Subido por Marcos Yela Gracia

Guilders - A life in Shadows Lite 1.0

a life in shadows - lite
Lite Version 1.0 – fewer rules, quick playtest version
Release Date: July 2022
Guilders – A Life in Shadows
Guilders: A Life In Shadows - Lite
Written by: Søren Emil ‘Bloodbeard’ Bay.
Copyright 2021-2022 by Søren Emil Bay.
This document contains a lite version of Guilders: A Life In Shadows. The lite version is a slimmed down version
of the full rulebook.
The purpose of the lite version is for players to read fewer pages and still get to experience how the game
In this book you will find:
All the base rules for playing the game
The standard scenario ‘A Regular Days Work’
Three different starting guilds worth 1000 guilder coins, with quick reference for skills and gear.
The things cut from the lite version is:
Scenarios – 9 other scenarios
Skill section – all skills acquired through campaign play
Market place – all the various items
Campaign play – all rules for injuries, XP, jobs, roaming the city, hiring new guilders.
Enjoy Guilders:A Life In Shadows – Lite.
Resources (tokens, character sheets, guild roster etc): Google Drive
All various SoMe links about Guilders and Bloodbeards Garage can be found through this LinkTree:
Feel free to share the game far and wide!
All input after reading or playtesting the rules is greatly appreciated. You are more than welcome to share it in
the Discord, in the #Bloodbeards-Garage room. More info on
Front page font: SquareCaps (free for commercial use).
Guilders – A Life in Shadows
Welcome ................................................................................................................................................. 3
Setting ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
Gameplay ................................................................................................................................................ 5
General terms ..................................................................................................................................... 5
Characteristics..................................................................................................................................... 6
Profile .............................................................................................................................................. 6
The turn............................................................................................................................................... 7
Initiative Phase ................................................................................................................................ 7
Activation Phase.............................................................................................................................. 7
Alarm Phase .................................................................................................................................... 8
City Guard Activation ...................................................................................................................... 9
NPC Phase ..................................................................................................................................... 11
End of Turn Phase ......................................................................................................................... 12
Actions .............................................................................................................................................. 13
Movement..................................................................................................................................... 13
Stealth ........................................................................................................................................... 15
Fight .............................................................................................................................................. 17
Ranged Attack ............................................................................................................................... 18
Overwatch ..................................................................................................................................... 20
Interact .......................................................................................................................................... 20
Loot ................................................................................................................................................... 22
Non-player characters........................................................................................................................... 23
Guards ............................................................................................................................................... 23
Civillians ............................................................................................................................................ 24
Crowds .......................................................................................................................................... 24
Single NPC civilians........................................................................................................................ 26
The Guilds ............................................................................................................................................. 27
Scenario................................................................................................................................................. 28
Complications.................................................................................................................................... 29
What is next? ........................................................................................................................................ 30
Jacks of all Trades.................................................................................................................................. 31
The rock and the hard place ................................................................................................................. 34
Tricks in sleeves..................................................................................................................................... 37
Guilders – A Life in Shadows
Guilders – A Life In Shadows is a tabletop roleplaying miniatures game, about thief guilds played
with 28mm-32mm scale miniatures. You play as the Master of a Guild made from all manner of
thieves, thugs, scallywags, and troublemakers. The goal of your guild is to rise in power, fame and
wealth – make your name and rival the powerful Old Guilds.
Guilders – A Life in Shadows is designed to tell the stories of your guild. Through the games, your
Guild will grow, get new members, experience, and become bolder on their Heists. You might
become infamous and hunted - or famed as a benefactor of the poor and scourge of the rich.
Part of the game is played with miniatures, like a boardgame, with rules and dice. You will play
against an opponent or against the game itself (using rules for solo/coop contained within).
The second part of the game (in the full version, non-lite) is played before and after the boardgame
part. You will come up with character profiles, buy items and make a band of guilders. After each
game you will gain experience, skills, injuries, search the city for items and fence your stolen goods.
All is written down on character cards and guild rosters.
Guilders is a game of changing missions and objectives. Each game will be unique in its requirements
to suit the grander narrative of your very own Guild forming and expanding. Nevertheless, there are
some basic requirements for gameplay, necessary to get started with living your life in the shadows.
You will need your very own crew of miniatures, to represent your guild. Each player will need
around 10 miniatures to start out. To represent the life in the city you will also need a minimum of
16 medieval civilians and 12 city guard models.
You will also need a 3’x3’ board with suitable terrain. The game is designed to be played in a large
medieval inspired fantasy city, filled with buildings, walls, towers and markets. But the game will
work with any terrain you have on hand.
Lastly, you will need a few dice, pen and paper for your character cards, and a measuring device for
inches. There is printable character cards and guild rosters at the end of this book.
The World
The World is a place of politics, kingdoms, riches, struggle, and magic. Borders change through wars,
and economies collapse with the death of kings. But in The World, you cannot talk about power and
politics without mentioning The Guilds. The Old Guilds are powerful cabals with influence across
borders and within many different royal courts.
The oldest Guilds are hundreds, if not thousands of years old. The Guild of Masons – controlling
stone works, quarries and the time it takes to build fortifications. The Guild of Iron, smiths, and
miners – winning wars through years of preparation with bad iron exports to foreign forges. The
Guild of Oars (said to be older than the invention of sails) controlling ports, trade, and “unfortunate
unpredicted storms.” The Guilds are the true puppet masters and oldest powers in The World.
Guilders – A Life in Shadows
The City
There are many great cites in The World, huge metropolises, wonders of The World. Hundreds if not
thousands of years has passed since their founding. From the outskirt slums to the inner-city noble
districts, you can pass multiple ring walls and gates. It is in such a metropolis, The City that most
guilds are founded. Here is the room to grow, to migrate, to burn bridges and still find fresh allies
and victims. Some will live their entire life without leaving The City, or ever having ventured into all
parts of it. The City has plenty of space and riches, for those cunning enough to find and take it.
Coins, Gold, Guilders
Such is the power of some guilds that they have their own coin, papers of value, or tokens of debt –
collectively known as Guilders. The word and debt of a politician might not last and exchange rates
across borders are ludicrous. Guilders however will work anywhere a large guild is represented. It is
a matter of both pride and power. Guilds happily exchange Guilders from other places – getting
them off the market and adding their own. A lot can be learned of your enemy through their
economic visibility.
The Gangs, the Crime – the Guilders
A gang, a warband, a clique – all words for the groups starting out. The lowest of the low. Many
crews work as enforcers and runners for an Old Guild. No Old Guilds are genuiely under the law or
morals of Kings – not if they are powerful enough. Truth be told though; the Old Guilds are just thugs
in a fancier dress to some people.
Any gang boss with dreams of the big leagues, fame, and stories – will form a Guild and become a
Guild Master. A Guild is a gang with aspirations of greatness and a ganger living in a Guild, paid with
Guilders – is also a Guilder.
A Guilder is both a name for a coin and a name for a ganger with a cause.
However, Old Guilds do not share power, and Kings enforce their law. A noose is a noose. It, does
not matter if it is bound by the Merchant Guild or the Kings Guard.
To form a new Guild is hard work, risky business; it is, a life in shadows for many years. For most, it
starts and ends in those shadows. For the few, it leads to Legends. Welcome to Guilders – A Life In
Guilders – A Life in Shadows
General terms
The game is played using 10-sided dice (from here d10) and a 6-sided die (d6). Thus each player
needs two d10s and one d6 for the game.
You can check random directions with a d10, roll it and move in the direction of the top point of the
The d3, not all have a three-sided die. Roll a d6 and 1-2 = 1, 3-4 = 2 and 5-6 = 3.
All measurements are taken in inches. When measuring the distance from a miniature, always
measure from the edge of a miniature base.
Turns and beats
A turn: The full activation of all miniatures on the board, alarm phase and NPC activation.
