Student’s Book English 1st grade Brendan Dunne - Robin Newton Edición especial para el Ministerio de Educación. Prohibida su comercialización. Student's book English 1 st grade Brendan Dunne B. Mus. University of Wales PGCE, Roehampton Institute M.A. in Teaching English to Young Learners, University of York Hello! CL0000000001022 Iniciales_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6880.indd 1 Robin Newton B. Sc. in Social Policy, University of Bristol PGCE, Roehampton Institute M.A. in Teaching English to Young Learners, University of York 1 12-07-22 13:41 English 1st Grade has been adapted from the course Beep by Richmond under the direction of RODOLFO HIDALGO CAPRILE Editorial team: Deputy director: Cristian Gúmera Valenzuela Music and recordings: Riera Sound, Suena Estudio Senior editor: Marcelo Cárdenas Sepúlveda Song lyrics: Brendan Dunne and Robin Newton Editor: Manoli Camacho Ángeles Illustrators: Alins Illustration: Sonia Alins; Gloria Celma, Marina Gómez Mut, Juan Diego Molina Jiménez Editorial assistant: María Constanza Casacuberta Authors: Brendan Dunne B. Mus. University of Wales PGCE, Roehampton Institute M.A. in Teaching English to Young Learners, University of York Beehive illustration: Moreno Chiacchiera, Jim Peacock Photos: © Manufacturas Artesanía Española S. L., Shutterstock, Getty Images Robin Newton B. Sc. in Social Policy, University of Bristol PGCE, Roehampton Institute M.A. in Teaching English to Young Learners, University of York Collaborators: Mariana Muñoz Zolotoochin Javiera Palma Dabed María Angélica Stuven Andrés Herrera Victoria Jackson Head of Design department: Verónica Román Soto Design and layout: Sergio Pérez Jara Production: Rosana Padilla Cencever Documentation: Cristian Bustos Chavarría Familia tipográfica: Helvetica Neue LT / Playtime WHT / Print Quedan rigurosamente prohibidas, sin la autorización escrita de los titulares del derecho de autor, bajo las sanciones establecidas en las leyes, la reproducción total o parcial de esta obra por cualquier medio o procedimiento, comprendidos la reprografía y el tratamiento informático, y la distribución en ejemplares de ella mediante alquiler o préstamo público. La editorial ha hecho todo lo posible por conseguir los permisos correspondientes para las obras con derecho de autor que aparecen en el presente texto. Cualquier error u omisión será rectificado en futuras impresiones a medida que la información esté disponible. © 2019, by Santillana del Pacífico S. A. de Ediciones. Avda. Andrés Bello 2299, piso 10, Providencia, Santiago (Chile). Impreso en D´ARTHY Gráfica. ISBN: 978-956-15-3468-1 – Inscripción nº 310.642 Se terminó de imprimir esta 4ª edición de 179.253 ejemplares, en el mes de noviembre del año 2022. Cantidad de uso autorizada: 179.253. [email protected] Santillana® es una marca registrada de Grupo Santillana de Ediciones, S. L. Todos los derechos reservados. 2 n o i t a t n e Pres Welcome to first grade! 3 CL0000000001022 Iniciales_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6880.indd 3 12-07-22 13:41 Contents Unit 1 At school Hello! Page 8 Unit 2 My body Page 12 Page 20 5 Unit My favourite food Page 44 Unit 6 My toys Page 52 4 CL0000000001022 Iniciales_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6880.indd 4 English 1st grade 12-07-22 13:41 Unit 3 My family Page 28 4 Unit Perfect pets Page 36 7 Unit In the house Unit 8 On holiday Page 60 Page 68 Festivals Page 76 Contents CL0000000001022 Iniciales_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6880.indd 5 5 12-07-22 13:41 Student's materials This is your Activity book! This is your Student's book! You have cut-outs at the end of your Activity book to use! Student’s Book English 1st grade Brendan Dunne - Robin Newton Brendan Dunne - Robin Newton Edición especial para el Ministerio de Educación. Prohibida su comercialización. Edición especial para el Ministerio de Educación. Prohibida su comercialización. Student’s Book • Get ready with English • English • 1st grade English 1st grade Knowing your book Hello! These are the characters of your book. Icons X This is your notebook. Work with your classmates. Role-play and have fun! Listen, sing, or chant! Activity book Page 5 This is your Activity book. IMPORTANT: Do not write in this book. Do the activities in your personal notebook. 