Subido por Laura Bonete del Castillo

01AdvancedThinkAhead3 Mod3 SecA

MODULE 3 Section A Test
Mark: .
Choose the correct answer.
1. The bird couldn’t fly. Its … was broken.
a. beak
b. claw
c. wing
2. Wait! I … with you.
a. come
b. will come
c. am going to come
3. I can give that to Joe. I … dinner with him tonight.
a. will have
b. am having
c. have
4. … animals cause problems for farmers.
a. Endangered
b. Exotic
c. Invasive
5. Chameleons change the colour of their … to stay safe.
a. skin
b. whiskers
c. paws
6. I … to my new school next year. It’s too far.
a. do walk
b. am not going to walk
c. am walking
7. An animal’s … keeps it warm.
a. fur
b. tail
c. tusks
8. Some … of insects live in the water.
a. claws
b. paws
c. species
9. A programme about gorillas … on TV.
a. will be shown
b. will show
c. shows
10. … the band … in the concert tonight?
a. Will … perform
b. Is … performing
c. Does … perform
Advanced Think Ahead 3 Photocopiable ©
Burlington Books
MODULE 3: Section A Test
11. An elephant uses its … to drink and wash itself.
a. tusks
b. trunk
c. fins
12. What … you … for lunch tomorrow?
a. is … bringing
b. do … bring
c. are … going to bring
13. Goats have got two … near their ears.
a. feathers
b. horns
c. beaks
14. A monkey uses its … like a hand.
a. tail
b. fin
c. skin
15. The café is closed now. When … it … ?
a. is … opening
b. is … going to open
c. does … open
16. When … they … here?
a. will … be
b. are … being
c. are … going to be
17. The jaguar’s natural … is the tropical rainforest.
a. environment
b. habitat
c. territory
18. It’s against the law to hunt … animals.
a. harmless
b. poisonous
c. protected
19. The bus … for the airport at 11.00. Don’t miss it!
a. leaves
b. will leave
c. is going to leave
20. The party … by the students.
a. isn’t organising
b. won’t organise
c. won’t be organised
Advanced Think Ahead 3 Photocopiable ©
Burlington Books