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7 Quick Tips for Writing a Great Persuasive Essay

7 Quick Tips for Writing a Great Persuasive Essay
Position papers. Persuasive arguments. Debate Topics.
Whether you’re attending college on campus or you’re pursuing an online degree, at
some point, you will need to write at least one persuasive essay. Also called a position
paper, a persuasive essay is a short-length composition in which you compel the
audience to share your viewpoint by presenting convincing evidence and a clear
explanation that effectively supports your position.
While social media makes it easier than ever for us to spout our opinions, posting a
firmly worded Tweet is not really the same as building a cohesive, successful, and
convincing argument. With that in mind, we offer a few quick tips that will set you on the
right path.
1. State your position
Everyone loves a good story, but that is not what you’re trying to write here. Avoid
obscurity, ambiguity, and surprise endings. Your audience should fully understand from
the start where you stand and what you intend to argue. If your reader has to guess
your position, you’ve already lost them. State your position clearly from the start, and
restate it as you go along. Use a strong and clearly worded thesis statement in your
opening paragraph, and continue to use it as a reference point as you develop your
2. Get organized
If you want to persuade an audience with your argument, they need to be able to follow
it. If your writing lacks organization, that’s not going to happen. Organization starts with
a clear, argumentative thesis statement (as mentioned above). This should be your
reference point for the whole paper. From there, your writing should develop the
argument in a logical format, anchored in evidence, analysis, and counter-argument. Do
not attempt to do this off the top of your head. Create an outline beforehand that
identifies your thesis statement, lists major points, cites evidence-based supporting
points, and makes note of potential counter-arguments. Use this as your model while
you work. Not sure where to start? Get in touch with your school’s writing center. The
tutors there can help you develop an airtight outline.
3. Persuade with passion
This rule applies to any schoolwork: you tend to do your best work in the areas where
you have the greatest interest. Arguing is no different. If you have the choice, pick a
topic that you are passionate about. You’re much more likely to construct a good
argument if you feel like you have some proverbial skin in the game. If you don’t have
your choice of topic, that’s okay. Research what you are assigned, find a way to
connect it to your passions, and develop a real sense of ownership in the argument. But
even as you channel your passion, keep your emotions in check. Don’t allow anger or
bias to get in the way of a compelling argument.
4. Know your audience
All writing is written to someone. Writing is, after all, a medium for communication. With
that in mind, it is necessary to consider your audience. Yes, your professor will be
reading it. But he or she is not actually the intended audience. Think about who the
writing is actually for? More specifically: Who are you trying to persuade? Every
audience has its own unique needs and wants. What may work with one audience may
fall completely flat with another. Dream up a hypothetical audience. Maybe you’re
speaking to middle-aged conservatives, or perhaps a cross-section of liberal
undergraduate millennials. Write to persuade them, not your professor. By doing so,
you’ll develop an argument that could actually function in the real world.
5. Do your research
At the core of any strong argument is solid evidence. The notion that you can fake your
way through a persuasive argument only works until you encounter someone who
actually understands the subject. Heads up: that’s why your professor was hired. If you
want to write a successful persuasive argument, you need to do your research. You
need to understand the topic from multiple angles. You should also be able to provide
ample evidence for your claims as well as anticipate potential counter-arguments. It’s
also best when your evidence comes from multiple forms of reputable sourcing, so aim
for a mix of peer-reviewed academic studies, ethical news media, historical examples,
and expert opinions. Don’t rely on unfounded assumptions and don’t fudge data in favor
of your argument. Tell it like it is. Get to know your school library. Better yet, get to know
your research librarians, as they can be immensely helpful. Not sure how to cite
sources? Consult the Purdue OWL for free style guides.
Bonus tip: Here’s a really bad feeling: Finding out that your argument is untenable the
night before your paper is due. Taking the time to do quality research early on can
prevent this catastrophe from happening.
6. Support your argument
Opinions are not arguments. However, arguments stem from opinions. That’s why we
construct arguments in the first place, because we have opinions. The key is that you
must support your argument, with the aforementioned research, logic, and organization.
Don’t be content to just state a point and expect it to win your audience over
wholeheartedly. Present your argument, support it with strong evidence, analyze that
evidence, and continually develop a sense of why, what, and how all of it together
makes your stance the correct one.
7. Write with integrity
Successful arguments build on three essential rhetorical components: logos (logical
reasoning); pathos (passionate reasoning); and ethos (ethical reasoning). We’ve
already covered logos and pathos here above, but ethos must be addressed. If you are
making a persuasive argument, you have an ethical obligation not to manipulate or
mislead your audience. Your argument should be constructed accurately, without
relying on fallacies, misinformation, fear tactics, or any other rhetorical device that might
somehow trick the audience into agreeing with you. You need to establish trust with
your audience.