l Angels We Have Heard on High Traditional French Carol l. An - gels we have heard on 2. Shep-herds, why this ju - bi 3. Come to Beth - le - hem, and 4. See Him in a man - ger And the moun -tains Whatthe glad-some Come, a -dore on Mar - y, Jo - seph, in re tid - ings bend - ed lend your high, lee? see laid, Sweet - ly sing - ing o'er Why your joy - ous strains Him whose birth the an Whom the choirs of an - the plains pro - long? gels sing; gels praise; ply, Ech - o - ing their - joy - ous strains. song? be Which in - spire your - heav'n - ly knee Christ the Lord, the - new - boro King. aid, While our hearts in - love we raise. J J. Glo ri - a ri - in ex-cel-sis De ª- Copyright © 2002 by HAL LEONARD CORPORATION lnternational Copyright Secured Ali Rights Reserved o. 2 Away in a Manger Words, Stanza 1, 2, Anonymous Stanza 3, JOHN THOMAS McFARLAND l. A 2. The 3. Be The But Close _,; ~ ,. .... • ., " ~ t.) 1 The I Bless .... -,, .... ~ " •,_ The And And way in a cat - tle are near me, Lord lit - tle Lord lit tle Lord by me for -· 1 ~ _,' - ~ 1 •• •..- • - ., ,_ ,_, lit - tle Lord stay by my fit us for man - ger, low - ing, Je - sus, Je - sus Je - sus, ev - er, no the I laid no and crib for Ba - by ask thee a a to down His sweet cry - ing He love me, I bed, wakes, stay head; makes; pray; 1 - - stars in the love thee, Lord ali the dear Music by JAMES R. MURRAY - - ..- •- • _, ~ sky - - looked Je - sus! Look chil - dren in .--~- - J e - sus, era - die heav - en - t down where He down from the Thy ten - der • -- --- --,_ a - sleep on the moro - ing is till to live with Thee Copyright © 2002 by HAL LEONARD CORPORATION lnternational Copyright Secured Ali Rights Reserved ,_ hay. nigh. there. $ lay, sky, care, - , -- 3 Away in a Manger (Cradle Song) Words, Stanza 1, 2, Anonymous Stanza 3, JOHN THOMAS McFARLAND l. A 2. The 3. Be the but close - way in acat - tle are near me, Lord _ the _ and _ and - man - ger no crib for low - ing, the Ba - by Je - sus! 1- - ask You - lit - tle Lord Je - sus lit - tle Lord Je - sus _ by me for - ev - er, - T he _ stars in the _ J __ love you, Lord all the dear - lit - tle Lord stay by my fit us for Music by WILLIAM J. KIRKPATRICK laid no _ and - bright sky looked _ Je - sus ! Look chil - dren in - '-down His cry - ing _ love me, - a bed,- wakes, a stay __ to sweet He I down where _ He down from - the Your ten - der head. ma kes. pray. lay, __ Sk Y, - care, - hay. Je - sus, a - sleep on _ the _ moro - ing _ i s - nigh. era - die till heav - en, to live with-You - there. ~ Copyright © 2002 by HAL LEONARD CORPORATION lnternational Copyright Secured Ali Rights Reserved 4 The Coventry Caro) (Lullay. Thou Little Tiny Child) Words by ROBERT CROO ..,, ~ ~ • r " 1 1 r, i... ·-~~ .. -- r V ,I u English Melody 1 1 •- 1 1 " ,,., T 1 ,r ·~ -~ .. r V i- By, by, For to Charg - ed ev And ..,, " . u • ,, 1 ..... - .. ..... ,, ,r """ ..,, I\ . " ' - • ,- • - rJ. • ,J • " U • Chlld, sing, sight, sing, .. ,.. .... • · 1 V 1 r, ---·- · -- · 1 - lay; - - - - day; - - - - day; - - - - - - ling might, ing 9- -- ..-- - .... tle for in nor ti whom bis say llll. 0- -- ,,, - ny we own nor 1 * V ,r - lit - -- '11 u - 1 1 .... • - For - Child, do, ing, Thee, - • - rA ,,, Thou Young of part ,_ " ' ' U• - lul this this and 1 1 1 - lay, poor meo Tby Bis - 9- 1 1 'Tl ,_.. • ny we rag for 1 ly, serve hath mourn -- Lul This L 1" • lul pre he er -- ti may bis Child, • '"" 1 1 1 _,1 ....- tle how in poor n 1 - '- V - lit too, King, me, -- • ...,_ 1 1 • e, l . Lul - lay, Thou 2. O sis - ters, 3. Her - od the is 4. Then woe ..- ,.... .... ,, -- - By, By, Ali By, 1 1 • 1• 1 .- -•- by, by, chil by, lul lul dren lul , -- - - - 1 1 -. -- • ly, ly, young, ly, lul lul to lul '¿ ,, 1 *Opt. raise Jast melody note to B ~on Jast verse onJy Copyright © 2002 by HAL LEONARD CORPORATION International Copyright Secured Ali Rights Reserved ,lf ,lf l'II< ... 