Subido por Laura Bonete del Castillo

03AdvancedThinkAhead3 Mod5 SecC

MODULE 5 Section C Test
Mark: .
Choose the correct answer.
1. You can’t travel to the USA without your … .
a. monument
b. passenger
c. passport
2. Clark Kent lives a … as a reporter and as Superman.
a. private life
b. double life
c. social life
3. My friend, … , is Canadian.
a. that her name is Alex
b. whose name is Alex
c. which name is Alex
4. They met in 2016, … they were travelling around Transylvania.
a. that
b. where
c. when
5. I want to … for dinner at a restaurant tonight.
a. book a room
b. make reservations
c. take a break
6. That man was a … on the bus. He was sitting behind me.
a. passenger
b. flight
c. seat
7. That was a time … .
a. where criminals were sent to Australia
b. when people believed in magic
c. who gave terrible punishments
8. Our flight, … , was terrible.
a. which left two hours late
b. where we travelled to London
c. that flew in stormy weather
9. The … on the flight is 23 kilos.
a. ticket office
b. luggage allowance
c departure
10. The victim, … , was the murderer’s best friend.
a. whose was a young man
b. that was a young man
c. who was a young man
Advanced Think Ahead 3 Photocopiable ©
Burlington Books
MODULE 5: Section C Test
11. The information office, … is in the town centre, is open until 6.
a. where
b. which
c. that
12. After the earthquake, the buildings were … .
a. seats
b. ruins
c. historical highlights
13. We travelled … on an enormous ship.
a. by land
b. by air
c. by sea
14. We are flying to Tokyo, … we will spend three days.
a. where
b. that
c. when
15. I’m tired. I need to … from work.
a. take a break
b. book a room
c. make reservations
16. The guide told us about Admiral Nelson, … .
a. which monument we saw in Trafalgar Square
b. that has got a monument in Trafalgar Square
c. whose monument is in Trafalgar Square
17. A travel agent is someone … .
a. that organises holidays
b. which books hotels and flights
c. whose you can ask for holiday information
18. One of the pilots became ill during the … .
a. passenger
b. flight
c. passport
19. We’re flying in July, … it’s warmer.
a. where
b. when
c. that
20. The aeroplane is leaving on time. We’re ready for … .
a. arrival
b. information desk
c. departure
Advanced Think Ahead 3 Photocopiable ©
Burlington Books