Payment Channels Configuration Guide-TeleDolar Costa Rica THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY INFORMATION OF TRANSNETWORK LLC. NO PART OF THIS DOCUMENT MAY BE DISCLOSED OR COPIED WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF TRANSNETWORK. NO LICENSE, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, BY ESTOPPELS OR OTHERWISE, TO ANY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS IS GRANTED BY THIS DOCUMENT. TRANSNETWORK RESERVES THE RIGHT TO UPDATE, CORRECT, OR MODIFY THIS MATERIAL, INCLUDING ANY SPECIFICATIONS AND PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONS, AT ANY TIME, WITHOUT NOTICE. TransNetwork LLC. 4900 Woodway Dr., Suite 1250 Houston, Texas 77056 Payment Channels Configuration Guide-TeleDolar Costa Rica Contents Interface change(s) Requirement(s) ..................................................................................................................................................3 List of Payout locations .....................................................................................................................................................................3 Costa Rica: List of States ....................................................................................................................................................................3 Restricted Countries of Origination ...................................................................................................................................................3 Cancellation of Transactions ..............................................................................................................................................................4 Rejection of Transactions ..................................................................................................................................................................5 Expiration of Transactions .................................................................................................................................................................5 QA Certification Testing.....................................................................................................................................................................5 Regarding Beneficiary Names please note .........................................................................................................................................5 TELEDOLAR COSTA RICA ....................................................................................................................................................................7 Service Configuration ............................................................................................................................................................................ 7 Regarding the service: ........................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Origination Amounts & Origination Currency ....................................................................................................................................... 8 Payment Amounts ................................................................................................................................................................................. 8 Service Limits ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Daily Communication of Applicable FX Rates ........................................................................................................................................ 8 Account Deposits to Any Bank............................................................................................................................................................... 9 Teledolar Affiliation Application for Account Deposit ........................................................................................................................... 9 Requirements for Cash Payouts ............................................................................................................................................................ 9 2 Payment Channels Configuration Guide-TeleDolar Costa Rica Interface change(s) Requirement(s) The Money Transmitter’s Interface must adopt the following changes in order to be able to send transactions to the Payment Networks listed. It is assumed you have developed a Transnetwork interface prior to implementing a payment channel. This guide complements the technical specification provided previously. List of Payout locations A list of payout locations will be provided in a separate Excel file. Beneficiaries can receive their payments at any of the locations listed. IMPORTANT NOTE: The Payer location ID is a mandatory field for our web services, For Payer Location ID you should use the values as provided to you on the payer location catalogs and it should reflect the location where the Beneficiary intends to receive the payout. This is used for monitoring and customer service. As a rule, beneficiaries can receive payment at ANY location within the network, however we strongly recommend that beneficiaries collect their transactions at any location within the state where it was originally directed to. In case your company cannot provide this