Subido por Laura Bonete del Castillo

02AdvancedThinkAhead3 Mod2 SecB

MODULE 2 Section B Test
Mark: .
Choose the correct answer.
1. The dog … us since we left home.
a. have followed
b. has been following
c. have been following
2. The explorers aren’t happy because they … the treasure.
a. have found
b. haven’t been finding
c. haven’t found
3. We looked for interesting plants and stones on the … .
a. accommodation
b. trail
c. sleeping bag
4. He … already … ten letters to Sherry.
a. has … written
b. has … been writing
c. have … written
5. Beth used the Internet to … to the volcanoes.
a. plan a route
b. set out
c. cross the ocean
6. We found … for the family at a beautiful hotel.
a. signposts
b. campsites
c. accommodation
7. Daniel … breakfast yet, so he’s hungry.
a. has eaten
b. hasn’t eaten
c. hasn’t been eating
8. … the ocean?
a. Randy has ever crossed
b. Has Randy ever been crossing
c. Has Randy ever crossed
9. It’s a good idea to … a day or two before your trip.
a. cross the ocean
b. build a campfire
c. pack your bags
10. Pam … from home at 4.00 am.
a. set out
b. put up a tent
c. spent the night
Advanced Think Ahead 3 Photocopiable ©
Burlington Books
MODULE 2: Section B Test
11. How long … Amy … events?
a. have … been organising
b. has … organised
c. has … been organising
12. Jean doesn’t know what I’m talking about. She … .
a. hasn’t been listening
b. has been listening
c. haven’t been listening
13. The tourists left at 8.00 am and … to their hotel at 10.00 pm.
a. got by
b. got back
c. got away
14. Josh missed the train home, so he … at a hotel.
a. built a campfire
b. planned a route
c. spent the night
15. How many films … ?
a. has she made
b. has she been making
c. she has made
16. Our family stays at the same … in the mountains every year.
a. campsite
b. signpost
c. trail
17. I … for hours! Where are you?
a. have waited
b. have been waiting
c. has been waiting
18. You should come inside. You … in the sun all day.
a. have been sitting
b. have sat
c. has been sitting
19. Alan spent last summer … across Europe.
a. finding a ride
b. backpacking
c. putting up a tent
20. You shouldn’t … from place to place.
a. pack your bags
b. spend the night
c. hitchhike
Advanced Think Ahead 3 Photocopiable ©
Burlington Books