Subido por Antonio.P

My philosophical ideas

Antonio Pinto Renedo
© Author, layout and cover design:
Antonio Pinto Renedo
Published in December 2014
Revised in 2019
Exercise and diet
The extermination of the Healers
The process of infatuation
Progress is in the balance
Infections and inflammations
Drug hypocrites
Change station
The importance of a stable schedule
Instability of success
Human plague
Esparta a land of slaves
Athenian democracy
Immoral state
Fraud of the economic crisis
False integration
The misery of nationalism
The strength of a government
A perfect world
The colors of the numbers
The end of the solar system
The nature of time
The beginning and end of the cosmos
The origin of the man
UFO technology
The aliens
Atomic ships and antigravity
The road to the light
The dilemma of the prophets
False prophets
Destructive cults
Haunted houses
The universal leadership
The true Messiah
The inner journey
Migration of souls
The authentic virtues
A world of lies
The true way
The main reason for writing this book is to try to deepen the ideas
expressed in my previous books, for any clarification is always
good. It is also raised as individual items because at first these
items were displayed through my blog on the internet. To make
them more understandable, I decided my articles grouped into
four main groups according to their content: medicine, politics,
science and philosophy.
This book has been translated from the original Spanish version.
Today it is many people who use exercise to control weight, and
it is true that the exercise by causing calorie consumption can
serve as a control method, however, it is a mistake to believe that
exercise should be the method essential to that end, it is at the root
where you must attack the problem of overweight, that is not
about spending a lot of energy in order to eliminate the calories
before been ingested, but taking from the beginning of calories
your body really needs, so who wants to lose weight should
consider as a suitable method ingesting food calories alone would
be spent gymnastics whether or not included. It is true that
exercise is helpful in maintaining good health because the human
body is somehow a machine made to work, but it is also true that
they are wrong who think that exercise is essential for weight
loss, in fact it can be considered even as some ecological act be
for hours in a gym machine in order to lose calories because it is
unnecessarily wasted energy. It would be much better not to have
taken those calories initially which then need to be removed.
Therefore, the key is to tackle the problem from the beginning
using a vegetable essentially low-calorie diet, which also fills
easily. It is also advisable to eat only in the hours set for it,
making a maximum of four meals a day and only drink water
between meals, in addition to being good for the diet is also good
for your teeth.
An ideal diet should not be cruel, therefore, is correct also eat
what we like but can have more calories, but obviously to a lesser
extent, because what matters is not what we eat, but eat only the
calories our body needs. Instead, a too strict diet can cause
anxiety and thus ruin the diet itself. For this reason it is good that
the diet includes sweet and savory foods among other things, salt
is good for enhancing physical strength and sugar is essential for
the electrical impulses of the brain, the fruit juice is good for
vitamins and sugars but also for its acidifying because citric acid
can help break down fats in our body. Ideal diet for a work should
never be boring, but it is essential to eliminate animal fats and eat
only at the set times for it, so it will be harder to feel hungry
between meals.
Rarely in history has there been so much difference between
appearances and reality as persecution by the Catholic Church
against healers who used the knowledge acquired over thousands
of years about the healing power of plants. Inquisition originally
created to discover degenerating false Christians ended up being
an instrument of persecution and extermination of anyone who
dissented from the church simply postulates. Thus he began the
persecution during the average age of these naturalists doctors
who were healers, such was the envy that the church had them not
hesitate to condemn them to death because they had committed
the crime of offering society she could not, i.e. healing their
diseases, such was his crime did not hesitate to chase to near
complete extinction, many died and with them the knowledge of
medicine on natural remedies accumulated over hundreds of
generations and passed down from father to son were taken to the
good of humanity, the church also pursuing another sinister
purpose shamelessly seize the lands of those who had been
accused of witchcraft. These events are proof that it is not the
same religion religious organization, because the first is a
philosophy and a way of thinking, and the second is a structure
created to use religion as an instrument to gain power, by which
they believe the right to say on a whim what the will of God, but
solely for their own profit that is the sole purpose of serving
satan. Eventually society understand that it is not the same as
saying it is just to be fair, to say that God is represented to
represent God, because there is no more appropriate place for evil
to develop to the place where naively suppose not, i.e. religious
organizations. Someday man will understand that you do not need
intermediaries to tell you what the will of God and learn to seek
truth itself. Persecution carried out mainly by the Catholic Church
during the Middle Ages against these naturalists medical deprived
Europe of knowledge acquired by them for thousands of years,
this situation was only possible treatment of medicine we might
call chemistry, but this based medicine in laboratory experiments
it was at a stage of embryonic development, so you could say that
the West again not have some medical treatments similar quality
loss until the mid-twentieth century. Only history will tell how
many victims were both direct and indirect of this senseless
Throughout life most people go through at some point in the
situation of being in love, such a situation can be an extraordinary
experience if that feeling is reciprocated or be an ordeal if it is not
to the point of reaching cause of suicide in some cases. But how
many people have wondered what the processes occurring in our
brain in such a situation? In my opinion it would be necessary to
go back in time to the origins of the human species itself, a time
to get anything was always difficult for this reason and in order to
ensure the survival of the species, nature designed the so-called
infatuation process.
Arguably, in the brain there is an automatic mechanism whereby
when a person believes he is at his ideal partner and thinks that
such a union is acceptable or possible then kicks in the process of
falling in love, in this situation the person is trapped in a kind of
psychological cage by which the brain disrupts the natural process
of stimulation so that the person receives only such natural stimuli
when their actions or thoughts are directed to carry out their union
with the desired partner, so that anything that disrupts this desire
results in suppression of these stimuli and causes great discomfort
accordingly because in this situation only wants to get rid of the
strong feeling of emptiness and see only solution to this being the
desired person. What these people do not understand that this is
only a brain mechanism designed by nature in order to facilitate
the process of reproduction of the species and the loving person is
able to overcome any obstacles get in their way to achieve their
Does this mean that falling in love is bad? Not necessarily,
because among other things the infatuation causes the desire to be
with the desired person is so intense that the degree of conviction
to be with her and be faithful is so strong that it is appropriate
when it comes to performing a task common as important as
creating a family and taking it forward. This means that the
person in a state of infatuation is convinced with great decision to
go all the way with your partner and when that feeling of
infatuation disappears however is the memory of what he felt and
what one was willing to take in case to be reciprocated. It's as if
nature wants psych up us and make us take responsibility of the
importance of the relationship you want to have. Perhaps the
trouble with falling in love is that defects of the desired but only
their virtues person can not see in that mental state and imagines
that person is not as it is but as I would like it, however the
process of infatuation is only active when the number of qualities
that are appreciated in the desired person are high enough to make
possible its inception therefore can not be considered completely
wrong. It can be said then that the purpose of infatuation is on one
hand overcome the obstacles that hinder the union of the couple,
and the other to convince each other of what you are willing to
give and receive, and thus the union is stronger and expectations
for the future are greater if there is infatuation compared with
situations where there is not, but we must also recognize failing in
this situation things are better than they are, but nature does with
a good purpose it is to strengthen the conviction of the spouses in
the future of their relationship.
Can we then say that falling in love is a state induced by our own
mind regardless of our will? The answer is no, because the
infatuation only acts as a support mechanism when the person has
already decided he wants the desired person.
Arguably, from a point of view metaphysical the solution to most
problems is the middle path that is more moderate, but that does
not mean you should consider why the extreme performances also
have their raison d'être because when something leaves his place
of balance either by negligence or accident it is necessary to
return to your site and get it may be the only solution is a forceful
action to restore the situation to its rightful place. This does not
mean they can not be exceptions to this law of universal balance,
since accepting exceptions would also be a form of moderation,
but would be out of this law those behaviors that being wrong
would be objectionable completely and without exception,
because only you have to understand as part of the dynamics of
balance and moderation that which are in order with nature and is
socially useful. An example of those things that would be
objectionable completely would in my opinion the use of
stimulant drugs such as snuff and alcohol, unfair or anti-social
behavior, and anything else that would be quite reprehensible for
being wrong in these cases would not have sense justify a
moderate use of them by being clear their danger to society. From
a symbolically the point of equilibrium would be represented in
some cases by the number three and the green color is in the
middle between the red color represents the energy and matter,
and the blue color represents the spirit and philosophy, and the
union of these two colors at its midpoint leads to life represented
by the color green, because life emerges from the intermediate
balance between red and blue. Also the number five represents
this balance as it is at the midpoint between the number one and
ten. In the universe many cases in which the need for an
intermediate balance is observed for example if the temperature in
the living areas, are given as the right would get the intermediate
between very cold and very warm i.e. the ideal health, which
could be between about fifteen or twenty degrees Celsius, but are
countless cases where it can be seen as the best solution is the
middle way for the different options.
Another example is the current political models, because the
parties are inclined to represent only partial view defined as left or
right, you try to convince citizens that the truth belongs to them
alone and that all error is in the contrary. This is just a false
representation of reality induced by unnecessary division matches
between left and right that the current model causes, this division
has nothing to do with the truth, because this is neutral and is
divided equally between the different political forces. The ideal
political system would be one in which the power was not held by
the parties but each and every one of the laws were decided
separately by citizens form because the current method that
divides ideas between left and right is no more a way to distract
citizens while real democracy denied.
Clearly in the cosmos the solution in most situations is the middle
way, but only when it comes to reasonable questions, for all the
wrong behaviors would be objectionable and therefore would
make no sense trying to justify looking at them exceptional use
the theory concerning moderation and exceptional use it makes
sense to apply only to those things that have meaning.
Sometimes, due to prolonged exposure of the body to a
temperature below the required rheumatism called occur, I do not
mean by this that this is the only possible cause but is probably
one of the most frequent. Because of the low temperatures
capillaries are compressed and then the bones receive a lower
amount of blood supply to the necessary, then nature in its great
wisdom triggers inflammation of the tissues surrounding the
resulting bone rheumatic pains. That inflammation is intended to
increase the diameter of the veins and capillaries and recover the
amount of blood needed for proper maintenance of the body.
However at present and because of their ignorance of the nature
doctors always tend to seek a solution to the health problems
through the use of coercive chemicals to the human body is called
inflammatory because if they dedicate themselves to understand
the body would realize that often inflammatory processes which
seek to facilitate blood flow and possible arrival of nutrients to
the tissues, but with the use of anti-inflammatory that is produced
is the opposite effect and result on one hand the problem that
caused the inflammation is not solved and the other with these
drugs can cause new health problems. Therefore the solution in
these cases is to regulate the inflammation that is not excessive
but avoid, that is the best treatment for these rheumatic
inflammatory processes is combat cold caused the inflammatory
reaction using more clothes, because once the He has recovered
body the nutrients it lacked inflammation cease on their own. In
those cases where inflammation is caused by the thinning of the
bones the solution would avoid overdo efforts and always
perform moderate exercise.
Another example of inflammation is of infectious processes, in
this case causing inflammation is the body's attempt to combat the
spread of a virus by the inflammatory process, i.e. inflammation
usually has two components, on the one hand increases section of
the veins and capillaries and other body temperature is increased
thereby increasing the flow of blood and thereby facilitating the
arrival of the antibody to the infected area. It is true that
sometimes an excess of body temperature can be
counterproductive but when it comes to a slight excess is
preferable to let nature take its way and facilitate the arrival of
more blood and therefore more antibodies to the infected area, so
both the use of anti-inflammatories can be considered correct only
when the fever or inflammation is exaggerated, but not before is
because what would camouflage the disease but can not cure.
It is regrettable to see today so many people paraded through the
medical clinics seeking the miracle formula to cure their ailments,
they are not able to understand that diseases have an intimate
relationship of cause and effect with the actions that everyone
does throughout of their life. Man has to understand that much of
the things that happen are we responsible for our own actions and
therefore can be corrected in the same way, because most diseases
are the result of lifestyle habits detrimental to health and it is
therefore in those habits of wrong where you have to act conduct,
however even despite the large current technological development
physicians continue to have too easily to prescribe chemicals with
which to conceal ailments whose solution would have been easy,
it would have to the patient listen a little closer to your body and
leave those bad habits that hurt him, but instead doctors simply
prescribe chemicals that not only do not solve the problem but
create new diseases, it is absurd to believe that you can solve a
disease without removing the cause that produces it. The man of
the future will understand that many of the things that happen in
your life do not just happen, understand that he can and should be
creative part of their own future and consequently must also
assume their own responsibility for their own actions and so in
diseases that could suffer. It is true that we can not determine all
the events that happen in our lives, but most of them do,
especially those affecting our private lives, therefore you need to
understand that we all have a certain creativity within us that we
can shape our environment and adapt it to our preferences. It is
true that there are diseases whose cure depend exclusively on
health care, but it is also true that the vast majority of ailments
and diseases do not require chemistry-based solutions and have
easy solution to understand that these ailments are the
consequences of wrong actions and therefore it is in correcting
those acts where healing is. Today one of the main causes of
disease in developed countries is the excessive intake of calories,
which is reaching a level almost epidemic, however, patients
stubbornly refuse to understand that we need a profound change
in their lifestyle favoring more moderate exercise and a mainly
plant food. These patients come to doctors looking for the miracle
formula to remove them disease but without giving up the causes
that produce them, this is an example of genuine intellectual
clumsiness, but also of medical malpractice, because in many
cases doctors are limited to dispatching medication without telling
their patients that is not the solution. Only time will tell how
many victims have caused some medical practices that extol the
value of the drugs but forgetting the importance of a healthy
To achieve a healthy and perfect body is first necessary to strictly
control the daily intake of calories, it is convenient to divide the
day up to four meals when it comes to adults and take only water
between them, because once we have used to be much more
difficult to feel hungry between meals. Many animals eating time
because their food lacks enough calories spend, but it is absurd
that human beings do the same having much more nutritious
foods. They fail to understand that the food entertains but many
other things as well. Furthermore, the fact of having free time
between meals offers us the ability to perform higher-value tasks.
Because the truth is that those who spend too much time eating
not only causes atrophy of his body but of his brain.
People forget that youth does not last forever, do not understand
that being young our metabolism overcomes many of the outrages
us to comment, but upon reaching half of life the ability to
regenerate body ends and from there when we begin to suffer the
consequences of a youth full of vices and excesses, it is as if
nature be levied compensation for misuse we have given the body
that gave us.
It is paradoxical to see how today there are many voices calling
for tougher penalties for use or trafficking of drugs or at least
maintain existing ones, and it is paradoxical that the very ones
who cry out against counter drugs are simultaneously calls
guzzlers legal drugs, alcohol and snuff, and even more
paradoxical that these same individuals who oppose furiously
when someone proposes the same restrictions on legal drugs than
for others. Could it be that they think they are consuming other
drugs but what they do not consume? That is an exercise of
supreme hypocrisy, because legal drugs cause more deaths each
year than all the others put together. Not to mention the legal
advantages in many countries are granted for criminals commit
their crimes while intoxicated. I think it is not in the legal field
where you should fight trafficking or drug use but in the moral
field, because the fact that it can be right to allow free
consumption and sale of drugs as happens with alcohol and snuff
not it means it is correct from a moral point of view. Drugs are
objectionable for its high toxicity for their ability to disrupt the
mind and lose the reason in addition to causing a false stimulus,
but it is through social awareness and rejection of the state to
grant extenuating as to combat and not by police chase. This way
to combat drug already demonstrated their failure during
Prohibition in the United States in the early twentieth century, and
governments today are spending millions in police chase with the
same useless results, do not realize that those who maintain that
business running are the same consumers who refuse to accept
anyone tell you by force what they should eat and what not, is by
respecting their free will and trying to convince with reason and
not with violence how citizens finally understand the foolishness
of drug use and that is when the fight can be won.
