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S2 T1 - Introduction Cost vs expense

Costs and Budgest
(Costos y Presupuestos)
TSU en Mantenimiento área Instalaciones
Teacher Mayra G. Fuentes Sosa
Thematic content
I. Maintenance costs and financial Status
1. Costs Estimate
a) Types of costs.
b) Maintenance Costs.
c) Punto de equilibrio
Financial Status
a) Elements of Financial Status
b) Maintenance Cost
c) Direct and indirect Costs
1. Maintenance costs and
financial Status
• Unit Objective:
maintenance and its impact on the company's
financial statements by applying the concepts and
cost methodology to ensure optimal operation of
fixed assets and facilities.
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Explain in your words...
Cost = Expense? Why?
Concept of cost
Concept of expense
Mention two types of costs
Mention two types of expense
Do you need to know about costs and expenses?
• Today we are going to identify
what is the difference between
cost and expense
Cost vs. Expense: What's the
Costs and expenses sometimes are similar concepts,
and they're used interchangeably, but there are some
differences for businesses to consider:
• A cost typically refers to the price paid to acquire
an asset.
• An expense is considere lika an ongoing expense,
such as an employee's salary or rent on a retail
Costs and expences
• Cost
– Some times it is an estimated amount that people pay
or spend to shop for something.
– For the administration of maintenance costs, the costs
are all those expenses related to the production of a
company such as: Purchase of materials; insurance
of productive equipment, surveillance of the
Production Plant, wages of employees in the
productive area, depreciation of equipment, public
services of the production plant, maintenance
expenses, etc.
Costs and expenses
Cost in Cost Accounting
• It is all that disbursement of money destined to the payment
of those obligations that are required to keep the production
process of the company active.
• Es todo aquel desembolso de dinero destinado al pago
de aquellas obligaciones que se requieren para
mantener activo el proceso de producción de la
• Ejemplos: Materia prima, equipos, herramientas, sueldo
de los empleados de producción, materiales
consumibles en el proceso de producción, renta de
bodegas de almacenamiento del producto…
Costs and expenses
An expense is an economic payment, that the
company makes to produce a product or service.
However, unlike the cost, the expense, in accounting,
is not directly related to the manufacturing process,
so it is not considered as if it were an investment.
• An expense produces indirect benefits (operating
expenses and sales)
• It is essential to maintain the operational part of
the company.
• It is not associated with any direct return of capital.
Costs and expences
• Expense
– It is all that financial outlay, or payment, that
the company makes to produce a product or
service but, is not directly related to the
manufacturing process or service, so it is not
considered as an investment.
Costs and expenses
Like Costs we could mention:
• The purchase of machinery that a company
needs, in which it invests to get production out.
• The raw material that need to produce, as well as
the tools that allow the employee to make and
finalize the production of a good.
And finally, like an expense,
• We can include the cost of personnel and the
salaries they receive, as well as the expense of
See you next class
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