1 ■ ■ ■ ■ c., • - lay. lay. slay. lay. - 1 1 . -. r - 11 11 ■ ■ 5 Deck the Hall Traditional Welsh Carol l. Deck the hall with boughs of bol - ly, Fa la la la la, be - fore us, Fa la la la la, 2. See the blaz - in g Yule 3. Fast a - way the old year pass-es, Fa la la la la, 'Tis the sea - son to be jol - ly, Fa la la la la, Strike the harp and join the cho - rus, Fa la la la la, Hall the new, ye lads and lass - es, Fa la la la la, Don we now _our Fol - low me - in Sing we _, f\ ,, " ~ '\e L.. V ,I t.J -·-· 1 gay ap - par - el, Fa la la mer-ry meas-ore, Fa la la ali to - geth - er, Fa la la ~ -- .... - •- --..., .... ..- 1\ 1 1 -' _¡ / 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - - -· 1 Troll the a n- cient Yule-tide car - ol, Fa la la la la, While I tell of Yule-tide treas-ure. Fa la la la la, Heed-less of the wind and weath - er, Fa la la la la, ... ..- . -,.. L , . L.. -- V ,~ _ ,~ _ 1-, ,. ,., , 1 ... - 1 1 1 - ""- ... ,. - -,...- ,.......1 1 1 1 .. 1 1 e1 - la la la .. .....-· - -... - ,. ,. Copyright © 2002 by HAL LEONARD CORPORATION lnternational Copyright Sec ured Ali Rights Reserved ,... 1 1 la la la. la la la. la la la. la la la la la la la la la la la la -- -- -- la la la. la la la. la la la. la la la la la la la. la. la, ~ - .. --..., 1\ 1 .-l / J ,. 91 ¡ ■ ■ -6 la la la. la la la. la la la. la la la - 11 11 1 1 1 -- 1 1 .. - - --o ■ 11 11 11 6 Ding Dong, Merri~ on High _, I\ , • " ,, 1 .... ~ .. .. L. ,I u French Carol - - - ..."'- - ..- -- ... •- • 1 1 . r l. Ding dong! Mer- ri - ly on high 2. E 'en so here be-low, be - low, 3. Pray you, du - ti - ful - ly prime - L .. •• ,r 'Y ., L. _, I\ , •'- V ,, ~ - ..... -- -- -· -· ,- •• .... ~ .. .. ,_ - ,_ .. - ~ llll. .. .. --- - ..... """ let stee - ple bells be your mat - in chime, ye -- - .. - ...""'- 1 ,. r is by your -- .. -,...,- ..... ""' riv'n with ..... ""' . 1 -in heav'- n the-""" bells- are-1 - ...- -- ...1 • .. ,, ,r ,_ "' Ding dong! Ver -i - ly the sky And i o, i - o, i - o, May you beau-ti-ful-ly rime u L ... ~ - 1 .... . .. ---- - ..... .. .. -- 1 ..... """ ..... 1 ..... -""" 1 - - u c., ring - ing. swung - en. ring - ers. ...""'- ,,., ,,., - - 1 - - - ...""'- - - u c., an - gel sing priest and peo - ple sung eve - time song, ye sing ..- . .. 1 n ,_ - - ing. en. ers. ,., -- FINE ri - a, - Ho - san - na in Copyright © 2002 by HAL LEONARD CORPORATION International Copyright Secured Ali Rights Reserved ex - cel - sis! 7 The First Noel 17th Century English Carol l. The - first - no - el the - an-gel did say Was to cer-tainpoorshepherds,in 2. T hey-look - ed up - and - saw a star Shin -ing in - the east - be 3. And - by - the light - of - that - same star, Three - Wise - Men carne - from 4. This - star - drew nigh - to - the - north-west, O'er - Beth - le - hem - it rev - 'rent - ly up 5. T hen - en - tered in - those .Wise - Men three, Fell r' fields as they lay, yond - them far, coun - try far; took its rest, on __ their knee, In - fields - where- they And - to the - earth To - seek - for a king And ..there - it did And _ of - fe red _ there lay - keep-ing their sheep, it - gave - great light, in - tent, was - their both - stop - and stay, in _ His _ pres - ence r' On a And And to Right Their _ ......____..., cold win-ter's night that it con - tin - ued both so fol - low the star - - where where o - ver the place gold, and myrrh, and ,,.---. el, No - el, - No - so day __ and - ev - er it sus Je fran kin W3S - - deep. night. went. lay. cense. No Copyright © 2002 by HAL LEONARD CORPORATION lnternational Copyright Sec ured Ali Rights Reserved el, - - No - ------. ~ Born is the King - - of Is ra - el! 8 Go, Tell It on the Mountain African-American Spiritual Go, tell it on the moun - tain, - o - ver the bilis a nd ev - 'ry - where; FINE Go, ,_,, ~ .. • ~ ,1¡1/ -•- r '" ,I tJ tell it on the moun 1 1 1 1 .