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Interview Questions and Answers: Job Interview Prep

1. I understand you had an interview last week. Was there a response from your first interviewer?
No, there wasn’t an answer /anser/.
No, there was no answer.
No, not yet.
Yes, there was. They said I did very good in the interview.
Yes, they responded immediately. I’m very happy with the answer. They said I’m already hired. (ya estoy
2. You have talked about programming, are you studying programming at the moment?
Yes, I’m studying that at University at the moment.
Yes, I’m only five subjects away from graduating as a programmer.
Yes, I am doing a course on python/Java/C# online. (C#: C sharp)
Yes, I’m studying that at university. I hope I can finish soon.
Yes, I’m studying that at university. This is my last year.
Yes, I have one subject left. (me queda una materia)
No, I’m not. I could not start this year. I will resume /risium/ my studies next year.
No, I will start next summer.
No, I graduated last year, now I’m studying system/web page design.
No, I’m working on another project at the moment.
3. You have mentioned a project, is your team working on that project at the moment (now)?
Yes, we are working on a new project.
Yes, my team is working on the machine learning project.
Yes, we are, but with half of my working team.
Yes, my team is working on a new Project on web design.
No, we aren’t working on that project at the moment.
No, we're currently on a break after finishing another project. (on a break: en un receso). We are planning to start
in July.
No, we finished it 2 months ago.
4. Were you working on the project at that moment (in the past/then)?
Yes, I was. We finished it last year.
No, I wasn’t. I was studying another university program at that moment.
Apparently, it was a difficult situation. Was your supervisor controlling that?
Yes, she/he was. Her/His supervision was essential.
No, she/he wasn’t.
6. Is this resume yours?
Yes, it’s mine. Thanks. /Yes, it is. / Yes, I left it there yesterday. Thank you!
No, that’s my resume. (pointing at your resume)
Were you interested in mathematics in high school?
Yes, I was. I have always liked mathematics. (siempre me ha gustado).
Yes, I love mathematics.
No, I wasn’t.
No, honestly not. I liked programming more.
No, I wasn't very interested in mathematics (maths).
No, but now I like it.
No, but I know it’s essential to know it, so I studied a lot for that subject.
8. Do you have any questions for us/me?
Yes, I do. How many years of experience do I need to work in your company?
Yes, what is the next step in the application process?
Yes, I have one question. Is it possible to work remotely in this position?
Yes, is experience a sine qua non condition? Is experience an essential condition? (una condición sine qua
non: condición fundamental/esencial)
No, you have mentioned everything I needed to know. (not recommended)
9. Did a friend of yours tell you about this position? (a friend of yours: un amigo tuyo)
Yes, a friend of mine told me.
Yes, a friend of mine works here and told me.
No, my brother/sister/cousin told me.
10. Did your friend tell you about this position?
Yes, she/he told me this position was free.
Yes, he suggested that I should apply for the position in his company.
No, I found the position on LinkedIn.
No, he/she did not tell me about this position.
11. Can you give me an example of how tolerant/persistent you are? … how good you are at solving
Yes, of course. Last year, I had a problem with …. First of all, I didn’t panic … I phoned … I ask … for help…
12. Do you consider yourself a reliable person?
Yes, sure, I can be trusted.
Absolutely, at work or at university, I give my all to deliver assignments/tasks and projects on time.
Absolutely, you can trust me.
13. Are you an open-minded person? /Do you consider yourself an open-minded person?
Yes, I am. I’m always willing to consider and accept other people's ideas and opinions.
I’m open minded. I always consider and accept other people’s ideas and beliefs.
Well, it’s difficult sometimes, but I try to be.
14. Do you consider yourself a hard-working person?
Yes, I am. I like to make a great effort in my work so that everything goes very well.
Well, I am hard-working when I have an interesting goal.
15. Are you a friendly person? /Do you consider yourself a friendly person?
I’m always kind to people.
Well, I’m quite shy, so it is difficult for me, but I try hard.
16. Do you consider yourself a flexible person?
I can change easily to suit new situations.
17. Are you a persistent person? /Do you consider yourself a persistent person?
Yes, I always continue to do things, even when they are difficult, or other people warn me not to do it.
Well, sometimes I am persistent, sometimes, I’m not.
18. Do you consider yourself a tolerant person?
Yes, I consider I allow other people to do, say, or believe what they want without criticizing them.
I think so.
19. Are you a determined person? /Do you consider yourself a determined person?
Yes, I am. When I start a project I continue until I finish it.
Yes, I am usually a determined person.
20. Do you consider yourself an adaptable person?
I’m able to change in order to (para) be successful in new and different situations, so I’m an adaptable person.
Well, sometimes it’s hard, but I try to adapt to all situations.
21. Secretary: Can I help you? May I help you?
Yes, can you please tell me where the Resource manager’s office is? I have an interview at 09:15.
Thank you. It’s ok. I’m just waiting for Ms. ….
22. May I have your resume, please? (¿Me permite su CV, por favor?)
Yes, here you are.
Sorry, I have just given it to your secretary.
Sorry, I sent it last week. I don’t have it with me now. (not recommended, always try to have your resume handy)
23. Would it be possible for you to start next month? Can you start next week?
Yes, of course. I would love to.
Well, I’ll do my best. I have to arrange a few things in my current job.
24. Will you start another university program when you finish the one you are doing?
Yes, I will. I want to be an engineer/a lawyer/ an accountant/a chef/ a teacher/ a singer/…
No, I won’t. I prefer/need to work.
25. Have you worked before?
Yes, I have. I worked in a bookstore for two years until 2019.
No, I haven’t. This would be my first job./ This is the first time I apply for a job. I’m 20 years old.
26. Have you finished your university studies?
Yes, I have. I finished last year.
No, I haven’t. I’m planning to finish this year/next year/in 2025/in three years.
27. Have you sent us your resume?
Yes, I have. I sent it last week/on June 1st/in March/….