Subido por Laura Bonete del Castillo

04AdvancedThinkAhead3 Mod3 TL1

Test Level 1
Vocabulary and Grammar
Mark: .
(50 points)
The sentences below are incorrect. Correct them by changing the words in bold. (4 points)
1. Tom drove his new car on the suburb.
2. Our cat hurt me with its trunk.
3. In basketball, it’s a disadvantage to be tall.
4. You mustn’t hunt poisonous animals.
5. A vampire drinks the skin of its victims.
6. Ann took a bite for her headache.
7. Birds’ bodies are covered with whiskers.
8. A monkey has got a long horn.
Write words to match the definitions. (4 points)
1. Fish have got these. f
2. Cars don’t move fast in this. t
3. It’s hard to stand when you feel this way. d
4. Birds use these to fly. w
5. Elephants have got these. t
6. An allergy often makes you do this. s
7. Words or drawings on buildings. g
8. Head of a town or city. m
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words below. There are more words than you need. (5 points)
poverty • bandage • sting • cold • be sick • speed limit
bleed • stray animal • recover • slum • crowded • fur
1. The city centre is always
with people.
2. After I had eaten the whole cake, I
3. Colin is allergic to bee
4. Don’t drive faster than the
5. You should put a
6. Many
on that cut.
are always hungry.
7. He moved from the
8. I caught a
to a better area.
while I was camping outside.
9. People used to make clothes from animal
10. His finger is
because he has a cut.
Advanced Think Ahead 3 Photocopiable ©
Burlington Books
MODULE 3: Test Level 1
Complete the words in the sentences. (3 points)
1. My dog has got four black p
2. A bird uses its b
to pick up food.
3. Don’t throw l
in the street.
4. I’ve got many rare and e
5. Some h
people sleep in their cars.
6. A park is an o
Complete the text with the words below. There are more words than you need. (4 points)
invasive • flu • residential areas • in pain • upset stomach
harmless • cough • improve • get better • species
of mosquitos in the world. Although it’s always annoying to hear
There are over 3,000 1.
them flying over your bed at night, most mosquitos are
. However, you would be right
to be worried if an Asian Tiger mosquito bit you. This mosquito carries a dangerous virus. It can make you
feel like you’ve got the 3.
, with a high temperature and a headache. Although some
, the health of others does not 5.
much. These people can
for life. The bad news for Europeans is that this mosquito is no longer found only
in hot places. It can survive in cooler areas, too. Finding rides on ships, it has spread across the world,
becoming an 7.
insect. Today, it is often found around homes in
so the next time you’re outside on a hot day, remember to take your insect repellent!
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use be going to, will, Present Simple
or Present Continuous with future meaning or Future Simple Passive. (6 points)
1. Hurry up! We
(miss) the bus. It
(have) a party for Ryan tonight, but he doesn’t know it.
(be) very surprised.
2. We
(arrive) in five
(bake) a cake for the bake sale? The money
(use) to buy library books.
we make
4. I
(not visit) Grandma this weekend, but I
(see) her next weekend.
5. The conference
6. Zoe
university that day.
(begin) at exactly 9.00. A film about endangered
(show) at 10.00.
(not meet) us next Monday. She
Advanced Think Ahead 3 Photocopiable ©
Burlington Books
MODULE 3: Test Level 1
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs below. Use the Future Continuous. There are more verbs than you
need. (3 points)
join • have • look • not attend • study • fly • not play • improve
1. At this time tomorrow, we
the meeting tonight. He’s ill.
2. Nick
us on the trip tomorrow?
at university in a year’s time.
4. I
5. What time
6. Alice
to Rome.
dinner this evening?
in the football match. She hurt her leg.
Complete the sentences with the verbs below and the First or Second Conditional. (3 points)
1. If she
2. If I
(put) ice on that cut, the bleeding will stop.
(hear) any news, I would tell you.
3. They
(not get) there on time unless they leave now.
(not know) what to do if you weren’t here with me.
4. I
5. If Tom doesn’t talk to his sister, he
6. The computer
(be) sorry later.
(work) perfectly if you turned it on.
Match A to B and complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Zero Conditional. (3 points)
1. The dog only
2. When people
(have) a cut,
3. I sometimes
(take) a tablet
4. If Amy
5. We
6. I always
(not feel) well,
(not go) to school
(feel) good
a. when we
b. if I
c. if you
(be) ill.
(have) a headache.
(pull) its tail.
d. they usually
e. after I
f. she
(stay) in bed.
Advanced Think Ahead 3 Photocopiable ©
Burlington Books
MODULE 3: Test Level 1
Write sentences with the words below. Use the Third Conditional. (4 points)
1. if / they / notice / you / they / say / hello
2. I / not go / if / I / hear / the weather forecast
3. we / be / happy / if / you / join / us / on our trip
4. if / they / put up / the tent / we / sleep / in it /
5. if / I / not hold / my bag / someone / steal / it
6. if / everyone / ask / a question / we / be / there / all night
7. Tim / lose / his jacket / if / he / not write / his name / on it
8. if / you / not show / me / the article / I / not believe / you
Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Zero, First, Second or
Third Conditional. (11 points)
Hi, Ben. Can I ask you about your diabetes alert dog? I’ve got diabetes and if my parents
(think) it’s a good idea, they will get me an alert dog, too.
Ben: That’s great. If you 2.
(get) an alert dog, your life would change. It
(warn) you if you needed medicine, and it would get help if you
(have) a problem.
Yesterday, I became really dizzy because my blood sugar was low. If I had known about my
sugar, I 5.
(not wait) to take my medicine. How does the dog know?
Ben: Alert dogs are trained to notice their owner’s breath and behaviour. If you
(have) an alert dog near you yesterday when your blood sugar was low, the dog would have
smelled it on your breath. If you had got dizzy, it 7.
(take) action if they think there is an emergency.
What exactly do they do?
Ben: If a dog 9.
(see) that, too. Alert dogs
If I 10.
(sense) a problem, it pushes you with its paws or it makes a noise.
(phone) my parents now, will you explain all this to them? If they
(not agree) to get an alert dog now, I’ll be surprised.
Advanced Think Ahead 3 Photocopiable ©
Burlington Books