-1 ~ - --·-· ,.. ,.. ,_ - - ,_ - 11 ,.. V --- tain that 1 __,1 - l. While shep-herds kept theirwatch - ing 2. T he shep-herds feared and trem - bled 3. Down in a low - ly man - ger .. - "" '"',.,. ,r llf .. - - -• • 1 1 1 •• •· . - 1 I 11 •• a. , boro! Je - sus 1 __,1 1 1 ,.. 1 - - 1 __,1 ,.. 1 - 1 1 1 __,1 . - - 1 1 • O'er si - lent ftocks by night, Be When lo! a - hove the earth Rang The hum-ble Christ was boro, And ... -- 1 1 .. ,_ ,.. ... -- ,. - ... -- (-2_ • 1 1 , . • 1• 1 1 1 D.C. al FINE hold through-out the heav - ens There shone a ho - ly light. - - out the an - gel cho - rus That hailed our Sav - ior's birth. - God sent us sal - va - tion That bless-ed Christ-mas morn. - - Copyright © 2002 by HAL LEONARD CORPORATION International Copyright Secured Ali Rights Reserved God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen 9 19th Century English Carol l. God 2. In 3. From 4. The rest ye mer - ry, gen - tle-men, Beth - le - hem, in Jew - ry, God, our heav'n -ly Fa - ther, shep-herds at those ti - dings, Let noth- ing you dis - may, This bless - ed Babe was born, A bless - ed an - gel carne, Re - joic - ed much in mind, Re And And And mem-ber, Christ, ourSav - ior, Was born onChrist-mas day; To save us ali from laid with - in a man - ger Up - on this bless-ed morn; The whichHis moth-er un - to cer-tain shep - herds Broughtti-dings of the same; How that in Beth - l,eleft their ftocks a - feed - ing, In tem-pest, storm, and wind, And went to Beth-le - - Sa-tan's pow' r, When we were gone a-stray. Ma ry Did noth-ing take in scorn. hem was born The Son of God by name. hem strait-way, The Son of God to find. joy, Com-fort and joy; - Oh, - Oh, _ ti - dings of com - fort and ti - dings of com Copyright © 2002 by HAL LEONARD CORPORATION lnternational Copyright Secured Ali Rights Reserved - fort and joy! 10 Good King Wenceslas Words by JOHN M. NEALE ~ .i. +i: ,. r .W I L 1 Music from PIAE CANTIONES _, , , ~ • 1 ,. ..... 11 u l. 2. 3. 4. s. - .. ""' • • I n" 1/f "" , -- -- - -- Good King Wen- ces " Hith - er, page, and " Bring me flesh, and "Sire, the night is In bis mas-ter's ...,., 1tr ... •-- I"" --- 1 -- • 1 - _, - • -• n - 1 r .1 1 _, ,., ,¡,t .i. ..·-... .,, , -- -- 1 - - ---- Tl '\.' V t) L , MI 1 1 --•~ Ln - n TI --- -round a who is see him know not ver - y ... ... • -• ... '"" ,- 1 1 ,- 1 1 •- r -- -- • ...,_ ~ ~ 1 1 ., ., . . 1 When the snow lay Yon - der peas-ant, Thou and I will Fails my heart, I Heat was in the L '-• _, - • ---- - --- llt I"" 1 On the Feast of Ste - phen, If thou know'st it, tell - ing, Bring me pine - logs hith - er; And the wind blows strong - er; Where the snow lay dint ed; - las look'd out stand by me, bring me wine, dark - er now, steps he trod, 1 1 ,_ ,- 1 1 1 Bright-ly shone the "Sire, he lives a Page and mon-arch ''Mark my foot-steps, There-fore,Chris-tian When a poor man Right a - gainst the Through therude wind's Thou shalt fiad the Ye who now will 1 1 1 _.J ..., 1 1 ....1 ., - ,- 1 1 1 moon that night, good league hence, forth they went, my good page, meo, be sure, carne in sight, for - est fence, wild la - ment, win - ter's rage bless the poor, ,_ '"" - ,... ..- -- 1 1 r • ,_ ir - r ..., 1 1 1 9- 9- ., ., Though the frost was cru - el, Un - der-neath the moun - tain; Forth they went to - geth - er; Tread thou in them bold - ly: Wealth or rank pos - sess - ing, Gath-'ring win - ter fu By Saint Ag - nes' foun And the bit - ter weath Freeze thy blood less cold ShaU your-selves find bless Copyright © 2002 by HAL LEONARD CORPORATION lnternational Copyright Secured Ali Rights Reserved 1 1 e - ven; dwell - ing?" thith - er." long - er." print - ed. bout, Deep and crisp, and he? Where and what bis dine, When we bear them how, I can go no sod Which the saint had llt ..