A beat: Whenever both players have been allowed to Activate a character – this is a Beat. Player 1
activates. Player 2 activates. Beat! Player 1 again, then Player 2. Beat!
There are two types of tests in Guilders.
Opposed tests
Both players roll a dice and add any relevant stat, skill or modifier. The highest roll wins. Unless
otherwise stated, draws are in favor of the defender/victim.
Critical defense: If rolling defense, dodge, trying to hold onto your purse or any other defensive
action – a natural 10 will always be in favor of the defender. This is the case even if skills and
bonuses would give the aggressor the highest total.
Target number
The players roll against a predetermined target number (TN). Then, roll a dice and add relevant
modifiers from stats and skills. Players must roll equal to or above the target number to succeed.
Example: TN/10 would mean rolling a d10, adding modifiers hoping for a total of 10 or above.
Guilders – A Life in Shadows
Line of Sight
In the game, we talk about Line of Sight (shortened LoS). When checking Line of Sight, imagine
looking through the miniature’s eyes. Often, it is easier to use a laser pointer or a measuring tape,
especially when determining Line of Sight in sensitive situations. Models with very dynamic poses
might have a weapon sticking out– this should not count on its own. You must be able to see the
actual model.
You can draw Line of Sight from any part of the miniatures base and up to its height. Representing
the ability to stand on toes, lean to the side of crouch when trying to get clear vision to something.
Draw an imaginary line from one model to another; if, this line is not blocked, they have Line of Sight
to each other.
All models and crowds, except friendlies, block Line of Sight. Their base up to their height, is
considered a pillar blocking Line of Sight.
All characters have 360° vision.
The Guild Master
This is the leader of the Guild, in the game this character represents you, the player. The Guild
Master refers both to a miniature on the board during gameplay and the player. While reading the
rules, you’ll see references to The Guild Master. For example, “the Guild Master with initiative”, this
will then refer to the player currently being active.
Characters in Guilders use the following profile with different stats. Here it is illustrated with a Thief.
Move determines how many inches (“) a model can move with a single movement action.
Fight determines the model’s abilities in a melee fight and how well they shrug off damage.
Ranged determines the model skill with ranged weaponry. Bows, crossbows, grenade or throwing
daggers. It is also used to spot hidden enemies.
Determines how strong a character is. How much they can carry and how easy they can break doors.
Guilders – A Life in Shadows
Determines how agile a character is. Used for dodging, climbing, jumping, picking locks, sneaking
and backstabbing.
A catch-all term for that extra you might need: Charm, street smarts, mental abilities. Also used by
your Leader to roll Initiative.
How much damage a character can take before going out of action. With 1 health, a character goes
out of action the first time they receive a wound.
Items and carry limit
A character can carry their Strength worth of items and loot. These Lite rules come with pregenerated characters. Count their items and compare to their Strength, to see how much loot they
can carry of the board.
The turn
A game turn is a period of gameplay. Generally, each model on the board will activate during a single
game turn. The turn is made up of phases.
Initiative phase
Activation phase
Alarm phase
o City Guard activation
NPC phase
End of turn phase
Initiative Phase
At the beginning of each turn, roll for Initiative to see which player goes first. Each player rolls a d10
+ Savvy of their leaders (or highest value of a guild member on the board, if the Leader is dead).
Highest roll gets the Initiative.
Activation Phase
The player with the Initiative chooses a miniature and activates it, using up to two actions. Then play
passes to the other player, who will activate a miniature and take two actions. This is called a Beat.
Play will go on for several Beats between the players, each activating a miniature at a time, until all
miniatures have been activated.
If a player has no more miniatures left, the other player still gets to finish activating their remaining
miniatures. Each activated miniature now counts as a Beat (with only one miniature activation in
All characters must activate each turn. Even if choosing to do nothing with your actions.
All actions character can take in this phase are described on p.13 and forward. But they consist of:
Guilders – A Life in Shadows
Movement: including jumping, climbing, and sneaking.
Fighting: including ranged attacks, dodging, damage
Interaction: Stealing, picking locks, using items.
Guard Intervention
After each Beat (both players activating a model), there is a risk the Guards could make a Guard
Intervention and promptly activate. As the turn goes (and play passes back and forth in Beats), there
is an increasingly higher risk of Guard Intervention.
When the Guards make an Intervention, go through the City Guard Activation steps immediately.
Then return to the alternating player activation, continuing the Activation Phase. When you get to
the Alarm Phase, skip the City Guard Activation. They cannot activate twice in one turn.
Every turn, the Guard Intervention risk resets and starts from 10+ again.
After each beat, roll a d10 and consult the chart below, unless the Guards have already activated.
After beat number
Guard Intervention on d10
Alarm Phase
A key concept in Guilders is Alarm. Whenever the Guilds perform acts of violence, get caught in
illegal activities, or otherwise bring unwanted notice to themselves - we add Alarm. Alarm
represents any kind of activity that will draw the interest of the Guards and have them come looking
for criminals.
In the game, there is Active Alarm, influencing Guard movement in the current turn. And Overall
Alertness, the accumulated Alarm from the entire game - kept in a stack or written down beside the
Alarm Tokens
Active Alarm is shown on the board with Alarm Tokens. Alarm Tokens always follow the character
generating it. A character can have multiple Alarm Tokens on it.
Some actions might cause more than a single point of Alarm. Such actions will have a number in
brackets, for example Alarm (2). This means the actions will generate two alarm tokens on the
Guilders – A Life in Shadows
Example 1: A Thug breaks a door with raw strength, it generates Alarm (2). The Thug then
moves away to looking for a fight. The alarm token does not stay at the door, it stays with the
Example 2: An Eagle Eye fires a black powder pistol at an enemy - wounding him. Black powder
causes Alarm (2) on the shooter, and Ranged attacks cause Alarm on target, if they are hit. Even
if the characters move, the Alarm stays on them. They are representing the Guards looking for
someone carrying a black powder weapon or someone bleeding from a wound.
Overall Alertness
At the end of each turn (see End of Turn Phase p.12), all Alarm tokens on the board are removed,
tallied and the total is written down. This is the Overall Alertness count. The Alarm total of each turn
is added to the Overall Alertness. This will cause the Overall Alertness to rise each turn. This
represents the general heat in the playing area. As trouble and tension are getting higher in the
streets, the Guards will come in bigger numbers and send in more elite troops.
City Guard Activation
All Guards currently on the board will activate in this phase. There are many different types of
Guards in the game (p.23); Town Watch, City Guard, Royal Guard. Guards have two actions
Designers notes: The rulebook is organized in the Turn Phase order – as play would progress.
For the following City Guard activation, actions are mentioned. These actions (like movement
and combat) are described on p.13.
So a bit of flipping back and forth might be needed on your first couple of read throughs.
Guards activate in the following order:
Activate the Guards that can move to Support (p.18) another Guard in a Fight.
Activate the Guards already in base-contact with a player character.
Activate the Guards equipped with a ranged weapon.
The rest of the Guards, starting with the closest to the highest Active Alarm then followed by
the ones closest to any Active Alarm.
Select a random board edge and activate any guards left, starting the with the guard closest
to it.
Targets: If Guards have multiple eligible targets, they always prioritize models with:
Highest Active Alarm, easiest target (lowest Fight stat, lowest cover, closest). If this does not present
a clear target, chose a random target by rolling a die.
Movement: Guards should always take the easiest route to a target (not necessarily the direct), stay
on the same horizontal level, if possible, climb if necessary. Crowds and civilian NPCs (p.24) block
Guard movement, forcing them to stop or move around.
Guilders – A Life in Shadows
Line of Sight: All Guards are equipped with helmets. This protects them against knockout weapons
and limits their field off vision. All guards have a 180° front vision. Make sure this arc is clear, we
suggest painting the base front half in a distinct color.
Point of Interest: For the scenario in this book, the point of interest is the center of the board.
