Subido por Luis Enrique Melquiades


Process Biochemistry 37 (2002) 693– 698
Effect of zeolite media for the treatment of textile wastewater in a
biological aerated filter
Won-Seok Chang, Seok-Won Hong *, Joonkyu Park
Korea Institute of Science and Technology, PO Box 131, Cheongryang, Seoul 130 -650, South Korea
Received 7 February 2001; received in revised form 10 June 2001; accepted 7 July 2001
A biological aerated filter (BAF) was applied to treat textile wastewater. The performance of two lab-scale biofilters was
monitored for 7 months to compare the effect of natural zeolite with sand as media. Under organic load varying from 1.2 to 3.3
kg COD/m3 day, the overall chemical oxygen demand (COD) reductions of the biofilter supported by natural zeolite and sand
averaged 88 and 75%, respectively. Higher nitrogen removal in the biofilter with natural zeolite was attributable to its ion
exchange capacity with NH4 + . The results of cell counting showed that the numbers of nitrifying bacteria within the biofilm were
higher on natural zeolite than on sand. Both biofilters were able to remove about 97% of suspended solids (SS) with loading of
1–3 kg SS/m3 day. A pilot-scale BAF supported by natural zeolite with capacity to treat up to 12 m3/day of textile wastewater
was also monitored for 5 months. This system was able to remove about 99% biochemical oxygen demand, 92% COD, 74% SS,
and 92% T-N with hydraulic load of 1.83 m3/m2 h. Operation with a higher hydraulic load (2.3 m3/m2 h) and at lower
temperatures (range of 4–10 °C) resulted in decreasing the T-N removal efficiency while the reduction in terms of organic matter
was less affected. Regardless of increasing hydraulic loading rate, colour removal (average of 78%) was effective in the biofilter
with natural zeolite due to its adsorption capacity. © 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Biological aerated filter; Textile wastewater treatment; Natural zeolite
1. Introduction
Biological aerated filters (BAF) represent an attached
growth process on media which are stationary during
normal operation with aeration. The initial purposes of
these processes were to obtain carbon oxidation and
solid filtration. In recent years, several technologies
using BAF were developed to treat wastewater from
slaughterhouses, and from pulp and mill industries
The BAF process has a number of primary advantages which confer benefits for the adaptation of this
technology in several areas [3 – 6]. The attached growth
on an inert granular media in BAF allows for a much
higher concentration of active biomass than a suspended growth activated sludge system so that the size
of reactor can be reduced. In addition, suspended solids
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +82-2-958-5844; fax: + 82-2-9585839.
E-mail address: [email protected] (S.-W. Hong).
(SS) in the influent can be captured physically by the
media and this eliminates the requirement for separate
secondary clarification. Overall, these result in a spacesaving layout that uses only one-third the footprint
space of an activated sludge process [6].
As BAF technology is applied to industrial wastewater treatment, the selection of granular media plays an
important role in maintaining a high amount of active
biomass and a variety of microbial populations. Using
the media with adsorption capacity, an approach for
the integration of biological removal and adsorption
can be possible. The beneficial aspects of integrated
biodegradation/adsorption were reported in studies using activated carbon as a media in municipal wastewater treatment [7,8].
The effluents from the textile industry are one of
those wastewaters that are hard to treat satisfactorily
because they are highly variable in composition [9]. The
most notorious characteristic of the textile wastewater
is strong colour. If not properly dealt with, the colour
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W.-S. Chang et al. / Process Biochemistry 37 (2002) 693–698
would cause a significantly negative impact on the
aquatic environment due to the increment of turbidity
and high polluting strength. Traditional technologies to
treat textile wastewater include various combinations of
biological, physical and chemical methods [9,10], but
these methods require high capital and operating costs.
This paper reports the application of BAF for textile
wastewater treatment using natural zeolite as media.
Natural zeolite has an adsorption capacity for organic
substances and is also capable of cation exchange for
example NH4 + [11]. The wastewater from a textile
industry was fed to lab- and pilot-scale downflow biofilters and the performance of biofilters with natural
zeolite and sand media was observed. In addition, the
experimental results obtained from a BAF pilot plant
filled with natural zeolite are presented.
