Subido por Laura Bonete del Castillo

03AdvancedThinkAhead3 ExtraPractice Module3C

Extra Practice: Section C
The words in bold are in the wrong sentences. Write the correct word next to each sentence.
1. I was sneezing because I had an upset stomach.
2. Ben needs a temperature. His hand is bleeding.
3. Joey is recovering. I think he’s got a cold.
4. Jess has got the flu, so she’s got a bandage.
5. Luckily, my mum is sick. She’s getting better from day to day.
Complete the sentences with the words below.
bite • breathing problems • sting • sore throat • dizzy
1. Dan is crying. He’s got a bee
2. Lucy was feeling
on his leg.
so she sat down and drank some water.
3. When my allergies are bad, I have
4. You should drink tea with honey when you’ve got a
5. I’ve got a mosquito
on my face. It’s big and red.
What are the people saying? Complete the speech bubbles with the words below.
blood • headache • temperature • get better • cut • gets worse • coughing
bandage • tablet • flu • in pain
I’ve got a terrible 1. ......................................... .
The light is hurting my eyes and I’m really
2. ......................................... ! I’ve taken
a 3. ......................................... , so hopefully, it will go
away soon. If it 4. ......................................... , I’ll go
to the doctor.
I got a bad 5. ......................................... on my leg
while I was playing football. There was a lot
of 6. ......................................... at the time, so the
coach put a 7. ......................................... on it.
Last night, I couldn’t sleep because I was
8. ......................................... all the time. This morning,
I also had a high 9. ......................................... . I hope
I haven’t got the 10. ......................................... . If
I don’t 11. ......................................... by tomorrow,
I’ll go to the doctor.
Advanced Think Ahead 3 Photocopiable ©
Burlington Books
MODULE 3 Extra Practice: Section C
Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the First or Second Conditional.
be • not walk • not go • take
1. Your foot will be fine if you
on it for three weeks.
2. You’ve got a temperature. If I
you, I wouldn’t go to school today.
3. If my dad didn’t have a meeting, he
me to the dentist.
4. If Amy’s sore throat doesn’t get better by tomorrow, she
Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Zero Conditional.
1. If Katie
2. I
3. If you
4. When Ed
on the trip.
(not sleep) enough, she
(get) angry very quickly.
(not feel) calm when I
(sneeze) a lot, you probably
(have) a cold.
(have) breathing problems, he
(call) his doctor immediately.
Write sentences with the words below. Use the Third Conditional.
1. if / I / not eat / so much / I / not feel / sick
2. her back / be / better / if / she / not lift / that heavy bag
3. he / not arrive / late / if / he / leave / on time
4. if / we / know / about Dan’s allergy / we / help / him
5. if / he / listen / to the doctor / he / not need / an operation
Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use any of the Zero, First, Second or Third Conditional.
go • not drink • not have • not recover
1. I would have gone to school if I
2. You
3. If you
4. If we
a headache.
if you don’t do what the doctors say.
enough, you often feel dizzy.
to the hospital, the doctors there would help you.
Advanced Think Ahead 3 Photocopiable ©
Burlington Books