Subido por Laura Bonete del Castillo

02AdvancedThinkAhead3 FinalExam1 WritComp

Written Comprehension
Mark: .
(20 points)
An Article
Read the article. Then complete the sentences below
with the correct numbers. (5 points)
Jeanne Calment
When 56-year-old André-Francois Raffray
signed a leasing contract with 90-year-old
Jeanne Calment, he was sure he had made the deal of
a lifetime. According to the contract, Raffray had to pay
Calment 2,500 francs a month to live in her flat until she died,
and then the flat would belong to him. Unfortunately for him,
Calment lived to be the world’s oldest person. She died in
1997 at the age of 122. Raffray had died a year earlier, at the
age of 77. His accumulated rent had added up to the price of
three flats at the time.
Jeanne Calment was born in 1875 in Arles, a town in southern
France. Her life ended there 122 years later. During her
lifetime, Calment saw the Eiffel Tower under construction, she
experienced two world wars, she sold coloured pencils
to the artist Vincent van Gogh and she also lost her husband,
daughter and grandson. Although Calment came from
a long-living family, there is no special explanation for her
exceptionally long life. True, until the age of 100, Calment kept
in shape by cycling. At the same time, her diet was far from
perfect. She ate about a kilo of chocolate a week and drank
wine regularly. She also smoked until she was 117 years old.
What was her secret? Calment had lived a comfortable life
with little stress. In fact, she had managed to never work
a day in her life. However, Jean-Marie Robine, a health
researcher who wrote a book about her, said it had been her
attitude, more than anything else, that was responsible for her
long life. Calment once said in an interview that if you couldn’t
do anything about something, you shouldn’t worry about it.
Appearing in a film in 1990 and releasing a rap song called
Mistress of Time when she was 120, Calment proved she
knew how to have fun.
Although she had become deaf and blind, Calment still knew
what was going on, even at age 122. Her recipe for a long
life included a lot of olive oil – on her food as well as on her
body – laughing and having fun. She joked constantly and
made people around her laugh. When she was asked on her
120th birthday how she viewed the future she said, “short”.
1. Calment lived for
2. Raffray died in the year
3. Calment rode a bicycle until age
4. Calment stopped smoking
years before her death.
5. Calment recorded a rap song in the year
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Burlington Books
Answer the questions. (10 points)
1. Why was Andre-Francois Raffray’s deal a bad one?
2. Why does the text mention the Eiffel Tower and Vincent van Gogh?
3. What were some of the fun things that Calment did after she had turned 100?
4. What nutrition tip did Calment give?
5. What was Calment’s attitude towards life?
Find words or phrases in the text to match the definitions below. (5 points)
1. before that time (lines 1-10)
2. succeeded (lines 23-32)
3. enjoy herself (lines 23-32)
4. unable to hear (lines 33-38)
5. happening (lines 33-38)
Written Production
(10 points)
Task 1: An E-mail
Read Dan’s e-mail. Then write a reply and answer his
New Message
I’m looking forward to our camping trip this weekend.
Have you finished planning the route? What’s it like?
Where exactly are we going to spend the night? What
clothes should I bring? Will we be swimming anywhere?
See you soon,
Task 2: A Post
Write a post recommending a product that you bought. Include
the following:
a. the type of product
b. how long you’ve had it and what you use it for
c. your opinion of the product
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Burlington Books
Oral Comprehension
(10 points)
An Informal Conversation
Listen to the conversation between Laura and Michelle. Then choose the correct answer. (10 points)
1. Where are Laura’s jeans from?
a. her friend
b. a birthday gift
c. a second-hand shop
2. What is NOT true at a swap party?
a. You have to bring items to give others.
b. The items have to be new.
c. You can take items that you fancy home with you.
3. What has Laura been doing lately?
a. Spending a lot of cash.
b. Making shopping lists.
c. Using shopping apps.
4. What is Laura worried about?
a. the types of colours that are used in clothes
b. the amount of water that is wasted to make clothes
c. the poor condition of the clothes that are made in some countries
5. What is the problem with the dress that Laura bought?
a. She’s already worn it to her sister’s wedding.
b. It’s not elegant enough for a wedding.
c. She probably won’t wear it again.
Listen again and complete the sentences. (5 points)
1. Laura is inviting Michelle to a swap party at Rita’s house in
2. Laura
shopping on the Internet.
3. In addition to saving money, Laura is interested in
4. A lot of water must be used to grow
for clothes.
5. Michelle is worried about
Oral Production
who make clothes and work in terrible conditions.
(10 points)
A Conversation
Ask your partner questions to complete the chart.
My Partner’s Answers
something he / she has always dreamt of doing
a task he / she dislikes doing
an activity he / she might do this weekend
something his / her friend said to him / her this week
something he / she regrets
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Burlington Books