Interceptions: If the Overall Alertness is 10+ Guards will always intercept Guilders moving within 1”
of them.
Designer notes: Any AI rules will work best with player discretion. There will be situations the
rules do not cover, if that be the case make sensible choices. Look at Alarm tokens and decide a
reasonable course of action based on the flowcharts.
Overall Alertness <10: Guard are not aggressive, it is quiet in the City. They might move into
base contact (forcing Break Away), but rarely attack. They move around a lot on the board.
Imagine the guards investigating the Guilders, trying to figure out what is going on in the
Streets. They are not yet convinced anything bad is going on. Imagine them yelling “Hey! What
are you doing there?!” or “Move away citizen!”.
Overall Alertness 10+: There is trouble in the city, the Guards are on edge. They see the
Guilders sticking out of the crowd, they know crimes have been committed in the area. Guards
will try and restore order by taking out Guilders with force.
Line of Sight to a Fight: Guards will always react to violence and combat in the streets. When
checking for “Line of Sight to a Fight” also consider all previous Fights from the current Turn.
Even if one model is down or pushed back – and the miniatures are no longer locked in base
contact. Guards will still react to these characters as “in a Fight” for the current Turn.
Point of Interest: This adds to the feel of a Heist. When things turn hot, the guards will start to
swarm the objective, making it harder when stealth is no longer an option. But drawing in the
guards, also let guilders escape. When a character has made it out, it’s relatively safe – cause
the guards are centered at the crime scene.
Actions: Guards have two actions. Guards will take actions depending on multiple different
situations. Below these actions are described. Go through each numbered point and see if this
situation is relevant, otherwise proceed to the next number. If this only makes one action, go
through the chart again, to find the second action of the Guard.
Guards do the following depending on their equipment:
Ranged Weapons
Equipped with a Ranged Weapon, Guards will always stay in cover if possible. They will always stay
at the same height as when deployed (staying in a tower, patrolling a wall), they do not climb up and
down. They will Fight if attacked in Melee and push back if winning.
1. Has Line of Sight to a Fight:
a. Aim, then shoot at Highest Alarm target.
2. Overall Alertness 10+:
a. Line of Sight to a Guilder? Aim, then Ranged Attack.
b. No Line of Sight? Try to acquire line of sight. Move then;
Guilders – A Life in Shadows
i. Ranged Attack
ii. Spot Hidden
iii. Face random direction
3. Overall Alertness <10:
a. Line of Sight to a Fight? Aim, shoot at prioritized target.
b. Line of Sight to a hidden model? Spot, then move towards nearest alarm.
c. Move towards nearest alarm, stay at same height.
d. Move d10” in a random direction, stay at same level, no second action.
Melee Weapons
Guards with Melee Weapons will always stay in combat and will never pushback targets. Guard will
attack from 1” with Reach weapons. Guards will always Intercept (p.15) when Overall Alertness 10+.
Moving towards Alarm can bring them into base contact with characters. Melee Guards ignore
Alarm above their current vertical level unless there is no other Alarm to react on. They only interact
with player characters.
Already in melee? Fight, no pushback, no second action.
Can move to Support another Guard in a Fight? Move, then Fight.
Line of Sight to a fight? Move towards, fight if possible.
Overall Alertness 10+:
a. Line of Sight to a Guilder? Move toward it, fight if possible.
b. Line of Sight to a Hidden character? Spot, move towards nearest target.
c. No Line of Sight? Move towards nearest alarm, fight if possible.
d. Move towards point of interest
5. Overall Alertness <10:
a. Line of Sight to a Fight? Move, fight if possible.
b. In base contact with a guilder? Stay in place, no actions.
c. Line of Sight to a Hidden character? Spot (only once), move towards Alarm.
d. No Line of Sight? Move towards nearest Alarm.
e. Move d10” in a random direction, no second action.
NPC Phase
In this phase, most of the NPC characters (p.24) on the board will take action. Civilians activate using
the following rules.
NPC movement Overall Alertness <15:
Each crowd and single civilian moves d10” in a random direction.
Most NPC movement is random. NPCs should always move the full distance if possible – they do not
stop at walls. If on a street, roll to see the random direction, then move along that street and turn at
corners. Do not bump into a wall and stop.
If a random movement would bring an NPC into a board edge, move directly opposite instead.
NPC movement Overall Alertness 15+:
There’s a lot of trouble in the city district, guards are pouring in and the civilians will be getting to
safety. If Overall Alertness is 15+, single civilians and crowds will no longer do random movement.
Instead, all civilians will move d10” directly towards the nearest board edge. Guilders inside a crowd,
can be taken off the board this way.
Guilders – A Life in Shadows
Designer notes: The NPCs should move around, create life and diversions – not get bogged
down scrambling into a wall or a table edge. We want a city with life and the movement should
help with this.
Having many NPCs on the board might seem like a game pausing event. But it is really quite
quick to move the NPCs around, using the rules below. Rolling a d10 for each getting both
distance and direction at once.
End of Turn Phase
When each player character and NPC have activated, the game enters the End of Turn phase. Go
through the following steps.
1. Summon Guards
When tension and alarm rise in the city, more and tougher guards will start getting to the scene.
Guilders tend to cause trouble, and the Guards will try to keep control.
Guards will appear from a random board edge, as close to an Alarm token as possible (or a board
edge center if here is no Alarm), deploy in base contact with the edge and take no actions before the
following Alarm Phase. Guards does not deploy as a group. Deploy each individual model randomly.
Check at the current Overall Alarm and consult the chart below.
Overall Alarm
Guard Type and Number
1 Town Watch
1 Town Watch, 1 Guard Dog
1d3 Town Watch, 1 Guard Dog
1d3 City Guard
1d3 City Guard, 1 Guard Dog
1d3 City Guard, 1 City Guard Crossbowman
1d3 Royal Guard, 1 City Guard Crossbowman
1d3+1 Royal Guard, 1 City Guard Crossbowman
2. Clear Active Alarm
The Guild Masters go over the board and clear all Active Alarm tokens from the board. Tally them up
and add these to the current Overall Alertness count. The Overall Alertness will continue to rise
throughout the game and will affect guard behavior and the number of new guards summoned.
There is no maximum Overall Alertness. It will rise every turn.
3. Check Counters
Check the playing area. Count down on various timed effects like knockout. Remove Overwatch
5. End of Turn
The turn ends. Start a new turn rolling a new Initiative Phase.
Guilders – A Life in Shadows
Each model can take two actions per activation. All actions, except Regular Move actions, can only
be attempted once per turn. Some characters with certain skill levels will be able to use the same
actions twice per turn.
A character in base-to-base contact with an enemy can only choose the following actions: Fight,
Pickpocket (if they have the skill) or Break-Away.
Action Overview
The model makes a move action: Regular, breakaway, climb, jump, sneak (p.13).
The model makes a single melee attack against an enemy model. Can only perform one Fight action
per activation. Enemies can choose to Fight or Dodge (p.17).
Ranged Attack
The model makes a single Ranged attack against an enemy model. Can only perform one ranged
action per activation (p.18).
The model takes careful aim to make a better ranged attack (p.19).
The model makes a single spot check against a hidden enemy or point of interest (p.16).
Open a door, attempt lockpick, pickpocket, steal, pick up treasure, hand over items, drink potion etc
The figure uses two action points. The figure can Interrupt an enemy or NPC turn with 1 action point.
This can be any action (p.20).
Hide in Shadows
The character hides in the shadows (p.15)
Regular Move
As an action a character may move up to its movement stat in inches. A movement must be over the
same horizontal level at the start and finish of the action. Moving up or over 1” high terrain counts
as the same horizontal level (a small fence, wall or stairs). Measure as flat movement, the character
crosses is without penalty.
Rough Ground
When setting up the game board, agree with your opponent if there is any Rough Ground. Moving
through Rough Ground will have you character use double the inches to move. Moving 1” in Rough
Ground will take 2” from the profile’s movement stat.
