Subido por Laura Bonete del Castillo

02AdvancedThinkAhead3 Mod3 SecB

MODULE 3 Section B Test
Mark: .
Choose the correct answer.
1. My brother … the whole weekend. He’s got a big test on Monday.
a. will be studying
b. won’t studying
c. will studying
2. There are beautiful homes in the town’s … .
a. poverty
b. motorways
c. residential areas
3. Sally … at the concert tonight. She’s not well.
a. will be singing
b. will be sing
c. won’t be singing
4. We moved to the city because there were more … for my parents.
a. disadvantages
b. job opportunities
c. suburbs
5. At our school, we are permitted to create … on one wall.
a. graffiti
b. litter
c. traffic jams
6. The dog looks hungry. I … him.
a. am feeding
b. will feed
c. feeding
7. We live in a nice … , ten minutes from town.
a. slum
b. suburb
c. motorway
8. I ride on a … bus to school every morning.
a. crowded
b. homeless
c. stray
9. We’re early. The bus … until 9.00.
a. comes
b. doesn’t come
c. isn’t coming
10. When … you … your driving test?
a. will be … taking
b. taking … will be
c. will … be taking
Advanced Think Ahead 3 Photocopiable ©
Burlington Books
MODULE 3: Section B Test
11. … George … in the match tonight?
a. Will … be playing
b. Playing … will be
c. Will be … playing
12. I believe that cities … on Mars one day.
a. won’t build
b. will build
c. will be built
13. The … is higher on the motorway than it is on city streets.
a. traffic jam
b. speed limit
c. urban farm
14. Our cat was a … before we brought it home.
a. stray animal
b. slum
c. mayor
15. In a few years, cars … drivers any more.
a. aren’t needing
b. don’t need
c. won’t need
16. Many of the buildings in the … have got broken windows.
a. urban farm
b. suburbs
c. slums
17. The … of living here is the great school system.
a. advantage
b. disadvantage
c. poverty
18. One day, I want to be important. I want to be the … of my town.
a. homeless
b. mayor
c. litter
19. … you … anything special this weekend?
a. Do … do
b. Are … doing
c. Are … do
20. The new motorway probably … until next year.
a. won’t be completed
b. will be completed
c. won’t be completing
Advanced Think Ahead 3 Photocopiable ©
Burlington Books