Arguably, from a biological point of view there are two seasons
alone, the summer season and winter season since the biological
system of our body is to these two stations that adapts and is in
the remaining two seasons spring and autumn in which it does, so
they say that spring the blood alters, just then between May and
June metabolism has to change and adapt to circumstances
summer, then it is often fever, irritability occurs, pains in different
parts of the body and insomnia, the cause of this is in my opinion
the fact that the heat favors the increase of virus activity in our
body, which causes the immune system is forced to provide a
greater number of antibodies into the bloodstream. During winter
viruses are generally more lethargic from the cold since low
temperatures are a natural disinfectant means also helps to fight
fevers, but in the spring it changes, increased temperatures favors
a greater viral growth in the air and in our body, then the immune
system is overset sudden and hasty struggle between this and
viruses with known symptoms that will end with the victory of
our metabolism occurs once antivirals media have increased and
adapted to the new situation. So while symptoms are mild it is
preferable not to use drugs to give our bodies the possibility to
seek their adaptation. In the fall reverse this situation occurs
because the drop in temperature produces a relaxing effect
thereby increasing the feeling of sleep. Actually viruses have been
created by nature in order to decompose dead organic matter into
its elementary molecules, however when accidentally introduced
into a living body called infections occur and that is when the
immune system comes into action to restore the status quo.
However when it comes from an unknown virus can cause known
epidemics, this happens because the immune system known
natural for healing remedy, but most times throughout history, has
been the human being himself the responsible for epidemics and
not viruses because their inability to control their own population
growth, led to often, the number of inhabitants was greater than
necessary to keep food, causing a weakening of the immune
system, and this perfect for the spread of disease, means therefore,
in this case, the virus met the uncomfortable task of causing a
correction in the number of inhabitants, the man himself was not
able to do. Given this situation it was easier to blame God.
Today it is common that in the course of our lives, even during
the time that lasts a week, is frequently changing schedules
dedicated to sleep, but it is important to note that living life with
stability is very important to have a good Health. In fact, ideally
the hours that you sleep were the same and the same hours on
weekdays and holidays, i.e. the same schedule would remain
about bedtime and duration matter in question or a free holiday.
The human body has an internal memory that tries to adapt to the
ways we mark him, but the more stable the hours of wakefulness
and sleep most favored is our health, therefore the widespread
custom to rise early in an extreme form the working days and then
staying up late just as the holidays only causes us chaos in the
internal order of our body. It is also important to say that the
recommended hours of sleep in an adult range between seven and
eight hours a day, not being advisable to reduce this amount by
the damage this may cause to our brain, and that this amount of
hours needed to the process of rest and internal recycling. Ideally,
try as far as possible always sleep this many hours every day
regardless of whether it is business or holiday and try the
schedule chosen this differ as little as possible from a few days to
others. In the future surely, laws try to guide companies towards
the use of working time arrangements that best fit an ideal
schedule, so that it is used whether it is working day or not. An
ideal schedule could for example be up at seven o'clock and go to
bed at eleven o'clock in the evening or also get up at eight and go
to bed at midnight. This schedule would always be used
regardless of day it is, thus not being necessary to change the
schedule for work quality of life would be much better. The ideal
schedule would use as reference the approximate time that day
dawns spring solstice in order to take advantage of the best
possible light, and would be used continuously throughout the
year. That is, that the best time to get up would be the average
between the time that dawns the shortest day and the longest
dawn. Also I consider hours sleep better at once and at night to
perform naps, sleep day because I find little to ecological waste
sunlight. In addition, our body only needs seven to eight hours
each day as to divide needed, so the nap only make sense for
children would also be good to divide the day into three equal
parts, one for work, one for leisure, and one for sleeping, because
free time is not only necessary on holidays, weekdays must also
have their share. Another custom that I consider wrong is to
intersperse holidays between weekdays, since alternations
between work and rest should follow a steady pace for the benefit
of our health, and such interference all they do is disrupt the
rhythm of work causing loss of concentration, it would not be to
reduce days off but group them. So the ideal week would consist
of five working days with shifts of eight hours, or even six
working days with shifts of six hours. If for some reason were
needed more days off these would be achieved by taking free all
week, i.e. the number of suitable free days each week would be
about twenty percent of the total and 15 to 30 vacation days a
year. Therefore the festive activities should always be made
within days off set for it.
Arguably, from an energy point of view success would be located
in the high but unstable level, and failure at the lowest but stable
energy level, since the success is often fifty percent own
successes but other fifty percent to the favorable chance. That is
that success does not depend only on what we do consciously and
our own merits, but also depends on those things we do not know
but who happened to favor us. See but the history of Rome, was
great in many ways by their successes in making political
decisions, but nevertheless when bigger was expanding and the
more difficult it seemed he could fall however his empire
disappeared, this proves that the ability we have to understand the
world around us is only partial and that great world we still have
to understand we can play tricks especially when someone thinks
that success belongs individually. Another big failure usually
happens when successful, is the fact guard down and
underestimate the risks, thinking that the fall is impossible and
that is something to others, this often leads to mistakes and that is
when it is understood that success is not something that depends
only on our successes, because things that affect us and we do not
understand are more than we think, so we have to rejoice success
but without losing humility that makes us wise.
Too often we hear news about how they could cultivate more land
to feed more and more millions of people, but someone has
stopped a moment to think that one of the main problems of this
planet is the excessive expansion of the human population.
Throughout history excess population (i.e. when the population
exceeds food resources to sustain) were resolved by nature in the
form of epidemics caused by the virulence of disease applied to a
population weakened by hunger and when this occurred citizens
rushed to accuse God of his misfortunes, but how many people
recognized the origin of the epidemic in their lack of self-control
in human reproduction methods? Today it is very common to hear
that if certain forests are cleared or if economic or farming
methods are changed may keep more people but And who
remembers the rights of animals and plants is that they do not
have right to life? Every day for continuous human expansion
species disappear, but few remember their right to have a
recognized territory, it is true that a person's life is worth more
than an animal, but it is also true that the survival of a species
worth more than a human life. Nor is seriously ask developed
countries remain underdeveloped because it is right that all people
be able to feed themselves without having to rely on anyone. It is
therefore inevitable that the world's sooner or later take the
decision to implement birth control policies that determine a fixed
number of inhabitants for each country and each continent in
terms of resources that are able to produce themselves.
Often we talk about the greatness and misery of Sparta. And
certainly as every nation in the process of evolution had good and
bad. During that time about 600 B.C., all Greece was a melting
pot of ideas, and Athens was in a great process of development in
the field of philosophy but was also taking its first steps in a
model of emerging democracy, under pressure from the
increasingly important community of artisans and sea traders,
were fighting for their political rights recognized to the classical
landed aristocracy. Instead Sparta was geared more towards the
development of a more internal cohesion oriented social system
and its military strength. The greatness of Sparta was that could
appreciate their society as a united whole understanding that for a
society to be strong there must be a certain homogeneity either in
the racial or appearance in the existence of laws that provide
social guarantees but also require its citizens to comply with
them. But the misery of Sparta consisted of his obsession reduced
to a very small minority citizens with equal rights and were
sentenced to self-destruction, then did not understand that
integrate the conquered territories to their state was more socially
beneficial and militarily that use a slave model for society. It
should be borne in mind that the inhabitants of these territories
were in every way equal to them, so they were perfectly
integratable without there being any difference in their racial
appearance. Why Sparta had many difficulties for military
expansion because unlike Rome only understood by
implementing a Spartan minority in the territories they conquered,
which resulted in a weak political system with a very small ruling
minority that easily could be overthrown. Rome also used a slaver
social model, but the conquered territories considered as equal to
the rest, which favored their integration into the empire. But
slavery in Sparta did not include only the most disadvantaged
citizens because in a sense they were slaves, according to the
standards set by the legislator Lycurgus and managed by Éforos
every citizen of Sparta had the sole destination being part of a
professional army throughout his life, and for that they were
forced to join with just seven years, even the King had to undergo
strict laws forcing them to live in poverty and almost always
make their meals in public. This was intended to ensure the
existence of a military state obsessed to paranoia about the
possible dissent of a population overwhelmingly excluded from
political and social rights. But Sparta was an example of that
when there is a project promoted by all, it is possible that few
much get and his army became the most feared of his time and
not be the largest but by being based on the idea that the most
important thing is the union of all its members on an idea and
common race. The conclusion is that unity is strength, but
arbitrary and unsubstantiated some citizens in equal essence
destroy exclusion. In any case I want to emphasize that from my
point of view any form of direct or indirect slavery is entirely
reprehensible whether people of the same culture or race or not
Few political models have been cited in the past and the present
as the Athenian democratic model emerged in the classical period
from 508 BC, but rarely has said that this model of democracy did
not emerge as a moral initiative to promote the sharing of power
and politics closer to citizens. The truth is that Athenian
democracy was the result of displacement of the sources of wealth
of classical landed aristocracy to new forms of industry
represented mainly by the powerful naval fleet of Athens. In
ancient times the power was always associated indissolubly to
land ownership, but the gradual emergence and development of
various crafts such as pottery, metallurgy or naval sector were
causing gradually social unrest that demanded more power quota
in decision-making bodies that were previously reserved for the
landed aristocracy, it is in this context of things like the Athenian
democracy emerged. From that Athens did not hesitate to make
propaganda of its political system placing itself as an example of
struggle for fair distribution of power, however this was only
mere propaganda to promote their own campaign of imperial
expansion throughout the region, truth is that Athenian
democracy was more the product of struggles for power sharing
among which a true democracy productive sectors, as only
representing these sectors and only had political rights a tiny part
of the population, so for correctly describe this political system
would have to say that was rather a totalitarian system but open to
more sectors of the population classical feudal system. It is at this
time that began to define the division of political models between
left and right, while Athens represented the democratic
progressivism, Sparta represented the landowner and monarchist
conservatism, but this is just a simplistic way to define it, because
in reality both systems politicians were actually totalitarian
models that reserved the power to only a few of its citizens and
Sparta, power was very divided between a militarist legal system
inspired by Lycurgus and left little room for maneuver to the
king, and on the other Éforos aside, they were those who really
controlled the power, the king only fulfilled the duties of head of
the army but with limited political capacity. This shows that the
political systems of Athens and Sparta were not as different as a
surface observation might indicate. Centuries later, the English
Civil War of 1642 marked the revival in modern times of the class
struggle between the landed aristocracy and the business
bourgeoisie, but again the goal of these supposedly democratic
struggles was not the honest desire to share power with the
people, but rather use him to overthrow the aristocracy. This is
actually the political model that contemporary society has
inherited, there is no denying that the process of evolution of
nations toward democracy is a factor of progress, but it is also
true that while democracy stop not only serve economic powers
and pass to include all citizens in decision-making bodies is not
can no longer be considered incomplete because a full democracy
made would be one in which citizens could choose each and every
one of the laws individually and not as happening now in its
unique ability to participate in power is simply the ability to
choose their leaders once every several years while this situation
does not change democracy can not be considered fully realized.
lamentable is the degree of degeneration that may eventually fall
democracies misnamed, as they have become mere nest of
thieves, but more unfortunate is that those politicians who claim
to protect is more dedicated to steal than to make political profit
social, truly unfortunate is that from coalescing with offenders to
be all protected by law. Throughout history rulers they have
always had profit as one of its main objectives but never
weakness against criminals and helplessness victims have been so
evident as now. The explanation is simple and is that the former
rulers usually kings did not have to explain to citizens about their
behavior but in democracies misnamed if, therefore, these antisocial politicians have striven to create laws that go unpunished
but to apply to them the same law as the rest of them end up
criminals also benefit from impunity. An example is in some
countries whose penal code states that even being sentenced to
several centuries criminals can get away with absolute ease as
there is a clause limiting the continued detention to a maximum of
fifteen regardless of the magnitude of the crimes committed. Do
not contend that criminals sentenced to very long sentences
should not be entitled to benefit from sentence reductions for
good behavior, what I mean is that these possible reductions in
any case have to be a pretext to release the essential part of the
punishment and therefore life imprisonment for, because when
someone takes a life and does malice aforethought must give
yours as payment. This means that once proven guilty no longer
be a priority interest that the offender may have, but to satisfy just
society and the victims of damage that might have caused, it is
logical that the price for taking a life is losing free will on their
own. I do not intend to defend here the death penalty because I
believe that a developed society does not need it, but if the only
possible choice would release criminals after serving a ridiculous
part of their sentences or the death penalty undoubtedly be
preferable worth death, because only the weak governments of
false democracies arise solely in the interest of criminals and not
the victims. Those governments say they have imprisoned
criminals long is a huge cost to the state. But then, why not put
them to workshops with which to work in prisons and thus pay
their debts to the state and their victims? Could it be that the state
has some unmentionable debt to them? The right thing would be
that the government had prohibited by law to spend more on a
prisoner of what it can produce through their own work, because
it is not fair that victims have to set aside a portion of their taxes
to keep them when they can work in prison. But the most
embarrassing thing is that in some countries have created laws so
that an offender can obtain compensation for their victims for
damages suffered during the commission of their crimes, based on
the assumption that they would be treated with excessive
hardness. But is not it the duty of the state to prevent any
inducement to commit a crime? So it just would have been to
allow the offender to report if he wanted his victim for alleged
abuse which he had received during the commission of the
offense, but in no case could benefit from any compensation
because that would contradict the duty of the state to combat
crime and ensure social good. But these Democrats false
politicians reduce the sentences of offenders in a thousand
different ways and all to benefit them to be detained, and if that
were not enough invented the law of amnesty so that in the event
that there was no legal way to get rid of then shame themselves,
i.e. their political partners, who call themselves decent, would free
It is true that the economic crisis of 2008 has been a real test for
both citizens and politicians since been forced to implement new
methods for recovery, but has also launched a real deception
social masses because what they are not told is that most of the
reasons why they are asked austerity is because the current
globalization of the economy means using the same rules of the
game both in advanced countries and underdeveloped, i.e.