Rough Ground could be the city’s giant midden, a manure heap or rubble from a collapsed building.
Guilders – A Life in Shadows
If there is water on your board, agree with your opponent if it is Shallow Water or Deep Water.
Shallow Water if treated as rough ground and represents water that is up to shoulder height of a
grown-up person.
Deep Water requires swimming, is also counted as Rough Ground for movement. Characters
wearing medium cannot swim.
A character in base contact with an enemy (guard or opponent) can only choose break-away as a
move action. Move the miniature 1” away from the enemy.
Being in base contact with a Hidden enemy will also limit movement to a break-away.
A character may climb/scale a vertical wall with one move action per activation (you cannot climb
with both your actions). Move up to your movement stat up or down a vertical surface. Thieves are
good climbers; they can end their move on a vertical surface – in case you cannot place the model
use a bit of blue-tac or another marker.
A character in the middle of a climb, must continue climbing. The only other action allowed is
opening windows or doors.
Ladders, rope, grappling hooks and stairs can be scaled with a Regular Move (not using a Climbing
Designer Notes: Remember that we have different movement actions. A character cannot move
across a flat surface and start climbing with the same action. If Thief moves 2” up to the base of
a wall, his Regular Move ends here. Then he would make a second Climbing action to scale the
wall. His action ending at the top. This leaves him with without any action / inches to move
across the roof.
A character may use one action to jump up to its movement stat across an open area. A character
cannot jump upwards. The character may fall 1” per point it has in the Agility stat.
Example: An Acrobat with Agility 4 and Move 7 jumps from a balcony 4” above ground. He as
allowed to move up to 7” into the air and then place down on the ground. Had the balcony
been above 4” up, the jump would not be allowed. You cannot voluntarily fall.
Guilders – A Life in Shadows
If a character falls a distance above their Agility stat, they might take damage. Make a fight roll. The
ground has a Fight value equal to the fall length in inches (rounded up). The model falling must use
its pure Fight stat (you cannot dodge the ground with your Agility stat, or benefit from a two-handed
You cannot voluntarily fall. You must spend a Jump Action to do descent quickly, you are not allowed
to simply do a Regular Move into the air and fall.
If the fall deals damage, it generates an Alarm token.
Example 1: A Brute (Agility 2, Fight 3) is pushed from a balcony 3” in the air. The fall distance is
above the agility of the model. The Brute rolls a d10 + 3 (his Fight) and the ground (your
opponent) rolls d10 + 3 (length of fall). The Brute has a 50:50 chance of making it.
Example 2: An Alchemist (Agility 2, Fight 2) is pushed from the same roof. Being a scrawny guy,
his potential for getting hurt is much higher. He would roll a d10 + 2 versus the grounds d10 + 3.
If an enemy miniature moves (closing in) within 1” of one of your characters, your character can
perform a free interception move. Move the intercepting character into base contact with the
enemy. This is free and does not cost an action or count as activation.
You cannot intercept a Hidden character.
A character on Overwatch, can use Interception (it is free) then use the Overwatch action (for
example to Fight).
You cannot intercept an enemy character moving away from you – even if that model started within
1” of your character. You cannot intercept the Free Move from getting shot at (p.18) or winning a
melee fight (p.17).
Hide in Shadows
A character can try to hide in shadows and then move around Hidden. To hide in shadows the
character must:
Be out of Line of Sight of all enemy and guard characters.
Be within 1” of a terrain piece or in a crowd.
Spend an action to hide.
If all three conditions are fulfilled, the character is now Hidden – place a Hidden token next to it. The
character can reveal itself at any time during its activation. It does not require an action.
The Hidden character:
Can Sneak while remaining Hidden.
Any other action taken will reveal the character – remove the Hidden marker.
Guilders – A Life in Shadows
Enemy and NPC characters:
Cannot target the Hidden character with any action.
Cannot Intercept the Hidden character even if within 1”.
Can’t move into base contact with the Hidden character.
Can spend actions to try and Spot the Hidden character.
While Hidden a character can Sneak around. If sneaking, the character keeps its Hidden status. There
are two requirements for sneaking:
Can only use one Regular Movement action per activation.
Must remain within 2” of a terrain piece OR be within a civilian crowd (see p.24).
Cannot Climb, Jump or Intercept while Hidden.
Example 1: A thief is Hidden next to a house; he wants to cross the street and remain hidden.
The street is 4” wide. No problem as soon as the thief is 2” from his starting wall, he will be
within 2” of a house on the other side of the street.
Example 2: A thief wants to cross a marketplace, but it is too wide. But there is a crowd in the
market. The thief moves 2” away from the first walls and enter the crowd. Despite moving
freely inside the crowd (a 3” base), he cannot make it across the marketplace. The thief stays
Hidden in the crowd – hoping the crowd’s movement will bring him in the right direction next
A character can spend one action per turn to try to Spot a Hidden miniature. To attempt a Spot roll,
the character:
Must have Line of Sight to the enemy/object.
o Spotter rolls a d10 + Ranged + Spot skill.
o Hidden character rolls a d10 + Agility + Sneaking skill + 2 if in a Crowd
If Spotter rolls highest – remove Hidden status from the target.
If Hidden rolls highest – remain Hidden.
If draw the character with the highest Spot skill level or Sneaking skill level will count as
winner. If still a draw, the Hidden character remains Hidden.
Guilders – A Life in Shadows
A character in base contact with another character may choose to Fight using an action. You can only
use one action per turn to Fight. After declaring a Fight, the opponent must choose to either Fight
OR Dodge – before rolling any dice. A Fight always causes Alarm (p.8).
Fight vs Fight
The target thinks violence is the way to go, throwing themselves into the melee. This is two models
trying their best to kill the other. A full kill-or-be-killed situation.
Place an Alarm token on each Fighter.
Attacker rolls a d10, add Fight Stat, Gear Modifiers, Support – find total.
Defender rolls a d10, add Fight Stat, Gear Modifiers, Support– find total.
The highest number wins – deals 1 damage to the opponent (or knockout). May directly
push back opponent 1” or make a 1” Free move.
Draw – no damage done. The character with highest strength may push back, having a shield
is a tiebreaker. If still a tie neither model moves, and they stay locked in combat.
On weapons with reach: Spears, halberds, quarterstaffs. If your character is not armed with a
reach weapon and wins a Fight, not in base contact with the enemy – they deal no damage.
You will have to use your 1” Free Move, to get close. Then try to Fight them again. Or you can
force a 1” push back.
This would happen if a sword armed character is attacked from 1” away with a spear but wins
the Fight.
Fight vs Dodge
The defender wants to get out of the situation, avoiding the attack to move away.
Place an Alarm token on the attacker.
Attacker rolls a d10, add Fight Stat, Gear Modifiers, Support – find total.
Defender rolls a d10, add Agility Stat and Gear Modifiers – find total.
If the Attacker total is higher, deal 1 damage to the Defender. The Attacker may push back
the Defender 1”.
If the Defender total is highest or a draw is rolled, move back Defender 1”.
A defender will always win with a natural dice roll of 10. No matter the total of the
Guard reaction: Choosing Dodge does not count as a Fight when checking Guard reactions. Only the
aggressor will be targeted.
Guilders – A Life in Shadows
When multiple characters are involved in the same Fight, they might provide Support to each other.
When a character is about to make a Fight roll against an enemy, check to see if a friendly model is
also in base contact with that enemy - and only that enemy. If this is the case, the Fighter gets +2 to
its Fight roll.
If the friendly model is in base contact with more than one enemy, it cannot offer Support.
NPCs will Support any guilder – regardless of affiliation. So any NPC in base contact with the
target will always offer Support – even when in base contact with other characters.
Support can stack and will offer a +2 for any supporting character. So having two extra
friendly models and a NPC baker in base contact with an enemy would offer a +6 to Fight.