- •- r •- •- ,,,--- el. tain." er. ly." ing. 1 1 1 Hark! The Herald Angels Sing Words by CHARLES WESLEY ll Music by FELIX MENDELSSOHN l. Hark! the her - ald an - gels sing, 2. Christ, by high - est heav'n a - dored 3. Hail the heav'n - boro Prince of Peace! _ "Glo - ry to the new - boro King; Christ, the ev - er - last - ing Lord! Hail the Sun of Right-eous - ness! Peace on earth, and mer - cy mild, - - God and sin - ners rec - on - ciled!" Late in time be - hold him come, Off - spring of the Vir-gin's womb; Light and life to ali he brings, Ris'n with heal - ing in his wings. Joy - ful, ali ye na - tions, rise, Veiled in flesh the God -head see; Mild he lay his glo - ry by, - Join the tri-umph of the skies; Hall th' in -car-nate De - i - ty, - Born that man no more may die, - With an - gel - ic hosts pro-claim, "Christ is - born in Beth - le - hem!" Pleased as man with meo to dwell, Je - sus, - our Em - man - u - el. Boro to raise the sons of earth, Boro to - give them sec - ond birth. Copyright © 2002 by HAL LEONARD CORPORATION International Copyright Secured AII Rights Reserved ll Hark! the her-ald an - gels sing, - "Glo - ry - to the new-bornKing!" 12 Here We Come a-Carol ing English Wassail Song Unis. l . Here we come a 2. We are not dai - ly 3. Good mas - ter and 4. God bless the mas - ter Unis. / Here ------- But we Pray tbink And all - we come a are neigh - bors' of us poor the lit - tle Love and too; car - ol beg mis of thls joy wan - d ' ring, chil - dren, chil - dren, chil - dren, bless Year, And God send you, you and you A - mong the leaves so green; - That beg from door to door; - As you sit by the fire, - Like-wise the mis-tress, too,- - So fair - Whom you have Who wan - der That r ound the ~ come to ,,,--. And God - ing gars tress, house, you glad Christ-mas And to you a Copyright © 2002 by HAL LEONARD CORPORATION lnternational Copyright Sec ured Ali Rights Reserved to be seen. seen be - fore. in the mire. ta - ble go. py New a Year. l3 In the Bleak Midwinter Words by CHRISTINA ROSSETTI Music by GUSTAV HOLST ~ ~ l. In the bleak mid - win 2. Our God, heav' n can - not hold 3. An - gels and arch - an 4. What- can I give ~ _, I\ _..1# L.. V " tJ '- ,I .. "'1 -- - -. - . 1 . I "' - .. L ~ 1 ... _J. - I L.. V ,., " tJ 1 L.. V - , 1 1 " - 1 L.. - •____....• v - 1 - •• I 1 L.. V ....., • ... e- in the Lord - wor - shipped what- - -- bleak God the can 1 1 • ...,_ • -- ._ ._ - -- - --.._____;;- '----' ...- ,_ ... mid - win - ter, AJ - might - y be - lov - ed him: give I ..-- .- - • 1 -" -6 • a to the a stone; reign. air lamb; ....,-"" ---·. •· -· SnOW - - 1 • -• ~ - ... ,_ ~ long Je with give Copyright © 2002 by HAL LEONARD CORPORATION lnternational Copyright Secured Ali Rights Reserved .. _,. g· '----' - - -------... - ...• 1 1 OD - - sta - ble lace suf in her maid - en I would do my 1 1 1 ~ 1 snow had fall - en, snow on SnOW - In the bleak mid - win - ter a but his moth- er on - lY - if I were a Wise - - Man, - ,...---.... ,,--. •• -- · -- 1 ' ~ ...• J -- - - 1 _,. wa - ter like when he comes throng - ed I would bring ron, a - way a - phim - herd -, 1 1 ,_ ~ "" ' - ' ,I L ,., 1 -" .-... - -- . -- - -- . - -- I -. • frost - y wind made moan, _ nor - - earth sus - tain; _ may have gath- ered there, poor-- as I am? - ,,.--......_ - -- . - -- 1# ' - '"" _, 1 -•-~ · • • -. l earth stood hard as heav'n and earth shall flee cher - u - bim and ser If I were a shep . ter, him, gels him, - 1 1 snow, ficed bliss, part; , . a - go. sus Christ. kiss. a my heart. ..- 1 the ~ l"' 1 1 It Carne Upan the Midnight Clear Words by EDMUND H . SEARS --- l . It carne 2. Still through 3.And yet 4. For lo, Music by RICHARD S. WILLIS ,,--- up - on - the mid-night clear,That glo - rious the clo - ven skies they come With peace - ful be-neath1ife's crush-ing load, Whose forms are the days - ar e has-t'ning on, By proph - ets Fr om an - gels bend - ing near the earth To touch their And still their heav'n - ly mu - sic floats O'er all the Who toil a - long - the climb- ing way Withpain-ful When with the ev er - cir-clingyearsShallcome the ' 'Pea ce on A - hove Look now! When peace the earth, its sad for glad sba H o - The world in sol And ev - er o' er o r est be - side And the whole world - 14 song wings bend seen - of old, - un - furled , ing low,- of old, _ _ harps - of gold: - wea - r y world ; steps - and slow,-time -fore - told, - ,...