Subido por Laura Bonete del Castillo

04AdvancedThinkAhead3 Mod4 TL1

Test Level 1
Vocabulary and Grammar
Mark: .
(50 points)
Complete the sentences with the words below. There are more words than you need. (5 points)
carbohydrates • fresh • raw • shoulders • baked • sour
predictable • lungs • proud • chin • bones • messy
1. When I was young, Dad often carried me on his
2. My parents were very
of me when I came first in the competition.
3. Some athletes eat a lot of
before a race.
4. I know exactly what he’s going to do. He’s always so
5. The baby’s got milk on her
6. These biscuits aren’t
. They were baked a week ago.
7. I’m a very
person. I never know where anything is.
8. You should cook the eggs. It isn’t healthy to eat
9. Lemons are very
10. Smoking can harm your
Complete the words in the sentences. (5 points)
1. My baby sister always puts her t
in her mouth.
2. Beans are very good for you. They contain a lot of m
3. Your e
connects the top and bottom parts of your arm.
4. Julie smiles a lot. She’s a c
5. Ice is f
6. I can’t stand on my right foot because I hurt my a
7. Mike is a c
person. Everyone likes talking to him.
8. You’re not very e
. I can do that in half the time!
9. Don’t eat all of that chocolate. There are a lot of c
10. Eggs are a good source of p
in chocolate.
The words in bold are in the wrong sentences. Write them next to the correct sentences. (5 points)
1. You bend your back when you sit down.
2. I love wholemeal food like ice cream and chocolate.
3. I stopped eating meat to lower my toes.
4. People have got five knees on each foot.
5. Mindy isn’t always nice to people. Sometimes she’s quite ridiculous.
6. He carried the fridge on his vitamins.
7. Fresh fruit and vegetables have got a lot of cholesterol.
8. That silly hat looks sweet on you.
9. Children are always asking questions. They’re very nasty.
10. White bread isn’t as healthy as curious bread.
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Burlington Books
MODULE 4: Test Level 1
Complete the text with the words below. There are more words than you need. (5 points)
hopeful • spicy • intestines • heart • boiled • neat • reliable • pleasant • brain • fried • healthy • rib
Turmeric is a yellow spice. It is often used in 1.
curry dishes and in 2.
taste, so it can be added to many foods. What’s
rice to add colour. It has got a very 3.
more, this amazing super food is extremely
. People in India have been using it as
a medicine for thousands of years. Turmeric is believed to have many benefits when it is added to
water and drunk as a tea. Drinking turmeric tea can reduce the risk of
attack. It also improves digestion by protecting our 7.
to a recent study in Germany, turmeric may be good for our
. According
, too. Scientists think it
could improve our memory, but so far, they have only done the study on rats. They will have to repeat the
study on humans for more 9.
results. However, they are very 10.
Turmeric can be an inexpensive and safe alternative to other medicines.
Write a sentence for each situation below. Use the correct form of the words in brackets. (4 points)
1. We are going hiking this summer. (should / plan a route)
2. Lisa’s bedroom is messy. (need to / tidy it)
3. The tea is sweet. (have to / add sugar)
4. That chicken smells bad. (must / eat it)
Complete the sentences with the correct active or passive form of must, have to, need to or should and
the verbs in brackets. Use each modal twice. There may be more than one correct answer. (4 points)
1. Sue looks good in red. She
(wear) it more often.
2. The plant
(water) or it will die.
(smoke) here. It isn’t allowed.
3. You
4. The children are hungry. They
(walk). I’ve already walked him.
5. The dog
(take) an umbrella. It isn’t raining.
6. You
7. Fast food
(eat) too often.
8. I can’t go out. I
(babysit) my brother.
Complete the sentences with the verbs below and the correct form of be able to. (3 points)
not save • not run • do • live • read • not ride
1. Robots
most human jobs soon.
2. Sue
a bike yet.
for 150 years in the future?
4 He died because the doctors
6. When I was young, I
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books in French?
very fast.
Burlington Books
MODULE 4: Test Level 1
Rewrite four of the sentences in Exercise 7 with the correct form of can or could.
Don’t change the meaning of the sentences. (2 points)
Complete the sentences with the correct form of may, might, can or could. Write all the possible answers.
(2 points)
1. There are a lot of dark clouds in the sky. It
rain later.
2. Emily doesn’t feel well. She
go to school tomorrow.
I use your phone, please?
4. I’m afraid your phone
Complete the sentences with the correct adverb form of the adjectives in brackets. (3 points)
1. I waited
(anxious) to hear the news.
(skilful) his sister. He’s not bad, but she’s incredible!
2. Ryan paints
3. I can’t run
(far) as you.
4. Dan didn’t respond
(cheerful) as Liz.
(good) my old one. I’m glad I bought it.
5. My new phone works
6. A tortoise moves
(quick) a rabbit.
Complete the text with one or two words in each blank. (12 points)
Whales swim through very deep and dark ocean water, so they often
around them. However, these incredible animals don’t
ocean – they
see objects
see to navigate around the
use echolocation instead. When whales make a noise, the sound
hits the objects and returns as an echo. Using this method, they
to hear where
they are. In the past, scientists thought humans didn’t have this incredible ability, but a boy in California
proved them wrong.
When Ben Underwood was two years old, his mother noticed something wrong. He 5.
see out of his left eye. Ben had cancer and he needed treatment as 6.
help Ben, but unfortunately, it didn’t. In
The doctor hoped the treatment 7.
operate, so they removed both of Ben’s eyes.
a situation like that, doctors 8.
A few years after the operation, Ben discovered an amazing ability. He
to use
echolocation to “see” the objects around him. Ben made a sound and listened to the echoes to find out
where the objects were. This worked amazingly well. He 10.
ride a bike
play basketball and
as other boys his age. He even played video games! In fact, he could
than many children with normal sight! Sadly, Ben died before his 17th
birthday. But people all over the world will remember him for his courage and amazing skill.
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Burlington Books