6 CL0000000001022 Iniciales_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6880.indd 6 12-07-22 13:41 Unit 1 Presentation Learn new vocabulary. At school rubber pencil Presentation 1. Count all the school objects. 2. Listen, point, and say. 7 crayon pen book school bag ruler Unit goals glue Unit goals sharpener • Name school objects. • Sing songs and chants. Activity book Page 12 Unit 1 • At school 8 • Listen to a story. 13 Stop and think! and Reflect! Evaluate your learning in the Stop and think! section. Think and discuss in the Reflect! section. Think back! and Review Have fun and learn! Student's materials CL0000000001022 Iniciales_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6880.indd 7 7 12-07-22 13:41 Hello! 1 Listen and point. 2 Hello! What's your name? My name's Monica. 2 Listen and chant. 3 Activity book Page 5 8 CL0000000001022 Unit_1-2_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6881.indd 8 12-07-22 13:50 3 Listen, point, and say. 4 Sing and point. 4 5 Activity book Hello! CL0000000001022 Unit_1-2_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6881.indd 9 Page 6 9 12-07-22 13:50 What do I know? 1 Listen and point. 2 Look and say. 6 10 CL0000000001022 Unit_1-2_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6881.indd 10 12-07-22 13:50 3 Count and say. 4 Say the missing number. 1 2 3? 4 5? 6 7 8? 9? 10 5 Write your name. Stop and think! Read and show a face. I don’t understand the activities. I need help with the activities. Activity book Hello! CL0000000001022 Unit_1-2_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6881.indd 11 Page I understand. I can help my classmates. 7 11 12-07-22 13:50 Unit 1 At school Presentation 1. Count all the school objects. 2. Listen, point, and say. 7 book school bag sharpener 12 CL0000000001022 Unit_1-2_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6881.indd 12 12-07-22 13:50 rubber pencil crayon pen ruler glue Unit goals • Name school objects. • Sing songs and chants. Activity book Page Unit 1 • At school CL0000000001022 Unit_1-2_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6881.indd 13 8 • Listen to a story. 13 12-07-22 13:51 Lesson 1 1 Practice Listen and say. 8 What's this? 1 It's a book. 2 4 3 5 2 Play. What's this? Activity book Page It's a ruler! 9 14 CL0000000001022 Unit_1-2_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6881.indd 14 12-07-22 13:51 Unit 1 Production 3 Draw and write. pencil 4 Listen and chant. 9 Hey, what’s this? Hey, what’s this? Do you know? Can you guess? It’s a No, no, no! Unit 1 • At school CL0000000001022 Unit_1-2_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6881.indd 15 . It’s a . Yes, yes, yes! Activity book 10-11 Pages 15 12-07-22 13:51 Lesson 2 Let's share Find! 5 Listen to the story. 10 Who has the and the 1 2 3 4 ? 16 CL0000000001022 Unit_1-2_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6881.indd 16 12-07-22 13:51 Unit 1 5 6 7 8 6 Act your favourite scene. Stop and think! Read and show a face. I don't understand the story. Unit 1 • At school CL0000000001022 Unit_1-2_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6881.indd 17 I need help with the story. I understand. I can help my classmates. 17 12-07-22 13:51 Lesson 2 p s Beep's world 7 Look. Who's Beep? 8 Listen. ound 11 Where are the children? 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 What's the magic word? Do you use it? Activity book Page 12 18 CL0000000001022 Unit_1-2_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6881.indd 18 12-07-22 13:51 Unit CLIL 10 HS T A M Follow the steps. 1 a. Look. b. Count. c. Say. 6 Six Reflect! • Can you see any numbers in the picture? • Where else do you see numbers? Activity book Unit 1 • At school CL0000000001022 Unit_1-2_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6881.indd 19 Page 13 19 12-07-22 13:51 Unit 2 My body head Presentation 1. Listen, point, and say. 13 2. Listen and chant. 