Subido por Laura Bonete del Castillo

02AdvancedThinkAhead3 Mod1 SecB

MODULE 1 Section B Test
Mark: .
Choose the correct answer.
1. You need two sticks to hit the ... .
a. drums
b. trumpets
c. flutes
2. Beth is Sia’s biggest fan. She knows the ... of all her songs.
a. tempos
b. lyrics
c. studios
3. Henry and I ... the maths test last week.
a. didn’t finish
b. used to finish
c. weren’t finishing
4. Nicki Minaj ... pink hair, but now it’s black.
a. use to have
b. used to has
c. used to have
5. It’s exciting to watch musicians perform at a ... .
a. video clip
b. live concert
c. stage
6. Julie and Andy ... to that music festival last year.
a. was going
b. went
c. were going
7. ... you ... of me when you heard that song on the radio?
a. Was ... thinking
b. Did ... thought
c. Were ... thinking
8. Ollie is making a ... of his favourite music for the party.
a. recording
b. band
c. tune
9. The ... for Michael Jackson’s song Thriller is 14 minutes long.
a. orchestra
b. tempo
c. video clip
10. When Sally ... down to eat dinner, the food was cold.
a. was sitting
b. sat
c. were sitting
Advanced Think Ahead 3 Photocopiable ©
Burlington Books
MODULE 1: Section B Test
11. My music teacher played in a rock ... ten years ago.
a. band
b. performer
c. flute
12. You use your mouth to play the ... .
a. cello
b. violin
c. clarinet
13. I didn’t join a band when I was young, because I ... how to play an instrument.
a. didn’t use to know
b. didn’t used to know
c. didn’t use to knew
14. We ... about you when you came in.
a. wasn’t talking
b. weren’t talking
c. didn’t talk
15. At a music festival, bands play on different ... .
a. studios
b. stages
c. fans
16. ... Cathy ... vegetables?
a. Did ... use to eat
b. Did ... used to eat
c. Did ... used to ate
17. While Dan ... a shower, I made dinner.
a. had
b. having
c. was having
18. Laura wants to ... with the band, but she doesn’t know all of their songs.
a. performance
b. performer
c. perform
19. The ... of the song is lovely, but I don’t like the lyrics.
a. tune
b. trumpet
c. songwriter
20. ... you ... an ambulance while the teacher was talking?
a. Was ... hearing
b. Did ... hear
c. Were ... hearing
Advanced Think Ahead 3 Photocopiable ©
Burlington Books