Support only offers a bonus to Fight, never to Dodge.
Characters with 1” reach melee weapons (spears and halberds) can offer support from 1”
distance, through friendly characters – not through walls or blocking terrain.
Ranged Attack
A character may spend one action per activation to fire a ranged weapon. In order to fire a weapon,
you must:
Check that he target is within Line of Sight
Check that the target is within weapon range
Attacker rolls d10 + Ranged stat, apply any modifiers
Defender rolls d10 + Fight + Gear Modifiers OR d10 + Agility
If the Attackers total is higher, deal 1 damage to the Defender. Place 1 Alarm on the
If draw make 1 Alarm on the Defender, no damage or knockout.
If in the middle of a climb, the character will fall to the level below.
If the Defender total is higher - no damage or knockout. Defender may freely move 1”.
A defender will always win with a natural dice roll of 10. No matter the total of the
Shooting at Guards: Guards will always create 1 Alarm on themselves if shot at, even if their
defender roll is highest. They will still notice arrows flying around and call other guards.
A risky shot: If the target is in base contact with another model, first roll a dice to determine
who is hit.
Two models in base-to-base contact. Roll a d10; 1-5 intended target hit, 6-10 other character
hit. Three models in base-to-base contact. Roll a d10; 1-3 intended target hit, 4-6 bystander first
bystander hit, 7-9 second bystander hit, 10 reroll.
Guilders – A Life in Shadows
When making ranged attacks, it is easier or harder to take the shot depending on the position of the
shooter and the target.
Intervening terrain
Ranged Attack Modifiers
-1 to Ranged roll per terrain piece
-1 to Ranged roll
Shooter used move action this turn
-1 to Ranged roll
+1 to Ranged roll
Fully visible target
+1 to Ranged roll
Shooter above target
+ 1 to Ranged roll
Sniper skill
As per skill level
Target in crowd
Roll first: 1-8 hit crowd, 9-10 hit target
Intervening Terrain
Any piece of terrain and non-friendly character, partially blocking Line of Sight between the shooter
and the target counts as intervening terrain with the following exception:
The shooter is standing in base contact with a terrain piece, this will not intervene.
For a miniature to benefit from cover it must be in base contact with a terrain piece. The terrain
piece must be between the shooter and the target. The target must be at least 50% obscured by the
terrain to benefit from Cover.
The terrain piece will always count as Intervening Terrain. But will offer an additional -1 cover bonus
if the material is sufficiently hard:
Stone walls, barricades, market stalls, wagons, gravestones, statues. Generally, things made from
stone, metal or heavy logs and big planks will offer the additional bonus.
Shooter used move action
If the shooting model used any move action this turn. Normal, interception, break-away, climbing or
jumping. Remember getting pushed back, pushing back or dodging during a fight, does not count as
a movement action.
The character uses one action immediately before proceeding to a Ranged Attack action. Thus,
aiming and making a Ranged attack will take both actions.
Fully visible target (sitting duck)
The character strayed away from the shadows, was in a crowd that dispersed, got pushed off a roof.
If the model is fully visible (often if you can see the entire base), remember the odd power pose with
a sword does not count – it is easier to hit it.
Guilders – A Life in Shadows
Shooter above target
The base of the shooting model is at least 2” above the base of the target model.
Target in Crowd
If the target is hiding in a crowd roll a d10 before rolling the Ranged Attack test. On a 1-7 the crowd
is hit (see NPCs and Crowds p.24). On a 8-10 the intended target is hit. Proceed with Ranged Attack.
A character may spend two actions to Overwatch – give the model an Overwatch token. The
characters remain on Overwatch until
The turn ends. Remove Overwatch tokens during End of Turn Phase.
The character on Overwatch chooses to interrupt an enemy action.
When on Overwatch, a character may choose to perform any one action normally available:
At any time during an enemy Movement action within Line of Sight of the character on
Before of after an enemy character within Line of Sight takes an action / rolls dice as part of
an action.
You cannot use an Overwatch action on a Hidden enemy character. You can use Overwatch
on a character when its Hidden status is removed as part of an action.
This can be any one action normally available to them, and it is not required to target the enemy
that triggered the Overwatch.
When the Overwatch Action is completed, the original model may continue what it was doing
(unless it is been blocked, caught in a fight or something similar).
Example: An Eagle Eye on Overwatch is guarding a narrow street. There is an Enemy Brute at
the end of it. An enemy Cutthroat moves across the street, within the Eagle Eyes Line of Sight
while crossing. The Eagle Eye can remain on Overwatch or take any action he wants. He could
for example: Fire his crossbow at the Brute or Cutthroat or take a move action to get away from
A lot of different actions fall under interactions – these all take one action to complete. Open a door,
hand-off item, use an item, steal, lockpick, pickpocket, break door, pickup loot.
Pick up item
Characters can pick up items dropped on the ground. This will often be Loot dropped be out of
action Characters, dead NPCs or Guards. Spend an action to pick up any number of items in base
contact with the character.
You cannot pick up items in base contact with enemy characters or Guards.
Guilders – A Life in Shadows
Hand-off item
A character can use an action to give an item to a friend in base contact.
A character can use an action to take an item from a friend in base contact.
One action, from either of the characters is enough. They are considered friends and swap stuff
without a fuss.
Drop item (free action)
A character can drop any items on the ground as a free action. Characters can drop starting items
during a game. If a character drops a starting item during a game (perhaps needing the space), the
item is automatically regained after the game.
One use items (potions, lockpicks etc) are not regained.
A character drops the items in base contact. A character standing near a window or on a balcony,
can drop the item and let it fall to the level directly below.
A character can try and smash a lock (door, window, chest) by spending an action.
The character rolls d10 + Strength vs Lock Target Number
Character rolls equal to or higher than Target Number.
o Add Alarm (2), take Loot if eligible.
Character rolls less than Target Number
o Add Alarm, lock is intact.
Any miniature standing next to a terrain piece with a Loot token can try to Steal it. Guilders is about
stealing, and lots of the terrain has something of potential value. A character can carry a limited
amount of items/loot tokens depending on strength (see p.7).
For the Lite version the loot level is equal to the number of victory points gained.
To attempt a steal:
Spend an action in base contact with terrain containing Loot.
If no NPC in Line of Sight. Take the Loot.
If at least one NPC in Line of Sight.
o Active Character rolls d10 + Agility +2 if Hidden (remove Hidden after roll).
o Nearest NPC in Line of Sight rolls a d10 + Savvy.
If the Active Character rolls higher – it gets an appropriate Loot token.
If the NPC rolls higher – no Loot, pushback 1” directly away from Loot, cause Alarm on thief
(see p.8).
Draw – gets loot, add +1 to Overall Alertness (p.9).
Guilders – A Life in Shadows
A key concept in Guilders – A Life In Shadows is Loot. Loot comes in three different values I, II or III.
Loot is what the guilders are often trying to get during a Heist. Getting Loot is the key to winning the
Scenario objective loot: Most scenarios will have Loot placed during setup, this is placed directly on
the board. Characters use Steal Actions (p.21) to pick these up.
NPC Loot: Single civilians and crowds carry a Loot token. This can be stolen with a pickpocket action
(with the pickpocket skill) or with violence.
Loot in buildings: Buildings are considered huge treasure chests. A character must pick (lockpick skill)
or break the lock to the building to take the Loot.
Going Out of Action with a Loot token: If a character (NPC or player) carrying Loot is ever taken out
of action (shot or beaten in a Fight), place their Loot on the ground, at their last position. It can be
picked up with an Interact Action.
Getting Knocked Out with a Loot token: If a knocked out character is carrying Loot, the character
keeps it when no longer Knocked Out. While Knocked Out, other characters can take their loot, if in
base contact and using an Interact Action.
Carrying limit: Remember Loot will count towards a character’s carry limit equal to their strength.