value, please inform Transnetwork Implementation Team so we can analyze the impact. Costa Rica: List of States Beneficiary state is also mandatory and restricted to the following list: Country Name Province Code COSTA RICA CR-A COSTA RICA CR-C COSTA RICA CR-G COSTA RICA CR-H COSTA RICA CR-L COSTA RICA CR-P COSTA RICA CR-SJ COSTA RICA OTR Province Name ALAJUELA CARTAGO GUANACASTE HEREDIA LIMÓN PUNTARENAS SAN JOSÉ OTR Restricted Countries of Origination Transactions originated from countries listed below will not be accepted. Country Code* AFG ALB DZA BLR BRB BLR BIH BWA BDI KHM CAF Country Name Afghanistan Albania Algeria Bahamas Barbados Belarus Bosnia & Herzegovina Bostwana Burundi Cambodia Central African Republic Country Code* MDV MLI MUS MDA MNE MAR MMR NGA PRK PAK PSE 3 Country Name Maldives/ Maldivas Mali Mauituis Moldova Montenegro Morocco Myanmar Nigeria North Korea Pakistan Palestina Payment Channels Configuration Guide-TeleDolar Costa Rica Country Code* CYP COD CIV CUB EGY ETH FJI GHA GNB GUY IDN IRN IRQ JOR KGZ PRK LAO LBN LBR LBY MKD Country Name Country Code* Cyprus/ Chipre PNG Congo, The Democratic Republic RWA Costa de Marfil / Cote D’Ivoire RUS Cuba STP Egypt SRB Etiopia SYR Fiji SOM Ghana LKA Guinea-Bissau SDN Guyana SSD Indonesia SYR Iran TZA Iraq TUN Jordan TUR Kyrgyzstan / Kirguistán UGA Korea, Democratic People’s Republic UKR Lao, People’s Democratic Republic VUT Lebanon VEN Liberia VNM Libyan Arab Jamahiriya YEM Macedonia ZWE Continued next column. . . Country Name Papua New Guinea Rwanda / Ruanda Russian Federation Santo Tomé y Principe Serbia Siria Somalia Sri Lanka Sudan Sudán del Sur Syrian Arab Republic Tanzania Túnez Turquia Uganda Ukraine Vanuatu Venezuela Vietnam Yemen Zimbabwe NOTE: For all other countries please ensure your company has provided the proper licensing to Transnetwork during Due Diligence process, if applicable. Cancellation of Transactions For a transaction to be cancelled it must be in PENDING STATUS. First you must submit via system a cancellation request. Once TN system receives the cancellation request it will check if the transaction is eligible for a cancellation (pending status). If YES, Transnetwork system will process your request and send it to applicable TeleDolar Costa Rica network, the process may take additional time and varies by payout network. *** TN does not accept requests for cancellation of DEPOSITS *** Prior to reimbursing your customers please ensure that you have received the confirmation of the cancellation via system with code: “1001- Transfer has been canceled”, this is a final status. If there are any questions regarding the status of a transaction, please contact our Customer Service team. 4 Payment Channels Configuration Guide-TeleDolar Costa Rica Rejection of Transactions Transactions can be rejected for a variety of reasons, such as: • • • • • Limit rules, Regulatory Screenings, Invalid Data, Failed Account Deposits falls in this category ETC. In this case you will receive a code: “9000- Transfer has been rejected”, this is a final status, and this transaction is no longer viable for payment. Additional information regarding this status and others will be provided during implementation and testing. Expiration of Transactions Transactions will remain available for payment for a period of 90 days, after that they will be expired by Transnetwork. Your system will receive a code: “9004- The transfer request has expired”, this is a final status, and this transaction is no longer viable for payment. Additional information regarding this status and others will be provided during implementation and testing. QA Certification Testing All new service configurations must be completed according to the specification’s guides provided. Once you complete the configuration of the new service, testing and Quality Assurance will be scheduled. The Implementations Team will allocate a QA representative to work closely with you and your team during this process. What to expect during QA testing: You will be provided with a link, credentials and digital certificate in order to gain access to the testing environment. Once access to test environment is confirmed you will receive specific instructions on how to proceed. Please expect to provide testing on the following: • Create transactions using the specific configuration provided (Payer Name, currencies, special fields, etc.) • Request for cancellations • Correct interpretation of status Notifications, such as Cancelled, Hold, Released, Paid, etcetera. • Acknowledge of status notifications Once the certification process is completed successfully, the MT will be able to release the new services in production. ** Controlled testing in production will be required prior to launching service. TN will provide you and your team with instructions to execute it. Regarding Beneficiary Names please note Since payout networks are very strict with verifying the name of the beneficiary vs the ID presented and most people have two first names, paternal and maternal last name, it is important to verity that you can send us this information correctly. To expedite positive identification and payment to beneficiary please observe these rules: 5 Payment Channels Configuration Guide-TeleDolar Costa Rica • • Beneficiary´s names in