--..,__ good - will to men, From heav' n 's all and low - ly plains They bend - on aod gold - en hours Come swift - ly ver all the earth Its an - cient ,,--- gr a - cious hov - ' ring oo the spleo - dors emo still-ness lay To hear its Ba - bel soundsThe bless the wear -y road And bear send back the song Which oow an an an an - the - ed the the Copyright © 2002 by HAL LEONARD CORPORATION lnternational Copyright Sec ured Ali Rights Reserved --... ----..... gels gels gels gels King!" wing, wing: fling, - sin g. __ sing. - sing. - sing. - - 15 Jingle Bells Words and M usic by J AMES PIERPONT l. Dash-ing through the snow two a - go 2. Day or 3. Now the ground is white, ,.., ~ .. • • ., u .lf ~ '\. ---.. I --- --- -• - , 1111 J,41 -- - -- ~ - -..-- ,.., ~ ~ .lf • - ~ • ., '\. .. u 1 1 1 - - -- --- -- --- - - - -- -- -- •- ~ - I ...._ . "" • • 1111 1 1 .-1 • .. • - "'lltl• L.- .... I"" ._. ._ -..-- ,•_ -· -• ..- -- - ~ --- --- 1 1 1 -- -- 11 ... - - - - ~ .... •,_ .... Copyright © 2002 by HAL LEONARD CORPORATION lnternational Copyright Secured Ali Rights Reserved --- ~ ,_ .... 1 1 1 What He Then 1 _,1 - . ... sleigh - ing song to - nigbt! we, we got up - sot. crack! you'H take the lead. ,_ 1 1 The Just Mak - ing spir - its bright; Mis - for - tune was bis lot, Two for - ty for bis speed, fun it is to ride and sing a got in - to a drift - ed bank, And hitch him to an o - peo sleigh , And L. , - ~ 'I J -- - -- Laugh -ing ali the way; by my side. seat - ed sing this sleigh - ing song; .. I -- 1 1 Was A nd ... BeHs on bob - tail ring, horse was lean and lank, get a bob - tail nag, I .. O'er the fields we go soon Miss Fan - nie Bright Take the girls to - night, L '- • - •• one horse o - pen sleigh, thought l 'd take a ride, And Go it while you ' re young; \ ... 1 1 - in a • - · ... • 11 11 11 15 Jin - gle beUs! Jin - gle beUs! Jin - gle aU the way! 1 Jin - gle, jin - gle, jin - gle, jin - gle, Oh, what fun it is to ride in a jin - gle, Jin - gle, jin - gle aJJ the one -horse o - peo sleigh! - - 1J way! What fun Jin - gle bells! it is to ride in a Jin - gle bells! one-horse o - peo sleigh! Jin - gle ali the way! 1 Jin - gle, jio - gle, j in - gle, jin - gle, jin - gle, jin - gle, jin - gle ali the Oh, what fuo it is to ride in a ooe-horse o - peo sleigh! way! What fuo it is to ride in a ooe-horse o - peo sleigh! 16 Joy to the World Words by ISAAC WATTS Music by GEORGE F. HANDEL l. Joy to the world, the Lord is come! Let earth re - ceive 2. Joy to the earth, the Sav - ior reigns! Let aU their songs 3. No more let sin and sor - row grow Nor thorns in - fest 4. He rules the world with truth and grace And makes the na - ~ '--..__; King; - ploy _ _ ground; prove __ Let ev - ' ry - heart __ pre - pare _ rocks, hills, _ While fields and-floods, _ He comes . to make __ His bless The glo - ries of _ _ His right - .J~ ..__,, Him _ room and _ plainsings _ flOW - eous - ness - - .J~ as, won sing, and re far ders, heav' n peat as And Re Far And ..__,, "--- heav'n and na - ture - sing, And -heav' n and na - ture - sing, peat thesound-ing - joy, Re - peat the sound-ing - joy, as the curse is - found, Far - as the curse is - found, won - ders of His - love, And - won - ders of lis - love, And heav'n and na-ture sing, - - - - - - - - - And heav'n and na- ture her em the tions sing, and the the ders And Re Far And - and heav' n and na-ture na - ture sound - ing - curse of Copyright © 2002 by HAL LEONAR D CORPORATION lnternational Copyright Sec ured Ali Rights Reserved sing. joy. found. love. 17 O Christmas Tree (O Tannenbaum) l . O Christ-mas tree, 2. O Christ-mas tree, O O O O Traditional German Carol O Christ-mas tree! How love-ly are your branch-es! O Christ-mas tree! You bear a won-drous mes-sage! Tan - nenlJaum, O Tan -nen -baum! wie treu sincl clei - ne Bléit - ter! Christ-mas tree, O Christ-mas tree, how love - ly are your branch-es! Christ- mas tree, O Cbrist - mas tree, you bear a won-drous mes - sage! Tan - nen -baum, O Tan -nen-baum, wie treu sincl clei - ne Bléit - ter! The sight of you at Christ- mas time Spreads hope and glad-ness far and wide, You do pro-claim tbe Sav-ior's birth, Good will to men and peace on earth. Du griinst nicht nur zur Som -mer- zeit, nein, auch im Win - te1; wenn es schn.eit. ~ O Christ-mas tree, O - Christ-mas tree, How love- ly are your branch - es! O Christ-mas tree, Q _ Christ-mas tree, You bear a won-drous mes - sage! O Tan - nen - baum, Q _ Tan -nen-baum! wie treu sincl clei - ne Copyright © 2002 by HAL LEONARD CORPORAT ION lntemational Copyright Secured Ali Rights Reserved Blii.t - ter. 18 O Come, A II Ye Faithful (Adeste Fideles) Latin trans. by FREDERICK OAKELEY .. _, A .i. • •'\.' V u ,. ,. - •-- 1 - • 1111 - e, 1 - es L .. • • '1fl -., "' ....... ,. ,. .. Ve 1 --- -- - o -- - .......- 1 1 1 - vi - de come, let ni - te us - te Him, ali ther, te, tn - -1 Re - gem - um - phant; ta - tion; moro - ing; 1 - r- 1 1 an - ge - lo Copyright © 2002 by HAL LEONARD CORPORATION International Copyright Secured Ali Rights Reserved -- ., . le - hem; --..... come, let - tes: le - hem! a - hove! ry giv'n: Beth Ve - ni - te - • c.- boro the King of an glo - ry in the high now in flesh ap - pear Him! O re - mus, - - 1 tri - um - phan ye to Beth hosts of heav'n be ali glo /U a - dore ad - o 1 1 ve tum ,- 1 te, - - - nt hold God, Fa O - ti ye to - Ve La.e come bright Thee be to the joy - ful and tri sing in ex - ul boro t his hap- py - les, ye, ali sus, Come and Glo - ry Word of Na 1 -- - -- • • • - de come sing, Je - e,; r- - 1.-. 1 faith - fuJ, an - gels; greet Thee, fi - te n - -- o o - 1 c.- ali ye 1.0 come, 2. Sing, choirs of 3. Yea, Lord, we Ad Words and Music by JOHN FRANCIS WADE us gels! est! ing! rum: a - dore Him! - re - mus, ad - o 18 o let us Ve te a - do a - dore - re Him, mus Christ, Do the Lord. mi - num. 19 O Come, O Come, Emmanuel Traditional Latin Text V. 1, 2 translated by JOHN M. NEALE V. 3, 4 translated by HENRY S. COFFIN Gregorian Chant 1.0 come, O come, Em - man 2.0 come, Thou Day-spring, come 3.0 come, De - sire of 4.0 come, Thou Key of Is ad heart heav' n _, I\ • • ~ ,,, '- U' • -- ..J - • til the Son of death 's dark shad-ows the whole world with close the path to &. -· - •• I -.. "" 1111 ....- 1 And ran-som cap - tive Our spir - its by Thine AU peo-ples in one And o - peo wide our ex mourns in lone - ly ra - el, vent here; Dis - perse the gloom - y clouds en - vy, strife, and quar and mind. Bid ly home; Make safe tbe way that leads 1 • t) u - el and cheer tions, bind vid, come, --- -- 111.. -- u - el -- - -- í 1 1 ..J God put heav mis .. ~ ap - pear. to ffight. en 's peace. er - y. - 111.. --,_ Shall -. u• 111.. -- ~-. , come to thee, O -- -. . ,_ ile of rels on 1 -..J Re - joice! Re - -- .. • - Is Copyright © 2002 by HAL LEONARD CORPORAT ION International Copyright Secured AII Rights Reserved !: - here, night, cease; high, -. r - joice! Un And Fill And 1 -..J Em - a.· 111.. ,- ...,_ ra - el! 20 O Ho~ Night Words by PLACIDE CAPPEAU Translated by JOHN S. DWIGHT Music by ADOLPHE ADAM l. O ho - ly night! - -the light - - 2. Led by 3. Tru - ly He taught- - - ing, ing, er; It is the night With glow - ing h earts Bis law is love stars faith to the of us of by a nd shin are bright - ly se - r ene - ly beam love one an - oth dear er a gos the Bis Bis Sav die pel - ior's birth ; we stand ; is peace; Long lay the world - - in sin and er - ror pin ing, Till He ap So led by light of a star - - sweet - ly gleam - ing, Here carne the Chains shaJI He br eak, for the slave is our broth - er, And in B is _, ¡11\ ~ •... ,I tJ -. - -- . _, - 2,1 --- -- . ' I 1 "- - v - • --- --- 1 .,- IO .,.j• - 1 -'. peared and the soul felt its worth. wise men from o - r i - ent land. name all op - pres - sion shall cease. ,. ,. .. -· -- · -- -i¡ - "º L -. , ~ ...