Subido por Paulette Accesorios


WH questions about personal information.
Demonstratives: This, that those, these
Colors and clothes
Possessive Adjectives: my, your, his, her, its, our, their.
Family members
Introduces him/herself and other people by using structures and vocabulary related to
personal information to interact with others.
1. Match the questions with the right answer:
1. What is his name?
a) Their favorite sports are
soccer and basketball.
2. What is her favorite
b) Our favorite type of music
is Salsa.
3. What is your favorite
c) My favorite food is pizza.
4. What are their favorite
d) His name is Steve.
5. What is your favorite
type of music?
e) Her favorite book is The
Little Prince.
2. Read the following phrases and correct the errors:
1. This are your shoe.
This is your shoe
2. These is my new colors.
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These are my new colors
3. That are your English book.
That is your English book
4. Those is her tennis shoes.
Those are her tennis shoes.
5. This are your scissors.
This is your scissors.
6. These is my new bag.
These are my new bag.
7. That are your pencils.
That is your pencils.
8. Those is her rubber.
Those are her rubber.
3. Complete the following chart and let us know a little bit more about
Hello, this is me!
I am a: __student________________
My name is: _Paula Andrea Zuleta Quijano__________________
My age is: _________22 years old___________
My birthday is: ___2 may______________
My favorite T.V. show is: _____none____________
My favorite food is: _______The pizza___________
My favorite sport is: _______The basketball___________
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My favorite color is: __Blue_______________
My favorite subject is: ____Inglish______________
My favorite animal is: ___The dog_____________
My hobbies are: ________Read______________
4. Paste a picture of your family in the following chart. Then, write simple sentences
describing it, using the verb to be, the demonstratives and the vocabulary studied
during this week. Finally, record a video with this information and include the link
of it in this file.
This is my family. My mon’s name is Andrea, she is 41 years old, my mom owns a surprise
breakfast company, her favorite color is the white, she is a very patient and loving person. My
brother´s name is Angel David, he lives in Barcelona and he is 18 years old, his favorite color is
the red. My broyher is very funny and friendly. My name es Paula, i am 22 years old, my
favorite color is the blue, I own a jewelry company, I am very nice and outgoing.
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