Subido por Laura Bonete del Castillo

05AdvancedThinkAhead3 Mod2 TL2

Test Level 2
Vocabulary and Grammar
Mark: .
(50 points)
The words in bold are in the wrong sentences. Write the words next to the correct sentences. (5 points)
1. Look at the net on that flower.
2. I don’t like this coat. It’s giant.
3. The ball didn’t go over the trail, so we didn’t score any points.
4. The city is building a new accommodation for the football team.
5. A butterfly in a film doesn’t play the hero.
6. We arrived at our journal and went to bed.
7. The old supporting actor was written in Italian.
8. We walked on a beautiful pitch in the mountains.
9. Have you got any old-fashioned toys for babies?
10. Elephants are suitable mammals.
Complete the words in the sentences. (5 points)
1. The cows in the field were eating the g
2. I wanted to quit, but my friends e
3. The boy d
me to continue.
into the swimming pool.
4. People need food and water to s
5. The tour guide l
the group through the streets of Paris.
6. Alex ran fast and broke the school 100-metre r
7. The s
of the film was a planet far from Earth.
8. There were many beautiful old trees in the f
9. Sarah hit the ball with the b
10. I b
everyone else and became the champion.
Write suitable words or phrases. (5 points)
Two things you …
1. do before a trip:
2. see when you go camping:
3. can be when you grow up:
4. use to do sport:
5. ride on:
Advanced Think Ahead 3 Photocopiable ©
Burlington Books
MODULE 2: Test Level 2
Complete the text with the correct form of the words below. There are more words than you need. (5 points)
lead role • set out • refuse • cross the ocean • difficult • duck • incredible
overcome • snake • spend the nights • performance • succeed
Wild is a film about Cheryl Strayed’s experiences hiking the Pacific Crest Trail in the USA. Strayed decided to
on this journey after a 2.
period in her life. Although she had no
experience of hiking, her goal was to hike 1,600 km. It wasn’t easy, but Strayed 3.
She 4.
to quit.
in reaching the end of the trail but by that time, she had 5.
obstacles. She’d 6.
in a tiny tent, suffered extreme temperatures and encountered dangerous
animals such as bears and 7.
Years later, she wrote a popular book about her 8.
journey. Actress Reese Witherspoon read
Strayed’s book and decided to make a film based on it. She played the 9.
Academy Award nomination in the category of Best Actress for her
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. (5 points)
1. By the time I got there, Louise
2. Tom
(pretty) girl at my school.
4. Those lazy boys
5. People
(tell) to turn off their phones here.
(hold) the baby, it didn’t stop crying.
(study) since 3.00.
8. What
(walk) to school.
6. While Eric
7. I
(finish) most of the pizza.
(take) to hospital in an ambulance yesterday.
3. Hailey is
(buy) yesterday?
(leave) the campsite right now?
(good) my old ones. They’re great!
10. My new goggles are
and received an
Correct the mistakes. (4 points)
1. Does Mr Carter organises adventure activities?
2. The show began an hour ago, but the make-up artist haven’t arrived yet.
3. We slept when the snowstorm started.
4. The best chocolate are made in Switzerland.
5. Phil didn’t used to like Joe, but now they’re best friends.
6. My hiking boots aren’t comfortable as yours.
7. When we get to the campsite, Mandy had already built the campfire.
8. Are you waiting for the doctor since 8.00?
Advanced Think Ahead 3 Photocopiable ©
Burlington Books
MODULE 2: Test Level 2
Complete the sentences with one to three words. (4 points)
the night outside because it’s rainy.
1. I am
2. Smartphones
by most people today.
3. Beth
her scooter to school yesterday.
4. The film
by the time we sat down.
last week. They’re really dirty.
5. The floors
6. I
to Italy three times.
7. Alex is 45. Amy is 40. Amy is
8. I
this exercise. Can you help me?
Rewrite the sentences with the words in brackets. Do not change the meaning of the first sentence. (5 points)
1. We started our hike two hours ago and we’re still hiking. (for)
2. Did anyone know these facts? (known)
3. She saved the baby and then she saved his mother. (had)
4. It started to rain during our bicycle ride. (cycling)
5. My grandparents went camping when they were young. (used)
Complete the text with one or two words in each blank. (12 points)
Have you 1.
thought about searching for treasure? It isn’t such a crazy idea. Many
treasures 2.
waiting for someone to find them. Some are old treasures from ancient
times. Others are 3.
modern than that.
In the 1980s, a man named Forrest Fenn 4.
was dying. By that time, Fenn
diagnosed with cancer. He thought he
collected many beautiful and valuable things. After
he had heard the news about his illness, he
to hide a box of coins and other
valuable items somewhere in the Rocky Mountains, USA, for people to find after his death. Nearly 30 years
later, Forrest Fenn was still alive. He 7.
beaten the cancer! Clues to the location of the
treasure appear in a poem in Fenn’s autobiography, but even with those clues, nobody
the treasure yet.
Another real treasure is the Golden Owl, a golden statue of a bird. In 1993, the Golden Owl was hidden in the
French countryside 9.
a man named Max Valentin. People
using Valentin’s clues to look for it, but they 11.
2009 and the Golden Owl 12.
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discovered it yet. Valentin died in
still hidden today.
Burlington Books