attempting to convince workers to reduce their wages and become
something like servants as in the middle Ages, and all this
because it is allowing trade without barriers with countries that do
not apply any rules to ensure the human rights workers, which
leads to an increasingly evident disadvantage in economic returns
process in companies that s countries that do recognize labor
rights over those without. Politicians and businessmen try to
convince us that the only solution to solve the problem is to turn
workers into slaves and emerging economies but could it be that
the developed countries have an obligation to trade with these
countries with those rules? Certainly not, then it is logical that if a
globalization of economy and trade without barriers arises right
would require emerging countries compliance with common rules
of humane treatment of their workers. It is also true that in some
developed countries have implemented policies often
uncompetitive as a result of the great technological advantage
they had in the past with respect to other countries, but in the
current situation of economic globalization these misguided
policies have been evidenced, for example early retirement too
early, unemployment too high and without requiring any
conditions job search in return, subsidizing university courses that
are not required to be greatest number of applicants for those jobs
available positions, favoring workers who feign illness to seek
lower against those who are honest enough to not create
monitoring mechanisms or reward just those who serve less than
this resource. All citizens should be guaranteed a basic
unemployment allowance indefinitely, but both subsidies low for
reasons not working as unemployment should be modest enough
to not be a factor that discouraged in your job search. Another
example of picaresque is the case subsidies to single mothers and
unemployed, some countries argued that it was better to provide
the money necessary before having children in orphanages, but
what did not consider is that if a woman says he has no resources,
you get paid you need to keep a child, this can consider this as a
form of employment, requiring the state raising their future
children and sometimes faking his bachelorhood and turning this
situation in an authentic way social parasitism, because women
can always refuse to work stating that having young children
continuously it prevents thus children become hostages and
source of wealth for their parents, but also a clear case of
discrimination about those couples who are honest. Therefore,
any social assistance should always be linked to the standing
commitment by accepting the job that the state could provide and
require the biological parents to assume responsibilities for their
children. Economic policies should always seek equity and
therefore refuse to reward vagrancy, so governments should offer
only social work and no social support except in those cases
where it was not possible to work. Nor is it logical for movies or
sports that do not interest anyone promote, because this is just a
disguised form of corruption. Another regrettable practice that is
increasingly observed in Europe is to try to dismantle the socalled welfare state that is trying to destroy all the social rights
achieved since the end of the Second World War and all as a
result of the apparent passivity governments in regard to stopping
illegal immigration, because on one side is tolerated as if it were
inevitable, but at the same time try to limit the social rights of all
citizens. Politicians and businessmen try to convince us that their
inability to stop the immigration invasion forces them to shield
social rights and reserve them only for whom they are able to pay,
but the truth is that they allow that immigration in order to cause
unfair competition with local workers causing the lowering of
wages and thereby reduce them to slavery. But the most
unfortunate thing is that those same workers observe impassively
as illegal immigrants steal their jobs and do not have the courage
to oppose it, and meanwhile the rich remain in a privileged
ghetto. Therefore legalize these immigrants is a serious mistake,
because although their situation may be considered unfortunate
not stop being unfair against those who try to immigrate legally
and therefore represents support for immigration mafias. On the
other hand it makes no sense to consent immigration in a country
where there is already a bag of large unemployed, as this results
in an unnecessary confrontation between workers having more
people willing to work than jobs available and so both cause an
obvious impoverishment of the population. It is that migration
should always be subject to there being a job so they can be
absorbed without harming the rest of the citizens in recipient
countries. Ideally, all countries implement policies of birth control
by their number of inhabitants always coincide with the jobs
available. Therefore, what is clear is that in a world that trade
relations barrier arises, the priority should not be that developed
countries implement the business policies of partial slavery used
in underdeveloped countries, but require these countries if you
want to trade them should apply common global policies that
guarantee fair labor and human rights to all citizens of the planet.
After World War II, the United States attempted to take political
advantage of his victory against the Germans, but had never been
willingly for Americans interracial mixtures however because
they had defeated the Nazis who opposed them now only there
was the option of taking political advantage of the situation. This
means that even within its borders laws were created to leave the
helpless minority, however for the outside were undertaken
imperialist policies throughout the world under the consideration
that by not appreciate racial differences in their own territory,
either they had no reason to consider racial differences an
obstacle to the invasion of another country. This is certainly a
frivolous way to understand the idea of racial equality also within
the United States government showed no interest in recognizing
the rights of other different races of white, which led to the public
denunciation of Martin Luther King, prompting laws that
formally the rights of such minorities but only apparent way were
recognized is called into question, because actually the US
government considers the relationship between races as
something that only serves from a view of submission toward
each other and to make sure it denies citizens public services such
as free or guaranteed that all causes are social ghettos health. At
the same time the arrival of immigrants periodically allowed to
stimulate growth in order to create hopes for improvement for the
battered and disadvantaged population. The truth is that a
developed country need not grow continuously, you need is a fair
distribution of wealth to avoid situations of social exclusion, but
with the illusion of growth seeks to encourage the population in
partial slavery believe that even though they are being exploited,
with economic growth will soon be able to go from being
exploited to be exploiters therefore growth is a concern not of
workers but of those who exploit them, for fear they have of those
disadvantaged people protest to be treated as human beings. This
is the reason that the use of firearms for civilians were legalized,
became the one hand to protect whites if racial uprising, but also
to favor the elimination of people at social exclusion when they
are resorting to crime. All this shows that the racial problem is far
from resolved but hidden and only this policy apparent support
miscegenation remains how to take political advantage of their
victory over the Germans since it seems contradictory that had
fought against them but at the same time would support their
ideas. All this shows that miscegenation is just one more
operating environment and that the best way to guarantee the
rights of each race is that each living in different territories
without mixing and property rights on its recognized land and free
from interference of external powers. An example we have with
France after the Second World War on the one hand spoke of
equality and fraternity, and the other invaded and massacred the
population of Algeria, saying of course that only came to defend
their rights. After the economic crisis of 2008 and the continued
arrival flood of illegal immigrants some European governments
use policies far right as the replacement of a free healthcare for
other payment began to consider feasible and thus shield the
indigenous population before immigration they say not be able to
stop, but which have no qualms in exploiting. All this shows that
the best way that the rights of each race are respected is by
creating a mutually recognized by all, in which every race live
without mixing and without the imperialist experiments are
allowed beyond their own areas territories racial, but this needs to
be overcome the trauma of the second world war and understand
that coexistence does not imply interracial mixing, and
consequently a policy prohibiting illegal immigration is applied.
Because mafias of immigration, are not those supplying vessels in
coming, but these weak governments that legalize quickly
immigrants and preferably illegal on legal, because the best
message you can throw who tries enter Europe illegally it is that if
you get it all will be advantages not to mention the perpetuation
of bureaucracy for the expulsion process. All in order to exploit
economically those immigrants, but with the inevitable
deterioration of the quality of life of a society that is becoming
more entrenched day before the rise of miscegenation and with
fewer social rights, and all for profit companies. This is a numbed
society that sees without realizing how their country is being
invaded under the guise of a humanitarian issue and knowing that
these immigrants, in the absence of an employment contract,
dedicate themselves in many cases to steal or depend on state, a
state which in turn conceals the deterioration of the quality of life
of an increasingly unequal in order to look more like his great
American idol society, that beast out of the sea and banned only
slavery for blacks could flourishing factories migrate to the north
and thus be exploited there. This society that observes impassive
as immigrants invade our shores should remember the past, when
the Vandals, about 400 AD, asked Rome to let them cross their
borders for humanitarian reasons, and that after that Rome would
allow them to spend were dedicated to loot the empire
unashamedly. Today it is happening the same, but the mental
block for world war caused causes that Western society believes
to be doing good when he delivers his nation hordes of
immigrants who do not even bother to ask permission to enter,
which the Vandals who invaded Rome itself did. Because the best
way to guarantee equality is rejecting miscegenation and living
among equals, as well it more difficult to speculators achieve their
ends. Immigrants must solve their problems fighting for their
rights in their own countries promoting birth control and the
distribution of wealth and believe that the solution does not have
to always rely on going abroad. And if anyway have to migrate is
to do the right thing countries sharing the same race and culture
that is as better quality of life is guaranteed.
Today are increasingly common nationalist political parties, those
parties base their arguments on fomenting hatred against states as
a way to get followers. Actually use the same technique as
destructive cults, cajole his followers into believing that all evils
come from others and that all virtues have them accuse the
government of everything even their personal problems because
they do not want to acknowledge that the evil is inside your own
home. But this is a dangerous game, because nationalism
encouraged the secession of territories to form smaller countries
with the consequent increase in its precariousness in defending
their affairs in the international arena, a test is the history of
ancient Greece, he failed to become state and this left her
vulnerable to subsequent invasions of Macedonians and Romans
centuries after its heyday. Currently, some European nationalist
parties claim that the secession of their states can be compensated
by binding to the European community, but we must not forget
that this community is not a nation but a mere association of
nations with little cohesion among themselves and in any case this
accession is not a reason to sever ties with their own states. What
people do not realize is that many of those these radical parties
come together really do not to defend the people, traditions or
human rights but because they offer the opportunity to unleash
their aggression is what truly they seek, as it is in many cases of
people frustrated by personal problems and socially maladjusted
and that if they had not found these radical nationalist groups they
had joined other extremist groups even if they were contrary
ideology, because its real objective and what attracts them it is not
violence and social causes.
The truth is that many of those who adhere to these extremist or
terrorist groups are not different from the murderers in series, the
only difference is that use of these political parties as a cover in
this case to cover up their desire for violence, because these
parties They offer them an alibi to hide. What is clear is that only
a society of stupid permitted to occupy political office those who
encourage terrorism or breach of the law as in some countries,
because without respect for the law or the constitution is
impossible for a state you can progress.
Perhaps the lesson to be learned from this is that excessive des
centralism can lead to anarchy and that when a country has no
clear concept of nation and are led to believe that regions are
nations then the breeding ground is created for generate hatred
against the state. Because when a version of the state in each
autonomy is created with all duplicate, is caused to citizens of
those autonomies stop considering the national state as its
This is not to say that all nationalist movements based on
unfounded arguments, they can always be exceptions, such as the
struggles for independence by the European colonies in America,
but nationalist parties now seem to be looking more individual
power than the social good and it is common to propose an
idealized future in case of separation that does not correspond to
reality occur, because not only the risk of civil war is run, rarely
mentioned, but also there is a possibility of foreign invasions was
produced as proof the history of Greece. Therefore I think it is
much more sensible to propose a model state that recognizes only
the central government those qualities that define nations, but at
the same time guarantee to the provinces some form of selfgovernment, because after all Union make force.
Today, it is common to hear about the different types of
government that exist in the world or different democratic
models. The truth is that a system of government to be suitable
needs to control its territory effectively, but one of the biggest
problems that exist today are caused by proportional political
systems, these systems theory were created with the idea giving
policy to all ideological tendencies representation, however in
practice the opposite effect because there are many cases where
after elections countries using this type of government are in a
situation of powerlessness not being able the winning parties to
form a working majority. Italy is an example of the failure of this
system for their great tendency to break political alliances often
leading to their legislatures last barely a year in most cases. O
Spain whose apparent stability is the result of subjecting the
government to blackmail by separatist parties only seek the
secession of the state and do not represent the interests of all but
those of their own autonomous community, this means that after
each vote the winner match to negotiate with these parties and the
price paid to form a government will be the gradual destruction of
the state. So I think the only way to give governments the
political strength that a country needs without relying on
dictatorial models or Monarchists is to create a republic with a
majority electoral system runoff. Thus the largest party could get
fifty-one percent of parliamentary seats needed to govern with
sufficient stability, the other forty-nine percent remain in the
hands of other parties. Of course before the second round the
parties could form alliances, but this would not be a compulsory
procedure, as the largest party would form a majority in the case
of attending alone and therefore get the necessary seats for the
country to be governed and the election period would be more
likely to come to an end normally. In any case we can say that
this model would not be representative because in the second
round, the winner of the two games that is entered into would be
the most votes obtained. That said I would note that this is an
opinion on current models of government, but I think the best
model would be one in which each and every one of the laws
were elected directly by citizens, in order to have a true
democracy, but surely this will take too long to arrive given the
little interest shown by politicians in it.
Today there is much controversy between the association made
between the idea of God as an element of universal command and
the dispute while there regarding freedom of individuals to
decide. This controversy occurs especially among leftist political
parties because they tend to compare the abstract symbol of God
with unjust domination of the old feudal systems. The trauma
occurred over the centuries by many unjust systems of
government has led to the belief that survival is possible only
through government or anarchic systems governed by people
from the working class. But it is necessary to clarify that in any
organized system a government that has all social forces and
those countries that have struggled to develop a governance
model communist type is necessary have produced the same
tyrannies or worse than occurred in the past. Because they often
are the worst of the working class individuals who have assumed
management positions, becoming examples of evil in no case less
than any feudal system. Because power often attracts greed and it
is absurd to think that evil is itself only rich, not poor. The truth is
that evil does not distinguish social class and think that tyranny is
only possible among the powerful is an absurd belief.
It is logical to defend freedom of choice and thought, but it is also
true that organized whole system needs a steering system,
whether this refers to a country as if it is the universe and it is
clear that in any organized system is necessary there are
performance standards that the parties are required to comply. But
to believe that because they have been examples of unfair
government in the past, so we have to reject all forms of control is
completely stupid. For this reason it is common in leftist parties
reject religion because they believe wrongly that the existence of
universal laws can question the freedom of the individual, but do
not understand that when questioned the existence of a stable
government, clear rules gives rise to disorder and anarchy.
Therefore, the perfect balance is when you understand that in any
organized system the existence of mandatory standards for all is
necessary, but at the same time contemplating the just rights of
each individual. Therefore, a society that rejects religion is bound
to be a materialistic society and aimless.
This partnership between God and the command has also been
used frivolously by monarchies, because often it was to convince
citizens that the need for a government legitimized crimes
arbitrary rulers. However, it is important to differentiate between
the logical necessity that any system is the existence of a
command with the fact that control is properly directed, i.e. the
fact recognize as divine, so to speak, the necessary existence of
rulers, does not mean that therefore can not be put into question
how the task of government is conducted. For this reason, in
ancient times, it was common for monarchs tried divine qualities
attributed to assume the role of both political leaders and
religious. In this way they tried to deceive the public to confuse
between logic I have unquestionable need for a government with
the way they managed the government.
Humanity must find the right balance between the right of power
and the individual's right, no one prevails over the other. A
government like a religion should seek the good of the individual
and the fact that there are those who use power to commit acts of
tyranny is no reason to question the need for a government or a
religion. Likewise the fact that the existence of universal laws
necessary need not question the right to free will of each
individual, so the necessary balance in the universe must be the
result of the harmonious agreement between the two forces. We
must then consider as divine all that is true beyond a reasonable
doubt, such as the need for a government-organized system
around but without implying take for good methods that can be
used in each of them. The conclusion is that the fact that it is
divine or need a government not mean you should not be at the
same time fair and democratic with all its citizens, whether it is
the city government as if it is the universal government.
It is also a serious mistake to confuse divine justice with human
justice, because this world still has a long way to go before it can
be considered perfect. Therefore it can be considered divine all
that is well done and therefore these divine qualities can be found
in any individual alike, to the extent that act according to justice
the truth or logic.
Today it is hard to imagine that would be a perfect world without
social inequalities in which all citizens have their basic needs met,
but this world is possible, it is not an unworkable utopia, but this
requires that citizens have the will and enough imagination to
drive change toward a society that can be considered truly
evolved. For this purpose possible first be necessary to establish a
strict birth control by all couples to have only two children except
the case in which they were given permission to have three, with
this a fixed number of inhabitants it would ensure which would
allow them the means of production they could maintain
sufficient quality life. Having achieved this could move to the
next consistent step in ensuring employment for all citizens,
meaning that every person from the moment of his birth would
have secured his job as if it were an essential part of the complex
machine that is a city thus be possible to have a better life and
emancipate earlier. It would also be possible to guarantee
unemployment benefits to resolve any cases of temporary loss of
work, this subsidy could in no way be like a salary, it must only
provide what is necessary for basic living expenses for a higher
subsidy is not a good incentive to work, albeit in a society in
which there was an effective birth control the number of jobs
always coincide with the number of inhabitants so that
unemployment would not exist except temporarily.
