Subido por esteban.sanchezb

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Emas III - Readme --- January 2013 / F.G.
Execute Emas3.exe for normal operation.
Emas III can be primarily used to generate the Emas III logo with a registration number and optional additional text in different image formats.
1) Minimum requirements to run Emas III
Operating system: Windows XP or higher
Memory: 512 MB Memory or more
Graphic Display Resolution: HD/WXGA or higher
2) Manual
See ../data/docs for a manual of how to use the program.
3) Addtional information
See ../data/readme_config.html for description of the configuration files.
4) Update check
Emas III checks a URL at startup for a new release version. The URL is defined in ../data/config.xml
If you do not want Emas III to connect to the Internet set the node to empty <updateurl></updateurl>
At the defined URL should be a text file with 2 lines.
The first line should be 'version=[SOME VERSION INFO]'
The second line should be 'open=http://[SOME URL]
If [SOME VERSION INFO] does not match data from config->version from ../data/config.xml the user is prompted to open [SOME URL]
example for text file:
5) Licenses
See ../data/docs/licenses for licences of used components and aggregates and their source code, if applicable.