Subido por Laura Bonete del Castillo

01AdvancedThinkAhead3 Mod2 SecA

MODULE 2 Section A Test
Mark: .
Choose the correct answer.
1. The adventurers … searching for the treasure when they lost their map.
a. quit
b. approved
c. encouraged
2. The students … all of the questions in the test yesterday.
a. answered
b. have answered
c. has answered
3. I saw beautiful fish under the water while I was … last summer.
a. following
b. leading
c. diving
4. We have to … obstacles, but I’m sure we’ll succeed.
a. search
b. overcome
c. organise
5. Where … I … you before?
a. did … see
b. has … seen
c. have … seen
6. We … to Australia yet.
a. have travelled
b. haven’t travelled
c. didn’t travel
7. All of the children … their teacher into the museum.
a. shared
b. survived
c. followed
8. Dad … to work this week. He’s ill.
a. hasn’t been
b. has been
c. went
9. Patty … broccoli. She doesn’t like green vegetables.
a. succeeds in eating
b. refuses to eat
c. dreams of eating
10. The pirate hid the treasure because he didn’t want to … it.
a. share
b. organise
c. lead
Advanced Think Ahead 3 Photocopiable ©
Burlington Books
MODULE 2: Section A Test
11. When … Linda … this party?
a. have … organised
b. has … organised
c. did … organise
12. Nobody … the mouse under the table.
a. noticed
b. succeeded
c. sank
13. … your friends … you with your project last week?
a. Have … helped
b. Has … helped
c. Did … help
14. … that boy … next to you for many years?
a. Has … lived
b. Have … lived
c. Has … live
15. The coach … the players in his team to do their best.
a. hid
b. located
c. encouraged
16. Kim was very short last year, but she … since then.
a. grew
b. has grown
c. have grown
17. Kenny … being an actor in Hollywood one day.
a. survives
b. dreams of
c. notices
18. My grandma has always visited us on Saturdays, but last Saturday, she … .
a. has come
b. hasn’t come
c. didn’t come
19. The Titanic … after it hit an iceberg.
a. dived
b. sank
c. quit
20. Twelve US astronauts … on the moon since 1969.
a. have walked
b. didn’t walk
c. walked
Advanced Think Ahead 3 Photocopiable ©
Burlington Books