Subido por Mariano Brecki


Hola maty, hoy te enseñare a hacer tu daily routine(rutina diaria).
Primero debes separar tu rutina en tres partes: morning(mañana), afternoon(tarde), evening(noche).
In the morning, I get up at 8 o'clock, after that I brush my teeth, then I have my breackfast at 9 o'clock, after
that I go to English at half past 9 and I go back home at 11 o'clock.
In the afternoon, I have my lunch at 12 o'clock, then I go to school from 1:30 to 5:30, after that I do my
homeword at 6 o'clock, then I have my snack at 6:30, after that I go to soccer from 7:00 to 8:00.
In the evening, my family and I have dinner at 9 o'clock, after that we watch a movie and then we go to
sleep at 11 o'clock.
Como ves maty uso algunos conectores como: AFTER THAT(despues de eso) y THEN(luego), los cuales me
ayudan para conectar fraces y palabras.
Tambien uso horarios para mis actividades como: 9 o'clock, half past 5, etc.
Y eso seria todo lo que debes saber para hacer tu ``daily routine´´.