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AI in Education: New Interactions, New Choices

AI and the Future of Teaching and Learning:
New Interactions, New Choices
Office of Ed Tech · Follow
Published in AI and the Future of Teaching and Learning:
6 min read · Apr 11, 2022
Key Points:
Artificial intelligence will enable students and teachers to interact with technology
in human-like ways.
Individuals will find it difficult to make choices that balance benefits and risks.
Creating policies can strengthen how people make decisions about artificial
intelligence in education.
The first blog post discussed how artificial intelligence (AI) will lead to
educational technology products with more independent agency. This post adds
another dimension, that AI will allow students and teachers to interact with
computers in more natural ways. Individuals will find it difficult to make choices
that balance the attractiveness of natural interaction with the potential risks.
Changing interactions with technology
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In classic educational technology platforms, the ways in which teachers and
students interact with computers are limited. Teachers and students may choose
items from a menu or in a multiple-choice question. They may type short
answers. They may drag objects on the screen or use touch gestures. The
computer provides output to students and teachers through text, graphics, and
multimedia. Although these forms of input and output are versatile, no one would
mistake this style of interaction with how two people interact with each other; it is
specific to human-computer interaction. With AI, interactions with computers are
likely to become more like human-to-human interactions (see Figure 1). A teacher
may speak to an AI assistant, and it may speak back. A student may make a
drawing and the computer may highlight a portion of the drawing. A teacher or
student may start to write something, and the computer may finish their sentence
— as when today’s email programs can complete our thoughts faster than we can
type them.
Additionally, the possibilities for automated actions that can be executed by AI
tools are expanding. Current personalization tools may automatically adjust the
sequence, pace, hints, or trajectory through learning experiences. Actions in the
future might look like an automated agent that helps a student with homework, or
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a teaching assistant that reduces a teacher’s workload (recommending lesson
plans that fit a teacher’s needs and are similar to lesson plans a teacher previously
liked). Further, an AI agent may appear as an additional “partner” in a small group
of students who are working together on a collaborative assignment. An AI agent
may also help teachers with complex classroom routines, for example
orchestrating the movement of students from a full class discussion into small
groups and making sure each group has the materials needed to start their work.
These new forms of interaction will likely be attractive, but they also bring new
risks, which require our attention.
Risk 1: People overestimate AI systems
Early in the history of AI, Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor Joseph
Weizenbaum observed that when a computing device notices associations and
automates actions, the people who interact with the device describe it as “humanlike” or “intelligent” — hence, “artificial intelligence.” For example, the 1960s
program called “ELIZA” emulated a psychotherapist by detecting really simple
patterns in what people say and producing a next phase.1 The person might say, “I
have difficulties with my daughter” and the computer might type back, “Tell me
more about your daughter.” In this example, ELIZA didn’t understand what the
person said. ELIZA just looked for a noun (“daughter”) and plugged the noun into
a template response (“Tell me more about ____.”) This may seem “intelligent” or
“human-like” to us even though the underlying process is unlike how people
understand language. While ELIZA was not a “real” therapist, some people treated
the program as if it was one. If the person needed the personal and professional
attention of a therapist, this could prove very problematic.
Overestimating what the computer can do becomes more pronounced as the form
of interaction is more like human interaction. When people attribute intelligence
to the computer, they may be more willing to take recommendations that are not
particularly smart or well-tested.
Risk 2: AI systems will collect more personal data
As computers interact in new ways with teachers and students, they are also
collecting new forms of data. Collecting a student’s voice or likeness (whether in a
video or a photo) is different from collecting their answer to a multiple-choice
question. These forms of data contain more personal information than what was
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collected by older forms of educational technology, which can create risks in
terms of identity and privacy.
Risk 3: AI may produce unwanted or “fake” outputs
On the automation side, there are risks as well. Computers may be able to produce
a story that is newly created and responsive to a student’s interests. Yet, the same
technology may make it simpler to automatically modify information in ways that
distort the learning process. The same problems with falsifying images that are
appearing as “deep fakes”2 in public life may occur in classrooms. As technology
makes it easier to provide different learning activities to students in the same
classroom, the sense of shared community in a classroom may be undermined.
Without human supervision, AI systems may make it easier to change what
students see or do in ways that inject unwanted levels of controversy into teaching
and learning settings.
Risk 4: AI systems may not be visible or obvious
When we visualize AI as an agent, it implies we will know when we are using AI
(because we know when we are interacting with an agent). However, this may not
be the case. AI may not be immediately visible or obvious in certain applications
for teaching and learning — for instance, when AI influences what happens next
in a lesson or even what the lesson looks like. Also, interactions that seemed
surprising at first may become second nature, and then go unnoticed. Risks will
be multiplied because more natural interactions tend to feel less risky to people
than older style human-computer interactions.
Creating policies can help individuals make good choices
Parents and educators should be trusted to make good decisions about the future
products they use for teaching and learning. However, it is also important to
recognize that analyzing AI systems within school technologies will be
complicated. Informed decisions will be hard for individuals to make on their
own. Already, people too readily give up personal data (e.g., on their phones,
signing the terms of service without reading them) to gain access to convenient,
interactive features. In schools, more natural interactions enabled by AI systems
will be attractive — it will be difficult for decision-makers to decide how to
balance desirable new features with attendant risks. Students in math class may
prefer sharing their handwriting than typing math in an awkward computer
syntax. Interacting by voice with a classroom assistant may be so convenient for
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teachers that the decide to allow devices to listen in to their classrooms. Being
able to answer an assignment without typing and by submitting a voice or video
recording may be very useful to students. Consequently, it is unlikely that trying
to solve these problems by banning AI systems will work. It’s also risky to leave it
to individual teachers, parents and caregivers to each make choices — it may be
hard for individuals to assemble enough information to make an adequate
decision. Instead, there is a clear federal role to support constituents of
educational technology ecosystems in creating shared policies that provide a clear
basis for sound educational decision-making.
1 Weizenbaum, J. (1966). ELIZA- A computer program for the study of natural
language communication between man and machine. Communications of the ACM,
9 (1), 36–45.
2 Biggs, T. & Moran R. (2 June, 2021) What is a deep fake? The Sydney Morning
Written by Office of Ed Tech
10.8K Followers · Editor for AI and the Future of Teaching and Learning:
OET develops national edtech policy & provides leadership for maximizing technology's contribution to
improving education. Examples ≠ endorsement
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