Subido por Laura Bonete del Castillo

01AdvancedThinkAhead3 Mod1 SecA

MODULE 1 Section A Test
Mark: .
Choose the correct answer.
1. The ... includes people of all ages.
a. audience
b. viewer
c. costume designer
2. The trailer of a film usually shows the best ... .
a. costume designers
b. directors
c. scenes
3. I can’t talk now. I ... dinner with my family.
a. have
b. am having
c. has
4. The film Spider-Man is about a ... from a comic book.
a. director
b. viewer
c. character
5. John ... to school. He usually takes the bus.
a. doesn’t walk
b. isn’t walking
c. don’t walk
6. The ... of the film is a deserted island in the 1800s.
a. plot
b. setting
c. supporting actor
7. Jennifer Lawrence plays Katniss Everdeen, the ... in the film The Hunger Games.
a. make-up artist
b. heroine
c. scene
8. Sam is talking to the teacher. ... Sue and Amy ... for him?
a. Does ... wait
b. Is ... waiting
c. Are ... waiting
9. Andrea and her mum ... films on TV every Friday night.
a. watch
b. watches
c. are watching
10. In some horror films, the ... makes actors look like zombies.
a. trailer
b. lead role
c. make-up artist
Advanced Think Ahead 3 Photocopiable ©
Burlington Books
MODULE 1: Section A Test
11. ... JK Rowling ... another Harry Potter book now? I hope so.
a. Does ... write
b. Is ... writing
c. Do ... write
12. This necklace is an imitation. It’s not ... .
a. real life
b. for real
c. the real thing
13. They used ... to create monsters for this film.
a. soundtracks
b. special effects
c. settings
14. Every day, my brothers ... hundreds of text messages.
a. send
b. sends
c. are sending
15. I don’t visit my grandparents ... because they live far away.
a. now
b. at the moment
c. every week
16. Some TV shows are very popular. They’ve got millions of ... .
a. viewers
b. heroes
c. stunts
17. The architect ... on her new project right now. She’s busy with other things.
a. doesn’t work
b. isn’t working
c. don’t work
18. The ... of that film wasn’t very good. I don’t want to listen to it again.
a. supporting actor
b. plot
c. soundtrack
19. My father is talking to my teacher ... .
a. often
b. every day
c. at the moment
20. ... the actors ... what to do right now?
a. Do ... know
b. Is ... knowing
c. Are ... knowing
Advanced Think Ahead 3 Photocopiable ©
Burlington Books