Subido por Laura Bonete del Castillo

03AdvancedThinkAhead3 Mod2 SecC

MODULE 2 Section C Test
Mark: .
Choose the correct answer.
1. Swimmers use … to see under water.
a. swimming pools
b. swimming caps
c. goggles
2. She had sat next to me in class for a year before she … me her name.
a. told
b. had told
c. had tell
3. Ron … the microwave every day until it broke.
a. used
b. had used
c. didn’t use
4. Joey kicked the ball and … a goal.
a. shot
b. scored
c. beat
5. A … watches the footballers carefully.
a. champion
b. lifeguard
c. referee
6. I hadn’t known they were planning to come. They just … .
a. turned out
b. turned away
c. turned up
7. The players practised … baskets for two hours.
a. shooting
b. beating
c. defeating
8. … the police arrived at the shop, the criminals had already escaped.
a. After
b. By the time
c. As soon as
9. My uncle … many books before he became famous.
a. didn’t write
b. wrote
c. hadn’t written
10. Our school team wins every match. They are the league … .
a. records
b. courts
c. champions
Advanced Think Ahead 3 Photocopiable ©
Burlington Books
MODULE 2: Section C Test
11. A … is used to hit the ball in cricket.
a. net
b. bat
c. pitch
12. Where had that guitar player performed before he … the band?
a. had joined
b. joined
c. join
13. George holds the school … for most points scored in a basketball game.
a. position
b. record
c. bat
14. Fred was a … at the local swimming pool last summer.
a. lifeguard
b. goalkeeper
c. referee
15. The students finished the exam after the teacher … .
a. had left
b. had leave
c. left
16. … the waiter … your drinks after you had finished the meal?
a. Had … brought
b. Had … bring
c. Did … bring
17. I really want to … and win a gold medal.
a. work out
b. finish first
c. defeat
18. Football is played on a … .
a. pitch
b. net
c. court
19. Mary sent the invitations a week … she had made a guest list.
a. before
b. by the time
c. after
20. … you … Kim before you sat down next to her?
a. Had … met
b. Did … meet
c. Did … met
Advanced Think Ahead 3 Photocopiable ©
Burlington Books