transaction information should correspond to beneficiary’s names on the ID document presented for payout. Below you will find an example of how a beneficiary’s name should be sent in the correct fields First Name: MARIA Middle Name: DE LOS ANGELES Last Name: GARCIA TREVIÑO Second Last Name: DE MIRANDA 6 Payment Channels Configuration Guide-TeleDolar Costa Rica TELEDOLAR COSTA RICA Payment and transfer solutions that save you time and money -Leading company in electronic payment and transfer services, shipments and payments of Family Remittances, as well as Foreign Exchange. Service Configuration Our “TELEDOLAR Costa Rica” Will Call network is online, once your transactions have been successfully processed through TN screening, they are transmitted 24 x 7 every 5 minutes to TeleDolar and then and just then your CASH transactions become available to the beneficiary at any Network Location. NOTE: With the same claim number, transaction is available to the beneficiary at any location of payout networks listed below Commercial Name Teledolar Cash (Agencias, Sucursales & Monis) TeleDolar Deposits to ANY BANK Where: Claim Number Layout “Payer Name“ “Payment Type” “Payment Currencies” 8 + MTPREFIX + n-Digits TLDCR CASH USD or CRC 8 + MTPREFIX + n-Digits DEPCR DEP USD or CRC “services Limits” Up to $2999 USD CASH No limit 8 is the Pre-Fix assigned to the TeleDolar Nicaragua MTPREFIX is a set of two or three-digit assigned by Transnetwork to the Money Transmitter (MT), n-digits is a unique, and random number assigned, (non consecutive) *** Total Fixed length must be of 14 positions 7 *** Payment Channels Configuration Guide-TeleDolar Costa Rica Regarding the service: Please note that certain operation payout limits apply depending on the payout location. In case the beneficiary needs help locating a payout location, he or she can contact us at the following local numbers: 227-19-600 or 227-49-800 we strongly recommend providing these phone numbers to remitters and beneficiaries. Origination Amounts & Origination Currency Origination amounts must be expressed in USD. For transactions originated outside the US please ensure the origination amounts are converted to USD. Payment Amounts Payment amounts must be rounded up to 2-decimal places, otherwise Transnetwork system will reject the transaction. If you are not able to comply with this requirement, please inform Transnetwork implementation team. Service Limits KYC must be filled out and a copy of the ID for the payment, the cash payment limit is $2,999.00, from this amount the payment is only by account deposit and source of funds is required. Daily Communication of Applicable FX Rates Transnetwork will provide the applicable exchange rates (The ‘Colones’ Purchase Rate) daily via email to the authorized persons at the money transmitter. Rates will be provided in advance during each Costa Rica Banking day (Monday through Friday) around 5:00 PM Costa Rica Time. Communicated rate will become effective as of 12:01 AM COSTA RICA TIME and will remain valid for the following 24hrs. During bank holidays in Costa Rica the rate communicated the previous Banking Day will remain in effect until the next Banking Day when a new rate is posted. 8 Payment Channels Configuration Guide-TeleDolar Costa Rica Account Deposits to Any Bank For account deposits, the following information is required: ✓ Beneficiary’s/Account Holder name it appears on his/her bank statement (beneficiary’s name is not validated against account number) ✓ Account Number The standard of bank account in Costa Rica is the IBAN of 22-positions, if available please provide the IBAN account number which will expedite the process. If you do not have the IBAN please submit the 17-digits Account Number (see Account Institution below) Illustration 1 IBAN Layout ✓ Account type valid entries “SAVINGS” or “OTHER”, ✓ Account Institution: If you submit the 17-digits account number please also submit the Institution Name so we can redirect the deposit to the correct institution, in the other hand if you send the 22-positions IBAN account number and please submit ‘IBAN’. ✓ Beneficiary Telephone Number, Please provide it to coordinate deposits and clarifications ✓ Beneficiary ID, we highly recommend that this information is provided with the transaction as it will help expedite: the beneficiary's registration which is mandatory for the first deposit, And it will speed up transaction processing time Account deposit services is available 24 x 7, deposits are applied within the 30 minutes after TeleDolar reception Teledolar Affiliation Application for Account Deposit The sender must complete and submit the Teledolar Affiliation Application when the operation is directed to himself and the send amount es equal or higher to $ 1,000.00 USD per transaction or cumulated/month. This application is completed once by sender. Refer to AFILIACION DE CLIENTES Marzo 2019.pdf. Requirements for Cash Payouts To receive a payment the Beneficiary will need: 1) 2) 3) 4) Correct transaction number (received from remitter), Please note that payouts to minors are not allowed, Please provide Beneficiary telephone number coordinate cash payouts and clarifications, One of the following valid documents: a. PASSPORT b. CEDULA NACIONAL (ID) c. CEDULA DE RESIDENCIA 9