September. Please note that late registrations
cannot be accommodated and there will be no on-site registration.
MGoS Registration Channel
An additional separate Indico form has been set up for the registration of MGoS
representatives. This form will not be broadly disseminated through the SDG Action
Weekend website.
MGoS CM organizing partners/focal points are kindly asked to share this link only with
recognized members in order to facilitate the vetting process. Please do not publish this link
on public domains/social media.
MGoS organizing partners/focal points will be responsible for reviewing registration
requests of their representatives and to indicate to DESA who should be approved/rejected.
DESA will inform MGoS organizing partners/focal points in case of any issues related to
registration requests.
Each MGoS constituency will be allocated 40 slots for the registration. DESA will be adjusting
the quotas based on information received from organizing partners/focal points.
Link to registration in the UN Indico online system
Interested representatives from MGoS, should use this registration form: - Please note that this link is not public and can only
be accessed through the direct link.
Deadline for participants to register on Indico: 8 September 2023.
Registrations will be reviewed by the UN Secretariat on a rolling basis. A confirmation letter
will be sent to all approved participants. Participants may use this letter to apply for a visa
with their local US embassy/consulate, as appropriate.
How to register (this information can be shared with prospective participants)
In order to register, all participants must have their own individual account on Indico with a
valid email address. (Please check the participants guide here).
Click on registration tab on the left corner of the page > click on Log in to proceed on the
bottom of the page > Log in to your account
Select the corresponding NGO’s accredited MGoS constituencies from the drop-down menu,
if your organization is not found, please choose Other and indicate your organization name:
Please make sure that the organization name under Representation type is matching the
name of umbrella organization.
Complete the form as required.
Make sure to complete all mandatory fields, then click “Apply.”
Approval process
Major Group’s Focal points with existing Indico accounts will be granted the right to see the
list of registrations and to export the list for review.
Focal points can click on filters> add their umbrella oranization name in Rep Sub Type box to
review the registrations.
Focal points should send the “Green List” of individuals that are recommended for approval
to DSDG/DESA (To: Bayda Alibrahim [[email protected]], copy to Sabrina Axster
[[email protected]] on a weekly basis on 25 August, 1 September and 11 September so
approvals can be processed on a rolling basis.
The final list of participants recommended for approval should be sent to DSDG/DESA no
later than 11 September 2023.
If additional focal points need to be added, please make sure they have an account on Indico
and send the name/email address to Sabrina Axster ([email protected]) and Bayda
Alibrahim () before the 11 September deadline.
For additional information about registration to the SDG Action Weekend, please check