In a developed society a permanent economic growth would not
be necessary, because although this is all developed society useful
to give more importance to spread the wealth that indefinite
growth, as growth plays a role of placebo of the masses more to
create them the expectation that it may be your only way of
salvation to get out of their situation of abuse and partial slavery.
The lack of growth unnerving especially those who refuse to
provide basic rights to citizens, because they can not justify being
in many cases rich countries, however these social rights are not
recognized, so it is often in a position to economic crisis tends to
distract citizens encouraging them to participate in wars which if
you win, they can resolve their problems at the expense of the
loser, and if it is lost, then the perpetrator state will be rid of those
pesky unemployed to I had no intention to help by sharing their
wealth. A useful measure to prevent exploitation would oppose
illegal immigration, because this is ideal for operators to achieve
their ends means, for rootless and without financial resources
citizen will always be willing to accept a lower salary to the
detriment of citizens native, it is clear that the more similar their
leaders are citizens of either culturally or racially more difficult
state prove that they also exploit them unemployed, it serves for
operators always have hand willing cheap labor to accept any job
and any salary to be unemployed than jobs. A company
controlling its population will no longer have such a pressing
need to grow and be guaranteed to all citizens working from the
moment of birth. This does not mean that in a world evolved all
wages must necessarily be equal, but it is logical that the state
ensure that all citizens are entitled to at least one job, which not
surprisingly is only possible if each country controls its
Also would be guaranteed by the state obtaining housing because
to be full employment and a number of people always fixed
would be easy to provide in the form of cheap rental or purchase
secured loan, because by not missing employment payment
housing would be safe and thus all young people could become
independent once fulfilled the majority of age.
A society can only be perfect when democracy is real and not
fake like the present, because politicians only turn to the citizens
to elect their leaders every four or five years and these people
naively believe that is fair, because from its early childhood are
taught in school that this political system corrupt in which we live
is a democracy, but genuine democracy is one in which each and
every one of the laws are voted individually by citizens, this could
be done a form easily through internet. But these politicians, false
democrats, who pardoned other political thieves every day, of
course not want to lose their privileges and why not propose,
because this model of false democracy that was born in Greece in
508 a. C, had the sole purpose of satisfying the desires of the new
business class representing seafarers, potters and industrial of all
kinds against the privileges of the landed gentry, and relied on the
people to get the necessary power but not ready to share with the.
More recently a similar situation with the English Civil War of
1642 era began calling current democracy was repeated, people
should wonder why there at the same time dictatorships and
democracies misnamed, the reason is very simple and that
political systems are similar because in both cases it claims to be
in an egalitarian system that guarantees freedom when that is not
true, because in both cases people's access to power is indirect
and symbolic. There is no denying that progress towards
democracy represents an advance for society, but as long as
completion and delivered power to the people by recognizing this
to decide each and every one of the laws.
Would also be different unions, as would be more oriented to
perform their duties in the field of law and the legal profession
has to be a parallel to state power. Nor is it logical to allow these
organizations to disturb the public peace by organizing riots
simply because these claim to be of social interest, for fighting for
the sake of the workers of a company it may be legitimate, but
that does not entitle harm to other citizens resorting to more
typical criminal practices.
Another characteristic of a developed society is its refusal to rely
on religious organizations should not confuse religion with
religious organization, for religion is a way of thinking and a way
of philosophy which is lawful, but religious organizations which
aims is to compete with the state for power, it is fair that society
is moral and educate their children accordingly, but it is also fair
to refuse to accept those organizations who hypocritically claim to
represent God, but they do alone in his own benefit with the tragic
consequences that history has shown. There are still governments
they agree with these organizations to supply them with an alibi
with which to conceal their crimes in exchange for money, today
few organizations that seek to give moral lessons when they
should receive, so in a perfect world these organizations have to
disappear and no more stand between man and God.
Arguably from a symbolic point of view to each number would
correspond to a color in this way the color of the numbers would
be this.
0 White, 1 Black, Red 2, Green 3, 4, Red, 5 Dorado, 6 Blue 7
Brown 8 Red 9 Blue.
We must not confuse the symbolic meaning of numbers called
(Synesthesia) because the former is the result of a metaphysical
analysis of the relationship between the numbers and colors and
instead the latter represented as colors are perceived by a
biological abnormality.
It can be seen that the red color is repeated in even numbers and
not in odd so it can be deduced that the colors with low frequency
in the electromagnetic spectrum colors are in even numbers and
numbers with frequency colors more high are in odd numbers.
If we analyze the numbers more deeply the conclusion would be
Zero: It represents the void, feminine, nothing, but nothing like
complementary of something, the space between two slings or
opposite the crest of a deep, water, cold, planets, stars with
respect the galactic core, the circle with the center point.
One: This number represents something, existence, masculine,
item, matter, the sun, the central coordinator.
The two: This number represents the association between zero
and one, of them show the existence of the sexes, the binary
function, the duality between the void and the particle, the
magnetic polarities, as one may represent the male.
Three: This number represents life, creating an organized
structure, each point is supported by the other and thus separating
form the pyramid stage prior to the development of more complex
structures, also it represents the difference between the top and
bottom the exception and the rule.
Four: This number is progress for three to add one more point
square key element is formed in the crystal structures.
Five: The number found in the middle of numbering and
represents a circle with five points distributed on its
circumference, five is like one but in a more evolved and complex
form, it also represents wisdom.
Six: This number represents the goal, stability, spiritual feelings.
Seven: Represents the earth, matter, work, warmth, comfort. Like
the three may also represent the norm and exception, the rule
represented by the group of number five and the exception
represented by the number two.
Eight: This number is similar to the fourth but doubled.
Nine: It is like a six to zero but also represents the end of the road,
retirement, sunset, serenity.
White: This color can represent male or female values depending
on the circumstances. It represents truth, justice, light, day, female
horizontal line and in some planes vertical, sugar, standard
stability. It may also represent divine values and taproot
communicating all levels with the higher.
The black: This color like white can also represent male or female
values. It represents the night, rest, ignorance, may represent evil,
but not always, depends on the circumstances. As masculine
symbolism represents the center point number one and infrared
Red: This color represents the masculine energy, technology, the
simple pleasure derived from healthy things in life, vigor, salt,
except, matter, also it can be associated with evil or ignorance,
but as in the case of single color black in exceptional cases
because all colors are benign in its basic nature.
It also represents the vertical line and the center of the circle
where the coordinator or presidential element, it can also
represent the masculine is.
Green: This color represents life because it is in the middle of the
electromagnetic spectrum, i.e. between the red and the blue, green
combines the most effective way the energy of red and blue
spiritual forces. Usually in the cosmos, in most cases the most
appropriate response to the circumstances is the intermediate,
being the most balanced, representing just the green.
Brown: This color represents the land, labor, material and
comfort, is a warm color that blends the characteristics of
different colors, strength and vitality red green without being
completely stable in a certain way. It may also represent drought
and meanness as exceptional.
The Blue: This color represents the philosophy and spiritual
values, being opposed to red is cooler and more intuitive. It can
be considered a feminine color but depending on the
Yellow: This color represents the illusion of living, is a part of the
energy of red and another green higher frequencies can represent
knowledge but vanity.
Orange: This is similar to yellow and represents mainly vitality.
Pink: it contains the strength of the red but tempered by the
serenity of the bank, is primarily emotional.
Violet: It's like the blue but in a slightly higher frequency, can
represent imagination and as blue elevated spiritual feelings.
It can be seen that sometimes seems to be a contradiction in the
qualities attributed to numbers and colors, but their qualities
depend on the plane on which they are, and may even behave in
an apparently opposite. An example of this are the stars because
they rotate around the galactic nucleus can be considered
feminine and passive objects, but if we consider a single star with
planets, then this star to adopt a male role as sun turn It has
planets revolving around about him acquiring a feminine
meaning. Another example is zero and one numbers or black and
white, these numbers and colors can represent male or female
values without being a contradiction, number one is male would
be black, but turn the black color also can be considered feminine
according to the plane in which you are, because in reality both
numbers and colors represent the same thing but seen upside
down. All things have inside masculine or feminine values that
prevails force or other will then depend on the circumstances, this
does not mean that they have a magnetic polarity or a defined
sexual orientation, which means is that such guidance it will be
the consequence of the plane in which they are.
One of the main dilemmas that scientists and science fiction
writers is raised. What will happen to the solar system when the
sun completes its cycle power generator and becomes a white
dwarf? Today it is common among scientists consider that the life
of the stars ends when consumed most of the nuclear fuel goes
into a white dwarf, but that need not necessarily be so. The reason
is simple and is in my opinion what the star would finalize his life
is not only the first stage of it. In other words, we would go from
a phase of high consumption of initial energy in a relatively short
period of about ten billion years to another reverse in which
consume much less energy but in a much longer period than
eighty thousand million years, when it would end really the solar
system and the current cosmic cycle which would end his life by
compressing and assembly of all the galaxies in a sphere where all
matter in the cosmos would meet to begin another regenerative
process matter that would lead to a new universe by a big
But the key question in this case. How would they be able to
survive the inhabitants of the solar system with a white dwarf star
type would produce a much lower amount of energy that produce
now? The answer would be the application of various methods for
collecting energy.
The first method would be to install collectors satellites energy in
low orbit near the sun, where the light intensity is higher, then a
large number of satellites would be between the different orbits of
the planets, in order to serve as a bridge to transport energy,
which would be sent by laser beams from a satellite to another
until it reaches the destination planet.
Another method could be used tanker ships, these vessels may
transport the energy in chemical form from the place of supply in
the sun, there by an electrolysis process water it would be
separated into its basic elements of hydrogen and oxygen and thus
may accumulate the energy then their fate would be released to
become water again and restart the process. To minimize the
possible use of reaction gases ships could use own solar panels
with those who pay their own energy and use that energy to print
a high speed reaction gases used in propulsion and minimize the
amount needed, in addition to reach the fueling stations in the sun
or landing on planets, these tanker ships would not have to
necessarily stop, because it does not try to transship gas but
transfer the energy, this could be done on the up using lasers and
thus could minimize the use of reaction gases.
The stars to get to the white dwarf stage would consume much
less energy than in the previous phase, but at this stage his life
could be extended much further in time, perhaps five times more
than in its primary stage, so not could be considered in any old
case, just at this stage of their life spend much less nuclear fuel
but with a much longer duration, thus consuming energy form
would be inversely proportional to the above method.
It is also important to note that at this stage of human evolution
the amounts of energy needed for life would be much lower than
at the beginning, being many energy-saving systems that could be
used. In addition, existing systems to harness the energy that
reaches alone the planets could be more effective than in the past.
Because of the improved ability to harness energy you could get
ten to one hundred times more energy than is achieved with
earlier methods. Methods could be used as collecting energy from
a ring collectors satellites orbiting planets. Or install a large
number of solar panels in a wide part of the planetary surface.
Could also extract energy from the interior of the planets by using
large pipes that would transport hot gases to the planetary core,
these gases when heated and would amount would trigger
generators to produce electricity. Thus the passage of the stars to
the state of white dwarf would not necessarily mean the end but
only the beginning of a new longest stage in which civilization
would simply have to increase their ingenuity to adapt. Another
way to achieve energy would use nuclear energy, but going
beyond what has been achieved so far, that is transforming the
material for this is fissile and therefore useful for producing
energy or also using thermonuclear energy contained in the large
gas planets, if that were possible. It is true that solar energy and
its derivatives is the ideal way to get power, it is more natural and
safe, but this would be a possible option if the sun's energy was
no longer viable. Also consider questionable the assertion of some
scientists who believe that the red giant phase which expected the
stars arrive on the stage before the white dwarf involving the
destruction of the closest planet to the sun, because of shop
expansion as largest surface of the star is likely that the resulting
density in the outermost part is not consistent enough to be able to
achieve such a result, it should be noted that in the expansion
phase the star would have to pass measure several million
kilometers more than its original diameter to reach the orbit of the
closest planets and consequently its surface density would also be
much smaller and therefore less dangerous. Nor you can know
with confidence what will be the degree of intensity with which
stars consume their nuclear fuel in that state, perhaps the most
expansive form only with the biggest stars, which eventually end
up exploding as supernovas.
However if the most extreme course should occur and the solar
system proves uninhabitable always be the possibility of
emigrating to other uninhabited young stars and to found a new
Arguably what time the cosmos refers is divided into two main
planes, vertical and horizontal, first is vertical and timeless plane
and governs what we might call the universal laws, these laws are
as the foundation on which events are supported and are stable
regardless of the time from which it comes, the universal laws
derive from the inherent truth in the universe and are therefore
stable and independent of time. Then there is the horizontal plane
of the time, this is only the result of the change of position of the
subject, but which has been gradually and harmoniously from a
position of higher energy and chaos to a lower energy and order,
or also you could call it the evolution of an unstable and primitive
situation to a more stable and evolved, this is what we call
progress, since the change of matter occurs in a logical order,
creating more complex structures and consistent with universal
laws. It could be said then that evolution is the transformation of
energy into more complex hot and cold forms.
In these circumstances our perception of time is the consequence
of being able to remember the position it had stuff before, but the
matter does not remain fixed but progress on a scale that could be
defined as low to high in the process of evolution universe, which
is why it makes no sense to talk about time travel possible,
because this would require force back the whole universe in its
movement which makes no sense. However it is possible to
consider the time travel indirectly, i.e. when a civilization comes
into contact with another more backward in this case is as if they
step back in time itself. It is also possible to return to a bygone era
but going forward, because another possibility of time is its
ability to be repeated, because in the universe is common
tendency to make things circular and repetitive, so it is reasonable
to think that once the cycle of possible combinations in the matter
have been exhausted these combinations will again repeat the
same events and therefore eventually be repeated again. In this
case a repetition is a reboot, because there will be nothing as
compared to establish which is above and which later. Therefore
in the universe they exist aside the laws that govern it and are
constant outside time, and derived from the essential truths of the
cosmos, and the other time is a succession of events there that are
happening progressive and organized and developed in a logical
order and in accordance with universal laws form.
One might say that the universe started as a point at which all
matter was concentrated, this area had the characteristics that
today are attributed to a black hole, i.e. a place where their intense
gravity leaves no escape even light, the subject of this originator
point cosmos mass would consist of super concentrated like the
nuclei of atoms. In this central point would find contained all
matter and energy of a previous expansion process, because in the
cosmos all are scrolled even circulating energy, this means that
the end of the explosive process which resulted in the expansion
of matter in space and the subsequent formation of galaxies all
matter and energy return to the initial point that out.
After the great creative explosion of the cosmos first small
galaxies form, then these galaxies merge to form larger galaxies,
and finally all large galaxies come together to form a super
galaxy, then the subject of this last big galaxy will be moving
towards the center where all matter and energy payback merged
to form the core of a new originator universe.