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Wastewater characteristics
The wastewater used for the laboratory experiment
was obtained from J textile factory in Seoul, Korea.
The fibres used in the textile industry can be divided
into two types: natural and man-made. The two major
natural fibres are wool and cotton. The latter includes
polyester, nylon, polyacrylic and polyamide. From
March to September 1998, raw textile wastewater samples were collected monthly in 20 l plastic containers,
which had been already washed and rinsed with distilled water, and kept in a refrigerator (below 5 °C)
during the experiment. The characteristics of textile
wastewater are summarized in Table 1.
Table 2 shows the composition of textile wastewater
fed to a pilot plant which was installed at T textile
industrial complex in Korea. The textile waste effluents
from several dyeing and finishing plants were mixed
together in the equalization storage tank. About 70% of
total waste effluent were generated from the polyester
deweighted process. The mixed wastewater was then
primarily treated with ferric chloride and polymer. After chemical coagulation, the treated textile wastewater
was stored in a second equalization tank.
Table 1
Characteristics of textile wastewater fed to a laboratory-scale BAF
Range (mg/l)
Average (mg/l)
Table 2
Characteristics of textile wastewater in evaluating pilot-scale BAF
COD (mg/l)
BOD5 (mg/l)
SS (mg/l)
T-N (mg/l)
Colorimetry (CU)
2.2. Reactor description
Laboratory-scale BAF reactors were made of acrylic
and are shown in Fig. 1. The reactor height was 33 cm
and the rectangular cross-section 18 cm (length) and 12
cm (width) with a working volume of 2.8 l. One was
packed with natural zeolite and the other with sand. All
packings were sieved through a 5× 8 mesh (2.36–4.0
mm). The hydraulic flow rates were controlled in the
range of 0.35–1.56 m3/m2 h. The biofilter was backwashed periodically so that the accumulated SS and the
excess biomass produced were removed. The backwash
sequence included air scour, followed by combined air
scour and water backwash. The backwash air application rate was 4 l/min.
An extensive laboratory-scale experimental programme led to the development of a pilot-scale BAF
system to treat textile wastewater effectively. A pilot
plant with capacity to treat up to 12 m3/day had a
cross-section area of 1.05 m2 and height of 3 m (volume
of 3.15 m3), and was made of steel. The volume of
empty bed was 2.0 m3. The bed was packed with
natural zeolite which had a specific gravity of 1.42. A
percolated plate was placed in the reactor to support
the media and distribute backwash water and air. The
backwash sequence was the same as in laboratory-scale
experiments, and was controlled automatically using a
microprocessor and automated values. The effluent was
collected in a storage tank to provide backwash water.
A schematic of a pilot plant is shown in Fig. 2.
2.3. Analytical methods
Samples were collected weekly from March 1998 to
February 1999 for the influent and effluent of lab- and
pilot-scale BAF. The chemical oxygen demand (COD),
biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), SS, total Kjeldahl
nitrogen (TKN), and nitrite nitrogen (NO2-N) plus
nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N) were analysed according to
standard methods. Additionally, the colour of the influent and effluent was determined using the ADMI tristimulus filter method [12]. The temperature, dissolved
oxygen (DO) and pH were routinely monitored during
the experimental period.
W.-S. Chang et al. / Process Biochemistry 37 (2002) 693–698
Fig. 1. Experimental schematic of laboratory-scale BAF system.
2.3.1. Counting of nitrifying bacterial population
Samples of media covered with biomass were collected at the top, middle, and bottom sections of the
biofilter. A membrane filter method was used to count
viable heterotrophic and nitrifying bacteria. To count
heterotrophic bacteria, albumin agar medium was used.