Guilders – A Life in Shadows
Non-player characters
A huge part of Guilders – A Life In Shadows is the city folk and guard walking the streets during a
Heist. The interaction with these are an important part of the gameplay during a Heist. In this
section the most common Guard profiles are described. The rules for interaction with standard
Civilians, both single and crowds are also found in the section.
There are many different types of Guards in Guilders. During the game the quality and skill of the
Guards increase. As tensions rise in the city better and more experienced soldiers are send in to
restore order and peace.
Guard actions are described on page 9. Guard profiles are written already including their weapon
Town Watch
Little more than poorly armed commoners. The town watch is only paid a few coin, their real pay is
the benefits: Meals when on watch, a decent coat and a pair of boots. The Town Watch patrol the
street, talk to people, tend the streetlamps at night. Neighbors with clubs really, looking out for their
-1 to enemy’s roll
Quarterstaff (fight from 1”, knockout), helmet (180° vision), light armor.
Knockout: Will knockout that enemy for d3 turns when winning a fight. Knocked out characters can
be woken up with an Interact Action by another miniature. If you win a fight against a character with
2 Health, they will lose a wound. Hitting them again would then cause a knockout.
Guard Dog
A good boy. Many Town Watch have dogs, good companions when walking the streets at night.
Someone to talk to and they have a good nose for finding anything hiding the shadows.
Animal (cannot climb, use ladders), Spot 4
City Guard
Professional soldiers, living in barracks for weeks at a time. They protect the important places in the
city, guard the gates and control who enters and exits the city. These men and women have good
fighting equipment and when not on patrol, they train as part of their job.
-2 enemy’s roll
One-handed weapon and shield, medium armor, helmet (180° vision).
Guilders – A Life in Shadows
City Guard Ranged
Manning the towers and walls of the city. As part of the guard regiments there is dedicated
marksmen. Professional and well-trained soldiers.
-1 enemy’s roll
One-handed weapon, crossbow, light armor, helmet (180° vision).
Royal Guard
This is veteran and elite soldiers. They have the highest quality training and equipment. Mostly these
soldiers will be guarding the castle and act as bodyguards for high nobles and royalty. It is
uncommon to see these soldiers in the city, but when tension is really high they are called to action
– so insurrection will not endanger the city’s leadership.
-3 to enemy’s roll
One-handed weapon, shield, heavy armor, helmet (180° vision).
There are civilian crowds all other the city when people and city life flock together. Crowds are
represented on the board with a 3” (or 80mm) round base. We suggest adding three civilian models
to a base, making sure there is room in the middle.
A crowd could be represented by anything: a family, a group of monks, a goat herder with his flock.
As long as they are on a 3” base.
There can only be a single player character inside a crowd at any given time.
Moving a crowd
NPC movement is done in the NPC phase as per the rules on p.11. Crowds ignore player characters,
Guards and NPCs when moving, they are not blocked. Crowds simple move through and passed
other characters.
If a crowd ends its position with another NPC/crowd (not having moved yet), mark the position,
move that NPC/crowd and then place the first.
If a crowd ends its position on a NPC/crowd (already moved), the moving crowd will end in front of
or behind the blocker, whichever side is the shortest distance.
A crowd can end its movement on a player character if there is not currently a character in it. In this
case, the character starts its next activation inside the crowd (with all that it entails). If there is
already a player character in the crowd, treat the blocking player character as an NPC.
Guilders – A Life in Shadows
Moving through crowds
Crowds will often limit player characters movement. A character that moves into base contact with a
crowd, must enter the crowd to go through it. Place the character in the middle of the crowd, end
the action. Using a move action, the character can move out from the crowd, measure from the
edge of the crowd base.
If a character is in a crowd, it will freely move with the crowd in the NPC phase.
Designers Notes: We are aware that this rule rewards characters extra movement where in
reality pushing through a crowd would slow you down. But crowds should enhance the
sneaking thief experience, not hinder it.
Hiding in a crowd
A player character that has entered a crowd my perform a Hide in Shadows action. If already Hidden
a character can move into a crowd and remain Hidden.
Shooting at or fighting a character in a crowd
If making a Ranged Attack at a character in a crowd, check to see which is hit (see Ranged Attack
p.18). It is possible to fight a character in a crowd, if in base contact with that crowd. If pushing back
or dodge, measure the 1” from the crowd base edge.
You cannot Intercept a character in a crowd. A character in a crowd does not need to Break-Away if
there is an enemy in base contact with the Crowd.
The crowd will move normally in the NPC phase, taking any player character with it – even if a fight
occurred earlier.
Shooting at or Fighting a crowd
A character can Fight or make a Ranged Attack at a Crowd as if it was a single character. Crowds will
always Fight back, not Dodge and push back if winning. Fighting or shooting a crowd cause Alarm as
If a crowd is ever wounded, remove the crowd, and replace it with 3 single NPCs. If they still had a
Loot token or scenario objectives, leave those in the middle of where the crowd was – the
individuals will not carry any Loot.
Guards and crowds
Crowds block guard movement. When moving around Guards during the Alarm Phase they cannot
enter or move through crowds. Guards can fight a character inside a crowd (as described above),
Crowds will then support the Guard – not the character.
Crowds and Line of Sight
Crowds block Line of Sight. You can always draw Line of Sight to and from a character inside a crowd
– but not through the Crowd.
Guilders – A Life in Shadows
If a crowd is ever wounded, replace it with 3 single NPCs.
Single NPC civilians
The commonfolk and traders in the city. People going about their business, doing work, socializing.
They move around minding their own business, but they will call the Guards when seeing something
Single NPCs block line of sight. They will never Intercept or cause a needed Break-Away action to a
player character.
Shooting at or Fighting a civilian NPC
A character can make a Ranged Attack at or Fight a civilian. The civilian will always choose to Dodge
and cause Alarm if attacked (unlike player characters choosing dodge, which cause no alarm).
If a civilian is removed from play or knocked out, leave any Loot or scenario objectives they carry on
the ground.
Guilders – A Life in Shadows
The Guilds
In a full game of Guilders: A Life In Shadows players will create their own Guild Master, hire various
guilders, choose skills and arm them with equipment. For simplicity in this lite version of the rules,
three different guilds are presented. Their full detailed rosters are at the end of the book, for easy
printing. All guilds are game legal based on the full rules.
The three guilds are made with carious themes in mind.
To play the game chose one of the three guilds, find appropriate models and setup the scenario.
Jacks of all Trades
This guild contains a bit of everything, a standard thief gang with a bit of muscle. The Guild Master
itself being a great thief. Equipped for stealing and getting away from trouble. A well-rounded
starter guild and something you would realistically use in a regular campaign.
The Rock and the Hard Place
This guild has been made with violence in mind, not really caring for the sneaky side of the trade.
The Guild Master being the biggest of the brutes. Armed and armored for a fight all around. This
guild will quickly generate a lot of alarm.
Tricks in Sleeves
This guild has all manner of specialist and gadgets, designed to give the edge in tight spots. The
Guilder master is good a climbing, a good shot and armed with bombs. The charlatan can manipulate
crowds and the shadow priest can manipulate sounds. Street Urchin can hang around safely and
snatch important loot at the end of the game.
This group is all about using the right tricks at the right time.
Guilders – A Life in Shadows
Below are the general rules for setting up a board, placing Loot and NPCs and how to place the
player miniatures.
Setup terrain: Lots of scenarios will have specific terrain or setup requirements. Besides scenario
specifics you should make a densely packed 3’x3’ board of an inner city; lots of buildings, narrow 3”
streets, perhaps a few larger areas – a marketplace or temple square. Aim to make the distance
between buildings jumpable.
For all the following setup, roll off to see who goes first.
