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Task Assignment - My favorite restaurant

Task: Assignment - My favorite restaurant
Zamia Zunnit Tapia Vásquez
Deam Cabrera Altamirano
Ignacia Tingo Melchor
Zunnit: Hey Deam, have you been to the new Italian restaurant downtown? It's become my
favorite spot lately.
Deam: Oh, really? No, I haven't tried it yet. What's so special about it?
Zunnit: Well, first off, the service is top-notch. The staff is super friendly and attentive. They
really make you feel welcome.
Deam: That's always a plus. What about the menu? Any special offers?
Zunnit: Absolutely! They have this amazing lunch deal where you get a starter, a main
course, and a dessert for a fixed price. It's a great way to try a variety of dishes without
breaking the bank.
Deam: Nice, I love a good deal. How about the drinks? Any signature cocktails or
Zunnit: Oh, you bet! Their mixologist is a genius. I tried this unique basil-infused cocktail last
time that blew my mind. They really put effort into their drink menu.
Deam: Sounds intriguing. What about the food? What's your go-to dish?
Zunnit: The pasta dishes are fantastic. I'm a sucker for their homemade lasagna. It's rich,
cheesy, and absolutely delicious. And they have a good selection of vegetarian options too.
Deam: I'm sold. What's the damage on the wallet, though?
Zunnit: Surprisingly reasonable. Considering the quality of the food and the overall
experience, I'd say it's quite affordable. You get value for your money.
Deam: Awesome. I'll definitely have to check it out. What's the name of the place again?
Zunnit: It's called "La Dolce Vita." You won't be disappointed, Deam. It's a hidden gem in the
Deam: Thanks for the tip, Zunnit. I'm always up for discovering new great spots.