14 arms hair legs feet Activity book Page 14 20 CL0000000001022 Unit_1-2_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6881.indd 20 12-07-22 13:51 hands toes knees nose mouth ears Unit goals • Say the parts of the body. • Follow a short dialogue. eyes • Enjoy a story. • Sing songs and chants. Unit 2 • My body CL0000000001022 Unit_1-2_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6881.indd 21 21 12-07-22 13:51 Lesson 1 1 Practice Listen and role-play. 15 Charlie Mark Lee Oscar Monica Anna Ruby 2 Listen and chant. 16 All stand up and stamp your feet! Move your body to the beat! Wave your arms and touch your nose! Shake your hands and touch your toes! Activity book 15-16 Pages 22 CL0000000001022 Unit_1-2_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6881.indd 22 12-07-22 13:51 Unit 2 Production 3 Sing. 17 I'm Charlie the clown. Stand up! Sit down! I'm Charlie the clown. Look at me! 4 Look and say. Blue hair. ? ? Unit 2 • My body CL0000000001022 Unit_1-2_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6881.indd 23 ? Activity book 17-18 Pages 23 12-07-22 13:51 Lesson 2 Charlie the clown! Find! 5 Listen to the story. 18 Where's 1 2 3 4 ? 24 CL0000000001022 Unit_1-2_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6881.indd 24 12-07-22 13:51 Unit 2 5 6 7 8 6 What happens first? Stop and think! Read and show a face. I don't understand the story. Unit 2 • My body CL0000000001022 Unit_1-2_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6881.indd 25 I need help with the story. I understand. I can help my classmates. 25 12-07-22 13:51 Lesson 2 7 Let's play Play a game. 1 2 3 6 5 4 7 8 9 12 11 10 START FINISH 8 Look and say. Activity book Page 19 26 CL0000000001022 Unit_1-2_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6881.indd 26 12-07-22 13:51 Think back! 9 Play with your classmates. Draw a ruler. Jump! What's this? Is this a nose? What’s this? Say a word with the p sound! Count the pencils! What's this? Is this purple? Stamp your feet! Think back! CL0000000001022 Unit_1-2_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6881.indd 27 Is this a rubber? 27 12-07-22 13:51 Unit 3 My family grandad mum brother Presentation 1. Listen, point, and say. 20 2. Listen and chant. 21 28 CL0000000001022 Unit_3-4_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6882.indd 28 12-07-22 13:55 dad granny sister Unit goals • Name family members. • Say my age. • Enjoy a story. Activity book 20 Page Unit 3 • My family CL0000000001022 Unit_3-4_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6882.indd 29 • Sing songs and chants. 29 12-07-22 13:55 Lesson 1 Practice This is my family. 1 2 Listen and point. 22 mum grandad sister dad brother granny Listen and sing. 23 This is my family. Say “hello” to my family. This is my family. Activity book 21-22 Pages 30 CL0000000001022 Unit_3-4_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6882.indd 30 12-07-22 13:55 Unit 3 Production 3 Count and point. 4 Listen and chant. 24 How old are you? How old are you? Are you one? Are you two? How old are you? How old are you? Are you three? Are you four? Unit 3 • My family CL0000000001022 Unit_3-4_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6882.indd 31 Activity book 23-24 Pages 31 12-07-22 13:56 Lesson 2 The surprise party! Find! 5 Listen to the story. 25 How old is 1 2 3 4 ? 32 CL0000000001022 Unit_3-4_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6882.indd 32 12-07-22 13:56 Unit 3 5 6 7 8 6 Draw your favourite character. Stop and think! Read and show a face. I don't understand the story. Unit 3 • My family CL0000000001022 Unit_3-4_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6882.indd 33 I need help with the story. Activity Book 22 Page I understand. I can help my classmates. 33 12-07-22 13:56 Lesson 2 7 CLIL AL SOCI IES STUD Point and say. grandad granny granny mum grandad dad me 8 Draw your family tree. 34 CL0000000001022 Unit_3-4_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6882.indd 34 12-07-22 13:56 Unit 3 9 Now, create your poster. 1 Draw a family member. 