Subido por Laura Bonete del Castillo

03AdvancedThinkAhead3 Mod3 SecC

MODULE 3 Section C Test
Mark: .
Choose the correct answer.
1. Harry will win the game if he … .
a. will concentrate
b. had concentrated
c. concentrates
2. The students all had … after eating the fish.
a. sore throats
b. upset stomachs
c. coughs
3. If it … in the morning, Alex will walk to school.
a. doesn’t rain
b. wouldn’t have rained
c. won’t rain
4. The loud music at the party gave me a … .
a. cold
b. headache
c. temperature
5. After Ron had eaten 10 sausages, he … .
a. was sick
b. recovered
c. sneezed
6. If I … you, I’d ask the teacher.
a. will be
b. would be you
c. were
7. Drinking tea with honey is a natural remedy for a … .
a. bite
b. cut
c. sore throat
8. If you don’t eat before you exercise, you will feel … .
a. dizzy
b. in pain
c. breathing problems
9. You won’t … if you don’t go to bed.
a. get worse
b. get better
c. bleed
10. If you tidied your room, you … your trainers.
a. will find
b. would find
c. would have found
Advanced Think Ahead 3 Photocopiable ©
Burlington Books
MODULE 3: Section C Test
11. Would you … another person?
a. risk your life to save
b. be at risk to save
c. run the risk of saving
12. I wouldn’t have known what to do if I … you.
a. haven’t seen
b. didn’t see
c. hadn’t seen
13. We feel tired if we … enough sleep.
a. get
b. won’t get
c. don’t get
14. The doctor gave me two … and I felt much better.
a. tablets
b. bandages
c. headaches
15. Joe felt dizzy when he saw the … .
a. bandage
b. blood
c. tablet
16. If Mum has got a headache, she usually … a tablet.
a. takes
b. will take
c. take
17. Air pollution causes … .
a. stings
b. breathing problems
c. flu
18. The soup … better when it’s hot.
a. tastes
b. would taste
c. would have tasted
19. He … to jail if the police had caught him.
a. had gone
b. would have gone
c. would go
20. Unless the team improves, they … their next game.
a. won’t lose
b. lost
c. will lose
Advanced Think Ahead 3 Photocopiable ©
Burlington Books