Butch Nomalization # - Nomulization FC Statistics Mini-Batch via (BNS Activation FC - - cadded) BN (Non-linearity? . . . -> - > Back-Propagation -> nomaliation statistics & wort "intoine I I parameters pammeterineRatio FC:WIl+ b a re -"& I 11"O : & I & instead of - & At change in learned through my * I I Advantages of Batch be recovered setting cli (sive:me:Ni every mini-batch I M 2 timesin 22:restor contains ch"cil*...cl Ms:rector contains Me" M*... Me 68:rector contains - : Each => 1 I Coutputof y & by optimal ( Nomalization affects 1. the learning nomalization enables network interposed non-ineurity of more the scale of which -> can the between training optimized maintain 2. rate of - 5, 8 network. layers that zun resilient to changes in & learning rates. prevents gradient-vanishing & exploding problems weights set larger :faster in & stuble and more robust to weights scale convergence. (K - ( n > Batch produces which then can fully participate backpropagation in step. BN (new) 4i+ fift."(i) these are parameters nomalization simple - will fixed distribution of inputs achieve -> before entering constrain introduced? the inputs of sigmoid the inputto of to activation function. or tuck activation, lineur-regime of the fruction calmost linen-> introduce 5, 8 that scale & shift the nomalized value & through optimize them Ex can Step Test I non-linearity of network! y Nii (Inferences: mintas use, guint pirt= breaks (!! gradient-backprop. => activation functions. mini-Butch B. for each feature nomalization statistics, = Why -> Mr. inputdistribution during training cli-clonth of Y mitigates internal covariance shift, where weightinitiin I calculated throughout -> In ... <sample) batch : & changes .... on St = ( if its - =6+ original inputcan * - 4 network parameters during training. i 0. = training Training step:for ~ B C Activ. shift distribution ofinputdata due to in 1 Butch-size:m - I it · Inputs :Internal Covariance change I A ECMAS Inki # as r E) 65) I xint-yint 6inf+ * biused I B. + - variance MI batch mean sample) & :Since year doing variance training. linear are BNirt transformation. fixed is simple - BN for CNN (FxFx27 (NxN x47 >(F (N-Fil P = F x filter inputdate * x X (N-Fil xD D) (stride:1) sameparameters -> *** + = y share output y = same filters. node 1 of a(n) i = Same - pay ba + 5, 8. (ford in 1-DL