Place NPCs: Taking turns, each player should place:
2 civilian crowds (each with Loot I)
4 single civilian characters (each with Loot I)
2 town watch (no Loot)
1 ranged city guard (no Loot)
Place Loot: Taking turns, each player should place:
1x Loot III token (within 8” of the board center)
2x Loot II tokens (at least 8” from a board edge)
Loot should be placed at appropriate locations (on a market stall, wagon, pile of crates or other
scatter pieces). Players must use a Steal Action (p.21) to pick these up.
All buildings are Locked TN/8 (doors and windows) and contains a Loot I token.
Setup Guilds: Each player rolls d10 + Savvy of Leader. Re-roll draws. The player with the highest roll
picks a board edge and setup all guild members along that board edge. Then the opponent setup all
guild members along the opposite board edge.
Start the game: Roll for Initiative to see who goes first (p.7).
Game End: The game lasts until a guild has no characters left on the table (used a move action that
takes them over a board edge) or a player concedes.
When the game ends by a crew moving their last miniature of the board, play the current turn until
its natural end – giving the opponent this last turn to move their miniatures / risk getting caught by
the guards.
Victory points:
The winner of the scenario will be the Guild that has the highest amount of Loot by the end of the
Loot I = 1 victory point.
Loot II = 2 victory points.
Loot III = 3 victory points.
Solo/coop: Place NPCs and Loot as if you were two players. Always raise Overall Alertness by +2 at
the end of the Turn, on top of any Alarm generated. Set a turn limit of 8, you need to get out before
Guilders – A Life in Shadows
getting caught. Any Loot not off board by the end of Turn 8, cannot be fenced and is discarded. You
cannot concede. Games end if all guilders move off the board or reaching the turn limit.
The players win if the have 10+ combined victory points secured by the end of the game.
If playing coop, it is suggested to use one of the pre-generated warband and split the characters
between the players.
Narrative Alternatives: A Regular Night’s Work - line of Sight for the entire Heist is limited to 8”.
Market day, all Loot is placed on centrally placed market stalls, all civilians are centered around the
No matter the amount of planning, something in a Heist might get complicated. It is the mark of
great Guild Masters that they can adept and overcome these complications.
After playing the scenario ‘A Regular Days Work’ you can try to add some of the following
complications to the scenario.
The Complication
Angry vigilante mobs are loose in the city. Add d3 extra mobs when setting up the board.
These are violent, blood hungry mobs with torches and pitchforks. In the NPC phase, the
mob will always: Move d10” towards the nearest Fight or Guilder. They don’t push back if
they win. They won’t attack Guards.
The Mobs have Loot 1. The Mob will try to get in base contact with as many Guilders as
possible, it will use a Fight action against all targets in base contact each turn.
There’s Catacombs beneath these streets. Each player may place 1 Catacomb Entrance
when setting up the board. These entries can be used by both players to exit the board,
just like exiting a board edge.
Dusk. The preparations took extra time. Dusk is already here. Line of Sight for the entire
Heist is limited to 12”.
Night! Not the best of conditions for a Heist, it’s really dark. Line of Sight for the entire
Heist is limited to 8”.
The populations had extra taxes recently, everybody is feeling the cut. Civilians and
Crowds start without Loot for this Heist. Scenario specific characters still have theirs.
Having heard some rumors at the inn might give an edge. Each Guild Master roll a
d10+savvy TN/8. If successful, you can place the Guild Masters Savvy worth of guild
members up to 6” from your board edge during setup.
A couple of drunk nobles are loose in the district. Place an extra d3 single civilian NPCs on
the board. They each carry a Loot II token.
There’s been a murder recently, the Guards are on edge, the murderer hasn’t been
caught. Overall Alertness starts at +5.
Guilders – A Life in Shadows
Storm and heavy rain has hit hard. All Ranged attacks are done at -1 for the entire Heist.
Guards will only react to Alarm within 12”. When counting Overall Alertness discard the first
2 Alarm tokens each turn. The rain is drowning out a lot of sound.
Vermin with wings, the city is besieged by gulls after a disaster at the Butchers Guild. During
setup each player must place 1 extra City Guard Ranged, commanded to the streets to
regulate the gull populations.
A dense fog has covered the entire city. It is hard to make a detail in the distance and
everything seems grey. Line of Sight is limited to 12” in this Heist, when rolling to Spot a
Hidden character, the Hidden characters gains +2.
Someone has paid off the Guards, they are preoccupied with all manner of important work
– keeping them busy. Guards will ignore Alarm when moving until Overall Alertness is 5+.
The change behavior at Overall Alertness 15+ (instead of the normal 10+).
A commander of the city guard is inspecting the troops in the area. Place a Royal Guard
(loot II) at the center of the board. The commander will act as a normal guard, but will
attack a Guild if a pickpocket attempt against it is failed.
The Guild of Street Musicians are celebrating their founding, and there are bards and
musicians on every corner of the city, playing their absolutely best. Each player places a
musician (civilian, Loot I) on the board. The bards are stationary. When other civilians or
crowds move, instead of random movement they move d10 towards the nearest musician.
If they enter base-contact with a musician their movement stops.
There is talk of labor strikes in the streets, some trouble between The Hops Plantationeers
Association and The Brewers Cooperation. Beer prices are already rising due to speculation.
Overall Alertness starts at +d10.
The Town Crier is out, and he has lots of news. Place The Town Crier in the center of the
board, it acts like a normal civilian (loot I) – but add one Alarm on The Town Crier at the
beginning of each turn.
Rats! A recent rain storm has forced hordes of rats up from the sewers. The Rat Catchers
have been summoned to do their work. Each player should place a rat catcher (town watch)
and a guard dog within 12” of the board center. Place the pair base contact with each other.
This dog will always follow its master (take the same actions), unless the master is dead or
Knocked Out – then the dog will act independently.
What is next?
This concludes the lite version of the Guilders – A Life In Shadows rulebook. If you have tried the
game a few times, consider getting the full versions of the rules. There is a lot to be gained from
playing the full system and campaign.
You will see your guilders grow in skill and a huge part of the gameplay is in the end game sequence.
Many adventures await you!
Guilders – A Life in Shadows
Jacks of all Trades
Guild Master
+4 / +5
One handed weapon: +1 Fight
Light armor: -1 to enemy’s ranged or fight roll.
Scout: This character may be placed 6” from the board edge during setup.
Pickpocket (action): When in base contact with another character. Roll d10 + agility vs d10 + savvy.
Success: Take 1 loot token. Draw: Take 1 loot token, raise Overall Alertness +1. Fail: Is pushed back
1”, generate 1 Alarm on target.
+4 / +5
One handed weapon: +1 Fight
Small weapon: Roll and extra d6 in melee, choose highest result (d10 or d6 result)
Medium armor: -2 to enemy’s ranged or fight roll.
Quarterstaff: Can attack from 1” away, knockout.
Knockout: Will knockout that enemy for d3 turns when winning a fight. Knocked out characters can
be woken up with an Interact Action by another miniature. If you win a fight against a character with
2 Health, they will lose a wound. Hitting them again would then cause a knockout.
Absorb Sound (action): Remove an Alarm token within 12”.
Guilders – A Life in Shadows
Bow: Maximum range 24”.
Sniper: Get +1 Ranged when shooting while Hidden, remove Hidden after taking a shot.
+2 / +1
+3 / +2
Sling: Maximum range 10”, -1 Ranged roll
Dagger: -1 Fight roll
Climber: Can use two climb actions.
Acrobatics: +1 Agility for jumping actions, can jump 1” upwards, +1 Fight when testing for fall
+4 / +5
Brass Knuckles: knockout
Light armor: -1 to enemy’s ranged or fight roll.
Knockout: Will knockout that enemy for d3 turns when winning a fight. Knocked out characters can
be woken up with an Interact Action by another miniature. If you win a fight against a character with
2 Health, they will lose a wound. Hitting them again would then cause a knockout.
Boxing: +1 Fight when armed with brass knuckles.
Guilders – A Life in Shadows
Sling: Maximum range 10”, -1 Ranged roll
Small Weapon
Pickpocket (action): When in base contact with another character. Roll d10 + agility vs d10 + savvy.
