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Unit 5 test
4 A _ _ _ _ _ have to pay £15 to enter the zoo.
Children can go in free.
5 Jake is l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to drive this summer.
1 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the
box. (5 marks)
revise share spend take
1 My brother and his wife are going to ______ a
house in Madrid.
2 My grandmother wants to ______ up a new
3 I ______ a lot of money on shoes.
4 Katrina and her friend Katy ______ a room at
5 When do you start to ______ for exams?
2 Match the words (1–5) to the definitions (A–E).
(5 marks)
audition ____
comedian ____
judge ____
variety show ____
finalist ____
1 Complete the sentences with can, can’t, could, or
couldn’t and the correct form of one of the
verbs in brackets. (10 marks)
1 Mum, _____ I ____ to the party tonight? (have /
2 I _____ ______ jeans to school when I was a
teenager. I always wore a uniform. (wear / buy)
3 ____ Beth ____ a bike? Yes, she can. (ride /
4 ______ you ____ in the pool when you were
five? (run / swim)
5 I ______ the piano very well – but I can sing!
(play / read)
2 Write sentences using the prompts. Use can,
can’t, could, couldn’t, allow somebody to or be
allowed to. (10 marks)
A a person whose job is to make people laugh
B a person taking part in the last stage of a
C a short performance by a singer, actor or dancer
to decide if they will get the part
D a person, usually an expert, who decides who is
the winner of a competition
E a series of performances where the performers
have different talents
3 Choose the correct option. (5 marks)
1 Maria wants to spend / get / take more time with
her family.
2 I like to spend / buy / text my friends several
times a day.
3 My grandfather moved / shared / retired from
his job when he was 60.
4 When was the last time you helped / grew /
invited someone?
5 Our neighbour is 82; he is toddler / elderly /
4 Complete the sentences. (5 marks)
1 My cousin is two years old; she is still
2 The b _ _ _ was crying because it was hungry.
3 My mum always c _ _ _ _ healthy meals.
1 unfortunately, / my mum / sing / at all!
2 my parents / allow / me / have a lie in / every
3 when / Sophie / be / 11, / she / speak / four
4 you / have sleepovers / when / you / be / young?
5 Jamie / not allowed / go to / the cinema / this
3 Complete the sentences using the correct
comparative or superlative form of the adverb in
brackets. Sometimes more than one word is
needed. (10 marks)
1 Do you sleep _______ at weekends than
weekday? (late)
2 Our coach wants us to play _______ in our next
match. (well)
3 My sister Lena eats _______ in my family.
4 I can remember the words to songs ________
than I can remember the music. (easy)
5 Juan is very good at English. He speaks it the
_______ in our class. (fluent)
Unit 5 test
Practical English
10 Complete the dialogue. (15 marks)
(1) W_____ do you think of Taylor Swift?
To be honest, I don’t think (2) m_____ of her.
Why not? Don’t you like her music?
(3) P______ , I don’t think her new album is
very good. She’s not as good a singer
(4) a_____ Ariana Grande.
Sam I (5) d______ agree with you. I think Taylor
Swift is better!
11 Read the text. Which heading best describes the
texts? (3 marks)
a Money can’t buy happiness
b Exercise is the key to happiness.
c What makes us happy?
There has been a lot of research into
happiness. Researchers found that many
people believe that money, a dream job or a
big house will make them happy.
Scientists found that people feel happier
when they have an experience rather than
when they buy something. For example,
buying something that you want will make
you happy for about two weeks. However, the
feelings created from having an enjoyable
experience, like spending time with friends or
family, are longer lasting than when we buy
Did you know that exercise can make you
happy? Researchers did experiments with
people suffering from depression. The people
were asked to do just 30 minutes of exercise
a day, like walking, running, swimming or
cycling. The results showed a significant
improvement in their mood after doing
Hobbies are also important for well-being.
Hobbies can make you healthier because
they reduce stress by making you forget
about problems and focusing your mind on
something else. Hobbies are also a great way
to make new friends. Sharing a common
interest can make you feel connected to
others. Learning a new skill through a hobby
also increases your self-esteem and this also
makes you feel more positive.
Unit 5 test
12 Read the text again. Complete the gaps with one
or two words. (12 marks)
1 According to the article, most people believe that
if they _________ material things, it will make
them ________ .
2 The feeling of happiness after we buy something
usually disappears after __________ .
3 Spending time with _______ or _______ can
provide a longer lasting feeling of happiness.
4 Doing just ______ of exercise a day can improve
your ____ .
5 Sharing a _______ can make you feel more
connected to _____ .
6 _______ a new skill makes you feel _____ about