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Grayson Perry

Born: 24 March 1960 In Chelmsford,
Education: Portsmouth University
Awards won: Turner prize
He was awarded the Turner Award in
In in the daily telegraphs list of “100 most
powerful people in british culture” he
ranked 32rd in 2005
While the contemporary artist is most known for
his ceramic work, Grayson perry is also known for
his painted tapestries, printmaking, drawing, and
embroidery as well as film, performance, and even
graphic novels.
Parry’s work often tells stories about his upbringing as a boy
and his struggles with growing up after his dad left when he
found out his mother was having an affair with a milkman. He
reflects on His issues as a child, such as his relationship with
his stepfather and how this has affected his view on manhood.
In his work, he also depicts emotional and physical child abuse.
His work also often features his alter ego “Claire” and he has
described his work to depict “the interior landscape of my
personal obsessions and of cultures I have absorbed and
His vessels are made by coiling, a traditional method. Most have a
complex surface employing many techniques, including “glazing,
incision, embossing, and the use of photographic transfers”, which
requires several firings. To some he adds sprigs, little relief sculptures
stuck to the surface.
Grayson Perry started crossdressing at a very young
age. He often appears as His female alter Ego is
called “Claire” is public, and his form of selfexpression is not only admired by many but also
seen as a separate art form of his.
Perry’s childhood was complicated, with a split home and a violent step
father. He created a fantasy world around his teddy in order to cope
with his struggles, something that is represented in his work until today.
Pery later studies fine arts at University of Portsmouth, moving out of his
parents home to pursue his career in art
I would also like you to explore vessels and their use within cultural forms of art. Again a double page spread.
What does the term Vessel mean? How has the form and function of vessels been used and created throughout
history within the artifacts etc. Look at symbolism and story telling whilst you explore and research.
“In terms of art, Vessel can refer to any piece of
art in the form of a bowl or container. Pitchers,
pots, and other art pieces in the shape of a
vessel.” (