Subido por Mia Arzola

Scientific thought: evidence 3

(Dany) We found 5 technological developments for the conservation and protection of
ecosystems. The first one is bioacoustics to monitor protected areas. Audiomoth is a bioacoustic
recording equipment, often used to monitor protected areas around the world, it is designed to
pick up not only the presence of living things, but also the sound of guns and chainsaws,
indicating logging and poaching. It is currently used in indigenous communities in the north of
the Yucatan Peninsula, where the big cats of the Black Forest have been seen and studied.
(Bonnie and Dany) The second one is drones against invasive species. It is a drone that is
constantly taking pictures at a certain level to follow the tracks of poachers. The drone shows
color changes so plants and wildlife can be seen. An example of this use of technology was on
2017, according to (Vargas, 2020), when SEMAR (the mexican secretary of marine) required to
the drones to protect The vaquita (known in spanish as las vaquitas marinas) to detect
possibles illegal fishing behaviors and to keep track of the number of individuals of the specie.
(Dany) Satellite maps against deforestation by mining. They are allowing monitoring of
deforestation in high-risk areas. Once the satellite images are captured, they are processed by
algorithms that create model images that project them onto maps. With these maps they
determine which pixels correspond to forests, which to rivers and which to deforestation. This
technology also makes it possible to record registration processes in their early stages.
(Bonnie) Another technology used in the conservation of ecosystems is the phytoextraction, a
technique that recollects heavy metals and contaminants of the earth through plants and then
the biomass gets incinerated. The phytoextraction depends on various factors, the capacity of
the plants on absorbing the metals and how disponible they are, according to RiverPhy.
(Bonnie) Global positioning system (gps) technology is also used in the preservation of animals.
According to WWF it reduced 16% of the injuries of whale-sharks on La Paz and in 2018 in
Tanzania it helped protect elephants from possible hunters or any other threat, to reduce the
conflict between them and humans.
(Mia) Sustainable agriculture is important because it’s an environmentally friendly approach that
reduces our dependence on limited natural resources. It strengthens local economies, creates
economic opportunities for farmers, and enables them to produce more food with less
resources. This will also become more reliable and adaptable over time, proportioning access to
affordable food to everyone, no matter the economic situation.
(Mia) Some of these practices include the rotation of crops and embracing diversity; cover crops
and perennials are grown to protect and enhance soil health by preventing erosion, replenishing
soil nutrients, and controlling weeds, thereby reducing the need for fertilizers and herbicides. A
new practice is the use of Integrated Pest Management, that is a variety of methods, including
mechanical and biological control measures, can be used systematically to control pest
populations while minimizing the use of chemical pesticides.
(Valeria) Ecosystem conservation is the basis for biodiversity and ecosystems to remain in good
condition. Humans usually do not measure the consequences of the pollution they cause and
that is why the environment is dying.
(Valeria) Climate change arises as a consequence of the greenhouse effect. A natural
phenomenon caused by gases that make up the atmosphere and retain solar energy reflected
by the ground. Causing an increase in temperature. The greenhouse effect happens for multiple
reasons. One of them is the production of factory gas emissions. Commonly these gases are
produced by burning fossil fuels that are used to power machines that create iron, cement or
other products. The conservation of the ecosystem would help to reduce climate change
because if we reduce pollution and provide a healthy environment, the production of gases that
cause the greenhouse effect would be diminished and therefore climate change would be highly
(Valeria) The conservation of biodiversity is essential for our planet. The species that live with us
deserve to be protected. Today, the extinction of species is a problem that we must stop. Only in
Mexico, in the year 2022, 41,459 were declared in danger of extinction. The loss of a species
can cause great disasters in an ecosystem. An example could be the extinction of a predator
that controls a pest. Suppose an animal reproduces massively in a territory and its predator is
the one that controls this plague. The humans begin to hunt the predator excessively and it
becomes extinct. Then there is no longer a predator that controls the pest, therefore it grows
and becomes a problem for the territory. For reasons like these, the conservation of the
ecosystem is important to preserve biodiversity. If we do not take care of our ecosystem and we
destroy it by taking away its animals or destroying it due to massive contamination, in the future
we could suffer from problems such as the mass extinction of species, both animals and plants.
(Marce) We have opportunities to make our world better by conserving ecosystems, we can
preserve the incredible biodiversity that exists on our planet, which is essential for the
functioning of ecosystems and the survival of many species, but there are also conservation
efforts that often require significant financial resources, establishing and managing protected
areas, implementing conservation projects, conducting research, and enforcing regulations can
be expensive. The economic costs associated with ecosystem conservation can be a burden for
governments and organizations, particularly in developing countries with limited financial
capacity. There is no doubt that resources for biodiversity conservation are severely limited,
requiring strategic investment.
Referencias APA:
CONABIO. (2022).The biodiversity crisis. Consulted May 9th,
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Gracias a tecnología GPS reducen 16% lesiones de tiburones ballena en la Bahía de La
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Lorca, R. (2015, July 24). Fitoextracción, ¿qué es realmente? Life RiverPhy.
Montserrat Valle Vargas. (2020, January 29). La tecnología que salva animales en
SAP. (2021, March 21). Tecnologías que ayudan a preservar la biodiversidad. SAP
Smith, A. (2023) The Importance of Sustainable Agriculture. Consulted May 9th, 2023
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Union of Concerned Scientists (2022) What Is Sustainable Agriculture? Consulted May
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