This process has no beginning and no end, because in the cosmos
the same time also has its end, from which all events are to be
repeated from the beginning. Once all matter and energy return by
the effect of gravity to the center point will be a change in the
original matter and this will be transmuted to form the precursor
material of a new explosion, resulting in a new universe and
training of new galaxies. Arguably the resulting universe after the
explosion will not be identical to the previous but very similar,
because the combinations of possible events are as many as
possible combinations have the matter. This does not mean that
the new universe will always prove different, because once the
possible combinations are exhausted the cosmos will have
completed their combination options and thus also its duration in
time and therefore the following combination will be the first in
the list existing and then repeats the same time. Of course the
time required for combinations of events in the cosmos finish is
logically immense, but for eternity any measure of time is
negligible and it is important to note that completed the process of
combinations the same time will begin again.
The process of evolution in the spiritual realm is different,
because every soul of every living along their eternal life be live
all possible experiences, and each new creation of the cosmos
exchange their role with respect to the previous cycle, living in
each new repetition of time in a different role previously lived.
Once again each being repeated again the same cosmic life itself
will then consider the number of possible combinations as
completed. You can say then that all beings live each and every
one of the lives and experiences that other beings have passed
before the cycle of possible combinations in the cosmos ends. It
should be borne in mind that the concept of time is relative,
because when the same events recur may not talk about future
events for the same time will restart again.
It is possible that after each cosmic cycle all souls come together
to form one life and one particle, for matter is also life, and from
that moment start again its split to form new particles and new
souls. Actually all matter is life, the so-called organic life is
actually the result of adding an individual spirit to a body created
from the subject, which is mineral life. Actually, the reason for
the existence of organic life is the need spirit embodied in a
material body that amplifies spiritual sensations, for the spirit is
essentially life and energy is most intense binding with matter. It
is with the right combination of both as it progresses towards
happiness, also possess a mortal body allows the spirit to renew
and relive the sensations again as if for the first time. The
reincarnated spirit in a material body that has the ability to
experience intense feelings that the very laws of matter provide
you, for being not controlled by it is always exposed to new
sensations medium can build the world according to his own
imagination while respecting the laws of nature.
In fact all matter has life, because everything that exists is alive,
the difference is that there are things that have a distinct life, such
as plants or people and there are other life forms that are part of
something bigger like rocks or sea, in this case they are only part
of other lives that are planets or galaxies, matter is therefore life
individually, whereas instead of organic life is the result of adding
a spiritual life to a life mineral, when joining the spirit body, for
nature determined that the subject of the planets may be used for
this purpose. Arguably this is as if there were only two real
classes beings, spirits consisting essentially of energy and planets
formed by material that is stabilized by concentrated energy. It is
even possible that all mineral matter that forms planets and
galaxies are really one being and its basic function is to provide
support for the development of life forms differentiated as plants
or people, i.e. form the scenario in which they would be
expressed. It is also possible that at first the cosmos only one
particle exists and one being, then that individual being divided
into multiple particles and multiple beings. A being could be
formed by a single particle or multiple particles, the difference is
that one be formed by multiple particles maintain a bond that
unite directly. That bond or filament in turn would not be formed
by other particles but could be divided in that case would lead to
the emergence of another individual being, this being however
also have eternal life, then it shares that above being itself past. At
the end of the cosmic cycle all matter and all beings will meet
again to merge into a single particle and the process will begin.
It could also be said that in the cosmos the two most important
elements present are the matter and void, actually emptiness is
just the mirror image of matter and can not understand one
without the other because they are the same thing but in reverse
this bipolarity is actually the origin of the sexes binary codes and
magnetic fields. The field represents the existence and nonexistence empty, but both the one and the other have existed since
one can not speak of empty if not compared with the subject,
therefore both must necessarily exist. In this context, the time is
not more than the change caused by the motion of matter, and our
perception of time should be able to remember the position that
the matter dealt with before, but as combinations of matter are not
unlimited the end time will restart.
It can also be said that there are immutable laws governing
cosmic processes in the universe, these laws in turn emanate from
the truth that is eternal and outside of time, but at the same time
as opposed offers a wide range of options variables not subject to
strict rules, i.e. the universe to be sustainable needs on the one
hand the strength of a rigid and stable laws, but on the other
permitted provided that these basic laws is no question, a wide
range of possibilities different beings They inhabit, these laws of
nature are not a whim, because the absence of a major stable
framework would not be possible to build a more complex
universe that allows progress towards happiness, which is the real
reason for existence. Normally when someone refers to truth or
the divine is what those laws are concerned, it is what remains as
immutable when doubts are clarified. Indeed, in the construction
of the cosmos we all participate, because our spirit is eternal, but
our degree of success will depend on the way in which we are
able to understand these universal laws that are the true definition
of God.
When a man is born, he forgets his spiritual memories
temporarily, but instead acquires the characteristic of human life,
because to achieve a happier life is better to keep the memories of
the two planes, thus mixing can live each life as new and
therefore more intensely.
From the beginning of time evolution of the species it has as its
sole objective to create the human form. In turn this way mission
is to be the most appropriate means for the spirit is manifested in
the material medium. It is through this interaction between the
spiritual medium and the medium material and the spirit reaches
its greatest degree of happiness. This is the real reason to
reincarnate and more than justified reason to create such a
complex way, because its purpose is to serve as a channel of
communication and expression to the spirit in the matter. Thus the
human body is like a representation of the spirit but materially
and must be able to serve as suitable expression medium. Just as
the pure energy to be strong needs to be mixed with matter if you
want to produce significant effects, just as the spirit needs to
create a material body that will serve as a means of expression,
because the spirit is mainly energy and the body it is mainly
matter. In addition, the material means the spirit happens to have
a mortal body that allows you to discover the world anew in each
new incarnation and relive again the thrill of novelty, because one
of the keys to happiness is to know how to keep the balance
between remembering how useful but forget what is no longer
needed. The average material is less intuitive than the spiritual,
but instead provides lots of excitement and new things that make
life embodied spirit happier and more intense than if you only
existed as a spirit. Thus the spirit first begins in the material form
incarnating in animal forms, until the end reaching the human
form, not being possible to return back, except when a new
universe where everything will start starts.
Another feature of the human form is the division between the
sexes, the division is intended to create a specialization in humans
in order to increase its effectiveness, this does not mean that one
sex put at a disadvantage compared to another; specialization in
principle only mission that each sex is dedicated to a different but
equally necessary function to achieve the best quality of life
possible. It is true that specialization may imply the need for
different during the life of men and women work, but that does
not mean that it has to be one happier than the other, because in a
world developed specialization at work is an extended and
necessary practice and nobody argues that this results in a
specialty that has to be worse than another necessarily, because
although it differently men and women have the right to be just as
Therefore the reincarnation of the spirit into matter is not a
temporary situation but an end in itself, necessary for the spirit to
reach its highest level of happiness when interacting with matter
and be surprised by the continuous innovation that this provides
and great intensity of emotions that are acquired in that medium.
The real challenge of progress is to benefit from all that provides
the human form but without preventing live a deeply moral and
consistent with the values of the spirit life.
The widespread belief that man has to move up to a heavenly
world is due to the feeling of dissatisfaction that this backward
world causes, but that perfect world is not in a spiritual plane, but
that is where the Earth will come when his evolution. Because
what sense would that species have evolved over millions of years
to reach the man, if it were to leave the fruit of so much work
that's your body. Man's destiny is to live in human form, but
giving spiritual values the place they deserve.
I would like to clarify that the content of this article contains only
my opinions about UFOs and unsafe or proven data, because this
is one of the most discussed topics at present, although it is also
one of the most difficult issues to clarify for those who believe in
the presence of extraterrestrial beings on our planet. I unlike those
charlatans or contacted false go with the truth ahead which may
make it seem less interesting the content of my articles, but the
reader must decide which is better, if a document in which the
author claims that the content it is true, but actually is false or
other article in which the author acknowledges his doubts. Many
people like me believe that the UFO phenomenon exists and is
caused by alien craft, but from there, this topic is open to a certain
approaches infinity and not others.
In my opinion, the presence of UFOs in our skies main mission
favor the Earth's population used to the existence of beings from
other planets in the universe. Since the discovery of the atomic
bomb and the beginning of space travel, aliens know that time is
short for the final touch, because once earthly society spread by
the planets of the solar system humans discover evidence of their
activity and therefore they need to intensify its flight schedule
UFO intended to accustom the Earth's population to their
presence before contact is made real and open.
For this, the plan is to use easy to distinguish from ships used by
the inhabitants of the earth, for this reason the saucer type model
was chosen. These ships are recognized mainly by its circular
shape and its high brightness, the brightness is not necessarily
caused by its propulsion system, but to be easily recognized by
land, in fact probably only 15% of the occasions when UFOs
come to realize patrols are visible to the human eye and when
they do it is because that is precisely their intent and why patrol
near inhabited areas or sometimes accompany the planes, but in
most cases do not get to see, because they are secret activities.
they use a simple system of invisibility, which may be by placing
two televisions in opposite position and in the center of the two
screens small cameras only visible television put on from very
close in such cases. Then it would be enough simply to issue from
the opposite television image of the opposing chamber and an
observer would see the image only apparently disappearing
behind television. If this system is applied to a ship it would have
to make the fuselage convey an image and the device could
disappear from sight, especially if the image you see a particular
observer shown. These secret missions have as their main purpose
the study of nature and also promote the moral development of
These ships are bright, mainly so that we can see, even though it
is also possible to use the heat as a way to lighten its weight by
using a balloon effect, i.e. that exploit the interior space used to
reduce weight by decreasing the density air contained therein and
thus would need to consume less fuel. Ships could be divided into
two different types, some others would be crewed and directed by
remote control. This could explain why UFOs perform as
impressive accelerations, simply do so because the drivers are not
on board, but that control these ships from the control room on
the mother ships. This would be useful on the one hand to avoid
the risk that pilots can assume large accelerations needed to get
away from the fighter jets that sometimes insist on pursuing them,
and on the other an important weight would be avoided by
eliminating the crew and the cockpit which would no longer need
to transport. When we talk about extraterrestrial techniques, we
should not think about them in a simple way, because they allow
us to see only what they want to see and not what actually
happens. These ships are well suited to the acceleration because
the propulsion energy is applied equally across its fuselage. The
design of flying saucers also has a psychological motive, because
his luminous appearance intended to provoke in the viewer a
desire to go to truth and knowledge, which is representing from a
metaphysical view white light. Round and bright UFO shape also
has religious significance as it represents the luminous center
point and that is God. This is intended to stimulate the observer
an interest in moral values.
Today, many people believe that humans have flying saucers and
aliens caught, keep in mind that if true, could only be if they
would like, which I think is quite absurd. Actually these beliefs
are born of feverish minds that seek to give too much value to
man on earth, thus ridiculing the aliens. An example of this
contemptuous vision is usually the aliens have it in some TV
series where full of ugly and stupid beings who need the arrival of
the earthlings to solve their problems, compared to current
universe shows would as if modern man needed to cavemen to
him solve the current problems. Or put another way is as if the
student had to give lessons to the teacher.
In my opinion, the aliens do not have, or think they have, secret
dealings with any government on earth, because they consider this
world as a degenerate society and too primitive on the moral
plane, although coach are quite advanced, therefore, try to get
used to their presence, probably because the official contact can
not be delayed more than a few centuries, because the spatial
expansion of land will make inevitable the encounter. Meanwhile
the governments of the earth are determined to keep secret their
presence, while trying to seize their ships making pursuits like a
competition between equals. Another reason why the secret is
kept, is that the governments of the major powers would not know
how to explain that by being world leaders, however these
unknown ships with impunity roam its skies in utter disregard of
their armed forces If this fact was recognized lead in the weaker
nations a tendency to rise from the yoke of these dominators
countries, therefore, for them it is essential not to discuss this
matter publicly.
The truth is that the main reason that prevents contact between
humans and aliens is the moral incompatibility of the two
civilizations, this may seem a simple matter to modern man, but
this is because philosophical progress is the last step we have to
reach civilizations to be fully realized, because it is this
characteristic that differentiates the worlds who have completed
their evolution not. The truth is that the backward worlds give
undue importance to material things, while advanced instead give
equal weight to the material to the spiritual. Extraterrestrials could
provide moral or technical elements that the world needs to
complete its evolution, but it is necessary that you learn slowly
and ourselves, because otherwise the man would find absorbed by
a foreign culture would not be able to understand, everything
would be easier if mankind had more in mind the reason and
common sense and less absurd traditions or ingrained however
distant they are.
Another possible explanation of the circular design of UFOs
might be, because as a main propulsion system a turbine or
propeller camouflaged inside is used, this has already been tried
unsuccessfully by the US Army in 1958, this device called
(Avrocar) was built in secret but failed to make it work because it
did not incorporate lateral thrusters that were necessary to balance
the main force jet. In principle this idea was not bad, but perhaps
the project failed for lack of confidence in such a different pattern
than usual and have a limited budget to complete all the necessary
elements. Surely if they had put a little more effort they would
have managed to finish the vehicle vertical takeoff without outer
wings. Subsequently, it was shown that this was possible, when
the lunar lander and today with the technology of the drones was
built. The design and construction of such circular nave probably
favored the myth that the United States had flying saucers to his
credit. Another possible explanation for some UFO sightings
could be paranormal phenomena, because in my opinion, the
spirits are essentially energy and can be displayed at certain times
as luminous spheres, therefore, can be confused with materials
vehicles when actually enter more in the spiritual realm.
As for the possibility that UFOs propel by methods of antigravity, today no more than just a hypothesis, because at present
there is no evidence to prove it, however, there are numerous
statements of witnesses who claim have heard or seen propulsion
jets on these ships, although there are others who claim otherwise,
perhaps the explanation is that they have different models.
It is also possible that these ships use a propulsion system cold,
i.e. it would be based on the classic reaction propulsion system
but not a gas jet reheated without cold gas stream would be used.
This system would be similar to using electric vehicles but being
air could use the surrounding air as reaction mass or perhaps
gases contained therein and driven by an electric repulsion system
similar to that used ion engines.
Another possibility is to use nuclear energy to move. To avoid
heavy confinement system could use other sheets based on
radioactive material as a power source for an internal system of
solar panels, but more potent than the energy received from the
sun. This energy could accumulate and use when need be, but
considering how dangerous it seems unlikely to use, although it is
not ruled out that in exceptional occasions have been used,
especially if we consider that with technology as advanced as
yours may have been able to counteract the dangers that this
energy is.
As regards the physical appearance of the aliens in my opinion
they are much more like us than people think, because I think
they are based on the same biological principles we. Because in
the same way that in the universe physical laws are the same for
all galaxies in the same way the progress of biology produce the
human form as a more evolved version anywhere in the cosmos.
For this reason on earth there are countless species but only one is
intelligent. Many people claim to have seen or spoken to them
and according to the few versions each is different. But we must
not forget that it is technologically far superior to us civilizations,
this means that what we see is only what they want us to know
and not what they do. It is also possible that some of the
assumptions that aliens have been spotted not be treated but
genuine extraterrestrial robots remotely piloted, this would aim to
avoid any risks such as contagion of viral diseases. These robots
could be controlled using a virtual reality system that would allow
drivers of these devices communicate or act as if these artificial
beings were themselves.