- . 1 1 ... e-. ...- -- ...,_ ... 11. -¡ "'I ,,, ,,, .. 1 1 1 - ~,_ . _, ..___..,--' 2,1 1 -· -· - - 1 .~ •· ,_ 1 1 1 A thrill of hope the The Kings of kings lay Sweet hymns of joy in ,. - -· . 1 J ••. - '-- 1 1 Copyright © 2002 by HAL LEONAR D CORPORATION lnternational Copyright Secured Ali Rights Reserved ... •-·• •-·• -- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 20 wea - ry world re - joic - es, For yon - der breaks a thus in low - ly man - ger, In all our tri - als grate - ful chor - us raise we, Let all with - in us moro; Friend; name; hear weak praise- - Fall - - - - 0D He-----Christ- - - - knows is .------------ the an - gel voic ness is no strang His name for - ev your our the es! - er. er! o Be His new and glo - rious boro to be our praise His ho - ly knees,- - - need, - - - - Lord,-- - - - .,..--__ Oh, Toour Oh, night hold pow'r di your and ~ ~ vine, - - - - O night - - -when Christ was boro! - - O night, - - O Him low - ly bend! - - Be - hold - - your King, - - - - be - fore glo ry ev er more pro-claiml - - His pow'r- - and ~ ho King, - - - glo ly be night, fore ev O nigbt di - vine! - - Him low - ly bendl - - er - more pro - claim! - - - O Little Town of Bethlehem Music by LEWIS H. REDNER Words by PHILLIPS BROOKS l. O lit - tle 2. For Christ is 3.How si - lent 4. O ho - ly 21 town of boro of - ly, how child of Beth - le - hem, Ma ry, si - lent - ly, Beth - le - hem, How still we And gath - ered the woo-drous De - sceod to - ~ see thee lie.' all a - hove, gift is giv'n! us, we pray; A - hove thy deep and dream -less sleep The si - lent - stars go by; While mor-tals sleep,, the an - gels keep Their watch of- woo-d ' ring love. So God im- parts to hu - man hearts The b less - ings _ of His heav' n. Cast out our sin aod en - ter in, Be boro to - day. Yet o No We in thy dark street shin morn-in g stars, to - geth ear may hear His com hear the Christ - mas ªº - The hopes and fears And prais - es sing Where meek souls will Oh, come to us, of ali to God, re - ceive a - bide eth er ing, gels the years the King, Him still, with us, The ev - er - last - ing Light; birth; Pro - claim the ho - ly in this world of sin, But The great glad ti - d ings tell: -- Are - met in - thee to -night. And - peace to - meo on earth. The - dear Christ en - ters in. -man - u - el! Our - Lord Em..-..._ Copyright © 2002 by HAL LEONARD CORPORATION lnternational Copyright Secured All Rigbts Reserved 22 Silent Night Words by JOSEPH MOHR _,, ..."... 11 '- ~ ... .,, .. " .. 1 IO 1 • tJ .-..__.,,,.. - -• -1-: .-..__.,,,. - -• l. Si - lent 2. Si lent 3. Si - lent Stil - le night, night, night, Nacht, ho - ly ho ly ho - ly hei - li- ge __, ~ - .. - .. ... ,, .. .. .... L '• • ,r -.. 1 Music by FRANZ GRUBER - .. ,_ ,., i¡ - __, ,-_.. . - .. .. -- ,_ ,_ ,., I Jr-: -- -- ' night, ali is night, shep - herd n ight, Son of Nacht, al - Les --- .· - ....,-- - .. - -- • " -1 • calm, aU is quake at the God, love's pure schliift, ein - sam .......- ., .... -- · .. .. - ,_ ,., i¡ ... bright sight; light; wacht •• -- · round yon vir - gin moth-er and child. Ho - ly in -fant, so ten - der and mild, glo - ríes stream from heav-en a - far, heav'n - ly hosts sing Al - le - lu - ia! ra - diant beams from Thy ho- ly face with the dawn of re - deem - ing grace, nur das trau - te, hoch hei - li - ge Paa,; hol - der Kna - be im Lock - i - gen Haa,; sleep in heav - en - ly peace, - - sleep - Christ the Sav - ior is born, - - Christ Je - sus, Lord, at Thy birth - Je schlaf in himm - Li - scher Ruh', - - schlaf- in the sus, in heav - en - ly peace. boro! Sav - ior is Lord, at Thy birth. himm - li -scher ruh '! Copyright © 2002 by HAL LEONARD CORPORATION lnternational Copyright Secured Ali Rights Reserved 23 The Twelve Days of Christmas Traditional English Caro) On the first day of Christ - mas my true me a On the On the On the '----"' sec - ond day of Christ - mas my third - - day of Christ - mas my fourth - - day of Christ - mas my par in - ,,,..