2 Write about your family member. This is my dad. 3 Show. Reflect! • Is this person important to the boy? Why? Unit 3 • My family CL0000000001022 Unit_3-4_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6882.indd 35 Activity book 25 Page 35 12-07-22 13:56 Unit 4 Perfect pets Presentation 1. Listen, point, and say. 27 goldfish 2. Listen and chant. 28 hamster dog rabbit 36 CL0000000001022 Unit_3-4_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6882.indd 36 12-07-22 13:56 cat parrot frog rat Unit goals • Say the name of pets. • Enjoy a story. Activity book 26 Page Unit • Perfect pets CL0000000001022 Unit_3-4_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6882.indd 37 • Follow instructions. 37 12-07-22 13:56 Lesson 1 1 Practice Listen and point. 29 1 2 3 4 2 Listen and sing. 30 Can you guess my pet? Can you guess my pet? Is it a hamster? Is it a rabbit? Can you guess my pet? Activity book 27-28 Pages 38 CL0000000001022 Unit_3-4_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6882.indd 38 12-07-22 13:56 Unit Production 3 Listen, point, and say. 31 Sit down! Jump! Catch! Stand up! Go to sleep! No, Chippy! 4 Unit Listen and chant. • Perfect pets CL0000000001022 Unit_3-4_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6882.indd 39 32 Activity book 29 Page 39 12-07-22 13:56 Lesson 2 The mystery of the black cat! Find! 5 Listen to the story. 33 Who finds the 1 2 3 4 ? 40 CL0000000001022 Unit_3-4_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6882.indd 40 12-07-22 13:56 Unit 5 6 7 8 6 Role-play your favourite scene. Stop and think! Read and show a face. I don't understand the story. Unit • Perfect pets CL0000000001022 Unit_3-4_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6882.indd 41 I need help with the story. I understand. I can help my classmates. Activity Book book 30 Activity Page 29 Page 41 12-07-22 13:56 Lesson 2 7 Let's play Play a game. Yes, it is. No, it isn't. Is it brown? Activity book 31 Page 42 CL0000000001022 Unit_3-4_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6882.indd 42 12-07-22 13:56 Think back! 8 Play with your classmates. How old is she? Is it brown? Name a family member. Stand up! Is this a parrot? Jump! How old are you? Is this a dad? What's this? Go to sleep! Count the family members. Is this a dog? Think back! CL0000000001022 Unit_3-4_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6882.indd 43 What's this? This is a... 43 12-07-22 13:57 Unit 5 My favourite food Presentation 1. Listen, point, and say. 35 2. Listen and chant. 36 bread chocolate apples bananas oranges 44 CL0000000001022 Unit_5-6_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6883.indd 44 12-07-22 14:04 sausages chicken cheese juice yoghurt Unit goals • Name food. • Express likes and dislikes. • Sing songs and chants. cake Unit 5 • My favourite food CL0000000001022 Unit_5-6_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6883.indd 45 Activity book 32 Page 45 12-07-22 14:04 Lesson 1 Practice I like… = I don’t like… 1 Listen and show. 37 1 2 3 4 Activity book 33 Page 46 CL0000000001022 Unit_5-6_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6883.indd 46 12-07-22 14:05 Unit 5 Production 2 Look and write. 3 Ask and answer. Do you like cakes? chocolate Unit 5 • My favourite food CL0000000001022 Unit_5-6_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6883.indd 47 Yes, I do. bread yoghurt chicken Activity book 34 Page 47 12-07-22 14:05 Lesson 2 I like chocolate cake! Find! 4 Listen to the story. 38 Who eats the and 1 2 3 4 ? 48 CL0000000001022 Unit_5-6_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6883.indd 48 12-07-22 14:05 Unit 5 5 6 7 8 5 What food does like? Stop and think! Read and show a face. I don't understand the story. Unit 5 • My favourite food CL0000000001022 Unit_5-6_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6883.indd 49 I need help with the story. I understand. I can help my classmates. Activity book 35 Page 49 12-07-22 14:05 Lesson 2 Beep's world 6 Where are Beep and Robbie? 7 Listen. csouhnd 39 Who's the chef? 