Subido por Laura Bonete del Castillo

03AdvancedThinkAhead3 ExtraPractice Module6C

Extra Practice: Section C
Choose the correct answer in italics to show you understand the meaning of the words in bold.
1. Choose / Pay for / Try on items at the checkout counter.
2. Products are controlled / sold / achieved in shops.
3. Items on special offer are usually cheap / free / expensive.
4. I couldn’t afford the top. It was too nice / big / expensive.
5. Nicole took back the dress she bought yesterday. She returned it to the shop / bought it / took it home.
6. The shop gave Chloe a refund. She got her money back / found the right size / paid for the item.
Complete the sentences with the words below.
good value • charge • on sale • fee • add up • off • worth • advertisement
1. Products are often cheaper online, so Internet shopping can be
the cost will start to
. But be careful, because
2. Designer shops
a lot of money for their products, but sometimes you can find cheaper
for this credit card, but it’s a useful card. I think it’s
3. I have to pay a
the money.
for flip-flops – only £5 a pair. That’s £10
4. Look at this
the usual price.
Unscramble the words. Then use the words to complete the sentences according to the pictures.
pecteri • shac • gceheanx • dercti racd • gecahn
1. Tina gave her
to the shop assistant.
2. I gave the cashier £50 and got £10
3. My mum paid in
at the supermarket.
4. Rob always checks his
5. You can
when he buys something.
that shirt for this white one.
Advanced Think Ahead 3 Photocopiable ©
Burlington Books
MODULE 6 Extra Practice: Section C
Read what people said. Choose the correct verb.
1. The cashier suggested / told me to keep my receipt.
2. Mum suggested / offered getting a new coat.
3. The shop owner suggested / offered me a refund.
4. She suggested / told that I try on the green top.
5. I told / offered her to stop spending so much money.
6. Vicky suggested / offered to help me find a new outfit.
Complete the e-mail with offered, suggested, told or asked.
Hi Mandy,
Last week, I made an appointment with a free personal shopper at the department store. She’s an
expert who chooses the right clothes for people.
When I arrived, my personal shopper, Kate, 1.
down and Kate
to bring me a drink. Then we sat
me to tell her what I wanted. I 3.
looking for some smart but inexpensive clothes. Kate
clothes on sale. Then, she
clothes. I
that we only look at
me to sit down and wait while she was looking for
to go with her, but she said it wasn’t necessary. Finally, she
returned with a lot of clothes. I tried on a nice dress, but then she 7.
even nicer one. When I
her I was
trying on an
her to find different sizes for some of the clothes that
didn’t fit me properly, she found them without a problem. In the end, I bought five items, but
everything was on sale so I didn’t spend too much money. I 9.
her card and when I got home, I gave it to my brother. I
her to give me
that he call her, too.
Write sentences with the words below. Use reported speech.
1. she / told / me / check / the opening time / of the shop
2. Mindy / suggested / we / buy / clothes / online
3. the salesperson / offered / call / the manager
4. Dad / told / me / not buy / him / a birthday present
5. Molly / asked / the salesperson / exchange / the top
Advanced Think Ahead 3 Photocopiable ©
Burlington Books