-..... a love pear sent to tree. true love sent true love sent true love sent to to to me me me D.S. for verses 1-4 '----"' two three { four tur - tle doves, } French hens, and a caU - ing birds, Copyright © 2002 by I-IAL LEONARD CORPORAT ION lnternational Copyright Sec ured Ali Rights Reserved in a pear tree. 23 On the five fifth day of Christ - mas my gold __ r111gs, _ _ and me four - call - ing birds, three French hens, ,,,--- ~ tur - tle doves, true love sent to a par - in a pear tree. true love sent to me D.S. for verses 6-12 six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve geese a - lay - ing, swans a - swim - ming, maids a - milk - ing, la - dies danc - ing, lords a - leap - ing, pi - pers pip - ing, drum - mers drum-ming, five gold rj rings! 24 We Three Kings of Orient Are Words and Music by JOHN H. HOPKINS, JR. l. We three 2. Born a 3. Frank - in 4.Myrrh is 5. Glo - rious Kings King cense mine, now trav - erse a - far crownHim a - gain, nigh. De - i - ty gath - er - ing gloom; Sac r i - fice, of on to its be O - ri - ent Beth - le - hem of - fer have bit - ter per hold Him a - Field and foun - tain, King for - ev - er, Prayer and prais - ing Sor - rowing, sigh - ing, Al le - Ju - ia, Fol - low - ing O - ver us Wor-ship Him, Sealed in the stone - cold Earth to the heav'ns re - Star of night, are; plain, I, fume rise, reign. high. tomb. plies. Bear - ing gifts, Gold I bring, In - censeowns Breathes a life King and God we to a of and moor and moun - tain, ceas - ing nev - er ali men rais - ing, bleed - ing, dy - ing, Al - le - lu ia, 'v 0 - -- Star with roy - al Star beau - ty Copyright © 2002 by HAL LEONARD CORPORATION lntemational Copyright Secured Ali Rights Reserved of bright, won - der, West-ward 24 lead - ing, still pro - ceed - ing, Guide us to thy per - fect light. 25 We Wish You a Merry Christmas Traditional English Carol ..,__, l . We wish you a rner-ry Christ-rnas, We wish you a rner - ry Christ- rnas, 2. O h, bring us sorne fig - gy pud-ding, Oh, bring us sorne fig - gy pud - ding, 3. We won't go un - til we get sorne, We won't go un - til we get sorne, ..___,,, We wish you a rner - ry Christ - mas, anda hap - py new Oh, br ing us sorne fig - gy pud - ding, and bring it right We won ' t go un - til we get sorne, so bring it right ,........._ Good _,; ..",., ,,,. +t ,¡¡. n w,,,1 tJ --Good .. L '-• - I MI "" ti - -- -• 1 1 - ti dings - you to .- dings for -J 1 1 -- _, - r C hrist-rnas 1 _, u 1 _, and a -- - L.-J - ...- - - -- -- ...- you wher - ev - er 1 -- ...- ...- 1 1 -• 1 -- - hap - PY --- ...__/ Copyright © 2002 by HA L LEONARD CORPORATION lnternational Copyright Secured Ali Rights Reserved ... are; ■ _, -- 1 1 ■ r -- new year! - 9- ... ... ,_ year! here! here! 11 11 ■ ■ ■ ¿ ■ 26 What Child Is This? 16th c. English Melody Words by WILLIAM C. DIX l. What Child is this, who, laid to rest On Ma - ry's lap, 2. Why lies He in such mean es - tate, Where ox and ass 3. So bring him in - cense, gold, and myrrh, Come peas - ant, king, is are to sleep - ing? Whom an - gels greet with an-thems sweet, While shep-herds watch are feed - ing? Good Chris-tian, fear, for sin - ners here The si - lent Word is own Him, The King of kings, sal - va - tion brings, Let lov - ing hearts en........,__ keep - ing? This, this plead - ing: Nails, spear, throne Him. Raise, raise is Christ the King; Whom shep-herds guard shall pierce Him through, The Cross be borne, the song on high, The Vir - gin sings an-gels sing: Haste, baste to bring Him laud, The Babe, the Son me, foryou: Hail, hail theWord madeflesh, The Babe, the Son lull - a - by: Joy, joy, for Christ is boro, The Babe, the Son Copyright © 2002 by HAL LEONARD CORPORATION lnternational Copyright Secured Ali Rights Reserved and for her of Ma-ry! of Ma-ry! of Ma-ry!