It is also possible that sometimes were able to confuse the use of
helmets have the big head, the large number of UFO cases in
which states have seen beings with oversized head. However, this
does not seem very logical because whatever the level of
intelligence that might have an extraterrestrial being that does not
mean that your head has to be absurdly large compared to the
body, because that would cause proves impractical. Nature
precisely resolved this issue in humans creating folds in the brain
in order to increase its usable area without having to increase the
size of the skull. Because regardless of brain size, all living
beings need to have the size of the head in proportion to body.
Many people wonder. Why are there no ships powered by nuclear
energy today? The answer is very simple, is that although it's been
many years since nuclear energy was invented, however, have not
solved the serious risk that this type of energy has, in fact ideally
complete ban for use on the surface of the earth. Given that the
world is a system in which all relates frivolous is trying to get
more energy using highly dangerous methods such as nuclear
energy or say it is an ecological energy after disasters like
Chernobyl. The truth is that the world does not need more energy
than from the sun and its derivatives, so, what is needed is to
adapt to the limitations that this energy is. As regards nuclear
energy, try to use it for aircraft propulsion have very high risks.
For example an accident leakage of radioactive substance or
contamination of the occupants by direct radiation. Not to forget
that nuclear fission generators emit strong radiation that can only
be avoided by confining heavy structures making unfeasible its
use for flying objects that logically have to be lightweight. There
is also nuclear fusion is theoretically less polluting, but at present
it has not been possible to use it except as explosive in nuclear
As for the question of whether it is possible at present any
government in the world to have this type of aircraft so it can be
attributed to them the UFO phenomenon, the answer is that if so,
try these flights were secrets but the UFO phenomenon is usually
associated with luminous objects that have no interest in hiding.
Also, if the UFO phenomenon was caused by secret organizations
of land would be virtually impossible to hide this fact to the
public, because they can hide a lie many short time or a lie a few
long, but you can not hide lie to everyone all the time, because
although this hypothesis is very novelistic it remains true that
thousands of people to maintain an infrastructure as needed for
manufacturing and pilot design of these devices would be needed
and that obviously could not be maintained secret for long.
Another hypothesis for levitation of the craft is the use of antigravity systems. The truth is that today there is no prototype, even
theoretical, to make a ship move repelling the Earth's gravity
field. For this reason it is likely that future space colonization is
carried out with ships bearing the classic propulsion system
reaction mass and generate gravity for the occupants by the
known centrifugal system, which is the rotational movement of
fuselage shaped drum which generates gravity. But if possible
creation of an anti-gravity system, most likely to be based on the
same principle that attracts the material particles together.
Gravity may operate similarly to the magnetic fields, but unlike
them instead of using electron work with a field of nuclear
particles act just as a magnetic field. In this case the system of
antigravity could be achieved by creating equal polarities on the
ship to the existing on the planet, in this way as with the magnetic
levitation of the ship would occur because in magnetism like
poles repel. If you managed to discover this technology could also
be used on planets or satellites with low gravity to achieve the
necessary for human life and thus make life more enjoyable. In
this case it would not be used to produce repulsion but attraction,
as generated by the planets. However, currently there is no proof
that this is possible, so that the characteristics associated with
perhaps UFOs are caused by other reasons.
Today, when we talk about philosophy, it is common that the
ancient Greek philosophers are cited, but few realize that the true
beginning of philosophy was about 2000 BC That is actually the
beginning were long before what is thought and totally different
place. Although the search for the spiritual has always been
present in human history, it was right in the final period of the
classical civilizations of the Middle East, when an additional
impetus to the development of spiritual concepts were given.
About 12,000 years ago the world was immersed in an ice age
that caused today's desert lands of Egypt and Mesopotamia had an
ideal climate like the current European. The end of the frame
glaciation the beginning not only an improvement in relation to
the fertility of the earth but also found a special impetus to human
development, which progress in understanding the moral
consciousness that reached its derived highest. Although there
were many philosophers who must have existed at that time such
as Zoroaster, Enoch or other biblical prophets, surely most of
these philosophers are not even known today. With increasing
global temperatures the European climate was improving and
increasing its population relatively quickly. Through trade
developed by the Cretans, culture was gradually coming to the
continent and was the merger of that culture with the optimism
brought about by an increasingly mild climate which triggered the
awakening of Greek culture and philosophy. In the year 1600 BC
a volcanic eruption on Santorini Island destroyed the Minoan
civilization of Crete, which controlled trade between Europe and
the Middle East, this marked the beginning of the birth of the
actual European culture said to be severed ties with the North
Africa temporarily. It can be said that the Greek philosophers ten
were only benefited from a culture and a moral philosophy that
had its peak 1,000 years earlier and was the crucible in which the
major religions present were developed on earth today, such as
Christianity or Buddhism. The initial beginning of philosophy we
know today was the last contribution of Mesopotamian culture to
world civilization, just before global warming would make her
In this article I do not distinguish between religion and
philosophy because I believe that religion is only a form of
philosophy, could then be said that the difference between
religion and philosophy is that while religion seeks to bring
together a set all important moral issues for man, instead
philosophy can also try simplest aspects of ideas. Another
difference that often occurs, though not essential, is that religion
is assumed that the philosophical teachings derived in whole or in
part of a superior or divine intelligence, but it is important not to
make certain this hypothesis without irrefutable evidence prove it,
especially when there are so many religious organizations that
claim to be attributed an alleged mediation between the divine
and the human with the sole purpose of obtaining power and
money. It is therefore right that we value the cultural richness and
moral teachings that we can bring religions, but never losing our
ability to analyze and freedom of thought.
Arguably one of the ways of defining progress is the path that
runs from darkness into light. One of the main characteristics of
the uninvolved worlds is the ease with which ideas successful
with the wrong words such as democracy, dictatorship, racism or
feminism are clear examples of this are mixed as is common in
these and other cases trying to summarize a much more complex
issues simplistic and tends to gather in a single word entirely
different issues leading due to error, because often the same word
is used to refer to issues in a proper case and in other cases
completely wrong and all this in order to circumvent really get
into the merits. Since the end of World War II racism became a
taboo subject which was not possible to speak without risking
consequences unless it was to support miscegenation, for because
of the excesses of the Nazis believed that every rejection
miscegenation implied support for them. This led to the
opportunists who during the Nazi resolutely joined the cause but
now took every opportunity to vilify those who oppose
miscegenation. But the mistake of thinking that reject the
mistreatment of other races necessarily imply acceptance of
miscegenation, not realizing that it is precisely through
miscegenation and racial minorities can be abused or exploited
more easily committed because it is always better to live among
equals so that they are more difficult cases of discrimination. A
man will always be happier in a country where the police,
senators, or the president are of the same race. Therefore it may
be contrary to miscegenation, but also be contrary to slavery or
any form of abuse, because you can believe and argue that it is
better than the races live apart as a way to better secure its own
fulfillment and without this having to be a contradiction. Any idea
is tenable if done peacefully even belief in racial superiority, and
those who think they have the right to be respected, because many
times throughout history those who seek evil have used correct
ideas with in order to conceal their true intentions. An example of
this is the use that is made of religion to support military
imperialism, a religion can be perfectly honorable, but that does
not mean they are also all acts made in their name, in the same
way defend racial purity may be correct, but that does not mean it
is any means used to achieve it. Therefore, to say that the
rejection of miscegenation is bad only because the Nazis were
served it to support their own purposes could be completely
wrong, in fact after World War imperialist countries like the
United States used their alleged rejection of racism as way to
justify the invasion of the territories of other races and so use their
natural resources, an example of this was the Iraq war was sought
in this case justify and outside the war saying it was for the good
of the country but the result was total destruction and more than
one million deaths as a result of the bombing and disease, and all
concealed in order to control its oil. This is an example that can
also be crimes against humanity claiming to fight for racial
equality, but at the same time the United States within its borders
undergo racial minorities to a caste system denying social rights
such as public health or guaranteed. It is clear that communism as
an economic model has proved its failure, not wanting to
recognize the benefits to the economy of private entrepreneurship,
but it is also true that Western society lives lost in a mirage, being
unable to see that the model economic materialistic proposed to
them as perfect is actually an unjust system that prevents social
integration not guarantee the most basic rights. This shows that an
idea may be correct but not the means used to achieve it, since it
is often just an excuse with which to perpetrate unlawful acts that
have nothing to do with it and in the case of racism the alleged
rejection that some countries make it is only an instrument to
justify their imperialist campaigns on other continents, claiming
that by not recognizing racial boundaries are considered
legitimate to invade or interfere in its internal affairs. This is
proof that the best way to protect the rights of each race is
precisely rejecting miscegenation and demanding equal rights for
all citizens of the planet. The order brings to light and disorder
involving racial miscegenation that only results in confusion and
chaos, which is precisely what interests speculators who try to
destroy social rights and turn citizens into slaves.
The Machismo words or feminism is another similar example,
because everyone understands its meaning differently, the fact is
that with the rise of so-called "democracies" political parties tried
to get the vote of women helping to inflate the myth feminism and
thus favored social fracture, thus affirming that man and woman
must make in life the same tasks is an unrealistic fallacy, because
the proof is that the very nature made them different in order to
increase specialization benefits could provide. The myth of
feminism proposes that the realization of women is only possible
to play this typically male tasks but if you ask a toddler if he
agrees that his mother is absent to take place in the workplace,
who believe that answer? Obviously the answer would be
negative because they are the hardest hit by feminism, because in
those countries where it is very implanted the birth rate is
shockingly low and the few children born often see only their
parents in brief moments of the day due to unnecessary
competition that feminism aimed at women, because in many
cases the effort to get money from two salaries is valued more
than a good childcare. A good solution would be that the woman
carried off only part-time jobs at least while their children were
small. Another example of how the feminist role has caused
social being assimilated by some governments havoc in the case
of marital separations, because in most cases the man is oppressed
by law to be required delivery of the salary, housing and child
custody to women. It is stripped of all its assets even without
being held responsible for it. This separation represents more than
a public humiliation of man, because ideally all assets are divided
equally and therefore the spouses could use the family home one
month each and dividing custody of their children. It would
obviously be different if he were guilty of separation one of the
spouses, but a law that grants all rights and properties only part,
besides being unjust is a real stimulus to cause separation.
It is true that feminism is valid in many circumstances because
women have the right to be free no longer have to endure a man
who mistreats, also has the right to be happy as a man, but that
does not mean you should forget that each sex was done by the
different nature for a reason, not one to be considered a slave of
the other, but not for a stupid competition between the sexes
occurs to see who has the most striking career, as nature made
them different so that different but complementary tasks are
performed together for the good of all mankind, for the
specialization of the sexes actually improves expectations that
human beings can get. But some parties frivolously encourage
hatred of women to their husbands in order to get their vote and
meanwhile look away before the marriage breakdown and the
scandalous falling birthrate. Feminism because women have
contracted so afraid of marriage that increasingly are more instead
of having children prefer to have dogs in an example of
evolutionary nonsense.
Another issue where there is more difference between
appearances and reality are democracies misnamed, because in
those countries where they are used is assumed to be opposed to
dictatorships political models, but such a statement is false
because in reality they are more similar than it seems, because in
both cases the population has a reduced capacity for political
participation, because it is common to allow citizens to choose
only the composition of parliament but being fully vetted in the
definition of the law, genuine democracy only possible when
citizens can decide individually each and every one of the laws. It
is truly pathetic to see how some countries invade others with the
argument that it is to restore democracy, when theirs is only
apparent, this recalls the days when Rome invaded other states
saying it was for their sake, because according to them only lived
barbarians. We now know that neither were as late as believed nor
are such honorable motives of the alleged "democrats" because
the truth is that these are just excuses for imperialist act.
The great dilemma that society of the future must be raised about
the great philosophers or thinkers is. Should they be considered as
divine beings or human beings? The problem of the deification of
ancient philosophers like Buddha or Christ is that to consider as
divine beings superhuman and therefore tend to deny the
possibility of questioning freethinker opinions or assertions of
these philosophers. But the fundamental issue is that until the
contrary is proved, the right thing is to consider these
philosophers or prophets as part of a changing world and
therefore subject like others to the possibility of being wrong.
This does not mean that many of his ideas can not be correct,
what this means is that like the rest of the people who have
contributed to the progress of humanity they too can make
mistakes and therefore fair value their ideas, but it is also a
mistake to think that these ideas can not be improved or can not
be wrong partly because the progress of philosophical or
scientific is to be willing to question any ideas, because without
this attitude is impossible to achieve real progress in the field
philosophy. The religion of the future will be characterized
primarily by the freedom of thought and the ability to question
Regarding the deification of former or present prophets or
philosophers must say that the only thing that should be
considered as divine is ideas, not people, because the same person
can be given at the same time successful beliefs but also other
completely wrong. Only the ideas are divine since by divine can
understand everything that is right and is in line with the great
universal truths. The great philosophers and thinkers may have
been a source of good for the world for their contributions in
philosophy, but that does not mean they should be considered
infallible only because the right ideas are. The problem to
consider these beings as divine is that then society refuses the
possibility of improving what they taught and his followers end
up arguing in unnecessary disputes not being able to adapt the
beliefs of these philosophers to contemporary science. Therefore
and unless proven otherwise the ideas of these people should be
questioned as in the case of others, and therefore it is right to
think that their ideas are successful but sometimes can be wrong
in others. You may philosophers who originated religions have
been truly influenced by superior beings, but then not that be a
reason to question the freedom of thought, because these beings
even better than us, also could be wrong in some of his ideas
because only the right ideas are not perfect people. There are also
those who try to benefit from the supposed infallibility of these
prophets and philosophers, as defend such infallibility with the
unjust and selfish to manipulate people and denying them
freedom of thought for his own benefit interest, this is what often
religious domes and is a real attack on freedom of thought
citizens. What this shows is that you should not judge how bad
religions or freethinkers who created them, because it really bad is
use these philosophers to manipulate and use to denying society
the right to dissent, because it must give the same right to other
people to think freely or to question these philosophers if they
deem it appropriate, as progress is an ongoing debate in which the
right ideas remain and wrong are eliminated, but this need not
accept as infallible to any person, because then it would not be
possible to improve their ideas. A religion is actually a
philosophy based on a compilation of idea and to improve people,
but it is a serious mistake to think that no matter how much faith
you have in it or who I think can not be questioned, because who
says such thing is denying his followers the chance to improve it,
so only ideas and not people can be considered perfect as an idea
may be true, but a person contains within it many ideas which
some are true but others do not. True religion will certainly be
one that considers as essential to ensure freedom of thought so
that any philosopher or prophet may be questioned in order to
improve their teaching, because our ability to dissent is what
brings us closer to God.
