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SO E U12 interviews scripts

Elementary Unit 12 BBC interviews script
F = Finn
W1 = Woman 1
M1 = Man 1
I love living in London because there’s so much to do. I’ve been to lots
of interesting places but there’s always something new to experience.
How do you feel about London?
I love London. I actually lived here for 14 years.
I love London. I love the diversity, all the different people here, the
I love London. London is one of the most amazing cities. – it’s so
exciting, there’s so much to do and see in London. I think it’s one of my
favourite cities.
I like London, but sometimes it’s too busy.
There’s too many people, it’s too big a city, it doesn’t have any real
heart, and you know, for a holiday it’s just not, it’s not very relaxing.
Living in Australia at the moment, comparing it to London, I find the
people to be more humorous and lively… There seems to be more
going on.
Absolutely love London. One of the best places, I think, anyone can
live. There’s just so much happening, I mean, my father’s just over for
two weeks and actually been going down to all the galleries and stuff
today along the South Bank.
I feel very comfortable in London. It’s already, like, my fifth time.
I wouldn’t like to live in London but to visit it’s an absolutely tremendous
place and where I live it’s just a short train ride.
I do like London, I really like the old architecture and the history that
you have here. There’s a lot to see and it’s just a really nice city.
London’s a very nice city. It takes a lot to get used to.
I like London very much. I like London because of its huge diversity of
people, and huge diversity of things to do and places to see.
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Limited 2015
Elementary Unit 12 BBC interviews script
What’s the most exciting thing you’ve done in London?
The most exciting thing I’ve done in London recently is to see Oasis
live. I went to the Roundhouse and it was the most amazing concert. It
was free, so we ended up having nice passes, so we were close to the
band and it was incredible. It’s the best I thing I’ve seen in a long time.
I’ve been to the theatre quite a lot in London. I went to see Waiting For
Godot at the National.
I’ve recently been to Hampton Court, which is a royal palace most
famously known for being the place where King Henry VIII lived, and a
few of his wives that made it there.
I think Tate Modern is the best place I’ve been to, you know, because
it’s different every time … you know, they really push the boundaries
of, you know, the displays compared to a lot of the traditional museums
and art galleries in London.
The best thing I’ve ever done was watch a gig in Hyde Park for my
cousin’s birthday.
The most exciting thing I’ve done in London? I’ve watched England
play football at Wembley – that was quite exciting.
Just this weekend, we were in Brixton, in Brockwell Park, and there
was a country fair going on and just the characters in the crowd were
just absolutely fantastic.
I’ve done a lot of interesting things. I’ve had a lot of good experiences
here but probably the best thing was when I went to Wimbledon this
year. I got to watch, I got to watch Andy Murray on Centre Court, I
managed to get tickets to that. And it was just a really good
atmosphere and it was a good example of, sort of, British culture and
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Limited 2015