A medium containing only the ammonium ion as an
electron donor was used to detect the presence of
ammonia-oxidizing bacteria, Nitrosomonas. For nitriteoxidizing bacteria, Nitrobacter, a medium containing
the nitrite ion was used. These media and details of
viable cell counting are described elsewhere [13].
adsorption capacity of natural zeolite for organic
Linear regression of effluent TKN concentrations
against loading rates for the biofilter with natural zeolite and sand had an R 2 of 0.66 and 0.81, respectively
(Fig. 5). The average residual TKN concentration in
the effluent from the biofilter with natural zeolite was
13.6 mg/l while the residual from the other was 34.8
mg/l. In the biofilter supported by sand, the percentage
of TKN removal decreased drastically with the increment of TKN loading rates over the ranges applied in
this experiment. On average, less than 62% TKN was
3. Results and discussion
3.1. Comparison between natural zeolite and sand using
lab-scale reactors
Two lab-scale biofilters media were monitored for 7
months. Throughout the experiment, DO was maintained above 3 mg/l and water temperature was kept
between 12 and 15 °C. The effluent pH decreased
slightly compared with that of the influent, the average
being 7.0 (6.8–7.2).
A plot of effluent COD concentrations versus organic
loading rates (OLR) for two reactors is shown in Fig. 3.
A linear regression of the data is also shown to illustrate the trend. The volumetric OLR varied from 1.2 to
3.3 kg COD/m3 day. The COD removal efficiency of
the biofilter with zeolite and sand averaged about 88
and 75%, respectively. A linear regression of the data in
Fig. 4 indicated that effluent BOD concentrations from
the biofilter with zeolite are lower than those from the
other, at all BOD loading rates. This was expected
because more reduction should be attributable to the
Fig. 2. Schematic of pilot-scale BAF system.
W.-S. Chang et al. / Process Biochemistry 37 (2002) 693–698
Fig. 5. Relationship between TKN loading rate and effluent concentrations.
Fig. 3. Relationship between COD loading rate and effluent concentrations.
In terms of removing TKN, the efficiency of the
biofilter with natural zeolite decreased slightly with
increased hydraulic loading rates. However, it was capable of removing more TKN at higher loading rates as
the regressed lines indicate. More than 80% of fed TKN
was removed. As nitrogen load increased with a higher
hydraulic loading rate, so did organic load. In general,
higher organic loading suppresses nitrification but not
in the biofilter with natural zeolite. This can be explained by the effect of natural zeolite that is capable of
exchanging ions with NH4 + . First, some portion of
NH4 + in the influent is adsorbed onto the surface of
natural zeolite. Then, natural zeolite concentrated with
NH4 + and an intensely aerated environment provide
favourable conditions for autotrophic bacteria attach-
Fig. 4. Relationship between BOD loading rate and effluent concentrations.
ment. This may lead to the oxidation of nitrogen as
well as organics.
The SS concentration in the effluent from each biofilter, was also plotted against loading rate of SS (Fig.
6), but showed no significant difference. SS loading rate
varied from 1 to 3 kg SS/m3 day. The effluent SS
concentrations out of each biofilter supported by natural zeolite and sand averaged 30 and 34 mg/l,
3.2. Nitrifying bacterial population
Samples for viable cell counting of heterotrophic and
nitrifying bacteria were taken at ten different locations
of the biofilter. The results of cell counting are shown
in Fig. 7. The number of heterotrophic bacteria in the
biofilm grown on natural zeolite was similar to that on
sand. However, the number of heterotrophs in the
Fig. 6. Relationship between SS loading rate and effluent concentrations.
W.-S. Chang et al. / Process Biochemistry 37 (2002) 693–698
Fig. 7. Numbers of heterotrophic and nitrifying bacteria in biofilm
grown on natural zeolite and sand, and activated sludge (AS).
biofilm on both the zeolite and sand was greater than
that in an activated sludge process. The numbers of
heterotrophs were counted at 1.3×109 and 1.2×109 in
biofilm grown on natural zeolite and sand, respectively.
On the other hand, the numbers of nitrifiers depended
on the media on which the biofilm grew. The numbers
of nitrifiers were greater on natural zeolite than sand.
In the biofilm grown on natural zeolite, Nitrosomonas
and Nitrobacter were counted at 3.0× 108 and 2.2 × 109
CFU/ml, respectively, while those on sand were
counted at 4.5× 108 and 6.5×108 CFU/ml, respectively. It concludes that a more favourable environment
for the growth of Nitrobacter would be provided in the
BAF supported by natural zeolite.