With regard to the possible influence of superior beings on our
planet should be noted that it is reasonable to think that the
universe may exist multitude of inhabited worlds more advanced
than ours, and it is reasonable to think that at any time in our past,
these beings they may have come into contact with our planet,
and as a result have been able to raise convey some of their
knowledge to us by philosophers, prophets or otherwise. But even
if this were true, it would not be a reason to consider these beings
as divine and infallible, because although it is reasonable to think
that their ideas are better than ours they like us, could also be
wrong, because they too would be in a process evolution like us,
but even if his ideas were true it does not mean that could not be
changed after being transmitted because of incorrect translations
or intentional changes. The fact that religious books may have
ideas or teachings transmitted by them does not mean that the
entire contents of these books are due to attribute to them. So in
the world of philosophy and the most important ideas, must
always defend freedom of thought against those who deny this
right, because only truth is divine and therefore only the ideas
successful they are, they understood as divine all what it is true
and consistent with the great universal truths. Instead religions are
formed with many ideas and it is reasonable to think that some be
some but not others, because only divine ideas are not people. So
right thing is not going into unnecessary arguments about the
supposed divinity of philosophers or prophets originators of
religion, the right thing is to use freedom of thought to improve
them in all that progress allows.
It is regrettable to see the large number of scammers who
populate today our libraries, all are presented to us as a kind of
saviors, all claim to have the truth for the salvation of our souls
but they are all different, they all claim to seek the good but none
of them he is able to condemn evil or point it openly.
But even more outrageous to see how these false prophets use the
method attributed a false communication with extraterrestrial
assumptions or superior beings in order to make money or prevent
any criticism of their claims, people should know that most of his
ideas in They have actually been copied from other books, or
based on conclusions lacking any evidence. What is truly
unfortunate is that many people believe only by making such
statements and are not able to realize that the truth is only found
by an impartial analysis of things and not the easy solution of
believing in those status of prophet attributed , contacted or
guidance to impress his followers.
There are also those who try to present themselves as benefactors
claiming warn of beings alleged evil aliens, this is just another
vile strategy so that we do not realize that the true evil beings they
are, using this strategy because there are people who are more
likely to believe that extraterrestrial beings exist can only be evil,
this is because those are petty think others also have to be, and do
not realize they end up falling into the trap of his own vanity. Do
they truly believe that a civilization that we could take a million
years ahead, there would be nothing else to do to come to earth
with intent to annoy its inhabitants? This happens because they
are only willing to accept higher extraterrestrial beings in the
technological aspect but not in the moral aspect, and that's a
contradiction. I do not pretend here that aliens may not be on our
planet, not pretend to say that all who write about spiritual issues
need to be impostors, what I want is above all aware that the fact
that someone the title contacted put or guide does not mean it's
In this current era is easy to find many books in which any idea
defends crazy this is and all with a great profusion of alleged
scientific arguments, but at the same time with great
contradictions together, we must bear in mind that the that in a
book called evidence submitted something, does not mean that it
demonstrate its certainty, it is very common to use half-truths in
order to favor a false view. Because within the same book or the
same belief there may be many truths but also many lies or truths
modified in order to mislead readers. Therefore who seeks the
truth must seek itself not carried away by the easy argument of
those who proclaim themselves guides or contacted, nor by those
who use politics or religion in order to seize power. Because these
false prophets do not have the courage to defend their arguments
recognizing that only express their own opinions and are actively
using these subterfuges to get care they do not deserve.
The truly evolved man is one who before accepting an opinion
discuss all things impartially regardless of fame, social
significance, or the powers that these false prophets will do
themselves, because analyzing things impartially is also a way of
exercising freedom.
In this world in which we live, most of what they tell us lies, but
the biggest lies the count, who say protect us from lies.
Currently exist in society multiple sects, all different but all
claiming to have the truth, some people approach them looking
for comfort and guidance for personal problems, but girl people
do not know that some of these sects are destructive character is
said in his dogma include its adherents denial of right to dissent
imposing unconditional acceptance of all its precepts. It should be
noted that these organizations actually are usually founded by one
or more persons who only rely on their own opinions or
information from others to form the ideology of the sect, but
without providing any evidence of the truth of his ideas, taking as
main objective obtaining money or simply satisfy a desire for
personal power, but is imposed on the followers founder
acceptance of this character as a divine being and therefore
unquestionable, imitating the methods of the Catholic church. It
should never lose common sense and the ability to question, as
these organizations seek to convince their followers that all truth
is in them and all the mistakes in others.
These sects often resort to various methods to capture its
followers, one of them is to inflate your ego into believing that
being a member of the sect is a great privilege and while on it and
follow its precepts will possess great wisdom that give them an
advantage over others. At the same time they scare them by
saying that the worst evils occur to them who do not belong to the
Another method to control them is to try to make it difficult for
followers to obtain other media outside the sect, i.e. only advise
them to read books supplied by this and scare them regarding the
use of other means of knowledge.
Another feature of destructive sects is to try to separate their
followers from anyone who does not belong to it even from his
family in order to ensure control over them, the paradox is that
very rarely these followers come to question the seriousness of
the statements made by the leader and if so are branded traitors
and are subsequently expelled.
It is logical that people seek their inner development, it is also
true that this present age is characterized by a moral vacuum true,
so it is important for anyone who is interested in their inner
development to distinguish between those who propose a doctrine
with freedom of opinion and those who try to impose their
dogmas only because every ideology that denies freedom of
thought to his followers is certainly reprehensible.
When a person all his life living materialistically and denying the
existence of life after death is passed, it may happen that after the
occurrence of the Spirit into a situation of uncertainty by not
understand their new situation after losing his body. So instead of
trying to evolve and move on to a new reincarnation may be that
this spirit try to deny the obvious and try to continue in a house as
if he still had a human body. This is one of the reasons that can
explain the phenomenon of haunted houses. These spirits rather
than humbly recognize that they were wrong and ascend to the
spiritual world, on the contrary tend to create the appearance of a
false body by condensation particles spirit, this is what is usually
called phantom or ghost. Condensation of these particles permits
a certain interaction with matter, but much more poorly than as
would be with a human body. Then for a certain time they remain
in the house trying to believe they still have their physical body.
When someone goes to live in this house they begin to occur so-
called paranormal phenomena. These phenomena are nothing but
an attempt of that spirit to take the new tenants of a house that
considers hers, then a game of cat and mouse through which the
spirit is dedicated to pursue and scare continuously to start the
tenants using all means available as throwing objects, producing
noise or pretending to be a horrible monster or a demon. These
phenomena usually occur at night because spirits have very little
power compared with the human body and during the day strong
solar radiation weak energy block preventing its manifestation of
the spirit so evident. Usually tenants react by trying to escape
from that situation or try to deny that this is occurring, rarely they
arise contact the spectrum, to try to figure out why he's there, or
to make him understand that this is not his place and has to leave
the house. Because the more you tend to flee more aggressive
invading spirit is growing and so the best solution would be to
move the counter and require you to stop and go scare. It's like
fear will increase your strength or your discomfort. Sometimes
the occupant spirit of the house remains in it because he believes
have a slope that needs solving, this can happen when someone is
the victim of a tragic death and is buried abnormally in the area of
housing often secretly, then this soul refuses to leave because he
considers that a clarification regarding the facts occurred is
required. In this case the spirit is leading to new tenants to the
settlement of the matter which he implies. In this case a solution
could be to unearth the remains and take them to the appropriate
place, or you may need a farewell ceremony.
There are those who attract these beings to houses by using
methods such as Ouija board. This table is dangerous because
through it these spirits can cause problems for residents or even
trigger situations possession. The problem may start when closed
and poor communication between the two worlds door is open.
After starting this situation it is difficult to take these bodies
usually degenerate spirits of criminals or people who see this
contact an opportunity to try to steal the body to its rightful
owner. These degenerates authorities try to prevent their
expulsion pretending to be demons, levitating objects or speaking
in tongues, but all these qualities are not only own demonic
beings, but they are normal qualities in the spiritual life.
Sometimes these beings are attracted to homes by demonic cults,
these sects are not able to understand that evil can never be a
profitable way, and eventually they end up paying this kind of
behavior. Because it is a misconception that may exist beings
whose only business is doing wrong. Evil is an error and a
deviation from the correct moral behavior and so all beings who
enter this path are destined to return to the good if you want to be
happy. The devil only makes sense as a symbolic character
representing the evil behavior, but no one can live like that
forever behavior because directed toward evil is wrong and who
is most damaging to everyone who uses it. Choose injustice as
habitual behavior is a serious mistake, because it can cause a
momentary profit, but always in exchange for a greater evil long
term. That is the meaning of the phrase "pact with the devil".
Eventually all beings in the universe become perfect, when you
understand that it is the only reasonable way.
Ideally, when you're in a haunted house it is to try to understand
the reasons why these creatures are in them and not see them as
necessarily enemies, because maybe they need our help to
continue into the beyond.
What is a religion? A religion is actually a form of philosophy but
extended widely. In the past, as in the case of Greece, there were
great multitude of them even in the same city or within the same
family, because at that time more than a religion could be said
that the common is the lack of a standard view with regard to
religious ideas. Why some people think that in ancient Rome, or
the Muslim kingdoms of the Middle Ages, there was greater
religious freedom than in the Christian kingdoms, but bear in
mind that in the Roman Empire, would have been impossible
attempt rulers to impose a particular religious approach, since
there was no official or widespread religion in which to rely. And
in the case of Islam it would be a contradiction to their political or
religious leaders aim prohibit other religions, when in fact, this
religion was copied from Judaism and Christianity, for what the
author wanted to create a written and monotheistic religion
religions were mentioned but adding their own ideas. It was not
then a real tolerance, but rather a logical conclusion, since Islam
is actually based on Christianity but with added Arab beliefs.
It is true that religions are a form of philosophical thought and
therefore can be considered logical existence, but it is also true
that throughout history rulers and religious leaders have tried to
use it to manipulate citizens, sometimes self-proclaimed divine
beings as in the case of the Egyptian pharaohs, and in other cases
self-proclaimed infallible beings and exclusive representatives of
God as in the case of the popes of the Catholic church. These are
just attempts to hijack the freedom of thought in order to control
citizens by manipulating their opinions. But the divine persons
there are no truths can only be considered as such. Therefore it
should not blame religion for what they do with it those who
manipulate because every man and society need order in the field
of philosophy and ideas, because it is only possible to create a
truly evolved world if the same time is deeply moral. Therefore,
the future world will no longer need religious domes that have
become the seat of evil, for religion is nothing but a way of
thinking and the end of religious domes is to manipulate men
standing between them and God. Because there are no divine men
only divine ideas, because God is everything that is right and in
line with universal truths. A man may be inspired by his search
for truth, but that does not mean you can not make mistakes.
Create religious organizations in order to dispute the power to
governments or use the resource to faith, virgins or saints to deny
freedom of criticism and thought to citizens is an attack against
freedom, so the man of the future you no longer need such
intermediaries and teach religion through books or schools, but it
will be a religion based on reason and science, not on dogma or
superstition, because you will understand that you can only
achieve true if the search for himself through his freedom of
thought, because the only way that religions can make progress is
by accepting that its founders are men and as such can also be
wrong. A religion is actually a form of philosophy and science,
and if you study without obsessions and entrenched ideas
understood that like other sciences, participating in it and
providing whatever possible to improve it, all humanity will win.
This does not mean they can not be absolute truths, what it means
is that we must recognize that every person can be mistaken for it
to be considered important. You can have faith in something, but
that does not mean that this is due lose the ability to doubt it and
improve it accordingly.
Pathetic are from my point of view those who imagine a God or
Christ as supreme dictators or monarchs of the universe. First
because equating Jesus with God when they are two totally
different realities. There is no reason to think so, because Jesus
was only a prophet or a philosopher, while God is the
representation that man makes the universal order. There are also
those who think that Jesus was actually a superior spirit from
more advanced worlds who came to earth to help men. This
hypothesis does not seem at all absurd, because for those who
accept the presence of more advanced civilizations on earth may
seem an option. If this were true, it would mean that on rare
occasions some of these extraterrestrial beings are reincarnated
among us to fulfill the role of guides for humanity. But in this
case, no point looking crowns king for these emissaries of the
higher worlds, because including these beings would only be one
more, would truly virtuous beings, but exactly the same as the rest
of their compatriots. Therefore, it is even more absurd is the
worship of those who were associated in his earthly life with him,
such as his mother. How can you say that Mary is the mother of
God, when at the same time consider God the creator of all
things? It is clear that people who behave well only seek to
worship idols and not the truth.
As for the issue of universal governance mechanisms, I think it is
a mistake to think of the universe as a religious dictatorship,
which would be at the top dome a hypothetical God and his
family. That also simplistic, it seems more a representation of the
middle Ages and not the universal mechanics. In my opinion, in
the universe nothing is created nor destroyed, only transformed,
and the same can be applied to the eternal souls in all of us. This
means that during the countless cycles of death and creation of the
universe, sometimes spend all the life of a king and every other
pass through the life of a vassal. All we pass through the life of a
wise person and all pass through the lives of ignorant. That is, if
true that there was a sort of hierarchy of government to determine
how the universe works, it is logical to consider that even there
one or more leaders, they in no case would an absolute or life
power, because that besides being totally antidemocratic, it would
be a contradiction to the rest of their peers, they also virtuous, for
the exercise of those functions.
The same can be said about the nature of God, it is not logical to
consider him as an individual, but rather the sum of all beings that
populate the universe and the laws that emanate from them.
Because every time we fail to live life passively and we start to
design the world around us to change, then use the part of God
that is within us. Therefore, it is absurd to think of an alien God to
other beings that populate the cosmos. What differentiates God of
individual beings is that it does not represent only a minority, but
is the expression of the laws acting according to universal
wisdom. This wisdom emanates from the matter that makes up
the universe, because the structure of the universe, its galaxies
and stars, is not the result of a moment of work, but thousands of
millions of years of evolution, to give the universe we already
know the laws that govern it.
Time represents only a part of this cycle, therefore the beginning
of time is also the start of a cycle and the end time is the end of a
cycle. Therefore at the end of the longest cycle, which contains
within it all other cycles, the universe will be repeated, but not
before we all find ourselves gone through all lives and all
situations present in the universe, and then eventually return to
start. Then try not just of a new cycle, but repeating the same
What can be defined as a true messiah? In ancient times it was
assumed that a man was considered a messiah or a precursor of
progress was an essential requirement to undertake miracles or
anything supernatural. Actually every scientist who contributes to
the development of their society either in philosophy or in the rest
of science has the qualities normally attributed to a messiah,
therefore a messiah or prophet is but one who is ahead of its time
and the true divinity of their actions is to be found more in his
ideas or discoveries in his own person. But then what is divine
inspiration? Arguably it is the ability to understand the keys of
nature, this quality may depend on the intelligence but also the
opportunity or time availability. Not to forget everything
precursor of his time could not be whether before had not
assimilated the knowledge that previous generations have
bequeathed. Thus the divinity of a prophet is in his discoveries
where he is and not him as a person. Progress for humanity needs
scientists and philosophers, but no sense elevate a man defining it
as divine, when their ideas are the result of the efforts of all
mankind. Therefore, for someone to reach divine inspiration does
not need to be helped by higher or extraterrestrial beings and if
that helps better still given, but any man at any given time can
find the path to enlightenment itself.