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 Is Beep a good chef? Activity book 36 Page 50 CL0000000001022 Unit_5-6_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6883.indd 50 12-07-22 14:05 Unit CLIL 9 CE 5 N SCIE Look and choose. Materials Eat in Eat in a small a big amount. amount. a. Cut. b. Paste. c. Choose. Eat in Eat in a small a big amount. amount. Reflect! • Choose a snack! Explain why you prefer it. Unit 5 • My favourite food CL0000000001022 Unit_5-6_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6883.indd 51 Activity book 37 Page 51 12-07-22 14:05 Unit 6 My toys Presentation 1. Listen, point, and say. 41 plane 2. Listen and chant. 42 ball computer game train 52 CL0000000001022 Unit_5-6_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6883.indd 52 12-07-22 14:05 kite bike car teddy Unit goals • Name toys. • Ask my friends about their toys. • Sing songs and chants. doll Activity book 38 Page Unit 6 • My toys CL0000000001022 Unit_5-6_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6883.indd 53 53 12-07-22 14:05 Lesson 1 1 Practice Listen, find, and point. 43 Have you got a train? 2 Yes, I have. Look and act. No, I haven't. Have you got a bike? Activity book 39 Page 54 CL0000000001022 Unit_5-6_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6883.indd 54 12-07-22 14:06 Unit 6 Production 3 Listen and chant. 44 Have you got a bike? Have you got a bike? Ruby, Ruby, tell me please! Yes, I have. 4 Draw and write. My favourite toy This is a train. It's red. Unit 6 • My toys CL0000000001022 Unit_5-6_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6883.indd 55 Activity book 40 Page 55 12-07-22 14:06 Lesson 2 Computer games are boring! Find! 5 Listen to the story. 45 What are 1 3 and doing? 2 4 56 CL0000000001022 Unit_5-6_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6883.indd 56 12-07-22 14:06 Unit 6 5 6 7 8 6 What games does like? Stop and think! Read and show a face. I don't understand the story. I need help with the story. Activity book Unit 6 • My toys CL0000000001022 Unit_5-6_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6883.indd 57 Page I understand. I can help my classmates. 41 57 12-07-22 14:06 Lesson 2 7 Let's play Play a game. 7 START 8 Have you got a…? a. A guitar. 1 a. A kite. b. A teddy. b. A train. c. A doll. c. A bike. 6 2 Draw! 9 Have you got a…? 5 10 Draw! 3 a. A doll. b. A ball. 4 Have you got a…? c. A car. Finish Activity book 42-43 Pages 58 CL0000000001022 Unit_5-6_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6883.indd 58 12-07-22 14:06 Think back! 8 Play with your classmates. Say a word with the ch sound! Is this a car? Is it healthy? Do you like...? a. Train. b. Car. c. Computer game. Describe your favourite toy. What can you see? Do you like… Think back! CL0000000001022 Unit_5-6_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6883.indd 59 Have you got a …? 59 12-07-22 14:06 Unit 7 In the house bathroom Presentation 1. Listen, point, and say. 47 2. Listen and chant. 48 kitchen hall garden 60 CL0000000001022 Unit_7-8_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6884.indd 60 12-07-22 14:16 bedroom living room Unit goals • Name the rooms of the house. • Find objects in the house. • Enjoy a story. Activity book 44 Page Unit 7 • In the house CL0000000001022 Unit_7-8_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6884.indd 61 61 12-07-22 14:16 Lesson 1 1 Practice Listen and order. Dad! Where's my pencil? 49 A B C D 2 Listen and sing. 50 Where's my ruler? Where's my ruler? What can I do? Look! It's in the kitchen! Oh! Thank you! Activity book Pages 45-46 62 CL0000000001022 Unit_7-8_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6884.indd 62 12-07-22 14:16 Unit 7 Production 3 Look, listen, and say. chair 51 table bath 4 Listen, point, and say. 5 Look and say. 52 Where's the chair? It's in Lee's bathroom! Activity book Unit 7 • In the house CL0000000001022 Unit_7-8_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6884.indd 63 bed Pages 47-48 63 12-07-22 14:16 Lesson 2 The castle adventure! Find! 6 Listen to the story. 53 What rooms does the class visit? 