3.3. Pilot test of the BAF supported by natural zeolite
A pilot-scale BAF supported by natural zeolite was
operated at two different hydraulic loads, 1.83 and 2.3
m3/m2 h for 5 months. Thus, this pilot experiment can
be divided into two stages in accordance with the
influent loading. At each stage, the range of water
temperature was 10– 18 and 4– 10 °C, respectively, and
the DO concentration was kept above 2.0 mg/l.
The average performance of the BAF system is summarized in Table 3. As hydraulic loading rate increased,
organic load was also increased from 1.5 to 2.1 kg
BOD/m3 day which is higher than that (0.5–1.0 kg
BOD/m3 day) in municipal wastewater treatment [14].
Under such a high organic loading condition, overall
reductions for BOD and COD were 99 and 86– 92%,
respectively. The residual BOD concentration in the
effluent was always less than 20 mg/l.
However, SS removal was dependent on hydraulic
load. When hydraulic loading rate increased from 1.83
to 2.3 m3/m2 h, the residual SS concentration in the
effluent was also increased from 16 to 35 mg/l. Some of
the SS may be filtered by the media in the BAF, but it
is also being utilized by the bacteria attached on the
media and converted to microbial biomass.
At a lower hydraulic loading rate, the T-N reduction
averaged 92%. The loss of nitrogen could be due to
either ammonia volatilization or simultaneous nitrification/denitrification in the biofilm. Although neither
process was directly measured in this study, the former
could be occurred rarely since the environment in the
system (e.g. pH, an average of 6.3 in the effluent, and
intensity of aeration) limited the possibility of ammonia
volatilization. On the other hand, simultaneous nitrification/denitrification might have occurred within the
biofilm. It was suggested by Laursen et al. [15] that the
removal of nitrate in BAF takes place deeper into the
biofilm, as long as organic matter is present to be used
as an electron donor.
In the case when hydraulic load was increased, however, T-N reduction was decreased to 75%. The increased hydraulic and organic load should lower the
activity of autotrophs in the biofilm. However, the
main effect of causing lower T-N reduction is considered to be a decrease of temperature rather than an
increase of hydraulic load. Since the temperature
ranged from 4 to 10 °C, the biological activity of
nitrifying bacteria which was more sensitive to temperature [16], should be affected.
At different hydraulic loading rates, the colour reduction averaged 77 and 79%, respectively. The results
indicate that the primary colour removal mechanism in
Table 3
The result of pilot test of BAF with natural zeolite
COD (mg/l)
BOD (mg/l)
SS (mg/l)
T-N (mg/l)
Colour (unit)
Hydraulic load (1.83 m3/m2 h)
Hydraulic load (2.3 m3/m2 h)
Reduction (%)
Reduction (%)
W.-S. Chang et al. / Process Biochemistry 37 (2002) 693–698
this system is adsorption. This suggests that, given
sufficient time to contact, colour-causing organics are
able to penetrate and fully saturate the pores of zeolite. Subsequently, those organics are degraded completely by a number of microorganisms attached to
the media. Therefore, it requires no external steps to
renew the media in order to maintain such colour
removal efficiency for a protracted period.
4. Conclusions
(1) BAF technology was employed for the treatment of textile wastewater. An experiment was conducted under laboratory conditions to investigate the
effect of media. In terms of removing organic matter
and TKN, the performance of the biofilter with natural zeolite was superior to that with sand. Ion exchange capacity of natural zeolite with NH4 + leads
to higher nitrogen removal.
(2) The results of cell counting indicated that the
numbers of Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter in the biofilm grown on natural zeolite were 3.0× 108 and
2.2× 109 CFU/ml, respectively, while those on sand
were 4.5× 108 and 6.5×108 CFU/ml, respectively. A
more favourable environment for nitrifying bacteria
was, therefore, provided in the biofilter with natural
zeolite due to its ion exchange capacity. Subsequently,
the adsorption surface was renewed within the process by the biological regeneration which converts
ammonia to nitrate nitrogen.
(3) The results obtained from the operation of a
pilot-scale BAF indicate that natural zeolite is a superior media for textile wastewater treatment. Reductions for COD (86– 92%), BOD (99%) and colour
(77–79%) were not significantly dependent of hydraulic load. A temperature range of 4–10 °C could
be considered as the main effect causing a lower total
nitrogen removal at a higher hydraulic load.
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