Often when someone speaks of knowing sites or new things,
generally they refer to visit places in the field of geography, but
there is a huge unexplored world within ourselves, namely in the
field of study of culture and philosophy, and I say this because it
is regrettable the lack of interest usually occurs within personal
development. In a few of these plans for free time it includes a
space for reading a book, to meditate or to improve the
knowledge we have of science. But it is important to note that it is
through our inner enrichment as we can actually improve our
quality of life, since increasing our culture and make a reflection
on the world around us we actually improves. When we think of
taking a trip, do not forget to try to understand the world through
science is an exciting journey worth touring. Some think that man
uses only fifteen percent of its intelligence capability, this is not
true, what is true is that very little ability to meditate and reflect
on the world around us is used, which It means less understanding
of things and therefore a worse use of the circumstances that life
gives us. The man of the future will be different because they will
have done himself through his own reflection, as one of the last
stages of human development will be to improve their own
capacity for critical and search for the real truth. Because life does
not have to rely only on simple sensations daily activity or
physical senses provide us is also important to develop as a
person through our inner enrichment. Because the moment in
which we analyze things without accepting ideological
impositions or prejudice, we began to be aware of the truth
around us and then we started really to be free and to participate
unattached in the design world we have. In the world there may
be great truths, but also big lies, so our right and our duty is to
learn to differentiate between them. The man of the future will be
deeply worship but also deeply moral, because scientific progress
and spiritual feelings do not have to be contradictory. Arguably
one of the ways of defining progress is the path that separates
darkness from light, for this reason you need to stop from time to
time in the maelstrom of daily life to realize that seeing the world
from the perspective of a calm analysis found that in him are
many more things than you think when a quick observation is
made. Few things are as emotional as understanding the cosmos
through meditation is the closest thing there is to see God's face,
because when we meditate we realize our ability to change the
world around us. Arguably the main difference between an
ordinary man and a philosopher is that a normal man lives life as
a philosopher as well as living thought life, that is your greatest
satisfaction is to understand the profound meaning of nature, is
like performing a mental journey through the essential mechanics
of the cosmos.
The key that explains the usefulness of philosophy is that the laws
of nature are the same as always irrespective of time and space,
therefore, an intelligent philosopher can gain insight by deducting
many social or technological truths of other times both past and
future and apply them to the present. Philosophy is not
necessarily a form of divination, because it focuses mainly on
scientific aspects broadly, however it is true that allows us to
know much better than those limited to only investigate the
material aspects universe. Philosophy is important because when
we dive into it we become designers of the world around us.
Some people think that souls after death the body migrate to other
worlds of space once they have reached a higher level of spiritual
development. This belief is wrong in my opinion, because I
consider it absurd that the planet earth has to dispense with those
beings who have attained more evolutionary level. It's like a
farmer abandon the field once the harvest was ready to be picked
up and leave all the fruits of his work there. Because the progress
of living beings on earth is also the progress of the land itself and
it is logical to benefit from the gains that have been achieved. It
makes no sense to think that the world should evolve technically,
but instead the most evolved souls in the spiritual plane have to
go. Such beliefs are the result of seeing the world and its history
too pessimistically and though in this world there are also many
objectionable things positive. Therefore, it is best to see the world
from a middle course and consider that progress will be making it
increasingly larger number of positive things to definitely banish
evil from the earth.
Moreover, if we consider this issue from a merely physical, nor
does it seem logical that souls are migrating from some worlds
other continuously, because I believe that spirits can not move
through space instantaneously as some think. In my opinion and
according to the latest scientific discoveries in the universe
nothing can travel faster than light, this means that the velocity of
an object in space would be proportional to the ratio between the
mass and energy in it was found. Thus an object with a relatively
high share of material as a spacecraft could only reach a
maximum of 15% of speed of light, while instead a spirit being
formed by a fraction of mass, but with a portion maximum power,
could reach a speed close to reaching light. However, even if this
were so, the distances between stars are measured in light years,
which is the distance light travels in a year. This means that a
spirit would take at least four years to reach the nearest star, and
to travel across the galaxy thousands, which would be a big waste
of time compared to the other option would be to stay in the
world that is and thus contribute to their progress.
I think unlike a spacecraft propulsion reaction spirits do not move
on the horizontal plane of the cosmos, but use the magnetic force
lines connecting the planets to each other through their polar
regions. This would make a curve trajectory, although it must be
said that there are no absolute straight lines in space. The
procedure would be caught so to speak the electrons in the
magnetic lines had destined for the planet we wanted to go and
simply leave out to finish the tour, it would be a trip without
energy costs. Thus the magnetic lines function as authentic space
highways, but considering the great distances in space spirits only
migrate to another planet when there was no choice, such as the
time that had been established in the human colony, this is
because only when a spirit is attached to a human body really
starts to have this life and this union produced no birth would not
be possible. It could be said then that planets like Earth to serve
reincarnated beings evolve, so, it only makes sense that they leave
Earth when creating new colony worlds possible. These worlds
would be unoccupied, but would be suitable for human by using
technologies suitable for this purpose. This would not modifying
the worlds, but the most logical and easy it is to adapt man to
them, with technologies such as the use of radomes for towns or
cities outside weather-tight.
It is regrettable to see how many people make subject their selfesteem possession of jewelry and the desire of ostentation, I
believe the future will belong to a society that does not need or
jewelry or tattoos, or paint will be used to distort the face nails or
skin, or to distort height high heels, they will not cause injuries to
place pending or mutilation of sexual organs, since our body is
already perfect at birth and does not need added such class. Future
society considered their real jewels, dignity, decency and
sincerity, because there is greater merit jewelry that everyone has
within his heart. The world of the future need not rituals like
baptism to symbolize what they believed, since the genuine
commitment is what everyone does without pressure or
conditions, but by his own will. Because the world of the future
will have as one of its great foundations pursuit of merit through
personal achievement towards improving oneself, without
accepting that no one intends to say in advance which is the truth,
but searching for oneself through freedom of thought.
Truly we live in a time when it is given more importance to
appearances than reality, this is a particularly materialistic time
when obtaining money is considered more important than dignity,
but what sense does the money if you do not have dignity? It is
true that money is important to be happy, but a person can have
all the money in the world and be the same unhappy time, and
someone else can live with right and yet be happy, this is because
happiness also has its rules and one of them is to live with dignity
and common sense. But in this current age it is given more
importance to money than to dignity, growth that solidarity is a
false age where it takes more account of appearances than reality,
which is called prejudice to what is not it is, where it is said God
is right where it is harbored evil, because the truth is not what is
said but what is.
Man must learn to reflect on the world around him, must
understand that the current political game matches between left
and right is nothing more than a play with which dupe citizens to
deny them the right to participate directly in designing laws to
prevent them can vote on them individually. Left parties say
worry about workers but imitate the methods of Athenian slaveowning democracy in the V century BC, because their policies
direct society toward a mestizo and disunited world, resulting in
job insecurity, do not care to sell his country and his race for a
handful of coins, say worry about workers but only interested
enriched with public money, and promoting the reduction of
sentences for criminals to the level of absurdity. In some
countries like Spain punishment for killing a man is the same as
for killing a thousand because only the first crime punishable
equivalent to fifteen years in prison, this shows with politicians
who are identified.
On the other hand the right wing parties strive to manipulate
information in order for citizens to vote just what has been offered
in order to keep their bourgeois privileges and coalesce with
religious organizations to supply them with an alibi good conduct
undeserving. They try to dismantle all forms of social protection
to create a trench country where the norm is the every man for
himself while they are protected in their lairs all their money. You
need to understand, you can not create a developed society if at
the same time is a disunited society.
The so-called "humanitarian" organizations are mainly divided
between those that use practices pro terrorists to achieve their
goals and gain publicity, and only pursue an economic profit, the
first claim that their alleged good intentions justify any means
used to achieve it, and second using own methods of usury, as
they serve those in need to seek help when their real interest is
rich, since many of them take decades talking about hunger in the
world to raise money but do not worry about attacking the evil in
its root, i.e. birth control that is the real cause of overpopulation.
It is true that the world's wealth is poorly distributed, but it is also
true that if all the economic growth of a country is invested in
raising more and more people, then it is clear that hunger will
never go away, but this seems not to interest those supposedly
humanitarian organizations.
This is a false and amoral time when pharmaceutical companies
no longer seek to cure disease but to sell drugs, you must
understand that your business is the disease and not health,
because if people were healthy they could not sell their drugs, the
background to what they do is sell hope, but at a high price.
Citizens need to discover their own power of self-healing and
away from those speculators attacking the source of the disease
that is rejecting the bad habits of life. A drug can be very useful,
but only if used in the right measure and as a last resort, but the
right thing is to act first on the causes of the disease, rejecting the
unhealthy behaviors that have sprung up.
Since the end of the Second World War the victorious nations
only have worried divide the world claiming that the bad guys are
the others, but have not hesitated to overthrow democratic
governments when they have opposed his intentions to dominate
the world, as happened in Chile by the United States or
Czechoslovakia by the Soviet Union, or supporting dictators
when it suited them. Generally governments encourage citizens to
intervene in wars voluntarily or by telling force that is for the
good of his family or patriotism, but basically just looking favor
companies in which they participate and so increase your profits,
but at the expense of the lives of citizens, in this as in most things
there are exceptions, but only with a sensible attitude and away
the passionate reactions can be found the difference.
This is a hypocritical era in which most promotes debauchery that
freedom, it is said that society has to accept one chooses to have
sex, but not their own. But if everything has to depend on what
you decide, then someone might say you want to have per couple
to an animal and not a person, then according to this reasoning
other citizens should accept it. It would be more logical, help
those who do not feel comfortable with their sex change their
minds, because the reasons are hormonal problems or childhood
traumas that can be solved. It will always be more reasonable to
use the medicine to help someone who is comfortable with her
own sex that away from him. In this false era of false democracies
politicians promise anything in order to get votes and thus have
access to public money. Homosexuality is a depraved conduct and
the fact that the law should permit it does not make it morally
right. Because not confuse respect that every person deserves in
his private life, in fact collaborate with it.
Another prejudice is feminism, as is proposed today, because in
some of its aspects induce women to be evil, he says that man
owes them something for the sake of being a man. Feminists
propose be equal in everything, but not in regard to life
expectancy, as men often live less, not want equality when it
comes to engage in hard work physically, but then will not
hesitate to demand the same salary claiming to be just as
productive, do not ask for equality in the division of property
upon separation, as in many countries are the main beneficiaries.
The concept of prejudice, good or bad in many cases is
conditioned by the opinions of the great powers, it is not all a lie,
but half-truths are used to induce erroneous conclusions, as with
racism. Does the reader should wonder what would have
happened to win the German World War II? Because the focus
given in the media about the extermination of the Jews by the
Nazis, is the one that would have been used to treat the
extermination of the Indians in the United States, but as they won
the Americans accept seamlessly arguments used to justify such
extermination. In the background citizens tend to believe too
much in the arguments that the great powers tell them, mainly for
fear unfortunately society pays more attention to appearances than
After the economic crisis of 1929 Germany was sunk
economically in order to gain power the Nazis created panic
accusing the Jews of being to blame for all evils and proposing
themselves as saviors, then society will he believed, thought that
if the government said it had to be true, Americans also used
slander as a way of justifying the Indian extermination, so we can
seize their lands, and likewise citizens accepted it. This strategy
defamation prior to justify aggression step was also used later
with the Arab world, in order to control its oil reserves, especially
by countries so-called "democratic," when a government tries to
do something knowing which provoked public rejection simply
choose to distort reality and thus get public support. In history
there are other similar examples, such as when Spain claimed to
be Christianized America when it actually did was occupy, or
when England went to war against the Boers in South Africa
claiming worry about the natives, when really what they wanted
was the control mines recently discovered diamonds.
Today, we are witnessing a (UN) hypocritical submitted to the
United States, which denies threatening nuclear weapons to those
who refuse to bow to his intentions, but instead gives them to
countries like Israel, which uses a policy of extermination with
the Palestinian people, to replace its inhabitants for their own
settlers. US greed is the real cause of the rise of Islamic
fundamentalism, for example giving Arab countries is harmful
when trying to impose by force allied governments in which you
are interested.
We live in a promiscuous society without values, this results in a
social dissatisfaction resulting in an inordinate desire to obtain
money for the mistaken belief that solve their discomfort. Parents
tell their children not to do what they do, what form of an
example is that? They call sex love, to distort its true meaning,
there can be love in sex, but it's not the same. It encourages
women to live an uncontrolled sexuality, arguing that they can
always abort, it is absurd to have sex without being willing to
accept the consequences this may bring, it is fair that
governments respect the free will of women, but they should also
refuse to finance such acts.
Today, we live to some religious organizations obsessed with not
losing their privileges and power, as in the case of the Catholic
Church, that by denying its members the right to marry finished
turned into a ghetto gay dedicated more to the profit and child
rape than they should. Citizens are realizing that to search for the
great universal truths do not need intermediaries to tell them what
is true and what is not, because society you need are religions and
non-religious organizations, whose real purpose is to compete
with governments by the power. Therefore, it is better than
philosophy or religion is taught through schools or books and not
by these sectarian organizations.
I do not pretend that all actions made by governments or
associations always pursue false interests, not to deny that in the
world there are many positive things, but it is true that only
through a detailed analysis of the facts impostors discovered by
we must not yield to mere compliance that often these
organizations ask us.
This is a world that needs a change to seek the realization of life
based on moral, but not the morality proposed by religious
organizations, given to greed and lust for power, but a morality
based on justice and truth.
For the man of the future will understand that happiness is
through peaceful means such as science and technology as must
be obtained not through vanity or tyranny, and only when you
understand this, you are really able to start a new era.
Many people from time immemorial have wondered what is the
right way to choose in philosophy, from my point of view the
right path is that of a dignified life and justice, he who arises to
live according to these principles lies the solution to your
ideological questions, because life straight in pursuit of justice
dispels the darkness that confuse the mind. It is not possible to
have a developed society if not deeply moral, and can not be
moral when there is no justice as the essential principle of
behavior. For whoever has these principles as the core of its
conduct has easier the solution to your problems because justice is
light and light is culture and truth, and society of the future will
be deeply moral because only in this way can be happy and find
peace. A society whose only expectation materialism and the sole
purpose of obtaining money is an unhappy society, because what
good is money if you have no soul.
The main reason for writing this book is to provide the reader
with the keys in my opinion are necessary for humanity to reach
its full realization, I also try to encourage him to do a thorough
analysis of the world around him, in order to be able to depart
from the glamor and false version of reality that economic and
powers the great powers strive to try to be. Each time
governments have tried that their truth is the only accepted at the
present time the interest of the systems so-called "democratic" to
control information is even higher in order to condition the vote
and that citizens support what they are told. I do not pretend here
that evil is present only in governments, as these are only the
reflection of the society they represent. It is therefore necessary to
analyze in detail what factual powers tell us, but also make an
examination of conscience ourselves. Progress is the road that
runs from darkness to light and certain ideas often are mixed with
the wrong, so it is necessary to analyze things impartially and
without being carried away by pre-established topics and ideas. A
better world is possible, but you need to get away from evil and
despotism. The man through evolution has succeeded in
developing a complex in order to communicate language, has also
achieved by ships technology which go into space, we just need
you to create a code of values based on truth and justice to be
fully accomplished.