1 2 3 4 64 CL0000000001022 Unit_7-8_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6884.indd 64 12-07-22 14:16 Unit 7 5 6 7 8 7 Do and behave well? Stop and think! Read and show a face. I don't understand the story. Unit 7 • In the house CL0000000001022 Unit_7-8_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6884.indd 65 I need help with the story. I understand. I can help my classmates. 65 12-07-22 14:17 Lesson 2 8 Let's play! Look and ask. Where's the kite? It's in the living room! 66 CL0000000001022 Unit_7-8_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6884.indd 66 12-07-22 14:17 Unit CLIL 9 Make your own room. ARTS 7 Materials Living room Reflect! • Which is your favourite room? Why? Unit 7 • In the house CL0000000001022 Unit_7-8_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6884.indd 67 Activity book 49 Page 67 12-07-22 14:17 Unit 8 On holiday Presentation 1. Listen, point, and say. 55 sand castle 2. Listen and chant. 56 sea seagull shark shell 68 CL0000000001022 Unit_7-8_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6884.indd 68 12-07-22 14:17 lighthouse dolphin boat Unit goals • Name seaside words. • Name seaside activities. crab • Say I'm happy / I'm sad. Activity book Pages Unit 8 • On holiday CL0000000001022 Unit_7-8_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6884.indd 69 50-51 69 12-07-22 14:17 Lesson 1 1 Practice Listen and point. 57 What can you see? A crab. 2 Look and write. Follow the example. What can you see? 1 A pink shell. 3 2 A yellow A grey ? 4 ? 5 Activity book 52 Page 70 CL0000000001022 Unit_7-8_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6884.indd 70 12-07-22 14:17 Unit 8 Production 3 Look, say, and role-play. I'm hungry! I'm bored! I'm happy! I'm scared! 4 Listen and sing. 58 This is the way I eat a sandwich, eat a sandwich, eat a sandwich. This is the way I eat a sandwich, when I'm hungry. Unit 8 • On holiday CL0000000001022 Unit_7-8_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6884.indd 71 Activity book 53 Page 71 12-07-22 14:17 Lesson 2 A day at the funfair! Find! 5 Listen to the story. 59 Who gets lost? 1 2 3 4 72 CL0000000001022 Unit_7-8_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6884.indd 72 12-07-22 14:17 Unit 8 5 6 7 8 6 Draw a different ending. Stop and think! Read and show a face. I don't understand the story. Unit 8 • On holiday CL0000000001022 Unit_7-8_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6884.indd 73 I need help with the story. I understand. I can help my classmates. Activity book 54 Page 73 12-07-22 14:17 Lesson 2 7 Let's play Say and guess. I see a red… Ball! Activity book 55 Page 74 CL0000000001022 Unit_7-8_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6884.indd 74 12-07-22 14:17 Think back! 8 Play with your classmates. What's this? What's this? Role-play and say. Where's the spider? Where's the train? What's this? What's this? What can you see? Where's the ball? Think back! CL0000000001022 Unit_7-8_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6884.indd 75 What can you see? 75 12-07-22 14:17 Festivals 1 Easter Count and say. basket Easter bunny 2 Easter eggs ? ? ? ? ? ? Guess the riddle with a classmate. How does Easter end? Activity book 56 Page 76 CL0000000001022 P_Finales_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6885.indd 76 12-07-22 14:19 Festivals 3 Halloween Listen and point. 61 ghost cat pumpkin vampire monster 4 Listen and sing. witch skeleton 62 Halloween, Halloween. What can you see? I can see a scary ghost chasing me. Aargh! Festivals CL0000000001022 P_Finales_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6885.indd 77 Activity book 57 Page 77 12-07-22 14:20 Festivals 5 Christmas Look and say. present Christmas tree 6 Listen and sing. 63 Here comes Santa. Can you see? Coming down the chimney. With presents for you. And presents for me! 7 Draw your Christmas celebration. Activity book 58 Page 78 CL0000000001022 P_Finales_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6885.indd 78 12-07-22 14:20 This is the end of your school year. Go to page 59 of the Activity book to complete your Language Passport. See you soon! 79 CL0000000001022 P_Finales_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6885.indd 79 12-07-22 14:20 80 CL0000000001022 P_Finales_TXT_ING_1B_VF_6885.indd 80 12-07-22 14:20