Is your father older than your mother? START 7 Are you more beautiful than 5 years ago? MISS A TURN Are pandas more dangerous than lions? Is silver more expensive than gold? 16 Are books better than the Internet? 37 Is learning English easier than Chinese? 29 17 22 GO 2 steps BACK 36 Are apples healthier than milk? Is Apple more expensive than Samsung? 18 23 Is pop music more popular than jazz? 31 28 35 Is golf more boring than billiard? 39 10 Are you taller than your friend? GO 2 steps 19 Do you speak English better than your friend? 24 Are you more serious than your friend? 27 32 Is your mother kinder than a father? Are you thinner than your friend? 11 20 Are your legs longer than your sister’s? 25 Is today sunnier than yesterday? 26 Are nights longer in summer? 34 12 Are cherries sweeter than melons? Do you laugh louder than your friend? Are you lazier than your friend? FORWARD 4 2 Is today hotter than yesterday? FORWARD Do frogs jump higher than kangaroos? GO 2 steps Is January shorter than February? 13 MISS A TURN 5 2 Are you happier than your friend? Is History more difficult than Math? Are winters more beautiful than summers? Are cars safer than airplanes? Are you more tired in the evening? 38 14 Are hotdogs tastier than hamburgers? Is a tortoise slower than a snake? 30 6 Do you dance better than your mother? 9 3 2 Is your city smaller than New York? Is your hair longer than your friend’s? Are you younger than your sister/brother? Are elephants fatter than hippos? Does your mum cook tastier than your granny? Is tea stronger than coffee? 15 8 21 MISS A TURN 2 2 GO 2 steps BACK Are dolphins more intelligent than dogs? Is Spiderman stronger than Batman? 1 2 33 MISS A TURN 40 FINISH