Success: Take 1 loot token. Draw: Take 1 loot token, raise Overall Alertness +1. Fail: Is pushed back
1”, generate 1 Alarm on target.
Small Weapon
Lockpick: One use, gain +1 to lockpick roll, can be used after rolling dice.
Lockpick (action): Roll d10 + agility vs lock level. Success: Remove lock, take loot in building. Fail:
Small weapon
Lockpick: One use, gain +1 to lockpick roll, can be used after rolling dice.
Lockpick (action): Roll d10 + agility vs lock level. Success: Remove lock, take loot in building. Fail:
Crowbar: knockout, +1 to smash roll vs locks.
Knockout: Will knockout that enemy for d3 turns when winning a fight. Knocked out characters can
be woken up with an Interact Action by another miniature. If you win a fight against a character with
2 Health, they will lose a wound. Hitting them again would then cause a knockout.
Guilders – A Life in Shadows
The rock and the hard place
Guild Master
+5 / +6
One handed weapon: +1 Fight.
Light armor + Shield: -2 to enemy’s ranged or fight roll. Can push back up to 2”.
Charge I: Can make a free fight action directly following a Regular Move action that’s at least 4” in
straight line. Only one charge per turn.
Climber: Can use two climb actions per turn.
+4 / +6
Two-handed weapon: +2 Fight.
Medium armor: -2 to enemy’s ranged or fight roll.
+4 / +5
Brass Knuckles: Knockout
Light armor: -1 to enemy’s ranged or fight roll.
Knockout: Will knockout that enemy for d3 turns when winning a fight. Knocked out characters can
be woken up with an Interact Action by another miniature. If you win a fight against a character with
2 Health, they will lose a wound. Hitting them again would then cause a knockout.
Boxing: +1 Fight when armed with brass knuckles.
Guilders – A Life in Shadows
+3 / (+4)
Halberd: +1 Fight OR fight / support from 1” away.
Light armor: -1 to enemy’s ranged or fight roll.
Spear: Can fight or support from 1” away.
Light armor: -1 to enemy’s ranged or fight roll.
Spear: Can fight or support from 1” away.
Club: Knockout
Scissor: One use, gain +1 to pickpocket roll, can be used after rolling dice.
Knockout: Will knockout that enemy for d3 turns when winning a fight. Knocked out characters can
be woken up with an Interact Action by another miniature. If you win a fight against a character with
2 Health, they will lose a wound. Hitting them again would then cause a knockout.
Pickpocket (action): When in base contact with another character. Roll d10 + agility vs d10 + savvy.
Success: Take 1 loot token. Draw: Take 1 loot token, raise Overall Alertness +1. Fail: Is pushed back
1”, generate 1 Alarm on target.
Guilders – A Life in Shadows
Club: Knockout
Lockpick: One use, gain +1 to lockpick roll, can be used after rolling dice.
Knockout: Will knockout that enemy for d3 turns when winning a fight. Knocked out characters can
be woken up with an Interact Action by another miniature. If you win a fight against a character with
2 Health, they will lose a wound. Hitting them again would then cause a knockout.
Lockpick (action): Roll d10 + agility vs lock level. Success: Remove lock, take loot in building. Fail:
Club: Knockout
Scissor: One use, gain +1 to pickpocket roll, can be used after rolling dice.
Knockout: Will knockout that enemy for d3 turns when winning a fight. Knocked out characters can
be woken up with an Interact Action by another miniature. If you win a fight against a character with
2 Health, they will lose a wound. Hitting them again would then cause a knockout.
Pickpocket (action): When in base contact with another character. Roll d10 + agility vs d10 + savvy.
Success: Take 1 loot token. Draw: Take 1 loot token, raise Overall Alertness +1. Fail: Is pushed back
1”, generate 1 Alarm on target.
Club: Knockout
Lockpick: One use, gain +1 to lockpick roll, can be used after rolling dice.
Knockout: Will knockout that enemy for d3 turns when winning a fight. Knocked out characters can
be woken up with an Interact Action by another miniature. If you win a fight against a character with
2 Health, they will lose a wound. Hitting them again would then cause a knockout.
Lockpick (action): Roll d10 + agility vs lock level. Success: Remove lock, take loot in building. Fail:
Guilders – A Life in Shadows
Tricks in sleeves
Guild Master
Bow: Maximum range 24”.
Light armor: -1 to enemy’s ranged or fight roll.
Satchel: Room for bombs.
Smoke Bomb: Place a 3”x3”x3” smoke marker on detonation. Smoke blocks Line of Sight. Smoke
counts as Rough Terrain if moving through. In the End of Turn phase roll a d10, on a 5+ the smoke is
Flash Bomb: 3” blast at detonation, all miniatures (incl. crowds) at least partially within blast must
roll Savvy vs TN/10 or lose their next activation. If they have already activated this turn, the effect
occurs next turn. Flash cause Alarm on detonation.
Sleep Bomb: 3” blast at detonation, all characters at least partially within blast must make a Savvy
roll vs TN/10 or suffer Knockout (even if they have multiple wounds). This will affect a crowd.
Bombs: One use, use as an action. Range 6”, aim at a point, make a Ranged Roll TN/8. Roll above:
Bomb hits. Roll equal: Scatter 1” in random direction. Roll below: Scatter d3” in random direction.
The bomb detonates where it lands.
Grenadier: +1 Roll using bombs, ignore intervening terrain.
Climber: Can use two climb actions per turn.
One handed weapon: +1 Fight
Small weapon: Roll and extra d6 in melee, choose highest result (d10 or d6 result)
Medium armor: -2 to enemy’s ranged or fight roll.
Quarterstaff: Can attack from 1” away, knockout.
Control: 12”, Line of Sight. Move a crowd up to 5”.
Guilders – A Life in Shadows
Shadow Priest
Quarterstaff: Can attack from 1” away, knockout.
Caltrops: One use, use as an action, place a square 3”x3” template within 6 inches of the model. A
character moving into base contact with a Caltrop template must end its current move action, losing
any additional distance left. Start a new movement action. A Regular Move action over Caltrops
counts as Rough Ground.
Prayer of Silence: 12”, Line of Sight, target cannot cause Alarm this turn.
Crowbar: knockout, +1 to smash roll vs locks.
Light armor: -1 to enemy’s ranged or fight roll.
Street Urchin
Pickpocket (action): When in base contact with another character. Roll d10 + agility vs d10 + savvy.
Success: Take 1 loot token. Draw: Take 1 loot token, raise Overall Alertness +1. Fail: Is pushed back
1”, generate 1 Alarm on target.
Darn Kids: Two Street Urchin counts for one miniature during setup.
Innocent: Guards will only target Street Urchins with active Alarm or carrying Loot.
Street Urchin
Pickpocket (action): When in base contact with another character. Roll d10 + agility vs d10 + savvy.
Success: Take 1 loot token. Draw: Take 1 loot token, raise Overall Alertness +1. Fail: Is pushed back
1”, generate 1 Alarm on target.
Darn Kids: Two Street Urchin counts for one miniature during setup.
Innocent: Guards will only target Street Urchins with active Alarm or carrying Loot.
Guilders – A Life in Shadows
Buckler: +1 to dodge rolls.
Pickpocket (action): When in base contact with another character. Roll d10 + agility vs d10 + savvy.
Success: Take 1 loot token. Draw: Take 1 loot token, raise Overall Alertness +1. Fail: Is pushed back
1”, generate 1 Alarm on target.
Buckler: +1 to dodge rolls.
Lockpick (action): Roll d10 + agility vs lock level. Success: Remove lock, take loot in building. Fail:
Buckler: +1 to dodge rolls.
Lockpick (action): Roll d10 + agility vs lock level. Success: Remove lock, take loot in building. Fail:
Spear: Can fight or support from 1” away.